| OF L ORNL P 3066 . : 7 1.0 EEEF EFE - |1:25 14 LE w MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARD$-1963 exŁ ansiosta ORNw83066 Conf.670525--2 RASTE - - - - - JUN 1 3 1967 - . - . . CFSTI BRICIUS .. .. .. .. .. . HC12:00; mx_65 .. --...--- - - ------ The use of sex-chromosome anomalies for measuring radiation effects in different germ-cell stages of the mouse Liane Brauch Russell Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee ------------------------- - - - - - ------ ------- The special features that distinguish meiotic systems from other dynamic cell systems of higher organisms are, first, the fact that far more complex. chromosomal changes are involved, and, second, the opportunity for studying effects on such systems by genetic means. Mutagenesis studies in meiotic systems of mommals began, strictly speaking, in the mid-1930's when ühe pioneer workers in mammalian radiation genetics, Hertwig, Snell, and Strandskov, were comparing progeny from matings made at various intervals after irradiation of the male (see (1) fox review). However, detailed determinations and interretations were not possible until much later, when the relations in gametogenesis could be accurately established and the direct effects of radiation on various cell stages studied (2-6). ----------.-. - .- ... . . .. .. . . . . . . . . The two sexes of mammals offer different opportunities for comparing the genetic effects of radiation in various germ-cell stages. In the male, all : stages are continuously present throughout adult life. Genetic effecus on the gonial stage can easily be studied separately by waiting appropriate intervals after irradiation. Similarly, effects on mature spermatozoa' can be studied separately in offspring conceived immediately after irradiation. The intermediate stages. include the meiotic system which is the subject of this symposium. For these intermediate stages, the timing for the mouse, worked out by Oakberg and others [4; 7-9), tells us that they cannot be represented in the ejaculate before certain intervals (e.g., spermatids not before 7 1/2 days, spermatocytes not before 22 days, etc.). However, at no time can one be sure of an ejaculate "pure" for specific irradiated meiotic stages. . ... Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. . LEGAL NOTICE This report mo propared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the Valted Buates, nor the Commission, nor any person acung on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the we of any information, apparatus, method, or procou daclound in that report may not latring. printoly ownod righto; or B. Assumos any liabilities with rospect to the un of, or for damagui romultos from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or procon discloned in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" inclodou may on- ploys or contractor of the Commission, or employne of much contractor, to the exteat that such omployee or contractor of the Commission, or employw of much contractor preparo, disseminates, or provides access to, any Information purnuant to No employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with much contractor. - - - DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT ES UNA MANERA In the female, the situation is different. If there is a true oogonial stage (which is disputed by some investigators), it is no longer present in embryos older than 14 1/2 days post-conception. To get survival and fertility from earlier embryos is difficut with anything but very low doses of acute irradiation. The bulk of the meiotic prophase development of the female occurs. during fetal life (10, 11). By birth, leptotene and zygotene have been well completed; and even pachytene is found only with low frequencies in the day-rld mouse. Diplotene is succeeded by dictyate, a pseudo-resting stage that makes its first appearance around the time of. birth. By adulthood, oocytes present in the ovary of the female are all in dictyate (12), except every five days or so! (i.e., at each estrus) for a few hours when a small number (arcund 10) continue into diakinesis and metaphase-I and are ovulated. In the female, there is no haploid germ- cell stage -- comparable to spermatid or spermatozoon -- since the second meiotic division is not completed until after sperm entry 0:13, review). . . .