. . . . I OFT ORNLP 3053 t TERETE EEEEEEEE MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BURE AU OF STANDARDS -1963 oam f. 3053 Conf.676512 - 3 I ru DISPOSAL OF HIGH LEVEL SOLIDIFIED WASTES IN SALT MNESA , 6 W. C. McClair., R. L. Bradshaw, and 7. M. Empsun CFSTI PRICES JUN : 3 1967 Health Paysics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge: Tennessee - no. 13.00, un 65 Introduction An experiment demonstrating the disposal of high-level radioactive solid wastes, called Project Salt Vault, has been in progress since the middle of November 1965. Irradiated fuel assemblies from the Engineering Test Reactor, supplemented with electrical heat, are being used in lieu of actual wastes. The objectives of the experiment are: (1) confirma- tion of the feasibility and safety of waste disposal in salt mines; (2) the demonstration of the waste-handling equipment and techniques, (3) de- termination of the stability of salt under the influence of heat and ra- diation, and (4) collection ci information on the creep and plastic flow of salt. The experiment was installed at the periphery of an inactive salt mine, 1000 ft (300 meters) below ground, at Lyons, Kansas, and consists of five rooms newly mined at a level approximately 15 ft (4.5 meters) above the existing mine floor (Fig. 1). This increase in elevation was necessary to assure that the holes in the floor into which the radioactive Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under con- tract with the Union Carbide Corporation. For presentation at the IAEA Symposium on the Disposal of Radio- active Wastes into the Ground, May 29 through June 2, 1967, Vienna, Austria. DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENI IS UNLIMITED LO LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared us an account of Government sponsored work. Netthet dhe Dhutud Statou, por the Commission, nor any person acting a behalf of the Countrion: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with post to the ment- racy, completener, or watalness of the information contulmad ha tido report, or that the wo of may information, apparatus, method, or proces disclosed to the report may not mortage printly owned rights; or B. Ananas nay Unblution with repect to the we of, or lor damag e d from the use of way laformation, apparatus, method, or proces declared to the import As und in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Comunindo wbude - florue or coatractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the c h ut auch employs or contractor of the Conniesion, or play of my contractor prepara dienniaatas, or provides acceu to, nay taformation purpenal to Ho unploy or contract with the Commission, or his employment with mucha contractor. Fig. 1. Layout of Project Salt Vault Experimental Area (ORNL-DWG 63-744A). - t1 W W W .... --*-, Y." " .. ! !. .', . " At : ORNL-DWG 63-774A 0 11 ! 1 0 FEET 50 100 150 30 ELECTRICAL ARRAY . 30ft 1 . + CD T-20 ft . :: 40++ L L ......... A-------- :::: 1 :: FEET SHEATED PILLAR . . MAIN RADIOACTIVE ARRAY . 100 . . 20 ft . 50+ SPECIALLY MINED AREA 14-6+ ABOVE EXISTING FLOOR- LEVEL WASTE CHARGING SHAFT FROM SURFACE OORSA . . . 30 ft RAMP UP C EXISTING MINE WORKINGS SHOWN APPROXIMATE FLOOR RADIOACTIVE L::: ARRAY ► O material was deposited would be dril cà into the purest available salt. In adiitics to the rewly mined rooms, one room or the existing wire was incorporated in the experiment in which the holes were drilled into a 2 floor which cortains appreciable quantities of shale. One of the new experimental rooms is located directiy under the 20-in.