- . . 1. 2 + 1 - : . • : de /. 1 > 1 . . . L OF ORNLP 3201 11 . : pe $ m . . . . : * a ....; . .. 2 . : . i .. SO 9 SMI i 1.1 .. . : _ . . . . . 4 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 • i : . L 7 . ' . . ORNV-P.3201 Cont 670709.-2 216 MASTER AUG 23 1967 Symposium on the "Pacific Uses of Atomic Radiation;" Rio de Janeiro, July 9-15, 1967 CREAZ. DICTS 21.0 22.00; . 65 EFFECTS OF RADIATION ON CHROMOSOMES Michael A Bender . . ....... - - Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. ... .... ...- -. - .. . - con. ... - operated by Union Carbide Corporation for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. -. . LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponoured work. Noither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulne88 of the inforniation contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, metuod, or process disclosed in this report may not Infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, ur fur damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any on- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that Buch employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. ..-..-...------...--...- .............",". DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITED M rowe.........,'; ?..... tosOntmo games ............. . ........ .. Running head: Chromosomes Send proof to: Michael A Bender Biology Division Oak Ridge Nationai Laboratory P. 0. Box Y Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830, 0,5.A. Radiation-induced chromosome breakage and recombination have been extensively studied for over 30 years, starting with the work of Sax (1938). During that time not only has a very detailed body of information been accumulated by radiation cytogenetics, but the study of radiation effects on chromosomes has contributed heavily to our understanding of their normal structure and behavior as well. Naturally, there are many areas where our knowledge is still incomplete ce $ T and active research is still going on. Nevertheless, our knowledge of dose-effect kinetics, factors modifying aberration yields, recovery and repair processes, and the fates of. aberrations and of the cells containing them is extensive. It is patently impossible for me to review the whole field of radiation cytogenetics for this Symposium. Furthermore, an excellent, complete review has recently been published by Evans (1962). So in spite of the more general title assigned me, I shall take the 1lberty of restricting myself to a much narrower topic which has been of special interest to me personally, that of radiation-induced chromosomal aberrations in man. In spite of a certain practical Interest, the study of chromosomal aberrations in human cells was begun only 21 d. 1 about ten years ago. The reason lies in the technical ma difficulty of making useful cytological preparations from mammalian material by classical techniques. During the early 1950's the use of clssue cultures and of hypotonin, prefixation treatments changed this. The start of modern human cytogenetics may be dated from the discovery in 1956 by Tjio and Levan that the human diploid chromosome number was really 46 inscead of the 48 ont still sees Solie quoted. Human chromosome work received grea: impetus a few years later when it was discovered that some clinical disorders, such as mongolian idiocy and various sexual abnormalities, have chromosomal bases (Lejeune, Gautier and Turpin, 1959; Ford, et al., 1959a, 1959b). The development during the next year of a practical sethod for obtaining chromosome preparations from peripheral blood samples (Moorhcad, et al., 1960) contributed to a remarkably explosive growth of the new field of human cytogenetics. Not only did a great number of people join the search for new clinical chromosomal abnormalities, but many laboratories started to work with radiation-induced aberrations in hunan cells as well.. Unfortunately, the result, from the point of view i of the radiation cytologist, has been disappointing, and ..... .. . . m sometimes even distressing. It was probably inevitable that enthusiasm for work with human chromosomes would lead some workers to enter the field without benefit of the information already accumulated from studies with other organisms. Many already well known (frequently even trivial) facts have appeared in the literature as new and important discoveries. Some authors have added to the confusion by using non-standard nomenclature of their orm invention. Worst of all; data is frequently obtained or presented in such a way as to be obscure, and obviously false conclusions are some times drawn. In short, the field of human radiation Cytogenetics has become much more confused (and confusing) than there seems any real excuse for. It is my hope that by cutlining some of the most basic facts in radiation cytogenetics, and then examining the human chromosome work in their li.ght, I can perhaps put human radiation cytology in somewhat better perspective. Furthermore, I hope that some of the valid reasons for studying radiation-induced human chromosonie aberrations will be clarified, and that the