. — . : I OFL. ORNLP 2472 . 2 + inte 1 . . in N : * FREEEEEE CEFFE EER P F MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 . .- : i - . ORNL-'p-2472 Conf. 661102-5 A COMPARISON OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS FROM SPHERICAL SHELLS WITH A SINGLE RADIALLY ATTACHED NOZZLE* F. J. Witt R. C. Gwaltney . SEP 26 1966 . CFSTI PRICES Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee Oak Ridge, Tennessee HC. $ 1.00, MN 20 R. L. Maxwell R. W. Holland RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT. University of Tennessee Knoxville, Tennessee IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS Abstract A series of steel models having single nozzles radially and nonradially attached to a spherical shell is presently being examined by means of strain gagos. Parameters being studied are nozzle dimensions, length of internal nozzle prctrusions, and angles of attachment. The loads are internal pres- sure, axial thrust, and moment loadings on the nozzle. This paper presents both experimental and theoretical results from six of the configurations having radially attached nozzles for which the sphere dimensions are equal and the outside diameter of the attached nozzle is constant. In some in- stances the nozzle protrudes through the vessel. . 1. *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under con. tract with the Union Carbide Corporation. LEGAL NOTICE Oak Ridge National Laboratory P. 0. Box Y Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 This report mo prepared us an account of Government sponsored work. Nolter the United States, por the Commission, por any person souing on behalf of the Commission: 1. Makos any warrupty or representation, oxpropied or implied, with reaprot to the arcu- racy, completeness, or unofulders of the information container" la the reports or that the use of way Information, apparatus, method, or proces, daclound lo this refind my rol infringe printoly owned richto; or B. Aerumos say liabilities with repoot to the use of, or for demagoa remult, from the un of aay Information, apparatus, method, or proceda decloud in this report. As und in the above, person acting og bedall of the Commission" includes may on- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or omployho of much contractor, to the extent that such employs or contractor of the Commission, or employee of much controlor preparno, dienominator, or provides access to, wataformation purmuant to his employment or coatriot with the Commission, or his omployment with much contructor. 2 : 1 . 9 A i 2. Introduction An experimental test:ing program is being conducted at the University of Tennessee under subcontract with Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This work is, in turn, sponsored by USAEC in close cooperation with the Subcom- mittee on Reinforced Openings and External Loadings of the Design Division of the Pressure Vessel Research Committee. The program encompasses an extensive investigation of steel models consisting of a nozzle attached to a spherical shell and includes the investigation of nonradial as well as radial attachments. The effects of the nozzle protruding through the veosel are also being investigated. The loadings of principal interest are internal pressure, axial thrust on the nozzle, and a bending moment applied to the nozzle. Two computer programs have been developed at Oak Ridge National Labo- ratory by which nozzles radially attached to spherical shells may be : examined. These are the CERL-II program and the Unified Shell Analyzer. (USA Code).