in 3 - . . . . . . . . . . . I OF. I ORNL P 2597 : . : . i . . ., 1 .. ... - EEEFEFFE 11:25 114 116 I MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 . ORNr. 2597 Conf-660920-12 HEALTH PHYSICS ASPECTS OF SUPERSONIC TRANSPORT*+ NOV 2 9 1966 Walter S. Snyder Health Physics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA jap.mygter XQ 3.00 The supersonic transport aircraft, hereafter referred to as the SST, is being Gesigned to cruise at altitudes of 60,000 to 80,000 feet. At these heights, passengers and crew will be exposed to somewhat higher levels of cosmic radiation because the overlying absorption thickness (g/cm2) of air is less than half what it is at 30,000 or 40,000 feet, the heights used by many present commercial aircraft. Undoubtedly, the problem of solar flares, which produce radiation fields with intensity much above the average levels, has served to call attention to the general problem of radiation exposure entailed by the use of the SST. Consequently, there have been a number of studies of the problem (for example, refs. 1-5), including one by an ICRP Task Group, '°) and this paper is, in a sense, a summary of these reports and an updating with what new information has been found during the last year. The British and French governments are cooperating to produce an SST which is termed the Concorde. Several U. S. firms are also actively at work on design, but it appears the American planes may not be ready for commercial use as soon as the Conco-de which is tentatively scheduled for service in 1971. The Concorde is designed Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with Union Carbide Corporation. *For presentarion at the First International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, Rome, Italy, September 5-10, 1966. LEGAL NOTICE 4 RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT DE MUCILAR SCIENCE ABSIHACIS This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Nellhor the Unilad Blates, nor the Commission, nor any porson acting on behalf of the Commission: .: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not Infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respoct to the use of, or for damages resulting from the *Use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "'person acting on behalf of the Commission" Includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor, to fly from New York to Paris, for example, in 3 hrs and 15 min, or from London to Sydney in 13 hrs and 20 min, and will carry from 110 to 130 passengers. Nine airlines have already placed orders for 45 of these planes, and the interest in the American version is comparable. An artist's representation of the Concorde is shown in Fig. 1. The primary spectrum of cosmic radiation is fairly weil documented. There is considerable absorption due to the 30 to 70 g/cm of air above these altitudes so that this primary spectrum is considerably altered, and there have not been many direct measurements of the radiation fields within this belt. Thus the radiation fields erra countered be:ween 60,000 and 89,000 ft are not as well determined as those at lower altitudes or those at higher altitudes. It is convenient to consider these radiation fields. .... .-- under two separate categories -(1) galac. ic radiation, which originates outside the solar system, and (2) solar radiation originating with the sun, the latter including solar flares which are, in fact, only more intense and limited periods of solar radiation. Galactic radiation consists primarily of energetic protons, alpha particles, and to a lesser extent heavier nuclei, and it is relatively constant in intensity except for effects due to magnetic fields associated with sun spot activity and solar flares. In Fig.. 2, which is taken from ref. 1, the change of the composition of the cosmic ray beam with in altitude is shown. The height of 60,000 ft is just beyond the region where the "transition effect" occurs and the particle fluxes begin to decrease. At lower elevations the dose will be primarily due to radiation of low LET, i.e., electrons and mesons, but at altitudes of 50,000 to 80,000 ft, the flux of nucleons increases and makes a very significant con- tribution to the dose and even more to the dose equivalent. - 3- In the upper atmosphere, the total ionization increases from the earth's equator toward the poles owing to the magnetic field of the earth which deflects low-energy particles. Because of this screening effect, the number of high-energy primary particles reaching a given height above the earth increases with latitude, being minimal at the equator. This screening effect is less at lower altitudes and is hardly significant at sea level. Fowler and Perkins) have estimated this latitude effect for a height of 70,000 ft, and the ir estimate is shown in Fig. 3. It is seen that at 60° or more of north latitude the intensity of ionization is about three times greater than at the equator. Many of the most travelled routes pass through these high latitudes, and if it appears