- (50 cm diam shaft from the surface used to lower the fuel assemblies into the mine. The main part of the experiment is carried out in the two end rooms of the experimental area and the room in the existing mine. The first experimental room contains the main radioactive array of seven specially lined 12-ft- (3.7 meters) deep holes in the floor. Each of these holes contains auxiliary electrical heaters and a canister with two ETR fuel assemblies. The second room contains an electrical array which is identical with the main array in every way except for the absence of any radioactivity. This array provides a control for the main array, and any differences in the rehavior of the salt can be ascribed to the effects of radiation. The floor array is intended to investigate the differences resulting from the presence in the floor of large amounts of interbedded shale which contains several percent moisture. This part of the experiment was undertaken so that the possibility of disposal in old, mined-out areas could be considered rather than restricting appli- . cation of the method to mines specifically designed and excavated for the purpose. Operational Experience The various operations involved in the handling of the radioactive materials are shown on Fig. 2. The operation starts in a hot cell at the National Reactor Test Station in Idaho where two irradiated ETR fuel .... . .. M ...... E T " Fig. 2. Simulated Waste Can Handling Operations (ORNL-DWG 66-15). U...YAGMO -n u m CAME TO 6. -- -- -- - -- - - 11 -- ---- mrs. Security 1. Encapsulction of the Fuel Assem..as. 2. Modification of a Cask for Cross-country Shipment. toi... - - ;. 3. Waste Charging - Surface Facility. A mano 4. Underground Transfer. - - - -- PROJECT SALT VAULT – MAJOR DESIGN PHASE 5. Storcce in Salt. DamW i- INIC 6 . N : ", .. .' . to . A assemblies, approximately 90 days out of tre reactor, are sealed into a 6 'to (2 meters) 207., 5-5/3-in.- (15 cm) diam canister. Seven ci these canisters are then loaded into the shipping cask which is transported to the Kansac mine by truck, along with its self-contained cooling sys- tem. At the mine, the cask is removed from the truck and erected 1a vertical position over the waste-charging shaft. The canisters are then lowered, one at a time, into tie mine thr:ugh the waste-charging shaft where they are receiveå in the underground transporter. The transporter then carries the canister to the experimental room and deposits it into an awaiting hole. The relationship of some of these handling facilities to the experimental area is shown pictorially in Fig. 3. The first shipment of fuel assemblies was installed in the radio- active array on November 15, 1965, which marked the beginning of the experiment. In order to increase the total dose to the salt and to gain additional experience with the handling equipment and techniques, the canisters were exchanged for fresh ones every 6 months. In June 1966 the original seven canisters were moved to the floor radioactive array and a new set was installed in the main array. In November 1966, the original canisters were removed from the floor array and returned to Idaho in exchange for a third set of seven new ones which were again installed in the main array after transferring the second set to the floor array. Since the objectives of the experiment, witr. respec'to radiation dose and heating, have been met or exceeded, all fuel assemblies will be removed from the mine and returned to Idaho in June 1967. . Each canister contains approximately 200,000 Ci of activity when it is received at the mine. All handling operations at the mine are . Fig. 3. Pictorial Representation of the Project Salt Vault Mine Operations (OKNL-DWG-63-239-R2). siteniei. " ** Varivo, ORNL-DWG 63-239R2 . 11 1 F : 16. HOIST HOUSE : : * HEAD FT. AI!.E V . . . * > * .. -. - *1 !! * "... MA S!!!.50 EING libLEVEL 1021; st -- W : . . an -. - - 1. . W ** - .'11 - . - im . . - 11 I , ja :. *w*.* ! .. - 16 I watt...:: . ******** SURT. CVS: CHINI : 1. U ri', 1 . 1:4:STE CH:.16: 15 Sifarm . - * . . .! ::. ccasionalmente onderschein.com internet connection 1 itti envex aidot , . * . - 1 . . 