%4 7"4%$4 0 4c ,4acSe 4 od /tie SacD&ee O;U~t 4C4C 7.d(444$ylcues Fi~ee~e 7.ede-N" Zdaiaratty ea 71Ptte9aLta't 20/i  Published in 2011 by MPublishing University of Michigan Library © Ernest T. Abdel-Massih This volume is reprinted from the 1971 edition by arrangement with the Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies, University of Michigan Permission is required to reproduce material from this title in other publications, coursepacks, electronic products, and other media. Please send permission requests to: MPublishing 4186 Shapiro 919 South University Ann Arbor, MI 48109 lib.pod@umich.edu ISBN 978-1-60785-222-3 14 ~e 9tama  1MDpC7f M7I')cc Tangier. ~Sebta /00T Tetouan Larach ° '0 _ -Hmema Chechaouen °Oujda °Volubilis Sale 0 Fez 0 Ra0 Taza Casabiannes efro Casab anc efr0 Azrou 0 El Jadida 0 Midelt 0 0 Ksar es Souk SaiMarrakesh °Erfoud 0 Ouarzazatt Ag adi r 0 Zagora Ifni 0 Goulimine DISTANCES FROM CASABLANCA IN MILES Al Hoceima .. 338 Marrakesh... 149 Agadir.......... 330 Meknes.......... 146 Azrou........... 189 Midelt.......... 267 Chechaouen 205 Ouarzazate ...273 El Jadida... 62 Oujda........... 403 Erfoud.......... 403 Rabat............ 58 Fez.........183 Safi............ 158 Goulimine....... 453 Tangier......... 236 Larache......... 180 Taza............ 257 Tetuan.......... 248  Foreword The preparation of this volume and the accompanying one, A Course in Spoken Tamazight, was initiated and supported by the University of Michigan Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies as part of its general program of research and training on the languages and cultures of North Africa. A series of studies in anthropology, history and political science are in preparation, as well as instructional materials on Moroccan Arabic. We are indebted to the Ford Foundation, which is in no way responsible for the specific consequences, for the grants to the Center that have made this work possible. We are most grateful for the tolerance of the people and government of Morocco in accommodating, and often actively assisting, the work of our faculty and students. W.D. Schorger Director  Acknowledgements This book and its companion, A Course in Spoken Tamazight, were made possible by the cooperation of a number of individuals. In particular, I would like to express my appreciation to Mr. Mohammed Raamouch whose comments and constructive remarks were a great help to me in the formulation of the grammar of Ayt Ayache. Thanks are also due to Mr. Mohammed Guerssel who, by his linguistic competence and insightful observations, contributed greatly to the comparative notes on the two dialects. In addition, I would like to express my thanks to Professor William D. Schorger, who, as Director of the Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies at the University of Michigan, initiated the program of research on North African languages and linguistics. The Center defrayed the costs of research assistants, field trips, typists, tapes and tape recordings, as well as, provid- ing me with the time and opportunity to carry out the field research and the analysis. I owe an especial debt to my colleagues Professor Ernest N. McCarus and Professor Gene M. Schramm who gave their time freely for linguistic discussions during the early stages of the research that led to the formulation of this present work; I am grateful to them for their many creative suggestions. Also, I wish to extend thanks to Professor Lionel Galand of L'Ecole Nationale des Langues Orientales Vivantes, Paris, for his helpful comments on an earlier draft of the units, particularly the -vi-  Ayt Ayache materials. And I am also grateful to Professor J. Bynon of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London for his en- lightening discussions on the problems of Tamazight phonology and word boundary. I am deeply grateful to my wife, Cecile, whose patience, con- stant encouragement and deep understanding have sustained my efforts throughout the work on this book. Ann Arbor, Michigan E.T.A. January, 1971 -vii-  Introduction This book grew out of the great need for a short reference grammar of the Berber language in general and of the Tamazight dialect in particular that could be used by college students in an elementary course. The first version of the present grammar (1966) concentrated on the phonology and the morphology of the Ayt Ayache dialect of Tamazight and was used in an experimental class organized at the University of Michigan. The second version was completed in 1968, Work of the grammar of Ayt Seghrouchen Tamazight began in December 1968. The formulation of the comparative notes came after the completion of the grammar of the two affiliated dialects. The language of this book is Tamazight, a dialect of Berber, spoken in the Middle Atlas Mountains of Morocco. Berber is spoken mainly in North Africa (Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco) and in Siwa (UAR). It is also spoken by the Tuareg groups in Muritania and the countries of the Sahara (Mali, Niger and Chad). Berber, a branch of the Afro-Asiatic family of languages is exclusively an unwritten language. It is divided into some three hundred or more distinct local dialects. The number of the speakers of - viii -  Berber have been estimated to be 5,000,0001 to 7,000,0002 and over 10,0000003. Berber speakers are discontinuously distributed from the Siwa Oasis in Egypt to the Atlantic Ocean and from the Niger River to the Mediter*anean Sea. (See the map on p. vi for the distribution of the Berber dialects in general and the map on p. vii for the distribution of the Berber dialects particularly in Morocco.) It is possible to distinguish four basic dialect groups of Berber: I. Tamazight, a dialect of the Middle Atlas Mountains in Central Morocco. Among the speakers of Tamazight (which number approximately 2,000,000) are the following groups (tribes, subtribes): Beni Ouarain, Ait Morghi, Ait Alaham, Ait Youb, Marmoucha, Ait Seghrouchen, Ait Youssi, Beni Mguild, Zaiane, Zemmour, Ait Rbaa, Ait Seri, Beni Mtir, Guerouane, Ait Segougou, Ait Morghad, Ait Ayache, Ait Hadiddou, Ait Izdeg, Ait Sikhmane, Ait Atta. II. Tasheihit (or Shilha), dialect of the High and Anti-Atlas and the Sous Valley in Southern Morocco. There are approximately 2,000,000 speakers of this dialect. 1 Encyclopedia of Islam, vol. I, Fasciulus 19, Leiden, Netherlands, 1959, p. 1177. 2 Ju. N. Zavadovskij, Berberski jazyk (The Berber Language), Moscow, 1967, p. 7. 3 EnTcycloedia Britannica, vol. 3, Encyclopedia Britannica Inc., Wmn. Ben on, Chicago, 1970, p. 496. - ix -  III. Zenatiya, a dialect of about 2,000,000 speakers. Zenatiya distinguishes the following sub-groupings: a) Rifian or Tarifit (spoken by about 0.5 million Rifians in Northern and Northeastern Morocco) b) Kabyli (spoken by about 1,300,000 speakers), dialect of the Kabyle tribes in the Kabyle Mountains of Algeria c) Zenatiya Mzabian (spoken by about 25,000 speakers in Mzab by the Mzabites of Ghardaia) d) Shawia or Tashawit (spoken by about 150,000 speakers in the Aures Mountains of Algeria) IV. Tamashek, dialect of the Tuareg groups in Muritania and the open Sahara. Many speakers of Berber in North Africa are bilingual, with Arabic being their second language. Many of the men speak Berber, Arabic and French, while the women are more conservative. The main focus of the language of this book is the Tamazight dialects of Ayt Ayache and Ayt Seghrouchen. Ayt Ayache is a tribe composed of twenty-two villages along the Ansegmir River, at the foot of Ayachi Mountain, about thirty kilometers west of the town of Midelt. The limit on the east is National Highway No. 21, on the south the Ayt Yahya tribe at Road No. 3420 and on the north and west the Beni Mguild tribe at Road No. 3422. -x -  K Atlantic Ocean Mediterranean Sea SST Djerba M Algeria t Libya G Mauritania A(G) G Mali G G Niger Chad Sudan Geographic Distribution of the 1 j or Berber Dialects. RB Ri fian T =Tarrazight SHl= Sh ilha K Kabyle Sid Ti A (G) G -Shawia -Mzabidin -Aheggar (Tourage) -Toua reg  ,**Ma~rrake sh**** 4 44 H c a~E-a a- bOu r.z az rat Zenatiya (Rifian) Speakers Tanazight Speakers Ta sheihi s (Sh-l'ha) Speakers ___ Geographic Distribution of Berber Dialects in Morocco -xii -  Ayt Ayache Tamazight is mutually intelligible with the speech of neighboring tribes. Ayt Seghrouchen is a much larger tribe than Ayt Ayache. It is divided into three major sub-tribes: (1) Ayt Seghrouchen of Sidi Ali, known as Ayt Seghrouchen of Tichikout, (2) Ayt Seghrouchen of Imouzzer and (3) Ayt Seghrouchen of Talesinnt. The limits of the Ayt Seghrouchen of Sidi Ali are the Beni Ouarain to the north, Ayt Youssi to the south, Ayt Seghrouchen of Imouzzer and Beni Mguild to the west and southwest and Oulad El-Haj to the east. Ayt Seghrouchen of Imouzzer lies about 30 kilometers south of Fez, surrounded by Ayt Youssi, Beni Mtir and the town of Sefrou. The limits of Ayt Seghrouchen of Talesinnt are Oulad El-Haj, Ayt Yafelmane, the town of Midelt and Beni Guil. Both Ayt Ayache and Ayt Seghrouchen live by farming and by tending and rearing sheep. The main handicraft industry is tapestry. Berber literature is, of course, mainly oral. It is this lack of written documents that makes the tracing of the history of the.language somewhat difficult. However, attempts were made very early to record the language, using various writing systems. The oldest inscriptions come to us from Tunisia and Algeria and are over 2,000 years old. They are written in a consonantal system which resembles that of contemporary Tuareg. The national Berber alphabet is that of the Tuareg tribes, known as Tifinagh; it is composed of strokes, arcs, and dots as well as combinations of these. In this system, - x1ii -  individual words are not separated and one can write from left to right or from right to left, from top to bottom ot from bottom to top. The Tuaregs call the symbols Tafineqq (singular) and Tifinagh (plural). The Tuaregs have no manuscripts, strictly speaking, only short notes on pots, bracelets, shields, etc. The only Berber texts we have are written in Arabic script. These are mainly religious texts used for instruction in Islam. Following is a simplified table with samples of the Libyan inscriptions and Tuareg (Tifinagh), both ancient and contemporary inscriptions, with the corresponding Arabic script and phonetic equivalents. Phonetic Libyan Tuareg (Tifinagh) Corresponding Equiv.ArbcS ip ancient contemp. ArbcS ip b 0 l t t 4 z k LIJx ''C Table of Berber and Arabic Script -xiv-  This book is intended to be used mainly as a reference grammar for the dialect of Ayt Ayache, but, more importantly, it can serve as a source for the comparative study of the two dialects: Ayt Ayache and Ayt Seghrouchen. The order of pre- sentation of the morphology of the dialects is arbitrary and, therefore, is not binding for the user. At the beginning of each chapter appears a short summary of the contents of that section. Comparative notes on the two dialects sometimes appear at the end of a chapter (e.g., I. Phonology, II. The Numerical System, III. Pronominal Systems, IV. The Noun, VI. The Verb). However, in Chapter V. "Particles", a full discussion of each of the different groups of particles is given for Ayt Seghrouchen following that of Ayt Ayache. This is due to the great lexical difference between the two dialects in this domain. Chapter VII. "Sentences" lists examples consisting of 157 pairs of sentences to exemplify the different structures of the two dialects. The first member of each pair of sentences is from Ayt Ayache, the second from Ayt Seghrouchen. In studying the grammatical point in issue, often the user will find numerous examples listed. This serves a dual purpose: the exemplification of the grammatical point under discussion and the provision of additional lexical items. - xv -  It is hoped that this book may serve as a reference grammar for its twin, A Course in Spoken Tamazight (Center for Near East- ern and North African Studies, the University of Michigan, 1971), f or indeed they complement one another. Usage of both texts is indispensable for mastery of Tamazight. Ann Arbor, Michigan January 1971 E.T.A. -xvi-  TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword . .. .. ... .. . . .***... * ............................... v Acknowledgements ... . .. .. .. . .. ............... . . . vi I. Phonology 1.1 Consonants and Vowels of Tamazight, Ayt Ayache 2 I.1,.1 Explanation of Phonological Termns.4.................. 2 1.1.2 Pronunciation of Consonants and Semi-Vowels... 5 L.2 V o w e ls............................... 11 1. 3 Structure of the S y llab le ....................".... 15 1.4 Stress................... ............... ....... 17 Notes on the Phonology in Ayt Seghrouchen (A. S. )........... 19 11.1 Cardinal Numbers . . ..... . . .. .. ... . ... .. . .. . ... . ... . ... 22 11.2 Ordinal Numbers .. .. . ..@0****....... .............. 29 Notes on the Numerical System in Ayt Seghrouchen (A. S.) .... 33 III. Pronominal Systems 111.1 Personal Pronouns . .. .. .. .. .. . .... . ... .. . ... .. . .. 35 11.1.1 Independent Forms ...........000000 . ........ 35 11.1.2 Emphatic Personal Pronouns ...................... 35 111.2 Possessive Pronouns ........................ ..... 36 111.2.1 Independent Set .... ...........0.......... 36 111.2.2 Possessive Pronomainal Suffixes..... 37 Suffixed to Nouns Ending in Consonant.... 37 Suffixed to Nouns Ending in Vowel..... 39 III..22Usd 3ihUishdiT hrm inship..... erms... 40 111.3 Pronominal Affixes for Verbs and Prepositions 44 111.3.1 Affirmative.... . ........................ 46 With Intransitive Verbs :Indirect Objects........ 46 With Transitive Verbs:Direct Objects............ 49 111.3.2 Negative . .. . .. . .. ....... .. ............. ..... 52 With Intransitive Verbs :Indirect Objects....... 52 With Transitive Verbs :Direct Objects............ 55 - xvii -  111.3.3 Interrogative . . ..... . .. .. . . . .***.**..... .. With Intransitive Verbs :Indirect Objects........ With Transitive Verbs :Direct Objects............ 111.3.4 Negative Interrogative...................... With Intransitive Verbs :Indirect Objects........ With Transitive Verbs :Direct Objects............ 111. 4 Demonstrative Pronouns (Independent Set)....*... 111.4.2 Plural ......... ........ .. . ...........00. 111.4.3 Demonstrative Pronominal Suffixes.......... .... /-d: /..... 0000..0 .0.00.................... 111,4,3.3 /-n:a/....................... ........... iii.4.4 The Demonstrative ha, han................. III.4.4.l ha +Personal Pronouns..... ..................... 111,4.4,2 hat................................ ... 111.5 Relative Pronouns . .. . .... .. . .. ... .. . ... .. .. .,. .. 111,5.1 Subject.................................. 111.5.2 Object................................ 111.6 Indefinite Pronounse . :................. iii.6.i Proximate Indefinite Pronouns..,.. ............. 111.692 Remote Indefinite Pronouns ...................... Notes on the Pronominal System in Ayt Seghrouchen (A .S .),. . IV. Grammar of the Noun JV. 1 Introduction........... ............. .. .. .. . .. IV. 2 Basic and Derived Noun Stems and Nouns . ........ . IV.2.l Basic Noun Stems and Nouns ................. IV. 2.2 Derived Noun Stems and Nouns ..................... IV.3 Definiteness, Gender and Number................ IV.3.l Definite/Indefinite..................... IV .3.2 Gender and Number . . .. . ....... . ... .. .. .. . .. . IV.3.2.l Noun Affixes. .... . .......... IV.3.2.l-a Masculine Singular Prefixes................... IV.3.2.1-b Masculine Plural Prefixes .................. IX.3.2.1-cFeminine Singular Affixes.........."..." IV.3.2.l-d Feminine Plural Affixes ...000.0....000.... iv.4 Plural Nouns . . .............. .. .. . .... . .. . .. IV .4.1 Masculine Plurals ......... *******00**. *. .. . ... IV. 4 .l .l External Plurals(Sound Plurals)................. . Iv.4.l.2 Internal Plurals (Broken Plurals)............. " 111.4.l.3 Mixed Plurals .................. ,................ . IV.5 Feminine -Plurals . *.......... ......... IV. 5.2 Internal Plurals (Broken PluralJs) ................ . IV.5.3 Mvixed Plurals.......................... 58 58 61 63 63 66 69 69 69 69 69 70 70 71 71 72 72 72 74 74 74 715 76 77 88 92 92 92 93 93 93 94 95 96 97 97 97 104 107 109 109 111 112 xviii-  Iv. 6 Iv. 6.1 Iv.6.3 rv.6.4 Iv. 6.5 iv. 6.6 Iv. 6.6. rv.6.6.2 Iv. 6.7 Iv.6.8 IV. 7 Iv. 7.1 IV. 7.2 IV. 7.3 Notes on Miscellaneous.,............. ................ Plurals with /id-i (m,f) and /ist:/ (f)},.. .... .... Plurals with /ayt-/ (m) ............ .............. . Plurals of Different Roots......................... Dirninutives........,......,... ........ ........ Augmentative ................................ Collective Nouns............. . . . . ............ Singular Collective Nouns ....................... Plural Collective Nouns ....................... Composed Nouns .. .. . .. ........ .. .. . .......... Construct State of the Noun .................... Changes occuring in Masculine Nouns............. Changes occuring in Feminine Nouns................. Conditions for Construct State. ..00.............. . the Noun in Ayt Seghrouchen (A. S,) . ............... . V. Particles V.1 Interrogative Particles (Ayt Ayache).................. V.2 Interrogative Particles (Ayt Seghrouchen)............. V. 3 Conjunctions . .. .. .. .. .. . ...... .. . .......... . . V.3.2 Ayt Seghrouchen. ....... .. . ... . . . ............. V.4 Prepositions ............................... V.4.2 Ayt Seghrouchen. . . . ....... .. . ...... .. .. . . . . . . V.5 Presentational Particles. ....................... V.6 Vocative Particles.. ... .. .. . .. .. .. ........ .. . .. .. V.7 Conditional Particles ............................. VI. Grammar of the Verb VI.l Basic and Derived Verb Stems.................... . V1.1.1 Basic Verb Stems ............... . .. .. .. .. .. .... VI.1.2 Derived Verb Stemns .................. .. . .. . ... VI.2 Verb Affixes.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .......... VI.2.l Movable Affixes ....... ....... ....... . . . . . . VI.2.2 Fixed Affixes. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . ......... VI.3 Classification of Verb Stems ....................... VI.3.l The Different Ablauts ......................... VI.3.l.3PeredicAbAblauts/ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . VI.3.l.5 Predictable AChanges in.the.Sub-class/d.u/../ir... VI.3.2 Classes and Sub-classes of the Verb Stem Types..... VI.3.2.l Ablauted and Unablauted Types ...................... VI.3.2.2 Classes of the Ablauted Type .. ................ VI.3.2.3 Classes of the Unablauted Tp .......... 114 114 115 115 115 116 116 116 117 117 118 119 119 120 121 126 132 137 141 141 143 145 147 149 150 150 153 153 153 153 154 155 160 161 161 163 165 165 165 166 167 167 -- xix -  VI.3.2.4 Sub-classification of Verb Stems0........... ....... 169 VI.3.3 Illustrative Examples of Verb Conjugations...170 vi.4 Derivational Processes...................... 174 VI.24.1 Introduction..... . ......... ... .. .. .. .. . ...... 174 VI.4.2 Derivation of the Habitual VHI of Unaugmnented Stem 176 V1,4.3 Causative Stem Derivation 179 vi.4.4 Recpro calVrbStm erbvateon. erivation......179 VI.4.5 Passive Berb Stem Derivation................181 vI.)4.6 Derived Noun Ste msandd Nns ........... . 82 VI.4.6.2 ntoutmiatio................................ 182 vi.4.y Temporal and Modal Derivation...................... 186 vI.4.7.1 Introduction .................................... 186 vI.4.7.2 Derivation of Imperative Structures................ 187 VI.x4.7.3 Derivation of Past Tense and Its Different Modes ... 192 vi.4.7.4 Derivation of Future Tense and Its Different Modes. 195 VI.4.7.5 Derivation of Present Tense and Its Different Modes 197 VI.4.7.6 Derivation of the forist ........................... 199 VI.4.7.7 Derivation of the Participles...................... 200 vI.4.7.8 Summary of Rules for Temporal, Modal and Participle Derivations. ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 VI.5 Morphophonemic Sketch . .e......e.g...... ........... 207 VI.5.1 Introduction. . ggggogggg~ggggg eggege ooge 0gee0..0.....207 VI.5.2 General Rules of Verb Morphophonemic s...e.......... 207 VI.5.3 Examples ......... c......~..... ............. 210 Notes on the Verb in Ayt Seghrouchen (A. S.).................. 216 Introduction to Verb Sample Appendix A (Ayt Ayache) ......... 240 Verb Sample Appendix A. (Ayt Ayache) .. ................. 245 List of Verbs (Ayt Ayache)................................. 262 Verb Sample Appendix B (Ayt Seghrouchen) .................... 283 VII. Sentences A.l Verbless:Affirmative.................................. 287 A.2 Verbless :Interrogative............................... 289 A. Verbless: Negative ..e......................29 A. Verbless: Negative-Interrogative...................... 292 B.1 Verbal:Affirmnative .............. ee....... ....293 B.1.l Sentences having one Verb............................ 293 B.1.2 Sentences having twoVerbs............................300 B.2 Verbal:Interrogative .......... ......... ............... 308 B.4 Verbal :Negative-Interrogative ................. ....... 314 C. Imperative Structures.......... ....................... 315  TABLES, FIGURES AND ILLUSTRATIONS Map of Morocco............................................ ii Geographic Distribution of the Major Berber Dialects...... xi Geographic Distribution of Berber Dialects in Morocco..... xii Table of Berber and Arabic Script......................... .xiv Tables and Figures of Chapter I: Phonology Table 1.- Tamazight Consonants and Semi-Vowels............ 4 Table 2.- Tamazight Vowels................................ 4 Figure 1.- Diagram of the Organs of Speech................ 3 Figure 2.- Tongue position for /t/........................ 9 Figure 3.- Tongue position for /t/........................ 9 Figure 4.- Tongue position for /s/....................... .10 Figure 5.- Tongue position for /;/........................ 10 Table 3.- Tamazight Vowel Allophones...................... 12 Tables and Figures of Chapter VI: The Verb, in Ayt Ayache Table 1.- Second Person Imperative Suffixes (A.A.)........ 158 Table 2.- Hortatory Suffixes (A.A.)....................... 158 Table 3.- Ayt Ayache /-PNG-/ Affixes..................... 159 Table 4.- Person-Number-Gender Paradigms for Unablauted Stems (A.A.)...P................................. 171 Table 5.- Person-Number-Gender Paradigms for [0:0] Ablauted Stems (A.A.) .................................... 172 Table 6.- Person-Number-Gender Paradigms for [#:i/a) Ablauted Stems (A.A.)................. .......... 173 Tables 7-13.- Imperative Structures (A.A.)................ 190-192 Tables 14-17.- Past Tense Structures (A.A.).............. 193-194 Tables 18-21.- Future Tense Structures (A.A.)............. 196-197 Tables 22-25.- Present Tense Structures (A.A.)............ 198-199 Table 26.- Aorist Structures (A.A.)....................... 200 Tables 27-29.- Participles (A.A.)..........................201-202 Tables of Comparative Notes to Chapter VI (Ayt Seghrouchen) Table 1.