I OFT ORNL P 2922 to N . v . EEEEEEEE MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART ORINA-p-2022 Cort660607-6 MASTER WAR 2 1 087 Nüte: 66-58 To be published in the Proceedings of the Third International wym- posium on the Effecte of Radiation on Structural Metals, Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 29 to July 1, 1966. Contents of this paper should not be quoted or referred to without permission of the authors. 0:57. Tas H.C. $0.00 N.o DOSE RATE, ANNEALING, AND STRESS-RELAXATION STUDIES OF RADIATION HARDENING IN IRON .: N. E. Hinkle, s. M. Ohr, and M. S. Wechsler : Paper No. _50 ::? LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United · States, oor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or proceso disclosed in this report may not Infringe privatnly owned rights; or B. Assumns any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes way om- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employne or contractor of the Commiosion, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or :'ontrect with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. SOLID STATE DIVISION OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the V. S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Oak Ridge, Tennessee . : February 1967 .. . . . RE NO . ht This paper wus mubmitted for publication in the open Utoratur, at least months prior to the isnuance date of this Micro- card. Since the U.S.A.E.C. has no evi- dence that it has been published, the pa- per is being distributed in Microcard form as & proprint. DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITED Dose Rate, Annealing, and Stress-Relaxation Studies of Radiation Hardening in Iron · N. E. Hinkle, S. M. Obr, and M. S. Wechsler Solid State Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee .: ABSTRACT A study of the specific effect of duse rate on the increase in yield stress of a vacuum-melted iron was carried out by irradiating tensile samples at dose retes from 2 x 1011 to 3 x 1023 neutrons/cm2 sec (E > 1 Mev) at 95°C in the poolside of the Oak Ridge Research Reactor. For a dose of 4.6 x 1018 neutrons/cm2 (E > 1 Mev), a three-fold increase in yield stress occurred, but there was no variation witb dose rate in the range investigated. The possible significance of the absence of a SE dose rate effect is discussed in general terms. The annealing of the radiation hardening was found to take place at temperatures of 300-400°C with an activation energy of about 3 ev. This range of temperatures coincides with that observed for the disso- ciation of nitrogen from radiation-produced traps after electron irradia- tion. Several models for the annealing process are considered. Stress relaxation measurements on unirradiated and irradiated iron and iron-silicon are described. Evidence for the existence of an inter- nal or threshold stress, which must be exceeded for macroscopic *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with Union Carbide Corporation. : dislocation motion, 18 cited. It 18 pointed out that the major cause of radiation hardening 18 the increase in this stress. When account 18 taken of the increase in internal stress upon irradiation, the stress relaxation experiments indicate no change in the activation volume for plastic de formation. Dnge Rate, Annealing, und Stress-Relaxation Studies of Radiation Hardening In Iron N. E. Hinkle, 3. M. Ohr, and M. S. Wechsler The importance of determining the possiðle specific inflųence of the dose rate in the hardening and embrittlement of iron and steel has long teen recognized. From practical considerations, the question arises be- cause of the different range of dose rates at which materials evaluation experiments are carried out as compared to the dose rates at reactor pres.. .. ." .. . .. . kn3 . www .... sure vessels. In a typical. irraálation experiment, it is not unusual for the dose rate (or flux) to be as large as 1013 neutrcns/cm2 sec (E > 1 Mev). However, the dose rates calculated or measured at the wall of boiling- water or pressurized-water reactor vessels (1) tend to be in the range of 109 - 2012 neutrons/cm2 sec (E >.1 Mev). In a series of experiments on several mild steels, Barton, Harries, and Mogfora(2) found that there was no effect of dose rate on the