- . ::: ? i . > I OF I ORNL P 3541 .. . . ** . . ra 1.25 1.1.4 11.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 MICROCOPAL BUREAU OF . de Ar 2 1- 12OFF ! "... " ,"14 :" 1",r. . . .. ::::::. R ORNE P. 3541 8 JAN 19 MASTER THE VARIATION WITH AGE OF ELEMENTAL CONCENTRATIONS IN HUMAN TISSUE *Isabel H. Tipton ** · Judy 0. Johns*** and Monica Boyd **** LEGAL NOTICE This report mo propared us an account of Government sponsored work. Noither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commissions A. Makes Lay warranty or roprosentation, expressed or implied, with respoct to the acou- racy, complotoneDI, or unofulness of the information contained in this roport, or that the use of any information, apparatu, mathod, or procesu disclosed in this roport may not Infringe privately owod richta; or B. Assumos any liabiliuos with respect to the wo of, or for damages rosuldag from the uos of any information, appuratw, method, or procos, disclosed in Wale report. As used in the above, "pornon acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any om- : picyo or contractor of the Comiatsslon, or employou of such contractor, to the extent that such employo. or contractor of the commalusion, or employee of much contractor proparas, diorominates, or provides accou to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or hin employment with such contractor. **Department of Physics, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee and Health Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. (operated by Union Carbide Corporation for the United States: Atomic Energy Comm 1881on). ***ath Panel, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, .Oak Ridge, Tennessee. ****Health Phys106' Division, .Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. *This work was supported by subcontraot 2351 under: W7405 eng 26 between Union Carbide Nuclear Corporation and The University of' Tennossoo.. Pre-publication Copy July 1966 DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOAMNE IS UNLIMITED Tipton July 1966 Abstract To determine MPC values for var:.ous segments of the population it is desirable to take into account the possible variation with age of the concentration or an element in .a tissue. Studies carried out on data for 173 subjects from the United States indicate a significant (p <0.001) correlation with age of: aluminum in lung: calcium in aorta, COI 11 rib, kidney, and testis; copper in cartilage and liver; magnesium in aorta, rib and vertebra; manganese in rib; phosphorus in aorta and testis; tin. in lung. Since the values ror the concentrations of these elements are found to be distributed log-normally (except those for calcium .in rib which were normally distributed), equations for regression lines of the log or concentration on age (concentrations on age for calcium in rib) have been . determined and lines drawn with a 95% conridence interval. The concentracions of calcium, magnesium, and manganese in bone,, and .oopper and manganeso in. liver are found to decrease; and the concentrations of caloium, magnesium, and. phosphorus in. aorta, .0110ium in kidney, and aluminum and tin in lung to increase with age... " TRE . . ,' . . .. Tipton July 1966 To determine whether or not the concentrations of elements in human tissue vary with age, studies of the correlation between uge and elemental concentration have been carried out using the data on 150 adult subjects (1,2,3,4) plus 23 ohildren 15) from the United States. Rank correlation coefficients have been computed for each element in each tissue and the difference from zero tested as described previously 67. • To take age dependence into consideration when attempting to determine