- Second Person Imperative Suffixes (A.S.)........ 217 Table 2.- Hortatory Suffixes (A.S.)....................... 217 Table 3.- -PNG- Affixes (A.S.)........................... 217 Tables 4T1l.- Conjugations of Unablauted Stems (A.S.)..... 220-223 Tables 12-23.- Conjugations of 0:0 Ablauted Stems A.S.).. 224-229 Tables 24-27.- Conjugations of i/a Ablauted Stems A.S.).. 230-231 Tables 28-31.- Conjugations of i/u Ablauted Stems A.S.).. 232-233 Tables 32-35.- Conjugations of a-u Ablauted Stems A.S.).. 234-235 Tables 36-39.- Conjugations of a-i Ablauted Stems A.S.).. 236-237 - xxi -   I. Phonology This section discusses the phonology of Ayt Ayache (A.A.) Tamazight citing examples to illustrate the different phonol- ogical features of this dialect. At the very end of this section a few notes on the phonology of Ayt Seghrouchen (A.S.) are included. The two dialects are very much alike in their phonological systems except for the fact that /k/ and /g/ are fricatives in Ayt Ayache whereas they are stops in Ayt Seghrouchen  Reference Grammar T'amrazilght Phonology I. Phonology I.1 Tamazight, Ayt Ayache dialect, has the following consonants: /btd kgq NE xy mnlr hch/ (See Table 1) and the following vowels: /i u a/ (See Table 2) 1.1.1 The terms used in Table 1 are here explained in terms of the articulators that help produce the different sounds. These are followed by explanations of the terms voiced and voiceless, lax and tense, labialized and finally flat. It is also suggested that the student refer to Figure 1. for a better understanding of these terms. Bilabial: lower lip and upper lip Labio-dental: lower lip and upper teeth Dental: apex of tongue and upper teeth Alveolar: apex of tongue and alveolar ridge Alveo-palatal: apex of tongue and front part of palate Palatal: tongue blade and palate Post palatal: tongue blade and back of palate Velar: tongue dorsum and velum Uvular: tongue dorsum and uvula Pharyngeal: root of the tongue and pharynx (constriction) Glottal: produced in the larynx by constriction of the two vocal chords Voiced (vd): during the production of voiced sounds the vocal chords are closed Voiceless (vl): during the production of voiceless sounds the vocal chords are open Iax: a speech sound produced with little muscular tension in the speech organs; e.g. /b/ Tense: a speech sound produced with great muscular tension in the speech organ; e.g. /b:/ 2  Reference Grammar Tama zight Phonology Reference Grammar Tamaz ight Phonology Upper Lip \J Apex Lower Lip Figure 1 Diagram of the Organs of Speech rynx 3  Reference Grammar Tamazight Phonology Reference Grammar Tama z ight Phonology i i i 1 - K 10 rH CD Ho Io- ,n A H- 4-3 H Q'. H cdI H H tai as 4-)c Cc ) r--4 S a 4-3 0 1-i. t i kw -4 - Stop b __d _LEP Fric---------------- --- --------- ---- --- --- vd. _ _ _ _ _ _ z _ _ _ Y Nasal m n Lateral 1 Flap _ n.Ir Semi-Vowel _ _y_ _ _wI Table I: Tamazight Consonants and Semi-Vowels Front Central Back igh __ __ _au Table 2: Tarazig;ht Vowels ''t  Reference Grammar Tamaz ight Phonology Labialized: a speech sound produced with added lip rounding; e.g., /q/ = [q] or [qw]. Flat: a speech sound produced by pressing the blade of the tongue against the palate so that the articula- tion is velarized rather than dental; e.g. /t/ 1.1.2 Remarks on the pronunciation of the consonants and semi- vowels of Ayt Ayache Tamazight: a) /b t d f s s 1 z z mn h wy / Group (a) are to varying degrees the same as in English However the following slight differences are here noted for this Berber dialect: 1. /b/ which is a voiced bilabial stop can sometimes be heard as voiced bilabial fricative ["P] by very few speakers; e.g., /lbab/ [13m3] 'the door' 2. /t/ has more puff with the air release than is the case in English; e.g.: /tafunast/ [thmfunst.]'cow' 3. On the other hand, we would like to note that /s/ is pronounced as in English "she", e.g., /sa/ 'some'. /E/ is pronounced as in English "measure"; e.g. /zhd/ 'to be strong'. /h/ is pronounced as in English "he", e.g. /dhn/ 'to rub ointment'. Finally /1/ in Tamazight is pronounced as English "clear" [1]; i.e., when preceding a vowel in English as in "lazy" or "late", but not like dark [1] in English, i.e. when following a vowel as in "feel". Tamazight /1/ is like the first [1] in English "level" but not the second one; e.g. Tamazight /lalal/ 'no' where all the three l's are pronounced like the first [1] in English "level". 5  Reference Grammar Tama zigh t Phonology b) /k g q xy h ev r/ 1 (for Comparative Notes on this chapter see pp. 19-70) Group (b) do not exist in English. 1. Of group (b) /k/ and /g/ are fricatives in Ayt Ayache (though they are stops in other dia- lects of Berber as well as in English; e.g.; /irkm/ 'it (m.) boiled', /iga/ 'he did'. 2. /q xy h s / are all back consonants known as "gutterals". Their place of articulation is uvular ( /q xy/) and pharyngeal (/h. /). 3. /q/ is a voiceless uvular stop that is produced by the tongue dorsum (back) forming a stop against the uvula. Notice that the place of articulation for Berber /q/ is further back than that of English /k/: e.g., /taqdurt/ 'a pot'. 4. /x/ is a voiceless velar fricative. Its place of articulation is uvular. To pronounce /x/ produce English /k/ then move the dorsum (back of the tongue) back and produce a fricative; this produces /x/. This will sound like the "ch" in German doch, lachen and nach; e.g., /xali/ 'my maternal uncle'. 5. /y/ is a voiced velar fricative. It has the same place and manner of articulation as /x/. Try to produce English /g/ then move the dorsum of your tongue back and produce the fricative /y/. Let us call /y/ the "gargling" sound; e.g., /iyus/ 'he burnt'. 6. /h/ is a voiceless pharyngeal fricative. As we know pharyngeal sounds are produced by a constric- 6  Reference Gramma r Tamaz ight Phonology tion of the root of the tongue against the pharynx. This is not an easy sound for non- natives. It is advisable to practice pronoun- cing /h/ by producing a vigorous constriction of the pharynx slightly below and behind the extreme edge of the velum. This can be achieved by drawing the body of the tongue back toward the posterior wall of the pharynx with consider- able force. Try this and it should produce /h/. Let us call this sound the "panting" sound; e.g., /hml/ 'to flood'. 7. /c'/ is a voiced pharyngeal fricative. If you try to pronounce the English vowel "a" as in "father" with your tongue pressed down, you will hear /c'/ which we will call the "bleating" sound; e.g., /leil/ 'the boy'. 8. /r/ is a flap, i.e., a sound that is produced by the very rapid viberation of the tip of the tongue (apex); e.g., /ira/ 'he wanted'. Flatness, Labialization and Tenseness a) The domain of flatness, i.e., that of emphatic conso- nants (also velarized and pharyngealized are terms used in this connection) is the syllable. We call /t d s z 1 r / a primary Tamazight "emphatic" set, the occurence of which affects other non-emphatic segments**to become Emphatic articulation refers to the pressing of the blade of the tongue against the palate in formation of some consonant sounds; the articulation is then velarized rather than dental or pharyngeal- ized rather than velar. The term segment refers to a minimal portion of speech consisting of a spoken language item known as a consonant or a vowel. 7  Reference Grammar Tamaz ight Phonology emphatic. This latter set is here termed secondary emphatic set. Notice that in pronouncing the plain non-emphatic consonant the position of the tip of the tongue is dental for, let us say /t/ and the back of the tongue is depressed whereas in pronouncing its em- phatic counterpart /t/, the tip of the tongue is touch- ing the alveolar ridge and the back of the tongue is raised up toward the velum. Also, note that in the case of the pronunciation of an emphatic consonant the lip muscles are contracted and the lips are extended ventrally whereas they are relaxed when pronouncing the plain consonants. (See figures 2 and 3 for /t/,/t/ and figures 4 and 5 for /s/, /s/). Examples of emphatic/non-emphatic consonants: /tizi/ a pass /tizi/ pubic hair /bdu/ to begin /bdu/ to share /tzur/ she is fat /tzur/ she visited holy places b) Labialization is a feature of the back consonants /k g q xy /. It is manifested as simultaneous lip rounding when producing any of the above mentioned consonants. Thus /q/ or /q/ is pronounced as [q .2 Labialization is an important feature for /k g q/ but not for /x y/: e.g., /s :k :r/ suga r /nk : r/ we got up 8  Reference Grammar Tamazight Phonology Reeec GamrTaa gt hnlg Figure 2: tongue position for /t/ Figure 3: tongue position for /t/ 9  Reference Grammar Tamra zigh t Phonology RefeenceGramar Tma zightPhonlog tongue position for /s/ Figure 4: Figure 5: tongue position for /s/ 10  Reference Grammar Tamazight Phonology /ag:a/ he is /ag:a/ a burden /n:q:rt/ he shook it (m.) off /n:q:rt/ silver /lyE:/~. /ly:/ cheating /axm:as/ /axm:as/ share-cropper c) A tense (also fortis) consonant in general is produced 3 with more force than its lax (also lenis) counterpart. The intensity and aspiration which are characteristic of the tense consonants give them a syllabic quality (i.e. maximum degree of sonority in the syllable) so that /b:/ is heard as [*bb]or [bb); this is trans- cribed in most other systems that treated Berber phono- logy /ebb/ or /ebb/ or/ebb/. In our system of trans- cription this will be realized as /b:/ and pronounced as [9bb] except when proceeded by a vowel, e.g. /d:u/ [9ddu] to go /id:a/ [idd] he went 1.2. Vowels Tarazight has three vowels: /i u a/ (See Table 2). Allophones of the three vowels are shown in Table 3. The marking convention shown in Table 3 is to be understood as follows: ' Tense or fortis here refers to a consonant pronounced with strong- er articulation and greater tension on the muscles of the arti- culator, and usually, aspiration. Lax or lenis here refers to a consonant pronounced with lesser muscular tension in the sneech organ and weaker, laxer articulation and, usually, no aspiration. a raised up vowel -[ ], [ , [ ] denotes that is a purely nhonetic non-constrastive element. 11  Reference Grammar Tamazight Phonology Reference Grammar Tamaz ight Phonology [+] denotes the presence of a particular feature ( e.g. [+ front] or [+high]) for a certain segment. i i i, e u u, o e a Front + + + + Centralized + + Back + + + + High + + + Lowered + + + + Low + + + Table 3: Tamazight Vowel Allophones i as in English "beat", "eat ", "feet " does not commonly occur in English as in English "bit", "fit" e similar to the initial vowel part of the English words "eight", "ace" u as in English "food", "boot", "sue" U as in English "book", "wood" o roughly as in English "coat" ae as in English "sat ", "hat", "mat" de does not commonly occur in English but cor- responds roughly to vowel in "cut" a corresponds roughly to the English vowel in "father" Henceforth the following notations will be used: C= /b f t d s z s z k gq/ H = /h h w y / LT= / l r m n / X = C, H and L 12  Reference Grammar Tamazight Phonology Reference Grammar Tamazight Phonology yx = /y x/ X = C, H, L, y and x V = / a i u / Diacritics /./ and /:/ may be added and thus give, for example, /C/ and /C:/ representing /t/ and /t:/ respectively. In the formulation of phonological rules the following conventions are used: A-----> BA is rewritten as (or replaced by (A)B or B(A) A is optionally present, B is obl r) B _1- {A } {B} A--- B/ C A-- B/C Vowel Allophones (# denotes mean final 1. /i/ ------->[i]1 gatorily present Either A or B occurs in this position A is rewritten A is rewritten as B after C word boundary, e.g. /-a# and #a-/ and initial /a/ respectively) # X ini sdid to say to be thin 2. /i/-------> [sk] id:a td:id 3. /i/-------+ 1 [e] smid zwiy bxin # X: he went you (s.) went to be cold to be red to be black 13  - ------ Reference Grammar Tamazi 4. /i/ ---------> [Iy] X_# ight Phonology v v is :frhi is:fhmi he made me happy he made me understand 5. /u/---------- [u] #__X umsy I painted ufiy I found idrus It (m) is little ifs:us It (m) is light 6. /u/--------->[a] idur he turned at:bdud you (s) will share adimyur he will grow up lxudrt vegetables 7. /u/ --------->[uw] X C i# bdu to begin f :u to dawn 8. /a/ ---------> [-e azn sal n:ay (:) X to send to ask to fight 14  Reference Grammar Tamazight Phono logy 9. /a/---------> [ ] XCG) # da here la no hn:a to be peaceful 10. /a/---------> [a] C hadr to be present talb to demand 1.3 Structure of the Syllable If /X/ is followed by /X/ without an intervening /V/ there is a predictable transition. Transition between /X/ and /X/ is heard as Vocalic and is represented here by a superscript schwa [a] to show that it is a phonetic element (schwa occurs as the first speech sound formation in English "about" or as the last speech sound formation in English "sofa"). Thus a word such as /frhy / "I was happy" is phonetically [#farhy #] consisting of two syllables. [a] is realized as [I ] before front consonants (e.g. /b, t, d.../) and as [a] before back consonants (e.g. /k, x.../). It is also heard as voiced before voiced consonants (e.g. /b, g.../) and as voiceless before voiceless consonants (e.g. /f, t .../). The rules governing the predictability of [9] may be stated as follows: 1. / #X(:)#/------> [#*X(:)#] /g/ [*g] 'to be, to do' /s/ [*5] 'to give' /g:/ [5g:] 'to knead' /k:/ [5k:] 'to pass' 15  Reference Grammar Tamazight Phonology Reference Grarnrriar Tamazight Phonology 2. /#X X()#/------------ S[#X~X2(:)# / Xlis not L [#GXiLX2#] Xi is L [#X1 x2 #] 3./ #X I:X 2#/-->#X:X2#1 /t s/ lb d lb5d:] 'to laugh' 'to spend a clay' 'to stand up' /ns! [ens] 'to spend [n~s] /ls/ [als] [la%] /f:r/ [5f:5r] /f:y/ [5f:5yl /l:m/ [01:5m] the night' 'to get dressed' 'to hide' 'to go out' ' to spin' 4 9 / # x 1 x 2 x 3 # / - - - - - ( [#142x3#1, 1X2areC not jHj lh[#:.1X2 aX3#1]5 f[X15X25X3] VXJ3 [#X15X29X3#] 23 = 5. / #XlX:2X3# / --> [#XiGX:X3#] /xdm/ /zc f/ [xd 9m] [db %] [xdac] [z' f] 'to 'to 'to 'to work' dye' deceive' get mad' /hdm/ [5hd~m] [h~d~m 1 /hbl/ [Lhbal] [h~b51] /nfh/ [%nf5h] Ana fa%] Ad! [acdal] [ I. ad %9I 'to demolish' 'to become silly' 'to sniff tobacco' 'to repair' 'to guarantee' 'to understand' 'to be happy' /drnn/ /f hm/ /f rh/ /fs : r/ /sn : d/ [daman l [faham] SSaah [fas:5r] 'to spread' [sen:5d3 'to lean against' 16  Reference Grammar Tamazight Phonology /xmrn:m/ [xam:0m] 'to think' /wk:l/ [w0k:al] 'to appoint as representa- tive' The postulation of the phonetic syllable shown above supports the transcription of the data of this grammar where three (or more) non-vocalic segments appear next to each other: e.g., /tbrmnt/ "you (f.p.) turned" which is here represented phonetically as [t~b0r:0mrnt]. Words with the structure XVX, VXX, or XV consist of one syllable: e.g., /sal/ "to ask", /lsib/ "to become white-haired", /cum/ "to swim", /af/ "to find", /amz/ "to take", /fa/ "to yawn". Words consisting of vowels and consonants follow the same rules shown above: e.g., /dat:hadar/ "she is present" is phonetically [dat: hadar] i.e. consists of three syllables; ,/ad:r/ "to meet" has two syllables [clad:0r]. Note that /t:/ and /d:/ are not re- presented as [ t:]and [0d:] as was stated before since they are preceded by a vowel. 1.4. Stress Word stress in Tamazight is a non-contrastive feature. The occurence of word stress is predictable: primary stress falls on the last vowel of the word (i.e. /V/ or [a] ). Examples: /s~l/ 'to ask' /c awn/ 'to help' /§k:A/ 'to doubt' /slIl/ 'to rinse' /c um/ 'to swim' /rmnz/ 'to take' /Ef/ 'to find' /rdr/'to return' /bd6/'to begin' 17  Reference Grammar Tamazight Phonology Refeenc Grmma Tamz iht honlog /adiniy/ /ndawd/ /tfafdd/ /isdl/ /dayt :hadar/ ' I will say' 'we cured' 'you (s.) woke up' 'he asked' 'he is present' The above statement applies to words that phonemically do not contain a vowel /V/. As stated above, /bd:/ is phoneti- cally [bad:], /frh/ is phonetically [freh] and /fs:r/ is phonetical- ly [fs:ar]. In these cases, word primary stress is on the [e] of the last syllable. Examples: /bd:/ /ls/ /f :r/ /frh/ /ndr/ [bd:] [las]h [1 s] [O f:9 r] [frah] [n* de r] [ nd# r] 'to stand up' 'to dress' 'to hide' 'to be happy' 'to moan' /fs :r/ /tfs :rnt/ [f9 s:e r] [ta f* s :a ut ] 'to explain' 'you (f.p.) explained' * * *  Reference Grammar Tamazight Phonology Reference Grammar Tamazight Phonology Notes on the Phonology of Ayt Seghrouchen (A s 4) Dialect of Tamazight 1 /k/ and /g/ are stops in Ayt Seghrouchen. They are prononounced the same as English /k/ and /g/. Examples: kl:f lgir:u to entrust cigarettes 2 Lax /q/, /k/ and /g/ do not occur in A.S. 3 /k:/ and /g:/ are tense counterparts of the stops /k/ and /g/ in A.S. Examples: ik:r ang:aru he stood up the last * - - 19  Reference Grammar Tamazight Phonola T Reference Grammar Tamazight Phonology Additional Notes on the Phonology of Ayt Seghrouchen The following phonological features are characteristic of Ayt Seghrouchen. (a) For some sneakers the sequence /-lt-/ is pronounced as a side fricative, i.e. pronouncing /-it-/ producing friction with air escaping at both sides of the tongue. This, however, occurs in few words. Examples: ultma xalti altu sister my maternal aunt not yet (b) Following a tense /k:/ or /g:/, the vowel /u/ has a centralized allophone [u). Examples: 1:ayg:ur sk:ura he goes Sekoura (name of a village) 20  II. The Numerical System This section discusses the Cardinal and the Ordinal Numerals in Ayt Ayache with enough examples to illustrate the structure of constructs with numerals. It also discusses Fractions. The very few differences that occur in Ayt Seghrouchen concerning the Numerical System are noted at the end of this section.  Reference Grammar Tamazisht AT1nm,2 nn l, os,-14- AS- U.111 4. .L . ..d.L Y L [i II. The Numerical System I1.1 Cardinal Numerals 1 (for Comparative Notes on A. 1 - 3 (The Berber Numerals; this chapter see p. 33) yun one (m) yut one (f) sin sn at Erad Brat: two (m) two (f) three (m) three (f) 1 - 3 wanid tnayn tlata Remarks: (The Arabic Numerals) one two three (1) The Arabic numerals 1 - 3 are used only for counting in order without naming things (they are INVARIABLE) and in combination with the tens, e.g. 21, 33, 72, etc. The Berber numerals are used elsewhere. (2) The Berber numerals (1 - 3) answer such questions as: 22  RPf'PrPnprnmmr Tama z iRht Nt1mcr1 P-a_1 Sv.tPm It 01 J. rn1 r Taraaz imht .j J_ LAU L IL , cL i ha1 l : wa sn ay f(urs ? How many children do you have? -yUl : il (tsac'ftid/) /i-yrf -as-t -d/ (V>iyrf ast id/) /ad-as-t-d-i-yf / (/>adastidiyrf/) She was patient with him (+Prox.). He threw it (m ) at him (+Prox.). He will throw it (m) at him(+Prox) 45  Reference Grammar Tamaz ight Pronominal Systems Notice: The anaptyctic vowel /-i-/ occurs with /t-d/---+/tid/ in the environment of D. Obj. + Proximity Affix for persons other than first. Compare the above with: /t-sae f-ay-d/-...-y/tsae fayd/ She was patient with us (+Prox.). III.3.1 III.3.1.1 Past: Affirmative With Intransitive Verbs : Indirect Objects 6 /siwl/ (intr.) to speak (/siwl i/'speak to') /isiwl/ he spoke isiwlj i He spoke to me. isiwl as He spoke to you (m.s.). isiwl am He spoke to you (f.s.). isiwl as He spoke to him/her. isiwl ay He spoke to us. isiwl awn He spoke to you (rn.p.). isiw1 agnt He spoke to you (f.p.). isiwl asn He spoke to them (m). isiwl asnt He spoke to them (f). Future: /adisiwl/ ad i ysiwl ad a i siwl ad am isiwl ad as isiwi he He He He He will will will will will speak speak to me. speak to you (m.s.). speak to you (f.s.). speak to him/her. 46  Reference Grammar Tama z igh t Pronominal Systems Reference Grammar Tamaz ight Pronominal Systems ad ad ad ad ad ay isiwl awn isiwl aknt isiwl asn isiw1 asnt isiwl He will speak to us. He will speak to you (m.p.). He will speak to you (f.p.). He will speak to them (m). He will speak to them (f). Present: /daysawal / day isawal das isawal dam isawal das isawal day isawal dawn isawal daknt isawal dasn isawal dasnt isawal he He He He He He He He He He speaks speaks speaks speaks speaks speaks speaks speaks speaks speaks to me. to you (m.s.). to you (f.s.). to him/her. to us. to you (m.p.). to you (f.p.). to them (m). to them (f). Notice: /.-a + i - /- /- ay- / /-a + /daa-/4>/daE/ /sl:m/ 'to greet' /sl:m/ always occurs with a preposition: e.g., sl:m xf unbyi 'greet the guest'. The preposition /xf/ toni occurs before nouns; it has the allomorph /yif-/ before pronouns. 47  Reference Grammar Tama z i gh t Pronominal systems Reference Grammar Tama z ight Pronominal Systems Past: Notice: /isl:m/ he greeted isl;m Yif i He greeted me. isl:m yif He greeted you (m.s.). isl:m yif m He greeted you (f.s.). isl;m yif S He greeted him. isl:m yif s He greeted her. islm y'if ny He greeted us. isl:m yif un He greeted you (m.p.). islm 4±'if knt He greeted you (f.p.). is:1;m yif sn He greeted them (m). isl:m yif snt He greeted them (f). /-as, -am, -as .../ have the allomorphs / -E, -m, -s ../ after prepositions. Future: /adisl:m/ ad yif i ad yif ad yif m ad yif s ad yif s ad yif ny ad yif un ad if knt ad yif sn ad yif snt yelsim isl:m isl:m isl:m isl:im isl:m isl:m isl:m isl:m isl:m he will He will He will He will He will He will He will He will He will He will He will greet. greet me. greet you (m.s.). greet you (f.s.). greet him. greet her. greet us. greet you (m.p.). greet you (f.p.). greet them (m). greet them (f). 48  Reference Grammar Tamazight Pronominal Systems Reference Grammar Tamaz ight Pronorninal Systems Present: /dayt:sl;am/ da Yif i t:s1:am da yif s t:sl:am da yif m t:sl:am da yif S t:sl:am dia yif s t:s1:am da yif ny t:sl:am da yif un t:sl:am da yif Iit t:sl;am da yif sn t:sl:am da yif snt t:sl:aam he He He He He He He He He He He greets greets greets greets greets greets greets greets greets greets greets me. you (m.s.). you (f.s.). him. her. us. you (m.p.). you (f.p.). them (m). them (f). III.3.1.2 Past: With Transitive Verbs: Direct Objects /sal/ (trans.) to ask isal he asked isal i He asked me. isal s He asked you (m.s.). isal Em He asked you (f.s.). isal t He asked him. isal t: He asked her. isal ay He asked us. isal kn He asked you (m.p.). isal knt He asked you (f.p.). isal tn He asked them (m). isal tnt He asked them (f). 49  Reference Grammar Tamazit. prntl nmi n , Qtrev 4- tm r. Reference r amar pansi rh --6 - -- -U4I ..J I.II I VI J LI ,I- VI- Future : /aclisa]/ adi ysal ak: i sal ak:m isa! at: isal at: isa!. adlay isa! ak:n isa! alc~n isa! at:n i sa! at: ni;, isal he He He He He He He He He He Hie will will will will will will will will will will will ask ask ask ask ask ask ask ask ask ask ask me. you (m.s.). you (f.s.). him. her. us. you (rn.p.). you (f.p.). them (in). them (f). Notice: /-a +s- I-cl + t-- I-cl +k- Present: /dayt; sa!/ day it:sal da s [it:,sa! datm it3sal dat: it: sa! day: it:sa! claym it: sal he He He He He He He He asks asks asks asks asks asks asks asks me. you (m.s.). you (f.s.). him. her. us. you (m.p.). 