. I OFT ORNLP 3206 . 10! - . L 11:25 11:4 .1.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL QUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 . . . . . . . " :: " .. F **- " " T. suis " . ." ORN-P- 3206 Cont-670615--3 MASTER LOW ENERGY NUCLEAR RESEARCH . CESTI PXICKS CESTI PS MN H.C. Sc C$3.00, MN 165 e-of-Flight Experiments Bxperimente* P. H. Stelson Oak Ridge National Laboratory vak Ridge, Tennessee - . ...---. .- Nanosecond beam pulsing and precise flight timing techniques are now widely used for investigating nuclear reactions in which fast neutrons are emitted. The gradual improvements in time-of-flight techniques are such that it is possible in many cases to resolve neutron groups with a precision comparable to that obtained by the magnetic anal- ysis of charged particles from nuclear reactions. I vill confine my discussion to recent results obtained for (pon) and (dgn) reactions which have so far received the most attention. Similar techniques apply and have been used to study (He3,n) and (a,n) reactions. In fact future work with the (Hey,n) reaction might be especially rewarding because it involves the transfer of a pair of protons and is analo- gous to the interesting (t,p) reaction. Of course, pulsed (pon) and (d,n) reactions are widely used as neutron sources for measurements of neutron reactions. The use of this technique ior i: alastic neutron scattering measurements will be discusseä at this conference by A. B. Smith. LEGAL NOTICE This report was jropared as an account of Govorament sponsored work. Neithor tho Valtod Sutos, por the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes ay warranty or represenution. expressed or impliod, with respect to tla uccu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in the report, or that the we of any information, apparatus, mothod, or procoss disclosed in this report may not Irfringo B. Askumos any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of coy Information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in thio roporto As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commissioa" includes any em- ployoo or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to tho oxtont that such omplsyed or contractor of the Commission, or employee of much coatricJr preparat, disseminates, or provides rccosa to, kay Information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. privately ownod rights; or A survey of recent literature indicates that nano- second beam pulsing work is done on about a dozen Van de Graaffs (single-ended or tandem), on several cyclotrons and on at least one linear accelerator. The different acceler- ators produce pulse widths which vary from several nano- seconds down to a fraction of a nanosecond and peak currents which vary from 5 mA down to 30 UA. The spacing of pulses varies from 200 nsec to 2000 nsec. WASTA ST th What are the limitations on energy resolution ob- tained by the time-of-flight method? The answer must necessarily be rather complicated because there are at least nine factors which must be considered and balanced Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with Union Carbide Corporation ngie........ . . . * A * A DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITED YLIC . .. . LOW ENERGY NUCLEAR RESEARCH judiciously to obtain a near optimum situation. Even so, the particular arrangement chosen probably won't be optimum for all neutron energies of interest. There are of course limitations such as target thickness and intrinsic energy spread of the accelerated beain which are common to other types of experiments. Of special interest to us are those factors which involve time meası dement. Since the energy resolution, En/AEn, depends on toi/Atn we can increase the rezolution either hy increasing tn (increasing the flight patn) or by decreasing Atn. Bearing in mind that the neutron flux varies inversely with the square of the flight path, it beconies clear that it is advantageous to decrease At, rather than to increase tn. Although the above arguniant is an overs implification of the actual situation, it is never- theless roughly correct and hence it explains the strong emphasis of trying to achieve small Aty values in time-of- flight work. It is straightforward to calculate the expected neutron energy spread, AEn, which results from a given over- all timing uncertainty, Atn, for a given neutron