I OFL. ORNLP 3081 EEEEEEEE T 11:25 114 116 Miu . ... MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL DUTIE AU OF STANOARDS -1969 JUN 22 99 MASTER " : :i:: COMPARATIVE MOVEMENT OF 106RU, Soco, · AND +31C8 IN ARTHROPOD FOOD CHAINS D. A. Crossley, Jr. Radiation Ecology Section, Health Physics Division, Oak Ridge National laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee ABSTRACT The behavior of radiocesium in food chains has been relatively well documented in results of environmental studies and tracer experiments, but little information 18 available on food chain behavior of WOORU. New data from a waste disposal site (White Oak Lakie bed) permit comparison of 106 RU and 6°Co with the distribution of 137Cs along a terrestrial food chain consisting of soil, herbaceous vegetation, herbivorous arthropods, and pre- daceous arthropods. Vegetation accumulated ruthenium and cobalt more effic- lently than cesium (concentration factors of 106 vs 02). Herbivores also accumulated relatively more 100 Ru and boco than 137C8. Predaceous arthropods nad 100 Ru concentrations approximately twice those of berbivores, although 25706 and do concentrations in herbivores and predators were similar. These distributions indicate that 100 Ru has a greater food chain mobility then does 137cs and 60co, with an increase in concentration of 106 Ru in i herbivore to predator transfers. Turnover rates (biological half-lives) for 206R4 and 5o co were compared with 134cs turnover rate in one insect species (Acheta domesticus L.) and results are reasonably consistent with the data obtained from White Oak Lake bed. .. V . . . . - . : . : : * Research sponsored by the V. 8. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. ... - . 1 D AVUTON THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIMIT ht INTRODUCTION . Much of our present knowledge of radioisotope transfer through food chains is based on analyses of world-wide fallout concentrations in various biologi- cal materials. Studies in radioactive waste disposal areas can provide valu- able supplemental information since they often involve higher concentrations 106 of radionuclides, permitting more extensive analyses of more limited materials. The bed of the former White Oak lake has been the site of a series of food chain studies with both invertebrates and vertebrates, emphasizing principally 90 sr and 137c6. Ruthenium-106 was largely, ne-' glected in those studies because of its variable distribution on the area. The source of Ru input was via seepage from nearby liquid waste pits, re- sulting in high concentrations in a small portion of the contaminated area. Evidently a balance was achieved between seepage and radioactive decay, thus limiting further spread of UPRU (Lomenick and Gardiner 1965). A sampling program conducted in summer of 1964 investigated 100 Ru and cb 16 content of soils, vegetation, and herbivorous and predaceous arthropods in the 19 seepage area. Cesium-137 content was also measured and forms a standard for 18 comparison with the 100 Ru results. Despite the small size of the area invol- ved (Fig. 1) and many sources of variation in the data, ou was consistenti | detected in samples and found to be distributed along the arthropod food chains la concentrations exceeding those of 13'cs. The chemical form of 10ºRu available for 22 uptake in this waste disposal site probably differs from that which becomes 23 available through world-wide fallout. Nevertheless, the results of this sam- pling program 11lustrate the potential for 100 Ru movement within ecological systems and suggest that it can become relatively more concentrated than LEGAL NOTICE 157C8 in terminal links of food chains. 