. | OF I ORNLP 3048 . - . ; u . _ A 2. . : CEFFE EER ||1.25 .1.4 1.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 CRNE P. 3648 Cont. 66100/- -15/ CESTO ES MAY 1 8 1967 MASTER conseil HO ? (0: DISTRIBUTION OF DOSE AND DOSE EQUIVALENT IN AN ANTHROPOMORPHIC PHANTOM RESULTING FROM BROAD-BEAM SOURCES OF MONOENERGETIC NEUTRONS* W. S. Snyder, J. A. Auxier, M. D. Brown, T. D. Jones, Health Physics Division and Mathematics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government apcarored work. Neither the United Su '96, por the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes may warranty or ropresentation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completac., or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use pothod, or procon disclosed in this roport may not intringo privately owned rights; or B. Aukumos any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages rouwuing from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or procesu disclosed in this report, As used in the above, "person acting on behall of the Commission" includes way on- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or emplo; e of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor, **Research sponsored by the U. $. Atomic Energy Commission under contract, with Union Carbide Corporation. . DISORIBUTION OF THIS, DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITED ART DISTRIBUTION OF DOSE AND DOSE EQUIVALENT IN AN ANTHROPOMORPHIC PHANTOM RESULTING FROM BROAD-BEAM SOURCES OF MONOENERGETIC NEUTRONS W. S. Snyder, J. A. Auxier, M. D. Brown, T. D. Jones, and R. T. Boughner ABSTRACT A Monte-Carlo-type program nas been coded for a digital computer to estimate dose in a tissue phantom from a varichy of neutron sources with neutron energy not exceeding 14 MeV. The program allows for elastic and inelastic scattering as well as for some 24 absorption interactions. The cross-sec- tion data are taken from BNL-325 or other literature as avail- able, and remaining gaps in the cross-section data are filled by linear interpolation. . . . In some cases, information on the energies af. secondary particles produced by an absorption interaction was not found in the literature and has been calculated so that both momentum and energy have been conserved in the interaction. The phantom consists of a right circular cylinder with a radius of 15 cm and a height of 60 cm and is thus a reasonable approximation of a human torso. It is considerea to he homogeneous and codi- poscă of H, C, N, and o in the proportions indicated for standard man. With some rewriting of the source subroutine, the program may be used for a wide variety of sources, but s for a monodirectional, monoenergetic, broad, lateral beam of neutrons are reported here. Results are obtained for a selection of energies ranging from thermal to 14 Mev. Over the range below 10 MeV, the maximum doses do not differ greatly from the maximum doses in slabs as given in NBS Handbook 63. However, a greater difference is found when the results for slabs and cylinders are compared at depths well below the irradi- ated surface. The variation of dose along a' diameter perpendicular to the beam is found here and may be as much as a factor of 3 in .. some cases. In addition to giving dose in each of 150 volume elements of the phantom,. the partition of these doses in each of 12 intervals of LET is obtained. Thus the quality of the radia- tion and the magnitude of the dose are provided for any desired portion of the phantom. ! ?. . k ironim matiem o !Liter Shimmer animali ammestu ----...