-.. --- The contrast between the sexes is thus marked. Genial and mature serm-cell stages are easy to segregate for study in the male. These are inaccessible in the female. On t'ie other hand, certain of the intermediate events can be studied in rather pure cell populations in the female. These are the dictyate and man with appropriate synchronization -- some of the stages be- between diakinesis and anaphase II. ..-.. ----------- . . . . . . w imminestones The germ-cell system also includes events not commonly thought of in this connection, namely post-copulation stages up to syngamy preceding the first cleavage. Following sperm entry into the oocyte and the completion of the second meiotic division, the male and female pronuclei are separate genomes lying in a common cytoplasm. The pronuclear stage, which is of extremely short duration in many of the organisms used in mutagenesis studies !e.g., insects), is quite long in mammals and thus provides favorable material for sensitivity comparisons. . . . a t o Several indices of genetic change have been employed in comparing germ-cell stages for radiation effects. These include dominant lethals in both sexes (14-16, reviews; 17, 18), translocations in the male (14-16), and specific- locus mutations [19-21). stalatie de alimentatore skispos The dominant-lethal category comprises a heterogeneous group of changes of unknown composition and can, moreover, be studied only with special pre- cautions in females because of the complications of induced superovulation and indirect effects [47, 31). The scoring of translocations requires large-scale fertility testing and is subject to some error. Because of these considerations, we embarked a few years ago on a program of making all possible germ-cell stage comparisons in the mouse by using sex- chromosome aberrations as an index of genetic damage. I METHODS The discovery that the xo mouse is a viable, fertile female (22, 23] and that XXY is a viable male (24), both types being phenotypically recognizable in the presence of appropriate X-linked markers, led directly to experiments in which sex-chromosome aberrations could be used as an index to genetic damage (25-29, 14-16, 30). . ..... .. ............... ... ............ The various cell stages investigated so far are summarized in Fig. 1. Meiotic events remaining to be surveyed are metaphase I, II, and immediately adjacent stages in both sexes. In the male, these are too short t:) be recovered in the necessarily mixed sperm samples. In the female, however, it is quite feasible to isolate some of them for study and this has been done in dominant-lethal experiments (31, 17). We have recently attempted to do so for sex-chromosome anomalies, using hormone-synchronized ovulation, but various practical problems ascribable to this technique have temporarily delayed the collection of samples of sufficient size. Some of the marker schemes that have been used in various of our experiments are shown in Figs. 2-4. In the irradiation of male germ-cell stages (Fig. 2), the use of a mate carrying two closely linked markers in repulsion is a useful device, since females homozygous for most sex-linked markers have reduced vigor. It can be seen that, with this scheme, all exceptional progeny resulting from loss or first-division nondisjunction is pheno- typically detectable except in the relatively rare crossover classes. Experiments on predictyate prophase stages in the female require two generations of marked matings (Fig. 3). The first produces the hetero- zygotes that must be irradiated in utero (in various stages of development) or as newborns. These are then allowed to grow up and are mated to males carrying a different marker. For irradiation of dictyate, the same scheme applies, except that the heterouygous females are irradiated as adults. Mates are not added until 24 hours after irradiation in order to avoid contamination from post-dictyate stages. It may be noted that the mating scheme in Fig. 3 allows detection not only of maternal 1988 and nondis- junction but also o. paternal loss (not shown in figure). The latter would presumably be spontaneous, but could be mimicked by certair, induced aberrations in the female (see below). When "zygote" stages are irradiated (Fig. 4), the expected results would vary according to whether the damage induced was chromosome 1088, chromatid loss, or nond!! sjunction. Only the first category is phenotypically detect- able with certainty. It should be noted that some of the expected exceptional phenotypes can also be produced by mechanisms other than those shown. The X/0 phenotype f(marker) can be the result of an ) genotype, or of a deficiency in the Y involving male-determining regions. Various