r Di * . . . . . od - - * I OFI ORNL P3188 : . . . _ L . . . . . . " . . . . : . . NA | 1.25 1.4 11.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 rit ORNL f 3188 CONF-670916-01 +P MASTER GERO 2013 AUG 2 2 1969 .C.$3.06. ww.65 TECHNIQUES FOR STABILIZING LIQUID METAL POOL BOILING R. E. MacPherson Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee rm S Y marice cance ABSTRACT- Liquid-Detal-cooled reactor projects at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory have required the operation of potassium pool boilers for materials compatibility tests and for performance a:id endurance tests of coinponents. In many diverse facilities, problems with superheating of liquid metal have been encountered. To avoid these problems, special operating techniques and mechani- cal devices have been developed. Vapor traps in the form of metal sleeves me- chanically attached to heat transinitting surfaces in the boiler have been enco S me effective in stabilizing boiling. Independently heated devices designed to dis- charge vapor il'o the boiler pool serve to initiate the boiling process smoothly. Related experience has come from tests of the cavitation characteristics of liquid metal pumps, wherein the presence or absence of inert gas has affected cavitation inception, a form of boiling. Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission unier con- tract with the Union Carbide Corporation. DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS INMITEN INTRODUCTION Liquiu-metal-cooled reactor projects at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory have required the operation of potassium pool boilers for materials compatibility tests, for heat transfer investigations, and for performance and endurance tests of components. Many diverse test facilities have been operated ranging from re- fluxing capsules through natural circulation loops to very sophisticated forced cilni?alid on systems. A common characteristic in most of the early boilers was the occurrence of liquid metal superheating and explosive boiling, leading to thermal shocks, operating instabilities, and, in some cases, equipment failures. The phenomenon was not understood initially, and considerable effort was neces- OS fo So sary to diagnose and to characterize the superheating process. It became evideint that techniques were needed to provide stable nucleation sites in potassium pool es were boilers. Nucleation techniques and devices were developed and were found to be sufficiently effective that no difficulties with explosive boiling were en- countered in the systems built after 1963. Avoiding pool superheating and developing devices for stabilizing boiling involves two related requirements. The first requirement is to initiate boiling in the pool, and the second requireinent is to maintain small stable vapor pockets to provide nucleation sites after boiling has begun. Theoretical and experimental work has been carried out to describe the relationship between bubble radius, or hole radius, and the superheat required to maintain a stable liquid-vapor inter- face. ! 2 3 This work has shown that stable boiling, once initiated, can be main- ei tained with only a modest ainount of liquid superheating (i.6., 10-25°F) by the inclusion in the boiling system of appropriate nucleation sites such as drilled holes. However, it has also been demonstrated that in a clean, degassed system, e've LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government spor.sored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makec any warranty or repis ntation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completer e88, or usehulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rigats; or B. Assumes any ilašilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disciosed in this report. As used in the above, “per son acting on behr of the Commission" Includes any one- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that Buch employee or contractor or the Commission, or emplo;ee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any Irformation pursuant to his employment or coriact with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. Fig. ! UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 75772 -END.CAP -METALLIC PLUG Mgo -HEATER SHEATH 3/16 TYPICAL - HEATING ELEMENT (4) --- HEATER LEADS NOTE: DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES NOT TO SCALE LAVA PLUG Watlow Firerod. Rinn : no: UV02 VOLVOVOU . . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL·LR--DWG 75773 -VACUUM LINE WHET -AIR JACKET TALEZ AIR INLET EMUA ZN f - THERMOCOUPLE a S WELL . . -BAFFLE J-FILL LINE r MZUINITIALITZAT Ausricissussusa AULUSSASSI LUOTETTIIURE u - HEATER 0 3 susisus Cyruusta Luuumiga 1 2 27 INCHES Kich DRAIN LINE Heater Test Capsule. Fig. 2 .. 5 : осоо o o o o o o o o OOOOOOOOOOO ORNL-DWG 65-748 -TUBE 0.017 OD 0.011 ID BUILT-IN "HOT FINGER" onone; OOOOO 0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SITTIIIIIIIIIITRIT SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII .. . 