! & 7 * . .. . I 1 . f I OF I ORNL P.2796 . 24 1. 1 i * . $ . . * - EEEEEEEE J 11:25 114 11. MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 * . . - ORIN -P-2496 Conf.670506.01. 1967 MASTER FEB 1 PREPARATION OF REACTOR FUELS BY SOL-GEL PROCESSES* CFSD PRICES P. . Haas, F. G. Kitts, and H. Beutler Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee 40. 63.0; wx_65 H.C. LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Govorament sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any varranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeno88, or usefulaers of the information ccatained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatua, method, or process disclosed in this roport may not infringe privately cwned rights; or B. Asmumos any llabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the 180 of any inforgiation, apparatus, method, or process disclosed la this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of Ka Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or empioyee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with our contractor. RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT II NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS For presentation at the American Institute of Chemical Engineer's National Meeting at Salt Lake City, Utah, May 21-24, 1967, and for publication in "Nuclear Engineering Series" by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. *Research sponsored by the U. S., Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION : . for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION · PREPARATION OF REACTOR FUELS BY SOL-GEL PROCESSES* . P. A. Haas, F. , Kitts, and H. Beutler Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee ABSTRACT The sol-gel processes were developed and applied at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory for preparation of high density thoria and/or urania fragments or microspheres. Continued development of these processes for other oxides and for large-scale applications is reported here. Relatively high strength, spherical particles of Th0.2, UO2, Pu02, and their binary. mixtures were prepared with diameters of 50 to 700 microns and densities of 90 to 100 per cent of the theoretical densities. Sols, dispersed as drops in 2-ethyl-1-hexanol, are converted to gel spheres by extra. tion : of water. Sol preparation and microsphere forming equipment presently in operation have capacities of over 10, 1, and 0.1 kg/day for Thoz, VO2, 2) and Pu02, respectively. Procedures for remote or shielded operation of such equipment and improved apparatus for dispersion of sols into uniform drops were tested. The plutonia sols are prepared from Pu(NO3), solution by a precipitation-peptization technique. Sol-gel microspheres show unusual drying and sintering characteristics. They lose up to 15% o.f ..... their original weight and show up to 34% linear shrinkage; yet unusually high densities are obtained at relatively low temperatures. This behavior. is being studied to determine mechanisms and better process flowsheet conditions. INTRODUCTION The first sol-gel process developed and applied at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory was for preparation of theoretically dense fragments of thoria-urania for vibratory compaction into tubes (1)(2). The adaption: of this process to preparation of spherical particles (3) and the exte to other compositions (+), (5),(6) have also been reported. All of these have the important advantages of simplicity of production and relatively . . low temperatures for the final firing of the ceramic products. A sol-gel . process will be described in general terms and flowsheets will be reviewed as an introduction to the remainder of the paper. . . Recent progress reported here includes results from continued develop- ment of the process for preparation of small, spherical particles and from application of the sol-gel processes for plutonia and plutonia mix- tures. The unusual drying and sintering characteristics of the gels are discussed. *Research sponsored by the v. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. Sol Gel Process Description Basically, our soi-gel processes consist of three major operations: (a) preparing an aqueous sol, (b) removing water to give gel particles, and (c) firing at controlled conditions to remove volatiles, sinter to a high density, and cause any necessary reductions or chemical conversions. The original process was developed for a thoria sol (1)(2). According to the original flowsheet, thorium nitrate is steam-denitrated to thorium oxide that can be dispersed into a stable sol by adding very dilute nitric acid or uranyl nitrate solution. The sol is evaporated to form a gel, and then fired to densify. After sizing, the oxide particles are suitable for vibratory packing into fuel tubes. Sol Preparation. - Sol preparation procedures were developed for most of the metal oxides that might be used in irradiation specimens or fuel elements. One purpose was to obtain the same advantages for these metal oxides as are obtained in the thoria sol-gel process. Another purpose is to be able to prepare mixed-oxide products by preparing mixed oxide sols or mixing pure sóls. The feed materials for our sol preparation procedures have been nitrate salus or solutions. The products of many of the solvent extractio.2 pro- . cesses are nitrate solutions and any residual nitrate remaining in the sol or gel can be volatilized during calcination. Conversion of the nitrate into an oxide sol requires the following four steps, which can be combined or accomplished in different orders: Pu(IV) are preferred for urania or plutonia sols. 2. Converting the metal nitrate into a hydrated oxide, .. 