conditions which must be met by studies aimed at particular problems will be evident. Chromosomal Aberrations Eynes Before considering specific studies of radiation- Induced abezrations in human chromosomes, then, I would like to review a few of the basic phenomena in adiacion cytogenetics. Those I shall cover here are all very well known, and have been for many years. Details may be found in almost any text on radiation effects. While I will use human chromosomes as examples, the phenomena described were actually discovered in non-human, usually plant, material. When examined at the metaphase of a cell division, each chromosome is composed of two parallel strands, the chromatids, still joined together at the centromere region, which is the point of attachment of the chromosome to the spindle apparatus, and thus responsibia for the movement of the daughter chromosomes to the poles during the anaphase. These features may be seen in the first slide (Fig. la) which shows a metaphase in a tissue- cultured human peripheral leukocyte. A particular chromosome F-la number is, of course, characteristic of each species, and a somatic cell, such as the leukocyte, is diploid and contains two homologous chromosomes of each type (except A SC mo ON DA for the heteromorphic sex chromosome pair). The next slide (Fig. 2) shows the chromosomes from the previous F-2 slide (Fig. la) rearranged by pairs in what is known as a karyotype. The relative length and centromere position of each of the chromosomes is constant. Some chromosomal aberrations change the size or shape of one or more chromosomes and may thus sometimes be discovered by preparing a karyotype, although they may not be at all obvious when one simply observes the original metaphase figure. Chromosonal aberrations are generally believed to arise through the breakage of a chromosomal strand. If S are several breaks exist in the same cell at the same time, the broken ends of the strands may recombine to give various types of rearranged chromosomes. If the breakage is induced early in the cell cycle, before the synthesis of new chromosomal material begins, the chromosomes behave as single strands and the aberrations seen are of what is called, somewhat confusingly, the chromosome type. If the breakage is induced later in the cell cycle, however, ve the chromosomes behave as two-stranded structures, and no. breakage in one of the strands is more or less independent. of that in the other. Such aberrations are known as 1 chromatid-type aberrations. With one exception, which we will consider later, analogous aberration types occur within the chromosome-type and the chromatid-type classes. A single chromosome break results in a fragment without a centromere, plus the shortened centric chromosome (provided, of course, that the break stays open and does not "heal"). This sort of aberration is called a chromosome deletion. An example from a human leukocyte is shown in the next slide (Fig. 1b). The aberration is recognized F-lb by the presence of tire paired acentric fragments. The cell was irradiated, and the break induced, while the chronosomes were still single stranded; when the chromosomes replicated themselves, the fragment replicated as well, producing the characteristic identical pair. If two or more chronosome breaks occur in the same cell at the same time "hey may, of course, simply yield two or more deletions on the other hand, they may recombine to form new aberration types. Two breaks could be either in the same or in different chromosomes. In either case, the recombinations can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical. By symmetrical is meant the case where a broken end on the centric part of a broken chromosome is joined to the - broken end on an acentric part; in an asymmetrical rearrangement one centric end united with the other centric end and an - - - - acentric one with the other acentric end. Symmetrical rearrangement in a chromosome with two breaks yields an inversion, while asymmetrical rearrangement yields a ring chromosome, together with acentric fragments. Symmetrical rearrangement between two breaks in different chromosomes, on the other hand, yields a translocation, while agyınmatrical rearrangement yields a dicentric chromosome along with acentric fragments. The next slide (Fig. 1.c) shows an example of such a dicentric chromosome induced by X zay f-1c treatmen" of a human blood sample. Similar, but more complex, aberrations such as dicentric rings or tricentrics may occur if three or more breaks ara available in a cell. As already mentioned, the chromatid-type aberrations are, with one exception, analogous to the chromosome types. Thus one finds rings, dicuntrics, etc., but they involve one chromatid only, instead of both. The exception is known as the isochromatid deletion. In this type of deletion both chromatide are broken at the same level. Such aberrations are believed to arise as a result of breakage of both strands by a single event, during the time while the strands still lie in very close proximity. Unlike the broken ends from a chromosome-type deletion, the ends in an isochromatid deletion may recombine with each other .. .. + ', ,'. . ... . ... . ... .. . . . . .... ... 