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..... CHAMFERED SLEEVE Nucleation Sites ооооооооооооооооооооооооооо III/ T . T KA IZ VE . . SHRINK-WELDED SLEEVE sodium can be superheated over 600°F without boiling initiation, 3 Most of our experience with spontaneous initiation of boiling in typical liquid metal facilities falls between these extremes. Although stable liquid-vapor inter- faces have been sustained at low values of superheat, it has not been typical for boiling to start in a potassium pool contained in a boiler having "as- received" surfaces until superheat values of 100-200°F are attained. With pool boilers, superheating of this magnitude can result in large amounts of mo stored energy available for rapid release with resultant mechanical and thermal shock effects. Work has been done on nucleation devices to satisfy both the requirement to initiate boiling in a controlled fashion and the requirement to sustain stable boiling. These devices are best described in the framework of the test 1 programs for which they were developed , ELECTRICAI. CARTRIDGE HEATER TESTS During a development program to provide cartridge heaters (Fig. 1) capable of sustained operation at 1540°F with heat flux values of 120,000 to 150,000 Btu/hr ft? (40-50 watts/cm2), 85,000 hr of high temperature testing were ac- cumulated in refluxing potassium capsules (Fig. 2). In early tests, heater failures occurred as a result of high temperature transients during the initial of the heater; and at heat flux levels abune 60,000 biu/hr ft2 (~20 vatts/cm2), a sufficiently large temperature gradient could be generated between the potas- sium pool and the heater surface during the transient to preclude any subse- quent return to a nucleate boiling condition. Rapid heater temperature rise and failure of the heater would result. At heat flux levels below 60,000 Btu/hr ft, it was generally possible for the liquid potassium to reestablish contact with the heater surface; and another superheat-flash cycle would occur. This latter circumstance provided a mechanism, although admittedly somewhat necessary to provide some means to sustain vapor pockets in the system after they had been formed during the inician iiasiing transient. Figure 3 illus- Lote contre las trates three devices chat were used for this purpose. The slain sleeve and the chamfered sleeve served as heat dams mechanically ser attached to the heater surface by shrink-velding. The heat flux through the plain shrink-welded sleeve generated a temperature drop of approximately 50°7 (for .032-41. wall at 150,000 Btu/hr. ft?), which was sufficient to maintain a stable vapor pocket once vayor. had been produced in the pool by some other means (normally flashing).* The chanfered shrink-welded sleeve was designed to trap vapor cuore efficientiy and to produce a higher temperature difference between the pool and the heater owing to the presence of a discrete, low- conductivity vapor pocket. The third nucleation device shown in Fig. 3 is a thin-talled tube installed so that it penetrated the heater along a diameter between the two lower heater coils. Because the temperature gradient between the heater coil and the outer was SIC surface was quite steep owing to the presence of electrical insulation, the center portion of the to be tended to run from 50-150°F hotter than the heater It is apparent that, dependent on the nature of the fit between the sleeve and the lieater surface, there is some unspecified additional temperature gradi. ent hetween the inner sleeve surface and the heater surface when vapor exists in the annulus. and the hea terasurface, there some unspecified additional te surface for the normal operating power ranges. This temperature gradient was more than sufficient to stabilize within the tube a liquid-varor interface that served as a nucleation site, m The relative performance of these three parasitic nucleation sites is shown by Table 1. The performance criterion was the minimum temperature to which the an was pool could be cooled while still sustaining stable boiling. Since the test tuchnique sed lowering the pool temperature t a constant power inpuć until a super heating-flashing event occurred, it was necessary to restrict testing to the low power range (<20 watts/cm2) where teater failure was not a problem, as previously discussed. The general conclusion was that the nucleation performance appeared to be a direct function of the imposed temperature difference. The simple shrink-welded sleeve vás the poorest performer, with the performance im- HANCE pruving as heat flux was increased. The chamfered sleeve of the same thickness gave somewhat better results owing to the insulating effect of the vapor pocket, res and its performance improved as both the thickness and the heat flux leve). were in- creased. The tube showed the same general level and trend in performance as the thicker chamfered sleeve, Table 1. Minimun Temperature for Sustained Stable Boiling Heat Flux Nucleation Site 20' «atts/cm2 (°F) 10 watts/cin? (°F) Sleeve (1/32 in, thick) 1350 1575 Chamfered sleeve 1/32 in. thick 1125 1300 1/16 in. thick 950 1075 Through-tube 900 1125 The primary application of these devices required long-tern use at a pool temperature between 1500-1600°F, and the potassiun-structural metal (type 304 stainless steel) compatibility problem at the hot spots vas demonstrated to be too scvere in the application of both the chamfered sleeve and the tube. Short-term failures were experienced in both cases. For this reason, the simple sleeve was chosen as