. LOFT ORNL P. 2106 v : . - 5 . . : f ( ) bent u . PFEFEEEE EEE . - 1 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS – 1963 ORNU P- 2106 CONF-666303-28 CFSTI PRICES H.C. $ 2.00;MN. 50 MAY 10 1966 Neutron Cross Sections in the Energy Range 100 eV < E. < 100 key: Recent Progress, Current Status, Future Outlook* J. H. Gibbons Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee Invited paper to be given at Conference on Neutron Cross Section Technology, Washington, D. C., March 22-24, 1966. RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT "IN FUCIEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. LEGAL NOTICE This report mo propared us in account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United Sualas, aor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contalped in the report, or that the use of any information, apparatu, method, or process dlacloud in this report may not infringe privately owned righto; or B. Aorumor any liabiliuos with rospect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the um of any information, apparatus, motod, or procesi disclosed in Wale report, Aund in the above, "person acting on beball of the Commission" includes any om- ploym or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the oxtent that soch employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides account, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or ble employment with such contractor. Neutron Cross Sections in the Energy Range 100 eV < < 100 keV: Recent Progress, Current status, Future Outlook* J. H. Gibbons Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee ABSTRACT The technology of measuring cross sections in the energy range 100 eV < En < 200 keV has advanced signifi- cantly over the past several years. The most notable de- velopments have occurred in detectors for capture cross section measurements, available neutron energy resolution in genera, and absolute valzes for flux normalization.' Reactor design needs for total and capture cross sections can apparently be met with existing or feasible equipment. The primary exceptions to this statement are highly radio- active materials and some of the higher accuracy requests. Reaction theory and measured reaction systematics are in- sufficiently understood to enable more than an educated guess at unmeasured capture cross sections. The technology of cross section measurements in the energy range from 100 eV to 100 keV has advanced on several fronts over the past few years. Vast quantities of data have been obtained where literally no data had existed before and considerable improvement in accuracy and reso- lution has been achived in general. If one views the problem of nuclear, data for reactor development, particularly fast breeders, from the vantage point of the "outside looking in" it would seem that the needs that can be classed as critical are not so much for improved resolution, but for greater accuracy. Therefore we will concentrate on accuracy and consistency much more strongly than on resolution in this presentation. When one measures a neutron cross section (we will consider calcu- lations later) there are in general three quantities that need to be de- termined: (1) number of neutrons, N(E)E, in a given energy interval, (2) number of target nuclei, (3) detection efficiency, (En, etc.). Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. A very important exception to the statement that these quantities are needed is the transmission-type measurement in which (1) and (3) essentially cancel out. This type of measurement is typified by a total cross section measurement, described by Professor Rainwater, which provides the most basic cross section information. The accuracy of a total cross section transmission measurement is liited only by sample thickness and purity, multiple scattering effects, accuracy of background subtraction, and the counting statistics. Consequently it is not out of the question to obtain a total cross section accuracy of about one percent in the non-resonant region or where one is averaging over many resonances and accuracies of a few percent for resolved resonance widths. In practice, however, accuracies of about 5% are normally obtained. Most total cross section measurements these days in the 100 eV to 100 keV range are obtained using either electron linacs or synchrotrons. DC beam Van de Graaff techniques, once the major source of data for En > 10 keV, have found better application at higher energies. This point will be considered in detail later by H. W. Newson. The pulsed Van de Graaff, however, continues to be a useful tool for total cross section measurements for En 24 kev.2 The normally available energy resolution is about 19, and this is frequently sufficient. Perhaps its best application is with separated isotopes, the small (~ 1 mm2) neutron source size allows measurements to be made with very small samples. For example, the cross section for Sov is given in Fig. 1.3 The sample was about 330 mg of vanadium, 44% enriched in 5 . Unfortunately the transmission technique is not readily applicable to the measurement of partial cross sections. In fact the only significant transmission experiment of a partial cross section is that of "spherical chell" transmission" which is related to the absorption cross section. In a typical experiment a small, isotpic source is placed at the center of a spherical shell whose wall thickness is of the order of one or more neutron mean free paths thick. An energy insensitive neutron detector placed at : least several shell diameters away is used to measure the ratio of counts with shell on to shell off (Fig. 2). While a fiumber of measurements have been attempted using this technique the accuracy of the results remain in some question because of uncertainties in several rather difficult scattering corrections that must be applied to the data.4-7 Bogart's recent work (included in this conference) on multiple scattering effects in the resonance region represents an important new level of understanding of this important correction factor. In addition the shell transmission measurement can only be used with discrete energy sources, a very restrictive condition for the energy range under consideration. This discussion is not meant to minimize the contribution of spherical shell measurements to the establishment of absorption cross section standards; rather it is meant to indicate the limited applicability of the technique. Certain characteristics of the shell transmission technique are given in Table I. The lowest energy neutron source used in such measurements is ~ 24 keV (Sb-Be, y-n). In this case absolute accuracy for oa 100 mb