FIRST LEVEL ARABIC ELEMENTARY LITERARY ARABIC For SECONDARY SCHOOLS by Ernest N. McCarus and Raji M. Rammuny To Precede Second Level Arabic by Dr. Joseph Khoury Prepared under Contract No. OE 4-14-046 between The University of Michigan and the United States Office of Education MPubli shing University of Michigan Library and Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies University of Michigan Ann Arbor 2011  Published in 2011 by MPublishing University of Michigan Library This volume is reprinted from the 1964 edition by arrangement with the Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies, University of Michigan Permission is required to reproduce material from this title in other publications, coursepacks, electronic products, and other media. Please send permission requests to: MPublishing 4186 Shapiro 919 South University Ann Arbor, MI 48109 ISBN 978-1-60785-229-2    PREFACE The research reported herein was performed pursuant to Contract No. OE 4-14-046 - the United States Office of Education, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and the Regents of the University of Michigan under the terms of Public Law 81-152, Title -II, Section 302 (c) (15) and Public Law 85-864, Title VI, Section 611. This introduction to modern Literary Arabic is an application of audio- lingual teaching methods to the teaching of foreign languages in secondary schools. By way of considerable oral drill aimed immediately at conversational skill, the course points ultimately at the mastery of the written word. The sixteen units are designed for roughly one year's work at the secondary school level. The first phase is strictly oral, with emphasis on pronunciation. During the second third set of lessons, Arabic Script is introduced and mastered, and the last third set is entirely in Arabic Script. A special feature of this course is its preparation of the student for written narrative style; by Level two he should be able to read simple Arabic and at the same time carry on class activities in Arabic to a large extent. Other special features are: only the most basic structures are highlighted in the extensive drills provided; although the attempt is to teach structure through drills, there are simple grammatical summaries and a few cultural notes at the end of the Units; vocabulary is kept to a minimum, but every effort was made for every item to be used in at least every second or third lesson. The Arabic Script is handwritten rather than typeset, so that it provides the learner with a useful model to copy; and special constructive drills to highlight areas of difficulty in mastering the pronunciation are provided. An innovation is the teaching of pause forms alongside of the full form. Tapes and Exercises for reading Arabic Script are available Mr. kaji Rammuny and the undersigned prepare these materials during the period May-August 1964. Mrs. Naida M. Dostal, Foreign Language Supervisor, Citv of Detroit, participated as consultant and provided many valuable suggestions as well as insights in seconda-ry school foreign language teaching; she also contributed substantially in the writing of the accompanying Teacher's Manual. We wish to acknowledge thanks to the Office of Education and to the U-Michigan Department of Near Eastern Languages and Literatures for their essential support and encouragement; and to Mrs. Hiam 1Habiby, who showed superb control of three kinds of typewriters in preparing the manuscript, and who provided intelligent assistance in matters of composition. It should be noted that Mr. Rammuny also did the Arabic Script in the book. This work could not have been accomplished in so short a time, had not Mr. Rammuny devoted himself so fully to the task, and had not my own family been so tolerant of my extended absences from the house. Ernest N. McCarus Department of Near Eastern Ann Arbor, Michigan Languages and Literatures August 15, 1964 University of Michigan   (J1J ,r / 1 JI-I s L. -q dOo , y no* - " moo* 000, .D >L: 9Kj0 Loo -11i" -omv ...A Cam I Lop 004 lop c I r l 01 24 coIo c b loo 0 - , . 400 400 -11 1 0 ,o op .. ! 400 . S 0.01 op 0 00 40 i. s '00I 010 UNIT ONE (1)  door i ,.r - 5I goo*JW Iu UNIT ONE (2 )  A. BASIC DIALOGUE SENTENCES UNIT 1 GETTING ACQUAINTED 1. Good morning. 2. Good afternoon. 3. Good evening. 4. How are you? (speaking to a boy) 5. How are you? (speaking to a girl) 6. Fine, thanks. (speaking to a boy) 7. What is your name? (speaking to a boy) 8. What is your name? (speaking to a girl) 9. My name is Sami. And what is yours? (speaking to a boy) 10. My name is Leila. And what is yours? (speaking to a girl) 11. My name is Yusuf . My name is Miriam, 12. I introduce to you my friend Farid. (speaking to a boy) 13. I introduce to you my friend Farid. (speaking to a girl) 14. I'm happy to meet you. ("I am honored by the acquaintance.") 15. What city are you from? (speaking to a boy) 16. What city are you from? (speaking to a girl) 17. I'm from Detroit. 18. Goodbye. UNIT ONE (3)  A., BASIC DIALOGUE SENTENCES 'addareu' '1 'awwal tac'aaruf' 1. gabaaar1xayr . 2 . daaa~a"'1xayr. 3. masaa'mav1xayr. 4., kayf a laaluk? (speaking to a boy) 5. kayfa 4aaluki ? (speaking to a girl) 6.P bixayrin ukran, 7. ma"wsnuk? (speaking to a boy) 8. ma'sniki ? (speaking to a girl) 9. 'jismi i saami i. wa'an to m&i'snnik? (speaking to a boy) 10. ''ismii laylaa. wa'~anti musimuki? (speaking to a girl) 11. ?i smi i yuu suf . ' i srli maryam. 12. "uqaddimu laka adi iqi i farii. (speaking to a boy) 13.v 'uqaddimi laki gaci iqi i fari id. (speaking to a girl) 14.v tasarraftu bilmacrifa (h) .* 15.o min ' yyi madiinatiri 'ant? (speaking to a boy) 16. min 'hyyi madiinatin 'anti? (speaking to a girl) 17.o 'anaa mincitroyt. corrct.Yousholdamitte yur 5 ponuciaion UNIT ONE (4)  B. PRONUNCIATION DRILLS: VOWEL LENGTH 1. he gathered up it was scant he wrote he allowed a request a - aa a lam qal katab samal) $alab ( I ) ( aa laam qaal kaatab saamal} $aalab the letter "I" he said he wrote to he forgave he demanded he became deaf solution praise country he persisted pam 1Val 17amd balad lazim paam Vgaal 1iaamiid bilaad laazim he fasted condition praising country necessary. 2. i - ii i button zir mill mil turn' )lif medicine }ib slavery riq tooth sin he got sick mari4 truthful gaadiiq (boy's name) raasid (c)( ii ziir miil liif $iib riiq si in marii. gadiiq rasiid large water-jar mile palm fibres perfume saliva the letter "s" sick friend (boy's name) UNIT ONE (5)  3 .U - Ux turn. visit' Arabian jasmine be the chief' be generous free say the "1" (speaking to a boy) he was noble it distresses get up now. (to a boy) u duxr zur ful sud jud 1}ur qu l l laam karum yu sif qumi 'lHaan (-9 ) ( ) uu duur zuur fuul suu d juud iguur quuli~11aam kuruum yuusuf quumil'9aan houses counterfeit beans black generosity basil say the "1" (speaking to a girl) vineyards Joseph get up now. (to a girl) UNIT ONE (6)  C. SPECIAL VOCABULARY min? ayyi min vayyi min 9ayyi mm 9ayyi min vayyi wilaayatin ?ant? baladin vant? From what From what state are you? country are you? madiina(h)? wilaaya (h) ? balad ? From what From what From what city? state? country? ?ameerkaa vingiltraa faransaa lubnaan America England France Lebanon vuqaddimu laka dad.iigatii laylaa. (speaking to a boy) vuqaddimu lakig adiagatii laylaa.o (speaking to a girl) I introduce to you my friend Leila. (speaking to a boy) I introduce to you my friend Leila. (speaking to a girl) Classroom Expressions va iiduu mac an min faqlikum. (speaking to a group) valgsant3 (speaking to a boy) ?algsanti1 (speaking to a girl) valgsantum! (speaking to a group) valgsantum janitan. (speaking to a group) Repeat all together, please. (speaking to a group) Well done' (speaking to a boy) Well done' (speaking to a girl) Well done' (speaking to a group) All of you have done well. UNIT ONE (7)  D. STRUCTURE DRILLS 1. Chain Drill: Gender Contrast a. Speaking to a boy Si1: kayf a 1.aaluk? S2: bixayr in Eukran, wavanta kayfa 1aluk? S3 : bixayrin sukran. b. Speaking to a girl Sl: kayfa ;iaaluki? S2: bixayrin sukran. wa ?anti kayf a baaluki? S3: bixayrin bukran. 2. Repetition Drill: Gender Contras "What is your name?" ma'smu.k? (speaking to a boy) ma'%osmuki? (speaking to a girl) "And what is your name?" wavanta md7smuk? (speaking to a boy) wavanti ma'smuki? (speaking to a girl) How are you? Fine thanks. And how are you? Fine, thanks. How are you? Fine thanks. And how are you? Fine, thanks. t ma srmuk? (speaking to a boy) ma'smuki? (speaking to a girl) vavanta ma.'4smuk? (speaking to a boy) wavanti masmuki? (speaking to a girl) UNIT ONE (8)  3. Cued Drill: Gender Contrast ?anti, saamii1. yut su f laylaa. iaryam. 4. Chain Drill Si: ma" smuk? (speaking to a S : ?i s a .. . .«. . ... . . (bwa ~ a n t i n a' ~s k i ? (s p e wa' an ta ma^~'smk? (sp~ mawsmuk . ma^'sraiki. ma'^smuk . mna' sruk. masosnuki. maN' smuki, aboy) D.'s 'name ) :.aking to a girl) rtl' s name) taking to a boy-) 5. Cued Drill, What pronoun form corresponds to: k6ayf~a l.aauk? "ant. kayf'a 1aauki ? anti. ma smuki ? ?anti.. 6. Chain Drills: Choice of "ant or "anti a. Sl: min "ayyi iadi inatin ("ant)? S2 : anaa min (ditroyt). (wa'anta) min "ayyi miadiina (h) ? S3 : anaa mmn(1aav "aanjeli s). UNIT ONE (9 )  b . s 1: rainl ayyi wi laayatin ('pant)? S2 :9anaa main (i~igan)0 (wa'?anta) rain 'ayyi wi laaya (h ) Sa : ?anaa rain (ka~afaornya) s2: 'anaa main (9areerkaa)0 (wa~anta) rain 9ayyi balad? S,,3.- 'anaa rain (lubnaan) . 7. Substitution Drill ?anaa rain ditroyt, 7ilinooy. f aran saa . teksas. lubn aan . ?artsesrkaa . "ingiltraa. ?anaa rain ?anaa rain ?anaa rain ~an aarain ?anaa rain 'anaa ran 9anaa rain cditroyt a "ilinooy, faransaa,. te1ksas.. lubnaan, gamaeerkaa. 8. Repetition Drill. "I introduce to you my friend Far Speaking to a boy: ?uqadd iraulalca gad i iqi i fartiid. Speaking to ,a girl: o9uqadd inulai adii qi i fan id* "I introduce to you my friend Lei Speaking to a boy: 9uqadd imu lak~a gaci iqati i laylaa. Speaking to a girl: 'ttqaddciralai adiiqatii 2la la. UNIT O0 ?uciaddirau aka ad~i iq~ii fari id ?uqzaddimu laki padiiqgii fariied. ?Uqaddimulaka Vad~ii qati i laylaa0 ?uqddirau laki adiiqatii !E (10)  9. Substitution Drills a. 9Uqadclimu lakas saam~i i . yuusuf. Wi lyarn. ?an~oon. 9tlcaddiiru laka gadi iqi i fariild 'uqa&Umu lakas gadimu laka "uqgaddi muJlaka 'u qalciice. laka padiigi i saarnii. Vadiigi i yuusub' 00 Vadiigii wilyam, vad1igii ? oon. b.o '?uqacdcii lakas 9uqacddimu lakasgad~i i ilaylaa o maryam. ?uqgaclciiimu laka dad i iqa t i i aryarn rneeri i. 9uqaaclimu lakas, ad iiqgat ii me eri i. saarah 9uqgalairxiilakas Vadi iqa t i isaarah, fariiaa(h) 9uqaiclinulakas adiiqatii farida (h) 10. Situation Dialogue 1. Ask John how he is. 2. Ask Mary how she is. 3. Ask Leila what her name is. 4. Ask Sami what his name is. 5. Ask Fred what state he is from. 6. Ask Jane what country she is from. 7. Say goodbye to Jane. kayf a 1aaluk ? kayf a l.aaluki ? ma' smuki ? min 'ayy i w il aaya t in ?ant? rei 7ayyi balacdin ?anti? UNIT ONE (11)   George:min 9ayyi madiinatin ?ant? Tom :?anaa min baaan. wavanta min "ayyi madiina(h)? George: ?anaa min nyuyork. 2. An American meets a student from American: masaava~'lxayr. Arab : masaava~lxayr. American: vismii meerii. wavanti ma~'smuki? Arab : ?ismii laylaa. American: kayfa 1 aaluki? Arab : bixayrin Eukran. American: min vayyi baladin ?anti? Arab : "anaa min lubnaan. American: vila'wlligaa?. Arab : "ila^'lligaa?. 3. An Arab introduces his friend to Yusuf : pabaaa~1xayr . Linda : abaalga'lxayr . Yusuf: ?uqaddimu laki gadigii faaris. Linda :tanarraftu Fares :kayf a 1gaaluki? Linda :bixayrin Eukran. - Fares :in~f 7ayyi wilaayatin "ant i? Linda:?anaa min"floridaa. What city are you from? I am from Boston. What city are you from? I am from New York. an Arab country: -Good afternoon. Good afternoon. My name is Mary. What is your name? My name is Leila. How are you? Fine, thanks. What country are you from? I am from Lebanon. Goodbye. Goodbye. an American girl. Good morning. Good morning. I introduce to you my friend Fares. I am happy to meet you. How are you? Fine, thanks. What s tate are you from? I am from Florida. I'l UNIT ONE (13)  F. *REVIEW kayf a I aluk ? wa'antas kayf a haau1 ? kaya auki? w' ati kayf ahaluki? wantas ma"'smuk? min ' yyi madiinatin ?ani? wa'anta min 9ayyi maci ina (h) ? wa at i miryi ayyi wi l ad(h)? min vayyi 'ant? wa'an ti min 'ayyi bals.d? sab4-xa bixayrin wsukran0 b i x yirn ukra :, bi.x yrin ukra..n b ixayri.n ukran, 7imin t'ana min -..--- UNIT ONE (14)  G. GRAMMATICAL SUMMARY 1. Gender in Pronouns a. Arabic has various words which are translated as ?ant and vanta, which are masculine in gender a male), and ?anti , which is feminine (used in "you" in English: (used in addressing addressing a female). b. Arabic also expresses the pronoun "you" as a suffix added on at the end of a word. Here again, there is a difference in gender: -k and -ka are masculine singular, while -ki is feminine singular. These suffixes may be added to: 1) Nouns, as kayf a 1aa1uk? How are you? (Lit., "How is your condition?") (speaking to a boy) kayf a 1aaluki? How are you? (speaking to a girl) xna^'"smuk ? ma'~imkiM? What is your name? (speaking to a boy) What is your name? (speaking to a girl) 2) Prepositions, as la- "to" in ?uaddimU laka (laki) I present to you my friend Miriam. Vadiiqati iTmaryam. Note that in most structure Drills of this unit you are required to make a choice between a masculine versus a feminine form, either of which is translated "you" in English. 2. The Pause Form a. ?ant and ?anta both mean "you" (masculine singular). Of the two forms, ?ant is used at the end of a phrase or sentence, or even if you hesitate or interrupt your speech before you complete the sentence; ?anta is the form used when there is no interruption between it and the following word. Compare: min gayyi madiinatin ?ant? waganta min ?ayyi madhna(h)? wa 7an t--min 9ayy i miadiia(h)w? What city are you from? And what city are you from? And you--what city are you from? UNIT ONE (15)  ?ant is called the pause form of this word, and 'anta is called the "full form." Note that pause form is indicated by any kind of punctuation mark - . , ? and others. This means that when you are reading a sentence from this book you must learn not to pause or hesitate where there are no punctuation marks. For example, min "ayyi madiinatin *ant? is to be pronounced as if it were one long word, with no break between any of its parts. The pronoun "inti "you" (feminine singular) is both pause form and full form: min ?ayyi maddinatin "anti? wam nti min ayyi mactlna (h) ? What city are you from? And what city are you from? b. In the same way, -Ik is the pause form and -ka is the full form of the pronoun suffix "you" (masculine singular); -ki "you" (feminine singular) is the same in both pause and full form: Speaking to a boy: kayfa 1gaaluk? vuqeddimu laka gadigli farT*Td. Speaking to a girl: kiyf a laaluki? uqaddima laki padiiqii farT*d. How are you? I present to you my friend Farid. How are you? I present to you my friend Farid. c. The symbol (h) also is pause form; compare: Full Form min ayyi madiinatin Tant?- min ayyi wilaayatin "ant? d. The pause form of baladin mi I dyyi balad in ,ant? Pause Form wa'anta min ,&yyi madiina(h)? waganta min 9yyi wilaaya(h)? however, is balad. wa'anta min ayyi balad? UNIT ONE (16)  3. Special Symbols a. In note 2 above, it is pointed out that punctuation marks indicate a break in the pronunciation of a sentence, and that you must not hesitate where there are no punctuation marks. We also use in this book a special sign 0 to show that the two words it joins cannot be pronounced separately. Thus, gabaaga'vlxayr actually consists of two words, but must always be pronounced as if it were a single word. The same is true, of course, of maSaaafW*1xg.yr , md^*smuk , vilao111qaa?. b. When you pronounce words or sentences, some syllables are pronounced louder than others; these louder or stressed syllables are indicated by the accent mark ' . For example, in mavsmuk , the syllable mis- is louder than -muk . In bixedyrin Eukran -x6y- is stressed above all the rest of the sentence. The second word, which means "thanks," might be pronounced alone, however, in which case the first syllable would be pronounced louder than the last one: Eukran "thanks." Thus, in a word one syllable will be pronounced louder than the others, and in sentences some words will be pronounced louder than other words. Since the exact pronunciation will vary slightly from one speaker to another, you need only imitate your own teacher. UNIT ONE (17)   l, L1 0-ZJ r Loc. L.,O - -p UNIT TWO (18)  H i 1c \" C Y ,xti/~ ~ 3 lei lJ  A. BASIC DIALOGUE SENTENCES UNIT 2 ON THE WAY TO SCHOOL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5., 6. 7, 8. 90 10. 11. 12. 13. 140 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Hello. Hello, Karim. (speaking to a boy) Hello, Karima. (speaking to a girl) How are you today? (speaking to a boy) How are you today? (speaking to a girl) Well, thanks. ("Praise be to God, well. Thanks") Where are you going now? (speaking to a boy) Where are you going now? (speaking to a girl) To school. What are you studying there ("in it")? (speaking to a boy) What are you studying there ("in it")? (speaking to a girl) The Arabic language, and other subjects ("other studies"). Do you like Arabic? (speaking to a boy) Do you like Arabic? (speaking to a girl) Yes. I wish you good luck. ("success granted by God") (speaking I wish you good luck. ("success granted by God") (speaking I thank you, Karim. (speaking to a boy) I thank you, Karima. (speaking to a girl) Goodbye. Goodbye. (In reply: speaking to a boy) Goodbye. (In reply: speaking to a girl) to a boy) to a girl) A6 ~ v U UNIT TWO (20)  A.BASIC DIALOGUE SENTENCES 9 adar uwe0aan iiv -l~arifqi 9i1aP~1ndas~) 1., m~r1iaban., 2. mar1~aba~n yaa kariim, (speaking to a boy) 3. mAr1~aban yaa kariixna(h). (speaking to a girl) 4. kayf a 1taa1ukao~'4yawm? (speaking to a boy) 5., kayf a 1aa1uki'1Yawm?7 (speaking to a girl) 6, Pa11~tundu lillaahi bixayr. sukrai0 7. 91ilaa l&yna "anta 6aahibunio~vi-aan? (speaking to a boy) 8. "ilaa 7ayna ?anti 6aahibatuni'17?atn? (speaking to a girl) 9. liav~4marasa(hi) 10. maa6aa t~drusu f iihaa? (speaking to a boy) 11., maa6aa tadrusiina f£iihaa? (speaking to a girl) 12. valluyata'vL~arabiyya(ia),waduruusan O"uxraa. 13, #?atu1ibbu^%*1arabiYYa(h)? (speaking to a boy) 14. ?atu1ibbiina~v1arabiyya(h)? (speaking to a girl) 15. navam. 16. qatamannaa 1akaf~ottawf liiq. (speaking to a boy) 17. ?atamannaa 1aki'^ttawf iiq. (speaking to a girl) 18.m *?avskruka yaa keariim, (speaking to a boy) 19. mS'kiIruki yaa kariima(h). (speaking to a girl) 2,0. mv a"os saa~ma(h),0 UNIT TWO (21)  PRONUNCIATION DRILL:. VOWEL QUALITY-VELARIZATION _ p _ _ _ ._,..._ _,._ . ,...... ,,, _ . 1. poisonous he repented pointing humble it ceased to be he measured the letter "k" as saam taab daal 6aal zaal kaal kaaf aam Vaab laal Baal 7aal qaal qaaf he fasted it was delicious astray remaining remaining he said the letter "q" 2. the letter s figs rooster weak arrangement departure ii si in tiin diik rakiik tarti ib Inasi ir piin -iin diiq raqiiq tar-iib ma iir China clay difficulties slave moistening future 3. wall tulle a chapter of the Koran sur suur tuul suura (h) uu 1 Puura (h) Tyre length picture cup kuub quub a young bird. UNIT TWO (22)  C. SPECIAL VOCABULARY vila1mataba (h) il a^pa iff minaplwillaayaati~1mluttihida(h). mino)sbaanyaa min "almaanyaa ?allayata^%lingli izil"yya (h), "alluyata^%lfaran siyya (h). ?alldyata~11 laa tiiniyya(h). Classroom Expressions maI fahimt.. windii suvaal. evindii suaal, yaa ustad6. to the library. to class. from the United States. from Spain. from Germany. the English language. the French language. the Latin language. I don't understand. I have a question. I have a question, teacher. UNIT TWO (23)  D. S TRUCTURE DRILLS 1.Substitution Drill: The Vocative Particle va~a "Hell1o, Ka rim". iarhaban yaa kariim. miarhaban yaa kariim. karima(h). marhaban yaa kar'ira(h)., yuusuf. marhaban yaa ytuusuf., laylaa. marhaban yaa layJlaa. fariida(h). marhaban yaa fariicta(h). faaris.- marhaban yaa faaris. 2.Repetition Drill "Where are you going Karim?" 7i-aa ?ayna ?anta baahibun yaa kariim? ?ilaa '.'yna ?anti 6a6.hibatun yaa kariloma(h)? ?ilaa ?ayna 9anta 6aahibun yaa yuusuf'? 7ilaa 7ayna ?anti 6aglhibatun yaa laylaa? ?7ilaa ?aYna 9&ita 6aahibun yaa sawaiii? 7ilaa gayna ?anti 6aataibatun yaa farlica(h)? ?ilaa ',,ayria ?anta 6aataibun yaa karilm? ?"ilaa ?ayna ?anlti 6aahiibattin yaa karifma(h)? 9 ilaa ?ayna ganta 6aahibun yaa yuusuf? lilaa '-ayria ?anti 6aahibatun yaa 16.ylaa? gilaa '.ayna ?anta 6aahibun yaa saami1. ?ilaa "avna ?anti 6aahibatun yaa fariida(h)? UNIT TWO (24)  3.Cued Drill "Where areyo going now?" yaa kari im. yaa kariaina(h)o yaa saaiii yaa laylaa, yaa lindaa. yaa yuilsuf . ?ilaa 'ayna "anta 6aahibunio%19, anr? 'ltlaa #'ayna? 'anti 6aahibatun 1^l~aan? ?ilaa 'ayma 'anta 6aahibunio'-l9aan? ?'ilaa 9ayna ?anti 6aatiibatuni-N1'aan? ?'ilaa 'ayna ?anti 6aahibatun>1'olaan?, 92laa ?ayna 'anta 6aahibuni^,l~aan? 4.Chain Drill S2.: "ilaa #?ayria anta 6aahiibuni ',l~aan? S2: 'i lao"lmacra sa(h) . ?i laa 'ayna 'anti 6aahibatunv%.,1 'aan? 9ilaa 'ayria 'anta 6aai bun>19-laan? 5. Repetition Drill "What are you studying there, Karim?" maa~aa ta~trusu f iihaa yaa maa6aa tadrusu filihwmyaa kari-im? kari im? maa~aa tacrusiina fiiriaa maahaa taclrusiina fiihaa yaa yaa karilma(h)? kariflma(h)? rnaaa taruziina fiihaa maa6aa tacru si0ina fi1ilhaa yaa yaa lindaa? 1indaa? da6aa tacirusu £iihaa yaa maaZaa tacidru su f iihaa yaa saarn*i raa6aa t~.dru su f ii1haa, yaa maa6aa tadru su f iihaa yaa joZrj? joorj? maaa tdrtsifina firhaa malt6aa t'O1ru sifna f ifhaa yaa yaa jorjeet? jorjeet? UNIT TWO (25) 9  6.Cued Drill, "What are you studying there, Karim?" yaa kariim. yaa karl~ma(h). yaa liniaa. yaa saainii. yaa joorj., yaa jorjeet. 7. Substitution Drill ialliiyatap1s'arably'ya (h),t wa duruu san "utxraa. 9?alluAyata^*Plfaransiyya (h). maa~aa tacirusu £iihaa yaa kariim? maa6aa tacrusiina £iinraa yaa maabaa tacrusiina fiib*haa ya lindaa? maa6aa tcisu £iihaa yaa saaxnii? maa6aa tacldrusu £ii"haa yea joo'rj? maa6aa tactrusi ina f ii'haa ya jorj set?. 'a11tiyata'%oParabyaa(h), wa duruui San Ouxaa qalluyata^,1faransiyya(h), wa duruu san ?uxraa. 9&1lrlata'~ollaati iniyaa (h), wa duruusan ?uxraa, 8. Cha in Drill,2--w-i th Fr ee Respos Sl: maa6aa tadrusu filinaa? {qa11u"ata~1larabiyaa (l), wa dxirutisan ?uxraa, S 2: {qalluyata~llaatiJniyya (I), -wa curuuisan 9uixraa. {galluyata'~Klfaransiyya(h),, wa curutisan 7uxra, UNIT TWO (26)  9. Repetition Drill: Pronoun Suffixes kAyf a 1aaluka yaa karlim? How are you, Karim? k~yf a ]aaluka yaa kariim? kcyf a 1aaluka yaa kari im? kgyfa 1Vaaluki1"yaa karl1 ima (h) ?ka, yfa iYaaluki yaa karl ima (hi),? k~yf a V~aaluka yaa yu suf ? kayf a 1aaluka yaa ytiu suf ? k6.yfa 1Vaaluka yaa farild? kayfa 1aaluka yaa fariid? k~.yf a 1aa2uki yaa fari'ida(la)?kAyf a 1aaluki yaa farlidla(h)? k6.yf a 1aaluki yaa 16AYlaa? kayf a 1aaluki yaa lAylaa?, 10. Cued Drill "How are you, Karim?" yaa karlim. yaa kar ifma (h). yaa faaris. yaa fariida(h). yaa sa~mii. yaa inaryam. "I wish you good luck, Kar im. " "atanannaa 1akaA*t tawf i Iq. yaa kar im. ?atanairnaa laki*t tawf i iq, fariida(h). ?atam nna1aka^*ttawfi iq, yaa farild. 'atamaxna aki~wttawfi Iq, yaa saarah., ?'tm naa 1aka^,ottawfii*q, yaa saamii. ,Patamnaa 1aki*p*ttawfiiq, yaa 1laylaa. k~.yf a 1Vaaluka yaa kari im? katyf a Iaaluki yaa kari~ima (h)? kayf a 1Vaauka yaa faaris? kayf a Vaaluki yaa farlica(h)? kayf a laaluka yaa saolmii? kayf a JVaaluki yaa maryam? 9?atanannaa 1akao*,kt tawf 1 q ,yaa karlim. "atamarrnaa 1aki'^ttawfiiq, yaa fariida(hY, '?atarnannaa 1akaft tawfi Lq, yaa fariid0 7atamarrnaa 1akio'*ottawf iiq, yaa yaa saarah., gatamarrnaa 1aka#,-ttawfif'q, yaa sagni i. '?atAn~nnaa lakio,'*ttawf iiq, yaa )aylaa. To (27)  12. Cued Drill ":I wish you good luck, Karim,.i yaa kariixn. yea fariida(h). yaa yuuisuf . yaa laylaa. yaa saamii . yea linda., 13. Repetition Drill: Pronoun Suffixes "I thank you, Karim." ias3airuka yea kariim. >as~kuruki yaa kariima(h). omaskuruka yea saami i. 7a'S*kuru~ki yea salma,. >askuuka yea fariid 'aSkiiriki yea layla. 14. Cued Drill 11r"I-thnkyo,_a.m. ~atamana1eaka~ottawfiq, ya kari im. 9atalnanna akio~ottawfiiq, ya far i i Laa(h). gatani&nna aka^#*ttawt'iiq, e g~at eYmI.nea laki'ottawfiiq, ya gataninnaa 1akao,,ttaw±'iiq, ya saarnii. gata'narrnaa 1aki~fttawf'Ulq, ya liidaa. gas1kuruka yea kariin. gaskurruki yea kariima(h). ia~kuruka yea saaini "askuruki yea salma ?askuruka yea farild. a9aukurl ya 1ylaa. ?askuruka yaa kariim. UNIT TWO (28)  yafar iid. yaa 'usta6. yea inaryam. ?a~1adruka yaa fariifd., ask~rtuka yaa 'Yustaa6. #?as"'kuruki' yaa maryam. 15. Repetition Drill: Pronoun Suffixes sa1)Arnakal4Ah, yea kari im,.Goodbye, Karim. sa11 mka~~Ah, yea kari~im. sall~nlkN.jja~h, sa116xmaki#Nkjjacjhyea sallamaki^ojaAh. kariima(h). sa3i16znaka^%#'Ua.h,, yaa sallamaka*%jTaah, ?u staa6. sa11&makip*ITe.&h, yeaa sa11amaki ^olaah, laeylaa. sallaiaka-v4lAh, yea a116.iaka4aah, saamii. sa11amaki^4a.aai, yea sall~mak ifsIa~h, lindaa. yea kariim. yea kariima(h). yea 7us3taa6. yea layJlaa. yea saaxnii. yaa linciaa. 16. Cued Drill "Goodbye, Karim." yea kartim. yea kar iima (h). ya aritfd. yea far 10da (h). yea sabmii. yea 1&ylaa . sallbxmaka*"*#Ija~h, yea kari im. sa11aak1'fwj ach, yea kariima (h). sa11wnaka#,**Ua~h, ya arl sallamakif'iiasah, yea fariida(h). sa11ezakaja&h, ya a caMJ i. sall mif~ollah, yaa yla. UNIT TWO (29)  17. Repetition Drill: Pronoun Suffixei Q: m&smuk? A: vismii saamii. Q: mavesmuki ? A: vismii fariida(h). Q : mapsmii* ? A: i6?1smaka kariim. Q : ma,# smaii? A: ?i smiuki kari ima (h). 18. Chain Drills : Pronoun Suffixes a. fma**smuk? SI( {ms~smuki? S2 :19iasmi i a----------. bSl "'mismii ? {gismuka-----. {pIsmk ----, What is your name? (speaking to a boy) My name is Sami. What is your name? (speaking to a girl) My name is Faridah. What is my name? (a boy is speaking) Your name is Karim. (speaking to a boy) What is my name? (a girl is speaking) Your name is Karima. (speaking to a girl) (speaking to a boy) (speaking to a girl) (boy or girl's name) (boy or girl speaking) (boy's name) (girl's name) 19. Chain Drill, with 0ptional Question {atuVibbuW'1arabiyya(h)? Do you like Arabic? Si atulibbu*lfaransiyya(h) ? Do you like French? -t { vatulgibbu',11aatiiniyaa (h) ? Do you like Latin? S2 naam . Yes. UNIT TWO (30)  20. 2 Repetition Drill: Making Questions You like the Arabic language. 1marabiyya(h)., 1marabiyya(h)., You study French. tadru su ^wlfaran siyya (ha), ttidru si ina-1f aran siyya (h). You are from Lebanon. 9anta min lubnaan. 'anti Mini lubnaan. Do you like the Arabic language? 1qarabiyya (h) ? 1marabiyya(h)? Do you s tudy French? "7ataaru su'~'1f aran siyya (h) ? qatadrusi inw-,f aran silyya (Ia)? Are you from Lebanon? 'aanta mmi ubnaan? 9alanti min lubnaan? 21. Chain Drill, with Free Resp2onse S1L ,min iayyi baladin "ant?9 S13: anaa min lubnaaL 'ana~a mina lnayaa. "?anaa mina~.wilaayaatiA%*2mtt4icda(a), lanaa mini'~'sbaanyaa, UNIT TWO (31)  E. CONVERSATIONS 1.Karim meets his friend Farid:, kari'im: rlrabafl yaa £ariid. £ariid; aabnkyf kariiin: bixayrin wsukran. £ariid: iaa6aa tadrusu yas kariim? karimi: ?all1yata~o fanri ' atu4 ibbu~o llaatiiniyya(11)? kariim, na~'mm fariid: ?atam-".nnaa 1akapkv ttawfiiq. kari ime w~ikran ya~a feariid. Hello, Farid. Hello. How are you today? Fine, thanks. What are you studying, Karim? The Latin language. Do you like Latin?, Yes. I wish you good luck. Thanks, Farid. 2. Layla on her way to school: laylaa: rnasaa 9a#--*xAYr. Iaryam; Iasaa,7ar,.xayr. 1&ylaa: kayf'a 1~aauki ya~a Inaryam? maryam; ?aU4naTmiu#,'1i llaahi bixayr., wa'?anti kayf a 1pa1uk *1? laylaa; bixa iyrin 'sukran. Inaryam, 'ilaa ?ayfa ?anti 6aahlbatun i#,1 'wan ? maryam:m3 a voa.s salaana(h).v UNIT TWO Good evening. Good evening. How are you, Mary? Well, thanks. And how are ? Fine, thanks. Where are you going now? To class. Goodbye. Goodbye.  3. Faris introduces his friend Yusuf to Karima: feaari s8 a abaaiXa'wwlxayr. Good morning. karii 4ma mr) a abaa~ia'*lxayr. Good morning. far s i uqaddimu )l&ki I introduce t, gaiqii Y~uiif, Yusuf. karilmam): tasarrat %tu I am happy to kayf'a 1 aaluka How are you, Yi yaa yuueuf'? 3t1UUL a 9a2amdu'%#1illaahi Well thanks. bixeayr. sukran. kari ima (h) a min '&y~yi What country balatfli'n arta Yusuf? yaa yuu sut'? YLLUSUf ;a ?anaa min I am f rom LebC, lubnaai. o0 you my friend imeet you. usuf? are you from, anon . kari ima (h) a 9atuti b bu^- lmadirasa (a).? nU3UL a n a'q am ya a kaniima(h). kairna (a) a "atamannaa laka^%t t awf i IO yuu sulf a ukran., 4. Between Sami and Sarah; s&afiia min 1ayyi iadiinatin ganti yeaa saaralt? saaraha ?ariaa mirn Vaa24. leek sitli. saiia m'aa atadrtisiina seaaratna 9alf'aransiyya(h)., sa~rahaa 'alluyata!