50  Reference Grammar Tarnaz fight Pronominal Systems Reference Grammar Tarnaz ight Pronominal Systems daknt it; sal datn it;sal datnt it:sal /ny/ /inya/ inya y i inya s inya im inya t inya t: inya y ay inya kn inya knt inya tni inya tnt /-a + i-/ ) /ay/ /adiny/ adi yny ak: iny ak:m iny at: my at: iny aday my ak:n my He He He to he He He He He He He He He He He he He He He He He He He asks asks asks you (f.p.). them (m). them (f). kill killed killed killed killed killed killed killed killed killed killed killed me. you (m.s.). you (f.s.). him. her. us. you (m.p.). you (f.p.). them (m). them (f ). Notice: will will will will will will will will kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill 6 me. you (m.s.). you (f.s.). him, her. us. you (m.p.). 51  Reference Grammar Tama.zi.ght Pronominal Systems Reference Grammar Tarna zight Pronominal Systems Present: III. 3.2 III. 3.2.1 Past: ak:nt iny at:n iny at:nt my /dayni:a/ day ing:a daE inqa dam inq:a dat inq:a dat : inq:a day ing:a dakn inq;a daknt inq;a datn inq:a datnt inq:a He He He he He He He He He He He He He He will kill you (f.p.). will kill them (m). will kill them (f ). kills kills kills kills kills kills kills kills kills kills kills me. you (m.s.). you (f.s.). him. her. us. you (m.p.). you (f.p.). them (m). them (m). Negative With Intransitive Verbs: Indirect Objects /siwl/ to speak /urisiwl/ he did not spea uri ysiwl He did not spea uras isiwl He did not spea uram isiwi He did not spea uras isiwl He did not spea 3k Lk to me. ak to you (m.s.). ak to you (f.s.). ak to him/her. 52  Reference Grammar Tama z ight Pronominal Systems Reerne rmmrTam i vrnoia ytm uray urawn uraknt urasn urasnt isiwl isiw1l i siwl isiwl isiw1 He He He He He did not speak to us. did not speak to you (m.p.). did not speak to you (f.p.). did not speak to them (m). did not speak to them (f). Future: /ur in:i ur in::i ur inti ur in:i ur in:i ur in:i ur in:i ur in:i ur in:i ur in:i * adi siwl/ adi ysiwl adaE isiwl adam isiwl adas isiwl aday isiwl adawn isiwl adakit isiwl adasn isiwl adasnt isiwl he He He He He He He He He He he He He He will will will will will will will will will will does does does does not not not not not not not not not not not not not not speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak to to to to to to to to to me. you (m.s.), you (f.s.). him/her. us. you (m.p.). you (f.p.). them (m). them (f). Present: /urcaysawl/ urday isawal urdal isawal urdam isawal to to to me. you (m.s.). you (f.s.). */in:i/comes from verb /ini/ 'to say'; /urin:i/ the did not say' + /adisiwl/ the will speak'. This is the regular way of expressing future construction in the negative. Thus we get /urn:iy ad:d:uy/ 'I will not come'; /ur tn:i ateE/ tehe will not eat'; /ur n;in adsiwl:/ 'they will not speak'; etc. 53  Reference Grammar Tamazight Pronominal Systems Reference Grammar Tamazight Pronominal Systems urdas urday urdawn urdakn t urdasn urdasnt isawal isawal isawal isawal isawal isawal Past: /sl:m/ /urisl: im/ ur' yiffi ur yif ES ur yif m ur yif s ur yif fly ur yif un ur yif knt ur yif sn ur yif snt ysl:im isl:im isl:im isl im isl:im isl:im isl:im isl:Jim isl:im He He He He He He to he He He He He He He He He He he He He He He does does does does does does not not not not not not speak speak speak speak speak speak greet did not did not did not did not did not did not did not did not did not did not to to to to to to greet greet greet greet greet greet greet greet greet greet him/her. us. you (m.p.). you (f.p.). them (m). them (f). me. you (m.s.). you (f.s.). him/her. us. you (m.p.). you (f.p.). them (m). them (I:). Future : /ur in : i adi*1sl ;m/ ur'in:i ad yif i ysl:m ur in: i ad yif s is1:m ur in: i ad yif m isl:m ur in;i ad yif s isl:m will not greet will not greet me. will not greet you (m.s.). will not greet you (f.s.). will not greet him/her. 54  Reference Grammar Tamazight Pronominal Systems Reference Grammar Tarnazight Pronominal Systems ur ur ur ur ur in:i in:i in:i in:i in: i ad ad ad ad ad yif yif yi f yif yi f ny un knt sn snt isl:m isl:m isl:m isl:m isl:m Present: /urdayt: si: am/ urfdayif i ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur dayif dayif dayif dayif dayif dayif dayi f dayif m s .ny un knt sn sn t yt:s1:am it: s1: am it:s1:am it: S1: am it: :am it: Si: am it: s1: am it: Si: am it;S1:am He He He He He he He He He He He He He He He will will will will will does does does does does does does does does does not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not greet greet greet greet greet greet greet greet greet greet greet greet greet greet greet us. you (m.p.). you (f.p.). them (in). them (f). me. you (m.s.). you (f.s.). him/her. us. you (m.p.). you (f.p.). them (m). them (f). III. 3.2.2 With Transitive Verbs: Direct Objects Past: /sal/ /urisal/ ur i ysal ur s isal ur sm isal ur t isal ur t: isal to ask he did He did He did He did He did He did not not not not not not ask ask ask ask ask ask me. you (m.s.). you (f.s.). him. her. 55  Reference Grammar Tama.zigbt Pronominal Systems Reference Grammar Tama zight Pronorninal Systems ur ur ur ur ur ay kn knt tn tnt isal isal i sal i sal isal He did not ask us. Future: /ur in :i adisal/ ur in :i 'adi ysal ur in:i ak: isal ur in:i ak:m isal ur in:i at: isal Ur in:i at: isa. ur in:i aday isal ur in:i ak:n isal ur in: i ak:nt isal ur in:i at:n isal ur in:i at:nt isal /urdayt: sal/ ur day it:sal ur das it:sal He He He He he He He He He He He He He He He he He He will will will will will will will will will will will not not not not not not not not not not not ask ask ask ask ask ask ask ask ask ask ask did not ask you (m.p.). did not ask you (f.p.). did not ask them (m). did not ask them (f). me. you (m.s.). you (f.s.). him. her. us. you (m.p.). you (f.p.) them (m). them (f). Present: does does does does does does not not not not not not ask ask ask ask ask ask ur ur ur dasmn dat dat: it:sal it: Sal it: sal He He He me. you (m.s.). you (f.s.). him. her. 56  Reference Grammar Tamazight Pronominal Systems ur ur ur ur ur 'day dakn daknt datn datnt it:sal it: sal it: sal it:sal it: sal He He He He He does does does does does not ask not ask not ask not ask not ask Past: /ny/ to kill /urinyi/ he did uri ynyi He did urE inyi He did ursm inyi He did urt inyi He did urt: inyi He did uray inyi He did urkn inyi He did urkcnt inyi He did urtn inyi He did urtnt inyi He did /i + i-/ /-iy-/ not not not not not not not not not not not kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill us. you (m.p.). you (f.p.). them (m). them (f). me. you (m.s.). you (f.s.). him. her. us. you (m.p.). you (f.p.). them (m). them (f). Future: /ur in:i adiny/ ur in:i adi yny ur in: i ak: iny ur in:i ak:m in he He He He will not kill will not kill me. will not kill you (r.s.). will not kill you (f.s.). 57  Reference Grammar Tama zight Pronominal Systems Reference Grammar Tama z iglit Pronominal Systems ur ur ur ur ur ur ur in:i in: i in: i in: i in:i in: i in:i at at: aday ak:n als:nt at :n at:nt iny iny my inY iny inY inY Present: /urdaynq:a/ ulrt day ingqa ur daE inq:a ur daim inq:a ur dat inq:a ur dat: inq:a ur day inq:a ur dakn inq:a ur dalnt inq:a ur datn inq:a ur datnt inq:a He He He He He He He he he He He He He He He He He He will will will will will will will does does does does does does does does does does does not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill him. her. us. you (m.p.). you (f.p.). them (m). them (f). me. you (m.s.). you (f.s.). him. her. us. you (m.p.). you (f.p.). them (m). them (f). III. 3.3 Interrogative With Intransitive Verbs: Indirect Objects /siwl/ to speak 58  Reference Grammar Temazight Pronominal Systems Refrece rama Tenaigt Ponmial ysem Past: /is isiwl/ is i (ysiwl is as isiwl is am isiwl is as isiwl is ay isiwl is awn isiwl is aknt isiwl is asnt isiwl is asnt isiwl did Did Did Did Did Did Did Did Did Did he he he he he he he he he he speak? speak to speak to speak to speak to speak to speak to speak to speak to speak to me? you (m.s.)? you (f.s.)? him/her? us? you (m.p.)? you (f.p.)? them (m)? them (f)? Future: /id id: id: id: id: id: id: id: id: id: : adisiwl/ ad i ysiwl ad as isiwl ad am isiwl ad as isiwl ad ay isiwl ad awn isiwl ad aknt isiwl ad asn isiwl ad asnt isiwl will Will Will Will Will Will Will Will Will Will he he he he he he he he he he speak? speak to speak to speak to speak to speak to speak to speak to speak to speak to me? you (m.s.)? you (f.s.)? him/her? us? you (m.p.)? you (f.p.)? them (m)? them (f)? 59  Reference Grammar Tamazight Pronominal Systems Rererence Grammar Tama z ight Pronominal Systems Past: /sl:m/ /is isl:m/ is yif-i is yif s is yif m is yif s is yif fly is yif un is yif knt is yif sn islyifjsnt ysl:m isl:m isl:m isl:m isl:m isl:m isl:m isl:m isl:lm to greet did he Did he Did he Did he Did he Did he Did he Did he Did he Did he greet? greet greet greet greet greet greet greet greet greet me? you (m.s.)? you (f.s.)? him/her? us? you (m.p.)? you (f.p.)? them (m)? them (f)'? Future: /id: ad isl:m/ id: ad yif i id: ad yif s id: ad yif m id: ad yif s id: ad yif ny id: ad yif un id: ad yif knt id: ad yif sn id: ad yif snt ysl:m isl:m isl:m isl:m isl:m isl:m isl:m isl:m isl:m will Will Will Will Will Will Will Will Will Will he he he he he he he he he he greet? greet me? greet you (m.s.)? greet you (f.s.)? greet him/her? greet us? greet you (m.p.)? greet you (f.p.)? greet them (m)? greet them (f)? 6o  Reference Grammar Tama zight Pronominal Systems Reference Grammar Tarna zight Pronominal Systems Pr esent: /is dayt : sl: am/ does he greet? is da yif i yt: sl: am Does he greetr is da yif s it:sl:am Does he greet1 is da yif m it:sl:am Does he greet is da yif s it:sl:am Does he greet is da yif fny it:sl:am Does he greet is da yif un it:sl:am Does he greett is dia yif knt it:s1:am Does he greet is cia yif sn it: sl:amn Does he greet I is cia yif snt i t asl aam Does he greet I I. 3.3.2 With Transitive Verbs: Direct Objects /sal/ to ask Past: /is isal/ did he ask? is i ysal Did he ask me? is ay isal Did he ask us? is tnt isal Did he ask then me? you (m.s. )? you (f.s. )? him/her? us? you (m.p.)? you (f.p.)? them (m)? them (f )? II. (f)"? Future: Present: /id: adisal/ id: ak: isal id: at: isal id: ak:n isal id: at~nt isal /is dayt:sal/ is day it:sal is daem it:sal will Will Will Will Will does Does Does he he he he he he he he ask? ask you (m.s.)? ask him? ask you (m.p.)? ask them (f)? ask? ask me? ask you (f.s.)?  Reference Grammar Tamazight Pronominal Systems Reference Grammar Tamazi~ht Pronominal Systems Past: Future: is'dat: f it:sal is dakn it:sal is datn it:sal /nY/ /is inya/ is i ynya is t: inya is ay inya is tn inya /id: adiny/ id: adi yny id: ak:m my id: at: my id: aday my id: alc:nt my id: atent my /is daynq:a/ is day ing:a is dasm inq:a is dat inq:a is day ingq:a is dakcnt inq:a is datit ing.:a Does he ask her? Does he ask you (m.p.)? Does he ask them (m)? to kill did he kill? Did he kill me? Did he kill her? Did he kill us? Did he kill them (m)? will Will Will Will Will Will Will he he he he he he he kill? kill me kill you (f.s.)? kill him? kill us? kill you (f.p.)? kill them (f)? kill? kill me? kill you (f.s.)? kill him? kill us? kill you (f.p.)? kill them (f)? Present: does he Does he Does he Does he Does he Does he Does he 62  Reference Grammar Tamazight Pronominal Systems Reference Grammar Ta ma z i~ht III.3.14 III.3,4.1 Negative Interrogative With Intransitive Verbs: Indirect Objects /siwl/ to speak /isur isiwl/ didn't he spea isur i ysiwl Didn't he spea] isur am isiwl Didn't he spea isur am isiwl Didn't he spea isur as isiwi Didn't he spea isur ayn isiwl Didn't he spea isur awn iniwl Didn't he spea isur aint isiwl Didn't he spea istur asn isiwl Didn't he spea isur asnit isiw1 Didn't he spea k? k k k k k k k Lk Lk to to to to to to to to to me? you (m.s.)? you (f.s.)? him/her? us'? you (m.p.)? you (f.p. )? them (m)? them (f)? Future: /isur isawal/ won't he speak? Notice that in this particular construction, the future is formed from the conjugated Habitual Verb Stem. isur i ysawal Won't he speak to me? isur as isawal Won't he speak to you (m.s.)? isur am isawal Won't he speak to you (f.s.)? isilr as isawal Won't he speak to him/her? isur ay isawal Won't he speak to us? isur awn isawal Won't he speak to you (m.p.)? isur aknt isawal Won't he speak to you (f.p.)? 63  Reference Grammar Ta ma z i gh t Pronominal Systems Refference Grammar Tama zight Pronominal Systems isur asn isawal isur asnt isawal Won't he speak to them (m)? Won't he speak to them (f)? Present: /isur daysawal/ isur day isawal isur dai isawal isur dam isawal isur das isawal isur day isawal isur dawn isawal isur daknt isawal isur dasn isawal isur dasnt isawal doesn't Doesn' t Doesn't Doesn' t Doesn't Doesn' t Doesn't Doesn' t Doesn' t Doesn' t he speak? he speak to me? he speak to you (m.s.)? he speak to you (f.s.)? he speak to him/her? he speak to us? he speak to you (m.p.)? he speak to you (f.p.)? he speak to them (in)? he speak to them (f)? 64  Reference Grammar Tamazight Pronominal Systems Reference Grammar Ta ma z igh t Pronominal Systems Past: /sl:m/ /isur isl:im/ isur yif i ysl:im isur yif i is1:im isur yif m i sl :im is yif s isl:im isur yif ny isl:im isur yif un isl:iim isur yif knt isl:in isur yif snt isl:iim isur yif snt isl:im /isur i t: sl: am/ isur yifi yt:sl:arn isur yif E it:s1:an isur yif m it:sl:am isur yif s it:sl:aam isur yif n y i t: s1: am isur yif un it:sl:aam isur yif knt it: sl:am isur yif sn it:sl:am isur yif snt it:sl:am to greet didn't he Didn't he Didn't he Didn't he Didn't he Didn't he Didn't he Didn't he Didn't he Didn't he greet? greet me? greet you (m.s.)? greet you (f.s.)? greet him/her? greet us? greet you (m.p.)? greet you (f.p.)? greet them (m) greet them (f)? Future: won' t Won't Won't Won't Won' t Won't Won' t Won't Won' t Won' t he he he he he he he he he he greet? greet me? greet you (m.s.)? greet you (f.s.)? greet him/her? greet us? greet you (m.p.)? greet you (f.p.)? greet them (m)'? greet them (f)? 65  Reference Grammar Ta ma z i gh t Pronominal Systems ReeeneGama Traigh rooinlSytm Present: 111.3x.4.2 Past: /istir dayt;sl:am/ doesn't he 2 isur cia yif' i yt :sl :am Doesn't he 2 isur cia yif s it: slam Doesn't he i sur cia yi f m i t :sl :am Doesn't he @ t;s misur cia "if s it~la Doesn't heE isur cia yif flA( it:sl:am Doesn't heE i su~rcia yi f ufl it: s1: am Doesn't heE isur cia y if knt it :sl :am Doesn't heE isur cia yif 5fl it: shamn Doesn't he isur cia yfif snt it; sl: am Doesn't he With Transitive Verbs: Direct Objects /sal/ to ask /isur isal/ didn't he a: isur *1 ysal Didn't he a:. isur s i sal Didn't he a, isur sm isal Didn't he a: isur t isal Didn't he a: isur t ; isal Didn't he a:. isur ay isal Didn't he a, isur lcn isal Didn't he a:. i su r ~n t isal Didn't he a; isur to isal Didn't he a; i sur tnt isal Didn't he a; greet? greet greet greet greet greet greet greet greet greet me? you (m.s.)? you (f.s.)? him/her? us? you (m.p.)? you (r.p.)? them (in)? them (f)? 3k? sk 3k 3k 3k sk sk sk sk sk me? you (m.s.)? you (f.s.)? him? her? us? you (m.p.)? you (f~p.)? them (in) ? them (f)? 66  Reference Grammar Tarna z fight Pronominal Systems Future: /isur i t:sal/ isur i yt:sal isur it:sal isur srn it:sal isur t it:sal isur t: it:sal isur ay it:sal isur kn it: sal isurknt it:sal isur tnf it :sal isur tnt it:sal /ny/ Past: /isur inyi/ isuri yn yi isur inyi isur s inyi isur t inyi isur t:; in yi isur ay i nyi isur kn inyi isur knt inxyi i sur tn inyi isur tnt inyi won't he Won't he Won't he Won't he Won't he Won't he Won't he Won't he Won't he Won't he Won't he ask? ask me? ask you (m.s.)? ask you (f.s.)? ask him? ask her? ask us? ask you (m.p.)? ask you (f.p.)? ask them (m)? ask them (f)? to kill didn't Didn' t Didn't Didn' t Didn't Didn't Didn' t Didn't Didn't Didn't Didn' t he kill he kill, he kill he kill he kill he kill he kill he kill he kill he kill he kill ? me? you (m.s.)? you (f.s.)? him? her? us? you (m.p.)? you (f.p.)? them (m)? them (f)? 67  Reference Grammar Tamazight Pronominal Systems Reference Grammar Taruazight Pronorr~inal Systems Future: Present: /isur ing:a/ isur i ynq:a i sur S ing:a isur 'n ing :a isur t inqg:a isur t; inq:a isur ay in:a isur kn ing:a isur knt inq:a isur tn ingq;a isurttnt inq:a /isur daynq:a/ isur day inq;a isur daE inq:a isur dasm inq:a isur dat inq:a isur dat: inq:a isur day inq:a isar dakrn inq: a isur daknt inq:a isur datn inq:a isur datnt inq:a won' t Won' t Won' t Won t Won' t Won' t Won't Won' t Won' t Won't Won't he he he he he he he he he he he kill? kill me? kill you (m.s.)'? kill you (f.s.)'? kill him? kill her? kill us'? kill you (m.p.)? kill you (f.p.))? kill them (m)? kill them (f))? doesn' t Doesn't Doesn't Doesn't Doesn' t Doesn' t Doesn' t Doesn' t Doesn' t Doesn' t Doesn' t he he he he he he he he he he he kill? kill me? kill you (m.s.))? kill you (f.s.)? kill him? kill her? kill us? kill you (m.p.)? kill you (f.p.)? kill them (m)? kill them (f))? 68  Reference Grammar Tamazight Pronominal Systems Reference Grammar Tamazight Pronominal Systems Ili f 4 III.) . l Demonstrative Pronouns (Independent Set ) Singular m. f. Proximate Remote wa wan: ta tan: III.4.2 Plural m. f. Proximate Remote wi win: ti tin: 8 III.4.3 III.4.3.1 Demonstrative Pronominal Suffixes L / -in:#/ that (m,f,s,p) this (m,f, s,p) Suffixed to nouns ending i.e. /-a# + /-u# + /-a# + /-u# + (#3-a -ya# this in 1 -yu# -ume -yin:# that -a#/ )/-aya#/ -u#/ - /-uyu#/ -in:#/- )- /-ayin:#/ -in : #/ )- /-uyin : #/ 69  Reference Grammar Tamazgt Pronominal Systems ReerncyGamarT amLA L+i rrt ronmial ysem Examples: 111,4.3.2 tad:arta s:baha tad:artin: tad:rwinin: tabardaya (- /-r:#/ /-1# +-# /-n# +--n#//-n:# Singular agrur ayd: ar ahaq: ar agam: ar ahn dir ahrir aydrur abaq:ar abh: ar abulxir adyar adrdur Plural igrur: (/-tu-/ argaz ntmq:ut: ( g:/ as in /ag:d:an/ this will be transcribed as one word. 16) mand:iyun ? -mand:iyun ag:d:an yr s:uq: ? =muha ag:d:an 17) mand:iknt ? -mand:i1gnt ag:s :nwan ayrum ? =fadma =nk: Which one of you (m)? Which one of you (m.) went to the market? Muha. Which one of you (f)? Which one of you (f) baked the bread? Fadma. I. 135  Reference Grammar Tamazight Particles Refrene Gammr ama igt Prtile S :nw 18) mand:iynr ? -mand:iyny ay trid ? =sg : amuha =m: afadma to cook Which one of us? Which one of us do you want? You, Muha. You, Fadma. 19) mand:iksn ? -mand:iksn ay trid ? -mand:iksn ag:swan atay ? =muha 20) mand:iksnt ? --mand : iksnt ag :s :nwan ayrum ? =fadma Which one of Which one of do you want? Aly Which one of drank the teE Muha. them them (m)? (m.) them (m) a? Which one Which one baked the Fadma. of them of them bread ? (f ) 21) is ? -istrid atay ? =la . riy lq:hwa -isid:a muha ? =y:ih Do-Have-Is/Are? Do you want tea? No, I want coffee. Did Muha go? Yes. 22) id: ? Do-Have-Is/Will/Are? -id: tad:artnE aya ? Is this your house? =y:ih Yes. -id: nt:a ? Is it him? -id: nt:at ? Is it her? =la No. -id :adixdm ? Is he going to work? Will he work? =la No. /id:/ is here transcribed as part of a verbal construc- tion but autonomous from a following noun. 136  Reference Grammar TIlamazight Particle s Reference Grammar Tamaz ight Particles V.2 1. Interrogative Particles (Ayt Seghrouchen) may Who? -mag :ms muhnd ? Who is Muhnd -muhnd amd :ak :l nli ag :Eu Mohamed is Aly' s friend. -maytms mam:a ? Who Is mamma? -mam:a im:as m:uhnd aytiu . (< n-munnd) Mamma is Mohamed' s mother. 2. may -may t :init ? -walu -may tn:it ? -n:ixas yal:ah tad :art .* an:rah yr 3. mat:a -mat :a was: ? -it :nayn -mat :a laswaq: din yr tg:urt ? -1 :atsw :aq:x sk :ura 4. mi -k: dmi ? -nts dmuhnd -matisa dmi ? -matisa dl:ubya 5. mani mani muhnd ? -irah yr s:uq: -il:a da - - -il:a din: - - -uril :i -urs :inx -durt :x ad,*i''id What? What are you saying? Nothing What did you say? I told you, "Let's go home." What, which What, which day? Monday Which market do you go to? I. go to Skoura market. Who, what. You and who (else) ? Muhnd and I. Tomatoes and what? Tomatoes and green beans. Where? Where is Muhnd? He went to the market. He is here. He is there. He is not I do not know He will be back soon. 137  Reference Grammar Tamazight Particles Reference Grammar Tamaz ight Particles 6. mayr -mayr da tq:imt ? urufx mani yr ya rahx 7. mat:a luq:t mat :a luq:t ayd:ya icid sli ? - idu 8. mimi milmi -mlmi ayd:i'id muhnd -urs :inx -idn :at -mlmi ayd:yaycid muhnd -durtx ad:i 'id 9. wim:i (< win + mi ), wig:ilin wig:ilin izru ? winw win 1i win: s 10. tim:i wig:ilin ? (< tin + mi) wig:ilin tad:artu ~ tim:i tad:artu tineli tin:s tin:m tin:s tin:x tin:un tin :snt tin sn tin:snt Why? Why are you staying here? I do not know where to go.(Lit: I do not find where to go). When, What time. When is Aly coming back? Today. When ? When did Muhnd come back? I do not know. Yesterday. When is Muhnd coming back? He will be back soon. Whose (m) ? Whose field is this? Mine. Aly's. His. Whose is...? Whose house is this? Aly's. Yours (ns). Yours (fs). His/ Hers. Ours. yours (mp). Yours (fp). Theirs (mp). Theirs (fp). 138  Reference Grammar Tamazinht Particles Referencav VewGama azirr_'_--h-t-C-Pvarticles .. 11. wig:ilin wig:ilin tad:artu ? timn:uhnd ( ist:ad:artn: s -y:ih -isd + nt:a --->isn:t:a -isd + nt:at --->isn:t:at -la -isd adixdm ? -urs :inx 140  Reference Grammar Tamazight Particles Reference Grammar Tamaz ight Particles V-3 Conjunctions V.3.1 Ayt Ayache 1) 1:iy ad:ay nd:a 1:iy did:a ad:ay nwin waman ademry atay 2) 1:iy 1:iy das:aray Eme y deli. 3) yas an:axf yas yas an:axf t:uiadm nd:u yas adnwin waman ado m:ry atay 4) ay n:a muha ag: d:an . (< ay id:an) fadma ag: d:an tisir satin ag: d :an . argaz n:a yd:an , yma ag:a . 1:una ay xtary 1:un n:a xtary aya lc il n:a yran lk:as aya. han leil n:a yran lk:as. tarb:at: n:a yran lk:as aya han tarb:at n:a yran lk:as . when When he came we left When the water boils, I will make tea. while While I was walking, I met Aly . as soon as As soon as you (m.p.) are ready we will go As soon as the water boils I'll make tea. who, which It's Muha who went. It's Fatma who went. It's the girls who went. The man who went is my brother. It's this color which I choose. This is the color which I choose. This is the boy who wants the glass. There is the boy who wants the glass. This is the girl who wants the glass. There is the girl who wants the glass. This is the cow that ate the grass. tafunast n:a ytsan tuya aya  Reference Grammar Tamazight Particles Reference Grammar Tamaz ight Particles han tafunast n:a ytsan tuya There is the cow that ate the grass. 