is approximately 25%. For smaller cross sections the accuracy worsens due to a combination of poorer statistics and larger correction factors. Most shell transmission measurements have been performed with an internal isotropic neutron source and external detectors. An alternative geometry is an external "plane wave" source and an internal detector.8 Since there are no plane wave monoenergetic neutron sources this alternative geometry is inherently less accurate because of the added correction factors. $ . For the energy range under consideration the total cross section consists solely of elastic scattering and capture. Thus one can consider measuring scattering, rather than capture, to obtain the component cross sections. This approach makes some sense at energies where In Poe 1.e. for En si kev. A scattering cross section also has the advantage of being closely akin to a transmission measurement. One recently reported experi- bent was performed with a lithium loaded glass scintillator.9 So far, however, it has proved to be much more practical for several reasons to measure the capture cross section. The area of scattering cross sectior. measurement is an example where thoughtful instrument development may well reap benefits in more accurate partial cross sections for En I keV. Before leaving the subject of neutron scattering we should note that significant deviations from isotropic scattering (e.g. up to a factor of two difference in do/an between oº and 180°) can occur for energies less than 100 keV. It would be interesting to know what new user requirements for ,elastic scattering angular distributions for En 100 keV may arise in the next few years.. The most important partial cross section for Em < 100 keV is surely capture. This cross section, frequently less than 10-309, has more often than not eluded efforts to measure it accurately. The remainder of this presentation is devoted to capture measurements. We have already touched on the highly specialized and narrowly applicable transmission technique for capture measurements. We now consider non-transmission experiments, which means we must consider separately sources, samples, and detectors. I. Neutron Sources A convenient and natural division for neutron sources is whether or not they are discrete in energy. A. Discrete Energy Sources. 1. Photo-neutrons. Two reactions have provided virtually all the isotopic keV range sources: Sb-Be and Th-D20. Some of their properties are summarized in Table II. The Sb-Be source characteristics have bee extensively investigated. It has become increasingly clear that the neutron average energy, energy spread, and angular distribution are sensitive functions of the physical source design. - A tremendous advantage of these sources is that their emission rate varies only with the half life of the y-ray emitter. A second tremendous advantage is that (because of their compact size) they can be intercompared with world standard sources (absolute calibration known to 2%) using a manganese bath or graphite stack detector technique. 2. Neutrons from endothermic charged particle reactions. a) ST(P,n) 'He. At threshold all neutrons appear near 0° due to center-of-mass motion. The average energy is 65 kev. Monoenergetic neutrons of less than 100 keV can be produced at back angles but it is better in this case to use the (Li(pon) reaction. b) 'Li(p,n)'Be. At threshold, as in a) above, all neutrons appear near zero degrees with an energy of about 30 kev. "Monoenergetic" neutrons, whose energy spread is determined by detector acceptance angle, lithium target thickness, and proton energy spread are obtained for emission angles > 90°.be c) 31(pin)-cr. Although the neutron yield from this reaction+3ad9 is vastly lower than a) or b) it has the advantage of slow center-of-mass motion and consequently there is very little dependence of neutron energy upon emission angle. This fact, coupled with the fact that 51cr, the residual nucleus from the (p,n) reaction is conveniently radio- active, has enabled one group of investigators to use 450 geometry and measure absolute activation cross sections versus energy. 14 B. Continuous Distribution Neutron Sources. 1. Fission Reactor, Neutrons from highly moderated fission reactors have an energy distribution of 1/E in a portion of the region of concern in this paper. Significant deviations from 1/E appear for En 215 kev. Mechanical choppers are used to establish the time base for time-of-flight measurements. Reactors have been largely supplanted by electron linacs for studies in the energy range under consideration 2. Electron Linac. The neutron spectrum from linacs is, of course, highly variable, mostly depending upon the exact geometry of the source and the electron energy. Thus one cannot use source characteristics to make an interpolation from one energy to another when determining neutron flux. The principle advantages of the linac as a neutron source are that (1) peak intensities are extremely high, (2) relatively short beam burst widths are now feasible (< 5 nsec FWHM). A major disadvantage of the linac is that since neutrons are produced in an evaporation process followed by some moderation there are unwanted fast and slow components of the beam pulse. There is little question but that the linac is a remarkably good neutron source for energies from < 100 eV up to 30-50 keV for partial cross sections and even higher for total cross sections. At the upper energy range, and for reasonable flight paths, the y-flash and the several effects due to fast neutrons provide a severe time-dependent background barrier for capture measurements. Transmission measurements, on the other hand, are no so adversely affected and can be carried out to considerably higher energies. There is a reasonably good concensus anong linac users that there is little early prospect for capture measurements above 30-50 keV. A great advantage of linacs is their ability to produce a band of neutrons that spans the energy range from essentially thermal to tens of keV and consequently allow for fast cross section normalization to previously de- termined absolute values in the eV and thermal range. 3. Synchrocyclotron. This sour.ce, like the electron linac, produces fast pulses of evaporation neutrons. A valuable added feature of the Columbia system_o is a synchronized mechanical chopper which removes the unwanted low energy components of the beam. This device has been used almost exclusively in transmission measurements and has produced a vast amount of valuable, high resolution data on total cross sections. ii . 