(2) The CERL-II code computes the stress distributions in a spherical vessel and the radially attached nozzie subjected to pressure, and axial thrust, bending moment and pure shear applied to the nozzle. For the moment and shear analyses it is assumed that the stresses vary circumferentially about the junction as the cosine of the circumferential angle measured from the plane of loading. The nozzle may protrude through the vessel; however, its junction with the sphere is assumed to be remote from any additional edge effects. The details of the analysis are given in Reference (3) *Numbers in parenthesis refer to similarly numbered references in bibliography at end of paper. . in............ . ................ ... . .. ....... . The USA code will analyze an ayi symmetric loaded pressure vessel composed of several difierent types of elemental shell structures, The edges of any elemental shell may be close or remote and each shell can be joined to any logical combination of shell around it. Boundery con- ditions may be applied to any or all edges. The recent version of the code accounts for pressure, axial thrust on a riozzle, and thermal loadings, The theoretical solutions for spherical and cylindrical shells are given in detail in Reference (4) Both the USA and CERL-JI codes assume the shells are joined at their middle surface. The codes produce identical results for duplicate analyses. The Tirst phase of the testing program at the University of Tennessee is an investigation of a relatively small nozzle radially attached with a fixed outside diameter. This phase has now been completed.5) A compari. son has been made between the experimental data and results from the two computer programs discussed above. In this paper the more significant comparisons are presented. Also the variation of experimental stresses as a function of nozzie protrusion length is discussed as well as the variation of stresses due to moment loading as a function of the angle measured from the plane of loading. One example of superposed loadings is presented. . Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental Results The basic model from which the experimental data were obtained is shown in Fig. 1. It should be noted that there is essentially no fillet at the junction. Additional test models were obtained by boring out the nozzle to a nominal thickness of 0.125 in., cutting off the Internal - - - . penetration at two stub lengths; removing the stub altogether, and then again boring out the nozzle to a nominal thickness of 0.0625 in. The dimensional and loading data for the six configurations obtained by the machining processes described above are summarized in Table 1. Each con- figuration was loaded by an internal pressure, an axial compressive chrust, and a bending moment applied to the nozzle. One loading on Model I was a combined pressure and axial compressive thrust load. A comparison of theoretical and experimental results is shown in Figs. 2 through 8. The theoreticas results were obtained using' both the CERL-II and USA codes. Since in these codes the configurations are joined at the middle surfaces the theoretical nozzle stresses are plotted from that origin. The experimental data were plotted at distances measured from the middle surface of the sphere. Gages were located on the inside surface . of the nozzle at the middle surface of the sphere. The se" data were plotted at the origin of the nozzle and reflect the sharp gradients thaï exist inside a junction as shown in photoelastic studies. . A comparison of theoretical and experimental results for moment, axial thrust, and pressure loading on Model 1 is shown in Figs. 2 through 4. It should be noted that the radius at middle surface to thickness ratio for this model is 4.75 which is outside the thin shell range.