5) ak:ma ak:mani ak:milmi ak:an:a ak:un:a whatever wherever whenever whatever whoever ak:ma yr id:a, yaf zla ak:mani yr id:a , yaf zha ad:ud yur:y ak:rmilmi ak:an:a trid adaitsy ak:wn:a did:an tsmas atay 6) d id:a muha deli yrs:uq: 7) walayn:i walakn :i masa d:iy walayn:i urn:ufiy muha 8) la ... ula ... urifhim la imalik ula lwazirns ayn:a yn:a Izha 9) al:iy al: iq:ra al:iy iwhl Wherever he goes, he finds Jeha. Wherever he goes, he finds Jeha. Come to see us, whenever (you want). I'll give you whatever you want. Give tea to whoever comes here. and Muha and Ali went to the market. but I went but I did not find Muha. neither...nor... Neither the king nor his minister understood what Jeha said. until until He studied until he got 142  Reference Grammar Tamazight Particles Reference Grammar Tama z ight Particles q:irm al: did:u 10) t:afad hma rb:ay tamaziyt t:afad adsiwly imd:n da rb:ay tamaziyt hma adsiwly imd:n da 11) 'lahq: riyt slahq: izil 12) mad is trid lq:hwa mad atay ? Stay until he comes. so that in order to I studied Berber so that I could talk to people here, I studied Berber so that I could talk to people here. because I like him because he is nice. or Do you want coffee or tea? V.3.2 Ayt Seghrouchen 1) zg:a ad :ay nrah zg:a d:irah ad:ay nun waman ade'm:rx at:ay 2) zg:a zg:a s:arix zmex deli 3) xas , adinx xas adnun waman ad m:rx at :ay adinx t:uzidm an:rah 4) ay , din muhnd ag:rahn lwalun ag:rahn when We left when he came. When the water boils, I will make tea. while I met Ali while I was walking. as soon as IT11 make tea as soon as the water is boiled. We will leave as soon as you are ready. who, which It is Muhnd who left. It is the kids who left. 143  ..._.. Reference Grammar Tama mam:a ag:rahn tibir:atin ag:rahn 1:unu ayxtarx 1:un din xtarx ayu arba din ibyan lkas ayu zight has arba din ibyan ikas tarbat: din ibyan ikas ayu. hahn: tarbat : din ibyan ikas tafunast din itsin tuta ayu hasn: tafunast din itsin tuza has aryaz din yr syix izru 5) ak:adin ak :mani ak:adin in:a tha its lmalik: ak:mani yr irah izme dzha Particles It is Mamma who left. It is the girls who left It is this color I chose. This is the color I chose. That is the boy who wants the glass. There is the boy who wants the glass. This is the girl who wants the glass. There is the girl who wants the glass. This is the cow which ate the grass. There is the cow which ate the grass. This is the man from whom I bought the field. whatever wherever The king laughed at anything Jeha said. He meets Jeha wherever he goes. and, with Muha and Ali went to the market. 6) d irah muha de li yr s :uq: 7) walayn:i , walakayn:i , masa rahx walayn:i rn:ufix muhnd walakayn:i masa 8) la ----ula urifhim la lmalik: ula lwazirn:s adin in:a zha but neither, nor Neither the king nor his minister understood what Jeha said. 144  Reference Gramma r Tamaz fight Particles Reference Grammar Tamaz ight Particles ul:it:t:x la lbsl la tis:rt 9) azg :a al: iq:ra azg:a ywhl q:im al: d:irah. 10) t:af zm:c lflus t:af at:aft mas yatsyt t:unubil . 11) e lahq: byixt c lahq : ie dl . 12) mad is tbyit lq:hwa mad at :ay ? Prepositions Ayt Ayache 1) s , yr , i id:a sasif id:a yr s:uq: sasd s:init imuha adiem:r . ts :nwa fadma ayrum imuha 2) yr / --Noun yur/ -- Pronoun insa hd:u yr muha I eat neither onions nor garlic. till, until He studied until he got tired. Stay until he comes. in order to, so that. Save money so that you buy a car. (Lit: so that you find what to buy a car with.) because I like him because he is nice. or Do you want coffee or tea? to (for) He went to the river. He went to the market. Give Muha the tray (and the tea pot & glasses) so that he can make tea. Fadma baked bread for Muha. v.4 V.4.1 at Haddu spent the night at Muha's place. 145  .._.. _ Reference Grammar 3) y il:a ytad:art Tamazight in Particles He is home (in the house). Notice: y + i --->g: y + a --->g:" y irdn ------>g:irdn y abrid ----->g:brid in the wheat in the road 4) s yumzt: sufus with (instrumental) He held it (f.) with the hand. 5) s to (Directional) id:a sasif He went to the river. Notice: A noun is in the Construct State after instru- mental /s/ but not after directional /s/. 6) xf / --- Noun y if / ---Pronoun tl:a xf d:bla tl:a Aifs 7) tf:ir dar il:a tf:ir ntad:art tl:a dar ntad:artns 8) dat il:a dat ntad:art 9) zy id:ad zy midlt td:ad tbrat: zymuha 10) n ha tasarut: ntad:art on It (f.) is on the table. s It (f.) is on it. behind He is behind the house. She is behind her house. in front of He is in front of the house. from He came from Midelt. A letter came from Muha. of Here is the kev for the house. 146  Reference Grammar Tamazight Particles Refeenc Grmma Tamz iht artcle Notice: phonological changes of n + lbab--------> 1:bab n + atay--------> w:atay n + iful:usn ---> yful:usn n + z:itun------> nz:itun 11) ingr am:as tl :a ingr tiwriq :in 1:kn :as tl:a am:as l:kn:as 12) qbl id:ad qbl tifawt 13) tf:ir id:ad tf:ir 1:xtubt 14) d:aw tl:a d:aw nd:bla of the door of tea of chickens of olives between in the middle of It (f.) is between the pages of the notebook. It (f.) is in the middle of the note book. before He came before dawn. after He came after the Fri- day prayer. under It (f.) is under the table. V.4.2 1) Ayt Seghrouchen yr , i irah yr iyzr irah yr s:uq: u sd: s:iny:a imuhnd adie'm:r . to He went to the river. He went to the market. Give Mohand the tray (and the tea pot and glasses) so that he will make tea. Mamma baked bread for Mohand. at (chez in French) Haddou spent the night at Mohacs place. ts :nu mam:a ayrum imuhnd yr insu hd:u yr muha 2) 147  Reference Grammar Tamazight Particles Reference Grammar Tamaz ight Particles 3) y il:a ytad:art Notice: y + i ---->g: y + a ---->g: y + irdn----------->g:irdn y + abrid --------- g :brid in He is home (in the house) in the wheat in the road with (instrumental) He held it (f.) with the hand. 4) s it : ft : sufus 5) x on tl:a xt:bla tl:a xs Notice: xfi = on me 6) df:ir il:a df:ir ntad:art 7) zdat il:a zdat ntad:art It (f.) is on the table. It (f.) is on it. behind He is behind the house. in front of He is in front of the house. from He came from Midelt. A letter came from Muha. 8) zy irahd: zy midit trahd: tbrat: zy muha 9) n of ha tsarut: ntad:art Notice: phonological changes of /n/ n + lbab---------->l:bab n + at:ay--------->w:at:ay n + udi---------->w:udi n + ifilan-------->y:filan Here is the key for the house. of the door of tea of the butter of the threads 148  Reference Grammar Tamazight Particles Reference Grammar Tamazight Part Ic les 10) zar am:as tl:a zar tiwriqin 1:kn:as ll) qbl , zdat irahd: zdat 1:fzr 12) df:ir irahd: df :ir 1:xadbt - 13) d:aw l: a .d waw nt"bla ." between in the middle It (f. ) is between the pages of the notebook. before He came before dawn. after He came after the Friday prayer. under It (f.) is under the table. V.5 The Presentational Particles. 1) ha (A.A. and A.S.) ha muha id:ad ha muhnd irahd: must be followed by a noun: Here...is, Here...are Here comes Muha (A.A ) Here comes Muha (A.S ) 2) han (A.A.) hat (A.A.) has (A.S.) has (A.s.) followed by a noun followed by a verbal form followed by a noun plus a third person pronominal suffix han muha id:ad hat id:ad has muhnd irahd: hast halt: hastn habtnt Here -comes Muha (A-.A.) Here he comes (A.A.) Here comes Muha (A.S.) Here he is Here she is. Here they are (m.) Here they (f.) are. 149  Reference Grammar Tamazight Particles v.6 Vocative Particle a vocative particle (Oh, you) This is the same both in Ayt Ayache and Ayt Seghrouchen. ad:ud amuha . Come here Muha. (Ayt Ayache) awru anmuhnd . Come here Muha (Ayt Seghrouchen) V.7 Conditional Particles (1) mg (A.A.,A.S.) if (possible, orobable) ms dhr: isignaw adwit unzar (A.A.) If clouds annear, it rains. mi imrd hd: layt:wacad adbib (A.S.) If somebody is sick, he sees the doctor. (2) miur (A.A.,A.S.) if not (possible, orobable) msur did:i ask:a add:uy yrmidlt (A.A.) mrur d:irah dutsa , adrahx ymidlt (A.S.) If he does not come tomorrow, I'll go to Midelt. (3) mr (A.A., A.S.) if (contrary to fact. imossible ) mr yuri 1: in lflus idl:1 , 1:asyiy igran neli (A.A. ) If I had had the money yesterday, I would have bought Aly's fields. mr d:irah , l:awsixas lhzab (A.S. ). Had he come, I would have given him the amulet. 150  Reference Grammar Tamazight Particles Reference Grammar Tamazight Particles (4) mrid: (A.A.), mlid: (A.S.) if (contrary to fact, impossible) mrid: Ea yadn , urit:awy taqb:uta sql:mn sbemysat ryal (A.A.) If it were somebody else, I would not have given him the djellaba for less than 700 Ryals. mrid: isuridawa d:alb 1sil , l:aym:ut . (A.A.) Had the Sheikh not cured the boy, he would have died. mlid: hd: dnin yurit:awy taqb:ut:u sql: mnsbe my:at ryal (A.S.) It it were somebody else, I would not have given him the djellaba for less than 700 Ryals. mlid: isuridawi t:alb arba l:aym:ut (A.S.) Had the Sheikh not cured the boy, he would have died. 151  VI. Grammar of the Verb This section treats the grammar of the verb in Ayt Ayache in an exhaustive manner. It discusses Verb Stems (both basic and derived) as well as Noun Stems (Verbal Nouns). It also discusses Temporal and Modal derivations. Examples and rules for all the derivations are included in this section. A morphophonemic sketch stating forty-four possible changes appears at the end of this section. Notes on the grammar of the verb in Ayt Seghrouchen, showing differences from Ayt Ayache with ample examples, appear before Appendices A and B. Appendix A is a Verb Sample Appendix for Ayt Ayache. It is followed by a verb list of 450 verbs from that dialect. Appendix B is a Verb Sample Appendix for Ayt Seghrouchen.  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb VI. Grammar of the Verb VI.1 Basic and Derived Verb Stems VI.1.1 Basic Verb Stems All unaugmented stems (1-77) appearing in position a) in the Verb Sample Appendix A (pp. 245-261) are basic verb stems (v). As is seen from the examples, some basic verb stems (V) are clearly borrowings from Arabic. However, these stems are now considered an integral part of Tamazight verb lexicon, since they conform completely to the derivational and inflectional patterns of the native * ** stems: e.g., Basic verb stems 45 /zdm/ 'collect wood' (Native or Berber) and 44 /xdm/ 'work' (Arabic loan), derive the following nouns of agent : /azd:am/, /izd:amn/, /tazd:amt/, /tizd:amin/ and /axd:am/, /ixd:amn/, /taxd:amt/, /tixd:amin/ (ms, mp, fs, fp respectively for each set) . Temporal and Modal derivations and even native ablaut (seeVl.g.1) that apply to V45 /zdm/ (Berber) apply to V44 /xdm/ (Arabic): e.g., /zdmy/ 'I collected wood', /xdmTy/ 'I worked' ; /urnzdim/ 'we did not collect wood' and /urnxdim/ 'we did not work'. VI.1.2 Derived Verb Stems All augmented verb stems appearing in position a) in * A number preceding a form (or a stem) refers to the place of V (Basic Verb Stem) in the Verb Sample Appendix A pp . 245-261 *Meanings of V' s are glossed as infinitives without "to" . 153  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb the Verb Sample Appendix are derived stems (Causative SV, Reciprocal MV, Recipro-Causative MSV, and Passive TuV). To support the statement made in VLl.1 above about the conformity of borrowed stems to native derivational patterns, the following examples are here cited using derivatives of stems /yus /,/sum / and /kmz/, /frs/: V SV MSV ts 'be burnt' (Berber) syu s m: syu s Turm 'swim' (Arabic loan) s sum m: s sum V MV TuV kmz 'scratch' (Berber) m:kmaz t:ukmz frs 'attack' (Arabic loan) m:fras t:ufrs VI.2 Verb Affixes Verb affixes are either movable or fixed affixes. VI.2.1 Movable Affixes A movable affix is one that is now pre-verbal, (i.e. prefixed to the stem), now post-verbal (i.e. suffixed to the stem). This section discusses two sets of affixes, the Orientational Affixes and the Object Pronominal Affixes. The Orientational Affixes are: /d/ denoting proximity, and /n:/ denoting remoteness. Thus from 71 /d: u/ 'go' we g et : /i-d: a/ ' he went ', /i-d: a-- t:fs:ar (VH) b) All V's marked native (i.e. not Arabic) derive their VH's thus: II|-41t||B:I e.g. 225 rzm 'to open' -, rz:m (VH) c) V's marked 'Arabic loan' derive their VH's by prefix /t:-/ and ||-#0-|| /a-/ if |IBI| is not /r/ nor /d, t, s, z, s, or z/, e.g. 126 bid 'be far' y t:bead (VH) 144 fhm 'understand' t : fham (VH) d) If IIBII is /r/ we may get VH's as variants of both forms mentioned in b) and c) above, e.g. 149 frh 'be happy' y fr:h t:frah (VH) e) If 1I B11 is /d, t, s, z, s or z/ VH is formed as in b) above. 271 xdm ' work - y xd:m (VH ) B.i.2 To derive Vii's of B.i.2 (316-337) and B.i.3 (338- 360) the prefix /t: -/ is used: e.g., 177  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb 325 amz 'take' > t:amz (VH) 340 f:r 'hide' - > t:f:r (V-I) /t: a#/ is the derivational affix of members of B.ii.l (361-370), e.g. 362 af 'find' 1 t:afa (VH) 361 adE 'let' - > t:adza (VH) 369 rar 'return, give t:rara (VH) back' As for B.ii.2 - (371-397), /t: a#/ derives a ViH of the structures /og0/ a g, bd:#o .-->bd: whereas 1sg-ls derives the VH as ls:a and g0r +gr# gr derives the VH as g:ar. This means that /0/---+/a/ and the radical preceding /f/ [+tensel, e.g. V Vii 377 g: 'knead' t:g:a 371 bd: 'stand up' t:bd:a 388 is 'get dressed' ls:a 376 gr 'throw away' g:ar B.ii.3 (398-450) derive their VH' s mainly by the prefix /t:-/. Stems with IIBI! as /n/ derive their VH's by IIB1I- ||B:|I. Stems with |B(las /m/ derive their VH's by variants of both processes mentioned above, e.g. 401 deu 'pray for' - t:de'u (VII) 400 bnu 'build' bn:u (VHI) 412 hmu ' be hot weatherL ~uu1 (vHi)  Reference Grammar Tarnazight The Verb Refew. wrencewv A wCwrarTa- zigtTh Vr VI.4.3 Causative Stem Derivation The Verb Appendix shows, where the semantic features of V permit, two causative stems appearing in positions a) and b). The stem in position a) is referred to as SV; i.e. causative stem and the one in position b) is referred to as SVH, i.e. habitual of the causative stem. SV is used for past and future tense derivations, for imperative and past participle derivations. SVH is used for present tense, negative imperative and present and future participle derivations. In general SV corresponds to V (in derivational power) whereas SVH corresponds to VH. SV is derived from V by the causative prefix /s-/ SVH is derived from SV by an infix (/-v-/), e.g. V SV SVH 3 fa 'yawn' sfa sfa 83 hudr 'bend' shudr shudur 173 hml 'flood' s:hml s:hmal 426 sfu 'be clean' s:fu s:fu VI.4.k Reciprocal Verb Stem Derivation The Verb Appendix shows, where the semantic features of V permit, two reciprocal stems in positions a) and b). The stem in position a) is referred to as MV, i.e. Reciprocal Verb Stem; whereas the stem-in position b) is referred to as 179  RefereneGramma~r Tamazight The Verb MVH, i.e. habitual of the reciprocal stem. Stems with reciprocal and causative connotation (Recipro-Causative) appear partly in the Causative and partly in the Reciprocal columns and are referred to as: a) MSV, b) MSVH. This section states the derivation of Recip. and Recipro-Caus. stems. This is done because some V's derive Recipro-Causative stems in spite of the fact that the semantic features of V do not permit the derivation of a causative stem. Such cases are not numerous; e.g. 383 /ry/ 'kill' does not derive a causative, however, it derives recipro-causative: MSV /msnya/ and MSVH /t:msnya/. Some V's derive variants, i.e. reciprocals and recipro-causatives: e.g. V SV SV MV 47 bd:l 'change' sbd:l mbd:al sbd:al t:mbd:al msbd:al t:msbd:al where the MV means 'to exchange or change with one another' and the MSV means 'to cause one another to exchange. MV and MVH correspond to V as far as Temporal and Modal derivations are concerned, whereas MVH and MSVH correspond to VH. MV is derived from V by the reciprocal prefix /m-/), * For a more elaborate description of the phonological rules governing the shape of the causative ard /or reciprocal prefix, see Abdel-Massih, Ernest, Tamazight Verb Structure: A Generative Approach, Indiana University: Bloomington, Indiana, 1971. 180  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb Reference Grammar Tama z ight The Verb MSV is derived by prefixing f/-ms-/ to V. A vowel infix is added if the stem has a consonant cluster as its final two radicals. MVH and MSVH are derived from MV and MSV respectively by prefix /t:-/: e.g. V MV/MSV MVH/MSVH 37 sal 'ask' m:sal t:msal 46 cum 'swim' m:slum t:m:svum 95 talb 'demand' mtalab t:mtalab 144 fhm 'understand' msfham t :msfham VI-4.5 Passive Verb Stem Derivation The Verb Appendix shows two passives: TuV, i.e. passive stem appearing in position a) and TuVH, i.e. the habitual of the passive stem appearing in position b). TuV is derived from V. Stems 149 and 152 in Appendix derive their passives (TuSV) from SV TuV is the stem that derives past and future tenses and their modes; TuVH is the stem that derives the present tense and its modes. The derivation of TuV from V (most common passive) or SV (very rare passive) is achieved by the passive derivational prefix /t:u-/ and the derivation of TuVH from TuV by an optional infix (/-V-/) , e.g. For a more elaborate description see Abdel-Massih, Ernest , O2. cit. 181  Reference Grammar Tamazight The_ Verb_ Reference Grammar Tama zight The Verb V 11 37 88 116 hn:a sal saed bdr 'pity' 'ask' 'help' 'mention' TuV t:uhn:a t:usal t:usac d t:ubdr TuVH t:uhn:a t:usal t:usacad t:ubdar VI.4.6 Derived Noun Stems and Nouns VI.4.6.1 Introduction It was stated before that noun stems would be discussed though not fully. This section attempts to show the relation between nouns of action, of agent and other derived nouns and their V's in terms of derivations. The statements are very simple. For more elaborate discussion see the Grammar of the Noun VI.4.6.2 Noun Stem Derivation Most noun stems are derived from V's; however, nouns of action may be derived from SV, MV or MSV. noun stems are identical with their V's (SV's, MV's MSV's): e.g. few Many or V 84 kasf 'foretell' V N-act. a-kasf- SV shn:a N-agt (m, s) am-kaif- N-act a-shn:a- 7 hn:a 'be peaceful' * Throughout this section, Noun Stems will be underlined. 182  Reference Grammar Tamaztight The Verb V MV N-act 81 hash 'count' mhasab a-mnlasab- In many cases the stem of the noun of action is derived from V by change of ||#| to /-a-/ and the noun of agent stem is derived from that of N-act by change of ||B|| |B:l[ ([-tense] - [+tense]). This is characteristic of stems with underlying structure 1iAB0DII: e.g. V N-act N-agt (m,s) 167 hdm 'demolish' a-hdam- a-hd:am- Most V s with underlying structures IAB:0D1 derive their N-agt sitems by change of ||011--+/a-/. This particular sub-class has (in most cases) identical V's and N-act stems: e.g. V N-act N-agt (m,s) 123 bi:r 'give good news' a-bs:r- a-bs:ar- The sub-class of verb stems with the underlying structure I!OB:,#DII derives its N-act stems by change 1011-/-u-/ and of IB:I.....IIBi ([+tense]----[-tense]). This is characteristic of the sub-class with |AI| = l0l (lol--+/u-/), e.g. V N-act 338 b:y 'cut' u-buy- 341 f:y 'go out' u-fuy- The sub-class of verb stems with the underlying structure llAB0h| derives stems of N-act and N-agt by change of ||l||--41|Vii. 183  Reference Grammar Tamazlight The Verb This sub-class of verbs is characterized by deriving most of its N-acts by the affix /m t/. If I|V1 is /-i-/ then it - /-iw-/. V 379 380 381 383 385 392 ks is ns ry BY zd 'tend sheep' 'dress' 'spend the night' 'warm oneself' 'buy' 'weave' N-act ta-ks:a- m-lsiw-t m-nsiw-t m-ryiw-t m-syiw-t m-z iw-t N-agt (m,s) am-ksa- am-zda- The sub-class of verbs with the underlying structure IIAB6V shows a number of N-act and N-agt which (together with their stems) are derived from V on the pattern of a corresponding Arabic noun. Mention should be made of the fact that when a noun is derived (whether of this sub-class or any other sub- class) on an Arabic noun pattern, the shape of the Berber noun is not easily predictable. Examples given below show noun stems derived from the different classes of V stems that follow an Arabic pattern: V 81 95 422 427 hasb talb r' u shu 'count' 'demand' 'hope' 'be healthy' N-act 1-1sab- t: aiab ( 1--talab- ) r :za ( l-ria -) s :aht ( 1-saht- ) 184  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb 440 265 c'fu wq r forgive' 'respect' 1-q fu- l-ug:r- V 4+00 179 264 bnu hsm wk: 1 'build' 'govern' 'appoint as representative' N-agt (m,s) a-bn :ay- 1-hak :m- 1 -u ii - 185  Reference Grammar Tamnazight The Verb Refernce rammrTaazigt Th Ver VI.4.7 Temporal and Modal Derivation VI.4.7.1 Introduction This section discusses the derivation of the different tenses and modes of the verb in Tamazight. The discussion includes the following derivations from unaugmented V: the imperative, the Aorist, the past tense with its different modes: affirmative, interrogative, negative and negative- interrogative; the future tense with its two modes: affirmative and interrogative - "Will" type as well as the derivation of the past participle and a variant of the future participle. From VH the following derivations are discussed: energetic imperative, negative imperative, interrogative future - Q type, negative future, the present tense with its different modes: affirmative, interrogative, negative and negative-interrogative, as well as the present and future participles. The derivations referred to above are all achieved by using V and VH. Moreover, SV, MV or MSV can generate most of the structures that a V does and SVH, MVH or MSVH can generate most of the structures that a VH does. Fewer structures are generated from the passive stem TuV and its habitual TuVH. 186  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb VI.4.7.2 Derivation of Imperative Structures Tamazight has different imperative structures that will be referred to as 2-a, 2-b and 1-a, 1-b, 1-c. Structures 2-a and 2-b are second person imperatives where 2-b is the negative imperative. 1-a, 1-b and 1-c are hortatory or cohortative constructions expressing an exhortation or suggestion for first person. The negative imperative and the energetic imperative are derived from VH. The other imperative structures are derived from V. * /-PNG/ of the imperatives are all suffixes (see Tables 1 and 2). Imperative 2-a is derived simply by affixation of /-PNG/ (suffixes) shown in Table 1 to either V to derive second person imperative or to VH to derive the energetic imperative which for /eum/ 'swim' may be translated as either 'get in the habit of swimming' or 'do swim'. Imperative 2-b is derived by prefixation of the negative imperative derivational prefix /adur-/ to VH and the realization of imperative /-PNG2/ suffixes referred to above. Imperative 1-a is derived by the suffixation of /-PNG1/ set shown in Table 2. Imperatives 1-b and 1-c differ from 1-a both in meaning and in structure. All the three structures mean 'let us...', except that 1-b and 1-c have the added feature [+movement]. The difference * This study r ers to the suffixed PNG of the imperative as /-PNG/ or /-PNG{ }/ where /-PNG2/ means second person suffixes and /-PNGV/ is hrtatory suffixes. It will also refer to the affixed PNG of the different tenses as /PG/ 187  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb in structure lies in the fact that /-PNG1/ are added to the V to derive 1-a, whereas in deriving 1-b they are added to the V /k:r/ 'get up' and in 1-c /-PNG / are added to /yal:ah/ a particle meaning 'let us'. /k:r/ + /-PNG1/ /yal:ah/ + /-PNG1/ are both followed by the desired V + /-PNG-/ + future prefix /ad-/: e.g. /"um-ay / 'let us (both) swim', /k:r-a ad-n-um/ 'let us (both) go and swim'[ /ad-n-cum/ (DS) --/an-um/ (SS)]. Another structural difference is that 1-a does not distinguish between Gm and Gf in Pd whereas 1-b and 1-c do. Imperative structures with the movable affixes /-d-/ of proximity, /-n:-/ of remoteness and the pronominal affixes occur with the affix post-Imperative [-Negative] and in the order: Imper[-Negative]+ (I.obj.) + (D.Obj.) + (orientational affix) or pre-Imperative[+Negative] and in the order: Neg, Imper. Prefix + (I.Obj.) + (D.Obj.) + (orientational affix) + Imperative. Causative and Reciprocal Imperatives are derived in the same way the imperatives of a V and its VH are derived; Causative and reciprocal imperative structures with the movable affixes are also derived in the same way referred to in the previous paragraph. Not all imperative constructions with the movable affixes occur with the derived verb stems (Caus. and Recip.). 