* 4 .. . wa ; ' I OFI ORNL P. 3249 : !! INI 17 * . . . 1 : EEEFEEFT 1.25 1.4 1.16 *** MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS – 1963 mere *** * * * * **** * * * * * ** ***** * ** * * * * * .. . - - . rt .-- W ORNUP 3249. Conf-670713.-4 AUG 25 1967 OPERATING EXPERIENCE WITH THE HFIR PROTECTION SYSTEM I 24 A..E. G. Bates E. P. Epler b. C. Oakes CYSTI PRICES Oak Ridge National laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee 1. . of . 1 " H.C. $3.00, MN, 65 General The High Flux Isotope Reactor? operates at 100 Mw producing transuranium elements . and various isotopes. The core flux is 2 x 1015 nv minimum, and xenon and samarium poison- . ing are unusually severe. The cylindrical core, 2 ft long and 17 in. OD consists of two concentric fuel sections. Control elements are two 1/4 in. wall cylinders placed between the core and its beryllium reflector. The inner cylinder has shim and regulating functions and is withdrawn downward to add reactivity. The outer cylinder is divided into four separately positioned quadrants, or plates, that have shim-safety functions and are withdrawn upward to add reactivity. The poison is nonuniformly distributed along the length of the control elements such that they are blackest (most absorbant) to neutrons when fully inserted and become less black as withdrawn. With this arrangement, and assuming that the control elements are withdrawn symmetrielly (inner cylinder downward and the outer plates upward),.. the power distribution about the horizontal midplane of the reactor is symmetrical. The fuel STAN is fully enriched oxide and the core life is 3 weeks. The concentrations of xenon and samarium . poisons are such that, during the last week of core life, should the reactor scram, the probability is very high that it cannot be restarted. Since fuel addition is not possible with -.: . ANNA . si the two piece core, failure to restart would result in the loss of the remaining core life. S 'Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. T hat. TE . 27. T. Binford and E. N. Cramer, The High Flux Isotope Reactor, ORNL-3572, Vol. 1 (May 1964). LEGAL NOTICE . This report mo prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, por the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes uy warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the informantion contained in this roport, or that the uso of Lay Informaton, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in the report may not infringe privately owned righto; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damagos resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission': includen any em- ployoo or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employoo or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor preparos, ! disseminates, or provides acceso any information pursuant to his omployment or contract con with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. BUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIM pt Contributing to the high performance of the HFIR is its relatively short turn-around time. It is possible to shut the reactor down, refuel it, and return it to power in approximately 6 hr. In practice, however, refuelling is usually delayed for 6 to 10 hr following shutdown to allow some reduction in the after-heat generation rate while the core is still being force cooled. Even so, handling must be done with great care, since a core section inadvertently filted or turned on its side may lose its convection cooling and start to melt if not righted promptly. Requirements of the Reactor Protection System Customarily the primary requirement of the protection system is to permit routine, interference-free operation of the protected reactor at its design power and, at the same time, to prevent operation under conditions that could lead to core damage or destruction. In the HFIR these conditions are appreciably more stringent than in other ORNL designed reactors; for example, the HFIR operates at levels relatively close to burn-out. To permit such operation the protection system must be unusually stable, trouble and maintenance free. Further, the system response must be made quite short (15 msec nominally, including magnet and latch release delays) to protect against optimum voids. Because the turn-around time is so short it would be highly desirable if both the protection and the operation (reactor control) systems could be maintained on-line. Design Objectives The design objectives, simply stated, were to develop a protection system capable of preventing nucleate boiling in the core for all foreseeable credible accidents involving either the heat generating or heat removal systems. Because of the complexity of the system, continuous automatic monitoring for the detection of unsafe failures, a feature of the "1-of-n" arrangement that has beer. standard at ORNL for many years, is impractical and a testable coincidence system is ust. I instead. The testing frequency, once per day, was selected to ensure that the protection system would be inoperative due to random com- ponent failures no more than 1 hr per year. Since this number is based on the assumption that random component failures affect only the channel in which they occur, a design objective was to isolale individual protection channels from each other and from the operation system. The number also assumes that the design of the operation system ke such that it yields no more than one excursion for 10 years of operation, an easily ret objective. Another objectiva was to design out all systematic failures. The time and effort to be applied in such endeavors is heavily influenced by economic and other factors and continues only until an acceptable level of freedom is believed