. 1 . 6. * * PT- - I OFT ORNL P 3203 : 19 w en . . Home i . ca EEEEEEEE 1. 11.25 .14 1.1.6 . . . . MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 au- I -. URNr 4 32 03 melihat Une 670114.-4 .. AUG 22 1967 67. SROT 7*?.* mx 6 HQ 13.09 ... THERMAL CONDUCTIVITIES OF 90Sr HEAT SOURCE MATERIALS*: . : E. E. Ketchen and R. E. McHenry Isotopes Development Center. Oak Ridge National Laboratory Post Office Box * Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 MASTER ABSTRACT thermal gradients in high power density isotopic fuels limit the size of the sample which can be. used; for instance, a temperature difference of 50°C exists across a slab of 0.134-in.-thick one side of the slab. The thermal conductivities of Sro, SraTi0s, and SrTiO3 (of a composition which simulates these compounds prepared from nuclear fission fuels waste) are reported. The thermal conductivities were measured using a comparator apparatus which was altered to evaluate several factors necessary to establish a procedure for the measurement of the thermal conductivities of radioactive heat source fuels. The errors in the reported values are assessed and a procedure for high power den- sity radioactive samples is described. · The thermal conductivities reported in this paper for Sro, SrIi0s, and SrTiOs were measured in a thermal comparator apparatus** which was modified to measure 1/2-in.-high by l-in.dia disc-shaped samples without thermocouples. The data obtained using several materials demonstrate that system- atic error can be corrected by using empirical calibration constants and that random error is small. Additional modifications are required to adapt the apparatus for the thermal conductivity measurement of high power density radioisotopic samples; the proposed procedure is discussed. . INTRODUCTION med ' EXPERIMENTAL .co... ons The thermal conductivities of Sro, SraTi04, and SrTiOs have been measured using a modified version of a commercially available apparatus. The appara- tus was modified in order to evaluate the effects of several factors which are not subject to rig- orous control in thermal conductivity measurements of high power density radioactive materials. Thermal conductivity data of radioactive Leat • source materials are necessary for the calculation of thermal gradients in heat sources. Although the conductivities of radioactive materials which .. . are suitable as beat sources were not measured in this work and are not reported in the literature, sufficient data and experience, have been accum- lated to establish a proc:edure for such materials. Apparatus and Materials ambiente che non tanta boniter Thirththing and mother o Several Sosr isotopic power sources have been used in a series of power generators (SNAP-7A, B, C, D, and E) which were used in remote installa- . . tions. (1) Second generation 9°Sr power generators such as SNAP-23 will require an isotopic heat source of 4 in. dia, which delivers 1200 watts of thermal power. An accurate knowledge of the ther- mal conductivity of these large sources will be required.. A modified 3M TC-200 thermal conductivity appara- .tus (2) was used to measure the thermal conduc. itivity. A schematic diagram of the modified apparatus is shown in Figure 1. The apparatus is a thermal comparator in which a high flux (Q) supplied by a heater (a) flows in sequence through a specimen of known thermal conductivity (the standard), a specimen of unknown thermal conduc- tivity (the sample), and another standard to a : beat sink (b). The first standard, the sample, and the lower standard are referred to as Sa, Sa, . and Sa, respectively. The assembly is referred to as the thermal conductivity. stack. The tempera- ture at which the thermal conductivity is measured is controlled by a beater in the heat sink. The heat (Q) flowing through the standards (Si and S3) can be calculated from the equation: :* :* * : :* * :* : :* :* :* Q = KAAT An Conventional methods for the thermal conductivity measurements of ceramic materials require large well-instrumented samples. Unavailability of . sufficient materials (e.g., 244cm) and the diffi- culty of fabricating instrumented samples render conventional methods infeasible. Also, large where k = thermal conductivity of the standard, *: 114 :-*: + + + ở: ,-4 1 * - *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contrect with the Union Carbide Corporation. **3M Model TC-200 thermal conductivity apparatus. "Superior numbers refer to similarly-numbered references at the end of this paper". · DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITED .. . ... . . . 3.. . . 