106 V06 If The report was propered as an interest of Government ap. seered work. Nother the trusted rrey, completo ona, o wielu of my mnformation, pares, mother, or prema tomond woman who were 1. Ammo many liabilim va report on the come to true the um a ration muratu, da predamoudoune As weed in bono, porn weg a t . Worte, continental Contacten, wat op uw contornows, other that wwel deploys or contrator of the Contoto, we will contrato pero. damuntetoe, or provide to the theory builhermed me to Mo ther or notruct with the Comuntentom, or we playout w ww trr. UCN 1867 : :*"'... ". .. .... .. ......... .. . . .. . . VI AL ** N . in un a portar fonksiyonlar sendt til deres around when are components amb el :: FIELD SITES, MATERIALS AND METHODS The study area was laid out to take advantage of the inputs of LORU 3 from the nearby Liquid waste pit seepage area. Two line transects, each 50 feet long and permanently marked by stakes at their ends, were established in the vicinity of the west seep on the upper White Oak Lake bed (Fig. 1). Previous samplings (Lomenick and Gardiner 1965) bad shown high concentrations of Ru in soils near the west seep. Samples of insects were taken with a sweep net along each line transect. Vegetation and associated soils were 9 sampled from six areas distributed along the two line transects (Fig. 1, in- 10 set). The two line transects (east and west) were considered as replicates, | although it was anticipated that the west transect would contain more Ru in soil and vegetation than the east transect. Samples were taken 13 at weekly intervals, beginning July 30 and ending Seycember 21, 1964. A sample unit of insects consisted of those captured in 50 strokes of the sweep net taken while walking along a line transect from the shore toward the center of the lake. Each week, one such sumple was taken in each line transect. Sweep-net contents were chloroformed immediately and stored in a refrigerator until they could be sorted. Vegetation samples consisted of a21 plants contained in a metal ring, 0.1 m in area, which was throwa blindly into each of the six nampling areas. After vegetation was removed by clip- ping, four soil cores (1/2 in. dia x 1-2 in. deep) were collected from the denuded area. The four soil cores were pooled before analysis. All materials - plants, insects and soils — were air-dried by spreading them on laboratory benches. Counting for radioactivity utilized a Packard Auto- 25 samma spectrometer and multichannel analyzer system, together with a com- 26 puterized spectral svalysis program ("RESAP"), for estimation of gamme-emitting ) UCN. radionuclides in the samples. Subsamples of homogenized vegetation and soils were counted. Samples of insects did not require subdivision, since they i were small enough to be counted in their entirety. The two line transects were intended to be replicates as regards their arthropod faunas, but obvious differences appeared during the summer. Vege- tation of the west line transect was mostly grasses (Festuca), which supportea -- : : 15 an herbivorous insect community dominated by grasshoppers (45% of mean sample wt), leafhoppers (29%), and weevils (11%). Vegetation of the east line tran- sect, superficially similar when the transects were laid out, contained some Polygonum, Eupatorium, and other weeds. When these flowered in September, bees and soldier beetles appeared in the insect samples. These two insect groups together accounted for about 20% of mean sample wt in the cast line transect collections. Grasshoppers (35%) and leafhoppers (19%) constituted most of the remainder. Variation in radionuclide content of the herbivore samples was great enough to obscure any differences which might have resulted from this disparity in insect communities. The predaceous arthropou fauna consisted mostly of spiders (about 45 of menn sample wt) and coccinellids (about 35%). The two line transects appeared to have similar predator faunas. (Taxonomic details are beyond the scope of the present paper, but were dis- cussed by Crossley and Howden (1961) as well as Howden and Crossley (1961)3. Herbivorous Insect biomass evidently increased during the study. The 50-stroke sweep net samples were not related to a unit area but are comparable from week to week. Samples taken the first week (July 30) weighed about 250 mg. By mid-September these had increased to 1000 mg (east line transect) and 1600 mg (west line transect). Samples from the west transect were consistent ly heavier than those from the east. Predaceous insects and spiders display a 26 UCN•1367 ... . : ES *** large nuage of week-to-voud variation in weight, but samples from the east pine transect consistently vere larger than those from the vest. mar RESULIS S ' S 11 L ig - L- . . , ' . TI .. . IT . . 