MPC values for various segments of the population : 1t is desirable to estimate the quantitative relation between age and concentration. It is userul to calculate intercept and slope or a regression line relating age and concentration and to make a plot of the line for quick visval reference. ence Before a meaningful regression line can be plotted,. it is necessary to establish the fact that the quantities can be expected to have a linear relation. If, for every fixed value of the independent variable (in this case age), the values for the dependent variable (in this case concentratior) show a normal statistical distribution about a mean value, then the regression line may be determined by the method of least squares and confidence intervals determined by ordinary statistical procedures. However, in this study most of the values for concentration of a trace element in human tissue prove not to be distributed normally. KA Therefore before plotting regression lines for an element, the data have been tested for normality and for log normality Mon. Since caloium.. in bone showed a normal distribution, a regressivio line of concentration on age has been plotted for valoium;. for all other elements the 10g of the concentration has been used instead of concentration in oaloulating and plotting the regression line. Table 1 includes those correlation coefficients of magnitude 0.32 and above and significantly (p <0.001) dirferent from zero for elements which were observed in concentrations above the limit of detection in 90% of the samples of a t18sue. In this table the column ** * "Number of Individuals" shows the number of samples for which both a value for the concen. tration of the element in wet tissue and the age of the individual were known. The last . .C L Tipton July 1966 column in this table contains the equation of the regression line of concentration or los concentration on age. In the figures age 16 plotted as absoissa, and concentration or log of concentration o an element in wet tissue is plotted as ordinata. The equation of the line, the value of the correlation coefficient and the probability what the value could have ocourred by small circles. The 95% confidence interval 18 indicated by triangular points on each side or the regression line. This interval 18 not bounded by straight lines, because there were different variabilities and different numbers of observations for different age groups. The increase in aorta of the concentrations of caloium (Fig. la), magnesium (F18. 10), and phosphorus (718. 10) reflects the commonly observed changes in blood vessels with age. The analyses which provided the values for the elements in bone (rib) were made on · ashed samples or wet rib from which the marrow had not been removed. The ash fraction of ' wet weight of these samples deoreased significantly, whereas the dry fruction of wat did not change significantly with age. The decrease in the concentration of calcium (P18. 2a), magnesium (Fig. 26).. and manganese (Fig. 20) in the wet sample (concentration in wet . concen- ..tration in ash x ash fraction of wet) 18 thus a refleotion not only of the actual decrease of the inorganic matrix of the bone with age but also of an increase of the low-ashing rat component of marrow. Calcirication acoompanying pathologic 1081ons in the kidney apparently has no specifio correlation with age 19). Since the kidneys which were analyzed for the present study were : taken from grossly normal individuals, the inorease in the concentration of calcium in kidney (F18. 3) probably reflects an increase with age in the deposition of plagues in the blood vessels within the kidney rather than an increase in the concentration or caloium in the tissue of the kidney itself. The increase of oalolum in tostis can probably be! . . '1 '. : attributed to the same cause. (818. 