the standard vapor trapping nucleation site. the well. ver.wn technique of incozporating a porcelain chip in a laboratory distillation rig to promote sniooth boiling prompted tests of high! purity beryllia and alumina as nucleation sites. Initial performance was, in every case, completely satisfactory. Boiling was initiated snoolhly on startup and maintained staily during system hcatup. As might be expected, less satisfactory performance was attained during a second reheat cycle. Apparently thermal ex- pansion effects and gas solubility effects resulted in vetting and flooding of the pores of the ceramic test pieces, thus destroying their effectiveness as nucleation sites. BOILING POTASSIUM MATERIALS COMPATIBILITY TESTS An extensive series of tests has been conducted to study the erosion and corrosion of high temperature structural materials by high velocity potassium vapor-liquid mixtures. Two-phase, forced-circulation loops have been operated in this program at boiler outlet temperatures from 1600 to 2200°F for a moral of 26,000 hr. Figure 4 illustrates a typical test facility, Stable boiling is a primary criterion for control of these long-term metallurgical test facilities. One austenitic stainless steel system recently completed a 10,000-hr run at a boiler outlet temperature of 1600°F. During ORAL-DWG 63-3328 TEST SECTIONS DRYER SURGE TAIK CONDENSER- -BOILER 15-% ZE ALLOY TO TYPE 3:6 STAINLESS STEEL JUX'CTION U MWuenar: · Nok COOLER ZIRCONIUM UHOT TRAP --PREHEATER AIR-V 10 u King UL MORY -CONTROL VALVE FARADAY PUMP - FLOWMETER Nb-1% ZT ALLOY TO TYPE 316 STAINLESS STEEL JUNCTION - WATER-COOLED O! TRAP ELECTROMAGNETIC PUMP 12-in. VACUUM BLOCK VALVE - LIQUID-ilige COOLED ТКАР FLOWMETER - MECHANICAL VACUUM PUMP -VACUUM CHAIVISER 10-in. DIFFUSION PUMP 4-in. DIFFUSION PUN:P LIQU!O-N2-COCLED TRAP · Fig. 4. 11 this period, essentially unattended operation was the rule rather than the exception. The devices used to stabilize boiling in these systems have been tailored to specific requirements; but, fri general, it has been desirable to provide both an independently controlled device to initiate boiling and a parasitic device, which is actuated by the boiler heat flux, to stabilize boiling after it has been initiated. The indep..uently controlled device is normally an appendage ('hot finger") connected to the system to provide a small, heated volume of liquid metal that can be taken to temperature levels sufficient to cause generation of bulk vapor within the appendage. Thus, superheating and flashing occur in OCUL a low-volume region wherein energy storage is small and energy release during flashing is insufficient to perturb the nain system. After a vapor pocket is established, a stable liquid-vapor interface is available at which vaporiza- tion can take place. Growth of the vapor pocket results in the release of vapor into the main boiler pool to prevent any tendency toward superheating. It has been demonstrated qualitatively that, after boiling is initiated, the tenperature of the "hot finger" can be brought within a few degrees of the main pool temperature without flood ing of the device and loss of effective- ness. Figure 5 illustrates the basic design of an effective "hot finger." Such a device can be independently heated either by a ceramic-resistance wire heater mounted directly on the rod or, in a slightly different geometry, by direct passage of electric current through the body of the "hot finger." CUCI Because of the additional control and monitoring problems, it is desirable to limit the use of the "hot finger" to the startup period and to provide some other device for sustained operation. Figure 6 illustrates such a device, a geometric modification of the simple sleeve described previously for use in ORNL-DWG 65–749 ..-- - THERMOCOUPLE WELL ........... ... POTASSIUM -- ....... POOL.. • • .. -0.052 DIAM * 112 DEEP LY/2DIAM X 1/2 DEEP : "Hot Finger" Bir Fig. 5 . - - - - HOLES VIO OIO'O BOILING RING (DOUBLE SCALE) Sincit darbo d iena .. - - - - Jun 16 ( cartridge heater tests. This sleeve is shrink-fitted to the inner wall of the potassium boiler in an area of normal heat flux; and, as explained he- OSS fore, the tenperature drop across the sleeve is sufficient to maintain a stable vapor pocket after boiling has been initiated in the system by the independently controlled "hot, finger". This parasitic device permits long periods of stable operation with the "hot finger" deenergized, but it raust be reactivater by use of the "hot finger" if the system is shut down and the vain dröket becomes flooded. EFFECT OF ARGON GAS ON PUIT CAVITATION Because of the relationship of the superheating phenomenon to the safety of liquid metal fast breeder reactors, it is important to examine the effects of argon gas in suspension or in solution on the tendency of liquid metals to superheat. Work is planned in this area at the Argoune National Laboratory (Ref. 4) and at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment (AERE) at Harwell. Some related data were produced during the course of potassium pump cests (Ref. 5) at the Oak Ridge tational Laboratory. The cavitation characteristics of three boiler feed pumps for use in boil- ing potassiun materials compatibility test facilities were recently determined S were ] (Ref. 5) in a liquid