- - 14_i re * T .: LL ES -- - 22 4 3 C . } .} - an .. - . A . . . :: 엘엘엘의 ​의 ​| OF I- ORNL P 2194 7 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 i . ii.. II . : - - . 12 . *** " T o p pen, was voor 2015, par une grey want Onyv Humor 2194 CEST DOCES JUN 27956 CONF-660529-2 H.C. $ 7.00: MN_50 66-64 Votr: This is a draft of a paper which will be presented at i con:rence on The Calculation of the Properties of Vacancies and Intercitiais, May 1-5, 1966, Proceedings of the conference will be published. Contents of this draft should not be quoted or referred to without permission of the authors. MASTER A Calculation of Force-Constant Changes for the U Center R. F. Wood and R. L. Gilbert LEGAL NOTICE RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, por the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, exprossed or impllod, with respoct to the accu- racy, completanoSI, nr wefulness of the information contained in talo roport, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not Infringe printoly owned tghts; or B. Asrmos any labutos with zospect to the use of, or for damage resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this reports As used in the abovo, "person acting on beball of the Commission" includes way om- ployoo or contractor of the Commission, or employer of such contractor, to the axtent that IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACIN dienominator, or provides acconto, way Information purnuant to his employmeat or contruct with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. Solid State Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory operated by Union Carbide Corporation for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Oak Ridge, Tennessee w April 1966 . A Calculation of Force-Constant Changes for the U Center R. F. WOOD and R. L. GILBERT Solid State Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee . It was established some time ago that a hydride ion can replace a . halide ion in alkali halide crystals. This defect, now known as the U center, is responsible for a characteristic absorption in the ultraviolet which has been intensively and extensively investigated. Through this work many of the properties of crystals containing U centers have become understood. More recently, attention has shifted to theoretical and ex- perimental research on the infrared absorption of the defect, Shaefer's" original experimental work on the subject coincides with an increasing interest in the effects of a defect atom on the vibrational properties of the host crystals, particularly in localized and quasi-localized modes. The li center is an interesting example of the former case, in which a light impurity atom produces a localized mode well above the limit of the band of transverse optical vibrational frequencies (2.67 x 1013 sec-in kci) of the perfect crystal. The problem of the localized mode connected with the U center and of its interaction with the "in band" modes has been dis- cussed by many people. It was claimed earlier that one could understand the experimental results simply by considering the mass difference between F . the Hº ion and the negative ion it replaced. It is now generally recog- nized that it is also necessary to take into account the changes in force 2 Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with Union Carbide Corporation. Summer participant from Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois. n tirp constants which must surely occur. In a recent paper, Fieschi et al.' go EREX ---- - T into this question rather thoroughly. Last summer we carried out extensive calculations on the electronic structure of the L center, and recently these have been taken up again. Our original aim was simply to see how well methods which had been employed --- . for similar calculations on the F center could give the absorption energy of the U center. Since lattice distortions around the defect are allowed in our model, it occurred to us that we could actually calculate the poten- . . - P : - tial energy curve for both the nearest neighbor relaxation and the movement in a <100> direction of the H ion. We were thus in a position to calculati. the force constant of the Hº ion from a fairly rigorous quantum niechanicai iuc:nulation. It is the purpose of this paper to sketch the calculütions of both the optical and infrared properties of U centers in kci, Kir, alü KI. Unfortunately, the calculations are not yet finished, and this pape: must really be considered as in the nature of a preliminary report. We follow here very closely the work in reference 4. The wave func- tion of a crystal containing a single U center is written as Y(1,2,...n) = AX,(1,2)4c(3,4,...n) (1) in which \,(1,2) and c(3,4,...n) are appropriately antisymmetrized group functions describing the H™ ion embedded in the crystal and the rest of the crystal respectively. A is tien an antisyminetrizing operator which inter- changes the electrons among the two groups i and C and appropriately nor- malizes the resulting function. So-called "strong orthogonality" is assumed, e.g., that Swy (1,2)*c (3...k-1,1,k+1,...n)dt, = 0, anů vy, and we are considered to be separatcły normalized. The Hamiltonian for the problem can be written as H = Hy + Her + Hint , where . -- . . 