1 - ... I OFI - » ORNL P. 2162 - TETES 10 |:25 LA ILLE MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL QUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 Ci, in .. . DR.Nh-P-57 Cont-660511-7 - a16v H.C. $ 2.00: Mn.50 CANI - AFC - OFFICIAL JUN 27 1956 Påper zor presentation at Joint AFP/GE-Snsored International Symposium 01. "Developments in Irradiation Capsule Technology," Pleasanton, California, : .8, 1966. IN-RECTOR MECHANICAL PROPERTIES EXPERIMENTS J. . Moous* vetüls üna Ceramics Division 02k Ridge Tcional Laboratory 03: Ric, . Tennessee RELEASED FOR ANNÚUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS ÖSTRACT Tric design and desiat odtieriuls and techniques used in conducting mechanical properti.?.; nxperimento in the irradiation facili- ties oi tre Oak' Rico Revierul Vicüctor are discussed and illustrated. Detailcu descriptions om mirisation and opcration of instruia entcü cüpsules wcd for si119: -1 , ime! :line, creen testing, and postirradiction studio are yai...... i isi väsimüerials tested include stainless steels, cerylli.., incan:.: Castelloy N, and crapnite. Temperatures oi the üest. acriü corer a wide range: ötress-rupture testing from 300 to 300°C, creep testing from 300 to 650°C, and postirradiation stulics from 250 to 200°C. Auxiliary equipment such as teaters, loading systems, access tubes, junction boxes, and instrumentation is üiscussea. LEGAL NOTICE TWs report no prepared a la accols of Government spousor werk. Neither the United Bates, nor the Commission, for my person acting on behalf of the couuninston: A. Makes may warranty or represcatadion, express or implied, with respect to the accy- racy, completricos, or uefubeur of the talormation coutuned to the report, or that the wine of my luformation, apparatus, ambod, or procus disclosed to the raport may not intres printly owned righta; or B. Annan ray baduties with respect to the we of, or for dens room tar from the un of any information, appunto, awthod, or procedimiouod ta do report. As wund in the abovu, "per a acting ou baball at the Coun ter" buchaute ry n. plogue or contractor of the Commissiou, or employee of me contractor, to the extent that much employs or contractor of the Commission, or duplogue of much contractor preparne, dosentanto, or provides acces to, ang tulormation per lo we wployment or contract with the comminator, or No employ with much contractor. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with Union Carbide Corporation 01..'Di Ni Arnold illi i ! :) porn 31. ORNI - AIC - Off - -- - INTRODUCTION In the selection of structural materials for the construction of nuclear reactors or 'component parts, the effects of irradiation on the mechanical properties are of prime importance. The only way to determine these effects ia to conduct tests in radiation fields similar to those in which the material will be used. This paper describes the techniques developed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory for conducting mechanical property tests in the experimental facilities of the Oak Ridge Research Reactor. -. - . 5 :2 .... EXPERIMENTAL FACILITIES RIG! DESIRI 4. 1 x * - - . . . . Jo. . . . . . . . . ... Figura 1 is a view of the ORR showing the experimental facili- MARO ties, access tubes, and function boxes. The usual experiments conducted": in & pool-type reactor must be placed in a container that is sealed to prevent inleakage of water. Figure 2 shows an experiment ready to be installed in a pool- side facility.... Aluminum tubing attached to the cortainer and extending above the core of the reactor provides access to the container for heater leads, thermocouples, and other sensing devices. To this tube a 14-ft length of 1 1/4-in.-diam polyethylene plastic pipe is attched with clamps and, in turn, 18 .connected to an 18-in. length of aluminum tubing that terminates with a flange. The experiment container is fabricated by welding plates of type 6061 aluminum to form a box or can 2 7/8 in. wide x 24 in. high x 12 in. deep. Top and bottom plates are 3/4 in. thick, side plates are 1/4 in. thick, and the front and back plates are 1/2 in. thick. Control Instruments for the experiments are located in & room approximately 70 ft from the top of the pool. As leads of 100 ft would ? be impractical to handle, a junction box 18 placed on the poolside above the water level. The cylindrical-shaped box 18 divided into two compart- ..ments. Permanently installed electrical-, thermocouple-, and gas-leads from the control instrriments terminate in the lower part of the function I box. Communication to the upper compartment 16, provided by amphenol . le n. 26 . ::.