®) In Figs. 2 and 3, excellent agreement is found between theory and experiment. No significant discrepancies are seen to exist for either moment or axial thrust loading. The comparison for internal pressure is shown in Fig. 4. For this loading TS the discrepancies of theoretical and experimental results on the spherical shell are rather extreme. The meridional outside and circumferential . . . S DIWUM . inside theoretical stresses fail to possess even the correct curvature. of the six models tested the results shown in Fig. 4 exhibit the greatest discrepancy. It is significant that theory and experiment agree quite well for both the outer and inner nozzles. : Similar comparisons for pressure loadings on Models 2, 5, and 6 are seen in Figs. 5, 6, and 7. Model 2 is similar to Model 1 except the nozzle has been tored out to a thickness of 0.125 in. Model 5 is like Model 2 except the inner nozzle has been removed. Model 6 is similar to Model 5 except the nozzle has again been bored out and is 0.0625 in, thick. The agreement between theory and experiment is seen to become progressively better in these three figures. For the sphere in Fig. 7 the inside cir- cumferential stresses are in acceptable agreement, Qowever, significant differences still exist for the outside meridional stresses. The maximum stresses in the sphere are quite well approximated in Figs. 6 and 7. . The comparisons for axial compressive thrust on Model 6 are given . in Fig. 8. Again the results compare quite favorebly. Less agreement is found for the sphere in the outside meridional stresses than was noted for the results where the nozzle was thick (see Fig. 3). However, the maximum stresses in the sphere are better approximated for Model 6. Similar re- sults exist for moment loading. Comparisons have been made for all the configurations under all loading conditions. The results and conclusions are similar to those presented above. In particular, the USA code satisfactorily approximated the behavior as the models were tested with various inner nozzle lengths. ....com.com.co comer --- ............ ......... .. Models 2, 3, 4, and 5 are allke except for the length of Irward protruding nozzle. The length of protrusions is given in Table 1. Stresses at points on both the nozzle and the sphere are plotted in Fig. 9 as a function of inner nozzle length for the three types of loadings. The locations from which data are presented are not those at which the highest stresses were found. The locations were chosen on the basis of having com- plete sets of data for the location. The locations are such, however, that no change on curvature is indicated between the location in question and the location of a stress recorded closer to the junction. The curves are obtained in Fig. 9 by joining the values for inner nozzle lengths of 0, 3/8, 3/4, and 4 1/8 in. and are not drawn consistent with the nozzle approach- ing a semi-infinite length. The variations among the three loadings. in Fig. 9 are significant. For pressure loading there is little effect due to the inner nozzle except for the outside circumferential stress on the nozzle. This stress which *** * is the largest stress at that location on the nozzle increases by over 20% as the length of the inner nozzle increases, This is in contrast to the axial load results in which case the larger stresses are changed very little with the exception of the axial inside stress on the nozzle which shows a length increases. In the CERL-II code the stresses are assumed for moment loading to vary about the junction as the cosine of the angle measured from the plane * PAT ASI SY of Loading. Experinental stresses for moment loading were obtained at : 150 intervals and therefore the validity of the assumption made in the theoretical analysis