+ : > . . w . . TOF I ORNLP 2614 12 - . - to i on ling : . 21 it's - - - . : . . EEEFE EFE 5 : . u. - MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 Viz 4s T Ir. T -. . . ORNU-drale14. A METHOD FOR INTRODUCING ENERGY SPREAD IN INJECTION MACHINES* Randall S. Edwards and Herman Postma NOV 2 9 1966 CONF-661016-29 ... A.C. $ 400 min 5 1. INTRODUCTION DCX-i is a dc experiment at Oak Ridge which accumulates a plasma by injection and dissociation of high-energy H,* ions in a simple magnetic mirror geometry. The principle by which DCX-1 operates has been described in previcus articles,'-5 but will be repeated in abbreviated form for completeness. Figure 1 is a schematic sketch of DCX-1. The H * ions are produced in a duoplasmatron ion source, accel- erated to 600 key by a cascade transformer power supply, focused and then deflected so that they enter a 10-kilogauss confining magnetic field midway between t} 2:1 mirror coils. The ions make a single pass in the midplane and exit through the bottom of the vacuum chamber. In the process of making this single pass some of the ions dissociate to yield protons and hydrogen atoms. Those protons which re- sult from this dissociation in a region near the 3.25-in. equilibriun radius are Change trapped by means of their e/m change and continue to circulate with a gytofrequency , of approximately 15 MHz. when the molecular ion beam is injected, the density of the circulating protons increases until the trapping rate is equal to the loss rate. The loss of protons from the plasma is the result of either charge exchange with background gas or instabilities generated in the plasma region. In DCX-1, micro- instabilities limit the maximum trapped proton densities to 1 x 10° cm which is a factor of 50 below that theoretically possible with the available beam and pressure. 6,7 Since theory suggests that certain microinstabilities are suppressed by the introduction of sufficient spread in the energy distribution of the trapped :: ions, we have developed a practical method of introducing such spread. In this Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. AELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS ATS -, ** THLE T T. 2 .. . . paper we present the considerations which led to the choice of this particular method, establish design criteria for the apparatus, describe in scme detail the equipment developed for this purpose, and review briefly the performance of this equipment when applied to the plasma of the DCX-1 experiment. . . . i . . . . II. CHOICE OF METHOD Two general approaches to the problem were recognized. Energy spread could be introduced by modulation of the 600-kv supply furnishing the acceleration potential for the Ho* beam, or it could be introduced by using external sources to produce proton-electric field encounters within the plasma itself. The H, beam trajectory changes associated with modulation of beam energy would not permit obtaining the desired proton energy spread, a value at times in excess of 50 ker , U L J. as suggested by some experimental studies of the unstable plasma. Therefore, attention was focused upon the second approach. • We decided to employ a dispers.ng technique patterned after that used in synchrocyclotrons to give spatial and energy dispersion of extracted beams. The technique is to nount cyclotron dee structures so as to encompass the circu- lating protons, and to drive these structures with a noise band centered about the proton gyrofrequency. This arrangement produces stochastic acceleration of the circulating protons and thereby creates the desired energy spread. III. DESIGN CRITERIA We shall give an expression for the induced proton energy spread as a function of dee voltage, dee signal bandwidth, interaction time, and e, the azimuthal angle subtended by the driven dee. We assume the simplest proton distribution that can exist in DCX-1, a ring of 300-kev protons çirculating about the magnetic axis at the ion gyrofrequency of 15 MHz, and we subject this ring to the stochastic LEGAL NOTICE .....common..... The report was prepared