1 . , K .: ri Radionuclide Distribution along Transects The pattern of radionuclide distribution among soils and vegetation of the bine transects is summarised in Table I. The west line transect, as ancicipa- ted, bud a marted decrease in too Ru content of 2011 between the shorevard end Karna 1) and the end extending onto the lake bed (Area 3). The west line trant pect actually loads avay from the vest seep (718. 1). Radioruthenium content be soils from the east line transect was expected to be lower than that of the frest, but s011 samples revealed a high 100 Ru content in Areas 5 and 6 (Table ID. Consequently, the means for the two transects, based on the 6 sampling areas, Were virtually identical (28.9 vs. 28.1 pcs/my s611). Concentrations of 1370. la soilo vere about half as large as the 100 RU boncentrations comenick and Gardiner (1965) showed that 137Cs in the lake bed vas associated with the lacustriae sediments, having lover concentrations bear the former sbore 110e and higher concentrations toward the center of the l. hake bed. Distributions along the two line transects are consistent with the hacustrine sedimeat hypothesis. The cast line transect shoved higher soil con tent of 137cs than did the west line transect (17.2 vs. 11.0 pC1/mg). Cobalt-60 in soils along these transects showed a more uniform distribu- tion, with a slight increase toward the center of the lake bed. Lomenick and *** bardiner (1963) reported that most of the oco on the lake bed vas derived from the seeprise areas. The distribution obvorved along the two line transects paralleled 100 tu caly in part. The two 11.00 transesto had sind lar concentr- * Istana de toco in molte che n e posluce soille the content *': i w . . . : . . . 1 . . . : Pry . . . . i Radiocesium content of vegetation in the six sampling areas was signifi- 2 cantly correlated with concentrations in the soil. Puthenium-106 and Cobalt- 3 160 concentrations in the vegetation varied independently of soil concentrations. 4 In the west line transect, 10 Ru concentrations in vegetation increased from 5 shore to center of the lakebed, although soil concentrations decreased (Table 1). 6 Cobalt-60 content of vegetation showed no patterns in variation. It seems 7 likely that the soil cores were not deep enough to yield an adequate represen- 8 tation of radionuclide concentrations encountered by the plant roots. Signies 9 cant seepage of Loo Ru and co below the soil surface would account for the 10 Lack of relationship in soil and vegetation samples. For purposes of trophic 11 level analysis, it 18 noteworthy that vegetation of the east line transect : 12 showed higher concentrations of each radionuclide than did the west line tran ..' . .--- -- - - -- - - - - - - - . - - 13 sect. 3 . .... . - . Cesium-137 in Insect Food Chains The concentrations of 13'cs in soil and trophic levels along the two line transects are listed in Table II. Standard errors are shown only for the grana poane, but they warı corresponding ly large for transact means. Differences between the two transects are not significant, statistically, for soil or any or the trophic levels. The grand means show that concentration of +31cs per unit wt decreased at each link in the food chain. However, the concentration factors (ratio of grand mean for a given trophic level to that of the preced- Ang level) increased at each links in the food chain. For the final trophic hevel, the concentration factor approached 1.0. For radiocesium, transfer in Insect food chains thus was more efficient at higher trophic levels. Such decreasing concentrations of radiocesium during food chain movement have been reported previously for insect food chaine coonley and Hovden (1061), - - : - UCN.1007 ? 