* .in - - 7 2 . .. M . Yr - ...... ORNI – AEC - OFFICIAL - - CLASSIFICATION III. AIPLIIAile : ORNI - AC - OSFICIAL *11:11:1', 'no' •141!)! Vyi di: ... ....... . .... . 11... in - - CI. ASSIFICATION - ... Fegure / Photo 65785 soni 4!!.. - . .NO I Y FINI; . Fig. 1. Oak Ridge Research Reactor and Experimental Facilities. Original reduced 17.59. A. : . SFICIAL .. .INIO δάκι - Λες - οειεικι ORNI - ABC - OFFICIAL OINE - ACC - OINICIAL ORSICIAL OINI - NLC 7 . . Photo 65 ات پر 1 ا 1" I'. 2. ' ' ' . * ب ا را . بنا - ۲۰ ال د - - . . ہے . - - . . . r : : و .. ... | 111 | . 37" - 1 . . : : + . // . - ا ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL - - - - - - - - -- --- --- - ORNI - AIC - OIFICIAL -AIC - OSFICIAL NIO ::īASIN - . .......::::. . ... i ... ...931131.631 1. .. ... Zesure 2 I..5. PA..5") . ciles ! 10.1's Iti . . . . . . . RIF APPLIANIE CLASSIFICATION. - - 83292 porn i ; Fig. 2. Poolside Experiment Ready for Insertion in ORR. Origiial reduced 12.5%. . . .. ... MUND TYPING .. .. .. ..... iMAXIMUL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL -DE SIRET MANGI! RIGHT IV-INIO TVIJIJIO- Plus * - - - : . - ciis . - . - - - - ... im...' S , . dos me .. ... . . 2 .- . . . .. .. - - - - S Photo 83292 . . *** 12 . * : -. + . TO . . t i 1 . . . . Restoranidif" 31533 ORNL - ALC - OFFICIAL - - .. . . - . i . - - - : . -- . - - . :-_ - -. . * . € . * - . - 2 . 3 : . 1.. i - win :. *2. . . . . ... - - .... ... - : " W ORNL - AEC - Oinicial din !). MOTTO. Charlie" : connectors and pipe fittings attached to the dividing plate. Figure 3 i shows the upper half of & junction box. Leade from the experiment enter the junction box through a round hole in the top and are plugged to the appropriate connector in the dividing plate. The flange on the end of the plastic tube scals the hole. ... .. ! . . *** . ? MARGIN--- RIGI MARG DESIRE ..MAXIN --/.\..-;::. .. S :'( !!! . Simpo ai tie hote 65759 I ... ... .NO ............ 3 1. Fig. 3. Oak Ridge Research Reactor Poolside Junction Box. Original reduced 38.54. ** EXPERIMENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION :INING 1.190. Because of the complexity of in-reactor testing, the tube-burst test was selected as the most convenient test from which to obtain stress- 1 rupture data. Following experimento, of this type, a more sophisticated ? creep test was designed and will be discussed later... - ! ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL 14 END TYFING CLASSIFICATION Ir APMI ICAOLE1. N . سلامتعععم . . . - .. • د . ا 1. ن حلقة 2 " . == 1 : .به . T ۳ ا = ا از ) و * . امی .... . : : '. . . . ! - عد • و - . ا دعا - - مني ان نند. من و اگر و . * ! ! || ملا = | | | | } : 6S9g9 °°4d. ORN- A ce : ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL والد -14 17.7 . . :1)ri:)!. IVI21110. Figure 4 18 a schematic drawing of a tube-burst specimen. These specimens are fabricated by just cutting to length seamless tubing of the desired uiameter and wall thickness or by honing the inside sur- face or grinding the outside surface of tubing to produce the desired dimensions. The specimens are sealed with slip-fit end plugs welded with an edge fusion weld. A pressurizing line of 1/16-in. 09 stainless steel tubing is connected to the specimen as shown in the drawing.. -- SFI M113,1A! HOW: ; -, ! HiListadosti. .. .. . .. mis ... 'i ini? Jend. Own • - - ....64-11115 - . ....4;117, 13 ALICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL_ 718. 4 Scheratic Drawing of a Tube-Burst Specimen. END TYPING . CLASSIFICATION ... UNCLASSIFIED ORNL DWG. 64-11175 N. . C - 1/16-in. PRESSURIZING TUBE : ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL BRAZE.. ORNL -ALC - OFFICIAL t WELD 1/8-in. TUBE . 1 in EDGE FUSION WELD 1. --. -... WELD --- ... . ..... 1 .. RIGT MARG - I- DESIRE Alax SPECIMEN :: 2 ::. ... 1.2.5 in.. . . ..... o. 1 . .... . END PLUG .... . s. 1 . 1 ........ a m ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNLERC - OFFICIAL .. STY: MY DRAM!::: O! AS!!! !!!ksi :;ININ - + 745 . 