energy and flight path. Some typical values are shown in graphical form in Fig. 1. The straight lines on the log-log scale give the values of En as a function of En for several different flight paths. We assume & timing width of Insec; the values can be directly scaled up or down for other values of Atn. Of central importance in time-of-flight work is the fact that AEn is proportional to Em 19. For example, if the flight path is 5 meters and Atn is 1 nsec, then AEn changes from 6 to 500 keV as En changes from 1 to 20 MeV. "A flight path of 40 meters is required to give 60 keV for AEn at En = 20 MeV. The timing spread of a monoenergetic neutron group is caused by a) the time width of the beam pulse, b) the finite detector thickness, and c) the timing accuracy of the detector and associated electronics system. Of these the simplest to discuss is the time spread caused by the finite detector thickness. Plastic scint, illators of l. to 2-inch thickness are typical in fast neutron time-of-flight work. It takes a l-MeV neutron 1.8 nsec to move 1 inch. A 20-MeV neutron will move 1 inch in 0.4 nsec. In Fig. 1 we show a dashed curve for a 5-meter flight path in which an additional time spread due to a l-inch thick detector is folded into . the basic l nsec width. In this example the detector thick- ness is the chief limitation for neutron energies below I Mev. In many experiments we wish to detect a wide range of neutron energies. We see that it is then difficult to achieve a well-matched system. We want a thick detector for A " ". " " .. ... . . . ...... W AS ' TETT * - . * E LOW ENERGY NUCLEAR RESEARCH high energy neutrons to increase the detection efficiency and yet a thick detector severely limits the energy reso- lution for low-energy neutrons. If the detector thickness is an important contributor to the energy resolution for a given neutron energy and it is desired to decrease En, it is advantageous from a counting rate point-of-view to de- crease the detector thickness rather than to increase the flight path. Plastic or liquid scintillators coupled to fast photo- multipliers are almost universally used to detect the fast neutrons and hence the time response of these detectors is of great linpor'ance to time-of-flight work. I will not have the time to discuss this subject, in detail; there are several good articles on this subject. --* A rather flat continuous distribution of pulse heights result from the fast neutron interaction with the scin-illator and in order to maintain a high counting rate it is desirable to use a wide dyr.amic range of pulse heights for timing. In considering the time response of the detector it is useful to distinguish "time jitter" from "time walk." By time jitter we mean the vari- ation in timing of pulses which have the same pulsa height. If the scintillator area is not large and if the pulses used for timing are restricted to a small range of the larger pulses, then it is possible to detect neutrons of several y with a time jitter well under 1 nsec. Time jitter increases for lower energy neutrons and for larger area detectors. 1927 The rise time of the pulse from the detector is governed by a) the decay time of the scintillator (typically 2 to 4 nsec), b) the time taken by the photons to arrive at the photocathode (not negligible when large area scintil- lators and light pipes are used), and c) the rise time of the photomultiplier (typically 2 nsec). The rise time of the pulses is therefore several nanoseconds and if we measure time by triggering at a given pulse height there will be appreciable time walk for pulses of different size. In principle, time walk is not a limitation on timing accuracy, it merely requires an elaborate system for recording the information. At Oak Ridge we use leading edge timing and we store a 2-dimensional array in which the time spectra are sorted according to scintillator pulse height. The individ- ual time spectra are then appropriately walk corrected and collapsed into a single time spectrum * . LR . There are timing systems in use which do not require two-dimensional storage. By the use of the "fast crossover" LOW ENERGY NUCLEAR RESEARCH technique one can eliminate time walk but only at the ex- pense of increased tim: jitter. In our work at Oak Ridge we have used an NE-213 liquid scintillator with 1-inch thickness and 4-1/2-inch diam which is mounted directly onto a 58 