188  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb Rules for the Generation of the Different Imperative Structures (from V and VH) Imper-DSR1 Imperative ---+V + /-PNG2 Imper-DSR2 Energetic Imper. > VH + /-PNG2 Imper-DSR3 Negative Imper.+/adur-/ + VH + /-PNG2 Imper-DSR4 Hortatory > V + /-PNG/ Imper-DSR5 Hortatory[ +Movement] /k:r/ al h/ +/-PNGi/+/ad-/+/-P Ng -/+V Imper-DSR6 Movable Affix : V + /-PNG2/+(I.Obj.) + (D.Obj.) + (Orient.Aff. /adur-'/+(I.Obj.)+(D.Obj.)+(Orient.Aff.)+ VH + /-PNG2 Note on Imper-DSR6: This rule states the position of the movable affixes in relation to the imperative. (This is true of all rules concerning Movable Affixes in the following sections.) Examples of Imperative structures generated by the above rules are shown in Tables 7-13 in their (SS) form. 189  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb Reference Grammar Tama z ight The Verb 2-a 2-b PNG Imperative Energetic Imperative Negative Imperative 2smf Qum t:sungm adurt :sum 2pm sumat t : 'urat aclurt: fiurat 2pf 'umnt t: rumnt adurt : umnt TABLE 7 - Imperatives 2-a and 2-b of /cbuW (ss) Hortatory Hortatory [M eet PNG 1-a 1-b 1-c 1 dm rummy k :ray an sum yal :ah ay anrum ld~f cumay k:ram annum yal:aham an sum 1pm sumatay k :ratay an Turn ya : ahatay an rum lpf cuntay k:rntay annum yal~ahantay annum TABLE 8 - Imperatives 1-a, 1-b, and 1-c of bcum/ (ss) 2-a 2-b PNG Imperative Energetic Imperative Negative Imperative 2smf awid t: awid adurt :awy 2pm awyad : t :awyad : adurt :awyat 2pf awinda t :awind: adurdt :awint TABLE 9 - Imperatives 2-a and 2-b /awy/ in combination with the proximity affix /-d-/ (ss) 190  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb Reference Grammar Ta ma z 1gb t The Verb 2-a 2-b NG Imperative Energetic Imperative Negative Imperative 2 sif shudr shu du r adu rshu dur 2pm shudrat sludurat adurs1hudurat 2pf shudrnt s1hudurnt adursliudurnt TABLE 10 - Imperatives 2-a and 2-b of /shudr/, causative of /hudr/ (SS ) Hortatory Hortatory [+Movement] PNG 1-a 1-b 1-c 1dm shudray~ k:ray anshudr yal: ahay anshiudr ldf su dray k :ram anishudr yal :aham an shudr 1pm shudratay k :ratay an shu dr ya : ahatay an shudr lpf siu drnt ay k: rn t a' an shudr 3r.a1: ahn tay an s1 u dr TABLE 11 - Imperatives 1-a, 1-b, 1-c of /shudr/, causative of /hudr/ (ss) 2-a. 2-b PNG Imperative Energetic Imperative Negative Imperative 2 smf m4~awan t :me awar adu rt : mawan 2pm ms'awanat t: meawanat adurt: msawanat 2pf me awann t t :nreawanrit adur t :mnrawann t TABLE 12 - Imperatives 2-a and~ 2-b of /m'lawn/, reciprocal of 191  Reference Grammar Tama zfight The Verb Reference Grammar Tama z ight The Verb Hortatory Hortatory[+Movement] PNG 1-a 1-b 1-c 1dm me awanay k: ray anme awan yal: ahay anme awarn ldf me awanay k:ram anme awan yal:aham anme awan 1pm me awanatay k:ratay anm awan yal:ahatay anme awan lpf meawanntay k;rntay anms awan yal:ahntay anme'awan TABLE 13 - Imperatives 1-a, 1-b, 1-c of of /cawn/ (ss) /me awan/, reciprocal VI.4.7.3 Derivation of the Past Tense and Its Different Modes The past tense is derived from V by the realization of /-PNG-/ shown in Table 3. As stated before, /-PNG-/affixes are the same no matter what the temporal (past, present, future) structure is. Its different modes are derived by the modal prefixes discussed in VI.2.2 above. The realization of /-PNG-/ in the past effects a change in the verb stem of certain classes. This was discussed in VI.3 and was referred to as ablaut (Abl) and to the stems as ablauted stems. Rules for the Derivation of the Different Modes of the Past Tense: (from V) Past-DSR1 Past -DSR2 Affirm. Past -* V + /-PNG-/ + (Abl) Interrog. Past -+/is-/ + Affirm. Past 192  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb Past -DSR3 Past -DSR4 Past-DSR5 Neg. Past -v' Neg . nt . rmi lri rt aa1lir.1i di t : cawan m limi ascii t : awan TABLE 18 - Structures generated from v /bawn/ and its VII /t:c'awan/ in the future (55) Future Future, Prox . Future, I .Ob j. , Affix Prox. Affix Affirm. adiscawn ad: iscawmn adasdisc'awn Interr. id: adi s'awfl id: ad: isawn id: adasdi s~awn Neg. uri s cawan urdiis cawani uras di s awan Neg .Int . milmi ysc awan milrmi cdi sawan milmi asdi svawan TABLE 19 - Structures generated from the causatives a) /sc.awn/ and b) /s..awan/ in the future - (ss) Future Future, Prox . Future, I.Ob j. , Affix Prox. Affix Affirm. adi msawan d : imncawan Tnterr. id.: achncawanl ' d: ad: imV'awanL Neg. u ri t :meawan r di me awan Neg. Int. milmi yt :me aw ' lmi di t :rm~awan TABLE 20 - Structures generated from the reciprocals a) /mcawan/ and b) /t:mcawan/ in the future - (55)  Reference Grammar Tama zight _ The Verb Reference Grammar Tama ~ight The Verb I - --T- Future Future, Pr ox. Affix Future, I.ObJ., Prox. Affix Affirm. adit:ucawn adasdit:ueawn Interr. id:aditsucawn id:adasdit:usawn Neg. urit :u awan urasdit:ucawan Neg.Int. milmi it:ueawan milmi asdit:ueawan w TABLE 21 - Structures generated from the passives a) /t:uiawn/ and b) /t:u'awan/ in the future - (ss) VI)4.7.5 Derivation of the Present Tense and Its Different Modes The present tense with its different modes is. derived from VH (or SVH, MVH, MSVH, TuVH). Rules for the Generation of the Present Tense (from VH) Pres-DSR1 Pres-DSR2 Pres -DSR3 Pres-DSR4 Pres -DSR5 Affirm. Pres. --4(da4+ VH + /-PNG- Interrog. Pres. - /is-/ + Affirm. Pres. Neg. Pres. - /ur-/ + Affirm. Pres. Neg-Interrog. Pres.-V/is -/ + Neg. Pres. Movable Affix- >Pre-Verbal Examples of present tense structures generated by the above rules are shown in Tables 22-25. All forms are generated with -PNsGm- (prefix /i-/). Blank boxes indicate the form does not occur. 197  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb Reference Grammar Tarnazight The Verb Present Pres ., Prox. Affix Pres ., I.Obj. , Prox. Affix Affirm. Interrog Neg. Neg. Tnt -+ 4 1 dayt:taa I scayt: 'awan urdayt: "awan isri~t" rawan idadit: awan urdaclit:sawan i surciadi t : awan dasclit: 'cawan isdasdit: 'sawn urdasdi t : awan i su rcadi t : cawane TABLE 22 - Structures generated from /t: c awan/, VH of /c awn/ in the present (SS) Present Pres. ,Prox . Pres., I.ObJ. , Affix Prox. Affix Affirm. day s cawan dadi s cawan da sdi s cawan Interrog. i scday s awan i s dadi s cawan i sda sdi s rawan Neg. urdaysrawan urdadi ssawan urdasdiscawan Neg. Tnt . i surdayssawan isurdadi scawan i surdasdi s~awan TABLE 23 - Structures generated from /sc.awan/, SVH of /Aawn/ in the present (SS) Present Pres., Prox. Pres .,TI.Ob j. , ________ Affix Prox. Affix Affirm. dayt:m'awan dadit:mc'awan Interrog. i sdayt :me awan i sdadi t : mawan Neg. urd~ayt :m'awan urdadi t : mcawan Neg. Int. isurdayt:ms~awan isurdadit:mnsawan TABLE 24 - Structures generated from /t:mw.awan/, MVH of /Sawn/ in the present (SS) 198  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb Refeenc GramarTamaigh TheVer - r- - Present Pres., Prox. Affix Pres.,I.Obj., Prox. Affix Affirm. dayt:ueawan dasdit:ucawan Interrog. isdayt:u awan isdasdit:u awan Neg. urdayt:u 'awan urdasdit :u eawan Neg. Int. isurdayt:ueawan isurdasdit:u'awan TABLE 25 - Structures generated from /t:ucawan/, TuVH of /aWn/ in the present (SS) VI.4.7.6 Derivation of the Aorist The aorist is a dependent tense that does nct occur as sentence initial. It is formed from V (SV or MV) simply by the realization of /-PNG-/. Rules for the Generation of the Aorist (from V): Aor-DSR1 Aorist - V + /-PNG-/ Aor-DSR2 Movable Affixes - Post-Verbal Aorist forms are identical with past tense forms of unablauted stems but differ from those of the ablauted stems by the ablaut. Aorists generated by the above rules are shown in Table 26 for SS forms. All forms are generated with -P NGm (prefix 199  Reference Grammar Tama tight The Verb Reference Grammar Tama zight The Verb Aorist Aorist, Prox. Affix Aorist, I.Obj., Prox.A ff . V iqawn i s awn d i s awnasd SV is awn is awnd isawnasd MV ime awan ime awan d TABLE 26 - Aorists of /e awn/, its SV and MV (ss) VI.4.7.7 Derivation of the Participles This section discusses the derivation of past, present, and future participles both affirmative and negative. The past participle is formed by suffixation of the participle suffix /-n/ to a derived past in -P3NsGm~' Prefixation of /ur-/ gives the negative participle. Either of these two participles is used with subjects of any number or gender. A plural past participle formed by suffixation of /-in/ to past in -P3NPGm- is used only with plural (m,f) subjects. The present participle is formed by suffixation of the participle suffix /-n/ to a derived present structure in -P3NsGm-. Prefixation of /ur-/ gives its negative participle. The future participle is derived by suffixation of the participle suffix /-n/ to a VH after the realization of -P3NsG-. Prefixation of /ur-/ gives its negative participle. A variant affirmative future participle (which has no negative) may be derived by suffixation of the 200  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb aRefen yrencev v amN+ Tae ..ht Th Ver participle suffix /-n/ to a derived aorist in -P3NsGm~. Rules for the Generation of the Participles Part -DSR1 Part -DSR2 Part -DSR3 Part -DSR4 Part -DSR5 Part -DSR6 (Neg) Past Part. . (/ur-/) + Past-P3NSGm_+/-n/ Plural Past Part..--Past + /-n/ VP3NpGm 1 (Neg) Fut. Part.- (/ur-/) + Pres[{P3NsGm- + /-n/ (Neg) Fut .Part . >(/ur -/) + VH + /-n/ [P3NsGm~] Variant Futt. Part.-+Aor, + /-n/ LM- r3sum j Movable A ffix Pre-Participle Participles derived by the above rules for the V 25 /Tawn/ are shown in Tables 27-29 for SS forms. All participles occur in structures using the relative pronouns /n:a/ 'who, that' or /ayra/ 'who will, that will': e.g., /n:a y yawn:/ means 'who helped', /n:a dayt:Kawan:/ means 'who is helping' and /ayra yt:"awan:/ means 'who will help'. - '----.----- - Past. Partic. Past Part., Prox. Affix Past Part., I.Obj., Prox. Affix ___I - - - Affirm. Neg. Plural is awn: uri Fawn: yawn :in diisawn: urdi "awn: drawn: in asdisawn: urasdi "awn: asdeawn:in TABLE 27 - Past Participles of ._..._.- /sawn/ (ss) 201  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb Reernc GamarTanazihtTh Vr I - - Y r Pres.Part. Pres.Part., Prox. Affix Pres . Part. , I.Obj . Prox. Affix Affirm clayt: ?awan: dadit:,sawan.: fdasdit: ?awan1: Neg. urdayt : ,aware urdadi t : awan : lurdasdit: ?awan : TABLE 28 - Present Participles of /t:"'awan/, VII of Fut. Part. Fut. Part., Fut. Part.,I.Obj., Prox. Affix Prox. Affix Affirm. it: awan: dit;"&'wan: asdi : ?awan1: Neg. uri t : awan : Urdi t : awan : urasdi t : ?awa : Variant P'awn: diisawrt: ascdi'awn: Form TABLE 29 -Future Participles of /t:9awan/ (SS) /siawn/ and its Vii 202  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb VI*4,98Summary of DSR's for Temporal, Modal and Participle Derivations (T/M-P) 11 T/M-P--DSR1 Imperative -- V + /-PNG2/ SST MV MSV T/M-P -DSR2 Energetic Imperative - H +/-N2 LMSVH1J T/M-P -DSR 3 Neg. Imper. -4/adur-/ + VII SVHi MVII MSVH + /-PNGI/ T/M-P -DSR4 T/M-P -DSR5 Hortatory-4 V SV MV MSV + /-PNG1/ [+Mtaoemnt f/k:r/ ~ + /-PNG1/ + /ad-/ + /-P1N -/ + rV /yal ah/) S I"V MVS 203  Reference Grammar Tama zight The Verb Reference (T V\wira, imar Theor VerbIi '1 i T/M-P -DSR6 T/M-P -DSRy T/M-P -DSR8 T,/-P DSR T/M-P '-DSR1 T/MP -SR9 T/M-P -DSR1 Affirm. Past -4- V + /-PNG-/ + (Abi) IsV (MV MSV TuV Interrog. Past- /is-/ + Affirm. Past Neg. Past -+-/ur-/ + V + /'-PNG-/ + (Abi) sV MSV TuV Neg-Interrog. Past-.b/is-/ + Neg. Past Affirm. Fut.---+/ad-/ + V + /-PNG-/ )SV JMV MSV LTuV Interrog. Rut -.----+l/id:--/ + Affirm. Fut. Neg .Fut .-,%'ur-/ + r vH 1 +/-N/ 204  fPrPnrmmr Temaziaht The Verb P J. L (L~ TU4. flltur. T. %The Verb. - T/M-P -DSR13 T/M-P -DSRk Interrog. Fiit.,- Qw + Affirm. Pres. -.-,{/da-/~ + /.-PNG-/ +\ + .~ - T/M-P-DSR15 T/M-P -DSR16 T/M-P -DSR1 T/M-P -DSR18 T/M-P -DSR1 T/M-P -DSR2 Interrog. Pres.-.T4/is-/ + Affirm. Pres. Neg. Present -.--}/ur / + Affirm. Pres. Neg-Interr. Pres.3~/is-/ + u- + AfIfirm.Pres. Aorist ---- V + /-PNG-/ sV MV MSV Past Part. --} (/ur-/) + Past -n Pa PN G # /-in/ Plural Present Part..-+(/ur-/) + Pres[ ~]+ /-n/ 205  Reference Grammar Tarnazight The Verb Reference Grammar Terna z~ight The Verb T/M-P -DSR21 Fut. Part. -4{ (/ur-/) + SVHtPNG]_ Aor ±3s~- +/n + /-n/ Affirm.J T/M-P -DSR 22 Movable Af fix -- Post-Verbal / [ -Temporal, Modal prefix or preposition Pre-Verbal / [ +Temp/Mod pref . or prep.] Pre-Participle 206  Reference Grammar Tsemazi gh t The Verb Reference Grammar Terna~,iight The Verb VI.5 Morphophonemic Sketch VIT5.1 Introduction The morphophonemic changes which occur in the dialect under consideration, mainly in verb derivations, may be divided into six classes: voicing assimilation, reduction, hiatus, and change of vowel to glide: (V - G). This section states the morphophonemic changes in * phonemic symbols (in VI.5.2) and then (in VL5.3) gives examples of these changes using verbs from the Verb List and the end of this chapter. Phonemic symbols are written between slashes / /; hyphen /-/ represents morpheme boundary; /# word boundary. VI.5,2 General Rules of Tamazight Verb Morphophonemics The following rules apply to /-PNG-/ inflection and combination of verb with temporal and modal prefixes. These rules are referred to as General Surface Structure Rules (Gen-SSR's) since they affect the shape of any verbal derivation in contexts specified in the examples given in VI.5.3. * For a more elaborate description of verb morphophonemics see Abdel-Massih, Ernest, Tamazight Verb Structure: A Generative Approach, Indiana University Press: Bloomington, Indiana, 1971. 207  Reference Grammar -Tama i gh t The Verb Sequence Voicing Flatness Articulatory Reduction Assimilation Assimilation Assimilation Gen- SSR1 Gen- SSR2 Gen- SSR3 Gen- SSR4 Gen- SSR Gen- SSR6 Gen- S SR7 Gen-SSR8 Gen-SSR9 Gen- SSR10 Gen- S SR11 Gen- SSR12 Gen- SSR13 Gen- S SR14 Gen- SSR15 Gen- SSR16 Gen- SSR17 Gen- SSR18 Gen- SSR19 Gen- SSB2Q Gen- S2 Gen- SSB22 Gen- SSR23 Gen- SSB24 /t-/ . dd / -/dd _ _ _ _ _dd t /d-d/ ~cd /t-t:/ /t 0-t/. . d:" /r-t/ >xt { n-n-v-I) /r-n#I /d-k/ /d-n/ /s-s/ -a t -~rr - > r -4mm - > m: -~kk - * k : kk .~ k: -al. ss 40 S: 208  Reference Grammar Tama7ight The Verb Refeenc GramarThmaigh TheVer Assimilation Assimilation Assimilation /s-z/ Z Gen- SSR25 Gen- S2 Gen- SSR27 Gen-.SSR28 Gen- SSR29 Gen- SSR3Q Gen- SSR31 Gen- SSR32 Gen- SSR33 Gen- SSR34 Gen-SSR35 Gen- SSR36 Gen- SSR37 Gen- SSR38 Gen- SSR39 Gen- SSRkO Gen- SSRt4l Gen- SSR42 Gen- SSR243 Gen- SSR4 /-t/ st -* z: . _. . Zz st Sequence Hiatus /i-i/.-ftiyi /i-a/ - iya /u-s/ uya lu-il > uyi V---G Reduction /u-u/. uyu /a/a/- /#i-a/ /#i -u/ -- jab I!L ->ya ~ya ~ay 209  Reference Grammar VI,5.3 Examples Rule 1 129 /t- 129 /t- 251 /t- 251 /i Tameanight The Verb ., db:r-d/--/d:b:rd/ -db :r/ 3/d: b: r/ -Sm:t-d/- /tsm:d:/ -sm: t-d/- /im: d: / 'you (s) managed' 'she managed' 'you (s) cheated' 'he cheated' Rule 2 138 /t-dr:e/ /r: / 136 /td1:d/- /d:1:ed/ 2 51 /ad-t-nm:t/->/at: Em: t/ 2 51 /ad-t-sm: t-nt/-->/at ; m: tnt 'she screamed' 'you (s) flattened bread' 'she will cheat' / 'you (fp) will cheat' Rule 3 Rule 4 Rule 5 300 /i-c'rd-t/ ) /iert:/ 300 /i-e'rd-t:/------/irt:/ 238 /t-sfd-d/- /tsfd:/ 197 /i-nsd-d/ y/insd: / the invited him' the invited hert 'you (s) wiped' 'he blew his noset ( + prox.) Rule 6 * A numeral preceding an example refers to the number of the simple verb stem in the Verb List from which the form is derived (see Verb List, pp. 262-282). 210  Reference Grammar Tame light The Verb Reference Grammar Tame 7ip2>t The Verb Rule 7 4~6 113 /da-t-t: um-d/-/dat: umd/ /da-tt: awan/-4/dat:sawan/ 'you (s) swim ' she helps Rule 8 88 /da-t:-t-t;sacad/-_/dat:t~sacad/ t'she helps her t Rule 9 378 /da-t-t-ks:a-d/ /dat:ks:ad/ 'you tend it (mY)' Rule 10 113 /add1awr>...-./ad: awny/ 'he helped' (+ proximity) 'I'll help' (+ proximity) 'she folded' 'you (s) embroidered' Rule 11 261 262 /t-tf/ /t:f s / /t-trz-d/ /t;rzd/ Rule 12 104 /zayd-y-t/ /zaydxt/ 'I added it' Rule 13 341 15~7 If f : q: /'I went out't /da-t:fr:aT-/ --./dat~fr:aq:/ 'I am pouring' 211  Reference Grammar Tamca ight The Verb Reference Grammar Terna~A ~ht The Verb Rule 14 113 113 113 /4awn-n/ y --- >/"awn:/ /e'awn-nt/- >.-/ Qawnn t / /awn-n-in/---* /s'awn:in/ /tY 'r:mm/ -> /tyr:m:/ /t-yr :m-m-t / /tyra mmt/ 'they (m) helped' 'they (f) helped' plural participle of / awn / 'you (mp) indemnified' tyou (mp) indemnified' Rule 15 311 311 Rule 16 Rule 17 450 /ur-riy/ > /ur:iy/ 296 /emr-/ > e:r:/ 296 /c'm~r-nt/ >/em:rnt/ 63 /slil-n/. >/slil:/ 63 /slil..nt/ >/silnt/ 'I do not want' 'they (m) filled' 'they (f) filled' 'they (m) rinsed' 'they (f) rinsed' Rule 18 Rule 19 375 279 /ad-t-gn-m/, ,/at:gm:/ /t-z--/ ,/txznmnt/ 'you (mp) will sleep' 'you (mp) stored it' 212  Reference Grammar Tama light The Verb Reference Grammar Thrne 7ight The Verb Rule 20 3 7 /adi-kn-i-sal/--* /ak;nisal/ 'he will ask you (mns) 'he will ask you (nip)t Rule 21 Rule 22 37 200 200 /sdid/ 'be thin'I /isslinnA->;/is :1: mm./ 'we will ask' 'we will hide IT will hide't sv /s-sdid/-..-/s:did/ 'did they (in) greet?' Rule 23 62 232 Rule 24.I 65~ /smid/ 'be cold' SV /5-mid/-../S~id/ /is'-sy:f-n/-.--/is:y:fn/ 'did they harvest the summer crops?' Rule 25 1.38 /ru/ 'happen' SV/-ru ;u 289 /is.-br-n/.-./iz:br:/ 'did they (mn) come back?' 213  Reference Grammar TAmA 7.igrh t The Verb ReferenceI Grammar 4The V h Rule 26 42 8 18 /is-k:a-n/ -../i:k:an/ 'did they (in) doubt?' /zwu/ 'dry' sv /s-zwU/ ~/Z :wL/ /is-zawg:-n/-_-~/iz:awg:n/ 'did they (mn) ask protection? t Rule 27 L436 103 Rule 28 106 /is-zawd-n/----- /iZ:awdrt/ ' did they (in) throw away?'t Rule 29 132 113 113 /is-dl~-n/----/izd1ln/ 'did they (mn) massage?' /is--i-~'avn/---/izdi'awn/ 'did he help?' (+ prox.) /is-da-t: sawan-n/-..../izdat: 'vawan; / 'are they (in) helping?' Rule 30 Rule 31 Rule 32 325 /i-az-t/----/yumst/ 280 /t-.zdm-d/-..-> /dzdmd/ heforbade him' 'he took it (in)' 'you (s) collected wood' 2114  Reference Grammar Tama. tight The Verb Reference Grammar Thins 7ight The Verb Rule 33 2 89 /t~rc/----4/d~brd./ 'you (s) came back' Rules 3)4-.39 /i-i/ W49 /u-a/ 102 /u-i/431 /u-u/ 3 6L 18 113 113 Rules 4o0-43 362 /iniyi/'tell met /ini'as.---- inias/ 'tell him' /d~uyt/ t o (nip)' /ru-i/-- >---- /sryi/ 'rent (for) met /it:uus:a/- /it:uyuis:a/ 'it was tied' /k:aat/e./k~at/ 'doubt (rnp)' /da-as-i-t: qawvan/-+/dasit: "awan/ 'he helps him' /da-ay-i-t: sal/-- /da'4t: sal! 'he asks us' /i -azum/-.j /yazum/ 'he fasted' 'he was nice' 'he found' Rule 44 89 /t-sacbf-td/._-/tsa'ftsid/ 8 /89 /t-sa f-ay-d/f---/tsa~fayd/ tshe was patient with you (s)' (+ prox. ) 'she was patient with him' (+ prox. ) 'she was patient with us' (+ prox.) 215 *  Reference Gramma r Tamazight The Verb Reference Grammar Tema z I gh t The Verb Notes on the Verb in Ayt Seghrouchen (A.S.) Only differences from Ayt Ayache (A.A.) grammar are discussed here. These are /d:/ and /n:/ in A.S., e.g., /rah/ /i- rah-d:/ /i-rah-n:/ to go he came he went there 2 3 In A.S. the present tense prefix is only /l:a-/, e.g., /l:a-i-t tum:/ he is swimming In A.S. the progressive or inchoative prefix is /al-/, e.g., /al-i-.t:um:/ he started to swim In A.S. this morpheme is /is--/ which is the Interrogative oarticle. In most cases in future construction /is-/ is followed by /-d-/, a particle of emphasis, e.g., /is-d-ad-i- um:/ will he swim? The particle is /is-/ but it precedes a verb stem in the Habitual form without a present tense prefix; e.g., /is-i-t : rum: / is he swimming? does he swim? 6 In A.S. there are two negative iarticles: (a) /ur-/ before V, SV, ... in the past and before VH in the formation of the future negative and (b) /ul:i-/ before VH, SVH, ... (present); e.g., 216  Re-'er. ence Grammar Tamaztight The Verb Pe'erence Grammar Tama %ight Tine Verb /i-r um:/ /ur-i-s um:/ /1 :a-i-t: : um:/ /ul :i-i-t :s um:/ /adis urn:/ /urit : urn: / -PNG Imoer. Suffix 2sm -0 2sf .4 2om -m 2pf -nt TABLE 1 - Second Person Imperative Suffixes (A.S.). he swam he did not swim he is swimming he is not swimming he will swim he will not swim 7 -PNG Irner. Suffix 1dm -ax ldf -ntax lnm -max lof -ntax TABLE 2 - Hortatory Suffixes (A.S.). 8 -PNG- Inflectional Affix s x 2s t t 3sm i 3sf t lp n 2pm t m 2pf t nt 3pm n 3pf nt TABLE 3 - Ayt Seghrouchen -PNG- Affixes 217  Reference Grammar Tarnazight The Verb Ablaut in Ayt Seghrouchen may be summed up as follows: i. Unablauted stems: show no ablaut (neither in affirmative not negative) and are represented by the verb stems /um:/ 'to swim' of the structure IIAVCII , /bars/ 'to congratulate' of the structure IIAVCDII , /bd:/ 'to stand up' of the structure |AB:1| , /d7:/ 'to let', /f:u/ 'to dawn', and /bdu/ 'to divide' of the structure LABVII. For conjugations see Table #4 -11 (A.S.). ii. Ablauted Stems: (a) 0:0 ablaut are stems which have no ablaut in Affirmative vast but have /i/ ablaut in the negative. This is represented by /frh/ 'to be happy' /bry/'to grind' (see Table 16 (A.S.) for changes in /-y#/ of this tyre), /qr:r/ 'to decide', /bndq/ 'to bow'. /1:gym:/ 'to twist' and /7: / 'to dismiss' of the structure f|A(:)B(:)(C)(D)U . For conjugations see Tables#12 - 23 (A.S.), (b) i/a ablaut for members of the IIABa#I| structure represented here by /bda/ 'to start'. This groun has /i/ ab'aut for first and second person singular and /a/ for the rest of the PNG paradigm. This is the only group that is ablauted in the future. For conjugations see Tables #24 - 27 (A.S.). (c) i/u ablaut occurs with verbs as/ii/ 'to do', /k:/ 'to pass' /ls/ ' to shear' of the structure IIA(:) | or |hAB| . /i/ occurs with PNG: is, 2s, 2om, f and 3pm,f. /u/ occurs with PNG: 3m,f and 1D. For conjugations see Tables #28 - 31 (A.S.). (d) a - u ablaut refers to change of a to u, e.g., /adf/ 'to enter' or /dial:/ 'to swear' of the structure |NBdlor h(A)BaDht . For conjugations see Tables #32 - 35 (A.S.). 218  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb (e) a - i ablaut refers to change of a to i for on'y two verbs, namely /awd/ to reach',, /awy / ' to take away' See conjugations in Tables #36 - 39 (A.s.). 