4. Pulsed Van de Graaff. This source Todo has the advantage of being able to produce neutrons only in the energy range of interest since it uses endothermic (pen) reactions in thin targets. Neutrons can be produced over a pre-selected band of energies in the range En z 10 kev. This property results in allowing capture measurements to be made without the large backgrounds inherent in linac experiments. The vastly lower peak intensities are in part compensated by the higher (x 203) repetition rate, Vineritets'.. ' saios momenta bisita -4- 131' restricted energy band, and small source size. 5. Nuclear Explosives. The primary virtue of "bomb neutrons" is that the instantaneous intensity can be so high that, even with flight paths of about one kilometer, the flux is sufficient to enable measurements on highly radioactive samples. This extremely important subject area is covered in another section. 6. Lead Slowing-Down Time Spectrometer. This unique neutron "source" utilizes the fact that neutrons suddenly introduced into a heavy element medium slow down in time as a group. +9 Ne...trons from a pulsed (å,t: source are introduced in the interior of a large lead cube. Then the average neutron energy at the center of the cube is a function of the time! lapsed. The principal difficulty with this "source" is that the energy resolution is very poor (~ 15% for En < 1 keV and 35% for En ~ 10 keV). Nevertheless there has been an impressive out-pouring of data, especially for intermediate weight elements, over the past several years. C. Flux Calibrations and Normalizations. There are several ways to measure absolute numbers of neutrons in the energy range under consideration. 1. One can produce neutrons in a nuclear reaction that has as its product (in addition to the neutron) a convenient radionuclide whose properties are well-known. This technique is of marginal benefit unless the full (490) neutron flux is used in the cross section experiment, since otherwise one must also know the angular distribution of the source. An example of the use of this technique is the flux measurement of neutrons from 51v(p,n)51cr. 15 2. One can immerse the source in a totally absorbing medium in which essentially every capture results in a convenient radionuclide. This classical technique is most frequently a manganese bath. It has been used in some of the most precise neutron flux measurements. Again, 3. As a variation of (2), one can place the source at the center of a 41 counter whose absolute efficiency is well-known by intercomparison by Macklin. 0 Its efficiency versus neutron energy is very nearly constant and well-known. It is very insensitive to such perturbations as non-isotropy of source, etc. 4. One can utilize a detector whose absolute efficiency may not be known at the energy range in question but whose relative efficiency is well-known and relatable to an absolute number at some other energy. Examples are detectors using such sensors as 10B, SHe, 2350, Li, etc., whose absolute efficiencies can be determined either with a secondary standard or independently using thermal or fast (by comparing to hydrogen recoil) neutrons. Ultimately the most well-defined absolute cross sections which are used as secondary values are selected thermal capture cross sections (e.g. 1°B)2and the 1H(n,n) cross section at higher energies. These (boron for thermal and H(n,n) for fast neutrons) cross sections are known to about 19. However by the time one arrives at any practical flux calibration in the 100 EV < En < 100 keV range (by means of an intermediate flux shape .5- 3tandard) the results are no more accurate than about 2% at best and more usually 3-5%. Any attempts to attain flux accuracies of 2% or better in th: energy range under discussion will have to be underwritten by a strong need, especially for Em 10 keV. The reasons for this are fairly obvious. a) Fast neutrons produce proton recoils in a variety of detectors that are easily detected. The cross section H(n,n) has been determined to very high accuracy for fast neutrons and provide an excellent absolute standard. However it is very difficult to use recoil counters at energies below a few hundred keV and exceedingly difficult below about 100 keV. b) In a similar fashion the thermal cross sections for several reactions, particularly tºB(ng) Li, YLi*, and 3He(n,p)T have been very well determined by transmission. However, an extension of the reaction cross section with high accuracy to higher energies becomes in- creasingly difficult since other partial cross sections become increasingly important and a simple transmission measurement no longer surfices. For example, the total cross section for (He + n) is 99.36% absorption for thermal neutrons but the two cross sections are of equal importance at about 70 keV. There are continuing efforts to increase the accuracy of these cross sections, particularly that of 10B(nya). The concentration on boron is for four principle reasons. First, the reaction has a very high cross section. Secondly, the cross section is known to be nearly 1/v and without resonance structure to about one hundred kilovolts. Thirdly, thin detectors can be constructed using the 1°B(na) Li* component of the reaction that have a very fast time response ~ 5 ns) and can therefore be used in fast time-of-flight experiments. Lastly, in contrast to 3He(n,r) and Li(n,a) this reaction produces a gamma ray rather than just a charged particle and. thus provides radiation that can be used directly by the capture detector. The boron reaction cross section has been investigated in the energy range under concern by comparison with a counter with "constant" or at least "known" efficiency, by a combination of total and scattering measure- ments, by spherical shell transmission, and by measurements of the 10B(n,x) Li cross section by reciprocity from Lila,n)10B and combining this with the branching ratio ''B(não)/10B(n,n) versus neutron energy. The results have generally confirmed that the reaction cross sections are in fact i/v in shape froin thermal to at least 50 keV, but it has become increasingly clear that significant deviations from 1/v do occur at higher energies. A current (if not perennial) topic of research is the exact behavior of the partial cross sections for neutron energies between fifty and several hundred key. This remains a very important research topic since we badly need to more accurately bridge the gap between thermal values and proton recoil techniques. II. Samples and Sample Thickness Effects .. . . It should no longer be a surprise to state that the cross section one measures is normally a function of the sample thickness used. Professor Rainwater has already talked to this point. There are in addition several comments associated with samples that one should add, particularly for the lower energies : A. Chemical Purity. Individual resonance effects are so important in the eV and low V 6. 