o4 jw  #exst range. A CURATORIAL INTERVENTION ON EBAY This publication accompanies the online exhibition #exstrange, created by Marialaura Ghidini and Rebekah Modrak from 15 January, 2017 to 15 April, 2017. #exstrange has been funded in part by grants from the Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design at the University of Michigan, and the Center for South Asian Studies at the University of Michigan. This exhibition was funded in part by a Title VI NRC Grant from the United States Department of Education. The project was also supported by Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology. Marialaura and Rebekah would like to thank the artists participating in #exstrange. Without your work and ideas, this project would not have been possible. Book design by Kelsi Franzino, with consultation by Geoff Silverstein of Friendly Design. Copyright © 2017 by Marialaura Ghidini and Rebekah Modrak All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, including illustrations, in any form (beyond the copying permitted by Setions 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law and except by reviewers for the public press), without written permission from the curators/editors or artists. Published in the United States of America by Michigan Publishing Manufactured in the United States of America ISBN 978-1- 60785-423- 4 (paper) An imprint of Michigan Publishing, Maize Books serves the publishing needs of the University of Michigan community by making high-quality scholarship widely available in print and online. http://www.maizebooks.org Dedicated to Ted Purves, who introduced us to "The Stranger." It is possible that the real world, the one that was pulled out like a doormat from under our feet, still exists somewhere. This real world would have to be ... an articulation of gift economies rather than of capital ones, a place where "I can be a part of you." For when I am part of you, it implies that we are in a community, a bonded state, rather than a mediated one. And most of all, this world would be a place that contains larger freedom than the freedom to choose between brands of soaps and careers. - Ted Purves, "Blows Against the Empire:' from What We Want is Free: Generosity and Exchange in Recent Art.  TABLE OF CONTENTS 02. #EXSTRANGE: CURATORIAL AND ARTISTIC INTERVENTIONS ON EBAY 08. IN CONVERSATION WITH ... #EXSTRANGE 14. #EXSTRANGE CURATORS 28. #EXSTRANGE ARTWORKS 96. WE TELL OURSELVES STORIES IN ORDER TO SHOP 104. GUARANTEES AND GHOSTS: BREAKDOWNS IN EVERYDAY LIFE 108. THE VALUE OF EXCHANGE: THE AGORA, THE FLEA MARKET, AND EBAY 114. #EXSTRANGE ARTWORKS 180. CO-CURATING WITH CASSINI: FROM THE ABYSS OF COMMODIFICATION TO THE EXPLORATION OF SPACE CURATION 186. MOVEMENT ONLINE, PERFORMING WITH EBAY 194. #EXSTRANGE ARTWORKS 256. MAP OF #EXSTRANGE TRANSACTIONS #exst range CURATORIAL : AND ARTISTIC INTERVENTIONS ON EBAY Marialaura Ghidini and Rebekah Modrak are the lead curators of #exstrange. This essay introduces the project, its structure and curatorial parameters, and its use of the online marketplace as exhibition platform. This text was written for the Journal of Curatorial Studies and was published in Volume 6, Number 1, April 2017. It has been slightly edited here to introduce a wider example of artworks produced during #exstrange. exstrange was an online curatorial project generating a collection of artworks conceived by contemporary artists and designers to be encountered, auction-style, by the users of one the largest marketplaces on the web, eBay. The artists creating artworks-as-auctions on #exstrange used the eBay interface and listing template as the tool of production for their work. As such, the chosen sale category-from Business & Industry and Consumer Electronics to Tickets & Experiences, for example-as well as title, descriptive text, accompanying images and pricing, all constituted the work. The interface of the e-commerce site became the space in which the artworks resided and were interpreted in consonance with the specificities determined by their design, notably the time-limited, one-to-one user engagement and socio- linguistic interactions pertaining to online commerce. Thus, #exstrange artworks-as-auctions existed as an ongoing configuration among the one billion items for sale across the various national eBay platforms. Launched on 15 January 2017, #exstrange presented an artwork-as-auction a day until 8 April 2017. Connected by the tag #exstrange in the listing title, the works could be found in that vast archive of commodities online that is eBay. We began the project by inviting 21 artists whose practices resonated with the project. Some of them were concerned with issues related to digital production and creative labour (such as Silvio Lorusso, Geraldine Juarez, Tyler Denmead, and Maria Miranda and Norie Neumark), some with the commodification of objects and social dynamics (such as Fieldfaring, IOCOSE and Lloyd Corporation), while others with processes of technological historicisation and consumer culture (such as Abhishek Hazra, Archana Hande and Tara Kelton). We also asked 11 curators living in different parts of the world to each invite three artists according to their own interpretation of our curatorial invitation [PAGE 14]. The guest curators wrote a statement accompanying their interventions and, in some instances, created their own tags to identify them; for instance Nora 0' Murchi adopted #wishingyouwell while Gaia Tedone used #veryhardtofind. Our intention was to open up the project to perspectives with diverse critical frameworks but also heterogeneous social and geographical contexts-setting up a process that, along with the project's open call to participation ("Artist- Joiners"), would go beyond our curatorial control. Rather than initiating a new web platform, we sought to work with the properties and functionalities of an already existing online service, one governed by the logic and language of commerce. eBay was founded in 1996 by the Iranian-American entrepreneur Pierre Morad Omidyar to foster an interactive model of person-to-person auction. At that time, it proposed a socio-economic system that aimed to bypass the "inefficiencies" of trading in the "real world:" By subverting the logic of what Elen Lewis (2009) terms "efficiently hunting for the best buy" and further exploring one-to-one interaction, #exstrange explored the possibility of chance encounters in a space where people of different backgrounds and interests could easily 'meet' We asked: while browsing through the eBay categories for items to buy, what types of encounters could happen between an artist and a buyer or 'collector' beyond the exchanges one is used to on the web? If 1990s art on the web was, as Andreas Broeckmann (1998) noted, "difficult for outsiders to understand" because of the scarcity of platforms and unfamiliarity with Internet technology, a service like eBay has been incorporated into everyday habits of consumption that operate fluidly both online and offline. For these reasons, we think that #exstrange offered the opportunity to redefine what Broeckmann (1998) identified as "face-to-face rituals of participation" while taking advantage of the ordinariness of networked space. We were also interested in exploring the politics of e-commerce space, as defined by the global market, without being a regulatory system ourselves. Significantly, eBay targets its audiences according to nationally defined governmental policies and social codes and does not offer service in many countries. In this regard, the work of artist Joana Moll, Google trackers in North Korea official webpage-commissioned by guest curator Bani Brusadin-brought up new issues for reflection [PAGE 140]. Moll's 'item' was read by eBay as "an embargoed good" because the artist wanted to sell, as a souvenir, the Google tracker codes embedded in the official website of The Democratic People's Republic of Korea. When Moll tried to circumvent the ban by selling the work from a range of other eBay national sites, the service kept 'reading' it as a North Korean (embargoed) good. The ways in which web services are regulated, specifically the enduring problems of digital access and the rights to privacy and freedom of speech that underlie such regulations, were revealed by the algorithmic inaccuracy of eBay's 'reading' of the item up for auction. Joana Moll, Google trackers in North Korea official webpage, #exstrange auction. While conceiving the project, we considered the commercial infrastructure that dominates the contemporary art world and the role that curating online might play within it. The gatekeeping of the art market has, for decades, functioned according to a financial system that disregards the transparency and unbound distribution that the Internet has offered since its inception. Despite propositions offered by the interventionist gestures of artists, curators, and researchers who predominantly operated in the field of early new media enquiry (from UBERMORGEN and RTMark to Olia Lialina), the contemporary art system has normalised the potentials of the Internet. Rather than encouraging new modes of resilience, engagement and circulation, old assumptions and systems have been reinforced. Online auction houses and agencies selling editioned web-based work have sprung up all around the world-from Paddle8 to s[edition]- proposing out-dated rhetorics based on the uniqueness of the art object, the geniality of the individual, and the desirability of niche luxury culture. With #exstrange, we wanted to test a different mode for creating and engaging with art. In many instances, artists offered services rather than objects. With Programmed Leisure, presented under the category Tickets & Experiences, Silvio Lorusso 'aura, often by using the eBay category Collectibles in a satirical manner. Replica of the Original (2017) by Archana Hande auctioned the personal items belonging to the upper-class Indian woman Archana Devi-a fictional character who is part of an ongoing project by the artist [PAGE 50]. Hande mythologized Devi's lineage and life in the same way the contemporary art system often mythicizes authors, practices and objects. Geraldine Juarez's Press Release (2017) looked at how editorialisation not only reframes and adds value to an artwork, but is also a sine qua non of the condition of the contemporary artist [PAGE 56]. Juarez asked writer Andy Sarafan to write a press release for her #exstrange work, which she then sold as a unique piece, thereby auctioning, in the artist's words, "the clerical work required by curators, venues, publications, funding applications, etcetera!" The economic infrastructure that dominates the art world, where labour is very often valued according to unquantifiable terms-a practice that is alien to other fields of work-was in fact discussed by many #exstrange artists. With ART LIMITED EDITION, PRINT / Auction action - commission an artwork, presented in the category Art, Garrett Lynch turned the winning buyer into a commissioner [PAGE 160]. Lynch, invited by guest curator Gaia Tedone, used the amount paid by the auction winner to, in his words, "employ other services sold on eBay to produce and Archana Hande, Replica of the Original, #exstrange auction. auctioned a bot-generated programme of self-care allowing the winning bidder to 'receive' scheduled time off [PAGE 58]; Tara Kelton's Human Internal Memory Storage, listed within the category Computers/Tablets & Networking, offered her brain as a storage system to archive images-the winning bidder received a contract that contained a set of instructions to 'upload' and 'retrieve' the memory [PAGE 34]. Other artists questioned the very definitions of what constitutes an artwork, its customise items" that he then assembled as an artwork. One of the last auctions of #exstrange, Your Named Exhibit Within the Museum of Capitalism, by the art collective FICTILIS, offered buyers the opportunity to purchase the naming rights to an exhibit that would be designed and created by the artists themselves and whose budget would equal the amount of the winning bid [PAGE 252]. It was the context of eBay and the realm of e-commerce that allowed for this testing of different Anke SchOttler, Kindheitserinnerung/Childhoodmemory, #exstran modes of production and engagement. Because eBay pre-determined the organisational structure and the type of interaction between artist and viewer, we curators were also, in turn,'mediated' by this medium. The curatorial narrative of #exstrange developed as new artworks went live and the audience/ buyers responded to them, tangentially expanding upon our original curatorial intention. The artists' choice of the eBay category for their works-whether humorous, literal or confrontational-required us to question assumptions related to such processes of categorisation. For example, Masimba Hwati's (Kutengesa Nyika) Soil sample from Harare Kopje was presented under the category Real Estate to convey the significance of land in Zimbabwe's struggle for independence [PAGE 78]. The artist initially posted the auction on the UK eBay site to reach ex-pats from Zimbabwe, the country having been colonised by the British from 1888-1980. Other #exstrange works proposed new forms of assigning value to a collectible, such as Anke Schuttler's Kindheitserinnerung/ Childhoodmemory, a series of highly perishable items that were posted under Collectibles [PAGE 146]. Guest- curated by Harrell Fletcher, the series adopted a first- person diarist narrative to communicate the meaning of the popsicle across time and cultures. Another instance is that of 1000 Rupees Indian Currency - Erased Currency. Matt Kenyon offered his erased 1,000 Indian Rupees note to the community of banknote and coin collectors that 'gather' around the category Coins & Paper Money [PAGE 46]. The work reflected on the contentious history of this banknote: in November 2016, the current Indian government suddenly withdrew the note, one of the most controversial processes of demonetization aimed at moving towards a digitized economy. Other #exstrange works theorized how digital circulation morphs users' understanding of the real. Aysha Al Moayyed (aka Asia Fuse) auctioned iherd: Information on sale on the murder of Eman El Salehi under Books, Comics & Magazines as a web-collection ge auction. of peoples' accounts of an incident that occurred in Bahrain last December [PAGE 130]. #exstrange operated within a semi-automated system of artistic production as eBay categories reframed the reading of each work. Because #exstrange necessitated response to the interactive, modular and variable characteristics of the web that Christiane Paul (2006) outlined as its main features, our curatorial roles expanded to include tasks pertaining to the work of digital archivists and social communicators. As #exstrange unfolded over time-as new artworks-as-auctions posted daily on eBay, we designed the website to expansively present the exhibition material as a whole, archiving as the show grew. Recording documentation of the artworks- as-auctions, when live on eBay and afterwards, turned us into meticulous data gatherers. We collected and published conversations between artists and buyers, financial data, and the geographical exchanges at the end of each auction. We communicated this live-ness with our audience on a day-to-day basis through social media, and through our weekly newsletter that #exstrange 0nxste Ma r 6 Money as a sequence of numbers without practical use? Disproving money of materiality f- fU ]g/ jY =- N Martin Nadal, Bitcoin Transaction Prints #exstrange tweet. 1040% savuidomarmic x r in #s Lloyd Corporation, Bankrupt. Bulk Buy. Liquidation. Repossession, #exstrange auction. resembled a marketing email. Needless to say, the language we used to speak to our audience differed radically from that of a gallery press release: we encompassed the vernaculars of both social media and commerce, creating a mix between them to 'give a voice' to the project. The curatorial site-specificity of eBay required us to reconsider the relationship between the container (the exhibition), the contained (the artworks), and the audience. We, as curators of #exstrange, along with the participating artists, guest-curators, and viewers, engaged in what Paul (2009) called "a continuous process of creating contexts and re-contextualising" For example, a 'disappointed' winning bidder returned the items that Lloyd Corporation sold as part of the work Bankrupt. Bulk Buy. Liquidation. Repossession [PAGE 40]. Although Lloyd Corporation's auction description mimicked the vernacular of e-commerce by warning that the displayed products were merely representative of what the buyer might actually receive, a misunderstanding in expectation occurred due to intercultural differences and lapses between textual and pictorial description. In the case of Ann Bartges's shadow, middle-aged, the United States-based artist was eager to sell her shadow to an Australian bidder, only [1] Broeckmann, Andreas (2001), 'Are You Online? Presence Ars Electronica: Facing the Future - A Survey of Two Decades, to find that her husband-in a romantically motivated move-outbid the Australian at the last minute [PAGE 128]. Another unexpected action involved an artist responding to #exstrange as a system with potential for a causal chain of events. Guido Segni, invited by guest-curator Domenico Quaranta, bought the limited edition paper bag auctioned by JODI, EBAYshopping bag (#exstrange edition) [PAGE 142] to sell as a double 'authored' artwork: BESTBUY JODI ON EBA Y (from #exstrange auction) [PAGE 216]. These diverse types of interactions asked users to negotiate various interpretative contexts from the field of commerce to the personal, the public sphere, and the art world. Using this platform for our curatorial work differentiated our approach from that of curating in the gallery, the museum, or in public space. The artists and the audience of #exstrange became actively involved in the process of creating the exhibition, entering into a collaborative conversation with each other that moved away from our intentions. Likewise, they escaped the contours of most contemporary art criticism to encounter the questions of eBay browsers. Our position became what Trebor Scholz (2006) called "cultural context providers:' those who operate in an expanded field that is strongly embedded in quotidian life. and Participation in Network Art, in Timothy Druckrey (ed.), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 59-69. [2] Lewis, Elen (2009), The eBay Phenomenon: The Story of a Brand That Taught Millions of Strangers to Trust One Another, Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Corporation. [3] Paul, Christiane (2006), 'Flexible Contexts, Democratic Filtering, and Computer Aided Curating - Models for Online Curatorial Practice', in Joasia Krysa (ed.), Curating Immateriality: The Work of the Curator in the Age of Network Systems, New York: Autonomedia Press, pp. 85-105. [4] Paul, Christiane (2009), 'Online Curatorial Practice - Flexible Contexts and "Democratic" Filtering', Art Pulse Magazine, http://artpulsemagazine.com/online-curatorial-practice-flexible-contexts-and-democratic-filtering. Accessed 25 February 2017. [5] Scholz, Trebor (2006), The Participatory Challenge, in Joasia Krysa (ed.), Curating Immateriality: The Work of the Curator in the Age of Network Systems, New York: Autonomedia Press, pp. 195-213. _ TAI T rf T f I O!T , CURATORIAL CONSULTANCY WITH CASSINI ON #EXSTRANGE Artist: Cassini Algorithm Category: Specialty Services Price: $15.00 Location: London, UK Curator: Gaia Tedone LIFE IS A DELICATE NEGOTIATION, 2017 Artist: Carlo Zanni Category: Collectibles Price: (68,00 Location: Milan, Italy Curator: Domenico Quaranta " - AN APOLOGY FOR SALE Artist: Ajit Bhadoriya - Chinar Shah- Surabhi Vaya Category: Home & Garden Price: (1769.47 Location: Bangalore, India Curator: Joiner - Artist KEMBREW'S SOUL 2016 EDITION Artist: Kembrew McLeod Category: Art Price: $6.66 Location: Iowa City, Iowa, USA Curator: Joiner - Artist 1 7 ~BST HE.ART - 3D HEART MINI SCULPTURES + LIMITED EDITION STICKERS PACK FOR MESSENGER Artist: Kamilia Kard Category: Collectibles Price: 10,00 Location: Milan, Italy Curator: Domenico Quaranta BESTBUY JODI ON EBAY (FROM #EXSTRANGE AUCTION) Artist: Guido Segni Category: Art Price: (80,00 Location: Lucca, Italy Curator: Domenico Quaranta #exstrange, Auction Archive at http://exstrange.com. IN CONVERSATION WITH ... #exstrange Miriam La Rosa is a curator, museologist and art historian, who has previously worked in the Education, Public Programmes and Exhibitions departments of institutions such as Whitechapel Gallery, London, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam and Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven. She holds an MA in Curating the Contemporary from The Cass and Whitechapel Gallery, London, a Master of Museology from Reinwardt Academy, Amsterdam, and a BA (Hons) in Art History from University Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Brescia. She is co-founder of the curatorial collective amaCollective and the online platform CtC. Another version of this interview was first published on the Curating the Contemporary website on 24 April, 2017. iriam La Rosa: Let's begin with a very basic question: why did you choose the hashtag #exstrange to name this project? Marialaura Ghidini: #exstrange comes from a shortening of the title Rebekah and I gave to the project at the beginning of our discussions, Exchange with Stranger. With the hashtag, we wanted to suggest the idea of the online content search, and refer to the hashtag archives that are so entrenched in the culture of social media. Because the project relies so much on categories and the way goods are 'catalogued' for consumption-the whole eBay business is based on this-we wanted to propose our own category; one that is open to forming unexpected relationships, that breaks with the definitions implied by a commercial index, and that proposes a different way of making and engaging with art. Rebekah Modrak: The idea of the "stranger" came from our desire for artists and designers to engage with eBay communities. Georg Simmel described the "stranger" as someone who enters into a community with the ability to perceive entrenched dynamics with new eyes, and our initial discussions for the project recognized that artists and designers could enact this role within eBay's categories. At the same time, we envisioned that bidders and browsers would also serve as "strangers" confronting and commenting on art experiences. MLR: How did the idea behind the project come about? How did it develop? And what was the most challenging aspect to realise? MG: Rebekah and I-who had met virtually when I was doing research into curatorial projects online for my PhD-began to discuss the project in 2016, building on an exhibition she organized with Zack Denfeld and Aaron Ahuvia ten years ago, eBayaDay. We were interested in exploring the forms of encounter that could occur between an artwork and an audience in a space dedicated to e-commerce, and we became fascinated with the figure of the passer-by of one of the biggest marketplaces online. This figure is the stranger who is located anywhere in the world but who is brought close to the artist by commerce on the web. While looking for items to buy, this stranger might stumble upon one of the #exstrange artworks-as-auctions and pause her search, perhaps because of a disruption of expectations during her browsing experience. In the project outline we sent to the invited artists, designers and guest curators, we asked them, "what would you offer to the passerby of this online marketplace? How would you talk to her?" I was also particularly interested in the idea of appropriating an existing online service, and in exploring another approach to curating-which ties in with some of my previous work. From these reflections we moved onto thinking how to structure the project, from the frequency of the auctions to housing them on a website that would function as an online repository. [...] The