-.e ... - 2. When the human body 1. irradiated unilaterally by neutrons, the resulting dose within the body generally varies appreciably in magnitude and in quality at different depths below the irradiated surface. Bilateral or isotropic sources produce more nearly constant patterns of dose, but dose cquivalent in different regions of the body. Only at neutroa energies of hundreds of Mov or more will the dose pattern be approximately constant i within the body. ' Thun for neutrons of energy not exceeding 14 Mev--and this is the practical limit of the fission spectrum--neutron dose within the ocay can seldom, if ever, be adequately characterized by a single number. any interpretation of neutron dose in terms of biological effects probably wid heed to take into account not merely a single value (for example, the maximum dose, or the midline dose), but will more likely need to consider tie general pattern of dose within the body. The remainder of this time 16 intended to illustrate this thesis by presenting quantitative results of recent studies of neutron dose in an anthropomorphic phantom. These studies have been the joint work of staff in the Health Physics Division, and have had extensive cooperation from the staff of the Mathematics Division, and the · Neutron Physics Division of ORNL . The basic program used in these studies 18 of straightforward, Monte Carlo type which, for the most part, follows the basic physical processes quite closely. The cross sections used for elastic and for inelastic scattere ing have been developed largely by the Neutron Pysics Division and are in ...... . .. -3- general use at ORNL. In addition, cross sections for 17 nuclear interactione have been programmed and used in the calculation. These include elestic neutron interactions of H, C, N, and o, inelastic interactions of C, N, and 0, and n-a, nop, and n-t reactions with N and 0. \*!. . There are many gaps in some of the measured cross sections, and these have been filled in largely by smoothly connecting the measured values. For example, the more important interactions with oxygen are probably those of the n-Go interaction (ground state) which shows the peaks in the region below 8 Mev and the n-oy reaction which dominates all of these processes at 14 Mev. In fact, the cross section of this n-ay interaction is about 12% of the total oxygen cross section at 14 Mev. These interactions are also of special importance because of the high let values at which the dose from these a particles is deposited. Similar cross section data were used for the other irteractions. . . . The energies and cross sections zor these nuclear interactions were worked out by M. D. Prown of the țhiversity of Tennessee Physics Department ariv. of the ORNI Health Physics Division. Some compromises with physical reality were necessary to keep within the capacity of the computer--an TBM-360, Modei 75. Thus only an average energy was used for the alpha particles, . neutrons, protons, tritons, and reccil's produced by these muclear interactions and by the inelastic scattering processes. This average energy was computed so that both momentum and energy were conserved for the interactions. The formula' used for this everage energy is shown as follows: "mismo, para o leitetaan retro si ryto r ...! ***** an- to....l-- -- - - . E2 M M EL MO + E (Mg - M) (Mo + Mo). Ma + Me where in = mass of incident, particle, Me. = mass of reaction product with energy ER, No = mass of reaction product with energy Es = E + Q - Es, Q * Q value for reaction, Ey * energy of incident particle, En = average energy of reaction product with mass Mg. Figure 1 shows the linear energy transfer, or LET, of the various charged particles considered in this calculation. As you are aware, the bioiogical effectiveness of the dose is thought to be influencer! by the Let at which the dose has been deposited, and quality factors which depend on LET have been recomaended by ICRP and NCRP (15) to convert dose in ras to dose equivalent in rem. Thus it is of some interest to know not merely the dose in rad but also what fraction of the dose was delivered in various ranges of LET so that the dose equivalent can be obtained. . It is easy to see that if a charged particle, say, a proton, is produced with energy E, the energy absorbed with LET less than a value I, is given by A E = Min(E, ,) + Max(0, E - bad -5- - - . . . . R :. * - - ----- where a, and by are the proton energies at which the proton LET equals In That is, if we