may be examined. The experimental results obtained for moment loading at a given location on the sphere are plotted at 15° intervals in Fig. 10 for all six models. Also plotted is o cose where o, is the measured stress in the plane of loading and @ is the circumferential location about the junction measured from the plane of loading. Very good agreement is seen to exist between experimente 1 data. and the assumed variation. Some disagreement is to be noted for circumierential stresses. Similar agreement exists for the nozzles One loading on Model 1 consisted of a combined axial compressive thrust and internal pressure as shown in Table 1. A comparison of some of these results and those obtained by superposing results from individual loads is given in Table 2. Only the comparisons of large stresses are meaning- ful since experimental error combined with superposing large stresses of opposite sign can lead to erroneous conclusions. An inspection of the larger stresses in Table 2 reveal no real trend and indicate that the factors ignored in the assumption of superposition play no significant role when the vessel is loaded simultaneously. Conclusion The most significant fact obtained from these comparisons is that for each configuration and all loadings the maximum experimental stresses were well approximated by the theoretical analyses. This is in spite of the ....... . . fact that for Model 1 the experimental and theoretical stresses on the . sphere were in considerable disagreement for pressure loading. It is also significant that in all the models there were no fillets. Thus, stress concentrations due to the absence of a fillet apparently do not affect to any great degree the results obtained. It is also worth noting that for the thinner nozzles the agreement of theory and experiment for the sphere improves and rather rapidly so for the maximum values under pressure loading. For these cases (Models 2 through 6) the only significant dis- agreement is for the meridional outside surface stresses for the sphere and this disagreement exists for all three loadings considered. In addition both the CERL-II and USA codes, in general, were effective in determining the stress distribution in each model for internal pressure, axial thrust on the nozzle, and a pure bending moment applied to the nozzle. The stresses around the junction for moment loadings do vary as the cosine of the circumferential angle with some discrepancies in the circumferential stresses for the thicker models. The length of the inner nozzle has very little effect on the stresses in the sphere and the effect on the outer nozzle depends upon the type of loading. The greatest effect on the spherical shell stresses come about were reduced while for axial thrust and moment loads the overall stress levels were increased. Superposition is seen in general to be valid with no real trend for the discrepancies obtained. Bibliography . "CERL-II – A Computer Program for Analyzing Hemisphere-Nozzle Shells of Revolution With Axisymmetric and Unsymmetric Loadings," S. E. Moore . and F. J. Witt, USAEC Report ORNL-3817, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, October 1965. "Gas-Cooled Reactor Program Semiannual Progress Report for Period Ending March 31, 1965," D. B. Trauger and G. D. Whitman, USAEC Report. ORNL-3807, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, June 1965. 3. "A Critical Study of the Solutions for Asymmetric Bending of Spheri- cal Shells," F. A. Leckie and R. K. Penny, Welding Research Council Bulletin No. 90, September 1963. 