most challenging part of the project, at least for me, was to keep up with the pace of #exstrange and updating and archiving it 'live.' Presenting a new artwork-as-auction per day meant that there were rolling deadlines to keep up with-we had over 100 people involved in the project since January, and a continuous back-and-forth with artists and curators, as well as with the artists and designers that joined the project over the course of the three months. Our role changed completely into that of platform builders and organisers, inputting data into shared excel sheets and the website content management systems on a daily basis, for example. The 'promotion' of the auctions was another aspect that required us to rethink about the language we use to talk about art- we started to use a blurred mix of art and marketing speech. And Rebekah ended up mastering this aspect. She also collaborated with two statisticians and marketing researchers, Fred Feinberg and Lu Zhang, in the production of eight auctions that were created for research purposes and posted during #exstrange. All of these works are archived in the category Cell Phones & Accessories [PAGE 206-213]. ss & Industry r% FLYING SORCERER Artist: Sarah Schonfeld Category: Business & Industry Price: 1,00 Location: Berlin, Germany Curator: Joao Laia ACCESS TO TOOLS IN OUTER CONCESSION CARTS LEXX / SPACE THE FISCAL MANIFESTATION OF A TWEETY POEM Artist: Maximilian Goldfarb Category: Business & Industry Artist: LEXX, Marek Wolfryd Price: $2001.00 Category: Business & Industry Location: Hudson, New York, USA Price: $360.00 Curator: Joiner - Artist Location: Cholula, Puebla, Mexico Curator: Tamara Ibarra 4G_4320JP U IMG_432.JPEG 2017 Artist: Niko Princen Category: Business & Industry Price: $94.00 Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands Curator: Gaia Tedone THE PROFILE OF JULIA DEL RIO Artist: Julia del Rio Category: Business & Industry Price: $13,206.00 Location: Linz, Austria Curator: Joiner - Artist WOODEN CRATE:18.000_ CAMPOS DE COLOR Artist: 10.000, Armando Rosales, Luis Romero Category: Business & Industry Price: $1,800.00 Location: Mexico City, Mexico Curator: Tamara Ibarra #exstrange, Business & Industry category in Auction Archive at http://exstrange.com. RM: I agree with Marialaura-this was a project that, once brought to life, required tending and operation on a daily basis. The #exstrange site often felt like a railway station, with trains continually entering and departing. Meanwhile, the project branched out into the world of social media where the post's language and tagging choices offered insights into each work's relevant passengers. For example, Crisia Miroiu's series of rephotographed works [PAGE 238] led us to a group of philosophers using #TheorycfForms to have conversations about reality; Chinar Shah, Surabhi Vaya, and Ajit Bhadoriya's Apology for Sale [PAGE 222] introduced us, via Twitter, to exchanges from pro- nationalists in favor of Amazon's apology to India or from citizens and journalists deeply troubled by the rising narrow and commercial vision of patriotism. Elisa Giardina Papa's sale of her browsing history [PAGE 214] took us into the world of the surveillance and privacy communities; AILADI's 0.2m3 of Space, Kit connected us with urban planners [PAGE 178]; Wu Jiaru's century egg led us to the intersections of history, politics and foodie culture [PAGE 176]; Xi Jie Ng's Anonymous Grandma Souvenirs introduced us to the off-modern movement [PAGE 150]; Huaqian Zhang's silver ring engraved with Google's terms of service brought us to the fascinating junctions between tech, law, culture and jewelry design [PAGE 138]; and Angela Glanzmann's A Doll Most Haunted sent us on a search that connected us with the Paranormal Underground Magazine, the Crime Museum, and #doll #collectors [PAGE 126]. MLR: #exstrange presents many fascinating features. One is certainly the investigation into alternative and experimental approaches to curating, which you have previously explored with other activities. Here the curatorial act translates into a 'curating as inviting' type of action, where an international group of professionals is asked to put forward their own selection of artists and art practices. Ultimately, the goal is to expand "beyond curatorial control!" Could you elaborate on the curatorial remit of the project? And whether or not you feel such a goal was achieved? MG: I would speak of curating as an act of setting off disparate and dispersed actions aimed at disrupting the status quo of a marketplace-eBay in this case. Perhaps a better word would be interventions that dislocate expectations, or confuse frameworks of interpretation, creating a merging of what is usually differentiated into hi-culture-the Arts for example-and popular culture and its vernacular-what we experience in the everyday, online experiences included. The most interesting aspect of curating #exstrange- if I compare it with my previous projects-lies in its openness, in the fact that what you call the remit of the project-besides what we wrote at its inception- resides in the sum of actions of the participants, as well as in the responses of the viewers-buyers. The very same trajectories the project took after our initial idea of exploring what types of exchange might happen when using eBay as a site of artist production and engagement with art, can only be fully grasped by us too by exploring the #exstrange Auction Archive, which was generated by using the original eBay categories. Along with this, the platform we appropriated for #exstrange-eBay-'controlled' us, providing us a fixed interface through which to 'perform' our curatorial tasks. #exstrange did generate some unexpected exchanges, and this is what we accomplished in my opinion. We had quite a few unforeseen reactions: the disappointment of the person who bid on Lloyd Corporation's Bankrupt. Bulk Buy. Liquidation. Repossession; the discussion about passions and love Angela Glanzmann, Images from A Doll Most Haunted, #exstrange auction. Sophia Brueckner, Images from Captured by an Algorithm, Romance Novel Commemorative Plate, 1st Ed. #exstrange auction. triggered by Natalie Boterman's ...making it... [PAGE 122]; the widespread commission of 'protest' slogans sparked by the work Instant Protest by IOCOSE [PAGE 30]. We also had some unexpected actions. There was the snippet into the daily work life of a still-recovering- from-an-illness artist/curator, with Robert Sakrowski's work video - webwork as web.pilgrimage for #exstrange [PAGE 174]; and Eno Laget's Porch Jesus, which seemed like a critical, slightly ironic statement about the state of spirituality post-Trump until purchased by a family whose deep Christian faith is helping in their struggle with the young father's diagnosis with ALS [PAGE 84]. [...] Few are also the instances in which we and the participants dealt with the 'partiality' of the eBay algorithm, from Joana Moll's Google trackers in North Korea Official webpage to Bhadoriya, Shah, and Vaya's An Apology for Sale, whose works were banned from being auctioned on the platform. Too many stories to be recounted in this interview... MLR: What type of audience reaction did you hope for? What type of engagement did you encounter instead? MG: I described this a bit before but would add that we were hoping for a reaction in the broadest sense possible, and the artworks generated different types of engagement. They depended on the expectations of the viewers, who were not only those normally engaged in viewing contemporary art but also those who were browsing eBay looking for something to buy. In the instance of Sophia Brueckner's Captured by an Algorithm, Romance Novel Commemorative Plate, 1st Ed. [PAGE 64], an artist who later on participated in #exstrange by joining the open call, Gagan Singh, engaged Brueckner in a conversation about the role of the artist in making a work in which it is the algorithm that performs. Brueckner took a conceptual and financial risk by selling the plate at the price for which collectible plates are usually sold on eBay, and received many bids by commemorative plate collectors. Eventually, they were all outbid by another artist who, knowing that the real cost of making the plate was much higher than the auction's selling price, offered Brueckner one of her drawings to compensate the 'economic loss' the artist endured with the auction. Not all the works received the 'active' attention we were hoping for-meaning the questions and answers. But this was foreseeable... MLR: In a more pragmatic sense: how many works did get sold; and who receive the money once something is sold? Who sets the prices? Is this entirely left for the artists to choose? MG: The idea of the artwork-as-auction meant that any element of the eBay auction-from the category to the title to the descriptive text-constituted the work. Therefore, the price was intrinsic to the work and each artist chose how to 'value' their work independently-as with Brueckner's example. Some artists played with this element by aligning themselves to the eBay prices. For example, Kim Beck priced her panorama of images, made of photographs "found" in eBay listings, for the cumulative Buy It Now cost of all twelve photographs [PAGE 236]. However, you could also experience her work for free by jumping from link to link to view the horizon line virtually. Many artists created their own economies of value that put a price on nostalgia and emotional investment. For example, Stephanie LaFreniere's broken Gameboy would be worth little to nothing on the used toy market, but accrues value (at least to her) when placed in a collection documenting her childhood [PAGE 248]. Other artists worked with or against the logic of the art market, for example by highlighting the complexities of 'getting paid' or being valued for the actual time spent Starting Price of Original Photographs s as found on eBay $6.98 $6.98 $3.89 $4.00 $19.50 Kim Beck, Images from New Horizon Found Vintage Rainbows Mountains Landscape Photo eBay!, #exstrange auction, with starting prices of found photos added to show how Beck determined value. 'making art' The work of Carlo Zanni, Life /s A Delicate Negotiation 2017, referred to this directly in the form of a stamped and signed letter [PAGE 220]. It went unsold. The artists received the total amount of their sales- minus the fees that eBay and Paypal or the likes ask for each transaction-which, for us, was the most logical thing to do, also considering we did not have funding for paying artists' fees. At the moment of writing-some auctions are still ongoing-60% of the artworks were sold. MLR: To what extent does this mechanism challenge the conventional establishment of the art market, where the major galleries and auction houses regulate the economic value of art? MG: On the one side it bypasses it, cutting out 'middlemen' On the other side, and I think most importantly, it questions the necessity to rely on the art system for 'legitimising' one's own work or artistic practice. The other aspect that I find interesting is that, amongst the realm of commodities online, at times it was difficult to tell apart not only artistic from design- oriented ideas and objects, but also what art might be and might not. We came across a few listings that could have as well been #exstrange auctions. MLR: Could you tell me something about the funding structure behind the project? How did you make it possible financially? MG: The project was made possible first and foremost by enthusiasm and hard work and the fact that Rebekah and I have full time jobs, which might 'contradict' our point of wanting to disrupt the conventions of the art system. Not having enough funding is quite conventional after-all. We did receive funding from the University of Michigan's Center for South Asian Studies and the Stamps School of Art & Design, which allowed us to produce the #exstrange website, and to design the book. The project could not have happened without the time, creativity, enthusiasm and willingness of all the participants-artists, designers, guest curators, and also the web/book designers. For a project of this nature, which also indirectly involves a commercial platform, and the fact that Rebekah and I live almost at the opposite side of the world (US and India), it was quite difficult to find a funding body or organisation willing to support the project financially. MLR: Will the project take any physical manifestations in the near future? MG: We don't know yet. #exstrange was selected to be part of Project Anywhere 2017, leading to a conference in 2018. At the moment, we're discovering how the project continues to impact participating artists. MLR: To conclude, I would like to appropriate one of the questions the project itself intended to raise: in the light of your experience with #exstrange, "What are the relationships that can take place in the realm of digital commerce beyond the seller-to-buyer transaction, the fundraiser-to-backer association, or the peer-to-peer swap?" MG: Ha! The question comes back to the curators! Fortuitous encounters that become conversational moments. Collaborative actions that might touch upon the personal and/or the political. Communicative exchanges about the quotidian. All situations, we feel, that take art off the pedestal and move it back into the everyday. RM: At IKEA in Belgium and the Netherlands (2015), thousands of shoppers challenged the distance/ proximity of the showrooms, not through direct critique, but by fully embracing the simulation by playing hide- and-seek throughout the store. The events were neither artist-organized nor coordinated through IKEA and were, eventually, banned out of concern over "safety" and aggravation to shoppers, thus revealing the limitations of the illusion of "home." Marialaura and I saw #exstrange as operating from the same spirit of the hide-and-seek games: play as an alternative form of critique, using the vast spaces of the showroom or eBay as opportunity for collective engagement. Over the three months of #exstrange, I came to see that our structure offered this game, but the "play" depended upon each individual's capacity to imagine beyond circumscribed structures, and to rewrite the rules of engagement by inventing new ways of participating. For example, there are those who enter eBay and passively browse or view. But, to give a counter-example, one person following the show posted questions on at least a dozen of the artists' auctions, entered into conversation (via ebay) with some of the artists that extended well beyond the auction ending, and proposed a collaboration to one #exstrange collective that's developing into an international artistic project. This person really understood the opportunities of #exstrange-even beyond posting an artwork/auction (which they didn't do)-in the creative potential of being an imaginative, engaged interloper / participant. The real discovery here is that there are many ways to participate, and individuals eager to have an #exstrange make these up as we go along. Lr ®ooanooo inumuUUUUEUn FLEE IMMEDIATELY! ONLINE, HAND CHOREOGRAPHY FOR HIRE -MAKING IT. CURATORIAL CONSULTANCY WITH CASSINI ON #EXSTRANGE Artist: Natalie Boterman Category: Specialty Services Price: $1.00 Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Curator Peter Dykhuis Artist: Cassini Algorithm Category- Specialty Services Price: $15.00 Location: London, UK Curator Gaia Tedone / .i' i/ xrni/ #/yw fW11 ... Artist: Renee Carmichael Category Specialty Services Price: $23.00 Location: Berlin, Germany Curator: Joiner - Artist YOUR OWN NAMED EXHIBIT WITHIN THE MUSEUM OF CAPITALISM Artist: FICTILIS Category. Specialty Services Price: $0.00 Location: Oakland, California, USA Curator: Joiner - Artist INSTANT PROTEST Artist: IOCOSE Category Specialty Services Price: $10 = 1 photo Location: Lincoln, UK Curator Ghidini & Modrak INTERCOURSE WITH THE ARTIST Artist: Georgia Banks Category Specialty Services Price: AU$150.00 Location: Melbourne, Australia Curator Joiner - Artist #exstrange, Specialty Services category in Auction Archive at http://exstrange.com. LEAD CURATORS BIOS: Marialaura Ghidini is a contemporary art curator and researcher. She was founder director of the web-based curatorial platform or-bits.com (2009-2015), and organised projects ranging from online and gallery exhibitions to site- specific interventions in public spaces, radio broadcasts and AiR programmes. With a background in the humanities and a practice-based Ph.D in Curating After New Media (CRUMB at the University of Sunderland, UK), her expertise lies in curatorial studies and contemporary art reflecting on the role of the technological. She is interested in exploring different forms of artistic and curatorial production and formats of display by working with contexts of engagement beyond the gallery and the museum. Marialaura is faculty and course leader for the Bachelor in Creative Arts in Experimental Media Arts at the Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology in Bangalore, India. Rebekah Modrak is an artist and writer. She created the Internet-based artworks Re Made Co., which recreates online commerce to parody the rhetoric of designer tools, and Rethink Shinola, a work exposing a complex agenda of marketing blackness, labor, and authenticity with Detroit as the central subject. She wrote the essay Bougie Crap (infinite mile, 2015) to analyze the links between design, education, and corporate culture. Her chapter for The Routledge Companion to Criticality in Art, Architecture, and Design describes how culture jamming and mirroring can undermine branding's hollow rhetoric. Her book, Reframing Photography (Routledge, 2010), situates photographic practice within a broader context of contemporary art, art theory and other disciplines. She is Associate Professor at the Stamps School at the University of Michigan. IOCOSE KELTON LLOYD CORP PAGE 30 PAGE 34 PAGE 40 HANDE FIELDFARING JUAREZ PAGE 50 PAGE 54 PAGE 56 RAJIV BEAT OFFICER HAZRA PAGE 66 PAGE 68 PAGE 72 CURATORIAL STATEMENT: With our curatorial selection, we chose individuals who would use the format of the auction as a medium of expression. We worked with artists and designers whose practices are predominantly process- and research-oriented and whose artworks are often 'difficult' to collect or pin down to a tangible outcome or a category. As a result, some artists offered services rather than objects; some engaged in traditional art practices and others made direct points about the economic infrastructure that dominates the art world. Many works questioned the very definitions of what constitutes an artwork and a collectible, and others brought to light the fragility of our trust in the digital industry and its products. The artists and the guest curators we invited came from different countries all around the world, from the US, Canada and Mexico in the Americas, from Europe (Austria, Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and the UK), from Zimbabwe in Africa, from Bahrain and UEA in the Middle East, from Singapore to India in South Asia, from China to Hong Kong in Asia, and, lastly, from Australia. We tried to introduce artists or guest curators from most of the countries where eBay offers its service. FREYER PREMNATH KENYON KAIRUS PAGE 42 PAGE 44 PAGE 46 PAGE 48 LORUSSO BARVE MEANEY/LEE BRUECKNER PAGE 58 PAGE 60 PAGE 62 PAGE 64 DENMEAD HWATI OUT-OF-SYNC IGLORIA PAGE 76 PAGE 78 PAGE 80 PAGE 82 GU E ST CURATORIAL STATEMENT: CURATORS Other Things Behind the facade of skyscrapers and fast cars, the Arabian Gulf is home to a polycentric and complex group of societies. The inhabitants of the Gulf covet their cultural identity so much that they tend to stifle the publicizing of any imperfection. The gaze is stubbornly directed towards wealth, tradition and conservatism, principles that Gulf Arabs adorn as figurative badges of honour. For this eBay intervention, three artists have been chosen to challenge this farcical and often myopic view of the Gulf States, by encapsulating moments that aren't often shared. Nasser Alzayani contributes a collection of found objects that recite the story of the Jais mountain in the United Arab Emirates. Jenine Sharabi satires Bahrain's idle beaches in the form of illustrative postcards, whilst Aysha Al Moayyed critiques the credibility of journalism in Bahrain by deconstructing the coverage of a controversial news story that shook the Kingdom last year. Altogether, this collection of Other Things brings forth an alternative view of life in the Arab world. Latifa Al Khalifa found her passion for Arab contemporary art as she was studying for her MA in Cultural and Creative Industries at King's College, London. In 2013, in partnership with the renowned Edge of Arabia and the Ministry of Culture in Bahrain, she curated In the Open, the first Bahraini group exhibition to the Mayor of London Shubbak Festival. In 2016, she launched her company Too Far Co., an art platform that focuses on promoting artists from the MENA region to the global art market, as well as offering skill-based art education programmes based in Bahrain. AYSHA AL MOAYYED PAGE 130 JENINE SHARABI PAGE 134 NASSER ALZAYANI PAGE 136 CURATORIAL STAT EMENT: C V 4 = 4 . k. .. gogec r - Bani Brusadin is a researcher interested in the intersections between contemporary art, network technologies, popular cultures, and politics. Together with Eva & Franco Mattes, he founded and curates The Influencers, a festival about unconventional art, guerrilla communication and radical entertainment. He teaches about digital cultures at the University of Barcelona and BAU Design College. HUAQIAN ZHANG PAGE 138 JOANA MOLL PAGE 140 JODI PAGE 142 GUEST CURATORS CURATORIAL STATEMENT: I picked artists who I find interesting and who are from three different countries that are not the USA. Anupam is from India, Xi Jie is from Singapore, and Anke is from Germany. I'm not exactly sure how eBay works in those countries, but I assume it is similar everywhere. I'm curious to see how they respond to the project opportunity. Harrell Fletcher received his BFA from the San Francisco Art Institute and his MFA from the California College of the Arts. He studied organic farming at UCSC and went on to work on a variety of small Community Supported Agriculture farms, which impacted his work as an artist. Fletcher has produced a wide variety of socially engaged collaborative and interdisciplinary projects since the early 1990's. His work has been shown at SF MoMA, the de Young Museum, the Berkeley Art Museum, the Wattis Institute, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in the San Francisco Bay Area, The Drawing Center, Socrates Sculpture Park, The Tate Modern, and the Royal College of Art in London. He was a participant in the 2004 Whitney Biennial, the 2007 Mercosul Biennial, the 2012 Shanghai Biennial, and the 2014 CAFAM Biennial. From 2002 to 2009, Fletcher co-produced Learning To Love You More, a participatory website with Miranda July. Since 2009, he has collaborated with Jens Hoffmann on The People's Biennial, an ongoing exhibition project devoted to locating and presenting under-acknowledged art and artists from across the US. Fletcher is a Professor at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon, where he is the director of the MFA in Art and Social Practice, a program he founded in 2007. ANUPAM SINGH PAGE 144 ANKE SCHUTTLER PAGE 146 XI JIE NG PAGE 150 CURATORIAL STATEMENT: Trans/Substantiations: Definitions Religious: In many Christian belief systems, transubstantiation represents the miraculous change by which, according to doctrine, the eucharistic elements at their consecration are transformed into the body and blood of Jesus, although their appearances remain the same as bread and wine. Cultural: Transubstantiation is the metaphoric conversion of one substance into another. In the curatorial context of this exhibition, it explores how artists can work with various media to create structures that symbolically represent new 'things'-but, from a material point-of-view, are constructed out of ephemeral