1. .. . .. A = cross sectional area of the standard, Sample Preparation AT = temperature drop in the standard over A composition typical of material which results a distance Ab. from process waste of fission-product fuel was chosen since the purpose of this work was to infer The temperatures of the lower end of standard s, the thermal conductivity of 90Sr heat sources. and the upper end of standard Sg are obtained by The composition of the three compounds Sro, .. extrapolating (using the equation) the tempera- Sr T10.1, and SrTiOg are given in Table 1. Samples tures measured at points 10 and ll to the ends of prepared with these compositions represent the the standards Sg and Sr, respectively. SºSr sample at the time of preparation (before radiation damage and accumulated decay product, The thermal. conductivity stack was surrounded by zirconium, nccurs ). a series of individually controlled guard heaters. Bubble zirconia was used as an insulating media The compounds were prepared/4) by adding the between the guard heater wall and the thermal desired amount oi Tioz in the form of a fine slurry conductivity stack. The guard heater wail was to the solution containing the strontium and pre- held within £1°C with respect to the adjacent cipitating the alkaline earths as carbonates. The stack to ensure no appreciable heat loss or gain alkaline-earth carbonate-Tioz mixture was calcined from the thermal conductivity stack. at 1200°C to decompose the carbonates to the oxides and, at the same time, to react the result- The Pyroceram 9606 standards were 1-3/4 in. long ing oxides with the Tioz to form the titanates. and I in. in dia. Thermocouples ll and 13 in standard S, and 8 and 10 in standard Ss were 1 in. Samples of strcntium fuel were prepared by hot apart. Thermocouples 10 and 11 were located 1/8 pressing(5) at 1200°C (Sro at 1300°c) in a graphite in. from the end surfaces of the standards. The die at 4000 psi for 1 hr. Hot pressed. samples o end surfaces of the standards and the sample were compounds which contained T102 were slightly sub- polished flat and paralled. A l-mil platinum · stoichiometric in oxygen (the oxygen deficiency sheet was placed between the sample and the was not, 0.006 moles of oxygen per mole of com- standards to reduce the thermal resistance at the pound). The samples were oxidized to interfaces. In all cases, the sample was ~1/2 in. stoichiometry by heating in air at 1200°C for 24 high and l in. in dia. hr. Substoichiometric samples were black; stoi- chiometric samples were white. The samples were ground to size, and the top and bottom of the Calibration of Apparatus samples were ground flat and parallel before polishing. The apparatus as received from the manufacturer was evaluated using the procedure recommended ir The samples specimens were prepared without instru- the manual(2) supplied with the apparatus. The mentation (i.e., no thermocouples were inserted in apparatus was tested with the standards and the the sample specimen) in order to simulate the sample of identical material whose thermal con- radioactive samples as closely as possible. It ductivities had been precisely measured. Tests is infeasible to instrument radioactive samples. were made using thermal conductivity stacks of Pyroceram 9606 and Armco Iron. In both cases, the samples were I in. In dia by 1 in. High with .XPERIMENTAL RESULTS thermocouples installed as recoinmended by the manufacturer. Thirteen measurements were made at temperatures in the range of 65 to 900°C. The Variance in Interface Conductivity maximum deviation from the standard value was 5. The average deviation for the 13 values was 2.3%. . Since samples without instrumentation were used No tests were made using stanäards and samples for this work and are planned for future work with whose thermal conductivities differ a few percent, radioactive samples, the variation in the con- since such standards were not available. :ductivity of the interface between the sample and standards and the resultant error was determined. The apparatus was modified to measure n.