4. "Analysis of Axisymmetrically Loaded Cylinder-to-Sphere Attachments," F. J. Witt and B. L. Greenstreet, USAEC Report ORNL-3755, Oak Ridge *National Laboratory, April 1965. "Experimental Stress Analysis of the Attachment Region of Hemispherical .Sheils With Radially Attached Nozzles," R. L. vexwell, R. W. Holland, and J. A. Cofer, ME-7-65-1, University of Tennessee Engineering. Experi- ment Station, Knoxville, Tennessee, June 1965. 6. Thin Shell Theory, V. V. Novozhilov, P. Noordhoff Ltd., Groningen, The Netherlands, Second Augmented and Revised Edition, 1964, page 2. . RT . Table 1. Dimensional and Loading Data for the Six Models.. Sphere Redius: 15.254 in.; Sphere Thickness: 0.375 in.; Outside Diameter of Nozzle: 2.625 in. . Model Number Internal Nozzle Length Nozzle Radiusa Nozzle Tickness Nozzle Radius to Thickness Ratio • Loading Axial Compres- sive Thrust (16) Internal Fressure (psi) - . Bending Moment (in.-lb) : 4000 8000 6000b 3000 4500 11.25 300 3000 4500 3000 4.125 1.188 0.25 4.75 4.125 1.25 0.125 10.0 300 0.75 .. 0.125 10.0 0.375 1.25 0.125 10.0 300 0.0 1.25 0.125 20.0 300 6 0.0 : 1.281 . . 0.0625 20.5 . 200 "At middle surface. "Model 1 was also subjected to a simultaneous loading of 400 psi internal pressure and 6000 lb axial compressive thrust. 4500 4509 . 3000 1500 2400 . F. J. Witt - R. C. Gwaltney R. L. Maxwell R. W. Holland Table 2. Superposition of Pressure and Axial Thrust Loading on a Nozzle Attached to a Spherical Shell Stresses Location Pressure and Axial Thrust(A) Pressure(3) Axial Thrust(C) B+C ( (B+C/A) R. W. Holland R. L. Maxwell R. C. Gwaltney s. vviluu 0.98 5,4°(0) 4,875 14,354 -19,757 -5,403 1.11 5.4°(0) 1,747 17,146 -15,857 1,289 0.74 5.4°(1) 15,653 1,124 · 15,834 16,958 1.08 5.4°(1) 14,176 8,347 6,580 14,927 1.05 5.4°(0) .-6,076 13,209 -18,867 -5,658 0.93 5.4°(0) 847 15,633 -14,390 1,243 1.47 5.4°(1) -16,978 2,479 14,186 16,665 5.4°(i). 14,693 8,964 :5,486 14,450 0.98 0.31 in.(0) -5,703 11,034 -17,459 6,425 1.13 0.31 in.(0) : 1,889 14,080 -12,798 1,282 0.31 in.(1) 1,678 6,762 8,934 2,172 1.29 0.31 in.(1) 5,393 12,462 .-7,220 5,242 0.97 The pressure loading was 400 psi and the axial load was 6000 lb compressive on. Model 1. bLocation of nozzles is given in inches from outer surface of sphere; location on sphere is given in degree from apex; (i) refers to inside surface; (o) refers to outside surface. The same locations refer to duplicate gages. CAt a given location, the first stress is an axial or meridional stress and the second stress is a circumferential stress. 0.68 m armorgonautovara mwagowo campeonowe... 10: Captions Fig. 1. Cross-Sectional View of Hemisphere and Nozzle Assembly - Model l. . . Fig. 2. Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental Results in Plane of Loading on Model 1 for a Pure Moment Loading of 8000 in.-lb on the Nozzle. Fig. 3. Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental Results on Model l. . . for an Axial Compressive Thrus': Ioad of 6000 lb on the Nozzle. · Fig. 4. Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental Results on Model 1 for an Internal Pressure of 400 psi. Comparison of Teoretical and Experimental Results on Model 2 for en Internal Pressure of 300 psi. Fig. 6. Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental Results on Model 5 for an Internal Pressure of 300 psi. Fig. 7. Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental Results on Model 6 . for an Internal Pressure of 200 psi. Fig. 8. Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental Results on Mudel 6 for an Axial Compressive Ioad of 1500 lb on the Nozzle. . Stresses (on the right) as a Function of Inner Nozzle Length. Fig. 19. Variation of Stresses Around the Junction for Moment Loading. as a Function of the Circumferential Angle Measured: From the Plane of Loading. F. J. Witt R. C. Gwaltney R. 1. Maxwell R. W. . Holland. to present . y - 20 Throad3 Por Inch (2.875" 0.D.) 2.625" 1 0.003" 2.125" - 0.003 0.250Wall · 13.09 . L 14.125" " + 0.0055 0.3809 1,031" Dia. (36. Holos) 0.3751 Hall . 