increase in yield stress upon irradiation over the range 3 x 1021 to 3 x 1013 fiosion neutrons/cm2 sec for a dose. of about 2.2 x 1027 fission neutrons/cm? and irradiation temperatures from 100°C to 350 °C. Since the longest irradiation time in these experi- ments was only about 200 hours, it was felt that longer term Irradiations at higher doses may be needed to detect a dose rate effect. Therefore, a series of irradiations was conducted at 95°C in the Oak Ridge Research Reactor for times extending up to 5600 hours. Also, a vacuum-nelted iron, Ferrovac E, was used instead of steel because as a single-phase material its structure can be more easily controlled. Furthermore, it was felt that the fundamental implications of the presence or absence of . a dose rate effect can be better assessed for the high-purity fron. As 18 shown below, no dose rate effect on the radiation hardening was detected over a span of dose rater from 2 x 2071 to 3 x 1015 neutrons/ como sec (E > 1 Mev) at a dose of about 5 x 1928 neutrons/cm2 (E > 1 Mev). Experiments were also carried out on the annealing behavior of the irradiated iron. The yield stress 18 found to recover at temperatures between 300°C and 100°C with an activation energy of about 3 ev. Lastly, we wish to discuss strees-relaxation experiments in irradi- ated and unirradiated iron from which certain information regarding the dislocation dynamics may be deduced. 1. Dcee Rate and Annealing Experiments The starting stock of vacuum-melted iron in the form of 1-1/4 inch bars was swaged to 9/32-inch diameter and tensile specimens were machines with a gage diameter of 0.146 inches and a gage length of one inch. The specimens were given vacuum anneals at 885°C which resulted in a grain size of 130m. Following the annealing, the samples were chemically ana- lyzed and the results are given in Table 1. No major change in composi-, tion upon annealing was found, with the possible exception of nitrogen which increased from 1 ppm for the mill analysis to about 10 ppm after annealing. For the irradiations in the ORR, the samples were mounted in vertical rows in helium-filled and welded aluminum boxes, such that they took positions in six vertical planes at various distances from the reactor face. The samples were beated by wire-wound heaters and placed inside the cavity of ball-round cooling jackets (for examp].e see Fig. 1). In this way the temperature of each sample was individually controlled at .. 95 + 5°C regardless of the distance from the reactor. The neutron fluxes were measured at each location using nickel monitors, which were shielded with cadmium in order to elininate the need for corrections due to 58co burn-up upon thermal neutron absorption. A value of 420 mb was used for the 2.9-Mev effective fission-spectrum threshold cross section, (3) which' corresponds to a mean fission-spectrum cross section of about 100 mb." The neutron spectrum was probably close to a fission spectrum for all irradiations, since a void space always separated the experiment capsule from the reactor face. The neutron doses and dose rates for neutrons Above one Mev were calculated from the measured values using the nickel dosimeters ase ming a flosion spectrum. For a portion of the samples the irradiation times were adjusted at - - - - -- the various dose rates so as to provide a constant dose of 4.6 x 10+ neutroas/cm2 (E > 1 Mev). This was achieved to within only about + 25% and so the increases in yleid stress upon irradiation were adjusted to a standard dose of 4.6 x 1018 neutrons/cm2 (E. > 1 Mev) on the basis of limited measurements as a function of dose. These adjustments were mostly within + 2000 psi. All measurements were made at room temperature at a strain rate of 0.02 min-1. The results of the dose rate experiments are shown in Fig. 2 for Irradiations covering the range of dose rates from 2 x 1011 to 3 x 1013 neutrons/cm2 sec (E > 1 Mev) for an irradiation temperature of 95°C. For the high-purity Iron, as for the mild steels, (2) no dose rate effect is observed. Points are shown in Fig. 2 for unshielded and cadmium-shielded samples. Since the increase in yield stress was not affected by the cadmium shielding, we conclude that effects due to thermal neutrons, such ... - -- - - . . : ....ia . ... . . ... as transmitations, helium