-high : Data were taken in a series of ruris in which N samples by increasing the length of the standards : and Q were measured across the interface between to 1-3/4 in. (Figure 1). The samples were un- two pieces of Pyroceram 9606. The temperatures instrumented. Test runs were made using Pyroceram : were measured by two thermocouples placed 1/8 in. 9606 samples and Pyroceram 9606 standards whose from the interfaces. The temperatures at the thermal conductivity is standardized (3) and simi surfaces of the Pyroceram were obtained by extrapo- lar to the thermal conductivities of the compounds lation using known values of thermal conductivity to be measured. Empirical constants were obtained i and experimental values of Q and temperatures. which were used to adjust the data taken using . The temperature drop acruss the interface was material of similar but unknown thermal conduc- normalized by dividing by Q. The average AT/Q is tivity. shown as a function of the interface temperature LEGAL NOTICE in Figure 2. the commune sou6 and Armoreductivity contai. Tests The ruport w prepared u w account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United Status, for the Councineton, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: d. Make my warranty or reprodonadon, sprchod or implied, with respect to the accu- macy, completeness, or unafuldest of the taformation contained to this report, or that the use of my tafor uation, apparatus, method, or procon declosed in this report may not Infringe privately owned righte; or B. ARUS any llabaute with roopact to the use of, or for damages romulting from the an of any tatormation, appunto, method, or process dlaclound in this roport. As rood in the whom, "pornon acttes on behalf of the Commissdoa" Includes my on- auch employee or contractor of the Com. e or employme of much contractor preparou, demostrates, or provides accen to, any trformation partant to his employmeat or contract with the Couumiandon, or his employment with touch contractor. ........ ***',:.. ...; . ... . Measurement of the Thermal Conductivity Titanium Oxide. The thern conductivity of a hot pressed specimen of 99.9% pure TiO2* (9 theoretical density was measured to evaluate the operation of the modified apparatus. The thermal conductivities obtained are show in curve i of Figure 3; curve 2 gives the thermal conductivities of 99.5% pure TiO2 of 98% theoretical density recommended by the Bureau of Standards. (6) The experimental values have been corrected using the calibration constant obtained using Pyroceram 9606 standards and sample as possible the exact setup for an experimental run as for a calibration run, the errors resulting from factors other than the variance in the inter- face conductivity were held to a small fraction of the error due to the interface. This conclusion is supported by the excellent agreement of data taken with a material using different values for the calibration constants (Figure 4 and Tables 3 and 4). Also, the data obtained for TiO2 (Figure 3) is in good agreement with published values. · Interface Conductivity Strontium. Oxide. The thermal conductivity of a . hot pressed Sro pellet of 95.9% theoretical gen- sity (4.44 g/cm3) was measured. The pellet was handled in such a manner as to prevent CO2 and : moisture of the air from reacting with Sro before the measurement. Due to the reactivity of Sro in air, it was not metallographically examined. The thermal conductivity of the pellet is given in Table 2; the thermal conductivity values (Figures 4 and 5) have been corrected to theoretical den- sity using Loeb's equation. *** The data for 30 values of AT are given in Figure 2. A straight line was fitted to the data by using the method of least mean squares. The estimated vari- ance of the points in Figure 2 from the line is 0.832°C/watt. The estimated variance of the points from the true line is 0.95°C/watt. Since there are two interiaces in each determination, the total estimated variance for the two interfaces by propa- gation of errors is y2 x 0.95°C/watt or 1.3°C/watt. A band which will include 95% of the points is obtained 11 twice the total variance is added to and subtracted from the mean; this band is 2.6°C watt. Since the average AT/watt for the sample is 9°C the error due to the interface will be greater than +29% for 5% of the thermal conductivity deter- minations. Fifty percent of the thermal conduc- tivity determinations will have interface conduc- tivity errors of less than £10%. Strontium Orthotitanate. The thermal conductivity of Sr T10,** (density, 4.92 g/cms) is given in Table 3 and Figures 4 and 5. A photomicrograph of a typical sample is shown in Figure 6. The .photomicrograph shows what appears to be shallow holes or a clear phase. . Since the density is so similar to the theoretical density, 799.5%, it was assumed that the slightly darker areas are optically clear phases in the gray matrix material. Thermal Conductivity Strontium Titanate. The thermal conductivity of SrTiO3 (đensity, 5.11 g/cms) is given in Table 4 and Figures 4 and 5. A photomicrograph of the theoretically dense pellet