% 1f aran sfyya(a). Do you like school? Yes, Karima. I wish you good luck . Thanks. What city are you from, Sarah? I am from Salt Lake City. What do you study at school? French. I don't understand. The French language. UNIT TWO (33)  1blyatao~ 19abnaaiyya(h)? saarahs na,;an. saamli: naqa'~ssa1aama(h). eaarah: sa11&akao%laah. 5. Bill meets a foreign student at Bill:Mar1 ab an. 1{ndaa: matrlaban. Bill ~kayl'a Vaauki? lindaas 9aJ48=l~u lillaahi bixayrin, ki'kran., Bill ina~'nk i? lindaa; 9ismii linclaa. Bill :min ?ayyi balaclin *?ant i? sbaanyaa. Bill: maa6aa tairusilna yaa lindaa? Lingliizi'yya(h), Do you like the German language? Yes,. Goodbye. Goodbye. a school dance. Hello. Hello. How are you? Well, thanks. What is your name? My name is Linda. What country are you from? I'm from Spain. What are you studying, Linda? English* 6. Anthony has a question for his friend George: qa3Xl0O'f; mar'laban yaa joorj. Hello, George. joorj ~marl~aban. Hello. am~b kayf a 1Vaalukavw How are you now? 1 'aan JoorJ 92amu1llja~hi Well, thanks. b ixayr . UNIT TWO (34)  oon n arv ,Of0 yaa joorj. ?a#anta 6a&niburi ?7ilaa lubna~n? na~'aan "7atu4i bbupr%* 1 q arabilyya (h)?1* naq'am, 'atain~nna 1akaf~v ttawfilq. ThukraxI. maa~ssalaama(h), I have a question, George. Are you going to Lebanon? Yes. Do you like Arabic? Yes. I wish you success. Thanks. So long. Goodbye. joori 'an io Of . , joori ,?an Poni joorj UNIT TWO (35)  F . REVIEW m-ar1aban . masaa#?ao~oLxayr. kayf' a 1pauka~1wm l a.&n) mav~wsmuk? waoaiti ma'*#smuki*'? 9?uq~diimu laka qadiiqii----ww. min qayyi madiiatin 7ant? wa?anti min 9ayyi inaciina(h)? min *?ayyi wilaAyatin "ant? min ?ayyi baleAin ganit? ma aa. tadru sup-ol'aan? maabaa tadru si nao%*1yawm? 1"qarab iyya (h)? "7atambmrnaa laka"'ottawf i q. rna qa'vs a a~mah . mar1~aban. qabaa]~a^1x~yr, yaa gustaa'6. masaaa^*41xayr, qa11~amdu 1i11a&aii bixayr. (Swukran) bixayrin vsukran. #?jSMjj----- (boy's name) O~Thmii (girl's name) ?ismtika (boy's name) *?ismuk * (girl's name) ta'sarraftu bilinaqrifa(h). 'anaa min Musa--*". (name of a city) 'anaa min --~- (name of a city) ?anaa min ---~ (name of a state) "anaa min "ameericaa (minav* min^-ngiltraa ~min ?al-maanyaa., etc.) ?alluAyata^-1qarabiyya (h), wa duruusan "?uxraa. qalfaransiyya(h); (qallaatiinivya(h); #?alingliiziyya(h); etc.) naqam. naqam. 'Sukran; a'kuruka. salla'makajaA~f; UNIT TWO (36)  G *GRANMATICAL SUMMfARY 1. The Vocative Particle yaa The word yaa is regularly used before names and titles when speaking directly to someone; it corresponds to the "0" of older English, as in "0 my darling." mar1;aban yaa kariim. mArltaban yaa laylaa. Hello, (0) Karim. Hello, Leila. 2. Gender a. In Unit I we saw that pronouns have gender: anta is masculine and vanlti is feminine. Other words also show gender, such as adjectives. 1) ganta 5aahibuni2iaan. ?axnti baahibatuni~^19aan. "you are going now" (masc.) "1you are going now" (fem.) Sentence 1., which is used in addressing a boy, has a masculine singular pronoun and adjective, while the pronoun and adjective in sentence 2. are both feminine. The pronoun vanaa "I" may be used as either masculine or feminine, as vanaa 6aaiibuni,1Laan "I am going now" (a boy is speaking) "anaa 6aahibatuniA-?aan. "I am going now" (a girl is speaking). b. Personal names also are either masculine, such as the boys' names kariim , yuusuf and fariid or feminine, such as the girls' names kari ima (h) , laylaa , and fariida (h) . kayfa gaaluk, yaa kariiiM. kayfa gaaluki, yaa kari ima (h). c. Verbs as well show a difference in gender in the second person- the form for "you" (masc. sing.) ends in -u , the form for "you" (fem. sing.) ends in -iina : maa6aa tedrusu yaa kariim? maa6aa tadruiina yaa kari ima (h) ? UNIT TWO (37)  maa6aa tul.ibbu yaa kariim? maa6aa tulpibbiina yaa kariima(h)? d. First person singular verbs (those translated with "I") may be used by either boys or girls: Sabkuru. .0. . . .0... "I thank..." (spoken by a boy or a girl) quqaddimu....... "I introduce..." (spoken by a boy or a girl) ?atamannaa...... "I wish..." (spoken by a boy or a girl) 3. Pronoun Suffixes -ka and -ki We saw in Unit I that the pronoun suffixes -ka and i-ki may occur on: a. Nouns, as 17.aaluka your condition. 1aailuki your condition. b. Prepositions, as laka to you. laki to yOu. Now we see that they also occur on: c. Verbs, as "askuruka I thank you. ?askuruki I thank you. Note: The Pronoun Suffix-ii (which corresponds to 9anaa ) means "MY" when added to nouns, as ?"i smii name. sadiiqii m_ friend.( a boy) sadiiqatii my friend.( a girl) UNIT TWO (38)  4. Making Questions: A sentence containing an interrogative word, such as kdyf'a? how? what? ?&yna? where? ma&haa? what? is automatically a question, as kayfa 1aaluk? (speaking to a boy); How are you? If a sentence does not already contain an interrogative, it can be made into a question by adding "a- at the beginning of the first word of the sentence, as tuiibbu-i qarabiyya(h). You like Arabic. 'vatulgibbu~*1'rabiyya (h)? Do you like Arabic? tadruii inaowlfaransiyya(h), You are studying French, ?atadrusi ina',wlfaransiyya (h) ? Are you studying French? vanta min lubnaan. You are from Lebanon. #avanta min lubnaanY Are you from Lebanon? UNIT TWO (39)  L- - 0'~ r - I ...ter ""' ...- 0 t- 1 1 1, A N - t "3 4.... ,..... " 1 ....... s r 1 r ,,, 1 o , " ' ..... A i If t w O t - J h )' r 0 Hz H ---IA  ew 40 $ 0 j I ## Ll)j I j I I & C.:00. .o ol i AOP 4 go cj 4jj .0 AO 00 go i e ")I>5 v UNIT THRtEE (41)  A. BASIC DIALOGUE SENTENCES UNIT 3 GOING TO THE LIBRARY 1.. Sami Good morning. 2. Widad: Good morning. 3. Sami : Are you going to the library, Widad? 4. Widad: Yes, Sami. 5. Sami What are you going to study? 6. Widad: French. 7. Sami : How many hours will you stay there? 8. Widad: About two hours. 9. Sami : I'm going to go to the library to review the Arabic lessons. 10. Widad: Do you have an exam tomorrow? 11. Sami : No. We are having a discussion in class. 12. Widad: Who teachers you Arabic? 13. Sami : Professor Halim. 14. Widad: What country is he from? 15. Sami : From Lebanon. 16. Widad: I have to go, Sami. So long. 17. Sami : So long. I'll see you in the library. UNIT THREE (42)  ,adaru^,Oea1ie 1.0 2.* 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.0 12. 13. 14. 15o 16. 17. widaac{ saamii widaad: saamii: wiclaadt. saamii; wiaa saariai widaad: saami 1: witlaad . saamii; wi daa'd. saamii: qaba9a1#a'olxayr . qabaai~a*nnu'r . hal 9anti 6aahl.batun "ila^-1maktaoa(h), yaa wiiaaci? naqam yaa saamii. maa6aa sataclru si"in? -?alf aran siyya (h). kain saaqatan satabqayria hunaaK?- saaq~atayni taqriiban. sa-?a14uru lilmaktaba (h), 1im'raajiqati durusio-,# Blarablyya(h), laq'indakumun4tiltaarun yadan? laa, sqinaanaa munnaaqasatun fi^-ogaff. mad yuqallimukumu',,-)sqarabiyya(h)? ?a19ustaa 1aliim, min iayyi balaclin huwa? mirn lubnaan. yibu #?an 9a6bhaba yaa saamii ialia7 mwaf%*ssalaarna(h). sa~araaki' fi^-'maktaba(h), UNIT -THREE (43)  B. PRONUNCIATION DRILL: TV10"'UBLED CONSONANTS* he studied he deprived he dismissed he came of age he wrote he owned he succeeded he dived into water he was afraid he carried (it) filtered, leaked honor C daras ] aram paraf' balay katab malak najal. Ya~as nafar ]gamal ra a. Earaf CC darras 1garram parraf ballay kattab mallak naj jai. he taught he prohibited he spent (money) he reported he dictated he made someone King he helped someone to succeed he dipped someone into the water he scared he loaded he nominated he honored someone naffar 1gamma1 raniah Earraf UNIT THREE (44)  Co SPECIAL VOCABULARY ma&6aa 8atadrls? (speaking to a boy) kam saaqatan saabaahuria~k? (speaking to abo saasataxi taqriiban, eala asaatin taqriibai. 7arbaqa saaqaatin taqriibai, #?alluYata#,*l saanlyya () min 9ayyi baladin hiya? min ?ayyi baladin 'antum?, (speaki~g to a group) ?assayid ]baliUm. ?assayyida (b) laylaa. ga17eanisa(1) saiinaa. min suuriyaa, min aii~umhuu rmrvat 1 0% 1sarablyyatb'1nnitta&ida(h), What are you going to study? (speaking to a boy) How many hours will you stay there? (speaking to a boy) About one hour. About three hours. About four hours. The Spanish language. The German language. Wh at country is she from? What country areyo from?: (speaking to a group) Mr. Halim. Mrs. Layla. Miss Selma. from Syria. from the United Arab Republic . Classroom Expressions: maa maqnaa 6aalika bil>o% ngliiziyya (h)? kayf a- taquulu 6aalika b-11 tarabi'yya (h) ? What does that mean in English? How do-you say that in Arabic? 'UNIT THREE (45)  D. STRUCTURE DRILLS 1. Repetition Drill: hAl "anti b6ahibatun "ilaow lraktabah,, yaa widaacl? hal ?ante. 6aahibun "ilao~ lmnaktabahi, yaa kariim?, hal "7anti6aahibatun "ila~o l-maqktabah, yaa lindaa? hal ?antabeaahibun ?9ilao~o 1natabaa, yaa saamii? h al ?an ta 6aa'iibun ? ilao~p lI tabah,, yaa ytusuf?. ha 1 anti 6aailbatun -"ila!%' lmaktabah, yaa fariida(h)? hal "anti baahibatun gila,% l-malktabah, yaa widaad? hal "anta baahibun "ilao-w lraktabah, yaa karijin? hal "anti 6aahibatun lilao~o liaktabah,, yaa lindaa? hal "?ante. 5ae.hibun *"ila#% 1rnetabah, yaa saamii?. lmaktabah, yaa yu~usuf? nal ?an t i 6a~hibatun 9i1 dp** lmaktabah, yaa fariilda(h)? 2.Substitution Drill: hal "anti 6aa hibatun gila.'%o lataba(h), yaa widaacl? yaa laylaa. yaa farild. yaa "ustaM6. yaa sa'lmaa. yaa wi~daaod. hatl "anti 6aahibatun #?ila^%# lmaktaba(h), yaa widaacl? ha'l "anti 6aahibatun iila#*. lraktaba(h), yaa laylaa?, hal "anta 6aahibun iilao~ lmaktaba(h), yaa fariid?- ha'l "?ante. 6as hibun #"ilao' lmakctaba(h)., yaa sustaA6?. h~.l "anti 6a~hibatun "ilao~o lmaktaba(h), yaa s~lnaa? lmaktaba(h), yaa 1~aliim? hdil "anti 6a~hibatun ?ilaio lxnaktaba(h), Yaa widaid? UNIT THREE (46)  3 . Expansion Drill: ianta 6aiihib.* '7anta baahib. ,aln . ?anta 6a~hibun> "pl*a&n., 9J1laos].m~draa(h). yaa £ariid. hale lmadrasa(h). lmaVdrasa(h), yaa £ariid. ha). gante, 6ahibunis'%ola~n "?ilao~'modrasa(h), yaa fari'id? 4Substitution Drill: ha). "anti 6a.&hibatun 9"ilaow )anaktaba(h), yaa wi daad ? galmdiina(h). "aggaff. "airadrasa~h). suuriyaa. "7a).jumhuu riyyat i'~o 2sarabiyyati#*vlmttahida (h). hunadk. ha). ?anti 6aahibatun "ila#%o bnaktaba(h), yaa widaacl? ha). ?anti 6aahibatun "ila^-' lmadiina(h), yaa widaad? hal "anti 86ahibatun "ila'wqaff, yaa wiclaaa? ha). ?anti 6aahibatun "i).a~ ).xndrasa'(h), yaa widaacl? ha). "anti 6aahibatun "i).aa suuriyaa, yaa widaad? ha). "anti 68a~hibatun "i).a^** ljumhuuryati^4larabfyyati>- hAl "anti 6aahibatun "i).aa huna6.k, yaa wiclaacl? *6aahib. is pause form of 6wahibun, UNIT THREE (47)  5.Chain Drill with Cued Rs 53-: raa~aa satadruB? 52:?a1faransiyya (h). S3: -?a1arabiyya (h). 9al~al laTEyya(h). ?aai sbaaflyya (ha), 9aling2.iiziyy&(h). ?allaatiifliyya(h)., waganta maa~aa satadrus? waganta maaba~a satadrus? 6. Chain Drill with Free-Response:* Places and Languages S 3:* hal ?anta 8aa±Libun 9ilaa ----,yaa--- -? 52: nA.m. S3.: maa,6aa satadru s? 52: -0 .a~~.a 7. Repetition Drill:# Pause Forms "What will you study there? (What will you study? )" Speaking to a boy: inaa6aa satadrusu hunaak? maa6a~a satadrus- maa6aa satacirus? iaaaa satadrus Speaking to a girl:* mna.aa satadru1s2ina hunaakl? maa?aa Batadrus Um6aa satadrusiin? ma6aa satadrus u hunaak? iina hunaak? i in? '"What do you like in Lebanon?, Speaking toa boy: maa6aa tuliibbu f ii lubnaan? maaiaa tultibb? (What do you like?)" maabaa tu]d.ibbu Lii 1ubnafri? zaabaa tu1YibbY UNIT THREE (48)  Speaking to a girl: m0.abaa tu1ibbii'na f ii 1ubn ain? maabaa tu1ibbiin? maa6a~a tu1~ibbiina f ii lubnaant? ma6aaa tul.bbiin? "What do you say in class? (What do you s Speaking to a boy: iaa~aa taquu lu fi* ^,V6f ? maabaa maa~aa taquul? maa6aa Speaking to a girl: inaa6aa taquu2.iina f iI~o~af? maa~aa iaa~aa taquul~iin? ma6aa Speaking to a group: zaa~aa taqpuluuna f i a'f f? raa&6aa maa6aa taqyuluun? maa~aa taquu lu fi af f ? taquuli in? taquuluuna f if.oaff ? taquuluun? 8. Transformation Drill: Pause Forms maa~aa tadrusu hunaak? maa6aa tadrus? maa6aa tadnisiina fi99af? maa6aa tacrusiin? maa6aa tu1~ibbufianacrasa(h)9?ma6aa tu1~ibb? ma 6~ tulibbii'na flii maa6aa tulibbi in? suuriyaa? maaaa taquulu yaae sayyid maaaa taqul3? maa~aa taquuuuna^*l9aan-.e maa6aa taquuluunl? UNIT THREE (49)  9. Progressive Substitution: iaA* aa tadrtisu huneaki? maa~aa tadxu su hunaodc? _____tadrusiin maa~aa tacinusii'na hunaak? fi Ps af f o maa6aa tadrusiina fi'f,#aff? taquui niaa6aa taquulu fiVa'ff? ___________ fiv~o1maodrasa (Ii)9maA6aa taquulu fV#,w'1maQdrasa(h)? tul i b bui n raa6eaa tu1ibbiinra fi~pw~ladrasa(h)? f___ i P~KLrad na (h) ?maa6aa tu1~ibbi*1ina f i ''ndiina(h)? tu1~ibbuin xmabaa tuI~ibbutina f i ',1madi ina (h)? 10. Substitution Drill: Places kain saaq'atan satabqaa karn saam~tan satabqaa huna~. hunaak, yaa faaris'? yaa faaris? hunaa. Kxam saav~atan satabqa hiinaa, yaa faaris? £ilnaa. karn saavatan satatqa if iflhaa, yaa faaris? f i~lariiqi 9gilao,%m cirasa (h ).kani aaq'atan satabqa fi%4jarilqi gila'~Kmacrasa(h), yaa faariB? f ifv va f fkam saaqatan satabqa if iv~dgf, yaa faaris? f i ^omadin a(h). kam sawbatan 8atabqa if io,, lmadijlna(h).. yaa faaris? fif1v1jum1uuriyyati^, #kam eaaqatan satabqa 1iwarabf yyatiow1rr1tte4ida (h),, f i#'**jwrhuuriyyati^" 1.Substitution Drill: Places kam saav'ataaa satabq ayna hunaak, -yaa maryam? huinaa, kam saaqatan 8atabqayne. hunaak, yaa maryam? kain saaqatan Batabqayrla hxiinaal yaa maryai? UNIT ,THREE (50)  Lii 'gameerkaao fLiFo~nktaba (b), fLii su~uriyaa,. huneaaLKc 12. Substitution Drill kam samazaan satabqayna hunaak, yea laylaa? yaa yLuu suZto yaea kariima(h)? yaa samii? yea saiinaa? .Kam saasvatan satabqayia fLii *?ameerkaa, yea niryam? ixam sa&avatan satabqayrTia flnmktaba(h), yaa mnaryarn? Icam saavatan sataoqayniia f ii swfriyaa, yaa m~4ryame? icam saaqatan sataoqayna fiina, yaa maryam? .Kam saasvatan satabqa6*yna hunaa#k, yea iaryam'? karn suaaatan sataoqayna huriaawc, yea laylaa? karn saa',;atean satabqaa hunaak, yea yuusut'? iam saaqatan satabqayna hunaak, yaa kariliua(h)? kam sap'qntan satabqa huna~k, yea saamii'? karn saaq'atari satabqay-na hunaac, yea saimaa? 13. Chain Drill with 'Free. Respops~e s:kam saav~azan satabqaa huna6lk? S2: saesqatexi taqriiban. saa%,a1zaymi taqriibari. Oalaea saam~atin taqriiban. ?arba~'a saaatin taqriiban. UNIT THREE (51)  14. Repet it ion DrWill: The Future Pref ix saa- maa6aa tadru su f£> What are you studying in school? lmadrasa(h)? ladrasatah rsufi What will you study in school? h6A1 tabqayna hunaa?, Are you staying here? hail satabqayna hunaa? Will you stay (be staying) here? h a]. taquuluuna 6aalik? Are you saying that'?, hal -gtaquuluuna aaiik Will you say that? #?araal'umu'%aarj. I*see you now. saomarakuun yadan, V ll seyou tomorrow. ?,aiiurll lilmaktaba (h). I'm going to the library. sala1ur1 lilmas~ctaba(h). I'm going to go to the library. man yn-vallimuklumuw" Who teaches you Spanish?, lisbaaniyya(h)? man sYus 'allfmukumu#%-- Who isI going to teach you Spanish? lisbaaniyya(h)? wa "u qactdimu 1aka^--#1L7a An And I now present to you Karima. kariiina(h). wa- sa~uqacldimu lkavwla~.n And I shall now present to you karlffma (h). Kar ima. 15. Transformation Drill: The Future Suffix saA maa~a~a tadru suo-l ?aan? wamaa~aa maAb~aa taulln^ lan,? wamaa~aa man ywalll'mkaf*-ol'*aa1'? waman sa., ~ara~kaf~l 9aan, wasa?aram kayf a taquuluuna 6aalika#Nw wakayfa tabpn.yria eal&AOa saa~atini~w-wasatabqz l 'aan. ya'idan. uqRaddilmu lakumr*%wlustaa*6 wasaguqai Psatadru su 'adan ? sataquuiLiina yadan? ,yuvall imuka yad an? Aka y'adan. sataquuluuna 6a2l ika ayna. GalaAEOa Baw.ati*1 UNIT THREE (52)  16. Response Drill 'a'vindacururbrtfi~aarun yadan? Sb7wbindaka~wntiLaarnun yadari? iavf ndaki~nti~aaniun yadan?. qaqbindana#%omti1~aanun y6.can? 'av in d i nt i]aanun yacian? #?avindiP'#ti1aanun yadan? 17. Progressive Substitution Sindanaa mntnaaq~atun yadart. q indii--N _____ __________al aan vbindaka__ ____ - - Tadan. Sinclaki *?alya'wn 18. Cued Drill: Pronoun Suffixe s man yum S l-L imukumws-v lvarabfyya(h)? "ant? #?anti? ganturn? laa, Sincjana~armnaaqa%satun f im%#Vaff,, laa, '*indii munaaqa'satun fi'WVVaff. laa, q'indii munaaqavsatun fil'gaff. laa, Sindakumn runaaqawsatun f i'oqaf f laa, Sbndaka munaaqasatun f'igaf f laa, Sinclaki mtnaaqasatun fip,-'Vaff. Sinclanaa mnaaqasatun yacian., Sbnajjmnaaqavatun yactan. q'inchii uaqs~tn^wlan qbinclaka rfunaaqasatunif'1 "aarx. qb nctaka munaaqasatun yadian. Sbincaki munaaqasatun yaclan. s iniaki mnunaaqasatun'l'clyawm. man yuqallimukuxru#,1Saraoilyya(h) man yuallinnmuka^-JJlarab-iyya (h)'? man yuqallimuk>ipvlarabiu'Lyya (h)? man yuqallimukumu'P'1Sarabiyya (h)? UNIT THREE (53)  19. Chain Drill with Free Response Si: man yu allika'l&arabiyya (h)4? S2:talpustaA6 1Valiim. 9assayyid saamii. "assayyida(h) laylaa. iassayyida(h) kariima(h). 9aliaanisa(h) widaad. 9al aanisa(h) salmaa. 20. Verb Drills a. ,ant "you" (masculine singular) hal tadrusu 6aalik? Are you studying that? hal taquulu 6aalik? Are you saying that? hal tu4i bbu 6aalik? Do you like that? hal tabqaa hunaa? Are you staying here? hal taraa aalik? Do you see that? nal tumallimu 6aalik? Do you teach that? hal taIskuru saa'mii ? Are you thanking Sami? nal tuqaddimu saamii? Are you introducing Sami? hal t1lyaluru lipaff ? Are you going to class? b. ?anti "you" (feminine singular) tial ladrusiina 6aalik? Are you studying that? hal taquuliina 6aalik? Are you saying that? hal tu1libbiinia 6aalik? Do you like that? h&Jl tur'allimiina 6adlik? Do you teach that? UNIT THREE (54)  hb.l tabkuriina saazni? ha.l juqadiiimna Baarnii? had. ta44urilna liggaff?1 hal tabqayra hunaa? h~l taravayusu'? 9askurukum. sa'~a1~uru liggaff. ?uqadiimu lake. faaris. *?adru su f£ilxnaktaba (h) . *?u limbullaat iin iyya (h) "aquulu "nasam". sav'ara f ariida(h) yadan, sa?abqaa huna "ataxnann aa lakumur%* .ttawfilq1 Are you thanking Sami? Are you presenting Sami? Are you going to'class? Are you staying here? Do you see Yusuf? I thank you. I will go to class. I present to you Fares* I study in the library. I like Latin. I teach Latin. I say "yes"f I'll be seeing Farida tomorrow. I'll stay here. I wish you all good luck. 21. Verb Drills: Cued Translation kayfa taquuluuna bilqarabiyya(h): What do you study there? maa6aa tadrulsu hunaak?7 7anti1. maa~aa tcadrusiina hunaak? *?aneaa maa6aa 9adtru su hunaak? mnt maa6aa taclrusu hunaak? UNIT THREE (55)  you like German. ?anti. 'aria., ?ant. You will stay in school. #?an aa. ?ant. 'anti. I thank the professor. 'arit. ?anlti . 17an aa 'an ti. tulbbulpalmauniLyya (hi) 'u1;ibbu*%1"*a ~ai yya (h). tu1vibbuom%*1?a mnq-niyya (h). sata~bqaa f ilmadrasa (h).o sa' a bqaa fi*1lm'adrasa (h).0 satabqaa £ilmadrasa(h). satabqayna filrnadrasa(h). 'askuru~oloustaa6. ta'sku ru P u s t a&6 . ta skuriinaw1'ustatib6. ?askuru~~wlstaa6. tasku ri iria*1'u staa6. sa'a4urI libnaktaba (h) * satJ4qurul libnmaktaba (h).* satar4uriina li2.nataba(h). sa'a14uru 1*11aitaba(h). Iwill be at 'ant. ?anti. vanaa . the library. Isee Yusuf. 'anaa. ?arit. 'ant. 'anti . 'araa uusuf 'araa yuu suf. taraa yuu stf. tara-yna ywui suf. taraa yuusaf., tarayna yuu Euf, UNIT THREE (56)  E . CONVERSATIONS 1.Yusuf meets Widad on her way to class. yuusuf' mar1~aban yaa widaad. Hello, Widad. w idaad: mar1~aban yaa yuusuf. Hello, Yusuf. kayf a 1aaluka^%#lyawm? How are you today? yw.uiif: #9alIamdu'w1llill9Ahi Well. bixayr. wa,9anti kayf'a How are yo? 4~aaluki?, widaads bixa~yrin 'ukran. Fine, thanks. yluusUf: ha 1 anti 6aabhibatun Are you going to ti widaad3 laa yaa yuusuf., No, Yusuf. yW.1suUfg 'ilaa *?'ayra t9anti Where are you goinE ~aah ib atun*1 *7sum16? widaad: 9*1 apila'af f To class. yu.usuf3 mak% a'osa laaxna (h).o Good1ye. i daad3 sallamakao4aah. Goodbye. he library? gnow? 2.Layla wishes Halim good luck. laylaas maEaaia'%oxayr, yaa Va~Lliim. 1Valiim, ifas&&9a^,*xayr, yaa la'ylaa. laylaa: '?ilaa ? na9fta 1a**ylaa: haliossayyid 'anton sayu~',1I mukaw. lfaransi.yya(h)? 4allm:naqam, Good afternoon, Halim. Good afternoon, Layla. Where are you going now? To the library. Is (Mr.) Anthony going to teach you French? Yes. UNIT THREE (57)  laylaa: kam saasatan satabqaa hunaalc? 1Laii~~Oalaa~a saavaatin 4ai-imtaqriiban. laylaa: 'atamannaa 1aka^* ttawf'i iq. Valiims ?avskuruki yaa layla, 3. lMaryam likes her French lessons. Baaniiz maa6aa tadrusiina, yaa maryam? maryamz 9?alisbaanyya(h). 1±sbaani"yya (h)? inaryam: naA'am saamii: man yum'llimukunuw% 1i sbaaniyya (h) ? maryam: ?a1~aanisa(h) 1iindaa. saalnii: mn"ayyi baladin hiya'? maryam: mix i^*baanyaa., yaji'bu an ' a~haba#% 19aan, yaa saamii. saami i mava'pssalaam(h). How many hours will. you'stay there? About three hours. I wish you good luck. I thank you, Layla. What are you studying, Maryam? Spanish. Do you like Spanish? Yes., Who teaches you Spanish? M4iss Linda. What country is she from? From Spain. I have to go now, Sami. So long. So long. 4.A classroom scene. 47a). 'ustae.61 qabaaO~a#%o1xayr. Good morning. ka faaalukumr% How are you (all) today? lyawm? s'aggff q afl~amu 1illaihai Well, thanks. bixayr . UNIT THREE (58)  ,al'?ustac WiLyarn 9?a1'ustaa6: wi lyam s 9?a1gustaa6: 97avaff ~'in dana",o1yaWm'# dda~rsu'eead.1ie. yaa ?ustaa6,, navam., yaa wi lyarn. kayfa taquulu "#arne erkaa"l bi11larab iyya (h)? lruttalida(h) . #?asi idcun ma qan, min £aq4ikum, t"'?alwilaayaatu%o lmu t talida (h) 2o "a1~sin turn! walgaan, Today we have Lesson Three. I have a question, teacher. Yes, William? How do you say "America" .in Arabic? "The United States" Please repeat, all together. "The United States" Bravo. And now, goodbye. 5.Bill meets an Arab girl at school Bill :marftaban raa maeosmnuk i? .laylaa3 9i SM1ilaylaa. Bill hal ?an ti min lubnaan? l6.ylaa: laa. ganaa min suuriyaa. Bill :ya ji ou ?an? a6hab a gilae. suurilyaa. laylaa: hal tadnisuow l1'rabiyya(h)? Bill :nav~am. Hello, Miss. What is your name? My name is Layla. Are you from Lebanon? No.- I'm f rom Syr ia. I have to go to Syria. Are you studying Arabic? Yes. UNIT THREE (59)  ly:laas man yuali A4 1m'raoiyya(h)'? Bill pa~d~iqli ]m.aiim, laylaa: hal huwa mmn sutiriyaa7 Bill laa, nuwa min lubnaa'ri . Who's teaching you Arabic? My friend falim. Is he from Syria? No. he's from Lebanon. UNIT THREE :(60)  F . REVIEW kayt' a liaaluka yaa IkAri1**? maa~aa tadrusupw19aan? ~atu~i b bu #1sl qarabi'yyA (h)?0. wa~anti yaa(widaad), maadaa tadrtxsiin ~? kam saa'atan satadrlsi inaN 1Iarahiyya(h)? mabaa eataciru su yadaari, yaa (saamii)? ha'lindakwmu#,%mt i~aanun i~ lya-wm? h a1qinciakum nunaaqa.vsatun Li qaff? man yuq~llimuk>#* lfaransiyya(h), yaa(saliaa)? min qayyi balaclin huwa(hiya)? rain "ayyi baladin 9anta yaa (fariid)? wavanti yaa(laylaa)ain .?ayyi. balad? ha.1 ?anta rain teksas yaa (V~al*in)? rain ?ayyi wilaayatin "ant? ha.± "anta 6amhibun 'ilaa Chicago? "?a11iaracU'~olilaahi 'bixayr. bixayrin vukran, qalm'rablyya(h). riaqam yaa "usta'a6,. Ilaa yaa ?ustaa6. 9a2Aarabiyya(h). ("?alingliiziyya(h); gallaatiiniyya(h).) saa.'atan. (saaw~atayni, eala6,a'fn saaq'aatin) taqriiban., "alfaranstyya(h). (?alisbaaniyya(h); gaJ?alm aanb.iyya(h)) n P.,am yaa ?u st aa6o laa yaa -"ustaaO. ns,sam yaa ?ustaab. la&' yaa "ustaap.6 ?alustaa6-- - - "?assayyi'd -- -- "as savyiia (h)---- ?al~aan Isa (h)---- rain *---- 'an aarmin -on -- naqam yaa *"ustaa0.^, laa yaa "ustaa6. ?anaa rain ---~- naq'am, "anaa 6awhibun ?ilaa hun a6.kar-*lya.wra (PNol aaxi;yadan). UNIT TH1AEE '(61)  G. GRAMMATICAL SUMMARY. 1. Making Questions In Unit 2, Grammatical Note 4, it was pointed out that ia&- added to the first word of a sentence makes that sentence a question. h.l is equally common as a question maker, and also goes at the beginning of the sentence. hal tuliibbu'])isbaan iyya (h) ? Do you like Spanish? vatulgibbuD*isbaaniyya(h) ? Do you like Spanish? 2. Pause Forms We saw in Unit 3, G. 2 that words may be pronounced in full, or shortened before pauses. In Unit 3 we see Pause Forms of some verbs: mai6aa tadrusu filhaa? What are you studying there? maa5aa satadrus? What are you studying? maa6aa tadrusiina f iihaa? What are you studying there? maaOaa satadrusiin? What are you studying? The short vowels -u and -a are not pronounced before pause. 3. The Future Prefix sa-. The present tense verb may have any of various translations, depending on its use in any given sentence. For example, maA~aa tadrus? can be translated as follows: a) What do you study (as a rule)?M= habitual action b) What are you studying (at this moment)? = progressive action c) What will you study? What are you going to study (tomorrow)? future action, However, in the expression of future action the future prefix sa- is regularly added to the verb, so that the following contrast appears: zzia~ tadus? wat do you study? maa~a tadrs? =hat are you studying? maadaa satadrus? = What will you study? UNIT THREE (62)  4. Verb Inflection. a. The subject of the Arabic verb is indicated by prefixes and/or suffixes. A verb in the present -tense beginning with t- and ending with -iina or -&na is second person feminine singular; that is, it implies ,anti "you" (spealing tQ a girl). Examples: Speaking to a girl: maa5aa tadrusiina hunaak? What do you study there? hal tul~ibbiina 6aalik? Do you like that? kayfa taquuliina 6aalik? How do you say that? ma&paa puwallimiina f i~ what do you teach in 1madrasa (h) ? school? kam saaqatan satabqan hunaak? How long will you stay there? t_ - - ------ iiria t_ ----yna b. If the verb simply starts with t- and has no suffix -iina or -yna?, the subject is vant "you" (speaking to a boy). Examples: Speaking to a boy: maa.aa tadrusu hunaak? What do you study there? ?atuliobu Brahms? Do you like Brahms? maa6aa taquul? What do you say? hal tumallimu 6aalik? Do you teach that? c. The consonant ?- at the beginning of the. present tense verb means that the subject is vanaa "I". ?uqactcdima dadiiqii saamii. I present my friend Sami. ~askuruk. I thank you. "atamamm~a laka'ttawfi iq. I wish you good luck. sa.'a$~ura lilxnaktaba (hi). I' 11 go to the library. a ar~k Ydan. I'll see you tomorrow. UNIT THREE (63)  salfaraxisiyya(h) . and ~lfaransiyya(h). are the same word; valo- is what is pronounced at the beginning of a phrase or sentence, while the symbol " shows that -l- must be pronounced as part of the preceeding word. NOTE: qal- and 1-o are forms of the definite article, which corresponds in general to English the. Thus, any word which begins with ?al- at the beginning of a sentence will change mal- to Kl- when it follows some other word, as valaraoiyya (h). Arabic f1i^*'1 arabiyya(h). In Arabic. galmadiina(h). vila,1madiina(h). val-7ustaa6. minawl ustaa6. Often the article contains not 2. S , d , etc., as 9assayyid. minaiZssayyid. the city to the city the teacher; the professor from the teacher. but some other consonant such as the gentleman from the gentleman "addarsue-1li9awwal. the first lesson vinddi ddarsuoKlvawwal. I have the first lesson. Thus, all words beginning with s take 2as- or ^s- as the article, all those beginning with d take "ad- or 'ld- , etc. On the other hand, it follows that the forms with 'add "a- or ?ale- when the word is first in the sentence, as: 9i la~%1midrasa(h). to school qalmadrasa (h). the school 'a arf. in class the class UNIT THREE (64)  To summarize, present tense verb inflections for hiaa , van- and ?ti are Singular Example 1st per. 9 adra su "I study" 2nd masc. t____ idru su "you study" 2nd fem. ti na tadrusiina "you study t yna tabqayna you stay" 5. The Expression "to have" in Arabic. In English to have is a verb; Arabic does not usually express this idea with a verb, but rather with prepositional phrases: vindanaa nmnaaqa atun fi'ppaff"We have a discussion in class" is, literally, "a discussion is with us in class." vinca is a preposition meaning "ipith, at, belonging to." It takes pronoun suffixes, thus: e indii mnaaqasatun fi'vqpaff.I have a discussion in class. vindanaa munaaqsatun fpaff.We have a discussion in class. vbindaki munaaqabatun fi#% aff.You have a discussion in class. eindaka munaaqiBsatun fi'%'paff.You have a discussion in class. q'fndakum munaaqaatun fi#'paff.You have a discussion in class. 6. Pronoun Suffixes -ka , -ki and -nkum are all translated "you" in English, but -ka is masculine singular and -oki is feminine singular (see Unit 1, G. 3 and Unit 2, G. 3), while -kum is masculine plural. That is, it refers to three or more males, or a group of males and females. The suffix -naa means "we" or "us " as in %in danaa "with us," "we have". (See Grammatical note 5 above.) 