- I OFI ORNL P 2203 EEEFEEEE - - * EFE - - - . . .. MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STAMOAMOS - 1963 ORNVP Cowa PRICES :: Y 2003 H.C. $2.00; MN, Evi III.1 ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL Tungsten and Tungsten Alloy Tubing Development Meeting : JUN 27 885 May 26, 1966 Oak Ridge National Laboratory A Summary of Progress by Metals and Ceramics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT LEGAL NOTICE IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS The report was prepared M M account of Govern ponsored work. Mether the United hatos, for the Comminatam, nor w para netting a ball of the Canudatua: A. Met my warranty or representation, car d or implied, with roapect to the nece- ray, couple, whom of the fatormation a nd in the report, or that the wo of my formation, part, med, at procon declaudia do raport may not being petrataty owned rule or . A mig Habilities with respect to the meal, or for meget rood thing from the wne of my heartom, ruratus, method, o proces declared in the reporte A u to whore, porno actes a hall of the Comed" medus pogut coutrusturo Comune, or plagued we contract, tot dat mele player or auntrietor of the Counterton, ar aplogue of well contractor propers, damnate, or from now to, ang dormado por to Mo waplog or contract wta Curteetan, of Memployee will mal contractor. Work Performed Under High-Temperature Materials Development Program for the United States Atomic Energy Commission under Contruct No. W-7405-eng-26 1..jiinOvi- l...', 1:13:35 - 53 - 1.0. Compiled by W. 0. Harms . . -,-- ' 7 ' , quod!: 2 . III.3 ) - itibicowa wisico: v. INTRODUCTION 1.10 Fabrication development and evaluation of tungsten and tungsten-base alloys is carried out as an integral part of the High-Temperature Materials Program at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Two basic fabrication pro- cesses are under investigation. One involves large-scale extrusion and drawing operations and the other involves direct production of the compo- ents by thermochemical deposition of the metal or alloy. The products are evaluated at various stages of development by metallography, x-ray diffraction and chemical analyses, mechanical property determinations, joining studies, and a variety of nondestructive testing techniques. This repori describes development work in these areas for the period December, 1965, through May, 1966, with emphasis on techniques and results that are applicable to the production of tubing. + EXTRUSION OF TUNGSTEN AND TUNGSTEN ALLOY TUBING R. E. McDonald, G. A. Reimann, ana C. F. Leitten, Jr. ORNL Extrusion Facility TEE 1 The redesigned 3-in, tooling for the ORNL extrusion press proved to be suitable for extrusion of tungsten and tungsten alloys, and press instru- . mentation performed as intended. Problems arose, however, with regard to press response ană ram speed. Changes in the hydraulic system corrected the problem of press response, but the difficulty with slow ram speed has not been overcome. . V . Ir WIN . A maximum ram speed of 2 in./sec is available at high pressure and is suiiicient for extruding aluminum, brass, or steel; ram speeds of at ieast 5 anå preferably 8 in./ sec are required, however, to extrude tunga a sien ana, particularly, the tungsten-base alloys. At a ram speed of . less than 2 in./sec, heat loss to the container and mandrel increases the yielä strength of the billet beyond press capacity during the extru- sion. Also, prolonged exposure to the hot billets reduces liner life and the mandrels fail due to overheating. . . . : - ; - '; . : * .: I . . Billet Heater 2 The billet heater has been tested to 2300°C, and billet temperatures to 2200°C have been employed in actual practice. The original billet teater enclosure was not sufficiently airtight and the consequent forma- vion of volatile billet oxide made optical temperature readings difficult. An improved enclosure was constructed and this problem no longer exists. & . .... 17 ST A substitute for the zirconia pedestal block, upon which the billet rests in the center of the induction coil during heating, is being sought, At temperatures greater than 1800°C the billet tends to adhere to the 0!![-BC-01:01:1 0.11 - AOC - OFFICIAL US - 11 Follo E 12 U14 12 III.4 05:11.- ASC-05:101: P. 27 " ! pedestal block and on occasion a portion of the block has been carried along with the billet into the press. Block facings or nafnia or yttria have been considered, but these materials are difficult to obtain ana quite expensive. Boron nitride has been effective in eliminating the sticking problem but it tends to fume on heating and clouds the sight glasses, Tooling 2 A device was designed and constructed to hold the mandrel tooling and graphite follower block to the stem so as to eliminate one transfer operation and reduce transfer time from 15 to less than 10 sec. This device is essentially an angle-iron trough fitted with air cylinders; the backup tooling is used to load the billet into the container when the ram is advanced and the holder is ejected from the stem when loading is complete. Satisfactory service has been obtained from zirconia-coated dies, and no adverse effects on dies were noted as the result of exposures of greater than I sec to refractory billets. Some dies machined and coated by outside vendors have been suitable for more than two extrusions before recoating was necessary. Others, however, have failed in the relief angle near the die exit after a single extrusion. There have been three instances of mandrel failure due to insułfi- cient ram speed. Efforts are under way to improve mandrel performance in general by grinding a taper of at least 5 mils in the 8 1/2-in. zir- conia-coated length. The purpose of the taper is to provide relief from the extruded material and reduce the tensile stresses generated in the mandrel as the result of frictional drag between the mandrel and the emerging extrusion. Experiments with the tapered mandrel will be conducted with a view toward eliminating the molybdenum follower. Tube-Shell Extrusions re lur IWO 5 7/8-in.-diam by 12-in.-long billets of unalloyed tungsten, weighing about 200 lb each, were extruded to 3 1/8-in.-diam round bars at the E. I. duPont Metals Center. The extrusion temperature was 1550°C and the base-metal oxide technique was used. Ten 3-in, -diam by 5-in.-long tube-shell billets are being machined from these bars for subsequent floating-mandrel extrusion experiments. 1. 2 E . Five extrusions of tungsten and tungsten alloys were attempted during the present reporting period. Three of these were tungsten tube shells, one was a 1-30 at. % Re-30 at. % Mo tube shell, and one was á molybdenum- clad tungsten duplex tube shell. The conditions and results of these extrusions are presented in Table III.1 (extrusions 0003, 0004, 0031, 0034, and 0037) along with similar information on previous extrusions that were evaluated during this period. 0011~NEC -- OFFICIEL 0?!!(-:20- "!!1 . . . . . : * *.:.'i TE t1 IVIDI:10 - IV - 11880 ? " , 1 9 . ; ! -- - o * - - TVIJIJIO- JY-INYO Table III.1. Conditions and Results of Tungsten and Tungsten Alloy Tube-Shell Extrustions Extrusion Conditions Billet Dimensions (in.) Outside Inside Diameter Diameter Extrusion Mumber Billet Weight (lb) Temperature (°C) Reduction Ratioc Force (tons) aximum . Minimum Speed Extrusl Index (psi) x 103 0003 0004 0031 2.990 2.992 2.985 0.875 0.875 0.875 700 20.3 20.2 14.9 . 665 465 465 0.7 1.0 100.0 90.0 1560 15931 2.939. 2.8313 17.8 17.4 1.000 Unalloyed Tungsten Billets 1750 6.4:1. 1750 6.4:1 690 · 1770 4.0:1 550 W-25 at. % Re Billets 2200 5.3:1 . 550 2250 4.8:1 530 1.--30 at. % Re-30 at. % MO Billets 2200 4.0:1 695 Molybdenum-Clad Tungsten Duplex Billets 1650 8.8:1 435 1900 8.8:1 505 475 • 495 10.5 10.3 89.0 97.3 0034 2.9903 1.063 17.6 17.6 0.6 d, e 1637 00370 2.987 2.985 0.8.15 0.747 14.8 14.2 425 395 5.5 1.1 57.6 63.0 Floating-mandrel technique and base-metal oxide lubricant used for all extrusions except, as noted, for extrusion 1560. "Billets prepared by powder-metallurgy technique except, as noted, for extrusion 1593. Based on ratio of villet and cont iner cross-sectional areas. 'Incomplete extrusion. Mandrel failed. Sheet bar extrusion; glass lubricant. Swidth of sheet bar. Thickness of sheet bar. Arc-cast billet. "Includes 0.010-in.-thick TCD coating. es . -- HT * . W 1101111--23-1;!: 0 ZŁ e 27 bsite is ..?.. 