7 keV range that chemically negligible impurities (e.g. 1 ppm) can be important. Perhaps a good example is 56Fe, which for years has hed a capture resonance integral that is considerably greater than one can account for with known individual resonances. Additional resonances have been located;<3 but not nearly enough to account for the resonance integral. One recent report, implied the presence of several resonances below about a kilovolt that might account for the integral. However these have apparently turned out to be due to small Mn and Co impurities.co We are about to con- clude that the resonance integral, too, was measured with "impure" iron. B. Corrections Associated with the Sample. There are two coupled effects that must be considered when one attempts to convert his data obtained with a "real world" sample to a cross section for an infinitely dilute medium. These two effects are resonance self-shielding and multiple scattering. 5-7,21 The degree of difficulty in making scattering corrections is roughly proporticnal to the ratio o(peak)/(potential). The self-protection correc- tion is worst for Is In As a consequence and largely thanks to the fact of doppler broadening heavy element self-absorption and scattering correc- tions are not large for energies down to about 10 keV, unless one uses very thick sexaples such as spherical shells. Typical sizes of correction factors are l-10% (known in turn to ~ 10%) on samples with an average transmission of ~ 90% for En > 10 kev. A standard practice is to adjust the sample thickness so that the correction factor remains in bounds, as long as sufficient intensity is available. The case of spherical shell transmission deserves special mention since thicknesses used have been of the order of one to several mean free paths. Until very recently thick sample multiple scattering corrections assumed a smooth (non-resonant) cross section. This approximation is reasonably valid in the higher energy range but was considered to be questionable in the keV range. The recent Monte Carlo calculations of Bogart and Semler now show conclusively that if one uses a more realistic cross section (including doppler broadened resonances) the corrections can differ significantly from the earlier values. It is interesting to note that the corrections are dependent to first order upon statistical and optical model parameters such as s- and p-wave strength functions and the level width distribution function as well as the total cross section. In summary, if the experimenter has sufficient intensity to keep his sample thickness to o.1 neutron mean free path average then semi- analytical corrections for scattering and absorption good to 1 or 2% are feasible for energies down to about 10 kev. At lower energies, particularly below a few keV the problem is much more complex since the peak to non- resonance cross section is a 102. Detailed Monte Carlo calculations using the real resonances involved are necessary if high accuracy is to be achieved. Of course, the way to minimize this problem is to use sample thicknesses of only ~ 0.2 mfp. at resonance, but this presents rather difficult experimental problems. III. Detectors We divide this discussion into four general types of detectors. A. Activation. Although limited in use to those nuclides that activate with a convenient half life and also only to monoenergetic beams, this method has been very fruitful and is subject to relatively high accuracy (absolute radioactivity counting) and sensitivity, since the counting is performed separately from the neutron exposure. This technique has largely been ex- hausted but it still finds valuable use in special cases such as recent studies of capture in gold29 and sodium.30 B. "Total Absorption. A major advance in capture measurement technology was effected by the large liquid scintillator.3432! The detector geometry is virtually 49 and one observes the prompt y rays from capture, thus freeing ones self from the restriction of activation. Major problems with large liquid scintillators were the dependence of their efficiency upon the details of the capture y-ray spectrum,27,32 and the large background counting rates due to environmental radiation and particularly from radioactive samples. In addition the time resolution of these devices (typically 10-20 nsec) has been a limiting factor, especially in pulsed Van de Graaff work. However, recently s. large improvement in the time resolution (a few nsec for Ey > 0.5 MeV) has been reported. The largest liquid scintillator facility for capture measurements, built by Haddad and colleagues 34 is shown in Fig. 3. A typical y-ray pulse spectrum from neutron capture in a sample at the center of the tank is shown in Fig. 4. The detector efficiency, proportional to the integral under this curve when corrected for "total escape" proba- bility, is rather accurately determined since there is only a small area under the curve where one has to extrapolate to zero. The large liquid scintillator has also been successfully applied to the measurement of a = 0./07. The stated accuracy requirements for a is such that it is not feasible to construct it from separate measure- ments of fission and capture cross sections. One technique, 92,so applicable for monoenergetic neutrons, involves the addition of a radiative neutron absorber in the scintillator (gadolinium) that signals a fission event in the sample by the combination of a prompt y-ray pulse followed several to several tens of microseconds later by a pulse from the captured fission severe restrictions are placed on the use of fast pulsed beam techniques. With the exception or data using threshold neutrons at 30 and 65 keV the data for 10 < En (keV) < 120 keV were obtained using a Van de Graaff pulsed once every 32 usec (Fig. 5).31 More recently the delayed coincidence technique to identify a fission event was removed by the development of a technique that uses a fast fission counter as the neutron target. Jos Thus the time delay required in the earlier system to classify the event com distribution neutron sources ard time-of-flight techniques. By this technique a for 390 have been obtained from a few eV to more than a keV (Fig. 5). The greatest difficulty in extending this technique to other nuclides such as Su is the a-decay pile-up, which competes with fission counting efficiency. The development of fast response fission counters that contain sufficient material and have an acceptably small a pile-up remains an important experimental challenge. more recentesite.min. C. Total