7. The Definite Article We have seen two ways of saying "French" in Arabic: masa5aa Satudrusaiini? What will you study? lalfarans:yya(h). French. ialluyatao.lfaransiyya(h). The French language. UNIT THREE (65)  qaj~ariiq. vila~'1omd iina k h) 2al1madi ina (h). #?addarsu^*lvawwal. al 9awwal. vaddar su9(aanii. "aEeaanii. on the way the way to the city the c ity the first lesson the first one the second lesson the second one To summarize: The definite article is ~1- on some words, but for words beginning in s , V , I , d , etc., it is the same as the initial consonant. If the word begins the sentence, a- is added to the article. UNIT THREE (66)   IIAdlA"iJI 0 r r L- o r } p iQ1 io 000 - Iw 1 0, 1.0 40 00, AV 40 4.3 et" L I C.. goo 100 400 vow Aoolo .00 ,,,o w r ? LC4 too P Lo doe 0-01 00 '000 000 ..... 41'.000 A* 60 00000' u -o ' / c':' /' d f ' r10, - moo -V 60A Jc- 00- p AM-s~J K of lri up it r UNIT FOUR (67)  ~C~pj~j 0% ~Z§ Co * r ~v'~ B 4cZ -J Low  A. BASIC DIALOGUE SENTENCES UNIT 4. NAJIB'S FAMILY 1. Selma: How big is your family, Najib? ("How much is the number of members in your family?") 2. Najib: Five. 3. Selma: What does your father do? 4. Najib: (He works as) a teacher at the American University of Beirut.0 5. Selma: And what does your mother do? 6. Najib: (She works as) a teacher in a secondary school. 7. Selma: Tell me: How many brothers do you have? 8. Najib: Only one brother. His name is Salim. 9. Selma: How old is he? 10. Najib: Seven. ("Seven years") 11. Selma: Does he go to school? 12. Najib: Yes. He goes to elementary school. 13. Selma: What is your sister's name? 14. Najib: Her name is Sarah. 15. Selma: Do you write letters to her? 16. Najib: Yes. I wrote her a letter this week. 17. Selma: Please convey to her my regards in your letters. 18. Najib: I'll do that with great pleasure. UNIT FOUR (69)  A. BASIC DIALOGUE SENTENCES ,?add~rsuorraabi s, vaa'?ilatu najifb. 1.0 2. 4.. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.o 15.i 16. 17. 18. salmaa: najiib: sailmaa s nai ib; salmaa; najiib; salmaa: najii'b: salma: naJ iigb t wilmaa: naj iib: salmaa: najiib: Balmfaa:~ najiib: salma najilpb: kam adadu "afraadi aalilatika yea rajiilb? xamsa (h). rwA,6aa ya%'rnalu o9abuuk? ialliman Li'~oljaamil ati'~'l ameerkiyaati Lii bayruut. we~aa6aa taqinalu "ummukl? nallirnatean Lii madjrasatin eaanawiyya(h), qul lii: kam qaxan lak? "axun waa1~idun faa~ ismuhu saliim. kam sanatari "'mruht? sabq~u sanawaat. hal ya6habu i la^,%lmndrasa (h)?. naqam. ya6habu 7"ilaamadrasatini'f*-btidaa.iyya(h), "i snuhaa saarah., hal taktubu lahaa rasaai?1? naqam, katabtu lahaa risaalatan haa6a~'l*usbuus%. min Lalik, balliyhaa taqiyyaatii f ii rasaa"?ili~k, sa,?afialu 6aalika bikt)illi suruur, UNIT POUR (70)  / B. PRONUNCIATION DRILL he was complete, perfect he concealed blind he devoted he smashed vineyards he was wily he thanked reluctance heap formation concealed, hidden resident, quiet k kaan kaamil katam kaf iif karras kassar kuruum makar sakar takalluf rukaam takwi in maktuum saakin x xaan xaamil xatam xaf i if xarras xassar xuruum maxar Eaxar taxalluf ruxaam taxwiin maxtuum saaxin he betrayed indolent, humble he sealed not heavy he silenced he caused to lose holes he sailed he snored underdevelopment marble mistrust stamped, sealed hot, warm UNIT FOUR (71)  C. SPECIAL VOCABULARY Speaking to a girl: quulii lii. Tell me'. Say' Note that when this particular expression is followed by other words, the tendency is to pronounce it: quu1ii1lii yaa laylaa. Tell me, Leila' Speaking to a group: quuluu lii. but: uuluu lii yaa ullaabI Speaking to a girl: balliyiihaa talgiyyaatii. Tell me' Say' Tell me, students. Give her my greetings' f ii madrasatin mutawassiia(h). In a junior high school. Speaking to a boy: maomsmu ?axi iko? Speaking to a girl: maosmu vaxiiki? kam ?uxtan lak? "uxtun waalidatun faqa). $ullab. What is your brother's name? What is your brother's name? How many sisters do you have? Only one sister. Students. UNIT FOUR (72)  ,7iena' ealaaea (h) xarnsa(h) sitta(h) sabqa (li) tis~qa(h) ,,,a sara (hi) haa6a^,vqabaa14 haa6af 1omasaai~ haa6a'^'1yawm haa6a*,ov'sahr zninaftKL'urdunn, 0 ni two three f our f ive S ix seven e i ghq't n in-te t, e n this th iOS this this morning. evening. day. month. Iraq . J ordan. f rom f rom Classroom-Expressions laa awrif. man ya rif u ^#1 Jawaab? Speaking to a male: #?atasma1~u &?an tu1(iida^-ssu-?aa1? Speaking to a female: 7atasrna4iina "an tuw'iicUJ'^* ssu~aa1? I don't know0, Who knows the answer? Would you please repeat the question? Would you please repeat the question? UNIT FOUR (73)  D. STRUCTURE DRILLS 1.Resp~onse Drill with Cues: Numbers Q: kam m'dad~u 'afraadi qaaoa'1&tika yaa.-.., A: 5 xasa (h),, 4 garbaqa(h). 3 QalaaOa(h),, 2 ?i~naan, I wa&V#1id. 5 xaxnsa(h). 6 sitta(h), 7 stbq~a(h). 8 E, iya(h), 9 tisqa~h), 10 qsaara(h), 2. 'Substitution Drill: qtu1 lii yaa £ariid. ya adiiqii yea karijina~h). yea sayyid~a(h). yaa 7ustaa6. yea Vu11aab. qV1 1ii yea fariicl. qul lii yea a eiiqii, quulii 1lii yeia kariirna(h), qluii :Jii ya sayyida(h). qul 1ii yaustaa"6. quuluu il ya ulleaab, UNIT FOUR (74)  3. Cued Drill, Tell me ___ How many brothers do you have? yaa naiib.0 qul1 1i kam gaxan yaa sa.ima. qUUlii ii kam 'laxan yaa "aan isa (h) smie0 quul111i11ii.ka~m 'axan yaa ullaab. quuluu li.kain 'axan yaa 9ustaa6. qlli--.- -karn 'xan yaa saliun. qul 1i111 kam 'axan lak? laki? l ai? laku~m? lak? lak? 4. Substitution Drill "isrnahu salijin. saami i f ariict1 . kari im. "an toon. f'aari s 9lisrnlku saijirn., 9i smnuhu saaini*i1 91jsmuhu kariim. "ismuhu "antoon. #? i smhuf£aaris . 5. Chain Drill with Free Respos SI: kam "axan lak? S2: *?axuln watAiidun £aqal, "ismuhiu .(any boy's name) 6.Substitution Drill hal ya6habu "ila^-onadrasa (h)? ?a2. ktaba(h). 'j sbaanyaa. bayrutait hal ya6habu 9 *1la^'olmtcrasa (h)?14 hal ya6habu "ila#4%#VV~. hal ya6habu 9lfwnkab~) hal ya6habu "ila#%osbaanyaa. hal ya6habu #?ilaa bayru~t?, UNIT FOUR (75)  oalv iraaq. New Jersey.O hal ya6babu ?ilaoo4~iraaq? hal ya6habu :'ilaa New Jersey? 7.Chain Drill with Free Response: S2i: ma'osmu ?ttxtik? S2: o7ismulhaa (any girl's name) 8.Cued Drill (Qouns): ? isruhaa aarah. lindaa. henrii. inaryam. yiiusuf. reemoon. hilclaa,. 9lsmnuhaa saarah., 9ismnlhaa linlaa., ?ismuhu henrii. 9j imtihaa maryan. ,?ismuhu yuusuf. 7ismlhu reemoon. #?i srrihaa h*1Iaa. 9.Repetition Drill: rrsaaa yamalu ?abuuk? maa6aa ya~malu 'abuuki?. maa,6aa yav'malu ?&buukum?, maa6aa yasmalu 7abtuh? rnaa6a~a ya~qmalu "?abuuhaa? maa6aa ya~omalu 9abuunaa?. iaa6aa yasinalu 'abii? maaI6aa yasmialu maa6aa yawrnalu raa6aa yamalu maa6aa yaomalu maa6aa yamalu maa6aa yavmalu maa6a'a Yaqmalu -7abuuk?, ?abuuki? ?abuucumr? *?abuuh?7 *?abuuhaa?9 "?abuunaa? oabii*11* UNIT FOUR, (7 6)  10. Chain Drill with Cues: "eabuuiki. 9abuuh., 9?abuu]Iaa. 'abuuk, Sxj gayna ')abuuk? Where is your father? So abj~i £i#,liraaq. My father is in Iraq., 'gayna Pabuuki? '7ayna "abuuh? S-: "abuuhu f£is,%l iraq., '&ayna 7abuuba? ?soabuuihaa f 1idwhl%%iraaq., gayna Pabuuk? 1.Substitution Drill: kam 9axan lak? lai. lc~im lanaa. ii.o lahi. liaaa. 12. Response Drill:, kam Paxan lak? kamin axan laki? karn paxan laktim? kamn 'aamn lahaa?7 ka9axan lah? Ja'axan l1i? 9aran laxiaa? Icm axan kam 'iaxari kain 9axan icam paxan kam gaxan Kam 'axam kam axan lak? lA ki? lakum? lanaa? lii? lah? li.ha? lii 'paxun waa4id, iii 'axun waa1~id. lanaa #Paxun wa.}i d. lahas axixwn waa1~id. lalau *axiun waAid. lakwn 'axtin waa1 wid. UNIT FOUR (77)  13. Substitution Drill: Imerative Verbs balli'rhaa ta~iyy. tii fii rasaagilik, yaa najiib. yaa saamii., yaa salraa. yea laylaa., ya ariid. yaa Liim. yea saarah. ba11iyhaa teJiyyaatiil li raseaa1ik, yaa na~jii lb. balli1aeteJ~iyyaatii f ii r asadlik, yaa Baani. balliyii'haa ta~.iyybatii foi rasaa?ilikj, yaa salmaa. balliyiihaa ta~iyyaatii Lii rasaa iliki yaa layiea. ba.lliyhaa ta4iyye-tii f ii rasaao'4lik, ya arlid. ba11iyhaa teliyyaatii f ii re~sa~i~i, yea saliim. bal2.iyiihaa ta~iyyaatii f'ii raaa.~ilikd, yaa saArah. 14. Repetition Drill: Pronoun Suffixes min La4lik, balliytaa tal~iyyaatll. min Le4lik, balliyhu min fleliki, balliyiihi. min,~ fe4lik, balliyhaa ta~i-yyaat ii,. min L64liki, balliy1*ihaa min fLe"Ilik, balliyhu mm fa4liki, balliyii'hi t&4iyyaati~i. 1.Chain Drill: so,** iSrrihaa. (girl's name) SI: balliylaa taJiyyaatii min La~lik, se: sa~afmalu 6aalik& bikulli suruur. UNIT FOUR (78)  b. SI:maosnii axiik? sR:?*1 imulthu .(boy's name) SI: balLlyfiu ta~iyyeaatii main £aJllik. S2 o sagaf qalu 6aalika bilkulli suruur. 16. Transformation Drill: Making Questions ya6habu 7ila~a madrasatini^- hal ya.6habu ?ilaa madrasatini^* bt~daaiiyya(h). btidaa,?iyya(h)? taictubu rasaa~ila labaa., hal taktubu rasaa~ila lahaa.? tadru suf#*l almaan iyya (h). ha±L tadru su#%wl "almaan iyya (I)? tabqaa f'i"wmadrasa(h), hal tabqaa fi~olmacrasa(h)? 17. Substitution Drill: Expression of kataturisaa-Latan haaoa'~l~usbuuv. haa6a^,olyawm. haa6a;^v qabaa4t. haa6a~v''S6hr. haa~a~vlxnasaa- . 18. Replacement Drill: maa6aa yamalu 9abuuk?. yuvallim1? - ?us taa 6kum? ?ayrna? nal -? 7uxlcuk? UNIT FOUR kataotu risaalatan ha&i6av~ 2.M 'usbuu'., katabtu risaAlatan haa6a~w, lyim. kataotu, risas'latan haa6ap qaba4, . kataotu risaalatEn haa6a#%'4s6hr. kataotu risaaiatan haa6a~olia saa v. maaoaa yaqmralu 9abuuk?, maa6aa 3tulallimul "abuuk? m6aa yuvaflimu9ustaukum? gayria yuv;' Ilimu i ustacaukuml? nal yulqallimu ?ustaeacku? (79)  19. Substitution Drill: Verbs Baia&±'vSu 6e*Jika bikculli sagadrusu. saoaktubu. sa'aquU1u., 20. Repetition Drill: Verbs "Sami goes to school" ya6habu saamnii 9 i am~o lmadrasa(h). "William likes the Arabic language" YtxIibbu wilyam 9?alluyataO~o 1sqarabiyya~a). "Karim studies in Iraq" yadrusu kariim fisw1 iraaq, "His father works as teacher in the yavmrxalu 'abuuhu mus,11liman f i ^'l JaaniP'%a (h). "Fanis is writing a letter in Englis yaktubu £aari~s risaalatan bili*ngliiziyya(h),,. salaf alu 6aaLika bi~kuJlli suruur. sajadnisu 6aalika bikulii snruur . sagaktubu 6aalika bikulli surutir. saiuma11im 6aalika bikulli suruur . sa iaqu~ulu 6aal ika bikull1i suruur. ya6habu saam i i ' i a** lmacrasa(h). yui.bbu wi lyam 9alluyata*#%# lm'rabi*yya(h)., yadrusu kariim fi~'1sqiraaq. University" yasmaln 9abuulau imiallmaxi yaktubu £aaris risaalataxi bilingliiziyya(h). UNIT FOUR (80)  21. Repeition Drill with Cues: Gender ya6habu saamii gila^' lmdrasa (h) . layla. yu1Vibbu wilyatn 'a11uYata#-'- 1qarabiyya(h). saarah., yadxusu kariim fi#*v 11 iraaq., kariima(h). yaq'ma1u 9abuuka mum'llimai yaktubu £aaris risaaJlatan bilin gli izlyya (h). salmaa. 22. Translation Drill: kayf a taquulu bi1larabiyya.. I have one brother and one sister. We have an exam this week. Please convey to him my rears2 (Aking t a-boy s Contrast in Verbs ya6habu saami i op*1 a^'-o1madra sa (h) 0 ta6habu laylaa ?i 1as,*1madrasa (h) . yui~ibbii wilyam 9alluyata*"' lm~rabiyya(1h). tuh~ibbu saarab. ?alluyatao~ 1l'rabiyya(hj., yadrtisu karii"mf io,'Kliiraaq, taclrtsu kariifrA, (h) fi^- Jsiraaq, yaq~malu *abuuka mumalliman fi1'P*ol aamia (h). tamra2.u 'puimuka mtu'a11imatan yaktubu f£aari s ri*1saalatan bilingliiziyya(h). taktubu salmaa risaalatan bilingliiziyya(Ii). "iridii '?axurlwaa4idun wa *uxtun wa4 ~i da T(h) 0 q' indanaf'nt ihaanun. aa6a~' 1',usbuu IV min fe4li"k, balliyhau taJiyyaa"'tii. UNIT FOUR (81)  E. CONVERSATIONS 1. Sarah wishes George good luck on his German exam. j00 r j & aba~a'vlxayr, yaa saarah. saarah: 'Vabaa~ta.*lxayr. kayf a ]iaaluka yaa J oo ri? joori :bixayrin sukran. saarahs maa6aa tadru.8? joorj ?a1laani yya(h), saaz'ab. 'at indakptpmt i1paa nun i *-lyawm? joorj laa. q'indi~ mti].anun Taclan. saarah: 7atainannaa lakao~p ttawffiiq, yaa joori. Good morning, Sarah. Good morning. How are youGeorge? Fine, thanks. What are you studying? German Do you have an exam today? No. I have an exam tomorrow. I wish you good luck, George. joorj :*9akuruiki yaa saarah.,I thank you, Sarah. 2. A Syrian girl is studying English henrii: min "ayyi baladin "7anti yaa maryam? maryam: "aneAaMin suuriyaa. henrii1 niaa6aa ta~maliina hunaa? inaryam, 9adrusu f£imw~ marasa (h), henrii: ha). ta6h abiina ?laa inadrasatin eaanawmyya(h)? maryam: laa. "a6habu 9ilaa madrasatin. mttawssila(h). in the Uni ted What country States. are you f rom, liryam? I am from Syria. What are you doing here? I'm studying in school. Do you go to secondary school? No, I go to junior high-school. UNIT FOUR (82)  henriis ma6aa tadrulsiin? maryans 9alionglii ziyya(h). henrii 9atamanna laki~ ttawfiiq., maryam: sukran yaa henrii", What are you studying? Eniglish. I wishA you good luck. Thank you, Henry, 3. Nora asks Salim about his family. rlooraag qul 1ii y'aa saliim., karn -mxan lay? sali~im, 7ienaanbjoorj wa,ami'I, nooraa: kain sumru joorj? sallim:p sabI ou sanawaat. nooramohal ya6habu ?lila^"- imadrasa (h)? saliim* naqam, ya6habu *?ilaa madrasatini""w btidaaoiyya(h), nooraa:o hal taktub', rasaa-il" saliims, navankatabtu ri saalatan haa6a^-o lyawrn. nooraag min fa~lik, bailliy saijimo sukran yaa riooraa,1 sa~afIqalu 6aalika bikulli suruur, Tell me Salim, how many brothers do you have? Two: George and Emil, How old is George? Seven. Does he go to school? Yes, he goes to elementary school, D ~o you write f ami*ly? Yes, I wrote letters to your a letter today, Please convey my regards to your family. Thanks, Nora. I'll do that with great pleasure . 4.Emil asks Mfah's impressions of the United States. 9ami'il:o hal "anti min Are you from Lebanon, Naha? lubnaan9 yaam %h1? Mnaha~a 3 laa. "anaa mina ' No, I am from Iraq. liraaq. UNIT FOUR (83)  vamil ~maa6aa tavmaliina What do you do in Detroit? fii ditrooyt? mrpahaa a6habu #?i1a~' I go to school. 1madrasa(h). gamilil 9atadrusiina fii Do you study in a high school? madrasatin Oaanawiyya(h)? mahaa : namam. Yes. amill3 qualii lii; hA1 Tell met Do you like the United tul;tibbiinap~v States? lwilaayaa~ti~w 1imut talhida (h) ? ahaa. : naram yaa 9ami-il, Yes, Emil. oamiilt 9attmannaa laki I wish you good luck. ttawfiiq. mahaa : ukran. Thanks. 5. Nancy has heard that a new Arab student has come to their school, and asks Ali about him. naansii: hal tavrifu faaris, Do you know Fares, Ali? yaa q alii 1? ,alii navam. huwa mina~ Yes. He's from Jordan. 19urdunn, naansii; kam vadadu iafraadi How big is his family? vaavilatih? qa1ii : qarba a(h); lahu Four,; he has only one sister. 9uxtun waal;idatun faqa$. naansiis mas'wsmuhaa? What is her name? qa1ii :%widaad. Widad. naansii; hal) ta.6habu 9jila~ Does she go to school? lmadra.8a (h) ? val1ii : 18.3; t~umfrhaa No; she is three years old. ealaaeu sanawaat. UNIT FOUR (84)  naansii: "ayria yaVmalu 9abu aaris? Where does Fares' father work? In Beirut; he works as a professor at the University. qalii 9i1 bayruut ; yaq~malu 'ustaa6an naan sii yajibu "an ?a6baba^*l19aan; I have to go now; ,so long. mlii : -? i la*%o 11 qaa 9 0 So long . UNIT FOUR (85)  F. *REVIEW keam voadadu 'afraadi vaa?ilatika yaa Bill)?9 wa'?anti ya~a (1lindaa)., kam ,qadacdu "afraadi vaagilatiki? kam vadacdu *afraadi "aa'?ilati nai ib'? maa6aa yamalu 'abuu najiib? iayria yaqmalu muwalliman? ha). ya~malu 9abuuka mus'lliman yaa (wi lyan*? (f ii "ayyi* madiinatin ywwallimu ?aebuuk?) maa~aa taq'malu 9urmmn ajiib? ha. tw'allimu f'ii macirasatin mutawassi~a (h)? ha). ttv'llimu f ii madrasatinip,- btidaagiyya (h)?9 9aynra tu~allim?. "?atavmalu ?umnmki rum'lliratan yaa (kariirna(h))? maa6aa taw"malu g'umuka yaa (f aari? kam ?axan 1linajiib? ma"%Psmuh? kam %uxruh? kam ?axan laki yaa (widaad)? waganta yaa (1 aiim), kam qaxan "Iak?, xamsah) fi'v')Jaamqat>19ameerkilyya (h) f ii bayruut, ).aa9 yaa ?ustaa6, fii______ mu %all ima tan laa yaa "ustaa6. laa yaa 9ustaa6, fii madxasatin eaanawiyya(h). laa yaa gustaab, nai-am yaa "ustaab), "axun waalicun faqa , '4 smuhu su laymaano sabqu sanawaat? naqam yaa " ustaa6 . UNIT FOUR (86)  gilaa gayyi madrasatin ya6hab? map-,-smup~wtiki yaa (almaa)? ma^,.sm^-itika yaa (8aamii~ maowvsmu'~wxti na jii*b ? hal taktubiina rasaa~ila 'gilaa maagilatiki yaa (maryam)? wa'?anta yaa (yuusuf'), hal taktubu rpilaa madrasatinio~o btidaagiyya(h). Si smu.haa_____ 9 i sxuhaa_____ 9ismnhaa saara(h). na~k~am yaa gustaa6, laa yaa 9ustaa6. na~'am yaa ?ustaab,, laa ya9Ustaa6. UNIT FOUR (87)  G. GRANMATICAL SUMMARY 1. Pronoun Suffixes: Note the following forms: hal indakum muraajavatun yadan? Do you have a review tomorrow? laa, e indanaa munaaqAiatuni~ No, we're having a discussion today. lyawm. m-na Po smuk? masrmuki? "ismii laylaa. ?ismuhu saiiim. ,7i smuhaa saarah. What is your name? What is your name? My name is Leila. His name is Salim. Her name is Sarah. The pronoun suffix -hu is third person masculine singular, and is translated "him, his, he". ha is third singular feminine, and in various contexts is translated "her, she". The pause form for -hu is -oh: ma~vsmuh? What is his name? #ismuhu malii. His name is Ali. 2. The Expression of "to have" in Arabic. (Review Unit Three, Gram. Note 5.) We have seen that Arabic normally expresses the idea of "to have" not with a verb but with a prepositional phrase, e.g. hal q indaka su 9aal? "Do you have a question?" In this Unit we see another prepositional phrase often used for the same meaning, kam ?axan lak? Just as qindaka is composed of -ka "you", laka is composed of Other forms are: you (fem. sg.) have: you (plur.) have we have I have he has she has "How many brothers do you have?" qinda "in the possession of" and la- "belonging to" and -ka "you." Sindaki " indakum; "indanaa; qindii ; ,Qindah qindahaa; Laki. lakum. lanaa. lii. lah, lahaa. UNIT FOUR (88)  3. Verb Inflection: Third Person Singular: (Review Unit Three, Grammatical Note 4.) A verb in the present tense which begins with y- is third person masculine singular; that is, its subject is h'iwa 'he' or any masculine singular noun: maa6aa yarmalu "abuuk? What does your father do? hal ya6habu vila~' Does he go to school? lmadrasa(h)? man _yuallimukumv Who teaches you Arabic? lmarabiyya (h)? The verb form for "she" begins with t- maa6aa taemalu mummuk? What does your mother do? t&6habu iila~v She goes to school. lm drasa(h). Note: This verb form is pronounced exactly the same as the second masc. sing.: maa6aa tadrusu yaa kariim? What are you studying, Karim? maa6aa tadrusu saarah? What is Sarah studying? To summarize the verb inflections we have seen so far: "go" "stay" ("inaa) _ _a6habu 'I go' ?abqaa 'I sta y' (?Ant ) (ianti) _ iina t yna ta6habu ta6habiina tibqaa tabqiyna (hawa) y ya6habu yabqaa (hiya) t_ _ta6habu tabqaa Note: The short u's and the short a's at the end of the verb are not pronounced in pause form, as Abhab, ti6hab, taohabiin, etc. UNIT FOUR (89)  4. The Definite Article: In Unit 3, Grammatical Note 7, we saw that the definite article is a consonant, ~1- , OS- , t , etc. at the beginning of the word; if this word is the first in the sentence, 7a- is added to it, e.g. fi#4)ariiqi 'i1a*12nadrasa(h). On the way to school. a))ariiqu 'i1a*%*1madrasa(h). The way to school. 'aynaejjariiqu i1aw1madrasa(h)? Where is the way to school? 'a))ariiqu min hunaak - The way (road) is that way, halie))ariiqu min hunaa? Is the way (road) this way? The definite article may be removed altogether, as: al @Yustaa6 the teacher; the professor 7ustaa6 teacher; professor galmadiina(h) the city madiina(h) (a) city a s syyid the gentleman; Mr. sayyid a gentleman. alsaanisa(h) maryam. Miss Mary yaa aanisa(h) mAryam. o Miss Mary'. UNIT FOUR (90)  (ALJ ) AzJ Loo~ J---~ .01 04 1e4.K.i SL~7 Alm -40 KL)LL)I le4 to 00. A#* p wo 40 000 "DAO so ~-0 -1 000, 4%0 do, Of ov 00, 0000 40 -amm # 40 K)) '- -**0 ~4jN arab. 16. m ~1i1 a~ifun jfddapn. bib(ii). 17. miinaa3 mutasakkiratun jiddcan ala'~dawa(h). "i lao'o41 iqaa" UNIT IfVE "(94)  B. PRONUNCIATION DRILL; C / C uncle indolent, humble he betrayed it became vacant yeast vinegar light, not heavy cheek magnificent plams bed unbalanced satirical it melted he distorted climate x xaal xaamil 2 xaan xalaa xamiir xal xafiif xad faxmn naxl taxt muxtall saaxir saax masax manaax }Vaal Vaamil 1Vaan 17alaa 17amiir 1Val gafiif 1Vad falm nall ta}}t mulgtall saalqir saalqi masa; manaal4 condition, state bearer, pregnant it got to be high time it became sweet donkeys solution rustle limit, end charcoal bees under occupied charming, magnificent he traveled he wiped mourning UNIT FIVE (95)  C. SPECIAL VOCABULARY 'an ilameerkaan, qanioli~ngliiz. q annifaransiyyiin. ' q ani* %ova lmaan . Eukran ala'wlkookakoolaa. Esukran m la^-lhadlyya (h) .o mina~1omamlakat i~1wmut tagida (h) . minass suuudiyya (h). mina-l'?ur dunn . About the Americans. About the English. About the French. About the Germans. Thanks for the Coke. Thanks for the gift. From the United Kingdom. From Saudi Arabia. From Jordan. Classroom Expressions: visval saamii, min falik (speaking to a boy) ?isalii saamii, min fagliki (speaking to a girl) 7ajib saamii, min faglik "annaka satabqaa filbayt. (speaking to a boy) vajiibii saamii, min fagliki "annaki satabqayna fi^Kbayt. (speaking to a girl) Ask Sami, please. (speaking to a boy) Ask Sami, please. (speaking to a girl) Please answer Sami that you will be staying at home. (speaking to a boy) _ Please answer Sami that you will be staying at home. (speaking to a girl) UNIT FIVE (96)  Do STRUCTURE DRILLS 1.Repetition Drill.* malii yatakallan. runaa tatakallam. yuu suf' yatakallam. sa2.maa tatakaj. lam,. 9?aloustaab yatakallan. kariima(12) tatakallan. 2. Substitution Drill (Nouns), kayf'a kaariat nati~ijatuki* f i^-oPqarabfyya (h) i f£b'--lf aran si1yya (12) fi^-"lalmiaainifyya(h). qali~i yatakallam. iunaa tatakallan. yuusif yatakallan. salmaa tatakallam. 9a1"u staa"6 yatakallam. karilima(12) tatakallan. kayf'a kaanat natiijatuki, f i "" iint ilaan? kayf'a kaanat natiijatuki fj#%. 2sarabiyya(12)?. k61yf'a kaana~t natiijatuki f i"ol f aran s iyya (h) ? kayf'a kaanat natiijatuki fi""'lqalmaanlyya(h)? kayf'a kaariat natiiJatuki Phras) tahaan iyyao'%l~aarrata laki. tahaaniyyao%#l~aa"rrata lak. tahaanl{yyamwl1arrata lakurn. tahaan i~yyaol1vArrata lah, tahaan %yyap~l1~aArrata lahaa. 3.Substitution Drill (Prep2ositional tahaanl'yafl~aarrata laki. lak . lakum. lah, 1 a#haa. UNIT FIVE (97.)  4. Substitution Drill: (Verbs) xa&6aa satamali ina haafihipw11ayla (h)? satadrusi in. sataktub iin., satatakallami in. saturi idi in. 5. Substitution Drill: sa,?abqa~a fLb'lbtyt. f.04W aff. Lii sutiriyaa. fLi 7almayaa. f i' ^1 Juhuu ryyat lqarabi-.Yyati~w )ltthid&(h). f i^,wssuquuc iyya(h). maabaa satamaliina haa6 i>o llayla (h) ? ma6.6aa satadrus ilna haa6ihio~w llayLa (h)?9 maa6aa sataktubiina haa6ih>o% llayla~h)? maa6aa satatakallin a haa6ihipllayla (h)? rna66aa saturiidiina haafti>o ilayla (h)?. sagabqaa f l>bayt. sagabqaa Lio~wladrasa(h). saiabqaa f ip'oa~aff. satabqaa Lii suiiriyaa, saiabqaa f ii 7almaanyaa. saiabqaa f i~pJojumhuuriyyat1*^- 1'q arab iyyat i'p,,1mu t t6,ici a (h). sa'?abqaa f 'Lssuquudiyya(h). LPhrae mara?,yuka 'an na6haba ? *1 a~w sa iy1ina ana haaia' a&ragyuka "an na6haba O9i12.'*, 6.Substitution Drill: (Prepositional mae. raiyuka 7an na6haba 9i laovs ai naa . i laoolbayt i lafvlmanlikat i # lmutt6 da (h) o UNIT FIVE (98)'  gila^*l3'ira&q. ?i laa ame erkaa. 9?ilaa bayruut, ina& ragyuka "?an na6haba, niaa ra~yuka &?an na6laaba 9i1*la ameerkaa? maa ras'yuica 'an na6baba #?ila bayruut? 7. Substitution Drills: Time Expressions #?ahunaaka filrmun jayyidun 9allunaaka filmn haa6a'~olmasaa'? 9.haa6afK1ma saa 9? haa6a'--og abaadi. "ahunaaaLilmn haa6aoqqabaai.? haaba~olyawm. "?ahunaaka filmun haa6a^,1yawm? haa6a--oqu sbuu '.?"ahun aaka fLi imun haa6ao'2. ~u sbuu q ? haabao'sahr. 9athunaai~a filmun haa~a's'sahr? ja6yyi1cdun j ayyi dun jayy3.ux j&3ryy idun jayylciun 8.Free Chain Drill: Time Expressions Sit 7abhunaaka filinun j~yy-dun baa6aoo *(any time expression) SP-: na,,am. hunaaka filmu~n raa-?iq, di smuhu10 9. Substitution Drill: yahumrnunii "an "araa filmn yahumrnunii "an ?araa~ filman q an 1*lf aran siyyi in. ivaliunil " 1 an "araa f ilnan lqani'-41f aransiyyi in. "qanio~oingliiz. yahuimmani "an s"araa filinan ~an 1*amne e rkaan, yahuinmunii "an ?araa fibnan an"iO'1,?ame erkaan* UNIT FIVE (99)  10. Repetition Drill: Verb Inflections maa~aa turiildiiria yammaal? maa6aa. turi idu yeA najiib9. ma&6aa yuriildu £ariicl? maa6aa turiidu. widaad? maa6aa 9uriidu 'omnaa.? maa-.6aa. turi'idi~ina yaa murlaa?, maa6a.a turi~idu yaa najiilb? maa6~aa yulrild~u fariiti? ma.&6aa turiilu i~al maabaa ?uridu eanaa? 1.Cued Drill: 'Gender Contrast in Veit lawwal, am19Pw 0a an iio? hiya. huwa, ianti . Dawwal, 6?ami'fOa4u4? 1"?awwal, *7ami'#-eOaanii? 1"pawwal, anrL'#N'Oaanii? 'aturliii ma 12uuura%*larli#' 12. Response Drill: Alternate Choice 19 awwal1, 1ami 'vO 0 agni1i? 1 ?awwal, qatu1Libbuo'v1 1uyata~oOuib~ f rr iy h 1marabi"yya(h) 9am>uibupfrais.ah lfaransiLyya (11'? h141 ianta 6aah~ibun 1 ?arnaa 6aahibun "ilaa 1m6,ktaba(h), 9amip'%#qqaff? hal ta6habu,,9lasmadrasatin ?a6habu 'gilaa iadrasatin___ mutawassila(h), '?am eaanawiyya(h)? h~.l sataktubu ri saalatan sa'4cktubu risaalatan -7ilaa 97ilaa 7uinmika 'am *?uxtik? hal satuq~ddimu lanaa najiib sa,?uqddimu lakum haa6 ih UNIT FIVE (100)  13. Repeition Drill: Expressions of sukran ' 1a^'j1daswa- A boy is speaking: natavakkiraun jdan ql ddaq~a1Awah) Speakings toeakboy: nuakra jtdun j"dana cawa~h).ah) Speaking to a gir: gasktruki jiclcan 'qala'p' ddaqwa(h), thanks sukran alap~olde,'wa r!Dtasakkirufl jiddan "ala,,* clci6.wa(h). muta's'akki"ratun jidan qla% dd~asqwa(h). ~asvlaruka jicdcan s'alao,- dda.wa(h). 9?askurul jidan sqala~ ddaswa(h). 14. Transformation Drill: Making questions hun aaka f ilmirn j ayyi'duni "ahunaaka f iintun jayyiiin haa6a~w1masaai. haa6apo1masaa? llaeka munaaqcivatu1 f ir-w ahunaake. murnaaqai'atun fi1*#-' q~ inaakumu^-omt i~aanun yadan. 9aql {ncakumuv,mti~aahun yaclan? lisbaariiyya(h). l9ayu1i1y'1yata'9 15. Transformation Drill: Future Tense 9?abqaa fi'-"*bayt. 9?ak tubu r isaala (h). ssaaibi qa (h). #4ctrusu fif'-1maktaba(h), saiabqaa fb'olbayt. saiaktubu ri saala (h). sagaraaikil*ssa%ata#*os saaibism(h). sa,?adru su fi'*1mAoataba (h). UNIT FIVE (101.),  16. Directed Diatogue:F. yaa f£iliip,t s 91 naarisii mirn fa~.ik, iaa6aa yaa naainsii, *'ajiibii filiip min fa4liki "arnaki Batab-o qayrna fi~v4bayt. yaa joorij, 7i&9al iindaa min fa~1ik, iaa6aa sataktubu yadan. yaa lindaa, 9#ajilbii joorj min fa~liki 'lariki sataktubi iona ri saalatari Aadan, yaa sa6.rah,, 9is9alii vt'ktor mini f'ac~iki 7?ilaa9ayria saya6habu haa6a'^'1masaa. yaa viktor., 9aJib saarah 'annaka sata6habu 9ilao-v ssiinamIa". maa,6aa satavna2liina haa~Thio' llayla (h) ? sadbqaa fil~o4bayt. maa6aa sataktubiiat acao sa~aktubu ri saalatai yadan . ?ila& 9a'yna sata~habu baa6a#%o Imsaa?? sala6habu ?ila#%wssilfnamaai, 17. Repetition Drills* Feminine Singular Nouns - Pause Forms a. What city are you from? mini ?ayyi madiinatin ?ant? wa~eanta iriin ayyi macliina (I)? And what city areyo from? min Iayyi madiinatin "ant? wa*?anta mn"ayyi maciiina(It)? m n oayyi wilaayatin "ant? min "ayyi* wilaayati~n ant? wa gan ta min ayyi wilaaya(bj,? min 'ayyi madrasatin "ant? wasanta mn"ayyi madrasa (t)#? wa,?anta min7ayyi* wilaaya(t)? min 7ayyi madrasatin "ant? wagantamn ayyi madrasa(It)? UNIT FIVE (102)  m " ayyi jaamiqatin ?ant ? waeanta lmin "ayyi j amiqa(h)#? min 9ayyi qa~lilati~n ?ant? warta lain ?ayyi b. We' re having a debate in class. 'indanaa munaaqasatun q incdanaa muneaqasa (h).0 q indaanaa mnu1~aadaatun sindanaa mudastaeGa (h). qincianaa muraajaA'attln fi'f~oqaf f q incianaa mura~Ajamah) c. I wrote her a letter today. katabtu lahaa risaAlatani~w lyawm., katAbtu lahaa ri saala (h). She works as a teacher in the University. tamialu muvallimatan fji%O 1jaami~qa(h). lain ?ayyi jaamimatin 9aflt,?- wa~anta min 9ayyi jaamisa-(h)? min qayyi l'ailatin ?ant? wa?anta lain ?ayyi ma'i1&(1L)? We're having a debater qindanaa mmnaaqa'satun fi~'ff. q inciana~a nunaaqasa (h).0 q iniaa ma1aed 0atun ,, in laneaa mu]VaidaO a (h).* qinaanaa muraaj6.qatun £ipW~a,ff. q incdanaa mtiraajam'a(h),, I wrote her a letter. katabtu labaari saiatani%o1yawm. kata.btu lahaa ri seala (I). She works as a teacher* tamialu inusllimatan f'i^ 1jaamiqa(h), UNIT FIVE (103)  E. CONVERSATION 1.Fares invites Linda to the movies exam. lindaa: ?aJloo, £aari'sg mari~aban ya~a )Andaa. faari s yateakallamn. to celebrate her good grade on an Hello. Hello, Linda. speaking. This is Fares hindaa: marhaban yea £aaris. Hello, Fares,. f aari*1 : kaya a kaanat natiijatuk* ipj% li sbaari.Lyya (h)? hindaa: jayyi'iatan jicican. faaris: quulioii aaa sata~qmaliima 1indaa:, sa 7a~habu 9i ap' Imaktaba(h), fe.ais~omcmra?yuiki-?a~n na~haba mw~an 'i~a^-ossiinaa? 1irdaa: 1atii~fun j'licdan, sukran ~alaov ddaqwa(h), What were'your results. in Spanish? Very good. Tell me:o What are you going to do tonight' I'm going to the library, How about going to the movies together? Very fine. Thanks for the invitation. 