1:1511:0-3 ? - ?;:10 Ənditions and Results of Tungsten and Tungsten Alloy Tube-Shell Extrustionsº Ex'sruss.on Conditions - - Billet Weight (lb) Temperature (°c) Reduction Ratioc Force (tons) Maximum Mini.muin Speed Extrusion Index (::51) Tube-Shell Dimensions (in.) Outside Inside Diameter Diameter x 103 20.3 20.2 14.9 665 465 0.7 1.0 100.0 90.0 1.410 1.707 e 0.735 17.8 17.4 475 Uralloyed Tungsten Billets 1750 6.4:1 700 1750 6.4:1 690 1770 4.0:1 550 W-25 at. % Re Billets 2200 5.3:1 550 2250 4.8:1 530 W-30 at. % Re--30 at. % MO Billets 2200 4.0:1 695. Molybdenum-Clad Tungsten Duplex Billets. 1650 8.8:1 435 1900 8.8:1 505 10.5 10.3 89.0 97.3 1.9158 495 0.930h 0.981 1.653 17.6 0.6 d, e 1.693 d, e 14.8 14.2 425 395 5.5 1.1 57.4 63.0 1.252 1.257 0.774 0.740 etal oxide lubricant used for all extrusions except, as noted, for extrusion 1560. techni que except, as noted, for extrusion 1593. : cross-sectional areas. ........! 1 17 . W1-CSC-.IT!"!!1 U III.6 -277-lin 23 an Lubrication Development me te ocide ayer formea on w.alloycä uungsten billets auring Par i s Oetween cre villet Leater and cheess container has . OVC Co bé un eclective lubit, the cuerity od Oria Iormed on billeis om ke 1-25 at. Se sa 1-30 ar. Re-30 át. Mo alloys is not Suricio or accoüüte lubrication. To overcome this lubrication Ceri. com.cy ude ümov billets were coated with approximately 10-mil layers c. Cuirtea 37 The Chermochemical deposition (TCD) process. Tois layer Proviâus ä copious supply ož tungsten oxide during billet transier. ou deposition system shown schematically in Fig. III.1 consists of Pour Cuisine secüicmai . ovision for regulation or the reactani gases, ü cü heater, 3. & vacuum system, à system for processing the gaseous by-prcüucts. i . 021LWS 63-42794 H2O3 G-S PEIXER. C. NATURAL GAS -- 6:3 PSIHIATOS ini H2O Local/ Curso W.CVUT: CHA:283 104 Valive SCRUISER o -3!LLES 5017 m. I *10'OTANCE CO! 2013: GALS: - .. . BILLET POSITIONER - SCAVENGER 21 in 56 0230 . 30 . . . E VF .. . - . Ya , - . . „ .. 0! - MECHANICA: VACUUM PUD 7:121: S .O .O ... ::... : C a . ..otor T ;-: Cuisine.X . S . -1:170 istih III.7. OHL-::-05:!clill 2 3 In this system, WF6 is premixed with hydrogen and is passed over the sur- face of the billet to form an adherent metal coating with the subsequent liberation of the ga seous by-product. Thxee alloy tube-shell billets have been coated under the conditions shown in Table III.2. Coating thickness uniformity was obtained by rais- ing the billet relative to the induction coil in l-in. increments during the deposition process. -.... . Table III.2. Conditions for Coating Tungsten-Alloy Extrusion Billets by the TCD Process Billet Numbe Composition (at. %) Flow Rate or Reactant Gases (cm3/min) WF .. Ha Billet Temperature (°C) System Pressure (torr) 1592 1593 0034 80 W-25 Re W—25 Re W-30 Re-30 MO 115 1.15 115 115 3000 3000 3000 550 580 3000 550 170 - - - - Unalloyed Tungsten Ivo billets of unalloyed tungsten were available for tube-shell extru- sions. Because of slow billet transfer and slow press response, more than 60 sec elapsed before high pressure was brought to bear on the first bil- let (extrusion 0003) and the press stalled. This billet was recovered and remachined for subsequent use in extrusion 0031. Although transfer ! time and press response were improved somewhat during extrusion of the " second billet (extrusion 0004), the mandrel. failed in four places. This , tube shell is shown in the bottom of Fig. III.2. The billet salvaged . from the first attempt was transferred in 15 sec and produced a satis- ! factory tube shell (extrusion 0031), shown at the top of Fig. III.2. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- - - - W-25 at. % Re Tube Shells I. AI Five W-25 at. % Re billets were received from the Albany Research Center, U.S. Bureau of Mines. Three or these billets were fabricated by powder-metallurgy (PM) techniques and two were arc cast. A repre- sentative microstructure of the PM billets is shown in Fig. III.3a. in Fig. III.3b for comparison and is discussed later. The numerous voids present in the microstructure are common to PM products and are : OPNL-i! - OrrICIAL T UR -. - E + - . . - - - - - - . **-***--... . - M - - r - ! .- .. -. -' „ . . . ' - = CMS 1 2 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ..!!!! ! !luluillud * CV Fig. III. a A Fig. III.2. Tube-Shell Extrusions of Unalloyed Tungsten. Tube shell at bottom (extrusion 0004) contains the failed mandrel. Tube shell at top (extrusion 0031) is satisfactory. (Section at right of extrusion 0031 is the extruded molybdenum follower block.) Original photo reduced 9%. OPNL-HCC - OFICIAL " Orrib- AEC - OFFICIAL S i Teri EZ ii -". . 1. ir 1 . +-;.. ..'- reduce 3:1213.3-2!--11 - r XOOX --- . - pad TN 100x ; . . . - - Fig. III.3. Microstructures of W-25 at. Re and 130 at. % MO Powder-Metallurgy Billets. Murakami's Etchant. 100x. (a) W-25 at. % Re alloy. (b) W-30 at. % Re-30 at. Mo alloy. OKUL-MC-Oi!CIAL St 14.0. **** P III.10 * 3V - 1:!: 2 normally removed during extrusion. Nose cones of TZM were electron-beom weided to the PM billets, which are now ready for TCD tungsten coating. The arc-cast billets were submitted for electrodischarge machining of the center portion for accommodation oñ' the mandrel. These billets will also be provided with nose cones and coated with TCD tungsten. . ..*. ** 27 ..--.. - .. rei -- : -. . . -'-- Previous extrusions of PM and arc-cast billets were compared metal- Lographically in the as-extruded conèition and arter various annealing heat treatments to 2000°c. Representative microstructures are shown in Fig. III.4. Tube shell extrusion 1593 was produced from an arc-cast biliet eated to 2250°C and extruded at a reduction ratio 0I 4.8:1, while sheet- extrusion 1560 was produceà Irom a FM billet at 2200°C at a reuuction ratio of 5.3:1. In the as-extruded condition, most of the PM products was recrystallized while very little recrystallization occured in the arc-cast material. A l-hr vacuum anneal at 1700°C was sufficient to compiete the recrystallization in the FM Extrusion, but I hr at 1800°C was recuired to remove the last traces of wrought structure in the extru- sion iron. the arc-cast billei. Ariztealing at higher temperatures produced markea zein growth in the arc-cast material but no noticeable growth in the PM sample. Impurities may have promoted nucleation and inhibited grain growtà in the PM material. ...-=-' .. . " - - . - - . W-30 at. Re-30 at. % Mo Tube Shells . . . . . . . . . . . ." in singie billet ol W-30 at. Re-30 at. % MO was available for extru- sion. A TZ nose cone was electron-beam welded to one and on this PM billet, a TCD coating or tungsten was applied, and the billet was iinish- moura co remove the wela bead and to ensure that the TCD coating was üniform. This billet (extrusion 0034) was heated to 2200°C and during üzensier to the press a section of the zirconia pedestal about l-in thick aurerea to the base of the billet but went unnoticed. The normal trans- iex time of 15 sec was extended to 38 sec due to difficulties in penetra- ting the zirconia with the mandrel. Even with the breakthrough load of a near maximum 695 tons and a ram speed of less than I in./ sec, however, sufficieri material was extrued to yield a section of usable tube shell, ază material for metallographic examination. The partial extrusion is som in Fig. III.5. A considerable portion of the high extrusion loed is attributed to the presence of the zirconia block which generated high Iricional forces when particles of zirconia became lodged between the foilover material and the container liner. The obvious scoring of the molybdenum follower and the dummy block (hardness, Rockwell C 52) is cited as evidence of this effect. The unextruded portion of this billet wes salvaged by remachining ana will be electron beam welded to one of the relatively short arc-cast W-25 at. % Re (described in ühe previcus section) in place of a TZM nose cone for use in a subsequent tube sheli extrusion. Attri *** FE L IETOA . . II *.. a Three additional billets of the terrary alloy were received irom the Albany Research Center. Nose cones of TZ have been welded to these billets and they are awaiting application of TCD tungsten coatings. As shown in Fig. III.6, the microstructure of this billet is nearly identical to that of the W-25 at. % Re PM billet. 1:5211:0-DIV-INO • Powder Metallurgy Billet Arc-Cast Billet 119:110- 237 - INFO chritte EC-OFICI!!. - -- - a :)W ios . v om ne il C .:: coba.. mmmm Que -0.035 INCHES xooi ny DO . . . . . A O!:HL-REE - OFICiiil L Fig. III.4. Comparison of Microstructures 01 As-Extruded and Annealed Tungs, from Powder-Metallurgy Billet (Extrusion 1560) anà Arc-Cast Billet (Extrusion 1593). Murakani's Etchant. (a) As extruded (2200°C), (o) annealed 1 hr at 1700°C, (c) annealed 1 hr at 2000°C, (a) as extruded (2250°C), (e) annealed 1 hr at 1800°C, (f) annealed i min of pnnnon w211. . 