production due to the 10$ (n, a) L' reaction, or (n, a) recoils, are unimportant as far as the radiation hardening is concerned. Post-irradiation annealing experiments were performed on samples Irradiated at 94°C to 1.7 x 1018 neutrons/cm2 (E > 1 Mev) at a dose rute. of 8 x 1022 neutrons/cm2 sec (E > 1 Mev). The results shown in Fig. 3 . indicate that the radiation-induced increase in yield stress anneals out at temperatures between 300 °C and 400°C. Each point in Fig. 3 repre- sents a separata sample annealed at the indicated temperature for 2 hours. Unirradiated samples were given the same thermal treatment and for anneal- ing temperatures up to 590°C no effect on the yield stress was noted. The curve shown in Fig. 3 11°8 in approximately the same temperature range as the recovery curves for microhardness given by Bartlett and Eyre(5) and Ibragimov and Lyashenko) for polycrystalline iron. However, the annealing range indicated by Kunz and Holden(7) for recovery of the yield stress of irradiated single crystals of iron appears to be shifted toward lower temperatures. Figure 3 is also consistent with the results of Chow et al. (0) who observed considerable recovery of tensile properties upon annealing at 350 °C but no recovery at 250°C. Figure 3 shows that the 2-hour annea.l at 360ºC achieved approximately 50% recovery of the yield stress. Anneals at 360°C were also performed: for 15 min and 1000 min. As has been observed previously for iron (7) and steel, (9) the resulting yield stress was linear on a log time scale and the precise time for 50% recovery could thus be determined. Furthermore, since the activation energy for annealing has been observed to be con- stant, (7,9) it was possible to determine from the yield stresses after 2-hour anneals at 300 °C and 400°C the corresponding times for 50% recovery... at these temperatures. The times for 509 recovery are plotted in Fig. 4 versus reciprocal absolute annealing temperature and an activation energy - . : of 3.0 ev 18 obtained. This is in essential agreement with the 3.1 ev determined by Kunz and Holden for iron single crystals, despite the difference in the range of annealing temperatures mentioned earlier. Similar activation energy plots for silicon-killed carbon steel(9) and ASTM A-212B pressure-vessel steel(10) are also shown. For the steels, the activatior energy appears to increase with decreasing irradiation temperature. Also, there is a decided increase in the rate of the anneal. ing with decreasing irradiation temperature. This may account partly for the more rapid annealing observed by Kunz and Holden(7) for iron as com- pared to the present results, since their irradiation was performed at 50 °C. The activation energy of about 3 ev for 1ron agrees roughly with the activation energy for self diffusion of about 2.5 ev measured by Borg and Birchenall(11) and Lai and Borg(12) for alpha iron above the Curie temperature. If this correspondence in activation energies were signif- icant, the rate of annealing would be governed by the total rate of jumping of lattice vacancies in thermal equilibrium. It has been pointed out\9,19) that this supposition leads to the difficulty that the mumber of vacancy jumps (or atom jumps) in the time necessary for the recovery of yield stress would be incredibly small. From Fig. 3 the time for 50 percent recovery at 350 °C is about 100 min. The mumber of atom pumpo per atom is given by(14) .... . . . . . J = It - Azv. exp (-2/xT) : t . where A = product of entropy factors - 10, 2 = coordination rumber = 8, v. - 2013 sec -2, and k = Boltzmann's constant = 86.2 x 10-6 ev/deg. Then for Q = 3 ev, T = 350°C, and t = 100 min, we find that only about 2 x 10-6 Jumps per atom are necessary for 50 percent recovery which is much too small to be reasonable. In a recent report F. A. Nichols(15) has suggested that radiation- hardening is due to vacancy clusters or pores produced by the Irradiation and the annealing is the result of the migration and coalescence of the pores. In this case, the kinetics of the radiation annealing is governed. not by volume difíusion, but by surface diffision at the inside wall of the pore. The effective diffusivity for the pore is given by :15:10) (1) where D. is the surface self diffusion coefficient, r is the radius of the pore, and an 18 the lattice parameter. From scratch-smoothing experimenta!!on alpha iron, the activation energy for surface diffusion was found to be 2.5 ev, close to the 3 ev determined here for the anneal- ing of the radiation hardening. However, for consistency with the 50 percent recovery times, the pore size, r, must be exceedingly small. ** Nichols 252ssociates the time, t, for 50 percent recovery with the time for the pore to diffuse the average distance, R, between the pores. Then by Eq. (1) For our irradiation the dose, , was 1.7 x 1018 neutrons/cm2 (E > 1 Mev) . 