4,(1,2) - - { vi - * * - Want (1,2,3...) L . - S P : - * E S P ', 15) 21. Hor(3...n) = | ſ Hoi vij 15w, Pul ifw, i-Ev, jí The expecta- r , is the coordinate of the į electron on the voth ion, etc. tion value of H with respect to V, 4c is (VallclH VUVC) = (Vyl Hul Wy) + (*c Herluc) + (vulc Hintl Molle). (7) Antisymmetrization merely introduces exchange between the groups U and C. We treat the first and third terms quantum mechanically and the second teru by classical ionic crystal theory. The form of y, (1,2) is taken as Vy (1,2) = N, [V,(194(2) + V(2)(1)] , where Vo - No loa - I calv.1),j] زوا and and An exactly similar form is taken for Yp. This type of function, first used for the helium atom, allows for some in-out correlation as well as giving . ... - .- . a fairiy adequate approximation to the Hartree-Fock doubly occupied orbi- tal. · From Eqs. (1)-(8) an expression for the energy can be derived which we shall write, for purposes of discussion, as . - - . .- - - - - - -- Ein = Tu + Emad, u * Emad, u + Epent + Eex + Eov + Ecr. (11) The first three terns are respectively the kinetic energy, the Madelung energy, and a correction to the Madelung energy due to the fact that some of the charge density may be outside the various rings of neighboring ions; together these three terms give the point ion approximation as discussed by Gourary.' Eat is the coulomb energy due to the penetration of the defect NL .. electrons into the cores of the neighboring ions, Eey is the exchange energy with these core electrons, and Ey is the energy introduced by the overlap terms (alv,j) in Fq. (9). Er is the energy of the rest of the crystal. All of the terms in Eq. (11), except Ty, depend directiy on the positions of the neighboring ions and on the displacement of the H ion. Ali of the icr ils except Ecr depend on the variation parameters a and b appearing iný, and Pig The calculation consists in first minimizing En as a function of the varia- tion parameters and the positions of the inn ions in a fi displacement. Thus, we get the distortion of the crystal in the vicinity of the defect. Holding the ions in their new positions, we then displace the # ion in a <100> direction in order to map out Er as a function of this displacement. According to the Born-Oppenheimer theorem, we can obtain in this way thc ef- fective potential energy curve for the motion of the hº ion. Some of the results of our calculations thus far are given in Tables I and II. The optical transition energies in Table I have been obtained by . ... www.mode de vie WAN using very simple approximations to the Hartree-Fock 3s and 3p k* core orbitals constructed according to the Slater prescription. They are $35 = Ng9x28*2.5837 and 43p = Ngpa?-2.583? cos o where Ngs and Nzp are normalizing factors. Calculations employing accurate Hartree-Fock orbitals for all core electrons give a ground state energy level somewhat higher but, since the excited state energy level should be raised by about the same amount, we do not expect the transition energies to change greatly when the more accurate calculation is completed. Follow- ing Gourary's earlier point ion calculations, we have lowered the ground state energy by 0.389 ev to include the remaining correlation energy un- accounted for by the form of Eq. (8). It is assumed that the correlation energy is negligible in the excited state. The results of the force constant calculations given in Table II show, as expected, that the point ion approximation is totally inadequate to ac- count for the observed local mode frequency. It is somewhat surprising that the results using the Slater approximation to the 3s and 3p Hartree-rock orbitals should be as close as they are to the experimental values. The in- . clusion of the il polarization discussed below would make this agreement even better, but we are forced to assume that it is fortuitous. The results using accurate Hartree-Fock orbitals for all core electrons appear to be . very inaccurate, but this calculation is not yet finished. We have still to add the corrections due to orthogonalization to the core electrons in the calculation of the expectation value of 1./12., and we have not reminimized the energy for each displacement of the Hº ion. The first of these steps should decrease K significantly; the second will probably have only a small . 