1 G4 irgin 14.1.13! Milon NICT0FFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL sco 81, Regardless 01 the type of test one 18 conducting in reactors of high-pover density, such as the ORR, gamma-ray beating 15 an important factor. Nuclear heating way be so great that cooling, of the specimens vull be required to maintain the test temperature. However, if the test temperature 10 above that temperature produced by gamma heat, www.illary heating will be required. A maximum of 1 w/8 18 used as the nuclear heating value in the design of ORR poolside experiments. This varies considerably in an experiment depending on the distance above or below the center ilde of the reactor as well as the distance from the reactor face. Temperatures of from 340 to 600°C are produced by gamma heating lo specimens of type 304 stainless steel. It was necessary, then, to ada auxiliary heat 68 the tests were to be conducted from 650 to 871°C Deveral types of heater designs have been wed but the most successful and only type used now, 18 fabricated from MgO Insulated Inconel sheathed heater cable. The diameter of the cable 18 0.040 10. and contains either a 28-gage Nichrome v wire with & nesistance of 4.5 ohmst or a 30-gage wire with 7ohma/rt. Figure Bhows the ----- - ------- - - - - - - .. .... wire 5. - . Photo 65432 . *. .. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORML - AEC - OFFICIAL Fig. 5. Metallic-Sheathed Threc Section Heater! "Original reducedl 41%. 61,ASSITAT!:) 100 Apling!...!!! ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL BE FEE WA r - SR 7 ou V Photo 65433 - Photo 65433 - . . . . .... ...in NIIN... ... . ho minnitamin. ioa. 2 .: einen U - ** II wls سے ، ، ، Hom. MO کار " IN 'I OAM ROCE NATIONAL ABORRE .5% Teial It- AC - OVI . : MNASLLOSSICA - Emas ' n l. Ali,il linION OINT-TT-OFFICIAL 18.911), ins! Line Ol!. 18 Chilleri, Vo various stages in the construction of a heater. This heater 18 for a tube-burst specimen and 18 made in three sections, each section being wound on a grooved copper mandrel to give the desired diameter and spacing between the co!ls. The overall length of this heater 18 3 3/8-in. with i an inside diameter of 3/4 in. Spacing between the coils is 1/16 in. The resistance of each section 18 15 ohms and contains 3 1/2 ft of cable. The three sections are made into one unit by spot welding Nichrome ribbon to each'coil over the entire length. One of the most important and most used tools in the construction of these experiments 18 a portable stored-. energy type spot welder equipped with a tweezer handpiece. This demon- strates only one of the many times it is used. Flat rings, punched from 0.020-in. stainless steel sheet, then are fastened to erich end of the heater to facilitate mounting in the experiment container. The versatility ? obtained in heater design using the sheated cable 18 shown in Figs. 6, 7 . and 8. : ;; It 18. necessary to strip the sheathing material from the Nichrome wire in order to connect the heater leads. Terminals for use with this type of cable are available commercially, but they proved to be bulky 1 -- La teguir 6 . ., Photo 61239 . - - - "Willi'. ! 171 ORNI – AEC - OFFICIAL 1. Tig..6. Metallic-sheathed One-Section Heater Original reduced 374. i + + - CLASA 18.1.ATION Cy ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL MAXIM DISINI IA!!(: HIGIT - - :.ORNL - AIC - OFFICIAL 1 , . 2 .. a . . . ... - 2 2 46 41 L . . - - - . 1 : . TOP . E : . 3 1 . 1 2 . 11 -> A y . Pr - . 10 4 - . Photo 61239 TT''* to 61237 Popsora .. .. .. 47 ... . ORNL - NIC - OPTICIAL - - .. ........ . 2 - - -- CLA':',!! KA71D)! LIF ASLO BY ADMIN FARO . WIJI:10,"-INO. __6EE994: :) 1 .1 . - = + . tegure? 4-66339 1 A11.17 Fig. 7. Metallic-Sheathed Rectangular Heater. Original reduced 4796. ....... . . _ _ teguire & Photo 68084 ORNI -MEC - OFFICIAL i . Fig. 8. Metallic-Sheathed Flat Heater. Original reduced 43%. TiN!TYPING PLA3S11ITATION lif April, 111!!t! : 7-66339, < 1 - * - . - - . - - - - ... - + - . . • - + - ' bec;"50 i . W Centerone - 11 14 . / 2 11 1 . S 5% Lolli conICIAL ORNI - AC - OURICIM OINI - AC - OFFICIAL 7.- ( om W : .. ... - nemamp. com - ainor 2 .. . 1 : 11' - - - ... mono . . < . . i - 1 . . F 2 . * * - . : - - - - - - - . 7.14 # . . "Ine. - - -' + - - :,',lir? -: Hao 1 - poolt. •- - . - - -- -.- .... . . .. . + . - :. . . may come vesten . :. :.:. = 2 - - - + - - 4. . OAK RIOGE NATIONAL LABORATORY . .. CI- - - - - - - - - - .. . ....- - foto 5 % 577 Case ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL - - - 1:1. -.