1. (1 ' .! , . ; . 3. . . .:. TOFI ORNL P 2412 . . } $ ... . .*3 T7s L ... . ..were were om - : 51 :: 1. .. ::. " . . . 45 OS S. 9S EEEE " : . 1.25 LA LG L MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 917 2 2 1966 (to be submitted to the International Conference on Nuclear Physics, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, September 12-17, 1966) ORNL-P-2412 Conf=660906-21 MASTER A Search for the Trineutron S. T. Thornton, C. M. Jones, J. K. Bair, and H. B. Willard Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee CF'STI PRICES Hc s/. • °, MN SẼ ABSTRACT Experimental and theoretical evidence has recently been proposed for the existence of the trineutron, a stable particle composed of three neutrcns bound by 1.0 MeV. A search for the trineutron in the reaction T(n,p)n with 20.8 MeV neutrons has been made and no evidence for the existence of the trineutron was found. LEGAL NOTICE RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT . IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United . States, nor the Commission, or any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulung from the use of any information, apparatur, meubod, or procesu disclosed in this report. As 18ed in the above, "person acting on beball of the Commission" Includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that auch employee or contractor of ine Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, d18seminates, or provides access to, any irformation pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. TOak Ridge Graduate Fellow from the University of Tennessee under appointment from the Oak Ridge Associated Universities. - 2 - We wish to report an experimental search for the trineutron, nº, a bound state of three neutrons. Experimental evidence for such a stable particle has been proposed by Ajdačić' et al.- who detected a peak at 6.4 MeV in the proton spectrum resulting from the bombardment of tritium with 14.4 MeV neutrons. This peak could only be explained by the reaction T(n,p)n" with a Q value of -7.5 MeV and a corresponding trineutron binding energy of 1.0 MeV. Theoretically, it had always been assumed that the trineutron could not exist. In particular, Zel'dovich' stated that from the pair interaction of neutrons it is "obvious" that n3 does not exist. Since the work of Ajdačic' et al.- the question of trineutron stability has been reexamined. : Baz, Gol'danskii and Zel.'dovich conclude that the existence of the trineutron is extremely improbable singe an excited state of T = 3/2 would have to exist for tritium (~ 8.2 MeV) and possibly for Hes (~7.7 MeV). They also .. point out that the binding energy of the third neutron which is already negative for He’ decreases systematically for decreasing 2. From the pairing interaction of neutrons one can conclude+ that if the trineutron exists then the quadneutron must exist also, Experimental evidence for the dineutron? and the quadneutronº has not been found. In addition, Tang and Bayman' have made a variational calculation of the binding energy of nt by considering two dineutron clusters. They conclude that there cannot be a bound nor a resonant state of nt. Using the result of Brueckner, Gammel, and Kubiso and of Levinger and Simmons that the neutron gas is not bound, Tang and Bayman then make the general conclusion that systems containing only neutrons - 3 - Our interest in the trineutron was increased by the recent work of Mitra and Bhasinº who suggest that the trineutron could possibly exist even though the dineutron and quadneutron do not. They point out that a moderately attractive 'p force could bind three neutrons together since the 's force, which predominates in the dineutron and quadneutron, is negligible for the trineutron. Since the existence of the trineutron would be of great importance in the understanding of the few nucleon problem, we have repeated the