• . I OFI ORNL P 3212 - 3 . . . . . : : . . . . 0 EEEFEFFE TO MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS – 1963 N22 URO trii i - .. UT --- - .. .. N L ..... ... -- . , . S Y CS1 FRUCES ONU D 3212 ICON-670503--23 C$ 3.00 ; MN 65 Core AUG 22 1967 AUG 22 1967 MASTER RADIATION EFFECTS IN THE SORICIDAE, CRICETIDAE, AND MURIDAE * P. B. Dunaway, L. L. Lewis, J. D. Story, J. A. Payne", and J. M. Ingliss · Radiation Ecology Section, Health Physics. Division, Oak Ridge National laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee : ABSTRACT Effects of acute, Cºco gamma irradiation under controlled conditions in ...the laboratory were compared in six species of rodents in the Cricetidae, two 8 species in the Muridae, and two species of shrews in the Soricidae. Estimates of LD50-30 for these ten species ranged from 525 to 1069 rads. The most radio- resistant species (two species of Peromyscus) and the most radiosensitive spet cies (Oryzomys palustris)were cricetids. Average survival times of decedents 12 at highest radiation doses (1560-2060 rads) were longer among cricetias (5.6- 8.1 days) than in murids (4.4 - 5.1 days) or soricids (3.5 - 4.3 days), and 14 interspecific variation was manifested within families. Survival times were longer and ID50 estimates were greater in RF-strain, female Mus musculus caged alone than in females caged in groups of five or in males caged either singly or in groups. At high doses, weight losses were rapid and severe in all species, but at lower doses considerable interspecific differences were seen in time of onset and magnitude of weight changes. Other symptoms of ra- diation damage were conjunctivitis, ataxia, diarrhea, passiveness, cessation of feeding, aggressiveness, and pelage "graying." we ?Deceased 2présent address: USDA, Coastal Plain Experiment station, Tifton, Ga. 3present address: Texas A. and M University, College Station, Texas. * Research sponsored by the v. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. ?. 40 DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENU E UNILATES UCN.6667 . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .... . .. M N . A 2 *v*tuneis kandung . . . INTRODUCTION A relatively narrow range of radiation sensitivity has been reported for most small laboratory mammals. I.D.0-30 esiimates (hereinafter referred to as "I D50") for these mammals usually range fror about 300 to 900 rad. Differ- ences in radiosensitivity apparently exist even among strains of laboratory rodents. For example, LD50 estimates for 13 strains of laboratory mice irradi. ated under comparable conditions ranged from 567 to 795 R (Davis et al. 1963). Kohn and Kallman (1956) reported differences in LD50 estimates (544-665 R) and death řates among four inbred strains and F, reciprocal crosses of two of the strains. Estimates of LD 50 for larger mammals, including man, usually fall between 150 and 600 rad, ' but such estimations are complicated by significant 12 shielding afforded by tissues, and results must be specified in terms of surface, tissue, or midline doses. : One of the earliest studies of radiation effects in a wild rodent (Kohn and Kallman, 1956) reported an Dian 08/615 R for feral house mi.ce (Mus musculus). Haley. et al. (1960) showed that survival times and hematological changes in 19 the kangaroo rat Dipodomys merriami' were similar to responses in laboratory mice and rats, and mortality after 550 R was 93% by the fourteenth day. Com- paratively high ID5o estimates have been reported. recently for other species of wild rodents. Gambino and Lindberg (1964) calculated LD50 estimates' of 1520 R for the little pocket mouse (Perognathus longimembris) and 1300' R for the longtail pocket mouse (L. formosus). Chang (1964) reported survival of 9 out of 10 mongolian gerbils (Merlones unguiculatus). at 1000 R, and 'out of 10 survived .1500 R. Golley et al. (1965) estimated 25 IDEO doses of 1125 R for old-field mice (Feronyscus polionotus), 1130 R for UCN-8867 (2 0.68) . .... .. ... . . . . . . . . L .. A YUMRUH WA... L TV4Nidth . WAN . . . a . . . . _2 tootage. cotton mice (P. gossypinus), and about 1200 R for the eastern harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys humulis); their estimate for wild M. musculus was only about 700 R. Kellogg (1965) reported an ID 50 of 1155 R for the cotton rat (Sigmo- don hispidus). Radioresistant species thus have been reported in the rodent families Heteromyidae and Cricetidae. Measurements of radiation effects in captive indigencus marmals began at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) during the summer of 1964. Need for such research was twofold: (1) radiation responses of various species under standard conditions were