3 ** . . . I OF | ORNL P 2175 . - - - "50 the $ 6 1940 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 ORNnP.HH 2775 Conf-660412-2 Symposium on: Accidental Irradiation at Place of Work Nice, France, April 26-29, 1966 mento JUN 27 the ESTI PRECES MASILK H.C. $ 4.00; MN 30 LEGAL NOTICE The report mo prepared us an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United Sales, Jor the Commission, sor my person acting on behalf of ibe Commission: A. Makos way wurrunty or represonuation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or wohiness of the information contained in talo report, or that the wen of may information, appuratus, method, or process dixcloved in the report may not Intring. printsly owned rights; or B. Assumes may llabilluns with respect to the une of, or for damagos resulting from the un of any informuation, apparatus, method, or proces dixcloud la tels roport. As uand la tbe abovo, "person acttag on bohell of the Commission" 100ludas way on- ploys or contractor of the Commission, or omploys of such contractor, to the extent that such employee ur contractor of the Commission, or employm of suco coatractor prepare?. dorminator, or provides acCOBI LO, Lay information pursuant to no employment or coatrict with the Commission, or his employment with such contractors RELEASED FOR ATROVICRIT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS . Cytogenetic Methods: Somatic Chromosome Aberrations in Occupationally Irradiated Humans M. A Bender and P. C. Gooch .. Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. CA Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. Running head: Chromosome aberrations Send proof to: M. A Bender Biology Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory P. 0. Box Y Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 U.SA. . : - Chromosomal aberrations have been known to be induced by ionizing radiations for more than thirty years. Actually, they now constitute one of the most thoroughly studied phenomena in radiobiology, as may be seen from reviews such as the recent one of Evans (1962). Because breaks and rearrangements of chromosomes are actual changes in the cell's genetic mechanism, they seem a particularly suitable measure of radiation damage. Furthermore, chromosomal aberration frequencies can be determined quantitatively, and their dose-effect relationships are reasonably well known. They thus offer the possibility of estimating an unknown dose from the yield. We have, in fact, already used aberration yields for biological dosimetry. It is only recently that induced chromosomal aberrations have been studied in humans. The reason is that previously no techniques were available which yielded adequate human chromosome preparations. In fact, the human diploid chromosome number of 46 was finally determined just ten years ago by Tjio and Levan (1956); study of radiation-induced aberrations in human chromosomes came the next year (Bender, 1957). Aberrations may be induced in either somatic or . germinal cells, but unfortunately very little work has yet been done on human meiotic cells. In any case, the effects of most interest from the point of view of the accidentally exposed individual, and of the physician treating him, are the somatic effects. While it is feasible to study somatic chromosome aberrations in a number of different tissues, only the peripheral leukocytes and their precursors have received substantial attention. A method for inducing mitosis in short-term cultures of leukocytes from peripheral blood samples, described by - -.. - . . - . - - . .-. . . . . . - . - . --. . Moorhead et al. (1960), offers many advantages over other techniques. Peripheral blood samples are relatively easily obtained, even when repeated sampling is necessary. Furthermore, all of the pe 'ipheral leukocytes which later divide in culture are in the pre-DNA-synthetic stage of the cell cycle while in the circulation, and the aberrations induced in them are chromosome types, rather than chromatid types. Thus the problem of differential stage sensitivity is avoided. The only other suitable tissue is the bone marrow, which offers neither advantage, and has consequently been used to study chromosomal aberrations on only one occasion. It was only to be expected that chromosomal aberrations would be found in somatic cells of irradiated people once they were looked for. Fleidner et al. (1959) observed anaphase bridges and fragments in bone marrow samples from men irradiated in the Y-12 criticality accident in 1958. We observed aberrations at metaphase in leukocyte preparations from peripheral blood samples obtained from the same men several years later (Bender and Gooch, 1962a; 1963). Neither observation was of particular value, however, in providing a quantitative measure of radiation damage. Since then, chromosome aberration analyses have been made on many persons receiving various types of occupational radiation exposure. Before these observations are discussed, though, we will first consider what our large previous experience with other species would predict for the Leukocyte system in exposed humans. > - - - . . . - - * - -: --* - - - * * THEORETICAL EXPECTATIONS Aberration tyres. As mentioned, chromosome type aberrations are expected M : from irradiation of peripheral