chromosome aberrations leading to non-random X inactivation, as in Searle's translocation (48), could mimic an X/0 phenotype. Finally, there could be misclassification . as a result of having a chance preponderance of cells in which the same X differentiated as the active one. Genetic and/or cytological tests of exceptional progeny are thus most desirable, whenever they can be made. Spontaneous frequencies of various sex-chromosome anomalies in the mouse are quite unequal (26, 16). By far the most common is 1088 of a paternal sex chromosome (x or Y), and frequencies in various stocks and experiments vary from about 0.1 to 1.1%. Non-disjunction of paternal X and Y leading to XXPY ( 24 ) 18 very much rarer, the ratio of XMO to XMXY being about 40:1 where the two could be compared in equivalent situations. Spontaneous meternal X aberrations are extremely rare, with ox even less frequent than x"xPY, and XMxMy never having been reported. i ," . RESULTS P The results for various irradiated germ-cell stages in male gametogenesis, female gametogenesis and the zygote are summarized in Tables I, II, and III, respectively. In all cases, the last columns have been calculated on the same basis in order to facilitate comparison between Tables. The adjusted r R involves subtraction of the control frequency which is always based on a strictly contemporary and otherwise comparable control group. This is considered necessary because of the rather wide variation in spontaneous XO frequency (26). -- . .. - ..- -- Not all phenotypically exceptional animals could be verified by genetic or cytological tests (see, e.g., some of the presumed Xho animals in Tables I and II). Siace, however, among these tested, the proportion misclassified was relatively small, the untested group also was included in calculations of frequencies. Among the 26 tested phenotypically XO animals in Table I are 81x animals that had 40 caramosomes but bred like Xo. These are pre- sumed to have X or Y deficiencies. Two of them, in fact, had a recognizably short chromosome (16). -- - - - --- -*--,'trace .... Trisomies that would result from induced meiotic non-disjunction are detect- able for only some of the possible genotypes. Thus, none of the XXX's (Figs. 2 and 3) or XYY's (Fig. 2) can probably be recognized phenotypically: and the same applies to a fraction of the XXY's, namely those where there has been a crossover in the female. Moreover, one cannot expect to find induced trisomies from post-divisionally irradiated stages, i.e., spermatids and spermatozoa. However, even allowing for all of these factors, it is evident that induced non-disjunction is quite negligible in comparison with induced 1088: trisomy was never found after irradiation of females (Table II); and the single case observed after irradiation of males (Table I) couid conceivably have been spontaneous. The subsequent discussion 18 thus based on induced sex-chromosome 1088e8. ** * . . . Dettarta .- of male germ-cell stages investigated (Table I), spermatids are most sensi- tive. The chromosome-1088 frequency for all spermatocyte stages takon together is approximately equivalent to that for spermatozoa (on & per-R basis). Such a comparison should, however, be made with caution since the XO yield in the former case is measured in a selected cell population, in the latter case in an unselected one (15). The first week of the spermato- cyte sampling (possibly representing mostly post pachytene stages) gave a lower frequency of exceptions than the following two weeks. - 2 Irradiation of female germ-cell stages was successful in producing 0 type that almost never occurs spontaneously. The dictyate stage in mature follicles was found to give a .onsiderably higher yield than did pre- dictyate prophage stages (Table II). As a matter of fact, dictyate oocytes in mature follicles appear to be at least as sensitive as are spermatids -- if not more 80. For both of these stages, there is no direct germ-cell killing with the doses used, and one is therefore comparing chromosome-1088 rates in presumably unselected populations. For earlier stages in both sexes, the possibility of selection does exist, and it may thus be fortuitous that leptotene-through-diplotene oocytes, as a group, yield approximately the same loss frequency as do late spermatocyte stages. . The earlier meiotic prophase stages in the female were studied in eight separate age-groups, namely days 13 1/2, 14 1/2, 15 1/2, 16 1/2, 17 1/2, 18 1/2, 19 1/2, 20 1/2 postconception, the last two of these being