11101970- + III. 12 081l - AEC - OFFICIAL :30 fiz. Ils وہ کہہ کی - F:a. III.5. Partially Extruded W-30 at. % Re-30 at. % Mo Tube Shell (Extrusion 0034) with Zirconia Block and Failed Mandrel. N. Mandrel Type Duplex Tube Shell Extrusions ! The design and extrusion of duplex billets have been reported previ- Ousiya. The first duplex billet extruded (extrusion 1637) contained an inner molybäeriun liner thich insulated the tungsten tube shell from the mandrei. During the present report period, a tungsten tube shell was estruccà by the duplex technique but no inner molybdenum liner was used (extrusion 0037). Although slow cam speed caused mandrel failure a 12-in. jengin of usable tungsten tubing was obtained ahead of the first randrel separation. This extrusion is shown in Fig. III.6 alongside a positive radiograph that was made so that usabie tubing could be located. Mazarel failure is not evident from the external appearance of the extru- sion but four separations may be easily observed in the radiograph. The mandrel section was removed from the forward portion of the extrusion (right side oi Fig. III.6) and the outer molybdeaum covering was leached away. A crack was initiated where the tubing shrank around tre mandrel section during cooling and propagated axially during dissolu- tion oż the molybdenum. • F. The surfaces oz this material after dissolution of the molybdenum are compared wiön those oi the previous auplex product in Fig. III.7. . ORK-AEC - OFFICIAL UCL WW w SP -2. E. McDonald and G. A. Reimann, High-Temperature Materials Program Quart. Progr. Rept. Oct. 31, 1965, ORNL-TM-1350, pp 5–8. (CLASSIFIED) 0 - TZM NOCE STUDE SHELL EXTRUSIOI! . F-FAILED ZrO, COATED ANDREI SORTION O. ¿O, FURNACE DETAL S MOLTODENUM FOLLOW r-GRAPHITE FOLLOI? pDUI. DIOCK EMES HECHOS Gum :1: OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 is 12 01.11-;{C-(SICIAL Ada . . . 1. - 3 E' . 0 :::!1 -.[C-OPTICI:! . . . - - 2 : home. com ... - - ----- 0 :::!- filc - OFFICI:!. 111.13 III. 13 ORAL ALC - C:FICIAY. . AZ . Scozure TIL. 6 Photo 82663 Fig. III.6. Duplex Tungsten Extrusion 0037 with Positive Radio- graph Showing Section or Usable Tubing and Location of Mandrel Failures.. Both the internal and external suriaces of the tube extruded without the molybaer.i linel' are clearly superior, indicating that extrusion of tungsten äirectly against an unyielding mandrel surface may be preferred. Microstructures of these extrusions are also compared in Fig. III.7. It is agerent that direct contact with the mandrel had a chilling effect in extrusion C037 and an essentially wrought structure was obtained; the: ...... other hari, allowed complete recrystallization of tungsten. do third duplex billet containing a W-25 at. % Re tube shell section arom entrusion 1593 has been prepared. Extrusion of this billet has been deier: cá until the ability to obtain the necessary ram speed has been demonstrated. WOCHEMICALLY DEPOSITED TUNGSTEN AND TUNGSTEN ALLOYS Farication or tungsten and tungsten alloy components by the TCD pro- cess oiiers several potential advantages over more conventional fabrication techniques. These include lover processing temperatures, relatively simple and inexpensive equipment, high purity, and minimal finishing operations Tor both regular ana irregular shapes. The TCD techniques can also be used for joining refractory metals and alloys. Current studies on thermochemical deposition and evaluation oi tungsten and tungsten-rhenium alloys are described in this section. Deposition Studies urgsten (F. 7. Patterson, W. C. Robinson, and C. F. Leitten, Jr.) Deporting early imgsten deposition studies at ORNL involving hydrogen câücuiba 0:2 Wa', small changes in ieposition conditions often caused wüily observable changes in chickness distribution and grain morphology Oz the deposits. Similar effects occurred during scale-up of the ORHI-KEC - OFFICIAL . نما ارد . . درندے - من . ه * : ۴ : نی رزبن :. : .: . 3 : 44 م . . . . . . . = ة . . " . . ... . . . . . . مرد : : : د . م *د - غ ه مه داد .. ... . . . . . مے . . . . . 037 ] .. ... ....... ... ر - - . .... ا - جد ا ا - . - = = . . - - - ر .. ا ا ( ه " رد ب با یے ہے۔ م / ز ب - در .67 نار - liisa - S . limis,ni); . III.15 115101319-- 18:0. it deposition process for production of sheet material for mechanical prop- crties evaluation. These results indicated that a basic understanding ci facüors affecting deposition rate, purity, and grain morphology was required for successful application of the process to various geanetrical Sapes and sizes. In recent months, therefore, tungsten deposition studies have been directed for the most part towards an understanding of these factors. The first part of this study involves a correlatica of deposition rate with temperature, pressure, and composition of the reacting gases. ". Dhe experimental program has been planned statistically with the aid of a computer and requires 81 experiments divided into three phases of 27 units each. Phase I or the study is a general survey covering the range of experimental parameters listed below in large increments. Temperature, °C Pressure, torr Tota) flow rate, cm3/min WT. i'low rate, cm3/min · 450 to 820 5 to 20 750 to 6010 50 to 380 Scenas indicated by results of experiments in Phase I will be reevaluated :: in Phase II which covers the middle portion of the ranges cited above in Greater detail. Phase III covers remaining intermediate points and the extremes on these ranges. In the experimental portion or the çrogram, tungsten is deposited inside 0.81-in.-diam copper tubes heated uniformly over a length of 15 in. Laickness variations are measured by an x-ray attentation method in nine increments along the length of each tube. Developer work in connection with täis nondestructive evaluation is presented later in this section. The experimental portions of Phases I and II have been completed and Phase III is in progress. In futuro stucies, an attempt will be nađe to correlate gas stream characteristics and deposition rate. A second computer program has been writüen for calculating composition, I low rate, and Reynolds number or the gas stream as a function of distance along the deposit. Information derived from this study should be helpful in elucidating the nucleation and growth mechanisms of TCD tungsten. Cungsten-Rhenium Alloys (J. I. Federer and C. F. Leitten, Jr.) Tungsten-rhenium alloys are deposited by hydrogen reduction of W76-Re7's mixtures. In continuation or previous studies, tungsten-rhenium alloys were deposited on the inner surface of type 304 stainless steel tubing in a moving induction-heated hot cone. Alloys deposited on the stainless steel, however, invariably contained circumferential ridges with a nodular grain structure. These riâges have been attributed to a 0 ::!|-;:( - OFFICIAL ** 4 III.16 -- - - - reaction between the stairless steel and cheriwm fourides becauce waer. plair-carbon steel mandrels were used in subsequent tests the ridges no longer occurred. The earlier experiments were useful, however, in that they demonstrated the potential oi the moving hot zone technique 1oz depositindo slloys oi uniform. Composition. The interpretation of results or moving-2.0-zone tests was aideå Oy prior experience with stationary hot 2020. Alloys à cosited in a sta- tionary hot zone at about 600°C exhibit an axial variation in reniwers cortent because Re# is more readily reduced by városun ürün is WE's and the rheniw content is higher near the inlet of tze reacuica. Pore than Iartner downstrean. Il the mixture passes through a temperature gradient ir raciring the reaction zone, this eflect is magnified. Movima ühe hot zone, vaerefore, is equivalent to superimposing numerous composicior. profiles. As a result, the deposit is axially uninomin in composicion, but radially nonuniform. Thermodynamic calculations were made with the aid oz a computer to indicate parametric regions wherein composition proricö would be mini- nized. These calculations examine factors afecting equilibrium in the hydrogen reduction of WFG and Refs to metal via intermediate lluorides. The parameters included in the calculations are listed below. Lemperature, °K (°C) Pressure, torr 400-1500 (27--227) in 100° increments 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200, 500, ana 2000 9:1, 15:1, 39:1 1:1, 3:1, 19:1 m2-10-(HT: * RET) ratio W76-TO-Rero ratio The results oi these calculations indicate that (1) the tendency of 