1 Si X .. . _..._ RA Lii . 1. 32 TT ir E H : . + Wh . .. . :51: 3 . - > . WE - A2 . . C . mm . .. - F . working on the lower portion of White Oak Lake ded, reported data indicating sind lar decreases although the 13'ca content of all samples was lower than those reported here. Reduced concentrations of +31Co in higher trophic level of arthropod food chains in a tagged forest (Liriodendron) stand were docu- wented for foliage food chains (Reichle and Crossley 1967) and forest floor (utter-based) chains (Reichle and Crossley 1965). In vertebrate food chains ''Ca sonceatrations may increase. In Alaska, caribou 'to predator transfers of fallout 15%C5 yielded concentration factors of 1-7 (Hanson and Palmer 1965). In aquatic food chaine, data recently reported for fish yiela 137c. 1 0 concentration far:tors of approximately one (Kovern 1966), three (Pendleton 11 et al. 1965), and two to five (Gustaf von 1967). 12 The soil to plant concentration factor for 137cs of .027 (Table II) 18 * 13 somewhat higher than those usually reported (.001 to :01)., Evidently the high concentration factor may be an artifact resulting from the shallow soil samples. Dunavay et al. (1963), in soil samples from a necrby site on White 16 Oak Lake bed, found 137cs concentrations in the top inch of so11 to be 16.3. 117001/ms, and consca trations in the 1-4 1n. layer to be 33.6 DC1/ug. My grand. moan of 14.3 (Table II) compares well with their value for the upper inch of soil only. Cesium-137 concentrations in vegetation reported in Table II are sinlar to those reported by Auerbach et al. (1961) for Lespedeza grown in 21 | an adjacent area in White Oak lake bed. :: The plant to Losect concentration factor of 0.29 18 lower than the 0.70 ; * 23 previously reported for White Our Lake bed Insecta by Crossley and Hovden (1961), er abe 0.48 shown by the data of Orosodoy (1963). The concentration factor som Co in detritus-fooding arthropods of an experimentally tageed forest stana was 0.20 (Reichle nad Crowley 1963), more similar to the value reported here 11 - . terlen . .. . . . W IN : - . - 9 . .. . SOM LL 91 1 y . WR " w : . . . - - i - . . - S ' . . ) . Ruthenium-106 in Insect Food Chains Radioruthenium distributions indicate a surprising food chain mobility, for a chemical element of no known biological importance. Uptake by vegeta- 4 tion was comparatively large, and further transfer to herbivores and predators s láid not result in greatly lowered concentrations. Table III presents these 6 White Oak Lake bed data. Differences between the two line transects were not statistically significant for soil or any of the trophic levels, although con- centrations in insects collected along the west line transect were twice as Haigh as those of the east. For each transect and in the grand means, Ru 10 concentrations decreased at vegetation to herbivore transfers but increased 11 at herbivore to predator transfers. Literature on *°Ru movement remains scanty, and comparison with the 13 available reports is doubly difficult because ruthenium can occur in several 14 valence states and tends to form various complexes. Particularly in wesie dis- 15 posal sites where nitrates are associated with radioactive waste releases, 16 nitrosyl-ruthenium complexes may be formed (Auerbach and Olson 1963). In com- 17 parison with the chloride form commonly utilized in experiments, nitrosyl- 18 ruthenium compounds in soll may be more available to plants (Auerbach and niso 19 1963), or more readily absorbed from ingested food by animals (Elman 1967). The 20 chemical form of the ruthenium compounds in the White Oaks Lake bed ecosystem may be such a nitrosyl-ruthenium complex. Lomenick and Gardiner (1965) reported 22 Leaching experiments which showed the doºRu in soils there to be slightly soluble in water but more so in concentrated base or acid solutions, and little or none in 24 an exchangeable form. Volatility of ruthenium has resulted in losses during sample 25 preparation (Comar 1955), '80 that some of