2.833" 10.0 ca x103 CAMOWO 66.4790 OUTER SURFACE OF SPHERE -MERIDIONAL CIRCUMFERENTIAL ELE STRESS losi) STRESS () . . CIRCUMFERENTIAL INNER SURFACE OF SPHERE MERIDIONAL 25 10 15 20 DISTANCE FROM APEX (deg) 15 DISTANCE FROM APEX long) (X 10 OUTER SURFAGE OF OUTER NOZZLE UMFERENTIAL STRESS (051) STRESS (osu INNER SURFACE OF OUTER NOZZLE CIRCUMFERENTIAL .48 1 2 3 4 DISTANCE ALONG NOZZLE (in.) 6 POSTARS 6 ..2 ..3 . 4... DISTANCE ALONG NOZZLE (in.) (103) INNER SURFACE OF INNER NOZZLE OUTER SURFACE OF INNER NOZZLE CIRCUMFERENTIAL XIAL STRESS (osi) STRESS (osi) CIRCUMFERENTIAL THEORETKAL STRESSES EXPERIMENTAL STRESSES .: CIRCUMFERENTIAL ; AXIAL OR MERIDIONAL 0 : 6 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 DISTANCE ALONG NOZZLE (in) 2 3 DISTANCE ALO 4 NOZZLE (in . Canc 66-4531 (x10 m INNER SURFACE OF SPHERE OUTER SURFLCE OF SOMERE VERO:ONALS IRCUIFERENTIAL STRESS (osi? STRESS (osa CIRCUNFERENTIAL MERIDIONAL 5 10 15 20 DISTANCE FROM APEX (dog) 25 10 20 25 15 DISTANCE FROM APEX long) 0X1001 LIIIII Niocu CIRCUMFERENTIAL INNER SURFACE OF OUTER NOZZLE AXIAL STRESS (osid STA SS Cosi) CIRCUMFERENTIAL OUTER SURFACE OF OUTER NOZZLE 2 3 2 3 4 5 DISTANCE ALONG NOZZLE (in) DISTANCE ALONG NOZZLE IN X 103 (X 103; INNER SURFACE GF WNER NOZZLE OUTER SURFACE OF WAER NOZZLE ~ CIRCUMFERENTIAL o n STRESS (psi) ó AXIAL STRESS (osi) ó THEORETICAL STRESSES EXPERIMENTAL STRESSES .: CIRCUMFERENTIAL 4: AXIAL OR MERIDIONAL ó ó CincuilFERENTIM -........ . . ☆ 1.. 2 3 DISTANCE ALONG NOZZLE (und 0 1 2 3 4 5 DISTANCE ALCAG NOZZLE on) -- --- - - ' IK .. Cows-Owo Obands 103 WEA SURFACE OF SPHERE - - CIRCUMFERENTIAL -- - : - - CIRCUMFERENTIAL : - STRESS (oso) - STRESS lost ! MERIDIONAL MERONAL OTER SURFACE OF SIMERE 25 10 20 DISTANCE FROM APEX hool 22 DISTANCE FROM APEX Wool AREN 25 (x104 OUTER SURFACE OF OUTER NOZZLE WNER SURFACE OF OUTER NOZZLE CIRCUMFERENTIAL CIRCUMFERENTIAL AXIAL STRESS (oso STRESS losa " AXIAL 3 4 DISTANCE ALONG NOZZLE 5 ) 2 3 4 5 DISTANCE ALONG NOZZLE my xx 103 100 INNER SURFACE OF WNER NOZZLE OUTER SURFACE OF INNER NOZZLE IRCUMFERENTIAL - STRESS (osi) STRESS (psi) CIRCUMFERENTIAL AXIAL THEORETICAL STRESSES EXPERIMENTAL STRESSES •: CIRCUMFERENTIAL A: AXIAL OR MERIDKONAL & . 2 34 6 DISTANCE ALONG NOZZLE in). .me LEWIS .2 3 DISTANCE ALONG NUZZLE m) NUZZLE IN S TIT 1. ..::::: Fig. ORAL DWG 64-11295A 1 TER SURFACE OF SPHERE WWER SURFACE OF SPHERE -CIRCUMFERENTIAL - CIACUMFERENTIAL STRESS (psi) MERIDIONAL -MERIDIONAL 24 12 16 20 DISTANCE FROM APEX (deg) 12 16 20 24 DISTANCE FROM APEX ( deg 28 . 1x 103) OUTER SURFACE OF OUTER NOZZLE - INNER SURFACE OF OUTER NOZZLE CIRCUMFERENTIAL - o - 2 . 7 - AXIAL STRESS (psi) Ostos ó ó ó ó do CIRCUMFERENTIAL AXIAL OUTER SURFACE OF INKER NOZZLE INNER SURFACE OF INNER NOZZLE u CIRCUMFERENTIAL STRESS (psi) CIRCUMFERENTIAL " . -AXIAL Si THECRETICAL STRESSES EXPERIMENTAL STRESSES .: CIRCUNFERENTIAL di AXIAL OR NER:0;ONAL 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 DISTANCE ALONG NOZZLE (in.) . 0.5 1,0 1.5 2.0 DISTANCE ALONG NOZZLE (incl. EET : Fig5 ORAL-OVS 66-4881 (X1001 1. INNER SURFACE OF SPHERE OUTER SURFACE OF SPHERE 2 -CIRCUMFERENTIAL STRESS (psi) STRESS (psi) -CIRCUMFERENTIA -MERIDIONAL -MERIDIONAL 10 . -12 305 25 5 15 20 DISTANCE FROM APEX (deg) 10 15 20 DISTANCE FROM APEX (deg! 25 30 . (X 103) (X 103) OUTER SURFACE OF NOZZLE CIRCUMFERENTIAL STRESS (psi) STRESS (psi) STRESS (osi) - to -CIRCUMFERENTIAL INNER SURFACE OF NOZZLE -AXIAL - S -THEORETICAL STRESSES EXPERIMENTAL STRESSES 0; CIRCUMFERENTIAL A: AXIAL OR MERIDIONAL 5 6 . 