. . . . . # i 7 I OFI ORNLP 3251 † toyu ALL ' 01:25 1.1.4 LLC { MICROCOFY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 . (Austrnct - Internationnl Conference on Ilyperrine Internctions Detected by Nuclcar Radiation, incific Grove, California, August 25-30, 1967) ORNV -3251 CONF-670812-13 AUG 25 1967 ORAL - AEE = OFFIEIAL ORN = 46=ePRSAL Mossbauer Experiments with Nickel-61.* John C. Love and Gordon Czjzek, LKL Oak Ridge National Laboratory, J. J. Spijkerman and D. K. Snediker, National Bureau of Standards. - Using "Ni Mossbauer effect, we have measured the ratio of the magnetic moments of 62N1 nuclei in the first excited state and the ground state: u(5/2)/u(3/2) = -(0.559 $ 0.012). Hyperfine fields at nickel nuclei in iron (241 $ 7 kilogauss) and in a NI (85%) Cr (15%) alloy: (1.15 kilogauss) are determined. Very approximate values for isomer shifts of some nickel alloys, Nify, and Nio are given. w IV . Ali ------------------... KI V ---............. Research sponsored in part by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under con- tract with Union Carbide Corporation. . COM PICOS LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United Statos, nor the Commission, nor any person acung on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the uso of any information, apparatus, method, or procoso disclosed in this raport may not infringo privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any llapilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report, As used in the above, "peran acting on behall of the Commission" Includes any en- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that Buch employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor preparea, dissominates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or hio employment with such contractor. H0 93.00, MN ebé ORNAL 1 . SRN - ALE = OFFICIAL . . ... LT OFFICIAL re DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT 15 UNGMITED IN phil in: - MÖSSBAUER EXPERIMENTS WITH NICKEL-61 ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL · Oak Ridge National Laboratory** Oak Ridge, Tennessee and *** J. J. Spijkerman and D. K. Snediker National Bureau of Standards Gaithersburg, Maryland Many significant Mössbauer experiments with Ni are possible because of the magnetic and chemical properties of nickel and its various alloys and compounds. Although the first experiments+,2) with Ni were done seven years ago, the literature indicates that little has been done since then. The difficulty seems to be finding a suitable non-magnetic source. The two possible radioactive parents, Co and ºfcu, are both short-lived and this makes it inconvenient to do radiochemical separations after irradiation. Mössbauer experiments with this isotope are now under way at both the National Bureau of Standards and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and we report here our preliminary results. In particular, we have made some progress with the problem of source preparation, we have determined the magnetic moment of the first excited state (spin 5/2) of 4N1 to a better precision, and we have observed isomer shifts and effective hyperfine fields H at the 62N1 nucleus in several materials. The sources used in the experiments reported here were produced in three ways. The NBS source is a Ni (85%) Cr (1.5%) solid solution which 18 irradiated in the bremsstrahlung beam produced by the NBS LINAC. The sou BRM - ATE=OFFTEIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL Irradiation times are typically one hour and electron energies of the order of 100 MeV are used. A 62co source is produced by the reaction 62N1(7,0)62co. The Odco then beta-decays (T. 10 = 99 min) to the first excited state of Ni (spin 5/2) which then gamma-decays with a half-life of 5.3 nanoseconds to the ground stete (spin 3/2). A short-lived (12/2 - 2.5 min) activity 16 pro- duced in the chromium. The gamma spectrum of the olco is very clean with a signal/noise ratio greater than ten. This source has a small residual hyperfine field at 80°K of about 15 kilogauss estimated from the broadening of the spectrum seen in Fig. 1, which is a Mössbauer spectrum taken with a copper 98% - nickel 2% absorber known to be non-magnetic. Another spectrum taken with a NiF, absorber, but with considerably fewer counts per data point, 18 shown in Fig. 2. The line broadening, 1.45 times the minimura, indicates a field of 12 kilogauss. At Oak Ridge we have taken data with a source of 62.Co in a 6411 . matrix produced by 22 MeV protons from the 86 inch cyclotron by the reac- tion *N1 (0,4)04co, (see ref. 1). This source is, of course, nagnetic and Fig. 3 shows a Mossbauer' spectrum taken with the same Cu-Ni (2%) absorber used for Fig. 1, in this case, at 4.2°K. A third possible source is the Coulomb-excitation of the ri (5) and recently we have done an experiment at Oak Ridge using the Coulomb- recoil-implantation-Mossbauer-effect technique using 25 MeV oxygen ions from a tandem Van de Graaff to Couiomb excite and implant Ni nuclei into a copper backing. The source thus produced, at 86°k, and an absorber. of powdered N1F, in epoxy, at 78°K, yielded the data for Fig. 4. (This is the same absorber that was used to take the data for Fig. 2). The width of this line 1$ 1.11 times the minimum value and is consistent with the effective thickness of the absorber, indicating a single-line source. OBNEAEOFFICIAL ii. FAC Mil BRWARE : Disadvantages of this method are the long irradiation periods needed (12 hours in this case) because of the small B(E2) for this transition and the poor gamma spectrum (signal/noise ~0.6). However, impurity concentrations of the order of parts per million can be studied with the Mössbauer effect by this technique. The value of the Mügnetic moment of the ground state of Ni has been measured by NMR(5) (-0.74868 nm.) and ENDOR(6) (-0.746 nm.) experi- ments. A value of the ratio of the excited and ground state moments had been obtained by Wegener and Obenshain (see ref. 2) as u(5/2)/+(3/2) = -(0.64 0.33) from purely Mössbauer results or -(0.47 + 0.08) using the MMR value for the ground-state splitting for interpretation of their data. In order to improve on this measurement, we have analyzed the data taken with the 54N1.