. . * ů . - O - - . I OFT ORNL P 3228 : -- - - - - - . . . - - - - • . . : . mo .. i : - . . . :3 : ពី FFE TE |||3.6 milla.o N MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 ORAL-P_3228 Conf.670812--/ MASTER ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL AUG 22 1967. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL DEPENDENCE OF THE MÖSSBAUER ISOMER SHIFT ON THE DEGREE OF SPATIAL ORDER FOR COPPER GOLD ALLOYS** P. G. Huray, Louis D. Roberts, J. 0. Thorson. Oak Ridge National Laboratory stir and 80 13.00, MA 165 University of Tennessee Many experimental investigations have been made which show that the spatial ordering of atoms in alloys has a great influence on the alloy properties. It has been shown that ordering can induce changes in the mag- netic, electrical and mechanical alloy properties, for example. Consequently, both experimental and theoretical studies of the ordering process and about how it affects the physical properties of a system are of much practical interest. The study of the order-disorder transformation is also.of impor- tance from the point of view of theoretical solid state physics in develop- ing a better understanding of the nature of the interactions between atoms and electrons in solids. Thus far no detailed studies of the electronic charge of the indi- vidual alloy atoms as a function of the degree of order have been made. It is now possible to make studies of the charge density near the nucleus by the use of the isomer shift AE of the Mössbauer effect. Several years ago preliminary measurements of AE for Cu,Au indicated that the charge at the 19 Au nucleus became slightly more negative as the alloy was ordered. In this paper we present a more detailed study of this effect. Figures 1 and 2 show the results of these investigations to date. Figure 1 gives the ORNL – AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT, IS UNLIMITED manier waarop ** www.r con montant de la demand andere matrimoniale presents most visit.comwateto... isoner shift of several ordered and disoriered alloys as a function of com- position. Figure 2 shows the data of Fig. I from which the straight line h e c has been subtracted in order to more easily demonstrate the isomer shift changes involved. i malno recimo vietoverende menina de We will define DE as n 13 = ken Flv a110210312 - 11 Au(0,12} mi (1) my bonnements on where k is a calculable constant, n is a factor which depends only on nuclear parameters, and lv alloy(0)12 ana lv Au (0) 12 represent the charge density at the gold nucleus in the alloy and in pure gold respectively." One would then expect a difference in the isomer shift for the ordered and disordered alloys if there is a difference in the charge densities at the gold nucleus for these two cases. (2a) (2a) Skord. = xin {10aw.ora. (09 je lauros, e} Bate. = kx í Waz.die.(osje. lix au copif} (20) SO ( AEord. - AEgis.) = kn ( 1 Va2.oxa. (0)12 - 147. dis.(0)2} (3) From the experimental evidence given in Figs. 1 and 2, herefore, one can conclude that there is in fact a difference in the charge density at the gold nucleus for the ordered and disordered cases. In the theory of metals, it is often convenient to think of a pure metallic sample as a single potential well for the conduction electrons. The Bloch wave functions, Vk (r), which give a solution to the correspond- ing quantum-mechanical problem extend throughout the entire sample. To make a first order correction to this treatment in order to obtain a description ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNE - AEC - OFFICIAL of an alloy instead of a pure metal, we shall assume that the charge density at a point in space is composed of a uniform charge density plus an additional term which accounts for the modification of this screening charge density due to the two different kinds of atoms (Au and Cu) in the alioy. In this sense one could say (4) where is the charge distribution associated with the screening of the ion at the yon lattice site. This type of treatment assunes that the electron scattering or screening effects may be considered as perturba- tions on a uniform charge density distribution. In a quantum mechanical treatment starting from first principles, one would consider the charge dersity as resultir.g from che square of the sum of a set of wave function amplitudes. We suggest that our model is qualitatively that which would arise from this squared sum if the cross terras between these amplitudes are neglected. The charge density at a specific gola nucleus located at F is then expressible as P (FA) = P + § Pau Fau - 7:) + Poul Pau - Pre (5) where F, and 7, denote Au and Cu ion positions art: Pau and Pcu are the screening charge distributions surrounding the Au or Cu ions. By adding and subtracting on the right hand side ? Pour - 7), & tern which woulè correspond to putting Au atoms at Cu positions, we obtain EGAL NOTICE W ORNI - MEC-MFFICIAL This report mo prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Nolther the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acung on behalf of the Commission: A. Makou any warranty or representation, expressed or impiled, with respect to the accu- racy, complotoneri, Or usefulness of the information contained in the report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or procos dlaclovas lo this report may not infringo printely owned rights; or B. Asnumos uy llabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, mothod, or procon disclosed in the report. As und in the above, "person acting on behall of the Commission" includes any on- ploye, or contractor of the Commission, or omployee of such contractor, to w . extent that auch employs or contractor of the Commisslon, or employm of much contractor preparo, dioroninator or provides access to, any Information wrsuant to bio employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL WW. otrau) = 80+ C Pau Fau-) + De Pau Gau-FI + Pau . O ' AU AU J K DP (Faux) (6) where AP (FA4 - Ex = cuffau - - P Au Au - Fred . The term in parentheses of Eq. (6) is now just the sum over all lattice sites p of Auran - 7). We shall denote the sum of