10 in a sister chromatid-to-sister chromatid fashion. These chromosome-type deletions. Some isochromatid deletions, nosom however, involve no sister union, and these are indistinguishable from chromosome-type deletions. Kinetics Chromosome breaks induced in cells by sparsely ionizing radiations such as X or y rays are distributed at random. Consequently, wiile one expects linear dose- effect kinetics for the induction of single-break aberrations, acute doses of these radiations are expected to induce two- break zverrations with second order dose-effect kinetics, three-break aberrations with third order kinetics, and so on. This follows from the random nature of the breakage, because if the breaks are statistically independent events having the same probability of occurring, theni the probability that two breaks will coincide (in the same cell or in the same chromosome) is the square of the probability of getting one break, and the probability that three will coincide is the cube of the protability of a single break. In fact, such non-linear kinetics were noted very early in the study of radiation-induced chromosomal aberrations, and formed the basis for much of the theory of chromosome aberration production, Of course, the kinetics usually observed are actually not precisely those expected from such a simple analysis. In reality there are many complications, such as the possibility that there is a limit to the number of places in the chromosomas at which breaks can participace in recombinations, and the possibility that one piroton might actually induce more than one break, to name just a few. Nevertheless, for practical purposes the yields of deletions induced by acute X or y irradiation are approximately a linear function of dose, and the yields of rings, dicentrics, exchanges, and Inversions increase approximately as the square of the dose. As might be anticipated, there are situations where the approximately second order kinetics expected ĉor two- break aberrations (for example) do not occur. Irradiation with densely ionizing particles, such as fission neutrons or a particles, is characterized by approximately linear dose-effect curves for multiple-break aberrations. This is because the breaks induced by such radiations are not, in fact, statistically independent. Iť a particle dissipates enough energy while traversing a cell, the probability that more than one break will be produced II . .. . .. . . .... . ..... .. .. . . ..' ... . . ... . . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . . . becomes virtually unity, and the observed linear dose- effect kinetics result. lleither does chronic irradiation with sparsely ionizing X or y rays give the same dose-effect kinetics as acute irradiation, Chromosome breaks have a finite lifetime during which they remain available for recombination. Although this does not affect the number of single-break aberrations produced (provided the cell does not divide during the irradiation), one would expect that the number of multiple-break aberrations would be reduced, and that the dose-effect kinetics would become more nearly linear as the dose rate is decreased, which is just what is actually observed. Ultimately, if the dose were given over a long enough time, only those few multiple-break aberrations which resulted from recombination of breaks induced by the same lonizing event could occur at all, and the dose-effect curve would be completely linear. Fates We have spoken, up to now, of aberrations as they appear in the first metapahse following their induction. But what happens to these aberrations when the cell containing them actually divides? What is the fate of an..... ....................... .......gang. O.. 13 the daughter cells? How does the induction of chromosomal aberrations in its cells affect the organism? We can give some very general answers, even though they will, of necessity, be somewhat oversimplified, As already noted, many aberration types involve acentric fragments. Such fragments, lacking a centromere, are not distributed to the spindle poles at anaphase like the rest of the chromosomal material. They are only included in one (or both) of the daughter nuclei by accident. Generally, they will remain in the cytoplasm of one of the daughter cells for a time, forming micronuclei, but eventually they will be lost. With the exception of isochromatid deletions with sister union between the centric chromatids, deleted chromosomes segregate normally at anaphase. One or botil of the daughter nuclei, depending on the deletion type, receives a daughter chromosome which is shortened by the amount of material lost in the acentric fragment. A diploid cell is thus made haploid for a portion of one of the chromosomes of a pair, Where there is sister union between the centric cliromatids in an isochromatid deletion, however, normal segregation of the centromeres is interfered with because the two centromeres, which must try to move to opposite poles, are physically joined . . . .. . ....... .. .. . ... .... .. ... . ... .. .. . .........., qui ... - " -- ".. . ... .. . . .. . . -.. .