2 > . I ng my ORNLP 2262 ... . . . . - * i . . 4. Young H f j ....... EFE FO 11.25 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL QUREAU OF STANDARDS – 1963 o Rovt. et MASTER 2262 en el the interes To be submitted for publication in the August issue of the IEEE's Transactions on Nuclear Science, Proceedings of the International Conference on Isochronous Cyclotrons, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, May 2-5, 1966. CISO RICO Cort-660510-9 HC: 1:00: *. ,50 RESEARCH WITH AVF CYCLOTRONS IN THE USA* Invited Paper JUN 27 1966 R. H. Bassel** Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee In the past several years many interesting well defined. Fundamental theory gives, at best, experiments have been performed with AVF only a hint. One can turn the problem around and cyclotrons. In the brief period of time allotted study the scattering in terms of a phenomenological to me it is only possible to discuss a small potential with parameters dictated by fitting to fraction of them. experiment. Careful perusal of these parameters then give some idea of the physical processes, of the broad range of experiments performed I thought it might be of interest to review some It is useful to extend these studies to the oſ the applications to nuclear reaction mechanisms particles and energies spanned by the AVF cyclo- and nuclear spectroscopy. ..................trons for many reasons. Several of these are: 1) The optical potential is energy dependent, in An important class of experiments are the part because of the energy dependence of the non- scattering of various projectiles from nuclei. elastic processes; ?) The scattering at low These experiments are interesting for a variety energies is insensitive to details of the poten- of reasons: 1) The elastic scattering, especially tial. This is easily understood if one realizes of nucleons, gives some measure of the gross that the wave length of, say, a 10-MeV proton is properties of the nucleus, for example its size larger than most nuclei bombarded; and, 3) In and its shape; 2) Another aspect of the elastic connection with various reaction studies carried scattering is that it gives information about out at the same energy. the average interaction of the projectile with the nucleus; and 3) Modern reaction theories, in In this vein a group at Oak Ridge consisting one sense or another, require knowledge of the of L. 1. Blumberg, E. E. Gross, A. Van der Woude, elastic scattering. and A. Zucker have measured polarizations and differential cross sections of elastically The problem is exceedingly complicated - scattered protons at a bombarding energy at 40 the nucleus is made up of a collection of protons MeV. The targets considered ranged from 12C to and neutrons and, in principle, one should 208 Pb so that the mass dependence of the optical consider the interaction of the projectile with potential could be studied. each of these target nucleons. The first slide shows the differential cross Fortunately, to a good approximation, it section data and the optical model attempt to is possible to reduce this many body problem to describe it. The fits shown in this slide are a two body problem in which the complicuted sum the resulüs of forcing the model parameters to of interactions is replaced by an effective two vary smoothly with target mass. In general, the body potential between target and projectile. agreement is good though not perfect. r: the Since the nucleus, and sometimes the projectile, next slide are shown the measured polarizations is not an inert object this potential has an and the optical model fits to the data. A imaginary part to account for the various striking feature of the measurements is the fact excitations and reactions which the system can that back angle polarizations are predominantly undergo. Thus particles are removed from the positive for the light nuclei. As you go to incident beam and this has a profound effect on heavier targets this feature gradually goes away the elastic scattering. until at Pb the polarization pattern oscillates about a zero mean. The model to which I am referring is, of course, the optical model. It has proven to be These features place severe and rather quite a good approximation for the elastic scat interesting restrictions on the optical model tering of almost every projectile used in nuclear parameters which fit the data. physics, and in a different but related form it has been applied to the projectiles of high The shape of the real potential follows, in energy physics, the pions