. . . . . . . 1 . i 1 OF ! ORNLP 2202 . in . . . .. . . . . 30 budet . . . . : 11 . TEETESE . . . . 1 . .. = i 11:25 || 1.4 İLE . in MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BURF, AU OF STANDAROS - 1963 . . Conf- 660907-1 " MASTER 2 CFST: ! ZU H.C. $ 1. mm THE SOLUBILITIES OF HF AND DF IN MOLTEN FLUORIDES . JUN 27 1966 Paul E. Fiela b V Department of Chemistry Virginia Polytechnic Institute Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 and James H. Shaffer Oak Ridge National Laboratory+ Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 = - 2 - . - ET S ABSTRACT. The solubilities of HF and DF in molten LiF-BeF2 · (66-34 mole %) were determined over the temperature range 500-7000C and at solute gas pressures between 1 and 2 atm. Using previously established experimental methods, the solubilities of both gases were found to obey Henry's Law. The Henry's Law constants, Kg (10-4 moles HF/mole melt-atm) for HF and DF respectively at 500, 600 and 700°C were: 3.37+0.13, 2.96+0.07; 2.16+0.05; 1.83+0.03; and 1.51+0.06, 1.25+0.03; where the values given were obtained by a linear least squares fit of the experimental data as in X vs. 1/T and the uncertainties are at the 95% confidence interval. The heats of solution, AHS, obtained from the least squares evaluation were -5.98+0.19 and -6.43+0.15 kcal/mole for HF and DF rest actively. The comparison of AHS for HF in this melt composition with those obtained previously in melts ranging from 54 to 89 moi.e % Lir in BeF, reveals linear dependence of AHS on the mole fraction of Lif above and below 67% with a maximum at 67% LiF. Interpretacion of the iso- tope effect is made by comparison of the difference in the entropies of solution between DF and HR with the difference in the calculated values of the entropies of the two gases at 6000C. rs . 1 . 7 LEGAL NOTICE The report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, por un Commiuston, por LAT person ucting on behalf of the Commission: A. Wakes may warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- rusy, completeness, or wellness of the information contained la to report, or that the use of any lalormation, apparatus, method, or proceso disclosed la wis roport may not infringe pointly owned right; er B. Assumus uny Habilues with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the .. un of may taformation, appuntes, moltsd, or proctus disclosed in IMS report. Au urad in the above, "pernco actions on behalf of the Commirdion" includes any em• .. plogue or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that much emplogue ur coatractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, ... disseminates, or provide soca to, any information portant to his employmeat or coatract with the Commission, or he employmeal with much contractor. RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT A MIRAR SCIENCE ARSIRACTS . . . . - . ::. , ; . .. 2 - - . COM HN W e in a relat www oner til at eine er los ON 4 WW14 0 . . THE SOLUBILITIES OF HF AND DE IN MOLTEN FLUORIDES Z INTRODUCTION Analysis of the isotope effect on the sol'ibility of HF in molten fluoride solvents is of particular interest in order to' estimate the solubility of tritium fluoride in a molten salt containing Lif. The behavior of tritium fluoride, formed by neutron lrradiation of lithium in the fluoride mixture, would be of interest ir: the molten salt reactor concept as well as in the proposed use of a molten Fluoride breeder blanket for a thermo- nuclear reactor. Previous studies of the solubility of HF in molten fluoride mixtures have shown interesting solvent effects on the :: solubility of the gas. Shaffer* has shown an empirical corre- lation of the solubility of HF in melts of NaF-BeF, anů NaF-Zra to the "free" fluoride ion concentration. The "free" fluoride concentration was calculated as the difference between the equi- valent concentration of the