consider the line on the figure where LET = I, and if this line crosses the proton curve at proton energies a, and bi, then the formula gives the total energy deposited below a; and above bi, i.e., where LET is less than I Using this device, the fraction of dose deposited in 12 intervals of LET was estimated for each volume element where dose was recorded. Many of these intervals and quality factors are those directly recommended by ICRP. and NCRP,-5) but we did add some additional intervals in order to obtain a better idea of the distribution of dose with LET, and the quality factor was linearly interpolated for these additional intervals from the recom- mended values. Figure 2 shows the subdivision of the phantom into subregions for evaluation of dose. All cases calculated to date have been for broad beams of monoenergetic neutrons entering along the bisector of the angle of region 27. The phantom is a right circular cylinder of dimensions nearly those of the torso of a husky male, i.e., height 60 cm, radius 15 cm. The composi- tion is homogeneous, consisting only of the four elements H, C, N, and o ir. the proportions typical of soft tissue with a density of 1. The energy carried by charged particles produced by an interaction within one of these subregions is assumed to be absorbed in that région. Photons are produced &s a result of inelastic scattering or as a result of some capture processes, arou a sample of such photons are run on a separate program to estimate the dose due to these photons. iniwhes.********* t vita n the with ter los até 7 dit bet r ding to one's withipaimarno B -6. Figure 3 shows the distribution of dose with LET for neutrons of energies 2.5 Mev, 5 Mev, and 14 Mev. These are for volume elements at . the irradiated surface, at the center, and at the greatest depth within the phantom. As you see, the distributions are quite different. Figure 4 shi ws the variation in LET for neutrons of energy 1 Mev at three different depths below the irradiated surface, namely, on the irradiated surface, near the center, and on the far side of the phantom. It is clear that the quality of the radiation varies greatly with distance from the irradiated surface. Many other examples of this variation in quality could be given. Since LET may plausibly be one of the parameters influencing the biological response, it seems clear that data of the type just shown are desirable if a close correlation of dose within a large animal and biological effects is attempted. One of the reasons for undertaking these studies is to provide data of this kind. Figure 5 shows the dosimetric pattern within the central layer of the piantom for irradiation by neutrons of 14 Mev and 1 Mev. The quality factors' have been used here as described earlier to obtain dose in rem. Of course, the dose in rad also is available. Figure 6 shows the similar data for neutrons of energies 0.5 and 2.5 Mev. The next three figures present the unsmoothed data in depth for neutrons of energies 2.5 Mev, 0.5 Mev and 0.1 kev. From these you can judge the general 10 000 siatistical accuracy we obtain with yoga neutron case histories as well as the surprisingly little variation we see from one tier to another. Figure 10 shows the trend of dose down the center of the phantom for neutron energies . 10 kov, 5 Mev, and 14 Movi The dose from capture gamma rays and the dose from beutron interactions are shown separately. Of courro, cach polat represents an average dose over a wedge-shapod rerion u sbown earl.x. Hera, again, the quality of the radiation will vary with both depth and . neutron energy and so does the magnitude of the dose. We turn now to a very practical situation, that of the doteruinatia of the dose pattern within the body for a practical situation. In 1958 a criticality incident occurred at one of the Oak Ridge plants, and five men were exposed to levels above 100 rad. Doses ranged from 236 to 365 rad, estimated by Hurst, Ritchie, and Emerson. Actually these values munt be' considered as the maximum doses within