experiment of Ajdačić et al. using neutrons of higher energy. In our experiment neutrons of 20.8 MeV were produced by the f(a,n)He reaction utilizing the ORNL 5.5 MV Van de Graaff accelerator and a double- foil tritium gas cell. The neutrons entered a second tritium gas cell at oº with respect to the deuteron beam and the charged particle products were observed, again at Oº, with a AE-E surface barrier detector telescope. With two parameter analysis of AE versus AE + E we could easily distinguish protons, deuterons, and tritons with an overall energy resolution of better than 300 keV. Tritium was replaced by He" in the second gas cell to measure the background. The possible charged particle products in the n + T interaction are n + Inn + T elastic scattering - D + 3n Q = -8.49 MeV + d + 2n Q = -6.26 MeV P + n (Q = -7.5 MeV) The triton elastic scattering cross section was estimated from known cross sections 1,12 to be about 50 mb/sr at oº, and our measurement of this cross section was used to normalize the proton and deuteron spectra. Two peaks in the deuteron spectrum are seen in Fig. 1. The peak at 13.6 MeV is due to the T(n,a)2n reaction and indicates strong final state interactions between the two neutrons. The 16.3 MeV peak can be attributed to a Hey impurity resulting in the He(n,a)d reaction. The proton spectrum is shown in Fig. 2. The maximum possible proton energy from the T(n,p)3n reaction is 12.2 MeV, whereas the proton peak from the trineutron reaction should appear at about 13 MeV. No net counts are observed above 12.2 MeV. The integrated number of counts between 6.5 and 14.4 MeV is 163 +94 which corresponds to a cross section of 3.5 2.0 If the trineutron reaction cross section at 20.8 MeV neutron energy · were equal to the 3.8 mb/sr value that Ajdačic et al. measured with 14.4 MeV neutrons, we should have counted 180 protons at about 13.0 Mev. Within the limit of our error, no evidence for the existence of the trineutron was found. - 5- REFERENCES 1. V. Ajdačic, M. Cerineo, B. Lalović, G. Paić, I. Šlaus, and P. Tomaš, Phys. Rev. Letters 14, 444 (1955). 2. Ya. B. Zel'dovich, JETP (U.S.S.R.) 38, 1123 (1960). [Translation: Soviet Phys. JETP 11, 812 (1969)]. 3. A. I. Baz', v. I. Gol'danskii, and Ya. B. Zel'dovich, Usp. Fiz. Nauk 85, 445 (1955). [Translation: Soviet Phys, -Usp. 8, 177 (1965)). 4. A. I. Baz, v. I. Gol'danskiſ, and Ya. B. Zel'dovich, Usp. Fiz. Nauk 72, 211 (1960). [Translation: Soviet Phys.-Usp. 3, 729 (1961)]. 5. H. B. Willard, J. K. Bair, and C. M. Jones, Phys. Letters 9, 339 (1954). 6. J. P. Schiffer and R. Vandenbosch, Phys. Letters 5, 292 (1953). 7. Y. C. Tang and B. F. Baymar., Phys. Rev. Letters 15, 165 (1965). 8. K. A. Brueckner, J. I. Gammel, and J. Ț. Kubis, Phys. Rev. 118, 1095 . (1960). 9. J. S. Levinger and L. M. Simmons, Phys. Rev. 124, 916 (1961). 10. A. N. Mitra and V. S. Bhasin, Phys. Rev. Letters 16, 523 (1966). Angular Distributions in Neutron Induced Reactions (Brookhaven National Laboratory Report No. BNL-400, 1.952), 2nd Ed., Vol. 1. Neutron Cross Sectins (Brookhaven National Laboratory Report No. 12. BNL-325, 1958), and Ed. -6- FIGURE CAPTIONS Fig. 1. Deuteron spectrum (lab system) at oº from the reaction of 20.8 MeV neutrons with tritium. A smooth curve has been drawn as . an aid in following the data. Fig. 2. Proton spectrum (lab system) at oº from the reaction of 20.8 MeV neutrons with tritium. The arrows indicate the maximum possible proton energy from the reaction T(n,p)3n and the position of the expected proton peak from the T(n,p)n reaction under the assumption that the trineutron is bound by 1.0 MeV. *:. * ** * ** i tric a ???*$,fiki ORNL-DWG 66-6385 - COUNTS . -20 - 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DEUTERON ENERGY (MeV) 7 18 19 Fig. 1 ORNL-DWG 66-6386 : T(nipin3 Tln, Pmax)31 . COUNTS ? 8 13 14 15 9 10 11 12 PROTON ENERGY (MeV) Fig. 2 END . . . DATE FILMED 10/21 / 66 . . .,