leukocytes. All aberrations involve a break in the continuity of the chromosome. Induced breaks are (with radiations of low LET) distributed at random among cells. Any break may close again (in which case nothing is observed at the following metaphase). If it does not close, it may either simply remain open, or the broken ends may recombine with other broken chromosome ends. The simple open break is called a deletion. It results in a shortened chromosome plus & separate piece without any centromere (an acentric fragment). There are many types of aberrations involving recombination of broken ends. Because those involving three or more breaks are rare and because all multiple-break aberrations fall into a few general classes, only the two-break aberrations will be discussed here. Two chromosome breaks may be in either the same or different chromosomes. If the latter, two types of recombination, symmetrical and asymmetrical, are possible. Symmetrical exchange results in transposition of the acentric fragments, i.e., a translocation. An asymmetrical exchange joins the two centric chromosome portions, resulting in a dicentric chromosome plus one or two acentric fragments. If the breaks are in the same chromosome analogous aberrations result. The symmetrical form is an inversion. The asymmetrical recombination produces a ring chromosome plus an acentric fragment. Detection of the symmetrical recombination aberrations ia uncertain and subjective, and it is common therefore to use only the asymmetrical types as a quantitative measure of radiation damage. Thus for practical purposes only three aberration types are scored: deletions, dicentrics, and rings.. Spontaneous aberration rate. -- . .. - - - A few chromosome breaks occur spontaneously, without any increase in exposure above background levels. The spontaneous frequency of chromosome deletions (plus a chromatid deletion type which is indistinguishable from it) observed in our laboratory (s only about 0.005 per cell. The actual frequency of deletions in vivo may be substantially lower. Spontaneous multiple-break aberrations are, as might be expected, very much rarer. As a consequence of these low background levels, the level at which radiation effect can be detected is quite low. It should be mentioned here that factors other than radiation exposure can induce chromosomal aberrations. Virus infections produce mainly (perhaps entirely) chromatid type aberrations and thus cannot significantly confuse measurement of radiation effect. Various chemical agents used in therapy, however, do cause chromosome type aberrations. In interpreting, the results of chromosome aberration analyses It is therefore necessary to have information on any prior chemotherapy, as well as prior radiation exposure. inain wassentamente inte si ... tim chi hatalanes.w Dose-effect kinetics. it r . Chromosome breaks increase as a linear function of radiatiou dose. Thus deletions show linear dose-effect kinetics of the form .i hort i nist riuul. t a tenth inte Y = a + bD . iii.. where Y is the yield, & the spontaneous frequency, D the dose and b the coefficient of deletion production. With low Le radiation the breaks involved in multiple-break aberrations are independent events. Thus ring and dicentric 34 in chromosomes, for example, are expected to increase as the square of the dose. For practical purposes this may be expressed where c is the coefficient of ring and dicentric production. (aberrations involving more than two breaks are, of course, expected to display higher order kinetics). High LET radiations. Radiations of high LET, such as alpha particles or fission neutrons, produce multiple-break aberrations with first order kinetics. This is because more than me break is likely to be produced in any cell that is "hit," and the breaks involved are thus no longer independent. Dose rate What has been said so far has been based on acute radiation exposures. Protraction or fractionation of the exposure is expected to influence aberration yields. If enough time elapses between the induction of various breaks in a cell, the first break may have become vnavailable for recombination by the time the second occurs. Thus as the duration of the exposure (or the time between dose fractions) increases, the yield per rad will decrease, and the dose-effect kinetics will approach linearity. The "half life" of breaks is of the order of a few hours. Cell division. Cell division changes observed aberration yield through elimination or alteration of aberrations. Acentric chromosome fragments, by means of which most deletions are detected, are generally lost at mitosis because they fail to move to the poles of the spindle. The centromeres of dicentric chromosomes sometimes segregate in such a way as to cause the production of an anaphase bridge. Bridge formation apparently leads to cell death and loss of the averration. On the other hand, if a cell containing a dicentric or a ring divides successfully a number of times a clone of cells with the same aberration (but lacking the acentric fragments) may become established. A cell division, whether in vivo or in vitro, will lead to a decrease in apparent aberration yield. Obviously, then, leukocyte cultures must be harvested before any second in vitro divisions occur. Although