2 and for a primary collision cross section, one of 3 x 10-24 cm”, the concentration of primary damage clusters would be no greater than one = 5.1 x 10-6. If the pore is assnciated with the damage cluster, the average inter-pore spacing, R, is certainly greater than (D) 19 or about 60 atomic spacings. Now, according to Blakely and Mykuraſ 17) Dg at 350°C 18 about 6 x 20-26 cm2/sec and our time for 50 percent recovery is 100 min from Fig. 3. When these values are substituted in Eq. (2), the pore size, r, turns out to be sualler than 20, which casts doubt on the validity of this approach' under these conditions. Furthermore, if r were larger, say by a factor of 10, the predicted time to traverse the inter-pore distance would, by Eq. (2), increase by a factor of 304, and we would again be faced with the problem of understanding why the observed time for 50% annealing is so short. Recent transmission electron microscopy studies to, by on irradiated iron have emphasized that the coarsening of spots ana loops seen in the microscope takes place at the same temperatures (300 - 500°c) as for the annealing of radiation hardening. The presumption is that the defects which cause the hardening are submicroscopic (smaller than 204°). Bryner(18) suggests that at high doses or upon raising the temperature following irradiation the submicroscopic defect clusters migrate and coalesce into larger clusters or loops which are less effective barriers to dislocations. In some cases, the maximum loop area was found to depend on the concentra- tion of interstitial impurities. On the other hand, Eyre and Bartlett(19) take the view that the radiation hardening may be due to submicroscopic clusters of iron interstitials, which are annihilated when vacancies break free from vacancy-impurity interstitial complexes and migrate to the iron : me........ . . .. .. o no rendendo ... - 8 interstitial clusters. Another indication of the importance of inter- stitial impurities in the radiation hardening in iron has been cited by Barton, Harries, and Mogford, (2) who suggested that the susceptibility: to radiation bardening in mild steels may depend upon the amount of nitrogen that is originally free in solid solution and 18 therefore available to associate with defects introduced during irradiation. A clue to the role of nitrogen in the radiation hardening of iron has been provided by the internal friction measurements of J. T. Stanley et al. (20,211) who have observed evidence for the trapping of nitrogen atoms in alpha iron by defects (presumably vacancies) created by elec- tron irradiation at 170°K. Upon post-irradiation annealing the nitrogen was observed to return to the solid solution in the same temperature range (Fig. 5). as for the annealing of the radiation-induced hardness (Fig. 3). we may estimate the energy, 1, for the dissociation of the nitrogen- vacancy complex as follows. Let n be the number of trapped nitrogen atoms. The rate of afssociation is given by The -- • , exp (- 6) whereby where n, is the number of trapped nitrogen atoms at the outset, vo is the vibration frequency, and the other symbols have their former mean- ings. Figure 5 shows that hair of the nitrogen atoms are dissociated after 15 min at 355°C. muling(22) v, - 1013 to 1015 sec-?, we find from Eq. (3) that H = 2.0 to 2.3 ev or about 2 ev. This energy is still "......... ...... . ... .... ... . .is - ,.,..,?.. "'.'