and kaons, and at "he some sense, the density distribution of the other end of the energy scale, to the scattering nucleus. That is, at small distances, there is a of slow electrons from neutral atoms. great deal of nuclear matter while at large distances the potential falls smoothly to zero - The model is difficult to justify, from reflecting the fact that there is some probability first principles, except for the scattering of for nucleons to exist far from the center of the fairly high energy nucleons. For the same nucleus. reasons the form of the optical potential is not RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS The shape of the imaginary potential is not as simply described. It is proportional to the nuclear density distribution but also depends on the probability that a reaction can take place. Deep within nuclear matter nucleons are tightly bound and it takes a great deal of energy to initiate a reaction. For low proton (1.0-17 MeV) energies, this is improbable and the imaginary potential is peaked at the nuclear surface. At the energy of the Oak Ridge experiments this situation has changed and it is necessary that there be some absorption in the body of the nucleus as well as in the nuclear surface. for 43.7-MeV He ions scattered from 19 Y and Z r. The data is from the University of Colorado and was taken by Gibson, Kraushaar, Rickey, and Ridley. The smooth fall off of the differential cross section with angle is a characteristic of strongly absorbed projectiles even though the energy is well above the classical Coulomb barrier. That the model works well over a range of energy is illustrated on the next slide which shows data and fits to the scattering of 3He ions from 58Ni at energies from 22 → 44 MeV. These fits were achieved by allowing only the depths of the real and imaginary wells to vary with energy as shown on the next slide. Another feature of the potential is that the spin-dependent interaction is centered somewhat within the body of the nucleus. Its pre- cise position and shape, however, are not known. The reasons for this are not clearly understood although more fundamental considerations at high energy indicate that it is plausible. The potentials found thus far have not included a spin-dependent interaction although the SHe ion has an intrinsic spir. The spin- dependence must await detailed measurements of polarization and consistent analyses in connection with the differential cross section. Such measurements are planned at a number of labora- tories, Oak Ridge and Colorado, and some experiments have already been carried out at Birmingham. There are other, esoteric, features of this potential which distinguish it from the potentials found for protons at lower energies. Among these are the fact that the central real well radius parameter is smaller while the fall off distance is larger. Again, data is needed over a wide range of energy and target nuclei. Clearly, there is need for more measurements both at different energies and on more targets. It goes without saying that polarization measure- ments are a useful, indeed necessary, adjunt to differential cross section experiments. Measure- ments of the total reaction cross section would also aid in pinpointing the parameters of the potential. Let me turn now to the elastic scattering of more complex projectiles. The fundamental theory for the scattering of projectiles with internal structure is in very poor shape. In fact, it hardly exists at all. One depends almost entirely on a phenomenological theory whose justification rests mainly on its success and the smoothness of its parameters with energy and target mass. Another, related, topic is inelastic scat- tering. The goals of these experiments and theories are very ambitious. In principle, it should be possible to learn a great deal about nuclear structure - the detailed composition of nuclear states - and the effective interaction between the projectile and a target nucleon. The theory for such a microscopic approach is only now being developed, and is, in any case, beyond the scope of this review. Again, we are fortunate in that an alternative macroscopic theory has been developed for a certain class of excited states - the collective states. This theory is closely related to the optical model theory for elastic scattering. Briefly, the collective model of nuclear structure assumes that either a nucleus is permanently deformed, or easily deformable. It is then reasonable to assume that the interaction between such a nucleus and a projectile is related