11 - - .. o . . . I OF I. ORNLP 2389 * . . : . . , . : p 5 . . ** 10 에 ​의 ​. . .. . MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 MASTER®&-0.1987 SEP 2 2 1968 FEASIBILITY OF CERTAIN EXPERIME.VTS | RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT USING UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS IN MUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS EFSIT TRICES J. W. T. Dabbs Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee HC $1.00, M1,53 SUMMARY: Two types of experiments are discussed; (a) Experiments with nuclei oriented at very low temperatures, and (b) direct measurements of fission life- times. In (a), it is concluded that such experiments, especially fission experi- ments, probably should not be performed using an underground nuclear explosion as a neutron source, because of unavoidable heating associated with the rapidity of the experiment; it is found that only a small number of unusual cases are at all feasible. In (b), a new experiment is proposed in which the passage of a recoiling compound nucleus through a crystal lattice may provide direct time-of- flight determinations of the lifetime against fission. The experiment utilizes the recently discovered "blocking" or "anti-channeling" effect in crystals. The feasibility of the experiment is discussed, with the conclusion that such neutron fission experiments are possible only with underground nuclear explosions as nev- tron sources. (a) EXPERIMENTS WITH NUCLEI ORIENTED AT VERY LOW TEMPERATURES Several experiments involving fission of nuclei oriented at low tempera- tures have been found to require very long counting times at reactors for their accomplishment(1). As a possible extension of these measurements, certain ques- tions regarding the use of underground nuclear explosions have been investigated. . Perhaps the primary difference between nuclear explosions and other methods of producing timed bursts of neutrons is the extreme rapidity of the entire process; regrettably, this feature appears to place almost insuperable obstacles in the path of most oriented fission experiments. The basic problem is that during the few milliseconds following the explo- sion, enough heating is introduced by the f'ission fragments themselves to remove or seriously to reduce any nuclear alignment or polarization existing prior to the explosion. The lattice temperature of any reasonable target will rise to temp- eratures of ~ 30°K in a polarized neutron transmission experiment where essentially all fragments are stopped in the target. Only if the nuclear spin-lattice - 1 - relaxation time were at least one second at 30°K would such an experiment be feasi- ble; this is a rather unlikely circunstance. For cases where, let us say, only 1 percent of the fragment energy is deposited in a thin target, no substantial advan- tage accrues. Since the lattice specific heat is, in almost all cases, a Debye specific heat which has the form C = 464 que la cal/mol K (la) the integral is of the form Q = k(T* - T) (10) and a reduction of G by a factor 100, as indicated above, will only reduce the final temperature of the lattice in the present case to loºk. A reduction of the lattice heating by a factor of 10° would reduce the temperature rise to 0.3°K, which would probably be tolerable in most cases. This probably can be accomplished in cases of simple capture experiments where the nucleus deexcites only by X-ray emission. This is also true for simple neutron scattering where no competing charged particle reactions occur. In all cases, rapidly acting shutters would be required to protect the samples from the initial burst of electromagnetic radiation from the explosion, and from undesired portions of the neutron spectrum. In view 01 the difficulties inherent in this approach, it seems wiser at present to make use of the higher burst intensities which are now becoming avail- able at electron linear accelerators, where such heating problems essentially do not occur, and to restrict the types of experiments to those which are feasible with intensities available at such machines. The author gratefully acknowledges helpful conversations with B. C. Diven, L. Aamodt, P. Seeger, and others at Los Alamos, and with J. A. Harvey of ORNL. (6) DIRECT MEASUREMENTS OF FISSION LIFETIMES The possibility of the measurement of extremely short lifetimes in nuclear reactions by time-of-flight within single crystals has been suggested by Tulinov(2) and by Gemmel and Holland (3). The proposed method makes use of the so-called "blocking" or "anti-channeling" effect, in which a charged particle (in this case a reaction product) passes sufficiently near to a row or plane of atoms within the crystal to be deflected strongly from its original direction by Rutherford scat- terings. A decay product from a nucleus which is recoiling (transversely) from its initial lattice position may be delayed in its emission sufficiently that its path, while initially in the same direction, may pass the members of the row or plane instead at a large enough distance to be "channeled" through the crystal, or at least be not deflected. Experimental observations with emitted alpha particles(4), -reaction-produced - 2 - protons(3), and elastically scattered protons(2,3,5) have given conclusive proof of the existence of the "blocking" effect, which typically appears as a decrease of more than 75 percent in intensity over a narrow angular range in the neighbor- hood of the direction of the row on niore than 35 percent near a plane, perhaps with a small enhancernent in the intensity at slightly larger angles. The total angular width B over which this "extinction" occurs may be estigated from con- siderations of screened coulomb scattering with rarious assumptions regarding lattice vibrations etc., and for most cases of interest yields values 6 Cl. At the moment, there is still some uncertainty regarding the conditions under which "row" and "planar" blocking are important(2,5). Although both effects always occur, it appears that larger dips in intensity occur along rows (or axis direction in the crystal) whereas narrower patterns are observed in the various planar directions. In the latter case, pattern widths as small as 0.1° are found(3). We shall confine our attention