A O . . .. i " . ". i LOFT ORNL P 2601 .: :. . .' com. 엘 ​12 . . .. 11.25 1.1.4 1.6 1.dib .17. :1. art Wr7 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 . *. . *. . . ..* . ." . - * * ' ' * - S" '- 4 ": 1 ... .. . WFT. " . " '.", .ORN Praes e C P Kein-2 2923 MASTER IL.C. $ 7.00: MN_50 Conf-660524125 48 / 50 CHEMICAL SEPARATIONS IN MOLTEN FLUORIDES F. F. Blankenship Reactor Chemistry Division AELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee IN NUCLEAR SCIENCS ABSTRACIS Among the advantages of fluid fuels is their amenability to convenient reprocessing; expensive refabrication by remote handling procedures is there by avoided. Several methods of removing neutron poisons have been explored recently. The feasibility of breeding depends on how well the poisons can be removed. The problem of poisoning by 135 Xe is a case in point. If all the xenon produced is burned, the consequent poison fraction rises to an intolerable 5%. The problem is accen- tuated in thermal breeders that are moderated by graphite in the core. The voids in the graphite, totaling in volume to approximately the amount of fuel in the core, serve as readily available sinks for the xenon. The effect is suf- ficiently pronounced to virtually defy cure by stripping unless a graphite of greatly decreased permeability is developed. More promising is the possibility of removing Research sponsored by U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. LEGAL NOTICE . . . . . . .. .. .. , - This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Nelther the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the actu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparams, method, or process disclosed in this report may not Infringe. prinitely owned righto; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages rosulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the abovo, "porson acting on behalf of the Commission" Includes any eno- ployee or contractor of the Comm:1ssion, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such omployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides acceso to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employmert with such contractor. 1 -'. . . ::- ; v 4 - . . . . . . . .' - . "-::. Ta 1351, the precursor of 135 Xe, by sparging with HF as studied by Baes and associates.' The fuels are mixtures of fluorides such as LiF and BeFz containing UF, and possibly other fluoride additives such as ZrFe. Because of the mild reducing action of the container metal, the fission product iodine occurs in the form of iodide ion, i°. The reaction involved in removal of I“ is HF + I" -- F + HIT . A constant quotient, . . . [HI] THF] [15] QF holds under equilibrium conditions; Qc remains constant for a given" solvent and temperature because the solute concentra- tions are in the range where Henry's Law holds. For sparging under equilibrium consitions, the fraction of iodide removal is given by : on by in ([1°]][1–)") = -Q(1Hp/W) .- The terms [1"]° and (1") are, respectively, the concentrations of iodide present initially and of iodide present after nye moles of HF have been passed through Wkg of melt. The appara tus employed in studying iodide removal was. a simple nickel pot with a dip tube for inlet gas and a thermocouple well. At the exit from the pot, where HI could react with the nickel walls because the temperature was lower, a gold lining was to prevent the reaction; similarly, Teflon tubing carried the exit gas to the analyzer portion of the assembly. To avoid corrosion, the inlet gas was a mixture of HF in at least 90% hydrogen. A 10-cm bubble path was adequate to achieve equilibrium. Values of Q were determined over a temperature range from 434 to 635°C; Q decreased with increasing temperature, ranging from 50 to 15 kg/mole. Since the half-time for decay of 1351 to 135 Xe is 6.7 hr, iodide-removal half-time of about an hour might be appropriate. With Q = 40 kg/mole (2LiF. BeF2 at 800°C), half the iodide present in a reactor fuel could be removed in 1 hr by passing a minimum of 388 cc of AF per kilogram of fuel per hour. This is quite a modest requirement, but of course a final stripping with H, or He will be required to remove the HF. Rare earths are the next most important poisons among the fission products. They constitute 22 at. % of the fis- sion products but cause 40% of the poisoning. . It appeared possible to take advantage of the fact that the rare-earth fluorides have considerably lower vapor pres- sures than the fuel constituents. This possibility has been studied by Kelly,' and the prospects appear favorable for removal of rare earths in a heel that remains after distilling UL . the fuel constituents. Distillation in the most recent experiments was carried out with a graphite pot and receiver enclosed in an inverted U-tube. The pot had a capacity of about 17 g fuel and an. exposed fuel surface area of 1 cm. Distillation was started or stopped by evacuating or admitting an overpressure of helium. Rates of distillation were of the order of a few milligrams per square centimeter per second, wkich were ade. quate from the standpoint of feasibility. The rate for Lif was determined first, then successive portions of the solvent for the Molten-Salt Reactor fuel were added and distilled. Each repetition brought the proportions of constituents in the doses to the composition that would yield fuel solvent (LiF-BeF:-ZrF4, 65-3.-5 mole %) as product; this was LiF- BeFz-ZrF, at 85.4-10.7-3.9 mole %. Analyses of the residue and condensate obtained during the distillation provided a measure of the relative volatility of BeF2 and ZrF, compared to Lif. In the LiF-rich region that was studied, the activity coefficient of LiF was near unity, and accordingly estimates of the activity coefficients' of BeF, and ZrF, could he obtainod. These were about 2 x 10-2 for BeF2 and 5 x 10-4 for ZrF4, in approximate agreement with previous estimates based on other methods. In the course of distillation NdF, was added to the pot; de :ontamination factors of the order of 100 were observed. - This was in line with expectations based on vapor pressures and with other measurements as well. Attention has also been paid to the possibility of removal of rare earths by chemical reduction. In beryllium- containing melts, such as those of current interest, there is a difficulty; standard free energies of formation show that Be Fz