AVP photomultiplier. When we set the trigger level to respond to energy pulses greater than 0.5 MeV we find that the timing resolution for several Mev energy neutrons is approximately 1 nsec. Similar results are obtained by others, for example, C. J. Oliver, et al.5 The final necessary ingredient for fast neutron time- of-flight work is an accelerated pulsed peam. A van de Graaff accelerator produces a dc beam characterized by a . certain energy homogeneity, angular divergence, spot size and intensity which taken together indicates the quality of the ion beam. Fowler and Good" have emphasized that the production of a time-modulated beam invariably reduces the quality of the beam. Careful consideration should be given to the pulsing system to achieve a desirable balance between the beam burst duration and the decrease in beam quality. For example, in an attempt to achieve better energy reso- lution by producing sharp time bursts through strong klystron bunching one might in fact find poorer energy resolution be- cause the bunching process produces an appreciably larger energy spread in the incident ion beam. The Mobley magnetic compression method has proved to be a popular and reliable method for achieving sharp ion bursts with Van de Graaff accelerators. The actual per- formance of a Mobley system has been described by Cranberg, et al. An rf ion source and a beam chopper, located in the high voltage terminal, produce pulses of 10 nsec width and 1000 nsec spacing. After acceleration the Mobley magnet system compresses the pulses to about I nsec width.. The peak current is several mA. It is well-known that Mobley time compression is paid for by an increase in the beam divergence. However, one should also note that in the system described by Cranberg, et al. there is a considerable increase in ion energy spread caused by the electrostatic beam deflector needed to fan curs the beam prior to entrance into the Mobley magnet. The energy homogeneity is decreased to 1 part in 250. This is to be compared with values of 1 part in 1000 to 2000 which are commonly realized with dc beams from Van de Graaffs. LOW ENERGY NUCLEAR RESEARCH An alternative method for producing nanosecond pulsing for Van de Graaffs has been developed at Oak Ridge. A duoplasmatron ion source, a beam chopper, and & klystron buncher are located in the terminal of the Van de Graaff. The characteristics of this system for our 3-MV Van de Graaff has been described in detail by Moak, et al. This system produces a pulse with width Sinsec and a peak current of 10 mA. Since one achieves tiine compression by energy modu- lation of the particles within a given pulsc, one expects to pay for the time compression by an increase in the energy spread of the ion beam. In Fig. 2, I show a test made a couple of years ago. The narrow resonance in the Cabo reaction was measured with a chopped beam of 9 nsec pulse width. The indicated bean energy spread was 0.4 kev. The klystron buncher was then turned up until the pulses on the scope had a width of 1.5 nsec and the narrow resonance was again measured. The measured energy spread was 1.8 keV. Thus the klystron buncher reduces the energy homoge- neity from 1 part in 4000 to l part in 1000. A beam pulsing system similar to that described by Moak, et al. has been in operation for about two years on the 6-MV Van de Graaff at Oak Ridge. One recent improve- ment made to both machines was the installation of a beam pulse diverter or "ccunt down" system in each terminal. This allows the experimenter to turn a knob on the control console and thereby select the time interval between pulses from among the values 500, 1000, 2000, ---, to 16,000 nsec. Nanosecond pulsing systems have been developed for several tandem Van de Graaffs. Because one must work with a negative ion beam, the peak currents for tandems are down I to 2 orders of magnitude from those obtained with single- ended Van de Graaffs. An early pulsing system is described by Lefevre, et al.9. The negative ions are obtained by charge exchange. The beam is klystron bunched at the low-energy end of the tandem and is then rf chopped at the high-energy end. The system produced pulses of 2 nsec width and peak current of 30 HA. The Aldermaston tandem_Uydd also uses a negative ion beam obtained by charge exchange. However in the Aldermaston system the beam is first chopped and then klystron bunched at the