complex formed, i.e. Bef, or art, and the concentration of NaF. A third solvent studied by these workers was the LiF-BeF, system. Solubility determinations were made over a temperature range of a few hundred degrees around 700°. and between 1 and 2 atm. pressure of the solute gas phase in com- position of 54, 5s, 69, 80 and 89 mole % Lif in BeFg. Whereas the solubility of HF in the Naf systems showed a strong dependence : on the concentration of Naf in the melt, the HF solubility in the LiF system did not. No attempt was made to treat the HF-Lir-Bef, system by the "free" fluoride correlation. In the present study an attempt is made to elucidate 'che solvent characteristics which effect the solubility of HF in molten fluoride melts containing Lif by investigating the isotope effect of the solute and dependence of the HF solubility on the Lif concentration. The solubilities of HF and DF in molten Lif-BeF, (66-34 mole %) were determined at the temperatures 500, 600, and 700°c and at solute gas saturation pressures of approximately 1.3, 1.6 and 2.0 atm. wewniartseitserii * I.LT • Vt ..... . 4 . ULI - 3 - EXPERIMENTAL Materials.--Anhydrous HF was obtained from cylinders supplied by Farshaw Chemical Company. The liquid HF had a specified mini- mum purity of 99.9%. Anhydrous DF was prepared by the Technical Division, Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant a:id has been described elsewhere.' Both gases were used directly from their cylinders without further purification. The fluoride mixture of 66 mole % 'Lif and Bef, was a sample of the batch production facilities of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, The 'Lif used was at least 99.99% pure "Li. The removal of oxides, sulfides, and structural metal impurities was accomplished by treating the fluoride melts with a gak mixture of 10 mole % HF in H,. Average chemical analysis of the salt batches had the following impurities (ppn) : Cr(16), Ni(39), Fe (123), s(less than 5), oxide removed as water (1650). Apparatus and Procedure.--A schematic diagram of the apparatus is shown in Figure 1. Ali materials in contact with the molten salt or HF were Grade A nickel. Approximately 3.5 kg of molten salt was used. The general procedure consisted of saturating the salt in the larger vessel with Hr at constant pressure for 5-6 hours, transferring approx.imately 1 liter under cover of HF into the smaller vessel and then stripping out the dissolved HF with He at a flow rate of 8 1/hr. Overnight. The He-HF mixture was buboled through a 2.00 liter volume of standard KOH having a bubble path of approximately 80 cm. The number of milliequivalents of HF per volume of salt transferred was then determined by titration of aliquots of the KOH solution with standard HCl. Details of the apparatus and procedure are given in reference 2. RESU.TS . The raw solubility data obtained by titration of the standard KOH solution had the units of moles HF/cc melt. Using the data of Cantor for the partial molal volumes of LiF and BeF, the solu- ..bilities, Ci were expressed in moles HF, mole melt. The Henry's en stop p en met primaid . les he r.com corte . ** * o elementos para mais il permet de beste van die ma y m i .. . ! . - - 4 - Law constants, Kyse were calculated as C/? where P was the satura- tion pressure of the HF. Figure 2 shows the Henry's Law plot of the data taken at 500, 600 and 700°c. Additional data for the HF solubility were obtained at 524 and 595°c. The slopes of the curves shown in Figure 2 were calculated by assuming a temperature inde- pendent heat of solution for both solutes and making linear least squares calculations of In Ky versus 1/T for all solubility deter- minations of each of the yases. The uncertainties in the calculated values of Ky were evaluated at the 95% confidence level and are listed in Table 1 along with the respective Henry's Law constants and the total number of