1 ., -6 effect. In all of the calculations of K reported in Table II, the poten- tial curves are very nearly harinonic. We now wish to include in the calculations the possibility that the Hº ion can be polarized during its vibrations. By far the easiest way of doing this, within the framework of our model, is to assume that the entire electronic shell of the H ion can be displaced relative to the proton. We can then calculate the effective force constant between the shell and the proton. In practice, we displace the hº ion a given distance assuming no polarization, hold the proton at that position and allow the electronic shell to displace until equilibrium is established. Thus, we can calculate an ef- fective potential curve with and without polarization. . S Somewhat to our surprise, the polarization of H calculated in this way was negligible. The reason for this soon became apparent. The two functions da and dy involved in (1,2) have exponential parameters a and b whose magnitudes are about 1 and 0.5 respectively. ¢ is very nearly a free hydrogen ls function, wh: le « gives a fairly adequate representation of the F center ground state; compared to be a is rather compact. llence, when the Hº ion is polarized, we expect most of the distortion from spherical sym metry to be attributable to the Ph function. In our model this means that Pb is shifted relative to the proton much more than is da: In fac., it appears to be a good approximation to assume that is not displaced at all.' Even this method of calculating the polarization may not be adequate. A very simple calculation on the free hydrogen atom by the method of rigid shell displacement gives a polarizability too small by a factor of six. Our own calculations give a polarizability of Hº somewhat larger (less than a factor of 2) than the value of 1.9 ÅS estimated by Calder et al.' The calculations ** -7- -..--* .- .. - ... indicate that the effect of the HⓇ polarization will be to lower the force constants by 10 to 20 percent. Finally, we would like to mention two problems which have arisen in this calculation. First, there is the one of accuracy. The change in the energy of the H™ ion as it is displaced slightly from equilibrium (say 2 percent of the nearest neighbor distance) is of the order of 10" eV. One must calculate all quantities involved to very high accuracy. The second problem really stems from the first. In calculations of this type, accuracy is very expensive in terms of computer time. This problem has been somewhat alleviated for us recently by the installation of an IBM 360-75 at Oak Ridge, and we hope to have these calculations completed scmctime in the near future. We are hopeful of eventually obtaining the force constants to within 5 to 10 percent of the experimental values, but this may depend on the importance of the polarization of the k* ions. . 1 1 V S Table I. Optical absorption energies (in eV). The calculated values were obtained with Slater orbitals on the k* ions. Crystal Calculated Experiment Percent Error KCI 5.86 5.79 1.2 KBT 5.68 5.44 5.32 5.08 Table II. Force constants, K, in various approximations. Column 1 shows the equilibrium displacement of the inn ions in the three crys- tals in % of Inn distance of the perfect crystal. The second column contains the results for the force constants in the point ion approximation, the third the results with the Slater approxi- mation to the 3s and 3p K* llartree-Fock functions, the fourth the results with accurate Hartree-Fock orbitals for all core func- tions, and the fifth the experimental values. 10-K (in dynes/cm) Slater Hartree-Fock Cubic Distortion Crystal Point Ion Experimental КСІ 2.78 19.80 26.10 14.43 KBT 2.5 2.31 14.95 18.63 11.44 KI 3.0 1.83 10.10 11.57 8.94 -10- References 1. For background information on the U center, see J.H. Schulman and W. Dale Compton, Color Centers in Solids (Pergamon Press, Inc., New York, 1962). 2. G. Shaefer, Phys. Chem. Solids 12, 233 (1960). 3. From a rather lengthy list we mention only the recent work or R. Ficschi, G.P. Nardelli, and N. Terzi, Phys. Rev. 138, A203 (1965), whici seems to be the most closely connected with our work. 4. 8. F. Wood and H. W. Joy, Phys. Rev. 136, A451 (1964). 5. B. S. Gourary, Phys. Rev. 112, 337 (1958). 6. We wish to thank 1. Öpik for pointing this out to us. 7. R. S. Calder, W. Cochran, D. Griffiths, and R. D. Lowde, Phys. Chem. Solids 23, 621 (1962). -- FR . . . ci 1 : . :. - 52 Wh WA W IN WENT ON p MENU WC Www . WI. . Na UI. ** * " My * . * " YAN.SK byl 'N' .' ' YIM ** ..... t. . O . -4 . * * END . A 112 . P 74 . .. E - M * ** S 22 '. '.'.'. .. DATE FILMED 17 / 28 / 66 E . p . .. 1.1. RO > -