the first three- terms on the R.H.S. of Eq. (6) as IV Auro) * In the limit of pure gola this is the charge density seen by the gold nucleus. Thus Eq. (6) becomes pliab) = lv Au (osia + Ap (Eau (7) If now we consider the sum over all Cu lattice sites, Ike as being carried out by summing over the n, cu atoms in the 1" shell of neighbors about the gold nucleus at Fan we obtain th Therefore D E ad = lv ru (0) 18 + g soliau - 73). (8) I a1204(0)2 = (PLEAU? = IN AU (OTS + f (n. } AP EN - E37 (80) The local order of a given alioy is usually described by the short range order parameters a, for which Kris = mcu ºs (1 - «? where man is the atomic fraction of Cu atons in the alloy and c, is the total number of atoms in the ith shell. Thus Eq. (86) becomes th IV 41209(0)12 = laurosiat şi cu ºs (1 - az) ap (FA- 7). (9) Comoining Eqs. I and 9 we obtain ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL } c. n o to kn Cuina * Au i na iya (0)2}. (10) In the limit of complete disorder, all of the Q, are equal to zero for all alloy compositions and in the limit of pure gold i laurosia VAGO) 13} is equal to zero. If we assume that the latter quantity remains small or equal to zero for all compositions, Eq. 10 has the form, a: = 0, of a straight line with AE 700 ~ man,' This is the straight line shown in Fig. 1. „Then, within this model the points shown in Fig. 2 (i.e. the experimental data from which this straight line has been subtracted) are described by 8 AE 1107 = - cu km cez sp (Pau - Fig . (11) This expression and Fig. 2 then explicitly display the dependence of the isomer shift on the order parameters. e mes Approximate values for the order parameters , and , have 'been obtained by X-ray methods for the compositions CuAu and Cuau. Cowley has used a theoretical model to obtain values for , and , as a function of composition which agrees reasonably with these measured values. These cal- culations were made for disordered alloys at 770°C whereas our disordered samples were annealed at 600°c and then quencheå. Our measurements were made at 4.2°K The solid line in Fig. 2 is a plot of Eq. 1.1 using the values for Q, and Q, at 770°C as a function of composition as given by Cowley and neglecting all higher terms in Q. The parameters kn 0 ? (FA-F) and kn Op (Fau-) for this line were obtained by fitting Eq. 410) to the AE 70 values determined experimentally for the case of ordered Cu,Au 80 ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL (cy = 12, Q = -, ca = 6, Q2 = ?) ana for 1 atomic percent Au in Cu (cy = 12, Q2 = 0, ca = 6, Q2 = 0). The calculated values for these two cor- stants (in terms of an isomer shift, mm/sec) are ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL In Ap tau - 7,) = 0.296 mm/sec an sp (Tau - ) = 0.079 mm/sec . The values for Q, and dy given by Cowley should apply qualitatively to our discrdered alloys. This disorder curve derived from parameters determined from our measurements of ordered alloys, fits nicely to the ooserved Edis, value at the composition Cu Au but does not show the structure exhibited by the measured Eais as a function of composition. Whether this deviation is due to the oversimplicity of our model for DE 24 or to the approximate nature of the model for the short range order parameters ay is not clear. We note, however, that the theoretical model of Cowley for Q, and ~, gives only a smooth behavior for these parane- ters as a function of composition. The model used here implies that there are radial charge distribu- tions surrounding each gold or copper atom in the alloy Pau or D cu which are at least approximately independent of alloy composition and state of order. When the composition or state of order is changed, the change of E, or equivalently of lv 200101, is due to the change of the relative number of P Au and cy charge distributions and to the changes of their relative positions in space. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL REFERENCES ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL Research sponsored by the V. S. Atomic Energy Commission uncer contract ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL with the Union Carbide Corporation. Oak Ridge Graduate Fellow from the University of Tennessee appointed by Oak Ridge Associated Universities. es Consultant, now at Memphis State University, Memphis, Tennessee. 1. Roberts, I. D., Becier, R. I., Obenshain, F. E., and Thomson, J. O., Phys. Rev. 137, A895 (1965). 2. Cowley, J. M., Phys. Rev. 77, 669 (1950). ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL FIGURE CAPTIONS ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL z'ig. 1. Mössbauer isomer shift of the 77.4 kev samma ray of the 'Au nucleus in several Cu-Au alloys which have various degrees or spatial order. The isomer shirt relative to pure gold is A E = isomer shift (relative to golå in Pt) + 1.204 = 0.020 m/sec. The straight line represents the isomer shift expected for totally disordered alloys according to a simple model. The other solid line is the isomer shift dependence calculated for partially disordered alloys. Eq. (10), text, 7is. 2. Mössbauer isomer shift data of Fig. I from which the straight line shown there has been subtracted. This line corresponds to complete disorder. Thus AE corresponds to that part of the i somer shift due to spatial order of the alloy. The solid line is the isomer shift dependence calculated for partially äisorderea alloys. Eq. (11), text. OPNL - AEC - OFFICIAL 3.0 ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL - CALCULATED FROM SHORT RANGE ORDER PARAMETERS ISOMER SHIFT (mm/sec) RELATIVE TO AU IN PI W DISORDERED POINT (QUENCHED FROM 600°C) O ORDERED POINT (SLOW COOLED FROM 410°C) Još THE ERROR BAR IS THE SIZE OF THE POINT. 20 40 60 80 100 Au 100 ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ATOMIC % AU IN Cu . . . 1 . Fig. 1 . 1.5 i will entertainment int nsielle mani theo i .. -- - - - 8(DE)= AELOY-14 Fo% AU-DEPURE AUIX IN CU (AE) (mm/sec) 0 ORDERED: SLOW COOLED FROM 400°C O DISORDERED: QUENCHED FROM 600°C ok - -- 0 0.05 X, (atomic fraction Au in Cu) 0.30 END . i . . DATE FILMED 9 / 29 / 67 * 1 .. wie. ! ! 1. PA