3. Removing excess nitrate and nonvolatile impurities. For instance, NH4NO2 or NaNO must be removed if the hydrous oxides are precipitated by NH4OH or NaOH. .. . 4. Dispersing the oxide as a stable sol. The preparation procedure for thoria sols is unique in that the colloidal particle is formed by a steam denitration at temperature approaching 500°C. For sols other than thoria, the colloidal particle is formed in solutions or vet precipitates. Thoria-urania sols with u Th ratios of less than 0.1 may be prepared by adding Vo, or uranyl nitrate to thoria sols. The u(IV) is adsorbed on the surface of the thoria particles. The flowsheet for engineering studies of urania sol preparation is shown in Figure 1. First, a uranous nitrate solution is prepared by the reduction of a uranyl nitrate solution with hydrogen and a Pt catalyst. The hydrous uranous oxide is formed by addition of NH4OH to a pH of 9. The precipitated hydrous oxide is washed and is dispersed by adding HNO3 .. ........ .. . .. .. ... . . . . .. ......... ... . .....6 W AR 3 and HCOOH and then heating. The presence of formic acid helps to main- tain a high (U(IV)/totač v] ratio and simplifies the precipitation and washing (4). Preparation procedures have also been developed for sols of oxides of Pu, rare earths, Am, Cm, Zr, and the mixed oxides, VO2-Thoz, or V02-Zr02. The plutonia sol-preparation flowsheet will be included in the section on application of plutonia sol-gel processes. The other sols listed above have been prepared in laboratory apparatus only and will not be discussed further in this paper. . º a R' L ": 4H-IM' M' Gelatioii. - Sols can be gelled by a number of mechanisms including removal of water, change in electrolyte concentrations, chemical reactions, and temperature changes. Gelation by the removal of water minimizes the difficulties of subsequenly drying and calcining the gel. The renoval .. of water involves mass transfer by diffusion and cannot be as rapid as gelation by chemical reactions or heat transfer. When gelation is by the removal of water, the gel contains less volatile constituents than the sol. If the gelation is by other mechanisms, all the volatile con- stituents in the sol remain in the gel. This can make the drying, cal- cining, and sintering difficult and may make them impossible... Small, spherical particles are the preferred fuel shape for niany reactor designs. Small, spherical gel particles (microspheres) can be more made by forming drops of sol and gelling them by ex"raction of water into ar. organic liquid (3). For thoria or thoria -urania microspheres, this operation simply replaces the gelation by evaporation of water in the original flowsheet. The process for forming microspheres will be reviewed .." and recent developments described in detail. .: Drying and Firing Drying and firing are necessary to remove volatile constituents, to cause chemical reactions, and to sinter the paticles to a high density. The temperature and the atmosphere are controlled while the gel is heated to the sintering temperature and then cooled to room temperature. Particles containing Voz or carbides must be protected from oxygen. The drying and firing conditions were initially determined empirically with little theoretical understanding of the mechanisnis. cracking of particles, the densification during sintering, and the amount of carbon and gases in the calcined product can vary greatly depending on the conditions used. Therefore we have investigated these effects and our progress in understanding them is reported. PREPARATION OF MICROSPHERES A process was developed for conversion of sols into spherical gel beads of 10 to 1000 u diameter. Small spherical particles are the . preferred fuel shape for use with pyrolytic carbon coatings or in dis- persion fuels. In the microsphere preparation process, droplets of sol are gelled by extraction of water into an organic liquid such as 2-ethyl- 1 -hexanol (2EH). The process for conversion of a sol into gel microspheres involves the following five operations: 1. Disperse the sol into droplets. 2. Suspend in an imuniscible liquid that will extract water to cause gelation. 3. Separate the gel microspherès. 4. Recover the immiscible liquid for reuse... - 5. Dry the gel microspheres. . . - The size of the product microsphere is determined in the first step. In the second step, the extraction of water causes gelation and thus converts the droplet of sol into a solid sphere. This is the key process step. The interfacial tension holds the drop in a spherical shape. The maximum droplet size is limited since very large drops will distort. A sur fac- tant must be dissolved in the immiscible liquid to prevent coalescence of the sol drops with each other, coalescence of the sol drops on the vessel walis, and/or clustering together of partially dried drops. The remaining three operations are simple in principle. ao We will report our recenc progress on (a ) operation of a microsphere pilot plant which includes procedures and equipment required for a remote facility, (B) development of dispersers for soi, and (c) drying gėl spheres. The inicial development of the process for preparation of microspheres and its application to VO2 or VO2-ZrO2 sols have been previously reported (3)(7). Microsphere Preparation Pilot Plant A complete system for preparation of calcined oxide microspheres from sols has been installed