as an account of Government sponsorod work. Noither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person aquing on behalf of the Commission: A. Makos any warranty or representation, express or implied, with respect to the acou- racy, completeness, or usohulnods of the information contained in this rorort, oi that the wo of any information, apparatus, molhod, or procoas disclosed in this soport may not Infringo privately owned righta; or. 1: B, Assumes any liabilites with roupoot to the use of, or for datingos resulting from the use of any information, Appuritus, method, or process dooloved in this report. As und in the abovo, "person 'holing on behalf of the Commission" includne any nm- ploys or contractor of the Commission, or employs of such contractor, to the extent that suok omployer or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contrroter preparos, disseminates, or provides aocons do, any information purdunat to do employment or oontract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. . . ... : :, .. " . 51 . 11. . . . . . . Z- . . .. . ... .. # : * ", . . . . * variations of electric field introduced by a 180° dee structure driven by a band of frequencies centered on the gyrofrequency. The change in energy, E, due to random interactions is expressed by: (1) i=1 where E“ is the total mean square change, N is the number of independent inter- 2 actions and E. is the mean square change of energy during a single interaction. Simplified into the more common form in which averages are implied, we have: E - VN ; (2) We now apply this general form to our particular situation. At the dee structure, we create a randomly varying voltage V such that E, equals ev.. We can do this in principle by making the voltage vary at random in phase, frequency or amplitude. If we assume further that the particle remains in resonance for the time between phase changes, then in this time it acquires an energy of: e = eveff 2 sin , . (3) where Veff is the effective dee voltage (which depends on when the particle entered the dee with respect to the voltage peak, whether an acceleration or deceleration cycle, gap width, etc.); T is the average time of a phase change for acceleration or deceleration cycle; 2 sin is the effectiveness of the dee in acceleration where is the azimuthal extent of the dee and T. is the revolution time of the proton. It follows from these definitions that the number of random interactions during a time T is: . . . . . M . " . ! - --F1, L T r ush L ii yxl : 2+!* T* 1 -. *12 .. L.I. - . . . la . ..'!..JUTT E.:4 175 An t Combining these relations we express the energy spread in terms of the experi- mentally variable factors: V eVoff 2 sin . (5) In order to see the rate at which one wishes to spread the ion energy we must turn to past observations. For example, in the region in which the instabili.- . . ties are at their worst we have several-second containment times. The best indications of the instabilities are the azimuthal currents of protons measured as rf signals, that give almost periodic bursts of rf at gyration frequencies and cause a radiai loss of protons at the same time. Burst durations of 10 msec. out of a total of 100 msec are typical. In the intervening time the plasma is very quiet and stability seems to be present temporarily. The er argy spread of the particles is normally between 50 and 100 keV in this mode. Other experiments have shown that it is those well-ordered particles in the simple equilibrium orbit ring that we have assumed, that are the most effective in causing the instability. Thus the experiments themselves suggested that if we affect those particles which are in this simple ring and that if we spread the energy on the order of 50 keV within times that are much shorter than 100 msec, then we can possibly cure the instability. Thus we do a simple calculation to see if this is feasible. We shall assume 0 = 180° (normal cyclotron dee shape), T = 10 msec, 7. = 7 x 10** sec, and a band- width.corresponding to 10-0 sec between phase changes. This bandwidth selection