6) Tipton July 1966 The decrease of copper (F18. 4a), manganese (P18. 45), and molybdenum (Fig. 4c) in ease pes liver is slight but significant. The individual variation of aluminum (Fig. 5a) and tin (Fig. 50) in lung 16 wide but the general increase from birth to old age 18 more than tenrold. The compounds of these elements which enter the lung by inhalation as dust are for the most part insoluble and so are not absorbed. . * , . . . . .,.-**** Tipton . July 1966 References 1. I. H. Tipton', M. J. Cook, R. L. Steiner, H. M. Perry, Jr., and H. A. Schroeder, Health Physics 9, 89 (1963). 2. I. H. Tipton and M. J. Cook, Health Phys108 9. 103 (1963). 3. S. R. Koirtyohann and C. Peldman, Health Physics, Annual Report, ORNL-3492, D. 178 (1963). 4. I. . Tipton and J. J. Shafer, Health Phy8108 Annual Report, ORNL-3697, p. 179 (1964). 5. Unpublished data. .6. I. H. Tipton and J. J. Sharer, Archives of Environmental Health 8, 58 (1964). 7. "gests of Non-Normality Memorandum from D. A. Gardiner to W. S. Snyder, June 20, 1963. 8. Biometrika Tables for statisticians, ed. by 8. S. Pearson and H. O. Hartley, Cambridge Press (1954). 9. J. 0. Salik and B. S. Abeshouse, Radium Therapy, and Nuclear Medicine, Am. J. Roentgenology: 88,.125 (1962). . . . 1. . ELLE 2 . . it 1.1. . . Tipton July 1966 · TABLE I Correlation or Concentration of Trace Element in Wet Tissue with Age (Correlation coefficients different from zero p <0.001). (Concentrations in micrograms per gram or wet t188ue) Number of Individuals Correlation Doerficient. Element Tissue Equation of Regression Line · Aluminum Lung 153 0.34 log conc Al - 0.654 + 0.014 (Age) Calcium Aorta Bone - Rib Kidney Testis och har 0.53 -0.47 0.39 0.37 log conc Ca - 2.337 + 0.012 (Age) cono Ca. 113,500 - 608 (Age ) 10g cong Ca - 1.717 * 0.005 (Age) log oonc Ca - 1.784 + 0.003 lage) Copper Liver . -0.35 log cono cu - 1.033 - 0.004 (Age) Magnesium Aorta Bone • Rib mä 0.47 -0.64 : log oonc Mg - 1.962 * 0.008 (Age) 10g çono Mg = 3.173 - 0.004 (Age) Manganese Bone - R1b. · Liver oo b -0.41 . -0,33 log cong Mn - -0.142 - 0.003 (Age) 10g cono Mn = 0.226 - 0.002 (Age) Molybdenum Liver -0.33 108 cono Mo - 0.039 - 0.002 (Age ) Phosphorus Aorta 0.46 log oond p = 2.700 + 0.007 (Age ) Tin Lung 0.42 log cono sn - -0.958 + 0.013 (Age). ves .. 12 ST CA * d 1 ORNL DWG 66-45: VARIATION OF CONCENTRATION IN WET TISSUE WITH AGE CALCIUM IN AORTA 102a842ad99940404040404 144984444444444444 4444444444484 CONCENTRATION - MICROGRAMS PER GRAM WET TISSUE ooooooooooo LOG CONCENTRATION Co=2,337 +0,012 (AGE) r-0.53 p=0.000001 0 10 20 30 60 70 80 90 100 40 50 AGE -YEARS . . ORNL DWG 66-4557 VARIATION OF CONCENTRATION IN WET TISSUE WITH AGE MAGNESIUM IN AORTA · 10% mo 2498448808900 manns odda44444444444 aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAA CONCENTRATION - MICROGRAMS PER GRAM WET TISSUE 40 42 44444440 2888084444404448 90 90 89 8804°4444444444 LOG CONCENTRATION Mg* 1.962 +0.008(AGE) p.0.47 p. 0.000002 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 AGE-YEARS ORNL DWG 66-4563 VARIATION OF CONCENTRATION IN WET TISSUE WITH AGE PHOSPHORUS IN AORTA 4°444048 20444444444444444 A48444444444 ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه AAAAAAAAAAA 4444aa9da904444 :.::. CONCENTRATION • MICROGRAMS PER GRAM WET TISSUE 1.0.46 pe 0.000001 LLLLLLLLL 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 AGE-YEARS 100 ORNL-DWG. 66-4567 VARIATION OF CONCENTRATION IN WET TISSUE WITH AGE CALCIUM IN BONE (RIB) 187,125.00 170,6!6.50 CONCENTRATION Co=113,500-608 (AGE) r= -0.47 p=0,000003 154,108.00 137,599.50 121,091.00f ºg CONCENTRATION - MICROGRAMS PER GRAM WET TISSUE 104,582.50 bocoon AMD Dad 88,074.00% ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه 71,565.50 . 