and/or humble substances. Artists: Natalie Boterman transforms relationships into funded projects. Eryn Foster gathers and grows captured local yeast cultures to transform them into small sculptural objects that can, alternatively, also be used in the making of bread. Angela Glanzmann brushes fingerprinting dust onto selected objects that, when exposed to black light, glowingly transforms them into new narrative 'things' As part of #exstrange, these three artists will consider how their engagements and enterprises are transubstantiated into potential cultural wealth when posted on eBay-and into economic capital at the magic moment when the deal is completed. Peter Dykhuis was born in London, Ontario, attended Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and worked in Toronto until 1991 before relocating to Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he continues to live and practice. Dykhuis has exhibited in numerous artist-run centres and public galleries throughout Canada. Internationally, he has participated in group shows across the United States as well as in London and Vienna and has mounted solo exhibitions in Tokyo, Sydney and New York City. Parallel to this, Dykhuis developed a career as a gallery administrator, curator and critical writer. After moving to Halifax, Dykhuis worked at the Anna Leonowens Gallery at NSCAD University, becoming its Director in 1996. In August 2007, Dykhuis was appointed the Director/Curator of Dalhousie Art Gallery at Dalhousie University in Halifax where he is responsible for its operations and programming. ERYN FOSTER PAGE 120 NATALIE BOTERMAN PAGE 122 ANGELA GLANZMANN PAGE 126 GUEST CURATORS CURATORIAL STATEMENT: Our original intent was to "... participate in the creation of exhibitions for the project, to examine how people interact with ours and others, and (hopefully) to discuss experiences with both creators and bidders afterwards." We achieved that goal, but our actual one was more detailed: to quantify which aspects of various artistic projects seemed to attract bids, and to do this by "fusing" data from two very different sources: from the actual auctions created by artists with the full range of creative expression; and from a carefully-designed experiment that altered aspects of auctions in a way that one element could change without the others. Design A key idea in experimental design is orthogonalization: changing one thing without changing anything else. This allows "isolation" of the effects of changes. For example, if we simply charge more for something, but don't change it; or we improve one aspect of a product but leave all the others alone. Our goal was to understand three general areas of presentation: conceptual vs. object orientation; visuals (single image vs. multiple images); and pricing (low vs. high). We were especially interested in how "conceptual" listings (e.g., a slogan; a thought; a happening) would fare against "object oriented" ones (e.g., a cell phone case; a pen), even if these aren't hard and fast distinctions for artistic creations. And we wanted to know whether showing multiple visual representations would enhance interest, or somehow quash the mystique. This yielded 8 combinations of auctions that we wished to test: Product Pricing Object vs. Concept Images Product 1 High Object Single Product 2 Low Object Single Product 3 High Concept Single Product 4 Low Concept Single Product 5 High Object Multiple Product 6 Low Object Multiple Product 7 High Concept Multiple Product 8 Low Concept Multiple Greenland Canada ed States Mex Colo enezuela Finland Iceland Sweden Norway land Ukraine Vin I Russia Kazakhstan Turkey raq Afghanist Algeria Libya Egypt Paki Saudi Arabia b a Mali Niger Sudan Chad Nigeria Ethiopia -- - R Congo -Kenya--------------- nzania Angola Namibia Btaaa Madagascat Mongolia Japan China South Korea Thailand -- --- -- -- -- --- Indonesia Papua New A r inea Asotaa Brazil u Bolivia Chile New Zealand South Africa Argentina Bidders and Winners #exstrange received bids from all over the world. The distribution of winners is as above. Every continent, save South America and Antarctica, was represented. Across all #exstrange auctions, the average number of bids was approximately 3.4 (median = 1), with a median winning price of $39.90 (in US Dollars). For our experimental auctions, both median and average bids was approximately 1, with an average price of approximately $6. We hope to "fuse" the experimental data to the remainder of the rich #exstrange bidding history and the record of visual elements to help discover how artists present their work in this new and wonderful eBay "space"-one not intended as an e-gallery-and the effects of how it is received. Fred Feinberg is Handleman Professor of Management and Professor of Statistics at the University of Michigan. His research deploys statistical models on large databases to help figure out what makes people tick. He did his undergraduate (math, philosophy) and graduate (Sloan School) education at MIT, and has been at UMich for the last 18 years. Outside his academic work, his interests include piano music (mainly Bach and Chopin), the writing of Emily Dickinson, and the art of his uncle-by-marriage, Youn Myeong-Ro. Lu Zhang graduated from the University of Michigan with bachelor degrees in business and statistics. Aside from data analysis, she likes to learn all kinds of new things from machine learning to history. She enjoys art and culture during her free time, especially creating art crafts. She has had an internship in Sotheby's where she helped present and prepare gallery exhibitions. CONNX / OBJECT AUCTIONS PAGE 206 MARY AYLING / CONCEPT AUCTIONS PAGE 210 GUEST CURATORS CURATORIAL STAT EMENT: WE DO NOT PAY TAXES A space is not an object / A space exhibits objects / A space becomes an object / An object causes desire / An object has a price on the market /-/An independent space is run by artists, like Luis Romero and Marek Wolfryd /An independent space exhibits other independent artists, like collectives / An independent space is a platform / A platform is an object / An object causes desire / An object has a price on the market /-/An object-space may contain other objects / An object-space may contain other spaces / An object-space can be transported / An object-space can be a cart, like LEXX and 10,000 / An object-space can be a transportable object, like DA BURN / A space- object is like an object / An object causes desire / A space-object can be sold /-/A space becomes independent of the market / An independent space works in a network / A network is a sum of forces / A network builds its space, like YEI / A network is a space / A space is not an object. Tamara Ibarra is a visual artist who experiments with artistic roles (curatorial, research and management), building platforms that bring visibility to antysistemic projects created by independent artists of her generation. Between 2009-2011, she founded and directed the independent space OVO for art students. In 2014, she co-founded Boomerang Red, a forum for spaces and collectives from across Mexico, and created the digital platform YEI, which brings together 521 self-managed artists from independent projects throughout Latin America. She has exhibited in museums, galleries and independent spaces in Mexico, USA, Canada, Germany and the Philippines. She was recipient of fellows by FONCA, Independent Curators International (ICI), Patronato de Arte Contempordneo (PAC) and INBA. She was awarded a grant for the publication of her research project titled Ride the wave. Movement of the independent spaces in Mexico. 2009-2016. 10.000 PAGE 194 _ 1 LEXX PAGE 196 DA BURN GALLERY PAGE 198 CURATORIAL STATEMENT: / Derivatives / We have come full circle. The object has become an image, which has become an object. The simulation now predates the original, adding value to, but also creating, the authentic. Algorithms stretch this logic further by reproducing variations of the object in order to supply its users with seemingly different and yet similar representations. Big data's opaque predictions magically collapse time, creating fluid contexts where the provisional form of the object as vessel comes together. From currency as a means to store value or facilitate exchange, the artwork has become a derivative hoping to handle the instability inherent to its flowing form, matter and content, a financial agent based on the currency of its documentation. The online auction is a privileged environment to track these tensions, a site where the copy immediately becomes real, material a process, and value dependent on speculation about the future. Joso Laia's practice explores the embedded relations between philosophical thinking, social structures, technology and representation. Recent exhibitions include H Y P ER C O N N E C TED (2016) at MMOMA-Moscow Museum of Modern Art, a strategic project of the V Moscow International Biennial of Young Art and Hybridize or Disappear (2015) at the National Museum of Contemporary Art-MNAC in Lisbon. Other projects were held at Videoex, Zurich, Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Xcentric / CCCB, Barcelona, and Cell Project Space, DRAF - David Roberts Art Foundation, Delfina Foundation, South London Gallery and Whitechapel Gallery, all in London. He has published in frieze, Mousse, Spike Art Quarterly, Flash Art, Terremoto, and POblico. JOEY HOLDER PAGE 88 NICOLAS LAMAS PAGE 90 SARAH SCHONFELD PAGE 92 GUEST CURATORS CURATORIAL STATEMENT: TIPS FOR ARTISTS WHO WANT TO SELL N GENERALLY SPEAKING PAINT- INGS WITH LIGHT COLORS SELL MORE QUICKLY THAN PAINTINGS WITH DARK COLORS. * SUBJECTS THAT SELL WELL: MADONNA AND CHILD, LANDSCAPES. FLOWER PAINTINGS, STILL LIFES CFREE OF MORBID PROPS - DEAD BIRDS, ETC.). NUDES, MARINE PICTURES, ABSTRACTS AND SUR- REALI SM. " SUBJECT MATTER IS IMPOR - TANT IT HAS BEEN SAID THAT PA- INTINGS WITH COWS AND HENS IN THEM COLLECT DUST _WHILE THE SAME PAINTINGS WITH BULLS AND ROOSTERS SELL. John Baldessari, Tips for Artists Who Want To Sell, 1966-68. Domenico Quaranta is a contemporary art critic and curator. His work focuses on the impact of current means of production and dissemination on art. He is the author of Beyond New Media Art (2013) and AFK (2016); the curator of Collect the WWWorld (2011 - 201 2) and Cyphoria (2016); and the Artistic Director of the Link Art Center. He lives in Italy and works everywhere else. ELISA GIARDINA PAPA PAGE 214 eT GUIDO SEGNI PAGE 216 KAMILIA KARD PAGE 218 CARLO ZANNI PAGE 220 CURATORIAL STATEMENT: #wishingyouwell Browse. Click. Preview. Bid. Pay. Rate. These are the terms of engagement and interaction for eBay-a platform where capital, desire and identity converge. The technological infrastructure of eBay facilitates an exchange of commodity between buyer and seller whose relations are subject to terms of service and community guidelines. These commercial transactions encourage individual responses and relations, and emerge from a fabric of social interaction and reciprocal obligation. However, eBay abdicates the care and management of these relations to its users, and does not intervene when trust gives way to risk. When fraud and misrepresentation presents itself on the platform, eBay only ensures the commercial transaction, and withdraws from all and any non- monetary set of social relations. It refutes its role in the labour of human contact and interaction, and instead of providing users with tools for action, appeals only to the transgressors' morality, affect and emotions. It is at this juncture that #wishingyouwell intervenes: to be present and available for the creation and maintenance of intricate connections that connect us and the worlds we inhabit. Here, we seek to uncover new relationships that go beyond the platform's capacities of exchange. Instead, we play with critical social and ethical concepts and make explicit our intended acts of care. Here we reimagine and reassess this infrastructure to collect new guidelines and terms of service for communities built on care. Nora 0' Murch is a curator & designer whose research examines the intersections between the fields of art, design, software studies, and politics. In particular, she is concerned with exploring the influence of late capitalism on social, civic, and financial infrastructures. Her multidisciplinary practice embraces narratives and fictions, and results in objects, exhibitions, and interventions. Her research aims to help people understand how complex socio-technical systems are imagined, built and used. She has held positions as research associate for the Interaction Design Centre at the University of Limerick, the Interaction Research Studio at Goldsmiths, and CRUMB at the University of Sunderland. During this period, she has curated Run Computer, Run-a festival of new media art that explored emerging, and established contemporary, cultural, and critical issues that arise from artists' intersections and investigations with digital technology. She has curated exhibitions and events for institutions including the Science Gallery, Rua Red, Resonate Festival in Belgrade, and White Box Gallery in New York. She is currently a lecturer at the University of Limerick in Ireland. MAEVE O'NEILL ISABELLA STREFFEN PAGE 38 PAGE 114 BREDA LYNCH LAURA YUILE PAGE 116 PAGE 118 GUEST CURATORS CURATORIAL STAT EMENT: #veryhardtofind eBay is a self-contained universe, with its own distinctive community, soundtrack, operational protocols and even a language. Not surprisingly, its search algorithm is named after a 17th Century Astronomer, Giovanni Domenico Cassini. Countless images make up this universe. Preferably shot against a white background, saved in jpeg format and with a minimum length of 500 pixels, a good image is a key asset in a universe governed by the ratio of visibility. Regardless of the items they depict and the services they promote, images function as the interfaces between the user and the search engine, buyers and sellers, the virtual world and the physical one. Their lifespan is proportionate to the engagement they engender. Within this visually rich universe populated by data and meta-data, how planet art and planet curating are orbiting is the conundrum emerging from this #exstrange invitation. Are artistic endeavors to be seen as fraudulent schemes in the galaxy of eBay happy transactions? Can conceptual supremacy win over the power of Cassini's search algorithm and temporarily suspend the equation between images and commodities? Are users ready to take up the economic risk of a full cycle of artistic production or is art on eBay bound to remain VHTF? Gaia Tedone is a PhD Candidate at the Centre for the Study of the Networked Image, London South Bank University, and an independent curator with an expansive interest in photography and in the technologies and apparatuses of image formation. Amongst her recent projects: Dispositifs d'occasion, Comedie de la Passerelle project, Paris (2016); Twixt Two Worlds, Whitechapel Gallery, London & Towner Art Gallery, Eastbourne (2014-15); and Shifting Gazes, Guest Projects, London (2013). NIKO PRINCEN PAGE 152 IMG 4320&JPG = EVA & FRANCO MATTES PAGE 158 GARRETT LYNCH PAGE 160 CURATORIAL STATEMENT: Distance = o Displacement = 0 Online shopping is so commonplace nowadays since the aid of the internet; we seem to be able to leap across country borders fairly easily. The promise that we could order anything from anywhere regardless of the physical distances between the manufactures, the sellers, and the buyers is, however, nothing but an illusion, at least up till now, in legal ways. The current configuration of the mainstream online commerce can be very unapologetically upsetting to customers under certain circumstances. For instance: "eBay Hong Kong only displays in Chinese, but I don't speak Chinese! Help!" "'The payment card you entered is not valid in the US app store' Even though I could pay with this card anywhere in the world that accepts credit card?" In this curatorial intervention, I invited three female artists who are all currently living in a different city than their birthplace. They have experienced cultural distances between their present environments and what they were used to. Yet, they quickly dove into new water and, here, present works that are inspired by their surroundings. If you ask me, they've integrated more successfully than most "global" online commerce operators. TSAO Yidi is a Hong Kong-based curator and writer, and occasionally a performance artist. She is passionate about the intersection of the arts, technology, society and the future. Yidi studied Comparative Literature at Hong Kong Baptist University and received a Master of Arts in Creative Media (Curating Art and Media) from School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. Her recent projects includes ISEA2016 Artist Residency Programme and its final exhibition Re:FUSE, as well as a 3-day festival Wikitopia2016: SURVEILLANCE AND PRIVACY IN THE POST-SNOWDEN ERA. Her articles on contemporary art can be found on Ran Dian, The Art Newspaper China, Leap, CoboSocial, etc. WANG YUE PAGE 172 WU JIARU PAGE 176 AIL ADI PAGE 178 INVITATION TO #EXSTRANGE ave you ever thought that your art patron could be a stranger, a passerby in the realm of agglomerated commodities online? While browsing through the variety of categories offered by one of the pioneering online marketplaces in search for something to buy, this stranger might stumble across your artwork and pause her search. Who will this stranger be? What form of exchange could take place besides the seller-to-buyer transaction, the fundraiser-to-backer association, or the peer-to- peer swap? Over the course of a 7-day auction-as-artwork, the relationship with that stranger could take unexpected forms. She might become a more intimate figure to you, regardless of geographical location, class, education and belief system, or she might remain an anonymous onlooker. The web-based platform on which you will present your artwork is plainly commercial, promoting quantifiable exchanges with clear transactional language. Yet this system, made of categories, rating and feedback, could be based on a different rhetoric, one that is countercurrent and goes beyond the celebration of the commodified digital artefact, or the mere promotion of creative practices hidden behind the mantra of sustainability. What would you offer to that passerby? How would you talk to her? The category you will choose for your auction will become your exhibition context, perhaps helping you with the dilemma of labelling your practice using the commonly accepted definitions of medium-specific, post-media or inter- media art for your public. The passerby, unaware of your art, will be navigating through the categories of the marketplace-from Tickets & Experiences and Pet Supplies to Wearable Devices or Wholesale & Jobs, seeking that something that they want to possess. How would you define a relationship that takes place in this system of classification-as built on trust, fiction, or provocation? The #exstrange website will function as an aggregator of all artists' works, conceived to be encountered, auction-style, by the passersby of this online marketplace. It will be a database that will keep your artwork in the archives of the online public realm, preserving your exchanges with the strangers who browse for transactional commodities online. We wish you best of luck with your auction-as-artwork, The #exstrange team eb Shop by All Categories Advanced Collectibles & art Home F Collectibles Coins & paper money * . Antiques Sports memorabilia Electronics Computers & tablets Cameras & photo " TV, audio & surveillance Cell phones & accessories Start Shopping Entertainment memorabilia Video games & consoles Music DVDs & movies Tickets & experiences Your RE Viewed Explore trending collections) See All -+ Fashion Women Men Watches Shoes Sporting goods Outdoor sports Team sports Exercise & fitness Golf Toys More - Home & garden Yard, garden & outdoor Crafts Home improvement Pet supplies Motors Parts & accessories Cars & trucks Motorcycles Passenger vehicles Toys & hobbies Vintage & antique toys Kids toys Action figures Dolls & bears Other categories Books Health & beauty Musical instruments & gear Business & industrial See all categories > $10.18 $1 °P u $.65 $212.73 $17.95 INSTANT PROTEST Q & A: QUESTON can images be included or just text? ANSWER Images are tricky to include. Protesters typically handwrite the slogans. We can ask them to draw a logo, if it is easy to draw by hand. If workers are required to print the image then we cannot guarantee that they will do a good job, although we can give it a try. QUESTI/ON I have a couple of questions - how many words can the slogans be? Is it just one slogan, or can different signs have different slogans related to the same topic? and lastly is this just for words or can there be images as well? ANSWER We can only apply one slogan per picture. Images can be requested, but .... In general, the service works well for short texts, anything else can be tried but it is not guaranteed that it will work. If you are really interested in longer texts or an image, then we can give it a try and you will tell us if you believe the job has been satisfactory. ARTIST STATEMENT Instant Protest is an eBay listing where 1000SE sells street demonstrations. The slogans on the signs shown by the crowd are decided by the buyer. The buyer receives photos generated through crowdsourcing platforms, involving workers from all over the world. The listing is advertised as 'ideal for news article, social campaigns, lobbying and political movements' Instant Protest is a web service for a post-truth society, after the failure of online participation and collective intelligence. 