.... . significantly less than the observed 3.0 ev for the annealing of the yield stress, but this may be a consequence of the higher nitrogen concentration (about 5.2 x 10-4) for the internal friction measurements(21) a3 compared to about 4 x 10-5 for the tensile samples. . Even if nitrogen plays as central a role as is suggested here in the radiation hardening of iron, there remains the question of whether the nitrogen-vacancy complex itself is the hardening agent or whether, as suggested by Eyre and Bartlett,(19) the interstitial clusters are responsible. In the former case, the recovery is attendant upon the simple dissociation of the complex, whereas for the latter mechanism the vacancies freed from the complexes must migrate to the interstitial clusters and annihilate them. It is difficult at this time to choose between the two possibilities but the time for the dissociation of the nitrogen-vacancy complex (15 min at 355°C, Fig. 5) 18 not greatly different than that for the yield stress annealing (100 min at 350°C, Fig. 3), which would lend some confidence in the simpler mechanism. However, a number of factors indicate that further work is needed to clarify the effect of interstitial solutes trapped by radiation pro- duced defects. Some indication has recently been obtained from magnetic measureigents (25) that the temperature for the release of nitrogen from Jefect traps is lower after neutron irradiation than after electron irradiation. There is also the question of the influence of other interstitial solutes such as carbon or oxygen, which were present in the material investigated at higher concentrations than nitrogen (Table 1). The work of Damask et al. (24-26) on neutron irradiated Fe-0.01 wt.% C indicated that carbon-defect complexes dissociate below 230°C, well 10 10 . . . . below the annealing range shown in Fig. 3. On the other hand, magnetic measurements on Fe-C alloys with lower carbon contents appear to place the release of carbon from defect traps at 300°C after neutron irradia- tion and 580°C after electron irradiation, and this bas led to the postulation of different types of radiation - produced trapping sites for the two types of radiations 23). Not much is known about the interaction between oxygen interstitials and radiation - produced defects, and in the absence of further information, it is probably safe to assume that oxygen is tightly bound either to grain boundaries or to iron atoms or substitutional impurities as oxides within the matrix. The absence of any dependence on dose rate over a span of three orders of magnitude (Fig. 2) must be provided for in the picture. of the . mechanism of radiation hardening. The resistivity measurements in iron after low temperature bombardment (cf. Figs. 8 anu 10 in Ref. 27) indi- cate considerable defect migration below our irradiation temperature of 95°C. At this temperature, then, the defect structure results from a dynamic process in which vacancies and interstitials are constantly being created and annihilated. If the annihilation process were complete- ly random, as is assumed in theories of radiation-enhanced diffusion, 147 the dynamic equilibrium number of defects reached would depend upon the :: dose rate. However, if the annihilation process depended upon the density and arrangement of defects within a damage cluster or displacement spike, the resulting defect structure would be largely independent of the dose rate provided that the damage clusters were spaced far enough apart so that there would be no interaction between them. At a dose of 5 x 1040 neutrons/cm? and for a primary collision cross section of 3 x 10-24 cm?, . 5 W Teri .. ..il the damage clusters would be spaced an average of about 40 atomic spacings: apezt, which is apparently sufficient to avoid interaction. However, this LA « r suggests that a dose rate effect may take place at higher doses. Another question suggested by these experiments is the possibility of a dose rate effect upon irradiation with electrons or gamma rays, where the damage consists of a more random distribution of point defects. i A inanz . - .. - - - -- - - - 2. Stress Relaxation Experiments Since the motion of dislocations in metals provides the basis for plastic deformation, it is important to understand better how dislocation dynamics is affected by radiation. Dislocation dynamics may be studied by a stress relaxation technique, 0) in which a tensile sample is ex- - . J . .. . tended to a given prestrain at a constant strain rate, the tensile machine 18 stopped, and the relaxation of stress is observed as a function of