low-energy end. They report pulses of 2.5 nsec width and about 50- to 90-uA peak current. The pulsing system which has recently becor operational for the Oak Ridge tandemd. uses direct extraction of a negative ion beam from a duoplasmatron ion source. The beam is then chopped and klystron bunched at the low-energy end of the tandem. This pulsing system produces pulses which are 0.8 LOW ENERGY NUCLEAR RESEARCH nsec wide and 400 ulo peak current and spot size of 5 mm. The natural phase bunching in cyclotrons results in a time-structured accelerated beam which may be quite suit. . able for neutron time-of-flight work. Anderson and co-workers have done extensive neutron time-of-flight work with the small variable energy cyclotron at Livermore. -5 I do not know the characteristics of their pulsed beam. (pin) Reactions I now want to discuss some (p,n) measurements done with the 6-MV Van de Graaff at Oak Ridge. Figure 3 shows & time-of-flight spectrum (converted to pulse height) observed when 3-MeV protons hit a thin Cuotarget. Four neutron groups are observed which result from the excitation of the ground state and 3 low-lying excited states in Znos. Although g-n pulse shape discrimination was used (liquià scintillator NE213), there is still a small residual y-ray peak. For this experiment the spacing between beam pulses was 222 nsec and the flight path was about 9 meters. Whenever the time differenc: between the fastest and slowest neutrons detected is larger than the time between beem pulses then we have what we call a "wrap around" situation. In Fig. 3, they rays actually get to the detector 3 cycles earlier than the ground state neutrons. The y-ray peak is narrow compared to the neutron peaks and this shows that, the beam pilse width and electronic time spread are small contributions to the width of the neutron peaks. The flight time of the ground state neutron group is about 700 nsec (E = 0.88 MeV). The ub- served width is 3.4 nsec or 9 kev." This width is believed to be the result of 3 approximately equal contributions: a) the energy spread from target thickness (nomiral value 5 keV or 1.9 nsec), b) the energy spread in the beam pulse (estimated at 5 keV or 1.9 nsec), and c) the timing spread caused by the l-inch thick detector (1.9 nsec or 5 kev). One can therefore obtain a neutron energy resolution of about 10 keV for neutron groups with energies between 0.5 and 1 MeV. As we have seen the resolution becomes less im- pressive for higher energy neutrons. This is illustrated in Fig. 4 which shows once again a time-of-flight spectrum for Cub5 but at a higher bombarding energy of 4.36 MeV. NOW the neutron groups labelled 0, 1, 2 and 3 are not nearly so well resolved (En = 2.2 MeV). On the other hand neutron groups labelled 15 and 16 correspond to neutrons leaving the Znº, nucleus in excited states at 1.6 MeV with an energy separation of only 15 key. By bombarding at successively higher proton energies we can gradually move up the region .. . 7 LOW ENERGY NUCLEAR RESEARCH of good energy resolution and in this way examine the level structure in the residual nucleys. This has been done for the targets v51, 0053, M55, 0039, and Cu65 all of which have fairly low (p,n) thresholds. Co59(, To 122ustrate the results I will discuss the ,n)Ni59 reaction. High resolution work on the states. in Ni59 is also available from the N158(d,p)N159 reaction. 14 Figure 5 shows a time-of-flight spectrum for Ep = 4.359 MeV (the (p,n) threshold is about 1.8 MeV). There is some "wrap around" complication in this spectrum. Neutron group 20 is merged with group 1. The "wrap around" groups can be dis- entangled because the data is recorded in a 2-dimensional array. Those peaks due to lower energy neutrons have smaller pulse heights. The peak labelled 7 and 8 is too wide for a single neutron group and is assumed to be a close doublet. Figure 6 is a time-of-flight spectrum taken at the higher proton energy of 4.765 MeV. Notice that there is a weak peak (5) on the side of the strong peak (6). Figure 7 is a composite of 3 time-of-flight spectra taken at the still higher energies of 5.771, 5.366, and 6.045 MeV. The peaks are labelled with the excitation energies in the Ni nucleus. These spectra serve to examine the level structure in Nil at excitation energies of 2.9 to 3.6 Mev. Tlie close. lying states at 3.035 and 3.047 MeV are resolved in the top spectrum but are