solu- bility determinations, n. It can be seen that the maximum per cent uncertainty is less than 4% in all cases for K, and well within the estimated 5% experimental accuracy of previous HF solubility studies.' t .7 5 . . -- - - S 0 DISCUSSION In order to compare the present results with those obtained previously for HF in Lif-Bef, mixtures, the Henry's Law values of Shaffer and Watson were recalculated by the method úf least · squares. The five melt compositions studied by them were: 54, 59, 69, 80 and 89 mole % Lif in Berg. Because the variation of the HF solubility isotherms with Lif concentration were not simple functions (see Figure 3), a comparison of the heats of solution vvs made. The heat of solution, AH®, was calculated from the slope of the least squares equation according to the van't Hoff relationship.. The calculated slopes are shown along with the experimental data for both solutes in Figure 4.. 'The values of ApS and Ass and their uncertainties evaluated as one standard deviation are listed in . Table 2. The calculation of Ass is discussed below. The plot of AHS (HF) vs. mole % Lit is shown in Figure 5. The results show an extremely good linear fit over the two regions of composition defined by the pure components and the Li,Bef, composition (66,7%). Intercepts of the curves permit an evaluation of the AFP (HF). in the pure components. These are -2.35 and +0.68 kcal/mole for Lif and T01 . . 22 in . SI ' *** . - . . . . . - - 5 - Bef, respectively. Some reliability can be placed in the extra- polations of the solubility curves through the 0-50% and 90-100% regions for two reasons. First, the isotherms must intersect at the Lif concentration having a zero heat of solution, i.e. 7% Lir. Secondly, the solubilities in the pure components must have a temperature dependence consistent with the heats of solutions of HF in the pure components. It should he noted that the broken curve segments of the solubility isotherms in Figure 3 are extra- polations below the liquidus temperature and correspond to the hypothetical solubility of HF in the supercooled melt. Their usefulness lies in providing a means to estimate the HF solubility at higher temperatures. In the evaluation of the entropy of solution, As®, it is con- venient to separate the solution process into two steps: (I) the expansion of the solute gas from the saturation pressure, P, to a pressure pi corresponding to the concentration, c, of the solute in solution; and (II) the dissolution of the gas into the solvent : · at constant concentration: F9 (2) I HF9(P') -_II_> soln (c)? If the gas is assumed to be ideal, the separate terms for the first step are readily evaluated: AH, = 0, "AS, - - R In (P'/P) = - R In (CRT/VP) = - R In KRTin At equilibriun., AGE + AGII = 0 therefore AH-1 = AHS = T(AS, + ASIL), ASTI = ASS = (ARXT) + R In KyRTm. The difference in the entropy of solution of DF and HF in 66 mole % Lif in BeF, over the temperature range 500-700°c is 0.86+0.37 cal degnole where the uncertainty is taken as one standard deviation. In an attempt to account for the differences in solubility of DF and HF as an isotope effect, we have calculated the entropy contributions to the gases at 600°C for comparison with the and . IN . . 'N ... ... . . . ..... . ..... ........ ..4 19. -ies - - 1 - - . ... . ***** .. ...... - Av . . .