potassium pump calibration loop (Fig. 7). Two different methods were used to vary the net positive suction head (XPSH) at the pump inlet. In the argon pressure method, the suction pressure was varicd at constant system temperature by changing the argon cover gas pre:s- sure in the surge (metering) tank. In the vapor pressure methods, the argon SUIT was first removed from the system by evacuation through a potassium vapor ORNL-DWG-66-5102 · TO VACUUM OR ARGON . HOLD UP TANK . COLD TRAP METERING TANK -LEVEL INDICATOR -OT EAP TESTLUS KFILTERS 15 COCK PA - AIR 12" YVE . ORIFICES_* : PUMP --SUMP TANK FLOWMETER SIMPLIFIED SCHEMATIC OF ELECTROMAGNETIC PUMP TEST L00? FICG? 16 condenser-freezer; during the test, the surge tank temperature was held con- stant, while the potassium temperature entering the pump surtion was varied to change its vapor pressure and the NPSH. Figure 8 illustrates two typical cavitation inception curves for the same 44 pump at essentially identical temperature and flow conditions. The results are affected markedly by the technique used to lower NPSH. With the argon pressure method, cavitation inception can be assumed to occur at zero angl ii perimental accuracy. With the vapor pressure method, Operation was possible at significantly negative values of NPSH. This condition corresponds to the presence of superheated liquid at the purap suction. For the case illustrated, 200°F at 1300°F.. The technique used to perform the test in the presence of argon cover gas required that an isothermal condition be maintained from the flow-through surge tarik to the pump suction. This procedure assured that any argon in solution in the surge tank would not be released to form discrete gas bubbles in the pump succion stream. The geometry of the test system required introduction of the potassium into the flow-through surge tank from the top in a manner that makes it impossible to discount gas bubble entrainment. Wall Based on the test conditions that pertain, the maximum bubble size that could have been entrained was approximately one mil in diameter. However, a full-flow filter having a nominal pore size .ange of 10–20 microns was in- no stalled in the line between the surge tank and the pump suction. These facts plus the transient nature of the test and the lack of specific instrumentation ORNL-DWG 67-5410 STRA RENJAWAN NUR GEGU vra nje arm ABLECH A Kararan I LINDURHAM MAH.Lemagrue mean JKK'NILNA tecomminnes s temmerne nye FLOW RATE 43 lb/hr HELICAL INDUCTION PUMP PB1 INLET TEMPERATURE STATOR VOLTAGE 1300°F 250 . --Propu orang non so pero ANALA A A Orros 3XZ brzo .. PRESSURE RISE (psi) O VAPOR PRESSURE METHOD ARGON PRESSURE METHOD 1. I 10 NPSH (psia) COMPARISON OF CAVITATION INCEPTION USING *TWO METHODS OF REDUCING NPSH FI68 18 make it impossible to determine whether bubbles having the critical radius (Ref. 6) for nucleation from an inert gas-vapor mixture were present at the pump inlet. Qualitatively, these results indicate that the presence of inert cover gas in the pump test facility was an effective deterrent to superheating owing to its presence in suspension or in solution in the pump suction stream. This observation is pertinent to the safety of liquidmeta)--anırd fast reactors since it indicates that the presence of inert gas in the reactor primary coolant system may cause sodium to boil readily during off-design power transients rather than to superheat. Further tests to verify and to define the effects of inert gas on liquid ñetal superheating are in order. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The test programs that produced the techniques, observations, and measure- Metals and Ceramics Division of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Foremost among these were J. C. Amos, * C. W. Cunningham, D. L. Clark, L. C. Fuller, A. G. Grindell, E. E. Hoffman, W. R. Huntley, and R. N. Lyon, Now with General Electric Company, Evendale, Ohio. 19 REFERENCES 1. A. I. Krakoviak, Superheat Requirements with Boiling Liquid Metals, Proceedings of 1963 lligh-Temperature Liquid-:etal lleat Transfer Technology Neeting, USAEC Report ORML-3605, Vol. 1, p. 310, November, 1964, Oak Ridge hational Laboratory. 2. R. E. Holtz, The Prediction of Liquid Superheats Required for Initiation of Nucleate Boiling in the Liquid letals, paper 64-TA/HT-31 presented at *e "inter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engine.rs, New York, New York, November 29-December 4, 1964. 3. J, A, Edwards and 11. W. Hoffman, Superheat with Boiling Alkali Metals, Proceedings of the Conference on Application of High Temperature Instrumentation to Liquid Metal Experiments, USAEC Report ANL-7100, p. 515, September 28-29, 1965, Argonne National Laboratory. 4. Argonne National Laboratory, Reactor Development Program Progress Report, October 1966, USAEC Report ANL-7267. 5. W. R. Huntley, H. C. Young, and A., G. Grindell, The Cavitation Character- istics of Two Types of Electromagnetic Pumps in Potassium, Cavitation Forum, p. 15, paper presented at hinter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, New York, November 30, 1966. 6. L. S. Tong, Boiling Heat Transfer and Two-Phase Flow, John Wiley & Sons, 1965. AT: #C .! .. 9 / 28 /167 DATE FILMED ... ..1 . .' LK - ONE D 1 "- went on to. . . - ide on the imagen de la quimiento en