and operated as part of a Coated particle Development Facility (CPDF) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This system has usually been operated with a feed rate of 25 cc/min of a thoria sol or 1 kg of Thoa microspheres per hour with 2-ethyl-1-hexanol (2EH) as the immiscible liquid. The capacity has been limited by the steam supply to the distillation system and by the sol dispersion apparatus. This microsphere column system is operated to prepare microspheres for other parts of the fuel cycle program and to develop equipment and procedures for remote operations of such a system. The first four process operations listed are done continuously in a tapered glass column (Figure 2). The sol is dispersed into droplets. which are released into the enlarged top of the tapered column. These droplets are suspended or fluidized by a recirculated, upflowing stream of the 2EH. As the water is extracted and the droplets gel into solid micrcspheres, the settling velocity increases. The column configuration 7 .ITA KW A . . . - - . . .SC.13. * * 12 . . om 1.1. .. 1 . . . .. ... .. and the fluidizing flow rates are selected to permit the gelled particles to drop out continuously while sol dioplets are formed in the top of the column. Then the separation of the gel spheres froni the 2EH is completed by discharging the product collector into a drier and draining the liquid off through a woven wire cloth. The gel spheres are dried and calcined batchwise. Fresh or purified 2EH is continuously added to the column and displaces a stream of wet 2EH to a recovery system. Water is removed from the 2EH by distillation: In the CPDF microsphere column we have demonstrated long-term, stable uperation with respect to the 2EH and surfactant. A single charge of 2EH was used for over six months. The coalescence and clustering problems for the thoria drops were effectively prevented by about 0.2 vol % Ethomeen S/15 and 0.05 Vol % Span 80 in the initial charge plus 10 cc Ethomeen s/15 and 2.5 cc of Span 80 added per liter of thoria soi fed. When the system was drained in preparation for equipment changes, the only noticeable deterioration in the surfactant-2EH solution was cioudiness from accumulation of very stilall gel particles. - The problems of remote operation have been only partly solved. Gel spheres or calcined oxide spheres can be transferred hydraulically without difficulty using 2EH or gas. The inventory of' sol drops or gel spheres in the column is adequately indicated by average bed-density measurem We still need simple, remote techniques for determining the optimum fluidizing flow and for inspecting the gel spheres for dryness and absence of clustering or distortion. Sol Disperser Development Many column operating difficulties would be minimized by more uniform sol drop sizes; therefore, a variety of sol dispersion devices were tested. Sol drops can be formed from a larger mass of sol by applying one or more forces, such as gravity, centrifugal field, shear, inertia, . interfacial tension, and electrostatic repulsion. To obtain uniform drops and controlled diameters, both the force and the configuration of the sol where the force is applied must be uniform and one or both must be controllable. For all dispersers tested, the uniform configuration is obtained by feeding the sol through orifices or capillarie to 0.030 in. diameter. Among devices tested and the forces of importance were: 1. Two-fluid nozzles (3): gravity. interfacial tension, shear, and 2. Rotary feeder (3): shear and centrifugal. 3. Shear nozzle (3): shear and inertia. 4. Electrostatic. nozzle (8): electrical potential. 5. Falling drop dispersers: gravity. ............... ..a .. ...... . .. ..... ... ...... .... .. .. . . . . . . . 6. Vibrating capillary: inter facial tension, inertia, and shear. The two-fluid nozzles (Figure 3) have been the most useful sol dis- persion devices as they are reliable, give good uniformity, and are easily controllable over the whole sol drop size range of interest (200 to 2000 u diameter). Single two-fluid nozzles consistently give 90 wt per cent of the product within + 15% of the mean diameter Table 1). Multiple nozzles for extended periods of operation have given 70 per cent within £ 10% of a mean diameter. The sol drop diameter for a varicose type of breakup. from interfacial tension (as shown in Figure 4) can be predicted by the 47 K a TV w. X where D = sol drop diameter F = sol feed rate Vmax = drive fluid velocity ik = dimensionless constant of 2.25 For conditions where this equation would predict large sol drops (larger than 800 u) the weight of the drop and the force from the drive fluid become important and the above equation is not valid. The drop size will then be uniform and reasonably reproducible, but it is a complex function of the two flow rates, the nozzle dimensions, the interfacial tension, and drive fluid viscosity. The uniformity of sol drops from capillaries which are mechanically connected to and vibrated by a loudspeaker (Figure 3) is better at optimum conditions than from any other disperser. A simple, clean vibration appears to be best, as secondary vibrations cause non-uniform drops. The best results were for a continuous, approximately sinusoidal liquid stream which breaks at the midpoint position with respect to amplitude (Figure 5). "The amplitude for this type of operation was from 1/4 in. at 20 cps to 1/32 in. at 200 cps and was obtained by 1.5 to 4.0 volc inputs to commercial loudspeakers. Results for single c are somewhat better than for multiple capillaries (Table 1). The free-fall drop mechanism and the relationship between drop size, orifice size, and interfacial tension are well known. The use of plastic buckets with a large number of holes (Figure 3) provides a practical capacity and avoids drop size variations from variable wetting of the orifice by the sol. This disperser is useful for large drops only; the orifice sizes necessary to produce drops smaller than 1000 diameter are too small to be practical. The interfacial tension between the sol and the ZEH varies with variations in the amounts of surfaceactive agents ................ ...... . .... present and thus causes variations in drop size. Thoria Microsphere Drying and Firing Conditions to avoid cracking of thoria gel microspheres during firing wure investigated empirically. In general, the factors that minimize : cracking are those that minimize composition gradients within the gel... microspheres. The drying conditions were the important variables and : the best drying conditions were superheated steam to a final drying temperature of 200°C. The principal requirements for gel spheres from regular thoria sols were as follows: 1. . The diameter is a principal variable with increased cracking as the diameter increases. If the calcined products are larger than 500 u diameter, the best conditions of super- heated steam drying atmosphere to a final drying temperature of 200°C are necessary to minimize cracking. For calcined product diameters of less than 250 u, the best drying con- ditions are not necessary. The amount of cracking for diam- eters of 250 to 500 u is variable; the best drying conditions can usually be compromised without. excessive cracking. . The amount of cracking decreases as the maximum drying temperature increases from 100°C to 200°C. MIN 3. . . ." " Atty. The presence of superheated steam in the drying atmosphere promotes the removal of. 2EH from the gel and reduces the amount of cracking during firing. An air atmosphere during drying may permit exothermic reaction while relatively large amounts of 2EH remain on the gel and thus give very rapid temperature rises and excessive cracking. Inert atmospheres (Ar or Na) without steam remove 2EH rapidly only at tenpera- tures of over 180°C as compared to rapid stripping at 120- 140°C by steam. .. " .. ."T . I MU . .. For thoria microspheres, the presently preferred conditions: Drying Ar atmosphere Ar and steam atmosphere 25 to 110°C in 1 hour 110 to 200°C in 6 hours ..: , . Firing Air atmosphere Air atmosphere Air atmosphere 100°C to 500°C at 100°C/hr 500°C to 1150°C at 300°C/hr. At 1150°C for 4 hours A detailed and more theoretical investigation of the drying and sintering characteristics will be reported as the final section of this paper. 9. 1 TL - - - .. . - - -- SOL-GEL PROCESSES FOR Pu022 PuO2-U02 AND Puuz-Tho2 : The development of plutonia solege i processes was prompted by the earlier successes with thoria. The plutonia sols were converted to dense fragments or microspheres by the procedures already developed for other sols. Puoz Sol Preparation t. + Plutonia sol is formed by a precipitation-peptization flowsheet (Figure 6). The batch size shown (Table 2) is convenient for the 4-ini. diam geometrically safe equipment. A preliminary step is a valence adjustment, if necessary, to ensure that the nitrate feed is in the Pu4 state. Bubbling NO gas through the Pu(NO3 )4 solution converts both Pub and Pu3.7 to the desired state. A minimum of 1 M HNOS is maintained in the feed to prevent polymerization; acidities up to 2.3 M were practical. Excesses of base as low as 48 o proved satisfactory as long as the final NH_OH molarity was 1 M or greater. The Pu(NO3)4 feed solution is added to the NH OH solution at 10-20 cc/min with moderate agitation to insure rapid neutralization and precipitation of the Pu(OH)4. The NH4NO3 formed and the excess NH4OH are drawn off through a porous stainless steel (grade G filter. The precipitate is washed thoroughly (5 washes with resuspen- sion of the filter cake in each wash, . A high-nitrate sol is formed by: adding HNO3 at a nitrate to Pu molar ratio of 2.5. A minimum ratio of i is necessary for dispersion; ratios as high as 4 were used, but 2.5 is sufficient to bring about dispersion upon heating to ~80°C. At this point a true sol (crystallite size ~20 A exists, but microspheres formed from this material would be of low strength and density. To form desirable material the NO2 Pu ratio must be reduced to 0.17-0.11; this is accomplished by thermal denitration, or baking. The sol is first evaporated to dryness and heated to a temperature of 150-190°C. The denitration reaction has an inverse time-temperature relation- ship; equivalent results are obtained from 15 hours at 200°C, 2 hr at 250°C, or 15 min at 300°C. Heating must be uniform, and over-baking.... must be avoided as material reaching a NO Pu ratio less than ~ 0.1 cannot be resuspended by simple addition of water. Material in the 0.1 to 0.2 range on NO2/ Pu can be resuspended at ~ 1 M PuOz by agitation with water. The sol may be concentrated by evaporation. Batches containing 50 to 100 g Pu were precipitated using feeds containing 41 to 115 g Pu/liter and NH_OH solutions from 2.5 to 6.3 M (Table 2). The NH OH excess was 100% or 1 M in the final solution, whichever was less. Dispersion was carried out at NO. /Pu ratios from the practical minimum of 1.3 (requiring several hours at 80°C) to 2.5 (instantaneous at ^ 80°C) at concentrations from 20 to 53 g Pu/liter. Final sols containing 1 to 2.5 M Puoz at NO3 Pu ratios of 0.1 to 0.3 were prepared. Microsphere Forming Plutonia and PuOz-Th02 microspheres are formed in a manner yery similar to that used for Thoz microspheres. For mixtures, the two sols. are prepared separately and blended to the desired proportions; thus, any Pu/th ratio can be easily achieved... The drying solvent is 2-ethyl- ** Ethomeen S/15; small amounts of Span 80 can be added to control sticking to the wall if necessary. Plutonia microspheres are dried to 150-170°C in argon; PuOz-Thoz is heated to .