2. Cleopatra comes to town. najii11b': 'atuibbfina 'pan ssiinalnaag mayy ?abxnaaka filmun jayyi dun yaa najiib?, Would you like to go to the movies tonight? Is there a good movie, Naj ib? Yes, there is a wonderful movie called "Cl eopatra' naoiibs naszam. hunaaka filmun raa,?iP', ?is!YDuhU kilyosm patrea., mayy iuIlibbu ?,an. ?araa haa6a'~1f i im. I'd like-to see this movie.' UNIT FIVE (104)  najib1 9atlri idiifla mayy : alqar~*i-v9aanii. najiib: ,laliif'un iddai sa #?araaiki P-- s saa ,atap-t t aa si*1sqa (h) Would you like to attend the first or the second show? The second show. Very fine. I'll see you at nine o'clock. 3.Leila is preparing for her exam. laylaa: Vabaa1aa~'nnu'ur. kayf'a laaluka yaa saM im? sal'ii'm: bixaiyrin "s~ukrano hal &?anti 6aahzbatun laylaa: 9ila^4wlmataba(h). salilm: naa6aa satadrusiina hunaak? laylaa: ?alqarabiyya(h). salii'm: ?atama!nna lakip~w ttawfi'iq., laylaa: mutaswakkiratun jiddan yaa saliim Good morning. Good morning. How are you, Salim? Fine, thanks. Are you going to the library or home? To the library. What are you going to study there? Arabic. I wish you good luck. Thanks a lot, Salim, 4.Nora sends her warmest congratulations to Widad. nooraa, quil lii yaa kariim* Say Karim! Is Widad at home? hail widaad fi1 lbayt ? kariimo: laa yaa nooraa. No, Nora. nooraa: kayfa kaanat What was the result of her natiiJatuhaa £i^* examination? limtiltaan? kariim: jayyidatan jiddan. Very good. UNIT FIVE (105)  nooraa: wai'anta kayf a kaanat natiijatukl? karijin:, jayy'datan jiddan., nooraas min faq.lilc, balliyhaa tabaa- n iyya~vwlkaarra (h). kariim: vukran yaa nooraa, sa?af qalu bae2Lika bikiilli surtiur. And how was your result? Very good. Please convey to her my warmest congratulations . Thank you, Nora. I'll the greatest pleasure. do that with 5. Ali meets Nuna on her way to a lecture. ~al i i ma sa awlayr, yaa iunaa. rnfaa n a saa -7 a^PXayr. qalii: 9ilaa 9a.3ma 9anti bacihiba~h)? mulraat *? la#*'ljaani qa (h). salii: '7ahunaaka munaa-t qasatun haa6ih>,% llayla(h)? munaa: na~'m. sayatakalla-m luN*-ustaa6 henrii itani'~Kl qerab. qvali i: hal yaqrifuo,** 12qarab iyya (h) ? manaa : naq'am,, wasayataka'l- lamu fi~olqarabiyya (I) haafti~ollayla (li) saoa6habu mesaki lrun aaqa sa (h). Good evening, Nuna. Good evening. Where are you going? To the University. Is there a discussion tonight? Yes. Professor Henry will talk about the Arabs.' Does he know Arabic? Yes, and he will talk tonight. in Arab ic Very fine, I'll go with you to attend the discussion. UNIT FIVE (106)  6. A Lebanese girl tells Farid about a letter she has received from, an Amer ic an f ri end. *wi daad: abaa1La~w1xayr. f ari Id: g~ab aahaoTrnuur wi'daaid, indii rsa6iLatun min gadiiqatii mayy. fariid: ma6aa tauuu fiihaa? 2. ame erkiyyat i f ii bayrwit. farifcis maa6aa satadrusu fi'Kl jaamPqa (h) ? widaad: 'qalarablyya(h), waduruu Ban *"uxzaa. £ariild: 1alljifun jidcan. ba 1*i iihaa l11iaraa (h) min faqiki, widad bk 1lisuruur. Good morning. Good morning. I have a letter from my, girl 'friend May. What does she say in it? She will come to the American University of Beirut. What-will she study at the University? Arabic and other subjects. Very fine. Please give her-my warmest, greetings. With pleasure. UNIT FIVE (107)  F. oREVIEW, kayfa kaanat natiijatu rminaa wa gan ti yaa (salmaa) kayf a kaana t natiijatuki f i ^*ol arab i yya (ha) maa6aa sataqmal, yaa (sulaymaan), wasant. yaa (laylaa), 97asata6habiina 9ilao'%osinama? man saya6habu 9ilao~olmaktaba(h), haa6a#,%lyawm9, iaa6aa'satadrusu (satadrusiina) lunaak? 97asata6habu runaa9i lap%# s Silinamaa ?? ina'-osmu wl f i im? hal huwa f i lmnnjayyiiun ya (nooraa)? 9atul~ibbu #?an taraa filman wa-ganti yaa (naansii)., maa6aa tulvibbiin? "7aturiid~u munaa Iauquura*%wlqardi%* l'awwal, 9ami^40eaanii? waoanta yaa (pan o on), hal tuiiibbu huqura"4 ,ootardi'%l*?awwal, jayyricatan ji1ddan'. jayyidatan jiddan. sa gabqaa fi1*0**lbayt. saga6habu "ila#*wlmaktaba (h) saga6habu "?ila^-ossiinamaa namam yaa gustaa6 laa yaa gu staa6 ianaa yaa gustaab "atlfaran siyya (h) qalDarabiyya (h) ?al "almaanilyya (h) namam yaa "7ustaa6 loorans auv lareebiyaa naqam yaa gustaa6 nas'am (laa). iultibbu "an "araaif ilman ia2Aqardie~oliawwal. ?a lqardii'*'eaan ii. UNIT FIVE (108)  G. GRAMATICAL SUMMARY 1. Pausal Form of Feminine Singular Nouns a. There is a group of feminine singular nouns which end in -atin in the full form and in -a (h) in the pause form: min dyyi madlinatin vant?What city are you from? waanta min ayyi And what city are you from? madiina(h)? Structure drill 17a practices this difference between two forms of a word. b. The same relationship exists between nouns in -atun and -a(h): eindanaa munaaqasatun We are having a debate in class. f iv'-paf ff. sin dana munaaqaaj(h). We are having a debate. Notice that for some words, such as munadqa'a(h) here, the accent is different on the two forms. See Structure Drill 17b. c. This relationship exists also between nouns in -atan and -a (b.),as tasmalu mumallimatan She works as a teacher in school. fi'#1madrasa (h). ha1 tamalu mueallima(h)? Does she work as a teacher? katabtu lahaa risaalatan haa6a^-*l*?usbuur . katabtu lahaa risaala(h). See Structure Drill 17c. Finally, the same is true of f -ati , -ata , as ka.yf aol aa i la tuo~1yam? kayf aol % aav i la (h) ? f i 'oljaami ati^ lnameerkiyya (h). f o aami va (h)a.h #?adrusu-o11uyatas w 1varabiyya(h). 7adru8su'o11uya(h). UNIT FIVE I wrote her a letter this week. I wrote her a letter. eminine singular nouns in -atu How is the family today? How is the family? At the American University. At the university. I'm studying the Arabic language. I'm studying the language. (109)   A I ---MON.4( r"wow 12, o~jooj ->IlkL Coe- V-4 v-4  P - , A#' J-0 Il/ to~ vi00- -low $ * cYL~- S. L3L~- $ )~9I .0, 1 9 4AJ~t 5' -"It LV CjjA- * * * * * * * * * * 1 00 1 C7"C.,S 1 1 00 do c9Lo 0 edL))~j~5A&Lop LiL.- 'K' -A ,A.o,,, Ado a A00- 1 r 000 A* lop 00* 00 Lj Ls- A -RIO FgoJ -0 00 1 dop op 000 r WO I - I UNIT SIX (111)  A . BASIC DIALOGUE SENTENCES UNIT 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Sami William: Sami William: Sami REVIEW At William's House Good morning, William. Good morning. How are you Sami? (Praise be to God) fine, thanks. I present to you my Mother, my Father and my sister Leila. I am glad to meet you. * * * * * * * * * * What do you study in the school, Leila? German, and other subjects. Who teaches you German? Sami Leila Sami Leila Sami Leila Sami Leila Miss Hilda. What country is From Germany. Do you like the Yes, Sami. she from? German language? 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. William~s Sami William's Sami William's Sami * * * * * * * * * * Father: Tell me, Sami' How many sisters do you have? Only one sister. Father: What is her name? Her name is Farida. Father: Does she go to school? No. UNIT SIX (112)  20. WilliamI's Father: What does she do? 21. Sami : She is a teacher in an elementary school. * * * * * * * * *.* 22. William: How about going with us to the movies? 23. Sami : What is the movie tonight? 24. William: There is a good movie called "Cleopatra". 25. Sami : I want to study tonight, William. 26. William: Do you have an exam this. week?. 27. Sami : Yes. We have an exam tomorrow. 28. William: I wish you good luck. 29. Sami : Thanks a lot. I must go now, William. 30. William: Goodbye. I'll see you tomorrow in school. UNIT SIX (113)  A. BASIC-DIALOGUE SENTENCES. iaddarsu^,wssaadi s nmraaja'a (h) f i i b ayt i wiolyam 1. saamii: qabba~ao%1xayr, yas. wilyam. 2. wi lyam: qabaa1~a%1xayr. kayf' a 1Vaaluka yaa saami i? 3. saamii: f9a11amciU lillaahi bixayr. sukrn 4., wilyam: quqadciimu laka 9uinrni waiabii wa'uxtii laylaa. 5. saamiis ta raf'tu bilma~qrifa(h), 6. saamiil inaa6aa ta'rusiina fi1*0'2macrasa(h), yaa laylaa? 7. layla : a1"?a manyya(h), waciuruusan ?uxraa, 8. saarnii: man yw% all imumi'oufCl,?almaan iyya (h) ? 9. laylaa: ga1"a&nisa(h) hijldaa., 10. saamii: min ?ayyi* balaiin hiya? 1.laylaa: min 9alxnaanyaa., 12. saamiiv 7atu1.ibbiinao~lluyatavlalmaaniyya (h) ? 13. laylaa: na4vamyae. saamii. 14. "?abuu wiliyam: qul 1*i yaa saamiiz kam luxtan lak?. 17.P saamiig "iuhn aalfaiica(h). 18.P "abuu wil1yam: hal tmuababu9l'lacrs?) UNIT SIX(14  20. 'abuu wilyam: raa6aa ta~'ma1? 21. saamii: 22. 23. 24. 25.o 26. 27. 28. 290 wilyams saami i : wilyans saarni is wi lyam* saami i± wi. lyam, eeaami i1 mumla1imatan fil nmadrasatini"obtidaa*?iyya(h)., maa r&7yulk& ?an ta~habe. mam'naa ~?ilaf-ssjinaxnaa? hunaaka filinirn Jayyiclun #?iernuiu ki~lyopatraa, iuriidu ?an iadrusa 1haa6ihi^No1ayla(h), yaa wilyam. 'aq ndaka^-omti1a&nun haa6ar'1 lu sbuu s'? na,7am. %indana'wmti1~aanun yadan. ,?atamannaa 1akas~ottawf ii q rutawsakkirun jicdlan. yajibu "an "a6haba#4-#1"aan, yaa wilyam. mao~ssaaama (I). sagaraaka 'radan f~p-lmaarasa (h), 30. w I yams UNIT-SIX (115)  B. PRONUNCIATION DRILL Cf & unc le extraordinary good friend disappointment mixed, mingled soft he let go magnificent it incubated incubation melting he snored x xaal xaariQ xavr xaliil xayba (h) maxluu) raxw 'arxaa faaxir farrax tafriix saa4ix xarxar yaal yaariq yayr yaliil yayba (h) mayluul rayw "aryaa faayir farray tafriiy saaiy yaryar padlock sunken e lse burning thirst absence incorrect foam he fumed with rage opening wide he emptied emptying allowable he gargled For Egyptian g: it happened a bell majority he inforced more attractive it reverberated teak g garaa garas gull gagraa gaglab galgal saag y yaraa yaras yull gayraa "aylab yalyal saay he glued he planted burning thirst he goaded the majority of it penetrated into it was palatable UNIT SIX (116)  D.* STRUCTURE DRILLS 1. Response Drill: Pronoun Suffixes hal qvindaktim rurai.jam (h)?1. hal oindaka mtraajaqa(h)? hal qindaki niwiajava(h)? hal qindanaa iniraajawa(h)#? hal 'ind~ii muraajaqa(h)? hal qincdii mura&'aa '(h)? hal qindahu muraajav'a(h)? hal qindahaa muraajaqa(h)? laa,. laa, laa, laa, laa, laa, lea, laa, qindaaa indii %inciakam q' in dak i q indahu q~indahaa munaaq~a (h) munaaqasa(h). munaaqasa(h). munaaqasa (h). munaaqasa (h) . munaaqasa(h). nunaaqasa (h). munaaqasa(-h). 2. Verb Drills Who teaches Latin? ?anaa. "ant. "?anti. huwa., h iya. Who will go to class? "an aa, ?ant. hiya, huwa. ?anti. man yuniqallimup,%ollaatglln'lyya(h)? "anti tuq allimnavllaati nyya (h). man saya6habu *?ila'vgaff. "anaa saga6habu "ila'wq~aff. "anta sata6habu "ilaw,'&ff. hiya sata6habu qila'w~aff. huwa saya~habu "ila#-*Vaff. 9anti sata6habii'na qilap'%*qaff. UNIT SIX (117)  Who says that? f aari E; mnihaa. ganti. 9ant . ganaa. "gan tur. manZ y8.quulu 68..lik? £aaris yaquulu 6aalik. naaa taquulu 6aalik., "anti taquuliina 6aalik. "anta taquulu 6aalik. ?anaa laquulu 6aalik. "anturn taquuluuna 6aalik. maa6aa Yuri icdup~4rnu all ir? maa~aa turiicdu'~vruallima(h)?. maa6aa "uriilu "anaa? raa6aa turiidiina "anti? iaa6aa turiidu "ant? raa~aa Yuri icdu"'rnumal-lj? What does the teacher want? gabnumallirna(h). 9anaa. ,?an t i. "?ant.o irn 3. Substitution Drill: (Nouns) "?uqaddirnu laka ?umnii. "ab i i ?uxtii. adaiiqii. ?"da wi daad . *?ustaa6ii. UNIT SIX (118)  4.. Chain Drill with Cues: Introductions S'k 'quqaddimnxlaka gadiiqii. najiib., SIB: ta'sarraftu bilmna~rif'a(h),, Cues adiiqati munaa. *?uxtii laylaa., gassayyid f aaria., 9asaayyida(h) kariia(h). ?al-7aanisa(h) salma. *?abito "?ummii. 5. Response Drill: min ?ayyi iadj inat in o"ant? wa~anta yaa sayyid, min "ayyi maciiina(h)s? hal "anti minap'ossuvudiyya(h), yaa (sairnaa)? min #ayyi baJladin "anti?. wa~anta yaa(henrii), min "ayyi balad? yaa (mayy) ? "atadrusiina fit madrasatinio~ btidaa?"iyya (h)t? ?ayna tadrusiin? .?i smi i__ ___ "&anaa min "?anaa -min_____ laa yaa -7ustaa8. "?anaa min "?anaa min laa yaa "ustaa6. laa yaa "?ustaa6. f ii madrasatin eaanawiyya(h). UNIT, SIX, (119)  ?atadrusU fLii haa6ihi^,' lndrasa (h) , yaa (saliim) ? xaa6aa tadrus? gatu1~ibbL1 haa6ilhio~olluya (h) ? waiazita yaa (kariim),rnaa6aa tuliibb? nav'am yaa iustaa6. qalluyata~wlmrablyya (h) wadu ruu sar i9uxraa, naqbam yaa 9ustaa6. #?alluyratao~ol~alraaniyya (hi) galluyata^,-lf aransiyya (h).0 6. Chain Drill: S 2* mapsmu (9axi~ika) yaa I S 2: 1 smuhu____* wa~anta mao-sniu (?axiik)? Si3: ?71smuhu S3: mao~osmu (9uxt iki) yaa..I S: 1ismuhaa .(wa,? an t i)mao~smu ?(ux t ik) ? S3*. 9ismuhaa 7. Expansion Drill: sa gaktubu ri saala (h). haa6a#,--l'iusbuw%' hal, sa?aktubu risaala(h). sa~aktubu risaalatan 9ilaa gacdiiqii. sa~aktubu risaalatan '?ilaa gadiiqii haa6a#,wl?usbuuv. hal sagaitubu risaa.latan "ilea gadiiqii haa6a,%l?usbuu%? 8. Replacement Drill: hal sa~aktubu risaaZlatan "ilaa gadfiqii haa6a~'l~usbuuq'? hal katabtu risaalatari ?ilaa gadiiqii* haa~a^'l'usbuuq'? hal katabtu ri~saalatan "?ilaa lubnaai haa6a~ol'1usbutq? hal katabtu risaalatan '?ilaa lubnaai haa6afw~'S**hr?, UNIT SIX (120)  hal sataktubilna riaaalatan ilaa ,lubnaan haa6aIs~iar? hal sataktubiina ri saalataxi "ilaa yuusuf s6sakr 9. Deletion Drill: hal sataktubiina risaalataxi ?ilaa yuusui haa~ap--'aAsir? hail sataktubiilna "ilaa 3ruusuf haa6a^,*sahar? hal sataktubiina aa*v'"X hal sataktubiln t? aataktubi in, 10. Transformation Drill: Making stion maa6aa tadrusi'ina fio,%olmacrasa (h). maag~aa tacirusiina fi^-,lmdrasa (*i? taq'malu £ ii bayrtut. maa6aa taq'malu fii bayrtut? l"?alraaniyya(h). ,q indakaonnti~taanun haa6a^-# lqusbuu%. ta6habu 9 i la~olmadrasa (h). ta~'rnalu -mu all imatan Lii Iacrasat inio'wbtidaagiyya (h). l?almaaniyya (h)? "?as' iidakaymti1~aanun haa6a^.# 1?u sbuus l ? ha±i hal ta6habu ? ila^--lmacrasa (h)? .Ja.taqrnalu mumallimatan Lii macdrasatin i *b t i aa i yya (h) ? 3uvalliukml?ama yya (h).marn yu qalllmukumu~wl&?almaaniyya (h)?9 saya4uru haa6a~'lmasaa*?. man saya~luru haaa~lmasaa?? UNIT SIX (121)  11, Translation Drill: kayfa taquulu bilvarabiyya(h); She has an exam this week. We have the sixth lesson today. Do you have a discussion tomorrow? (speaking to a boy) How many sisters does he have? How old is her brother? What is the name of this school? 3 ,irdaha#%omti]~a~nun haa(5a*l '?gusbuuq, *indanaalyawmao,'ddarsupssaadi s. ?a,,.ndakum miinaaqasatun 'racan? kain ouxtan lah? kam q~urru 9aXilhaa? ma*'smu haa6ihiolnadrasa(h)? 12. Review Drill: maa6aa tadrusu (laylaa) f ipw "a1'almaaniyya(h), wad imacirasa (h)? ?uxraa, man yuqalllmuha^%P 9alaanisa(h) hildaa. 1P7a lmaani1yya (h) ? halb'^-l 9aan isa (h) hildaa min laa yaa 7uxstaa6,, oameerkaa? hal hiya mina'~l'urdunn? laa yea 9ustaa8. m ayyi balaclin hiya? m aianya waganti yaa (fariida(h)), #?arnaa min_____ in ?ayyi balac? gatu1~tbbu laylap*-1'ga maanlyya(h)? namam yaa 9ustaa6. wa~anta yaa (f ari id), hal laa yaa gustaa6. tu~i bbu~ol ?almaaniyya (h) ? naq~am yaa #?ustaa6. raaoaa tui~iibbiina yaa "alm'a:abiyya(h) (wi daacx)I? 9alf aran siyya (h) kam #>uxtan laka yaa (f aari s)" wa,?ayti yaa (saarah), kern 97uxtan laki? kam #>uxtan lisaamii? " -uxtun was4ida(h). maosmuhaa? 'smuhaa (farimcta(i)), Luruxi pan UNIT SIX (122)  mapt-smu m"xt ika yea (yuu su f) ? wa~'anti yaa (maryam) nma'-*sniu iuxtiki? rna--wsmu "axi ika yaa (sali ±m) ? wa~anta yaa (alii), maolwsmau '7axi ik? ha!L tabhabu £ariida(h) ?ilao~o imadrasa (h)? 1ail ta6habu laylaa gila#% lxadrasa(h)? hal ta6habu ganta gilaow lrnadrasa(h)? maa6aa taqmahlu faziida(h)? hal taqrnalu "?umnki muqallimatan yea (noooraa)? waoanta yea (henrii) hal taqrnalu 'gummuka mw'allina (h)? "?ayna saya6habu wilyam waqaao~ilata (h)?9 "7ahunaaka filmun jayyid? ma^%osrwih? 'aaya6habu saamii mava wi lyam? maa6aa saya~qmalusa ii "7asata6habiina 'ilaf% asiinama haa6ihio~ llaylah, yea (mayy)?9 "mVAft 0a^asa.t0a^ maliin?1% Wt ?:L miha(munaa). "i smuhaa rnayy. ?ismihu ka~riim. ?lBIu bUwi2lyam., laa ya ustaa6. nasam yaa ?ustaa6. namam ya ustaa6'. ruqall.Lmatan f' imaratinf~o b ti1daa i yya (h) 0 neIaqain ya ustaa6, lea yaa ?ustaa6. laa yaa "ustaa6, namam ya ustaa6. ? *1lap'os s iinama,. naq am. kilyopatraa, lea ya ustea65. sayadrus. na,;%am, a onAdu.t UNITSIX (123)  W&O V D I 4 r GOP 1v 40000e>4 00I if; AO, 00 OF wo 1 coo wo ,4 -5-# ttAO, (~J;)) 010 ..0001, .100, OF * * * * * * * * * * ^.Ole -4 ~ $ ~- / S - ~Lop 00, 00 do c tj 7 5 do bw 410U .00 404 AO woo -.00 %Lj 0'U w o 0- -II LO 'I cr o C) :0J dip* .7 Alo 0000 co AOP -00S 1 0100 UNIT SEVEN (124)  &t \k -,-No - K f\) Mj 1 4 k L 4t N,.' K> K I', -4 IQ'~ >~ ti I I 4  A. BASIC DIALOGUE SENTENCES UNIT 7 AT THE SHEIKH RESTAURANT 1. Zaki : Do you like Arab food, Nancy? 2. Nancy: Yes, Zaki. But 3. Zaki : But what? 4. Nancy: They say that Arab food is fattening (increases the weight). 5. Zaki : Ha' Ha' Don't believe that. Let's go to the Sheikh Restaurant. * * * * * * * * * * 6. Waiter: Welcome' What do you wish to eat, Miss? 7. Nancy: Roast chicken and salad. 8. Waiter: And what do you wish to drink? 9. Nancy: A glass of milk. 10. Waiter: And you sir, what do you want to eat? 11. Zaki : Shish Kabab with rice and vegetables. 12. Waiter: And what would you like to drink? 13. Zaki : Just a glass of water. * * ** * ** * ** 14. Waiter: What kind of dessert ("Sweets") do you wish, Miss? 15. Nancy: Baklava, please. 16. Waiter: And you, sir, what would you like? 17. Zaki : Watermelon, please. 18. Nancy: This has really been a delicious dinner. Thank you, Zaki. 19. Zaki : You're welcome. (approx. "May it bring you the best of health") UNIT SEVEN (126)  A. BASIC- DIALOGUE SENTENCES -7adddr su ws sa~b i q. Si i alqmi P~os wayx. 1.0 2. 3. 4. i naa~nsi i zaki *i naxsii 5.zakii 6. "assufraii* 7. naansii 8. "assufrajii 9. namnsii* 10.v "assufrajii 11 izkii 12. gasstfraiii 13. zakii 14. "assufrajli 15. naansli 16.s "?aaaufrajii 17. z~kii 18.o na&nsii 19.v zakii * #?au~ibina^# a %~mwl arbiyayaa naansii na'qam yas. za.kii. walaakin, we2laakin maa6aal? yaquuluuna #in oj'aaalarbyayaziuo~o lweazn. haaJ haal laa tugaddiqii 6aailiko hayyaa binaa *?llaa*aq *v** * ** * ?ahiai wasahian. maa6aa turil~ilina "an ta~kulii yaa "aariisa(h)? dajaajan magwl'yyaI maqa alaja(h), waxnaa8aaa turiidiina #?an ta'srabii? ka,san mina'ollaban. wa~anta yaa sayyild maa6aa turi idu ?an ta~ku.1? iajnnm~iyyan maqa "arU ZZi1T. waXUaar Swamaa6aa tul~ibbu gan tavsrab? ka-7san minaok1mao faqa , :Oayya naw % in mina"'lltalwaa turililna yaa "aani*1sa (h)? ,baqlae'waa min faqliik. :wa~anta yaa sayyid, maa6aa tu~ibb? :ballilxan, min fa~.1ik, : Viaqanpinnahu yadaiteun tayyibun jldclan. ?askurka yea zakii.  B. PRONUNCIATION DRILL he robbed sword ambassador he went fast going hard, difficult relative (by marriage) lettuce the letter "s" wall chapter (of the Koran) moth 8 salab sayf safiir saar sarii masi ir masiir Tasiib xass ?assiin suur suura (h) suu s Valab payf Vafiir Vaar garii mapiir qagiir napiib xa9 "appiin guur puura (h) uup v he crucified summer whistle he became killed destination, end juice share to belong to; concern China Tyre picture chick UNIT SEVEN (128)  C. SPECIAL VOCABULARY ka,?aan mina~11lgaAun. fin jaanan mina5a fin jaanan mina~"1qahwa (h). A glass of lemonade. A cup of tea. A cup of coffee, hum. they *?ilaa malqami asindbaad. gilaa ma$qami baydaad. gilaa mateami~1qlaahirah. ovilaa majeamiME~vargio1?aw a$., 9ugi~bbu^*$$aq anvn 1?ame e rk iyy. #?ugibbu^~$$awama#%lf aransiyy. 9ugibbu~$$avama~llubnaaniyy. ?Vgibbu~$$jaqama*'*gi inlyy. haa6aa fatuurun $ayyib. haa6aa yadaaunl ayyib. haa6aa A.Caa#un $ayyib. laa tupaddiq 6aalik. (speaking to a boy) laa tugaddiquu 6aalik. (speaking to a group) to the Sindbad Restaurant. to the Baghdad Restaurant. to the Cairo Restaurant. to the Middle East Restaurant. I like American food. I like French food. I like Lebanese food. I like Chinese food. This is a delicious breakfast. This is a delicious dinner (at noon; or, "lunch"). This is a delicious dinner (evening; or, "supper"). Don't believe that. Don't believe that. UNIT SEVEN (129)  D. STRUCTURE DRILLS 1. Cued Chain Drill: Si:--0atuibbu'-oVaqaama-'23&rabilyy, yaa S 2:ri6am. (laa.) Cues: 'aliamfeerkiyy. ialfaran slyy. 9allubriaanlyy. omaqiinlyy, 2.Cued Drill: Pronouns yaquuluuna huwa :yaquulu hiya :taquulu ?anaao, "aquulu 9anta: taquulu ant±: taqutfiia hluml :yaquuluuria qinna#%# aa6m#%wl1sarabiyya yaziidu^*1wa"zn. '?irnalaqaa'maoKl~'arabiyya yaziiduo,%1wazn. qinnaoaaa'ma#*v1"arabiyya yaziiduo'v1wazn. *?na~ aamaoqrb*yayaziicduo1wa in. ?inna'~oVaq'aamao~'l' arabl'yya yazidu^-PIw;6zn. sln~ aqam #lqrblyayazic~lwazn. *?innas,*jaama#,,-#1~arbtyya yazidu wazn . 3.Substitution Drill: yaa joori yaa 47ustaa6 yaa roorcaa yaa qaaniisa(h)j yaa ullaab yaa sayyi~d laa tu'aacl~qii6aa~ik .9yaa naanaii. laa tuqadA4.q 6a6aik' y aa joo*rj, laa tuqadd1q 6aalik.,yaa g ustae, la&" tugaddiqii 6aalik, yaa nooraa. latugacldiqii 6aalik, yaa 7aanisa~h), laa tugaddiquu 6aal~k, yar, Vulla~b., laa tugaddiq 6aalik, yaa sa~yyid. UNIT SEVEN (130)  4. Substitution Drill: iassindi baad ba'ydeA6d lassarqi*1 'awqaVs h43ya b inea hb.yyaa binaa h Zyyaa b in aa h~.yyaa binaa hayyaa binaa i aa Mal v '"'s ayx. ?ilaa malvamiovsindibaa1. #?ilaa malvami baydaad. gilaa maamipw'arqi^,1iawsa . 5., Repetition Drilli Verbs af ter "an Speaking to a girl: raa6aa turiicliina "an ta?kulii? nma6aa turiidiina "an ta'maliie? maa6aa turiidiina "an taqut'*iii? nma.6aa turiidiina "an t~.sqa2ii? ma&6a turiidiina "7an t~drusii? maa~aa turiidiina "?an tum'llimii? mnaaaa turiidiina gan tasrabii? 6. 'Substitution Drill: Verbs after "an maaLaa turiiiiina "Pan ta'malii maai6aa turiicliina "an taqwil1ii maa,6aa turiidiina "an tas~alii ma6aa turiidiina "an taodrusii maa6aa turiidiina "an tu vt 1imi i s ma~.aa turi iciina "?an tisrabii ma6aa turiidiina What do you want to eat? What do you want to do? What do you want to say? What do you want to ask? What do you want to study? What do you want to teach? What do you want to drink? -?an "an ,?an " an "?an "?an "an, ta~k~iiyaa "aanisa(h)., tasmaii,0yaa ?Wmanisa (h). t aqrilii, 0yaa #"6.anisa(h). taso'alii, yaa "aani~sa(h). tadrusli, yaa ?aanisa(h)., tuq~11jmj j, yaa "aani~sa(hj ta'srabii, yaa ?aanisa(h). UNIT SEVEN (131)  7. 'Transformation Drill: Gender Contrast in Verb after 9&1 raa~aa turiidiina 9an ta'kulii? mali6aa turiidu .9an, ta'7kul? maaaa turiijina ?an ta-orabii? maa-6aa turiilu *?an ta'rab? maa6aa turiidiina ?an tacirusii? iaaaa turiidu *?an tacirus? maa6aa turiidiina ?an taktubii?&7 maa6aa turiiciu 'an taktub? nmaa6aa turiidiina #?an tas'alii?9 0%0%a6aa turiid.*?an tas'al? maa6aa turiidiina ?an tamalii? xnaa6aa turiiciu ?an ta%%rna1? 8.Substitution Drill: Foods- xulaar baq16~awaa V~alwaa kagsan rminap--ollaban f£in jaanan mina'a *say: and Drinks ?uriiiu ajaajan mavswilyyan was6a.1a~a. ?uri icu dajaajan maswiyyan waxu azi,. ?uriiciu cajaa~jal maswiyyan wabaqlaawaa. ?uri idu lajaajan mna'swlyyan walialwaa. 'uriid~u lajaajai ma~swiyydn waka'san minaf,%ollaban . 'uriidu daJaajan %#awiyyn waf in jaanan mina^-*s'waay, 9.Repetition Drill: Gender Contrast wa'anta yaa sayyia, raa~aa turiiclu ?an ta'kl? wa'anti yaa sayyida(h), mazilaa turiicliina 'an ta~kulii? wa'anta yaa -,aIii, xaa6aa turiiciu ?'an ta#?kul? wa'anti yaa iaryam, maa~aa turiildiina 'an ta'kullii? wa'anti yaa 'aanisa(h), ?naaa ttiriicilina 'an ta'kulii1? wa'anta yaa zakii, maa~aa turiidu 'an ta'ku.1? wa'anta yaa iustaa'6, aaa'aa turiiclu ?an ta-7kul? UNIT SEVEN (132)  10. Cued Drill: Your beverage order? laari uriiclu k&',?san mina~w11aban. maa" ?uriidu kaosan minav**1ma~. laymun g uriid~u kaisan mina^-llaymwm'. kookakoolaat ?uriidul ka'gsan mlna~w1kookcakoolaa. qahiwa(h)9ur i idufin j aanan mifna~wqahwa (h). V "y'uridxif£injacinan mina^-~aay.~ 11. Free Chain Drill:, How about dessert? s I *"ayya nawq in mina','11alwaa (turi icu) yaa (sayyidj? so: , mn(Ifa~ik), 12. Substitution layyibun: 1a i if'un: raao'i %un: jayyi~dun: Now Drill: Adjectives ] ,qqan 'innahu y'acaagun Ayyibun jiddan. Va4qan ?linnahu yaclaa-?un 1alif fun jiddan. 1I aqqan ?inrahu ~yadaia?un raA?"P'un jfddan, I]aqqan 'innahu yaclaa'un jayyilun jiddlan. 13. Substitution Drill: Verbs af ter gan. *6t #?an tagkllii*: mai6aa turiidiina 'an tagkuiii yaa "aanisa(h)? #?an tg'Srabii; maa.6aa turiidiina gan t'vrabii yaa gaanisa (h)4? &?an taqw*lii: maa6aa turmiammna *?an taquulii yaa ?aanisa(h)? *?an tadriisii: xaaL6aa turiicliina "an tidrusii ya aanisa(h)? "an taktubii; maa*6aa turiidiina "an t&ktubii ya aanisa(h)? "an taray t maa6aa turiidiina#"an taray yaa gaanisa(h)? UNIT SEVEN (133)  14. Rep2etition Drill: Verbs after '?8X1 _____ maa6aa tu1~ibbu "an tasraba yaa zakii? ma6aaa tu1~ibbu "an ta~kifla yae. zakii? naab6aa tu4ibbu "an tacirusa yea zakii'? maa,6aa tu~iibbu "an tumaIlima ya zakii? maa6aa tuliibbu "an taq rif a yaa 7,akii*? hiaa~aa tu~tibbu "an tafvaJla yaa zakii? haa6aa tulibbu "an taquula yea zakii?. maabaa tul~ibbu "an taktuba yaa zakii? maaobaa tu1~ibbu "an taraa yaa zakii? 15. Free Chain Drill: Foods Speaking to a boy: S 3.omaa,6ae. turiiu "an ta?kula yaa S26 maa6aa turiilu s"an t"kula yaa Sp eaking to a girl: SI: inaa6aa turiidiina "?an ta~kulii yaa S3: maa6aa turiicliina "an taqkulii yaa? 16. Repetition Drill:, Verbs after "an "anaa yajibu ?an "a6laaba "ilaa ?ingiltraa. I must go to England., yajibu "?an ?adruisa fii faransaa. I must study in France. UNIT SEVEN (134)  17. Substitution Drill: Verbs after "Ian ye.al1mmuLn i i 7an ?araa f' yahlmunii -"an "atakal' ullaab. yahthmnii "an"alqu rad 2=nnagqa'sa (h).* yahtlmxrii#pan ?adrusa curuusan '7uxraa, yabiommunii ian o"abqaa ea1la a anawaat, Ima 18. Verb Drill* y6,jibu "an.. I must go now. "ant "anti. I must know the result. "ant. *?anti., I must attend the exam. "7nt. "anti. Must I stay in School? ?6ant. ?Anti. ~jI am very interested in seeing a movie about the Arabs. It is important to me that I speak on the phone. It i s important to me that I introduce the students. It is important to me to attend the debate. It matters to me that I study other subjects . It is important to me that I stay three years. yajibu #?an 7a6haba#,--l#7aan,, yajibu "an ta6habap~wClaan. yajibu "an ta6habii"'olm an, yajibu "an 9asqrifa#%nnatiija(h), yajibu ?an tas, rifa'%nnatiija(h). yatjibu "an "aJ1ura~'limti1laan. yajibu "an taura^-*limtiY~aan, yajibu "an ta~4ut'ii-ojimt14)aman hail yajibu "?an ta-bqaa fi""# imadrasa (h) ? hal yajibu "an tcbqayf>0 UNIT SEVEN (135)  What -do you have to study now? maa6aa ya1ibu ?an tUdru~sa^*JIqaan? ?Anti.1 maa6aa yaijibu "?an zta.dru.Sii*,Kl#?aan? can aa. maa~aa yajibu 'pan 7adrusa*,,*lpaan? 19. Transformation Drill: y.i bu #" "66habu "ilaao%*1ubn6an. sagia ~au 6a~l ik. maa6aa taquu lu yaa kariim? taktub i mna rasaa'gii. y6,jibu "?an t? a6haba ?ilaa lubnaan. yajibu "an iai>'ala 6aalik. yajibu ?an tasaN~ingiizyya(b). ma6A6aa yajibu "an taqixcla yea kari im? y'jibu ?an taktubi~i rasa&il. *"ayajibu "an tas'rif ib'o nnatiipja(h)? 20. Translation Drill kayf'a taquulu 6aalika billuyati^-o1qarabiyya (h)? I'm going, to the restaurant this evening., Does your mother like Arab food? Sami wants a glass of lemonade. It is a very good supper. My friend would l ike shish kabab with salad. saoa6habu iia','1mV ami ,haa6a#%* lmasaa"., hal tu ibbu "urn a%~aama% yuriildu saamii* kagsan minavw, laymuun. *?inna 2u qasaaoun jayyidun jicddan, gadilqii yuiiibbu laaI maswlyyan maqa sa nah) UNIT SEVEN (136)  E. CONVERSATIONS 1.Suhayla goes to a Near Eastern restaurant. The waitress comes to take her order. w: gablan wasahlan. maa.6aa yaa "aanisa.(h)?, st lal4manrlma*6wiyyan masqa sala~a(h)o w: wamaa6aa turiid~iina "an ta'srab ii? ~s kassi mina~w11aban. w: 9aturiidiilna baqlaawaa? s: laa, "galbaqlaawaa taziiair~' lwa zn. W: 9aturii'iiina baViixan? s: navafl, min £aliki. 2. Najib and Halim plan to have their fl: Pmaa6aa sataq'ma.1u haa6ao~o lmasaas?, yaa laim h: saoa6habu ?ilaa maami^* ssayx, no maa ra-?yika ?pan na6haba mas~an? h: 1aliifun jiddan. n: wa1gaan, 'ayna sata6bhab? hi: *?ia~o1bayt, 1imuraaJalkati auruusi^-1faransiyya (h), n: 'at"'nannaa 1&kap~ottawfiiq h: Stikrari. sagaraaka haa6ap'% *1 -esaaht 0 eat, Miss? Shish kabob with salad. What do you want to drink? A glass of milk. Do you want baklava? No, baklava is fattening. Do you want watermelon? Yes, please. dinner at the What are you Halim? I'm going to Restaurant. Why don't we Sheikh Restaurant. doing this evening, the She ikh go together? Very f ine. Where are you going. now? Home, to review French. I wish you -good luck. Thanks. I'll see you thi S evening, at 7:00. UNIT -SEVEN4 (137)  3. Linda has a sister working i0n Baghdad. Fans introduces to her Hassan who has just come from Iraq. fs #uqaddlimu laki acliiqii IVasan, yaa lindaa. 1: tasarra17tu bihnmaq-rifa(h).hal 1L: na mnpossrl--lwa 1: min 9yyi baladin fi^Osarqi^,%' lawsaV? 1:minawvl %raaq. 1:, lii " uxturi ta'Inalu ruqalli' matan fil'lqiraaq. 12gayna taqmal?. 1,- fii. jaamiqati baydaadci. V1-: mao~osmuhaa?. 1: 99#ismhaeayy. ,hal tasri fuhaa? 1:laa yaa lindaa. hal taitubina lahaa rasaa~il? 1: naqam. sa~aktubu lahaa risaalatan haa6ihi'~llayla(h), 1:min faqliki, balliyiihaa ta~liyyaatii. 