-. - . -.-.-.... ... . . . . . . 14 by a common chromatid strand. An an aphase bridge results. The fate of such a bridge, and of the dividing cell containing it, is not at all clear. One hears the famous OUS breakage-fusion-bridge cycle discovered by McClintock (1938) mentioned frequently, but this process was discovered in the triploid endosperm of maize, and has not been reported 11 other tissues or organisms. It actually seems quite doubtful that the phenomenon is general. It is possible that some or all bridges eventually break, permitting the division to be completed, and leaving the daughter cells with deleted chromosomes (frequently a duplication-deletion in one of the daughters). If the bridge does not break, the division cannot be completed, and the cell presumably either dies or becomes a polyploid. Symmetrical multiple-break aberrations can be expected to segregate without any difficulty at the anaphase. One or both of the daughter cells simply receives one or more rearranged chromosomes. In the case of a symmetrical translocation, because there are two independently assorting pairs of centromeres involved, the two translocated chromosomes may go to the opposite poles at anaphase, and duplication-deficiencies will result. No such problem exists with Inversions, 15 Asymmetrical multiple-break aberrations, on the other hand, involve acentric fragments. The same aite expectations apply to these fragments as to the fragments from deletions. Ring chromosomes will segregate normally .. at anaphase (provided two chromatid rings are not inter- locked" by a twist or an odd number of exchanges between chromatids). Dicentric chromosomes or chromatids, having, in effect, two centromeres on one chromatid, are obvious candidates for an aphase bridge formation. It should be noted, however, that bridge formation is not necessary, but only possible. If both of the centromeres on one chromatid attempt to go to one pole, only a twist which looped one chromatid through the other could cause any mechanical trouble. It is not uncommon that random is te IRO segregation of the four centromeres of a dicentric chromosome is assumed. If this were the case one would expect bridge formation one-half of the time. It seems more itkely, though, that the probability of the "opposite assortment" which would lead to bridge formation is a SS function of the distance between the centromeres on the chromatids. Where the centromeres were very close together one might expect virtually no bridge formation, but where they were very far apart the probability of bridge formation - - - inight approach 50 percent. As with the bridges formed by 16 some isochromatid deletions, little is known of how often, if at all, they break, allowing the division to be completed. But if they do break, the daughter cells must receive what amount to deleted chroinosomes. It can be seen that if cells containing most types of aberrations do successfully divide, one or both daughter cells will contain a chromosome that is deficient for some of its genetic material. In a diploid cell, however, the homologous chromosome is usually still intact, and the cell is thus not lacking part of its geneta message, but only haploid for it. Many of us are accustomed to think of deficiencies of appreciable size as being lethal. Any recessive lethals in the segment of the homologous chronosome "uncovered" by a deletion can be expressed just as though they were dominant. We must remember, however, that this idea derives from genetic studies, and that the lethals we have in mind are those that kill zygotes or cmbryos, ivhat about deficiencies in somatic cells? Most genetic lethals act by interfering with the production of some critical compound in the cell. But to be a somatic cell lethal a deletion would have to prevent the production of a compound whose deficiency could not be made up by supply from normal cells elsewhere in the organism, for the deficient cell would otherwise be "saved." There , -.- - 17 is little information on the frequency with which deletions are in fact lethal in diploid somatic cells, but it appears from what little evidence there is that many, perhaps most, are not lethal, nor even detrimental, Several of the aberratior types, if they do get to one or both of the daughter cells, have the same expectation of causing mechanical trouble at each succeeding division that they did in the first. Thus a dicentric which segregates without difficulty at the first division still has the same probability of forming a bridge at the next, and so forth. In a cell population, then, one would expect a gradual. loss of dicentrics, leading ultimately to their complete elimination. In order to consider the effect of chromosome aberrations on the organism in which they are induced, we must make a distinction between somatic cells and gern line cells. Aberrations certainly kill some somatic cells either outright (at a division for example), or by removing třem from the pool of cells capable of renewing the population. This killing can be of more or less consequence to the organism, depending