merged to single peak at the next higher proton energy. Similarly the states at. 3.298 and 3.305 MeV are a broad peak in the top spectrum, then separate in the center spectrum and again merge in the bottom spectrum. We note that new groups corresponding to higher excited states emerge as the proton energy is increased. Ni The ground state of Co39 is 7/2”. Assuming the validity of the statistical model, we can use proton pene- trabilities from the optical model to calculate the relative populations of different it states in the compound nucleus. Such a distribution is shown for 5-Me V protons in Fig. 8. States with spins 3 to 5 are the most likely. The results have shown that the state labelled 5 in Fig. 6 has an d = 1 stripping pattern. It must then be a 3/2“ or 1/2“ state. The small intensity of this state in the (p,n) reaction strongly suggests that the state is a 1/2“ state. Other known 3/2- states are more strongly excited. Higher & waves and hence lower neutron penetra- bilities are required to excite a 1/2" residual state. For . example the compound nucleus state 4 can decay to a 1/2 state only by g-wave neutrons whereas it can decay to state by dawave neutrons. LOW ENERGY NUCLEAR RESEARCH Figure 9 is a graphical summary of the excited states in N159 observed with the (p,n) reaction. We have also shown the level structure obtained by used the (d,p) reacticn on Ni>. There is good agreement . for the first 6 excited states. At higher energies there are definite differences in the level structures obtained in the two experiments. Figure 9 also shows some preliminary results obtained by looking at the 7 rays with a Ge detector when protons bombard a coo tai get. At these low proton energies neutron emission is strongly favored and hence most of the observed ny rays come from the decay of excited states in Ni>9. The C059(p,ny) results in Fig. 9 indicate the levels for which q rays have been identified. Next I want to briefly discuss the yos(.n)zrºy reaction which has been studied by Kim and Robinson. 15 Figure 10 shows the low-lying states of Zro e ground state and first excited state are kr.own to be 9/27 ang 1/2", respectively. Goodmando has measured the z ion and found b = ? for the transferred neutron to the second excited state at 1095 key. The yo9(p,n)Zr89 was used to try to decide whether this second excited state was 1/2 or 3/2. The relative differential cross sections were measured at several proton energies. An example of these results is shown in Fig. 11. Hauser-Feshbach pre- dictions are shown for 3/2 (solid curve) and 1/2- (dashed curve). Clearly the shape and magnitude of the differential cross section indicate that the second excited state is 3/2º. As a final topic on (pen) reactions I will briefly, discuss some work by Kim, Kernell, Robinson, and Johnson'! which uses the neutron h uses the neutron decay of an analog resonance to make spin and parity assignments to residual excited states. Figure 12 shows the Sn19(p,n)Sb119 yield as a function of proton energy. The strong resonance is identified as the analog of the ground state in Snt. The idea of the experiment is to measure the neutron spectra both on and off the analog resonance. When off the resonance the compound states from which the neutrons decay will be typically distributed over a range of Jh. However, the analog reson- ance selectively enhances of compound states. As a result the neutron decay to the residual states in Sb 1.19 would be expected to differ when on and off the analog resonance. . This is illustrated in Fig. 13. For example, the groups ng and have different relative heights when on resonance and off resonance. This type of experiment plus some addi- tional angular distribution measurements has led to spin - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LOW ENERGY NUCLEAR RESEARCH and parity assignments for the levels fed by the neutron groups 110, nul, n12, and n13. (d,n) Reactions The Q-values for (pen) reactions for many nuclei are so negative that the (p,n) reaction cannot be studied with a low-energy accelerator. In contrast, the (a,n) reaction generally has a positive Q-value and hence (d,n) reactions offer a more extensive range of application for low-energy accelerators. The problem with (d,n) reactions is that the Q-value may be so large and positive that the neutron groups with high energy may not be adequately resolved by the