the published data on Ru distributions 26 may be questionable. It is noteworthy that cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus) from White Oak Lake bed had to ou concentrations of the same order of magnitude as those in arthropods reported here (data of Kaye and Dunaway 1962). Cobalt-60 in Foc: Chains The distribution of "co a long plant-to-arthropod food chains (Table IV) suggests considerable mobility for this micronutrient element. The soil to p.lant concentration factor of about 0.06 is similar to those of other reports (Beeson et al. 1955, Menzel 1965). Radiocobalt accumulation by herbivorous insects yielded values about 43% as high as those in vegetation. Predators 7. I had co concentrations not significantly different from those in herbivores. vegetation to marmal transfers of cobalt may also result in increases in con- centrations (Underwood and Harvey 1938), although co values given for Sig- modon hispidus on White Oai Lake bed (Keye and Dunaway 1962) are lower than 11 concentrations reported here for herbivorous insects. Cobalt has been little studied in terrestrial insects or arthropod food chains. McMahon (1963) in a laboratory experiment found "ico to be concentrated in the hindguts of ter- 14 mites (crvototermes brevis), and suggested that the "ico might have been C utilized by gut .symbionts. DISCUSSION The net effect of passage through arthropod food chains was a significant rearrangement of relative abundances of the three radionuclides. Concentra- tions (C1/mg) of +370s, 10 Ru and co in soils were of the order of approxi mately 14 : 28 : 5. At the predator trophic level these had been rearranged to approximately 0.1 : 2.1 : 0.1. All three radionuclides showed greatly reduced concentrations, but 10 Ru exceeded the other two in predators by an order of magnitude. Similar increases of LORu relative to 23708 in plant to insect transfers are evident in data recently published by Bourdeau et al. (1965) for irrigated ecosystems in the Po Valley of Italy. Ruthenium 18 106 106 106 virtually absent from biological materials and there are no metabolic re- ! quirements known for it (Auerbach and Olson 1963). Cobalt is generally con- sidered a micronutrient and is required by higher animals as a constituent of vitamin B. However, this vitamin may not be required by insects (Gilmour 1961). The inorganic nutrition requirements of insects are still poorly known, and offer no physiological reasons for the relative concentrations of these three radionuclides in insects. . In vertebrate food chains, TOCRU is usually discounted as a hazard pri- marily because of its relatively short (1 year) radioactive half-life. How- ever, fallout studies recently published (e.g., Bourdeau et al. 1965, Plummer and Helseth 1965) demonstrated Ru in vegetation and foodstuffs. Surveys of animal tissues usually do not detect fallout ORL in large or significant amounts (e.g., Watson et al. 1966). The data of Dunaway and Kaye (1962), however, do indicate that radioruthenium accumulation can occur in mammals. For each radionuclide, concentration factors always increased in this vegetation-arthropod food chain. While ihe concentrations themselves (pc1/mg) usually decreased between trophic levels, the ratio of concentration in the two levels increased. The differences in concentration between two levels were reduced at each transfer, untií predator concentrations were ap- 20 proximately the same as (or slightly higher than) those in herbivores. In- creasing concentration factors are common in aquatic ecosystems, where higher trophic levels can accumulate nuclides directly from the surrounding medium as well as through feeding. Concentration factors greater than one also have 24 been reported for fallout radionuclides (especially 137c8) in vertebrate com- ponents of food chains. Such increased concentrations in higher trophic 26 levels may result from the increasing need for ion or mineral conservation at VEN . those levels, if the food items do not contain a surplus quantity. In future studies it would