- . there I OFI ORNL P. 3205 . . - 1.1 mas 월 ​. MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 l . i ' Onwrf 32 of Con-671102--9 RECEIVED BY DTIE AUG 29 1967 MASTER A Simplified Approach to Calculating Convective Plateout of Fission Products* T. S. Kress and F. H. Neill. CESTI PICES Oak Ridge National laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee H.C. $23.00 MN 165 Many analyses!,2,3 of the transport and deposition of fission products in a reactor coolant circuit share common deficiencies: the mathematical models are cumbersome and impractical to apply; the physical models are limited in the choice of surface reactions and do not readily describe the simultaneous adsorption of several fission products onto a common surface. The present model attempts to meliorate these shortcomings through the use of two simplifications: '1A quasi-equilibrium is assumed to exist at all times between the adsorbate on the surface and in the gas stream in direct contact with the surface. This is equivalent to assuming that' the transfer across the boundary layer is the controlling rate; 2. Axial variations are not included in the derivation of the equa- tions. These can be obtained, however, by progressive application of the equations in downstream finite difference regions using mass balances to establish the respective gas stream concentrations. The transfer across the boundary layer is described by the product of a mass-transfer film coefficient, h, and the average concentration poten- tial, (N. - N :). Therefore, for each fission product in a mixture of n, a mass balance on the surface gives Wi OM, at - h(Ñ- Nyt) + 1 M = 0 i = i. 2, ...n, [1] where à may be either the radioactive decay constant or some other un- specified removal rate constant. *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under con- tract with the Union Carbide Corporation. DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITED Our first assumption allows us to express the concentration near the surface, Nui, in terms of the mixed adsorption isotherm for the system, Ni = F; [ surface material, T, M, M, ...m .. [2] . Equatior. I is then rewritten . *.. . + 2 AM of at +14M= ;(t) 2 - where 0 (t) = a[n, (t) – Fg(t)] An analytical solution for Equation 3 is easily determined for a constant gas stream concentration of a single species with F expressed by the Langmuir Adsorption Isotherm. In general, however, time varia- tions in gas stream concentration and the complexity of mixed adsorption isotherms preclude finding an analytical solution. Numerical solution on a digital computer is recommended using an integral form of Equa- tion 3, My(t) = 5* (t, 2) (2) dz , [4] N where G(t,z) :3 a Green's function that must satisfy OG(,2) + x4(t,2) = 0 ot and (5) G(t,t) = 1 . LEGAL NOTICE This roport mo prepared no an account of Governmont sponsored work. Nolthor the Unitod Statos, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, mothod, or procoso disclosed in this report may not infringo privately owned rights; or B. Assumos any llabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the As used in the above, "person acting on baball of the Commission" includes any on- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employs or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor properes, diomminates, or provided accos to, eny Information pursuarit to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. 3 Conditions [5] are met if at Az G(t, z) = e e . Equation 4 then becomes nt 1,2 het My(t) = 1*2****** (z) áz , hen [6] which is readily solved by several numerical techniques. A simple irc- cedure would be to assume :(t) constant over any small finite difference time interval, At, so that for the j'th time interval, AM = le [7] Application of Equavion requires that the mixed adsorption isotherm be determined experimentally and the gas stream concentration, No, be established through knowledge of release rates and through numerical solution of gas stream mass balance equations. Equation 7 was used to predict deposition rates, and the results were compared with predictions from a more complex analysis that in- cluded separate rates for adsorption and desorption. Agreement was good under the conditions of the comparison which simulated conditions in a Fission Product Deposition Experimental Systems at ORNI. Nomenclature F = Mnction defining mixed aäsorption isotherm h = Mass transfer film coefficient i - Subscript denoting the i'ti member of a mixture of fission products 9 = Subscript denoting the j'th time interval in a finite dif- ference calculation M = Fission product concentration on the conduit surface N = Radial average of fission product concentration in the gas stream N = Fission product concentration in the gas stream at the con- " duit surface t = Time coordinant T = Surface temperature z = Dummy integration variable À = Fission product decay constant (alternatively, a removal rate constant) = Total ...mber of fission product species in the mixture. References 1. E. R. Venerus and M. N. Ozisik, Theoretical Investigations of Fission Product Deposition from Flowing Gas Streams, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 8(2): 337 (1965). 2. T. S. Kress and F. H. Neill, Parameters of Fission-Product Transport and Deposition, Trans, Am. Nucl. Soc., 9(1): 302 (1966). 3. G. E. Raines, A. Abriss, D. L. Morrison, and R. A. Ewing, Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Fission Product Deposition in Flowing Helium, USAEC Report BMI-1688, Battelle Memorial Institute, August (1964). 4. F. H. Neill, D. L. Gray, and T. S. Kress, Iodine Transport and Deposition in a High Temperature Helium Loop, USAEC · Report ORNI-TM-1386, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, June (1966). TSK:vm 6 s' END DATE FILMED 10 / 13 /67 14. . . . .. . T * . . 19:57 . . F E .. WC A ... .. List ht * tapi