post- natal with the stocks used. The following fertility picture emerged in the course of this experiment. Pemales irradiated as 13 1/2-day embryos, and those treated as newborns or day-olds were very severly affected. Only & small percentage was productive at all; and even those animals that were. yielded very few young. On the other hand, among females irradiated with 250 R at intermediate stages, days 14 1/2 to 18 1/2 postconception, the percentage of productive ones was little, if at all, reduced from control; although the number of offspring per female was only about halt normal, due to early cessation of breeding. At these intermediate stages, the bulk of the oocytes are probably in pachytene (11). The very sensitive stages at each end may represent prepachytere on the one hand, and diplotene on the other. In newborn mice, Peters, on the basis of histo- logical studies, considered pachytene and late diplotene quite sensitive and early diplotone resistant (49). Strain differences very probably hayo & marked effect on the developmental schedule of the ovary. As far as induced chromosome loss is concerned, the frequencies are not high enough to allow a meaningful comparison of different predictyate stages. The ox is obtained to date came from females irradiated days 13 1/2, 17 1/2, and 18 1/2 postconception. 17 1/2, and obtained to det. comparison of Irradiation of penetrated oocytes (Table III) can yield frequencies of sex-chromosome losses that are much higher than those obtained for any germ-cell stage irradiated in the gonads of either sex. Thus, peak incidences during that period are 3-4 times as great as those for irradi- atea spermatid or mature dictyate stages. Comparison of maternally and paternally contributed chromosomes indicates that sensitivity to X 1088 may be highest during final phases of the second meiotic division of the oocyte, while sensitivity to X or Y 1088 does not reach its peak until carly pronuclear stage. (We are now making this comparison more accurately by using synchronized material.) A very clear result is the sharp drop in total XO's between early and late pronuclear stage. Loss of a maternal X, in fact, can apparently no longer be induced after ll a.m. by 100 R (Table III) or even by 200 R given at 12:30, 2:00, or 3:00 p.m. (15). Paralleling the drop in total sex-chromosome loss is a decrease in mortality, as measured either by littersize at birth or by fetal survival (15, 29). It may be seen from Fig. 4 that irradiation of zygotes could, under certain circumstances, result in the formation of various mosaics. So far, no positive evidence for this has been obtained (15), and it has been tentatively concluded that irradiation of these stages 18 more likely to cause chromosome loss than chromatid 1088 or nondisjunction at cleavage. DISCUSSION Several types of anomaly that would be lethal if they involved antosomes (14) can be recovered in viable offspring iſ the chromosomes affected are the X and/or y. It is this circumstance and the fact that many of the aberrant types can be recognized phenotypically by the use of appropriate markers that render induced sex-chromosome anomalies particularly suitable for studying certain genetic effects of radiation and of other mutagens. The question of whether sensitivity of sex-chromosomes 18 representative of chromosome sensitivity in general must, of course, be considered. For zygotes irradiated in early pronuclear stage, it can be calculated that the mortality results are ir. good agreement with induced XO frequency, if one assuues that the probability of eliminating autosomes and sex chromosomes is, on the average, the same and that 1088 of one or more autosomes is lethal. (15). For a few other cell stages, the ugreement was not quite as good, mortality being always slightly greater than expected on the basis of XO frequency (15, 29). None of the disagreements within a given stage were, however, major. Morecver, comparison of relative sensitivities of different cell stages to the induction of sex- chromosome losses and of dominant lethale (presumed autosomal 1088es) in general gives good parallelism (see below). If truly substantiated cases of disagreement should eventually be found, these could be due to various causes. Thus, at certain stages, sex chromosomes might present an . atypical proportion of the total chromosomal target, e.g., during male meiosis, when there is asynchrony of condensation of the sex bivalent. Alternatively, mortality after irradiation of certain stages might be due to