4 DISTANCE ALONG NOZZLE (in.) 5 6 2 3 4 4 DISTANCE ALONG NOZZLE (in) . fiq . ORNL-OWG 65 - 374 IA T OUTER SURFACE OF SPHERE INNER SURFACE OF SPHERE CIRCUMFERENTIAL STRESS (psi) 7. .. CIRCUMFERENTIAL TE MERIDIONAL MERIDIONAL NO 4. 8 24 28 4 8. 12 12 16 20 DISTANCE FROM APEX (deg) 16 20 DISTANCE FROM APEX (deg) 24 . 28 (x103) CIRCUMFERENTIAL CIRCUMFERENTIAL ta STRESS (psi) STRESS (psi) AXIAL AXIAL OUTER SURFACE OF NOZZLE · INNER SURFACE OF NOZZLE 22 FA Y THEORETICAL STRESSES EXPERIMENTAL STRESSES • O: CIRCUMFERENTIAL d: AXIAL OR MERIDIONAL 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 · DISTANCE ALONG NOZZLE ( (in) wy . 0.5 2.5 . 3.0 0 0.5 3.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 DISTANCE ALONG NOZZLE (in) E2 ORNL-DWG 65-37428 (x103, . MERIDIONAL . CIRCUMFERENTIAL IRCUMFERENTIAL STRESS (psi) MERIDIONAL OUTER SURFACE OF SPHERE WNER SURFACE OF SPHERE 8 12 16 20 DISTANCE FROM APEX (deg) 24 1 28 4 8 12 16 20 DISTANCE FROM APEX (deg) 24 28 (x103) CIRCUMFERENTIAL CIRCUMFERENTIAL STRESS (psi) 1 AXIAL 1 y AXIAL - OUTER SURFACE OF NOZZLE INNER SURFACE OF NOZZLE THEORETICAL STRESSES EXPERIMENTAL STRESSES 0: CIRCUMFERENTIAL A: AXIAL OR MERIDIONAL 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 DISTANCE ALONG NOZZLE (in) O 05 2.5 : 3.0 0 1.0 :: 1.5 2.0 DISTANCE ALONG NOZZLE (in) 0.5 3.0 Fig. 8 ORNL-OWG 66.4899 CIRCU:AFERENTIAL OUTSIDE CACUNFERENTIAL OUTSICE AXIAL OUTSIDE MERIDONAL OUTSIDE CIRCUIAFERENTIAL INSIDE PRESSURE STRESS (psu) -CIRCUNFERENTIAL INSIDE STRESS (05 MERIDIONAL INSIDE AXIAL INSIDE w -12 L 5 KOZZLE EXTENSION in I 2 3 4 NOZZLE EXTENSION (in.) (x103) (x103) LERIDOVAL INSIDE CIRCUMFERENTIAL INSIDE -AXIAL INSIDE AXIAL THRUST STRESS (psi) STRESS (psi) CIRCUMFERENTIAL – AINSIDE CIRCUMFERENTIAL OUTSIDE --AXIAL OUTSIDE MERIDIONAL OUTSIDE - C'RCUNFERENTIAL OUTSIDE 12 3 4 NOZZLE EXTENSION (in.) 4 5 1 2 3 NOZZLE EXTENSION (in.) MER:D QIVAL INSIDE CIRCUMFERENTIAL INSIDE AXIAL KIAL OUTSIDE : CIRCU:ZFERENTIAL OUTSIDE STRESS (psi) STRESS (psi) MOMENT CIRCUMFERF.NTIAL INSIDE . - CIRCUMFERENTIAL OUTSIDE CIRC 2 MERIDIOVAL OUTSIDE -AXIAL INSIDE 1 . 1 2 3 NOZZLE EXTENSION (in.) 1 2 3 4 NOZZLE EXTENSION (n.) Fig. 9 Ant 12 With pogle ORAL.ONG H-4809 CONFIGURATION 2 CONFIGURATION 1 OUTER SURFACE OUTER SURFACE 6:02 TER SURFACE OUTER SURFACE 0 15 30 45 60 75 900 15 30 45 60 75 90 O 15 30 45 60.75 15 30 45 60 75 50 MERIDIONAL STRESS (osi) CIRCUMFCRENTIAL STRESS (osi) MERIDIONAL STRESS (PS4) ARCUVFERENTIAL STRESS (osi) INNER SURFACE INNER SURFACE INNER SURFACE INNER SURFACE i . 0 15 30 45 60 75 So 0 15 30 45 EO CIRCUMFERENTIAL ANGLE 6 deg) 75 90 O 15 30 45 60 75 90 0 15 30 45.60 75 % CIRCUMFERENTIAL ANGLE 18 deg! CONFIGURATION 4 X10% CONFIGURATION 3 TITO 100 TTT OUTER SURFACE OUTER SURFACE OUTER SURFACE OUTER SURFACE - COS - i TO 15 30 45 60 75 S O 15 30 45 15 75 90 CIRCUMFERENTIAL STRESS (psi) 30 45 60 75 NERIDIONAL STRESS (osi) 30 45 60 75 90 MERIDIONAL STRESS (psi) CIRCUMFERENTIAL STRESS (psi) INTER SURFACE LIVER SURFACE WER SURFACE : WWER SURFACE O 15 90 O 30 45 60 75 90 0 15 30 45 60 75 CIRCUNFERENTIAL ANGLE 18 dog) 15 30 45 60 75 90 0 15 30 45 60 75 CIRCUMFERENTIAL ANGLE 18 dag) 90 CONFIGURATION 5 CONFIGURATION 6 103, (x103 OUTER SURFACE OUTER SURFACE OUTER SURFACE OUTER SURFACE 15 30 45 60 75 90 15 30 45 60 75 90 O 15 30 45 60 75 904 O 15 30 45 60 75 90 ' MERIDIONAL STRESS (psi) CIRCUMFERENTIAL STRESS (psi) MERIDIONAL STRESS (psi) CIRCUMFERENTIAL STRESS (osi) INNER SUPS INNER SURFACE WNER SURFACE INNER SURFACE . - • - • 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 CIRCUMFERENTIAL ANGLE (8 org! 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 0 15 30 45 60 . CIRCUMFERENTIAL ANGLE 19 dro 75 90 tigilo . .. - - - END - - - DATE FILMED 10/31 / 66 WS. 72 T . . wil 14LIN 11 17 IL H .C. K UL