to the planar case hereafter, because of intensity considerations. We consider here a situation somewhat different from the previous sugges- tionsi2,3) for observing very short lifetimes in nuclear reactions. If the recoil- ing compound nucleus moves through distances comparable to lattice spacings before emission of the reaction products, blocking by rows or channels adjacent to the one in which the compound nucleus originated can also occur. If the reaction pro- duct is emitted nearly along the planar direction by a compound nucleus which is recoiling in a transverse direction, a decrease in intensity may then occur when vrt sine met (10) where v. is the recoil velocity, I the time before emission, the recoil angle with respect to the planar direction, man integer, and ly the transverse spacing between planes. As an example, consider neutron induced fission in single crystal Uom or "vo, where the incident neutron direction is about 5-6 degrees away from a [111] axis; while the detector array is exactly aligned with a (perpendicular) (111) plane. We estimate or assume the following: Be ~ 0.003 (0.2) oxygen plane By = 0.007 (0.5) uranium plane V = 5.9 x 10" YE cm/sec (E in ev) T = 1/F6~6 x 10-15 sec (for 2550 near thermal) 27 = 1.65 Å (to oxygen plane) = 3.1 Å (to uranium plane) For the <>uo, case, one would then expect dips in intensity at E values given by En met / 5.8 x 1032) 2 (26) ~ 220 m2 kev. or at 220, 880, 1980 ... kev. Because of the structure of the crystal in this - 3 - or at 20, Boro Kev example, these values represent alternately scatterings by oxygen planes and ura- nium planes; effects of heavy and light fragments would of course be indistin- guishable. Intensity considerations are approximately as follows. We assume a detector subtending a solid angle of roughly 28, x 30B, 1.e. 0.5 cm x 30 cm at a 60 cm dis- tance. The sample would be 0.7 cm x 6 cm x 10°* cm thick, cut along the (100) planes, and mounted at -- 40° so as to intercept a 3 cm beam of neutrons from an underground nuclear explosion(6), For an assumed of 15 barns, the rate at which fragments reach the detector array would be approximately 5000 per microsecond, the statistical accuracy would be expected to be 3 percent for resolving times (o.lusec) which give energy resolutions AE'E of about 0.01. These rates are near the limits of feasibility, since the count rates for oxygen planes are expected to show only & 40 percent decrease over a small portion (20 percent) of the detector area. For the uranium planes, a 40 percent drop over the central half of the detector may be expected, however. The above calculations strongly indicate that the only feasible neutron source for such an experiment is an underground nuclear explosion. The detectors in the detector array could be made in a configuration of the same general type as the position sensitive semiconductor detector(7) but with a central strip electrode and two grounded edge strip electrodes on the back. The front electrode would contact the entire active area. The current induced by electron-hole pair formation within the detector would then divide via a transverse back resistance according to the distance of the fiesion event from the centerline of the detector, and yield a position signal from the ratio of the central electrode current to the total. In this way, a self-normalizing signal, with a relatively high degree of cancellation of statistical errors should be available. The major difficulty with the proposed experiment appears to be the spread in fission lifetimes. This can be expected to cause a serious broadening of the minima (in the detector current ratio) as a function of neutron energy. If this effect is sufficiently large to make the expected minima unobservable, resort may be had to the initial rise (with energy) in the ratio, which would occur at a neu- tron energy of roughly 1 keV for the lifetime assumed above. Here, a counting rate of 150 counts/microsecond would be expected, with a 3 percent accuracy in intensity and an energy resolution 4 E/E of about 0.03. This latter measurement would involve more complicated estimates of the flight path (-10-9cm) and corres- ponds exactly to the previous suggestions(2,3). If both effects could be observed, additional useful information could be obtained by intercomparison. Another possibility, especially in the case of su, is that two different lifetimes, corresponding to the two compound spin states, might be seen. The author gratefully acknowledges several helpful conversations with -4. Tf both 0. S. Oen, M. K. Robinson, and H. Lutz. REFERENCES * Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. (1) J. W. T. Dabbs, F. J. Walter, and G. W. Parker, Proc. Int. Conf. Phys. Chem. Fission, Salzburg, Austria, March 1965, V.1 (IAEA, Vienna, 1965). (2) A. F. Tulinov, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 162, No. 3, 546-8; Trans. Sov. Phys. Dokl. 10, No. 5, 463-5 (1965). A. F. Tulinov, v. S. Kulikauskas, and M. M. Malov, Physics Lett. 18, 304 (1965). (3) D. S. Gemel and R. E. Holland, Phys. Rev. Lett. 14, 945 (1965). (4) B. Domeij and K. Björkqvist, Phys. Lett. 14, 127 (1965). (5) A. F. Tulinov, B. G. Akhmetova, A. A. Puzanov, and A. A. Bednyakov, JETP Letters 2, No. 1, 48 (1965); English Translation, p. 30. (6) The estimates iramediately following are based on conversations with B. C. Diven, P. Seeger, L. Aamodt and others at Los Alamos, and on an unpublished Los Alamos report compiled by W. K. Brown. This information is gratefully acknowledged. (7) A silicon surface-barrier detector of this type is manufactured by Nuclear Diodes, Inc., Highland Park, Illinois, U.S.A. LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared 18 an account of Government sponsored work. Nollber who Uallod suales, por the Commission, nor any person acung od bebalf of the Communion: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with rospoct to the accu- racy, completencsn, or usefulness of ibo information contalaod in this report, or that the wo of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any llabillues with respoct the use of, or for damages rosul dog trom the use of any laformation, apprnows, morbod, or process disclosed in this report. 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