Energy Detectors. The advent of the large liquid scintillator left a residual desire to find a detector which was insensitive to capture y-ray multiplicity contestations are nominate the -8- d se changes. This is most important in the study and comparison of neutron capture in individual resonances. In addition it was hoped that a detector with better time resolution might be found. This is particularly important in certain pulsed Van de Graaff experiments where for intensity reasons one wishes to use as short a flight path as possible. A final, pressing motivation for a new detector was the need, particularly associated with stellar nucleosynthesis problems, to measure capture cross sections of rare isotopes (1.e. samples of a few grams weight). This meant that the detector should not only be fast but also small. Moxon and Raeso developed a detector that, when modified by Macklin, 39 provided most of the desired character- istics. This "total energy" detector is the scintillation counter equivalent of the thick wall geiger counter in that gammas are converted to electrons for detection. The detector (Fig. 6 ) consists of a converter plate in contact with a thin, fast plastic scintillator. By suitable adjustment of converter plate composition (Fig. 7,8) and thickness one can produce a detector whose efficiency is proportional to the gamma energy. Thus the overall efficiency for defecting a radiative capture event is dependent only upon binding energy and independent of cascade mode as long as the total energy release is constant. The detector efficiency is ~ 3% vs, nearly 100% for large liquid scintillators but the background level is at least two orders of magnitude better. This type of detector has sufficient time resolution ( 2 nsec), to allow meaningful measurements (~ 15% energy resolution at 30 keV) of cross section vs. energy with a neutron flight path of only a little over three, inches. An illustration of its signal to noise for a 35 gm sample of 117Sn and ~ 30 keV neutrons is shown in Fig. 9. A later version of the same basic idea, due to a suggestion of H. Maier-Leibnitz, 40 allows an impressive gain in detector efficiency. The Moxon-Rae type detector capitalizes on physical properties of the detector to produce a desired energy response. The new "total energy detector" was developed utilizing the principle that if one knows the pulse height vs. energy response matrix of any detector, a given overall response can be generated by applying a suitable transformation or weighting to the pulse height distribution (Fig. 10). This technique requires considerably more elabcrate data acquisition apparatus and data processing procedures. The net result, however, is a gain in detector efficiency of a 500%, i.e. to about 15%. Preliminary data taken with this detector indicate that the increased efficiency can enable us to measure small cross sections (a few to tens of millibarns) using a 50 cm flight path and relatively smali samples, giving an energy resolution of about 5 ns/m. This ability to use longer flight paths also allows us to insert better collimation and shielding, an important factor since we wish to extend measurements up to several hundred keV. Resuits 2 .. For energies less than a few keV there are two general kinds of results emerging. One, typified by the niobium results in Fig. ll, is classified by the medium-to-poor resolution available in the lead slowing- down-time spectrometer and short flight path pulsed Van de Graaff experi- ments. Individual resonance effects are soon washed out but one still gets a good representation of the gross features of the cross section. A recent scan of the cross section files at the Sigma Center at Brookhaven shows that such data are now available on a wide variety of elements, especially in the medium-weight range, The second kind of result is that Startside the content to Arsitatea -9- . of high resolution, obtained with liquid scintillators and total energy detectors using linear accelerator sources. Figures 12 and 13 illustrate these results. Individual resonance parameters such as I can be obtained from a combination of these latter measurements (capture cross section) with total cross sections, self-indication results, or scattering measure- ments. Thus far the most productive combination has been the combination of transmission and capture cross section. . It should be reiterated that a capture measurement alone does not determine a radiative width. The result of a single resonance capture measure- ment is the capture area, Ay, the "single resonance integral," which is approximately given by 4, -SO. (E)E - (VF,/) (1) There are many instances when the value of this resonance integral may be known but the individual resonance parameters not known. Likewise in situations where g and In have been determined by other experiments one frequently knows Ane uf ultimate interest in reactor calculations, much more accurately than rys the number normally reported in the literature. Finally, one can obtain the capture resonance integral over partially resolved groups of resonances (e.g. 250-500 eV range in Nb, Fig. 11 ) that may be of use to reactor design but is of almost inconsequential use, per se, to the under- standing of nuclear structure physics. At energies greater than a few keV only lighter and magic nuclei have observed (e.g. Fig. 14 ). Heavier elements in general have such close resonance spacings that all one observes is a smooth average over many resonances, such as shown in Fig. 15. The corrections necessary to transform raw data to cross section for these two extremes are similar in that both involve scattering and resonance self-shielding. However, in the case of single resonances one uses explicit cross sections and resonance parameters whereas in the case of heavy elements one uses statistical properties such as average spacing and strength function as well as assumes the validity of distribution functions such as the Porter-Thomas distribution of scattering widths. These corrections have been developed to a reasonably satisfactory state for thin samples if one is satisfied with an average cross section accuracy of 2 5%. For better accuracies refinements such as thinner samples and Monte Carlo techniques in analysis will have to be utilized. The effects of l>o wave neutrons cannot be over-emphasized in the 0.1 < En (keV) < 100 range. For example, approximately 60% of the niobium capture cross section at 10 keV is due to p-wave neutrons. In fact one should include d-wave (4 = 2) effects for En > 100 keV but we don't know enough about the systematics yet to be able to do so with confidence. Also, such "constants" as (D) and (ry, can