1000SE are a collective of four artists and have been working as a group since 2006. IOCOSE's art investigates the after- failure moment of the teleological narratives of technological and cultural development, in regards to both their enthusiastic and pessimistic visions. They have been exhibiting internationally at several art institutions and festivals, including Venice Biennale (2011, 2013), Tate Modern (London, 2011), Science Gallery (Dublin, 2012) Jeu de Paume (Paris, 2011), FACT (Liverpool, 2012), Transmediale (Berlin, 2013, 2015), and featured in publications such as Wired magazine, The Creators Project, Flash Art, Neural, Liberation, Der Spiegel, and ElPais. ARTIST IOCOSE Shop by category Instant Protest #exstrange A 2 vwd prhour All Categories .J Search Ado LOCATIONV Lincoln, UK LOCA TION~ OF BIDDER Orono, Maine (USA); Melbourne (Australia); San Francisco, California (USA); Detroit, Michigan (USA); Saarbrucken (Germany); Augsburg, Germany; Oosterbeek (The Netherlands); Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA) FULL CATEGORY Specialty Services > Web & Computer Services > Other Web & Computer Services STARTINVG PRICE $1 0 SALE PRICE $10 CURATOR Ghidini & Modrak Qantity: 1 10tavailable / sold Prie: US $10.00 Rest Offe 5 watching oAdd towthls lK© 0 1 Add to watch list Seller information See other items Flee shipping Best offer available Sipping- FREE Expedited Shipping trom outside US I -. Delivery: Estimated between Thi iem haaextdeduhdlingutmad adelary Paymoelt: Poly s ISA ___. r Hae one to sell? Sell now Pey CRIl Getlore tole to pay. _ . Reolrnsee No returnsor exchanges, cloetaot aeller with questions. Covragedd: Read item deascription or contact seller tor details. sex (Nol eligible tor e~ay purchase proecetion programs) Description Shipping and payments Seller assumes all respoesiility tar this listieg. Ladt upated 01n Jan 24, 2017 02:54:12 PST View allreion INSTANT PROTEST! International personalized protest for sale! Get photos of people from all over the world demonstrating in the streets with yosr favourite slogan. Ideal for -News article -Social campaign -Lobbying -Political movement Buyers choose text to be displayed on protest signs. The global protest will be instantly crowdsourced and buyer will receive the photo in a few days. Please note: -Protesters will keep their face covered (see sample images) -Photos will be taken in public spaces unless requested by buyer -Photos will be taken by groups larger than 5 (please request if you prefer photos of individuals) $101 - 1 phroto Bury mre fo-lr a pe.ru2Sve Calllll4l)! Photos will be delivered by email. The photos on sale will be produced once the request has been received. We legally own the product on sale and are authorized to sell. Report item Questions and answers about this item No questios oraswers have beenposted about tis itew. Ask a questias Soc what other people are watching Iderntti, SE0 Servrice Article Directories 2000+ Wiki and Social Bookmarks Contextual S.. $10.99 Prernium SE0 Setvie mauxally c reated! google friendly technique!l s< y ING INCILUDEDr 35 PR9 Top Quality Backlinks from PR 9 Hig... $10.99 Premiumj~ SE0 Service 45a-Tier 1 acdl1500+Tier 2 SE 45'EQU DoFollow High Quality Backlinks P... $10.99 Fr ery yhpprr PA41, Do-Follow Backlink 1 Backlink from PA 41 & DA 30 Actual Website Hi.. $3.00 [CHEAP] Rank yosr video FIRST page of YouTube... $7.50 I-ree scipprrrr 1TB Dropbox New Dropbox Pro Account 118 spoon storage for 1 ... $35.95 a IOCOSE, Instant Protest #exstrange auction. IOCOSE, Instant Protest #exstrange auction. IOCOSE, Instant Protest (climate change is a hoax), winning bidder protest, 2017, #exstrange. PAGE 33: IOCOSE, Instant Protest winning bidder protests, 2017, #exstrange. Clockwise, from top-left: Full Automation Now!; Stop Lorem Ipsum; Morgen Wird Schiner!; No Euro; Be Both a Guest and a Host; Be Both a Guest and a Host; No Putin; Climate Change is a Hoax. _., U L 4< . f w Sv HUMAN INTERNAL MEMORY STORAGE ARTIST STATEMENT I am selling a single image's worth of space in my brain, where my mind will function as a hard drive / memory card. The winner of the auction can provide me with a single image that I will store for them-just like with a digital memory card, the purchaser will be able to access the image, rewrite it with a new one, delete it, or transfer it, and will have access to this space in my brain for as long as I am alive. When the purchaser wishes to store an image in their "mind-memory drive;" they present me with an image (either in person or over a digital chat program), which I spend approximately one hour "writing" to my brain. When the purchaser wishes to access the image, I will draw the image for them and this drawing will then be handed / posted to them, depending on their location. In the uncertain times we live in, a single human's memory could be a more stable (yet blurry, indefinite) form of data than digital storage, which can be erased, hacked and whose shelf life is precarious (or a human memory can at least serve as a genuinely alternative form of back-up). Unlike with a typical hard drive, the image will be unique each time it is retrieved; it will fade over time, behaving more like older, analog forms of storage, like a photograph, or even an oral history, where the storage device/medium alters what is being stored, and gets woven together with the memory. Tara Kelton is an artist living in Bangalore, India. She received her MFA from the Yale School of Art in 2009. Her works use a variety of media to explore the physical human gesture as it is mediated and altered by commonly available / emerging technologies. Tara has had solo exhibitions of her work at Banner Repeater + or-bits.com (UK) and at GallerySKE (India). Her work has also been shown at the ZKM (Germany), in the Kochi Muziris Biennale (India), Clark House Initiative (India), Vox Populi (USA), the Queens Museum of Art (USA), Franklin Street Works (USA) and the Centre for Internet and Society (India). Tara has taught at the Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology and she is the founder-director of T-A-J, a residency program in Bangalore. eb Snap by category Al Cateres __: Search T.an Human Internal Memory Storage #exstrange ARTIST Tara Kelton LOCATIONi Bangalore, India LOCATION~ OF BIDDER Amherst, Massachusetts, USA FULL CATEGORY Computers! Tablets & Networking > Drives, Storage & Blank Media > Hard Drives (HDD, SSD & NAS) > Internal Hard Disk Drives STARTINGC PRICE $1 0.01 SALE PRICE $112.50 Ite conditin: Used Endd Jan 25, 2017, 9,32PM Winaing bid: US $112.50 [ 17 bads] Shoa 'a FREE Eaaoaory Shipping fram autside US I se Deaiary: Eatimated withi 1 0-22 buainess days Paymems: Pay VIlSA Pal, CREDIT trte arat d ata . Guatatee: eb I Ise Get teatrmyou rdered ortyour mony ak. Covers you purcasa maatce t and orgnlshpit Seller iaformation tarkalta_ a(S) r p Hae one to sell? Sell now Description Shipping and paymaents Repot itarn Saller assumaeallraesponsiblity ft hl isting. Item specifics Ctditian: User: An tem that ran bran usrt prtviansy. Tar item may tat, arana: Uabranaed/tenric somersigans afcasmetictwar, bunt i uly ... Readtmra Storag Capacty: 1 BMW image MPN: Saes Nat Apply Countrygo ofa Manufatre: atdia UPC: Sates rat ayply Human Memory Storage I, Tart Keltoa, am selling a aingle imagees warth of spate in my brain, where my mind will ftntian as a memary tard an hard Aniva. The watner afthbit auttian will bt ablt to pri dmn with a single image that t will elte far them - just like wiry a digital mereory tard, the purctaser will be able to accets the image, reanila it with a new are, delete it, an tweesfer if, tand will have atnene fto thi aspate in my brai afar as tang as I am tatv. Hew it worke: - When the purchaser wishes to stare an image in thei "mind-memary trive", they present me with an image (either in persan ortavr a digital that pragram), allowing ma te spend aminimum at ate hour with it ("writing" ito my brain - the eanger Iam allowed te syend with the image data, the beterthe storagewll be). - When the purthaser wishes to attest the image (there is a i mita baaho many trees thay Ean attcess it par month, an the hard drive will wa tat - nan below), I all draw the image forthem tand thes drawing will than be handed / pasted toethem, depending an their loatitn. In the antegtain times we ivte an, a eangle human's memory tould ba a mare stable (yet blarry, indefinite) farm at data than 0igital starage, which tar he erased, batked and whase shelf lif is precraritee (or a human memorta tan at leant serv as a gentinaly alternative farm at batk-ty). Unlike with a typital hard Aiva, the image awil be unique eata time it is retarevd; itawll fade over time, behating mare ikhe alder, analog farms at starage, like a photograph, or earn an oral history, where the storage traielmedium alters wat is beiag stated, tand gets woven togetherawith the memory. This storage medium presents uniqueacostraints: Data Storage Image mast be in a dab propadtion (ladstape an portrait). The inapt restlution is that at a ball-paint yea an a dab6 yosttard -higher resolutite data/finert taclour datails will nat he tred. Retrirnal Requests for tctess to the data (image) nan ha made a matimum at twite par month. Three days time mast be altowed for renceipt at the imtge data. Rewriting Rewriting is permitSad ante every three manths. There is no limit on the number at times you tan rearite. Priacyp Math hieawth large tarparataonsawho storeaourdata like Amazan, Google and Fatebook, yourprivaty is notguaanteed. The seller ofthe storage reserves the right ta secoretly share your data at a future tree. And aeae i the data is deleted, it may stll existesomewheren atha seller's memory. A Questiens aad answers aboat this item Noquestionsor ansers hatn ter postea otthi aintem. CURATOR Sea what other people are watchiag 1. Ghidini & Modrak no 5-15- -A > Kingston SDNaw V300 Se- resta2.5 2tB SATA III It. $54.99 SEAGATE ST33d0bt7SS 30dd0b 6G 15K 3.5" hAS H. $50.00 Naew t6SGBS400RPM 0Mb Tashiba2.5" tTB 2.b SATA2 Hard Divta tar... M0tt waBt oc HDElb $25.99 $58.75 bUST 500GB 7200RPM HP 600GB t SE 2.5"6OG SAS SSMB Cache SATA bG bls... UtIV Oh81286e-a21 h9947... S48.99 $1310.00 Human Memory Drive Quick-Start Guide 1 Set-up No special installation or formatting is required, your drive is ready to use immediately. When you are ready to store your first image please contact I @ c com to schedule a data transfer. 3 Contents - 1 Internal Memory Drive in Tara Kelton's brain 2 Storage During data transfer, your image must be presented to your device for a minimum of fifteen minutes, either over video chat, or in person - the longer the exposure time, the higher the resolution of the stored data. Writing/rewriting can be executed once every three months. Number of rewrites is limited to the lifespan of the drive. You can retrieve your data a maximum of twice per month (three days time must be permitted for receipt of your image data). When you wish to delete your data, please submit a written request for deletion to @ com. 4 Tara Kelton. After the purchase, the winner bidder received the HMD Quick Start Guide, 2017. Data Formats Storage - Any two-dimensional image in a 4x6 proportion Retrieval* - Black and white 4"x6" Landscape or Portrait orientation *Image resolution is that of a ball-point pen on a 4"x6" postcard - higher resolution data/ finer, colour details will not be stored Warranty Limited lifetime warranty. Does not cover illness, normal wear and tear or accidental damage. 6 Portrait Landscape 5 Privacy Much like with large corporations who store our data like Amazon, Google and Facebook, your privacy is not guaranteed. Tara KeltonTM reserves the right to share your data at a future time, without your knowledge. Even if you delete your data, it may remain somewhere in Tara's memory. 7 ©Tara Kelton 2017 LIMITED EDITION 12" VINYL, 'DONALD TRUMP FROM ARTIST STATEMENT You're going to be so proud of this story, believe me. That '80s guy, great guy, famous for misogyny and saying YOU'RE FIRED!! on TV, stepped onto the stage, like a fever dream made flesh. You know, journalists usually have to turn boring stories into likes and shares. They had, in many cases, not been winning for a while. Total losers. But then everyone was winning and. it. was. amazing. It was so, SO huge. But now - believe me, you stupid, lightweight, zero - it's all fake news, so it is going to turn around. FAKE! You don't want to start a witch-hunt, believe me. I need a safe-space. All those facts are completely, totally alternative. It is tremendous. We're gonna win so much, you may even get tired of winning. And you'll say, "Please, please. It's too much winning. We can't take it anymore. Mr. President, it's too much:" And I'll say, "No, it isn't!" SPACE ' Q & A: QUESTION Hello, I wonder if the item is available in translation or with a transcript in Spanish? thank you ANSWER Hello! The package includes a poster and a silent record. It can be played in a quiet room as a way of relaxing and having some space and critical distance from Donald Trump. No translation required! O'Neill (b. 1984, Ireland) is interested in intersections between work, modernity, globalisation, and historical thinking, and in the latent malleability of social structures. Her work combines a photographic practice with text, video and sculpture. Recent exhibitions include: Redirection, hArtsLane Studios, London (2016); SIXTY London /ArtAthina, Lubomirov / Anghus- Hughes, London (2016); Dissemination, Hive Emerging, Waterford, Ireland (2015); Unfinished Landscapes, Inside Outside Museum, Beijing, China (2014); Dawn, Steambox, Irish Museum of Contemporary Art, Dublin, Ireland (2013). In 2014, she co-curated Uncertain Futures with Dorje deBurgh and Lynn Rothwell for the Gallery of Photography, Ireland. Residencies include: ICA Moscow Exchange, Russia (2016); Joya: arte+ecologia, Spain (2016/2017), and IOAM Beijing, China (2014). O'Neill is currently a student of the MFA programme at Goldsmiths, University of London. eb Shop by category Ail Categories Search f ac oo serc rsutsILite cgoy: ui eod ARTIST Maeve O'Neill LOCATIONi London, UK LOCATION 6 OF BIDDER Haotosell Sel now Limited Edition 12" Vinyl, 'Donald Trump From Space' #exstrange Ended: Jon 22, 2017, 7:50AM Seller information Winn1in id US $13.50 [ 5obdso)vnel 0 Ship' oq $20.00 Eoomy Shipping frooutid 000US I Se oth items001 Delivery: Estimated wihin 35-46business days 0 'aymts: Pay VIS1574 - Pay' CREDIT Returns: 144days0m000y booh, buyer pays return shipping GoOCa~to Oeb .. Get te iem oornddor gt romoney bac. Covers 001000000 your0 pucaeprc n riia hpping. Orono, Maine, USA FULL CATEGORY Music > Records STARTINGC PRICE $1 0.00 SALE PRICE $1 3.50 CURATOR Nora 0' Murchti Description Shipping and paymnts Seller ossumeos all responsibility for this listn. Loot updoted 0n Jan 18, 201713:218 PST Voot al0rvsin Item specifics Condition: Record Label: Release Year: Artist: Country/Region of Manufacture: UPC: New: A rand-ne,unsd, uopeed, udamged iem (including handmade items). Seetheseller's... 0ead oret thistooshllpass January 20th, 2017 MON o JOHN United Kingdomo Does not apply Genre: Pop Stle: 2010s Specil Attributes: Limited Edition 1II~IIIIIII EVEN THE BRAVEST ACTIVISTS NEED TO REST, BE REFRESHED, AND RE-ENERGISED, lrlrlllI SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII By THE SOUND OF DONALD TRUMP FROM SPACE nuIIIIIIIIIIIIIPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII This Package Contains:, 121., Vinyl l/t Edition, 001 of 001 ll0xl2Inchl Screenprint llf Edition 001 of 001 Questions and answers about this item O' Holio, I wonder ifth item00 is available in transltlion or witha transcript int Spanish? Coank ou S: HeloThhe packoge includesaposteroandoaietreor. tt h e plaed inooquiet roomtos a wy oflxingoso andoavig somespaceoand citicaldistncefrom Donald0 Trump. No translatio required! soot queton See whet other people are watching 1 /2 A Jat 18, 2017 Adelen 25[Viny New Pac / 1S0 CBG 23 RPM Record Album Poly Sleev. Mites Davis - Kind 01f0 Blue 1elve Underground- 100gm Vinyl [Vinyl New] Loaded [Vinyl Now] DeathCGrips -Money tore mewithoutyou- rother, [Vinyl Newl Sister - Colored Vinyl Vari... S21 .93 $29.00 $25.14 r r, , $.4$12.49 $24.03 $17.68 BANKRUPT . BULK BUY . LIQUIDATION. REPOSSESSION. Q & A: QUESTION Hi. Extremely disappointed waited so long for this. Discription said 10 new items. There are old newspapers the bottom of a shoe that's been cut to pieces. I expect a full refund or I will be opening a case with ebay. ANSWER Hi. Sorry you're disappointed. Shoe and hand part of an authentic costume. Newspapers were new not second hand - from a collection of iconic moments so higher margin for resale. More than 10 items included, thought this was a bonus. Will process full refund and please return items to: Lloyd corporation Mxxxx Hxxxx 26 Hxxxxx Vxxxxx Exxx Xx ARTIST STATEMENT Bankrupt. Bulk Buy. Liquidation. Repossession is an eBay advert listed under the category Other Wholesale & Job Lots. As an intervention, it takes an existing Job Lot advert, utilises the text and structure but substitutes a new set of product photographs for the image gallery. Responding to the following convention of Job Lot adverts, where "photos of items provided are only for demonstration of the range and you may not get any items in the photos:' the artwork-advert tries to generate reflections on globalised manufacture, informality and exchange. The new images insert a different range of aesthetics from the illicit, vernacular, artisanal, kitsch, corporate and high cultural, as well as playing with the different compositions of product photographs informed by this category (from the mimicking of professional studio shots to glimpses of anonymous domestic and commercial interiors). By appropriating an existing advert, we aim to make a latent intervention that the buyer will accept as a real offer, leading to further possible iterations of the work in delivering a package of 'sculptural' job lot products. Lloyd Corporation is a collaborative project between artists Ali Eisa (UK) and Sebastian Lloyd Rees (NOR) exhibiting nationally and internationally in sculpture, installation, performance and text. Their works explore the effects and contradictions of globalisation on the urban landscape, reflecting on processes, materialities and socialities of urban informality, (re)development, margins and borders. Selected exhibitions include Frieze Live, London (2016), Pump House Gallery, London (2016), Independent, Brussels (2016), Upstream Gallery, Amsterdam (2015), Hayward Gallery, London (2014) and Carlos Ishikawa, London (2013, 2011). Book publishing includes The World for Less (201 6) and Competing Temporalities (201 3). Shop by - category < Back tc hone page I Listed in category: who esale & Job Loss > Ot All Categories 'I Search Advanced r Wholesale & Job Lots Bankrupt. Bulk Buy. Liquidation. Repossession #exstrange A Item New condition: Ended: 24 Jan, 2017 09:00:55 GMT Seller informa tion ARTIST Lloyd Corporation LOCATION London, UK LOCATION OF BIDDER Bordon, Hampshire, UK FULL CATECORY Wholesale & Job Lots > Other Wholesale & Job Lots STARTINC PRICE £0.99 SALE PRICE £5.50 CURATOR Ghidini & Modrak Winning bid: £5.50 Ilocorporatio0 (2) - , :h seller See other items [ 8 bids] Postage: May not post to United States - Read item description or contact seller for postage options. I See d teids Item l.cation: Lonude n. Unted Kingdom Posts to: European union Deloery: Varies Payments: pa SA Processe pay ,0y PayPal Personal cheque I s Returns: No returns accepted Protection: G t E E TEE I Have one to sell? Sell it yourself Description Postage and payments Report item A Setter assumes att responsibility tor this listing. -(iERA_ 1 00% Islamic Education & Research Academy The Islamic Education and Research Academy is a UK-based charity dedicated to providing a better understanding of Islam in order to create a more peaceful and harmonious society. eb - FOR CHARITY .' " Official eBay for Charity listing Learn more " Sale benefits a verified partner Item specifics Condition: New: A brand-new, unused, unopened and undamaged item. See the seller's listing for full details. see all condition def nition Bankrupt. Bulk Buy. Liquidation. Repossession #exstrange LIMITED STOCK - CLEARANCE - Only while stocks last Low Investment + Great Margines = Your SUCCESS Each box contains 10 NEW items of stock All products are NEW, with packaging and labels (if applicable) The product range is a mixture so photographs provided are for giving an idea of the range only. You way not get any product in the photos. Realistic sensible profit margins on each boo WARNING! RESULTS GUARANTEE! "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door wi he opened. Matthew 7:7 Range of products covers a random mix of: Kitchen Fashion Office Cosmetics Toys Household Garden Novelty Seasonal S lot more We aim to get repeat buyers and it is in our interest if you get more margin, if you are looking for a lottery then we are not the one, we are wholesalers looking to supply goods to ebayers, car booters, market traders who have realistic expectation of decent profit Photos of items provided are only for demonstration of the range and you may not get any items in photos. These are great for ebayers, carbooters, market traders, etc. New items added daily - Any questions please feel free to ask - Thanks for looking BUY NOW YOU CAN'T GO WRONG WITH THESE ITEMS! A "SEVEN LEFT SOCKS " DARK, MISSING MATES, UNIQUE EDITION, MISMATCHED ARTIST STATEMENT Objects are containers for stories, from the cherished family heirloom passed down from generation to generation to the humble pair of "party socks" left in the top draw of my father's dresser in his home in the Villages. My father's life was reduced to a collection of objects with no purpose, which no longer really fit anyone, in style or in shape. This summer, I helped my mother sort through huge black garbage bags of my father's clothing. I remembered him wearing a particular shirt or sweater and put it aside. I saved all of the Syracuse University sports gear that he had, thinking my brothers would want something from the pile. In the end, four and a half bags of clothing went to the thrift store, stripped of their history, freed from the burdens of memory, to be used, repurposed or discarded by future owners with their own set of stories. John Freyer is an artist, author and educator based in Richmond Virginia. His projects include All My Life for Sale, Big Boy, Live IKEA, Free Ice Water, Free Hot Coffee and Free Hot Supper. When he's not buying, selling or giving his work away, Freyer is an Assistant Professor of Cross Disciplinary Media at Virginia Commonwealth University. Freyer's practice engages accidental audiences in galleries, museums, and public spaces. He explores the role of everyday, personal objects in our lives-as commodities, fetishes, and totems and investigates how the circulation of objects and stories enrich social ties between individuals and groups. eb category SobyAll Categoie _,,j Search Advince "Seven Left Socks" dark, missing mates, unique edition, mismatched - #exstrange Item condinn -- p;lf ARTIST John Freyer LOCATIONV Richmond, Virginia, USA LOCATIONV OF BIDDER Mentor, Ohio, USA FULL CATEGORY Art > Direct from the Artist > Textile Art STARTINVG PRICE $1 .00 SALE PRICE $51.00 CURATOR Ghidini & Modrak Endedn Jan 25, 2017, 8:30AM Winning bid: US $51.00 Seller information temiporamra (2599 100%°/ Positive feedback 1 7 bids j Shfipping' $6.56 Expedited Shipping seedd is Delivery' Estimated within 2-5 business days 0 Payments' Pay VISA -" creinoCards oossndebyPaynPal Pay CREDIT Getreore tietoa. tneenTerr Returns, Seller does not offer returns. Get the item you ordered or get your money bacs. Covarsounr purchase price and orieia shippieg. Sen other itemrs Have one to sell? Sell now Description Shipping and payments Report item Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. ~I f / of the sale of this item will benefit ea /Th e Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinsons Research The Michael J. Fox Foondation is dedivated to finding a note for Parkinson's disease throigh an living with Parkinson's today. Wehbelieve without failthat ourgal iswithin reach - butwe ca't ethere w thovn your support. Please join the fight noday. eb -FOR CHARITY ,t " Official eoay to' Charity listing ILearn morn * Sole benefits a verified non-profti parnen Item specifics Arnist: Main Color: Dane of Creat ion: Listed By: Materials: John D. Pneyer Blank 2016 Artist Cotton Original/Reproductio: Size: Sooject: Techniqu: Readymade Sizes 9-12 LOST FOUND My daughters glee mo socks for my birthdgy every year. They ugualy look for brightly colored oneo with nvelty themes like pictures of bacon and barbecue grills. In 21116 1 gsk them sot to get me socks because in February I inherited my father, Jack (Johe) Freyer's collectioe of "Party Socks' when he passed sway ahter a ten year bdtsle with Parkison's disease. In my family "Party Socks" are any dark colored, argyle or patterned socks that Jack reould make os wear to holiday parties. In November my wife's falser John Waters camelso live with us in Richmond Virginia abtet the cancer he beat byve years ago, suddenly and aggressively returned. He entered hospice care upon his arrival and his family came to see him and say goodbye before he passed ten days later. He lef behind a life of art, leaching and love. And be InSt behind socks, twenty, nearly saw, matched pairs of dark black "Party Socks". My inheritance again. When I do the laundry and fold my socks, I know exactly where each pair came from, I received the BBQ sccks from Georgia and Ruby for my 43rd Birthday, the purple argyle socks from Past and Renee's weeding, the hand knit striped socks from my brother Mark's es-wife and of course, a huge collection of dark black socks from the passing of Jack and John in 2161. 