1: bikulli suruur. Linda., I present' to you. MY. friend ljassan, I'm glad to meet you. Are you from the Middle East? Yes. From what country in the Middle East? From Iraq. I have a sister working as a teacher in Iraq. Where does she work? At Baghdad University. Wha-t's her name? Her name is May. Do you know her. No, Linda.. Do you write letters to her? Yes. I'm going to write her a letter tonight. Please, send her my greetings. With pleasure. 4. Cairo is the Capital of the United Arab Republict y =yUUBUf S =saarah YO Vabaa~ta#%1xayr, yaa ?aaxiisa(h). Good morning, Miss. S-. qabaa2aP--nnuur, yaa sayyicl. Good morning, Sir. Y: quuliI'vKij. min faqliki-, hal1 Please tell me, are you f rom this " an t * ipnhaa 6 ih i' 'lmdiinaa? town? s: na4qam. Yes.# UNIT SEVEN (138)  st maa Lahimt. "aturitdu '?an ta6baba 'i aa'oqaahi ra (h) ? Y: leae.yaa "aani sa (h) . 'uri id~u ,?an '?a6haba "ilaa mat "mi^*' 1qaah *1ra (h) , fL#i haa hio~o ldiina(h). haliv"~"q~hira(h) Lii lubnaan,? Y: laa ya~a 9anise.(h). ? inn aia i wl jurhuuriyyati' ilarablyya- y: naqaM. wa1,7aan quu1jimos1ii .min Laj.iki3 ?ayna*,4maqam? s: laa ?aisrlf, Do you know the way to the Cairo Restaurant? I don't understand. to go to Cairo? Do you want No, Miss . I want to go to the Cairo Restaurant-in this town. Now I understand. Cairo in Lebanon? Tell me, is No, Miss. It is in the United Arab Republic. Are you from Cairo? Yes. And now please tell' me: where is the restaurant? I don't know. UNIT SVN(139)  F. REVIEW gatuIl bbuollaaama^*lq3arabiyya, yaa saliim)?. iaa6aa tu~Libbu "an tagkul? hal tu~ibbi ina4o# aqaama~w l-gameerkiyy, yaa (kariima(h))? hal t.u1~ibbi ina^'-#lxuq.aar, yas (nooraa)? 9,atu1~ibbu'lvlWalwaa yaa (fariid)? wa~anti yaa (saarah) qatu1~ib" ?ayya naw ,in mina'KLJialwaa tuliibbu yaa (saamii)? ba~lixan yaa (munaa)?' maa6aa tu1~ibbu ?an ta'sraba yaa (yuusuf)? wa?.anti yaa (mayy) rna&~aa tuliibbiin? tatu-Vibbu "an ta*S*raba f'njaanan mina^ws sayy? f£in jaanan mina'o4qahwa (h)4? wa Ian ti yaa 9 aani-1sa (h), mnaaoaa tulibbi ina ?an tavsrabi i? naq'am (laa). la1.ranmaswiyyan. naqam (laa). nasam (laa)., naq'am (laa),' naqain (laa). naqam (laa). baqlaawaa; bajiixan, naq~am. kag san minao~ollayrmuin; ka" san minap'lliban; 1w okako olaa.,' ka" san mina^'llaymun; kagsan rina^-Plmaag, nasqam yaa ?ustaAo. laa yaa gusta&6. kagsan mina^ *lmap; ka-?san minao~ollaymuun., UNIT SEVEN (140)  G. GRAMMATICAL SUMNARY 1. More Pause Forms arabiyya has, the pause form qarablyy ; ayyibun in the pause form is $ayylb ; and maavi becomes Maa? in the pause form. These words are all masculine singular. 2. The 9an Form of the Verb. We have seen that present tense verbs for 9anaa and ?ant generally end in -u , and for vanti end in -iina , as ganaa vadru suol vaan, 9anta tadrusu^%olvaan. 9anti tadrusiIna~1?aan. After the conjunction van "that", however, the respective endings are -a and -ii, as yajibu ?an> a6habaF~17aan. maabaa tu1gibbu 2an tasra1a ya sayyid? maa6aa turiidiin.a ?an tasrabii yaa 7aanisa(h)? These verbs ending in -a and -ii are called "the van form of the verb," since they are what must be said whenever the present tense of the verb comes after van . So far we have had the following expressions requiring the van form of the verb: a. yajibu lan (va6haba) it is necessary that (I go) b. yahummunii 9an (9a6haba) it is important to me that (I go) c. uriidu van (?&6haba) I want that (I go) = I want to (go) d. ultibbu van (?a6haba) I would like that (I go) = I would like to (go) Verbs which normally end in -aa in the present tense, such as varaa 'I see' show no change in the 9?naa and ?anT, forms, while the ^ Canti form ends in -ay , as yajibu "an ?abqaa hunaa. yajibu 'an tabqaa hunaa. yajibu "an tabqay hunaa. UNIT SEVEM (141)  To summarize, present tense verbs ending in mu gnd -iina or -ayna make the following changes when they come after 9an :-u is changed to -a , and the -na of -iina and -ayna is omitted; verbs in -aa show no change. Iu t U after van becomes9? after 9an becomes t t _iina after 9an becomes t t ayna after 9an becomes t y Structure Drills 5-7 and 13-19 drill these forms. 3. Pronoun Suffixes The first person singular pronoun suffix is ii , as 0ismii my name ii to me; I have mali with me On verbs, however, it has the special form -nii , as yahummnnii 9an 9a6haba mar akum. It matters to me ("It concerns me") that I go with you. Compare the following illustrations: hal yahummuka ?an ta6haba maqii? yahummunii van tabhaba maii. Is it important to you to go with me? It is important to me for you to go with me. 4. Adjectives In Arabic an adjective comes after the noun it modifies. Notice that when the noun has the definite article, the article should also be attached to the modifying adjective. Examples: UNIT SEVEN (142)  a. Noun and adjective without the definite article: haa6aa filmun jayyidun jiddan. This is a' haa6aa yadaaun $ayyibun This is a jIadan. yadrusu f ii madrasatin He studies 0 aanawtyya (h) . very good film. very delicious dinner. in a high school. b. Noun and adjective with the definite fiwljaamiqati"loameerkiyya(h). f i Plwi 1 laaat i ^lmuttada~h). #?uriidu 17uguura-wlqar~i 19awwal. yadrusu fio~olmadrasa1ti'#% E e aanawiyya (Th). article: At the American University. In the United States. I want to attend the first show. He studies in the high school. 5. 9ahlan wasahlan This is a greeting which is used by an Arab host in welcoming a guest to his house. It is employed in addressing a man, a womanor a group of people. However, sometimes a native speaker of Arabic uses a more direct form of address. Notice the following: ?ahlan wasahlan. (speaking to a man, a woman or a group) ?ahlan wasahlan bik. (speaking to a man) 7ahlan wasahlan biki. (speaking to a woman) 9ahlan wasbhlan bikum. (speaking to a group) ?ahlan wasahma is used in many circumstances; a shopkeeper, for example, will usually greet a customer with gahlan wasahlan , as happens in the Sheikh Restaurant in this Unit; vahlan is often used as a response to mar1~aban ; etc. It is not used as a response to "thank you". UNIT SEVEN (143)  U 631 j<0 LU - -00, 9 00yw0 ) I - I ~00 .00 - *0j 17 '* ...... ......... I - -o -0 000- to 4 i' 1 ~x-L~ t ..06Ji1 -woo if C004 300 ,pi t , ) lp L--O ., f 00 ) 000 i 00I '/i"Iy? 1% L;J ) 40 000 1 - AS - , UNIT EIGHT (144)  C U i100 000' , 1 &0 'ool 0 dOp ~lft)i \o J all* ".0 0 J4 100, ON 4 Alp, mom ilv ?i op,- UNIT EIGHT (145)  A. BASIC DIALOGUE SENTENCES UNIT 8 AN INVITATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Edward: Ahmad:: Edward: Ahmad : Edward: Ahmad : Edward: Ahmad Edward: Ahmad : Edward: Ahmad : Edward: Ahmad Edward: Ahmad : How about having a coke with me, Ahmad? (That's a) good idea. Let's go (please). Tell me: how many months have you been in the United States? Ten months. How have you found this country? Very wonderful. What have you liked most about it? The people's maintenance of order. What is your opinion of the American student? He is punctual and serious. I have a class at ten o'clock. I must go, Ahmad. Good luck. Thank you for the coke, Edward. Say' Are you busy next Sunday? Not at all; I don't have anything important to do. How about having dinner with us, to continue the conversation? (That will be) Very fine. I'll be happy to. ("it will please me to have the honor of visiting you.") (You will be most) welcome. I'll see you Sunday, God willing. Goodbye. 17. Edward: 18. Ahmad : UNIT EIGHT (146)  A. 'BASIC DIALOGUE SENTENCES qadd~rsu^'Oeaamin daqvwa~h) . 1.. odward: inaa ragyuka "an tavsraba kookakoo'laa maqii yaa qa~rnad? 2., "?4=xd: f£ikratun .lAsana (h),, tafit'4a1. 3. 6odward: gxbirnli: kam sahran ma~aa qalayka fi'~'wiaayat> lmutt64lida(h)? 5. edward: kayf'a wajadta haafihis'%olbila~d? 6. "lZnaJ-01d: raagis'atan jiddan. 7. edward: ia6aa "aqjabaka £iihaa? 9. edward: wama& raiyuka filo,'* aal'ib'^'1",ameerkilyy? 10. 7auad innahtt muwaa41ibun wamuji~dd. 11. edward: qindii dar sun isows aa'at'w q aasi ra (h). yajibu s"an ?a6haba yaa ?ci nad, 12. ?s1inad; mnLwftaqun yaa o"ecdward, 9a'sktiruka sqalao~okookakoolaa, 13. edward: qul 1l~i: hal ianta mayuui-l?4d~ladm 14. # "a1~md: kallaa; laa yuaijadu %indii suylun iuhimm 15. edward: maa ra~yuka lan tatay'addaa q"indanaa fi^-olbayt, 16. #?aliid: la~iif'un jiddan. yasurrunhi ?an gatasarraf'a bi^4* z iyaaratikwn. 17. edward: gahian wasahlan. sagaraaka yawma'~lqaYad, "gin saaga~oJlagh. UNIT EIGHT 1(147)  B. PRONUNCIATION DRILL it fell he conquered (the glottal stop) he fell in love mortal great, tremendous escape, fleeing blowing of wind skill understanding threatening awful, terrible vocation wakeful he began h hawaa hazam hamza (h) haam haalik haavil huruub hubuub mahaara (h) fahm tahdiid. rahiib mihna (h) saahir gistahall 1iawaa it contained gazam he packed 1amza (h) (man's name) 1.aan it hovered lVaalik very dark 1Vaavil barrier 1Vuruub wars lVubuub grains mal.aara (h) she11 fal~m charcoal ta4diid definition raliib wide, spacious mil~na (h) severe trial saalgir charming 9istalgall he found legitimate UNIT EIGHT (148)  C. SPECIAL VOCABULARY. *0ahrn waaJid. s ahraanV On aan. ealaaeatu *?aashuro 'arbaqatu 'iashuro xamsatu 9a'12ur. sittatu *9ashur. sabq'atu 9a'sur. ea iyatu 9ashur. tisq"atu 9ashur. qasaratu 'a~hur. maa raiyuka "an tataqa%fsaa q in di i? maa ra'yuka #"an tjlur, iniii? One month. two months. three months. four months. five months. six months. seven months. eight months. nine months. ten months. How about having- supper with me? How about having--breakfast with me? I'lsee you on Monday. I'lsee you on Tuesday, I'1see you on Wednesda. I'lsee you on Thursday. I'lsee you on Friday. I'lsee you on Saturday. sa "araaka sa*?araaka sa~paraaka saiaraaka sao"araake. sa "araaka yawmaf~vlienayan., yawna#'O E)alaa aa'? yawmavl4"arb*1 %aa" yawmao~w1xami i so yawrnao~oljummah) yawinaoos sabt. muwaffaqatun yaa fariida(h). Good luck, Farida. Vaaliba (I) Student (f em.) sa~araaka%'1Jumqata*-Klqaacdima(h). 'l see you this coming Friday. kayfa wajaciti haafihi'w1bilaa1? How did you find this country? laxbiriinii (speaking to a gi rl) Tell me. (speaking to a. girl) "axbiruunii* (speaking to a group) Tell me! (speaking to a group) UNIT EIGHT -(149)  D. STRUCTURE DRILLS 1. Substitution Drill:e Nouns znaa ra'iytka "an ta'sraba kookakoolaa? f in jaanan mina'",osaay finjaanan mina^%#1qahwa(h),, kag san mina'~llaymwn. kaosan mina'1nma".?. ka? san mina'%*1llaban, 2. Cued Drill: Gender Contrast in Verbs yaa * 6-Vmai axbi'vrn ii yaa ? alpnd. yaa salina axbiriini~i yaa s".1maa, yaa jullaab "axbiruunii *yaa Vullaab, yaa naAs ?axbirwunii yaa naas. yaa sayyid 2axbirnii yaa sayyid. yaa sayyiaa(li) "abiriinii "yaa sayyida(.h). 3. Chain Drill with Varied Response: 1 to 10 months s3.: kArn Soahran malaa ml'ayka f>Jp*,wilaayaa'ti~'1nuttalida(h)? S2: gasdratu "as hur--.-. 4, Substitution Dril.: Nouns %S162ran :k. 6ia aaa"lyaf w AWivJutia 1) s~ntnkm sgnaan madaa q alayka f i #1w*1 aayaA ti ttI ida(h)?  5. Response Drill: karn sanatan inadaa 1'atayka fLii baAftio-lbilaad? kain 'usbuuman melaa malayka f ii haa6Thb'%lbilaal? kam saaqatan maqaa mlaayka Lii haa6ihi^4#lb iilaad.? karn yawman ma~a~a alayka fii bilaadinaa? kam 'Sahiran ma~.aa qaIayka Lii* bilaaEcinaa? 6. Replacement Drill: maa ra#?yuka "an tz taskul : maa ra'7yuka "an tE wvidaad : mad, ratyuki "?an tz taldrusii maa rayuki *?an tE zakii : maa ragyuka ?an tz tatayaddaa: maa ragyuka "an tce mu~naa : maa ra'.yuki "an tE ealaa~eu (garbaqu, sabqu) sanawaat. -7usbuuv~un waa1lidun faqa . saaqataani (eala'().e garba~u, sabi'u saaqaa&tin) faqaV. yawrnun wiaa1~idiun faqa~. saharun waWid, etc. asraba kookakoolaa inaqii, yaa malii iakulii maqii yaa wi~daad9? adlrusii maqil* yaa wiclaad? adrusa maq'ii yaa zakii? atayactcaa masqii yaa zakii? ata'yadxay rnaqii yaa mn~iiaa? 7. Substitution Drill; Feminine Singular Nouns kayfa wajaclta haaoihi'~'1bilaad? "almacirasa Ia3 kayfa wajaata haa6i'hiP-vlnadrasa (h)? "alfl kra(h) kayfa wajadta haa6ihio~olLikra(h)? "arri saala(h): kayfa wajaita haa6ih'^'rri saa'la(h)? "alinaktaba (a)3 ka"yfa waJadta haa6ih'o~pmaktaba (I)? "galbaqla~waa kayf'a waj adta haa6ihislbaqlaawaa? galq6Jawa(h) kayf a wajadta haa6ihl~~lqhwa(a),? UNIT EIGHT (151)  8.Cued Chain Drill: kayf a wajadta haafihi~'1bilaad9 raam?iqata loddan. Cues: 9abnadrasa (h). 9alrnktaba(h). 9arrisaala(la). 9?almadiifla(h). galbaqlaawaa., 9alfikra(h). 9. Cued Chain Drill-, Masculine Singular Nouns Si3: kayfa wajaita haa6aolw How d id you find this country? 1balad? S 2: raa?I' ban 1"lddan. Most wonderful. Cues: #>a1f'ilm. 9?aljawaa~b. ?alhaat if. ?addcars. 10. Repetition Drill: Gender in Adjectives, Masculine Singular Feminine Singular "axuri wati~id. ?uxtun wao43*da(h). baladun raa,?iq, b ilaaclun rai iiba (h). darsun jayyid. natiijatun jiida(i). UNIT EIGHT (152)  gaciiiqun 14asan. saayun ' ayyib. Vaa'1ibun mujiid. Vaa,1ibun 'iameerkiyy. filkratun ] asana (h). qahwatun jayyiba (i). la1ibatun uiw-jbda(h). laalibatun 9ameerki~yya(h). 11. Substitution Drill: Adjectives a. f ikratun lasana (h). jayyida(h)s fikratun jayyida(h)., rea'4l'a(h): flkratun raagiqa(h), ayyiba(h): fikratun leayyiba(h), b. jayyid: 1at il'f: raai?: &yyib: yaciaa 9Uf yadaa"?un yada& 9Luf Aradcaao~un yadaao?un 1Va Ban . j ayyi-1id lati if. raa?iv. ayyib. 12. Response Drill: Gender in Adjectives. kayIfa wajadta 11aa6a'~'balad? kayfa wajwlta haafihif~1bileaad?' kay±'a wajacita haa6ajaalib? kay~f a wajadta 1aa6ihi**# J~4Aaiba~h)? kayf'a wajacita haa6ihi~o nnatiija(b.)? kayf'a wajacita hAa6a'wlsaay?. raaiian jicdan. raagiqatan jicidan., raagisatan jiddan. raa i qatan j Iddan . raa i qanji ddan., UNIT EIGHT (153)  13. Substitution Drill: Verbs -Past Tense #nAa6aa ?a~jabaka fiihaa? wajadt maai6aa wajadta fiilaa? katabt : a6aa katabta fiihaa? 9eA'abaki: maa6aa ?aqjabaki filbaa wajadti : maaoaa wajadti fiihaa? katabti maa6aa katabt* ilihaa? 14. Substitution Drill: Nouns galbi'laad 9almad~i ina(h)o. 9almaktaba(h): "almadra sa (h): #?a~ariiq mu1~aafa~atuo~wnnaas i muI1aaf atuv~onnaasi mutaaf&~atuflrrnaasi mL11~aafa~atu'^-rnaasi mul~aaf aatuo~'rnaasi nu~aafa~atu**,nnaas i mu1~aafA~atup*nnaasi ,maa'nn i aam. salaavlb i aaa. .alaa~2naiiina (h). sqalaap-'1macdrasa (Ia) 15. Substitution Drill: Adjectives wamaa rag'yika fi%jaaibi^-a1"ameerki'yy? '?aingiiiyy*, wainaa rao'yuka fi4*vjaaibi"'1ingliizyy *?algalmaalyy: warnaa ra~yuka fi'wlVaallbi*.1'qamaaxdyy? ?alfaransiyy wamaa ra~yuka fi1**wV aalibi%'2f aran siyyq -gaViiniyy wamaa. ra~ruka fi*^wjaaibi,*Vqiini*yy? '?a~'aabyy wamaa rayuka £i^'v4aalibiwlarabiyy ?allubnaani1yy: wamnaa ra,?yuka f i~voaalibi~w11ubnaavtyy? UNIT EIGHT (154)  16. R~petition Drill: Gender Contrast mwAff aqun yaa saami .. muwaff aqatun yaa kari ima (h). mtwaffaqatun ya a ayyida(h). muwaffaqun yaa sayyid. mwaffaqun ya a ?"nd, iuwaffaqatun yea joorjeet. 17. Repetition Drill: Gender Contrast in Adjectives ha). 9?anta masuulunioola~ada'~lqaadim? ha).*"anti sma latuni~d~qa~m ha~2. "ante. 6ehibun "ila"~lmktaba(h)? ha)."'lanti 6aahibatun ?il.a'~wlmaktaba(h)g? ha). £a~ris maisiuluni- *ly~wm? ha.naansii''.awm? ha). vadnaan alibun mwaa 1ib? ha). maryam lalibatun muwaa~iba(h)? 18. Substitution Drill: ha).1 ?a).ierayn ha). ?eaaee.~a"~thal ?al~mbi, ag:ha). 0-0 Days of the Week ?anta Inasyul)un" ^).ienayni*%olqaadim? "7an ta zmasywi )uniOEa)aaaaa*qaacdim,? "7an ta mas yi)uni!,'). "arb i "act "ao~).qaad im? *?an ta ma syiuiluni%olzaini11 sa'~)qadim,? -7an sIyu.uni~wlJt~inata').qaadima (h) ? "?ante. ine.ywi)uni-os sibta#*lqaadim? UNIT EIGHT (155)  19. Substitution Drill:9an Form of the Verb tatasa~aa: taflur tb4luir tawma1 tabqaa tadrus maa ra'iyu~ka ?an maa raoyuka #?an maa raoyuka ian ma~a ra~yuka ?an maa ra,?ytka o"an ma&t ra~yuka "an maa ragyuka #"an tataraddaa ,;indanaa? tataqciaa 'indaneaa? tAf~ura qincdanaal? ta4ur. '.indanaae.? taqmala 'indanaa,? t~bqaa qindanaa? tadrtisa indanaa? 20. Transformation Drll,: Negation yuujaclu indlii vuylun muhi~mm., tA-6habu salmaa gila^-omaqam. yacdrusuo~wt aalibu "a11uyatae,- 1qarabiyya(h)., taktubu maryam ri*1saalatan qilaa farild. 9amalu muvalliman f ii madxasatin eaanawiyya(h). 3mriiu ?abuuka fin jaanan iinaw1qahwa(h)., laa yuu j acu 'in d *11 suAyun muhimm. laa ta~habu salma silav,%lma~qam., la arusV~waalibu "alluyatao' 1% rbiyya (htj* laa taktubu iaryam ri*1saalatan gilaa farii~d. laa ?a%%malu mumallirnan f ii macrastineaanawiya (h) . laa yuriidii "abtuka finjaaxian inina#%tlqahwa. 21. Cued Drill: maa~aa "anti maa6aa ?anaa naa "?an tur: maa6aa huwa somaa?5aa hiya 0 maa6aa hum maa "ant : B6aa "?aqjabaka fiihaa? ?aqjabaki fiihaa? "ambjabanii fiihaa?. "?aqjabakum fiihaa? "a~jabahu filihaa? ?aqjabahaa fiihaa? ?a" jabahum f'iihaa? ?m% jabaka f iilhaa?. UNIT EIGHT (156)  22. Directed Dialogue: yaa yuusuf, mn a~lik, giE3l&l hal vindaki 'Suy'lun muhimm? naanaithal yuuijadu %ndahaa suAylun miihimm. yaa naansi i, minri f&liki, O?ajiibii yuw**uf 9annahu 1"a yuujadu "indaki vsuylun muhimm. )Jaa. la& yuuadu 'indii Buylun muhimn. yaa layla~oq. min f~t~liki'pvssaoli kam sanatan '"aaa malayka fij qalii kaom sanatan ma& haa6 ihi O~lma'* drasa (h) ? malayhi f ii haaaih if"4mAcrasa(h). yaa q'alii, mnfcAlik,ajib laylaa "annahu macfa qalayka sibqu sanawaat, yaa saamii, min fa4lik, qtil limayy 7innahaa satRataygAcdaa q indakum haa6a'p'lyawm., yaa maiyy, mnfa'liki uulii lisaalnii 'innaki mutasakki-w ratunjAddan vala~oddaqwa(h). sabq'u sanawaat. satatayacdayna ~inianaa haa6a^-lyawm, mutawsakkj~ratun jiddan sqalao~o ddaqwa(h), yaa saamii. UNIT EIGHT (157)  E. oCONVERSATIONS 1.,-Georgette is an American girl studying in Beirut. She runs into Zaki, a Lebanese whom she had known in the States. Z: quulii 1ii yaa joorjeet: kani Tell me, Georgette: how many sanatan maclaa lalayki fi years have you been in Lebanc lubnaan? g: sanataani taqri*iban. About two years. Z: hal1 tul ibbiina haa6ihio~o1bilaad~? Do you like this country? go naq'am yaa zakii.* a Yes, Zaki. Ze raa~aa ?aqjabaki' fiihaa? What have you liked here? go mu4 aafa~atukum qala^%onnioaam. Your maintenance of order. zo 7ata6habiirla 9ilap~ Are you going to school? lmaclresa(h)? g: naqa&T. 7a6habu 9?ilap-' Yes, I'm going to the America. 1jaami 'qati^-*1?ameerkiyya(h), University. Z; muwaffaqatun yaa joorjeet, I wish you success, Georgette go 9askruaya aki Thank you, Zaki. cm? Lfl 2. Small Talk: m = Muna M: kayf a 1Vaaluka^-*lyawma yaa wilyarn? WO0 bixayrin, sukran. M:; 9aq'incakum 4arsun 9arabiyyrn haa6a^%# abaaVi? W: laa. sincdanaa carsuni~p' ngliiziyy, M9h man yu~all iiukwnu~w 1lingliiziyya(h)? we ?al?aanisa(h) hilAaa. w = Wilyam How are you today, William? Fine, thanks. Do you have an Arabic class this morning? No, we have English. Who teaches you English? Miss Hilda.. UNIT EIGHT (158)  Ms hal hiya miniosngiltraa? W: laa. "?innahaa minao4-, Mt- yajibu "an 9a6haba#,-,l'aana yaa wi lyam. W: 9ayna sata6habiin? Mt 7ilaa mami^-ossindibaad. W: ma,,;*a'",'ossalaama (h) * Is she f rom England? No. She's from the U. S. I have to go now, William. Where are you going to go? To the Sindbad Restaurant. Goodbye. 3. Karim Invites George to an Arab Supper ks iatu1~ibbu "an nadrusa macan Would you like us to study yaa joorj? together, George? is f£ikratun a sana (h). "ayna Good idea. Where shall we study? aanadrus? Ika vindanaa fi^**lbayt. At my house. J, sa*?a44uxru vindakum haa6a*% I go to your house this evening. lmasaa '. k: maa ra# yuka "an ta6baba ma i~w How about going with me now? 1lqaan ? itsaq~au%~an # ?ila'^'bayt., I'm going home now, to eat supper, 1i ataqavsvaa. k, qu2. hi3 "atu1~ibbu l-Ahia Tell me: do you like Shish Kabob maswiyyan ma,;a sala~a(h). with salad? ita namam yaa kariim., Yes,, Kar im. ks rnaa ragyuka "pan tatam'asaa How about having supper with us %indanaa haafihip~ollayla(h)? tonight? ia yasurrunii"an qaf'ala 6aalik, I'd be very happy to do that. UNIT EIGHT (159)  F. REVIEW 9qatutitbba-wsvaay., yaa (saamnii)? wavariti yaa (1lindaa), hail maa6aa tu1ibbi ina gan ta'srabii yaa(miunaa)? hal t a'rabu qahwa (h), yaa (yiusuf)? wvaoanti yaa (maryam), ha~l quuliip~'liil yaa (saarah); k". sanatan ma~aa salayki f ii haa6 ih*1 olmacdra sa (h) ? kayf a wajadta^-olliyata~k ?a" indakum darsun^,'i ssaa-*katap--* ?aS~incdakumn carsun haa6a%# lmasaa9v? ?axbirnii yaa (fariid), hal ? an t a ma suu lun P,' ie0n ayn i Pw lqaad im? maao6aa sata~qmal? hal ?anti masyuulatun masaagae-v ixamiis, yaa (hildaa)? wra~anta yaa (salin), ha'1 lqaad mm? maa6aa'sataq'mali ina yawma^, naq~am (laa) yaa 9ustaa6. naiqam (laa). kookakoo*laa layimiun laban. laa (naeam) yaa "ustai6. sanataan (Eal&",8u sanawat, 9?,rbasqu sanawaat). l asanatan jidd1an jayyiclatan jicidan. naq'am yaa ?usta6,65. laa yaa 9ustaa6. naA'am yaa qustea6. sa*?a.6habu 9ileaa'lmvrasa()) laa yaa #9ustaa6. laa yaa 9ustaa6., sa~cabhabu gilaa^NwsiinamIa? UNIT EIGHT(10  maa6aa iav jabahufLi i "?ame erkaa? q&yna aayataradda 9"?nd yawrna*l ?7I4ad? wa?&riti yaw. (nooraw.), Mayna satatayaddayi? hal ta'dculu Lil matamio~w lqaalhira(h), yaw. (Iaaris)? hal ta-?kuliine4Lii malqamiowv ssarqi'.lgawsal, yaw. (hildaa)? o"ayna ta'?kuliin? nqfmAaL&atu^4nnaasi ala#% 1iibayti 'edward. Lii baytina.. naqam (laa) namam (laa). fLip,%obayt,. etc. UNIT EIGHT(1)  G. GRANMATICAL SUMMARY 1. Gender in Adjectives. Adjectives in Arabic are either masculine or feminine; for the most part, adjectives in -a(h) are feminine and the others are masculine. $aalibun 9ameerkiyy. An American student (male). $aalibatun gameerkiyya(h). An American student (f emale). ?axun (just) one brother. 9uxtun waa;i ida (h). (just) one sister. darsun jayyid. A good lesson. mrunaaqasatun jayyida(h). A good discussion. As a rule, feminine adjectives ending in -a(h) can be made masculine by removing that "feminine suffix": larabiyya(h) arabiyy. Arabic 9 ibt idaa9iyya (h) vibtidaaq iyy. elementary haarra(h). 1.aarr. warmest saabi-qa(h). saabiq. seventh 1,asana (h). 1.asan. good. ?uxraa "other" is the only feminine singular adjective you have encountered so far which does not end in a (h) ; the masculine form is ?aaxar :darsun vaaxar "another lesson?. Conversely, many masculine adjectives can be made feminine by adding -a (h) eaalie. eaaliea(h). third qaadlim. qaadima (hi). c oming muwaa~ib. muwaat iba (h) . punctual la~i if . la~i if a(h) . pleasant, gentle, kind mnuhimm. muhimma (h ) . impor tant UNIT EIGHT (162)  ma wyudl. maEyuula (h) . busy, occupied maswiyy. maswiyya (h) . roasted $ayyib. $ayyiba (h). delicious Masculine singular adjectives like 9aeae iii which end in -ii change the -ii to. iya (h) 9aeeaanlii vaeeaaniya (ha) the second The only masculine singular adjective encountered so far which does not follow the above rules is ?Awwal , which has a special form for the feminine: ?awwal, ?uulaa first The adjective agrees with the noun it modifies. That means that if a noun qualifies or describes a masculine singular noun it also is masculine singular. Or, both adjective and modified noun are feminine singular, as addaru~1xad&mis the fifth lesson (both masc. sing.) nattiijatun raagia(h). a wonderful result (both femn. sing.) 2. Verb Negation. la is put before present tense verbs to make them negative. Examples : gearifu 6ailik. I know that. laa 9a rif. I don't know. hal yuxujadtu "indlaka Euyrlun Do you have some important work? muhimm? lea yuujadiu vindii sueaalun I don't have a very important question. mu~himmun jicddan . mnaa is used to negate verbs in the past tense: maea fahlaimt. I don't understand. cf.: fahimt. I understood. mma., katabt. I didn't write. UNIT EIGHT (163)  maa wajadtahaa raa9itatan j iddan. maa vaqjabanii. maa kaanat natiijatuhu jayyida(h). You didn't find it very wonderful. I didn't like it. (Lit., "It didn't please me") He didn't get good results. his result was not good"). (Lit ., laa alone simply means "no", while kallaa is a bit stronger: "Certainly not, not at all". 3. Arabic Expressions for "Please". min fslik and tafag4al are both translated "please" in English, but they mean "please" in two quite different ways. Basically, min faqlik makes a polite request for something for the speaker's benefit ("please tell me his name"), while tafac44al is an invitation to the addressee to accept Something for his own benefit ("please have some chicken"). Thus min falik expresses a request for something, a polite command, while tafe4jal is a very polite invitation used in offering someone something. The following two sentences both are translated "Please answer the question" but note the very different effect that each conveys: min faclik, ajib 9alaf' tafag4al, 9ajib ala ssuvaal. I want you to answer the question for me. You may have the honor of answering the question, if you wish. tafa I(aland its other forms tafa(44al i (fem. sing.) and tafac aluu (plur.) are used in a wide variety of situations, with an equally wide variety of translations - please, if you please, after you, please go ahead, please help yourself, etc. It can be used as an independent verb, as tafqaluuyta.ii vila~ lbaLyt.0 Please (condescend to) come to my house with me. UNIT EIGHT (164)   ( N j'- V., \ Ci 1-3 0 75 ~-Q~A '6'' V c .cI r--U OWNow C- c49 L  CC- Z *- _A %Mae1 roll Op w  A. BASIC DIALOGUE SENTENCES IUNIT 9 A Meeting After Vacation * 1. Adnan: Where did you spend the vacation, Helen? 2. Helen: I went to (the State of) Florida, to visit my family. Where did you go? 3. Adnan: I went to New York City to visit my friend Hussein. 4. Helen: What does Hussein do in New York? 5. Adnan: He is a student at Columbia University. 6. Helen: What's he studying there? 7. Adnan: Engineering. How is the weather in Florida these days? 8. Helen: Very beautiful. 9. Adnan: What city does your family live in? 10. Helen: In Miami. 11. Adnan: I studied in Geography that Miami is a beautiful city. 12. Helen: That's right, Adnan; especially in winter. 13. Adnan: What did you do during vacation, Helen? 14. Helen: I went fishing and swimming. 15. Adnan: Ah' How nice it is to go fishing in the sea'. 16. Helen: Tell me: What did you visit in New York? 17. Adnan: The United Nations building and the Statue of Libertyialso. 18. Helen: I am glad you enjoyed your vacation a lot. 19. Adnan: Thanks, Helen. I wish you good luck in the coming semester. UNIT NINE (167)  A* BASIC DIALOGUE SENTENCES ?addarsuo~ottaasi ~ 1 aanaan #?ayria qa4ayti'#,vliuj1ata yaa hiilaana(h)? 2, hilaana(h): 6ahabtu #?iaa wilaayati floridaaliiyat* 9ahlii. waranta 7ayna bahabt? zy~rt 3. qadxiaan : 6ahabtu ?ilJaa macilinati nyuuyork, liziyaarati gacdiiqii lpusayn. 4., hiilaana(h):* maa6aa yaqmalu liusayn fi"onyuycork? 5. madnaan 9innahu aalibun f ii jaamiq'ati kalarnbyaa. 6. hiilaana(h): maa6aa yadru~su hunaak? 7. 9aclnaan 9alhandasa(h). k1 "ayyaam? "asstv uudiyya(h) :kayfawlaqsu fi'^ssuwuudiyya (h) haa~ihllayyaam? )ubnaant kayfaojaqsu f ii lubnaan haabi~hb.Jlayyaam? ?a' %iraaqt kayfajaqsu fi*A1l, iraaq haa6ihi~1 gayyaarn? 9a1gurd32nn :kayfa#'*4aqsu £i'o'1urdunn 1Iaa6ihi#%w1ayyaam? 1barr j aarriun j iddan raarid'3 raa'risdun jiddan. Vayib ayyiun iddan. jayyich jayypidun jiddcan. UNIT NINE (172)t  6. Free Chain Drill: Asking About the Weather Si: kayfaojaqsu flhaa6 ihi'*1 o~oayyaam? S2* jjddan, 7. Cued Drill: fLii* "ant :fLii ?c"aaa :fLii 'antum: L ii huwa :fLii* hilya :fLi i hum fLi i "an t i : ii nialm :f L1i Pronouns ?ayyi madiinatin yaskunu 'ayyi rnadiinatin yaskuriu ?ayyi madiinatin yaskunu ~ayimajiatn as0n ?ayyi macijinatin yaskunu ?ayyi micinatin yaskunu ?Ayyi inadiinatin yaskunu ?ayyi madiinatin yaskunu 'ayyi madiinatin yaskrnu *?ahiuki? gahiuk? "ahlii? *6Ahlukum? "7ahluh? #?abiuhaa? "ahiuhum? ?ahiuki? ?ahlunaa? 8. 'Substitution Drill: The Seasons xaaqatan fL'ow'vitaa7-. "?a ayL :xaayatan fLio'pqayL . iarrabi olqoxaaggatan fLi'^'rrabi 1 q 0 laixarfil': xaagatan 9. Verb Drills: Past Tense a. Repetition Drill: kaIt ial~) katabta risaala(la). kataibti risaala(h). I wrote a letter. You wrote a letter (masc.) You wrote a letter (fern.) UNIT NINE (173)  qara #7turi saala (h).* qara'opta ri saala (h) . qar&'ti xisaala(h). waJadtu riaala(h). wajacita risaala(h). wajadti risaala(h). b,, Response Drill: maa~aa wajadt?.7 maa6aa wajadti? ma6aa, katabt? m6aa katabti? maa6aa qara-7ts? na6aa qara,ti? 10. Substitution Drill.* I read a letter. You read a letter (masc.) You read a letter (fern.) I found a letter. You found a letter.(masc.) You found a letter.(fem.) wajadtu risaala(h). wajacltu risaala(h)., katabtu ri saala (h) . katabtu ria1asala (h) . qara'tu risaala(h). qaratu risaala(h). 6ahabtu 'ilaa wilaayatio'floridaa 1iziym~pra-ti oallii. wi 2aayat io~oyuyo ork z 6ahabtu 'ilaa wilaayat i^*nyiuyo ork lizilyaarati ?aWLii. madiinati~iyuxyoork: 6ahabtu 9illaa maiinati'omyuiuyoork liziyaarati "ahii. wi2.aayati waasin~on: 6ahabtu "ilaa wilaayati wae.sin~on im.di inati waasirn1 :6&hab tu "ilaa rnadiinat i waa sin - on liziyaarati "ahlli. wilaayati teksas 6ahabtu gilaa wijlaayati teksas, 1liziyaarati "ahii. madliinati bayruut 6ahabtu '7?ilaa madiinati bayruut Ii~ziyaarati 'ahlii. UNIT NINE (174)  11, Chain Drill: Cities and States s3..gayrna qaq8.ytif'v %jAlata yaa____9 s2: 6ahabtu 79ilaa wilaayati, liziyaarati 9e6hlii, wa"?ata ?ayna 6ahabt? 