1 1 . . WASTE D A USAL CARRER . PILLAR INTES RAMP TO NEW WINE LEVEL FUEL ASSEMBLY ARRAY B NEW HIS LEVEL 147 ft ALOVE ExisiliiG MARKE FLOOR DELIO:ISTRATIOI CF RADIOACTIVE SODIOS DISPOSAL II SALT - 7 perforied by remote control without the aid o: 100 cells. The highest IS dose to any of the personnes during the candling operations so far com- pleted was 200 mrad, to the head and hands or.y. Throughout the first 16 monühs of operation, there has been no accidental exposures nor any accidental releases of activity to the off-gas system. ve feel that the first two objectives of the experimer.t - the demonstration of tre VS feasibility and safety and demonstration of handling equipment - have been successfully achieved. Eifects of Heat and Radiation The only distinguishable effect of radiation so far determined has been the intermittent production of extremely swall quantities (less than 1 ppm in the off-gas) of an oxidizing gas. The generation of this gas, which is not radiolytic chlorine nor hydrogen peroxide, appears to be a function of dose rate and dependent upon a tireshold salt tempera- 2- ture of approximately 150°c . Temperature distributions in the salt, as measured on the more than 500 thermocouples throughout the experimental area, have reconfirmed the validity of the theoretical conductivity calculations. 2,5 These calculations make it possible to predict with reasonable accuracy the temperature rise to be expected at any point in the salt around any geometrical configuration of heat-generating wastes. Some bedded salt, including that in Kansas, contains small amounts (less than 1/2%) of moisture in the form of small intra-crystalline AXA brine inclusions. This property had been assumed to liruit the maximum : 8 allowable salt temperature to iess than 250°C; since, above that tempera- ture, internal vapor pressure causes a violent shattering of the salt. During the experiment, it was discovered that these brine inclusions will migrate toward the heat sources under the influence of the thermal gradients. Since a large volume of salt is heated appreciably, a con- siderable volume of water is involved. Water has migrated into the ex- perimental arrays located in the relatively pure salt at the average rate of about 1 ml/day/nole. Although this quantity of water was not expected, some of the problems associated with the inflow or water were already under examination at the floor array. In this floor array the heat sources were installed in material consisting of about 50% shale contain- ing large amounts of water which is driven off by the heat. The rate of water inflow at this array has been about 50 to 100 ml/day/nole. Addi- tional tests concerning the consequences of the migration and inflow of water are currently being carried out in the mine. Structural Stability and Creep Although laboratory tests indicated that some alteration of the mechanical properties of salt occurs at doses above 5 x 20° rad, 4 no such effect nas been discernable in the mine even though the total dose to the salt around the main radioactive array is now approaching 109 rad. However, the mechanical behavior of salt under the influence of elevated temperatures and thermal gradients has provided the most startling ar.ů the CA TO most, interesting results from the experiment. Sait exhibits plastic flow properties which are stronger temperature dependicät. Laboratory studies carried out at Okivi or. model pillars of - oro.. . ... ....." Lyons mines ave yielded much information on this property which can be summarized in the empirically determined strain rate equation, é = 3.2 x 10-36 210.9 3.2 4-0.65 where é = vertical (convergence) strain rate (10-6/r), T = absolute temperature o = uniaxial average pillar stress (psi), aná t = time (hr). However, because of scaling problems, this model work does not furnish any information on the transient thermal stresses and the effects of thermal gradients. Some of the deformations of the salt around the main radioactive array are illustrated in Fig. 4. These data are also typical of the electrical (control) array. A constant heat generation rate of 1.5 kW was maintained on each of the array holes by compensating for the de- mental electrical heat delivered to each hole. The dashed curve on Fig. 4 shows the temperature increase of the salt in the central region of the array. The disrupting influence of the two exchanges of canisters and the effect of an arbitrary increase in heating rate to 2.1 kw/nole can also be seen. Curve i on Fig. 4 shows the uplift of the floor at the center poinü oi the array due to thermal expansion of the salt. This vertical movement of the floor was distributed across the room in the SI shape of a normal error curve, the limbs of which extend well beyond the edges of the salt pillars supporting the room. This thermal expansion my of the floor unäer the edges of the pillar caused an immediate acceleration 1-1 10 is. 4. Thermal Effects on Salü Arouna Experimental Rooms. IC BLANK PAGE 15669 ON • . L ! 