to have been reached. Assuming the reactor does run until shut down due to obsolescence, only thereafter will it be possible to evaluate the degree of success achieved. Features of the HFIR Protection System The protection system consists of three independent channels of instrumentation (one of which is shown in detail in Fig. 1) connected to scram in two-of-three general coincidence. . Each channel has seven inputs: five are direct from sensors and two, flux-to-flow and heat- power, are calculated from information from four sensors. Further, the flux signal (power) in each channel is automatically and continuously corrected to heat-power, to coinpensa te for changes in shading of the ion chambers by the control plates as they are withdrawn during the life of a core, and for after-heat conditions following rapid power reductions. Testing for unsafe failures is performed routinely and on schedule by the reactor operators by means of push buttons on the reactor control console. L. C. Oakes, A Second Generation of Reactor Control Systems as Applied to the High Flux Isotope Reactor, ORNL-TM-1259, (Sept. 1965). - WCA TC Fig. 1 FTC 40290 haltimilor CA SM - Block Diagram of One Channel HFIR Protection System Nearly all maintenance of the reactor protection and operation system equipment is performed on-line also. All the elect:onic equipment and the associated test, indicating and recording instruments are assembled into three netal cabinets. Each cabinet contains one channel of the protection system and one start-up and one regulating channel of the operation system. Electrical and physical separation are provided; there aru individual battery and charger supplies for the loads in each cabinet. Maintenance, testing and adjusting of equipment within a cabinet are performed freely without fear of inadvertently tripping another channel or interfering with its normal functioning. Neither reactor protection nor operation is impaired by taking any or all the equipment in .. one cabinet out of service. Computer-like construction practices are followed in the design and fabrication of the electronic equipment. The different channels are assembled from a variety of plug-in modules, each containing discrete solid-state subcircuits. Identical fast-trip comparator and operational amplifier modules, for example, form parts of most subsysterns. On-Line Testing Methods in the HFIR The major problem with testing as a procedure for finding unsafe failures is that, to be . . conclusive, the whole channel, sensor through final actuator, must be tested simultaneously. To a purist, a flux channel, for example, would be considered to be acceptable only if, on raising the flux at the chamber to the trip level, the safety rods actually scrammed. Since the object of building reactors is to operate them and not to be test beds for protection systems, the purist's method is impractical. In the HFIR system on-line testing does not include the safety plates and their latch . mechanisms. The latches are part of the drive assembly, and their reliability was established during the proving phase of the drive development program. In practice, the latches, safety "; PF. n agu be My plates and drives are tested each shutdown although this is much more often than necessary in light of their demonstrated long mean time to failure. These tests include checking the overall response time of the channels and the latch mechanisms and the time-of-flight of the safety plates. Typical values are 290 msec overall for time-of-flight including all delays, sensor through latch mechanism, and 10 msec for response time including release of the latch electromagnet. Safety plates start moving in approximately 5 msec following magnet release, and under an initial acceleration of 4 x g imparted by compressed springs. The three protection channels are entirely independent of each other up to the four safety-plate latch mechanisms and it is within the electromagnets of the latches that coincidence is effected. Each of those magnets has three independent windings, one under control of each protection channel, and as long as any two or all three windings of a magnat are energized, the associated latch is held closed. With this arrangement the complete electrical part of the protection system can be tested simply by tripping and clearing each channel in sequence and without actually releasing a safety plate. Ammeters, in the individual latch magnet-coil circuits indicate tripped or operate conditions depending on whether or not they show zero or normal current. Trips are also indicated, but less directly, by pilot lights controlled by the various trip memories. The remaining problems are those of finding ways of testing the individual sensors. The sensors furnish the test signals to the other parts of the subchannels (see Fig. 1) and a channel trip is evidence of proper operation. Testing the faulty-fuel-element detector is relatively simple. The subchannel is set up in such a way that with its ion chamber exposed to the radiation normally present when the reactor is at full power the channel is tripped. A shield is then interposed between the source and the chamber to reduce the radiation level at the sensor to approximately half op.ro the actual level (an amount far enough below trip level to permit the usual variations in the day-to-day level without causing spurious trips). The shield is rotated out of the operating position by a motor powered drive, controlled from the reactor conscle, to trip the channel and back to its original position to return conditions to normal so the operator may clear the trip. The arrangement for testing the primary cooling system low pressure subchannel is also simple and direct. The pressure transducer is