causes additional to aneuploidy; or there might be a class of aber- rations which would produce dominant lethality if they involved the autosomes but would be nondetectable (with the marker setup used) if they involved the sex chromosomes. In the mouse, there is no good evidence that nondisjunction is induced by irradiation of meiotic stages. Despite the relative ease with which the XO type can be obtained, only one XXY animal was observed in all the various experiments. This is in contrast to the situation in Drosophila, where meiotic prophase irradiation has been shown to induce nondisjunction. (32-36] and where, therefore, a portion of the XO's must be thought of as complementary to the sex-chromosome trisomics. Because of this situation, the fact that the highest XO frequency in Drosophila is found following irradiation of spermatocytes does not necessarily indicate that this stage is most sensitive to chromosome breakage. Not only nondisjunction in the purest sense, but perhaps other types of meiotic misdivision leading to lo88 only (e.g., "anaphase lagging") may contribute to the high XO yield from premeiotic irradiation. - Whether the latter occurs in the mouse, or whether all cases of sex- chromosome 1088 represent breakage phenomena is not know. Thus, various stages can be compared only in terms of the effect -- chromosome loss -- rather than the underlying cause for this effect. - - - - The finding that the highest frequency of loss following irradiation of the male mouse occurs after treatment of spermatids parallels results obtained in dominant lethal studies (37-39, 18) and translocation experiments (40). Studies of irradiated spermatocytes are complicated by the relatively high sensitivity to cell killing of these stages. Thus, even with a dose as low as 200 R, from 13 to 48% -- depending on exact prophase stage irradiated -- never reach the spermatid stage of development (9), and some of those that do, go on to form abnormal sperm. This is a particularly serious complication for dominant-lethal experiments, since the usual method of calculating preimplantation death cannot be applied. The easiest way out (and one used by most authors), that of merely ignoring this component of the total effect, may lead to results of doubtrud validity. This particular difficulty 18 avoided . . when the index of genetic damage is sex-chromosome 1088. However, there is still the possibility that the frequency determination is being : carried out on a selected population. The same is true of early oocyte stages, both predictyate and dictyate in carly follicles. Oocytes in mature follicles, however no both dictyate and post-dictyate -- are presumably not subject to selection by direct effects. In fact, it has been shown that arter treatment of the stage most sensitive to the induction of dominant lethals, meiotic metaphase I, the syerage number of eles normally ovulated and fertilized (as measured by viable two-cell embryos formed) was normal, even though only 0.1 offspring per female survived to fetal life [41). It is unfortunate that technical difficulties to date have prevented the accumulation of good sex-chromosome-1088 data for the oocyte stages that intervene between late dictyate and meiotic anaphase II. Dominant-lethal studies have shown metaphase I to be very much more sensitive not only than preceding steges (42, 31, 17) -- paralleling results on insects (43, 44) -- but also slightly more sensitive than the subsequent stages of anaphase I and metaphase II (17). Metaphase II S probably included in the population. of zygotes irradiated at 8:30 a... (29). This population is highly sensitive to induced sex-chromosome loss (Table III);. and if the parallelism with dominant-lethal results should hold, it might be expected that metaphase I would give an even higher yield of Xo's. In the comparison between metaphase II and what was considered an early pronuclear stage, the dominant lethal data of Edwards and Searle showed a sharp drop in frequency (17]. The XO data show no drop between 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. [29). At 8:30, most of the zygotes were already past metaphase II. It is also quite likely that what was considered early pronuclear stage in the dominant-lethal experiment (17) actually corresponds to our 3:30 p.m. irradiation, since over 12 hours hard elapsed since metaphase II. In speculating on the factors that determine differential sensitivity, the only clear fact that seems to emerge is that these are probably manifold and that the