required for design of future studies of the effects of Irradiation on natural populations, and (2) comparisons of radiation effects in native species and laboratory mamals were necessary for evaluating the applicability of relevant radiobiological data from laboratory animals to wild species. Furthermore, comparisons of radiation effects in various classifications of mammals may help demonstrate to what extent radiation, response is related to taxonomic status. We thank L. E. Tucker, B. E. Jacobs, C. M. McConnell, N. A. Miller, Jr., T. P. O'Farrell, and R. S. Berry for assistance during parts of this study. Thanks are due R. E. Textor and A. A. Brooks for help with mortality and sur- vival-time analyses. D. G. Gosslee did the probit analyses of IDEO: E. B. Darden, Jr., provided the RF-strain mice. G. E. Cosgrove examined pathologies in some animals. This research was supported by the AEC under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. MATERIALS AND METHODS Eight species of indigenous rodents, two species of shrews, and one strain of laboratory mouse were used in these experiments. Species in the UCN-8807 . V... Lihat artists LT - - - ••• - - - the P itkin iwi.ly Cricetidae 'were, in increasing order of weight (nones after Hall and Kelson, 1959):. eastern harvest mouse, Reithrodontomys humulis; white-footed mouse, Peroinyscus leucopus; golden mouse, Perómyscus nuttalli; pine vole, Microtus pinetorum; marsh rice rat, Oryzomys palustris; and hispid cotton rat, Sigmodon hispidus. Members of the Muridae used were: house mouse, Mus musculus; a laboratory strain (RF) of M. musculus; and Norway rat, Rattus norvegicus. Species in the Soricidae were; least shrew, Cryptotis parva; and short-tailed shrew, Blarina brevicauda. The wild rodents were either live-trapped locally or raised in the laboratory; the shrews were all live- trapped. The RF-strain wice were from a colony at the Biology Division, ORNL All animals were subadults or adults. Animals were caged individually, ex- 12 | cept for M. musculus used in crowding-stress experiments. Nest boxes or cans were provided for all animals except the shrews. Shrews were kept in cages containing chunks (~1.5 x 2.2 x .8. 2) of sod because their fur became oily and matted if soil or a similar material was not available to them. Food and water were given ad Libitum. Temperature was 224 2°C. Hunid- ity for wild species was 50+ 5%, but hymidity was not controllable in the room in which RF-strain mice were kept. The wild species were held in two adjacent and interconnected colony rooms, but the RF-strain mice were kept in a separate room because these laboratory mice, like many inbred strains, are subject to diseases endemic in wild forms. Fluorescent lights were on 12 hr per day. Irradiation and daily inspections were done between 0800. and 1100. Disturbance in the colony rooms was kept to a minimum, because the wild species did not become teme and reacted quickly to sudden movamants or LEGAL NOTICE . . . . ., . . . na .. - The report we mapend MM NOVO at Gwennom mangered worthsthe Ombud to, moto, mume wote wants - A Malono my were arrepresentation, der Imagtiend, will report w home may ploton, a watu wote wa mtina ed ha no reports at the the wo nagy tormenta runt, m en er enn doctoral te worpet mag may . A mo mi Mabetes with trapunt o the wool, « tour d u montantes from the wa wa hurmatim pre mother, we do not to report No wond in the show, mporoman ng a hot a n O ostwa na matunda yang men er setturato O tton, wa t ermann, the third el pley o wowowe o to Owocow, or campus o mwo contrower mar, o , « mon mund te m ention par wo er unterwe watu wanitation, or Muhay. w w wtomotor. . CNO? l d 2.... I . noises. Animals were irradiated in a Gammacell-200 °°Co unit. Dose rate ranged I'ron 828 rad/min at the beginning of the series of experiments to 600 rad/min at the end. Dose was measured with Toshiba low-2 silver metaphosphate glass dosimeters. Glass rods irradiated with known doses at ORNL and the National Bureau of Standards were used as standards. Groups of euch species received 0, 500, 690, 875, 1065, 1250, 1625, or 2000 rad. Preliminary estimates of ID go for each species were then made on probit graphs, and additional groups of each species were given bracketing doses around the estimated Liban doses in order to refine the estimates. Final probit analyses were made with the ORNL "PROBIT" computer program that provided 95% significance. limits around the IDsoestimates. :...RESULTS :::.. Mortality No significant differences in mortality of indigenous species were demont 16 strable between sexes and between wild-caught or laboratory-bred animals. The two species of Pe.romyscus were the most radioresistant, with