change significantly over an energy interval as small as 100 keV. ' Another thing that should be mentioned about capture results in the keV range is the discovery of a relatively large number of resonances not observed in total cross section measurements despite the fact that experimental resolution is considerably poorer than available for transmission measure- ments. For example, in (pore + n) there are 2 resonances known from -10- transmission for 15 < En (keV) < 60, the second one being only recently discovered.? However, it is observed that at least 4 resonances contribute significantly to the capture cross section in this same energy region 19 (Fig. 16), two of which are to date unobservable even in a thick sample transmission measurement (Fig. 17). Thus experimentalists can supply capture resonance areas for which it is not yet possible to give a value for the radiation widths, spin and parity, etc. In many other instances, where the spin and neutron width are known, one can obtain a value of [y. As a consequence our knowledge of the systematic behavior of radiative total widths is rapidly growing. We are still a long way, however, from being able to answer the question, for example, of the possible strong dependence of ry on the parity of the capturing state. The application of large NaI crystals to the study of resonance capture -ray spectraG943 has afforded us a helpful tool in capture diagnostics. This technique can produce absolute, reduced partial radiative widths for resonances whose parameters are knowns and the spectra from resonances whose properties are not known can be helpful in determining the spin and parity of the capturing state.43 One new interesting feature that has already emerged from such studies is that for some elements in the weight range 20 < A < 40 magnetic dipole transitions dominate over electric dipole transitions. For example, capture in the 2º, 25 keV resonance in F(n,r) decays via a number of relatively low energy magnetic dipole gammas instead of the expected result of electric dipole gammas to and near the ground state of 20F (Fig. 18). A valid question is to what extent can one use nuclear reaction theory to calculate capture cross sections. This approach was used some years ago by people concerned with fission product poisoning and they got their fingers burned because of lack of appreciation for p-wave neutron capture contributions in the keV range. "Theory", in the context of neutron capture is not at all akin to the elegant and accurate calculations of scattering made possible, for example, by the non-local optical model. Rather we use the term "theory" to describe the formal process which one uses to manipulate empirically derived systematics to arrive at a desired cross section. For example, one can express the capture cross section, in terms of a statistical-optical model, as27 202 0= Sess ;(n,d,j)> — F(25) (2) Thus, if one knows (or can calculate) average values versus excitation energy of radiative widths, level spacings, scattering widths, for various resonance spins and parities, and neutron penetrabilities versus angular momentum and energy he can calculate an absolute capture cross section. Un- fortunately there are no easy shortcuts. In addition such a calculation ignores possible direct capture processes that can be important, especially in the MeV range. Also, this approach is obviously not valid when one is interested in energy intervals of the order of the level spacing, for then individual resonance characteristics become important. -ll- Reaction theory per se at its present state of development is of very limited value in accurately predicting capture cross sections. On the other hand empirically determined reaction systematics are proving to be useful guides in cases where one is averaging over a statistically significant number of levels. For example, a plot of stable isotope cross sections for 65 keV neutrons, when empirically corrected for even-odd effects, shows a remarkably small point scatter (Fig. 19). Unfortunately this curve has very little to say about nuclides well off the valley of beta stability or those heavier than bismith. Studies of capture as a function of neutron excess may ultimately shed light on the former and Bell's Interpretative studies44 of heavy element yields from bomb explosions are already providing some of our best guesses about fast capture in such problem nuclides as <33pa. Conclusion There has been a veritable explosion of data, particularly on capture cross sections, over the past half decade. Where cross sections were non- existent or were uncertain to a factor of two we now typically find results with accuracy frequently approaching 10%. Even more significant is the fact that results obtained using completely independent techniques are more frequently agreeing with each other these days. This progress has not come easily or by a few great breakthroughs; rather it is the collective result of many individuals and small groups who are steadily chipping away at the problems of neutron sources, flux standards, detectors, and correction factors. A few of the more recent advances, however, deserve special recognition: Moxon, Rae, and Macklin's work on total energy detectors, Weston and deSaussure's fast, high efficiency fission counter, Haddad's work on am improved massive liquid scintillator, Grench, et al.'s work on gold activation using the v(p,:) reaction, and most recently Bogart's Monte Carlo studies of shell transmission corrections. It is interesting: to note that most of these advances have been made possible by small efforts with a wide geographical representation rather than massive assaults. The greatest challenge to the cross section measurer, from the point of view of the user's interest, seems to me to lie in two main areas: 1) improvement in absolute accuracy and 2) ability to handle radioactive samples. Advances in both areas are occurring but progress will probably not come as easily as in the past. However, I am convinced that progress will come, as it has in the past, from a variety of small groups with open minds to innovation. It is always well to end a presentation such as this one with a note of realism. Thus, lest the reader concludes that all is now "well" in the capture cross section business, I want to refer you to the results to date of measurements on yttrium (Fig. 20). It should be clear that, despite all I may have led you to believe, we are still in pretty bad shape. As Pogo once said, "From here on down it's uphill all the way." -12. Table I Spherical Shell Transmission Technique Advantages (1) Obviates need for neutron flux calibration Disadvantages (1) Requires monoenergetic source (2) Insensitive to detector efficiency (to first order) (2) Requires large amount of sample (3) Completely insensitive to mode of decay of final nucleus. (3) Requires extensive scattering and self-shielding corre- ctions, especially for E s 10 keV. Corrections (1) Resonance self protection effects (2) Multiple scattering in shell material (3) Finite source/detector size effects (4) Effects due to neutron energy degradation by scattering Effects due to non-isotropic source bermain. -13- Table II Discrete Energy Neutron source, 100 eV < Enga < 100 keV with sufficient intensity for practical use in partial cross section measurements. Source Energy (kev) Typical Resolution, AE, (kev) 24 IV no (195) V no 1 30 Sb-Be (Y,n) Th-D20 (y,n) ?Li(p,n)?Be at threshold 3r(p,n) He at threshold 7L1(p,n)?Be at 2 90° 52v(p,n)52cr at any 1 N no 5 to > 100 5 to > 100 I no -14- - - - • -- - - -V - - -- - K - References 1. P. F. Nichols, E. G. Bilpuch, and H. W. Newson, Ann. Phys. 8, 250 (1959). 