on the particular tissue involved. Cell killing in bone marrow, for example, has more dramatic effects than cell killing in a tissue with less rapid cell turnover, 00S *************.com.my 18 such as muscle. Chromosomal aberrations are known to be ass associated with neoplasia. It is tempting, therefore, to think that aberration induction might lead to neoplastic diseases. I know, of no case, however, where this has been demonstrated, although the case of the Phé chromosome in chronic myeloid leukaemia (Nowell and Hungerford, 1960) is certainly suggestive. Chromosomal aberrations induced in germ : 1ine cells may have genetic consequences, as distinct from the possible clinical effects of aberrations in somatic cells, Germ line aberrations can, of course, simply act as genetic or zygotic lethals. On the other hand, they may be transmitted to the next generation. Some will certainly produce abnormal individuals, since the same chromosomal abnormality is present in every cell of the offspring's body. Some offspring may be balanced translocation I heterozygotes. Such individuals appear normal, but they are semi-sterile and may even produce grossly abnormal cffspring themselves.. Aberrations such as deletions may spread in the population from generation to generation acting as recessives. As with recessive gene mutations, though, most may be expected to be detrimental when their frequency in the population became high enough for homozygotes to begin to appear. 19 Studies or Human Chromosomes Since much is already known about radiation-induced chromosomal aberrations, and since non-human material has supplied most of the information we already have, it is perhaps not unreasonable to ask for what reason we bother to study human material at all. Studies on man human chromosomes have, perhaps, more glamour than studies on toad or tomato chromosomes, but can human chromosomes really give us more basic information on normal chromosome structure and function than can the chromosomes of other species? Failing that, are there actually sound practical reasons for choosing human material over a multitude of other possibilities? In point of fact, in spite of their relatively high chromosome number, human cells really have proved to be superior mater! 11 for certain types of basic studies, either because of the existence of "permanent" hutan tissue culture cell lines or because of the large number of chromosome abnormalities in man which have known clinical consequences. Occasionally there are other special technical reasons as well. This by no means, however, is sufficient to explain the volume of work . ... . ........... """.......... ...More.....9.6441!.„* ****.com.co 20 that has been done. Much human chromosome work has as its objective the acquisition of practical information of particular utility to humans themselves, information examining human material. Several examples come readily to mind. in studies of radiation-induced chromosomal aberrations in man is to evaluate liuman radiation hazards. Although it is tempting to simply extrapolate from data on non-human material, this is clearly a risky procedure at best. And even if we could be confident of the accuracy of such extrapolations, the practical importance of the problein would still lead us to make checks with liuman material anynyay, just to be sure. Several types of study are indicated, but the answers sought are of necessity all quantitative, rather than qualitative. First, perhaps, one would like to know the radiosensitivity of human chromosomes as compared with those of the more thoroughiy studied "classical" materials. But we also need evaluations of the specific peculiarities of human material, of tissue-to-tissue differences in radiation sensitivity, of the population dynamics of the cells in the tissues of Interest, and so forth, in order to U 21 meaningfully assess human radiation hazards. A second major practical reason for studying human material is the obvious possibility of using human chromosome aberrations as a "biological dosimeter." If it is possible to describe the yield of chromosomal aberrations as a function of radiation dose by simple a'igebraic expressions, and to accurately predict the yield from any dose, then It is obviously also possible to calculate the dose that must have been received in order to produce a given yield. This possibility has been noted by several authors (Bender and Gooch, 1962; Norman, et al., 1962; Shapiro, et al., 1963; Kelly and Brown, 1965). Again, the prime requirement is quantitative information on human chromosome radiosensitivity and on cell and tissue dynamics, Practical confirmations of the ability of this "dosłmeter" to measure radiation exposures reasonably accurately are also in order, of course. One can also think of other specific practical reasons for the study of chromosomal aberrations induced in human cells, but most are directed at much more limited and specific objectives, such as manned spaceflight or radiotherapy of specific types of tumors, for example, They are consequently of more limited interest, and in any case they must rest on the same