219  Reference Grammar Tomazight The Verb Refeenc GramarTemaigh TheVer -PNG- Affirm. Neg. Interr. ?ieg. Interr. is cum; Urcum;x iscumsx i surcum:x 3sf tcum: t urtcum: t i stc'um: ti surtc'um:t 3fl i um: u rni um: i s i um: i su rnisum : 2pm tcum:m urtc'um: i stcum:m i surtsum:m 2pf tcum~nt urtcum:nt ist'um:nt isurtc'um~nt 3pm sum: n urcum: n i scum:n i surcum~n 3pf sums nt urcums nt i scum: nt i surcum;nt TABLE 4 (A. S.) - /-PNG-/ oaradigms for unablauted /sum::/ 'to swim' in the past. -PNG- Affirm. Neg. Interr. Neg. Interr. i s acdsum: x u rt: sum ;x i sad ;cum; x i su rt: sum: x 2sm atd: um: t urt : um; t i sadi:'um: t i surit:cum:t 3sm at;cum: urt: ue; i sa3cum: i surt zum; 2pm at : rum; urt :cum: i sat :sum= i surt : um:m 2pf at: sum; nt urt: sum; nt i sat : um: nt i surt: sum: nt 3pm adsum: n ur t: sum;n i sadcum: n i surt :cumf: n 3pf adcum:nt urt: sum:nt isadfium:nt isurt; cum,:nt TABLE 5 (A.S.) - /-PNG- / aradigms for unab1lauted kcumn:/ f to swim f in the future. 220  Reference Grammar Ta rna z i gh t The Verb -PNG- Af firm, Neg. Interrog. Neg.Interr. is 1: at:c'um~x ui: it: 'umzX ist; sum:X isu1: it:g~um:x 3sf 1: at:sum: ui: it: sum; ist: sum: isui: it: sung: 2pm 1; at: sum: m u1: i t: gum: m iet:tum: m i 5Ul:i t: rum: m 3pm isat;vumznt u1:it:cum~nt ist:sum:nt isui:it;sum:fl TABLE 6 (A. S.) / -PNG- / paradigms for unablauted '4um f/in the n resent . 2s sum: t : um: adurt :rum: 2pm rum; m t :sum: m adurt: sum: m 2s f' um: nt t: Tumn:nt adurt : rin: nt TABLE 7 (A. S.)- Imperative structures for unabiauted Aum:' 221  Reference Grammar Tarna zight The Verb -PNG- Affirm. Neg. Tnterrog. Neg .Interr. is bd:x urbd:x isbd;x isurbdl~x 2s tbd: t urtbd; t i stbd :t isurtbd:t 3sm ibd: flribd: i sibd; isuribd: 3sf tbd: urtbd: i stbd: isurtbd: ip nbd.: urribd: i snbd3 isurnbd: 2pm tbcl:m urtbd:m istbd~m isurtbd:m 2pf tbd~rnt urtbd.:nt ustbd:rit isurtbd~nt 3pm bcl:n urbd:n isbd~n isurbd:n 3pf bd.1nt urbd:nt isbd:rit isurbd~nt TABLE 8 (A. S.) / -PNG- / paradigms for unab-Lauted /bd:'/ ft-) stand u& tin the vast. -PNG- Affirm. Neg. Interrog. Neg. Interr, is adbd:x urt:bid: idx isadbd:x i surt :bid: idx 2s at:bd.:t iurt:bid: its isatbd:t isurt:bid: it: 3sm adibd: urit:bid: id isadibd: isurit:bid: id 3sf at:bd: urt:bid: id isadtbd: isurt:bid: id ip an: bd: urnt :bid: id isadnbd : i surnt: bid: id 2pm at:bd.:m urt:bid:idm isadtbd:rn isurt:bid: idm 2pf at:bd:nt urt:bid:idnt isadtbd:nt isurt:bid: idnt 3pm adbd:n urt:bid:idn isadbd :n i surt :bid.:idni 3pf adbd:nt urt:bid:idn isadbd:nt isurt:bid: idnt TABLE 9 (A.S.)- /-PNG- / paradigmns f ,rrlnablauted /bd: / ' ti stand uo' in the future. 222  Reference Grammar Tama tight The Verb Reference Grammar Tama zight The Verb -PNG- Affirm. Neg. Interrog. Neg. nterr. is i:at:bid: idx ui; it:bid: idx ist~bid: idx isui: it:bid: idx 2s I:at:bid: it: u1:it:bidi:it: ist~bid: it: isui: it:bid: it : 3sm 1: ayt:bid: id ui: iyt:bidi:idl isit~bid: id isul: iyt:bid: id 3sf 1:at:bid: id ui:it:bid.:id ist:bid:id isui:it:bid; id ip i:ant:bid: id ui:int:bid: id i5Tt:bid: id isu1: ift:bid: id 2pm 1:at:bid: idm ui:it:bid: idm 15t:bid: idm. isui: it:bid: idm 3pm i:at:bid~idnt ui:it:bid: idnt ist:bid:idnt isui:it:bid: idnt 3pf i:at:bid, idnt ui: it:bid: idnt ist:bidsbicnt isu1: it:bid:jdlt TABLE 10 (AS,)- /-PNG-/ paredcgms for unablauted /bd:/ ,to stand up' in the present -PNG# Imper. Energetic Irner. Neg. TImner. 2pm bd:m t:bidl:idm adurt:bid: idm 2pf bd:nt t:bid ;idnt adut~bids.idnt TABLE U. (A.S.) - rIvn'erative structures for unablauted /bd:/ t t stand up'. 223  Refer. ence Grammar Tema eight The Verb -PNG- Affirm. Neg. Interrog. Neg. Tnterr. is f 1luc urfrihx i sfr.x i surfrihx 3m urifrih isifrh isurifrih 3pf tf rj urtfrih i stf i surtfjih ip nfxl un:f'i1h isnfrh isun~frih 2pm tfrlm urtfrihm i stf ram i surtf' 'ihm 2pf tf r4nt urtf rihnt i stf rnt i sur tfrihnt 3pm fxhn urfrihn isf'rhn i surfrihn 3pf foxnt urf ji15.nt i sfrhnt i surf rihnt TABLE 12 (A. S.) - /--PNG-J paradigmns for /frh/ 'to .be happy," of the 0:0 ablaut in the past -PNG- Affirm. Neg. Interrog. Neg. Interr. is adfrhx u~fx1tx isadfrx isurfr:hx 2s at~frht urtfr~ht isat:frYit isurth'r~ht 3sm adifrlQ urifr;h ieadifrh isurifs1 3sf at~frh urtfr~h isat; frh isurtfr~h ip an~frh urnfr'&1 isan~frh isurnfr':Y. 2pm at~frhri urtfr:Ihm isat:frhm isurtfr:1hm 2pf at ;fj 1hnt urtf' :lint i sat ;f rhnt i surtf r;it 3pm adfxln urfr':hn i sadfrhn isurf';1hn 3pf adfrhmt urfrlirt i saclfrhnt i surfr ;ant TABLE 13 (A.S.) - /-PNG-/ paradigms for /frh/ 'to be happy' in the futureso 224  Reference Grammar Tama light The Verb Reference Grammar Tame TIght The Verb TABLE 14 (A. S.) /-PNG-/ p~aradigms for ,/j'rh/ 'to be happ~y' In the preset 2ffhtf':1nt adurfr:hnt TABLE 15 (A.S.) Imperative structures fcr ablauted /frh/ 'to be happy'. 225  Reference Grammar Tama tight The Verb -PNG- ;,Affirm. Neg. Interrog. Neg. Interr. is brix urbrix isbrix isurbrix 2sm tbrit urtbrit istbrit isurtbrit 2sibry u rib riy i sib ry i sur:ibri y 3sf' tbriy urtbriy istbry isurtbriy ID nbry urnbriy isnbry isurnbriy 2om tbrirn urtbrim istbrim isurtbrim 2of tbrint urtbrint istbrint isurtbrint 3pm brin urbriyn isbrin isurbrin 3pf brint urbriy-nt isbrint isurbrint TABLE i6 (A. S.) - /-PNG-/ for /Ibry/ 'to grind' of the (,,*:O ablaut in t he past d -PNG-~ Affirm. Neg. Interrog. Neg. Interr. is adbrix urbr:ix isadbrix isurbr:ix 2s at:brit urtbr:it idat:brit isurtbr:it 3dm adibriy uribr:y isadibry isuribr:i 3sf at:bry urtbr:y isat:bry isurtbr:i ip an:bry urnbr:y isan :bry isurnbr: i 2Drn at:brim urtbr:im isat:brim isurtbr:im 2of at:brint urtbr:int isat:brint isurtbr:int 3pmn adbrin urbr:in isatdbrin isurbr: in 3pf adbrint urbr:int isadbrint isurbr: int TABLE 17 (A.S.) /-PNG-./ paradigms for in the future. /bry/ 'to grind' 226  Reference Grammar Tama tight The Verb -PNG- Affirm. Neg. Interrog. Neg. Interr. is 1:abr:ix ul :ibr:ix isbr:ix isul:ibr:ix 2s 1:atbr:it u1:itbr:it isibr:it isul:itbr:it ism 1:aybr:y ul1:iybr:y isibr:y isuli:iybr:y 3sf i:atbr:y uI:itbr:y istbr:y isui:itbr:y l :anbr:y ut :ibr:ix isnbr: i. isul :inbr:im 2pm 1_:atbr:im ul:itbr:it istbr:im isul:itbr:iri 2' 1 :atbr:int ui_:itbr:iy istbr:int isul :itbr:int TABLE i8 (A.S.) - !-PNG--./ Paradigms for the present. /bry./ 'to grind' in -PNG# Imper. Energetic Imnper. Neg.Tmoer.. 2s bry br:y adurbr:y 20m brim br:im adurbr:irn 2pf brint br:int adurbr:int TABLE 19 (A.S.) - Piperative structures for /bry/ ' to gritnd' , 227  Reference Grammar Tama 7,igh t The Verb -PNG- A 'fire. Neg. Inters. Neg. Interrn is z urz;i'x isz: rX isurz: P'x 3sm iz~r uriz:is iiz:c i5uriZ:JAs 2pm tt : m urtz :ism i stZ : cm i surtz :ism 3pm as urz: icn isz: 'n isurz: 1cn TABLE 2r) (A.S.) /-PNG-/ tDaradl.gms for /z:c'/ ' to chase' 1:0) ajb.aut in the past,' o f the -PNG- A firm. Neg. Interr, Neg. Interr. is at:z~x urt:zcx istz~ctisurtzi'tx 3sm ai uritz 1zcsur1z:i 3sf a urt:;:c isti~sc isurtz:i" ip a :T urnt:z: c is :cisurnz: is 2pm at: z: cmn urt :; cm i stz : c isurtz :ism 3pm adz :,m urt :z : cn i stz ; n i1sur : i rn 3pf adz : cnt urt :z : cnt i sz ; nt i surz : i nt TABLE 27- (A. S.) - /-PNG-1/t aradigans for fuLur-e. /s:/ 'to chase' in the 228  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb Reference Grammar Ternazight The Verb TABLE 22 (A. S.) - /--PNG-/ pa radigms fo r /z ? to chase' in the present. *-PNG# Imper. Energetic Imnoer. NaIg. PIper. 2s Z ;sadurt:; 2pm z: cm t:z:ri adurt:z:yin TABLE 23 (A.S.) -Irnerative structures for 'z:c./ 't-) chase'?. 229  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb ipsbdx unbdi isbdx isurbdix 2pm tbdim urtbditn istbdit isurtbdirn 3sf tbdant urtbdint istbdantisurtbdit 3om tbdant urtbdint istbdant isurtbdint 3pf bdant urbdint isbdant isurbdint TABLE 24 (A.S.) -'-PNG-/ paradigm~s for 1bda / the i/a ablaut in the oa st . 'to begin' of TABLE 25 (A.S.) -./-PNG-/ paradigms for :/bda./ 'to begin' of the i/a (only tyoe ablauted) in the future. 230  Reference Grammar Tama7iht The Verb -PNG- Affirm, Neg. Interr. Neg. Interr. is 1:abd:ix ul.:ibd:ix isbd:ix isui:ibd:ix 2s l:atbd:it ul:itbd:it istbd:it isui:itbd:it ism li:aybd:a ul:iybd:a isibd:a isui:iybd:a 3s f i:atbd :a ui :itbd :a i stbd :a i sub : itbd: a In l:anbd:a ui:inbd:a isnbd:a isui:inbd:a 2Dm i:atbd:am ui:itbd:am istbd:am isui:itbd:am 2nf li:atbd:ant ui :itbd:ant istbd:ant isui :itbd:anit 3rm i:abd :an uli:ibd : an isbd :an i sui :ibdl: an 3pf 1:abd:ant ul:ibd:ant isbd:ant isui:ibd:ant TABLE 26 (A. S.) - /-PNG~-/ Daradigrns for /bdla/ 'tc begin' in the present. TABLE 27 (A. S.) - Tmperative structures of /bda/ ' to begin' . 231  Reference Grammar Tema z, i g h t The Verb Reference Grammar Tema zight The Verb -PNG- Affirm. Neg. Interr. Neg. Interr. is dlix urdlix isdlix isurdlix 2s tdlit urd:lit isd:lit isurd:1.it 3sm idlu uridli isidlu isuridli 3sf tdlu urdOli isd:lu isurd:' i ip ndlu urndii isndl' i sur ndli 2pm d:lim urd:iim isd: 1.ir isurd:limn 2pf d:lint urd:lint isd:lint isurd:lint 3Tm duin ardlin isdlin isur dlin 3e f dlint urdlint i sdlin t i surdi int TABLE 28 (A.S.) / -PNG- / oaradigms for ./dl/ 'to cover' of the i/u ablaut in the nit st . -N- Affirm. Neg. Interr. Neg. Interr. is ad:lx urd:aix isad:lx isurd:alx 2s at:dlt urtd:alt isat:dlt isurtd:alt 3sm adidi urid:el isadidi isurid:el 3sf at:dl urtd:al iset:dl isurtd:al In an:dl urnd:al isan:dl isurnd:a.. 20m at:dlm urtd:alm isat:dlm isurtd:alrn 2ivf at:dlnt urtd:alnt isat:dint isurtd:alnt 3pm ad:ln urd:aln isad:In isurd:ain 3pf ad:lnt urd:alnt isad:int isurd:alnt TABLE 29 (A.S.) /-PNG-/ paradigms for /d1/ the 'utu re. 'to cover' in 232  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb -PNG"- Affirm. Neg, Interr. Neg. Inteirr. Is 1:ad:elx ui:id:aix isd:alx~ isul:id:alx ismn i:ayd:al ui:iyd:ai isid:al isul:iyd:ai 3sf i:atd:ai ui:itd:al istd:al isul:itd:al 1lo ) :and:al ul :irid:al isnd:ai isui *ind:ei 2om i :atd:alm ul :itd:aim istd:aim isui :itd:a m 2Df i:atd:aint ul:itd:eint istd:aint isul:itd:alnt 3tom l:ad:aln ul :id:aln isd:aln isui :id:aIln 3of i:ad:aint uliId:alnt isd:alnt isul:id:aint TABLE 30 (A. S.) - /-PNG-./ paradigrms for /dl/ ' to cover' In th-re etPNG# Iiper. Energetic Imi ner. Neg. Imper 2s di d:ai adu-rd:a1! 2vm dim d : airm du rd :aim 2of dint d:alnt adurd:eint TABLE 31 (A.S.) - Itperative structures for /dl/ ' to cover' . 233  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb -PNG- Affirm. Neg. Interr. Neg. Interr. 1sudfx uru~dfx isudfx isurudfx 2s tudft urtudft istudft isurtudft 3sm yudf uryudf isyudf isuryudf 3sf tudf u rtudf i stud-f i su.rtudf Innudf' un:udf isnudf isun:udf 27om tudfm u rtudfrnm istudfm i su rtudfm 2pf tudfnt urtudfnt istudfnt isurtudfnt 37pm udfn urudfn isudfn isurudfn 3pf udfnt urudfnt isudfnt isurudfnt TABLE 32 (A.S.) f-PNG-./ paradigms for /adf/ 'to enter' of the a - u ablaut in the o~ast . -PNG- Affirm. Neg. Interr. Neg. Interr. is adadfx urt:adfx isadadfx isurt :adfx 2s at :eadt u rt :adit i sat :adft i surt :eadft 3smn adyadf urit:adf isadyadf i sur:t:adf 3sf at:adf urt:adf isat:aedf ~ isurt:adf in an:adf urnt:adf~ isan:adf isurnt:adf' 2Dm at:adfm urt:adfmn isat:adfm isurt:adfm 2pf at:adfnt urt:adfnt isat :edfnt isurt:adfnt 3nm adadfn urt:adfn isadedfn isurt :adfn 3pf adadfrit ur t :adfnt isadedfnt isurt:adfnt TABLE 33 (A.S.) /.-PNG-./ paradigms for /adf / ' to enter? in the future, 234  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb -PNG- Affirm. Neg. Interr. Neg. Interr. is 1:at:adfx uil:i t:adfx i st :adf~x i sui: it: adf x 2s i:at:adft ui:i t:adft ist:adft isul :it:adft ism i :ayt:adf ui :iyt:adf isit:adf isui:iyt:adf~ 3sf i :at :adf ul :it :adf ist:adf' isul:t:af 2pm 1:at:adfm ul:it:adf'm ist:adfm isui:it:adfm 2of i:at:adfnt ul:it:adfnt ist:edfCnt isui:it:adfnt 3oam 1:at:adfn ul:it:adfn ist:adfn isui :i.t:adfn TABLE 34 (A.S.) !- PNG-/I oa re digm s for the present. .adf / ' to enter' i n -PNG# Irnoer. Energetic Irper. Neg. Imper. 2s d t:adf adurt:adf 2 adfrtl t :adf'm adu rt :adfm 2pf a adfnt t:adfnt adurt:adtnt TABLE 35 (A.S.) - Imperative structures for /adf/ ' t enter' . 235  Reference Grammar Tama light The Verb Reference Grammar Terna 7ight The Verb -PNG- Affirm. Neg. Interr, Neg. Interr. i s iwd1x u riwc~x i siwdx i su riwdx 2s tiwt: urtiwt: istiwt: isurtiwt: 3smri yiwd uryiwd tsyiwd isuryiwd 3sf tiwc urtiw . istiwc isurtiwt it0 niwd urniwd isniwd isurniwd 2rm tiwdrnt urtiwdnt istiw~nt isurtiwrnt 3Dm iwln uriwdn i siwdn i su riwdn 3n f iwdnt u riwdnt i siwdnt i su ±*An t TABLE 36 (A.S.) /-PNG ,./ Da radigrns of /awd./ Ito reach.' of the a - i ablaut in the east, -PNG- Affirm. Neg. Interr. Neg. Interr. is a daw~x urt : awlx i s d-awdJx i su rt :wx 2s at:awt: urt:awt: ~set: awV: isurt:ewt: 3sm adyawd uri t : awc isadyewd i surit : aw 3sf at:aw-d urt:awd isat:awd isurt:awd 1a an : awQ urnt :awd i san :awd i su rnt :awd 2rn at :awc~m urt :awdA I sa t :awcm i surt :eawdm 2p f a t :awlnt u rt :aw~nt isa t :awdrit i su rt :awdn t 3pm adawdn u rt :awdn isadawdn isu.tit : ewcn 3n f adawdnt u rt :awnnt i sa dawdnt i surt :awdn t TABLE 37 (A.S.) - /-PNG-/ paradigms of /awd/ future. 'to reach' in the 236  Reference Grammar. Tarnazight The Verb Reference Grammar Tarna zight The Verb -N Affirm. Neg. Interr. Neg. Interr. i s : a t :awdx ul: i t :awdx i st :awdx i su l:it :awdx 2s !:at oawt: ul:it:awt: ist:awt: ;isui:it:awt: 0 0" .ad l:it:w st:w su lt;w 3sf i:at:awd ul:it:awd ist:awdl isui; it:awd 19 i :ant :awd ul :int :awd i snt 'isiin~w 2pm i:at:awlrti ul :it:awdA ist:awiA isuI:it:awd& 3pni i:at:awdn ui:it:awdn ist~awdln isui:i t:awdn TABLE 38 (A. S.) - PNG-,/ rnaradig'rs for /a W4± v Cea c in the present. 2s ad tawdadurt :awdt TABLE 39 (A. S.) - Imperative paradigms of /awd/ ' to reach'?. 237  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb 10 Stem derivations in Ayt Seghrouchen differ slightly in their realization from those in Ayt Ayache. (See Sample Acnendix B.) 11 Rules for Temporal Modal and Participle derivat'ons in A.S. are identical with those of A.A. except for the difference in Temp-Mod Affixes mentioned in #2 - 6 above. Differences in Verb Morphophonemics are here listed for A.S.: Rule 5 /d-t:/ * dt: /isard-t:./ i rdt: he invited her Rule 10 Rule 13 Rule 17 Rule 18 Rule 19 Rule 20 /-d-d#/ - /-d-d-/ ) /i-war d-d/ )" /ad-d- awn- / /- y-x#/ ) /f:Y-x/ - /r-n#/ ') /l-n#/ - /s:li-n/ ) /-n-m#/ - /ad-t-in-m/ > /d-g/ )- /ad-E-i-sal ) dd: d: iwar dd: ad:' awny he came (+ proximity) I'11 helo (+ proximity ) I went out /rn#/ c m:rn /- In# s:liln /-nm# at:.nm /:/ ai:isal they (m) filled they (m) rinsed he will ask you (ns) 238  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb Reernc Gama.T=aihtTh Vr Rule 22 Rule 25 /ad-n-sal---.--- an: sal we will ask /-s--) /-S7_ / /S- -.u/ /S VU1 sV of / rU/ Similarly, 26. 27 /s ! is /S- Z / 'S 7/ 239  Reference Grammar Tameright The Verb Verb Sample Appendices and List Introduction to Annendix A (from Ayt Ayache) Appendix A contains 77 unaugmented verb stems and their derivatives arranged alphabetically according to the class or sub-class to which V belongs (see Chapter 4 for classification of verb stems). The alphabetical order for classes and sub-classes both in the Appendix and the verb list is: a b b: d d: d d: f f: g g: g g: h h h: i k k: kk: 1 1: 1 1: m m: n n: q q: q q: r r: r r: s s: s s: E : t t: t t: u w w: x x: x y y: z z: z z: z z: A Y Y: Y Each of the numbers 1-77 in Appendix A and 1-450 in the verb list refers to an unaugmented verb stem and its derivatives. The 450 verb stems represent the verbs of the corpus of the research on the Ayt Ayache dialect. As they appear in the verb list, they are grouped into two types: A - unablauted (1-115), B - ablauted (116-450). Each type has two classes, A and B, which in turn are grouped into sub-classes with an Arabic numeral preceding each sub-class. At the beginning of each class in the Appendix appears the general underlying structure of its sub-classes; at the beginning of each sub-class appear the maximum possibilities for its underlying structure with an illustrative example or examples used to name the sub-class: e.g., in the Appendix Class I of type A appears as Unablauted 1. A(B)(C)a 2. AVC 3. ABVC and sub-class I appears as 1. Aa fa AB(C)a Ek:a, itka AVCa dawa, fuk: a 240  Reference Grammar Tama zight The Verb Sometimes more examples are shown listed in the Appendix. There are two major sets for any listing (V and its derivatives) in the Appendix. One set is that of unaugmented forms, the other of augmented forms. A maximum of five listings a) to e) appears, in most cases, for each set. For the unaugmented set: a) lists V followed by an English translation as infinitive without 'to'. Next to the meaning the symbol 'ar' means Arabic loan, 'ma' Moroccan Arabic loan; no symbol means native or Tamazight. Finally "t" means transitive, "i" intransitive, "nt (i.e. neutral) both transitive and intransitive. b) lists the habitual form of the simple stem VH c) lists a noun of action derived from the simple stem: N-act. Parenthesis show a plural if it exists: e.g. 5 c) afuk:a (ifuk:atn)*; or a plural suffix 9 c) s:wal (-at) d) lists a noun of agent. If no further information follows, this means that the noun under consideration is a "Sound" masculine singular (ms) noun which follows a regular pattern in deriving a masculine plural (mp), a feminine singular (fs) and a feminine plural (fp): e.g. 22 d) /amkaf/ 'fortune-teller' (ms) derives: /imkaifn/ (mp), /tamkasft/ (fs), /tirnkafin/ (fp). If the derivations do not follow the above pattern, they are listed with plurals (or plural prefixes) in parenthesis: e.g. This information is, of course, debatable. However, the author's native knowledge of Arabic, the discussion of these verb stems and their derivatives with the informant and the consultation of various dictionaries, such as Wehr's and Harrell's lead the author to the conclusions shown in this Appendix. ** Numbers refer to the place of V in Appendix A. 241  Reference Grammar Tamaz ight The Verb 36 d) bulhim:am (id-) m:lhm:m (ist-) Some nouns are followed by *f which means that mp is a possible derivation whereas fs and fp are not: e.g. 28 d) abr:ah ; *f e) lists a noun (ms or fs) followed by (instr.) if it is a noun of instrument, (loc.) if it is a noun of place, or (occup.) if it is a noun of occupation: e .g. 36 e) lhm:am (loc.) 46 e) lebra (instr.) Plurals appear in parenthesis if they exist. Augmented stems appear in this order: Causative, Reciprocal, and Passive. The maximum number of forms that any augmented stem can show is three a) to c) where a) lists causative SV, reciprocal MV, passive TuV which are all derived from unaugmented V b) lists habitual forms of causative SVH, of reciprocal MVH, of passive TuVH. c) lists a N-act derived from the causative SV or the reciprocal MV (rather then from V): e.g. 25 c) amnwawan a) and b) of the recipro-causative forms appear partly in the causative and partly in the reciprocal columns. These are: a) MSV b) MSVH e.g. 4 a) msfafa b) t:msfafa Appendix A is compiled on the basis of derivation and 242  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb occurrence. That is, V is the starting formative from which the other forms are derived by rules of generative grammar. The justification of the horizontal order, a) V SV MSV MV TuV is based on derivation of all augmented forms from V. Note that some MSV's can occur without corresponding SV's which shows they are derived from V'ts: e.g. 43 a) msl:am b) t:msl:am The order SV MSV MV is justified by the derivation of MSV from SV. The Passive is the form with the least occurrence and the one the least used even when it occurs. The informant said that it is preferrable to use the active rather than the passive as much as possible. Its main occurrence is with the third person, however it may occur with other persons. Sometimes a passive is derived from SV; e.g. 33 TuSV (t:usfrh); for these reasons, the passive form is put last. The justification of the vertical order is that all forms on lines b) and c) are derived from a). Forms on line d) are derived (in many instances) from c): e.g. 29 a) bs:r b) t:bs:ar c) ab6:r d) ab§:ar Frequency of occurrence is also an important factor (see footnote). For percentages of occurrence, see Abdel-Massih, Ernest, Tamazight Verb Structure: A Generative Approach, University of- an-sa:B1oomngon,19 a;---Tai-e 9. ohal number of the unaugmented verb stems (450) comprises the 100% shown in the table; the other percentages listed are based on the total number of the unaugmented verb stems (450 - 100%). The percentage of SV is 35.11, MV 31.11, MSV 13.55, TuV 31.77, N-act 78.22, N-agt 19.33 and N-instr, loc, occup 3.33. 243  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb The system shown in Appendix A is an open system. Thus, for example, 20 /Iadr/ 'be present' has /shadr/ - SV, /shaldar/ - SVH whereas 78 /kasf/ ' foretell' has no causative stems. The causative of /kaef/ is left blank, however, if a native speaker of Tamazight supplies a causative for this stem it will be one that the generative rules for causative derivation have stated in VI.4..3. The same is true for other derivations. Throughout the Appendix transitivity is marked only for V and VH. SV's (and SVH's) are necessarily transitive whether or not the underlying V is transitive. TuV' s are mainly derived from transitive V's; however, TuV' s (and TuVH's) are intransitive and have as their subject the direct object of V's. All the above information applies to Appendix B (from Ayt Seghrouchen ), except that Appendix B is not followed by a Verb List as is Appendix A. 244  Reference Grammar Tama:z fight The Verb ReeeceGamaaazih TeVr Verb Sample Appendix A (Ayt Ayache) A. UnablTaut ed 1. i. 2. 3. I A(B)(C)a II II AVC II II ABVD II C a l 1AVCa 11 'sk: a dawa ~stka fuk:a Unaugmented Augmented _____ Causative1 Reciprocal JPassive 1 2 3 a) b) 'c) a) b) c) a) b) dawa t cur et t: dawa adawa (idawatn) dr :a 'do harm' d:arar (Id-) ar t sdawa sdawa ar t t :udawa t : udawa t:udr':a t :tdr a fa t: fa I yawn't 1 sf'a sf a 245  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb Reference Grammar Tamaz ight The Verb afafa 'wake ups b)t:fafa i a) fuk~a 'undo, get ar t someone out of' trouble' s faf a sfafa a) msfaf a b) t:msfafa sfuk: a sfuk: a a) msfuk: a b) t:msfuk:a cask: a t:msk; a 6 7 b) c) a) b) c) a) b) c) t fuk: a afuk~a (ifuk:atn) sk~a 'doubt' s" k:a ar i t:Us~k: a t :usk: a t :u s tk8, t :ustka s tka 'complain' ar i t:stka 2 46  Reference Grammar Tamaz fight The Verb RefeenceGramar amazigh TheVer 2. IIAVOII sal, nib, sum m 8 9 10 11j a) b) a) b) c) q.:is 'tell s tori es' t:q;: is sal t'ask't t: sal s~wal (-at) ar t ar t ar I a) sib 'become white- haired' b) c) a) b) c) di) t :Msb s: ib asiban ; * fp sum tswim? t :ru t aQu mt a~w: am m:q: is t TIXI: is m; sal t :msal sc~um s sum a) m: scum * b) t:m: scum t :u sal t :u sal ar i I I 1._ _ _ _ _ * 'bathe' 2 47  T~cl n a Vy~Q wmn Tarnaz ight The Verb ne~&~l lC IJ L.L ~adIL La& 3. 11 ABVDI1 xtar, s il, gzul - I 12 13 14k a) b) a) b) la) b) c) a) b) c) a) b) c} a) b) a) b) an:ay 'see' t an ay azum 'fast' t: azum t ar t 16 17 18 gzui 'be short' t : gZul tagzi thi 'e nice' t: iZii t ; aZ:l t cl ii 'rinse' t:slil aslil tsar 'make dirty' t: tsar xtar 'choose' t :xtar i t t ar t lw s: gzui s : gzul s:iZil s: iZi1 s:Xtar s~xtar Tr t --- nyal: ay tmyan :ay t:uyan: ay t :UYafl ay t :llslii t:uslil t :utsarI t :uxtar " t :uxt8X . r r... I L 248  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb Reference Grammar Tamaz ight The Verb ii. 11 AVCDII h~adr, d:irz, hudir 19 20 21 22 23 a) b) a) b) c) 7 d: iZ 'step back' t : di ri z haad~r'be a present t :hadar ahiadr si: irz 5: iriz shadr shadiar ar i a) hudr 'bend, be lows i b) c) a) c) a) b) c) di) ahucir kasf 'foretell' ar i t~kasaf' aka sf amkas f shu dur t :ukasf t : uka'saf safr 'travel' t: safar s: fr amsaf'r ar i 249  Reference Grammar Tamazight. The Verb Reerne ramr amzigt h Vr 2Lk b) c) d) a) b) c) di) zawr 'be nilghb or! t : awar az awr ad: zar t : sawan a rawn axnc'awnl ar t ar n m awar t mi awar sc.awn s'?awan me' aware t: ms awane am'1 aware t :uc awn t : u"awane I___ 9 - B. Ablauted 2. 