to the density distri- bution of the nucleus, 1.e., the optical model potential is deformed. If the reaction happens fast enough so that the excited nucleus is not de-excited by the projectile, it is easily demonstrated that only the spherical part of the potential contributes to elastic scattering, since there is no angular momentum change, while thu nuclear excitation arises from the aspherica: part. The measured inelastic scattering then gives some idea of how de formed the permanently deformed nucleus is, or, for the vibrating nucleus, how easy it is to set into oscillation. For a particular example, let me choose the 3He ion. This projectile is of great importance in nuclear physics since its use allows the study of proton single particle and hole states in the same way that the deuteron stripping and pickup reactions give information about single neutron states. The "He ion is doubly charged and relatively easy to break up, since it takes only 5.49 MeV to remove a proton. This latter fact suggests that the 3He ion should be strongly absorbed at the nuclear surface and indeed the optical model reflects this in its parameters. The character- istic potential has an absorptive well which is much weaker than, and extends much further than the real well. The success of the optical potential for She ions is illustrated on the next slide which shows the data and optical model fit This model has been used, with outstanding success, to describe the inelastic scattering of protons, neutrons, deuterons, SHe ions, alpha particles, and even heavy ions. A remarkable feature is that all of chese projectiles give essentially the same number which characterizes the excited nuclear state. An example of the success of the theory is illustrated on the next slide, which compares the collective model theory with the data for the excitation of states in 90zr by 44-MeV SHe ions. The data again is from Colorado. Similar studies have been and are being conducted at ORNL and at Los Alamos. by the 5lv(d, 'He) 50T1 reaction. The states that we shall consider are 0+, 2+, 4+, and 6+ states which are assumed to be made up of two protons, in £7/2 orbits outside a nuclear core with zero angular momentum. That is, each of these protons has orbital angular momentum of 3 and a total angular monientum ot 7/2 in units of Planck's constant divided by 26. Since Sly has 3 protons in 67/2 orbits, these states are reached by picking up one of them. The shell model, which is believed to be applicable here, predicts after dyncmical factors are removed, that the states (0,2,4,6) should be excited in the ratio 9:5:9:13. The theory seems to give an adequate representation of the differential cross sec.ions. In order to test it further and to gain more insight into the nuclear structure and reaction mechanism, it is necessary to devise other measures of the amplitudes. One such, which 18 a sensitive text of the theory, is the measure- ment of the angular correlation of y-rays following the excitation. Another is o measure the as yrametry of inelassically scattered polarized protons. This experiment has been done at Argonne with 21- MeV deuterons, by T. H. Braid and B. Zeidman, and repeated at Oak Ridge by J. C. Hiebert and E. Newman using 34-MeV deuterons from ORIC. With 2+ MeV deuterons one finds the raw spectrum shown on the next slide. The most probable transition, to the 6+ state, is weaker than the transition to the ground state (0+). The transition to the 4+ state, which would be comparable to the cross section for the Ot state, if dynamical effects were unimportant, is also weak. The latter process has been measured by a group at Oak Ridge, M. P. Fricke, E. E. Gross, B. J. Morton, and A. Zucker and analyzed by Fricke and R. M. Drisko. The next 31:de shows the measurements for excitation of 2+ states in 2851 and 58Ni, and the preliminary analysis of this data. With 34-MeV deuterons the raw data for these transitions is closer to the ratio predicted by the shell model as shown on the next slide. Intuitively, it might be thought that only the real part of the potential would be de formed. As can be seen from this slide, this form of the theory gives a rather smooth asymmetry pattern while the data has much more structure. What is necessary to give reasonable agreement with the data is to also allow the imaginary and spin- de pendent parts of the interaction to follow the motion of the vibrating nucleus. Even then, for angles less than 40°, the theory misrepresents nature. I should emphasize that the theoretical predictions are very