1 11 1 1 11 ST 11 11 . 1 1 U 0 1 . . 7 . 1 21 TU 1 . 15 11 bene as su come 1 2 ) 1 1 1 1 . 12 . 13 30 CM. KIVITEL # 6SSER CO. 11 C 1 LT- P U 11 11 : 7 1 0 1 JADE IN N. S.A. 22 1 U LUI 1 1 11 2 1 11 1 11 11 11 1 D . . . 1 1 . 6 D 1 0 14. . 1 . OS 1 . 1 . . . 0 : 11 1 . 1 SOU 1 1 12 UT 1 C 1:1:: 1 : :: o : s | : ; I0 G . 2 | 3 . 4 . C -- · 1 | 0 V 0 5 C • - . - I - * * 0 • d ' 3 - - L | | I 0 2 1 C - - .1 _ _ 10 T " - 2 0 C * 14 7 · 0 C TO 4 ) . I 1 Y I 1 I _ ޝަ | 1 | 1 4 | • 1 | • L- 00 I . 0 . I 3 ' 1 0 [ . IS 0 ] 0 . . | 1 0 L . - -- - - - - - - · • L _ _ _ · . - -- LE 1 0 - ; - - - . 144 • | . C: . 11 of the deformation of the pillar, the vertical component of which is shown by the second curve on Fig. 4. Although an accelerated deforma- tion of the pillars with heat was anticipated, several weeks are required before there is any significant terperature increase in the pillar. The immediate roof of the entire experimental area consists of a 22t- (60 cm) thick bed of salt which had separated from the overlying material along a thin shale parting. Instruments in the area indicated that this roof bed was sagging into the experimental rooms at the rate of about 1/2 in. (13 mm) per year. Roof sags of this type are well-known in salt mines, and this sag rate was not considered to be excessive. As can be seen on curve 3, Fig. 4, the accelerated deformation of the pillar was transferred to the sagging roof bed in the form of an axial load which caused an immediate fivefold increase in the rate of sag. Because of tre nature of the experiment and tae planned extensive heating of the pillar in the center of the experimental area, roof bolts were installed throughout the area to support the 2-ft-roof bed, even though this accelerated sag by itself did not create a hazardous condi- tion. The effect of these roof bolts is shown on the continuation of curve 3 where it can be seen that the roof was lifteå slightly and the rate of sag was reduced to about one-fourth of its original (preheating). rate. The experience with the roof bed illustrates several important points t pertaining both to the Project Salt Vault demonstration and to the oper- ation of any háza-level-disposal facility in salt deposits. First, the structural properties of salt are not completely understood, especially their mechanical behavior at elevated temperatures and under thermal Ć es gradients. With the present state of ino%ledge, it is impossible to predict in detail all of the responses of the salt to any given set of thermal conditions. Second, rock mechanics instrumentation should be an integral part of any deep underground disposal experimentation or facility. In the initial phases of such an operation, or whenever there is any significant departure from established routine, this in- strumentation shouid be fairly extensive so that (1) incipient structural problems can be detected at any early stage, (2) sufficient information will be available to enable the best solution to those problems to be found, and (3) the solutions can be checked. After routine operations 01) have been established, a limited member of zock mechanics instruments should be maintained for proper control of the operation. Third, under- ground mine disposal, in salt or any other formation, is still a mining operation. The solutions to any problems shoulâ be sought first within the body of existing mining technology. A part of the Project Salt Vauli experimental program was designed especially and exclusively in order to obtain additio.'al information on the thermo-mechanical properties of salt under transient temperature conditions. This is