176 to be reduceá by nyárogen approaches that of ReF6 with increasing icoperature, decreasing pressure, and increasing values oi nyárogen- to-(WF. + ReFo) ratio, (2) the WF6-to-ReFg ratio appears to have little or no exiect, (3) temperature has a far greater effect than pressure or cas composition, and (4) under equilibrium conditions the composition of the deposit corresponds to the metal content oł the WF-Rere mixture when the reaction occurs at about 1000°C. In order to test the validity of these calculated results an injector is being used to admit the WF-ReF. mixture directly into the reaction zone, The rizst injector was water coole, and strongly influenced the temperature profile in the vicinity of the tip. Fo: exertoie, at a nominal Jurnace cem- perature of 800°C mandrel surrace temperatures were 475°C adjaceni to the tip and 800°C at a point 3 ir dovastrean. I though this temperature range is well below the thermodynamically calculated temperature on optimam deposition, alloys containing ominally 256 Re were deposited ac io torr and with hydrogen, WFc; and ReF. flow rates of 1000, 30, word 20 cms/min, respectively. Figure ide.. 8 shows the microstructures or sapies prcparea with and without an injector but under otserwise similar conditions. The sarpie shown in Fig. III. Sa was prepared without an injector and has definite layers whica etched at difierent rates, whereas the same sampie - - - . . :11- . .... Loison des roissiü 16-OriICIAL .. .. .. ........ 7. ti * ................ ii. Ti, 6 2 u ..: : :)!::::" ..... . .. 6:!![-!:-OFFICI.. Fig. III.8. Comparison of Microstructures of W-25% Re Alloy Deposited by the TCD Process in a Moving Hot Zone. (a) Without an injector for the WF6-ReF: mixture; (b) with an injector. Etchant: 50 parts N7:07 ..: * III. 18 ;. - - sitten * . I. UN prepared with an injector (Fig. III.80) słows less evidence or a nenium gradient through the thickness. The axial variacion in rhenium conterii in these experiments was 26.1 * o: be over a 6-1a. lengüio. :.'.. P - - . E Terimants with roncooleá injector are in progress to aceis the erfects circuccion terperatures in the calculaica Domnul rango oro 800 to 1100°C. At these ter:peratures nicken and piain-cazijo:. stiel injectors Ere corroded by the fluorides. If this corrosion resuiüs from a coob.r.com tior. oi che metais with Iluorine themally decomposed Iron üne iLuorides, then mixing hydrosen with the fluorides in the injector may minimize corrosion by forming stable hyārogen-iluoride with available Iluorine. . S I Ile deposition of W-Re alioys in the exuernal coating apparatus have continuca. This apparatus, shown schematically in 7:6. III.G consists oão mimi chamber and an internal.ly 'heated tubular manazel. Mixini ve the reacties zases in the volume around the mandrel minimizes tze depica tion éirecü tzat occurs during deposition inside relatively 2.ong, carro: Tübes. loys of W-25 et. % Re wica soca Exiano unitormity were separed in his aggaratus; however, the deposits usually veze nocular near whe met ana cad aiainetrically opposite trick and which rezionis. The apparu- tus was moairiea to charge the gas-220w pautes 12 I:OZüco improve tickness uniformity. The gases were causea co chave de posicion c oer iaxou a narrow arnulüs around the sciana To exit è similar arnulus. Deposits coritaining about 55 Re were maen neparea üü 600°C, 10-torr pressure, and gas I'low rates 01 100), 55, are 5 cms/min Ožia: Fó, ara Reis, respectávely. Under these couition crie tinickness uniority was not substantially az'iected but the degree or cowocess 12.5 L ovea; composition unii'ormity, on the oüzer: märä, was aaverseny arzectea. perenüly the apparatus modification caused the gases to stream along the manarel, resuiting in a higher rhenium content near the gas inlet than Tartner downstream. These results are similar to those for internal āeposits in long, narrow tubes. 9 . Tej III روزی/ حنا را یکی دوسری . Fig. III.9. Schematic Representation or soparatus for External Deposition of Tungsten-Răenium Alloys by üze ICD Process. I . . A GLE . .- . 06::'.-.0: -::272 MIXING CHAMBER HEATER - - - - . .- - . GAS OUTLET DEPOSITION MANDREL WWWMWWWW - - - - - .-- - - - - GAS INLET 20910 - - - - Ur - - ** MA ? -: ' -- III.19 Rhenium-rich alloys with rhenium contents as high as 72 Eave been depositeå in. The watexnal coating apparatus at 600°C. These deposits contain regions or nocular grorchs and dark, porcus coatings. The poor ( pality of these deposits suggesis that tae apparatus used is useful cray for deposition of turgsten-sich deposits. , 20. descuctive Evaluation (R. W. YcCluns) Wenty-seve.. ICD tungsten deposits or CODICI tubes were submitted 20% noosvructive evaluation oIckness variations in colection with 9.2 stavistica de posicion. süucies described earlier. The cooper tubes were 15 in. 10w-, 3/4, 12. -O. D., with a nomira.. wall thickness oi 0.031 in. za turisten büă been deposited in varying sicknesses along this length Orche wübes with the maximur. thickaess eins about 3/32 ir.. Since There was no "on-the-she 12" technicue available 1o this evaluacion, Caree gizierent metacas vere evaluated or iedsäciliny: ühece echocs weze bazea on eady-currents, ultrasonics, anü ä сays. bit 1 mae eday-current approach was selected as being the most crickly available. In this technique the inner and outer diameters om tube e ces red, and the dizierence vas attributed to the aupiex couper- Ceresien wand. In the ultrasonic agroacia, resozance pricine was hocü coeasure the entire tube wali with apropiatie correction i'o 22 ve-city comercice between coope: änä tunnen oor airlicuities were encountered in each oi che ci coac.es, but it appeareä taat these coula to overcome. It became evicviat, .07ever, wiat ühe 1721. Taickness Com the c er wbing was not conscant as originally assunca. It was recognizeú what both the eccy-current aid ümbrasociacic mechis would have beer. subject to error: as great as the variation in copper Tickness. Developerc work ana probe iebrication would have allowed a dirierer's eduy-current tech- ricue to soave the problem, buü ünis mouth was not pursued in view cz coca results from the x-ray method described below. A through-transmission x-ray aiteration technique was used in vacich the radiation detector was placea in the bore or the tube. The racially directed at rays were attenuateä as they passeä сhrough the cupiex well, but the tungsten had the greatest erieco per unit of thickness, üzus mini- mizing the effect of the variable cooper. Tam nickness. The raciation source was á Torelco -150 x-ray mit ocean ved at 150 KVC? ano 3 A wita 0.018 ini. Oi copper libration. the rilication was required to reduce the overa.. beam intensity anë absorb the low-energy x rays. The cray beam WeƏ collinated to 0.078 in. in diameter. De radiation atjector was a via I (1) crystal, 1/4 in. in diameter and 1/2 in. 102:8, opticaly coupleü co a c ercial ziber optic ligat pipe. The light pipe was there coupież co an RCA 6342A protomatisier tube. he output of the photo plie: Tube was monitored by means or a digital voltmeter. 4 24 The calibration curve was obtaineü ay piotting the voltmeter reeding (representing radiation attentiation) vs the thickness of rolleå türssien sheet specimens. The detector was de la stationary in the beam aná i - - !. :-05:1"; III.20 C. ::-. positioned or maximum signci. Mae tube to be measured vas me.slated with the detecca zerraining on t.e axial center. Thus, only one wall Ackness as O ored at any giver time. The measurements were obtained au four circwania, points at 90° rotation and nine .0: stueiral osicions for a total oi 36 measuremerts per tube. On se on the cubes deposiüed at high temperatures, tie cooper Thickness Vestation was approx- steny 0.005 in. A CO"per thickness charge on this magnitucie would be cruivüleri ::. 47 0.0005-in.. tungsten thickness and wound produce tra' tolerance or. ie irai trick.css determinations. It was assumed 3.20 ac reäiation anderuation for TOD tungsten. Was he same as for rolled Curiosica. I, även metallographic thickness measurements are obtained this eSSwior is shown to be noi valia, the candoration curve can be revised vea aurropriate corrections for differences in radiation attenus. tion. Deformation Straies J. E. Spruieli2 B. F. Shulers Süüdes 1:27€ vegur. to determine the effects of warme zoming ara heart water on the texture, microstrun, Gil ducting C o Cum secü. As-aepositéc... otec. örny consists o nly orienea, c a r mains david3 (100 ..me to the deposicior. sub- Surace. Mividual frams, owever, are o catec izouga larga ES about iconi. Ten working by "olling and come types oz heat treatment may cance microstructures anci textures mai are more cesirabie for come c acations than those oz. The Es-dipositeå räieriai. - sien sheet was depositců usias reviously establis:ea ceposicion conüitions. 