1 have a shelf above my dryer where I keep socks that I can't find a match. I leave them there and check them against other leht socks in hopes to make a pair. These are the 'Sevas Left Socks" with no mate, I have gone through my sock drawer, lint trap and laundry bugs and can't match the pair Maybe you have the match at your house, a father's sock lost or leS. Alt proceeds of the sate of these socks will be donated ts The Michael J. Foe Foundation for Parkinson's Research. Sponsored Links 7 $147.67$79$13 Ali t Atlan cA-lomotve Ent. $261.93 $7.297 $4,495.00 Free Shippin $7.39 A FLIMSY ALIBI Q & A: QUESTION is this suitable for breakdancing? Mainly the Worm is what I do but trying backspins now. ANSWER The box is perfect for backspins but perhaps too small for the crawl. ARTIST STATEMENT A Flimsy Alibi is a new piece in Premnath's ongoing project titled Plot, in which he explores the paradox between the direct occupation of land with one's body (squatting)-a primordial form of land ownership-and the abstract accumulation of property evidenced by the real estate market. Your clenched body, fallen, stiff, in a dreamless sleep dented, flattened, marked with grime dragged from underneath Your form pushed beside my avoiding feet Eyes sunk so deep they must look into your skull An empty box* slumped against concrete A shadow in your absence Cast behind my eyes Beneath Remembering this place my footsteps quicken A provisional lodging This modest plot is neither yours nor mine and certainly not theirs Camouflaged, like dirt against dirt Your spectral occupation The shape of exhaustion Unseen by the policeman The stench of life adamant and inexorable clings to every surface and pierces the averted eye The stench of a body sinking into ground, underground in this city that cannot sleep *Umbrella not included Sreshta Rit Premnath (b. 1979, India) is an artist who works across multiple media, investigating systems of representation and reflecting on the process by which images become icons and events become history. Premnath is the editor of Shifter and teaches at Parsons. eb Shop by category AllCtois -I Search Ad' < B ct to rare 3e Ls.ed Ir category: Forte & Gard- > Bodo r I A Flimsy Alibi i Ended: Jan 25, 2017, 2:00AM Winn i:US $0.01 Seller information sreshtap (35 [ 1bi ARTIST Sreshta Rit Premnath LOCATIONV Brooklyn, New York, USA LOCATION~ OF BIDDER Uknown FULL CATEGORY Home & Garden >Bedding > Bed-in-a-Bag STARTINGC PRICE $0.00 SALE PRICE $0.01 CURATOR Ghidini & Modrak Sh pping FreLocal Pickup Iseeooo, o Dolivey: Varies Pay'oest Poay cOSO Pay CREDfT Get 00r0 1ime to pay. 000 00 010 Re~tloo: Selrdosnt feb rtrs Get tho tm you 0r0ere0 or got your oneoy back. Covesyu stpurhase irceadot ..a 0000001 00 See oth0r itemso Have oneto sll? Sell nw Description Shipping and payoments Seller assues all respotsiility forthi Olisting. Item specifics Condition: Pre-owned: At item thot boo boot tsed or0w0rn previosly. 000100e sellers listing tootful Size: Non-Standard Theme:, VehiclesTransporton Yourtclenchted body, foilet, stiff, it its o detmooss ooep dented, flaftttned, matked wth grime dragged froom erneath Youtrforme pushebeside0 they musot look itoyouroskll Ae emteyy boxo slumped against 001100000 in youroabsenco Coot bhn m0 etye0s0 m0 footsteps quicken A povisiona odging0 This modest plot isiootheryours00 norm0n an cO00etinly not 1theirs Caouflatged, like dit against di0 Tour spcra oooopation clings o 00000 sur0ace acd pierces 1h0 av00000000 The stencho o ody ointorudunegod ithi cit y 00a1 canot sleep Questions and answers about this item Repot ilt Brand: Pattern: Color: See what other people are watching 1!r Hoel ouiy Ene 8BPiec Bed TwinXL Dorm BeddingSet-b5 in Bgby Th ome tColeto Pic PosBed InA BgComorte. 4PIECE QUILT DUVET COVER BEDDING SET QUEEN KING . Clarao Clotk 7 Piece Bed In A Bog 7 Piece Muti Color Gitano Comforoter Set Jacquard Floral Patchorko Co. 7 PIECE BEG lIN A BAG - DOWN ALTERNATIVE COMFORTER. S... $34.99 3.9$55.99 $39.99 $39.99 $2.9S90 $129.99 S79.00 1000 RUPEES INDIAN CURRENCY - ERASED CURRENCY Q & A: QUESTON are the eraser shavings included in the purchase price? if not, have they been disposed of properly or are they freely re combining in a new world order? ANSWER All materials used in the erasure have been disposed of properly. I am afraid the new world order will have to come from somewhere/something else. QUESTON have both sides of the 1000 Rupee been erased? ANSWER Yes, both sides have been erased. ARTIST STATEMENT This work examines the thoughts and beliefs following the global financial crisis in 2008 and the profound loss of faith in markets that followed Narendra Modi banning India's largest currency bills in effort to combat corruption and terrorism. How do we confront events in our own lives that relate to the mind-bogglingly complex, media-constructed image of our economy? What happens when what seems like solid, familiar, everyday currency vanishes, threatening to collapse the entire, globally interconnected fragile system. Matt Kenyon's work focuses on critical themes addressing the effects of global corporate operations, mass media and communication, military-industrial complexes and general meditations on the liminal area between life and artificial life. He has been making work in this vein since 1999 using a wide range of media, including custom software, electronics and mechanical devices, often working with living organisms. Kenyon is cofounder of the artist collective SWAMP (Studies of Work Atmosphere and Mass Production). He has participated in numerous collaborations with artists, architects and technologists, including McLain Clutter, Adam Fure, Tiago Rorke and Wafaa Bilal. Kenyon's work has been exhibited internationally and collected by such institutions as the Museum of Modern Art in New York. He has received a number of awards including the distinguished FILE Prix Lux Art prize and first prize for the VIDA Art and Artificial Life International Award. Reproductions of SWAMP's work have been featured in mainstream publications such as Coolhunting, Wired, Quartz, The Huffington Post and Gizmodo, and also appear in edited volumes such as A Touch of Code (Gestalten Press) and Adversarial Design (MIT Press). Kenyon is a 2015 TED fellow and a Macdowell fellow. He was recently selected for Coolhunting's CH25, a showcase of creators and innovators from a broad range of disciplines who are currently working to drive the world forward. eb Shop by category All Categories .I Search A00 < Back ':o de ous lse ntory .- ae on_ 1000 Rupees Indian Currency - Erased Currency #exstrange Ended: Jan 26, 2017, 12:00AM Seller information matknyo (150 ARTIST Matt Kenyon LOCATIONV Providence, Rhode Island, USA LOCATIONV OF BIDDER Laguna Niguel, California, USA FULL CATEGORY Coins & Paper Money > Paper Money: World > Asia > India STARTINVG PRICE $14.74 SALE PRICE $69.88 CURATOR Ghidini & Modrak winning bid: US $69.88 (112 bids1 Shipp 05ng $2.67 Standard Shipping ICee detai i Deivey. Estimatedon orbefoeThu. Apr. 20to 48103 Paymoents Pay. VISA Pay CREDIT Reolrns Salier doeo not offer returns. 0G110 theemyou orderedor getyour money bc. Ccve'5 yourpcase p000 and orig nal shipping See other itemso Hae one to sell? Sell new Descriptien tShpping and paymoents Report item Seller assumes al responsib ilyleor thin listing. On November 10 2016 Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared that the notes of Rs 500 and Re 1000 would 'not be legal tender from midnight tonight" and would just be "worthless piece[s] of paper." In the same speech he also urged people to help government in its fight against fake currency and black money. Contrary to Modi's rhetoric of economic and technological progress, the removal of 86 percent of all India's in-circulation cash has caused chaos across the country where most day to day transactions involve cash. For sale a completely erased single 'T1000 Rupee note. What was once legal tender has been completely erased by hand and turned into "just worthless piece of paper." Questions and answers about this item 0: are the eraser shavings inluded inthe purchase price? if o. have they beendiposed ofproperlyoor aehey frely re ombiing inaoewu worldorder? AA:lmtrasue nteeauehv endspsdo rpry mari h e ol rerwl aet oefo oehr/oehn le Q: havebohsdoes of thel1000upee beeneased Than-you, Maria+ None A. Yes. bothsideshaeeeersed. oan 26. 2017 Jan 24, 2012 See what other people are matching A I Imsny 4 PCGS 1 Rupee loom India 1957 Reserve Baok Inda A Rupee Choice About New 55 (pinhol... od143 PMG 6eEPQ $315.00 $56.00 India - British/O overnment of TT PK 36a 1962 INDIA "RE- India -100 Rupees nd (11917... SERVE BANK" S RUPEES G... S1,300.00 $27.00 5 Rupees from India Au 1 RUPEE FINE BANKNOTE FROM BRITISH INDIA 1940!... $1.90 $4.75 +$n0-1 t?*' 21o " "LET'S TALK BUSINESS " ARCHIVE SPAM -CAN ARTIST STATEMENT "Let's talk business"is a multi-channel artistic audio installation that enables the user to listen to Internet scammers who try to lure potential victims into advance fee payments. Their phone numbers were extracted from a Scam Email database, analyzed by country, and categorized by scam scheme. Once called up, they had the chance to tell their persuasive stories. Using SPAM-cans as listening devices, the user can browse through the scam stories of once-in-a lifetime business opportunities, distant relatives beneficiaries, big lottery fortunes or helping the ones in need. KairUs is a collective of two artists, Linda Kronman and Andreas Zingerle. Our work focuses on human computer and computer-mediated, human-human interaction with a special interest in transmedia and interactive storytelling. Since 2010, we have worked with the thematic of fraud and online scams, constantly shifting our focus and therefore approaching the theme from a number of perspectives, including: data security, ethics of vigilante communities, narratives of scam e-mails, scam and technologies. Subjects of our research are online scammers and vigilante anti-scam communities, and their use of storytelling and technology. Our practice-based research is closely intertwined with the artistic production. KairUs Art + Research, Images from "Let's talk business" archive spam-can, #exstrange auction. eb Stöbern in Kategorien Alle Kategorien -I Finden Erueiterne Sucohe < Zrüc zu Strtsite1 Kategorie: Hancyr & Koruni n etu>sonst ge "Let's talk business" archive spam-can #exstrange Artikelzustand: Gebraucht Beendet: 28. Jän. 2017 08:50:41 MEZ ºloJ I ARTIST KairUs Art + Research (Linda Kronman & Andreas Zingerle) LOCATONI Linz, Austria FUJLL CATEGORY Phones & Communication >Other STARTI)NC PRICE ¬1,00 SALE PRIGE Unsold CURMTOR Ghidini & Modrak Angaben zum Verkäufer andreazingel-0t (0>) Startpreis: EUR 1,00 [ 0 Gebote ] Andere Artikel aufruten Versand: EUR 25,00 Unversicherter Versand :n7r[r Lieferung: Keine genaue Angabe möglich für Artikel, die aus dem Ausland nerschickt werden Zurl:ungenuaru 0 Zahlungen: Überweisung, Überweisung+ 1 __ Rücknahmen: Keine Rücknahme Ab~Ählhen Artikel verkaufen ? Selbst ekaufe Melden Beschreibung Versand und Zahlungsmethoden 162366355804 Der Verkduter ist für dieses Angebot verantwortlich. Letzte Aktualisierung um 21. Jän. 2017 08:55:20 MEZ Alle Anüerungen anzeigen Artikelmerkmale Artikelzustgnd: Gebrgucht: Artikel wurde bereits benutzt, hin Artikel mit Abnutzungsspu ren, aber in gutem Zustand und ..Mehr zum Thema Herntellernummer: nicht zutreffend Marke: Markenlos ŠLet's talk business' is a multi-channel grtistic audio installation that enables you to listen to Internet scammers who try to lore potential victims min advunce fee payments. Using a SPAM-can us a listening device, you can browse throagh the scam stories ot once-in-a lifetime business opportunities, distant relatines benefociaries, big lottery tortunes or helping the ones in need. The kit that yoa nun buy je this ebay aaction includes a sparr can listening denice, a mp3 player that Solds the aadio files und a USB plug so that you can just plug lt in your USB charging denice In listen In the spam messages. Fragen und Antworten zu diesem Artikel Zu diesem Artikel wurden keine Fragen und Antworten eingestellt. Frage stellen MOTORRAD- & ý ROLERTIL 1-1 REPLICA OF THE ORIGINAL ARTIST STATEMENT These objects and photographs come from the museum, the "Archana Devi Chamber"-they are very fragile; collecting and archiving them has taken ages. Setting up this museum has taken 4 years but the research has been on-going for the past 10 years. The Archana Devi trust initiated this project. The aim of the museum is to restore her properties, to recreate things that are now lost, and to exhibit her futuristic vision, which can be seen in the town planning work found in her room. The museum offers details about the history of Archana Devi. These objects contribute to the creation of the history of Archana Devi, and show how secular her family was, and what a modern thinker she was for the benefit of society. She contributed towards the development of different societies and properties quite remarkably. Her personal life was very secretive; she never allowed anybody to interfere or know about her life. Many people say she was quite intelligent to not reveal her real personality. Archana Hande is a Bangalore-born, Bombay-based artist, curator, and organizer whose work has been celebrated across India and internationally at important exhibitions at the Kunstmuseum Bern, Helsinki Art Museum, the 3rd Guangzhou Triennial, and the 2005 Yokohama Triennial. Originally trained as a printmaker at Santiniketan and MSU Baroda, India, Hande now works in a variety of mediums including installation, drawing, and video. Archana Hande, Image from Replica of the Original, #exstrange auction. eb Shop by Atl Catego, es Search Adcenced '< Bactosarchresls Listed in categor: Collecible >whcm so'-I Los>Oher C. lectib'eLots Replica of the Original #exstrange tern condition: Used Ended: Jan 28, 2017, 8:00AM Winning id: US $190.00 [2 bids] Seller information incubatorbaby (178 100% Positive feedba~ck ARTIST See other items Archana Hande LOCATIONV Bombay, India FULL CATEGORY Collectibles > Wholesale Lots > Other Collectible Lots STARTINGC PRICE $1 90.00 SALE PRICE Shipping: $7.20 hopedited Shipping I S5-its to: I.00 o, On Delivery: Estimated within 4-7 business days 0 Payments: Paye VISA CreditCards processedct;yonl Returns: Seller des not offer returns. Guarantee: ] Ieb Gente itear yes ordered arnget your money bach. Covers yoar purchase price ane original shipping. Have one to sell? Sell now A Descriptioe Shipping and payments Report item 192082256915 Item specifics Conditien: Used: An item that has been used preonusly. bee the seller's listing tertfll details and descritin ot ... Read more Ceuntry/Regien at Manutacture: India Unsold CURATOR Ghidini & Modrak These are objects and phetographs from the "Archana Devi Chamber." a very unique and rare collection of the 2hth aod curly 21lot ceotury. By acquiring these objects and photographs you cue become a preud owner of this rare collection. The Museum is sharing phmoographs printed crn acid free archival paper and fragile, precious orbjects tco raise moey fir maintenance. The "Archana Devi Chamber" is a fragment of Archaoa Devi's life, which has been reconstrected by The Museum by way of putting together objects of her belongings from many Choudhuri Houses she owned across the region, mainly in eastern part of India. Archana Devi's lineage is upper class with heavy influences of Victorian upbringing and lifestyle. She adiopted the Chirudhuri Family and later inherited their prorperty, the Chiredhari Htruse, in the 21 st Century. A brief fatally tree of Archana Dcvi: In 1873 Sajkumer Rioy (adopted Great Grandfather iof Archana Devi) citestmucted many Choudhuri estates. He acquired them frirm Dwarakanath Tugirre (grandfather orf Rabindranath Tagore). Gee orf the majtr prorperties or see today mas pecsbably cornstructed by Debendra Kumar Riry Chirudhuri (adirpted Grand Father orf Archana Devi) between the late decade oif the 19th century and the berst decode cof the 211th century. This prosperty has undergiove considerable fragmentaticon and is norw ccupied by many branches orf the original family. 1 11S01)/, L:7 lO-h Tickets & Eper ences ANXIETY DISORDER FOR SALE #EXSTRANGE Se a ltng Item condition: -- normal wear and tear is evident Ended: Jan 29, 2017, 9:30PM Winning bid: US $1.99 [1 bid ] Shipping: FREE Economy Shipping Item location: Interlochen, Michigan, United States Seller: megahildebrand 1 (0) Seller's other items Sel ane like his All Categories Search Advanced ., T 70% OFF AN -EE top rad Shrop top bratnds ARTIST Megan Hildebrandt , o 0 LOCATIONV Interlochen, Michigan, USA LOCATION OF BIDDER Bangalore, India FULL CATEGORY Tickets & Experiences > Other Tickets & Experiences STARTING PRICE $1.99 SALE PRICE $1.99 CURATOR Joiner - Artist Description Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Item specifics Seller Notes: "normal wear and tear is evident." Type: BODY AND MIND Event Date: 04/11/1984 Venue State/Province: MI Event Time: 07:00 PM SHAKINESS, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE AND HEART PALPITATIONS FOR SALE! GOES GREAT WITH PANIC, DEPRESSION, OR TROUBLE SLEEPING! WHAT WILL HAPPEN TOMORROW, OR NEXT WEEK? WORRY ABOUT THE FUTURE EXCESSIVELY AND EXPERIENCE INTENSE FEAR REGARDING CURRENT EVENTS! ANTICIPATE THE OTHER SHOE TO DROP AT ANY MOMENT! HOLD YOUR BREATH FOREVER WITH THIS DISORDER*! *DO NOT USE WHEN FLYING IN PLANES, AT EXTREME HEIGHTS, DRIVING IN BAD WEATHER CONDITIONS, WHILE PREGNANT, WHILE IN RELATIONSHIPS, IN JOB INTERVIEWS, WHEN READING SOCIAL MEDIA, WHEN LISTENING TO THE NEWS, WHEN PUBLIC SPEAKING, IN HUMID OR HOT CLIMATES, IN SOCIAL SITUATIONS, WHILE TRYING TO SLEEP, WHILE TRYING TO FOCUS, WHILE AGING, WHILE USING THE INTERNET, WHILE WATCHING SCARY MOVIES, WHEN SITTING STILL, WHEN THINKING ABOUT LOVED ONES' FUTURE, WHEN THINKING ABOUT ONE'S OWN FUTURE, WHEN THINKING, WHEN BREATHING. Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers have been posted about this item. Ask a question See What other people are watching 112 2 TICKETS TO THE RAT 2 TICKETS TO REAL BODIES 2 TICKETS TO MENOPAUSE PACK IS BACK SHOW IN L... AT BALLY'S HOTEL LAS V... THE MUSICAL SHOW IN L... $1.30 $1.04 $0.99 A 2 TICKETS TO LAS VEGAS 2 TICKETS TO MARRIAGE LIVE COMEDY CLUB CAN BE MURDER SHOW I. $11.07 $1.04 2 TICKETS TO THE VINNIE FAVORITO UNFILTERED C. $22.50 STICK-WITH HISTORY OF AFFORDANCE Q & A: QUESTION what will become of the other two sticks? ANSWER We have not yet decided, actually. They might remain at home as objects of contemplation. It is also possible that they might be offered through eBay's "second chance" program to under- bidders. BIO Susanne Cockrell and Ted Purves work collaboratively under the rubric of Fieldfaring to create projects that investigate the overlay of urban and rural systems upon the lives of specific communities. They ask questions about the nature of people and place as seen through social economy, history and local ecology. The collaboration began with a two and a half year public project (2004-2007), TemescalAmity Works, which facilitated and documented the exchange of backyard produce, conversation, and collective biography within the Temescal Neighborhood of Oakland, California. Recent projects include The Red Bank Pawpaw Circle, a large public planting project, which was completed in Cincinnati, Ohio in 2012-2013. In addition to their collaborative practice, they are both professors at California College of the Arts (CCA) in San Francisco. Ted is the Chair of the MA Social Practice & Public Forms and Susanne is the Chair of the BFA Community Arts program. They have received a Creative Work Fund grant from the Elise and Walter Haas Foundation, a Visual Arts grant from the Creative Capital Foundation, an Investing in Artists Grant from the Center for Cultural Innovation, as well as support from the Oakland Office of Cultural Affairs and California College of the Arts. eb Shop by- < Back tohome paen Listed in caeory: Eneti n e oa ARTIST Fieldfaring (Susanne Cockrell & Ted Purves) LOCATIONV Oakland, California, USA LOCATIONV OF BIDDER Oakland, California, USA FULL CATEGORY Entertainment Memorabilia > Other Entertainment Memorabilia STARTINVG PRICE $0.99 SALE PRICE $71.00 CURATOR Ghidini & Modrak All Categories J Search Adeurced STICK-WITH HISTORY OF AFFORDANCE #EXSTRANGE Itemn condition: -- ,p j Q Ended: Jan 30, 2017, 9:30PM Sle nomto thesisadvisor (335 ) Winning bid: US $71.00 [ 26 bids ] 100% Positivetfeedbackn Shipping: 5.00 Standard Shipping I , i [tmt- mr'e1rinn Ce tn Ldo nn.m See other items Delivery: Estimated within 0-9 business days 0 Payments: Pay VISA we. '" . CreditCards reed Oby PeyP Pay CREDIT bet mere time to pay.- Returns: Seller does sot offer returns. Guarantee: ' II ' Get the item psou ordered orgetpyour money hank. Covers your puchase priceandnriginalshipping. Have one to sell? Sell now Description Shipping and payments Rapert item Seller assumes all responsibility tor this listing. When ttur see mas in primaty school, hetweeo kiodergatrten and third gralde, he would ttfteo hase these sticks with him wheo we picked him up after schttol. H-e foond them in the trees hy the schoolyard aod played with theet at reces s time as make-helieve fireartns. While we did not forhid playing with pans, unlike many other parents of our generation, itsis not permissible to sell fiearms or gotts on eBoy, even stlick-guns. We offer one of the three sticks pictured above to the winner tof this alection. The winner of this auction may choose one of the stick and it will he sees to them. Please describe it clearly somwe send you the correct stick. We ace offering it with the memory of its origioal affordance, hot folly cealie that it may acquire new otnes, perhaps in accordance with cBay policies, perhaps within the roles of the art-world. Questions and answers about this item 0. whsat will becomre ot thre othrer two sticks? A: We Pace nut yet decided, actually. They might remain at home as objects ot contemplation. It is also possible that they might be offeren through eBap's "secund chance" program to under-bidders. Ask a qeuein Jan 29, 2017 See what other people are watching 1/: 'Blessed Not Stressed" - Joel Osteen - Joel Osteen - 2 CD/1 DVD... 