respect to mortality, of all wild species tested, but ID50 estimates for most of the other cricetids were not much less and tell within a narrow range of 939-958 20 rad (Table I). The rice rat, however, was by far the most radiosensitive of all species tested. Estimates for the two wild murids were slightly lower 22 Iwan estimates for all cricetids except 0. palustris. The shrews also seem to be relatively radiosensitive. The LDgo estimate for RF-strain mice caged alone was significantly high- er than that for RF mice caged in groups. The difference was primarily at- 20 tributable to the significant difference between the females of the two groups .? A . - . - .. . UCN.6507 and not to a difference between males (Table I). Estimates for the wild male or female M. musculus caged together were not siguilicantly lower than estimates for their singly-caged couñierparts. Although close observations of social interactions were not practical, it was obvious that wild or for | house mice caged in groups quickly set up hierarchies after initial fighting, but individuals were still bitten occasionally, especially on the tail, during the 30-day postirradiation period. However, the mortality among most-bitten individuals was not significantly greater than that of nonbitten or less-bitten animals. Survival Times Postirradiaticn survival times of decedents were fairly predictable for each species at high doses (120C-2060 raä), but results varied more at lower doses, variability at those doses depending in large part on relative radio- sensitivity of the species. No significant differences in the wild species were apparent in survival times of sexes or in the wild-caught or laboratory- bred specimens. Survival times of most cricetids at the highest doses were relatively long in comparison to the other families (Fig. 1). Peromyscus leucopus, the most radioresistant species ( in terms of LD., had the short- est survival times of the cricetids. On the other hand, p. nuttalli, another radioresistant species, exhibited longest survival time of all species. The most radiosensitive species, O. palustris, had second shortest survival times 22 of the cricetids. The wild murids caged alone did not survive long at the highest doses. Survival times of the soricids also were relatively short. At highest doses (1560-2060 rad), where times were almost identical for each species, average times' ranged from 3.5-4. 3 days for the soricids, 4.4-5.1 days UCN•8947 Mar Mt1!A." Tali : ' . - - for the murids, and 5.6-8.i days for the cricetids. Species size was not related to survival times, even within families. In the Cricetidae, the two Peromyscus were virtually the same size, but, as pointed out, one species had the longest and the other the shortest survival times in the family. The tiny R. humulis survived longer than the rat-sized cricetids, but the pine" vole lived about as long as the rats. Similarly, house mice usually lived longer than the much larger Norway rat, but the short-tailed shrew, four or five times larger than the least shrew, lived about as long. Survive! times for grouped RF nice were considerably less fron about 900-2060 rad than for solitary RF mice (Fig.1). However, this difference was attributable to the singly-caged females, which had consistently longer survival times then did singly-caged males; times for males caged alone were not consistently different from times of either sex caged together. On the other hand, survival times for singly-caged wild M. musculus were shorter than times for grouped wild house mice, in spite of the fighting that occurred among the grouped mice. No consistent difference in survival times of the wild mice at the highest doses was seen between sexes caged alone or in groups, but times of each sex caged singly were consistently less than times of the respective sexes caged together., * Weight Changes Postirradiation weight losses at all doses for all species at death ranged from 9-38%, and differences in extremes for each species ranged from 6-24%. Considzring only the three highest dose groups, weight losses of all species were 24-34%, and differences in extremes for each species reduced to 2-10% . . . - . . . . . m.! . 1 i. UCN:s. ,i . 