5 Four sheets were obtainta iro... a single de zosition run, cuch weet measuring 1.5 in. ice X 12 . 100.8 wica a thickness 0.092 : 0.003 in. These settó ere izan electrcaiscoarge machines (DVD) to a ciasconess or 0.070 0.001 in. Toj sheets were ground to remove une pizsü-cepositeü (rine-grain.) suriace to avoid any süoscoe wisturb- bez ezi'ecüa that might be caused by manis cir. üyer. The sizeets Mere üzen ciü into 3 X 1.25-in. coupons 1o rohing. An equal muide0.: Couporow as cut i'rom 0.065-in Thick wrought powaermetalürey tungsten Sheet. These coupons were recrystalized at 1500°C Ior Iar and were subsequency rolled and heat treated in the same manner as ise TCD materiai to serve as a basis for comparison of results. 2Consultant from the University v mennessee. S er emioyee zona üne University o: mennessee. heestara, J. i. y'acerer, C. . Teriter, Jr., Pres :0:2 ari Tel: por-32208.1ve... CRNE-3662 (cüsusi 190.77. 7. T. Patterson, W. C. Robinson, Jr., and C. . Iditten, uin, -evene Materials P:00 am Güstü. 302. Rept. April 30, 1956. Ülow- 40, PP. 59-99 (Classified). NI III.21 OINI - AC - OPEKCIAL ORNL - ABC - OFFICIAL .. .:: Rolling Schedule All specimens were rolled and heat treated according to the schedule, shown in Table III.3. The specimens were rolled at 1200°C using the frame- and-cladding technique with Bastelloy B frames apil Hastelloy w cladding. An aluminum oxide powder coating was placed on the tungsten samples before , cladding to facilitate specimen removal after rolling. Stress relieving was carried out at 1200ºC for 1 hr. Table III.3. Rolling and Heat-Treating Schedule for TCD Irmgsten Sheet Heat-Treatment Group - - · Specimen Desig- nation - IS III . Total Reduc. tiona, b . (*) 20 Stress' relieve 40 Stress relieve GI Anneale MUM Anneal Stress relieve Anneal Anneal after 50% reduction; Lufinal anneal . • 4A - !. Stress relieve. after 50% reduction; Pinal stress relieve . . Stress relieve after 50% reduction; final stress relieve : Anneal Stress relieve Anneal after 50% reduction; final anneal Rolling was done by the conventional frame-and-cladding technique, I using Hastelloy B frames and Hastelloy w cladding, at 1200°C. Specimens were rolled in one direction only, with ends reversed - between passes, except for specimen IV-4, which was inadvertently rolled in the wrong direction after the intermediate anneal. . :"Heat treatments listed followed rolling operation unless otherwise indicated. "stress relief: 1200°C for 1 hr. i Annealing was done at 2000ºC for 1/2 br in vacuum. DINI - AIC - OFFICIAL Fin... ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL :: AUS!TICATION 11. 9:!!! A llti 7 ********** ** : ' TTON III.22. WIJ1130 - DJV- INIO. • AIC-OSICIAL In lower reductions, the Hastelloy B frames contracted more than did the tungsten specimens on cooling, thus causing dishing of the tungsten and some cracking. (Linear coefficients of expansion are 4.6 min. in.: •cº? for tungsten and about 27 uin. in.? •cºl for the ':. Hastelloys.) High reductions, on the other hand, caused the frames to, move away from the specimens enough to prevent this situation. The :- specimens that received a total reduction of 80%, for example, remained flat and sound. erin...,i..,on Microstructural Hrects $ The microstructure of the 23-deposited material is shown in Mg. III.1 from 0.010 to 0.015 in. of the first deposited surface (top of photo- micrograph) was removed prior to rolling. Warm rolling to reductions less than 60% bad little effect on the as-deposited microstructure. Fig. III. 11 shows the microstructure of a specimen that was reduced 60% at 1200°C and subsequently stress relieved for 1 hr at the same tempera. ture. . Considerable breakdown of the original columnar structure is : . RIGHIN . ..EO. . - DESIRED MAXIMUM 1 25 , CENTER LINE ;********-* 110 tig. IZZro 7:65614 .... .. .------ ...... ---- -••-YPICIAL. mig. III. 20. Microstructure of TCD Tungsten Sheet Uued in Deformatiod Studies. The initial deposition surface 18 at the top of the paotanico- graph. Etchant: 50 parts NHL OH and 50 parts H202. END TYPING AIC - OFFICIAL ok ASSISICATIC IV Vi APL CABLE) . - Lau CLASICATION lor Bisnis ir MALE) III.23 ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAY "OTTOM OF I LINE OF TOXT CHAPTER TITLE 1 5. ... . tis. zz ,li. . :.:.7-66706 - MARGIN --- RIGHT. ARG MARGIN - DESIRED MAXIMUM Fig. III.ll. Microstructure of TCD Tungsten Specimen after Total Reduction of 60% by Rolling at 1200°C and Stre88-Relief Anneal at 1200°C for 1 hr. (Plane of section 18 parallel to the rolling direction.) Etchant: 50 parts NHAOH and 50 parts H2O2. . . ... . apparent and there is some evidence of substructure formation. Fig. III. 12 " shows the microstructure of a specimen reduced 80% and stress relieved. -- -DES The columnar structure was completely broken down in this case and some +MAX evidence of substructure formation and fibering is apparent. The grain ; growth evident at the surfaces may have resulted from nucleation at . craters formed during the original EDM machining of the specimen. Fig. III. 13 is a photomicrograph of a sample reduced 80% and subsequently annealed at 2000°C for 1/2 hr. Ertensive grain growth is evident. . . V + . . . . ................ Texture Determinations Rolling texture determinations are being made by an x-ray diffraction technique that requires spherical samples. Thin sheets of the rolled material vere cemented together using an electrically conducting epoxy . resin, keeping the rolling direction of laminae alifand. Sphero, mea nuring 1.0.250 10. in diameter were then prepared by electrodischarge machining, ... i - .:. - ORNI - ACC - OFFICIAL e i E".6Li K. Jetter and B. 8. Borie, Jr., "A Method for the Quantitative - Deterrination of Preferred Orientations," J. Appl. Phys. 24., 532–35 (1953). VARGINAL .. . . MASI ,- - - 01.67 ," TION 11 i 11. LEI III.24. TORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL Et ORNI - Attirnich hit. If to! PTER 1! Ti" ose minimalne Pogi Itt, 12 _ ARGIN 4-61.7546 RIGHT MARGIN ---DESIRED MAXIMUM - -- . Fig. III.12. Microstructure of TCD Tungsten Specimen after Total : Reduction of 80% by Rolling at 1200°C and Stre88-Relief Anneal at 1200°C for i hr. (Plane of section 18 parallel to the rolling direction.): Etchant: 50 parts NH,OH and 50 parts H2O2. .:. : .::. ... ... The texture produced after a 20% reduction by rolling of as-deposited material is shown in Fig. III. 14; the positions of (110) poles for "ideal" orientation after deformation are indicated by black triangles. Several body-centered cubic materials, including PM tungsten, develop textures close to the (100) (011) "ideal" texture after rolling.' The relative intensities of (110) reflections, indicated by mmbers on the contour lines in Fig. III.14, are higher in the vicinity of the black , triangles representing the "ideal" deformation texture than elsewhere... Thus, the "ideal" texture is beginning to develop in TCD tungsten arteri only 20% reduction. The (110) pole figure in Fig. III.15 shows that the rolling texture 18 rapidly approaching the (100) [ou] "ideal" texture as the reduction increases to 40%. Determinations of (110) and: (200) pole. figures for 60 and 80% reduction are in progress. . : . - -,-,..Lola. 7J. W. Pugh, the Temperature Dependence of Preferred Orientation in Rolled Tungsten," Trans. ATME, 212, 637–42 (1958). :: : ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL · END TYPING CLASSIFICATION : (IF APPLICADLE) C . C .;:;.TION III. 25. · ORNL - AIC - OFFICIAU . BOTTOM OF CiT l.INC. OF TEXT CHAPTCH TITIS Fig. III. 13. 4-66966 RGIN TMARGIN... RIGHT MARGIN - DESIRED MAXIMUIM! .. ............ Fig. III. 13. Microgtructure of TCD Tungsten Specimen After Reduction of 80% by Rolling at 1200°C and Anneal at 2000°C for 1/2 br. (Plane of . section is parallel to the rolling direction. ) Etchant: 50 parts NH, OH and 50 parts H202. - - Physical Metallurgy of TCD Tungsten A. C. Schaffhauser K. Ferrell Low-Temperature Ductility Investigations of the ductility of TCD tungsten sheet were continued. A complete evaluation of the effect of heat treatment and specimen condi- . tion on the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature. (DBTT) of deposit " .:: PWL has been reported previously. 