2. See, for example, R. L. Macklin, P. J. Pasma, and J. H. Gibbons, Phys. Rev. 136, B695 (1964). 3. W. M. Good and R. C. Block, private communication (1965). 4. H. W. Schmitt and c. W. Cook, Nucl. Phys. 20, 202 (1960). 5. H. W. Schmitt, ORNL-2883 (1960) unpublished. 6. L. Dresner, Nucl. Instr. and Methods 16, 176 (1962). R. L. Macklin, Nucl. Instr. and Methods 26, 213 (1964). 8. R. L. Macklin, H. W. Schmitt, and J. H. Gibbons, Phys. Rev. 102, 797 (1956). 9. M. Ashgar, M. C. Moxon, and C. M. Chaffey, Proc. Int. Conf. on the Study of Nuclear Structure with Neutrons, Antwerp, Belgium, July 1965. 10. H. W. Schmitt, Nucl. Phys. 20, 220 (1960). 21. K. É. Larssc :, J. Nucl. Energy 6, 322 (1958). d Meth ' J. H. Gibbons and H. W. Newson, Fast Neutron Physics (Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, 1960), Part I. 13. J. H. Gibbons, R. L. Macklin, and H. W. Schmitt, Phys. Rev. 100, 167 (1955). 14. K. K. Harris, H. A. Grench, R. G. Johnson, and T. J. Vaughn, Nucl. Instr. and Methods 33, 257 (1965). 15. J. H. Gibbons and R. L. Macklin, Nucl. Instr. and Methods 31, 330 (1965). 16. J. Rainwater, W. W. Havens, Jr., J. 8. Desjardius, and J. L. Rosen, Rev. Sci. Instr. 31, 490 (1960). - - 17. W. M. Good, Neutron Time-of-Flight Methods (EURATOM, Brussels, 1960), p. 309. 18. C. D. Moak, W. M. Good, R. F. King, J. W. Johnson, H. E. Banta, J. Judish, and W. H. dupreez, Rev. Sci. Instr. 35, 672 (1964). 19. Yu. P. Popov and F. L. Shapiro, Zh. Eksperim. 1. Teor. Fiz. 15, 683 (1962) (English transl.: Soviet Phys. - JETP 42, 988 (1962)7. 20. R. L. Macklin, Nucl. Instr. 1, 335 (1957). 21. H. W. Schmitt, R. C. Block, and R. L. Bailey, Nucl. Phys. 17, 109 (1960). 22. J. Als. Nielsen and 0. Dietrich, Phys. Rev. 133, B925 (1964). 23. J. A. Moore, H. Palevsky, and R. E. Chrien, Phys. Rev. 132, 801 (1963). -15- References (cont'd.) 24. M. C. Moxon, Proc. Int. Conf. on the study of Nuclear Structure with Neutrons, Antwerp, Belgium, July 1965. 25. F. Mitzel and H. 8. Plendi, Nukleonik 6, 371 (1964). R. C. Block, B. Steadman, and R. R. Fullwood, private communication (1966). J. H. Gibbons, R. L. Macklin, P. D. Miller, and J. H. Neiler, Phys. Rev. 122, 182 (1961). 28. D. Bogart and T. T. Seculer, NASA TMX-52173 (1966). (See also contributed paper, this conference). 29. K. K. Harris, H. A. Grench, R. G. Johnson, F. J. Vaughn, J. H. Ferziger, and R. Sher, Nucl. Phys. 69, 37 (1965). 30. C. LeRigoleur, J. C. Bluet, H. Bell, and J. L. Leroy, Cadarache Centre report No. DRP/SMNF 65/02 (unpublished). 31. B. C. Diven, J. Terrell, and A. Hemmendinger, Phys. Rev. 120, 556 (1960). 32. R. L. Macklin, J. H. Gibbons, and T. Inada, Phys. Rev. 129, 2695 (1963). 33. L. W. Weston, private communication (1966). 34. E. Haddad, 8. J. Freisenbahn, F. H. Frobner, and W. M. Lopez, Phys. Rev. 140, B50 (1965). 35. J. C. Hopkins and B. C. Diven, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 12, 169 (1962). 36. L. W. Weston, G. deSaussure, and R. Gwin, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 20, 80 (1964). 37. G. deSaussure, L. W. Weston, R. Gwin, J. E. Russell, and R. W. Hockenbury, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 23, 45 (1965). 38. M. C. Moxon and E. R. Rae, Nucl. Instr. and Methods 24, 445 (1.963). 39. R. L. Macklin, J. H. Gibbons, and T. Inada, Nucl. Phys. 43, 353 (1963). 40. H. Maier-Leibnitz, private communication (1963). See also F. Rau, Nucleonik 5, 191 (1963). See, for example, the paper by Frohner, Haddad, Lopez, and Friesenhahn (this conference). 42. J. R. Bird, J. A. Biegerstaff, J. H. Gibbons, and W. M. Good, Phys. Rev. 138, B20 (1965). 43. I. Bergqvist, J. A. Biggerstaff, J. H. Gibbons, and W. M. Good, Phys. Rev. Letters 18, 323 (1965). 44. George I. Bell, Phys. Rev. 139, B1207 (1965). -16- Figure Captions Fig. 1. Total cross section of (pºv + n). The sample consisted of 330 gms of isotopically enriched Suv. These data were obtained with a pulsed Van de Graaff accelerator. Fig. 2. Apparatus for the measurement of neutron absorption cross sections by spherical shell transmission. Fig. 3• Experimental facility for measuring radiative capture cross sections using a large (4000 liter) liquid scintillator. Fig. 4 - Gold resonance neutron capture gamma ray pulse height distri. butions in a large liquid scintillator. The upper curve was obtained before steps were taken to eliminate capture of scattered neutrons in the scintillator. Fig. 5 - Alpha, the ratio of capture to fission, of SPU as a function of energy Fig. 6 - The 'Moxon-Rae-Macklin" detector consists of a plate that converts gammas to electrons, which are in turn detected by a thin plastic scintillator. This detector is very fast and compact, which allows measurements at short flight paths. It is also very insensitive to neutrons, which allows measurements where oc «oscº Fig. 7 - Efficiency per MeV of the Moxon-Rae detector versus gamma energy. The ideal response would be a constant efficiency per MeV. Fig. 8. Efficiency per MeV of the Moxon-Rae detector as modified by Macklin. The efficiency per MeV is much more nearly constant than the detector using pure graphite. Fig. 9. Moxon-Rae detector counts versus time for a 35 gram sample exposed to 30 keV neutrons from a pulsed Van de Graaff. Fig. 10 - Pulse-height weighting function to create a plastic scintillation detector response function that is proportional to gamma ray energy Fig. ll - Capture cross section for NO + n). The data were obtained using the "lead slowing down time spectrometer" which has relatively poor energy resolution. Fig. 12 - C C Capture cross section for (In + n), obtained using a large liquid scintillator and electron linac neutrons. Fig. 13 - Capture cross sections of isotopes