0i. 6ahab tu ? lolaa madi inat i liziyearati Vaciiqii Vu sayn. 12. Substitution Drill: Past Tense Verbs raa6aa sqami~ti xilaala~o1su~1ati yaa Ihiilaana(h)? ?aq jabaki% maa6aa #?aqjabaki xilaala~wJJuVlati yae. hiilaana (1-)? qara~ti* maa6aa qara~ti xilaalaVu 1 yaa hii~laaria(h)? wajaciti maa6aa wajadti xilaaa^'2Aqu41ati yaa hiilaania(h)?. katabti maa6aa katabti x1aalaoJ41 ati a ilan*) ztirti maa.6aa zurti xilaaa-pl1 u~1Jati yaa hiilaana(h)? 13. Repetition Drill: kuxitu 7axruju 1igayd'^wssamaki wassibaa1~a(h). kunta taxruju 1igayi','ssarnaki wassiba64a(h). kirnti taxrtijiina 11i aydi,%ssaraki* wassiba14a(h). 14. Transformation: Gender Contrast in Adjecti'ves-.1 ?anaa 6aahibatun ?ila^**ssiinajnaa? ?anaa 6aahibun ?ilap~ssiinanmaa#?. *?araa masyuulatun haa6a^#qabaa4i. 7anaa masyuulun haa6a~ abaai. UNIT NINE (175)  15. Transformation Drill with Cues: yamalu 1Vusayn fLi'-4,sarqiv-o 1i7awgal. l*?urdunn. tadrusu linclaa f ii jaamiqati baydaad. ya6habu gahlii I"ilaa wi*1laayat> kanetikat fLi^-qyf * yurilidu 9ax1 yaokula fjio%o sayataqavsaa maq'ii haa6ap-' lnasaa?, inaa-6aa yavmalu ltusayn fL0%ssarqi*,l-,aw~aj? inaa6aa ytim'llinmu gadiiquika fLi Pwl u rdunn ? hal tadrusu 1lindaa f i jaarni at i bayrcaacl?9 hal ya6habu "ahli1i ila~a wilaayati kanetikat Lia-gayf? iayuiriidu "an ya?kula fivw man sayataqa'a'aa rnaqii haa6a#%#lmasaa,?? 16. Response Drill: fl- 1. Contrast-. min ?ayyi maijiinat in ?ant? Lii 'laYYi madiinatin taskun? wa-7anti yaa (naansii), min layyi maciiina (h)? Lii layyi madiuinatin taskuniing? min -ayyi wi~laayati~n *anta yaa (zakil)?. L ii 'layyi wilaayatin taskun? wa*?anti yaa iaanisa(h), min Lii "ayyi wilaayatin tasklniins? mmn Mayyi baladin "anti yaa (suhayla (h)) ? L ii gayyi baladin taskurujin? min (ditrooyt). Lii' (nyuuyoork). min Lii min Lii muin fLii* mnin Lii UNIT NINE (176)  17. Translation Drill: Expressions of Purp~ose 6ahabtu 9?ilaa hunaak-, I went there: 1i~aydi~wssamako to go fishing 1issibaaILa (h),w to go swimming 1lntiraajas'ati d.UrLUSi. to review my lessons 1i1 p cu r i ,*imt i Vaan to attend the exam. 1imu~taadaLEatiO%1muqallim. to converse with the teacher. 1imunaaqa sat is%*dars., to discuss (debate) the lesson 11" qarqi *'1fi1 M. to show the movie 1idiaqwati vad ciii It to invite my f riend inluiaafz~ati qala~' to maintain order. nn i aam. 18. Substitution Drill: Expression of Purpose 6a1habtu liziyaarati 96Ytlii, 1ivaydifsossamak :6ahabtu 1iVyi#%*ssrtak,, 1imuraaj4a'Oti^*cdars6ababtu 1imuraaj&'ati~vddars 1in1~aadaeat >J-#nuqallim: 6ehabtu 1imu1Laedaeati'w~4mua'euIm. 1issibaa~ia(h). 6ahabtu 1issiba1d~a(h), 19. Chain Drill: Expression of Purps 51:linaa6a~a 6ahabta ?ilaa huneaks? UNIT NINE (177)  20. Repetition Drills: Prepositional Phrases a. fii madiinati wasinjon, in the city of Washington fii wilaayati wavin~on. in the state of Washington fii jaaniati wa~in~on. at Washington University fii eaanawiyyati wasin)on. in Washington High School. b. min madiinati nyuuyoork. min wilaayati nyuuyoork. mina~1l9umami P1Pmu t tagi da (h) . min ma;e*amiEayx. c. gilaa ma~qami baydaad. vilao, ljaami %ati^,lvameerkiyya (h). #?i'la,,Es ahri,*lgaadim, vilaol jumnhuuri~yyat i le arabiyyat is1mu ttal4iida (h). d. eani**Esarqi^19awqa), %ani~vsisibaal~iati fillbalfr. qan gaydiossamak. qani*%$$aeaamip*learabiyy. e. xilaala %ullati~wrrabii e , xilaalao*-lf agli^-lgaad im. x21aala"*lladii !Gan io linglii:. xilaala sabvi sanawaat. from New York City from New York State from the United Nations from the Sheikh Restaurant. to the Baghdad Restaurant to the American University until next month to the U.A.R. about the Middle East about swimming in the sea. about fishing about Arab food during Spring vacation during next semester during the talk about the English during (the period of) seven years. UNIT NINE (178) quV1ati'#vvayf. ba~da~wddrsiOO8eaanii. bava#vnti~aa'niP"2farans iyya (h). baqda muraajw~ati*#'ddars. g. maqa~vjaa1ibi^-17ameerkiyy. mam cahl'&*iyuu'suI,, masa qadiiqai aiim, 21. Translation Drill: I visited the United Nations Building in the City of New York. How is the weather today? How beautiful Spring is in Syria! I'll have breakfast with him this morning. What would you like to drink? after Summer vacation after the second lesson after the French exam af ter reviewing the lesson with the American student WithYusuf'.s folks with Halim's friend (fern.) with Halim's-frienid (masc.) zu rtu lia'bn1,vl? umam> 1mutt6'lida(h) f ii madiinati* nytluyoork. kayf a'*4 aqsu haa6a#%1ya-wm? inaa '?ajmaarrabliqa Lii suuri~yyaa I sa~af turu Y iidahu (maqahu) haa6a~to aba64i maa6aa tu1~ibbu ?an ta'srab? UNIT NINE (179)  E. CONVERSATIONS 1. It's the first week of school, and Philip meets Maha who has recently come from the Near East. f min ayyi baladin "anti yaa mahaa? m: anaa minapvl1iraaq. f: fii "ayyi madiinatin yaskunu ?ahluki? m: fii madiinati baydadd. f: vapagiigum vanna baydaad madinatunj jaiila(h)? m. raqam yaa f iliip, xaaqpatan fi rribiiq. f: hali$$aqsu hunaaka gaarrun "am latiifun if i'payif? m: haarrun jiddan. f: gaxbiriinii fii "ayyi jaamivatin kunti tadrusiina f i'l iraaq? m: fii jaamiqati baydaad. f: laliiifun jiddan. "atamanna laki~wttawfiigqa fii' haa6ihi~ # lbilaad. m: sukran. What country are you from, Maha? I'm from Iraq. What city does you family live in? In the city of Baghdad. Is it true that Baghdad is a beautiful city? Yes, Philip, especially in Spring. Is the weather there hot, or fine, in summer? Very hot. Tell me: What University in Iraq were you studying at? At the University of Baghdad. Very fine. I wish you good luck in this country. Thanks. 2. Now that vacation is over and school has begun, the students discuss their vacations. S = Sarah H = Hassan 8: "ayna qalayta^l*vu 1ata Where did you spend vacation, yaa hasan? Hassan? h: fii wilaayati kalifoornyaa. In the state of California. s: limaa6aa 6ahabta vilaa Why did you go to California? kalifodrnyaa? h: liziyaarati* "ixtii suhayla(h). To visit my sister Suhaylah. UNIT NINE (180)  s: hal tam'ralu '?uxtuka hunaak? 1:laa. 9innaha taclrusu f'ii jaami m'ti^4staaxf ord. s: qul lii: kayfa'p'~aqsu f ii kal if o ornya^*'l ?aan? 12: raai un jLiodan, s: hal ktinta taxruju li ssibaaa(h)? 12 ra4am. kuntu '?axruju lissibaahati wa~aydiA.ossamak, Does your sister work ther'e? No. She is studying at Standord University. Tell me - How is the weather in Calif ornia now? Very wonderful. Did you go swimming? Yes. I went swimming and fishing. 3. Zaki asks Alice about her visit to her family in Michigan. Z: mar12&bafl yaa 9al 9: Tmr1aban yaa zakil. Z:* oayna 6ahabti xilaaJl 5: ahabtu liziyaarati f 0 .'W fil misigan. z: quulil' lii yaa "aa2Al q'adadu gafraadli qaa,? z: kain ?axan laki? ?:'axtrn waa12id. Ze hal yalqmalu ?am yachr ~:yadirusu f i P-l j aami, a( z: maa6aa yadrus? ,?0 ?a 4ibb, z: karn sanatan nalaa qa ?0 arbawqu sanawaat. z: ofatamannaa lahup'-ttaw ?: ?awskuruika yaa zakii. 0 Hello, Alice. Hello, Zaki. Where did you go during vacation? ?ahlii I went to visit my family in Michigan. L s: kamn Tell. me, Alice:* How big is your 'ilatiki? family? There are six of us. How many brothers do you have? One. 'OuS ? Does he work or study? h). H's studying at the University. What's he studying? Medicine. layhi How long has he been at the University? Four years. rf iiq. I wish him good luck. Thank you, Zaki. UNIT NINE (181)  4. Fares is busy at home studying for Adnan drops by. Smr1~aban yaa f£aaris,, £: #?ahian-wasahian. tafaqa1. ^^ na6aa satamalu haa6ihi^-# ilayla (I)? waganta iaa6aa satalma1? q: ganaa laa #uriid1u tu~uura~' £f olimaa6aa yaa m'dnaan? q: maa qara.9tu 1ilimti~aan haa 6 a#-1,7u sbu~u q. f: liia& 6aa Jlaa tadru su q': sa'ga6habu ia^,siinajma9. f: mae. ragyuka 7an tabqaa hunaa )itacrusa maq'ii? q, fikratun 1Vasana(h). sa~a£f'alu 8aalik, tomorrow's exam, when his friend Hello, Fares. Welcome - Please come in. What are you doing tonight? I'm going to study for the exam. What areyo going to do? I don't want to attend the exam. Why, Adnan? I haven't read f or the exam this week. Why don't you study tonight? I'm going to the movies. How about staying here with me to study with me? That's a good idea.' I'll do that. UNIT NINE (182)  F. REVIEW oayna 6ahabta xilaalaf~ wa~aflti yaa (muriaa) ?ayria 6ahabti? hal 6ahabti yaa mayy "ilap"" hal,.Ashabta yaa &alii), ia' lqaahira (h) ? ?ayna 6ahabt? 1limaa6aa 6ahabta ia' nyuuyoork? wa'9anti yaa &naha. ?ayria 6ahabtio? limaa6aa 6ahabti"illaa hirnaek? hal ymmllimu lusaynfi' nY~luyoork? maa6aa ya',;malu hunaak? maa~aa yadrus? "ataarusii-nafw,'lhanciasa (h) yaa (wilaad)?. walanti yaa (salmaa), hao tadru si in a^,P'hutq hal1yuqw al imu "abuuki*-*l1uquuq? f1i aYYi aciinatin tadrusu yaa (henrii)? fri 30ayyi r4 m Ac;liinati.1 askun *1ilaa '4 laa laa (kallaa)., laa (kallaa). '4 la""%nyuuyo6 rk. laa yadrusu fio~tjaamiqa(h), ialhandasa(h), laa. kallaa., laa. laa (nasqam) fii _____ fii_____ _ n61"am UNIT NINE (183)  ha). waa~~in~on radiinatun kayfafto acsu Lii mayaamii kayfa^*1 aqsu Lii mayaaiuii kayfaol 'aqsu Lii misigan kayfaflolaqsu fLii kalif oornyaa i P'-Prrab i 1i,%? ha). tu1 ibbuwssibaaha(h), yaa (saami)? walanti yaa (saarah) oatu1~ib-, ssamak? ha). zurta mabiqa^-'l-umami#-*# lmutta1ida(h), yaa (reemoon)? waeanti yaa (rayy), hAl zurti* t im()aa'lao*14u rri yya (h) ? naq'am. jamiljiun jididan., 1Vaarrun jiddan. baaridun jidian. jamillun jfddan; latiiofun jfdclan. na am * ?u1).bbuhaa kaeiiran; laa, laa "uI~tbbuhaa ka~eiiran. naq'am (laa). nas'am; laa (kallaa). naq'am; laa (kallaa). UNIT NINE (184)  G. GRAMMATICAL SUMMARY 1. Verb Inflection: Present Tense The nalplu or "we" form of the nadrusu#%olhandasa (h) . hal tarrifu maa6aanadrus? The van form of nadrusu is maa ravyuka ?an nadrusa maqan? verb begins with 'n- We are studying engineering. Do you know what we are studying? nadrus~a How about our studying together? 2. Verb Inflection: Past Tense In the past tense verbs are inflected by suffixes only: -tu means vanaa , -ta means >anta , and -ti means ?anti: 6ahabtu I went 6ahabta You went (masc. sing.) 6ahabti You went (fem. sing.) The tense usually denotes the completion of one action of the verb. "I wen't," "I have gone." 3. Pronoun Suffixes: The suffix -hum is masc. plural: "they, them, their" ?abuuhum their father. eindahum they have. varaahum I see them. UNIT NINE (185)   n j7~ 'c4 V. Kc V z 00 ON C4w ' ' ' *. *. *. * *. 4 cN \ii ' ' ' 4. ' ' ' 'Si.- CL~ t7 'C. 19 % [ \KL c-j Cr K iN I 'C V '1cn V -I -, I I I I t -c: > I -j 0 I I  3' ~z t-I Vt w '4 -...No V G '7 r- > I  A. BASIC DIALOGUE SENTENCES UNIT 10 Jerusalem: At Doctor Omar's Office 1. 2. 3. 4. Umm Sami: Sami Umm Sami: Sami 5. Umm Sami: 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Sami Dr. Omar: Sami Dr. Omar: Ah'. Ah' Ah' What is the matter, mother? I am sick today. I have a headache. Don't be afraid, mother. I'll take you to the doctor immediately. Hurry up, my son'. The pain is getting worse and worse ("is increasing more and more"). * * * * * * * * * * Hello, Dr. Omar. Hello. Please come in. What can I do for you, Sami? I have my mother with me, doctor. She is sick. Wait a minute. I'll see her immediately. * * * * * * * * * * (May God grant you) health, Umm Sami. What's causing you pain? My head, doctor. When did you start feeling the pain? At one o'clock in the afternoon. Let me examine you, please. *~ *x * * * * * * * * Dr. Umm Dr. Unm Dr. Omar: Sami: Omar: Sami: Omar: Sami Dr. Omar: Sami Dr. Omar: Sami What is the result, doctor? She has the flu. Does she have to go to the hospital? No. Take this medicine for her, and I am very grateful to you, doctor. check with me tomorrow. 20. Dr. Omar: You're welcome. I wish her a speedy recovery. UNIT TEN (188)  A * BASIC DIALOGUE SENTENCES 1. urm saami i 2. saamii 3. *?urfm saamii 4. saamii 5. gurnxnsaamii #?addarsu~2. qaa si r 9?alquds am fii %iYaadatibtcdduktoor qumar 9?aahJ ?aaht 'aaha! maia laki yaa ?unii? fi~borra?z3. laa taxaaf' ii yaa 9ummii,, sa*?aaxu.6uki ' ?asriq yam. walacdii. faP'alamu yazdaadu 7akeara fa~akear, lb lb lbor 1C l e lb l". * iblb l unf Slap,-* 6. saami i mar1~aban yaa duktoor qumar, 7. ladduktoor qumar, gahlan wasahian, tafa44al. rnaa6a~a gaqralu lake. yaa saamii?9 8. saaml maqii gummi yaa auktoor. girnahaa marila(h). 9. gadiuktoor qumar: 'ginta~ir caqiiqa(h). sa,?ara6.haa 1Va~lan. 10., 9adduktoor quinar: salaamrataki ya Aumxn saamii. maa6aa yu?.Limuki? 110 -?umm saamii: raossii yaacuktoor., 12. 9adduktoor qumar*, mataa baciagti tavsuriina bilialam?, 13. gurnsaamii: 'assaaq ata^b#lwraa12.idata baqa~w uhr. 14. 'ackuktoor vumr: i~ isma12ii 111i0 an qaf1~a~aki, min fa~liki. lb lb lb lb*lb X * ( lb 15. saamii m*natijatu yea duktoor? 16.o 'adduktoor qlumar: %indaha 'influwanzaa. 17. saamii' hal ta~itaaJu^,66ahaaba ?ilavwlmusta'sfaa? UNIT TEN (189)  (06T) NHI IIM T UT-I~lsL4V ~po4V~~eVLT{WE rsc'ewc [:ZWvTurn JoojTnPVe4 01  B. PRONUNCIATION DRILL y expensive grief, sorrow absence, unseen drowning he enticed griefs, sorrows he aided he gargled sunset inundated scoops, ladles mule harmony of sounds going westward he dodged he excelled inform' yaal yam fayb yaraq yawaa Artmuum yaae) yaryar maylib maynmur mayaarif bayl nayam ?iyraab raay nabay balliy qaal qam mayb qaraq qawaa qumuum qaaO qarqar maq l ib ma%%muur maqaarif baq1l naq am i q raab raaq naba balli9% baali raavi high uncle defect, fault arak it barked public, common it ravaged a tree shameful inhibited acquaintances husband, Lord yes parsing it fascinated it gushed forth make him swallow it. swallowing fascinating of age dodger baaliy raaviy UNIT TEN (191)  C.o SPECIAL VOCABULARY, qindii 9a1&mufl fi^%4 ar. No te: q ayn and yad are both f emin: is masculine. 7assaaqata~v1waalida (h). 9assaaqatap-O0aafliya (h). 7assaaqata#,-G0aa1iea (hi) . 9assaabata~~rraabi qa (h).* ? a ssaaq a ta^,1xaami sa (h).o 9assaaqata%ossaadisa (h). ?assaavata^,%ssaabi ~ma(h')* gas saa'qatae0aamina (h) . qassaaqata#%wttaasi*qa(h). ?assaav'ataw11V1aadiyata qavsra~h). ?assaaqatap~weeaarniyata qasra(h). laa taxaf yaa f ar i ido aataxaafuu yaa naas. ?inta~ir daqiiqatayri. ?inta~ir ealaaea clagaa~ig. I have a pain in my eye. I have a pain in my hand., I have a. pain in my stomach. I have a pain in my back., mne nouns, a.s in rnaq id~a(h) ; ahr At'one o'clock. At two o'clock. At three o'c lock. At f our o'clock. At five o'clock. At six o'clock. At seven o'clock. At eight o'clock.f At nine o'clock. At ten o'clock. At eleven o'clock. At twelve o'clock. Don't be afraid, Farid. O people, don't be afraid. Wait for two minutes. Wait for three minutes. Check with me, Linda. Check with me, students. UNIT TEN (192)  gaeriqii ~raa lindaa. "7asri~uu yaa ju11aab, '?intatirii ya joorjeet. "Pinta~iruu yaa ju11aab. taf'a~a1ii xu6ii haa6ihi~w lhadiyya(h ,yea mnaa. (speaking to a group) tafal.aluu xu6uu haa6ih'^v Ihac ya (hT7 Hurry uLinda. Hurry up, students. WatGeorgeet. Wit, students. Please, take this gift, Muna. Please, take this gift. UNIT TEN (193)  Do STRmxUCTURE DRILLS 1. Substitution Drill: What's the matter? "7abi smxt ii acdiiqaii: n aa Vu11aab 2. Repetition. laa taxaaf ii laa ta6habii maa lak i yaa 9umm i? na~a laka yaa gabil? maa laki yaa quxtil?. maa Jlaka yaa 9axil? rnaa laki yaa adiiqatii? maa laka yaa adiiqii? ma~a lakuin yaa naas? maa lakun yaa Lllaab? Drill: Negative Commands ya ~mii ontbeafadmthr yaa "ummil. Don't gomotr.mohr laa tu~al~ii yaa lummii. laa taxrujii yaa ?ummii. laa taarusii yaa ?urnmii. Don't believe it, mother. Don't work, mother. Don't go out, mother. Don't study mother. 3. epetition Drill: galmu stasf aa: '?albayt 7?almadrasa(h): "abnaktaba (h) *9aimadiina(h), I'l11 take you to the doctor's office immediately. sa,?aaxuJ~uki "ilaa s'iyaacatip'**jabiibi 1Vaalan, saqaaxu6uki ii'ap-o4mista'sfa iaalan. sa~aaxl26uki 9ilia'~'bayt l aalan, sa~aaxu.6uki ?i1a^'-1madasa(h) 4~aalan. sa~aaxut6uki "i1a^,1maktaba(h) ] saiaaxu6uki "ila~hKlmac~inaQh1;Iaalan. UNIT TEN (194)  4. Substitution Drill: Nasc. Singw IMperatives child.! gasriq *9asriq yawaladii. tafa4qa1; tafacq4a1 yea waladi. qul qul yeaa waladi., qajIb "ajib yaa waladii. gisgal "isgal yaa waladii. XU6 xu6 yea walacli., 5. Transformation Drill: Fern. Sing. Imperatives Hurry (nmasc. sing.) Hurry, my daughter! (fern. sing.) tafa~a13 asraiaii yaa bintii. qu2. ~i: quul~ii ya bintii , taxbir "s axbiraii yabintii, xu6 qutU6ii yaa bintii. 6.ansorm*aiDrill: asc bPuraimprtie Uasri1ii aaint ya nas 6.TntafrmionDill:tasc.PlralaImeaa tves Hurr!a(fm. ing.)a Hauryupyeoaale(ms.pu) b'q i n bll uye nas UNIT TEN (195)  xu6ii gis4?aluu yaa riaasi quuluu^*#1iio yaa naas! xu6uu yaa naasl, 7. Translation Drill: Imperatives Hurry up. Giver her my regards. Tell me. Inform me. Check with me tomorrow. ?asri yaa wa.2acli. ?asriql'ii yaa bintli. ?asriquu yaa naas. ba11iyha ta1~iyyaatii yae. waladji. balliyuuhaa ta1liyyaatii yaa naas. ?axbirnii yaa waladii. "axbiruuriii yaa naas. raajlqnii yadan, yaa waladii, raajiqiini'i yadan, yaa bintii. raajis'uunii yadlan, yaa naas, 8. Repetition Drill: fal,,alamu yazdaau 7ak~ara fa~akear. 4?agaffu yazdaadu 9ak~ara fagak~ar. gassanaku yazclaadu g'ak~ara fagakear. 'almaasu yazciaadu 'gakeara ftagakear, 'alwaznu yazdaadu -.akeara La 9ak~ar. -?a~pdaavu yazclaadu 9ak~ara fa?akear, UNIT TEN (196)  9. Substitution Drill: Verbs maa6aa "e.qmarix laka yaa samamii gaquulu : maa6aa '7aquulu )Jaka ya& saami~i? #9uqaddimu maa~aa *7uqaddimu 1laka yaa 8aamli? 9atamarrnaao, maa6aa 9ataxnanrlaa laka yaa saamiiog "aktubu 00 maa6aa gaktubu laka yae. saamii? 'rfqa1u.: raa6aa'9afmalu laka yaa saamii? 10. Substitution Drill: aaq iiqa (h) caqiiqatayn ea1aaea daqaa'?iq: garbas'a caqaagiq,0 "irta~ir daqi iqatayn. ">inta~ir ealaaea 4aqaagiq. 1.Substitution Drill: Nouns salaarnataki yaa "umm saamili. Vusayn : salaainataki yaa ?umm un say-m. salijin salaainataki* yaa gumm saliun. reemoon: salaamataki yaa -?umm reemoon. kariim salaamataki yaa ?umm~ karilm. yuusuf salaamnataki yaa '?umn yuusuf . fariid salaamataki yaa ?urmm fariii. UNIT ,TEN (197)  12. Transformation Drill: Gender Contrast sala&Tfataki yaa #?ufluf saarni i. salaamataka yae. ~abeaa saami i. salaatnataki Ya "timm 9&mil *saleaxnataka yaa 9gabaa "ezniil. salaainataki yaurmn zakii. salaamatakaya abeaa zakii. salaamnataki yaa ?umm~f joorj. salaanmatake. ya 'baa joorj. salaeamataki yaa '?urn henrii. salaaxmataka ya abea henrii, salaamataki yaa 7umla?"nd, salaarnataka ya abaa '?4~mac1 13. Repetition Drill: Pronoun Suffixes- maa6aa yu~limuki? maabaa ytx~limuk? maa6a~a yu* 7limukum? maa6aa yu~lixnunii? maa6aa yu.7linunaa? maa6aa yu7limuh? inaaa yu 7limnuhaa? maa6aa yui liinuhuml? 14. Chain Drill: The Doctor's Interview S31: mea6aa yu~lintk?9 yacuktoor. SI mtaa bada~ta ta's,;uru bil~alean? 4z2:. 39IaC4 t-aa'%^ a0%+a% #%. UNIT TEN (198)  15. Repetition Drill: mata~a badagta tavsquru bilo>alam? xnataa~ bacla'ta tadrusu^4# Than da sa(h)? mataa bacla ta taf1~aquv~omariid? znataa badagtataqrnalu Lii mataa bacia~ta taktubu ra8&aaila Lio~'2A'rabyya(h)? mataa baclta tnskunu f ii haa 6ihif~lmadiina (h) ? When did you begin to feel the pain? When did you start studying engineering. When did you start examining the sick man? When did you start working in the Orient Restaurant? When did you start writing letters in Arabic? When did you start living in this city? 16. Completion Drill: When did you start tavsur: mataa bada'lta taw1l'uru bi (1?alam)? taciruso, mataa badalta tacirusu^-P(1juyraa'fyaa)? ts~skuti3 matea badaite, taskuriu taw'ma1; mataa badagta tamalu taktubs mataa badagta taktubu ta6hab; mataa bada&?ta ta6habu 17. Substitution Drill:, 7alamun Liv% ahr jas'aamun Vayyib dar sun ?aaxar 9axuln laVilf' r1Draaqasatun miuhimma (h): inclahaa ?'inf luwan zaa . "inclahaa ?alamun f io-l ahr. ~inclahaa aqaamirn Vayyib. qindahaa 'suyun rrxihimn. qincdahaa darsun gaaxar, qiniahaa gaxun laliif. qindahaa munaaqa~satun muhimma(h). UNIT TEN (199)  18. Repeition rilll: hal taltaajti ?ilaA%#66ahaabi-L lilmu s ta'sfaa? hal ta1~taaju 'ilaa muraaja'vati curuusihaa? hal talttaaju 9ilaa Vucluuri~' lrmnaaqasa (h)? hal ta1~taaju #9ilaa sqardif%% hal tal~t-n.aju *7ilao~o lmil1~aacaeati qalao~olhaat if hal ta1~taaju 9~laf~ossibaahat Does she need to hospital? Does she need to lessons? Does she need to debate? Does she need to about Jerusallem? Does she need to phone? Does she need to go to the review her' attend the show the film talk on the swim in the sea? 19. Substitution Drill: Prepositional Phrase xu6 lcahaa haa6a^,icldawaa9. lak : xu6 laka haaba^'cddawaa?. lii xud lii haa6a'-PUawaa97. lah xwi lahu haa6a*,1wdawaa?. lakum:., xud lakum haa6a~'cdawaa?,. lahaa: xucl lahaa haa6a~'cdawaa?, lanaa: xtic lanas haa6a~wddawaa?, 20. Substitution Drill: Verbs raaji~ : raajimxii adan. ?is,?al gisgalrnii yadan. 9inta~ir,* ?inta~irnii yadan. gajib s9ajibnli Aadan. UNIT TEN (200)  21. Cued Translation Drill: I am very (hap A boy will say: happy : 'anaa masruun nJ idd1an sick : ?anaa marii4un jicddan. grateful: ?anaa maimnuurmin jiddan. thankful: '?ana~a mtavsakkirun jidd1ar1 punctual: ?anaa MUWaao i bun, j i ddan. diligent: 'anae. mijliiun jiddan. A girl will say: "eriaa masruux'atun jiddclen. 7ariaa rarii~.atun jidclan. 'anaa mainuuriatun jicican. ,9anaa muta*akkiratun jicican. "anaa muwaa~ibatun jicldari. 'anaa muljl&2atun jiddan, 22. Transformation Drill: Present/Future Verbs 4?aaxti6uki 'ila'~4abiib. saiaaxu6uki 9ila4Volabilb. gaskunu f ii bayruut., saiaskunu flii bayruut. ya6habu yadan. saya6habu yadan . nabqa~a fi^-*1bayt. sanabqaa f i~lbayt . yaxruju 1i~vaydiossamak. sayaxruJu 1igaycdip'%ssarnak. 23. Repetition Drill: Gender Contrast -haa6a/haafti) This student (masc. sing.): This student (fern. sing.): haa6a'jaalib. haa6ihi'4llaal1iba (h).o #os sayyi#1d o ',ssayyida (h).* f~os aay. 'olqahwa (12). 'sahr. ^ossana(h). ^o1balad. O~wwi laaya (12). #%Klimti1~aax1. '~4nnnaaqasa (12). Pvgadi.1q ^ og adi iqa (12). UNIT TEN (201)  24. Translation Drill: I am sick today. I visited my friend the hospital. I spent the vacation in Lebanon. We shall have meat and vegetables for dinner. I have a stomack ache. I wish you a speedy recovery. I like this medicine a lot. 7ariaa ma iiuni"o'1yavvm, zurtu adiiqii yuusuf fi',' Imu stasfaa. qaatp~lqul af ii lubnaan. saratayadcaa llhmanrlwaxtvlaar., 7incdii galamun fip~Thas~ida(h), "atamnannaa 1akaoosif aaa^-p 1 sqaajii. 7u1~ ibbu haa6apicieawaa~a kaO iiran. UNIT TEN (202)  E. CONVERSATIONS 1.Halim askes Karima to convey his is sick in the hospital. g~ ayna kunti haa6a#-,oqabaa1, yaa kariima(h)? k: 5alhabtu maqa "ahlii liziyaarati "uxtii aryarn fb'lmu stavsraa. Vmaa lahaa? Ic qin dahae^%n fluwan zaa . V:~ kam ralaa mlaayhaa f iv% 1mu~stasfaa? ka iusbuuqhud.taqriiban. 4~: kayf a aa1uha'~1yawm?. k: ginnaliaa bixayr. sataxrumju mina~'1rnstavsfaa bas'da 9?arbaqati "ayyam., min fa~$liki. k: sa'gafm'au 6aalik. Sukran. ):maq a'os salaama (h) . k~ sallamakaom4Ia~h. regards to her sister Miriam who Where were you this morning, Karima? I went with my folk's to visit my sister Miriam in the hospital. What's the matter with her? She has the flu. How long has she been in the hospital? Almost a week. How is she today? She is fine. She will leave the hospital in four days. Please give her my regards. I'll do that. Thanks. Goodbye. Goodbye. 2. Farida and Salma plan to call on their friend Widad at her home. ?' aq3a~Ii.hun arira widaat Is it true that Widad is sick, iariidatun yaa salmaa? S alma? C-4 nascari t2 .a . Oah) Yes, Farida. Her eye hurts. 2; hal ra~aahaa41abiib?. Has the doctor seen her? S:naqana. ramahaa ?ams'. Yes. He saw her yesterday b a aos* YV-hr.afternoon. UNIT TEN (203)  f: hal hiya filmusta'faa ?amilbayt? so f i~1obayt. f: savaraahaa haa6a~1 asaa?, ,?in aava-Noaah. S: maa ravyuki ?an na6haba ma'an liziyaaraotihaa? f: vayya saaqatin turiidiina~ o 66ahasb? S vassaaqata^ssaabi qa(h). f: la~iifun jiddan, i la~ lliqaa?. 3. William asks Victor to go swimming. there are complications. 7: va))aqsu jamiilun jiddan haaba~1-oyawm. w; ralpii}lun yaa viktor. maa raytuka ?an na6haba lissibaaha(h)? V: fikrptun 1asana(h). walaakin. . W: walaakin maa6aa? V: qindiiowlyawma ?alamun fi 'Oahr, w: hal 6ahabta ?ila~s'jabiib? v: laa. saya'xu.6unii "abjii vila "iyaadati'*fxdduktoor vedward yadan. W: salaamataka yaa viktor, 7: sallamaka'i~aah. Is she in the hospital or at home? At home. I'll see her tonight, God willing. How about going together to visit her? When do you want to go? At seven o'clock. Very fine. I'll see you later. Victor likes the idea but The weather is very fine today. (That's) right, Victor. How about going swimming? That's a good idea, but. But what? I have a pain in my back today. Did you go to the doctor? No. My father will take me to Dr. Edwar's office tomorrow. I hope you feel better ("God grant you good health"), Victor Thanks . UNIT TEN (204)  4. Farid's mother offers him his favorite dessert, but he turns it down. = ari id ur 1£aid 0? 'aturi)Au ?anl ta'?kula Do you want to have baklava after baqlaawaa bwa,'lqavaa1? dinner? f: layaa ?umifrht No, Mother. '?: maa ralyuka #?an ta'lcula How about having watermelon? bajiixan? £3 la 7uriid~u 1alwaa haabao,% I don't want dessert this lasea?*.evening. 9: limaa6aa yea waladii? Why, my son? f % 'iauru bi s'lamin fLi"" I have a stomach ache. lmaswida(h), 47 mata~a badagta tavsquru When did you start feeling it? bilgalam? f: gs saamta'0Gaan iyata At two p.m. bao daw~hr . 9; atui1ibbu 'gan tavsraba Would you like to have a cup of fin jaananr mina"'' saay? tea.? f: la,. uri idu g&1 No. I want to go out now. gaxruja^i*ld7aan. 9: "ilae. gayra sata6hab? Where are you going? if: 7ilaa ' bayti geadiicii To my friend Adnan's house to qadnaan., imLuraa~iaw~ati review (the) German (lessons). duruu s iAl~almaanJyya (h). 9: maa re."yuka *?an tadrusa How about studying here tonight? hunaa haa6ihi#,vlayla (h) ? ft ifikratun 1laanh) Good idea. I'll talk to Adnan sa'atalcalam ma- , a* naa on the phone so that he'll come l~a~olhaati; liya~4ura to my house. V14ndi. UNIT TEN (205)  F. REVIEW hal saami~i mariL4? man huwa mariici? hal tas uru b i,alamini f i i qayniha? ?ayna tasuru bilsalam? hal ?anta mar'icun yaa (victor)? maflwsu,*}#abii b?. hal laka jabiib, yaa (joorj) ? ma^'-osmuh? yaa (indaa)?, mataa badagat gumm saamli tavsuru bil~alam? hal taIltaaju "uinxn saamii ?ilaa clawaas?? hal ta14taaju iuinm sqaiii~ 66ahak~ba lila~brn~sitasfaa? hal taltaajiina yaa (hii'laana(h)) ?"ilaa aawaa? wa~anta v.,aa (zakii), ?atah~taaju^-*66ahaaba "ilaov lmuistasf'a? bial tu1~ibbu 'an taqmala abilban, yaa (q'adcnaan)? mataa baclaiti ta'rabinao~ ssaayyaa (minaa)? laa; (kallaa) "?uim saami i. laa. laa ta~qur bi oalamin fii qaynihaa. fii ragsihaa. laa; (kallaa, "anae, bixayr. ?ismuhu 'qumar. naq'ani. #?i smuihu _____ 9 i sruhu ?as saaq atao~olwaanid.cata baqasluhr. naq~am. laa. laa. laa aWtaaju ?"ilaa iawaa 9. laa. laa 9aI~t&ju#,w66ahaab . haabihiwsana (h). ?anaa laa 9srabu's'saay, 9 a ssaa qatao'ossaab i q a (h), f #%a66 aqriban UNIT TEN.,(206)  G. GRAMMATICAL SUMMARY 1. The Imperative Form of the Verb: We have seen three forms of the imperative form of the verb: tafa(4al Please' (masc. sing.) tafaQ~alii! Please'. (fem. sing.) tafaQ4aluu! Please' (masc. plur.) qu1! Say' (masc. sing.) quuliil Say. (fem. sing.) quul Iuu jSay'. (masc. plur.) Givenany of these imperative forms, you can easily derive the others: the fem. sing. ends in -ii the masc. plur. ends in'-uu the mas. sing. ends in If there is a long vowel before the last consonant in the fem. or plural, that vowel is short in the masc. as quulii! - gul! 9ajiibii! 9- ajib! Notice that the imperative does not begin with the inflectional prefix t"-(the initial t- in tafal4al is not an inflection but a part of the verb "stem"). The negative imperative has laa plus t- plus the imperative: laa taqul 6aalikt don't say that' laa tujiibiil don't answer. laa tantaxiruul don't wait. 2. Verb Inflection: Present Tense The 9antum and hum forms of the verb end in -uuna ; the prefixes are respectively t- (= second person) and y- (= third person): tadrusuuna you study (plur.) yadrusuuna they study UJNIT ThlN (207)  3. Expression of "to have" in Arabic: We have now seen three prepositional phrases all translated "to have" in English: 0 1 9 qi * indi *1 1 lio 2 ma 1 I have. eindii and lii both show possession, with "indii implying legal ownership as well: s*indii kitaab. lii 'axun I have a book (and it's mine). I have just one brother, maca means "to have" in the sense of to have on one's person, to have with oneself, to be accompanied by someone else: mar ii kummii. maqli kitaab. I have my mother with me. I have a book with me. 4. Arabic Names: Very often if an Arab man has a son, his friends will not call him by his own first name, but by an expression meaning "father of (eldest son's name)." For example, if Ahmad Sulayman has a son named Yusuf, Ahmad's friends will call him not Ahmad but ?abuu yuusuf , "the Father of Yusuf." Similarly, Yusuf's mother will not be called by her own name, Leila, but "Mother of Yusuf" - umm yuusuf. UNIT TEN (208)   s0, aI 00)ov 0 0, 0 -- L. .00z j lut,)W-,-4 00 J OO- bb- L .JL~ --1 La ..