8,9 Evaluation of two other deposits ! (PW18 and PW44) produced under slightly different conditions is under way. fi The deposition conditions for these deposits are presented in Table III.4 " and the chemical analyses are listed in Tables III.5 and III.6. • No 11:55 TYPE -. i ri roc 8A. C. Schaffhauser, High-Temperature Materials Program Quart. Prok. Rept. Oct. 31, 1965, CRNI-TM-1350, pp 88-89 (Classified). A c. Schaffhauser, High Temperature Materials Program Quart. Progr. i Rent, Jan. 31m1966, ORAL-TM-1455, pp. 73-83 (Classified), -ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL e CLASSIFICATION i TIF ANDA Pin: "ION i dit !!16 ILE) III:26 10 it! TEXT i MA GIN :RIGHT : MARGIN wir II14 -- DESIRED MAXIMUM! Orny aug 66 66-4291 . .. CENTC ... ... .. Fig. III.14 The (110) Pole Figure for TCD Tungsten Sheet Reduced 20% in Thickness by Rolling at 1200°C. Triangles indicate the (110) (0) Y? "1deal" texture. . . END TYPING ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL · 111..10TION . . li ::.. L ES) . * * ..... .. .... siinilom . . .III27 . OI DE NE UR 1 TERTIT . - OFFICIAL RNL - AICC OTTONI or -LINE OF TEXT HAPTER TITLE ARGIN- MARGIN-. RIGHT HARGIN - DESIRED MAXIMUM ; : : Open Ourg 66-4792 wor* . ..; LINES YPE ... Pig. III.15 The (110) Pole Figure for TCD Tungsten Sheet Reduced ; 40% in Thickness by Rolling at 1200°C. Trianges indicate the (100) (012) "ideal" texture. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL CASSIFICATION lif: A n ille! Od: III28: 10min be 1:. AEC - OFFICIA ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL том :) NE OF TEXT TER TITLE - ': . : Table III.4. Deposition Conditions of TCD Sheet Average . Deposition Rate (als/hr): Deposit Mumber PWL. PWl8 'PWhedon Gas Flow (cm3/min) Pressure 82 W Ar (torr) 1500 300 500 50 . 3000 200 :: 5 : 3000 200 .. . 5 . (°C) 570 560 560 LARGIN- . RIGHT MARGIN ANINIR?U:$'! DESInline DE BMM: TABLE III.5. Interstitial Impurity Analysis of TCN Tungsten Sheet o Chemical Analysis (promos ! Chemical Analys: Deposit Humber Sample Location · PW4 ......5 ... -. -. Inlet Outlet Iniet Outlet Inlet ... 14 , : 5 i Pwi8 ooi wou on ........---.00TEB ::-. vvvv". no ang 10 VV a 990nm 1 PW44 Midale Outlet . .--- - .- ini : : 40 -:- - - 15. . . .. 1.3. 2 GO : i . . ..ENC TYPING... Srce OORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL L CA . ;;INN !1 .. opel ir 1!!!!) . Hi 11,5 04 . III.29 ORNL - AIC - OFFICIAL OTTOM OF LINE OF TEXT APTER TITI, ! Den . Table III.6. Analysis of Impurities in TCD Tungsten as Determined by Spark-Source Mass Spectrometer Deposit Puzlepurity Content Impurity Alio 0.4 . 0.02 . . B Ca ca 0.2 V. 0.8 cu - MARGIN ...> Impurity Content“ (ppm) Deposit PW18 Deposit PW4A Annealed I har Annealed. I bor Ab-deposited at 1800°C As-deposited As-deposited at 2500°C. 0.1 : 0.4 0.4 0.1 : 0.02 0.06 0.2 . 0.06 0.6 < 0.05 < 0.05 i 2 . < 0.05 < 0.05 0.8 0.8 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 . < 0.05 . 0.05 0.8 10 .. 10 10 . .. 33 . 3. La 200 60 0.6 0.4 0.4 60 0.1: **** o.i < 0.1 < 9 39 39 <0.2 <0.2 . 3 3 : 10 0.03 < 0.1 <0.1' : < 0.1 0.1 10.!. Pero .............. 1717:30 V v O ... . MO; - 60 O .... NA 0.05 .- Si ^ Sn - Ta <0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2 TITI 30 T:V -- Semi quantitative analysis - values reported accurate to within a factor of 2 of actual value. icons - :*-:: -40. 10:.. . - C NG LINO3 TYPE --- SICIAL . - - - - -EVO TYPING ORNI - AC - O .. . CLASS ATIO illi Mid;"! IGA ILI . :.. i - .. · III.30 IS PRA 11:00. Microstructures of as-deposited and heat-treated specimens are shown in Figs. III.16 and III.17. ORNLALC - OFFICIA ORNL • AIC - The random grain structure of deposit PW18 (Fig. III.16) is not typical of TCD tungsten. The cause of the more equiaxed grain structure.... in this particular deposit is not known. It has been reported that vanadium contamination of the WF. foed gas might be responsible for the best in more random grain structure, 10 The cadmium detected in deposit PW28 may have produced similar results. Also, intentional additions of oxygen, nitrogen, and methane to the hydrogen reed gas have been shown to produce ! a fine as-deposited structure. 11,12 The lack of grain stability during 1.. heat treatment of this material has been discussed previously. -. . The preliminary data given in Table III.7 indicate that this randou ! as-deposited grain structure is not effective in lowering the DBIT. This ; observation is consistent with previous observations that the DBTT is · "not significantly affected by removal of the fine-grained, first-deposited: surface normally produced during deposition. Also, our studies on the: low-temperature deformation behavior of recrystallized PM tungsten show ! RIGHT. HARGIN little dependence of DBIT on grain size..13 ----DESIRED MAXIMUM!; 1°R. L. Heestand, J. I. Federer, and C. F. Leitten, Jr., Preparation ! and Evaluation of Vapor-Deposited Tungsten, ORNL-3662 (August 1964). 11Studies of Thermionic Materials for Space Power Applications, NASA CR-54715 (Oct. 15, 1965). Classified. 12 Studies of Thermionic Materials for Space Power Applications, NASA CR-54779 (Dec. 20, 1965). Classified. 13K. Farrell, A. C. Schaffhauser, and J. 0. Stiegler, High-Temperature Materials Program Quart. Progr. Rept. April 30, 1966, ORAL-TM-1520 (to be published). -- TITLE ...... ............ Table III.7. Ductile-to-Brittle Transition Temperature of .. TCD Tungsten Sheeta .... Ductile-to-Brittle Transition Temperature (°c) Annealed 1 hr Annealed 1 hr As-Deposited i at 1400°C . . at 2500°C . Deposit Number ...... .. cons - . PW4 PW28 PWL . . 270 250 400 185 I 225 250 ! St. 1 350 ::L Test conditions: punch radius 4 T and deflection rate of 0.1 in./min. ... "Defined as the lowest temperature at which a 90° bend could be obtained. . . * ORNI - AFC - OFFICIAL OINI - AEC - ORFICIAL Cli;;. i 710 . e -Ė - DE : . , .................. dijou ni Ö -- inü WIJIS10 - 13- - O Y-6770 Y 66079 omadu..do wes niet som er v --- . O r die mens vid bommais do what are commodo no noto.....teorier oca Fug. m AS-DEPOSITED IHR AT 1800°C TIC . Y67732 Y 66083 ch . 100 HR AT 1800°C I HR AT 2500C . " No Reductions i ORNI - ACC - OFFICIAL ..ORNL - AIC - OFFICIAL m i III 3 RRent - Handmannadanan ence :. .--. Y-67701 : Y-62455 W S u . * ............. .. ., 1 . **.. ...:: . ... - i prendere Un mo..E 2 ---- C ort .... s AS-DEPOSI TED 1 HR AT 2500°C %" No Reductric Fig. III.17. Effect of Heat Treatment on the Microstructure of ICD Tungsten Deposit PWhite. 100x. Etchant: 50% NH,OH-50% H202. ICINO III.33 . ORNL - AIC-ORIKCIAL 1.1.1: ORNI - AB The effect of annealing temperature on the DBTT of 2.posit PWlk 16 aloo given in Table III.7. The reason for the very high DBTT of the as- deposited specimens and specimens annealed for I ler at 2500°C 18 not apparent. The deposition conditions, chemical analysis, and microstruc- : ture of PWhole are very similar to those of PWh. The spectrometric analysis for trace impurities (Table III.6) indicates a much higher potassium con- tent in PWhite but the significance of this is not known. Purther tests are under way to determine the cause of the poor ductility of this deposit. i. Studies on Void Formation - - - - ir NARGIN. Massive void formation has been encountered during extended operation of some TCD tungsten materials at 1800 to 2000°C. The problem of massive !. void formation appears to be related to the high fluorige content (100 to 200 ppm) in material deposited at high rates (2 30 mils/hr) and high pressure (0.5 to 1 atm), or to the effects of impurities in the WF6 feed fa 8. RIGHT MARGIN The TCD tungsten produced at ORNL is depositer. at low deposition rates and pressures from purified feed gases (see Table III.4). The - DESIRED fluorine content of this material is normally less than 30 ppm and the MAXIMUM concentration of other impurities is low (Tables III.5 and III.6). There ! 18 relatively little void formation in this high-purity material after exposure at temperatures as high as' 2500°C (Figs. III. 16 and III.17). However, it has been shown that these small voids formed on annealing grow tremendously under stress at high temperature. 14 .