55,057.00 DDDDD.CONDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 38,548.50 o .22040.005 LLLLLLL 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 AGE-YEARS 80 90 - 100 loo . . .. . . . . . . TE ORNL-DWG. 66-4564 VARIATION OF CONCENTRATION IN WET TISSUE WITH AGE MAGNESIUM IN BONE (RIB) - 109 AAAAA o Yo PER GRAM WET TISSUE ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه AAAAAAAAAA SAA QORBA CONCENTRATION - MICROGR LOG CONCENTRATION Mg= 3.173 -0.004(AGE) r=-0.64 p=0.00001 O' LILILLLLL 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 AGE-YEARS 100 .. r ario. !n... SA F1 Fig. 2c ORNL-DWG. 66-4566 VARIATION OF CONCENTRATION IN WET TISSUE WITH AGE MANGANESE IN BONE (RIB) PAAAAAL ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه هه 0% DABASARABA AAGADDDDDS همه خدمه ه CONCENTRATION - MICROGRAMS PER GRAM WET TISSUE DADA LOG CONCENTRATION Mn=-0.141 -0.003 (AGE) r=-0.41 p=0.000005 0 10 20 30 70 70 80 90 100 40 50 60 AGE-YEARS ORNL DWG 66-4559 VARIATION OF CONCENTRATION IN WET TISSUE WITH AGE CALCIUM IN KIDNEY Ao9404444 65A AS 184 DADA 402 400000000000's 14444 PRAA80404 4434 AA 42 203 204 800MAAAAAAAAA CONCENTRATION - MICROGRAMS PER GRAM WET TISSUE LOG CONCENTRATION CO= 1.717 +0.005(AGE) p=0.39 po 0.000003 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 AGE-YEARS . .. . . .. .. . ; - - Whe r . ' ' ' AML : ORNL DWG 66-4561 VARIATION OF CONCENTRATION IN WET TISSUE WITH AGE COPPER IN LIVER 10 o ---DADADAA GAA 18S & AARDOSADA ASANDRA Frönssson BA BA BA BA B 4A AASA DE 88 oC هه هه CONCENTRATION - MICROGRAMS PER GRAM WET TISSUE LOG CONCENTRATION Cu = 1.033 -0.004 (AGE) p=-0.35 p= 0.000002 0 LIIIII 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 AGE-YEARS 80 90 100 ORNL DWG 66-4568 VARIATION OF CONCENTRATION IN WET TISSUE WITH AGE MANGANESE IN LIVER AAAAAAAAAA° AAAAAAAAA Sciasco S AA Addo AAAAAAAA 84A AA 41AA, A LA AAAAA CONCENTRATION- MICROGRAMS PER GRAM WET TISSUE LOG CONCENTRATION Mn=0.226 -0.002(AGE) på-0.33 p=0.000003 02 LLLLLLL 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 AGE -YEARS ORNL. DWG 66 - 4565 VARIATION OF CONCENTRATION IN WET TISSUE WITH AGE MOLYBDENUM IN LIVER هههه ههمهمه حمهه هه هه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه م ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه همه ܬܬܬܬܬ ܬ8ܬ8ܬܬܬܬܬܬܬܬܬܬ ܘܘܬܬܬ ه ه ه ه د CONCENTRATION - MICROGRAMS PER GRAM WET TISSUE دة LOG CONCENTRATION Mo=0.039 -0.002(AGE) 0 -0.33 p=0.000003 ___ 0 10 __ 20 ______ ______ ________ ____ 30 40 50 __ _____ 60 70 60 90 100 AGE-YEARS ORNL DWG 66-4556 VARIATION OF CONCENTRATION IN WET TISSUE WITH AGE ALUMINUM IN LUNG &044444444444 CONCENTRATION MICROGRAMS PER GRAM WET TISSUE 09 $98494990% 4 8.0 $444444444444490% Bg64884200044 LOG CONCENTRATION AI=0.654 +0.014(AGE) r=0.34 p=0.000005 0 10 20 30 70 80 90 100 40 50 60 AGE -YEARS ORNL-DWG. 66-4558 VARIATION OF CONCENTRATION IN WET TISSUE WITH AGE CALCIUM IN TESTIS sansada pemenanannadasanda 80 9 88 AGA AO 40044 ADAAAAA ebo od 220 CONCENTRATION - MICROGRAMS PER GRAM WET TISSUE 1 11 LOG CONCENTRATION Ca= 1.784 +0.003(AGE) p=0.37 p=0.00001 0 IIIIIIII 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 AGE -YEARS ES Sabay UL SA . . .. ... 55 ORNL-DWG. 66-4562R VARIATION OF CONCENTRATION IN WET TISSUE WITH AGE TIN IN LUNG LOG CONCENTRATION Sns-0.958 + 0.013(AGE) p=0.42 p=0.000005 CONCENTRATION - MICROGRAMS PER GRAM WET TISSUE OOO 0908 4 8 448 484 444 44 8 44444444 644444444444 / O 0 vois094886400 of 848448 ada 10 20 30 40 50 60 AGE-YEARS 70 80 90 100 TEL . 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