is shown in Figure 7. The data for the thermal conductivity of Sro, Sr Ii0s, and SrTiOs were correlated under the assumption that the predominant mode of conduction in the range investigated is by phonons, Under this assumption, the thermal conductivity is pro- . DISCUSSION perature. This function is linear and fits the data well. The function was fitted by least mean squares. The confidence limit (95%) 18 snown for the curves in Figure 4. The functions for Sro, SraTi04, and SrTiO3 were used to calculate the curves for the range of experimeatal values and for extrapolation outside that range. The thermal conductivity versus temperature is shown in Figure 5. It is believed that the extrapolation is useful for the range shown. Calibration Constant The calibration constants (defined as the ratio of the measured value to the standard value of the thermal conductivities obtained varied as much as 15% at a given temperature (Figure 8). However, the data obtained during a single cali- bration run fitted a straight line with a maximum deviation of <2%. Several sources of error which could contribute to the variation in the calibra- tion constant can be identified: (1) variation in the thermal conductivity of the bubble zirconia, (2) caanges in the composition of thermocouples due to contamination, and (3) variance in the interface conductivity. By reproducing as closely . . . Systematic Error The thermal conductivity of TiO2 was determined in order to evaluate the systematic error. Since the TiO2 data agreed well with the weighted average of 36 sets of data analyzed by the National Bureau of Standards, it is believed that the systematic error *The Tioz used to obtain the data was slightly substoichiometric in oxygen (see Experimental section this report). **These data were taken using a fully oxidized sample. Other data given in Table 4 show that within the limits of error for this apparatus, no difference was observed between stoichiometric and substoichio- metric samples. . does not greatly exceed the icrecision. Systematic error can result when the thermal conductivity of . the standard differs significantly from the sample. For this reason, the systematic error should be less for SraTi04 then for Sro or SrTiO3. REFERENCES (1) Corliss, W. R. and Harvey, D. G., Radivo isotope Power Generation, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood, N. J., 1964, p. 167. FUTURE WORK (2) Operating Instructions on the 3M Model TC-200 Thermal Conductivity Apparatus, Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co., St. Paul, Minnesota. The work described in this report was undertaken for two purposes: (1) to obtain the thermal con- ductivity of strontium fuels under the condition of no radiation damage or accumulated decay product within the strontium fuel and (2) to develop a pro- cedure for the determination of the thermal conduc- tivity of radioactive fuels. In particular, it was desired to determine the error resulting from thermal conductivity measurements made on small uninstrumented samples. The data described in this report show that the thermal conductivity using 1/2-in.-high by l-in.-dia uninstrumented discs can be determined with acceptable errors. Flynn, D. R., Thermal Conductivity of Semi- conductive Solids, Method for Steady-state Measurements on Small Desk Reference Samples, NBS Rpt. 7740, U. S. Dept. of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards (Oct. 29, 1962). (4) Baker, P. S., Rupp, A. F., and associates, Isotope Production and Development, Isotop. Radiat. Technol. 1(1): 37-9 (Fall 1963). (5) Quinby, T. C., Pierce, E. E., and McHenry, R. E., Hot Presses for Glove Box and Manipu- lator Cell Use, USAEC Rpt. ORHL-IM-1900, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (to be published). Powell, R. W., Ho, C. Y., and Liley, P. E., Thermal. Conductivity of Selected Materials, NSRDS-NES8, U. S. Dept. of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards (Nov. 25, 1966). The thermal conductivity of radioactive fuel wili be measured using essentially the same apparatus with the same type of sample. However, with radio- active samples the method will be absolute rather than comparative. The beat flux, Q, will be sup- plied by the sample; Q can be accurately determined by calorimetric methods. 