-*STUS (61:;': illATION lli rico; pr. 1161 -E-303 1. sop 11!, ORNI - AC - OFFICIAL ORNI - ABC OFFICIAL - - - - --- - spacewise as well as from the standpoint of creating hot spots as the results of gamma heating. Figure 9 18 a schematic drawing Illustrating the manner in which the honter torminals aro fabricated. Using a hand- operated cutting tool, the sheath 18 removed so as to expose a 3/4-in.. length of wire A corant insulating bead (0.035-in. OD 1/8 in long) ! 18 slipped over the wire to insulate the heater wire from the sheath. A 3/4-in. length of stainless steel tubing (0.035-in. OD X 0.010-in.-thick! wall) 18 placed over the wire next and crimped to it several times. Another ceramte Insulating tube (5/8 in. long x 1/16-in. OD. 0.040-in.- thick wall) slides over the stainless steel and ceramic tubing to provide rigidity and butts against the sheath. A final protection tube of stain- ! less steel (0.080-in. OD, 0.005-in. thick wall, and 1 1/16 in. long) 18 ! added, crimped, and spot welded to the sheath. The power lead can now be spot welded to the (stainless steel tube / protruding from the ceramic .DESIR Insulator! 'The power leads are 32 ft long and are made up in two parts: 26•ft lengths of 22-gage asbestos insulated copper wire joined to 6-ft lengths of: 22-gage ceramic Insulated nickel wire. Because of the RIGI MARG - - - . - - . 1 .. - .. - ..... Sweden = .:'3 = . . - . . - - . - - . .. - i Figure 9 ORNL DWG 66-11176 ::: - - - - ' : mer . ... - . .. ORNI - ALC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL Wow... And sing .. Fig. 9. Schematic Drawing of Heater Terminals. - ... CL.1!ICATION Tir amm.1CAIL: E - 3 1 WAS OINI - AC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL UNCLASSIFIED ORNL DWG. 64-11176 .. - F - INSULATOR CRIMPED INSULATOR iiin Y 1/32-in. OD TUBING 1 :* --. - . - - -- . - - -- - 111111 11111071171 Y 1 1 - 14 . - . M 1 - =- - SHEATH ... CRIMPED AND SPOTWELDED 0.080-in. AD TUBING - HEATER WIRE 1 = - - -- . hicenciamento -- ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL - - - - - II. ASOF NATION I ANI! 5. Ailloj" .. - AC - OFFICIAL ORUL - ACC - OFFICIAL PA12:0). - embrittlement and thermal fatigue problems, it is not desirable to connect copper loads directly to the heater terminals. The nickel-coppor Junc. tion 18 made by silver soldering the wires together inside a chort length of stainless steei tubing. A ceramic tube slips over this function to Insulate it. The nickel-lead section 18 then spot welded to the heater terminal. :! The thermocouple leads al.no are 32 ft long and are of 30-gage Chromel-palume1 glass Insulated wire. 81x feet of insulation 18 removed from each lead and replaced with ceramic insulation. Joining of the leado to the short thermocouples, previously attached to the specimens, 18 made by. twisting 'ho matching wires together and welding with a capacitance: discharge welder. These joints are not insulated and care must be exer- * cibed so that a short will not develop Figure 1015 a photograph of a completely wired tube-burst experiment. The specimens and heaters are positioned on a stainless steel framework Bo that the longitudinal axis of the specimer. 18 normal RIGH MANGI ESINEI - . Lumi S. --- .. * .:.. Land * S meistarannien rin - ICO - ........ : Jezera los Pheta (5431 *** . a . . . .. ier . . . . ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL CA . . . ... med i t .. . .. .... Oil: mbeti Burst 3x ......... iment. nal redu ' • .-. . mart "1.ASSIFITATION lir APPLICANTE) : 1 CPN! - ATC-OFFIC!! OPNI -ARC-!IFFICIAL - - LI Photo 65431 1 - con . . . C . - mm. 7111ub.ionaliteit hintly, in USA mum, imp erdi 1 -- . _+ . 1 - | I. . - in ORR= 118 butiknadideleidende Call 6/2.2. -INTO TIT13309 QANL-MEC - OFFICIAL . - 23 niin.IVIN ELASIFICATION III ANTICANTI p .131. ORNL - AIC - O ...... to the face of the reactor core. The locaters are attached by spot welding! the end rings to the mounting plate. The specimens, each with its ! attached 30-1t length of pressurizing line, are positioned inside the heaters and held in place by spot welding the pressurizing lines to the supporting arm. Another invaluable aid in this assembly process 18 . ! C . Richrome ribbon. Besides its use in the construction of heaters, it is handy for tio-down straps for the pressurizing lines, electrical leads, thermocouples, and a small support arms. It 1o available in widths of from 1/16 to 1/4 ini and thicknesses of from 0.002 to 0.010 in. . : . In the wiring proce88 1t 18 extremely important that each lead wdre be looped such that expansion or contraction of the whole wire bundle will not force undue strain on the heater or thermocouple connections. ! * Figure 11 18 a closeup view showing the tube-burst specimen, with its ! three attached thermocouples inside a heater. In Fig. 12 it can be seen MAKE mins MA!?