7 (Table. II). Animals losing most weight (average) at these highest üoses were: RF mice caged singiy, 33%; RF mice caged together, 31%; vild M. muscu- lus caged together, 31%; and P. nuttalli, 29%. Species showing least loss at the highest doses were P. leucopus, 16%; R. humulis, 176; O. palustris, 19%; and R. norvegicus, 20%. Differences in weight loss among species were not ascribable to taxonomic status, at least at levels under consideration, and no relation with species size was discernible. Weight changes of control animals of each group were plotted in terms of percent weight change from day o. Of the four irradiated groups losing most 10 | weight, controls of both groups of RF mice and the p. nuttalli gained weight steadily during the month following day o. Controls of the other irradiated group exhibiting considerable weight loss (wila M. musculus caged together) gained weight until about day 15, after which average weight dropped to about the same level as weight at day o. Controls of three species (P. leucopus, it Q. palustris, and S. hispidus) lost about 5% of their weight during the first week, then gained weight during the subsequent three weeks, but did not recover the loss. M. musculus. caged alone, R. norvegicus, and M. pinetorum lost approximately 5% during the first week, but gained slowly to near or slightly above original values. R. humulis was the only species in which controls'increased in weight (106%) during the first week and then lost weight slowly until, during the last week, average weight loss was about 4%. . Other Radiation-Effects Symptoms Symptoms in irradiated mice included conjunctivitis, ataxia, passiveness, cessation of feeding, diarrhea, aggressiveness, and "graying" of hair. . . .. .. : : . :-" UCN.6867 .. . . . h Vuuri . TR .... . .... . .. - ili. .. LUL . T .: ' ' i . .. . ..:::: Appearances of the first four symptoms usually, not invariably, were followed by death, but death was not always preceded by all of these symptoms. Conjunctivitis caused "wavering of the eyes," and in many cases the exudate matted the eyelids together so that animals could not see. Ataxia in most species was sometimes present for several days and was characterized by uncoordinated and slow movements. Ataxia in shrews, however, usually was not pronounced until a few hours before death. Passive animals of all. species in a terminal stage, exhibited the "righting reaction" until they were moribund. Cessation of feeding ordinarily was gradual, but little or no food usually was ingested for 2-3 days before death. In some cases, even shrews ate little or nothing for 1-2 days before death, suggesting a drastic slowing of metabolism in these animals, which normally must ingest a con- siderable amount of food each day. Diarrhea was noted mostly at higher doses, and in a few cases blood was present in the discharge. Increased. ). aggressiveness occasionally appeared in some individuals. This change in behavior was particularly noticeable in R. humulis acd P. nuttalli, species which characteristically cowered in their nests during inspection and were relatively slow-moving. Irradiated individuals sometimes became aggressive, sat up on their hind legs, and attacked fingers or other objects inserted ato their nests. Pelage graying is one of the most striking consequences in mammals receiving substantial but sublethal doses of irradiation. Because of colony-space limitations, graying sequences were followed in only a few specimens of B: brevicauda, P. leucopus, s. hispidus, and M. musculus. In most of the individuals observed, development of graying was similar to | .- . . i ... . - i CN.6667 F. WIN) 9 LP ILITA YLIO 7. LUAR 1 that shown for laboratory animals; 1.e., unpigmented hair replaced pigmented 2. hair when the animals inolted. "Chase (1949) showeä that response (percentage of white or mosaic hairs) was proportional to dose and that response was rauch greater in resting follicles than in growing follicles. Graying 10. P. ieu- copus is shown in Fig. 2. The pattern of graying shown is similar to that seen in all rodents examined, i.e., graying began on the head, appeared next on the dorsum and/or sides, and progressed posteriorly. However, graying tine varied between individuals. In Fig. 2, note' that graying progression was less advanced in No. 1510, 135 days postirradiation, than in No. 1514, 105 days after irradiation with the same dose. A different pattern of cutaneous response was observed in B. brevicauda. Three of these shrews developed erythema and epilation of their. backs during the month following irradiation. One died 28 days after 875 rad, and another died after 142 days (690 rad) with chronic, ulcerative dermatitis and abscesses associated with the epi- lated area. Tapigmented hair appeared in the two epilated areas of the remaining shrew (875 rad) and other patches of unpigmented hair developed 17 later, giving the animal a piebald appearance (Fig. 3), Iwo other shrews, one receiving 780 rad and the other 690 rad, exhibited no graying after 250 and 255 days, respectively. Hamilton (1940) was of the opinion that molt in B. brevicauda did not proceed in any conventional manner and that molting 21 could occur in a few days. DISCUSSION Intraspecific and interspecific comparisons of radiation effects in captive mammals require careful consideration of a hyst of factors known to influence radiation responses. We found differences in mortality, survival - . 