3. 0] IAB(: )OD 11 IaBO0DlI I B : ,0D1 frf h frh , sO - tif~ t Unaugment ed }AugPantiv 26 a) bdr b) bd: r tmen tion! t s~bdr s; :brar t:ubd~r t :ubdar 250  Reference Grammar Tama z figh t The Verb ReI~erence Grammar Tamaz ight The Verb 27 28 29 30 a) bci: 1 change' b) t~bci:al c) abl: 1 ar t a) b) cd) br: h 'announce' ma j t:br:ah ab r :ah ; ;; f sb d: 1 sbd.;al a) b) sbl: r sb s:;ar s:bcl $ :bc'ac a) b) a) bs:r' 'give good ar i n ews t b) t:bs:ar c) abs;r di) ab s: ar mbd : al t :mbd.:al msbd: al t:rnsbd: al mbs ar t mb s:ar msbs ad t :msbs'ad t ;ubd :1 t:ubd: al t:ubs:r t : ub s:ar a) b) c) bsd 'be far' t b s'ad. ar i 251  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb Refeenc Grmma Taaz ghtTheVer 3'1 32 33 a) cihn b) t:dJ c) adh~ 'rub ointment' ar t m:dhian t: mf: dh8an aar a) fqr 'take lunch't ar i I S:fdcr b) c) fd~r ifdu s : f dar a) b) ms f dar t : msf dar t :udb t:udhan t :ufrh t :ufrah. t :Usfrh* t:usfrah t:ufs:r t :fl : ar a) frh. 'be happy' ar i b) t:frah ^ fr:h c) afrah s:fr 'ah a) mesfrali b) t:msfrah a) f's:r ' explain' b) t~f's;ar c) afs~r ar t :ar *this passive is derived from the causative rather than from the unwagmented verb stem 252  Reference Grammar Tamaz ight The Verb RereenceGramar amazigh TheVer 36 37 J a) b) c) ci) e) ahb :as Thbs (loc.) ib s 'imprison' ar t t31hbas a) tum: m 'b ath e' ar i b) t:hm:am c) ahim:m shin; m s1 m, am t ;:uhb s t :uh'bas t;uhsin t euhsam a) hm 'govern , judge't ar i b) c) di) t: .am lhak:mn (lhk;amn) 138 a) hz~in 'wear a belt? ar iI hZ: am t :mhlIZ am b) c) d) t : zam ahz ;im Thzam (ici-) (instr'.) 253  PoPorAnnP grammar Tamaz fiht The Verb f. v i t.# C (I sarnnu ? arazi ..he Veb. % ~-- v 39 40o 4~1 4[2 a) b) c) a) b) c) d) e) neb t n sab an sab nsr nls: r an sar 'make stew' ma Ji ' saw' lmnsar (id-') ar t (instr.) art' art' ,b le a) rgm b) rg:m c) argam a) sl:k 'insult' 'give a reasona price' m; rgam t mrgam a) msl :aka b) t~msl:ak msl~am t ;fsl: am t :uflst t :unlsay' t : utrgm t:ut'gam b) c) d) t: sl:ak asl:k amisl:k 413 a) sl:m 'greet' b) t~sl~am c) slam * ?betolerant ar i 25)4  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb Reference Grammar Tarnaz ight The Verb 44 4~5 L.6 )47 a) xiim b) Xd:rf c) lxdtt d) axd:am a) zdm b) zd:m c) azcdam d) azd: am a) 'br tworkI ar n~ 'collect woods t S :Xdf s:;Xclam a) msxdam b) t:msxciam mom: ar t msm: ai t :uxdm t: uxdain t :u sbr t un~'bar I measure, weigh' ar t b) c) d) e) t: tbar 1l'bar as b: ar ";- f Jsbra (-t) (iristr.) a)c'm:r 'fill' b) t:~'m~ar c) ac~ ar t 255  Referencerammar Tamazight The Verb Ticf6 y6 nnp (Th uamaT' arazigh Te er L48 a) b) c) y1: f 'wrap't t:Tias ayKL:f a t t:uyl: f t 0uyl :af 2. 11 aBO~1 axnoz a amp 419 a) b) a) b) a) b) c) agm t: agm amni t : arnn 'bring water from a well f t 'believe' 'order' ar n ar I 51 ar t : amnr lamr (lamxir) a) amz 'take' b) t : arn c) un' 'o~ umz imz t iyaman t myaman xyamaz t : yamaz inya say t :niya say t :UYL1IfZ t : u yUS3T t:uyasay a) b) c) asy t: asy i sy 'carry' t s:asay 256  Refereflce Grammar Tama2sight The Verb Tamaslgkit The Verb__ a) awd b) t:awd a) awry b) t ;aw0y 'reach' ni s: iwd s; awad s :away ryawad. t :myawad myaway t ryaway 'take awayt t _i , 3. IOB: 0D 11 O f :0r - : r b) t:b:y c) ubuy a) f :r 'hide' t b) t~f:r c) tufra a) £:y 'go out' i b) t:fT c) uf'uy a) k:r I'get up' i t myab~ ay myaf ; ar t: !Tyaf' :ar s:ufY s ;ufuy Ib) t:k: r 257  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb Rererence Grammar Taniazight The Verb 60 61 a) b) a) b) Z:y e"Z 'milk' 'di smi ss t myaz :as t: azyaz t~tiz: t:uyaz :as __ ___ 1.._ __ _ _ _ _ ii 0: i/a [-iMet] [±Met] [+diIT] 1. laB [-Met] liaB [ -Met]J IlaB [+Met] [-Met] 0DIl [+Met] aft af as:Ok a -4a~ ar,0r -Y rare -4rar I I U 62 63 a) b) a) b) c) af t: af a 'find' t myaf a t:ifyaf a myas :ka t: ryas :ka t :uyffa t :uy2f a as:k thelost' t: as ka us:ki i 258  Reference Grammar Tamaz fight The Verb Rererence Grammar Tarnaz ight The Verb a) rar 'return, n give back' b) t:rara c) tararit: mrara t:nn'ara IIOAB(:)0 1I [ -Met] [Met] Og. g 1s--} is, g,r gr Og: 0 g: 0 bd:o _ bd: 66 67 68 a) b) c) a) b) a) b) c) a) b) c) bd: ' stand up'l t:bd:a ibd:i g 'be, do' t. "g. a gr 'throw away't g: a taguiri g: 'knead' t: " tig:it 1 n t t sbd; sbd; a myag~a t:flyag: a m: gar t :m: gar 259  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb Reference Grammar Tarnazight The Verb 69 a) k:; 'pass, visit' b) t:k~a c) tik:it s: ik: s ak: a a) b) msak: a t :msak: a 70 I a) is 'get dressed' t Is:'s t :1isa t :u15a b) c) is :a rnisiwt 5 ; isa II OB:Pu II IA(: )Bf0u 11 3. IIAB:10u1 1iBo0ijI Od:0u-.d: u g:r,0uu g:ru iro0i irn Smru __s!T 9 Imp- . 0 71 a) cl:u 'go' b) t:d:u c) tawacia (tiwacliwin) i s :udlu s u du 260  T? n f"a" on n A aybn mmn r Tama. z ith t The Verb flij ve l Cy c:G ,vl~mal . + +a i .16 A1 h h er LdLbJ~Ls-~JLI.3LI~J 72 73 7L4 b) d) g; ru 'be last't t" g" ru. 1 an g: aru (ing:ura) tang; anit: (ting:ura) sg:111L sg:ru a) msg: ru* b) t:msg:ru S: MU ss'd:u ss'd:u a) simi 'smoke' b) t ;4sm: u m: u c) lsmiyt d) asm:ay ; itf a) cd:u 'abound' b) t: sc1:u ma t ar i 76 77 a) b) a) b) a) b) c) ili t:ili i t : ifl i iri t:ir'i t ayri 'exist, bet 1 'say ' want' t n myini t:myifli myiri t :myiri I._- I *'agree' E e__ _ _ , 261  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb List of Verbs (Ayt Ayache) A. Unablauted A. i.l. fa, ek: a, Etka, dawa, fuk: a 1. dawa ?cu r e ' ar t 2. dr:a 'do harm' ar t 3. fa 'yawn' i -. fafa 'wake upt i 5. fd:a 'finish' ar t 6. fuk:a 'undo, get ar t someone out of trouble' 7. hn:a The peaceful' ar i 8. hr:a 'ticklet ma t 9. hada 'touch' t 10. hd:a 'end' ar i 11. hn:a 'pity' ar i 12. hs:a 'cut grass' ar t 13. q:la 'fry' ar t 14. qr:a 'confess' ar i 15. rata 'look att ar t 16. rb:a 'educate' ar t 17. sqsa 'ask' ar t 18. Ek:a 'doubt' ar i 19. Etka ' complain' ar i 20 . Eq: a 'di sturb'i t 262  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb 21. wala 'be near' t 22, warya 'dreamt t 23. ws:a 'advise? ar t 24. xs:a 'be necessary' ar i 25. ef:a 'be disgusted' ar t 26. l:a 'ascendt' ar t 27. 'z:a 'console' ar t 28. yr:a 'tempt' ar t 29. ys:a 'cheat' ar t A, i.2 sal, sib, sum 30. dur 'turn' ar i 31. huf 'jump on' i 32. k:us 'inherit' t 33. lum 'blame' ar t 34. mun taccompany' i 35. n:ay 'fight' i 36. q:is 'tell stories' ar t 37. sal 'ask' ar t 38. sul 'remain' i 39. sus 'shake off' t 40. sud 'blow' t L1. Ea1 'buy grain' ar t 42. Bib 'become ar i whit e-haired' 263  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb Reference Grammar Tamazi~ht The Verb 43.0 ~ :ar 'share' t 41. zur 'be fat' j 5. zur 'visit ar t holy places' [p6. gum 'swim, ar j. L47. Yal ' think' i 4.8. yus 'be burnt' i A.i.3. xtar, slil, gzul )49. an:ay tseet t 50. arid 'be washed' i 51, azum 'fast' ar t 52. ayul 'go back' i 53. bxin 'be black' i 5~4" drus 'be little i in quantity' 55~. fsus 'be light' i 56. gzul 'be short'i 57. izil 'be nice' i 5~8, lyly 'be able' i 59. liythe tender' i 60. mziy 'be small' i 61. mytru 'tgrow up' i 62.o sd~id 'be thin't I 264  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb Reference Grammar Tamaz ight The Verb 64. 65. 66. 67. 68, 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. sin smid 0 a* Edin tsar wray wsir xtar zwar zwiY Yz if 'collect' 'be cold' 'be short' 'make dirty' the yellow' 'be old' 'choose' 'to precede' Tbe red? 'be tall' t i i t i i ar t t i i A.ii. hadr, d:irz, hudr 74. 75,. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80, 81. 82. d:irz d:uk:1 d:iqs hadr hafd harz har s hash hawl 'step back' Imake friends' 'burst outt 'be present' ar 'keep' ar 'forbid' 'prevent' ar 'count' ar 'take one's ma time doing something' 'bend, be low' i t i i i t t t i i 83. hudr 265  Reference Grammar Tama z fight The Verb Reference iAmmrTaa gh heVr 8L4. 85:. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92.m 93. 94b. 95:. kas f qabi saf r sami sal 'd sas'f s :U di s:uf s s :1k: f s: urf sawr taib 96. waif 'foretell' ar i 'tk care of' t 'travel' ar i 'forgive' ar i 'help' ar t 'be patient' ma t 'kiss' t 'spit' n 'uproot' t 'stride over' t 'consult' ar t 'demand, ar t apply' 'get ar t accustomed' t'an swert ar n 'inform' ar t 'risk' ar I 'quarrel' ar i tbe old' I 'differ' ar i 'ask ma I protection' 'add' ar t 'winnfow' t 'throw away' t 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 1lot. 105. 106. 107. wazb xabr xadr xasm xatr xil f z awg: z ayd zuz : r zawd 266  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb Reference Grammar Tarnaz i~ht The Verb 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 11i. 115. zahd zawb Zawr gad~r ' awd sawn cayd yawl 'compete with' ma 'answer' ar Tbe neighbor' ar 'meet' 'repeat' ar 'help' ar Igo back' ar 'hurry up' t n t i n n i i B. Ablauted B.i.1. frh, fsar 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. bdr bd:1 bh:t bl:y bry br:h br:m bi:r 'mention' 'change' ar 'investigate' ar 'deliver' ar 'grind' 'announce' ma 'turn' ar 'give good ar news' 'burn incense, ar do harm' The wet, proud' The far' ar t t t t t i t i i i i 124. bx:r 125. 126. bzy bid 267  Tamazfight R =foA rncePrammar The Verb Ternaz eght The Verb 127. brd 128. dby 129. db:r 130. dhn 131. dh 132. dl 133. dw:x 134. dhr 135. dlm 136. d1: 137. dmn 138. dr:v 139. def 140. dn 141. dys 142. fdi 143. fdr 144. fhm 1L45 fl1 146. fly 147. fl:h 148. frd 14.9. frh thate' ar i 'dye' ar t 'manage' ar i 'rub ar t ointment' 'faint, ar i become dizzy' 'massage' ar t 'become ar t dizzy' 'appear' ar i 'oppress' ar t 'flatten bread' t 'guarantee' ar t 'scream' i 'be weak' ar i 'stab' ar t 'lie down' t 'reveal a ar t secret' 'take lunch' ar i 'understandt ar t 'succeed' ar i 'tear' t 'to live on ar i agriculturet tsweep' t 'be happy' ar i 268  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb ReeeneGama TmzitTeVr 150. frs 'attack' ar t 151. fry 'build a t fence' 152. fry the crooked' ar i 153. fr:d 'change ar t money' 154. fr;n 'weed' t 155. fr z 'clarify' ar t 156. fr z'look at' ar i 157. fr:y 'pour' ar i 158. fr 'break open' t 159. fsd 'be spoiled' ar i 160. fsr 'spread' t 161. fsy 'meltt t 162. fs:r 'explain' ar t 163. ftl 'roll' ar t 164. gmr 'hunt' i 16$. gz~r 'butcher't ar t 166, hbl 'become ar i silly' 167. hdm 'demolish' ar t 168. hw:l 'trouble' ar t 169. him 'attack' ar i 170. hbs 'imprison' ar t 171. hl:q 'dress up' ma t 172. hl:s 'saddle' t 173. himl 'flood' ma i 269  Reference Grammar Z'a ma z i ght The Verb Reference Grammar Tamaz ight The Verb 174. hm: m 175. hr:f 176. hr:5 177. hrm 178. hr's 179. him 180. hE:m 181. hz :m 182. kmz 183, krz 184. l b 185. mdy 186. mgr 187. mry 188. ndm 189. ndr 190. ndl 191. nfd 192. nfh 193. nq:1 194. nq:r 195. fnl:Z 196. nsb 'bathe' ar i 'carry' t 'shake, move ar t something' tbe ar i forbidden' 'be sharp' ar i 'govern, ar i judge' the polite' ar i t wear a belt' ar i t scratch t 'plough' t 'play' ar t 'set a trap' t 'harv est' t 'rub' t 'regret' ar i tmoant i 'bury' t t thr ow'ar t 'sniff ar t tobacco' 'transplant' ar t 'shake off' ar t ' jump' ma i imake stewt ma i 270  P P r n n (inoammar Tamazight The Verb J. IIJL CLI V G j V4iiii iLArf .+,W..wv.+ .". 197. nsd 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 20L4. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. nsr ntf ntl nzl nzy nm nir nil qdr ql:b 41:q qr:b gr:E q sh 'blow onets nose 'saw' 'depilate' thide't tspur' 'pull' 'escapet tsharpent 'curset the able' 'register a marriage' 'check' the worried' 'be near' 'decide' 'bite' 'be solid, strong' 'intend, go toward' 'gamble' Ssucceed, gain' 'demolish' 'loan' t ar t ar t i t ar t ar i ar t ar t ar i ar i ar ar ar ar ar ma t i i i t i 214. qsd 215. 216. 217. 218. qm: r rbh ar t ar i ar t ar t t rdm rdl 271  Reference Grammar Tamazfight The Verb Reference Grammar Taraaz ight The Verb 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224,. 225. 226. 227. rgl rgm rh i rhm " rkm rkz rzm rzn rzm 228. r'b 229. 230. sb:b sh: r 'close,lockt 'insult' tmove' 'have mercy ont 'boil' 'treadt 'opten 'be patient' 'throw stones at' The amazed at' 'trade' 'perform magic' 'give a reasonable price' 'greet' 'lean against' 'peel, have diarrhea' 'liberate' 'filter' 'be patient, wait't twipet 'nail' ar i ar ar ar ar ar t t i t i t i t ma ar i i 231. slak ar t 232. 233. s1:m sn: d ar ar i i 23L#. srm t 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. sr:h sty sbr sfd sm: r ar t t ar i t ar t 272  RPfPrencerammar Tama z i ght The Verb 11 G J.nG.L V./ 1mmvaV TaInaz ight The a Verb 240. srf 'spend money' ar t 241. sr:f' 'change ar t mon ey' 242. srd 'swallow' t 243. sxd 'tcu r se tar I 244. sY:d 'hunt' ar t 245. sY:f 'harvest ar 5. summer crops' 246. sb: r 'cling to'i 247. Sf : 'steal' ma t 248. sk: m 'denounc e't ma . 249.0 1kr 'praise' ar t 250. sm: l 'finish' ar t 2 1. sm: t 'cheat' t 2 2. snf 'roast' t 2 3. snc' tbe ma i prevalent' 2 4. srf 'tie' t 2550 srm 'shrivel up't i 256. srd 'comb, ar t stipulate' 257. s rh ' envy ' ar t 2 8. sty 'recall' t 2 9. stnhtdan ce't ma 5i 260. stab 'sweep' ma t 261. tfs 'fold' t 2627 .4..O" -.'embroider' art..... t 273  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb Reference ..(..raLmar a aa64mu L.sha The -Verb 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. whi wk:1 wn:r ws:x wx:r wzn wid wer xdm xde x1: s xmi xm:m 'get tired' 'appoint as z repres entativ 'respect' 'make dirty' tgo back' 'weight 'be ready' The hard' 'work' 'deceive' tpay fort 'smell badt 'think, worryt 'harvest fall crops' 'fail, be spoilt' 'steal' 'store,hide't 'collect wood' 'sink' 'dwell' 'misst 'hurry' 'teave,pass't ar ar e1 ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ma ar ma i t t t i t i i n t t i i t 276. xr:f 277, xsr ar i 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. XW: f xzn zdm z dr z dy z gl z rb zry ar ar t t t i t t i t 274  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb Reference Grammar Tamaz ight The Verb 286. zre 287. ZW:4 288. z f 289. zbr 290. zhd 291. rh 292. bd 293. fbr 294. dl 295. 'd:b 296. em:r 297. enq 298. kQ:d 299. 4:1 300. vrd 301. qrm 302. es: s 303. q 304. vt:r 305. yly 306. ymln 307. yms1fl 'color' 'get mad' 'come back' The strong' 'injure' 'worship, adore' 'measure, weight 'repairt 'torture' 'fill 'try hard without success' 'tie, start a fire' 'remember' 'invite' 'know of something' 'guard' 'love' the late' 'pass overt 'become rotten' scover' ar t ar t ma i ar i ar i ar t ar t ar t ar t ar t ar t ma t ar t ar t t i ar n ar t ar i i ma i i 275  Reference Grammar Tamaz ight The Verb Reerne rmmrTaavih TeVrbA 308. yns tweart t 309. yr 'stretch leg' t 310. 'rf tto flatten t breadt 311. Yrm 'indemnify' ar t 312, yrs 'slaughter' i 313. yry 'abort' i 314. yfr 'forgive' ar t 315. y1:f 'wrap' ar t B.1.2. amp 316. adr 'bury' i 317. afd 'be sent'i 318. agi 'hang' t 319. agm 'bring water t from a well' 320. akz 'recognize' t 321. aly 'climb' t 322. amn 'believe' ar n 323. amr 'order' ar i 32.. ams 'paint' t 325. amaz 'take' t 326. anf 'open' t 327. arf 'pop popcorn' t 328. arm 'taste't 276  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb ReferenceGrammar amaz igh The Ver 329. arw 'give birth' t 330. asy 'carry' t 331. air 'steal' t 332. a y 'be aware' i 333, awd. 'reach' n 334.. awl ' get married' t 335. awy 'take away' t 336. azn 'send' t 337. azd 'stretch hand' t 3.i.3. f:r 338. b:y 'cut' t 339. d:d 'suckle' t 340. f:r 'hide' t 3)41. f:y 'go out' 3L2. g:d 'be frightened' i 343. g:z 'descend' t e 344. k:r 'get upt 3)45 k:s 'take out' t 346. 1:m 'spin' t 347. 1:Y 'lick' t 348. m:y 'get wet' i 34V9. n:d 'stickt i 350. q.:d 'burn' t 277  Reference grammar TA.mZ The Verb I li . %.L Aw . mL rma r rpf.37. fic. ".J6n ht hesVer 351. 352.v 353. 354. 355. 356.v 357. 358.o 359. 360. q:l q~n q.:s t:1 t:r tf z:r Z:Y ' wait' ' shu t' 'prick' 'roll' 'ask't 'keep' 'depilate' 'il ks 'di smi ss' 'recover from an illness' i t t t t t t t t t B. ii.1. af., as:k, rar 3b1. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. act af ar as; ask az :1 g: al: lal rar 'let't 'find' 'be empty,empty' 'tie,bind' 'be lost' 'frun' 'swear' 'be born't 'return, give back' 'pray' ar t t 1 i t 370. z:$?: 278  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb Referene Grammr Tarnz vght he Ver B.ii.2. g, g:, is, bd:, gr 371. bd: 'stand upt i 372. fz: 'chew' t 373. g 'be,do' n 374. gm 'grow' i 375. gn 'sleep' i 376. gr ' throw awayt t 377. g: 'knead' t 378. ks 'tend sheep t or cattle' 379. k: 'pass,visitt t 380. is get dressed' t 381, ne 'spend the i night' 382. nz the for sale' i 383. ny 'kill' t 381. rz 'break't t 385. ry 'warm oneself' i 386 sl: 'hear' i 387. sy 'buy' t 388. 'give' i 389. El 'spend a day' i 390. ts 'laugh' i 391. z 'lose' t 392. Vt 'grind'tt 279  Reference Grammar Taman ight The Verb Refrece ramarTanazi~t Te er 393. 394" 395;. 396. 397. zd yr A(z 'weave? Tbe dear' 'r eadi, call outs 'dijgs 'c run ch't t ar i n t t B. ii.3 d:u, g: ru, bdu, sd:u, ini 398. 399. 400. 4.01. 4.02. 4.03. 4.05;. 4.06. x.07. L408. 4.09. 1410. bdu bdu bnu d:u fru f tu f:u gnu g~ru hdu 'begin' ' cut5s shar e' 'builid' 'pray for , prosecute' ' go't 'pay debts't 'dictate' dawn' sew' 'be last' 'give a pr es5en t 'watch over' 'be ,become dull' 'be nice' ar t t ar t ar i 1 t ar t 1 t 1 ar t t ma I ar I hdu hfu 4.11. hlu 280  Reference Grammar Tamaz ight The Verb RefreceGrmr amz ghvTe er 412. rui 413. hr;u 44. k:u 415. inmu 416. qdu 417 qwu 418. rdu 419. rsu 420. r u 421. rzu 422. rzu 423. r:u 424. sxu 425. s:u 426. sfu 427. shu 428. Edu 429. Emu 430. snu 431. sru 432. swa 433. xlu 434. xwu The hot ar i weather' The hot ar i (food)' 'cut grass' t ?eraser ar t 'accomplish' ar t the fatt ar i 'bless' ar i 'be quiet' ar i The dirty' ma i 'look for' t 'hope' ar t twin' t the ar i generous' 'make the bed' t The clean, ar i clear' 'be healthy' ar i 'smell' t 'smoke' ma t 'kneel' ar i 'rent' ar t 'be sharp' i 'ruin' ar n tbe empty' ar n 281  Reference Grammar The Verb 4 Lpf'pirpnr'. .+.(~aruM-%46r' The Verb " " 435. X:U 'be mean' 436o zwu bhe dry' at' i 438. zru 'happen' at' i 439. "d:u Iaboundt at' i 44+0. "fu 'forgive' at' i 4141. c'miiT'e blind' at' n 4±2, mnu 'undergo' art' 443. qsu 'disobey' ar t 444. ybu 'be deep' i L445. ylu Tbe at' i expensive' 446 . yrai 'paint' t 447. +(-tu 'be rich' at' i 448. ii 'exist, be1 I 449. ii'say' t 450, ini 'want' n 282  Reference Grammar Z'dmaz Ight The Verb RefeenceGramar amazi~h TheVer Verb Sample Appendix B (Ayt Seghrouchen ) __________ Augmented ____ UagetdCausative Reciprocal Passive~ 1 2 3 4~ a) b) c) d) a) b) a) b) c) a) b) b) c) saf r t : saofar s:frt amnsaf r sal t: sal 'travel' ar i task' ar n m: sal t :m: sal msamah t:msamah t :u5Bal t :usal, sami 'fc t :samah inu samaha s awms 'aw t: s await trim t t:trzam atrzm orgive' ar i sk for ar t he price' ran slate ar t s: tm 283  Reference Grammar Tamazight The Verb ReLerence Grammar Tamaz ight The Verb 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 a) b) a) b) c) d) a) b) a) b) a) b) a) b) c) a) b) c) a) b) t:u t:t:u wzcJd t:tizid muzud 'f'orget' tbe ready' ar i zrb s t:xrbas t:z :s Zn dzan r'fu ~ma t:irma 1 cma yba t~iyba 'scratch' ar i ' chase' t s: t :u s: t:u s:uid s:uzid s :xrbs s :xrba~s 8; Zn 5: Z8X s: yba s: Tba t :waz:s t~wazc ' sleep i 'forgive' ar i 'be blind ar nl or blind' ' lie deep' at i in: ~m 284  Reference Grammar 2'amazight The Verb Refernce rammr Taazigt Th.Ver a) 'flfl t dye t t b) fin; a) YZ: 'crunch' t b) t:Yz: t:uTZ a 2 85  Sentences This section lists examples of the different structures of Tamazight. The examples consist of 157 pairs of sentences. When a certain structure or sub-structure is discussed, it is usually followed by one or more pairs of sentences to exemplify the occurrence of such structure. The first member of each pair of sentences is from Ayt Ayache, the second from Ayt Seghrouchen.  Reference Grammar Tamazfight Sentences Sentences Introduction The discussion of sentences in Tamazight includes A. The Verbless Sentence B. The Verbal Sentence. Each of these two types of structure can have any of the following modes: 1. Affirmative 2. Interrogative 3. Negative 4. Negative-Interrogative The structures mentioned above (A.1 - A.4 and B.1 - B.4) as well as Imperative structures which are grouped under C, will be found in the following examples. The examples include 157 pairs of sentences from the two dialects (i.e. 157 from Ayt Ayache and 157 from Ayt Seghrouchen). When examples of a certain structure or sub-structure are cited, usually one or more pairs of sentences follow a short discussion. The first sentence in each given pair is in the dialect of Ayt Ayache, the second is in the Ayt Seghrouchen dialect. A.1 Verbless: Affirmative Examples of such sentences are: 1. (A.A.) isminw muha (A.S.) isminw muha My name is Mohamed. 287  Reference Gramma r Tama zfight Sentences 2. (A.A.) l m inw tlatin am . (A.S.) lemrinw tlatin cam . I am 30 years old. A Verbless Affirmative structure may occur with /yur/ A.A. or /yr/ A.S. 'particle of possession.' Examples: 3. (A.A.) yurs yut trbat:. (A.S.) yrs ist ntrbat: He has a girl. 4. (A.A.) Yuri rbea ntfunasin (A.S.) Yri rba ntfunasin I have four cows. or structures having the 'presentational particles' /ha/, /han/ A.A., /ha/, /han:/ A.S. Examples: 5. (A.A.) ha n3ena . (A.S.) ha n:ena . Here is the mint. 6. (A.A.) han atayn . (A.S.) han3 at:ayn: . Here is your tea. X88  Reference Grammar Tamazight Sentences or with the help of /d/, 'particle of assertion.' Examples: 7. (A.A.) muha dargaz nimru wahd (A.S.) muha da.ryaz n:imirwahd Mohamed is in fact an excellent man. 8. (A.A.) lhusayn dargaz (A.S.) lhusayn daryaz Lahoucine is indeed a man. or as a greeting or a response to a greeting. Examples: 9. (A.A.) s~alamuelikaum . (A.S.) ssalamnu lik:um Hello. (to a man by a man) 10. (A.A.) sbah lxir amuha (A.S.) sbah lxir amuha Good morning, Mohamed. A.2 Verbless: Interrogative Such sentences may occur in structures similar to the above with an interrogative tome to them. Examples: (A.S.) lwasun labas ? How is the family? 289  Reference Grammar Tamazight Sentences 12. (A.A.) yurs sba isir:an ? (A.S.) yrs sba l:waiun ? Does he have seven children? 13. (A.A.) fig: dmi ? (A.S.o) waksd 5k:? You (as) and who else? or with the interrogative particle /is/ before such structures as the following: 14. (A.A.) is yure sal lwaun ? (A.S.) is yrrg Eal lwasun ? Do you have children? They also occur with question words. Examples: 15. (A.A.) misai ? (A.S.) mismn:E What is your name (ms) ? 16. (AAo. Ehal ylmns ? (A.S.) mshal ilemrn:E How old are you (ms) ? 290  Reference Grammar Tamaz ight Sentences How much is this djellaba? i8. (A.A.) mani naiha ? (A. S.) men i ha ? Where is Mohamed? A.3 Verbiess: Negative These structures occur with /ur.