- - entropies cé solution at this temperature. The calculations made for each solute gas included the translational contribution based on the Sackur-Tetrode equation, the rigid rotational contribution and the harmonic vibrational contribution. Ali calculations were made in the usual manner. Values of the spectroscopic constants for HF and DF were obtained from the compilation by Kelley and King. The calculated values are summarized in Table 3. Although no physical significance can be attached to the solute state having zero degrees of freedom, it serves as a useful hypo- thetical state. The comparison of the entropy of solution with the entropy contributions to the gas is the major point to be con- sidered in treating the isotope effect. The vibrational contri- butions and the difference between those of HF and DF are negligible in magnitude compared to the uncertainty in the determined entropy of solution and will not be considered. The translational contri- butions to the gases are the major factors in both solutes but again the DF-HF difference is almost an order of magnitude smaller than that for the rotational case. Whereas one would expect a large decrease in the translational entropy on solution of the gaseous species which cor.tributes significantly to the magnitude of the entropy cf solution, the difference between the isotopic species DF and HF would be small. The remaining contribution to the entropy of the gas is rotation. It can be seen that the difference in the rotational entropy is of the same magnitude as the entropy of solution. The important consideration here is not that non-rotation of the solute molecules is unreasonable but whether a rotational entropy contribution of the dissolved state is due to a torsional oscil- lation. Considering only the rotational entropies, the entropy of each solute in the gas phase is given by: . sy so 'n S - SO = 10.0, where sº is the entropy in the hypothetical state and equals zero. Since the entropy of solution is: .. . ASS = sm-89 . . . . . - - . . . . ..... .... 1 - TOT * m -9- where it is the partial molal entropy of the solute, the difference in the entropies of solution of DF and HF is; as op - as = (sme - so - (shee - S.=-0.910.4 = (shop - stes - (sor - 3.d The second term of the last equation is obtained from above : g) - 10.0 - 8.7 = 1.39 therefore, .. . (Sport s = 1.3 - 0.940.4 = 0. This indicates that within the error of one standard deviation there is no difference between the rotational contribution of HF and DF in the melt. Inasmuch as their moments of inertia differ one can conclude that the solute molecules are neither fredly rotating nor undergoing torsional oscillations in the dissolved state. There are two possibilities in which the foregoing con- clusion is possible. Either the molecule is not rotating or it is complexed as the bifluoride ion, FHF. In the second case there would be ro isotope effect associated with the rotational contribution because of the symmetry of the isotopic bifluoride ions. Since the rotational barrier would be of the order of RT, 40 äie: approximately 2 kcal/mole, it might be expected that the formation of the bifluoride ion is the more reasonable alternative. Although it is well known that LiHF, decomposes at room tempera- ture, the corresponding potassium compound has a free energy of formation in supercooled KF of: -1.8 kcal/mole at 600°c. Further, support for the stability of FHF is the maximum in the heat of solution of HF at 0.67 mole fraction Lif. It would be at this composition of the LiF-BeF, melt that there would be available maximum concentration of free fluoride ion without excess of lithium ion, i.e: the Bef, provides a stabilizing effect for the bifluoride formation. Further consideration of this proposal and analysis of the maxima found in the solubility isotherms in terms of the equilibria - - - - A WWW. 11 XN.. IT : - *. . - 8 - of the various components in the solution will be published at a later date. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors would like to thank Prof. D. G. Hill for his valuable discussions during the course of this work. L hoe jim pro blem * programos priemones para matangan terbaru tengan pertama the mengome proprio pero por mimpi iv 1 .! i ' Y. * 9- REFERENCES (la) To be presented in part at the 152nd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New York, Sept. 1966; (lb) ORINS Summer Research Participant, 1965; (1c) Operated for the United States Atomic Energy Commission by the Union Carbide Corporation. (2) J. H. Shaffer, W. R. Grimes and G. li. Watsoin, Le Phys. Chem., 63, 1999 (1959). J. H. Shaefer and G. M. Watson, Reactor Chem. Div, Ann. Prog. Repty, April 29, 1960, ORNL-2584, p. 31. J. H. Shaffer, ibid., p. 32. S. T. Benton, R. L. Farrar, Jr., and R. M. McGill, Prepara- tiori of Anhydrous Deuterium Fluoride by Direct combination of the Elements, K-1585, Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Jan. 29, 1964. (6) S. Cantor, Reactor Chem. Div. Ann._Prog. Rept., March 1966, ORNL-3913, p. 27. Since the solubility is expressed in units of moles solute per mole melt, the units of the solute concentration in th: gas phase must be moles solute/molal volune of melt, i.e. nad V. V. fox thi. melt at 600°c is taken as 16.9 cc/mole.° see for example, G, N. Lewis and M. Randall, "Thermodynamics," 2nd ed., revised by K. S. Pitzer wind L. Brewer, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1961, Chapter 27. (9) .K. K. Kelley and E, G, King, Contributions to the Data on Theoretical Metallurgy. XIV. Entropies of Inorganic Substances, U. U. Bur. Mines Bull. 592, 1961. (10) E. :. Moelwyn-Hughes, "Physical Chemistry," 2nd rev. ed., Pergamon Press Inc., New York, 1961, p. 694. " .. . - 10 - Table 1 Calculated values of K, (10%* moles solute/mole melt-atm) Solute HF DF ....................... - Temperature 500°c 600°c 700°C .r 3.37+0.13 2.16+0.05 1.51+0.06 2.96+0.07 1.83+0.03 . 1.25+0.03 . -. . .-..... ....... ... . .. . .. . ... . .l'any . .... . . . . . . . 172 W ! - 11 - Table 2 Summary of enthalpy and entropy of solution calculations at 600°c HE DF 3010 -11.888 3237 -12.313 AHS (kcal/mole) ASS (cal/deg mole) -5.98+0.19 -20.76+0.22 -6.4340.11 -21.62+0.15 The constants in the equation in K = (m/T) + b were: obtained by least squares; the uncertainties listed are taken as one standard deviation. u - u ot - 12 - Table 3 Calculated entropy contributions :f gases at 600°c HF DF DF = HT Svib Srot . Strans 0.01 8.68 ..40.28 48.97 0.08 9.96 40.42 50.46 0.07 1.28 0.14 1.49 $873 - 3 - - - W - w * correcte - ya - G 4 = . . . r * *. W - LE 5 -- . . " . L' IL . . L - > I 02 . . . . i - , 1 - AND parents . . WY . 44:: 1 1 L . . . il.i.:.:.:.:.::::::: . 1 . . 1 . . . . - KEY: A-HF cylinder in constant temp. bath B-Surge tank w/ filter C-Molten salt saturator D-KOH scrubber E-Molten sal.t receiver F-Salt transfer line w/frozen plug G-Pressure gauges H=Std. KOH solution I-Wet test meter J-Anhydrone/dry ice traps. Cross-hatched areas-Furnaces and heaters Figure 1. FF Solubility Apparatus .. * - - - - 3.- Ti - v- ܐܬܝܐܠܐܬܝ ܐܝܐܺܚܪ Gas solubility (moles HF/mole melt) x 10* JUILLA1:21IZAI ITZIELKIMIZI IIIZYT TAITZITULLI DUIVELYY Experimental DateE+HF, ITIUIIIIO.DE Icurvd LaTTINTI.in Curves: Calculated Tinom In-K-vs, 41424-by-2.eesti sauales TIC SUICIUD OO 3.0 1.0 2.0 Saturation pressure, atm. . . . Figure 2. Solubility of HF and DF in Lif-BeF, 166-34 mole %) : . - . ' - - * Bli -- ---- - ITه 00 x 10* (moles HF/mole melt-atm) || TIT اا K --و800 و.1 . 0.4 0.6 Mole fraction Lif Figure 3. Solubility of HF as a function of melt composition in LiF-BeF,. وا ر م ا م ، IIIIIIIIII VIINIT WIIIIIIIIIHIHI IIIIIIIIIIIIII IlIIIIIIIMIT MINUUT UNIIHIN QUUMINIAI OW Rx 104 (moles HF/mole nelt-atm) : ... - -. - sowob 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 . . odit. W 1/1 x 103. Ox-l .. Figure $. Semilogarithmic plot of Henry's Law constants vs. reciprocal absolute temperature for HF and DF in LiF-BeF, (66-34 mole %). - - - - omiro no. comimos-.'..--. T. 10 •.•. . AN ASS ... M -ANS, kcal/mole 1 PM 2 va . 2 IT: - -- - - - - - - . - .T 2 2 0.5 0.9 0.7 0.8 Mole fraction Lif Figure 7. Depenåence of the heat of solution of HF on melt composition in LiF-BeF,. - ZE- des ABOVE UN . A : E . 1 WRC .. . 114 '2EP . 27 KU - * . ..- - - - - - - - - E. Y TUA - - M Mbuloh 'I . . . . , 18/31 / 166 DATE FILMED END ' 1. 1. 1.' 1