's ; . (3 - awwar 0.00 ver# ..:: . .to . ..- t r a Y .. . . I . . - mi ri. .. . . . . . . 10 times, and weight changes among our experimental species, which were confined, irradiated, and handled under similar conditions. However, we do not know to what degree captivity stresses and other influences may have modified these responses in each species. Specimens of wild species, even those born in the laboratory, cannot be regarded as "domesticated" and react to handling and caging differently from conventional laboratory animals. Sex, age, temperature, diseases, parasites, fatigue, and diets are but a few of the factors known to influence radiation-effects syndromes, and it would be naive to assume that interactions of such factors with radiation were iden- tical in all species. Dose rate must be considered carefully in intraspecific and inter- specific comparisons of mortality, survival times, and other irradiation responses. At dose rates much below 100 rad/min, increasing amounts of radiation were required to produce 50% mortality in mice in 30 days (Lindop and Rot- blat, 1963). Dacquisto (1960) found that, even at 3 or 30 R/min, LD50-30 estimates differed in laboratory mice (743 vs 650 R, respectively) and laboratory Fats (684 vs 498 R, respectively). Data by Logie et al. (1960): for Sprague-Dawley R. norvegicus are particularly instructive on this point; at dose rates of 0.176, 0.487, 3.41., 55, and 474 R/min, their LDer estimates were 21.10, 1885, 1277, 1044, and 908 R, respectively. Consequently, com- | parisons of our IDao estimates with the higher estimates of Golley et al. (1.965), and Kellogg (1965) for certain species should be made with caution. 23. Dose rates in their experiments were 1.8-25.9 rad/min as compared with our 24 | 600-828 rad/min. Similarly, the radioresistance reported by Chang (1964) for Meriones unguiculatus, should be viewed with knowledge that his dose rates were 7.3-9 and 22 R/min (dose rates given by personal communication). The UGN.6667 ..) . .. . . rtti . MV tr . . . . . . R Mr. atku 5 NIKKIKSTVEILY Op het .. BLUE . .. . 11 LD50 estimates of 1520 and 1300 R for two pocket mice, Perognathus longi- membris and P. formosus, respectively, were obtained at a dose rate of 102 R/min (Gambino and Lindberg, 1964). It appears that these pocket mice are comparatively radioresistant, even though another heteromyid rodent, Dipodomys merriami, was relatively radiosensitive (Haley et al., 1960).. All cricetids, except'o. palustris, examined so far seem to be more radio- resistant than all murids or soricids studied to date. Heterozygosity has been suggested repeatedly as a cause of increased radioresistance. Rugh and Wolff (1958) suggested that heterosis resulted in increased survival of C57 X CF, hybrids, compared with survival of the pure strains. Work by Kohn and Kaliman (1965) with four inbred strains of mice and reciprocal crosses of two of the strains also indicated increased radio- resistance in the hybrids, but their IDEo estimate for wila M. musculus was lower than all except the radiosensitive BALB/C strain. Of eighteen strains used at ORNL, three were hybrids and were among the most radioresis- tant of the strains (Davis et al., 1963). No significant difference is apparent between LD o estimates of Golley et al. (1965) for wild house mice and a strain of laboratory mice from crosses of four other strains. In our experiment no significant difference was seen between RF-strain and wila M. musculus males, and the RF females cageđ alone were more, not less, radio- resistant than male or female wild house mice. It may be unfair to compare results for wild species with data for domesticated inbred and hybrid animals because of possible differences in captivity stresses between wild and domes- 50 . . . - . . ticated animals.' Rajewsky (1954) 'depicted a sigmoid curve for survival times of white mice irradiated at doses 'from 250 to 200,000 R and pointed out that this. UCN•8867 6-68) . . . . . . . - - - .