'Unprecedente $10.56 $8.12 Almon:cn Feedback on nu-" suggestions Joel Osteen- "FRESH rd Facor" -.. START" - 4 CD $10.56 Fr in ,n:r i[ p 'i n Il START" - Joel 2015STR ol 21 PANINI AMERICANA 2016 LEAF POP CENTURY d CD's - Great S... LAURA DERN AUTO SIGNATURES AUTOGRAP.. $23.99 $29.94 "FRESH Osteen - $8.12 A PRESS RELEASE , 2017 ARTIST STATEMENT Geraldine Juarez (b.Mexico City) is an artist living in Gothenburg, Sweden. Her complete artist statement is available on request and upon payment of $2190.62 Mexican Pesos, $100 American Dollars or 901.8 Swedish Krona. geraldine.juarez.se Like many other cognitive workers, artists today produce schedules, spreadsheets, biographies, mockups, proposals, powerpoint presentations, documentation of prior work, press clippings, and so forth. Unlike with their ephemeral art-work that might eventually alchemize into cash-money, the massive amounts of tangible labor that they are actually producing for every show in which they participate is considered value-less, self-serving, and irrelevant outside of the all-important events, such as the press view, the opening, and the next show. In short, no one pays an artist for this labor. It is considered career- building, and an assumed part of the trade. This document is the press release about my participation in the #exstrange auction/exhibition. It is written by Randy Safaran at my request and to continue our collaboration in the production of the clerical work required by curators, venues, publications, funding applications, etc. This Press Release is an original archival print on acid free paper, signed and, of course, laminated. No digital edition available. Shobb llategries J Search A: Collectibles > Pacer > Documents > :960-Nuw Press Release, 2017 #exstrange Af 1 vewed per hour Time left 35 Toay 19 Startingbid: US $50.00 [ 0 bidse] Price: US $80.00 i © IAdd to watchl ls Seller information prens-dnpt (26 ARTIST Geraldine Juarez LOCATIONV Gothenburg, Sweden FULL CATEGORY Collectibles > Paper > Documents > 1 960-now STARINGI PRICE $50.00 SALE PRICE Unsold CURATFOR Ghidini & Modrak Limited time remaining Al' oilc 'IT_ 70% OFF top Jr -11(10 Have one to sell? Sell now 7hipping4- FREE Standard Shipping Dc.elvry Estirmated betwen ~ £d ayreats Pay VSAra .' .""" Poy CRE~l Getltheitmyouordeaed r tyourr nyackl. Covers yor purrca riceand orgal areaping. Descriptian Shipping and paymtents Report te Seller tasares all reaponiility tar this liating. [ast updataad ee Jar 24, 2017 12:16:37 PST Viaew allreion Item specifics Condition: Arid Free Paper: New: Ahbrand-raew, unused, unopened, undamaaged iteal (iarludint handtmade items). See are seiler's ... head rare Country/Region at Manuate: Sweder #exatrange - Geraline Juarez - Preen Releaae (by Raedy Sarafearl 2017. aExerpt: 'Like all knowrledge wrakera, the artiata coatinued to labor; they just stopped laboring an actual art. Instead of artworks, they shif ted attention towarda ideas andl the mediams associated with the production af ideas. Unlike with their ephemeral artwork that might eventeally alchemize into cash-moaey, the eaaaivye amnts af tangible lahor that they are actually producing ie considered value-leee, self-serving, aad irrelevrant ouside of the all-importaet propoal proceaa. In short, ao one paye ae artiat for thie lahor. It ieonsideredl career-baildting, and an assumed part of the trade.' Inafaet, is as age when art can he seen toahe the vsesel far the transmission of ideas, it shouldhbe noted that the suppert olerical material conetructs the fraeework with which to view the art. It would not he a stretch to say that all of the research documents, spreadsheets, "bias", mockupe, proposals, statemeats, powerpoint presentatioas that went iato constructiag the work is aotually the art itself. The artwork finally presented to the puhlio is altimately inceidental ho the logiai construct supporting it. This document is a prees release for the #exstrange auction/exhibitien. The text was written by Randy Sarafan at my request totrme, repackageandadd additiona valueetey workfr#etrage thrugheditorialiation. clerial wark required by curators, venes, publicatios, feeding appliations, etcetera. The wiener ef thia bid will receive the fell preaa releaae document, which is an original archival print, aigned, and at course laminated. No digital edition available. Questions and answers about this item Noaquastinsrnersavebeaarpsteabouat tiitm. Ask a question See watht other people are watching '12 Feackara sug BonaPssprt, Trael 1966 REPUBLIC OF SOUTH 1956 US PASSPORT Document. AFRICA CAtNCELLtE/EP... CANCELLE/EXPIRED PA.. $11.99 S32.00 $9.99 Expirrd / Cancelled US Passpgrd with Stamps $9.99 Chile Pre Biametric POLAND EXPIRtD Passport, Travel oument. PASSPORT TRAVEL DOC... $19.99 $20.00 PROGRAMMED LEISURE Q & A: QUESTION If I buy this for a friend and it does not work can I get my money back? ANSWER I'm sorry to inform you that leisure is irrevocable. Regards. ARTIST STATEMENT Self-care is increasingly delegated to digital devices. Pop- up notifications command you to drink water, stand up, or take a nap. At the same time, you act as your own boss, a demanding one who is constantly asking more. Since you are incapable of giving yourself a break, we offer you the chance to buy one. We offer you a slot of programmed leisure. How much are you willing to pay in order to be told what to do and when to do it by a magnanimous bot? We know that leisure is terrifying, that's why your bid will determine how much free time you deserve. Will you be imposed an hour or two? Join the auction and find out. Your email is required. Silvio Lorusso is a Rotterdam-based artist, designer, and researcher. His current research focuses on the relationship between entrepreneurship and precarity, i.e. entreprecariat. His work was shown at Transmediale (Berlin, Germany), NRW- Forum (Dusseldorf, Germany), Impakt (Utrecht, Netherlands), Sight & Sound (Montreal, Canada), Adhocracy (Athens, Greece), and Biennale Architettura (Venezia, Italy). He holds a Ph.D. in Design Sciences from the School of Doctorate Studies-luav University of Venice. He is an affiliated researcher at the Institute of Network Cultures of Amsterdam. His work has been featured in, among others, The Guardian, The Financial Times, and Wired. eb Shop by A oooo All Categories Search Advanced ARTIST Silvio Lorusso LOCATIONV Rotterdam, The Netherlands LOCATIONV OF BIDDER Bellingham, Washington, USA FULL CATEGORY Tickets & Experiences > Other Tickets & Experiences STARTINVG PRICE $1.00 SALE PRICE $19.50 CURATOR Ghidini & Modrak + a 1pu Programmed Leisure #exstrange Itemtt ~ cnition: -- 11Self-car is increasingly delegated to digital devices. Pop-up notifications command you to drink "..Redmr Ended: Jan 31, 2017, 4:42AM Winning bid: US $19.50 15 bids] Snipping: FREE Economy Shipping frcm outside USI SnmstnoLc Sedcts Delivery: Estimoted within 6-14 business days i0 Payments: Pay VISA adi Cardn prloesed by ay Pay CREDIT Get oe ie tocpy. S- Retiutns: 14 days money back, buyer pays retun shippingI Giutrantee: eb _..'.1 Get the itemoyouorderedor get yournmoney back. Covsts your purchase price and orignalshippin. Seller information silsiloruss-0 (0)I Seothern items Have oe to sell? Sell now Dlescription Shipping and paymnts Report item Sollnr assumes all responsibility tor this i sting. Lust updated on Jar 24, 2017 15:21:21 POT View allreion Seller Notes: "Selt-nare is increasingly dolegated to digital devices. Pop-up notitirations command you to drink water, stand up or take a nap. At tre same time, you. act as your own boss, a demantding one who is constantly asking for mrore. Since you ate itncapable oflgiving yourselfta break, we offen you thte charnce to buy one. We ofler youa oof progranmtmed leinare. How much are you willirg to pay in order lo be told what to do and when to do in byea magnanimous bot? We know that leisure is terrifying, that's why yoiut bid will denermine the gqiantity you desewve. How much time willyou haveto serve? One hou, two or mote? Join the auction and find out. Yournemail is required." Self-care is ioncsingly delegated to digital devices. Pop-op notifications command you to drink mater, stand op or take couap. At the same time, you act as year own boss, a demanding oe whit is cotnstntly asking forn mitre. Since yiou ane incapable iof giving yiorself a bteak, iwe offen yiou the chance lto buy oe. We tffer yotu a slt itf prognammed leisure. Hitw much are you milling to pay in ornder lth e tiold what to dit and when t do it by a magnanitmous bitt'? We keitm that leisure is terrifying, Shat's why yiour bid will determine the quantity yosu deserve. How mtuch time mill you bane to serve? One hotun, two or monoe? Join the auction and hond olt. Your email is reqired. Questions and answers about this item A: Dnor qinidinnmagiciarn, I'm sorry to inform you nhat leisurn is irrevocable. Regords. Ask a question Jun 30, 201 7 See what other people nre matching 112 Ct. 2 TICKETS TO ROCK PANTASY IN LAS VEGAl SO.99 - 1.99: Srd Ib 4i 2 TIKETS TO LA. COMEDY 2 TICKETS TO THE BRONX ALL SHOOK UP ELVIS S CLUB AT THE STRATOSPH.. WANDERERS SHOW IN LA... TRIBUTE IN LAS VEGAS 52.47 SO.99 57.49 2 TICKETS TO MENOPAUSE THE MUSICAL SHOW IN L... Si12.50 Feedbacvkon ouirsuvgestiors 2 TICKETS TO LAS VEGAS LIVE COMEDY CLUE $6.50 - $1.9:: 711:0:: (INDIA IS LOST!) ARTIST STATEMENT Each day, almost 90 Lakh people travel by local railway trains. The life is so busy in a city like Mumbai that only a few people notice and observe the posters of missing people. That's why I chose to document these posters and manipulate the images in such a way that their identity won't be seen or revealed. By doing so, I thought of displaying these images in an art space where viewers will see the images / visuals with details. Yogesh Barve is a conceptual artist born in Bombay, India, whose artistic practice ranges from painting and printing to sculpture, film, multimedia installations and site-specific works. While stylistically-varied, a common thread throughout his work is a critique of our cultural framework of thinking. Utilizing a range of materials, Yogesh's work deals with social phenomena such as in/equality, ir/rationality, the un/seen or the in/outsider. Since 2012, he has been a member of the artist collective Shunya, which formed in Clark House, and has been part of group exhibitions and art fairs around the country and abroad. _ S v ^TN -n- z g t~ tTT nn, - - { .* cr 3c. 74~n r / UOI] '401 ~IIA 31iI Mob.: 9221291484 / 8652582044 9930767320 8655209327 rnp1vr4T 7 - (0251)2860100, 2860101 Yogesh Barve, Images from rr (India is lost!), #exstrange auction. A ii-1, eb Shop by category All Categories - i Search Advanced < Bk tohoe page IListedin ateoury: A-t>ie tfo toheArst ied dia & Collage ARTIST Yogesh Barve LOCATIONV Bombay, India FULL CATEGORY Art > Direct From the Artist > Mixed Media & Collage STARTINGC PRICE $200.00 SALE PRICE (a 1 ff "~ ili 2" rn India is lost #exstrange Item condition: -- "Easy to install." Ended: Feb 01, 2017, 10:18AM Starting bid: US $200.00 [ 0 bids] Seller information yogesbare-8 [0) See other items Shipping: $200.00 Economy Shipping I , Interrnliesa e sbje or p rrr oesssinga- ddi chyes 0 Shipst 0: zted Pres Dolivory: Estimated mithin 0-27 busioness days 02 Please rote tha delivery estimatroi Pleases allow a d: al te if -:roe-atiovrdlvoeyis subject to su ov-esvove. Payments: Pay VIsA Credet Cars proeessed by Pay~al Pay CREDIT 6 months to pay on $99+-. :" -0.. Returns: 14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping Guarantee: cit7. . Get tho item you ordered or get your money each. Covers your purchase price and original shipping. a't" k n_ Have one to sell? Sell now Description Shipping and payments Setter assumes att responsiility for this listing. Item specifics Seller Notes: "Easy to install." Subject: Asia Type: Digital print Size: Large (Greater than 3Sir.) Style: Portrait Report item 1546645 Materials: Print on paper Main Color: Multi-Color Original/Reproduction: Original Unsold India is lost. Among many of tho posters that announce the details of missing persons at the suburban railway gtation of Borivali, one announces the intimate details of Bharat, a middle aged man who is loot and lost doe to his losa of clear thought. Each day almost 90 lac people travel by local railway trains. The life is so busy in the city like Mumbai that, only few people look and observe the posters of missing people. That's why I chose to document these posters and manipulate the images in such a way that their identity won't be seen or revealed. By doing so, T thought of display these images in a art apace where viewers will see images / visuals with details. CURATOR Ghidini & Modrak Questions and answers about this item No questions or ansmers have been posted about this item. See what other people are watching Feedback or our suggestions pe Zva'" f l* Ilfarel Alie i Wndelad D Vncis kul StdyArt Alce n ondrlnd rt winnie the Posh Dictionary Alice in Wonderland Alice in Wonderland Cheshire Cat Dictionary... Print on Antique Book Pa... Print on Antique eook Pa... Art Print Picture Poster Cl... Dictionary Art Print Book... Cheshire Cat Dictionary... $5.98 Si13.95 $13.95 $5.98 $5.98 $5.98 Free sipyieq Free shiyping hFee pe Free shippyy er shoviPrpri Free sniyping Povyular Povyular Popular Popular DIMENSIONAL TYPOGRAPHY : A NATIONAL HUMANITIES MEDAL PROTOTYPE FOR #exst range ARTIST STATEMENT In 2013, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) held a competition to redesign its National Humanities Medal. And, as competitions go, only one design was selected. Speculative work is wasteful at times, as most submissions never get realized. But what if there was another forum to bring these ideas to life? The design in this auction was submitted, in concept only, to the NEH. The idea was based on dimensional typography: the letter H, which stands for Humanities, is rotated in space to delineate the medal's form and "National Humanities Medal" text is inscribed along its edge. The medal had never been realized, until now. Kathleen Meaney worked with Taekyeom Lee to output the form on a 3D printer using gold PLA filament. Lee, a designer who specializes in 3D ceramic typography, was able to turn a concept into something concrete, and speculative design into something you can hold. This medal (both design and prototype) now exists as part of the online exhibit #exstrange. Q & A: QUESTION PacMan or Pie Graph? ANSWER Ha! Cheese Wheel! Kathleen Meaney is a designer and educator whose writing has been published through the AIGA, UnderConsideration, Icograda and Design Observer. She began her career at Pentagram in New York and, since then, has been a dedicated professor at the School of Visual Arts, North Carolina State University, the University of Cincinnati, and Virginia Tech. Her course offerings have been cited in NASAD's The Future of Design and Design Education and her current research explores the reinterpretation of the history of typography. Taekyeom Lee is an Assistant Professor at Appalachian State University. His research explores new methods of creating handmade type and graphics through an interplay between design fundamentals and craft techniques (like ceramics). His investigations respond to an increase in the dematerialization of type as well as a form of criticism towards the dominance of computer-generated design. His research, however, is not solely focused on typography but also explores diverse areas of interests and experiences. Shop by < Bcktonhome page IListed in category: Art > Direct fram the Ants > Prints All Categories J Search Advned Dimensional Typography: A National Humanities Medal Prototype for #exstrange Item condition: -- d1 Ended: Feb 03. 2017. 9:00AM ARTIST Kathleen Meaney & Taekyeom Lee LOCATIONV Bl acksburg, Virginia, USA & Boone, North Carolina, USA LOCATIONV OF BIDDER Anonymous FULL CATEGORY Art > Direct from the Artist > Prints STARTINVG PRICE $49.99 SALE PRICE $49.99 CURATOR Ghidini & Modrak Winning id: US $49.99 [l1 id]j Shipping: $7.25 Expedited Shipping Ise tal It o aion r: Bacsbrg .Vgini,LUnitdStates SAps t ..onmted Sat Delivery: Estimated within 6 basiness days 0 Payments: %ay VItSA Credit Cards proeed by PaPal Pay CREDIT Get more time to pay. -ir- Returns: Seller does not offer returns. Guarantee: h) ii I I-see Getthe itemeyouaorderedsorget yrmney bak. Covers yorpurchase price and originl shipping. Seller information the-new-curiosity-shop (4) 100% Positive feedback See other items 101 Have one to sell? Sell now Description Shipping and payments Seller assumes all responsibility tur this listing. Item specifics Print Type: 3D Print Subject: Medal Report item 2685715 Size: Diameter: 3.5" Height: 1.5" Main Color: Gaid This is a 3D-printed medal prototype of a design that was submitted to the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) as part of a competition. The prototype is based on dimensional typography: The letter H, which stands for Humanities, is rotated in space to delineate the medal's form and "National Humanities Medal" text is inscribed along its edge. This prototype is printed in gold, from PLA filaoment using a self-build 3D printer, with slhght imperfections. This auction also includes the original design concept (as a digital printout) and both pieces are pact of an ooline exhsibit culled hexstrange. Questions and answers about this item Q: PacMan or Pie Graph? A: Hal Cheese Wheel! Ask a question Feb 02, 2017 See what other people are watching 1 /2 VTG Brent Point Nantucket (UnramedOnly Print) Emma Watson Beauty & Trademark Fine Art New Mass Watercolor Lightho... 12xni8" Milu Doer Canva... The Beast Sketch Card "... Hampshire Map Matted.. $28.00 S4.99 $14.99 $1.04 -$15.00 5bids lvvvryee l'vvdpplq -$1259 2b Feedback ne our suggestions m A Modern Naturalist Shirley Vintage Figuration Vincent Novak Amapda Barecela... Van Gogh Digging Peasa.. $19.99 $19.99 +'A Fu (-0 + "05 CAPTURED BY AN ALGORITHM, ROMANCE NOVEL COMMEMORATIVE PLATE, 1ST EDITION Q & A: QUEST1ION are algorithm's dreaming or they are performing an action? if algorithm's perform an action, what is the role of the creator of this commemorative plate? what is capturing by an Algorithm? ANSWER Good questions! While code can seem inhuman and computers behave in inhuman ways, behind every algorithm is a person. People's likes, dislikes, misconceptions, and biases all get coded into the algorithms, so the programmer plays a a very important role. For this project, I wrote an "algorithm" (a very specific set of steps) to produce these plates that uses other very popular algorithms like Photoshop's panorama feature, for example. In my "algorithm", I do some curation of the results produced by the software, and, based on the patterns I see, I also sometimes tune the input in later iterations of the project.... [Brueckner's Q&A continues online at the #exstrange website] ARTST STATEMENT In the digital world today, communication happens in an instant. Whether it is a royal wedding or the ringing in of a New Year; pictures and even videos travel across the globe in a split second. However, it did not used to be this way. Sometimes, news did not travel as fast and pictures were rare. Most people committed such events to memory or through other types of memorabilia, such as commemorative plates. These plates were used to honor a great event or person and kept as collectibles. - eBay's Guide to Buying Commemorative Plates Captured by an Algorithm is a commemorative plate series celebrating singular, fleeting moments in how common algorithms interpret the most popular romance novels. Photoshop's Photomerge algorithm, which is intended to stitch together photos into panoramas, is instead applied to scans of romance novel covers. Because the covers are so similar, the algorithm often finds areas that it believes should overlap, producing dreamy, hybrid landscapes. Each plate features one of these landscapes as well as a Kindle Popular Highlight from a popular romance novel. Kindle Popular Highlights are the lines in eBooks that most readers highlight, and they are visible to the reader as they read the eBook. When a reader highlights a Kindle Popular Highlight, they are saying, "Yes, I agree!" and they can take comfort in knowing that they are one of many feeling how they feel. Sophia Brueckner is an artist, designer, and engineer. At Google, she developed products used by tens of millions. At RISD and the MIT Media Lab, she combined the understanding that interfaces structure thought processes with ideas from cognitive behavioral therapy to build devices for mental health. Since 2011, she has taught an internationally renowned class on sci-fi prototyping and the ethics of design/invention. She recently joined the University of Michigan as an assistant professor. Her ongoing objective is to combine her background in design and engineering with the perspective of an artist to create new technologies in the service of mental well-being. eb Shop by All Categories Search tlduanuad < K to h,.omegeILstdin caeory: Cl~l thcnu Dp,-o Cc -r 1n, C llo r Pae Captured by an Algorithm, Romance Novel Commemorative Plate, 1st Ed., #exstrange Itemcondtion: New ! 1 E] ' ARTIST Sophia Brueckner LOCATIONV Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA LOCATIONV OF BIDDER New York, New York, USA FULL CATEGORY Collectibles > Decorative Collectibles > Collector Plates STARTINVG PRICE $0.99 SALE PRICE $36.00 Ended: Feb 03, 2017, 12:00AM Winning bid: US $36.00 [13obids ] Shripp ing: $13.65 Standard Shipping s cal It latanaIowl. r1r sc.igaUn d us Delivery: Estimnated witnin 3 business days0 Paynent: pay VISA t - - CreditCards prinoese by P t'P I Pay CREDIT Get mrore time to pay. iTrm Returns: Seller does not offer returns. Guarante:F Got thenitemyounorderednorgetyourmneryack. Cversyour puchase price and ar:g na shipping. Seller information sab-art(0) 0n Have one to sell? Sell new Repoirt item Description Shipping arnd payments Saller assuinas all raspansibility far this listing. Item specifics Condition: New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged itern (inaluding Country/Region at Manufaature: United States handmnade itemns.See the seller's ... head mare Muemarialize a aallaatie mament af romanaa, yearning, grief, and hape with a highly aallaatible aammemmarativa plate! Thin auction isnfora hirst edition af Plate #d in the ongoing Captured by an Alyorithm coemnnrative plate sedans by Saphia Brueckner. It isea high quality parcelain aoape plate in ment cendition, Rb5"i diamnetar, with an elegant aster geld band. The image was carefully appliad by hand and kiln firad far durability. Prntea in saript around toe adge at toe ylate is the Kindla Pepular Highlight, 'Is it trudy so unfathomable that an imprfet gilmight beyperfeclyloved?. The limited edition plate is numbered and signed by the adtiston the baak. Never forget that you are not alone! It's sure to he a great addition taleo year plata colleatiol! Captured by an Algorthm is a commemorative plate series by Sophia Brueakner (ntp:ifsophiabrueckoeicloieno.html) aelebrating singular, fleeting moments is hew aammon algarithmsn interpret Ire most popular romanae novels. Photoshop's Photomerge algodithm, which in intended to stitch togetner photos into panoramas, is instead applind to scans of rem anon navel acem. Because the oers are so similar, the algorithm often hends areas that it beltieves shoulId overlap producirg dreamy, hybrid landscapes. Eaab plate features one of these lanoscapes as well acea Kindle Popular Highlight from a popular romance noeal. Kindle Popular Highlights are tho lines rn eBooks that most readers highlight, and they ae visible to the reader as they road the eeook. When a reader highlights a Kindle Popular Highlight, they are saying, "Yes, I agree!" and they oar take comforn in knowing that they are one of many feeling how they feel. Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers Face been posted about this item. Ask a question CURATOR Ghidini & Modrak See what otiher people are watching 1: r a.. 'illh Feedbackuon out seuggesions TEXAS CENTENNIAL PLATE g Vintago Trador Vac's Newnfoundland Dog Trinket 1836-1936 MISSION LA BA.. Coconut Mugs Tik Mu gUS.. Ring Soap Dish Taylor Kent... Anframa Damasquinados Disney Beauty and the Bee... 5265.00 F' c.n:::I i' 1910 US Glass Co Small Russian Legends 1989 Gilded Manhattan Oval Add... SADKO Ltd Ed Plate $5.00 S$15.00 $1 99.99 $59.99 ft A /t:C $6.99 SKYPE PORTRAIT ARTIST STATEMENT The internet is a place where entire friendships/ relationships have materialized and developed. Some of these never require meeting in, so-called, REAL life. I would like to explore the possibility of a buyer and seller meeting online, instead of remaining invisible to one another, as often happens. I am interested in using Skype because it is now seen as a legitimate form of contact because of the amount of time virtual interactions occupy in peoples' lives. Portraiture comes in many forms but my interest in it is dependent on participatory involvement and non-fictional performance. Renuka has a background in digital video and printmaking. Since 2012, she has been part of group shows in Melbourne, regional Victoria, Delhi, Kochi and Bangalore. She has also had three small solo shows. Her work is drawing-centric, and she has worked across the mediums of pen, ink, collage, print, stitching, paper mache and animation. Her work swings between figuration and abstraction, and between observation and imagination. Renuka Rajiv, Skype Portrait of Winning Bidder, 201 7. Shop by ill, category < Back to home page Lsted in category: Everything Ese > All Categories 'j Search Advanced skype portrait #exstrange ARTIST n r, Renuka Rajiv LOCATION \ Bangalore, India LOCATION OF BIDDER Iteri condition: Ended: Winning bid: New with defects 05 Feb, 2017 06:51:07 ST Rs. 2,000.00 [1 bid ] Seller information renuka.exstrange-1 (0 ) See other items Ask seller a question Shipping: May not ship to United States - Read item description or contact seller for shipping options. Itm e tn angcl -, IA, di ships t: I-d-a Payments: Paisapay (Credit card, EMI, Debit card, Online Bank Transfer) I Retums: Replacement and refund for this product is covered through I Leam more Lexington, Kentucky, USA FULL CATEGORY Everything Else > Other STARTING PRICE 22,000.00 SALE PRICE Have one to sell? Sell it yourself Description Shipping and payments Report item 1124773 Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Item specifics Condition: New with defects: A brand-new and unused item. Some original accessories may not be included. The item may have minor ... Read more Warranty: Seller Warranty SKYPE PORTRAIT I would like to invite you, the buyer, who generally looks at commodities to be the one who is looked at in order to create this completely customised product. Through offering the service/ commodity of portraiture, I want to use this monetary platform as a place where you and i can engage in face to face personal interaction online. Virtual is real now, and human contact doesn't always require a physical dimension anymore, so let's meet through Skypel If the buyer wishes, the outcome can be pre-decided in terms of size, number of iterations, length of interaction and colour palette is negotiable. The execution of the work will be in complete control of the seller. Product will be a work on paper. Could include pen, ink, acrylic and collage. Traces of other materials also possible. 