~ 120°c, steam stripped, and then taken to 150-170°C ir argon. Both are fired to 1200°C in air. Plutonia-urania mixtures must be treated like urania; atmosphere control is required until after firing. Again pure sols are prepared and blended to any desired composition. The drying solvent is 2EH with a surfactant system of 0.5 v/. Ethomeen S/15 -0.5 y/o Span 80. Drying is 150-170°C in argon followed by firing to 1100°C in argon -4% H2 with a CO2 cycle at intermediate temperatures to remove residual carbon. Products and Evaluation The compositions, size ranges, and some physical properties of three types of material produced in our demonstration facility (three 6-ft a boxes) are shown in Table 3. About 2 kg of 20% Pu02-V02 were produced in filling a commitnient to ANL for irradiation testing as a fast reactor fuel. :: A 500 g batch of 5% PuO-U02 was produced for fluorination studies at ORNL in support of the Fiuidized Bed Vol.atility Pilot Plant. About one kg of coarse and half a kg of fine 5% Fu02-Ih02 were made for fabrication of irradiation specimens at ORNL. The densities of all material (Table 3) were greater than 95% theoretical with PuOz density approaching 100%. Surface areas were low and showed the expected variation with size. Carbon content was routinely below the limit of detection. Gas release was low except in the case of UO2-PuO2, which had been fired only to 1100ºC during calcination. Crushing strengths for the coarse spheres were about 1 kg/sphere. In a photograph of two size ranges of PuO2 microspheres (Figure 7) all appear round with glossy surfaces. A few surface cracks can be seen in the larger spheres in the larger size range. This is also seen in PuO2-U02 bit not with PuO2-Th02. Cross sections of both sizes show sharp edges, consistent with low surface areas (Figure 8). There are no inte voids although a small amount of microporosity can be detected. DRYING AND SINTERING OF SOL-GEL THORIA AND URANIA MICROSPHERES . Sol-gel microspheres as extracted from the spheroidizing column show some unusual characteristics. They are less than 40% of final density, contain large quantities of volatile compounds such as water, nitrates, organic solvents and surfactants and yet have remarkable strength and are extrenie ly resistant to mechanical abrasion. In course of drying and ' ' sintering these microspheres lose up to 15% of their original weight and suffer large dimensional changes (up to 34% linear shrinkage); yet, unusually high densities (98% of theoretical density) are obtained at tenperatures much below levels ordinarily required to densify convention. ally derived powder agglomerates. Drying Most of the volatile compounds in the gels can be removed by heat treatment either in air or inert atmosphere. The complete removal of organic coumpounds remaining from the gelation and sphere forming process requires special treatments discussed later. Physically bound compounds can be driven off rapidly in vacuum or by heat treatment at atinospheric pressure and temperatures between 100° and 140°C. No dimensional changes can be detected during this operation and particles reexposed to moisture maintain their integrity. The remainder of water, nitrates, and organic compounds appears to be strongly bound and can only be removed at higher "emperatures (500-600°C). Removal rates increase rapidly with temperature. wintering of sol-gel ceramics, urania in particular, starts at very low temperature (400-500°c). It is doubtful if volatile materials can be completely removed within reasonable times without concurrent sintering: The removal of the chemisorbed species is associated with a dimensional change. In case of thoria microspheres, a consistent shrinkage of 4%. . was measured; whereas, in the case of urania microspheres, the initial . shrinkage ranges between 8 and 10%. M. W. Wadsworth and R. K. Chang investigated the initial densification of. thoria gel (9) and found a linear relationship between shrinkage and weight loss up to 500°C. After the chemisorbed species have been removed, microspheres show extreme affinity for water vapor and exposure to moisture causes release of energy and results in severe cracking. We detected energy changes during the drying process by differential : thermal analyses (DTA) in which specimens are heated at a uniform rate (10°C/min) in various atmospheres. A typical DTA pattern obtained during drying of sol gel thoria fragments is shown in Figure 9-A. The two pronounced endothermic peaks starting at 70°C and 300°C are attributed to the release of water and nitrates. Particular problems are assoicated with the removal of residual. organic compounds. If the drying of thoria microspheres is carried ouc, .. in air, rapid oxidation of organic compounds starting at 180°C leads to severe temperature excursions in bulk charges of microspheres and causes severe cracking. A similar problem, however, occuring at a slightly higher temperature (starting at 230°C) was also noticed for heat treatments in inert atmosphere for both thoria and urania microspheres. DTA analyses of sol-gel microspheres (Figure 9-B) in helium showed a strong energy release starting at 220°C. This particular energy release has been attributed to an organic-nitrate oxidation reaction since it was only noticed for gels containing organic compounds. The reaction appears to end at 350°C. Subsequent treatments at high temperature for thoria fuel . . . A can proceed in air or oxygen without difficulty. Efficient removal of organic compounds to low levels prior to sintering appears necessary, particularly in the case of UO2, to ensure low residual-carbon levels ir. the sintered product. Since VO2 is unstable in tlie presence of free... oxygen at these low drying temperatures (400-500°c), it tends to compete in oxygen pickup with the carbon -oxidation reaction. Mild oxidizers such as CO2 or water appear to minimize oxidation of 102. Steam was extremely effective at low temperatures (120-140°C) for removing the bulk of organic compound without oxidation therefore diminishing heat and gas evolution caused by the organic-nitrate interaction. A significant ::... reduction in energy release was noticed (Figure 9-c) after steam treatment at 152°C for 8 hr prior to the inal drying operation. At elevated temperatures (400-500°c), supereated steam is an efficient means to remove decomposed organic-compound residues, probably by a water -gas- reaction. We determined the removal of organic compounds by steam from thoria and urania microspheres as a function of time at 200 and 400°C (Figure In case of thoria microspheres the residual carbon content could be reduced from 6% to a level below 40 ppm within 1 hr using superheated stean at 400°C. Also an immediate, drastic reduction of the residual carbon from the same batch to 500 ppm occurred at 200°C within 15 min., : prolonged treatments at this temperature did not result in further removal of organic compounds. In case of 102 sol-gel microspheres containing ~ 8% residual carbon, the removal of carbon by steam was less effective." The residual carbon content after a 6-hr treatment in steam at 400°C was 150 ppm. The effectiveness of carbon renoval at one particular time and Cemperature appears also to depend upon the size of the spheres. Sintering All the oxide fuels derived by the described sol-gel techwique exhibit extraordinary sintering characteristics. Densification occurs - can be obtained readily. . We have studied the concurrenc processes of densification and crys- tallite growth in thoria and urania gels. Both processes cause a decrease in svecific surface of the gel with an associated decrease in surface enthalphy attributable to solid-vapor interfaces. We have detected this heat release by differential thermal analysis (DTA) at uniform heating . rates on both thoria and urania gels. In the case of thoria gel heated in air, the heat release begins at 600°C and ends at 1200-1250°C. For urania gel, the start of the energy release and the release rate both depend strongly on the atmosphere. Calibration of the DTA apparatus (10) enabled quantitative measurement of the total heat released and this . yields a value of 1060 + 220 erg/cm² for surface enthalpy of the thoria gel in the range of 600-1200°C. Predicted values for a (111) plane (the lowest energy surface in thoria) range from 810 to 1090 erg/cm2. . The isothermal shrinkage kinetics of sol-gel thoria and UOą micro-... spheres have been studied by sequence photography in a hot-stage micro- scope. Experimental shrinkage isotherms were obtained for both thoria and urania (Figures 11 and 12). Initial shrinkage due to a loss of volatiles as discussed earlier is deducted. The isotherms differ from those expected from imple sintering theory in that the log-log plots of frictional shrinkage versus time are not linear but decrease is slope with increasing shrinkage. The change in slope with increasing densification. is attributed to the combined operation of a number of factors, including the very small crystallite size, concurrent crystallite growth, the . faceted crystallite morphology, and the possible presence of more than one mechanism for material transport. Model equations (11) have been set up to aid in the interpretation of data. Although still highly simplified, they do overcome some of the objections to the direct appli- cation of the conventional sintering equations. On this basis it appears possible to eliminate volume diffusion as the rate-controlling mechanism at shrinkage below 10% in thoria. On the basis of present theories and experimental results, the sintering process seems to involve the removal: of material from the inter-crystallite boundaries, migration along the boundaries to the crystallite surfaces and then migration around the surfaces away from the grain boundaries. It is not clear whether grain- boundary or surface diffusion is the slower, and thus rate-controlling, process. The surface diffusion process gives slightly better agreement with experimental isotherms, whereas the equations suggest that grain-.... boundary diffusion should be the slower process. Use of the equation for either process yields an activation energy of around 70. kcal/mole for the relevant transport mechanism over the temperature range 650-900°C and up to 10% linear shrinkage. This value is in agreement with one of 63 kcal/mole as obtained by observing the effect of sudden temperature change on the shrinkage rate of thoria microspheres. Changes in crystallite size and BET surface area have been determined for thoria and urania during isothermal heat treatments. It was found that x-ray crystallite size increased (using