- . . -. ', . . W - - - .. :: 12 . . RSS CE . . . . ' dose-survival curve can be divided into several dose ranges in which differ- ent mechanisms of damage may predominaţe. It is well known that acute-radia- tion death is not assignable to damage of one system or organ alone, but that radiation-death syndromes actually result from complex organismal responses. However, the multiple events preceding early irradiation deaths after doses from about 500-10,000 rad usually follow more or less characteristic pat- "terns, and these syndromes seem to be related primarily to cellular damage in hemopoietic and gastrointestinal systems (Quastler and Zucker, 1959). Rajewsky (1954) also showed that adrenal and pituitary glands are of decis- Ive importance in terms of dose dependence and survival times in this dose range. The curvilinear nature of survival-time curves for our species indicates 13 taat survival times in the 1560-2060 rad range are on the first part of the plateau wherein mortality times are independent of dose. The cricetids | exhibited relatively long survival times in this. dose range, while the wild murids and shrews had relatively short survival times. Since the gastro- intestinal-death syndrome begins to predominate in this dose range, it may be that basic differences exist in cellular differentiation or proliferation 19 rates in the GI tracts of these families. The ascending limbs of our curves 20 toward the lower doses cannot be projecteà very far beyond the ID-n estimates because of the small number of animals dying and the increasing variability of survival times in these few animals, but it is apparent that all LDGO estimates lie in the dose ranges where the hemopoietic-death mode predomin- ates in most laboratory rodents, Reductions in lymphocyte number, erythrocyte number, hemoglobin concentration, and hematocrit percentages were much more .. UCN.8667. (3 6.65) .... .. MU N G 2 * MIN1 * n a nt with wird . ---- -- --. .. - ----- - MARD I -.. Vrv n i M ircavirrm i severe in the radiosensitive O. palustris than in P. leucopus, s. hispidus and M. musculus after whole-body, ute, gamma irradiation with 200 and 400 . . rad (Dunaway et al. 1967). 4.1 Michaelson and Odland (1962) suggested that radiation recovery hall-time and leukocytė depression time are inversely related to size of mammal and to metabolic rate. In our study, body size and metabolic rate, even within families, were not related to survival time, mortality, weight change, or other radiation effects 'observed. Differences in patterns of weight changes in the various species may 10 reflect, at least in part, differences in captivity stresses and/or fat 11 accumulation. For example, controls oz the two irradiated groups that lost most weight (RF-strain M: musculus caged' alone and in groups) consistently 13 gained weight. Controls of wild, singly-caged M. musculus also gained weight, 14 at least during the first two weeks, and irradiated individuals lost considera ble weight. The RF mice have been domesticated for many generations, of course, 16 and house mice commonly live in proximity to man: such animals may experience 17 less captivity stress. Irradiated golden mice were the fourth group that lost 18 much weight;. controls of these animals were slow-moving, generally inactive, and 19. gained weight. Although accumulation and loss of stored fat was not measured 20 in this experiment; it may be that much of the weight loss in irradiated an- 21 imals reflects fat loss. Furthermore, it is possible that survival time of 22 fat animais may be longer than for animals with little fat. Obesity was mark- 23 edly more common in golden mice than in any other species, and P. nuttalli 24 had the longest survival times of all species tested. Ershoff (1960) found 25 considerably shorter survival times in mice on low-fat diets compared with ... UCN.8867. (3 6.68) . . . . . . . . . . . .................... . .. . ...... .. .. - . - . - . - . . ... .. .. . .. . .. . . . 14 . 4 lir ht .. mice receiving rations supplemented with cottonseed oil, desiccated liver, on methyl lineolate. Results of experiments in which animals are caged singly or in groups should be evaluated carefully. Raventos (1955) reported a cage effect but found no significant differences in mortality between irradiated mice caged singly and those caged together, in contrast to our higher LDe estimates for singly-caged female RF mice and the similar results of Hahn and Howland (1963) for female Wistar rats. However, designs of crowaing-stress experiments have varied. . We kept randomly-selected individuals together (5 per cage) for one week prior to irradiation and did not redistribute survivors after irradia. 