of tungsten. These data were obtained with an ORNL scintillator tank on the RPI linac. Fig. 14 - Capture cross section for ( Pb + n), obtained with a "total energy detector" using neutrons from pulsed-bunched Van de Graaff. Fig. 15 - Capture cross section for (NO + n). The various symbols stand for different measurements, mostly by independent techniques. The shape of the curve is determined by statistical nuclear properties. -17- Fig. 16 - Capture cross section for (°Fe + n). At least four resonances contribute to the cross section for 15 < En (kev) < 60. Fig. 17 - Neutron transmission through a thick sample of Fe. Only two resonances are discernable for 15 < En (keV) < 60 keV. Fig. 18 - Gamma ray spectrum from 27 keV (2) resonance neutrori capture in (19F + n). The spectrum due to thermal capture is indicated by the vertical lines. Surprisingly the p-wave resonance capture, which could lead to and near the ground state via electric dipole emission, proceeds instead via magnetic dipole to higher excited states. Fig. 19 - Capture cross section for En = 65 keV versús atomic number. The effects of neutron and proton shells are very clear. A remarkably smooth curve is obtained if one weights even Z, even N target cross sections by a factor of 2.2, independent of A. Fig. 20 - Capture cross section for (°Sy + n). The resonance spacing is a few key. The different symbols represent independent experiments. This example was purposefully chosen to point out that there are still some stable element cross sections that are very poorly known. .. .. .. ... ... ....... '! -. * -18- اددا سلسسلسلسلسسسلسسبسلسسلندا 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 En (kev) ۱ITIIIIII 30 40 50 60 UNCLASSIFIEO ORNL-LA-OWG 241SIR 000 0 00 : 100 t0 i . 110 000000 . . . . . Pb- PARAFFIN BAC . WWW mirage 06 PARAFFIN COUNTERS 20 he Woman INCHES Sb-8e SOURCE: T MATING HEMISPHERES CROSS SECTION SAMPLE MATERIAL- LONG COUNTER ASSEMBLY MOVABLE CARRIAGE TE med IT II . DI I GUIDE FROM SOURCE STORAGE CELL bution 10 20 25 lo 1.060-in. DIA SPHERE- 0.030-in. A 0.030-in. Be 0.940-in. DIA SO- SIHONI ... Apparatus for the Measurement of Neutron Absorption Cross Sections. SAMPLE LIQUID SCINTILLATOR SOLUTION (ACTIVE) LIQUID SCINTILLATOR SOLUTION (INACTIVE; 2 LEAD -6° BORON-PARAFFIN . - ** * + UGHT TIGHT PLYWOOD BOX - 5" PHOTOMUL- TIPLIER TUBES . - SELF-INDICATION WELL + . 1 i AN BFG MONITORS ... we NEUTRON BEAM DIRECTION O TANK ACCESS DOOR FOR NORTH TUBE BANK ON fed Til COLLIMATOR SHIELDING SHIELDING TANK ACCESS DOOR FOR SOUTH TUBE BANK 7. 39,2..11 i 2017* 3000 GAMMA PULSE HEIGHT DISTRIBUTION FROM 5 V GOLD RESONANCE NO LINER OR METHYL BORATE. 00 COUNTS PER CHANNEL Bas googoo 00 1000 GAMMA RAY ENERGY (MOV). O AMBIENT I BACKGROUND 3000 GAMMA PULSE HEIGHT DISTRIBUTION FROM 5 V GOLD RESONANCE B'O LINER 10% METHYL BORATE IN CENTER SECTION. PER CHANNEL 2000 ecco o que solo 1000 ooooooooooo - - .. ... . . w MACHINE BACKGROUND - . r .. 6 7 8 GAMMA RAY ENERGY (MOV) ORNL-DWG 64-5817R2 TTTTIIIIIIIIIIIIII + DIRECT MEASUREMENTS BY ORNL AND RPI DIRECT MEASUREMENTS BY ORNL O DIRECT MEASUREMENTS BY LOS ALAMOS (NUCL. SCL ENG. 12, 169 (1962)] - A INTEGRAL MEASUREMENTS BY KAPL (PROC. INTERN. CONF. PEACEFUL USES AT. ENERGY, GENEVA, 1955, 4, 315) O CALCULATIONS BASED ON MEASUREMENTS OF OF AT SACLAY AND OF O, AT HARWELL (AERE-M-4272) - O FROM MEASUREMENTS OF 9, 0, AND G, AT HARWELL (PRIVATE COMMUNICATION) fillol o lºlol loll 197411 Mutta 1,000,000 10 100 1000 10,000 400,000 Ę (OV) ! . -** ** ..-- ?! PHOTOMULTIPLIER & PLASTIC SCINTILLATOS LICH COLLIMATOR NEUTRON TARGET PROTON TARGET CONVERTER PLATE ". .. MON ANOMAT 60723 . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 75650 10-2 EFFICIENCY / Ey GRAPHITE SLAB THICKNESS: 2.54 cm SOURCE DISTANCE: 5.08 cm ELECTRON DENSITY: 5.4 x 1023 cm 3 I CALCULATED CURVE FOR ZERO BIAS COMPTON AND PAIR FIRST INTERACTIONS II EMPIRICAL CALIBRATION - FINITE BIAS 10-3 0 2 4 6 - 8 Ey (Mev) 10 12 14 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 75651 II EFFICIENCY/EY Biz O3 +C MIXTURE THICKNESS : 2.38 cm SOURCE DISTANCE : 5.08 cm ELECTRON DENSITY: 8x1023 cm 3 COMPOSITION: C-78.5 at. % Bi- 8.6 at. % 0- 12.9 at. % CALCULATED CURVE FOR ZERO BIAS COMPTON AND PAIR FIRST INTERACTIONS II EMPIRICAL CALIBRATION – FINITE BIAS 10-3 0 2 4 10 12 14 6 8 Ey (Mev) jantar minnetta nt en UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 68051 300 _ GRAPHITE MOXON-RAE DETECTOR 30-kev NEUTRON CAPTURE IN - Sn"7 (35 -GRAM SAMPLE) 06 = 390 1 80 mb PROMPT GAMMA-RAY PEAK NUMBER OF COUNTS PER CHANNEL/14 min 1 140 230 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 TIME DELAY CHANNEL NUMBER (0.85 nsec/channel) UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-8387 1400 2.64 cm 1200 100 10.16 cm 00 7.62 800 G (1), WEIGHTING FUNCTION TWO PLASTIC SCINTILLATORS 10.16-cm diam X 7.62-cm THICK SOURCE TO DETECTOR FACE DISTANCE 2.64 cm G (I), WEIGHTING FUNCTION 400 200 2 4 6 14 16 18 20 8 10 12 I, PULSE HEIGHT (mec) Weighting Function for Total Gamma-Ray Energy. ORNL-DWG 66-2212 . N693 Oc (barns) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 En (kėV) 1 2 5 10 MELMARATY W T TARGET DATA 100000 10 NOTION EGY (en) Le-40546 - - - .. . ..: . CARLOWG 65-2424 NEUTRON ENERGY (OV) 1400 1200 000 8000 6000 4000 2000 1600 900 & 3000 2400 TTTT estimui 182 w ::::: :: 0 TTTTTTTTTTTT TTTP 184W so ** : CAPTURE CROSS SECTION (borno) тттттттттттт — TT LULUILL 486W sot ... .:: 183w "roo TULOS Lanciranimiz var . 125 200 300 400 800 300 100 500 600 CHANNEL: NUMBER (008 usec/channel) - - - - - ORNL-DWG 63-7850 Pb 207 CAPTURE CROSS SECTION (mb) 10 15 20 50 55 60 25 30 35 40 45 NEUTRON ENERGY (keV) ORNL-DWG 66-2211 1000 500 11 4, No 93 (qw) 200 op de fotocaba 20 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.2 0. 5 1 0.1 En (MeV) ORNL-DWG 63-7847 CAPTURE CROSS SECTION (mb) 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 NEUTRON ENERGY (keV) 50 55 60 arl-OWG 64-754 1. 09 08 hogy nem a6 TRANSMISSION Foss 18.4 barns/atom 0.2 TTTT TTTTTT 30 NEUTRON ENERGY (kev) So ORNL-DWG 63-5741R т F19(n, y) F20 ERES = 27 keV; 1" = 2- т т т COUNTS/AE (arbitrary units) Т Т 0 1 2 5 6 3 4 ENERGY (MeV) ' 3+2+ (2,3,410 atd (1,2,3) PREDOMINANTLY (1.21+ ? \(2,3)+ + - - - . - - - - - - - ORNL-LR-DV'G 70890R 2 - • ODD Z TARGET O EVEN Z TARGET WITH E-E COMPONENT WEIGHTED BY MULTIPLYING BY A FACTOR OF 2.2 .. . _____ _ _ 2 x 103 ..... .... ... . Coff (mb) at 65 kev _ __ _ _ _ 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 940 Average Capture Cross Sections for 65-kev Neutrons. *---* - - - - - ORNL-DWG 66-2213 8 8 8 439789 ☺ oc (mb) . ow so voo 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 En (MeV) * * - *- - . 2. V - -- 47 END 22 - - DATE FILMED 6 / 7 / 66