connected to the primary system through an orifice. Tapped off between the orifice and the transducer is a valve which when opened allows water from the primary system to flow through the orifice thus developing a pressure drop across it. The various parts (valve, orifice and piping) are sized so that the pressure at the transducer goes low enough to trip the channel when the valve is open. To be sure that the test valve recloses completely, the operator compares the readings of the proper pressure indicator in the control room, before and after testing. In the worst case, a valve leak causes a trip that cannot be cleared in the normal manner. The reactor coolant inlet temperature subchannels are tested by spraying hot water directly on the sheaths of the individual resistance bulbs. (These subchannels also supply temperature inforriation to the AT network of the heat-power subchannels). The hot water : nozzles work best, it seems, when located downstream from the temperature elements, which is where they should be to avoid disturbing the normal pattern of water flow over the sheaths. Reactor heat-power is calculated automatically and continuously from coolant flow and AT information. The AT signal is generated in a network from reactor coolant inlet and outlet temperature information. Of these three, flow, inlet, and outlet temperature, only.. . Sv - the signal from the last one changes directly with reactor power. The heat-power subchannel: trip is tested, therefore, by testing the coolant outlet temperature sensor. It is tested in the same way as the inlet temperature sensor. The coolant water low-low-flow trip test cannot include the flow sensor, a venturi. The rata of flow of coolant in the system cannot be reduced appreciably while the reactor S- is at power, for obvious reasons, and bypassing the water around the sensor to simulate a low flow is impractical. Fortunately the venturi, historically, has been a reliable and trouble-free device and there is little need to retest it routinely. The HFIR coolant venturi is special in that it is fitted with three sets of piezometer rings, one for each protection channel. Since there is no detectable coupling or interaction between the pressure signals from the three sets of piezometer rings the independence of the three protection channels is preserved. A differential pressure fransducer (DP cell) converts the pressure drop across the venturi into a flow-proportional signal. Near the DP cell the pressure lines from the piezometer rings are connected together by a spring-closed solenoid-operated valve. To test the low-low- flow trip the valve is opened, reducing the pressure differential across the cell to the trip value. The test valve and instrument lines are sized to suit the pressures developed by the venturi at the full reactor power flow rate. As in the case of the pressure check the operator can determine that the test valve closed properly by comparing the indicated flow rates before and after the test. Within the operating range of the HFIR, the permissible power level is a function of cooling rate. The ratio of flux-to-flow is selected rather than flux alone for the flux-related trip. A special ion chamber, having one operating and one stand-by section, makes testing of the flux portion of the subchannel possible. The stand-by section, having approximately half the sensitivity of the operating section, is paralleled with the operating section for the test, and this increases the chamber current to the trip level, assuming that the reactor is . at full power. The flow portion of the flux-to-flow subchannel, is checked in the same manner; as the low-low-flow subchannel. Under steady-state operating conditions, there is no flow of water through the instru- ment tops and only a slight displacement occurs when the reactor coolant flow rate changes from minimum to maximum or back to minimum. There is flow, however, during the time either DP cell bypass-valve is open to make a subchannel test and undesirable interaction occurs between cells if the hardware is installed as described previously. Isolation is effected by adding a small restriction between one instrument tap and each DP celi. The restrictions are sized such that the flow through them, while a test is in progress, is too small to cause any appreciable pressure drop in the lines back to the venturi and therefore too small to effect the flow indication of the DP cell not under test. The last of the protection system trips is rate-of-rise of flux. This test is run at power also and is performed by connecting a current source to the flux chamber signal lead. The resulting ramp-shaped signal is equivalent, as far as the tiux amplifier is concerned, to that caused by a reactor power increase of slightly more than 20 Mw/sec. Operating Experience The HFIk has been in operation, to date and at sensible power, for 19 months; the last 11 months were at full power. During the 11 months of operation at full power, there were three reactor scrams: two were due to human error and one was due to equipment malfunction. Of the first two, one was caused by inadvertent operation of the scram switch on the consolė, and the other resulted from cooling system temperature transients caused by not following procedures for raising reactor power following a short electric power outage. The scram due to equipment failure is an example of a class of scrams to which a two-of- three coir.cidence system is vulnerable during on-line testing; that is, while one channel is tripped during testing, a spurious trip occurs in a second channel. This time both trips happened to be from coolant inlet temperature subchannels. Water is distributed through an : individual line, containing a spring-closed solenoid valve, from