the broadening of 111, 220, and 311 üeflections respectively) and the BET surface area decreased with both time and temperature (Figure 13 The relationship appears to be independent of temperature and this suggests a similar activation energy for densification and crystallite growth. The isothermal crystallite growth curves can be interpreted in terms of a very simple model involving surface diffusion, which yields an activation energy of 61 kcal/mole in case of thoria gel. As expected in the case of urania, the sintering atmosphere greatly effects the sintering kinetics. We have studied the sintering behavior urania microspheres in "dry" and "wet" (Ar + 4% Hp) as as in CO2 atmosphere. Our experimental data suggest that water and CO2 both enhance the sintering and crystallite growth. It appears, however, that the relationship of shrinkage to crystallite growth and change in BET surface area is still maintained. The addition of wa + 4% He gives an effect similar to a 50 to 100°C increase in temperature that a steam atmosphere is extremely . - : 13 effective in increasing the rate of sintering of UO2. Carbon dioxide atmosphere also caused a drastic acceleration of the sintering process. The surface energy release during DTA started 200°C lower in coz and was completed within a much narrower temperature range compared to treatments nt 4% hydrogen (Figure 14). Isothermal heat treatments also confirmed that both sintering and crystallite growth were greatly enhanced by coa atmosphere. So far, we have not been able to demonstrate whether these effects are associated with oxidation of the urania during the sintering process. The uranium oxide used for our investigation had a high initial oxygen content (0/0 = 2.281). We have not determined changes in composi- tion during sintering. After final densification in dry or wet argon + 4% hydrogen atmosphere and cooldown in helium,' the final 0/U ratio was less than 2.004. We expect that the initial uranium oxide composition has a bearing on the sintering behavior. Studies to determine this effect are still in progress. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This paper includes, or is dependent on, work done by a number of persons at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Of particular importance were the efforts of S. D. Clinton and C. C. Haws in preparing microspheres, M. H. Lloyd in developing the Pu sol-gel flowsheet, and M. Bannister in the drying and sintering of thoria gels. . REFERENCES 1. . D. E. Ferguson, 0. C. Dean, and P. A. Haag, Preparacion of Oxide Fuels and Vibratory Compaction by the Sol Gel Process, CEND-153 (Vol I) p 23 -38, also ORNL-TM-53 (November 20, .961). 2. d. L. Lotta, et al., "The Oak Ridge National Laboratory Kllorod Facility," TID-7.550, pp 351-383 (1962). Paul A. Haas and S. D. Clinton, "Preparation of Thoria and Mixed Oxide Microspheres," I and EC Product Res. Dev. 3 (3) 236-244 (1966). J. P. McBride, "Preparation of loa Microsplieres by a Sol-Gel Technique, " ORNL-3874 (1966). 5. J. L. Kelly, A. T. Kleinsteuber, et al., "Sol-Gel Process for Preparing Spheroidal Particies of the Dicarbides of Thorium and Thorium-Uranium Mixtures," Ind. Engr. Chem., 4, 212-216 (April 1965). 6. P. A. Haas, et al., "Sol-Gei Process Development and Microsphere Preparation," 2nd Internacional Thorium Fuel Cycle Symposium, Gatiiņburg, Tennesse, May 3-6, 1966. 7. P. A. Haas, s. D. Clinton, and A. T. Kleinsteuber, "Preparation of Urania and Urania-Zirconia Microspheres by a Sol-Gel Process, Canadian J. Chem. Engr. December, 1966. 8. D. M. Helton, "Dispersion of a Liquid Stream by an Electrical Potential: Applications to the Preparation of Thoria Microspheres," U. S. AEC ORNL-TM-1395 (January 17, 1966). 9. M. E. Wadsworth, A Fundamental study of Thoria and Urania Gels, Progress Report, January 1966, Research and Development Subcontract 2176 (University of Utah) under W-7405-eng-26. 10. M. J. Bannister (to be published, Journal of Physical Chemistry). 11. M. Ė. Wadsworth and A. M. Daniels, A Documental Study of Thoria and Urania Gels, Progress Rept., January 1966, Research and Development Subcontract 2176 (University of Utah) under W-7405-eng-26. 12. W. E. Baily, et al., "Steam Sintering of Uranium Dioxide," Am. Ceram. Soc. Bulletin, 47 (11), 168-172 (1962). Table 1. Product Sizes of Calcined Thoria Microspheres From Three Dispersers Sol feed: Thoria sols of 3.0M Th, sol drop diameters of 2.35 times diameters of theoretically dense Thoz product Two-fluid Nozzles Vibrating Capillaries Free-Fall Drop Single 250 1.2 Six 425 Single 425 1.2 Four 480 19.2 200 Four 480 9.6 19 400 9.6 24.7 40 50 530 3106 3906 2308 10,200 314 720 480 • Number of feed capillaries Capillary diameter, u Sol feed rate, cc/min Vibration frequency, cps . Predicted mean size, u Amount of sample, g Weight per cent in:C 30/35 or 500-590 u 35/40 or 420-500 u 40/45 or 350-420 i 45/50 or 297-350 u 50/60 or 250-297 H 60/70 or 210-250 j • 70 or < 210 H 97.9 0.8 1.1 0.2 99.3 1.5 و 0.1 61.9 37.6 0.4 30.4. 62.6 7.0 بی 85.8 10.9 From two-fluid nozzle equation. Pfrom number of drops per cycle and flow rate. 'From use of u. S. Sieve Series screens. .. Table 2. Conditions and Results of Puoa Sol Preparations Run No. Pu(NO3 )4 Feed g Pu g Pu/Liter NH,OH M Peptization Final Pula Sol NO3/Pu 2.5 1.3 0.25 20 20 1.1-2.0 .1.6-1.8 2.5 2.5 0.11 2.5 2.1 3.75 5.0 0.11 ä 8 . . 40 . 1.0 77 5.0 2.5 2.2 10 . 6.3 1.7 . 