22,000.00 CURATOR Ghidini & Modrak Ideal for - Individual/group portraits (number to be negotiated). Energetic goofy types interested in participating in a fun drawing. Exhibitionists with a sense of humour. Someone interested to meet through ebay . Unsuitable for - Those who would like to buy a realistic representational drawing. Those who would like to control any part of the drawing. Those looking for something sentimental or of a caricature quality. Product can be shipped anywhere in the world. We can discuss this personally. Shipping cost will be additional to the price of the work. Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers have been posted about this item. Ask a question MISSING EVIDENCE (INDEPENDENT POLICE ARTIST STAT EMENT I used the auction to explore the question: What if an individual who had witnessed corrupt or unjust activity within an organisation decides to become an artist instead of a whistle blower? The character of the Beat Officer (a police officer turned artist) aims to interrogate ideas of independence and the role of art and artists within society. ACADEMY ARCHIVE VOL IV) As a Policeman, I was one of the first officers in the flagship trials of Dorothy, an interface linking the brain to a cloud. Dorothy Officers are hybrid agents cerebrally connected to a global archive of big data. When a Dorothy Officer arrives on a crime scene, the cloud begins a conversation with the officer's thoughts, generating relevant forensic data. Dorothy collaborates with these hybrid agents to visualise a chain of activity relating to a specific crime. I'm no longer employed by the Police. This project has emerged out of a malfunction in my Dorothy node, which resulted in an overly exuberant interest in the unsolved crime section of the database. Rather than become a whistle-blower, I chose to reflect upon the traumatic scenes I witnessed through making and selling art through this project (endorsed by the police). Curiosity about how we act together lies at the heart of my practice. Working with performance, writing, drawing, moving image, and workshops, I design structures that address how and why we adhere to systems and what the possibilities of breaking with patterns might offer. I am currently attracted to considerations of the romantic figure of the artist-punk, cowboy or vigilante in relation to the entrepreneurial laissez-faire capitalist, and the quest for independence in relation to the pursuit of self-interest. Beat Officer with Lucy Pawlak, Missing Evidence..., #exstrange auction. {ebcton ShIo p by category All Categorles Search Id.- Missing Evidence (Independent Police Academy Archive vol IV) #exstrange A. Iteni~~~~I codto:- 06 Feb, 2017 08:00:18 GMT Seller information beuffice-0 (0) ARTIST Startin bid: £50.00 [ 0 bids ] Beat Officer with Lucy Pawlak LOCATIONV London, UK FULL CATEGORY Art > Sculptures >Contemporary (1 980-Now) STARINGI PRICE £50.00 SALE PRICE Unsold CURATFOR Ghidini & Modrak 1 Postage: May not pest to United Stoles - Rood iteom description or ontac sleforepotae opions Delivery. 14days roed, buye pay re7turn0 postageoI .-> - - li -vq 0 ,11 Oil "l^ y Haeoeto soil? Sell i ourself A Report item Description Postage and payments Seller assuesll reponsibility fet this listing. 50%/ One World Media Trust r ~~Oe Wold Media1 isnon-poforgniato that10 supo0 in051705tternaltiona j0orals and0 promotes me0dia 00ve000e0 that informtsoandconnetstheowold' people0. (A) - FOR CHARITY o " 0Offcta oboy tor Charity isting Loeaon00000 " Solo beoefts oooiioO 000000r "Every contact leavesa trace" This work is too prodoct of on Internonal 0In dependent Police Academy fool tuses advanced digital forensics with the situtooonist practice of oelouroemenl. Pticipants in100 traiingsesion modell00 ith cloy to moterilite moissing evideoce 11Dm disappeared acti0it and unexploined 000000 in Mexico. These clay modls w000 My idoo waos thol corrupt indioiouars from the upperIclaOse of Mexican societyouldc then purchase these arlooorks, wh~ich woould 1hen oct as double agents inoside their Dnfor.tnately the lots did not sell. I hove decioed to put one lof up for sole on EBAY incon attemyf to recuperate my losses (ouction house fees, shyippig etc.). D0% of any sale wi oe doated D Ooe World Media Trust - there is n0 optono of donating to the Committefor lthe ProtetOion of Jo0rn0is0 00here oo DRAY. included in lot: A Cull 45 customised witD Lewis Vuitton patlternt, 3 bllts (DNA aol 0000 them), a stamyed ott Nokeo 3310 (cove0e0 int residues of blood an00 semen), 00 empty plastic bottle (ctovered in fingerprints). All tems are handmade f0Dm unfiredi Lonon cloy, pus carodboard lobels. A4 leatheroun 00album docuomenting ihe oorshop, itsh cotining video dotcumeototionof ay training oesoion held in the seoside rotofD Whitotoble, Unoited Kingdom, 2016 (digital prints on bountd paper ood film yile ont DS0 stick). my busoinessi cardo. BIO0 RAP HY As o Policeman I was one of t0e first officers in the flagship tooals of Dorothy, on intorfoce linking the Drain to o cloud. Doothy Officers ore hybrd aogents ceororlly connectoo to a global archive of Dig dta. When o Dorotfhy Otticer artives on a crime scene, the cloud begins a conversation with too officer's thou~ghts, generating rolevant forensic A dato. Dorothy collaborates with these hybridt agents to visualise o chain of octivity relaing to a specific cime. I'm no longet employed Dy the Police. This ptojecf has emoerged ouf of o molfuncfion in my Dorothy node, which resulfed in on overly eoobetont inferest in t he unsolved crime section afthfe database. Rather then beome o whistle-blower I chose fo weflect upon toe fraumatic sconeo I witnessed through making and soelg ar7 thtoogh fhis project (endorsed by thepoice). If you ate curiouto le arn mote you con watch this video documenting o toaning session 000d n the seaside resort of Whitsfaole, United Kingdom, 2016H: norps://www.ynutuoe.conm wctcht~v=SG8ASIrtOt64 Questions and answers about this item No qoesttons eo aswers hooe0bor posted aboutlthis item. Ask a qutoon Recently viewed items 1, 2 0 os~~ 0 Feedback oe our suggestions Porch Jess. Ho is70ou Rook, China olay peaeut meotalheads Shreds #eostrange your Salootion s r0ait7 isOc... lone shoi zi sculpture twin t... £159.90 £31.18 £3.38 Urban Frontier Bench (The Limited Youth Editionf Roost... £159.90 A Sunday Motning Walk - A The Eolo of t1h6 Monthly Excursion #exstrange Spermaiooo.Roo.#estrane £4.00 £8.50 CHINA CLAY PEANUT METALHEADS FENG SHUI ZI SCULPTURE TWIN TALISMAN BIo Born in Derby (UK), Carmel Buckley, Full Professor in the Department of Art at The Ohio State University, received a Bachelor of Arts in Sculpture from Newcastle upon Tyne Polytechnic (UK) in 1978. She continued her studies at the Escuela de Bellas Artes of Madrid University from 1979-80 and, with a Mexican Government Scholarship, at the San Carlos Academy of Fine Arts in Mexico City from 1983-84. In 1988, she earned a Master of Fine Arts in Sculpture from the School of Visual Arts, New York as a Fulbright Fellow. She has been the recipient of a New York Foundation for the Art Sculpture Award and an Ohio Arts Council Individual Artist Award. In 1994, she had a solo exhibition at the Wexner Center in Columbus, Ohio. Recent solo exhibitions include The Weston Art Gallery, Cincinnati, Ohio (2009), Clay Street Press, Cincinnati (2011), and The Center For Recent Drawing, London, England (2012). Exhibitions in 2016/2017 include a two-person show at Clay Street Press, Cincinnati, and the Institute of Contemporary Art, London, England. Her work has been featured in exhibitions at Gallery North, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, England (2005); at Carl Solway Gallery, Cincinnati, OH (2006); at E:vent Gallery, London, England (2009); and at Sculpture Key West, Key West, FL (2011). Carmel Buckley, Images from China clay peanut metalheads Feng Shui Zi sculpture twin talisman, #exstrange auction. Whpb All Categories J Search Avned caeoyReligion & Spirituality > Buddhism > Amulets & Pendants STARTINGI PRICE $25.00 SALE PRICE $39.00 CURATOR Artist - Joiner Item condition: New Ended: Feb 06, 2017, 8:00AM Winning bid: US $39.00 [ 4 bids ] Snipping: $6.60 Economy Shipping de pel t Wrde Deliery: Estimated within 6 business days 49 Payments: pay VISA Creuit Cade voese ay PayPul Pay CREWI Gat moe e epy __ No_____ . n Returns: Seller dees net often interns. Guarantee: ii .' 1-I < Getthe item you sodeed erge tyourssney back. Coerwsyour prchaeprie andeorgnal shippig. carmebucklel (0) See otter items Have one to sell? Sell now Description Shipping and payments Repart item Sller assumes all responsibility tar tbis listing. Item specifics Conditien: New: A brand-sew, unused, unopened, undamaged item (including Country/Regien at Manutacture: China handmade items). Seentheseller's ... Read more A mixedg-media talismanic sculpture to seekse the birth ofla pair et cildren aitb well-balanced eemplary qualities. The seulpture incorperates all tie Chinese fang opal elements. Eath, in te term at slay (talerant, tengiving, earing), was mined with Water (single-minded, resourceul, preblem-slving) to term the peanut shell and the nuts inside. Fire (ettusiasm, emgtion, lits energy) mas uee to make the slay terms permanent. Weed (adanturous, reeled, insighful, tull at potential) was cained ta make tbe miniature heads that mere teen east in Metal (diseiplined, enduring, precise, tranquil) to stard tar the twin chldren ir is taped tis talisman will summenfr ths The ceramic pieces were made in China. Ttealumirum metal beads were hand camvedin London,England, and cast inthe U. The sculpture is number t in an edition oftd. When closed, the clay peanut shell is tyur inches lang, one and three-quarters ataan inch wide, oe-and-a-halt inches higb. Theaclay lid andebase are each about tbree-quartesetfan incbbhgh. Tihe two brawn clay nuts are oe-and-a-tall inches lang and three-quarters oftan inct thigh. The aluminum metal heaods are three-quarters ot an itch high, halt en inch tract to beck, and three-eights ofat encsh wide. "Because flewew, truits, karrels, and seeds bald the powers at tertity end tecundity, the Chinese bave linked tbew to the cencept at terdility linguisticallp threugh the cbaracter zi. The discreet Chinese artist cauld ttus utilize tte mare nefined means ot pictures et seeds end nuts ta convey the mist ttat tte recipient at en object so decorated stould Eae eorunate as to beget (many) children. Ore suct example is the very popular Chinese ceramic dist in the shape at a peanut, pea, or bean pod that opens to reveal its contents, symbolizing children in the womb. Peanuts mere considered especially auspicious as tteir name, tuesheng incorporated tte morpheme steng, meeting "giving tidy'". Patricia Bjaalend Welch, "Ctinese Act: A Guide to Motits and Visual Imagery Ardist hiograpty Bern in Derby, England, Carmel Buckley, Pull Professor, Department at Act, The Ohio State University, received a Bachelen of Adts in Sculpture from Newcastle upon Tyne Pelytechnic (United Kingdom) in t978. She continued her studies at the Escuela de Belles Andes at Madrid University tram 1979-gd and, with a Mexican Gevernment Scholarship, at the San Caries Academy et Fine Arts in Meeico City from 1983-84. In 1988 ste earned a Master of Fire Arts in Sculpture tram Isa Schol eflVisual Adts, New York as a Fuibright Fellow. Ste has heen tte recipient et a New York Foundation forthe Adt Sculpture Award andesn Otio Adts Council Individual Artist Award. In 19gg4 ste tad a sale exibition at the Weener Center in Celumbus, Otis. Recent sate exhibitions include The Weston Adt Gallery, Cincinnati, Gteo (2009), Clay Street Press, Cincinnati (20tt), and The Center Fer Recent Drawing, Londen, England (20t2). Exhibitions in 20t6l20t7 include a twe-persen stem at Clap Street Press, Cincinnati, and the Institute eflCentemperary Ad, Lender, England. Hen monk has beer featured in exhibitiens at Gallery Neoh Nerdhumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, England (20051: at Carl Solway Gallany, Cincinnati, OH (2006) at Eldest Gallany, Loneen, England (2009), Sculpture Key West, Key West, FL (2011t). A Questions and answers about this item No questions en answers have been pasted aoeut thin item. dAk a question See wehat other people gre watcnhing 112O Feedback on our sugesteins DHARMA WHEEL PENDANT 7360-THAI AMULET GU MAN Tibetan Tibet Buddhist DIY 0217-ANCIENT OLD THAI n THAI AMULET LARGE n THAI AMULET SKULL DHARMACHAKRA BUDDH... MINIATURE STATUE THAI... Mini Gem GM Prayer Whee... AMULET JINDAMANEE ME... LOCKET COLORED HAND... LADY B NINE TAIL FOX GA. S$18.88 $88.88 $0.99 $79.99 $88.88 $178.88 +$.9Free sipingc F'eeslppinc Froevl-.pin Freesipping Itt ,:l- Poycular Lust cone TRAINING OK GOOGLE WITH PP (PRASHNABODHAK PUNJI) ARTIST STATEMENT Today, even as the acceleration of information pushes us to our cognitive threshold, our images, texts, sounds and videos continue to acquire an exponentially bigger audience. However, a significant portion of this growing audience is non-human, comprised as they are of machinic vision and hearing. Who are these machinic strangers who know us so intimately and what would it be to create artworks for them? If we could hold an intelligent conversation with them on political economy, will it be easier for us to consider them as agents of aesthetic contemplation? But even if these software assemblages did possess such agency, wouldn't it be ill-advised to forget that the contestation of power plays out on the terrain of politics and not on the slippery slope of technological 'solutions'? These are some of the larger questions that inform this work. The work itself is framed under the guise of training OK Google's voice recognition and artificial intelligence capabilities with human voice fragments that encapsulate cognitive challenges from Karl Marx's Capital. OK Google is the software behemoth's voice- based digital personal assistant that signals a turn towards oral-aural digital interaction-the much hyped emergence of the so-called conversational UI (user interface). [The audio track can be heard on Hazra's auction archive page on the #exstrange website.] Abhishek Hazra's works traverse a diverse, yet closely interconnected mesh of interests. He uses video and performance with textual fragments drawn from real and fictional scenarios. Histories of science and an ironic fascination with theoretical approaches are some of the interests that inform his practice. He has exhibited and performed widely in various contexts that include Experiment Marathon, Reykjavik; Kunstmuseum, Bern; Bose Pacia, New York; MAXXI Museum, Rome; GallerySKE, Bangalore; and KHOJ, New Delhi. He has participated in various artist residences including Gasworks and SymbioticA. Abhishek has also received multiple awards, including the 2011 Sanskriti Award for Visual Art. I..., categor/ All Categories _J Search Ad. Training OK Google with PP (Prashnabodhak Punri Endeda. Feb 06, 2017, 9:30PM ©;I o Seller information icuatorbaby 178 1 ARTIST Abhishek Hazra LOCATIONi Bangalore, India FULL CATEGORY Consumer Electronics > Home Surveillance > Surveillance Accessories STARTINGC PRICE $100.00 SALE PRICE Unsold CURATOR Ghidini & Modrak btardu bid: US $100.00 ]0 bis ] Price US $130.00 Sd pp d5: FREE Eapedited Shipping --iery : Estimatead widi 3-6 bsies days daydndnd'A Payr 1u5e t' Pay CREDIT Reurs Seller ds 0no - ofeetrs C.~a eb Descriptin Shipping ea payrments Seller assumes all responsibiliey far rhis listirg. Item specifics Conditlin: Nea: A brand-e, unusl~ed, unropened, undamraged iteed inrit original pacaging (whara packagirng is ... Rad mre MPNl Dees Not Apply Coury/Region af Marufacrure: India Heport item Type: Toal/Taol Klt Brad CarrlarelrsrCornjaature Model: Digital Sara far Training Voice ecogition House Eloes What is this ? This product presents 00 exciting apportunity to coa the gratitude of OK Google - the stranger wha kows you intimaetely. OK Google's voice recognition atgorithms are bored stiff weith those endtess requests for flight and restaurant reserrations: they are craving far some chatlenging questions. And if yoo coo peak op those bored algarithms, OK Google mitt reword you geoeroualy mith an ovcrlowiog cart of goodies. What will you get on buying this ? If you became the proud owner of this product you mitt have untimited access to an unique audia track that you can then ase to train youretf in challenging OK Googte. 'The aodia track is in the form af a question and anse r seession in two tanguages. Important Point about Future Oswnershuip Hlowevrer, your exctusive access ta this audia track is limited for 3o1 daye. After 311 days, the teach mitt become public an the eastraae website. However, because Cantordust Conjecture wants ta offer such trainint eerviees far free in the near future, the money you epend an buying this track mill sigaificantly contribute to Cantordust's efforte to make customiseed voice recognition campletely free and accessible. Usage Guidelines List en carefully to the English language questians in the aadio track and repeal them lo OK Googte on a daily basis. If you would eather read the questions first, yau can also request for a special e-book (Adohe Acrobat Format) from the seller that clearly lists all the queations in clear test. For best results, follow these simple gueidelines: at. Do not ask maee than three different questions a day to OK Gogie a2. Repeat your questions coasistently In OK Google 03. In a given day, a single qaestion should be repealed at least five times 04. When repeating a queation, Icy nat ta repeat in close succeasion. Keep a gap of at least 2.5 houra betweeen any tseo consecotive repeat qauestions. 05. If you want to ears odditional goodies, make OK Google extra happy by throming in a translation challenge too. You a transcribe sounds from the Bengali answers and challenge OK Google to figure it out for you. o6. For reaily escellent results, yoa can also upload the audio track on your Google Music cloud srvice and play it on any Android Device a1 cles twvice a day Seared of using your own Google account? If you have rrsereations about training OK finagle from your own personal accoont, you can request the seller for a customised pre-loaded Google Account. However, if you do decide to use this pre-loaded accoont, the seller mill continur to have access to this account and mill be able to monitor the quality of your voice training activities. Fine Print Although the seller is nat officially affiliated to Gaogle, he can modestly claim a mare than passing familiarity mith the magic of Goagle's promised land Related a enstran ge Questions and answers about this item Na questions or ansesaea beren pasted abaue Ibis iem. A Seewhat ather peopeareatching 1/ w CCTVCanea Ssten Nest Camw& Dra aPro Elrc Bkt Holde PT.. Outdoo Cama atcosre $27.99 $10.42 Drivear nferared Wireless S1ocs Mia Audio Spy Hidoden AlerI Secarity System Patro... Microphao Gable CCTV S... $12.99 $12.35 M12 to CS ar C Moant Lees Bluk Mic Audio Spy Hidden Coneror/Adapter ing Ba... Microphone Far CCIV Sec... $9.99 $1.46 ONE UNIT OF A SLAP (SLAP IN THE FACE, MEDIUM TO STRONG , COLORFUL) ARTIST STATEMENT Since 2003, I have been working on a series of art projects that are internet-based and deal with issues of labor, exploitation, and capitalistic frameworks for commodification and self-commodification. My interest is focused on the hierarchical relationship between the haves and the have- nots in order to explore power dynamics by altering and challenging established perceptions. My most recent work, The Slap, is an online re-staging of a performance first presented as part of the Soma installation at Supermarket 2015 in Stockholm. The artwork dithers between abuse, exploitation, and absurdity, creating aesthetic experiences in which the viewer, the participant, and the artist are simultaneously victims and perpetrators. Lanfranco Aceti is specialized in contemporary art, visual culture, inter-semiotic translations between classic media and new media, contemporary digital hybridization processes, Avant-garde film, and new media studies and their practice- based applications in the field of fine arts. Lanfranco Aceti works as an academic, artist and curator and is the founder of The Studium: Lanfranco Aceti Inc. He is the founder and Director of OCR (Operational and Curatorial Research in Contemporary Art, Design, Science and Technology) and founder and Director of MoCC (Museum of Contemporary Cuts). He has also founded the Media Exhibition Platform (MEP) that has operated from 2010 presenting a range of international exhibitions both online and in physical spaces with an international curatoriate (Lanfranco Aceti, Vince Dziekan, Christiane Paul). Lanfranco Aceti, Images from One Unit of a Slap (Slap in the Face, Medium to Strong, Colorful), #exstrange auction. eb Shopby -All Cateories One Unit of a Slap (Slap in the Face, Medium to Strong, Colorful) A4 viewe p00hu Search A, ARTIST Lanfranco Aceti LOCATIONi Boston, Massachusetts, USA FULL CATEGORY Health & Beauty > Skin Care > Exfoliators & Scrubs STARTINGI PRICE $500.00 SALE PRICE Still live on eBay at present time CURATOR Artist - Joiner T~ © Add to watch lst Seller information ci ocvesoIo (47) Price US $500.00 1 watching o Add to watch list A, Add to oonection EUi1 I Have ne to sell? Soil nowe New4 coditio,, Located in Unitedl Beet otter available States Si.pping. $8084 Ecoeomy ShippingI Delivery: Estimated batwe 00 l%y.',to Pay VISA 0r bit00 0ad p 00:so by P091 Pay. CREDIT From $46for 12 m40th0.Min4mum p.100h000 09.04 r01 S00100m 11.0<0., Sell does not ottor returns. Guarantee, Get theitem you oderd orgtyour oneoy bak. Cootver ourprhsel c n O.05t noriginal shippin. eb Description Shipping anod paymetts Selle. assumno al responibility tor this i sting. Item specifics Councty/Reion of Manufacture: Unite A brand-new, unuosed, unOopened, undama~ged itetm ng handmade itoehs.Seethebller's ... 