the heated pillar test where a 20-ft- (6 meters) thick pillar between the two central rooms of the experimental area (Fig. i) is being extensively heated by a total of 33 kw of electrical power applied in the floor along the sides of the pillar. This con- figuration represents approximately three times the heat input to the ее pillar which would be expected if the floor of the rooms were filied with real solidified wastes. The vertical deformation of this pillar, as measured at seven gauge points, is shown in Fig. 5. The initial portions of the curves represent the normal squeezing and plastic de- formation of the pillar resulting from the overbuzden pressure. The Sure. Fig. 5. Vertical Deformation (convergence) or the Heated Pillar. . BLANK PAGE - - . - 11 1 00 1 JBL Blo 1 11 " . LI! . . 1 11 1 . 1 1 11 ... L - 25 X 33 CM. KUITEL ESSER CO. 10 X 10 TO THE CENTIMETER 1 . 1 * -. :04:::::.. . 1. T 1 VN 1 .... . - 12 . O . 11 .. Habt In N.S.A. 47 1510 . 1 . 1 NIIIII . ! . 1 1 11 1. 11 1 1 11 . 1 . CO 1 1 . ! 4 11 21 1 17 1 4 11 1 1 1 : 1 11 + NE 3 . . - . . 1 . . . 1 1 . 1 1 1 11 T ! 1 1 1 1 11 mes TTY't 11 1 ! 1 T . 12 11 LIS LT1 . 2 1 11 1 17 11 . 11 P 11 1 1 i 1 . 1 3 19 1 11 11 LU R * in hindi kita telah memberi b esmisleidinin med at matalina 1 1 ܙ . . ܀ ܀ ܗ O ܙ ܙ ܙ ܐ ܐ. ܙ ܠ ܝ ܕ ܂ :.iܪ܀ ܕ ܕ . ܙܙ1 I ܐ. ܙ ܂ ܙ ܀ ܀ ܕ ܐ ܘ 1 ܙܪܢ ܂ . ܂ ܙ ܐ . ܙ ܙ ! ܠ ܙ ܝ ܙ ܚ ܙ |. ܝ ܢ ܝ ܙ ܙ -ܝܪܚܐ ܫܫ ܙ ܙ | ܀ ܘ -ܙ: ܝ.., ܕܫܝܝ ܂ ܢܚܝܚܒ ܙ ܐ | ܐ ܙ ܐ ܐ ܝ ܢܪ ܙ ܐ ܙܫܕܝ ܢ ܐ ܙ ܙ 0 0 1 --1 1 1 1 - ܐ 17 ܙ ܂ -- .ܐ 0 0 ܕܝܐܙܝ .&x ܂ ܐ ܐ - ܪ- ܕ ... ܠܐܪܐܐ ܀ i ܀ ܝ1 11 ܙ ܝ ܂ ܐ ܚ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܝ 11 ܙ ܙ ܙ ܗ ܒܫܫܕ݁ ܘܠܐ ܂ ܙܐ ܐ ܟܢ ܀ ܕ ܙܢ ܙ ܙ ܀ ܝ ، ܝܟܝܝ ܙ ܀ ܘ ܘܐܙܒ܀ ܟ ܂ 1 ܀ ܙ ܂ܐ ܙ ܝ ܢ ܝ ܝ ܙ 71 ܐ ܙ | ܙ ܙ - -- ܐ : ܙ ! ܀ ܙ ܙ ܂ ::: ܢ ܡܫܝܚܢ ܙܐ 1 ܙ ܝܘ ܙ ܙ ܙ 1 | | | ܝ ܀ ܂ . ܙ ܂ ܩ . ܂ ܀ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܝܝܝܝܝܝܝܝܚܙ.܀ ܐ ܙ [ ܙ ܂ ܙ ܙ • • ܝ ܙܐ 1 ܙ J ܙ ܂ ܢ ܠ . ܂ ܙ ܙ ܀ ܙ ܂ ܀ ܀ ܬ ܀ ܝ ܙ ! ܕ- - 1 ܂ . ...ܝܫ ܐܝܢܝܚܟ.ܬ.ܛܚܛܢ ܙ ܫܢܚܫ middle part of the curves illustrate the effect of only one of the heaters (adjacent to gauge 125) which was started as a preliminary to the main experiment. Notice that the effect of this single 3-kw heat source can also be seen at gauges 122 and 128, 20 ft (6 meters) array. On Novembor 14, 1966 (standard day 1170), all 22 of the heaters were turned on with a power input of 1.5 kw each. The resulting in- crease in the rate of convergence of the pillar 18 about an order of magnitude from 0.2 in./yr (5 mm) to 2.0 in./yr (5 cm). This rate of convergence is approximately the same as would result from a doubling of the overburden pressure or depth. The strong temperature dependence of the pillar deformation is further illustrated by the distribution of the convergence around the pillar. The largest convergence and greatest rate (gauges 125 and 128) occurs at the center region of the pillar which 18 the hottest. The least amount of convergence (gauges 128, 136, and 137) takes place around the end of the pillar where the heat losses to the air result in the lowest temperatures. Summary and Future Prospects The experimental results from Project Salt Vault have been most encouraging. The feasibility and safety of handling highly radioactive materials ir: an underground environment has been demonstrated. The sta- bility of the salt under the effects of heat and radiation was shown, as well as the capability of solving minor structural problems by standard mining techniques. The data obtained on the creep and plastic flow characteristics of the salt, especially from the heated pillar experi- ment, will make it possiblė to arrive at a suitable mine design for a 15 disposal facility for any desired degree of room closure. A study of the economics of disposal in salt matesº (assuming ü 30-yr interim storüge) indicates that the cost oi? this ret..on will be approximately 0.002 mills/kwOut oi ti total waste managemeno cost oi 0.02 mills/xW: All of these items combined leads one to the conclusion tha' burial in salt mines is one of the better, i not the best, metrods for the uti- mate disposal of high-level solidified wastes. ci . . .. --.