1.3 0.10 0.10 0.18 0.18 0.19 11 1.7 1.2 12-15 75 6.3 3.75 2.5 53 29 1.1-2.5 Table 3. Properties of Plutonia-Containing, Sol-Gel Microspheres Type of Material Sphere Sizes (Microns) Density, % of Theoret. Surface Area Gas : Release 1200° C cc/8 Carbon ppm m2/8 96 0.020 < 10 0.144 20% PuO2-002 5% PuO2-U02 • 5% PuOz-Thoz 300-600, < 44 300-600 300-600, < 44 300-600, 50-250 96 99 0.026 < 10 0.015 0.03 Puoz : < 10 0.042 ORNL DWG 66-10980 REDUCTION EXCESS HZ 0.5 M VOZ (NO3)2 0.15 M HCOOH H- HCOOH 300 psi 0.5 % PT ON AI,O, PELLETS 0.5 0.5 M U(IV) URANOUS 1.0 M NO, NITRATE SOLUTION 10.29 Moon 0.25 M COOH PRECIPITATION ate 3.5 M NH OH - AGITATION ADJUST TO pH = 9 FILTRATION SUPERNATE SOLUTION - NH NO, NHOH, AND NH, COOH URANOUS HYDROXIDE PRECIPITATE | I MOLE U/LITER WASHING (FOUR CYCLES) H,O, 2.5 LITER/MOLE U (FOR 4 th WASH, ALSO 0.001 MOLE NH OH PER MOLE U) AGITATE FOR 5 MINUTES FILTER TO'I MOLE U/L WASH SOLUTION + NH4NO3, NH,OH, AND NH,COOH FILTRATION DO NOT DRY CAKE WASHED ~1.1 MOLE U/LITER PRECIPITATE NO, ZU = -0.03 COOH XU = -0.03 URANIA SOL: PEPTIZATION HNO, 0.14 MOLE/MOLE UN AGITATE AND HEATH "O302~0.17 HCOOH, O. 1 MOLE/MOLE U-ALTO 60°C FOR 1 HOUR Goh/U = 0.1 U(IV)/U = ~0.85 Fig. 1. Batch Agitated-Filter Preparation of Urania Sol. - - - ORNL DWG 66-10981 GEL MICROSPHERES AND LEH NOTE: LC INDICATES LEVEL CONTROL 2EH INDICATES 2-ETHYL-I-HEXANOL SOL- SOL DISPERSER CONDENSER AND OFF-GAS OVERFLOW PHASE SEPARATOR 2 in. MIN. DIAMETER COLUMN PRODUCT DRYER SURGE POT WET DISTILLATION EQUIPMENT 2EH TANGENTIAL FLOW LN2 AND STEAM DRIED GEL HO (TO DRAIN) WET 2EH TANK DRY 2EH TANK CALCINER FURNACE UPFLOW CALCINED OXIDE MICROSPHERES Fig. 2. Microsphere Preparation System for Coated Païticle Development Laboratory. ORNL DWG 66-10982 for LOUDSPEAKER 2 EH DRIVE FLUID L PLASTIC BUCKET VARIABLE FREQUENCY POWER SUPPLY VOLTS FREQUENCY : C. FREE-FALL OR "BUCKET" WITH MULTIPLE ORIFICES Q. TWO-FLUID NOZZLE b. VIBRATING CAPILLARY · Devices for Dispersion of Sol as Drops in 2-Ethyl-1-Hexano NOW BEING PREPARED Fig. 4. TWO-Fluid Nozzle Disperser: 2.4 cc of Uoa Sol per Minute, 110 cc 2EH per Minute, 800-4. Droplets. PHOTO 85526 .... - ...ogos - ---- . . . ---... OT Fig. 5. Vibrating Capillary Disperser: 9.6 cc of UO2 Sol per Minute. 60-cos Vibration. 1370-12 Droplets.. 1. . 1. · OANL Dwg 66-9291 ! Pu(NO3)4 FEED 1.3 LITERS 7 58 g Pu PER LITER WASH H20 10 LITERS 2 LITERS PER WASH ACID ADDITION 2.0 LITERS 10.4 M HNO3 WATER ADDITION 0.3-0.5 LITERS PRECIPITATION FILTER-WASH PEPTIZATION EVAPORATION BAKING_RESUSPENSION 1.5 LITERS 5 WASHES .~2.5 LITERS TO DRYNESS ~2 HOURS AGITATE 4M NH4OH CAKE VOLUME ~30 g Pu ~150° C MAX AT A 0.12-0.32 100% EXCESS ~0.5 LITER PER LITER BREAK UP 1 UNIFORM 1 LITERS NOz/Pu 2.5 CAKE 250° C 1-3M PUO2 CONDENSATELJ 0.1-0.3 LITERS CONDENSATE ~2 LITERS FILTRATË ~12 LITERS PuO2 SOL Fig. 6. Typical Flowsheet for Puo2 Sol Preparation. R-31934 1. . . . •"* 34., ene i 2 ... . . 14! . ! . . : ..... $ . . . ." . . - 2 A their webshop . .. 7 ontslae + . Hoe 1 . . 150-200M 450-600 M · Fig. 7. Puoz Sol-Gel Microspheres Calcined at 1200°C. R-31935 1 s 500 u . . . . 150-200 p 450-600 u Fig. 8. Puoa Sol-Gel Microspheres Calcined at 1200°C. "'. .' ." "T. .1: . * . . . . . Pr X ... 9 ORNL DWG 66-11017- A = OUTPUT FROM FIRST HEATUP B: OUTPUT FROM SECOND HEATUP (BASELINE) DIFFERENTIAL THERMOCOUPLE OUTPUT INVI o+ Ot 500 6.00 700 100 200 400 500 700 DIFFERENTIAL THERMOCOUPLE OUTPUT (än. AL00 500 TEMPERATURE (°C) TEMPERATURE Th02 SOL-GEL MICROSPHERES AS EXTRACTED FROM SPHERE FORMING COLUMN b. Tho, SOL-GEL MICROSPHERES AFTER STEAM TREATMENT AT 152° C FOR EIGHT HOURS DIFFERENTIAL THERMOCOUPLE OUTPUT (UV) 100 200 300 400 500 .700 T.EMPERATURE (°C) - GEL RAGMENTS FREE OF ORGANIC RESIDUES tterns Fig. 9. Comparison of Differential Thermal Analysis of Sol-Gel Thoz Heated at 10°C/min in Helium. . .ORNL-DWG 66-8222 10,000 Tho, /VAC 10° torr/25°C 10./STEAM/200°C RESIDUAL CARBON CONTENT (ppm) Tho/VAC 10 torr/600°c Thoz/STEAM/200°C Uog/STEAM/400°C Tho,/AIR/600°C Tho,/STEAM/400°C 10 cm . 10 100 · TIME (hr) Fig. 10. Effect of Various Drying Procedures on Residual Carbon Content of Thoria and Urania Sol-Gel Microspheres. ORNL DING G6-12816 • ..به ا م i " بعد مدة .. . .. .. 1138 000000000ننننهمسرم ا ا . /- lo 9825 منمفومن- و 908 ممنسجنسهممنهما 835ec منججمجمه - ••906 م . . : FRACTIONAL SHRINKAGE (ALILON TTTT ہ مممعننه 22*° نو 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 من نفقه 2 lo-2/ .:. الل 102 . ا I03 TIME (SEC) : Fig. 11. Isothermal Shrinkage of Sol-Gel Thoa Microspheres. - - - - = = = = = --- ORNL DWIG G6-12817 9900 نننننننننن مممممممممممنم 875°C 78500 ممبممممهجمجمه .. . ح ممنبم و 7 / 0 000: FRACTIONAL SHRINKAGE (AL/L.0) منم-منمنمهه 680°C اسے م ممنے . 702 Io4. *** TIME (SEC.) Fig. 12. Isothermal Shrinkage of Sol-Gel UO2 Microspheres. *** Type or on M** * p young tangan a proposta per a party ORNL-DWG 66-8223R otto THOZ (BANNISTER) 20 uo, (DRY ARGON +4% HYDROGEN) CRYSTALLITE GROWTH FACTOR SURFACE AREA DECREASE FACTOR DOO 500°C • 600°C o 700°C 0 800°C + A 900°C A 1000°C . 10-2 10-1 . đo 3 FRACTIONAL SHRINKAGE . . Fig. 13. Relationship Between Changes in BET Surface Area, Crystallite Size, and Fractional Linear Shrinkage of Sol-Gel UO 2 and ThO2. L IB.: 41. 4 +TENARIT TITLYN V ITA E !. . 1 1 TK . . . . . ... .. . · ORNL DWG 66– 11016 4 % HYDROGEN DIFFERENTIAL THERMOCOUPLE OU _400_590 690 700 89 TEMPERATURE (°C) TI DIFFERENTIAL THERMOCOUPLE OU 100 200 7 500 600 700 800 900 - TEMPERATURE (°C) : A = OUTPUT FROM FIRST HEAT UP B = OUTPUT FROM SECOND HEATUP ( BASELINE) Fig. 14. Comparison of Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) Patterns of Sol-Gel UO2 Fragments Heated at 10°C/min. VO2 samples were precalcined at 400°C for 4 hr in argon + 4% hydrogen. , . END DATE FILMED 15 / 17 / 67 V