desirable to reduce dose to passengers or crew, one might achieve a substantial reduction by following routes that lie in lower latitudes so far as practicable. Crew members might be rotated so that the same individual did not fly predominantly on the routes through high latitudes. However, while these are possibilities, it is not at all clear that such practices will be required to meet current standards limiting exposure of either passengers or crew. In years of high solar activity such as 1958-1959, an interplanetary magnetic field is superimposed on the earth's magnetic field. This effect is represe.ited in Fig. 4 which shows this effect for 1954, a year of low solar activity, and for 1937, a year of high solar activity. In the region of 60,000 to 80,000 ft, this effect is only a difference of 20-30%. The similar data for 1954 are, however, practically a factor of 3 higher than for 1958 in northern latitudes and at an elevation of ~ 90,000 ft according to Neher and Anderson. Thus, this effect can account for a very substantial increase or decrease in the total dose received from galactic radiation. Fowler and Perkins y have summarized and evaluated the dose and dose equiv- alent using the ICRP recommendations to obtain the quality factor (QF) from the linear energy transfer (LET). A significant fraction of the total ionization is produced by protons and heavier nuclei, but they have rather high energies so that the QF only averages 1.5 according to their estimate. This estimate neglects the dose due to neutrons which undoubtedly increases the value of QF. The ICRP Task Group, using data of Haymes, '') evaluated the dose from neutrons separately. Using a QF of 8 for this dose, the QF for all dose from galactic radiation averages about 2. However, it must be recognized that the measured values on which this estimate is based only include neutrons of energy above 1 Mev, and, while allowance has been made for the neutrons of lower energies, there is scine uncertainty in the estimate, perhaps as much as a factor of 2. The ICRP Task Group estimates a dose rate of 1.3 to 1.9 mrem/hr at heights of 60,000 to 80,000 ft, respectively, for polar latitudes and for years of a quiet sun. Thus these dose rates are "conservative" so far as latitude and solar effects are concerned. Using the spectrum estimared by Perkins and Fowler, tº one finds that about :: 5-10% of the dose is due to nuclei with mass greater than that of an alpha particle, and some of these have sufficient energy to produce a broad path, perhaps 10 u in diameter, extending over many cell diameters. Schaefer has calculated the number of these "thin-down" hits per day/cm," and they have been reasured by Yagoda." egoda. (9) - 5 - The variations of these hits with altitude during years of a "quiet" sun and of an "active" sun are shown in Fig. 5. The ICRP Task Group recognize the unique problems posed by this type of radiation as have other investigators. Referring to these "hin-downs," the Report notes that "Such tracks of affected cells have been observed experimentally in the skin of mice exposed to cosmic radiation in the upper atmosphere and, although of little functional importance in the skin, might be of much greater importance in the embryo or in vital organs such as the brain. Attempts to ' study this question with microbeam irradiation suggest that the observed changes per exposed cell are smaller than for the same number of ions per cell delivered to a larger volume of tissue; however, no RBE value can be cited for an effect that is produced by high-LET radiation but not by low-LET radiation under the conditions of interest. Some other means will have to be found, therefore, if such effects are to be taken into account in calculation of the dose equivalent. Apart from this special case, the risk-limiting somatic effects from high-energy radiations are not different from those ordinarily considered in protection work. “ The dose rate from solar radiation averages somewhat less than that from galactic radiation, as is indicated on Fig. 6 which is due to Fowler and Perkins. The solar radiation is composed largely of fast protons, but as these penetrate to a depth of 60,000 to 80,000 feet in the atmosphere, a spectrum of secondaries is produced so that the radiation field has much of the same complexity as does galactic radiation at these depths. As will be noted from Fig. 6, the average intensity does not constitute .6 . . a severe problem as compared with the galactic radiation field. However, solar radiation varies greatly in intensity, the acrivity being closely correlated with sun-spot activity . which follows a rather regular cycle of intense and depressed activity, one cycle . representing about 10-11 years and the intensity of a particular burst or "Flare" may vary over as much as 6 orders of magnitude. There have been seven giant flares that have occurred during the last two solar cycles, that is, in the lasi 20 years, that have carried substantial fluxes of photons of 1 GEV or higher energies. These