time until a steady value, debi.gnated as the "internal stress", 04, is reached. Since the total strain rate 1s held to zero during the stress relaxation, te + p = 0 . The elastic strain rate may be written te - and for the plastic strain rate, dislocation theory gives o = dopr where b is the Burgers vector, p is the mobile dislocation density, v is . . the average dislocation velocity, and a is a numberical constant of value 12 : near 0.5 to convert from shear strain to tensile strain. When v 18 ex- pressed in terms of stress, Eq. (4) results in an equation for the stress as a function of time. From etch-pitting experiments, (29,30) an empirical fit to the stress dependence of v 18 given by . Mom (7) or by V. V. exp NO (8) These expressions require that the stress be reduced to zero in order that v and, by Eq. (6), the plastic strain rate go to zero. However, the stress does not relax to zero in a stress relaxation experiment and hence it is necessary to insert a threshold or internal stress, 0%, below which no macroscopic motion of dislocations takes place. Equations (7) and (8) then become and The insertion of o, in Eq. (8) was also shown (5+) to be necessary in order that the dislocation velocity measurements on Fe-S1650) extrapolate to av value close to the shear wave velocity. It is the purpose of this section to describe briefly further exper- iments which support the concept of an internal stress'anni permit the activation volume for plastic de formation to be evaluated for irradiated ... 13 and unirradiated samples. During the stress relaxation process, the stress decreases rapidly at first and then approaches asymptotical.l.y the steady value, 04 Thus, q, should correspond to the flow stress in the limit as the applied plastic strain rate approaches zero. This idea was checked by conducting tensile tests as a function of strain rate on iron samples of several grain sizes. 54) Stress relaxation tests were also carried out on the same samples following the tensile tests. The results in Fig. 6 show that the internal stress for a given grain size does not depend on the prior strain rate, and the lower yield stress does indeed approach the internal stress asymptot- ically upon decreasing the strain rate. In order to test Eq. (9)directly, we have conducted stress relaxation experiments on Fe-si (3.2 wt. % Si) for which the dislocation velocity measurements of Stein and Low(30) are available as a function of stress. Since our work was on polycrystalline samples whereas Stein and Low used single crystals, we made measurements as a function of grain size in order to extrapolate to the value appropriate for the single crystal. The results (Fig. 7) indicate a linear variation of the internal stress, 04, and the yield stress, Oqy, versus d-1/2 where d 18 the grain diameter. From the intercept at -1/2 = 0, the inter- nal stress of the unstrained single crystal of Fe-Si 18 deduced to be 22 kg/rom. In Fig. 8, the dislocation velocity data of Stein and .. Lowl 30) are plotted versus 0-0, according to Eq. (9). Except for a few points for very low velocities, the fit is quite good. Furthermore, the value of m= 8 18 quite close to the value of m, = 7 from stress 14 relaxation measurements on Fe-51.351 In addition, it 18 possible to analyze the results in terms of two components, my and me, and it was suggested?) that the more mobile component, men = 7, corresponds to the motion of edge dislocations. This is in accord with the result in. : Fig. 8, since Stein and Low's measurements were on edge dislocations. . . It 18 interesting that approximately the same values of my and my are obtained for the Ferrovac-E iron. 15479) concerning the effect of irradiation on the parameters 04 and m, it has been shown (39) that on. 18 increased upon irradiation, but m is unchanged. The fit. of the data in Fig. 8 to Eq. (10) was also attempted, using the same value of 0.4 22.0 kg/m2, as deduced from Fig. 7. However, a good fit was not obtained. The activation volume v* is a measure of the average spacing and size of the obstacles that are impeding dislocation motion. It has been shown (36) that r* may be experimentally determined using the relation v* = KT I do IT (11) where k i8 Boltzmann's constant, T. is the absolute temperature, &, is the plastic-strain