arises from other considerations to be given later. Thus to get a spread of 50 kev from formula (5) the effective voltage need be only 17 volts. Thus we see that the kinds of voltages and bandwidths that we are asking for are very reasonable. Other conjectures about this simple system may also be made. For instance, phase . bunching of this ring takes place due to the presence of the dee. The number of bunches depends directly upon the bandwidth. It is desirable to have a large number of bunches from a plasma point of view. Thus a practical compromise between heating the particles rapidly with small voltages, such as might be achieved by resonance, or between making many bunches which is desirable from a plasma point of view leads one to regard the assumed 1 MHz bandwidth as being practical. Phase changes that a particle sees in going between gaps, the focusing and defocusing by the dee gaps themselves, and practical considerations of the dee-gap construction do not significantly modify our initial assumptions. Also it is possible to use such a stochastic system with dees not only at the funda- mental but at 45 MHz. "It is also possible to use a 15-Miz drive without a dee structure by means of just a simple plate, a cee structure. However, we have chosen here to describe the simplest system, although in practice we have used two structures. One, the simple dec structure shown in Fig. 2, is most suited for operation at the third harmonic of the proton gyrofrequency. This frequency was chosen because it interferred the least with the diagnostic measurements that we make of the instability appearing as rf burst at 15 MHz. However, in order to prove the effectiveness of the method and also to allow the plasma more room a.jally, we later used a cee structure without sidewalls, shown in Fig. 3, driven at 15 MHz. IV. DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT The more complicated accelerating structure was that for operation at 45 MHz, the third harmonic of the proton gyrofrequency. At this frequency both driven and passive elements were necessary, and side walls were required. The details of this dee structure are shown in Fig. 2. The allowed radial extent of the piasma was 9 in., and the allowed axial extent was 1 and 1/2 in. . ......... ...... How c a n lop t . + The accelerating structure for operution at 15 MHz, the fundamental fre- quency, required only a driven element without the side walls, as shown in Fig. 3. The allowed radial extent of the piasma was again 9 in., but the allowed axial extent was increased to 6 and 1/2 in. A block diagram of the electronic systems for 15 MHz and 45 MHz drives is provided as Fig. 4. The elements comaon to both systems were the noise source and its associated wide-band amplifier. The noise source, Fig. 5, con- sisted of a 1P28 photomultiplier tube illuminated by a variable intensity light source. Adjustment of the light intensity and the anode voltage of the photo- multiplier tube gave excellent control of nois: signal amplitude and some con- trol over the frequency distribution. Use of a spectrum analyzer showed that the amplified noise from the Hewlett-Packard 461 wide-band amplifier was of essentially constant level for bands several MHz wide centered on the funda- mental and on the third harmonic. The driver and intermediate-level amplifiers for both frequency ranges were designed and constructed in-house. Maximum flexibility in the use of these units was desired, and for this reason the amplifiers were built as inde- pendent modules. Figure 6 is a schematic of the 15-MHz driver amplifier, and Fig. 7 is a schematic of the 45-MHz unit. The 2526 vacuum tubes were selected because of their low drive requirements. Over-coupling and double-link coupling were used to flatten the frequency response. No unusual problems were encountered in the design or layout of these units. Figure 8 is a schematic of the 15-MHz intermediate-level power amplifier, and Fig. 9 is a schematic of the corresponding 45-MHz amplifier. These units provided the outputs of approximat:oly 100 watts that