a heater to each temperature- sensor spray nozzle. Normally the pressure in the hot water system is the same as in the . primary loop; however, when a temperature test is made, the pressure in the hot water system is increased at the same time the selected sensor spray valve is opened. On this occasion one spray valve apparently had not closed following a test and when another inlet water subchannel was checked, trips resulted in both channels. Although the design and application of valves is "old art" it is surprisingly difficult to find any that work well in a number of apparently ordinary applications one of which is in the HFIR hot water spray system. In addition to the three scrams a single shim-safety plate dropped one time following completion of a channel test routine, and shortly after the reactor first began operating at full power. The cause of the drop has not been found but there had been no repeats as of July 1967. The number of scrams and cross-channel trips occurring during the shake down period, occurring between the time the reactor reached sensible power in January 1966 and full power in September that year, are given in Table 1. During this period Table 1 Scrams and Cross-Channel Trips Jan. -Sezit. 1966 Period Scrams Cross-Channel Trips Jan. - March April - June : 5 July - Aug. channel trips were set at levels related to the actual operating power rather than to full power. Although the scrams were real as far as the instruments were concerned, they were caused by transient temperature conditions during flow tests, pump run-downs following loss of electric power, and rapid returns to former operating leveia iollowing restoration of power. The sequence of restarting pumps, pressurizers and fans, and the adjustment of flow control valves could be determined only by actual operating tests. Once these sequences were established, the operators were trained in the proper procedures. A cross-channel trip is a scram, but is due to malfunctioning of subchannels of the protection system. In one or both of the channels the trip is spurious, and most frequently, according to HFIR records, the subchannels causing the trips were monitoring different variables. Most of the 11 cross-channel trips occurring during shake down were caused by noise in the faulty-fuel-element detector subchannel and the leaking hot water valves in the temperature test system. The sensitivity to noise was corrected and the valve problem was described previously. Of the other trips, one was due to human error, that is, testing a channel before checking that one of the others was not already tripped. A variation of this type of error, testing a channel, pressing a "clear" button belonging to a different channel thus leaving the first channel tripped, and then scraming the reactor by test tripping a. second channel, has been expected but so far it has been avoided. Another trip was of unknown origin because the memory lights did not come on; and two more were the result of unexplained spurious signals occurring in one channel while another was being checked. The "general" coincidence logic arrangement was selected for the HFIR in preference to "local" coincidence. In general coincidence, one subchannel associated with each plant variable supplies a signal to an "OR" unit. A coincidence of two signals from the "OR" units will initiate protective action. Also a coincidence of a flux subchannel signal to one "OR" unit and a temperature subchannel signal to another "OR" unit will initiate an unwanted protective action. In local coincidence each of the subchannels associated with a given plant variable supplies a signal to a coincidence unit.. Each coincidence unit, in turn; supplies a signal to an "OR" unit. The "OR" unit produces a protection system signal. Thus, a coincidence of signals from two temperature channels will initiate protective he to action but one temperature signal plus one flux signal will not initiate unwanted action. The general coincidence arrangement was chosen because of its simplicity and because with it affords more complete channel isolation. More importantly it makes possible a complete channel test from sensor to the latch magnet coil and without the necessity of switching out or blocking portions of the system to test. Some concern has been expressed that the use of general coincidence would result in mas iniciatori na teren de contra incendiatimes the leader internetseiten und in der nur in moment in the first too many unwanted scrams. Inasmuch as no scrams have occurred to date attributable to the use of general coincidence it is an entirely satisfactory choice. e mo de wereld So far no unsafe failures have been discovered during routine testing of channels. A in number of modules have been suspected of being near failure or, at least, of giving marginal performance. One or two types of transistors were replaced with improved, more recently developed varieties. In the operational amplifiers, unstable and marginal operation and a rash of difficulties with mechanical choppers were apparently related to each other because these difficulties disappeared when the chopper excitation was changed from square wave to sine wave ac. The square wave excitation had shortened the contact dwell time during voltage reversal and apparently had affected the stability of some of the amplifier circuits. Three flurries of single-channel trips were corrected: one was related to the chopper excitation just discussed, another was due, first, to inadvertent wetting of the faulty-fuel- element detector and cables and, following that, to attempts to heat dry them, and one was due to a loose terminal in a dc feed line to an instrument cabinet. Connector pins were UEVO * misplaced on occasion when modules were not replaced properly and the resulting poor ... . .. - contacts were responsible for some intermittent tripping and clearing of single channels. AL N PE A . N . -- ........................ ..... ........ 21 . . . . . . . . .142 . . . . .) 13 Routine tests of the safety-latch release time and plate time-of-flight show no trends away from the design values. Overall response time, including release of the magnet armature, is 10 + 2 msec, and the plate is in motion 5 msec later. There was some concern that the instrument technicians would find it difficult to change their thinking and trouble-shooting techniques from all vacuum tube one-of-three protection systems to the all-solid-state, two-of-three coincidence system of the HFIR. Ir MY nto e additi:n to being all solid state, the new hardware contains circuitry that is entirely m different from that in the vacuum tube systems, and new devices such as chopper stabilized mo . .. operational amplifiers, trip compara tors, and OR gates. To fit the group of technicians for the new work they wern given formal training in transistor fundamentals, circuitry and handling techniques, following which they were familiarized with the HFIR system and were disse time but do not wanted to the maintenance procedures. Further, numerous push buttons, test points and indicating instru- ments were built into the modules and bins which, when used according to written procedures, ert with traini make the locating of defective modules simple enough that, as it has been demonstrated, it vetru can be done by the reactor operators. Finally, one of the technicians was trained very on location discovered thoroughly in system and detailed module maintenance. He was assigned, full time, to the omissio designers to perform equipment acceptance tests, repair defective modules and assist testen nie in the installation and shakedown of the equipment. He, in turn, passes his specialized knowledge on to the other technicians as the occasions arise. mention to base la Transistors, as a whole, have been relatively trouble free. Two or three types were replaced by others of more recent design and more suitable characteristics. Field effect ihmistente consentire il el other or not 1S transistors (FETs) require special treatment after installation in equipment, as well as before. One of the ways in which an input FET could be damaged was discovered in the design stage, VA and preventive measures were adopted. When a reactor or failed-fuel-element detector meios content to s 4. entre flux amplifier is removed from its bin the chamber signal circuit is opened. Chamber current continues to flow, however, charging the cable and chamber capacitance. When an amplifier is installed in the bin in question part of energy stored in the cable is dissipated; in the input FET, frequently destroying it. The protective device added to each amplifier . is a push button that is connected between the signal lead and ground. This button is held in its depressed position, when an amplifier is being installed, until after it has been plugged into its bin receptacle thus discharging the energy directly to ground rather than through the FET. The flux amplifier FETs are subject to damage from various other sources; electrical noise picked up by the chamber or signal cable may cause spikes large enough to puncture them; the chamber currents may be large enough under accident conditions to damage and or overload the FETs, and leakage between the high voltage and signal electrodes of the ion chambers may also produce the same results. To prevent such failures a protective circuit has recently been added to each of the chamber umplifiers. it consists of three components: two low-leakage silicon diodes, one wired.cathode to FET gate and anode to ground, and the other in the opposite way; and one low-valued resistor inserted between the FET gate .. and the input signal connector. The diode conduction voltage is too high to interfere with signals significantly larger than normal but is low enough to protect the FETs. The series resistor is sized to limit the diode current should the chamber high voltage be applied to the signal circuit inadvertently or through equipment failure. Other dividends accrue from performing maintenance on-line than from the conservation of down-time. For example, mistakes, made during maintenance or installed in modules inadvertently while making repairs or under the guise of improvements, become apparent . immediately or at the latest during channel check-out and can be corrected before another 15 channel is taken out of service. An unexpected dividend results from performing all the maintenance during regular day shifts. The work is done by assigned personnel, technical assistance and supervision is on hand and nothing need be given "a lick and a promise" or deferred to the next shutdown just to meet a start-up dead line. Safety is enhanced in both instances. Conclusions The ORNL second generation of reactor protection systems has been applied successfully to the HFIR. Testing for unsafe component failures, routine maintenance and most repair work to the system are all done routinely while the reactor is at power. On-line maintenance has advantages over off-line mainter.ance in addition to conservation of down-time, and tends to enhance safety. Well designed systems employing general coincidence logic and having at least as many as seven inputs, probably will contribute less than one spurious scram per year. Although the HFIR is a production reactor, the techniques and hardware arrangements employed in the design of its protection system have resulted in high system reliability and thus may be of general interest. i . . 171 END DATE FILMED 10 / 9 /67 ..- O . PO * * R