\v esL .- \a LA;2J- - L;I UNIT ELEVEN (209)  tg j Ao d- ..'00 ~j 4* r -- - WO -, jL 000 L It A $ gI Looo , P ) '0 ?0IcJ§C l&o b)~ 00 0j60 -2O 0 I A. / IL 00 -Am I 0 Lop '7 w 00I. ~J /"0 doo doo U I O .0 do go 00 40 L: .0 \ LJ 00 AO )L~ L- 'Ip LO) "awk -w I:3 .00 t 0 0, (t top 00 -00 -10 0013 '-3 V 00* cj wool Lp i~ W.OPP WOJOj 00 f0 cLp -- ! - IA/ (ao 1 00 e.0 ) C-5-11 QK4~ UNIT ELEVEN (210)  A. BASIC DIALOGUE SENTENCES U UNIT 11 REVIEW A. A School Trip to New York 1. Linda: Why don't you want to go with us to New York? 2. Fares: I've visited New York, about five months ago. 3. Linda: What did you visit there? 4. Fares: The UN building, and also the New York City Library. 5. Linda: Didyou go to the Middle East Restaurant? 6. Fares: Yes. I went with my friend Salim. 7. Linda: Is Salim studying in New York? 8. Fares: Yes. 9. Linda: What's he studying there? 10. Fares: Medicine. 11. Linda: Tell me: What did you like at the Middle East Restaurant? 12. Fares: The baklava, and the salad. 13. Linda: Tell me, Fares: did you visit the Statue of Liberty, and Columbia University? 14. Fares: No, I didn't. 15. Linda: How about going with us on the trip? 16. Fares: When are you (plur.) going? 17. Linda: This coming Monday. 18. Fares: Good' I'll go with you (plur.), God willing. UNIT ELEVEN (211)  A * BASIC DIALOGUE SENTENCES 9addar su~'l1audi ';%a ar rniuraajat'a(h) A. ri1~latun madraslyyatun #ilab^dnyuyoork 1. *lifldah s 2.o faari s: 3. in daa~ 4.* faari s 5., liridaas 6. f£aari8s: 7. lindaa,: 8. faari s: 9. lindaa: 10. faaris:o 1o1. in daag 12. £aari s: 13. 1lin daa:o 14.v faaris: 15. lindaas 16. f£aari s: 17. lindaa4, 18. £aaris: limaa6aa laa turi icur'66ahaaba mamanaa 9la~onyuuyoork? zurtu ryuuyoork, qabla xameati g'awhurin taqriiban. maa,6aa zurta fiihaa? mabnao~laumioluttalicda(h), wamaktabata macijinati nyuuyoork 'aycqan . hal 6ahabta 97ilaa ma ,amio~os"4arqi~wlgawsal? nawmm. 6ahabtu ma,;a gadiiqii saliim. hal yaclrusu saliim fi^*nyuuyoork? na~q'am, mrIaa6aa yadrusu hunaak? #?alibb. 9a~birii3maaaa '?ajabaka fii mat ami^##v~arqio%# l-7awsaV? "?albaqlaawaa waseala~a (h). qul liJ yaa faaris: hal zurta timeaalafloiurriyya (h), wajaami qata kalambyaa? kallaa. rnaa ra'?yuka ?an ta6baba maqanaa fi~wrriIVla(h)? mataa satachabuun4? yawma^*lienayi# Volqaadi~m, 1VasananI saga6habu maqaknm 'pin saaias~4aah, UNIT ELEVEN (212)  B. A Letter 1. Adnan: What do you want me to do for you, May? 2. May : I want you to write a letter for me in Arabic. 3. Adnan: Who are you going to write the letter to? 4. May : To my friend Leila in Lebanon. 5. Adnan: Where does Leila live there? 6. May : She lives with her family in Beirut. 7. Adnan: What does her father do? 8. May : He's a doctor at the University Hospital. 9. Adnan: What's his name? 10. May : Dr. George Khayyat. Do you know him? 11. Adnan: Yes. I went with my father to his office in Beirut. 12. May : Why? 13. Adnan: My hand was hurting me. 14. May When was that? 15. Adnan: About two years ago. Tell me, May: What shall I write in the letter? 16. May : Tell Leila, please, that my family and I are all well. And that I am doing well in school. 17. Adnan: What else will you say? 18. May : Tell her that I am going to go with my family to visit them next year. And that we all present to her and her folks our warmest regards. 19. Adnan: And what else? 20. May : That's allathanks. ("(All we want is) your- good health.") I'm very grateful to you, Adnan. 21. Adnan: Don't mention it. UNIT ELEVEN (213)  B.riseaala(h) 1. madnaan: me 6a~a turiidiiia ?an- ?aqmala laki ysa ayy? 2,. rnayy ?uriidu "an taictuba l1ii risaalatan bii-lqarabiyya(h). 3. qadxiaan: "ilaa man sataktubii~na^-"risaala(h)?, 4. inaYY "ilaa gadiiqatii laylaa Lii lubnaan. 5-0 sqadnaan: ?ayna taskunu .ayla~a bunaak? 6. rnayy taskunu maia "ahlthaa fii bayruut. 7* qadcnaant maa6aa yas'malu iabuuhaa?. 8.o mayy : abiiban Lii m~st&a'sf#ljaaiia(h). 9, qadnaan: ma Pos mu hI? 10. mayy "adcdukt o or J.o orj xayyaat,, hal ta q ri*1 uh?9 11. qadnaan: namam.,6ahabtu rnaqa "abi ?ilaa qliyaadatihii Lii* bayruut. 12. mayy limaa6aa 6ahabta gila'^'JAqiyaacdati yaa qacdnaan?. 13. madnaan: kaanat yaii tugliwunii. 14. mayy :mataakaana 6aalik? 15. qadnaant qabla sanatayni taqrllban. ?axbiriinii yaa mayy: maa6aa sa?aktubu fLi'-orrisaala(h)? 16. mayy ?axbir laylaa min fa~Jlik, ?annanii 'wa~ahlii jamiiq~an bix;ayr, wa~annanii muwaffaqatun Li'~plmcrasa (h). 17. acnaan: maa6aa sataquul Una "aylan? 18. mayy qul lahaa.*"innanii sa,?a6habu. mava 7ahlii liziyaaratihim fli'^sanati'%oqaadima(h), waginnanaa jaman nuqadiinu lahaa wali*7aLhlihaa taI~iyyaatina,'1aarra (h)., 19.o adxiaant wamaa6aa 'ayqan? 20. mayy 8a18,amatak,, "anaa mamnuunatun j iddanqlaka yaa UNIT.ELEVEN (214)  B. PRONUNC IATION DRILL he repented following luxury, comfort it was destroyed figs he permitted small span tepid, languid stinginess it was scattered t taab taabi~ taraf tabb t i in "ataal. fitr faatir qatr Eatt $aab aabi.,' Varaf' $abb $iin #aaal . fi~r faa~ir Qajr Ev$ he recovered printer edge he treated medically clay, mud he cut off (s.o. 's head) fast breaking not fasting; creator dripping he digressed UNIT ELEVEN (215)  D. STRUCTURE DRILLS (PART A) 1I. Repetition Drill: liinaa6aa Its, turiidu'v66ahaaba 9i~a,^*yuuyoork? lirnaa6ae. ia tadrusut^P#1arabiyya (h) f'io,'1mdrasa (h) ? limaa6aa lea ta kuu'jVaqaama £fiswlbayt? limaa6ae. laa tas 9alussu "aala fi ~ogvaff? lirnaa6aa lea taf1 E su,%olrari iqa f i'~lasta'sfaa? liinaa6aa lat taqmalu muq'allirnan fi~oljaamP'a(h)? 2. Substitution Drill: &Numerals zu rtu ,nyuuyo ork, Galaati zurtu rytuyoork, sittati zurtu nytxuyoork, sab%%ati zurtu riyuuyoork, 'arbaq'ati zurtu nytiuyoork, 0aaaiyatis zurtu nyuuyoork, qsarati t zurtu nyuuyoork, tismati : zurtu nyiiuyoork, qabla xamsati ?a"S*hurin taqri'iban. qabla ealaaeati '?a~hurin itaqriilban, qabla sittati ?a~hurin taqriilban. qabla sabqati ?a'shurin taqriilban. qabla ?arbasati 'gavhurin taqriiban. qabla eamaanjiyati ma~hurin taqriiban. qabla 'qavarati lavshurin taqri iban . qabla ti ssati ?a~hurin taqri iban . 3. Cued Drill.: Pronouns, maa6a a -JabakafLi i mal ami*%Psarq'~l-awsa ? "anti xa-%A,6aa #"ajabaki Lii ml,% %ossr1##11awa9 ganeAa xnvaa a qjabanii Lii mV m#%v gantum3 xna6aa 'qa Jabakwn Lii ma~ami ssarqi#,%olqawsaj9? ]auwa :raaca a aJabahu Lii m aivswaq~~asV UNIT-ELEVEN (216)  hiy& :raa6aa 9asqjabahaa f ii mami~Arisqivs'1awsaj? hum : iaa6aa "aqjabahum f ii maami sarqivw1?awsal? 'anta: naa6aa "aqjabaka f ii majqm~%#Sarqi~w1awsaj? 4.Substitution Drill: Days of the Week yawm,-*1ienayn i ^*1 qaac im i al garb i qaa 93yaw ma^-17arbiqaai' 1*#,qaadim. ?assabt :yawma^-s sabt ip~olqaacdim. g aee0alaaE)a&9 yawma^#GE)alaaO aa g i ^-Pqaad im. 9alXalfliiS yawmao~olxamn*is i olqaad im. ?aljum %a Cl) yawia^%*ljumqati~"1qaadima (h). 5. Free Chain Drill: s: 10nataa (sata6habu) 'ilaa (suuriyaa)? S2, yawmap-o(1 *en',yni )'lqaaiim. 6. Review Dill:, ha). zaara faaris nyiuuyoork? mataa zaarahaa? maabaa zaara fiilhaa? ha). 6ahaba '?ilaa inalamif%' Man 6ahaba mavah? ha). yaskunu saJliim f i^.o nyuuyoork? naq'am. qabla xamsati ga'shurin taqriiban. mabna^-*l9umamiP~worutta ida (h), wamaktabata madi inati. nytiuyoork 7ay~an,, nacqam, Vaciiquhu saliim. naqam, UNIT ELEVEN (217)  iaa6aa yamalu hunaak? naa6aa yadrus? maa6aa *a.qojabe. £aaris fii haql zaara faariB timeaala^% )4urriyya (h)? hal zaara jaamiqata kalambyaa? hal zaara jaamiqata nytiuyoork'? gasaya.6habu £aari8 maqahum? yadru su fi1NPwl Jaamiq a (h) o "allibb. 'albaqlaawaa wassala~a(h)., laa (kallaa). laa (kallaa). laa. yaw~lien ayn. naq'am, (PART B) 7. Substitution Drill: Languages Puriid~u"an taktuba lii risaalatan bilqarabi'yya(h,. 9alingliiziyya(h)t "uriid ian taktuba lii risaalatan bilingli~iziyya(h). 9allaatiiriyya(h)s "uriidu *"an taktuba lii* risaalatan billaatiiniyya(h). ialalmaaniyya(h): "?uriid~u oan taktuba lii risaalatani bilgalmaaniyya(h). i alf'aran siyya (h) guriidu ian taktuba lii risaalatan ,blffaransiyya(h). #?alilsbAaniyya (h) ?"uriidu "an taktuba lii risaalatan bili sbaaniyya (h). 8. Repetition Drill: taskunu mav'a, "ahli~haa fii bayruut. yasktrnu mwea "ahlihi Lii bayruut. ?aslcunu mava 7ihlil i libayruut. UNIT ELEVEN (218)  taskunu znam a?ahl ika fLii*1bayruut. taskunjina maq'a ?ahliki fLii bayruut. taskunuuna inaqa ?ahlikum fii bayruut. 9. Cued Drill: Do-you know (him)? a. Speaking to a boy: hal ta~rifuh? hiya: hal taqrifuhaa? *?anaa: hal taqrifunii1? n W **hal taqrifunaa? b. Speaking to a girl: hal tasqrifiihaa? huwa hal taqrifiih? hum hal ta~l;rifiihim? ?anaa: hal taqrif iinii? na~ixu, hal taqrifiinaa? hiya hal ta %ri fi1ihaa? 10.- Replac ement Drill: 6ahabtu maqa 9abii ?ilaa %iyaaiatihi Lii bay-ru~ut. ?axlii -- -~bayt ihi ____ UNIT ELEVEN (219)  11. Deletion Drill: 6ahabtu inava "abii ilaa viyaadatihii f'ii bayrruut. 6ahabtu ma'va "abii ila~a qiyaadatihii. 6ahabtu maqa "abii. 6ahabt. 12. Substitution satamali in sataktubi in satagkuli in satumallimi in satatakallami ii Drill: Verbs, iaabaa sataquuliine. "ayqan? %maa6aa sataw'maliina oay~an? :maa6aa sataktubiina "?ayqan? : aa6aa sataikuliina qay~an? maa6aa satuqallimiina " n: maa6aa satatakallami~ina ?aylan? 13. Review Drill: raa6aa ttiriid~u mayy min sacnaan? gilaa man sataktub inayyio~' rrisaala(h)? hal taskunu laylaa f'ii "?ame erkaal? hal taskiinu fi#4lisiraaqf? hal taskunu f1'^vs suuudiyya (h) ? 1' iiYY 'yibaladin taskun? hal LI"on aan f1 ssarqi's'llawsal? hall'#rurdunnfiari' l~awsa- ? saq hali. floridaa fisari'. 1l?awal saqi, ,?an yaktuba lahaa ri*1saalatan bilmarabi'3ya(h). "?ilaa Vadiiqatihaa laylaa., laa. laa., laa,, f'ii lubnaan. naw'm. naqam. laa. UNIT ELEVEN (220)  9ataskunu laylaa £ ii madiinati",- lquds? oayna taskun? maa,6aa yaqmalu ?abuuhaa? hal yaqrifuhu qa'naan? hal 6ahaba ?ilaa qliyaacdatih?. Oayna tuujaciu#%#liyaada(h)? man 6ahaba iam qsadxaan ?ila ^41 ls'iyaada(h)? mao~osirnu ?abiik? rataa 6ababa qadxiaan ?ila#%O )Aiyaada(h)?7 limaa6aa 6ahab? maa~aa ttriiau mayy ?an taktuba fieorrisaala(h)? wamaa6aa ? hal sata~babu mayy liziyaarati laylaa? man sayababu maiahaa? mataa saya6habuun? laa. f ii iaditnati bayruut. Sabiiben fLii mstawfao~ jeaamiba(h), "ismuhup~vdduktoor jooz'j xayyaa . naq am. na" m. fii bayrutt ?abuiuh. laa "a'rif. *?i smuhu _.____ qabla sanatayni taqri'iban. kanat yaduhu tu'llinmh. ?annahaa wa ?ahlaha~a jamiiqan bixayr. ,?annahaa iuwaf f aqatun f i',olmadrasa (h). na'qam. ,7ahluhaa. 14. Translation Drill: kayfa taqu~ulu bL*1,arabiyya (h)z 1. Dr. Henry and his family live in the city of Washington. 2. Did George visit Cairo University during his trip to the Middle East? 3. Sami says he likes dessert after dinner, especially baklava. 4. Ahmad is writing a letter in Arabic to his sister Maha in the United Arab Republic. 5. Dr. Khayyat-will examine Ali's mother-at eleven o'clock this mrning. 6. Hilda does not want to go to the movies tonight. UNIT ELEVEN (221)  G. GRAMMATICAL SUMMARY 1. Verb Inflection: Past Tense of kuntu We now have the singular forms of the verb for "to be" in the past tense. kuntu kunt-a kunti kaana kaanie The endings are listed on tense verb, as katabtu I wrote katabta you wroi katabti you wrol kataba he wrote katabat she wrot I was you were (masc. sing.) you were (fem. sing.) he was; it (masc.) was she was; it (fem.) was the right. These can be -tu -ta -ti -a -at added to any past L I studied you studied you studied he studied she studied te te e te darastu darasta darasti darasa darasat UNIT ELEVEN (222)  A. BASIC DIALOGUE SENTENCES UNIT 12 A DISTINGUISHED VISITOR 1. Dr. Salah: Peace (be) upon you. 2. Students And peace be upon you and the merc.y of God and his blessings. 3. Mr. Ramsey: I have the honor to introduce to you Dr. Salah from Iraq. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Students : Dr. Salah: Students : Dr. Salah: Mr.Ramsey: Dr. Salah: Student : Dr. Salah: Welcome. We are honored to meet you. I have heard that you like studying Arabic. We like it very much, Doctor. Our students, likewise, like studying your language. May they ask you some questions, Doctor? With pleasure. . . Please (ask). Do all your students study English? Yes. In our country, the study of English is obligatory for everyone. How many years do students study English? Seven years, from the fifth grade up to the end of the secondary stage. Do you have coeducation in your schools? We have coeducation in the universities and in some private schools. Who supervises the educational system in Iraq? The Ministry of Education. Thank you very much, Doctor Salah, for answering the questions. You're welcome. May God grant you all good luck in your study of Arabic. You are welcome to our country. 12. Student 13. Dr. Salah: 14. Student : 15. Dr. Salah: 16. Student : 17. Dr. Salah: 18. Mr.Ramsey: 19. Dr. Salah: UNIT TWELVE (223)  Nowo Idlo uv-, A.o BASIC DIALOGUE SENTENOI j L- AO f000 '- /2 w I c j I . Ic 00 0000op ;00 , J3 p Q Olf a f 00 100 I L00 usA,1b '4' -'U--) two 1 "0 No/ o-jJ 00 .-* 00~ OOF # A -.000 40 too lo WO 4.110 '000 "o) 900000 do 41% Li/-- op goo - H' Ago 00 lZors 00 t)) I I LW4-.* so I LOO) / L2J I ;L-.9 I - , -40 '4$ ) &LJ jW % r 01 #) d 10 K~~ Ago .00402, UNIT TWELVE (224)  {' t2 9' \2~ N~ H K7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \< I ~C\ '(I ~ L'-I -IW Vab.  B. PRONUNCIATION DRILL ( he was sympathetic fire packing forebearance bearer, pregnant sweeter bees she put on the veil soaring copper professional squares, courtyards permitted he cleared his throat profitable COmnfor table 0#00 JL 2 0 o 00 0).9 he submitted ancient, old resolution knowledge; science worker higher sole of shoe she wondered commentary drowsiness confessor hours, clocks audible mint fourth f ear ful UNIT TWELVE (226)  I-000 '4pLogo*) A.a' C C. SPECIAL VOCABUlARY: ~~L W3 Pooo 00 4~1 .010 Minis try Minis try Minis try Minis try of of of of Defense Foreign Affairs Interior Agriculture lop C.00 I op ) '000, 00 (~P S t-'i 5 L' I I am from Kuwait I am from Yemen, I am from Sudan I am from Morocco UNIT TWELVE (227)  D. DRILLS: gCL" O ( 1. Rspose Drill: ( 00" ~~0J.0e doo -.4 dab 40 2,0000., rA?.,C- (- I w4 J l) 2.Substitution Drill:# Nouns p..0 10,1 00 e I. . '10-0 000 AO 00p '46,0 u)%~- 4000 UNIT TWELVE (228)  3.Repetition.Drill: &V )JtsowI to 00 4t.-ooo - 1/ - , 00 -0 0000 p AV S op p <4;l p AO A ~ %06 I 4.Substitution Drill:* Verbs 0000 'd O 20k Blop opi AftA00 -~ -, i AP di 09 p o 000, Oph !a00'- -g Lt~lo7 LA44 0/2 00 UNIT TWELVE (229)  5.Cued Drill: Pronouns - 9 - 9 9.100 edj - 00 y,19 ~ low 9 9'lo Of' IOM .0 5 1f 6. Substitution Drill: Nouns op 00 90 J~9J 9A* AI c, l. )1 go 00 6d01 I UNIT TWELVE (230)  7.Substitution Drill: Nouns 0K0J~ 00 r 10 I. -00, A4O -- / .00, -s 5 p 00- 003 8.Repetition Drill: so II !I 1-0 05 .-,oo ' Op UNIT, TWELVTE (231)  9.Chain Drill with Free Resplonse:,P Atop \, .- ~~4J UP t I Lv 10. Repetition Drill: s'W ', - 9 A, 9 - 7 00#4 1 F-I 1000 Alm 00 w . 11. Substitution Drill: Ajectives f lop. AOO PI p 00p 40 00, Z L j UNIT TWELVE (232)  12. Substitution Drill: Adjectives -0 9000, 000i 1.01, op.9 Af / lop op pk 00 100 op AOt e. Am. 00, L) 13. Cued Drill: Pronouns OvJ 00. ..0 00 . 919 010 -p l00 000000 - 0000 "0 p.0 $.04 - Sil UNIT TWELVE (233)  14. Repetitiofl.Transforma~tion Drill: Gender Contrast ±n Number 0\ p p AO 100 0. 11 00 so 4 AN UUW ~ ~ izA- '0 too '' 15. Transformation Drill: Making uestions V~x)JAPI yo Oj tw .00t (Fe ozool 1 000, r ooo l 'o F40 10 ) eoo-#-:000 PAAJ1L~i."IVA ' dO- "A3 - u lp 1*01 1 1 4P_..oO 00 04 J)(33 UNIT TWELVE (234) 150 f-110  16. Transformation Drill:Negation 000~ L)odK L" L do Loro.-0,0000 d 400 .0 0-1000, 404, 0000, CAO am OV CAP 00000, moo LO) .00 1 AO op 100 so co) 0 100, LoLb j 17. Questions AP -I.'5 d- y4t.cO U UNIT TWELVE (235)  33 CIAA A - -- -i-A A mv c~c 8 U07 USI E-4  /0 '~L&~moo 2~AJ ,LJIJ~ n ~i.ItL~fK o000 lp A-.- -t Cu5 %OW 2 go dOp W400 woo loo 000, r door .00 LY~ ~I2) ~A~JW mow~ J .Ole t-.j I 100 Cosjd lo4JVo00 loK-00 J1 000 AW 1 1 7 0 1 oj ...0 - -, (~-J000, LiJ UNIT TWELVE (237)  F. SUMMARY op looPll 10 100 00 I pill milli I " ll 00 100 00 ,000110 '00" U,5 i0e) dOp ow r *1j#,~Yo- *00 00 4 AO .0 0 \ dO' L/LA) AVO -. p00 00 00 -7-. .10, WOO (woo) 00 do 400 1 100 41.01) t do* 40 dolp .0 doom 0 A4ALJ K;PLj4000w 00 ou -0 0 10A '3;4 $ ) 9o 0 00 ~ LJI 40 k I > 400 43 re 000 40 00 O0 so $ 1 0 0 00 4,,y 1 so009 o he found a wonderful reception he was delighted t i 40 when he visits Iraqi used with past tense verb to show completed action he undertook where . - - he found he said 040 100 sop rA L- 0% (..Ol dOW 00 'i he asked he answered, replied to a question 40,0 p he was received reception UNIT TWELVE (238)  000010) dOo LAO- -01 '00" do %owl 00 1 y - 'a -o 'a- I A0 he wished -Op he welcomed UNIT TWELVEf (239)  G. GRAMMATICAL SUNMARY 1. Verb Inflection - Past Tense In the past tense, the verb ends in 8naa in the first person plural ("we") and in -tum for second person plural ("you" - three or more): maa6aa katabtum What did you write? katabnaa ri saala (h). We wrote a letter . va}hsantum "ayna kuntum? kunnaa fii iyaadati~ $$abiib. You have (all) done well'. Bravo for you (plur.) Where were you? We were at the doctor's office. UNIT TWELVE (240)  A . BASIC DIALOGUE SENTENCES UNIT 13 LEBANON: GEORGE AT THE BEIRUT AIRPORT 1. Khalid 2. George 3. Khalid 4. George 5. Abu Khali 6. Khalid 7. George 8. Abu Khali 9. Umm Khali 0. George 1. Abu Khali 2. George 3. Abu Khali 4. George 5. Khalid 6. George 7. Abu Khali( 8. Khalid 9. Umnm Khali Welcome to Lebanon, George. I hope you had a good trip, ("Praise be to God for your safe arrival.") Thank you all. I introduce to you my Mother and Father, George. I'm honored to meet you. How are you? d: Very well, thanks. We are happy at your arrival. Do you want to rest here a while? I'm not tired, Khalid. The trip was very pleasant. d: Let's go home, then. * * * * * * * * * * d: Welcome (to our house.). You have honored us by your visit, George. The honor is all mine. ("May God increase your honor0") d: When did you (and your group) leave New York Airport? : Ten o'clock yesterday morning. d: How was the trip by plane? Very beautiful. How many days will you stay in Lebanon? Six (days). After that I leave for Syria. d: Great' We'll take George to see the cedar trees tomorrow. And he will also visit the ruins of Baalback. d: Supper is ready. Please come in. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UNIT THIRTEEN (241)  > NrJ i r -ol 2AW '43 j 3 i~. - , %C 3 - z Nz 44 H E-  do* 000 LZ r 40 / - I '00 .0L0 5'.. V 00 6PA aw g /000H00 ~~2?' -VI '.4 ) ~AJL~~H - A& 7 5 UNIT THIRTEEN (24 3)  B. PRONUNCIATION DRILL he measured stove glass dog deception, cunning breakage he knelt down he stagnated he followed a road he moved atheist jet black doubt doubts trodden weak, poor cwO o-- L3 0 JL9 0 owV .00, 000, -o- he said law he measured heart bond, getters compulsion he patched, slapped he slept he boiled he burnt shining shaving splitting splits boiled slave; mild UNIT THIRTEEN (244)  C. SPECIAL VOCABULARY: 00 A '. 4 .) o (a girl is speaking) I am, not tired (speaking to a girl) You have honored us by your visit 10A~ to- Lo 00.- (speaking to a group) honored us by You have your visit. loop 00000 400 40 moo23 .009 How was the trip by ship? How was the trip by train? How was the trip by car? I welcome you to the U.S. All (of them) went home . Jk k. 101 1-4 1 dIM -doom LL.J - '- I -i "if I am from Algeria I am from Libya I am from Tunisia Lu I4 You are welcome to the Arab World UNIT THIRTEEN (245)  D,, Lo ubtittin Dil: Nun p A / U~~-L? (~ 00 409 009 0 000 loo/ ell '/1 4d 2.Substitution Drill: Pronouns e~)Ai- J- r -o A 009 ,too HOo UNIT THIRTEEN (246)  3.Replaement Drill: 4.Substitution Drill1: Verbs -le >1 <5~l ~10- do- -.00 ,v '.7 3 GOV Lo . I 400 '000000' 00 10 10 AO 00 ,00- UNIT THIRTEEN (247)  5. Repetition Drill: 9tolo-0 00 100, 00 d- -00- At#D to ISO 40 40 00 100 At* 6.Substitution Drill: Adjectives. 1I'. op ~~op 00 -00 Oft - .41 cz~i;4L p 00 AM' AO- Ap' 000 A AOp 400 -5 / OUa97 -0 9 UNIT THIRTEEN (248)  7.Repetition Drill: Qej.4) cwJFY.O ffk0 bo do- ww 8. Substitution Drill: Numbers g35 0#0 0.00 lp p 00 00, 10 00 eL so A F op A* kl-o~ OO- AO AO~ , so .. J dF do 00 0 A. p. 00 ge 000 too lop 00 4...j wo .wl #0 do eo 40 Woo UNIT THIRTEEN (249)  9.Substitution Drill:@ Nouns 4000, P. ~LZJ 10. Repetition-Transformation Drill: Gender Contrast in Adjectives K -.A*. 00 004- MOP 00 00,1 .lll40 11. Substitution Drill: Numerals r2c J I 01 V^- 00- 0 op 00 dam UNIT THIRTEEN (250)  '.-r - do- 00 -60 *0~ go~ -pp U 12. Replacement Drill: AOZ rLp 05 40- ~ A3 loKw 13. Substitution Drill: Nouns 2A~2 >LL p 01 0LJ >YLJ' 5S ~JAfl UNIT THIRTEEN(21  LA: tooI op Laj L4: %L0I) I 14. Transformation Drill: Present/Future 00 600 - - o 1 000 00 LU~J~A p 4 4 L.J PJ C.; loo AO -O !0, ) f -,, wJ '' 40 0 AIP ;t0001 eoloo 15.* Chain Drill1 with Cues: 00c4~~ I.' do- &0 "Oo ) 00 ) 40 f g ~ ~ j 6~ .#**Jw vwI UNIT THIRTEEN (252)  ao S 100* I 1; I 10, r I dO# 16. Directed Dialoge '00 so I )c- 3 do boo 00 urbj 1 00 op dop POP L~j ~IZ) -00 ol 00000* 0 .00 j I i Lop L-- cxeto* too do 00 00 moo AO ap .0 to rl I I cro--* 00 -5 L4 UNIT THIRTEEN (253')  W~) MA-L0 C.,- 1 3~ 04 10' I )))"9 -o ; ~ -00 J - - 40HZ~1Q~J: Ato 00j ^-0 ii-06400 '010 ( I ) y 000 &to . ,- 4 0 J LA IC)tJ IYI 00000 I-- doe 00 e. 17. Questions:. ~WLK~K~-4S .AWL JV' Looli? 'o 00 1 AOP c oo '.0000 A000 XLJ.4> too OF Aop LO) L L3 .0 dIP 0 ~A)LA~L~i) 6Wf --70 UT THIRTEEN (254)  - -lo 1* . 9 - 0 613 00,L - UNIT THIRTEEN (255)  tri t) 1*i xLI-.yNOW '~' (' C- -~2f -~\- ~4: (c~ 'Lv ~iI CW C) 0 H '-I 0 -,-\ iZs P q, AV -A. ~tf~ LTk L2§ LNI viA; T. b  #0 goo # e 00 j dlo .0; C , doo go 00.~,) I ~ W L~ AA Whof 00 low S~,tj~40 to0 JL~L-~L0Z 00 dW 0 0 go go ag AI 1400 0 00 000 L j a 1 1 L;4 . j goo 00 00 & .40 Lj eLogo 40 00 000- '00 L~-. 4 op o 'I * j4~~ UNIT THIRTEEN -(257)  F. SUMMARY 000, 00 now 00 00 LOP '000 ,Oo 00 ~>1> 400 3o *0 AW ~4? U- I'))A 40 - - o Aw 4100000 >)I Y I ol to '00 L H -0 -o '009' , -, '0 J -, -to~ 1A 00 %wow-~ .01 c/r A0<00 00-O 1~~ JL01,~ I ;. 0 k 00 O/ , The Umayyad Mosque' oasis the fertile oasis on the south side of Damascus their return he thanked -I their entertainment, ( hospitality towards him she bought he asked for, demanded (with preceding negative) only to see, witness the mosque Umayyad UNIT THIRTEEN (258)  G. GRAMMATICAL SUMMARY 1. Verb Inflection - Past Tense The past tense verb ending for third person plural ("they") is -uu darasuu they studied katabuu they wrote kaanuu they were Resume of Verb conjugation in Past Tense: darastu I studied. darasnaa we studied darasta darasti darasa darasat you studied (masc.) you studied (fem.) darastum you studied (plur.) he studied she studied darasuu they studied -ta -ti -tum -a -at Resume of Verb Conjugation: Present Tense 6Y, U, ) -uu Past Tense 19 0 101 1 Subject .000 - .00 UNIT THIRTEEN (259)  970 ~ / ) ,0~ / O~~"~) ~ 01 2. Noun Inflections; The -i Form of the Noun Nouns and adjectives can end in -a or -i , or -U (a) +. . &I like the Arabic language. (i) * 3.JI J..*J in the Arabic language. (u) . ..JIt is the language of the Arabs. The basic word is ..J ; the endings -a , -i , -u are added depending on how the word is used in the sentence. The -i Form of the Noun a. After any preposition, a noun or adjective receives - : + u... d In New York City. S. .I ~ _3.y..J i From the U.A.R. b. When two nouns come together noun takes the "4 form: 3. Numerals: The numerals from 1 to 10 are masculine: with the meaning of "of", the second What is the number of members in your family? What is the number of members of (in) Najib's family? feminine: UNIT THIRTEEN (260)  AAj aI Notes. 1. The singular noun alone means "one"; the numeral, however, may be added for emphasis. a brother; one brother on aa single brother 2. The suffix '_ nanoun gives the meaning "two". two brothers two years. 3. The numbers 3 to 10 are followed by plural nouns, five members three years 4. Numbers higher than 10 are followed by singular nouns, whether masculine or feminine: twenty months twenty pounds (money) UNIT THIRTEEN (261)   A. BASIC DIALOGUE SENTENCES UNIT 14 SYRIA: GEORGE AT THE HAMIDIYYA BAZAAR IN DAMASCUS 1. Fuad : I'm going to the Hamidiyya Bazaar. Do you want to go with me, George? 2. George : Yes, Fuad. I'd like to buy some gifts, if you please. 3. Fuad : What kind of gifts do you want? 4. George : Some inlaid mother-of-pearl bracelets and some gold rings. 5. Fuad : My mother is an expert in these things. Please come with us so we can buy you what you want. * * * * * * * * * * 6. Umm Fuad: What ("How much") is the price of this ring, Sir? 7. Merchant: Twenty Syrian pounds. 8. Umm Fuad: And how much is this bracelet? 9. Merchant: Fifty pounds. 10. Umm Fuad: The price is too high. Let's go someplace else, George. 11. Merchant: Wait a minute: How much do you want to pay? 12. Umm Fuad: Forty pounds as the price of the ring and the bracelet together. 13. Merchant: I'm very sorry. You wouldn't be paying ("you haven't paid') the cost price. 14. Umm Fuad: How much do you want as (your) final price? 15. Merchant: Sixty pounds. 16. Umm Fuad: No. That's too much. 17. Merchant: Come, madam. Take the ring and the bracelet for fifty pounds. 18. Umm Fuad: I believe the price is now reasonable, George. 19. George : Give me three rings and three bracelets, please. UNIT FOURTEEN (262)  Is*1 .0- 00 A. BASIC DIALOGUE SENTENCES: 000, '00 00 O- 40 1 OOP .. L.4b (. . Of 100 9 1- 04,Y L -!4 moo .00 o> J-- 'LL0J, Fro AOP ......... 1 00 Sao " 7 5 I mow .010 00000 ; -- 00000 tov 1 .01 3uj 9J; LJ MON .: 0~ C > ofKA)h U tw 900 )*l I I w UNIT FOURTEEN (263)  -~& WL 400, 010 00 AO mom 100I .000W ( Ljjc 00 1 5 UNIT FOUYRTEEN-(264)  B.,PRONUNCIATION DRILL r he danced slave he returned he sought garment he recovered 3 happy, glad resource, source bed fast streeto (man's name) (man's name); helper J1 Qc(L he bra: 00- carnel: AL; he cou ~LAhyear j LC enmity 00 he was mad (dc appoint fast hell poet hearer clear, ided im nted ready og) tment evident UNIT FOURTEEN (265)  C. SPECIAL VOCABULARY, Iwo- '000,L LJve )) Q;,$ (b1.ju1 It costs (its price is) twenty dollars It costs (its price is) twenty dinars It costs (its price is) twenty. pounds The price is very low. (a girl is speaking) I am very sorry. My father is an experienced teacher ("expert") The price of the suit is $70. The price of the dress is $30. UNIT FOURTEEN (266)   3.Substitution Drill: Nouns lop 0 - lop p - 00 too 40 $ do woo 4.Cued Drill: Pronouns 00 - - 00s .006-~ 00 op p p its A op 0 -O5 kva wr 00 op AO do~J UNIT FOURTEEN (268)  5. ~pj% Dill : .if !; ') 44; 1 1 f, ob t ro , loo, I - I Ji 0901 -ido 'ut9, __ __ _ oL I i 6.Transformation Drill with o - - 9 -, - p00 Cues: Gender Contrast in Adjectives go toA0 I 00- p Op op op lo 9~ L~) f9-0 OOP 0- lo'p 9 - 9 i 00, 9 OO 9 9 Alp -410 9. - 'iiI 9. 9 0 - 7. Substitution Drill: Nouns, (e9 , o A 000000 L;.L L06-r 600 op 00 o 9 9P 4 UNIT FOURTEEN (269)  T' ',, -ON, --ova. %I 1 1 % %"% dl' -Waft%. I A 'A' 'A M '' -3 v-4 v-4 0 V4 41 0 'I ~k 01) 0 0 0 4 4 41) 0 iL L rz PH P4 dob  LkJ 10 LJI KoJi OfV, 10. Substituition Drill:--Adjectives ~00 dO -.00 .00( ,A-,0 UNIT FOURTEEN (271)  1.Substitution Drill: Nouns Oft I ,4623 A '.z p 40 5 12. Repetition Drill: LJpi PIP A op- 000 dftA 00 cLk5 00% (%f UNIT FOURTEEN (2 72Y  13. Repetition Drill: 14. Repetition Drill: Lh. . . 1 L9- 0'0--7 Aft, UNIT FOUIRTEEN (273)  do S AV L 15. Transformation Drill with Cues: Gender Contrast in Adjectives 00 coo 0. Lol-p Lj 100 OM Ap dg- - 0 0 L~Jf LLJI pp~ 17 400 top 4 00 - l I 100 I p9; 16. Transformation: Negation ~j~jdo" 1 00,- Io ) LA.o, 0 UMO4UO 40 00 0 IVO Lo)twl so .,00"tL 00 C. j I j so ) i j do 6 ) ..00 lZJp W-00UNIT- FOURTEEN (2 74)  17. Substitution Drill: Adjectives AP LA AO A J9 j- 00 AV 18. Substitution Drill: Pronouns A A A op Aof AMA so 'S U' A UNIT FOURTEEN (275)  19. Chain Drill: Numerals JS 1' ) r .0000i 'VL ~'Cc 2 I \ - _,4_ J I 20. Questions:.1 00! ,0;1P .0I .10 .0 go- 6AO 1 co 1 2p - & -k Lot A- 000 ' ON~- 10 400 40- 00, L~- rL~~ sa ci r- UNIT FOURTEEN (276)  E. CONVERSATIONS ~J) ,~ y ell doo 40P 401 i0o o" .OJP ONO goo - ,OO ftOP fWet, 'LW00 >~-f 'ft ~ ft~ 01,F c~4~ A o IOO yJ~ 00 5 r4 LA * * * * ** * * -.1 1) p3);0P LLf tokot ftOO J ~~L0JI _loop low JO 0 6v 1 mob UNIT FOURTEEN (277)  0 til > 0~ V4 t>A ~: ~ 1~  WO0I F. SUMMARY - a10 ~~JLAO 000; I s-09 J) k t 0 00 ) I i'llo 00 00 400 LOA 0 00 dO d.04 'JO 00 -VW -, o L0A0(Q d k L 00 4 -O, 0:0 c~J Id' '~ - &JL( J LAV 40 ASO CIA-. 