answer will be most complex. In one of the most favorable systems or study, that of the mammalian zygote, it appears that sensitivity changes may be related to nuclear growth and/or DNA synthesis (29, 45). The relation between nuclear volume and sensitivity, however, can work in opposite directions. Thus, as the sperm head swells to become the early pronucleus, sensitivity increases greatly, but with further volume increase, it drops again sharply. This may point to DNA synthesis as a more important factor in the sensitivity change between early and late pronucleus, the presynthetic or synthetic phase being the sensitive one. High sensitivity in zygote stages, however, can be the result of other factors as well, since it is also found at the time of second-polar-body formation. This latter fits with Magni's suggestion that chromosomes just emerging from meiotic division are particularly vulnerable (46). However, time relation to meiosis cannot be a major determinant, for the early paternal pronucleus, which is post-meiotic by several weeks, 18 as sensitive as the maternal pronucleus, postmeiotic only by a matter of hours; and it 18 much more sensitive than the spermatid which is the direct product of male meiosis. Tae similarity of dictyate oocytes in mature follicles to spermatids, both with respect to frequency of induced sex-chromosome loss and the absence of direct radiation killing, is difficult to explain in view of the fact that one stage is premeiotic and the other postmeiotic. Finally, the exceedingly high sensitivity of metaphase I, which seems indicated by dominant-lethal data, cannot be accounted for by any of the interpretations suggested so far. SUMMARY Several types of anomaly that would be lethal if they involyed autosomes can be recovered in viable offspring if the chromosomes affected we the X and/or Y. Marker systems have been developed for recognizing a high percentage of the possible anomalous types that would result from nondise junction, monosomy, deficiency, and perhaps, certain rearrangements. Because sex-chromosolie anomalies are thus sspecially suitable for studying effects of radiation and other mutagens, we have used them in extensive comparisons of various germ-cell stages in the mouse, including meiotic systems. No good evidence has been obtained for X-ray induction of nondisjunction. On the other hand, the XO phenotype is easily produced, The great. majority of these cases is the result of simple monosomy, but a few XO" animals have also been observed that probably carry sex-chromosome deficiencies or, perhaps, other aberrations. By far the highest yields of sex-chromosome losses are obtained by irradiat- ing zygotes, from the time of sperm entry (second meiotic division, through early pronuclear stage. XM may be relatively more sensitive than XP or I. during the first part of this period; and there is reason to think that ox yield for irradiated metaphase-I of the female, when finally measured, may turn out to be even higher. There is a sharp drop in sensitivity between early and later pronuclear. stages. Among gonadal germ cells tested, the ones yielding the highest XO frequencies are the dictyate in nature follicles of the female, and the spermatid in the male. · Leptotene-through-diplotene oocytes, and spermatocytes, taken as a group, give a lower, and roughly equal, yield. Among spermatocytes, post- pachytene stages give the lowest frequency of xo. These comparisons must, however, take account of the fact that to yield from irradiation of spermatocytes and predictyate oocytes is presumably being measured in selected cell populations. The factors that determine differential sensitivity are probably manifold and complex. It is very likely that they vary from one comparison to the next. REFERENCES - . .. - - . - - - - -- - - - - -- - , - .. . . .. . .. . .. -- -- -- .. --. . - - .. . - (1) RUSSELL, W. 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' [49] PETERS, r., Radiation sensitivity of oocytes at different stages of development in the immature mouse, Rad. Research 15 5 (1961) 582, ... ... . . - - - . . . . . . . . H . .. . TA . TABLE I .. Frequency of induced sex chromosome anomalies from irradiation of male gern-cell stages Adjusted induced frequency per -- No. of Post-irrad. : days mated No. with exceptional phenotype Dose (R) Cell stage sampled animals classified 1 X 10 XMXXY 2.0 A 1-14 (mostly 1-7) Spermatozoa (vas & epididymis): 600 .1112 3+5* 0 Control 1285 . 1285 : 2106 * O 8+3* O 15-21 Spermatids 200 4.3 - Control 1683 .. 