--......... We are investigating void formation in high-purity TCD material to determine under what conditions the voids would be detrimental in service. We also hope to gain a better understanding of the source of the voids : and to develop methods to eliminate them. The formation and growth characteristics of voids during high-temperature annealing are considered in this section. Void formation and growth under high-temperature creep conditions are described in the next section. --. -... ---- ------ - - - A typical microstructure of voiás formed in high-purity TCD tungsten 18 shown in Fig. III. 17 and at high magnification in Fig. III.18.' The diameters of voids in the columnar grain boundaries range from 1 to 3 H. and voids within the grains are 0.5 u in diameter or less, after l-hr r treatment at 2500°C. Fewer voids are present after 1 hr at 2200°C, and' voids are usually not observed in material treated below 2000°C. It is : interesting to note that in deposit PW18, where a large amount of grain . growth occurred, the voids within the grains are larger than those in i material showing no grain growth (Figs. III. 16 and III. 17). Also, the :) voids are observed at lower temperatures when grain growth has occurred even though this material is of higher purity. The voids observed after - . .. .. .. - - ... - - - ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL i 14H. . McCoy, High Temperature Materials Program Quart. Progr. . Rept. Jan. 31, 1966, ORRI-11-1455, pp. 84-101 Classified). ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL weiter Cl. S'!CTION 11.:,',ICASE) OINI - AEC - OFFICIAL * - III:34 . IV. TO!.1 OF NE OF MYT POTEN 7171.1 ) - CD . Figure 2.18. 4-71161 in. MARCIN men of . RIGHT ARGIN ESIRED AXIMUI. Fig. III.18. Voids in TCD Tungsten After Annealing 1 hr at 2500°C. Deposit PW4h. Unetched.' 1000X. annealing this material at 1800°C and the growth of these voids with time 18 shown in Fig. III. 19. These observations indicate that the source of the voids 18 uniformly distributed within the grains. Due to enhanced diffusion in the grain boundaries the voids there are able to grow by coalescence. During grain : growth the moving boundaries could sweep submicroscopic voids together and cause them to coalescence to some critical size. The boundaries could then move around these larger voids leaving a uniform distribution of voids within the grain as observed in deposit PW18 annealed 1 hr at 2500°C (Fig. III.16). VI 21200 - now and The initial stages of void formation have been investigated by trans-i. mission electron microscopy. This technique erables us to investigate the possibility that an excess concentration of vacancies produced during deposition might be contributing to void formation in the high-purity material. Samples from deposit Pwlly annealed at various temperatures :. between 1000 and 2000°C were examined. Figure III. 20 sbows the small grain-boundary voida present in samples annealed at 1800°C. No voids : 1 were observed in samples annealed below this temperature nor was there any evidence of vacancy clustering or collapsed vacancy loops as would: be? expected 12 the voids were due to an excess concentration of vacancies. ... OINT - AEC - OFFICIAL Bilio - . v - - . - 1 - s · CLASSIFICATION ("'A.':r!1 iUN sosa i .!!1ILET III.35 OOTTOM OF 'ST LINE OF TEXT CHAPTER TITLE - phone · ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL OH tig. III.19 . Alo80 6092 " MARGIN *** RIGHT Fig. III.19. Voids in ICD Tungsten Material that Exhibited Grain . mancin Growth. Annealed at 1800°C. Deposit PW18. 500x. Unetched. (a) Annealed ....DESIRED i hr' and (b) annealed 100 hr. IRGIN IMAXIMUM ... ......... .. ........ LiliLiSS Fig. III. 20 YE9160 . iri 1 INC. *YPE: . Fig. III.20. Electron Micrograph Showing Initiation of Voids in .. ICD Tungsten Annealed 1 hr at 1800°C. Deposit PWlk. Original photo reduced 20%. END TYPING : . CAEC - OFFICIAL i ... . . ............... ........ ....... . Christi ICATION TE ANTIC. HN III.36 ONE Mko. MAN! - AFC - OFFICIAL : 1 - M OF OF TIVO ER TIT!. . - Direct carbon replicas of fractured surfaces were examined in order. I l to determine the true size and shape of the voids. With this tochni que there is no possibility for enlargement or distortion of the voids because ..., no mechanical polishing or etching is involved. Pgure III.21 shows voids. on a graln-boundary Tracture surface of a sample annealed at 2500°C and ī fractured at room temperature. The polyhedral shape of the grain-boundary voids 18 due to the variation of surface energy of the voids with orienta- tion of the material.19 A void in thermal equilibrium has flat faces of low surface energy. In body-centered cubic polyhedral voids formed by: ! eight (110) and six (110) faces are the most common. The equillbrium shape of a void in a grain boundary is determined by the lowest surface" ; ! energy appropriate to each of the two grain orientations and the inter- facial energy between the two grains. The elongated voids at the inter- section of the fractured grain-boundary surfaces shown in Fig. III.21 are ; believed to be due to the interfacial energy between the two grains. - í MX RGIN ...ben .. ...! 15R. 8. Nelson, et al., Phil. Mag. 11(109), 91-11 (1964). 11GHT L . -DERGIN 7 - DESIRED MAXIMUM I... 2:17 Fina71, al 469194 oo Fig. III.21 Direct Carbon Replica of Grain Boundary Fracture Surface! of ICD Tungsten showing Voids Formed on Annealing 1 hr at 2500°C. Deposit PWhile. Original photo reduced 19.5%. DINI – AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL :: : END TYPING ..:: . 21 x NA -- CLASSIFICATION III.37 ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ''OOTTO!.4 OF AST LINE OF TI:XT 'R CHAPTER TITLE FITOR Creep-Rupture Properties of TCD Tungsten OFFICIAL H. L. McCoy . Studies have been conducted to determine the creep-rupture properties! of several lots of TCD tungsten. Because of the small amount of test mato erial available from each lot and the inherent scatter in the test data, 1t has been necessary to consider the properties of the TCD tungsten only... on a comparative basis with those of the PM tungsten. The material used in this study was produced by deposition from a gas mixture of Wig and hydrogen. The material was deposited in a square mandrel as an open-ended box about 2- x 2-in. cross section and 20 in. 'long. A copper mandrel was used for the "H" series and a molybdenum man- drel was used for the "p" series. The sides of the box were separated by grinding, and individual specimens were machined by electrodischarge mach- ining. The special tool developed for this purpose is showa in Fig. III.22. About 0.022 in. was removed from the machined edges by lapping with dia. . HARO RIGHT EFT MARGIN -.. bond ametne me moe ..mond abrasive. The gage' section in the test, specimen was 0.25 X 1.50 in.. MARGINT 20 i . . . : : ....... DESIRED MAXIMUM no " . CATE? LIE Fig. III. 22 Photo 83112 . . oto - 25 AINING, INI : OF TYPE: . : 2 ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL Foi Mg. HII.22. Mxture for Preparing Tungsten-Creep Specimens by ..o Electrodischarge Machining. ENOTYPING CLASIFICTION (1) At.1. 16. AiLE; . III. 38 ORNE - AIC - OFICIAL QENI - AC - OFFICIAL Tojo? ist Ni lif T ETTOR TITLE The microstructure of one beat of material 18 sbowa in Hg. III. 23. .Figure III. 23a shows the microstructure as seen from a plane parallel to the surface of the sheet, and Hg. III. 23b shows a cross section of the · deposit. The surface layer of fino grains was formed adjacent to the mandrel. This layer of fine grains soon changed to large columar grains i which would normally extend through the remainder of the deposit. However, the particular heat shown was laminated once due to an interruption in thol. hydrogen supply. The test specimens were oriented so that the applied , stress was normal to the columnar grain boundaries. Some of specimens were surface lapped on both sides to remove the layer of fine grains and the irregular tops of the columnar grains. ..... .... The results of creep-rupture tests on TCD material are given in Table III.8. The creep-rupture properties of the TCD tungsten are cam ! :: pared with those of the PM tungsten in Fig. III. 24. Although there is some scatter, the data fall in a reasonable band about the line representi ing the properties of the PM tungsten. Figure III. 25 shows a comparison of the minimum creep rate of TCD and PM tungsten. The minimum creep rate . AROIN - be of the TCD tungsten is less at 1650°C and greater at 2200°C. Mgure ITI: 26 RIGI MARG campares the rupture ductilities of the two types of material. At 1650°C; the TCD tungsten, with only one exception, has a ductility of 5% or less At 2200°C the TCD tungsten shows a trend of increasing fracture ductility: with increasing rupture life. The matter of ductility is discussed in more detail below. .