time- of-flight method. Long flight paths are required. The (den) work done with the 3-MV Van de Graaff at Harwell has used a 15-meter flight path. In the recent (,11) work done at Oak Ridge we have used the experimental arrangement shown in Fig. 14. The 6- MV Van de Graaff is a vertical machine. The beam analyzing magnet is o!) a gun mount which permits the beam to be sent in different directions. To change the angle at which the neutrons from a (d,n) reaction are detected we rotate the beam arialyzing magnet. The shielded detector which is mounted on a polar coordinate system (carriage mounted on a horizontal beam which is in turn supported by a pivot point and circular rail) requires only slight adjustment to allow the detector to view the new target position. This system allows flight paths of up to 15 meters. Now the simplest thing to do with the (d,n) reaction is to use it to locate levels in the residual nucleus. How- ever, one would also like to use stripping theory to get in- formation on the spins and parities of the states and possi. bly also spectroscopic factors. The difficulty is that at low bombarding energy the reaction is likely to be a mixture of direct and compound nucleus reactions. If this is the case one may still be able to make a qualitative interpre- tation which will select l values. The spectroscopic factors will be more difficult. As an example, Paul and Montague? e studied the Ne22(d,n)Na3 reaction at Ea = 3 MeV and have used the strong peaking at forward angles to pick out de = 0 proton transfer. Davies, et al. 19 have studied the si2(d,n)p29 reaction at both 4 and 5 MeV incident deuteron energy. They found a j-dependence for the stripping patterns. It is also interesting to note that they found different spectroscopic factors at 4 and 5 MeV. They believe that at 5 MeV the 10 LOW ENERGY NUCIEAR RESEARCH spectroscopic factors are probably reliable (relatively, small compound gucleus contribution). Buccino, et al.20 also studied the siz(d,n)P<9 reaction at the higher energies of 7, 9, and 10 MeV. Their results are in agreement with those obtained by Davies, et al. It is clear that a great deal more (a,n) work on nuclei is desirable in order to have information on the proton states in nuclei which is comparable in quality and quantity to what is now known for the neutron states. In recent years the (He),a) reaction has proved to be an attrac- tive alternative to the (d,n) reaction. At present the theoretical interpretation of the (1,n) reaction is probably more reliable than that for the (He,d) reaction. The study ,n) reactions on the medium and heavy weight nuclei will probably require deuteron energies in the tandem van de Graaff range. OT l.Lav+ 27 Lawergren, Morrison, and Ferguson have used the (d,n) geaction to study the excitation of analog states. The Na }(d,n)Mg24 and A127 (a,n)si28 reactions excite states in Mg24 and 5:28 which are the analogs of the low-lying states in Na24 and A220. They have compared the spectro- scopic factors for excitation of the anajpg states to those previously obtained for the states in Na<4 and A120 from the (d,p) reaction. Lawergren, et al. point out that the energy resolution available for investigation of the analo states is especially good because the neutrons leading to these states (for the cases studied) have low energy An example of a (d,n) time-of-flight spectrum taken recently at Oak Ridge is shown in Fig. 15 for a Niyo target. The neutron groups leading to the low-lying states of Cuy are very well resolved. Some preliminary angular distribution for the ground state and first three excited states of Cupy are shown in Fig. 26. The ground and first excited states P3/2 and P states and one sees a strong stripping pattern for the neutrons going to these states. Blairs has used the (He",d) reaction to look at states in Cu39. A strong state at 3.9 MeV was identified as the analog of the ground state of Ni59. Rosner, et al.23 concluded that states at 3.90, 4.32, and 4.37 MeV are ex- cited in the (He),d) reaction and are to be identified as the analogs of the first 3 states in Nipy. However, Morrison and Schiffer24 also studied the (He",d) reaction and found a somewhat more complicated situation. Our results from the (d,n) work are in general agreement with the work of Morrison and Schiffer. The spectrum shown in Fig. 15 ' . LOW ENERGY NUCLEAR RESEARCH indicates a number of strong peaks in the region from 3.5 to 4.5 MeV. In fact, Morrison and Schiffer found states at 3.56, 3.59, 3.76, 3.90, 3.92, 4.01, 4.06, 4.12, 4.32 and 4.36 MeV and these values correspond quite well with those shown in Fig. 15. During this talk I have referred to (p,n) and (d,n) work at Oak Ridge. I therefore want to acknowledge my co- workers, Y. Cassagnou, F. Perey, J. Biggerstaff, A. Marusak, K. Dickens, W. Kinney, and J. McConnell. .... . 