-/ 'negative particle' in AAz and A .S. or /urd:./ 'it's not i l A.A. and A.S. E xamples: 19. (A.A.) urytiri iflus (A.S.) uryri iflus I have no money. 20. (A A .) uri d: am: wa (A.S.) ulid: am wiu It is not like this (ins). 21. (A.A.) urid: hm~u (A. S.) ulid: hm2:u 291  Reference Grammar Tamazight Sentences 22. (A.A.) urid; nt:a (A.S.) ulid: nt: a. It's not him. 23. (A.A.) urid: Eg:. (A.S.) ulid: Ek: It's not you. A.4 Verbless: Negative - Interrogative Such structures are achieved with the use of /isur-/ Negative - Interrogative particle in both dialects. Examples: 24. (A.A.) isur yurs iflus ? (A.S.) is uryrs lflus ? Doesn't he have money? 25. (A.A.) isurid3 hsuma yif ? (A.S. ) isulid: hiuma xs ? Aren't you (ms) ashamed? 26. (A.A.) isurid: nt a ? (A.S.) isulid: ntaa ? Isn't that he? 292  Reference Grammar Tamazight Sentences Reference Grammar Tainaz ight Sentences 27. (A.A.) isurid: taqduhtns ayn a ? (A.S.) isulid; taqnu stn:;s adin ? Isn't it his pot over there? B.1 Verbal: Affirmative B.1.l Sentences having one verb. Examples: 28. (A.A.) tl:a (A.S.) tl:a da da She is here. 29. (A.A.) tZ;a (A.S.) tl:a ytxamt ytxant . It (f) is in the tent. 30. (A.A.) td:u (A .S. ) traly} yr txamt yr txamt . She went to the tent. 31. (A.A.) 4:imn yfas (A. S.) q:qiln dy fas They stayed in Fez. 293  Reference Grammar Tamazight Sentences 32. (A .A.) dayxd: m imuha yr: bad (A.S.) 1: ayxcl : m uha yr :bad Mohamed works in Eabat. 33. (A .A.) ha niiha id: ad (A.S.) ha miha irahd: Here comes Mohamed. (A.S.) yusas qli iflus inuha Aly gave Miuha money. 35. (A.A.) iwdnn; s'ari axatar (A.S.) iwdnn: lv'ri amq; ran They reached (there) the high mountain. 36. (A.A.) dat~ls'abn 1wasun k~u sbah (A.S.) 1:at~lc':abn lwasun kul: s~bah The kids play every morning. 37. (A.A.) imun mul~a dfadxna sahidus (A.S.) imun muha dfadma yruhidus 29 4  Reference 38. M Grammar Tamazight (A,A.) adid:u yr tad:artns (A.S.) adirah yr tad:artn:s He will go home. Sentences Notice that the word order of sentences consisting only of a verb and its subject is preferably: Verb + Subject [in Construct State) but sometimes can be: Subject [in Free State] + Verb Compare members of the following pairs: 39. (A.A.) if:y umaziy (A.S.) if:y umaziy The Berber went out. . . and 40. (A.A.) amaziy (A.S.) amaziy The Berber went if:y . if:y out. 295  Reference 41. 1. Grammar (A.A.) (A.S. ) The man U-No Tamazight i swa urgaz atay iswii uryaz a~t :ay drank tea. Sentences and 42. (A.A.) (A.S.) The man argaz aryaz drank i swa at ay i swu at: ay tea. argaz t: and : ut : aryaz t: mt:ut: and the woman. 43. (A.A.) zriy (A.S.) zrix I saw the man and 44. (A.A.) Zriy tamUd;ut: durgaz (A. S.) zrix taimt ;ut : duryaz I saw the woman and the man. 45. (A.A.) (A.S.) It (f) 1±sa tafunast duyyuil ttsu tafunast duyyu1 ate the cow and the donkey. and (A.S.) itsu uyyul t: funast The donkey and the cow ate. 296  Reference Grammar Tamazfight Sentences If any of the moveable affixes (i.e. object pronominal affixes or particles of proximity, /d/ in A.A. and /d:/ in A.S., and remoteness, /n/ in A.A. and /n:/ in A.S.) occur, they are post verbal if the sentence does not have any temporal or modal prefixes, prepositions or conjunctions, and pre-verbal if any of the above elements does occur in the sentence. (See Pronominal Systems 111.3.) Examples: 47. (A.A.) isat(id . (A.S.) yusastid: He gave it (f) to him (nearer). 48. (A.A.) ifastid (A.S. ) yusastid. He gave it (m) to him (nearer). 49. (A.A.) iyrfastid. (A.S.) iyrfastid. He threw it (m) at him (nearer). 50. (A.A.) dastidit:awy (A.S.) l:astidit:awy He is bringing it (m) (nearer) to him. 297  . . .. Refere once Grammar Tamazight Sentence 51. (A.A.) yiwyastid (A.S.) yiwyastid. He brought it (m) to him (nearer). 52. (A.A.) isyad muha xmstaeE ntfunast (A.S.) isyu d: muha xmstae5: ntfunast Mohamed bought fifteen cows (nearer). 53. (A.A.) tsyad fadma rba yfuilsusn (A.S.) tsyud: fatma rba y:azidn . Batma bought four chickens (nearer). 54. (A.A.) argaz naa disyan irdn aya (A.S.) aryaz din d:isyin irdn ayu This is the man who bought wheat (nearer). S (Also see #73, 75, 81, 105, 106, 107, 108, and many others.) The verb 'to be', /g/ in A.A. and /ig/ in A.S., occurs in many structures preceded by /ay/ 'who, which, what'. Examples: 55. (A.A.) taxamt urgaz ay tga (A.S.) taxant uryaz aytiu This is the man's tent. 298  Reference Grammar Tatuaz ight Sentences 56. (A.A.) iy: is ntslit ag:a This is the bride's horse. 57. (A.A.) lig: buflm~am ay tgid ( A S ) s ; b l m a y t i itYo u a r e t h e p u b l i c b a t h a t t e n d a n t . 58. (A.A.) ayt c y0 as taq~bilt taxatart ay tga (A.S.) ayt 'sy:as taq~bilt tamp,;rant ay l Ayt Ayache is a big tribe. 59. (A.A.) fllC fi in slmn ay nga (A.S.) ntsni imslnna ay niu We are Moslems. 6o. (A.A.) nlc ni tarwa niwulay dris ay nga (A.S.) ntsni dar:a nm ulay dris ay nzu We are the offspring of Mulay Dris. 61. (A.A.) mi1ha argaz i zil1: ago a (A.S.) wmha aryaz is dln ag:Eu 299  . . Reference Grammar Tamazight 62. (A.A.) t awt izi: a (A.S.) talawt itd1n ay This is a nice song. Sentences rt tga . tgu B.1.2 Sentences having two verbs. Expressing English 'to, in order to' is achieved by the use of two verbs where the second is in the future form. Examples: 63. (A.A.) id:a adixdm (A.S.) irah adixdm He went to work. 64. (A.A.) id:a adign (A.S.) irah adi~n He went to sleep. 65. (A.A.) d:an 1ahl 1: sil ad: s~utr: tarbat; ilahins (A.s.) rahn lahl w:rba ads:utrn tarbat: ilahln: s The boy's parents went to ask for the girl's hand from her parents. 66. (A.A.) ikcmd adisl:m xf em:is (A.S. ) yudfd: adis:m unu i . He came in to greet his uncie (paternai). . . 300  Reference Grammar Tamazight Sentences 67. (A.A.) riy add: uy yr s:uq: (A.S.) byix adrahx yr su:uq : I want to go to the market. 68. (A.A.) riy aditrard yr tmazirtinw (A.S.) byix aditr:t yr tmartinw I want you to take me back to my country. 69. (A.A.) tra at:d:u yr t:is. (A.S.) tbya at;rah yr ct:is She wants to go visit her aunt (paternal). The use of conjunctions necessitates two verbs. Examples: 70. (A.A.) cd: an win:a days:an lq:hwa imalik:an (A.S.) g:utn idin is:n lq:hwa imarikan. There are a lot of people who drink coffee in America. 71. (A.A.) nk :ni tarwa nulay dris n-a yndln yfas ay nga (A.S.) ntsni dar~a m:ulay dris udin indln di f as ayniu We are the offspring of Malay Dris who is buried in Fez. 301  Reference Grammar 10 - - 11 Ta mazight RefeenceGrannar amazghtSentences 72. (A,A.) i32yfl:San1 zuha deli yr~badn: a (A.S.) iXWu~s:Sfaniizha do ii ir~bad dindi Muha and Aly got acquainted in Rabat where they met. 73. (A.A.) art:msawar; mime ast: g:an at :nyin (A.%S.) alt: msawarn misrn asy~azn at :nyn They were consulting how to manage to kill him. 74. (A.A.) ad :ay nra an g at ay dan s :naw aun be da (A.S.) ad: ay nlya an : E at ;ay l :an s :naw aman bv da When we want to make tea, we boil water first. 75. (A.A.) ad :ay yawd li ii xf yiwl , das t x t ayt uxamns tarbat: n: as it: iibn (A.S.) ad: ay yawl urba yyiway 1 : ast :xta'n ayt UXBm.:8s tarbat: din asit~iv~ibn When the boy reaches the age of marriage, his family chooses the girl he likes. 302  Reference Grammar Tamazight Sentences 76. (A.A.) art~waryay~ am: i 1 an sb'c'a itran (A.S.,) l: at: iriitx am~ani l:San sbr'a ytran I dreamt of seven stars. 77. (A.A.) art~waryay is 1: an sbcla yiyun (A.S.) l: at: iriitx is l: an sbc a yfunasn I dreamt that there were seven oxen. 78. (A.A.) iyal 'is tga tamd.;ut: ivi13 (A.S.) in~a is tzu tarot~ut: i'siln He thought that she was a nice woman. 79. (A.A.) l; iy t: isal xf inci tn :as ur yutri (A.S.) z g:a t :is al xiidiIV tn : as ury'ri 1; in When he asked her about wheat, she told him that she has none. 80. (A.A.) iq :inl al :iy iwhl (A.S.) iq; im az g: a yuhl He stayed until he got tired.  .... . Reference Grammar Tamazight Conditional sentences have two verbs with the conditional particles: mi (A.A., A.S.) mr (A.A., A.S. ) miur (A.A., A.S.) mrid: (A.A.) mlid: (A.S.) 6- Sentences also and occur if (possible, probable) if (impossible, contrary to fact) if not (possible) if not (impossible, contrary to fact) if not (impossible, contrary to fact) .mm. Examples : 82. (A.A.) ms iwta wnzar urt:f:q,: (A.S.) ms iwtu wnzar urt:f x: If it rains I will not go out. 83. (A.A.) ms qbl: , dat: d:un adgd'n (A.S.) mE gbln , 1:ag:urn adqden If they agree, they go register the marriage. 84. (A.A.) ms trid at:g: anid al: ask: a (A.S. ) ME tbyit at:riit , al:utsa. If you want to wait, let it be tomorrow. 85. (A.A.) ms dhr: isignaw , adiwt unzar (A.S.) mi sdhrn isinaw , adiwt unzar If clouds appear, it will rain. al + dut~a 304  Reference Grammar Tamazight Sentences 86. (A.A.) ms syay sa , td~ut at~an; ayt adbib . 00.0 If you are sick, go and see the doctor. (A. S.) ms qbln , l: ayg:ur urba t: rbat: dlahln :sn y1l biru acdqdsn If they agree, the boy and the girl and their parents go to register. 88. (A.A.) msur astidisi adasti s:utr (A.S.) msu~r astidiwsi adastis:utr If he does not give it (in) to him (nearer), he will ask him for it (in). 89. (A.A.) instrdid: i ask, a add:uy y'r midlt (A.S.) masur d: irah dut sa adwa~vdx mi dlt If he does not come tomorrow, I will go to Midelt. 90. (A.A.) msu~r dtcl i fadma as: a., and:u ad:yifsnk: ask: a iiit  Reference Grammar Tamazight Sentences 91. (A.A.) mr turi 1: in irius idis i , l: asyiy igran neli. (A.S.) mr Sri lain.nlflus idn: at: , 1: as-yix izran neli If I had the money yesterday, I would have bought Aly's fields. 92. (A.A.) mr it:n; id adasiniy aditntidi . (A.S.) mr it:n:it 1;anixas aditntid: iw . Had you told me, I would have asked him to give them (f) to me. 93. (A.A.) mrid: isuridawa d:alb lei1l; aym:ut (A.S.) mlid: isuridawa t :alb arba 1: aym:ut Had the Sheikh not cured the boy, he would have died. 94. (A.A.) mrid3 istzriy idl:i , 1:aiyas 1TEhab . (A.S.) mlid: is tzrix idn:at: l:awsixas lhab If I had seen him yesterday, I would have given him the amulet. 95. (A.A.) imrid: isurdhirn isigriaw idl: i urik:aat unzar as- a (A.S.) mlid: isurdhirn isinaw idn:at: uritsat unzjar idu. Had clouds not appeared yesterday, rain would not have fallen today. 306  Reference Grammar Tamazight Sentences- 96. (A.A.) mrid: issurastidi~i , adastissutr (A.S.) mlid: isurastidiwii , adastis~utr Had he not given it (m) to him (nearer ), he would have asked him for it (m). 97. (A.A.) mrid: Ea yadn urt: it sawy sql3 m st:my:at ryal (A.S.) mlid: hd: dnin , urtsitsawy sql: mn st:my:at ryal . If it were somebody else, I would not have sold it (f ) for less than 600 Rials. The use of Aorist in narration to denote a perfective, imper- fective or future action (i.e. past, present or future) is exemplified in the following sentences. 98. (A.A.) idl:i id:aT day itayd:) (A.S.) idn~at: irah day itid yr miha yr sauq: isy sk:r yr tad:art miha yr sauq: isy sktar tad: art Yesterday, Moha went to the market, bought sugar, then came back home. 99. (A.A.) k:u sabah ad:ay tksr leafit day ts:nw aman day tls ieban3 l:xdmt g:its day day dats:aya tem: r atay td:u sigran 307  Reference Grammar Tama zight Sent ence s (A.S.) kul: s bah ad:ay tk:r agnud:m , 1:atasaya leafit , day tsanw aman , day tem:r at:ay , day tird ieban: 1:xdnt day twat d i~ran Every morning when she wakes up, she makes a fire and boils water, then makes tea, then puts on work clothes and then goes to the fields. 100. (A.A.) ask: a adid:u yr s:uq adiz:nz inndi isy yut tqb arut: , ie dl idula day i c ayd: yr tad: art (A.S.) dutsa adirah yr s uq: adiz~nz inndi isy i~t ntqb:ut: , iedl idula day i si dd: yr tad: art. , Tomorrow he will go to the market to sell wheat, buy a djellaba, repair shoes, and then go back home. B.2 Verbal: Interrogative This is achieved by the use of this interrogative particle /is-/ prefixed to a verb in the past (A.A. and A.S.) or the interrogative particle lid:-! (A.A.) or /isd-/ (A.S.) prefixed to a verb in the future. Examples: 101. (A.A.) (A.S.) is is if rh if rh maha nha Is Mohamed happy? 102. (A.A.) (A.S.) is is ism~r ism:r sauq: maduhu ? s:uq:u mad ihi ? Is the market full or not? 308  Reference Grammar Tamazight Sentences 103. (A.A.) isdatesam atay ytmazirtn:un mad uhu ? (A.S.) ists:m at:ay itimrtn:un mad ihi ? Do you (mp) drink tea in your country or not? 104. (A.A. ) id:adimeawan muha deli ? (A.S.) isdadimeawan nuha deli ? Will Mohamed and Aly help each other? Notice that the use of the particles mentioned above causes the moveable particles to be pre-verbal. Examples: 105. (A.A.) isastiyrrf ? (A.S.) isastiyrf ? Did he throw it (m) at him? 106. (A.A.) isastidisa? (A.S.) isastidyuiu ? Did he give it (m) to him (nearer)? 107. (A.A .) isast: iba ? (A.S.) isastayuiu ? Did he give it (f) to him (nearer)? 108. (A.A .) isastidit:awy ? (A.S.) isastidit:awy ? Is he bringing it (mn) to him (nearer)? 309  Reference Grammar Tamazight Sentences Two verbs might occur in such constructions. Examples: 109. (A.A.) istrid at;dud yr sauqs ? (A.S.) is tbyit at:rlat yr ssuq: ? . . Do you want to go to the market? 110. (A.A.) isaE inga adidsu ? (A. S.) isa~s in: a dad; irah? Did he tell you that he will go? 111. (A.A.) isd:an adqden ? (A.S.) israhn adqden ? Did they go to register the marriage? 112. (A.A.) idead:d:un adyifnyk;n ? (A.S.) isdad: rabn adimxk;n ? Will they come to visit us (nearer)? The use of question words in interrogative sentences is exemplified by the following. 113. (A.A.) mayr ida li (A.S. ) maniyr irah eli ? Where did Aly go ? 310  Reference Grammar Tamazight Sentences 114. (A.A.) magsa s:uq: assa ? (A.S.) mag:Eu s:uq: idu ? How is the market today? 115. (A.A.) may yurun did:an ? (A.S.) wid: yrun irah ? Who came to your (mp) house? Sentence #116 below shows that the moveable particle /-a -/ 'to you' is preverbal in the environment of the question word /ma/ 'what': 116. (A.A.) mais tga saaht ? (A.S.) mai thu s: aht ? How are you (ms) ? B.3 Verbal: Negative This is achieved by the negative prefix /ur-/ in A.A. and A.S. before verbs in the past or /ur-/ in A.A. and /ul:i-/ in A.S. before habitual stems. Examples: 117. (A.A.) uryan ay ag:d yun bnadm (A.S.) urizri ulad idi nbnadm He did not see a single person. 3U  Refer 'enc e Grammar 118. (A.A.) (A.s.) N t ee11 9 . ( A . A . ) (A.s.) I never 120. (A.A.) (A.S.) I never 121. (A.A.) (A.S.) I did~ 122. (A.A.) (A.S.) I don't 123. (A.A.) (A.S.) Tamazight Sentences urtyan :ay ag; d yun bnadm urtizri ulad id~ nbnadim rn a single person saw him. urdz in ; an; ayy am: wa urymri zrix am wu . of saw some one like this. urdzin: d:W y'yr 5:Uq: flnidlt ur c'r axyI s;Uq: nridlt went to the Midelt market. ur; iy ad~uy' (r s:Uq; urbyix adrahixyr s : uq: not want to go to the market. urdayit; ivib t; f; ah like apples. urdat:d:uy yr s;Uq: nmidlt ul;ig:urx yr B;Uq: nmidlt go to the1 S2 - -IeL----arket. 1 312  Reference Grammar Tamazight Sentences The occurrence of the negative particles /ur-/ or /ul:i-/ causes the moveable particles to be preverbal. Examples: 124. (A.A.) urdtd: i yr s:uq: as; a (A.S. ) urd: trah yr s:uq; idu She did not come to market today. 125. (A.A.) urn:t:d:u yr s:uq: ask:a (A.S.) urn:tg:ur yr s;uq ; dutia She will not go (far) to the market tomorrow. 126, (A A.) urtidniwy . (A.s.) urtidniiwy We did not bring it (m) (nearer). 127. (A.A.) urn: id: i yr s:uq: , urixdim g:granns (A.S.) urn :irah yr s~uq: , urixdim g;Erann: s. He neither went (far) to the market nor worked in his fields. 128. (A.A.) urastidiMi (A.S.) urastidyusi He did not give it (m) to him (nearer). 313  Reference Grammar Tamazight Sentences B.4 Verbal: Negative-Interrogative This structure is achieved by the prefixation of /isur-/ to a verb. /isur-/ also causes the moveable particles to be preverbal. Examples: 129. (A.A. ) isurasti si? (A.S.) isurastiwi ? Didn't he give it (m) to him? 130. (A.A.) isurast:iditi ? (A.S.) isurast:d:yui ? Didn't he give it (f) to him (nearer)? 131. (A .A .) isurast: idit: awy ? (A.S.) isurast~d~itsawy? Isn't he bringing it (f ) to him (nearer )? 132. (A.A.) isurixdim nuha as: a ? (A.S.) isurixdim muha idu ? Didn't Mohamed cook today? 314  Reference Gramma r Tamazight Sentences C. Imperative Structures An imperative structure can occur without a verb, e.g. (A.A.) the use of the particle /awra/ 'Come! ' 133. (A.A.) awra (A.S.) awru Come! Other than that, all imperative structures include a verb. Imperative structures directed to second person may contain one or more verbs. Examples of such imperatives with one verb are 134. (A.A.) xdm I (A.S.) xdm ! Work! 135. (A.A.) (A.S.) xdm amha t xdm anuha I Work, Mohamed! 136. (A.A.) xd m asidi I (A.S.) xd: m asidi I Do work, Mister! or Get in the habit of working, Mister! 315  Reference Grammar Tamazight Sentences 137. (A.A.) ns ylman (A.A.) ns ylman Good night. 138. (A.A.) ini neam imay . (A.S.) ini neam iym:a . Answer your mother. Notice that habitual stems can occur to express an energetic Imperative. Example: 139. (A.A.) Xd:m (A.S.) xd:m Do work! Or Get in the habit of working. Examples of Imperatives having two verbs in the imperative: 140. (A.A.) dau xdm I (A.S.) sir xdm I Go work! 141. (A.A.) dzut nnat (A.S.) sirm nnm Go together. 316  Reference Grammar Tama zfight Sentences Refrene Gammr ama igt Sntece Examples of sentences having one verb another verb in the future to express such to work" are in the imperative and ideas as "go in order 142. (A.A.) q3is Ea yzlan (A.S.) q:is a yzlan imuha adis:yd izmuha adis:yd Sing some scrigs to Muha so that he can hear you. 143. (A.A.) ad:ud atsl:md xf unbyi (A.S.) awru at: sl; mt xunu i Come greet the guest. 144. (A.A.) d:uyat at:z;nzm irdn (A.S.) sirm at:z:nzm irdn Go (mp) to sell the wheat. 145. (A.A.) (A.S.) d:uyat at:sl:mm xf muha sirm at:sl:rmm xnuia Go (mp) and say hello to the young man. Second person Imperative structures could be expressed without the use of an imperative form. Examples here use /ixs:a/ 'It's necessary, you have to' followed by a verb in the future form. 146. (A.A.) ixs:a aditinid lhq; (A.S.) its: adimit lhq: . You have to tell me the truth. 317  Reference Grammar Tamazight Sentences 147. (A.A.) ixs:a aditidtawid adangayy (A.S.) ixs: aditit:awit atszrx Bring him here so that I see him. 148. (A.A.) ixs:a aditrzmd tawaryit:a (A.S.) ixs: aditrzmt tirgit:u. You must explain that dream for me. Negative Imperative (second person) structures are realized by the use of /adur-/ before a habitual stem. Notice /adur-/ causes the moveable affixes to be preverbal. 149. (A.A.) adurdt:1eab da (A.S.) adurd~t:eab da Don't play (nearer) here. 150. (A.A.) adurastidt:awy (A.S.) adurastidt:awy Don't bring it (m) nearer. 151. (A.A.) adurastidtaksat dyi (A.s.) adurastidttiitht durt:x Don't give it (m) to him (nearer) now. 318  Reference Grammar Tamazight Sentences First person imperatives (i.e. hortatory or cohortative constructions expressing an exhortation or suggestion for first person) occur with verb /k:r/ 'to get up' or the particle /yal:ah/ 'let us'. Examples: 152. (A.A.) yal:ah answ atay (A.S.) yal:ah answ at;ay Let us (go and) have (drink) tea. 153. (A.A.) yal:ah andu answ: q: (A.S.) yal:ah an-rah an; swq Let us go and shop. 154. (A.A.) k:ray andau yr s:uq: (A.S.) k;rax an:rah yr s:uq: Let us (mp) go to the market. 155. (A.A.) k:ray and:u t;afad an:awd zik: answ:q: (A.S.) k:rax an;rah t:af anaawd zip angsw:q Let us (mp) go so we will be there early and stop. 156. (A.A.) k:Irntay and:u yr tad:art (A.S.) k:rntax an;rah yr tad:art Let us (fp) go home. 319  Reference Grammar Tamazight Sentences Reference Grammar Tarnazight Sentences The Aorist may be used after an imperative form to express second person imperative. Example: 157. (A.A.) d:u yr leafit (A.S.) sir ye1 leafit sari tzdmd: say syar: tssnud aksum iwnbyi leri tzdntd: Eay syarn ts:nut aysum iwnuzi tgd tzt , Go to the mountain, collect (nearer ) some wood, make a fire and cook meat for the gucst. * * * 320  INDEX Comparative Notes: on Numerical System in A.S.,33 on Phonology in A.S.,19-20 on Pronominal System in A.S.,77-85 on the Noun,126-130 on the Verb, 216-239 Conjuctions: of Ayt Ayache,141-143 of Ayt Seghrouchen, 143-145 Consonants: alveolar, 2 alveo-palatal, 2 bilabial, 2 dental, 2 emphatic, 8 flat, 5, 7 fortis, 11 glottal, 2 labialized, 5, 7, 8 labio-dental, 2 lax, 2, 11 lenis, 11 list of, 2 non-emphatic, 8 palatal, 2 pharyngeal, 2 post-palatal, 2 pronunciation of, 5 /s/, tongue position for, 10 /s/, tongue postion for, 10 sfllabic, 11 /t/, tongue position for, 9 /t/, tongue position for, 9 table of, 4 tense, 2, 7, 11 uvular, 2 velar, 2 voiced, 2 voiceless, 2 Noun: affixes masculine singular, 93-94 masculine plural, 94-95 feminine singular, 95-96 feminine plural, 96-97 augmentative, 116 collective plural, 117 singular, 116 composed, 118 construct state masculine nouns, 119-120 feminine nouns, 120-121 conditions for, 121-126 definite, 92 diminutives, 115-116 gender, 89, 92, 93 indefinite, 92 number, 89, 93 plural feminine external, 109-111 feminine internal, 111-112 feminine mixed, 112 masculine external, 97-104 masculine internal, 104-107 masculine mixed, 1o7-109 with /ayt/, 115 with different roots, 115 with /id-/,/ist:/, 114-115 stems basic, 88-92 derived, 92, 182-185 unity, 117 Numerical System: cardinal, 22-29 fractions, 31-33 ordinal, 29-31 Particles: conditional, 150 derivation of, 200-207 interrogative (A.A.), 132-136 interrogative (A.S.), 137-141 presentational, 149 vocative, 150 Prepositions: Ayt Ayache, 145-147 Ayt Seghrouchen, 147-149 Pronominal Affixes: direct object of verb affirmative, 49-52 321  interrogative, 61-63 negative, 55-58 negative-interrogative, 66-69 indirect object of verb affirmative, 46-49 interrogative, 58-61 negative, 52-55 negative-interrogative, 63-66 Pronouns: affixes (see Pronominal) demonstrative, ha, han, 71 demonstrative, singular, 69 demonstrative, plural, 69 demonstrative, pron. suffixes, 69-71 indefinite, every, each, 76 indefinite, proximate, 74-75 indefinite, remote, 75-76 personal, emphatic, 35 personal, independent forms, 35 possessive, independent set, 36-37 possessive, pronominal suffixes, 37-44 relative, object, 74 relative, subject, 72-74 Semi-Vowels: table of, 4 pronunciation of, 5 see also Vowels and Consonants Sentences: imperative structures, 315-320 verbal:affirmative, 293-308 verbal : interrogative, 308-311 verbal :negative, 311-314 verbal:neg. -interrogative, 314-315 verbless : affirmative, 287-289 verbless: interrogative, 289-291 verbless:negative, 291-292 verbless :neg.-interrogative, 292-293 Syllable: structure of, 15 stress of, 17 Verb: affixes fixed discont. morpheme, 158=160 fixed prefix, 155-157 fixed suffix, 158 movable, 154-155 derivational processes causative stem, 179 future tense, 195-197 habitual VH of unaug. stem, 176-178 imperative structures, 187-192 participles, 200-202 passive verb stem, 181-182 past tense, 192-195 present tense, 197-200 reciprocal verb stem, 179-181 list of(A.A.), 262-282 morphobhonemic sketch examples, 210-215 general rules, 207-210 sample appendix A, 240-261 sample appendix B, 283-285 stems ablauted, 160-173 basic, 153 conjugations, 170-173 derived, 153, 182-185 metathesis in, 165-166 unablauted, 160, 167-171 Vowels: list of, 2 table of, 4 rules for allophones, 13 table of allophones, 12 322