be desirable to segregate the predator trophic level into "primary" predators and "top" predators, to determine whether the increase in concentration factors actually continues at still higher trophic exchanges. If so, then "top" predators would also contain higher actual concentrations (pci/mg) than the preceding level, for each of the three radionuclides studied here. In that case, minimum concentration of a given radionuclide would not be found at the terminus of a food chain, but in members of some intermediate trophic level. Interpretation of radionuclide levels in food chains, frequently utilizes a model emphasizing the balance resulting from intake and loss parameters. Davis and Foster (1958) first proposed such a model for radionuclides in aquatic food chains, and Crossley (1963a) modified it for terrestrial Insect food chains. At equilibrium, radionuclide concentration in an herbivore is given by the relationship (2) where an • radionuclide concentration in herbivoros (pC1/mg) & • proportion of radionuclide assimilated from food I - ingestion rate from vegetation (pCi/mg/day) k = bioelimination coefficient (= log 2/biological half-life), In this model each radionuclide possesses characteristic assimilation and elimination coefficients, functions of temperature and other factors but nevertheless variables susceptible to estimation. Presumably an average bio- elimination coefficient and assimilation value can be obtained for a trophic level, and thus an average intake rate could be used to predict an average trophic level accumulation for each radionuclide. Crossley (1963) estimated - - - UCN.8867 PLA w... WAR . 20 . Y ? 12 1 1 . . . . . . . - - . . an average bioelimination coefficient for +37Cs in a herbivorous insect community. This equation includes only losses due to biological excretion. Losses of radionuclides due to predation, mortality, or other causes are ignored. The concentrations of 137c8, 106Ru and to co in the herbivore trophic level (Tables II - IV) serve as estimates of Qn for each nuclide. No values for trophic level elimination rates (k) or ingestion rates (I, a) are available, but they have been measured for these three radioisotopes in the same insect species. Radionuclide excretion rates and assimilation coefficients were measured for the cricket Acheta domesticus (Table V). Equation (1) was re- arranged to read and the rate of radionucilde intake (per mg insect per day) estimated. Finally, the ratio I/Qu, where Q. is radionuclide concentration in vegetation, was cal- culated (Table V). This ratio has the units of mg plant intake per mg insect per day. It should be the same for all three radionuclides, since insects ingest all three radioisotopes together in vegetation. Table V shows that the ratio I/O is very similar for 106 Ru and co intake, but somewhat low for 137cs. The three probably agree as well as can be expected. Acheta, being a crypto- zoalbug may actually have turnover rates slower than a true herbivorous insect. Also, chloride salts were used as isotope solutions for the excretion measure- ments. The assimilation and turnover of ruthenium chloride may differ from that of the nitrosyl compounds presumably present in the White Oak Lake bed ecosystem. Also, it is possible that some differential intake of the radio- .:: nuclides may result from an unequal distribution of them in vegetation to- gether with Selective feeding by hierbivores. UCN.8667 13 6-68) : ::: V . PE . . ' YA . . ... W ! ! . . - . TN. . . 7 " ' 1. . . - . 2 The calculations presented in Table v demonstrate the internal consistency of the food chain data, at least as regards vegetation to herbivore transfers Further examination of herbivore to predator transfers would be desirable, especially in view of the observed increase of LORu in predaceous arthropods T. . ... -4 , 1. LITERATURE CITED - . Auerbach, s. I., and many others. 1961. Uptake of radionuclides by Lespedeza. pp. 87-90 of Health Physics Div. Ann. Prog. Rept. for period ending July 31, 1961. ORNL-3189 (Oak Ridge National Laboratory report). and J. S. Olson. 