( Or Siri .com. c . . - Figure 11 Photo 61970 . - 35 : . ... ! . -10 - -- ... . . 3 4 5 ..... . cum : E : : 001 - AEC - OFFICIAL 1 ; 116. 11. Tube-Burst Specimen and Heater, Original redused 54,5%. + . . . 1:1.159111TATION Photo 61970 DINI - AIC-OMHICIAL . f . ... - - W - - - - - - . .. SULTA Tree etur. N t weest mai mare at .. 1 15 consec : - - . - - :;?,5* > -- .. - I. c. 1 11 . . lasi?? LLIRITUELLTINTIT - : waru KALKUSZ "vi MAN - 1 1 . . 31 PM " . 2 47 ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL CIA / V ili ac - OFFICIAL - cil Art WANT! WR.14:6). ORAL-AEC - OFFICIAL . .-. t. . . ,; $ . - - -... -- · - Figure 12 Photo 65432 --- - - - - - - --- RIGH MARO .... DESIRE MAXIM Fig. 12. Tube-Burst, Experiment Positioned in Container. Original reduced 38.5%. i t . . . : Est- . that the bundle of wires, along with an 1/8-in. thin-wall stainless steel tubing serving as an atmosphere line, has been pulled through a partially fabricated can and access tube until the experiment 18 positioned in the can. The framework is attached to the top of the can with screws. After a check is made of aii Heaters and thermocouples, the side plate will be welded to the can. Amphenol connectors are attached to the junction box end of the heater and thermoc caple leads and the whole system pressurized with helium and checked with a lielium-leak detector. After the experiment 18 installed in the poolside facility, the junction box connections made, and the junction box sealed, the power and thermocouple leade are connected from a patch panel in the instrument room, as shown in Fig. 13, to the desired control instrument. The output of each thermocouple is fed to a proportioning on-off con oller(Fig. 14) · which adjusts the power input to one section of a heater. A schematic flow diagram of the high- and low-predgure system 18 i : shown in Fig. 15. The atmosphere to the can, or the low-pressure gas, is! .. upp. -4 frem tanks of various games LADAGOA 68814. Hebibiding from . ORNI - AC - OFFICIAL MNL - AEC - OFFICIAL iii.r$S111 Ariori ཟླ 、- - - སྒྱུ་ བ ། 1 , - - ན ་ ་ - - བསེ་བས་ , - . - • - , -- - - ་་ ་ , • • . E- , ༥ ་ ་ ་་ ', , - ། ii3.lfifInz ། • • ཟ - : 1 - • • .. • - = = མཁས་པ་ • ,,་ ༣ : .:. ་་ , .. . - ,,་ ་. •,::་ ་ :.,,་ :. , - - - T ༡ , ། - t. . ་ - • ་ OINI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AIC - OFFICIAL -/ T ESP 5 - ORXL - ALC - OFFICIAL LASTFINATION Ton AOP! LDF) Phimgris. Jurgisso - DIV-INIO - - - - * , , oz.. .:. 3 Phoek 3 68 - . - . RICH MART ...... OEST:2€! ..MAXIMU 11,16;. . . . Fig. 13. Electrical and Thermcouple-Patch Panel. Original reduced 45%... . .............. ...... ...' i 2 _ - - Photo 33071 Arquie 14. - - - Ii ... - - - - - - - ORNL - AEC - OPSICIAL - - - - - : 1. Fig. 14. Control Instruments for In-Reactor Experiments. : Original reduced 45466 Inca 1:1.ASSIFICATION lip APPLICARLF.) :o . 'w - Photo 53068 N f 5 . " At $9898 3 7 . 8999 - DO MIT TUIX:H RANGER 8 XROSIR VOLTAGE semce 2 1 IN . 1 2 . TUTTO :- > 2 7 M ORMI-A ICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL njer. .m aka AI ...:: هد .. . - . . . تب - .. هببت ه اد ::... : : 5307 Photo ب ه ذن : ...همه به، مممم سه وجهی به مردم -- : --محمد مقطع عنه = ها ه ه - و یو ام t.۰۰ ، Ir " | 1, و . " 1 : : ر ده و در م : م . . . . . و گلی | | ا . .! ا ا . . ز ما . . ' = " . F - مردم - هل د : ...- ج- ہی * ووة ...هل مشهد د : ار -. . . "ار " و . ما دو | | - / تا ORNL - AC - OFFICIAL CLASSIFATION P2.16). ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL TÖRNL DWG. 64-11178 ... assa con m the Balcony Off Goe . .. i rp 10AHUINE IL : penL Durg :::621-11178 HIGH MARCI - - - DESIRE . E 4 !! ni 1. comme il bidor Fig. 15. Schematic Flow Diagram of High- and Low-Pressure stems. * * * each supply tank a gas line passes through three regulators in series and terminates in the instrument room at a patch panel. The panel is equipped with quick disconnecting fittings 80 the experimenter .can select the desired gas and patch to the experiment atmosphere line with a short :: length of flexible tubing. The atmosphere inside the experiment can(18 maintained at 12 psig so that, with the head, produced by the poolwater, the differential pressure across the can wall 18 reduced to +1 psi. Overpressurization of the can 16 prevented by three pressure relief : valves; one located in the gas supply line and two connected directly to ! the junction box. These valves are set to function slightly above cperational pressure and vent any overpressure to the off-g28 bystem. An additional safety feature 18 a pressure switch, placed in the supply line, anii, set to give an alarm at 25 poiſ. ... !,! 1!1! ! !!;! 1 ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ........ ENO TYPING ........ .......... po m - .. ... . . . . 1. ASSIFICATION TIF APPLICANL.:)., .' E - . - - EX TORNL DWG. 64-11178 Balcony Off-Gas . Operations Alam Circuit - - - - Pressure Relief Valves .6 .- Flow Indicator OO: Pressurizing Patch Panel 7 Poolside Junction Box » ! + * Needle Valve Needle Valve - - - Thi Willie 1. Computron O O . . : - - O spa High Purity Gas Supply: :X HIGH PRESSURE SYSTEM Tank Gas Supply : Manifold $1 Atmosphere hot Tube * Mixed Gas ! Supply EOW PRESSURE SYSTEM Pressure Regulator Poolside Experiment con it from Accumulator Pressurizing Tube siminimai = . . . .. Specimen --; : sini. ORNL - CONSICIALE ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL LIXewat TALITION - - ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL to 19.. WIJIJI infiq MIA!!:11 RICHI MARGE -DESIRE High pressure for the speciwen loading 18 obtained from a com- pressor with a small accumulator. The maximum output 18 5000 psig. The gas passed from the accumulator, through a high-pressure regulator, into a pressurizing header equipped with pressure gages. ( Valved pressure lines. run from the header to another patch panel. A bourdon-tube, Computran pressure transducer monitors the pressure in each pressurizing line. As the specimen pressure lines also terminate in the patch panel, any pres- surizing line may be selected to pressurize a particular specimen by connecting the two terminals with flexible tubing. After each specimen 18. pressurized to the desired stress, the specimen valve 18 closed and remains closed for the duration of the test. Signals from the Computran pressure transducers are fed to a multipoint indicator and recorded con- tinuously. Rupture of a specimen 18 immediately detectable from the multipoint chart. : .MAXIMA The design and construction of an in-reactor creep test presents many more problems than the previously described stress-rupture test. The most important problem 18 that of obtaining an extensometer with the ...... desired sensitivity and at the same time being able to withstand the reactor environment. Figure 16 is a schematic drawing of a creep testing mystem using a cantilever parabolic specimen. With this type of specimen a large ratio of displacement to strain is obtained as well as a constant bending moment in the specimen. The load in each specimen results from a differential pressure, applied across a stainless steel bellows mounted in a lever arm frame. The differential pressure is obtained by evacuating the bellows while maintaining a constant can pressure. Variation in specimen loading is achieved by the selection of various sizes of bellows, and the lever arm ratios. 13 The extensometer, affixed to the experiment can and located along the pullrod between the specimen and lever arm, 18 made from a emall .. 100-ohm trimmer 'potentiometer. The frame 18 of ceramic with a resistance ribbon fritted on the surface. A metal sliding contact 18 attached to the pullrod. 7 ! Z. 15:48:17 - ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL 1w. W. Davis and C. R. Kennedy., Stress-Strain Measuring System for In-Reactor Use in High-Neutron Flux ORNL-3747 (January 1965). : :. . ... . ... . . ... CLASSIFICATION TIN APPI. CA?OLI." #il." 19 : . ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL CIA::S!!TON li APPLICANTET "4:18:6). vigisto - DJV-1NI - "T * -- . * - . . - . - - - 1 - - ... -:. - a . Figure 16 Menu LR- Ouvry 77529 - RIGHT ARGU RIGH MARG ESIRI AXIM , .DES;-76 MAXIN *MAXIN Fig. .16. Craphite Creep In-Reactor Extensometer for Use in an ORR Poolside Facility. ....... . ... ::..: ::;!; !!:::: :.... KI The extensometer 18 placed in a null-balance circuit as shown in Fig. 17. "The potentiometer in the control room 1s balanced and read by an operator at designated intervals, and a creep curve 18 plotted from the data. Figure 18 shows a creep experiment underi construction. It .contains nine graphite specimens with stresses ranging from 500 to 5000 psi. Another graphite creep test is shown in Fig. 19. Rectangular heaters have been placed around each specimen so that 'the test may be conducted at a . temperature of 700°C. With the addition of the heaters, the number of specimens was reduced to six. Stress-rupture testing of Hastelloy N 18 illustrated in Fig. 20. : The lever arm arrangement has been modified in order that a tensile speci- , men can be tested. Five of the specimens are stressed between 30,000 and " 19,000 psi at 650°C. The other five specimens are to be used in postire ! radiation studies. Figure 21 18 a closeup showing the extensometer just : before being placed in position. Two experimental facilities located in the reactor core are e available for mechanical properties tests. Both of these facilities are used mainly to obtain pecimens for postirradiation studies. Figure 22 * .. ORNE - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL : CLASSIFICATION 119 APPLICA1311) . . !!. . : : Ta - .. - . . . . . . . . . . . . DINO STRESSING .TUBE NIIN NICHROME HINGE- -HOLD DOWN.. PLATE Mr Ile Mau . - - . ' Monnon ' 1 INDIUIT . . . . . . GRAPHITE SPECIMEN STRESSING BARU T BELLOWS, STRESS PROVIDER SLIDE (INDICATOR) PULL. ROD RETAINING DISK ពី០០៩។ . HO NICHROME STRAP .4 N PULL OYOKOC-OFFICHY ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL Aura Se . 3 .645 18:11 ATTON TIF ANDELEN pagig!"). ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL turisto - 33V - INLO is; fequie 12 of the Derg belum . : Fig. 17. Nul-Balance Potentiometer Circuit. RIGHT MARU DE 5!!!11 MAXI:.:1 - Tisdictions about he s-.. .....num.CENTER LINE : . . - - - ince::.. - - figure 18 Photo 59915 . . . - - - - -OF YOK EC-orrichy ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL Fig. 18. Graphite Coreep Experlment that reduced 41%. - one Fl. ASSTICATION RIDIR AHLtilai - - . . ... E XVI)1310-)V - INDO UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-7177 IN CONTROL ROOM IN REACTOR - - M - . .. - .. . : 10-turn (1000 DIV) POTENTIOMETER > SLIDE CONTACT ATTACHED TO SPECIMEN M . BATTERY 1.5 V 7 MICROAMMETER INL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL 1 : او · ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ا ا نغ جد و * * و . ا ا ا ا م - ا می با که بار . 1 : . II - - - } / : * - و ... انا مستعد اسمه - - - | هست . در " م ایک و . م ... نام قسم الانف مر | - 1 - | | . : . ه عده. . اد : - . / : : لازا * - - د . - - مایح ه و أ ' زه زری میری اور 8 : - = *= = =-- . . . . - - - - - - .. ها و : . . . . لا . لا ا - .. . . . = - - - . . - . - ہے = ه د - ع ة وع ا . و . . . 1 - - را با Mols 5975 ۱ ۱ 2 :: = = = • OLNLLAEC - OFFICIAL ORNL AEC - Orri . -. 7- عد = - . . Kl. 1,1.189. ATIN rio AISII Mootti - i .. arm-ul-OFFICIAL 104 20. Vid1310 - OV - INIO . . : . - tegure 19 Ploti 81479 1 II ,6... ilin RIGHT Fig. 19. High-Temperature Graphite Creep Experiment. Original . MANUSI raduced 40%. DESIRE MAYT.101 .:1 5 :. - - - . . a...:.. - - . - - Arquire 20 ploto 8.0199 - - - - Fig. 20. Poolside Btre88-Rupture Experiment. Original reduced 40%. - - -- ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL - . . . .. . - : - LA3311ICATION Tor AlI'LICAR ORNI - ABC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL - ( - - - - 3. ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL - - - - - - - - | - 1 | | || | เ 11111 11 |||| | - เ น . - - | | | | | "1 1. 177 " - - - - --- 12 1 - - * . - | | - - - 1 3 " -53 " .. 12. 2. น - - - - - - - - - - - - : ใสใสสสสียสไnd 5 " " . | ** " : - | 2 , ) ! I 1 - ! " E ) ก. เIP! " - ** * - * *.: * - - - - - - - - - - 4 * เม. - เi - | | | | 1 - - - - ใน 10 aoน “รักนะเป็น - | * “ * * * " : . - - - - - - - - -------------- - - - - - - - : จ * - * - - - 1 - - - - -- -- - - - - -- -- -- -- - - - - - าก 1 :: : · ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ( วงดน . - - - * - - - - - - - 12 : + ORR = 138 • L- .. ET LA" + - - . . . 1 TITUI ITUSI 1 E :1. . i . 12 ca. . 2 . 2 . E - - - - . . . li . V- MISI TIIM T ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL on : . - -- N La . 