quantitative foundation as the radiation hazards and the biological dosime try questions. "Cellular" aberration rates Germ line cells. From the point of view of the human radiation hazard problem, one would really like to have direct measurements of aberration yields in . human germ line cells. To my knowledge, however, none has as yet been made. All the information available is on somatic cells. It is unfortunately not at all clear to what extent it is valid to extrapolate fror somatic ce11 aberration rates to germ line aberration rates. Somatic cells in vitro. The earliest studies of radiation-induced human chromosomal aberration rates were made on diploid tissue culture cells which had were ue C been in culture only a short time and should thus, it was hoped, have about the same radiosensitivity as cells in vivo (Bender, 1957, 1960; Puck, 1958; Lindsten, 1959; Fraccaro, 1960; Dubluin, et al., 1960; Chu, et al., 1961). The cells were irradiated with X rays in vitro and examined for (mainly) chromatid-type aberrations. A YO were similar chromatid aberration experiment has been done with leukocytes in short-term culture (Bender and Gooch, 1963a), Such studies presenced many difficulties of various kinds (Bender, 1963). While it is not possible to 30 into these extensively here, two of them deserve er ve SORE some comment. First, there is the question of how well actually be expected to agree with ratas induced in cells PUU In vivo. Second, chromatid aberration yields induced by a given dose are known to vary markedly as the cells move through the cell cycle. This, together with differences in the scoring methods for chromatid aberrations mov employed by various investigators makes it difficult to precisely reconcile the various reports. Nevertheless, it is certainly possible to conclude that the radiosensitivity froin that of the chromosomes of other species. The peripheral leukocyte technique, when it became available, offered a superior and much more convenient means of detennining the radiosensitivity of human chromosomes. Blood samples can be obtained quite easily, and may be irradiated immediately after they are drawn, thus approximating an 111 vivo irradiation as closely as seems possible withouo actually irradiating people, Furthermore, when one irradiates before placing the cells in the short-term cultures necessary to obtain cm mitoses for examination, or even if the cells are only chromosome-type aberrations are induced, and the problems associated with the variation of chromatid aberration induction rates with position in the cell cycle is avoided. Many determinations of aberration yields in the leukocyte system have been reported for acute exposures to X and y brradiation (Olinuki, et al., 1961; Bender and Gooch, 1962 a; Bell and Baker, 1962; Sasaki, et al., 1963; de Grouchy, et al., 1963; Norman, et 31., 1964; Kelly and Brown, 1965; Schmickel, 1967), fast neutron irradiation (Gooch, et al., 1964; Bender and Gooch, 1966), and even for 32p B particles (Bender, et al., 1967). Although the leukocyte system appears to be a relatively simply one, it was probably inevitable that confusion would arise over such experiments. The VE IS Over S yields of the various aberration classes per unit dose) obtained by various workers have not always agreed very well. Sometimes the reason is simply that extremely high radiation doses, for which the simply kinetic models are not applicable, were used; in other cases the disagreement is actually more apparent than statistical, since the authors scored only small samples of cells. There is a third source of confusion, however, which deserves closer examination, i 25 25 een measure Although it seems quite obvious that to measure the primary aberration frequencies in irradiated cells one must observe the cells in their first post-irradiation division, this has not always been done in experiments with irradiated human leukocytes. In one case, when the investigators finally became aware that they were not In fact scorin: only first in vitro divisions, they actually reported this requirement as a novel discovery (Buckton, and Pike, 1964a, 1964b). Unfortunately, the rather naive assumption that if second post-irradiation .. . . .. .. ... divisions could be found in any leukocyte culture fixed . . .. . at a particular incubation time, they must then be . .. ... ... .. present in all leukocyte cultures fixed at that time (Buckton and Pike, 1964a, 1964b; Sasaki and Norman, 1966) .. --- . . . has led to fairly general doubts about the validity of much of the data accumulated from in vitro irradiation of blood samples. Consequently, even though we had naturally made tests before hand to be sure that we were in fact going to be dealing virtually exclusively PA with first post-irradiation division cells, and in spite of the fact that the complete data from such experiments actually provides an internal check on this point (1.e., the frequency of cells which should have acentric fragments but do not), our group felt compelled to look into tlie 2:26 "time of fixation" problem in detail (Bender and Brewen, 1967). I use the word "compelled" deliberately