11 tion to maintain group numbers. Hahn and Howland used animals from a corner- cial supplier, assigned 1, 2, 4, or 6 randomly-selected rats per cage 4 to 5 :13 days before irradiation, and recombined survivors to maintain constart numbers 14 per cage. Raventos used mice from a supplier, put one or ten individuals in a cage, daily shuffled groups of mice caged together, did not shuffle other 16 groups of mice caged together, and did not recombine survivors; he warned, bowever, that "... there were construction differences between the individual and the group cages which must have produced environmental differences." It is well known that, in general, less fighting occurs among litter mates of the same sex kept together than between recently-combined groups 21 from different litters, and fighting is more severe in a group during es- 22 tablishment of a social hierarchy than after dominance-subordinance rela- 23 tionships have been established. Brown and White (1958) showed that mortal- ity is less and survival times longer in rats fatigued and then irradiated 25 than in rats irradiated and then fatigued or even in rats receiving no treat- 26 ment except irradiation. Even sexual activity caused drastis increases in YON.8867 * mortality of irradiated mice (Rugh and Grupp, 1960). Consequently, fighting or other social stresses prior to or after irradiation may affect the outcome of crowding-stress experiments. Temperature may be important in such experi- ments, but laboratory or colony-room temperatures are not specified in many reports.. At temperatures below thermoneutrality.for a given species, grouped animals may be at an advantage because of better heat retention in hudaling groups. Shipman and Cole (1966) indicate the care that must be exercised in evaluating modifications of radiation effects by environmental stressors: : "... tiie constellation of nonspecific neuro-endocrine reactions to a stress which Selye has termed the adaptation syndrome, is very complex, and is not easily amenable to quantitative measurement; it is likely that the degree of stress', and its timing relative to radiation exposure, are critical de- terminants as to whether the elicited response is radioprotective, or indeed deleterious." Radiation effects such as conjunctivitis, ataxia, agressiveness, and pelage graying probably would make affected small mammals more vulnerable to predation. This aspect may be almost aca emic, since doses of the magni- tude required to produce these effects may sterilize these animals. On the other hand, selective removal of such sterilized individuals by predators may reduce intraspecific competition and predator pressure on the less- affected members of the populations. The comparative radiosensitivities reported here for wild small mammals in the laboratory. are useful for planning fieid experiments, and certain findings may be provocative to laboratory radiobiologists. An observation that arises from comparisons of relevant radiobiological and radioecological UCN. $607 16 i .. when reserch 1s that radiobiologists need to be aware of pertinent ecological inf. formation (e.g., population-density studies) and radioecologists should be cognizant of pertinent radiobiological findings (e.g., dose-rate effects). Extensive ecological and radiobiological knowledge is available, and perhaps such information can be joined for rough, first-approximation predictions, but only research with actual populations in irradiated environments will provide data needed for predicting consequences of ionizing radiation in Large ecological systems. Successful descriptions of holoecological respon- ses to irradiation will require: (1) natural environments subjected to con- trollable or uniform radiation, (2) adequate laboratory and field instrumen- tation, and (3). concerted, cooperative efforts by large teams of investigators representing many disciplines. These requirements are yet to be fulfilled. . . . UCN-8867 ma ... ... 17 . ".. 1 1 . - LITERATURE CITED... Brown, W. L., and R. K. White. 1960. A study of fatigue and mortality in Irradiated rats. Rad. Res. 13:610-616. Chang, M. C., D. M. Hunt, and C. Turbyfill. 1964. High resistance of mongol- :: lan gerbils to Irradiation. Nature 203:536-537: Chase, H. B. 1949. Greying of hair. I. Effects produced by single doses of X-rays on mice. J. Morph. 84:57-80. Dacquisto, M. P., and E. W. Blackburn. 1960. The influence of delivery rate 5. Of whole body 250 Kv roentgen irradiation (30 or 3 roentgens per minute) on mice, rats and guinea pigs. Amer. J. Roentgenol. 84:699-704. Davis, M. L., G. E. Cosgrove, and D. Gö Gosslee. 1963. X radiation doses i and mortality in mouse strains used in transplantation experiments in thė Biology Division. ORNL-CF-63-2-17. .. Dunaway, P. B., J. D. Story, J. T. Kitchings, III, L. E. Tucker, L. L. Lewis, C. Koh, and C. M. McConnelli 1967. Radiation effects in blood of in- * digenous small mammals. In Health Phys. Div. Ann. Prog. Rept. July 31, 1967 (in press). 18 Ershoff, B. H. 1960. Effects of low-fat diets on survival time of mice ex- posed to multiple sublethal doses of total-body X-irradiation. Rad. Res. 13: 704–71.1. Gambino, J. J. and R. G. Lindberg. 