12 . . ... .. . . LOW ENERGY NUCLEAR RESEARCH References 1. A Schwarzschild, Nucl. Instr. and Methods 21, 1 (1963). 2. G. Present, A. Schwarzschild, I. Spirn, and N. Wotherspoon, Nucl. Instr. and Methods 31, 71 (1964). 3. E. Gatti and V. Svelto, Nucl. Instr. and Methods 30, 213 (1964). 4. C. W. Williams, "Timing with Photomultipliers", ORTEC News (March 1967). Oak Ridge, Tennessee. C. J. Oliver, B. Collinge, and G. Kaye, Nucl. Instr. and Methods 50, 105 (1967). 7, 245 (1960). 7. L. Cranberg, R. A. Fernald, F. S. Hahn, and E. F. Shrader, Nucl. Instr.. and Methods 12, 335 (1961). C. D. Moak, W. M. Good, R. F. King, J. W. Johnson, H. E. Banta, J. Judish, and W. H. duPreez, Rev. Sci. Instr. 35, 672 (1964). 9. H. W. Lefevre, R. C. Borchers, and C. H. Poppe, Rev. Sci. Instr. 33, 12.31 (1962). 10. J. H. Anderson and D. Swann, Nucl. Instr. and Methods 30, 1 (1964). 11. D. Dandy and D. P. Hammond, Nucl. Instr. and Methods 30, 23 (1964). 12. C. D. Moak (private communication). 13. See, for example, c. Wong, J. D. Anderson, J. W. McClure and B. Pohl, Phys. Rev. 156, 1266 (1967). E. R. Cosman, C. H. Paris, A. Sperduto, and H. A. Enge, Phys. Rev. 142, 673 (1966). 15. H. J. Kim and R. L. Robinson (submitted to Phys. Rev.). 16. C. D. Goodman, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 9, 106 (1964). 17. H. J. Kim, R. L. Kernell, R. L. Robinson, and C. H. Johnson (private communication). .. . usar o x.. so .. ." 13 LOW ENERGY NUCLEAR RESEARCH 18. E. B. Paul and J. H. Montague, Nucl. Phys. 54, 497 (1964). 19. W. G. Davies, W. K. Dawson, G. C. Neilson, and K. Ramavataram, Nucl. Phys. 76, 65 (1966). S. G. Buccino, D. S. Gemmell, L. L. Lee, Jr., J. P. Schiffer, and A. B. Smith, Nucl. Phys. 86, 353 (1966). 21. B. Lawergren, G. C. Morrison, and A. T. G. Ferguson, page 739, Conference on Isobaric Spin, Academic Press (1966). 22. A. G. Blair, page 115 Proceedings of "Nuclear Spectro- scopy with Direct Reactions" ANL-6878 (1964). 23. B. Rosner, C. H. Holbrow, and D. J. Puller, page 595, Conference on Isobaric Spin, Academic Press (1966). . 24. G. C. Morrison and J. P. Schiffer, page 748, Conference on Isobaric Spin, Academic Press (1966). Tu * LOW ENERGY NUCLEAR RESEARCH Figure Captions Fig. 1 Plots of the neutron energy spread AE, (in kev) as a function of neutron energy (in MeV) for different flight paths which results from a timing uncertainty Aty of Insec. The dashed curve shows the Er for a 5 meter flight path which results from an additional timing spread caused by a 1 inch thick detector. Fig. 2 Narrow ) resonance which was measured with and without klystron bunching to study the increase in beam energy spread caused by the bunching. Fig. 3 Time-of-flight spectrum for the Cu65(p,n)zn65 reaction. Fig. 4 Time-of-flight spectrum for the Cuos(p,n) 7.nº reaction. The flight path was about 6 meters. The arrows indicate the neutron groups going to excited states in znos (ground state group labelled o). Fig. 5 Time-of-flight spectrum for th reaction. Flight path is 6 meters. Fig. 6 Time-of-flight spectrum for th reaction. Flight path is 6 meters. for the C.59(pın)N:59 Fig. 7 Three time-of-flight spectra for the C059(p,n)Niby reaction. The arrgys indicate the excitation energies of the states in the Ni?9 nucleus. Only those neutron groups leading to rather high excited states are shown. Fig. 8 Relative population of gr states for 5 MeV protons on Copy. The statistical assumption is made and the transmission coefficients are obtained from an optical model. Fig. 9 Summary of levels in Ni59 observed by the C059(p,n) reaction. The levels obtained by the Ni) (d,p) reaction are also shown. Levels identified by observing they rays in a Ge detector spectrum are shown. Fig. 10 Level diagram for Zr89. LOW ENERGY NUCLEAR RESEARCH Fig. 11 Relative differential cross sections for the con groups leading to the ground state and first two excited states in Zr89. The curves are theoretical predictions of the Hauser-Feshbach