because Use we were reluctant, to say the least, to spend our time and efforts on cedious experiments designed to prove RES that which was obvious (to us at least) in the first place. And we did, in fact, find that various culture parameters, particularly incubation temperature, markedly affected the timing of divisions in leukocyte cultures, jusť as any biologist would predict. But we also discovered some thing which I, for one, did not expect. Most workers, myself included, had assumed that the leukocytes which divide in our short-term cultures must represent a single population of cells with uniform radiosensitivity. It is just this tacit assumption which leads to the expectations that aberration yields will drop as one begins to include significant numbers of second post-irradiation divisions in one's sample, SO *S and that aberration yield will be independent of culture time as long as second divisions are excluded. Our experiments (which will be reported in detail elsewhere) showed my assumption to be completely wrong. We did observe changes in aberration yields as a function of culture time all right, but we observed them before we - - - - . - - - 27 ... began to get significant numbers of second post-irradiation .... divisions in our samples. Furthermore, we did not observe ........ any marked cliange in aberration yields when the second . post-irradiation divisions finally did begin to appear. .......... . This latter result has also been observed in another laboratory as well. Sugahara, et al (1967) compared aberration yields at various culture intervals before and after the appearance of second divisions, and actually found aberration yields slightly higher in cultures they harvested later. It is impossible to reconcile such a result with the assumption of a single population. The simplest explanation is that there are actually at least two populations of leukocytes which divide in our cultures, one which is more radiosensitive and has a shorter cell cycle and another which is less radiosensitive and has a longer cell cycle. It appears, then, that the leukocyte system cannot be expected to provide a single simple answer to the question of human chromosome radiosensitivity after all. Nevertheless, it is by far the best system we have. The results obtained if the experiments are controlled carefully are ren are remarkably reproducible (Bender and Gooch, 1962a; Gooch, et al., 1964), and the difference in primary aberration coefficients appears to vary a maximum of - - - - -- -- - - - -- -- 28 28 only a factor or two from the beginning to the end of the first division interval, and frequently much less. (Bender and Brewen, 1967). The experiments of de Grouchy (1963) suggest coefficients in this range are a fair measure of the radiosensitivity of human - - chromosomes in vivo. X-ray-induced aberration yields were compared in leukocytes and in bone marrow cells under comparable conditions. Although the yields from - the bone marrow cells were slightly higher than those from the leukocytes in de Grouchy's experiment, they fall well within the range we have observed for leukocytes. Additional evidence on the validity of in vitro leukocyte determinations can be obtained from in vivo irradiations. Somatic cells in vivo. There have been a great many reports of chromosome aberrations in peripheral leukocytes following human radiation exposures. Unfortunately, quantitative interpretation of the aberration yields reported and the estimation of coefficients of aberration production from them is difficult or inpossible in many cases.because the people studied were exposed to chronic or fractionated extemal doses, frequently to only part of the body, or to radiation from internally-incorporated radioisotopes (Boyd, et al., 1961; Conen, 1961; Stewart 29 and Sanderson, 1961; Buckton, et al., 1962; Lindgren and Norryd, 1962; lacintyre and Dobyns, 1962; Conen, et al., 1963; Moore, et al., 1963; Engle, et al., 1964; Moore, et al., 1964; Nofal and Beierwaltes, 1964; Visfeldt, 1964; Amaroge and Baxter, 1965; Court Brown, et al., 1965; Doida, et al., 1965; Norman, et al., 1965; Warren and Meisner, 1965; Bauchinger and llug, 1966). Furthermore, the value of some of these reports has been further decreased by failure of the authors to familiarize de. Om el themselves with (or perhaps to recognize) the previous work in radiation cytology. Chromatid aberrations are confused with chromosome types, new aberration categories are confused with deletions, and so forth. The authors of some of these papers have apparently thought they were making useful quantitative measures of human radiosensitivity, but frequently all that they managed to establish was that radiation really does break chromosomes. Unfortunately, many of the reports of chromosome aberration levels in people who received acute whole-body exposures from external sources are not OUTCAS are of any value for determining.coefficients of aberration production either because cells could be obtained only Use - long after the exposure (Bender and Gooch, 1962b, 1963b; .. - - .. . -. . . . . . . - . . . . . . 