- . . -. . Although some of the specimens were surface lapped and others were tested in the as-deposited condition, there appeared to be no influence of this variable on any property measured. Metallographic studies revealed several interesting features of the deformation processes in the TCD tungsten. Figure III.27 shows the frac- ture of a specimen tested at 1650°C and 4000 psi. · The general character: 1 :: istics. of this TCD specimen are about the same as those observed in the PM specimen shown in Fig. III.28. However, the cracks in the PM materials are elongated and wedge-shaped whereas those in the TCD material are round. : except where they have connected. The cracks were general throughout the PM material, but were locater only near the fracture in the TCD specimen. :: , Figure III. 29 shows a specimen tested at 2200°C and 2000 psi. The tests lasted only 21.3 br, but the network of voids has become very' general. Figure III.30 shows a specimen tested at 1250 psi and 22000°C. This test in lasted 789.9 br. The longer test time resulted in.growth and coalescence of the voids and grain-boundary migration such that an equiaxdal grain. structure was formed. For comparative purposes, the microstructure of a • specimen of PM tungsten tested at 2200°C is shown in Mg. III.31. This : ... specimen lasted 42.1 hr and the grain size is quite large. Hence thei grain size of the TCD tungsten 18 more stable at elevated temperatures. - It is felt that the ductility can be rationalized in terms of the grain structure for a material to exhibit good ductility at elevated : 1 temparatures, it is necessary that shear stresses be developed across the i END TYPING ...ORNI -AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL .. .nowdenen .......... ....... . .. % . ALLE! 9.35191 ITION to Aprilia MOLE) Il-Mini !..dirm 20. From . - 2 •AR - E 2 OINI - AIC - OFFICIAL 1 - -: ledura wa 9035 INCHES FOOX - - ET . -0.035 INCHES XOOM 64 74 Run ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OSSICIAL cm Tigrama a Conditions. Lot PW 3. Etchant: 50 parts NHAUH" 200- games. com ! (a) View of plane parallel to surface of sheet. (b). View of plane normal . :: An wintnou or whasti EcommiTac - Sporting .. . . . ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL - SNN ************** WIDITQ-93-Wuo.. NVIDISIO - DJV-INIO A Test Hember Lot Surface hember. Treatment Rupture Strain Minimum Creeg Rate 1650 3478 328 3556 3837 3838 3569 4045 8-16 H-16 P -3 -3 P -3 Pi-3 • Table III.8. Creep Properties of TCD Tungsten Time to Indicated Strain, br Temperature Stress (°C) . (psi) > : 2% 10% - Rupture 6000 19.2 30.5 1650 4000 5.0 35.0 185.0 390.0 1650 6000 593.7 1650 9.7 6000 4.7 11.0 1650 12.8 5000 35.0 102.0 1650 4000 20.0 225.0 413.0 2200 •1346 1.0 2.7 6.5 13.0 2200 62.9 2000 0.5 1.4 4.6 10.3 2200 1500 4.7 9.3 18.0 29.3 2200 35.7 1250 4.0 48.0 160.0 306.0 2200 789.9 2000 0.7 2.0 2200 4.3 2000 0.4 0.6 1.0 1.6 2200 1.85 2000 1.0 1.5 2.4 3.7 2200 2000 2.1 3.15 4.4 2200 21100 0.5 1.4 2.3 3.1 . 4.65 4.2. 21.0 6.3 3.1 3.5 . 176.5 : .. Leoped Lapped Hone love Hone Lapped Lapped Lapped Hone Lapped Hone Lapped Lapped Hone" Lapped 3577 0.063 0.020 0.083 0.12 0.016 0.0040 0.75 . 1.1 0.19 0.026 3.2 35.0 21.9 21.3 8-16 R -3 2 -3 1-3 R-19 PW-20 PU-23 PW-23 PW-24 3680 3664 407 92 X95 530 5294 0.71. 16.6 29.2 4.2 15.6 21.8 21.9 21.6 1.2 · 5.05 5.3 2.8 1.0 0.85 1.33 Annealed 90 hr at 1650°C prior to loading. Recluce to &l" 896 y cience. PS in. En . 1 ORNL-DWG 66 - 2493 20,000 OTTI 10,000 • H-16 o PW-3 · PW-19 FA PW-20 to PW-23 + 1 950. L PW-24 til -POWDER METALLURGY tiba 00 STRESS (psi) 2000 200°C .: 1000 11.24 *10. 100 TIME (hr) Comparison of the Creep - Rupture Properties of TCD and. Powder Metallurgy Tungsten..... '. . ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL TV101330-33V - INHO ORNL-DWG 66-2491 20,000 LOT NO. • H-16 o PW-3 I PW-19 A PW-20 OPW-23 - A PW-24 + POWDER METALLURGY 10.000 STRESS (psi) 2200 °C 2000 1000 . . . lo.. 50.004 . 0.04.... .0.1 3 :10 MINIMUM CREEP RATE (%/hr). Comparison of the Minimum Creep Rates of TCD and Powder- Metallurgy Tungsten. . .... ......... OINI - NIC C - OFFICIAL ., . . . . . Calendar .- - A L L -- - - - . -- - - - - - - - MIDO -330 T664490331V-INUO . . - • ORNL-DWG. 65-12660 .. O TCD TUNGSTEN, LOT P-W-3, NO SURFACE LAPPING . A TCD TUNGSTEN, LOT P-W-3, BOTH SURFACES LAPPED o TCD TUNGSTEN, LOT H-16, BOTH SURFACES LAPPED OTCD TUNGSTEN, LOT P-W-19, NO SURFACE LAPPING - TUNGSTEN SHEET, POWDER METALLURGY 1650°C- ELONGATION (%) 012200°C) (2200°C)471 2200°C (2200°C). (1650°C) 0(2200°C) IL (2200°C) . il. Fig II II 0(1650°C) 1. (1650°C) || (1650°C) (1650°C) . 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 RUPTURE LIFE (hr) Comparison of the Fracture Ductilities of TCD and Powder - Metallurgy Tungsten. . obtii Afet Bifiche : Chev = Aic Coffical III.42 · DINI Hirneuri. Feis. III.26 . : Olinx. Dwg 65-12660 RIGHT MA?GI ..OLSIACO "WXIMU Fig. III.26. Comparison of the Fracture Ductilities of ICD and Powder-Metallurgy Tungsten. '.. grain boundaries so that they have greater freedom of motion. With the boundaries normal to the applied stress no large shear stresses can ex st. and, therefore, only limited elongation can occur. This explains the observation that the elongations were small for specimens tested at 1650°C and for short tests at 2200°C. With longer times at 2200°C the grain structure became more equiaxial with the result that the boundaries were no longer normal to the applied stress. This resulted in greater fracture elongations. The influence of stress on the growth of voids in the TaD material may be seen by comparing Mgs. III.32 and III.33. The specimen in Mg. III.32 was annealed at 2200°C for 5.3 hr in the absence of stress. The specimen in Mg. III.33 was tested at 2200°C and 2000 poi and nailed ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ve TD. / III.43 • OİNL - AEC - OFFICIAL --- --- --- --- --- --- Paj. . 27 4-63592 'DE! ; ; ; : . . RIGH MARGAR . - DESIRE MAXIM ! Pg. III.27. Photomicrograph of a TCD Tungsten Specimen Tested at 1650°C and 4000 psi. Lot PW3. Failure occurred in 4.13.0 br with 3.2% strain. As polished. Fig. III. 28 9.60657. "TAININ, 1.!! Or I Y iphone QINI - AL-NR. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL Mg. III.28. Photomicrograph of Powder-Metallurgy Tungsten Sheet .. Tested at 6000 poi and 1650°C. Rupture occurred at 135 bar and 31.25" struin. As polished. T I! i snt 111 . :ION III.4 . . . . * FTOMS OF NE OF IST i PTER TIL . tij II : 29 4.67559 CMARGIN... Do RE: RIGHT MARGIN ::-DESIRED A. MAXIMUN -- - f . Fig. III.29. Cross Section of ICD Tungsten, Lot PW 3, Tested at 2000 psi and 2200°C. Failed at 21.3 hr and 21.3% strain. Etchant: 50 parts NHAOH and 50 parts H2O2. - . . . 1 - Page 22.30 . 2972 . . .. . .. 3. Es INI - AEC OBFICIAL . ... Mg. III.30. Photomicrograph of TCD Tringsten Specimen Tested at 2200°C and 1250.pei. failure occurred ia 789.9 hr mithy29.29 strain. Lot PW 3. Btchant: 50 parts NHL OH and 50 parts H202. -------- - . LASIFICATION 1111!!,AULT) i'. . CINE ATL81 III.45 ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL : T!:,: ST o ,... . . . Tig. 11.3/ HARU .4-68655 FiT SARGlis 'po Blood TAA.30 · ESIRI ...: Xid Fig. III.31. Photomicrograph of PM Thingsten Sheet Tested at 1500 281 and 2200°C. Rupture occurred at 42.1 hr and 16.64 strain. Etchant: 50 parts NHAOH and 50 parts H202. VAR Fig. III.32 4-68718 ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL į , Mg. III.32. Cross Section of a ICD Tungsten Specimen. Lot PW19. ..Annealed 5.3 hr at 2200°C. Btchant: 50 parts NH OH and 50 parts H2O2. YPIN A . III.46. CINE OF SY! TLR TOT. ALC - OFFICIAL ทราบทค 01N 1 Faj. III. 33 23.. 4-61652 NARUT RIGHT MARGIN -- DESIRED MAXIMUM . Fig. III.33. Cross Section of a ICD Tungsten Specimen. Lot Pw 19. Tested at 2200°C and 2000 psi. Failed at 4.3 hr and 4.2% strain. Etchant: 50 parts NH,OH and 50 parts H2O2. Gil SIR TARU!!, in 4.3 hr. Hence, it appears that the voids are nucleated during anneal- ing at 2200°C, and that they grow dramatically under stress. It is also apparent that these voids develop quickly under stress at temperature. This behavior probably is due to the presence of an impurity in the grain boundaries of the deposited product, which when heated expands and farms pero a void. One proposal is that the impurity 18 same fluorine complex. Another proposal is that some light elements such as aluminum or magnesium; may be present as impurities. These elements would have a very high vaper-DES pressure at 2200°C and could nucleate voids. As discussed in the previous + MA section, chemical analyses are presently being made in an effort to ili identify the impurity. MAH CENTE? SINE ----...--- - DC ------- - mr.o ENOTYPING - :::: :::16 :04 - OnASCOLICIAL nr. : T11131 ! PROORIR CORRECTOR END SA * ! 1 * SEE DX? 17 SEA 7 . ia DATE FILMED 7/28 /66 ANA * D w WW Kiti , PA