the peripheral leukocytes which are made to divide in culture do not normally divide while in the peripheral circulation, they must ultimately be replaced either directly or indirectly by cell division. One might expect this replacement to be gradual, and expect to find a decrease in the apperent frequency of deletions and an increase in the proportion of multiple-break aberrations without fragments with increasing time between irradiation and sampling. Partial-body exposure 22 The leukocyte system is unique in that a partial-body or seriously inhomogeneous exposure would be integrated over the entira body by the rapid circulation and mixing of the cells in the peripheral blood. For aberrations with one-hit dose-effect kinetics such as deletions, or as rings and dicentrics induced by f1ssion spectrum neutrons, the effect of irradiating 10% of the body with 1,000 rad is expected to be the same as that of irradiation of the whole body with 100 rad. For aberrations induced with second order kinetics, however, this is not true; ten times the yield would be expected in the case where only 10% of the body was exposed. Thus for acute, low LET irradiation the ratio of two-hit to one-hit yields becomes larger with increasing inhomogeneity of dose over the body. Biological dosimetry. . Obviously, if it is possible to describe the yield of chromosome aberrations per unit dose with reasonable accuracy, then it is also possible to calculate the dose from the observed aberration yield. All that is required is an accurately-known coefficient of aberration production. It would be a mistake, however, to expect too much from such dosimetry. Accurate dosimetry should indeed be possible by measuring aberration yield immediately after & person received an acute, homogeneous, whole-body exposure to radiation of known quality. Unfortunately, actual occupational exposures rarely, if ever, meet these criteria. Furthermore, determination of the coefficients of aberration production (the calibration of the dosimeter) presents some problems. On the other hand, there is usually some information available about the nature of the exposure and in many cases the very complexity of the system should allow useful conclusions to be drawn from aberration analyses. For example, if it were known that an acute, homogeneous, whole-body exposure had occurred, the quality of the radiation might be deduced from the ratio of one- to two-break aberrations. Similarly, in a case where the quality of the radiation was known, the one- to two-break aberration ratio might be used as a • : -- 10 measure of inhomogeneity of exposure over the body. RESUITS FROM OCCUPATIONALLY-EX.POSED PEOPLE mie ***** tir i **ini The first cytogenetic studies of occupationally-exposed people were those mentioned previously of eight men involved in the Y-12 criticality accident (Fleidner, et al., 1959; Bender and Gooch, 1962a, 1963). More recently, we have had the opportunity to thoroughly study three men involved in a plutonium criticality accident (Gooch, et al., 1964; Bender, 1964; Bender and Gooch, 1966). Sasaki et al. (1963) found increased aberration frequencies in "distinguished radiologists" and in "radiation workers." Doida et al. (1965) described aberrations in two "radiation workers" who had received single moderate doses of X or gamma rays in accidents nine rnths and one year before sampling, but failed to detect increased aberration frequencies in others receiving "negligible" occupational exposures over & ten year period. Increased aberration frequencies have been detected in persons formerly employed in a thorium separation plant (Dr. J. C. Cabral de Almeida, personal communication) and also in former radium dial painters with high radium body burdens (Dr. H. Lisco, personal comarunication). In addition, we have results from cytogenetic studies of a number of other accidentally exposed persons (Bender and Gooch, unpublished). Included are four persons who received doses in a gamma ray accident estimated to range from 10 to 100 rad, and two men who received low doses in connection with a uranium criticality accident, as well as a number of persons who received (or were thought to have received) moderate partial body exposures to X or gamma rays. While our experience with occupational y-exposed people 18 still very limited, the results of all of these Die utilitatii interidrive to . studies are completely consistent with the predictions from work with non-human material. All of the expected aberrati.on types are found in cells from irradiated people. Immediately after an acute radiation exposure acentric fragments are present, but after a few weeks cells without the expected scentric fragments begin to appear in appreciable numbers. At the same time the aberration frequency also declines, particularly the deletions. Even after many years, however, an occasional call with acentric fragments is still found, suggesting that a few cells may persist for years before division. All of the expected aberration types, even dicentrics, persist for long periods, and have been observed in peripheral leukocytes many years after irradiation. Presumptive clones of cells with apparently identical aberrations have been observed. It appears that, many of the aberrations, at least, confer no selective