30 Sasaki, et al., 1963; Papiernik-Berkkaver, et al., 1963; Doida, et al., 1965; Bloom, et al., 1966; Goh, 1966; Lisco and Conard, 1967). In a few cases, however, it has been possible to obtain leukocyte samples within a matter Jever of hours or at most a few days after acute human whole- body exposures, received either in radiation accidents (Gooch, et al., 1964; Bender, 1964; Bender and Gooch, 1966) or in the course of therapy (Norman, et al., 1962; Sasaki, et al., 1963). Although only a few cases have been studied in this way, the agreement between the radiation doses estimated from aberration yields and the doses neasured or estimated from physical evidence has been reasonably good. More studies of this type are needed before a final conclusion is drawn, of course, and it is to be hoped that it will be acquired and reported in a more conventional manner than has sometimes been the case in the past. It nevertheless appears that the leukocyte system Irradiated in vitro does actually provide a fair measure of in vivo human chromosome radiosensitivity, Aberration rates in populations It seems obvious that although most of the efforts in human radiation cytology to date have been directed ..... 31 res toward cases of individual. exposures, studies of exposed human populations are of much greater importance from the point of view of radiation hazards. Because of the very large volume of material that must be examined, such population studies are extremely time consuming. Nevertheless, a beginning has been made. Several groups have compared the frequencies of chromosomal aberrations in leukocytes of survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bomb explosions with those in unexposed controls (Doida, et al., 1965; Bloom, et al., 1966). Other studies have been made of radiation workers who accumulated above- background exposure totals in the course of their normal occupations (Sasaki, et al., 1963; Court Brown, et al., 1965; Doida, et al., 1965). Of particular interest and importance is the study of chromosome aberration levels in the leukocytes of a population living in a monazite sand natural high radiation area in Brasil (Penna-Franca, et al., 1965). All of these studies may be considered to be in their early stages, since the population samples are still quite small. Nevertheless, it already appears that some increase in the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities is detectable even in groups where the radiation exposure is chronic and the dose' rate extremely - - - - . low. of particular interest and importance is the possibility of determining the frequency of viable chromosome alterations by examining the children of Ome people in these exposed populations for altered chromosome constitutions. Far more information will be nuaded beforo we can confidently predict the effects of radiation exposures on aberration levels in human populations. To accumulate the vast amount of data required will certainly necessitate (and certainly merits) higher levels of support by funding agencies. Even with increased support, however, the accumulation of tire vast amount of data required will be very slow unless sone means of automating some or all of the process of chromosome scoring is developed. Fortunately, quite a lot of effort is currently being expended on the development of such aids, and we may be hopeful that some practical device will be forthcoming in the naar future. Biological dosimetry Quite a lot has already been said about biological dosimetry by means of chroniosome aberration analyses on leukocyte samples. The work on in vitro and in vivo 33 irradiations already mentioned provides both confidence that such dosimetry is practical and the coefficients of aberration production required. Our group has, in fact, . already made useful dose estimates in cases of accidental human exposures (sce Bender, 1965, 1966; Bender and Gooch, 1966). But it is easy to expect too much quantitative infornation from this technique. It is applicable in: a quantitative way only under certain special circumstances. The exposures must have been high enough, but not too high; the exposures must have been acute. Sampling must be done before aberrations are lost through cell S 2 division, or at least at post-irradiation times for which we know the aberration 1098 to be expected (Sasaki and Norman, 1967). In cases where the whole body was not exposed or where there was considerable variation in dose to different parts of the body, the technique can only give an estimate of what we might call the "average biologically effective dose." And even where the circumstances are not such as to allow an estimation of dose to be made confidently, the qualitative results of an aberration analysis can sone times be of value. We have used them, for.example, to check a case where a film badge indicated a radiation exposure which it seemed un likely that the wearer actually weas 34 34 Conclusions In summary, work on human chromosome aberrations is, in general, nothing more than the extension of an existing body of Information to include another organism. 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