rate, and o is the applied tensile stress. During the stress relaxation test, én is given by - ao from Eqs. (4), (5), and (6) and it decreases from the prior applied strain rate to a value approaching zero. Thus, from the shape of the stress relaxation curve, v* can be evaluated using Eq. (11). This was done for an unirradiated Ferrovac-E iron sample and for one that was irradiated to a dose of 3.3 x 2018 neutrons/cm2 (E > 1 Mev). Figure 9 shows that when the activation :: volume 18 plotted against 0-04, the magnitude and the stress dependence of v* are unaffected by the irradiation. Using change-of-strain-rate tensile tests on irradiated Ferrovac-E iron, Smidt(37) reported a decrease" . in v* upon irradiation. However, in that case the comparison was not made at constant effective stress, 0-0,. We have found154) that the effective stress for yielding in the irradiated iron 18 higher (by about 4 kg/mm2) than that for the unirradiated material, probably because of a decrease in the mobile dislocation density. Since v* decreases rapid : ly with increasing effective stress, the measured v*. for irradiated samples will appear to be lower than for unirradiated samples. However, .. ., it is emphasized that when the comparison 18 made at constant effective stress, no effect of the irradiation on v* is found. Thus the radiation induced defects do not appear to be effective as obstacles in impeding short-range dislocation motion. Nevertheless, their presence does cause the internal stress to increase throughout the crystal and this long- weats www. range effect appears to be the major source of 'radiation hardening. Conclusions No effect of dose rate over the span from 2 x 1071 to 3 x 1013 neutrons/cm sec (E > 1 Mev) on the increase in yield stress of Ferrovac-E iron is observed. The samples were irradiated at 95°C to a dose of 4.6 x 1010 neutrons/cm2 sec (E > 1 Mev) and experienced a three-fold increase in yield stress. The result implies that no interaction takes place between damage clusters produced by primary collisions. : 16 The annealing of radiation hardening in iron occurs at 300-400°C with an activation energy of about 3 ev. Since this energy is close to the self-diffusion activation energy, the motion of single vacancies in thermal equilibrium is implied. However, the annealing proceeds too quickly for the annealing to be due to the motion of single vacancies. Also, a model based on the motion of vacancy clusters or pores leads to too small, a pore size. Finally, the annealing times and temperatures: appear to correlate with the release of nitrogen from radiation-produced traps, which suggests the importance of interstitial nitrogen in the annealing of 'radiation hardening in iron. Stress relaxation experiments indicate that a threshold or internal stress must be exceeded before macroscopic dislocation motion will takė place. The activation volume for plastic deformation is found to be unaffected by neutron irradiation, when account is taken of the increase in effective stress. The major cause of radiation hardening seems to be the increase in the long range internal stress produced by the radiation-induced defects. - · Acknowledgments: We wish to thank J. T. Stanley for helpful discussions and permission to discuss results on iron-nitrogen alloys in advance of publication. The assistance of N. K. Smith in the experimental work is also gratefully acknowledged. .. 17 TABLE I CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF FERROVAC-E IRON TENSILE SPECIMENS Element .. Original Mill Analysis Concentration after anneal at 885°C for 2 hrs Datch 1 Batch 2 Batch 3 Batch 4 (ppm) Fe . base metal --- :. 40 74 --- 40 77 9 --- --- 40 . 30 66 72 12 .......... . .. SI .. .... * - 10 20 400 200 10 400 700 10 400 100 10 100 . 10 18 . References ** 1. J. J. Di Munno and A. B. Holt, "Radiation Embrittlement of Reactor, · Vessels," Nuclear Safety, vol. 4, p. 34, (1962). 2. P. J. Barton, D. R. Harries, and I. L. Mogford, "Effects of Neutron Dose Rate and Irradiation Temperature on Radiation Hardening in Mild Steels," J. Iron and Steel Inst. , Vol. 203, p. 507, (1965). . 3. "Tentative Method for Measuring Neutron Flux by Radioactivation Tech- niques," E-261, 1966 Book of ASTM Standards, Part 31, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia. 4. T. 0. 