1964. Response of the pocket mouse to ionizing radiation. 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See 826-1015 924-1092 901-1002 Both sexes 138 2 . '1 Peromyscus leucopus po od Both sexes 1043 1091 1069 976-1111 1029-1168 1026-1115 . Peromyscus nuttalli 99 1076 919 999 970-1206 743-1020 918-1071 .. .. ... Both sexes Microtus pinetorum 1004 883 939 890-1168 772-983 865-1019 . . Both sexes r . - + . . .1. Oryzomys palustris . I- :.: . 480 348-551 A . . 584. 435-748 Both sexes 443-590 Sigmodon hispidus 950 000 966 958, 885-1037 901-1078 914-1013 Both sexes ... Muridae .' Mus musculus Wild. : 1 in cage 99 016 ! 701-880 774-920 772-877 Both sexes .. - U +. L . U . . . L ... . . L .. . . - - - - - - Table 1. (continued) Total no.. individuals Taxon 1150-30 (rad) 95% SL 1 - i . - 5 in cage -. - . 99 00 Both sexes 659-928 751-900 755-861 .: RF strain i in cage :: otot Both sexes 5 in cage : 973-1145 784-979 894-1080 ii 581-860 703-976 694-860 1.725. -. II . . .. . Both sexes Rattus norvegicus 1:29 oot Both sexes 771-918 833-1069 739-989 Soricidae Cryptotis parva 09 644-956 473-2106 634-1174 Both sexes Blarina brevicauda 662-945 oo Both sexes 593-981 ... . . 667-904 . . . . i : .. . .. . .. - - - . . . :-* .*.* **. tw - - - Table II. Weight losses at death of rodents and shrews in selected dose groups. 'Heights of control groups are averages at day of irradiation. Values for irradiated groups are percent of weight remaining for the respective groups from day of irradiation. Contrcl : Dose (rad) Weights (g) 860-920 1030-1100_ 1200-1300 - 2560-1660 1890-2000 Cricetiäae . Reithrodontomys humulis 8.3 78.3 + 3.44 : 80.3 + 3.45 82.4 * 3.37 81.14 2.89 85.2 + 4.00 Peromyscus leucopus 19.8 * - 78.5 * 4.30 84.5 2.82 . 84.9 + 2.59 83.3 * 2.24 Peromyscus nuttalli 26.6 83.8 + 3.82 80.0 + 3.63 - 69.3 2.34 72.0 + 2.04 72.9 * 2.26 Microtus pinetorum 30.6 79.2 + 2.55 85.4 = 4.33 .70.9 2.65 75.1 2.97 78.6 2.04 Oryzomys palustris 52.1 79.7 + 1.72 78.8 * 1.51 77.8 + 0.98 79.7 2.07 85.6 1.29 Sigmodon hispidus 118.2 81.6 £ 4.36 80.9 * 1.96 78.8 * 3.21 75.8 * 1.87 :77.6 1.54 Muridae Mus musculus . : : . Wild 1 per cage 18.7 15.4 77.5 # 3:53 76.0 £ 3.13 68.2 + 2.82 71.1 + 1.60 74.7 + 3.27. 71.5 £ 2:27. 76.3 * 1.93 69.6 3.79 82.3 = 2.01 .65.6 + 1.77 ... 5 per cage 1 . RF Strain . I per cage 66.6 1.90 29.2 30.4 238.7 69.8 3.6761.9 1.83 73.2 1.92 72.4 3.32 72.0 £ 2.00 74.2 £ 1.41 68.2 + 1.68 69.2 + 2.52 77.8 2.01 3.0 5 per cage Rattus norvegicus Soricidae + 1.90 67.4 £ 1.56 69.6 * 2.07 80.3 + 1.41 ........... 8 1:3 1.75 .... .. ; Cryorotis parva, S 3.6 26.5 79.0 + 0.98 83.8 + 4.81 76.1 £ 2.63 90.8 + 2.65 71.8 + 4.89 67.0 * 3.84 78.6 $ 1.17 77.4 + 5.25 76.5 + 1.52 76.4 + 0.37 'ini!... Plarina brevicauda. A fostudom. * Less than three animals died 21 . . . . . . - - - FIGURE CAPTIONS FIO Survival times of rodents and shrews. Curves are projected only to lowest doses at which three or more individuals died. Vertical bars indicate ID50_20 estimates. FIGURE 2. Graying in Peromyscus leucopus irradiated with 1070 rad. A. Unir- radiated control. B. No. 1510, 135 days postirradiation. C. No. 1514, 105 days: D. No." 1514, 215 days. FIGURE 3. Graying in a Blarina brevicauda (No. 1531) irradiated with 8.75 rad. A. Unirradiated control. B. 92 days postirradiation. C. 202 days postirradiation. 1: - . , .. . . UCN8867 . .. :!.. .... .... ...... ...... . . .. ir gap . .... 1 4 . - t . . . .. . .. . .. ... . .. . - , , . .. ORNL-DWG 67-4744 :::; - - 1 . 2 . . Ñ. SURVIVAL TIME (days) Ô 0 0 CRICETIDAE ...... REITHRODONTOMYS HUMULIS -.- PEROMYSCUS LEUCOPUS teki PEROMYSCUS NUT TALLI ---MICROTUS PINE TORUM -- ORYZOMYS PALUSTRIS SIGMODON HISPIDUS te E SORICIDAE CRYPTOTIS PARVA BLARINA BREVICAUDA - .. . . Ô A Ñ . SURVIVAL TIME" (days) Ò 0. 0 MURIDAE MUS MUSCULUS WILD Dr.... 4 PER CAGE ..-...-5 PER CAGE RF STRAIN tofanskap 1 PER CAGE - 5 PER CAGE RATTUS NORVEGICUS • • • 400 600 80 800 1000 : 1400 1200 . DOSE (rad) 1600 : 1800 2000 1 ، ، د ' ' .،. . . .. .. .. مر ..... ف يه ممنوعه م هه سه ماه دينه منم دلموفون دامنه اینتره و ... ۵۰۰ - : . .. . و • . :متنننننهم . . و . داد يا نفسه هواه منم مه * . ، ..... مر و من ما نننهه مجد .. : : . م. م. . هم... هست . . . .. : .......... . اما ند . اضافه شد خدمه . منه . . ہم نشنامه یه مد مبتنی بر ا هه ن هم بهمن سامهنمننمهتنمنمره سنتعلم ه به یاد می ده نمنننلمنبهنهمن 1 شينجستيسيتسنيمنيحيلنا معنی تحديتنننتنا 2 .و . . .- * و . . - مسلمممممنننمنننننننننننيم . . : ( " . : .:. . م " " . | 1 : : : :: ,1 " و .. و و با ا " ۱ و .و . . . : .. . .. .. .. . 2. = " ، ا :: . . .. .. .. . . ا ا ا ا . ه ا . . . . : ای | نما میدم که بل ه مه ماريه -مامة، ومنهم من الدين - " مره . . . . . " ، عمه .. . . . . . . . . .." ما ا م ا د و " . " " ::Fig. 3 سنننتتتتننفنغشغشمشمشین | END DATE FILMED 10 / 31 / 67 2 "