flares have . produced geophysical phenomena which could be used as a basis for detection soon . enough for the SST to descend to a lower altitude and have the benefit of the shielding of more of the atmosphere. The giant flare of February 23, 1956, is by far the largest observed to date and is estimated to have produced doses ranging from 2-20 rads during the first hour of the event at the 60,000 and 80,000-ft altitudes and over the polar regions. The range of values, as estimated by Fowler and Perkins, is shown in Fig. 7. The intensity at SST altitudes depends not only on the protons ejected by the sun but also is markedly influenced by the state of the magnetic fields existing between the sun and the earth which may serve to deflect much of the radiation or to facilitate its passage to the earth. It must be recognized that there is considerable uncertainty in . . this estimate, because there was no useiul balloon flight until 20 hours after the event, and the dose est imates depend upon extrapolated data on the actual intensities and spectra at SST altitudes. ..... ...... -7- As Fowler and Perkins) state, "We must now ask the question as to whether the sample over the last sunspot max imum is likely to have been representative. We estimate that the outburst of 23rd February 1956 was responsible for approximately one half of all the solar particles of energy > 100 MeV that have arrived since 1950, and greater fractions of particles of higher energy. Are such outbursts to be expected more or less often than once in 10 years - or could we expect even more severe outbursts - say 10 or 100 times us great? "We mentioned earlier that the 53 outbursts in the last solar cycle were spread over an estimated range of 10° in intensity, and that this hugh range was due to propo- gaiion conditions between the sunspot and Earth as well as to the intrinsic intensity of the solar flare... So it seems likely that the probability of experiencing another solar avent comparable to that of 23rd February 1956, or an even more intense one during ine course of any 11 year sunspot period is rather high." The question of taking evasive action, i.e., descending to lower altitudes 0r, in periods of intense activity, flying over routes which lie closer to the equator, has been proposed and often arouses quite divergent opinions. It is estimated that an SST in flight might have some 10-15 minutes warning before the arrival of the really iniense build-up of the field which may reach peak intensity in a matter of minutes. Crie rime course of neutron monitor readings, as observed at Deep River, Ontario, in November 1960, are shown in Fig. 8.' The sharp rise in intensity shown here, followed by the gradual decline in intensity extending over hours is fairly typical. In the giant .. flare of February 23, 1956, Fowler and Perkins estimate that the total dose during the entire day was only 50% higher than the dose during the first hour. Thus any evasive action must be rather prompt. It has been questioned whether a very prompt change in course might not : encil other hazards for the occupants of the SST'" which would be more severe ihan ihe hazard posed by the radiation fields. Certainly, those who propose that such corion be taken are not envisioning actions which would involve any appreciable prob- ability of wrecking the plane or causing, severe physical distress to the occupants. Those designing the SST are well aware of the problem of radiation exposure and are investigating the desirability and means of taking evasive action. Of course, this is not a definite commitment to such a policy, but some of the working reports discuss in detail the type ci monitoring instruments to be carried on the plane and, in one case, a "safe" range up to 5 mrem/hr, an "alerts or "warning" range up to 50 mrem/hr, and an "action" range above 50 mrem/hr have tentatively been selected. None of the working papers the author has seen mention or discuss any hazard that might be involved in descending to lower altitudes, Many airlines are distributing advance publicity concerning the SST in the material they offer to passengers in the seat pockets on current flights. A survey of this literature reveals .. , inut several airlines are already educating the public as to the presence of these radiation fields and reassuring them that adequate measures are being taken to meet the problem. Several of these brochures mention the possibility of evasive action, and all indicate that in the years before commercial flights begin, there will be considerable study of the problem, and during the year or more of extensive testing of the craft, there will be much more data on the problem than we now have. In summary, the average levels of galactic and solar radiation do not pose. cny great problems. The ICRP Task Group report estimates, conservatively, that the average dose rate on a polar route and at 60,000 to 80,000 feet might be as much as 3 mrem/hr. For the great bulk of travelers who make only a few flights a year, this is