22-28 Spermatocytes (postpachytene) · 200 2118 i 2+1* 0 1. 00 29-35 Spermatocytes 200 2370 3.3 0.4 8+1* 5+1* 1 0 . 36-42 Spermatocytes 200 1726 2.9 0 Control 3423 ed. Includes: some data from L. B. Russell and Saylors 1962, 1963 (28, 15). Died before genetic or cytological tests could be comple Classified on basis of phenotype only. Irradiated minus contemporary control. Based on 50% of offspring of singly beterozygous; 100% of offspring of doubly heterozygous mates. “Induction of XXY not expected since post-divisional stages were irradiated. -- - - - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - . .. - -.. . . . - - - - - - - . - - - - : . * - , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -. . - - ..- . .. - - - - - - - . - - - - - - .. . - - . . . - - - . - - - TABLE II Frequency of induced sex-chromosome anomalies from irradiation of female germ-cell stages Age irradiated Stage sampled Doses Individual Weighted groups average No. animals classified _ % loss XM' pory Adjusted induced frequency of ox per r x 10-5 Days 13 1/2-20,1/2, Pre-leptotene postconception through diplotene 150,200,250 221 2402 1.4 2.4 0.0 -0.3 Adult Dictyate (mature follicles) 100,400 342 331 7.1 Control 0 0 785 'Estimated frequency of occurrence, calculated by taking account of the fact that only half of all losses of x are detectabl. (0/Y being prenatally lethal). Groups separated by daily intervals. The lower number represents only tested or cytologically verified animals. PRange in other experiments is 0.1-1.1%. over 90% of classified young were conceived within 2 weeks after irradiation. TABLE III Frequency of sex-chromosome less after J.00 R irradiation at various stages between sperm entry and the first cleavage Adjusted induced frequency per Time irradiated Stage of development No. classified Series % loss r x 10° xor y M 8:30 a.m. Completion of second- polar-body formation. A few already in pro- nuclear stage 201 1.0 3.0 4.9 29.8 11:00 a.m. Most zygotes in early pronuclear stage . A B 422 227 3.3 1.8 1.9 1.8 23.0 12.5 19.0 17.6 3:30 p.m. All in pronuclear stage. Nuclear growth and DNA synthesis probably completed. A 0 70 193 1.4 0.5 4.0 0.1 Control 822 196 1.0 0.5 0 0 "All on the day of the vaginal plug. Plug check about 8 a.m. The two series are separated by 3 years. Series A: Mothers from 4 different strains, D, T, C3H, (101 X C3H)F, (L. B. Russell and Saylors, 1963). Series B: Mothers all (101 x C3H)F, (L. B. Russell and Montgomery, 1966). Estimated frequency of occurrence, calculated by taking account of the fact that only half of all losses of XM are detectable. LEGENDS FIG. 1. Approximate time of occurrence of various gern-cell stages in the mouse, with wavy arrows indicating those irradiated in experiments with induced sex-chromosome anomalies. (Modified from [15]). FIG. 2. Mating scheme for experiments designed to detect sex-chromosome . anomalies induced by irradiating various germ-cell stages of the male rouse. Exceptional phenotypes that are phenotypically recogni- zable are encircled with an unbroken line. A broken circle indicates those that are only questionably recognizable or detectable by further test of raro classes. FIG. 3. Mating scheme for experiments designed to detect sex-chromosome anomalies induced by irradiating various germ-cell stages of the female mouse. Circles and broken circles as in Fig. 2. (Modified from (15]). FIG. 4. Theoretical expectations for various abnormal events Layolving sex chromosomes of zygotes. (Modified from (15)). 11447701 O GERMLINE LATE FETUS, NEONATAL $ GERMLINE MEIOTIC PROPHASE (through diplotene) m POSTNATAL and ADULT ... .. (all stages present at DICTYATE all times) beginning follicles mi to SPERMATOGONIA A most mature follicles SPERMATOGONIA B DIAKINESIS MEIOTIC PROPHASE (hours preovulation) MEIOTIC METAPHASE 1,1 MEIOTIC METAPHASE I SPERMATIDS SPERMATOZOA MEIOTIC METAPHASE I SPERM PENETRATION OF VITELLUS W PRONUCLEAR STAGES FIRST CLEAVAGE .. .. ..-37 * * S* POST- COPULATION 10336-) : TO + x + Blo NORMAL PROGENY NON-C.O : C.O. EXCEPTIONAL PROGENY NON-C.o. C.O. Ta + + + TO Blo + + m To + Ta Blo oyen : TO + + + * * + Blo + t. + + + Blo + + DIO + Blo Fig 2. .:'. . per . . . . EL T .. . I 17550 PRENATAL (VARIOUS STAGES) NEONATAL, OR ADULT NORMAL PROGENY EXCEPTIONAL PROGENY NON-C.O. CO. "Ta t cele Tat + Blo Fig. 3 10339-1 ZYGOTE CHROMOSOME! LOSS CHROMATID LOSS . NONDISJUNCTION CHROMOSOME LOSS CHROMATID LOSS NONDISJUNCTION dies - - '12. 2 95 1 75W "I "", ideia B * . RI END DATE FILMED 8 / 25 /67 ..:. . . . . G NIE! at 7 , .. .