is reduced more easily than the rare-earth fluo- rides. Thus, the desired reduction can supersede that of beryllium only if some special sink is provided in which the reduced rare-earth metals have an unusually low activity. An obvious choice for trial as a reducing agent 18 beryl- lium metal itself; in this case the oxidized product would not constitute a new ingredient in the salt mixture. Actu- ally beryllium proves to be very effective in reducing rare earths from LIF-BeFz mixtures, as demonstrated by Cathers and Schilling, who used both beryllium and other reducing i agents strong enough to reduce beryllium. The reduction of rare earths proceeded in either case with the formation of extremely stable internetallic beryllides, having the for- mula (R.E.)Be, s . In most of their experiments Cathers and Schilling used liquid alloys of active metals such as alumi- .. num or lithium as the reducing agent. The interme tallic compounds that formed were not soluble in either the metal layer or the salt layer. As far as removal of rare earths from the salt was concerned, however, the decontamination fac- tors were more than adequate. Among the rare earths, neodymium is one of the worst poisons. A reprocessing decontamination factor of about 20 is required for neodymium if the increase in uranium 16:ventory to override the poisoning is to remain under 0.1%. Actually, decontamination factors as high as 52 for neodymium have been obtained using beryllium as the reduc- ing agent. The solids handling problem ansociated with the formation af the insoluble beryllides is a disadvantage, but if well-behaved slurries or "creams" couid be formed in heavy liquid metals, then the same procedures might be used as with true solutions in the metal layer, in which latter case only liquids are handled. Since it is highly probable that the beryllides are wet by liquid metal, the proposed slurries should be formable. Cathers and Schilling also found that zirconium was readily removable by reduction; this is one of the fission products not removable by distillation. Grimes and Shaffer took advantage of the very low activity coefficient of metallic rare earths in liquid bismuth in devis- ing a method of reducing and extracting rare-earth cations from Liz BeF, and related melts.* Their experiments were car- ried out with 2 or 3 kg of bismuth covered with about 2 kg of salt in steel liners. Rare earths, spiked with radioactive isotopes, were added to the salt at a concentration of 10-4 mole fraction. Lithium, that served as the reducing agent, was added in increments directly to the bismuth. After each addition both layers were sampled. A plor of the logarithm. of the Liº concentration in the bismuth against the logarithm of the ratio of rare earth in the metal to the rare earth in the salt gave the expected straight lines. For reasons that are not yet clear, some of these lines did not have the expected slope. Nevertheless, it was found that a con- centration of 0.02 mole fraction Liº in the bismuth was suf- ficiently reducing to remove from the selt nearly all the cerium, lanthanum, and neodymium, as well as substantial quantities of samarium and europiun. At the low reduction potentials to which the 0.02 mole fraction alloy corresponds, no formation of the insoluble beryllides occurs and thus only liquids need be handled. Regardless of which strong reducing agent is employed, lithium alloys are the end product. Current work on this method involves measuring the activity coefficients of lithium and the rare ear the in the bismuth. Preliminary results gave coefficients (based on mole fractions) of the order of 10-s for Liº, and 10-14 for the rare earths. Protactinium removal from blanket melts is an important aspect of breeding from ThF. Several methods of accomplish- ing this have been tried. Shaffer and McDuffie showed that, . in simulated blanket mixtures in which Zroz was insoluble, protactinium was removed from solution by deposition on Zroz. Coprecipitation of protactinium with other insoluble oxides had been demonstrated previously. In view of the good results with reduction and extrac-. tion of rare earths into bismuth, a" similar procedure, with thorium as the reducing agent, was tried for protactinium T . . . . . removal. Shaffer and Grimes found that 233 Pa, at tracer levels, would remain indefinitely in blanket melts (LiF-BeF2- Thf,, 73-2-25 mole %), but that on treatment with thorium, the 233 Pa left the melt and appeared on metal walis, whether a layer of bismuth was present or not.' The fact that the . . . . N . . .1. . - -...att. : * . . . .. . . . . protactinium showed a predilection for solid metals rather than liquid bismuth was disadvantageous, but attempts to use liquid bismuth alloys as transfer agents are in progress. Additional experiments with 231 Pa at realistic concen- trations of the order of 30. ppm were carried out by Barton in a glove box facility. The substitution of 23 3 Pa for 231 Pa circumvents shielding problems associated with the high gamma activity of 231 Pa and provides a convenient means of analysis in the form of the alpha activity of 23 3 Pa. In general the behavior encountered by Barton resembled that manifested in the tracer-level experiments. Thorium appeared to be a suitable reducing agent for protactinium. However, the reduced product tended to remain suspended in the salt phase in a form that would not pass through sintered metal filters having a pore size of 0.0015 inches. Experiments to obtain protactinium deposition dy electrolytic reduction are in progress. . . LES References 1. Reactor Chem. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. Dec. 31, 1965, ORNL-3913, p. 38-40. 2. Ibid., p. 35-38. 3. G. I. Cathers and C. E. Schilling, Chem. Tech. Division Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31, 1965, ORNL-3830, p. 303; also in Chem. Tech. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. 1966, in press. 4. MSRP Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 28, 1966, ORNL-3936, p. 141-5. 5. Ibid., p. 145. 6. J. H. Shaffer et al., Nuc. Sci. Eng. 18, 177 (1964). 7. MSRP Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 28, 1966, ORNL-3936, p. 147. 8. Ibid., p. 148. Th1 . END pak DATE FILMED 12/ 23/ 66 1 . X . .. CY w $ 3.PL . * ) + 17 S.KEL - . .. * **** - - 1. 41. 1 . AN - 71TL # e . . I . . T . . 1:07 _ 24 LU X2 P HTULLAY SNOW " P11 2 . P T T . 2. ' -":" +..*',. ." . .."