well within the limits on exposure of individuals of the population recommended by the ICRP. For the crew, or the courrier who is continually making such trips, it is Grother matter, and they may have to be classed as radiation workers. For example, a schedule of 40 hrs/mo of time in actual flight over high latitudes might entail about 1.5 rem/yr as an average, although it must be remembered these are generally conservative estimates. As mentioned above, some of the present plans provide for monitoring instruments on board, and these will provide better estimates as flying experience accumulates. Also, icking account of the fraction of the population likely to be involved and of time factors, the contribution to the total genetic load is small as noted by the report of the ICRP Task Group. LLL - 10 - 1. H. J. Schaefer, "Radiation and Man in Space, * p. 267 Auvances in Space Science, Vol. 1, Frederick I. Ordway III, ed. (Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1959). 2. T. Foelsche and E. H. Graul, "Radiation Exposure in Supersonic Transports, * Atomprax is 8, 365 (1962). 3. P. H. Fowler and D. H. Perkins, "Cosmic Radiation and Solur Particles at Aircraft Altitudes --Background Note," Air Registration Board, Supersonic Aeroplane Air- worthiness Committee, SAAC/20 (1962). . . 4. E. J. Flamm and R. E. Lingenfelter, Science 144, 1566 (1964). 5. M. Leimdorfer, R. G. Alsmiller, Jr., and R. T. Boughner, "Calculations of the Radiation Hazard Due to Exposure of Supersonic Aircraft to Solar Flare Protons, * In press. 6. "Radiobiological Aspects of the Supersonic Transport" (A report of the ICR? Task Group on the Biological Effects of High-Energy Radiations), Health Phys. 12(2), 209 (1966). 7. H. V. Neher and H. R. Anderson, J. Geophys. Res. 67, 1309 (1962). 8. R. C. Haymes, J. Geophys. Res. 69, 841 (1964). 9. H. Yagoda, "Cosmic-Ray Monitoring of the Manned Stratolab, Balloon Flights," Geophys. Research Directorate Notes, No. 43 (1960). 10. H. W. Patterson, "Hazards of Flight in the Supersonic Transport, " Health Phys. 12(9), 1151 (1966). I . V 1 . - - 1. ««•*• . .. . ... ,,,,.. minen . .. . . Fig. 1 ..... mi THE SOT (CONCORDE) aina orang mengine sana kwa . . S - S you CAN hement M one who o 10 i media. com/ re important;" *" 1 : . . . Tai ! . - . . . . ... !... 27 .. . . " - - - A + . . . - 7 - . . 1 ' tü ' - . -- .. . . . . - . 4900 490 G/CM2 204 76 36 29 100 12. 5 . ve TOTAL Ziga 10 PARTICLES PER M2 PER SECONO 100 PER STERADIAN ELECTRONS 100 MESONS KNUCLEONS (PROTONS, HELIONS, HEAVY NUCLEI) o 20 40 60 75 80 100 120 ALTITUDE ABOVE SEA LEVEL IN 1,000 FT · Altitude profile of particle transition of cosmic ray beam in the atmosphere (From H. J. Schaefer) ini . INTENSITY OF IONIZATION AT MAXIMUM OF IONIZATION- - DEPTH CURVE (-50 gm/cm2) FOR JUNE-DECEMBER 1956 (Neher and Anderson (1962).) . 200 zig 10MS/CH” sec HL U T MILLI-RADS PER DAY U IONS/CM' SEC ATMOSPHERE AIR 100 ht COS ins - - PRESSURE ALTITUDE IN G/CM? 1033 490 204 76 29 12 5 2.3 1.1. - 30g • 25+ IONIZATION ..20- IN 1954 NO CUTOFF REDUCED CUTOFF MILLIREP/24 HRS 15 last 1937 NORMAL CUTOFF to Q 20 40 60 80 100 120 10 160 ALTITUDE IN THOUS. OF FT Altitude profile of the total ionization in a year of high (1937) and low (1954) solar activity (From... H. J. Schaefer) 40p. | SUNSPOT MINIMUM 301 lo 20% Pmin ſ hits B.doyi Pmox 10FTTTTA- SUNSPOT MAXIMUM SO 75 100 150 200 ALTITUDE, 1000 FT Variation of "in-dovn intcrsity with altitude for sensons of wazimum...! mum sunspot activity (From H. Yazoda) |;? Am - - RADIATION INTENSITY IN REMS FOR GALACTIC AND SOLAR COSMIC RAYS AS COMPUTED FOR THIS REPORT HIGH RBE 9545 2 - BEST EIV GALACTIC COSMIC RAYS ++ T RBE I 1954 HIGH RBE 1958/59 HILLI-REMS/DAY BEST- . 10H Zig. 6 RBE - | 1958/59 SOLAR COSMIC RAYS AVERAGE 1952/62 # ithBEST ADE I -1 . A 100 03:37 1.1 THOU OS OF FEET INTUIT MA Or CVLOS NR. : .: sin 8 ESTIMATED DOSE FROM THE MOST SEVERE SOLAR COSMIC RAY OUTBURST 6345-0445 23 FEB. 1956. . . HHHFFFAH - The radiation dose fos the 1 hour -+-period 345-0445 UT February 23. + 1956, as a f action of height or depth in 11 to the atmosphere for 1260°. The rest of - --- the outburst produced a further irradia- it- tion of about 50% of that produced te during the first hour. RADS IN ONE HOUR 10 Zigi? 100 TT HEIGHT IN THE I THOUSANDS OF FEET EV . 100 VOS ATI COSPTIENE 02236 Kiwi COSMIC RAY INDICES (Pressure Corrected Hourly Totals) .7" I' 211 DEEP HIVER MEUTRON MONITOR || FIVE MINUTE READINGS OKNi - AC - OFFICIAL 223%,- 1 . 175% 150% 12597 HOVEMBER 12 NOVEMBER 19 02 O O O 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 od M 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 203% 211 DEEP RIVER NEUTROX MONITOR | FIVE-MINUTE READINGS ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL . . . 75% MOVEMBER 14 NOVEMBER 15 Record of noutron monitor reading for the solar nuthursis of Deep Rivera Ontario, for November 12.15, ISO, uten from Ref 4 or 5. S : RE 7 END DATE FILMED 2 / 14 / 167 tra " . .. - .. . . 2 . UL * 4 . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . ' ..-