theory. The dashed curve is for the assignment 1/2" and the solid curve is for the assignment 3/2º for the second excited state. Fig. 12 (pon) reaction cross sections for Sn 17 and Sn119 in the vicinity of the of analog resonance. ig. 13 Neutron time-of-flight Spectra for the Sn119(p,n) reaction taken on-resonance and off-resonance. Fig. 14 Schematic diagram of the experimental neutron time-of-flight arrangement on the Oak Ridge 6 MV Van de Graaff. The observation angle is changed by rotating the beam analyzing magnet. Fig. 15 An example of a Ni'°(d,n) time-of-flight spectrum. This spectrum was obtained with 1 hour of running time. Fig. 16 Some preliminary angular distributions for the ground and first 3 excited states in Cu59 obtained from the Ni?(d,n) reaction at Ea = 4.946 MeV. ORNL-DWG 67-6380 En (kev) 5 meters x 10 meters 20 meters 40 meters 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 En (MeV) 5 10 20 50 Figil ORNL-DWG 67-6379: Como C310, y) RESONANCE _ En= 1.747 MeV • NO KLYSTRON BUNCHING 9 nsec PULSE • KLYSTRON BUNCHING 1.5 nsec PULSE - ENERGY SPREAD: 0.1% relative counts H unie 0.40 keV -1.80 keV 20.190 20.200 20.210 20.220 PROTON RESONANCE FREQUENCY . . . L . .., 1 . ' N 2 . water . SM ORNL-DWG 67-6378 . . Cu65(e,n) Zn65 Ep = 3.08-Mev _D=9 meters, 8 = 25 - G.S. I En=0.880 In 700 nsec i Atn= 3.4nsec Aen=9kev 0.115-MeV counts/channel 0.060-MeV 0.210-MeV y's WWW 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 CHANNEL NUMBER 150 160 170 180 190 200 4 x 103 ORNL-DWG 66-3672 - 65 Cule, n 165 zn Ep = 4.36 Mev – O 2 14 + y's bobo counts do N o an 10 L o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 CHANNEL Nowe ORNL-DWG 66-3675 o – 59 colp, n) 59 Ni Ep = 4.359 Mev N o counts Oo 206 oooo 0086 Ō 0000027 on N o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 CHANNEL 160 180 200 220 240 ORNL-DWG 66-3673 IL - counts oli oo po o No 0 N 59colp, n) 59 Ni Ep = 4.765 MeV 10°/ . 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 CHANNEL 140 160 180 200 220 240 . Ep=6.045 Mey Ep=5.866 Me Ep=5.771 MeV م 3 . 638 150 ر 3 . 453 3 . 417 سه 200 3.556 3 . 382 ما -ه 3 . 528 سه 3 . 357 3.515 3.343 250 3.305 3.298 ا م ( 3 . 175 59cole,n) 59Ni Flight Path 7.9 meters. CHANNEL NUMBER 300 التمر - 23.047 350 - 3.035 400 2.900 ORNL-DW6 67-4736 450 ORNL-DWG 66-3669 59c0 + P; 16+ = 72 Ep = 5.0 MeV 7 0+ 0- 9+ 1. 2+ 2- 3+ 3- 4+ 4- 5+ 5- 6+ 6- 7+ 7- Relative Population of jt States. Www TI . introl ORNL-DWG 67-4735. 1 58Ni (d,p) 59 Ni I | || || | | || | 5 i (d,p)Beni I I L 5900(0,0 %) 59Ni | || UTI | 5°C(0,959 Ni || 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 EXCITATION (MeV) 3.6 3.8 | I 58Ni(d,p)59Ni || . ll || IIII I III IllIII ||| sexi (0.9)”Ni 1 5°co(0,0 2150Ni ||| secole,n39ni I I 3.0 2.0 EXCITATION (MeV). ORNL-DWG 67-4799 097 +p, Qion) =- 3.63 MeV d AND a. 90Zr +p AND 90 Zr +3 He 1645 keV ? 1465 keV? 1095 kev na, 595 keV 12 en=9 bn=1 bin=4- mino En =1.4 Mev Enq=0.9 Mev En = 2.0 Mev G.S. 9 8977 - . .. * . . ELLA! ORNL-DWG 67-4522 89712,n)89Zr* En=5.770 MeV ASSUMED 1"=3/2 ASSUMED 1"=12 89Zr* (1095-kev) 897r* (595-keV, 12) RELATIVE 0(0) 89Zr(g.s., 2+1 0 40 80 120 160 Oc.m. (deg) . . . . . . ORNL-DWG 65-472R ô Pepe L ô Hot o 119 Snip, n) 11956 117Sn(e, n)947 Sb Ô o 10 Ñ olan Ô o (millibarns) 0 至至至 ​0 A N 4.9 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 PROTON ENERGY (MeV) 4.8 4.9 5.0 13 ORNL-DWG 67-4802 112Snip, n) 19 sb' FLIGHT PATH = 6m 8 = 90° OFF-RESONANCE An3 (24) no (5) 1.7408 ng(23) 7 no NEUTRON COUNTS ON-RESONANCE * ** . o 20 40 60 80 180 200 220 240 260 100 120 140 160 CHANNEL NUMBER 13 ORNL-DWG 67-1338 -6 meters --- -7 meters - VO CARRIAGE ON TARGET . --- |NEUTRON FLIGHT PATH PIVOT DETECTOR DETECTOR SHIELDING BEAM ANALYZING MAGNET - CARRIAGE TRACK SHIELDING WALL counts/channel & na ar na dno a e 30 50 74.358 F74.3081 -4.265 || 70 +4.106 100 11873.893 150 3.654 ||| 1433.427 200 CHANNEL NUMBER 250 10 IMPURITY? A=750 FLIGHT PATH = 12.65 m Ep=4.946 Mev E58 Ni (d,n 59 Cu 300 2239 2.299_ 11 S IMPURITY? 129616 350 Set 1.375 ORNL-DWG 67-4737 400 # GROUND STATE ORNL-DWG 67-4734 58Nild, n) 59cu TG.S. 0.479-MeV STATE : 0(0) - 0.895-MeV STATE — 4.375-MeV STATE 0 (0) 0 40 : 80 120 BLAB (deg) 160 0 40 80 120 PLAB (deg) 160 . : TTTT 115,- AL ' . EL. 2.23 Ajk ! . L T . . 14.1!1 Wyn ? A 1 . ** ** ** ., * :. :.:. ::1:.:. " 11 2 ST 1 wa . X2 " ' . END 11? DATE FILMED 10 / 3 /67 WA: w 11? ! * ** 1:STUM . ; , : * .':.