the bodies of these individuals. Less than a year later, & criticality incident occurred' at Vinca in Yugoslavia, and cssentially the same group of health physicists estimated doses to these individuals. The 81x individuals with high doses were estimated to have received from 207 to 436 rad. The range of doses in the . case of the Yugoslavs included the range of doses estimated for the Oak Ridge: cases and extended upward beyond the Oak Ridge doses by about 20%, which does not seem to be a very marked increase in dose. Yet many have felt that the one might expect from .. symptons exhibited by the Yugoslavs were more severe than the difference in dose. might Andijonte Perhaps this feeling 18'in part a reflection of the fact that one of the Yugoslave died. We cannot resolve this question at present, but we can, perhaps, use it to illustrate something of the com- mest 3 plexity of the problem. Theffigures show the distribution of dose with IET in these two cuses at depths of 2.5. an, 15 on, 'and 28.5 cm.' Then distribetione . 1 ... have been obtained by using only the noutron spoctrı from the two sources as estimated and measured by the town of houlth physicists who "mockod up" each of the sources. Thus dose from photons incident on the body or pharton must be added to the doses shown in the lowost interval of LET, 1.o., 0 to 3.5 kov/u. Except for this low 3st Interval of LeT, the distribution would not be changed due to this neglect of a part of the dose. However, our calculations use this spectrum only us a broad-beun, nonodi noctional source and thus do not take into account the effect of novenonts of the exposed individuals. Thus these results sho'sld be considered us qual:Itativo evidence, and there might be some averaging of dose in different portions of the body due to the novonents of the individual. Nevertheless, it is apparent that the radiation quality is markedly different in the two cases and the duta on the dose lovels within the body indicate that in the Oak Ridge casos Some portions of tha trunk received much less dose than the portion where tha naxinum occurred. This naxinn would correspond to the estimated dose. You can see too how different the dose pattern would be if the individual had turned and had received half the exposure fror opposite sides of his ·body, or the same dose was received in terns of Na activation of the blood but resulted from an isotropic source rather when it was an unidirectimal source. This merely illustratos again that a single rubor doos not serve to represent adequatoly the dose pattern within the body and that if any close evaluation of biological offects is undertaken, more information is needed. The last figure gives the dose to a mouss-sized phantom and to a rat-sized phantom exposed to a beam of noutrons with the mass of the rat being about 8 times the mass of the mouse. The distributions oź dose with LET in the two cases are shown for neutrons of three different energies. The dose is estimated for the volume olement nourest the front surface, and the LET distribution of the dose is shown us a cumulative so that the value on the right represents the total doso. In all cases the nouso received more -9- than the rat, and yet, intuitively, we feel the buildup must be greater in the rat than in the mouse. However, the computer gives the higher dose to the mouse. The computer 18 not wrong, and neither is our intuition; in changing the phantom size, we have also changed the dimensions of the volume elements. Thus the dose for the rat is averaged over a depth which is about twice as great as in the case of the mouse. At first one might feel that this is a poor way to present data, but after some thought about the matter we decided it was better to keep the volume elements in a l'ixed relationship to the whole phantom. In ceparing biological effects seen in mouse, rat, and man, it may well be a poor way of looking at dose to compare only surface doses or only doses at & depth of 1 cm in each animal. A certain dose at one centimeter