7 --- - - - - - - - - - ... --- - ---- --- CLASSIFICATION 'AMALIA PA 21:01 · ORNL - ALC - OFFICIAL -- . : ::. - - - → - -:: : Figure 21 Photo 68140 Bilt MARSE . -005IME MANIM Fig. 21. Extensometer and Loading System of Stress-Rupture Experiment. Original reduced 46.5%. on -. .:.: 22 Friz . Photo 164?49 .. i . Fig. 22. In-Core Water-cooled Experiment. Original reduced bhim. - . -- - .. - . T . ... ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL .. 0110 TYPING ..9 ...ne - - - :1.15! 17H.ATION De ori. - - - WIJ1310-23V-INIO. - AEC -'DIFICIAL INCHES 22 Photo 68740 V H WWW 12 A 5 - . G . 2 ! *- W1 . ...... - . - .: mu mestu sovitiri?!A 1 CA . W hiijiriin 7: ORNI - ACC - OFFICIAL Ascensirum 3 Medicine A vs. :// A -CANCEIVIL - AEC - OFFICIAL 4 , 老 ​了 ​化​, F " 学生是 ​- - -- - - -- -- - . . . - - ….….. ….. ... 一 ​-- - - . . … .- :".. . : : : . . . . - -- - 4 - - - - . . . … ~ - - - - - - - - . …. - - - - - | - - Photo 64749 . - - ORA 1 「 - - " ; --l , " 3. - HALF ... . .. - - ::Answer . - sr 1. … { . , . - - - - - - - . . . 口冒冒 ​2. LC! - LOL -AC-OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ! . ORNI-MIC-OFFICIAL 1 22 ;. . . ORNL - AEC - Of :!! !! misit, shows an uninstrumented, water-cooled experiment. It is possible to Irradiate 264 tensile specimens (2 7/8 in. long x 1/4-in. OD) in an experi.. ment of this type. An instrumented experiment to be placed in the core facility 18 shown in Fig. 23. Thirty-two specimens can ho irradiated at temperatures from 150 to 900°C. Another uninstrumented experiment can be seen in Fig. 24. This experiment 18 attached to the rear of a poolside can and le known as a piggy-back experiment. This 47 tensile specimens for postirradiation studies are exposed to the pool water. E - - 1981 "ARGINT RIGT MANG - - - • DESIRE MAXIN Aspire 23 . / 383 idrik. ... . .......... ... · Fig. 23. Instrumented In-Core Experiment. Original reduced 36.5%. UP . . TE Prezire 24. Photo 82733 - .- "Fig. 24. Poolside Piggy-Back Experiment. Original reduced 36%. ORNI - Afr - nrrr... ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL -- ... END TYPING --- .. - . . CLASSIFICATION (11.0pt 16:4:17) ul 2 - - - .ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL MAXIM: . bt $421 : MARGA ". RIGT · ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ކަ 1wY ޔ , - , , ރީ- 4. - - - - -- - - - -* * * - - - -* * .--.- - - . . - - - - , - - - -- . . - - - - - - - - *--- ** * " .ވެ 53. -- . .. ނ.r* -- : ..- . . ..... . .. . · ބ.ބ .. - 3 - --- - . - - ޑް - . - ..- - * . . ސ . | Photo 58263 " • , , • . .. =- . : : ވީ . , 8 ފި. ,4 . .ޑީ 41 E - ޖެ 1 + ..z . ބ \ -- 3 . - . . .. # 1. X S - - - = -- 4 Tha 4 l == -5 . - , * *== .ބ.ޅ. •• , -. c = ORR-51 - · 1 - . 1 * ދު r = - - - | 1 0 -... 1 ZAه - ޖާ .: * , =: : - " ; 8 . ; ; - r, = "/25/ / 2 ORNL - ACC - OFFICIAL [; * . -- 4 - OINI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL - - - - - - - - . - -.. - X tie * S - * E . . -- - I-- -- - ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL = - < -- + -- - - - - ,- - "'- E. .. . . - - - - -- -- -- L * - ' i @ WHEREHEHHEIN122565905BEU 1 - EEZZ8 Qoyd * - - - - .. - -* - - ... - - - - - - - - 1 . . - . - - . -. : * -. - - - 4 th - -- 1.- --- - --- - - - - - - a - - - - - . . ', - 1 - - - -- --- 1 1 - - : - - - - - ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL OINI - AC-OFFICIAL ini ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL 23: · CONCLUSION The various experiments that have been described here 11lustrato the fact that planning and design are extremely important for a successful In-reactor experiment. Although miniaturization 18 necessary, 1t: 18 st11.1 possible to tost, a large number of specimens in a relatively emu. I facility and obtain important data not available from other types of tests. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS me autbor wiBhes to acknowledge the contributions of W, S. Brundage and N. E. Hinkle or the Radiation Metallurgy Group of the Solid State Division and W. W. Davis of the Metals and Ceramics Division in the construction of the test facility and development of many of the techniques of testing. In-reactor. experiments were constructed by V. R. Bullington and D. G., Gates. A special "'' thanks 18 giver tp D. Q. Gates for preparing the sketches for this report. .-.- . .-- - --- - EN - - = •. * -- - meerimod . -*** N - . - - -. - 4 - - - - - - ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL . 10, PSPINS - . . . . . 1. END DATE FILMED 7 / 28 / 66 - r.