1963. Biological and environmental behavior of ruthenium and rhodium. pp. 509-517. In Radioecology. V. Schultz and A. W. Klement, Jr. (eds.). Reinhold, New York, and AIBS, Washington, D. C. ; Beeson, K. C., V. A. Lazar and S. G. Boyce. 1955. Some plant accumlators of the micronutrient elements. Ecology 36(1): 155-156. Bourdeau, P., R. Cavalloro, c. Myttenaere and G. Verſaille. 1965. Movement of fallout radionuclides in irrigated ecosystems of the Po Valley, Italy. Health Phys. 11(12): 1429-1444. 1. Comar, C. L. 1955. Radioisotopes in biology and agriculture. 481 p. Maple Press, York, Pa. Crossley, D. A., Jr. 1963a. Movement and accumulation of radiostrontium and radiocesium in insects. pp. 103-105. In Radioecology. V. Schultz and A. W. Klement, Jr. (eds.). Reinhola, New York, and AIBS, Washington, D. c. - 19630. Consumption of vegetation by insects. pp. 427- 430. In Radioecology. V. Schultz and A. W. Klement, Jr. (eds.). Rein- hola, New York, and AIBS, Washington, D. C.: : . L a nd H. F. Howden. 1961. Insect-vegetation relationships in an area contaminated by radioactive wastes. Ecology 42: 302-327. Davis, J. J. and R. F. Foster. 1958. Bioaccumulation of radioisotopes through aquatic food chains. Ecology 39: 530-535. E . .. 4 F Duravay, P. B., and many others. 1963. Pennod-mamma 1 study. pp. 81-87 of · Progress in Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecology. ORNL-3492 (excerpt) (Oak Ridge National Laboratory report). Ekman, L. 1967. Mechanisms of uptake and accumulation of radionuclides in terrestrial animals. pp. 547-560 of Radioecological Concentration Pro- cesses, Proceedings of an International Symposium held in Stockholm, April 25-29, 1966. B. Åberg and F. P. Hungato (eds.). Pergamon, London. Gilmour, D. 1961. The biochemistry of insects. 343 p. Academic Press, N. 4. Gustafson, P. F. 1967. Comments on radionuclides in aquatic ecosystems. pp. 853-898 of Radioecological concentration Processes, Proc. of an International Symposium held in Stockholm, April 25-29, 1966. B. Aberg and F. P. Hungate (eds.). Pergamon, London. Hanson, W. C. and H. E. Palmer. 1965. Seasonal cycle of 737cs in some Alaskan natives and animals. Health Pays. 2(12): 1401-3406. Howden, 1. F. and D. A. Crossley, Jr. 1961. Insect species on vegetation of the White Oaks Lake bed, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 38 p. ORNL-3094. (Oak Ridge National Laboratory). Kaye, s. V. and P. B. Dunavay. 1962. Bioaccumulation of radioactive isotopes by herbivorous small mammals. health Phys. 7: 205-217. Kevera, N. R. 1966. Feeding rate of carp estimated by a radioisotopic method. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 95(4): 363-371. Lomenick, T. F. and D. A. Gardiner. 1965. The occurrence and retention of radionuclides in the sediments of White Oak Lake. Health Phys. 1 11: 567-577. | McMahan, E. A. 1963. A study of termite feeding relationships, w'sing radioisotopes. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 56: 74-82. . 1. . . . : : ' 9 ' 2 . ...' : and Menzel, R. G. 1965. Soll-plant relationships of radioactive elements. · Health Phys. 11: 1325-1332. Pendleton, R. C., C. W. Mays, R. D. Lloyd, and B. W. Church. 1965. A trophic level effect on 237C8 concentratica. Health Phys. 11: 1503-1520. Plummer, G. L. and F. Helseth.' 1965. Movement and distribution of radio- auclides on granitic outcrops within the Georgia piedmont. Health Pays. 21: 1423-3428. Reichle, D. E. and D. A. Crossley, Jr. 1965. Radiocesium dispersion in a cryptozoan food web. Health Phys. 11: 1375-1384. - 1967. Investigations on heterotrophic productivity in forest insect communities. Proc. Working Meeting on the Principles and Methods of Secondary Productivity in Terrestrial Eco- system, Warsaw, 1966. (In Press). .;. Underwood, E. J. and R. J. Harvey. 1938. Enzootic marasmus. The cobalt content of soils, pastures and animal organs. Australian J. Vet. 14: 183-189. Watson, D. G., W. C. Hanson, J. J. Davis, and W. H. Rickard. 