sensitive to the parameters and that the best parameters haven't yet been found. However, the failures at forward angles suggest a more fundamental gap in the theory, and this is being studied. The energy difference is reflected in the angular distributions as well. The next slide shows the differential cross section for the reactions initiated by 21-MeV deuterons. If the simple shell model were perfect only : 3 transitions would be allowed to all these states. This slide illustrates a minor breakdown in that there is an & * 1 transition to the 2+ state. In any case, the transitions to the Ot and 6+ states must be pure d = 3 and this slide shows that these two angular distributions are quite differ- ent. However, at 34 Mev, the shapes are very similar as can be seen in the next slide, and orbital angular momentum transfers could be assigned by inspection, although extraction of magnitudes is still theory dependent. This effect will be much more important for higher 2 targets. Let me turn to another topic where I think AVF cyclotrons will dominate the field for several years to come. This is the study of proton hole and particle states using the (d, 3He) and (He,d) reactions, and neutron states in heavy nuclei with (d,p), (d,t) and (p,d) reactions. Because of the Coulomb barrier, these reactions are difficult or impossible to study with low energy machines. As you know, the shape of the angular distribution of the outgoing particle is a measure of the angular momentum transferred to the nucleus, while the magnitude of the cross section is a measure of the single particle or hole character of the nuclear state. Finally, I shall report on some (d,p) and (d,c) experiments done at the University of Michigan by two graduate students, A. Poltorak and G. Mue lhlehner, under the direction of Professor W. C. Parkinson. Professor Parkinson and his group intend to investigate nuclei in the deformed region where the spectra are complicated. As a preliminary to this work these people thought it advisable to study a heavy nucleus where the structure is well known. In this way the theory could be tested for reliability and the sensi- tivity to deuteron energy studied. The logical target is 208Pb since particle states in 209Pb and hole states in 207 Pb are assumed to be pure. An example of this, unfortunately not the best one, is the study of states in 50Ti reached The next slide shows angular distributions of tritons for three incident deuteron energies. At the lowest energy Coulomb effects úre impor- tant for the angular distributions, although there are nuclear effects present which show up at forward angles. The angular distributions at back angles differ subtly in slope for the various b-transfer values. At the median energy, 20.3 MeV, nuclear distortions are more important and angular distributions are shifted forward. At 25 MeV, twice the energy of the Coulom's barrier, the angular distributions are shiited forward even more. At the latter two energies, angular distributions are sufficiently different 80 that perhaps, with experience, be values could be assigned. The theoretical predictions, solid lines, are in reasonable agreement with the data both in the predicted shape and in the absolute magnitude. Much the same remarks can be made about the stripping reactionis shown on the next slide. Here, since Q values are positive, nuclear effects set in at quite low energy. The difference between angular distributions for different b-transfers are not large. Compare, for example, the d-transitions with the go transitions. This points out the care necessary in analyzing the data. These results are encouraging and indicate that meaningful spectroscopy can be done for heavy nuclei. Of course, I have only touched on the experiments performed. I hope, however, that tnis sampling has shown some of the progress made and indicates areas of future experiments. Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. ** Present address: Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York. LEGAL NOTICE The report was prepared u an account of Govorament sponsored work. Noltbar the United Suatas, aor the Commission, nor any person acung oa beball of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completened), or usofulness of the information contained in this roport, or that the wo of any information, apparatus, molbod, or process disclosed in the report may not infringe printoly owned righto; or B. Assumes any liabiliuos with respect to the use of, or for damage resulting from the um ol may information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this roport. As used in the sbovo, "person acting on beball of the Commiulon" includes way on- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that euch employs or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor propurus, dienominator, or provides accous to, may lalormation pursuant to klo employmont or contract with the Commisslon, or his employment will such contractor. ORAL-OWG 66- 482 ORNL-OWG 66-484 o * . -.. --** : - - 1 - •. - . . olor ---- * -- . - - - - - - |--|-|- --| POLARIZATION C UOR N- - > 208p- ...mol . V - -- - -- med - - - EL 1 ,0 DATA THEORY- "AVERAGE" PARAMETERS 40 60 80 100 0.01 0 -- 20 120 140 160 180 --. C.M. (deg) - - Fig. 1 "Average parameter fits to 40-MeV elastic proton scattering data. o • DATA THEORY "AVERAGE" PARAMETER 40 120 160 80 Oc.m. (deg) Fig. 2 "Average" parameter fits to 40-MeV elastic polarization data. Z. POHO.HOP Izpo E: 43.7 MOV oced - op op op / op 0 2 4 6 0 12 M 16 18 00 ou 10200 30 40 50 60 8cm 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 E . ---- . .. posche, He', 489 E: 43.7 Mev . - - . - . - . Fig. 3 Optical model fits to the scattering of 43.7: MeV 'He ions from 89y and 90 Zr. . ......... . . . . . ... . . .001 0005 0002 00015 . : . 10 . . . 30 . . . 40 . . . 50 . . . 60 0002] .. . . 70 . . 80 1 90 20 Too 1.0 NIH HE3 ELASTIC SCATTERING OPTICAL MODEL ANALYSIS WITH FIXED GEOMETRY REAL POTENTIAL TO R=1.14A13 f. 0*0.723 !. IMAGINARY POTENTIAL TO (VOLUME FORM) adje 0.81 f. E:22 Mev (A.C. BLAIR et al., LASL) E-33 Mev (R.H. SIEMSSEN et al., ARGONNE) E 37.7 Mev (FRESENT WORK) E.43.7 Mev (PRESENT WORK) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 8cm Fig. 4 Optical model fits to the elastic scattering of 'He ions from 58Ni as a function of bombarding energy. ro: 1.14 F. 0 = 0.725 F. 180 + « CCO C.40 to u 1754 Uo (MeV) N: 58 ró - 1.64 F. O'=0.91 F. for Catu i ró = 1.60 F. Q' =0.81F. for Ni98 N: 58 (MeV) Co80 IIIIII 10 20 30 40 50 60 INCIDENT ENERGY E (MeV) 70 Ta Fig. 5 Variation of real and imaginary well depths with ener- gy for the scaftering of 'He from "Ni. مری .۹ . مه 13 . 7 " .. . . . . 2 . 10 و . 1.2 . . .. . 01 . 3 . 3 ود فيها . . . ) . . . .. .. .. .. .. : . نه مسلسلساليس .ا . 2 . 75- : و Maey F . . . . . . . 900 سم 2015 از 90000 8000 و Fig. 6 Distorted-Wave predictions for the ex citation of sates in 90zr by 43.7 - MeV 3 He ions. - ORN.Din wu..!! il 250 250 8 amacam السيسي 28si (p.p') Q.-1.78 MOV, 8.2 ليدلنيباريلييال السلللنلايبللللليلللي OX 200 200 (/qw) MIDP وللللللا 60NI (p p') 0:- 1.33 MeV, 1.2 150 CHANNELS 003h o o o o 100 120 100 % 1003 lo 28 si (8) V51(d, He')7:50 SPECTRUM 21° 001 دولار ملللللل للما (0) - - o ........ REAL --- COMPLEX COMPLEX PLUS SPIN-ORBIT = ET PLUS SPIN-ORBIT 08. Lamina d voo Inl 140 160 120 zeto 160 180 1,01%) SINDOO de) Fig. 7 Comparison of distorted wave predictions for inelastic scattering and asymmetry of 40-MeV protons with the data for 29si and 60 Ni. Fig. 8 Spectrum of He ions from the 51V(d, 'He) 50Ti reac- tions at a deuteron energy of 21.4 MeV. ORMDW M438 Sme) 5 gif f. 34. IM WD Downlohernet V51(d, He°) 750 1.56 0.44 . g.s.org l=3 0.2 % 240 260 260 280 280 590 320 b 340 320 CHANNEL NUMBER 360 380 Fig. 9 Spectrum of 3He ions from the 5lvid, 3He)50 Ti reac- tions at a deuteron er.ergy of 34. MeV. 0.21 1.55 2+ crocodile 8=1 + 8 = 30 doldu (mb/sr) 2.68 4+ of p=3 0.26 3.25 6+ ORML-DWG 66.4393 de 2-3 V list, Ho) 507, o GNO STATE 1 Qo-255 Mlov 1 [.., :4.4 MOV E: 3.33 MOV Q.-5.85 MeV. -- E. 1.56 Movo 2.-4.11 MAY - -O 2.76 MeV -:-- -5.31 Mov dala, imoſa) 0.05 LIIIII 0° 10° 20° 30° 40° &c.m. - ---... -. - Fig. 10 - - - - Oul.... 0 10 Angular distributions of 3He ions from the 5V(d, 3He) 50 Ti reactions at a deuteron energy of 21.4 MeV. 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 10 oculdog) 20 30 40 10 20 30 30 - Fig. 11 Angular distributions of 'He ions from the 5.v(d, 'He)50 Ti reactions at a deuteron energy of 34 MeV. 208Pb(d,p)207Pb 15 MEV. 20.3 MEV 25.1 MEV. a p112 01/2 10 SP 1/2 -P3/ m 183/210 . 03/27 A tions as a function of energy. from the 208 Pb(d, t) 207 Pb reac- Fig. 12 Angular distributions of tritons mtoto f.5/ mp/op f7/2 bandada Mirei 13/2 FIO E , 40 80 e 40 80 20 40 80 (cm.) IIIIIIITKTITராரITHAITTH 25. MeV 93 - 09 - பட்ட ப்பட்ட பாட்ட பட்டய பட்டாம்பு 203_ 20.3 MOV 080 e (cm) E 208Pb(d.p2097 பட்டப்பட்ட டயட்டட்டாட்டப் பார்ப்பு - 903__ 002 2 15.0 Mov _ I டாட்டா (Is/qu) mp/Dp Fig. 13 Angular distributions of protons from the ePb(d, p Pb reac - tions as a junction of energy. END .. . - DATE FILMED 7 / 29 1616 K ST pl KA 27