disadvantage on the cells containing them. We feel that the studies made to date have already clearly demonstrated the utility of aberration analyses in at least some classes of occupational radiation exposure. In several cases of possible large overexposures, cytogenetic analysis has enabled us to conclude positively that an exposure of the magnitude suggested had not in fact occurred. In another case a large disparity between the yields of one- and two-break aberrations after an accidental X ray exposure made us suspect that some part of the body had received a much larger dose than indicated by the worker's film badge. Further questioning and reconstruction of the accident showed that his lower body must have been in the beam for some time while the film badge, worn higher, had not. Similarly, a high two-break aberratio yield in the leukocytes of two men who had "cleaned up" after a criticality accident led us * - to suspect that a low-level neutron pulse had occurred after the original criticality, though the early evidence did not suggest this possibility. Additional physical data confirming the men's neutron exposure was later obtained. Probably the most valuable application of cytogenetics to occupational radiation exposure will ultimately be biological dosimetry (Bender and Gooch, 1962b; Kelly and Brown, 1965; Sugahara, et al., 1965). To this end, we have experimentally determined the required coefficients of aberration production by irradiating fresh whole human blood samples (Bender and Gooch, 1962b; Gooch, et al., 1964; and unpublished data). We have used the coefficients for X and gamma rays and for f1ssion spectrum neutrons to estimate doses in a number os the accidental exposures we have studied. Although the observed prompt aberration yields in all the cases were low, and sampl.ing errors consequently high, the doses estimated agreed fairly well with what physical estimates were available. While the argument is admittedly somewhat circular, this agreement has given us confidence ti at the coefficients derived from in vitro irradiations may be applied to the case of irradiation in vivo as well. It is obvious that a good deal more experience will be required before we can completely evaluate the potential of chromosome analysis as a tool for detecting and measuring occupational radiation exposures. Chromosome aberration monitoring will certainly never replace physical dosimeters for routine personnel monitoring. It is already clear, however, that chromosome analyses can provide valuable information, both qualitative and quantitative, in certain cases. Am m instagra i doni...?. 29 ..-=-.. - V2 ..... . ' . pomeno come ---- ... - ... --...- References ..- E .- -- ..--.-. Bender, M. A, X ray Induced chromosome aberrations in normal diploid human tissue cultures. Science 126, pp. 974-975 (1957). Render, M. A, Chromosome aberrations in irradiated human subjects. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 214, pp. 249-251 (1964). Bender, M. A, and P. C. Gooch, Persistent chromosome aberrations in Irradiated human subjects. Radiation Res. 16, pp. 44-56 (1962a). Bender, M. A, and P. C. Gooch, Types and rates of X ray induced chromosome aberrations in human blood irradiated in vitro. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 48, pp. 522-532 (1962b). Bender, M. A, and P. C. Gooch, Persistent chromosome aberrations in irradiated human subjects II. Three aná one-half year Investigation. Radiation Res. 18, pp. 389-396 (1963). Bender, M. A, and P. C. Gooch, Somatic chromosome aberrations Induced by human whole-body irradiations I. The "Recuplex" criticality accident. Radiation Res. In press (1966). Doida, Y., T. Sugahara, and M. Horikawa, Studies on some radiation- induced chromosome aberrations in man. Radiation Res. 26, pp. 69-83 (1965). · Evans, H. J., Chromosome aberrations induced by ionizing radiation. Intern. Rev. Cytol. 12, pp. 221-321 (1962). Fleidner, T. M., E. P. Cronkite, V. P. Bond, J. R. Rubini, and G. Andrews, The mitotic index of human bone marrow in healthy individuals and irradiated human beings. Acta haemat. 22(2), pp. 66-78 (1959). Gooch, P. C., M. A Bender, and M. L. Randoluh, Chromosome aberrations induced in human somatic cells by neutrons. Biological Effects of Neutron and Proton Irradiation I, pp. .325-342, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1964. Kelly, S., and C. D. Brown, Chromosome aberrations as a biological dosimeter. Am. J. Public ilealth 5519), pp. 1419-1429 (1965). - - -- - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - • . 4 3 . . . . . - ** * . Moorhead, P.Si., P. C. Nowell, W. K. Mellman, D. M. Battips, and D. A. Hungerford, Chromosome preparations of leukocytes cultured from human peripheral blood. Exptl. Cell Res. 20, pp. 613-616 (1960). Sasaki, M., R. E. Ottoman, and A. Norman, Radiation-induced : chromosome aberrations in man. Radiology.87, pp. 652-656 (1963). Sugahara, T., Y. Doida, Y. Veno, and T. Hashimoto, Biological dose estimation by means of radiation-induced chromosome aberrations in human blood. Nippon Acta Radiol. 25, pp. 816-823 (1965). Tiia, J. A., and A. Levan, The chromosome number of man. Hereditas 42, pp. 1-6 (1956). **. * : - -- -.. - - - .- --- --- -- .- - - . 11. 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