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Smidt, "Effects of Irradiation on Thermally Activated Flow in Iron," J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 36, p. 2317, (1965). 23 Figure Captions 1. Completed Assembly of ORR Poolside Experiment Prior to Enclosure. 3. Lower Yield Stress versus Dose Rate for Ferrovac-E Iron of 130m Grain Size. Irradiation temperature, 95°C. Neutron dose, 4.6 x 1078 neutrons/cm? (E > 1' Mev). Test temperature, 30°C. Strain Rate, 0.02 min-1. Effect of Two-Hour Anneals at Indicated Annealing Temperatures on the Yield Stress of Irradiated Ferrovac-E Iron Tensile Samples of 130u -Grain Size. Irradiation temperature, 94°C. Irradiation dose, · 1.7 x 1018 neutrons/cm? (E.> 1 Mev). Irradiation dose rate, 8 x 10+2 neutrons/cm? (E > 1 Mev). Test temperature, 30°C. Strain rate, 0.02 min-1 Annealing Time for 50 Percent Recovery of Yield Stress versus Reciprocal Absolute Annealing Temperature for Irradiated Iron and Steel. Re-solution of Nitrogen in Alpha Iron upon Isochronal Annealing (t = 15 min) Following 2-Mev. Electron Irradiation to 1.5 x 1019 . „electrons/cm? at 170°K, Based on Internal Friction Measurements at 65°C. (After Stanley and Brundage(21)). . . . . . . 5. Lower Yield Stress and Internal Stress versus Strain Rate for 7. Ferrovac-E Iron of Three Grain Sizes. Test temperature, 24°C. Internal Stress, 04, and Lower Yield Stress, Orys versus Grain Diameter in Iron Silicon. Test temperature, 25°C. Strain rate, 0.016 min-1. . 8. 24 Dislocation Velocity versus Effective Strese in Iron Silicon at Room Temperature, Based on Etch-Plt Data of Stein and Low (Ref. 30). Activation Volume from Stress Relaxation Measurements versus Effec- tive Stress in Unirradiated and Irradiated Ferrovac-E Iron of 130 Grain Diameter. Dose, 3.3 x 1028 neutrons/cm? (E > 1 Mov). Irradia- tion temperature, 95°C. Test temperature, 30°C. .ר ; ידיד. ..- ,...-.- - - - י -- -- -.- .. ............... --- --- - .. ..... -- - .. דם. :א.:.. : .. :. . 4 4 . ייד . 1 ... . . 24 .. ה בית - ל-- י י.. . . Figure 1 ... uni . ill . i . il . ... או או או 'רזי יזwזוטי , ...4.... - - - - . . . . . . . .... .. - . - - - . - - ש מו או.איגוא . -- - ---- - - - - - - --- .. - -- . . -- ז - דר ... .. -- -,. - .. . ... - .. ORNL- DWG 66-3577 (103) TMT TTTTI FILLED SYMBOLS REFER TO CADMIUM - SHIELDED SAMPLES LOWER YIELD STRESS (psi) 26 - UNIRRADIATED 101 2 e 5 1012 2 1013 2 NEUTRON DOSE RATE (neutrons /cm2 .sec, E > 1 MeV) 5 1014 Figure 2 : ..." . . ORNL-DWG 66-4694 .: (x 100) - IRRADIATED LOWER YIELD STRESS (psi) PERCENT RECOVERY 27 CONTROLS -torot (A = 590°C) 0 100 200 300 T, ANNEALING TEMPERATURE (°C) 400 . . : Figure 3 . . ORNL-DWG 66-4699 TA, ANNEALING TEMPERATURE (°C) 550 500 450 400 350 300 2 x 104 ORNL A212-B PRESSURE VESSEL STEEL ACTIVATION 24 v 2.7 | 3.3 ENERGY ANNEALING TIME FOR 50 PERCENT RECOVERY (min) 290°C 190 150 194 IRRADIATION TEMPERATURE. 7 ORNL VACUUM-. EMELTED IRON . UKAEA-HARWELL SILICON- KILLED CARBON STEEL - 10-1 L . 4.4 .2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8. TA, RECIPROCAL ABSOLUTE ANNEALING TEMPERATURE (x103) : Figure 4 + 300 (x10-3) ( T 325 T ORNL-DWG 65-8519R 2 TEMPERATURE (°C). 350 375 400 TT NITROGEN IN SOLUTION (wt %) .. - - - - - 570 620 670 ANNEALING TEMPERATURE (K) Figure 5 30 ORNL-DWG 65-8313 · 5x10-5 1. STRAIN RATE (min-") 5x10-4 2x10-3 2x10-2 TTM 2x102 2 x100 4.6 [(x103 log STRESS (psi) STRESS (psi) - FERROVAC-E IRON- 0,5 GRAIN DIAMETER, 174 4,4 GRAIN DIAMETER, 604 10. GRAIN DIAMETER, 130u OPEN SYMBOLS-LOWER YIELD STRESS CLOSED SYMBOLS - THRESHOLD STRESS SL - 3 - 2 log STRAIN RATE (min) : Figure 6 . .. . ' 7 . ' - -. .. . . . . . . ' - - - - - - .. . - - . - - - - - - . - ---- *--....." - - - - - - - - --.-.--.... .... . STRESS (kg/mm2) . . Figure 7 012 (cm2). 1020 31 : 30 ORNL-DWG 65-10816R2 ORNL-DWG 65-10815R3 0; = 22.0 kg/mm2 log H = - 10.6 9 log V, DISLOCATION VELOCITY (cm/sec) m= 8.01 20 : : 5 . 10 0-0, , EFFECTIVE STRESS (kg/mm?) Figure 8 - . T . . . . . . . . . . .. - - : - 33. - ORNL-OWG 66-1313 R2 ... 1. o UNIRRADIATED (0= 7.0 kg/mm2) • IRRADIATED (0; = 21.3 kg/mm2; . v*, ACTIVATION VOLUME (03) Logomolo0000-4000 . - - - - - 2 4 5 . -- - - - - 0-9; ,EFFECTIVE STRESS (kg/mm2) ---- - - Figure 9 - - - - - - - - !: 2 inim HAS m -... ..... - 8 / 16 /67 DATE FILMED END - be - -