00 LJ 410 ) I)9 00 )I# 1100 w loo 00 04 1J ."Oo I o j 1 1000 '000 640 0 - J A. 40 0 0 he presented to him she went out in order to prepare -0 40 - - headed f or, on his way to we lcome warm he welcomed him warmly 40 a a 0 % - 40 0 4 UNIT FOURTEEN (279)  G . GRANNT IGAL SUIMARY 1.Noun Inf lections: The Form of- a. The d irec t obj ec t of the verb *4 *,OjOj Lu the Noun take3s the ~af orm,- like the Arabic languae 'M gcing to see a movie about the Ar a bs b. Included here is the predicdr-e of a~lyve, even the verb "to be"o( d '~$ W4How was the .T.esult'? LL~~ ~ ~ Itwas verygod dLJ~ ~4~~vThat will be fine. co A noun or adjective modifyin,( %*I I NA 2. Demonstratives haa6aa, (masc..) and haa6i''hi haa6aKlrrriq4all1im baalika, (mse.) and tilka 6aal ika^*1imu sallim 0 some otther, word takes the -aL formo He's goiLng t~oday We like it a lot. much) ,very good. earnes tne sS) (fem.) mean "this"O this teacher (masc.) this teacher (fem.) (fem.) mean "that". that teacher (masco) that teacher (fem.) UNIT FPYAAJEEN i(28O)  It should be noted that the range of Arabic haabaa English "this" - in English, "this" means something speaker, while "that" is used for something near the or for something far from both: is greater than close to the person spoken to, A. What is this? B. That is a cup. Arabic tends to use haa6aa for things near the speaker and to the person spoken to as well, leaving 6aalika for things farther away in space or time: A. What's this? B. That's a cup. maa haa6aa? haa6aa f injaan. A. What's that (over there)? maa 6aalik? B. That's a cup. 6aalika f injaan . UNIT FOURTEEN (281)  A. BASIC DIALOGUE SENTENCES UNIT 15 EGYPT: GEORGE ON THE BANKS OF THE NILE 1. George: How beautiful it is to promenade on the shores of the Nile, Amin' 2. Amin : That's right, George. Especially at night. 3. George: What are those sailboats on the river? 4. Amin : They're fishing boats, George. 5. George: Is it true that the flooding of the Nile is dangerous for Egypt? 6. Amin : That was in the past, George. But there is no danger from the flood at all, after the construction of the High Dam. 7. George: I heard from my friend Mahmoud in Jerusalem that the Nile River is one of the longest rivers in the world. 8. Amin : That's right. Tell me, George: How many days did you stay in Jerusalem? 9. George: Five days. I arrived there last Thursday evening and left there Tuesday morning. 10. Amin : What did you like there? 11. George: The holy places, and the historical ruins. 12. Amin : Did you visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre ("The Church of the Resurrection") and the Dome of the Rock (the "farthest mosque") in Jerusalem? 13. George: Yes. I (likewise) visited also the Church of the Nativity ("the Manger") in Bethlehem. 14. Amin : What would you like to see in Egypt, George? 15. George: The Pyramids and Al-Azhar University. 16. Amin : Would you like to see ("to witness") the ancient Egyptian ruins? 17. George: Yes, Amin. 18. Amin : We'll visit the Pyramids and Al-Azhar University first. Then we'll go to Luxor to visit the ancient Egyptian temples. 19. George: I'd be very happy to visit these places, Amin. 20. Amin : We'll start visiting them tomorrow, God willing. UNIT FIFTEEN (282)  .00,j A. BASIC DIALOGUE SENTENCES doL 'oL 0 $ *C~~DI jJiL.. 6- (V 10 1op tlh2 A t~o P~~~~W ILJ$ -' ~ --2 9-i 'C lp %400 1 7 'o %040 A w7 0/ a .OW 9 ge c9l't; 1,0 .000 cki~ 0 *41 ot 00 .000 IOM 400, Who 000 goo I f I t ( 0 1 woof C.-j .00 dOO .00 ow 00 Z 000, L; AOOO lop f -0 - 2 r~~ ,Jojp9000W31 0 ,O lo j~ 10 P I -Ol-e -'I #-Wp -.000 ~ I Ago Is P 400 d; U4 00 WOW, 7 L.OOL Loo) cju- LIA 'o ooo 4 -Alw UNIT FIFTEEN (283)  Ji Ir OP 40 " " 5 " :L' 0 Alop op op p 1 0000, to '00 -),.,oo lk Lt'.H 000, 3 -i 000 ~1i)Lo. (d>bJ 00, 1 S .00- 0.0~ I I I %7/ -0'4 , Ile jp Jop -O ..* -.Ooo,) doo, .1100 Ut~%C d.0~ L- i23~k J5 .-/ 1 0 A I- I I J UNIT FIFTEEN- (284)  B. PRONUNCIATION DRILL ~UJ~' Qu~ road coquetry he guided house sickness extent gentle, mild he thrusted (sword) into he sent back thankful meter, counter' d- h)I -- L 9) 1 00 jpI 0 LOW .00- beating straying he was deluded harmful it gleamed, lighted it passed humble, low he closed his eyes he crushed sour biting UNIT FIFTEEN (285)  C. SPECIAL VOCABULARY: doP 00 000 goo 40 000 dIO 00 LIO The Mississippi River- The Missouri River. The Seine River. At present In the future 000 -, Translate into English. (speaking to a boy) Translate into English. (speaking to a girl) Translate into English (speaking to a group) UNIT FIFTEEN (286)  :cLJ(~ D. DRILLS:* 1. Substitution Drill: Nouns - op A p -p 0 A J~JL~, 000 C.5 dOP %MAO wo MP op 00 2.. Substitution Drill:* Nouns j L~uw bL~100 00 Alm or L. 000 '00010' 00 AOW %40 5 AOO Amp 10 , A 3. Replacement Drill:* 000 S - - L~.~-'). "Moo-aa __o L-OP - 40 UNIT FIFTEEN (287) or cwj ,o LA doo. momomw oppoo  4.Substitution Drill: Noun Phrase OF Aop As too 00 40LOO ,- l Aw 40 %WW / 90 47. e..o 4ck .00, 000 go 000 0 LJLJt5 0000" - of - .0 10 490 J 40, J I, 5. Double Substitution Drill: Days of the Week 000, op 40 ASO t L11 ) 0.0 CSUP co - so moo 00, do 100 j ~~~2j)i k % A uuo doo op 00 %tv AS oo p 0 0 000 -O 00, op~ I 6.Transformation Drill with Cues: Making Quest ions - - ---- - - - ---- - - - -- - - - - - -- - --- - --- w --I-- ---c,2 -1 - - - - - - --- , ooo 2 L4 * ~ A p~JL.. 40 J , , 5 I *~6 4i-'- AA op 00*0 ) 69 UNIT FIFTEEN (288)  le 0000 - .00 loop 0000 .4 J A -oo 45- AOP 900 %000 .4 - j )J I 7.Chain Drill with Free Response: IJ~Aago C r (~)KK> PLI 8.Substitution Drill: Noun Phrase IU 0' LA g 00 I, 10' OOP so Lo 4wP.-ov I %OtA# C; 4j ..0 do aLJI J 00 A op so A Ap 9 9 o! op op 9p o A jLL~ AOP I I ,Ooo Lo 00 a* e%)9U6 409 op UNIT TIFTEEN (289)  0 9. Double Substitutior. Names of Places 1.10 000, OOP 1) #vo; ;eL 00 00 LOO(O> jo; 3LiL~~ e4~ I>AJJ'&2J A A o eV L toe'; 4000 w 0 1.09 rJ00000 .000 Loo 10 op W100 110 00 w4 ool evo Alo _jj) 1.;-r o--00 00- 10. Translation Drill., (J 0.0 - - '00,0 -00A ago 6^00 1 Llol do At* /'00 sop 00 00 42 1 000000 to Oiv dw 40 co 100 aw 00 1 wo -L - CJ~ W -~ d -0 2 Ae 00 UNIT FIFTEEN (290)  1.Questions: Ap - >9g4c3y9~ - I I 00 - ~~t100UL0 C .0) &/ LOP .A. ?1JL-fj V ''p o Pool 4 UNIT FIFTEEN (291)  A A -C' A ............. 4 23 A ZN ''1 A- 4 lx 1i' A - K '1 "Is C%41 z E-4 1- m -g \ b C-.'K I' z A C-,  A A A ii j T 6?4 2V1 c- 1 TN 40b ii 5 00- z E-4 it IV -*0 S1 :> '~  F. SUMMARY %ONO / - I 5 Lsop -o I > 0K0A 00 )o 1000 a LO; jolp 1 too's 400, dop Olk *00 UVJJ L~Le oo j ? .-O .00 AO QiAiH op 000", wv 9 400010 00 A Odor "Oo -S04 "Oov .00 00 40L 00 -000 .0 0 1~ ipIW -000 00, dO 00- ~$0 - -p lop, 'o 0 -1f I danger taking, receiving he informed, told iL j('~~ ~ taking dinner as, just as 14~ dangerous UNIT FIFTEEN (294)  G. GRAMMATICAL SUMARY 1. Noun Inflections: the -LA Form of the Noun a. The subject takes the -L4 form of the Noun: * c L..t~Our professor is from Lebanon. * JL, ~ .2tL J The student will write a letter in Arabic. EJyI have a question, teacher. ("A question is with me."), * ~'I have only one brother . b. The predicate of a sentence *eo_ __ is in -u , if the clause has no verb: Halim is a very diligent student. It is a very delicious dinner. That's too much, my friend. UNIT FIFTEEN (295)  VV tzIQ & _ 4:: ' 1~j -' V-i, : 'N t- -c - y ct _ i} V si~  100-~ )-o 'm~.-- -N I.ON JL, ~A~A~) ~ >6 - - _ LOO 0 .0 do LO 4c so* lo C~LJIA;L Lw Jaw/ alt 2~J I A .00 ~Q,,A7J A2000, C0000, L40 .0000 go 40, 0000' Ao - -40 c & 400 Ole jJI-tp- - 9 00 A I L4,0 00 04 LA* 4--tl-0040 A9 - 00, to OW - hop AO :02'o cJu~9 ~AK~A~ 4000 U L !oAoVJ to 0000 000 -j - _p taK I AOO" wo 00 ww I I O 1JdI A; j-0 , 0 r do -0 ' - - .0 J0 2-##* L)I tool UNIT S IXTEEN (29?7)  lo34 4wAo?)O*to4 0 40, I4d go, I Ll L; doo 0 -0 - 04 ),' p op 4 00 00 I w j ,r 4,0 e so O L ddO 00 000 00 to I LWJ-) 100,L~J A00 f t') I Oph0i0 ' ' L~eL); - 1 , ^.e...o c. 00. -00- =pop AIM K~, LW o 00 Of dim so 'V0 op Li L.0000 '000., j 00 do 90 00 Irt J i '1, 0 00 -o I 1902 ~A 00 AO 0,0 'r>~jw d-o 1 7 too 4looc,.) Ls c(%,4 2) ) . I I 10 Ap i ) 000 doo Amo - 00 00iooowYl OOO 00, doo ) L."t '00 too go I > G2 140 to UNIT SIXTEEN (2 96)  1 0 110, ~it J!U - 1 i AOP L~'I %WOO I J AOO 00 Soo '00; 1 .0 400 doo i 2L9 0000, t Loo ol go ,- -00 mop~ 0 IF -40 A1~ r oo- tooi QL)9 UNIT SIXTEEN (299-)  VOCABULARY, ?-0 "00 5 00 I sa lop l doY ~ .000 friends he received they invite him therefore he decided to he undertakes he decided to take a trip he took he took the plane he found Khaled and his family waiting if if he would like little, small after a short while she asked permission asking (dual form) the following day UNIT SIXTEEN (300)  4* - - V - -00, Loo 0 §3 0 he liked he rested their generosity and kindness. he spoke, talked they rode, mounted the camels she finished importance, significance he spent time he spent good time he bade farewell to returning, coming back UNIT SIXTEEN (301)  C. QUESTIONS .L.. - A---0 V p -- 00 " PI01 - s LG u J0L 000 UNIT SIXTEEN (302)  } [s 9-A- -IA -- C Iu--0 -V - LC-C %LL-J--AL.... 100 01 UNIT SIXTEEN (303)  /o 0 IV. ~A~0 JL1 "1 LA- -op)) --VYA LA Lo- - 00 .b- j 00 r~- .000 Lo go .00 -, I UNIT S IXTEEN (3 04)  B. PRONUNCIATION DRILL jjJ1 (u 1. he made humble humble, submissive flowing tears he vowed aromatic vower vowed humbleness unique, single 6 6ai 6aliil 6arf na6ar Ea6iyya (h) naabir man6uur ma6alla (h) fa6 Oal aliil ,arf na~ar Eagiyya (h) naaoir man uur maalla (h) f a) he remained shadowy envelop he looked at splinter, chip onlooker seen, visible umbrella rough, harsh (For Egyptians) he ceased to be button determination ice cream incentive, initiative z zaal zir qazm buuza (h) 1Vaafiz gaal 4ir buuga (h) 1.aafig remaining flint bone beer guardian, protector UNIT SIXTEEN (305)  GLOSSARY A about, approximately 3 about, concerning 5 acquaintance 2 acquainted: see "getting acquainted (you are) afraid, scared 10 after 9 afternoon; evening 1 all, every 4 with great pleasure 4 all, everyone 1 also 9 america I american 7 4 and 2 another 10 answer' 8 answer (noun) 4 Arabic 2 Arabs 5 (you) ask 7 (I) attend, go to attendance, to attend 5 taqriiban % an matrifa(h) taxaaf bada masaa? kull bikulli suruur jami i , an ?ayqan vameerka gameerkiyy "ameerkiyya(h) (fem.) wa- gaaxar "ajib! jawaab ,arabiyy (masc. ) vbarabiyya(h) (fem.) qarab tasgal 4al4uurn 17uquur LL. ONO1 'Uo GLOSSARY (306)  autumn 9x ri xariif B back 10 Baghdad 7 baklava 7 before 11 Beirut 4 (you) believe 7 book 10 boy; son 10 breakfast 7 bravo, good for you 3 brother 4 your brother (a) building 9 busy 8 but 7 Oahr baycdaad baqlawaa qabla bayrut tugaddiq ki~taab walai fa~uur ?a1~santum (plur,) "ax ?axiiuk inabraa inasytu1 laakin; walakifl j1 I C Cairo 7 check with me 1 10 chicken. 7 Chinese 7 city 1 class 2 galqaahira (h) raaJiqniii dajaaj Viifliyy maiiina (h) Vaff lW GLOSSARY (307)  clock, watch coffee 7 cold coming, next 8 condition 1 (my) congratulations 5 (we) continue 8 conversation 5 , talk 8 convey to her, 4 correct, right 9 country 8 cup 7 D daughter; girl 10 day delicious 7 dessert, sweets (you) did 9 dinner(at noon); lunch 7 -(evening) discussion, debate 3 (I) do 4 doctor 10 saa'a (h) qahwa (h) baarid qaadim Vgaal tahaaniyya nukmil mulpaadaa (h) 1adiie balliyhaa ahiilV bilaad (fem.) balad finjaan bint yawm gayyib 1.alwaa mamilti (fem.) Yadaa? taa a mui~naaqa~a (h) 'af'talu Vabi ib duktoor GLOSSARY (308) A  (he) does; works 4 (you) drink 7 during 9 yamralu ta'srab xi laala E east 7 the Middle East: (you) eat.7 eight 4 eighth 8 elementary 4 eleventh, eleven 1l engineering 9 England 1 English 7 _____2 especially 9 evening; afternoon 1 everyone-, everybody 1 exam 3 (I) examine 10 excellent; wonderful 5 eye 10 F family, folks 9 (immediate) 4 sarq qasaqu~'1'awS& .aIG, tagku2. eaaaiya(h) (maso.) eaamin b 9 ibtidaagiyya (h) (f ern.) o.I.l han dasa (h) d a 9?ingliiziyya(la) (fern.,) xaaVatan . masaa,? 9?aljariiqo 'af1~aV raa?iq m'yn (fern.) ?ahi GLOSSARY '(309) 1 06  Lather 4 (your) father 4 (you) feel 10 fifth 5 find: you found fine, pleasant 8 f irst 1 18 fish, fishes 9 fishing 9 f ive 4 (the) f lu 10 f ood 7 for: for you 3 found: there is found, there is 8 four 3 fourth 4 France 1 French 7 *?abuuk ta'wur xaarni s wajadta 1at liif 9awwal "uulaa (fern.) sarnak gayd xarnsa(h) (masc.) ?iin fluwarizaa tam ar lakurn yuujadu ?arba~a (masc.) raabiq faran saa faransiyy (masc.) faransiyya(h) (fern.) gadiiqa)(fr. #dn f- J,1 A~i- Aft 400 Fr iday friend f rom 1 2 8 1 G geography 9 German 3 juyraafyaa ,pablani yya (h) GLOSSARY (310) LA  Germany 2 getting acquainted 1 girl' (a) glass 7 (1) go 3 God 2 going 3 going (noun), to go 10 MI go out 9 good (noun), well-being 1 good 5 goodbye 1 goodluck (may you be successful)8 goodluck; success (bestowed by God) 2 greetings ,regards 4 "almaniyaa bint ka 9 ?a~habu ?allaah 6aahib 6ahaab ?axruju xayr jayyi3 ma4'a^%o salaama (h) muwaffaq tawf iiq Li ~ I 4~WI ~ I ~S ~wJ1 L~A ~..>LjI ~9,s t94 *1yya() H (you) had a nice time, enjoyed yourself 9 hand I I happy, glad 10 (I) have __________ " 12 (you) 3 yad~d niasruur iii %ind:ij %iniakim w'- GLOSSARY (311)  have to, should, must 3 (you) have lunch 8 he 3 head 10 headache 10 health 7 (good) health 7 hello 2 hello (on the telephone) here 3 hers 4 be honored: I have been 1 hospital 10 hour; clock 3 house, home 5 how? 1 how are you?l how about. . .5 how many? how much? 3, 4 hurry up' rush'. 10 5 yajibu #an tatayaddaa huwa rags pdaae pi1olga (h) m af iya (h) marlaban "aaloo hunaa lahaa tavarraftu mustaifaa saa'a(h) bayt kayfa kayf a 1}aaluk? maa ra qyuka "an...? kam ?asriq w A ?t L!J 7 honored 1 I I 1 idea 8 idea, opinion 7 what do you say...? immediately, right away 10 #anaa f ikra (h) ra*"y mara yuka ?an... ,*aalan LA GLOSSARY (312)  important 8 (it is) important 5 it is important to me, I would be interested in... in 2 (it) increases 7 (it) increases, grows greater 10 introduce 1 invitation 5 Iraq 4 mauhi mm yahumm yahummn ii an w f ii yaziid yazdaad ?uqaddimu davwa(h) "aleiraaq 31I~ )j1 J Jerusalem 10 Jordan 4 ?alquds ?alourdunn 3~ ~ I K Khayyat (name) 11 kind (noun) 7 kingdom 9 (I) know 4 xayyaat nawq mamlaka (h) gaqrifu L language 2 the Arabic language Latin 2 Law (the field of) 9 (you) leave, go out 10 luya qalluyata^learabiyya (h) laatiiniyya(h) (fem.) Vi.uquuq (plur.) taxruj GLOSSARY (313)  Lebanese 7 Lebanon 1 lemon, lemonade 7 let, allow,. 10 let's go! 7 letter 4 letters 7 liberty 9 library 2 like (you) 2 liked it (you) 8 light (noun) 3 (he) lives 9 (you) live, dwell, reside 9 lunch lubnaaniyy (maso.) lubnaan laymuun 9ism1bLI 1hayya bina! r isaala (h) raaoi 2 9?a24urriyya (h) maktaba (h) tu1~ibbu ,?a,;* jabaka: riuu r yaskun taskun w ~L N maintenance, upholding 8 meanIng 3 mea t 7 medicine, medication 10 medicine (the profession) 9 meeting I members 4 middle 7 the Middle East: mu~kaafa~a (hi) masqnaa la~.m dawaa"7 'Vibb liqaa 9 #?afraad (plur.,) *?awsa4, ias arqu,,,1 ' awsal 4i1 GLOSSARY (314)  mi lk 7 mine minute 10 Miss 3 Monday 8 month 4 months 8 more-, more and more morning'1 mother 4 movie 5 (the)movies; the cinema 5 Mrs. 3 must.3. laban iii daqiiqa(h) (fern) O9aani sa (I) ienayni sahr 9akear gakeara f a9akGar gabaaV~ 9umm film ias sinamaa" Bayyrica (h) yajibu gan owi N name 1 nations 9 (she) needs 10 (a) night 5 nine 4 no 3 -- no, not at all 8 noon 10 af ternoon now 2 1 ism -gum=m (p lur.) ta1~taaj layla (h) tisqa (masc.) laa kallaa uhr baw da#,,juhr '7al 'aana GLOSSARY (315) J1J41  number 4"ca ,;%adad J 4.1 0 0 2 office, doctor's office, clinic 10 old (age) 4 on 5 one 4 only 4 opinion, idea 5 or 5 order 8 Orient 10 other 2 yaa %iyaada (h) qala waa ~id f aqa raoy *7amn ni6aan sarq *?uxraa (fern.) '?aaxar (mas.) 4. £ P pain 10 (it) passed 8 how many months have you been? peace, safety 2 people 8 (you) permit 4 please; come in; sit down 10 (it) pleases 8 pleasure 4 *Palan rnaqaa karn *Sahrarn alaa salaama (h) naas (plur.) t asm 'I, tafa44a2. yasurru suruur t. w JwA GLOSSARY (316)  praise 2 Praise be to God present, gift 5 punctual 8 1~amdu had iyya (hi) muwaa~ibun .~u Q question2 s-u-7aa 1 R (I) read 9 really, truly 7 recovery (from sickness) 10 repeat* (you) repeat 4 republic 3 restaurant 7 result 5 review 3 rice 7 roasted 7 qara 7tu 1Vaqqan sifaa"? tu q id~u juihuurilyya (h) ma~qam natiija(h) muraaja'a (Ia) *Paruzz maswiyy as~)~4 OA S salad 7 Saturday 8 Saudi Arabia 9 save; he saved, protected 2 God save you. alala (ha) lassabt gasasu uudiyya (h) salleama sallamakao~olaah GLOSSARY (317) J4l  (he) saw 1-0 (you) say 3 school 2 sea 9 second 2 secondary 4 (I) see 3 semester .9 serious 8 seven 4 seventh 7 she 3 she is... 10 sheikh 7 shish kabob 7 show, a showing (noun) 5 sick 10 Sinbad 7 Sir, Mr. 3 sister 4 six 4 son; boy 10 Spain 2 rao'aa taquulu madrasa (h) ba~r gae)eaani i eaanawiyya (h) (fern.) *?ara~a fa~2. sab~wu (femn.) saabP' hiya sayx 1a3an iaswiyyan rari~a(h) (fern.) sinclbaacl sayyid ?uxt sitta~h) (naso.) walad #i sbaanyaa SJA yt. Wow GLOSSARY (3 18)  (you) started 10 state 1 statue 9 (I) stay 3 stomach 10 students 4 studies 2 study (you) 2 summer 9 Sunday- 8 supper; dinner (evening) 7 swimming 9 bacla'ta wilaaya (h) tim~aal 'abqaa duruu s tacirusu ,saao? sibaaa(h) L T (I) take 10 take'. 10 tea 7 (he) teaches 3 teacher; professor 2 teacher 4 telephone 5 tell'. tell, say. 4 tell me tn4 thanks 1 (1) thank you 2 *?aaxu6 saay yuqallinu #?U staa6 muv'allim haatif' qu2.1 qul lii qasara (h) sukran omotkuruk GLOSSARY (319) I',, (SL~ 3 b.~ Kti (macc.) '~J.Azi  thankful, grateful 10 that 3 that (conj.) 5 there 3 they third 3 three 3 Thursday 8 to 1 today 2 together 1 tomorrow 3 trip 11 Tuesday 8 two 4 two hours 3 mannuun 6aalika 7 an hunaa -a hum Oataa~a (masc.) ~~*1 s * la ?alyawma m.ra an 'adan riVIa (h) ,-a9OL laaGaa7 ?7ieOn aari(ma sc.) saa %atayn i ~Jt:bA L~J~ L~. 4-i,',., ~L~JI L:~ hi ~ U understood (1) 2 united 2 university 4 f&& imt ma tai a (h) ( m 4 V vacation 9 vegetables 7 very 5 very much, a lot 10 visit 8 s'uVla li) xulaar j iddar kaOi1. iran z iyaara (h) GLOSSARY (320) dj L  W wait' 10 waiter 7 (you) want, wish 7 warmest; hot 5 was 11 () was 9 was: she was, it was 5 water 7 watermelon 7 way, road 2 we Wednesday 8 week 4 weight 7 welcome 7 you're welcome (in response to 6ukran) 7 well, fine 2 I'm fine. well done. 1 what? which? 1 what? 2 where? 2 who? 3 (he) willed 8 If God wills winter 9 'inta6ir sufrajii turiid gaar kaana kuntu kaanat maa? ba))iix Variiq nanu 9algarbimaa 'usbuuq wazn gahlan wasahlan v7alqafw bixayr ?anaa bixayr ?ag santl 9ayy 7 maa6aa7 'ayna 7 man ? saa? 'in Eaa va'i1aah Ei taa? GLOSSARY (321) , 3 , LI  .wish (1) 2 I wish you good luck with, in the company of 2 wonderful 8 work, job, task 8 wrote (1) 4 -?atamarrnaa gatamarrna 1akaost tawf iic~~tU~ mam' raa-?iq suylun katabtu Y year s 7 yes 2 yesterday 10 you 1 sanawaat nasm "?ams "ant ?anti (femn.) "?anturn (plur.) lak h0 yours GLOSSARY (322)  GLOSSARY 1 00 -0 -d-w - "ab oabuuk i b tidaa, i yya (h) (fem.) iabqaa *atamannaa gatamanna laka~ o ttawfiiq ienaan (masc.) ale v inayni "ajib agsantf aVasan tum qa44uru "ax "axuuk "axbir ?uxt oaaxu6 "aaxar iuxraa (fem.). "aaxar (masc.) ?axru ju ia6habu a larbi %aa "arbae'a (mase.) father 4 your father elementary 4 () stay 3 (I) wish 2 wish you good luck two 4 Monday 3 answer'. 8 well done. 1 Bravol good for you 3 I attend, go to 3 brother 4 your brother tell', 8 sister 4 (f) take 10 another 10 other 2 (I) go out 9 (1) go 3 Wednesday 8 four 3 GLOSSARY (323)  -- - '1J -- I - ~J 'aruzz rice 7 "araa (I) see 3 gisbaanyaa Spain 2 iusbuue .week 4 7ustaa6 teacher; professor 2 ,asriq hurry up' rush'. 10 i sm name 1 "isma4 let, allow' 10 #askuruk (I) thank you 2 "aihur months 8 oa jabaka (you) liked it 8 aq rifu (I) know 4 9a1%iiduu repeat' (plur.) 1 "afgaq (I) examine 10 "afraad (plur.) members 4 iafealu (I) do 4 *?uqaddimu introduce 1 gak0ar more gakeara favakear more and more ila to 1 ila~v1 11iqaa goodbye 1 almVad Sunday 8 al urd.unn Jordan 4 "alvaana now 2 "a0Oaanii second 2 "aljamii e everyone, everybody 1 "algurr iyya (h) liber ty 9 GLOSSARY (324)  A. "?aaxami is Thursday 8 "as sabt Saturday 8 47assum'udiyya(h) Saudi Arabia 9 '?assijilamlaw (the) movies;* the cinema 5 spa1 iraaq Iraq 4 ~a~awwelcome; you'reV welcome (in response to sukran) 7 "?aiquds Jerusalem 10 97allaah God 2 "7alam pain 10 #?aalo o hello (on the telephone) 5 galmaani-yaa Germany 2 &?almaani1yya (h) German 3 oalyawma today 2 9am or 5 "UimM mother 4 9imti~aari exam 3 "ainsiyesterday 10 "7uram (piur.) nat ions 9 'ameerka America 1 ,?ameerldyy (masc. ) American 7 "?areerkiyya (h) (fern_____4 'pan that (conj.) 5 GLOSSARY (325)  J.9 - L :01008L-I... 7antum "aanisa(h) vinfluwanzaa ingiltra 7ingliiziyy (masc 9ingliiziyya (h) (fem.) 9innahaa ?ahl ?ahlan wasahlan ?awsa) ?aEarquolvawsat 9awwal 9uulaa (fem.) ?ayy? ?aygan ?ayna? baarid bar bixayr ?anaa bixayr bada?ta badla baydaad ba))i ix baqlawaa ) you (plur.) 3, Miss 3 (the) flu 10 Eng land 1 English 7 2 she is ... 10 family, folks 9 welcome 7 middle 7 the Middle East first 1 8 what? which? 1 also 9 where? 2 cold sea 9 well, fine 2 I'm fine (you) started 10 after 9 Baghdad 7 watermelon 7 baklava 7 GLOSSARY (326)  -A. A-AM_ bilaad (fem. balad balliyhaa bint bayt bayruut ta?kul tatayaddaa tuILibbu talitaaj taV iyya (h) taxaaf' taxruj tadrusu turiLid tasval tis a (masc. taskun tasmau tabrab taIarraftu taeur tu~add~iq ta aaruf tue iidlu ) country 8 1 convey to her. 4 daughter; girl 10 house, home 5 Beirut 4 (you) eat 7 (you) have lunch 8 like (you) 2 (she) needs 10 greeting, regards 4 (you are) afraid, scared 10 (you) leave, go out 10 study (you) 2 (you) want, wish 7 (you) ask 7 ) nine 4 (you) live, dwell, reside 9 (you) permit 4 (you) drink 7 be honored: I have been honored 1 (you) feel 10 (you) believe 7 getting acquainted 1 (you) repeat 4 GLOSSARY (327)  L - L---.a~. J- tafa{al taqri iban taquulu tamattata timOaal tahaaniyya tawfiiq please; come in; sit down 10 about, approximately 3 (you) say 3 (you) had a nice time, enjoyed yourself 9 statue 9 (my) congratulations 5 good luck; success (bestowed by God) 2 A L.00 41-0 eaamin eighth 8 eaanawiyya (h) (fem) secondary 4 Gamaaniya (h) (masc. )eight 4 Gulaa~aa9 Tuesday 8 ealaaea (masc.) three 3 jaamiba(h) university 4 jiddan very 5 juyraafyaa geography 9 juma Friday 8 jumhuuriyya (h) republic 3 jamiiA'an all, everyone 1 jawaab answer (noun) 4 jayyid good 5 GLOSSARY (328)  Jb& S ' 00 .0 1Vaadiisasar V~aarr V~aa1a 1;asan ]4adi iE 1Vuquur 1 aqqan ljuquuq (plur.) lialwaa 1Ieznclu "&J1lamdu 1lllaai eleventh, eleven 11 warmest; hot 5 condition 1 immediately, right away 10 good 8 conversation, talk 8 attendance, to attend 5 really, truly 7 law (the f ield of) 9 dessert, sweets praise 2 Praise be to God LAl xaa~patan xaami s xui6 xuqaar xi laala xamsa(]a) (masc.) xarlif xayyaat xayr especially 9 fifth 5 taket 10 vegetables 7 during 9 five 4 autumn 9 Khayya t (fami ly name) 11I good (noun), well-'being 1 13 dajaa~j chicken 7 GLOSSARY (329)  L) L1 )LJ~ 4J L duruus studies 2 daw'wa (h) invitation 5 daqiiqa~h) (fern.) a minute 10 dawa9 medicine, medication 10 6aalika baahib 6ahaab raa?914 * raab i raaji~tnii ra 99 ra ~aa ra~y mara 9yuka ?an., rab ii ~q ri1~la (h) risaala (h) rasaa~il tha t 3 going 3 going (noun), to go 10 wonderful, excellent 5 fourth 4 check with me'. 10 head 10 (he) saw 10 idea, opinion 7 what do you say... spring 9 trip 11 letter 4 letters 7 J) z iyaara (h) visit8 GLOSSARY (330)  4LAM LF ~j~lNOW .4a-~ UPd 41 0 UM saab i saaq a (h) saaq atayn i sibaaa (h) sabq'u (femn.) sitta(h) (rnasc.) sindibaad suruur sala~a (h) sufrajii salaana (h) sallana sallamaka~vlUaah samak sanawaat su ?aa1 sayyid sayyida (h) saag '?insaa ?a'jllaah saay seventh 7 clock, watch; hour 3 two hours 3 swimming 9 seven 4 six 4 sinbad 7 pleasure 4 salad 7 waiter 7 peace, safety 2 save; he saved, protected 2 God save you fish, fishes 9 years 7 question 2 Sir, Mr. 3 Mrs. 3 (he) willed 8' If God wills tea7 winter 9 Orient 10, east 7 work, job, task 8 RY (331) GLOSSAE  _i__ M A.% 1A. sif aa 9 sukran 'sa~jhr sayx recovery (from sickness) 10 thanks 1 month 4 She ikh 7 I"- abaa ~i i1a (h) a12ii14 pucaaq gadiiq adiiqa (h) gaf f gayd gayf giiniyy (masc.) morning 1 health 7 correct, right 9 headache 10 friend 1 (fem.) class 2 fishing 9 summer 9 Chinese 7 ibb ab j ib cuktoor ~ariiq wwawn u11aab (plur.) Vayyi b medicine (the profession) 9 doctor 10 (degree) way, road 2 f ood 7 students 4 delicious 7 GLOSSARY (332)  k 6 -6 4--0 ahr uhr badao' uhr maajil aaf iya (h ) aa -9 i1la (h) qadad . marab qarabiyy (mas c.) ,arabiyya (h) (fem.) ca aa? masara(h) (masc.) vuVla(h) ala q'urnr qamilti e indakum vin dii v'iyaada(h) 4'ayni (fern. ) back 10 noon 10 afternoon speedy, quick 10 (good) health 7 family (immediate) 4 number 4 Arabs 5 Arabic 2 (fem.) show, a showing (noun) 5 supper; dinner (evening) 7 ten 4 vacation 9 on 5 old 4 (you) did (fem.) 9 about, concerning 5 (you) have 3 (I) have 2 office, doctor's office, clinic 10 eye 10 GLOSSARY (333)  04 yaclan yaclaa'? tomorrow 3 dinner (at noon); lunch faransaa France 1 faransiyy (rasc.) French 7 f aransi yya (h) (fem.)... (fern.) 2 fa~l semester 9 fa~uur breakfast 7 f aqa only 4 f ikra (h) idea 8 f ilm movie 5 f in jaan cup 7 f ahimt (I) understood 2 fli in 2 t-2 1 qaaciim qaahira Cl) qabla qara~tu qa~ayt qul qul1 1"i1it qaiwa (h) coming, next 8 Cairo 7 before 11 (I) read 9 (you) spent (time)9 tell, say! 4 tell met coffee 7 GLOSSARY (334)  t~j ~ L~ 9 J-s JJ-'i, jj~ ka san kaan a kaanat kitaab katabtu ka~iirex kull bikulli Buruuz' kam kun tu kalla~a kayfa? kayf a Vaaluk? a glass 7 was 11 was: she was, it was 5 book 10 (I) wrote 4, very much, a lot 10 all, every 4 with great pleasure how many? how much? 3 I (was) 9 no, not at all 8 how? 1 how are you? J 5Li laban 2ubnaan lubnaaniyy (rasc., 1a~m 1a anma~wiyyan laV iif l1uy'a liqaai lak laakin' walaakin milk 7 Lebanon 1 )Lebanese 7 meat 7 shish kabob 7 fine, pleasant, kind 5 language 2 meeting 1 yours but 7 GLOSSARY (335)  L~J leakurn lahaa iii layla (hi) laymnuun for: for you 3 hers 4 (I) have, mine (a) night 5 lemon, lemonade 7 id 2~. 40~ maa ra,7yuka "an? how about..,. 5 maa? water 7 maa6aa? what? 2 mabnaa (a) building 9 mnutta1ida(h) (fern)united 2 MU j id- d serious 8 rnulaadaE a(h) conversation 5 mui~1aafa~a(h) maintenance, upholding 8 madrasa(h) school 2 macliina(h) city 1 Tnumrajam~(h) rev iew 3 marliaban hello 2 marila(h) (fern.) sick 10 inasaa9 evening; afternoon 1 usta'sfaa hospital 10 masruur happy, glad 10 masyuu1 busy 8 inaswiyy roasted 7 maqaa (it) passed 8 karn sahrari how many months have you been? ma~aa %alayka...? GLOSSARY (336)  q~JI. 6v maq a~vs ealaama (h) mas'rif a (ha) ina4qnaa, maktaba (I) amaka (h) ramnuun mi-n man? munaaqasa (I) mhimm~zl inwaa~ibun muwaffaq restaurant 7 with, in the company of 2 goodbye 2 together 1 stomach 10 acquaintance 2 teacher 4 meaning 3 library 2 kingdom 9 thankful, grateful 10 from 1 who? 3 discussion, debate 3 important 8 punctual 8 goodluck (may you be successful) 8 4- naas (plur.) natii ja (ha) naIVnu ni~aam riatam nuki2 nuur naw' people 8 result 5 we order 8 yes 2 (we) continue 8 light (noun) 3 kind (noun) 7 GLOSSARY (337)  4-O 19J de~ haatif hadiyya(h) hum hunaa hunaaka handasa (h) huwa hiya hayya bina wa- waa4id wajadta wazn walad wilaaya (h) telephone 5 present, gift 5 they here 3 there 3 engineering 9 he 3 she 3 let's go' 7 and 2 one 4 find: you found 8 weight 7 son; boy 10 state 1 laa laatiiniyya (h) (fem.) no 3 Latin 2 L yaa yatakallam yajibu 9an 0 2 (he) speaks 5 have to, should, must 3 GLOSSARY (338)  w w *2k yadd yazdaad yaziid yasurru yaskun yumallimu yamalu yahumm yaiummunii an,, yuu jadu yawm hand 11 (it) increases, grows greater 10 (it) increases 7 (it) pleases 8 (he) lives 9 (he) teaches 3 he does; works 4 (it is) important 5 it is important to me, I would be interested in... found: there is found, there is 8 day GLOSSARY (339)  APPENDIX List of Names. 1. Arab Boys Names with: Arabic -a ) English Abraham Isaac Elias John David Solomon Jacob Joseph English Equivalent Girls Arabic L . .... English Ann Sara(h) Salma Leila Martha Miriam, Mary May Naomi 3C o 3 0, oo I0 2. Western Names C Edward Alexander Albert Alfred Peter Paul George Philip Henry William ommon in the p A S Arab World Alice Jeanette Georgette Rose Catherine Linda Nancy Nora Hilda Helen APPENDIX (340)  3. Arab Names Girls Arabic --AA Ul 3-~t O English Ahmad Amin Has san Hussein Hal im Khaled Zak i Sami Salim Salah Adnan Al 0 Omar Fanis Fakhri Farid Fuad Kar im Mabmud Naj ib Arabic -l4ed koAL- A s English Amina Hal ima Zeinab Samia Suad Salwa Suhe "Ia Adila, Aziza Fat ima Fakhr i-yya Far ida Kar itna Nuna Naha Najwa Hadia Huda Hiam Widad APPENDIX (34 1)