1 The top beater, which is not required, will serve standard S, (see Figure 1) will be replaced by a temperature monitor or low thermal conductivity. The top guard will be adjusted to give zero AT (and zero heat flow for the two thermocouples in the temperature monitor. The temperature of the monitor will be the same as the temperature at the top of the sample. The temperature at the bottom of the sample will be determined using the bottom monitor (which will replace the bottom standard).' The bottom monitor will also measure the heat flow from the sample and indicate the correctness of the adjustment of the guard beaters. The sample heiglat Por severai radioactive fuels for a AT of 50°C is given in Table 5. Posey, J. C., Calorimetry for Measuring Radioactivity, Isotop. Radiat. Technol. 1(1): 92-6 (Fall 1963). + - - - ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1. Cross Section of Thermal Conductivity Apparatus. Figure 2. Error Due to Variable Interface Conductivity. Figure 3. Thermal conductivity of T102. Figure 4. Correlation of Thermal Conductivity Data for Sro, SraT104, and SrTiO3. Figure 5. Thermal conductivity of Sro, SrTi04, and SrTiO3. Figure 6. SraTi04. Figure 7. SrTiO3. Figure 8. Calibration Constant Using Pyroceram 9606. . The major source of error in the thermal conduc- tivity measurements is expected to result from the variation of the conductivity of the bottom inter- face. The error for the interface conductivity of a nonradioactive sample has been discussed pre- viously in the report. The error resulting from the variation of a single interface is expected to be greater for radioactive samples due to the dif- ficulty of preparing smooth parallel surfaces. However, since only one interface is involved, the errors are expected to be approximately the same as reported for nonradioactive samples. The over- all error should be less since an absclute method will be used. Table 4. Thermal Conductivity of SrTi Table 1. Composition of Sro, SrzTi04, and SrTiO3 Composition, Compound wt% Sro SraTi04 SrTiO3 Sro . 91.69 65.56 51.03 Cao 3.10 2.42 Bao 3.46 2.47 1.92 MgO 0.51 0.37 0.28 Tila - 28.50 44.35 4.34 421 497 Thermal conductivity, wa Temp., First run Second runa 394 0.0415 408 0.0409 0.0410 489 0.0388 0.0392 515 0.0383 .650 0.0361 696 0.0335 0.0347 0.0341 816 0.0313 0.0317 861 0.0313 Cusing slightly substoichiometric sample. 736 Temp. 813 ' ' • 411 Table 2. Thermal Conductivity of Sro Thermal conductivity, watts/cm°c Experimental Corrected 405 0.02298 0.0240 0.02257 0.0235 592 0.02155 0.0225 682 0.02036 0.0212 747 0.01956 0.0204 491 249 Theoretical density. Table 5. Sample Height for at of 50°C Radioactive fuel Sample height, in. . - 90sro 0.40 90sr2[104 90SrIi03 1709m 03 0.55 0.68. 0.20 0.14 244c1203 1 . A Table 3. Thermal Conductivity of Srzli04 Thermal conductivity, watts/cm°c Temp., First run Second run 359 0.03400 0.03195 465 0.03267 495 0.03063 0.03293 0.03001 652 0.03219 0.02937 728 0.03199 749 0.02982 577 592 692 .......... ----------------- -- ---. ..em comme ORNL-DWG 67-6388 PRESSURE U . U 0 0 D 1 + . 00 U . 0 0 C C U DO o . 0 OO DO . Ou 0 o CERAMIC POWDER V C 0 . . . O . . 0 0 CERAMIC POWDER D 0 0 0 00 . D C C O . co C U . . . 1 1 000 . 1 U C . D c I 0 . O OOO 0 0 DO 0 u . . . . Fig. I Cross Section of Thermal Conductivity Apparatus. ORNL-DWG 67-6694 AVERAGE A/watt FOR SAMPLE=9° C :.5% OF K DETERMINATION HAVE ERRORS OF GREATER THAN † 29% 50% OF K DETERMINATION HAVE ERRORS OF LESS THAN † 10% 800 400 500 . 700 INTERFACE TEMPERATURE (°C) Fig. 2 Error Due to Variable interface Conductivity. ORNL-DWG 67-6389 - - - -- - " - THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY (watt /cm °C). • CURVE NO. 2 RECOMMENDED VALUE NBS • CURVE NO. 1 THIS RESEARCH + . . 300 oo 800 . 400 500 600 700 TEMPERATURE (°C) Fig. 3 Thermal Conductivity of TiO2. ORNL-DWG 67-6672 SrTiOz k=0.0185 + 15,592 SrTi04 k=0.0261 + Sro k= 0.0135 + 7:4:15 K, THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY (watt/cm °C) CONFIDENCE LIMIT ON CURVE (P=0.95) 0.01 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 9.50 1.60 1C0O / T (OK) Fig. 4 Correlation of Thermal Conductivity Data for Sro, Sration, and SrTiO3. ORNL-DWG 67-6674 SrTiO3 K, THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY (watts/cm°C) Sr. SrTiO4 - Sre--t- 400 800 1200 1600 TEMPERATURE (°C) Fig. 5 Thermal Conductivity of Sro, Sration and SrTiO, . . 1 . . ... ..... . * ... :::; ..,' ; ::.:.:..:.o ne's THE 16T5 TO 250x Ty Tin TTT Fig. 6. Sr2T104 . . . . :: : :: : : . . . 8 250xom NT- Fig. 7. SrTi03 ....... ... ..... ORNL-DWG 67-6390R · 110 KTHIS WORK ACCEPTED 100* KACCEPTED O NO. 1 CURVE RAN ON NOV 7, 1966 A NO. 2 CURVE RAN ON JAN 26, 1967 A NO. 3 CURVE RAN ON MARCH 17, 1967 80 350 850 450 550 650 750 TEMPERATURE (°C) Fig. 8 Calibration Constant Using Pyroceram 9606. END . n' . Y L'i - DATE FILMED 10 / 4 /67 ! YNC NA LK ht 1 1. 1. 1 . . . LHV . 29.11. i . 44 2 . 1 ,