1966. Radio- auclides in terrestrial and freshwater biota. pp. 2165-1200 of Eavironment of the Cape Thompson Region, Alaska. N. J. Wilimovsky and J. N. Wolfe (eds.). USAFC Div. of Technical Information Ext., Oak Ridge, Tennessee. . . DA- :* TABLI I. Radionuclides 10 soils and vegetation along transects in White Oak Lake bed (upper region), summer 1964. Values are pc1/mg of air-dry weight. Locations of transects and sampling areas shown in Fig. 2. . West Line Transect Soils Vegetation East Line Transect Soils. Vegetation 12 Muclide AREA 1 AREA 4 206gu 23768 1.11 5.54 1.24 36.2 7.36 4.10 0.489 • 6000 0.140 0.165 17.2 3.54 0.212 AREA 2 AREA 5 · 100 RU 237CS 28.7 10.8 4.10 0.221 26.1 17.8 4.96 2.19 0.383 0.370 6000 0.251 AREA 3 AREA 6 106 FM 237C8 52.7 2.44 20.8 15.0 4.12 2.79 0.360 0.240 60 co 16.7 6.55 0.670 0.355 MEANS FOR TRANSECT -106RU 137cs 28.5 1.53 0.240 0.219 MEANS FOR TRANSECT 28.1 1.96 17.2 0.512 5.02 0.312 11.0 6000 4.11 . . .-.- . TABIE II. Food chain distribution of 137C8 (PCids of air dry wt) on White Oak Lake bed. Samples from two line transects taken during an 8-week period, summer 1964. Standard error and number of samplon shown for grand mean only. 1.... . - West Line Transect East Line : Transect Trophic Level Grand Mean Standard Error Number of Samples Concentration Factory Soil 11.03 17.23 0.514 14.13 0.377 Vegetation 0.240 0.617 0.0391 0.0388 0.0119 Herbivore 0.086 0.110 0.027 0.29 0.92 Predator: 0.113 0.090 10.101 * Concentration factor = on grand mean for level grand mean for preceding level ET 3 WHO ... . S ! . 2 • ....:** WA . 1.2. 17- ." 2. W . ! . * : 106 . 2 10 9 . -. :. . * . TABLE III. Food chain distribution of Loru (pc/ng air dry wt) ori White Oak Lake bed. Samples from two line transects taken during an 8-week period, summer 1964. Standard error and number of samples shown for grand mean only. . I. . 1 :. I' - . -- . MP . . West, East Line Transect : Line Transect Trophic Level Grand Mean Standard Error Number of .. Samples Concentration Factor* A 1 Soil Vegetation Herbivore 0.062 28.5 1.525 0.990 3.091 28.1 1.956 0.451 .1.175 28.3. 1.741. 0.721 2.059 2.477 0.200 0.186 0.453 0.41 2.86 Predator Concentration factor - grand mean for level ! grand mean for preceding Level. . . . id -- wir sow.or. .-3. ... - .-.- .......... مهم: محمد مانعة من سر دلت ...orana PE TABLE IV. Food chain distribution of "co (pc/mg air dry wt) on White Oak Lake bed. Samples from two line transects taken during an 8-week period, summer 1964. Standard error and number of san ples shown for grand means only. .co meishan . 1 West : Line Transect East Lines Transect Trophic Level Grand Mean Standard Error. Number of Samples concentration Factor* Soil 4.11 4.57 Vegetation : :058 5.02 0.312 0.095 0.108 0.219 0.133 0.137 Herbivore 0.160 0.0257 0.0228 0.0166 0.265 0.114 0.122 :43 Predator 1.07 grand mean for level * Concentration factor = - grand mean for preceding level . .-r .- - -. 12 ZA * .ning mis ... .7: i . 44" A . " NEX .. . ." " . ir WE Es - - ' ' ' TABLE V. Estimates of comparative radionuclide turnover by herbivorous insects. Based on laboratory data for Acheta domesticus and field data from White Oak Lake bed. . . . TYY . ." I . . W ! . L . - . . .. . 16: . Re 10- nuclide Ratio I/Q. (rag/ng/ IN Biological Elimination Assimilation Isotope Isotope Isotope: half-life Coefficient Factor Concentration Intake Concentration (hours) K . . (Herbivores: Vegetation (days) · (pci/mg) (pci/mg/day) IS : day) (PC1/mg) handaraaminen tunt 0.218 0.73. 0.110 0.033 0.377 0.088 هضمية يعي 106 .180 1.22 0.21 10.50 1.741 20.29 0.30 0.25 0.721 0.114 60 C. : 92 0.180 0.082 0.265 0.309 entie mantentione monde new . -.ver. : TJ 1 -. C . FIGURE 1. Locations of line transects and sampling areas on upper White Oak Lake bed. . ORNL-DWG 65-12933 SHORE LINE -748 AREA 2 (1) AREA 3 (!) WEST LINE TRANSECT- AREA 5 (7) AREA 6 (5) WEATHER POLE EAST LINE TRANSECT O 240 80 120 FEET WEST SEEP AREA -WEATHER POLE - FORMER SHORE LINE WEST LINE TRANSECT 7487 K LAKE BED EAST LINE TRANSECT WHITE OAK LAKE 748 - FORMER SHORE LINE 9, 200, 400, 600 FEET END ; . . .. .... DATE FILMED 8 / 15 /67 .