below the irradiated surface may have quite different significance for a mouse, a rat, and a man merely because of the different anatomical structures one finds at such a depth in the three cases. Perhaps, as a first approximation, one would do better to compare doses, rot at the same depth, but at corresponding depths at which the organs of concern are Cound. This scaling of the volume elements in proportion to the phantom is a first crude approximation to this and is mentioned here to emphasize that in extrapolati animal data on biological effects to infer results concerning human expos we we must consider the dose patterns within each of the bodies--and it may very well be quite different in magnitude and in quality in comparing a man with a mouse ! But our thesis remains that for a really adequate assessmert o exposure and for interpretation in terms of hazard or biological effects, ɔne needs the entire dose pattern found within the body. We hope these studies will -10- . illustrate this thesis and that the much more extensive body of data we are producing will provide a more adequate basis for assessment and interpretation in terms of the biological effects. .. . - - - REFERENCES 1. F. Aj zenberg-Selove and T. Lauritsen, Nucl. Phys. 11, 1 (1959). . 2.' 'F. Everling et al., 1960 Nuclear Data Tables, Parts 1 and 2, Nuclear Data Project, NAS-NRC (Edited by K. Way) (1961). 3. D. J. Hughes and R. B. Schwartz, Neutron Cross Sections, Brookhaven National Laboratory Report BNL-325, 2nd Edition (1958). 4. D. J. Hughes, 'B. A. Magurno, and M. K. Brussel, Neutron Cross Sections, Brookhaven National Laboratory Report BNL-325, 2nd Edition, Supplement 1 (1960). S. J. R. Stehn et al., Neutron Cross Sections, Brookhaven National Laboratory Report BNL-325, 2nd Edition, Supplement 2, Volume 1 (1964). 6. J. R. Smith; Phys. Rev. 95, 730 (1954). 7. A. B. Lillie, Phys. Rev. 87, 716 (1952). 8. W. J. McDonald et al., Nucl. Phys. 75, 353 (1966). . 9. V. V. Nefedov et al., Soviet Progress in Neutron Physics (Edited by P. A. Krupchitskii), p. 241-247 (1961). . 10. R. A. AL-Kital and R. A. Peck, Jr., Phys. Rev. 130, 1500 (1963). V. E. Scherrer, R. B. Theus, and W. R. Faust, Phys. Rev. 21, 1476 (1953). 12. J. P. Conner, lys. Rev. 89, 712 (1953). 13. J. B. Singletary and D. E. Wood, Phys. Rev. 114, 1595 (1959).' M. D. Goldberg, V. M. Way, and J. R./Stehn, Angular Distribution in Neutron-Induced Reactions, Brookhaven National Laboratory Report BNL-400, 2nd Edition, Volume 1 (1962). . 15. NBS Handbook No. 59, Permissible Dose from External Sources of . Ionizing Radiation (September 24, 1954). 16. G. S. Hurst, R. H. Ritchie, and L. C. Emerson, Health Phys. 2, 121-133 (1959). 17. G. S. Hurst et al., Health Phys. 5, 179-202 (1961). Figure 1. Stopping Power for Recoil Ions in Soft Tissue as a Function of Particle Energy, Figure 2. Cylindrical Phantom Used in Dose and Dose-Equivalent Calculations. Figure 3. Dose as a function of LET for Penetration Depths of 1.5 cm, 13.5 cm, 28.5 cm, and Neutron Suurce Energies of 2.5 MeV, 5 MeV, and 14 Mev. Figure 4. Fraction of Dose from 1 MeV Incident Neutrons as a Function of LET. Figures 5 and 6. Dose-Equivalent Distributions in the Middle Tier of the Cylindrical Phantom for Neutron Source Energies of 0.025 ev, 1 kev, 1 MeV, and 14 Mey, Figures 7, 8, and 9. D. and D, as a function of Penetration Depth for Source Energies of 0.1 kev, 0,5 MeV, and 2.5 MeV. . Figure 10. Dose as a function of Penetration Depth in a Cylindrical Phantom. Figures 11, 12, and 13. Percent Dose as a function of LET for Penetration Depths of 1.5 cm, 15 cm, and 28.5 cm. Figure 14. Dose as a function of LET in a Mouse- and Rat-Sized Phantom for Source Energies of 0.1 MeV, 0.5 MeV, and 2.5 MeV--Volume Element 17. ORNL DWG 66-8656 1000 OM TTTT "Be -200 100 -100 87.5 -62.5 -50. o Kommo -35 ALPHAS Zig. I PROTONS/ TRUONS + 3.5 STOPPING PCWER FOR RECOIL IONS IN SOFT TISSUE hu 1.0 keV IOKEV TOOKOV 1 MeV 101.12V DO MeV ENERGY . - -. .- .. - ...--.. A n . . . aur - .- --.. .