--. Based on this conciusion, an examination is now being made into the desirability of establishing an actual disposal facility in the immediate futwe. A brief descript:on of some of the salient points of this ex- amination will illustrate what we consider to be the future prospects of the method and its applicability in a rapidly expanding nuclear power generation economy. The first nigh-level disposal facility could begin by accepting waste pots from the Pacific Northwest Laboratories' Waste . .. - - - --- Solidification Engineering Prototype facility which may become available about 1970. This phase will anso provide an opportunity for working out all legal, regulatory, political and public relation problems which might develop. The facility shound have a built-in capability of ex- ve c+ pansion to meet the demands or the i'uel reprocessing industry and a reasonably useful lifetime at or near full capacity. Since an interim storage period of several years will be required, this expansion will probably begin toward the end of the 1970's. Projections of the future development of the nuciear industry' in the United States indicates the largest installed capacities and the CA diren . greatest rate of growth will be in the Northeast Region and on the West an online 7* Coast, followed closely by the Southeast and the upper Vidwest Area. Usable salt beds underlie (1) parts of Michigan, Northern Ohio, and The that * CV Western New York; (2) Certzal Kardam; (3) Scuinwesi Texus and new lexico. The sali does arowd the Gum Coasü lüve beer. excluded from this consideration, penuirs the invisi jäio oë jeme questions regard- ing the suitačility of these structures. Comparison, of tiie major waste source regions and troc availability t of disposal sites shows first the wsence of salt deposits in the Cali- fornia area. Since transportation charges to Kansas or Texas will proba- bly be prohibitive, soue other arrangements may have to be made. As one possible solution to this problem, pians are now beirs made to examine the feasibility of modifying the general sait disposal concept for appli- cation in other geolojic materials, 20% example, thick ainyurite or lime- stone beds. With regard to disposal ir salt taroughout the rest of the country, two possibilities exist: (i) either a singie central disposal facility located in Michigan or upper Appalachia which woulů receive wastes from the entire section east of the Mississippi or (2) two facili- ties with the first in Kansas, followed at a later time, dictated by demand, by a second, probably in New York. -* - - . - . : + of RUTEXERCIS ** . . .. 5 2 . eu . SCHAFTER, W. 7., et al., "Project Sült Vault: Design and Demonstra- tion of Equipment," Proc. International Symposium on Solidification and Long-Term Storage of Highly Radioactive wastes, Richland, Wash- ington (Feb. 14-18, 1966) 685-705. 2. BRADSHAW, R. L., et al., "Project Salt Vault: Errects of Tempera- ture and Radiation on Plastic Flow and Yine Stability," Proc. Inter- national Symposium on Solidification and Long-Term Storage of Highly Radioactive Wastes, Richland, Washington (Feb. 14-18, 1966) 702-722. 3. EMPSON, F. M., et al., "Project Salt Vault: Design and Operation," S CA Proc. International Symposium on Solidification and Long-Term Stor- age of Highly Radioactive Wastes, Richland, Washington (Feb. 14-18, 1966) 671-684. 4. GUNTER, B. D., and PARKER, F. L., The Physical Properties of Rock Salt as Influenced by Gamma Rays, ORNI-3027 (Varch 1961). 5. LOMENICK, T. F., and BRADSHAW, R. L., Accelerated Deformation of Rock Salt at Elevated Temperature, Nature 207(4993) (July 10, 1965) 158-159. 6. BLOMKE, J. O., et al., "Estimated costs of High-Levei Waste Manage- . ment," Proc. International Symposium on Solidification and Long-Term Storage of Highly Radioactive Wastes, Richland, Washington (Feb. 14- 18, 1966) 830-843. 7. COWSER, K. E., BOEGLY, 'W. J., JR., and JACOBS, D. G., "Long Range Waste Management Study," Health Physics Division annual Progress Re- port for Period Ending July 1966, ORNL-4007, 37-39. END -- DATE FILMED 7 / 20 /67 22 14