were required to drive the . . . . . . ... . . . DIY . ... final power amplifiers. The requirements for fast gating of the voltage to the dee structure were met by providing external access to the control grids of the input stages of these amplifiers. The dee voltages were reduced to an extremely low level by applying to these terminals a negative pulse from an external programmable source. This gate was necessary to permit diagnostic measurements. The final amplifier for the 15-MHz system was a standard Telonic Corporation Model 2000. This unit was fixed tuned with input and output impedances of 50 ohms, and was capable of a 600-w output with a bandwidth of 2-30 MHz. The final amplifier for the 45-MHz system was basically a Telonic Corporation Model 2000, but was factory modified for operation at 45 MHz with a 3-MHz band- width and was capabie of 450 w output. Amplifier connection to the dee structure in each case was made through a RG8/U coaxial cable which was cut and tuned to give maximum voltage at the dee. The coaxial feed-through through the wall of the vacuum chamber to the dee was made by means of a specially constructed matching section of coaxial copper tubes. In operation, a system was initially tuned by using a sweep-signal generator and a spectrum analyzer, first across each of the amplifiers and then across the whole set of driver, interrediate, and final amplifiers. Final tuning employed the noise signal and the spectrum analyzer, and was a matter of minor adjustment to obtain the desired spectrum on the dee itself. The flexibility of the system gave a number of controls on the dee voltage level. v. PERFORMANCE The amplifier systems met the design specifications in all respects. The bandwidth was flat over more than 3 MHz at both 15 and 45 MHz. At the dee structures, up to 800 v were obtainable with the 45-MHz system and up to 1500 v **** SYAF RU7011 with the 15 MHz system. These voltages were considerably in excess of those actually required for the plasma experiments, the latter usually being 150 v or less. The energy spreads were controllable, and in some experiments spreads as large as 140 kev FWHM about the normal 300-kev proton energy were introduced. The details of the plasma experiments involving measurements of micro- instability thresholds as a function of energy spread obtained by the technique described here have been reported elsewhere. 9,10 The technique has proven to be a valuable diagnostic tool, and assisted greatly in establishing the negative- mass instability as that dominating the DCX-1.plasma. A similar technique has recently been employed in the PHOENIX experiments." VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to thank other members of the DCX-1 group, namely, J. L. Dunlap, G. R. Haste, L. A. Massengill, R. G. Reinhardt, W. J. Schill, and E. R. Wells for their contributions in the development and understanding of the apparatus. Thanks are also given to J. A. Martin, of the Electronuclear Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, for discussions which led to development of several com- ponents of this system. . TA ... . ... REFERENCES *c. F. Barnett, P. R. Bell, J. S. Luce, E. D. Shipley, and A. Simon, Proc. U.N: Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses Atomic Energy, 2nd, Geneva, 195 31, 298 (1959). 2. L. Dunlap, IRE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-7, No. 4, 19 (1960). 'H. Postma, IRE Trans. Nucl. Sci., NS-8, No. 4, 77 (1961). *C. F. Barnett, J. L. Dunlap, R. S. Edwards, G. R. Haste, J. A. Ray, R. G. Reinhardt, W. J. Schill, R. M. Warner, and E. R. Wells, Nuclear Fusion 1, 264 (1961). 'J. L. Dunlap, C. F. Barnett, R. A. Dandi, and H. Postma, Nuclear Fusion: 1962 Supplement, Pt. 1, 233 (1962). OJ. L. Dunlap, G. R. Haste, H. Postma, and L. H. Reber, Phys. Rev. Letters 14, 937 (1965). 