(,0) %Co magnetic source and copper-nickel absorbers with the following nickel concentrations: 2%, 13.5%, 26.4%. For the fitting of these data, the positions of the outer two of the twelve Lorentzien lines were independently varied and the positions of the other lines were then scaled accordingly, using the MMR value for the ground state split- ting of Oni in nickel. Our result is u15/2)/u(3/2) = -(0.551 + 0.038) where the error bar 18 only a statistical one. An independent value of this ratio is obtained from Pitting the spectrum shown in Fig. 5. Here the NBS NiCr source is used with an absorber of 1.5% of Ni in iron. For the fitting of these data, six of the line positions are independently varied and no a priori value for the ground- state splitting is assumed. The result is u(5/2)/+(3/2) = -(0.568 $ 0.055). The measured grour.3-state splitting of (1.62 + 0.05) mm/sec implies a value · for the hyperfine field or H, = (211 + 7) kilogauss. This agrees with the WR value of 235 kilogauss.'° A weighted average of all our results yields BINE - AEE-8FFEIAŁ . 1V131310 - 33-1897. (5/2)/u(3/2) = -(0.559 $ 0.012) and using the MMR value for u(3/2)(5) we get for the excited state moment: (5/2) = +0.419 + 0.010 ) mm. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL The isomer shifts observed for some of the spectra we have obtained are listed in Table I. It is evident that they are rather small and the values listed should be considered only as preliminary results. We would like to thank George Lutz for many LINAC irradiations, and Felix Obenshain for enlightening discussions and for reading the manuscript. The interest and comments concerning our results by Horst Wegener are appre- ciated. One of the authors (J.C.L.) would like to acknowledge travel sup- port from the Oak Ridge Associated Universities for a trip to Gaithersburg making this collaboration possible. ORNL - KEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - ABC-QFFICIAL 5 REFERCNCES BRNE = AEE = RFFIETA!" *Oak Ridge Graduate Fellow from Ohio State University under appointment with Oak Ridge Associated Universities. * Research sponsored by V.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. *** Now at General Electric, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1. Felix E. Obenshain and Horst H. F. Wegener, Phys. Rev. 121, 1344 (1961.). 2. Horst 1. F. Wegener and Felix E. Obenshein, 2. Physik 163, 17 (1961). Dietrich Seyboth, Felix E. Obenshain, and Gordon C2jzek, Phys. Rev. Letters 24, 954 (1965). 4. Gordon Czjzek, J. L. C. Ford, Jr., John C. Love, Felix E. Obenshain, and Horst H. F. Wegener, Phys. Rev. Letters 18, 529 (1967). 5. L. E. Drain, Phys. Letters 11, 114 (1964). 6. P. R. Locher and $. Geschwind, Phys. Rev. Letters 11, 333 (1963). 7. The value used for the ground-state splitting at 4.2°K, (28.1 + 0.1)10° cps, was obtained by extrapolating the data of L. J. Bruner, et. al., Phys. Rev. 121, 83 (1961). :: 8. R. L. Streever, Li H. Bennett, R. C: •LeForce and G. F. Day, J. Appl. Phys. 34, 1050 (1963). ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL IF TABLE I BNL-RE-OFFICHA SRNU - AEE-8FFIEIAŁ Source Absorber Isomer Shift · (rom/sec.) NiCr (15%) FeNi (1.5;) Nio CuNi (20%) CuNi (2%) + (0.10 $ 0.01) + (0.05 $ 0.02) - (0.10 $ 0.03) -'(0.03 $ 0.01) + (0.126 + 0.040) + (0.32 $ 0.11) Nita Nita bni implanted in Cu .. . SSNI - AC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL . .. . . . . . . . . . FIO. 1 NBS SPECTRIJM, RUN NO.. 1.010 L NICA(150) VS CUNI (26) L -2 - 1.000 RELATIVE INTENSITY .990 . .970 .960 b 950 D O BRNU=AEE-BFHEIAL 20 40 60 80 FIG./ 100 120 140 A160 8U ien LILLE ORNY- RE- OFFICIAL • ORAL-ASE-OFFIGAR · FIG. 2, NBS SPÉCTRUM, NICR (159) VS NIF2 ,0260 - nu 1967 RELATIVE INTENSITY . 0245 0240 . .0235 .0230 H 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 240 CHERO. NUMERO ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL FIG.? BRN = 48E=B1EAL VELOCẦrr maištas 로토​,토 ​로확도 ​1006 026 fon6" TRANSMISSION . . u. 1 1000 - 1967. 549 ABSORBER CU-NI, DATE 109 100T . OS 619 IN ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL.. OANI - MEC - ORFICIAL ***ORNL - TEC - OFFICIAL • OPNI - AEC - OFFICIAL FIG. 4, NI-61 IN CU VS NIF2 64507 RELATIVE INTENSITY - FOEF. ° .4267 0 20 40 . 80 100 120 60 FIG. Z 160 180 140 CHANNEL NUMBER ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNIS AFC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ODNI-ALOFFICIAL . - . .- -. --- . FIG. 5, NBS SOURCE NICR (15) VS FENI (105) 1.010! 1.005. RELATIVE INTENSITY ID .990_ IN .985 09804 0, 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 ** habet cas ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL CHANNEL NUMBER , ORN! - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL : F * 1 . V . 17. IC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + r a r Y END - - .*.. * 1 1 . DATE FILMED 10 / 10 /67 | , . ! .