- zig. 2 ORNL-DWG. 67-2407 30cm 18 19 10 113 | 16 20 NUMBERING (I) OF VOLUME ELEMENTS OF THE TOP AND BOTTOM LAYER LAYER I VOLUME ELEMENTS NUMBERED BY i NEUTRON BEAM LAYER 2 VOLUME ELEMENTS NUMBERED BY 1 + 20 60 cm NEUTRON BEAM LAYER 3 VOLUME ELEMENTS NUMBERED BY i + 40 NEUIRON BEAM LAYER 4 VOLUME ELEMENTS NUMBERED BY 1+ 20 LAYER 5 VOLUME ELEMENTS NUMBERED BY NUMBERING OF VOLUME ELEMENTS IN THE CYLINDRICAL PHANTOM • ORNL-DWG 66-11428 DOSE AS A FUNCTION OF LET . . 1.5 cm PENETRATION DEPTH 2.5 MeV - 5 Mev ..... 14 Mev OFF SCALE 13.5 cm PENETRATION DEPTH - 2.5 MeV --- 5 MeV . ..... 14 MeV OFF SCALE 28.5 cm PENETRATION DEPTH - 2.5 MeV -- 5 MeV •• •... 14 MeV | OFF SCALE DOSE (rad in /cm)/(kovin) . Fig. 3 I TO 101 14125 35 | 35 50 75 do 625 875 1125 T 50 75 100 11257 50 1751;! 3.5 35 625 87.5 62'5 1 35 62.5 87.5 W 15 ... LET (keVH) - . . . - - - - -- -- » . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OROL DWG 66-11427 A FRACTION OF DOSE FROM I MEV INCIDENT NEUTRONS AS A FUNCTION OF LET 28.5 cm 13.5 cm -1.5 cm - 1.5cm 1.5 cm 28.5 cm 13.5 cm 0.001 0.0001 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 - LETIKEVIN) Fej.5 . ORNL - DWG 66 -11385 DOSE EQUIVALENT (10%rem /n/cm?) 0332).0164 1.00906.00809.00510 0723.0795 .0678 K.0418).0362 .0268 1.0264 .0216 10:: .114 K0663) 129 ) .220 1.344 1.582 486 .653 1.077 .458 .951 .895 0.025 eV INCIDENT NEUTRONS i ke V INCIDENT NEUTRONS SOURCE Fig. 6 ORNL DWG 66 -11386 DOSE EQUIVALENT ( 10° rem /n/cm', 16.68 .074 19.59 22 32.54 31.49 34.58 1.896 1.537 30.53 38.01 1,450 180 3513 .557 K37.42 32.80 1.85 44.13 3.46 245) 47.97 53.80 55.12 | 7.43 .583 | 649 6900 65.86 14.8 60.59 27.6 71.52 | MeV INCIDENT NEUTRONS 14 MeV INCIDENT NEUTRONS SOURCE TT ORNL DWG 66-2914 25 MeV NEUTRON BEAM — TORNL ONG 68-2901 - On FROM A TIERS I ANOS • TERS 2 AND 4 • TER 3 FROM 2.5 MeV NEUTRON BEAM TERSTA:: 3 • TIERS 2 A!:54 B THER 3 - RAD/n lem" RADIN/cm Zig.. . 15 45 75 10.5 .5 22.5 25.5 28.5 315 is 45 75 105 L. Lolori 1.5 165 03 22.5 DEPTH (cm) 25.5 28.5 1.5 165 DEPTH (cm) 315 ORNL DWG 66-2912 NOWG. 67-2407 SI - FROM 0.5 MeV NEUTRON BEAM- A TIERS I AND 5 • TIERS 2 AND 4 & TIER 3 FROM 0.5 MOV NEUTRON BEAM A TIERS 1 AND 5 • TIERS 2 ANO 4 TER 3 F :: RADIN/cm RAD/n/cm dig.8. 10 L 195 22.5 25.5 285 LS 315 L.LILI- : 4.5 7.5 10.5 B5 16.5 DEPTH (cm) 45 25 10.5 15 atitude 16.5 19.5 DEPTH (cm) 22.5 25.5 283 31.5 _ORML-OWG. 66-2909 -OMG. 66-2900 D. FROM 0.! keV NEUTRON BEAM ---G A TERS 1 AND 5 • TIERS 2 AND 4 & TER 3 ------ ROM 0.1 keV NEUTRON BEAM A TERS I AND 5 • TERS 2 ANO 4 • TER 3 Fig. 9 RAD/A /cm RAD/n/cm 15 4.5 7.5 22.5 25.5 28.5 315. 25.5 10+ LhDiddl LS 45 25 2.5 13.5 16.9 19.5 22.5 DEPTH (cm) 28.5 10.5 :: 315 2.5 165 19.5 DEPTH km). ILY W iskut . . ORNL-OWG. 66-11354 ABSORBED DOSE AS A FUNCTION OF PENETRATION DEPTH IN A CYLINDRICAL PHANTOM (30 cm x 60 cm) 10 n (14 MeV) n (5 MeV) DOSE (RAD/n/cm2) y (14 MeV) Fig.ro y (5 MeV) y (10 keV) n (10 keV) 10 : 4 6 & To 12 14 16 18 20 2² 24 26 28 30 PENETRATIO ORNL-DWG. 66-3008 PERCENT ABSORBED DOSE AS A FUNCTION OF LET 100 90 1.5 cm OF . PENETRATION DEPTH HPRR ----- Y-12 -•- YUGOSLAV % ABSORBED DOSE teg.nl 2 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 70 90 200 5 -.- LET (ke VIN) Website -- -., . .. "-- -?. Ish i ndwi ORNL- DVIG. 66-3009 PERCENT ABSORBED DOSE AS A FUNCTION OF LET. 100 901 15 cm PENETRATION DEPTH HPRR . Y-12 YUGOSLAV 805 Fig. 12 % ABSORBED DOSE 2 4T 4 16 18110 5 . 7 9 20 30 40 60 80 100 50 70 90 200 o LET (ke VIH) ORNL-DWG. 66-3007 PERCENT ABSORBED DOSE AS A FUNCTION OF LET 100 90 : 80 TTTTT PENETRATION DEPTH 28.5 cm HPRR ----- Y-12 --- YUGOSLAV Fig. 13 % ABSORBED DOSE . : go 40 304 201 ! 618110 5 7 9 20 30 40 60 80 100 50 70 90 200 - LET (ke VIND Zig 14 . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL OWO. 63-4822 DOSE IN MOUSE AND RAT - BOX 17 VERSUS LET MOUSE - RAT 4X10 2.5 MEV 2.5 MEV DOSE (RADS/N/CM', 2 X 18 0.5 MEV 0.5 MEV 0.1 MEV COTS 0.1 MEV 1010 3.57 75 62.5 35T 50 200 25 75 82. 51 100 LET ( KEVIN). FIG. 3 . . END : 22 - 1 intis. T.2 * DATE FILMED - 8 / 29 / 67 ...... . . . . .. ... nimeing i nan. . . . it www .mar.