'J. L. Dunlap, G. R. Haste, C. E. Nielsen, H. Postma, and L. H. Reber, Phys. Fluids 9, 199 (1966). °Manufactured by Telco, Inc., 575 Technology Square, Cambridge, Mass. J. L. Dunlap, R. S. Edwards, G. R. Haste, L. A. Massengill, C. E. Nielsen, H. Postma, R. G. Reinhardt, W. J. Schill, E. R. Wells, and R. A. Young, Thermonuclear Div. Semiann. Progress Rept, Oct. 31, 1965, ORNL-3908, p. 2. "H. Postma, J. L. Dunlap, R. A. Dory, G. R. Haste, and R. A. Young, Phys. Rev. Letters 16, 265 (1966). L. G. Kuo-Petravic', E. G. Murphy, M. Petravicí, R. M. Sinclair, D. R. Sweetman, and E. Thompson, Culham Laboratory Rept. CLM-P 108 (1966). 15. 2 N.EMME . 1. 10 ... FIGURE CAPTIONS Fig. 1 The DCX-1 Experiment. Fig. 2 Third Harmonic Dee Structure Fig. 3 Fundamental Dee Structure Fig. 4 Block Diagram of Electronic Systems Fig. 5 Noise Source Fig. 6 15 MHz Wideband Driver Amplifier Fig. 7 45 MHz Wideband Driver Anplifier Fig. 8 15 MHz Intermediate Level Transmitter Fig. 9 45 MHz Intermediate Level Transmitter ' ' "! ! ! ! ! ..".. . Y ! " , T ! ORNL-DWG 48279A -DUN-PLASMATRON ION SOURCE -45° ANALYZING MAGNET -600-kv ACCELERATOR - 1 JDT www VACUUM MANIFOLD SOLENOID LENS STEERING MAGNET H MOLECULAR ION (HQ) BEAM . OT www TO VACUUM PUMP M MAGNETIC FIELD COILS ow . www N ... AL .. vete. A NO . TO VACUUM PUMP 22 with . TRAPPED H+ IONS DIAGNOSTICS tr . Ay w we. www . ww. i . wow - * The DCX-1 Experiment. Fig. 1 Fig. 1 CATATA ORNL-DWG 65-8295 ent ... . .... r ........ mome .. DRIVEN CYCLOTRON ELEMENT ::_PASSIVE ELEMENTS ile de restaurants netinin LE II III IT ANUL IIIIIII III III -EQUILIBRIUM ORBIT (R = 3.25 in.) II INT MU III 11 CITI III INT III III 110 . II DI II . III ETHITIT ILIT U1 M . JUNI III IIIIIII IN MIN M WE VII IIIIIIIIII -MIRROR COIL IIIIIIIIIII 0 . www. II ULI 77MITIN I NE III N1 1 I IUIUMINIUM . IN IIIIIIIIIII III HINTA IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII TO IIIIIIIIII III 1. UTILIUMINIT IIIIIIIIII LIITTI TUI ILIIT III IIIIIII III . . . : III IIIIIIIIIII DOVODO 1 MIRROR COIL MAGNETIC AXIS UNIJI TIIIII ••••••••••••••••• IIII . 1112 # 1 UNIMAS CAMP, TII lifti trioti II Ha* BEAM U11 - TI III U UUU III LICEUL UI U III IIIIII 1 TIL TIT IND IIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIII VIDEO . II II MINIT 11 IT 11111 -PLASMA CHAMBER (LINER) Third Harmonic Dee Structure. Pig. 2 ORNL-DWG 65-8296 -MIRROR COIL . ....... .... wwwwwwwwwwwww ITAL IIIIII II III w UTII UNI III . IT IIIIIIIII ULTI 11 PLASMA CHAMBER (LINER) DRIVEN CYCLOTRON ELEMENT _EQUILIBRIUM ORBIT (R=3.25 in.) -MIRROR COIL EIN . III TITUL III IIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII INI 11 TIIVI UIT UTILIT III IT III LUIS IIIIII IIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IS III E . IT. II IIIIIIIII III UMU HT III IIIIII IIIIIII UUTI . MU III III III TIIMIIIII UUU IIIIII INTUIT 0000 . . CD III IIIII III . ROOT III III UUDIO III III I 100000000000000000000 UI . 1 DUDU III IIIII III IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII TUIN U VO 00000 II UI IND 00 000 IN C001 IIIIII O 0 DU UN UU DU 010 D MAGNETIC AXIS V UUDII CU TU w 11 2010 0010 . were not 1 remove entertainment WANAUME III III ULIU TI JIM IIIII CHIO AAUWI HAN AllADOVIH ibit HAWI HALLI ENXAMI ARI 22 Hz* BEAM IDYLLYIN! IAI 1 UNI III INT I OUTH MILITIN MINIUM III IIIIIIIII IIIIIII III 11 INT II IIIIIIIII II IND DI LI III Fundamental Dee Structure . Phg. 3 . < * SAMIR - . . . .. . .** ----** OR.N.C. OWG •66.9756 DRIVER AMPLIFIER 15 MMS DRIVER AMPLIFIER 15MHz INTERMEDIATE. LEVEL AMPLIFIER 16 MH TELCO 2000 AMPLIFIER 15 MHz NOISE SOURCE IP20 HEWLETT-PACKARD 461 AMPLIFIER CTURE . AMPLIERS DRIVER 45 ме DRIVER AMPLIFIER. 45 MHZ INTERMEDIATE LEVEL AMPLIFIER *5 MHZ TELCO 2000 AMPLIFIER (MODIFIED) 45 MHA BLOCK DIAGRAM OF ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS Fig. 1 . . - . . . 73 #40 LAMP 110 VAC oooooo AMP. CONNECTOR OLVE RIBBON All | 0-2500 ere... -- BNC - : 2500 . . NOISE SOURCE Fig. 5. 3 TURNS *176 2626 22W 9 TURNS *16 NEUTRALIZM G NEUTRALIZING 000 STUS 015 8.E.W. = 3011 1 IN. DIA. 220, 16 TURNS 33 дух A E.W. = 3015 : 32 TUENS MICA 5 BNC @ 2 TURNS 2 TURNS ၌ eereen --- 11.. азад ellew - w 000 3 TURNS *16 NEUTRALIZING STUS 51122 2E26 3 TURNS II . SCREEN +150V BIAS -10v ULAMENT 6.3V 6gr ... 15MHz WIDEBAND DRIVER AMPLIFIER .. 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