00a09more tural Ingredients, Cruelty-freo/No Animaul Testing S tates Brand: 100% Pore Typo. Faciul Brush Skin Typo. All Skin Typos UPtC: Does not apply You can parchase and gift a slap. After purchasing you can use the gift certificate for pourself or gie it to someone eise. Tee gift certificate will ettitle you to owt a slop whicb will be delivered by Lanfranco Aceti (the artist) to Batu Bozoglu (the performer). You will receive a receipt numbered, dated and signed by the artist as the artwork. You also will be able to witness the delivery of the slap yia lice feed video (Skype or FaceTire) If you are interested you can also ask to purchase, an a separate artwork, the photograph of the slap itself. We will post it on eBay for you to buy. The cost of the photo is $50f00. This artwotk titled The S/ap aka He Who Gets Slapped is part of a series of artworks titled Soma by the Post-IntemnetArivist Lanfranco Aceti presented in 2015 at Supermarket Art Fair, Stockholm, Sweden. Website: http://www lanfrancoaceti.com/2017/Olthe-slapl Sponsored by. The Museum of Contemporary Cuts http//museumofcotempo01 culsorg The Museum of Contemporary Cuts (MoCC) presents now artworks and performances by Lanfranco Aceti (IT, UK, US and TK, b. 196t7). Aceti is a Pest-Intemnet Artinist as well as an artist, curator and academic, He is known for his socie-political artworks and art interventions, existing both online and in public spaces. Through his artworks, installations, performances and activism, Aceti nxplores the incongruity of contemporary times and the dissolutien of social spaces. Absurdity, folly and a dark irony characterize his artworks which eoplore the Kafkian and Orwellian relationships between the individoal, the body, and the power of personified corporatiots and institutiots. Aceti has exhibited and presented sew media art interventions at the Institute of Contemporary Art in London, Tale Modern, MoMA, Art Athina and other venues around the world. He exhibts internationally at major intertationl venues und biennials. Questions and answers about this item Novquestionsvoruncses avecbeenppsted about thisite. A0k00 oustion A See wha oher peopearewatching PIXNGB Opos Replacement Brush Heads for Facial Fa... $4.99 Fashon Spa Solo Came PIXNOR T in t Multitunction PIXOROT 7t tot ultifunctin 7 in t Multitunction Electric TOYG-life Japan-Curo tMassage Elsctric Fucn Fa... Electric Fucs Faciul Clean... Electric Face Facial Clenc... Puce Facial Cleansinrt Bru... Naturl Aqua Gel Exfoliato. $3.97 $8.99 $9.65 $5.99 $26.09 URBAN FRONTIER BENCH (THE LIMITED YOUTH EDITION) Q & A: QUESTION is this for homies or not? ANSWER homies ... bromies ... as long as they are the highest bidder. ARTIST STATEMENT This artwork makes a critical comment on how arts and humanities programs for young people of color from low income and working class backgrounds, living in cities, (i.e. "Youth") are implicated in the political economy of post- industrial cities. These cities are now often imagined as sites of social inclusion and economic opportunity whereby all residents will participate in a new urban landscape kickstarted by arts, culture, and creativity. These programs are central to this urban imaginary. While these programs do undoubtedly provide powerful creative learning opportunities, they also engage young people in revitalizing these cities at their expense. Their cultural labor provides images of sanitized diversity and artsiness that more affluent residents, who are gentrifying neighborhoods, desire. Furthermore, their labor provides both an illusion of consent and unjustified opportunity amidst this gentrification. This artwork uses the auction itself to highlight these concerns by foregrounding the obscured means of youth production and consumption that I consider key to mobilizing post-industrial redevelopment. Tyler Denmead is an Assistant Professor at the School of Art and Design, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Denmead has spent his career facilitating and researching highly collaborative nationally- recognized, community-based arts programs for youth, and his current research examines youth and the political economy of creative cities. He is the founder of New Urban Arts, a youth arts collective for high school students and artists based in Providence, Rhode Island. His publications can be read in VisualArts Research, Art Education, Journal of Arts and Communities, and the International Journal of Education and the Arts. eb Shop by All Categories j Search Adv-r < Back to My esay I Listed in category: Art > Direc_ from _he Artist > Other Art from the Anist Urban Frontier Bench (The Limited Youth Edition) #exstrange Item -- condition: ARTIST Tyler Denmead LOCATION Champaign, Illinois, USA FULL CATEGORY Art > Direct from the Artist > Other Art from the Artist STARTING PRICE $200.00 SALE PRICE Ended: Feb 08, 2017, 4:00AM Starting bid: US $200.00 [ 0 bids] Price: US $500.00 Shipping: $45.02 Standard Shipping i see -eta,'s Ite latinnChampaign. noisintedStees Snips to: Uniced States Delivery: Estimated within 31-36 business days 0 This item has an extended handling time and a delivery estimate Payments: Pay VISA * cresh cars rocessed by Payal Pay CREDIT 6 months topyyont$99. 5, er Returns: Seller does not ofer returns. Guarantee: eb iei Get the item you ordered or get your money back. Covers your purchase price and originalshipping. Seller information td287 (21 ) See other items Have one to sell? Sell now Description Shipping and payments Report item A 262830424182 Unsold Seller assumes all responsibility tor this listing. Beautify your neighborhood without the negative by bidding on the Urban Frontier Bench (Limited Youth Edition). New sidewalk benches and park benches make neighborhoods more livable and raise property values. But benches come with a cost. As neighborhoods become more desirable places to live, poor people of color can be displaced from their homes as the cost of living rises. One way to solve this problem is to provide arts education programs that improve outcomes for youth living in the neighborhood. These programs put young people in the position to lead this revitalization AND reap the rewards. They can learn marketable skills including creative thinking, self-expression, and a strong work ethic, while earning a wage that helps their families withstand the rising costs of the neighborhood. But starting a youth program is a hassle. It requires staff, space, materials, liability insurance and even youth themselves. This bench solves this new urban problem Each 2x4 has been cut by youth who are being gentrified from a neighborhood in another part of the USA. Buy this Urban Frontier Bench and improve the lives of youth while making your neighborhood a more desirable place to live GUILT FREE. For an additional S2500, youth will paint the bench in a theme of your choice. Suggested themes are: "Diversity Rocks!" (multicultural); "The Vanishing Bees!" (environmental); or, the Chicago Bulls (or your local NBA team). Simply let us know after you have won the auction which option you prefer (unpainted or painted + theme). Please also specify the length of your customized Urban Frontier Bench (options are 4, 5, or 6 feet). Included in this auction is a steel all-weather frame and untreated 2x4s (assembly required). All youth who contribute to the Urban Frontier Bench project will qualify for free or reduced lunch in school and will live in a predominantly low-income neighborhood with new loft developments underway. All proceeds from the auction will be paid to the young people who work on the bench and their arts education program. I will receive no commission from this auction. Questions and answers about this item CURA OR Ghidini & Modrak O: is this for homies or not? A: homies ... bromies ... as long as they are the highest bidder. Ask a question See what other people are watching 1/2 Feb 01, 2017 A Feedback on our suggestions Qr:wirr ru.i:yx ve ssErt .eiswa CE 1111 ltII11t1 _~IlE®GMuMtwu. EUE= © E=fl Racing Number Decal Set 104 3d STL Models - Silver Tropical Beach- for RC Cars, Sprints, Lat... "Decor Collection" for C... Inspired Abstract Metal. 3D STL Model for CNC Router Engraver Carvin. 2 3D STL Models for CNC BARNES OIL PAINTING Router Engraver Carvi... PANSY PANSIES VINTA. $4.21 $51.00 Free shii)Dirc 2 bies $6.99 - $1S9 Almost gone $18.40 $400.00 $2.18 F ee hppcn (KUTENGESA NYIKA) SOIL SAMPLE FROM HARARE KOPJE Q & A: QUEST/ON Is the soil from the top of the hill or the bottom? I want to be sure that the full history and also the nutrition is present. Thank you. ANSWER The sample is from the Top of the Hill. ARTIST STATEMENT I'm not sure if I'm selling a token of 126 years of struggle for land. The IOM office in Harare estimates that 500,000 to 4 million Zimbabweans are in Diaspora. Maybe they or anyone might appreciate a souvenir. The pricing of $36 is based on the number of independent years from the British Colony. What does it mean to sell a country and buy it or steal it? An expression of the suffering of a land caught in the midst of human greed? Most African Countries declare their freedom from former Colonizers, but are they free? Masimba Hwati works between Harare, Zimbabwe, and Capetown, South Africa. He taught sculpture at the Harare Polytechnic, Department of Printing and Graphic Arts from 2006 to 2016. Masimba is interested in Transformation of Knowledge systems, histories, and philosophies that inform national narratives in Southern Africa. He experiments with sculpture, photography, video, and performance. He has collaborated with several artists from South Africa and Detroit, Michigan, where he is part of the Zimbabwe Cultural Center, and works with collectives in Zimbabwe and southern Africa. He participated in the 56th edition of the Venice Biennale under the Zimbabwean pavilion. category All Categories -I Search Advanced Back to My eBay Listed in Category: Real Estate > Land (Kutengesa Nyika) Soil sample from Harare Kopje, #exstrange Item con0 iton: -- _____Soil sample." ARTIST Masimba Hwati LOCATONV Harare, Zimbabwe LOCATION OF BIDDER Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA FULL CATEGORY Real Estate > Land STARTING PRICE $36.00 SALE PRICE $36.00 CURATOR Ghidini & Modrak Ended: Feb 17, 2017, 7:54AM Seller information incubatorbaby (178 > 100% Positive feedback Winning bid: US $36.00 [1 bid] See other items Shipping: Free Local Pickup I see details Item location: Harare, Zirmbabwe Ships to: Local pick-up only Delivery: Varies Coverage: Read item description or contact seller for details. see al detaics (Not eligible for eBay purchase protection programs) Have one to sell? Sell now Description Shipping and payments Seller assumes all responsibility lor this listing. Item specifics Seller Notes: "Soil sample." Seller State of Residence: Michigan Report item 192101549862 A City: Harare State/Province: Zimbabwe "Harare Kopje" a historic hill in the capital City. This was where the First Colonialist settlers planted the British flag and called it Fort Salisbury after the 3rd Marquess of Salisbury. That was on September 12 1890 ..... to speed things up, the Capital city was renamed Harare two years after the National Independence in 1982. The name was Inspired by a local Chief Neharahwa who lived in a Village near the Hill. (Kopje) Harare was his nickname, which means the one that does not sleep. Since 1890, the country has grappled with the land ownership issues between generations of the Minority British colonial settlers and the majority Indigenous people. Land was the main cause of the Liberation struggles-the first one starting from 1894 and thwarted in 897 and the Guerrilla war from July 1964 to December 1979, which resulted in the Independence of Zimbabwe. Soil/The Land has been at the center of Human struggle in Zimbabwe from 1890 to date and a sample from the birth place of struggle is loaded with a history of struggle for the liberation and the definition of a Nationhood. Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers have been posted about this item. Ask a question See what other people are watching 1/2 Feedbackon our suggestions 1/2 ACRE TREED LOT 1.5 MILES FROM LAK... $195.00 $0.00 40 ACRE NEVADA RANCH ADJOINS BL... $295.00 Montana Gold Mining Arizona Gold Mining PUNTA GORDA, PORT PORT CHARLOTTE, Claim Placer South Me... Claim 20.66 acre Black... CHARLOTTE FLORIDA... PUNTA GORDA, FLO... $415.00 + $0.00 $275.00 5 bids + $0.00 $305.00 19 bids + $0.00 $365.00 1s 28 bids Popular SHREDS ARTIST STATEMENT Our work around neoliberal aesthetics emerged after None was made redundant, which made us experience painfully what we had always understood as a brutal regime and political ideology, usually referred to as "neoliberalism." The "shreds" are a material result or evidence of a year's labour shredding every piece of text attached to our time at Latrobe University, including filing cabinets full of Norie's decades-long teaching career. We also made a series of video performances, performing with the shreds and using The Three Stooges as masks to channel the violence underlying current social transactions (Wendy Brown, Undoing the Demos). The Three Stooges understood all too well the effect of humiliation and violence with their heads hammered, eyes poked, hands sawed, and other physical acts displaying the force and power against the little guys. Their zany slapstick (Sian Ngai, Our Aesthetic Categories) reverberates today with the neoliberalism that animates every particle of our everyday life, politics, and culture. It is so pervasive that we take its violence and cruelty for granted, as inevitable. In our art work of shredding and with shreds, we set out to carry the aesthetics of neo-liberalism to the extreme, so they may be visible, audible, tangible. In other words, the shreds speak to the extreme and radical shifts in social values that have occurred over the past 40 years and act as both material evidence and as metaphor for these 'empty' financial values. [Out-of-Sync's statement continues online at the #exstrange website.] Norie Neumark and Maria Miranda (Out-of-Sync) have maintained a collaborative art practice for over 20 years. Engaged with questions of culture, place and memory, our practice draws provocations, ideas and material from literary texts and popular cultural forms such as film, TV and music- understanding these different cultural forms as ciphers to even greater mysteries. We treat ourselves as (art) mediums- always deep in a state of trance-like seance-passing on these strange disturbances and unclear sightings/sitings that emanate from the vast cultural unconscious. The work that emerges can take many forms, but mostly video, sound and installation. Shop by categr y < Back to home page I Listed in category: Art > Mixed Meda, Collage Shreds #exstrange All Categories Search Advanced * -ae Item condition: New Ended: 10 Feb, 2017 11:15:14 AEDST low ARTIST Out-of-Sync (Norie Neumark & Maria Miranda) LOCATION Melbourne, Australia LOCATION OF BIDDER Melbourne, Australia FULL CATEGORY Art > Mixed Media, Collage STARTING PRICE AU$0.99 SALE PRICE AU$5.50 CURATOR Ghidini & Modrak Seller information noineumar (0) Winning bid: AU $5.50 [ 6 bids] Postage: AU $57.45 AusPost Air Mail Parcel I Item location: Fairelad. VIC, Australla Posts to: worldwid Delivery: Estimated delivery within 6-13 business days receivinleeonpayent Payments: Pay , Bank deposit n ymnt cr Returns: No Returns Accepted Guarantee: b I- Get the item you ordered or get your money back. See other items Have one to sell? Sell it yourself Description Postage and payments Report item 1242'3'1720 Seller assumes all responsibility tor this listing. Item specifics Condition: New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item. See the seller's listing for full details. See all condition der-nitions Subject: Neoliberal aesthetics Style: Contemporary Art Framing: Unframed Region of Origin: Australia Artist: Norie Neumark and Maria Miranda Date of Creation: Listed By: Signed: Original/Reproduction: Medium: 2015 Artist Unsigned Original Paper Hand-shredded paper documents. Edition of three. These hand-made shreds come in transparent recycled plastic bags. They are lightweight and sculptural with hints of reds, blues and yellows scattered throughout. They are versatile, sustainable and ecological. They can be re-used as fire starters or compost fillers or displayed as contemporary art pieces. They were made over a period of one year as part of an endurance performance (with no audience). Some background: In 2015 Nori was made redundant by the university where she worked, and we found ourselves shredding compulsively. The hand-made shreds are a material result or evidence of a year's labour shredding every piece of text accumulated over forty years of teaching. We think of this labour as a durational performance. A career in shreds. The hand-made shreds are an integral part of a series of video performances, channeling the 3 Stooges, titled Stuplimity and the Aesthetics of Neoliberalism. To see video performances: https://vimeo.com/126581615 Masks unavailable - shredded. Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers have been posted about this item. Ask a question See what other people are watching 1/2 MEMOD E i r n, ®®®m*DU, Feedback on our suggestions A d~k r w' SCRABBLE LETTER Battery Door Cover Battery Cover Cap Part Canvas Art FRAMED I H.Cook,s Portrait of Large Industrial Artwork DECAL/STICKER $3 per Replacement for Ca... for Canon 40D ... London Phone Box ... Albert Namatjira... Shell Work... AU $3.00 AU $2.70 AU $2.70 AU $105.00 AU $27.00 AU $750.00 Bey It NOW Buy It Now Buy It Now SUNDAY MORNING WALK - A BIo Regin Igloria maintains a multidisciplinary studio practice in Chicago, Illinois. He founded North Branch Projects, a community bookbinding project based in the Albany Park neighborhood, which allows him to combine various aspects of his work as an educator and artist. Select teaching experiences include Marwen, Illinois State University, The School of The Art Institute of Chicago, Anderson Ranch Arts Center, and Rhode Island School of Design. His work has been exhibited and collected internationally. He is a recipient of a 3Arts Teaching Artist Award and residency Fellowship, Propeller Grant, and an Americans for the Arts Fellowship. MONTHLY EXCURSION Regin Igloria, Image from Sunday Morning Walk - A Monthly Excursion, #exstrange auction. Shop by c~otn ategaovry All Categories -1 Search Advanced ARTIST Regin Igloria LOCATIONV Chicago, Illinois, USA LOCATIONV OF BIDDER Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA FULL CATEGORY Travel > Travel Accessories > Other Travel Accessories STARTINVG PRICE $5.00 SALE PRICE $5.00 CURATOR Ghidini & Modrak Sunday Morning Walk - A Monthly Excursion #exstrange Itern condition: Used brded: Feb11, 217,l:4OPM Winning bid: US $5.00 [ 1 bid]j Sriping: $6.65 Expedited Shipping I see details Delivery: Estimated within 5 business days 02 Paynments: Pay VISA ____..- ^ Cedit Cords pocessed by PaylB Pay CREDIT Get more time te pay. See Tr Retutns: Sellem does not otter rotuins. Guarantee: Fbsee detailB Get the item you ordered or get your maney back. Covers yaut purchase ptice ea original snipping. ri D Seller information regiigloi-O (0l See otner items A w5F Have one to sell? Sell now Description Shipping and payments Reperd item A Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Item specifics Condition: Used: An item thar has been used previously. See the seller's listing tot tull details and descriptiontot ... Rleudmore Mom ing walks are not complete without a sup at coffee or tea tram the local cate. IllI had a baby and a stroller, possibly a dog, it might oven be better. A significant other works well. or a good friend or relative, Heading lo an urban brunch oould be the destination, or you might rat haue a panticular piaoe in mind--just the ohanoe to breathe and be outside. Talking, like most euerything else, is optional. In this case, your presenoe is, too. Share in these unique walking moments with me. Participants are offered an individualizedcup holder atthe stanaofthse monhly walks. None are the same, just like each walk you take. Walks take place eveny last Sunday at the month, at 11:0S a~m. in the Chicagolard area. [ovation will be given to the winning bidder. Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers hove been pvsted about this item. Ask a question See what other people are watchintg 1/2 heedbaov n yr uggv~esters Travel Babiles Silicone Black Gilliette Moo's Travel Women Lady Pouch Bucket lonLite Power Cleae Air 45 Lot bye Mask Sleepieg Sales Moos/Ladies Traeel Containers Set, Wnite/Blue... Flag Toiletry Shave Case a... Barrel Shaped Cosmetic M... Purifier Travel Hotel Ionizer... Shade Cover Blindfold Res... Toiletry Wash Bag Makeup... $21.45 $7.99 $3.99 $1 0.95 $24.99 $6.95 i hnigFruet yhiping FreeB sh ping Fret,iiyypi n Fj C'...iycin F~eet rsF Dii Fey tlar Almost poe e IB:l PORCH JESUS. HE IS YOUR BIO Eno Laget (la-gay) is an independent artist living and working in Detroit, Michigan. It's always been about efficient delivery systems. ROCK YOUR , SALVATION AS REALITY IS CHALLENGED Q & A: QUESTON Offer of $100. ANSWER Counter-offer $200. QUEST/ON New offer of $250. Can you deliver? For coffee? And conversation? ANSWER Accepted. ARTISTJOURNAL OFAUCTI/ON CAPTURING VALUE in 21 st-Century Detroit. Hope and love prevail here. 2/2/2017: Porch Jesus, a sacramental object for spiritual protection offered for sale on Ebay via #exstrange. For more than 3 years, this chunk of concrete with a stencil of the Jesus face on it has sat next to our front porch steps. It had been my daily reminder to check ego and spiritual consciousness in this ambiguous world. 2/8/2017,11:06 a.m.: With a majority vote, Jeff Sessions is installed as Attorney General. On Facebook, I make a plea for bids on Porch Jesus. I remind FB friends that the buy-it- now price ($200) will go as a charitable contribution directly to The Southern Poverty Law Center. 2/8/2017, 6:15 p.m.: I bump into a friend at PJ's Lager House. Over beers, Jerry makes a $100 bid for the Jesus. He wants it for his porch in Corktown, Detroit. 2/9/2017,1:23 p.m.: A buy-it-now bid, at $50 above the $200 asking price, is offered on Ebay. The new bid is "too rich" for Jerry. The purchaser is Kate Lollio. She and her husband Tony live in Brighton, Michigan. Tony is homebound in hospice. He is a veteran. He suffers from ALS. He cannot speak. They have 3 kids. eb Shop by All Categories J Search Advanced < Back IvtMyve~ay Listed in category: Hov'e & Grden> He D ar>IlaGs & gnu Porch Jesus. He is your Rock, your Salvation as reality is challenged #exstrange " ARTIST Eno Laget LOCATION Detroit, Michigan, USA LOCATION OF BIDDER Brighton, Michigan, USA FULL CATECORY Home & Garden > Home Decor > Plaques & Signs STARTINC PRICE $200.00 SALE PRICE $250.00 CUR ATOR Artist - Joiner Item condition: Pre-owned Ended: Feb 10, 2017, 1:08PM Sold for: US $200.00 Shipping: Free Local Pickup I see cetals Item location: Plymout2h, Mcogan, United S'ates Sps to: Local pick-up ony Delivery: Varies Paymento: Pay VISA " Credit Cards processed by PayPi Pay CREDIT 6 months to pay on $99+. See Ternns Returns: Seller does not offer returns. Guarantee: vb 1 see Get the item you ordered or get your money back. Covers your purchase price and original shipping. Seller information elage (0) + Se othtmr See other items 4M a Have one to sell? Sell now Description Shipping and payments Seller assumes all responibiity for this listing. Last updated on Feb 04, 2017508:24:49 PST View allrv, in Report item c28234784042 S PLC of the sale of this item will benefit 100% Southern Poverty Law Center Inc The Southern Poverty Law Center is dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seekng ustice for the most vulnerable members ofour society. Using litgoton, education, and other forms of advocacy, the Center works toward the day when the ideals of equal justice anc equal opportunity will be a reality. - FOR CHARITY ; " Official eBay for Charity listing I Learn more . Sale benefits a verified non-profit partner Item specifics Condition: Pre-owned: An item that has been used or worn previously. See Theme: 10 Commandments the seller's listing for full details and ... Read more Pattern: Pictorial Style: Americana Material: concrete Color: Multi-Color Features: Custom Made, Free Standing, Hand Painted Shape: minor monolith Model: Love Type: Outdoor Signs/Plaques Brand: "Handmade" Porch Jesus is a custom-made sacramental for spiritual protection. Our Jewish brothers and sisters have for centuries affixed mezusas to their doorposts for protection. A culture- comparative analysis suggests that objects placed on domestic thresholds often bear the function of an amulet repelling a broadly understood evil. In fact, early Rabbinic sources explicitly witness the belief in the anti-demonic function of mezuzah. (1) For a limited time you can purchase mainstream religious personal protection for you and your family by owning this one-of-a-kind sacramental object. DISCLAIMER: With or without faith in Jesus fulfillment of claims for this object is at the discretion of God the Father. Is your name in the Book of Life? Where you spent most of your time is your god. The stonelike fragment upon which the image of Jesus is affixed was hand selected from concrete rubble during live sidewalk demolition and reconstruction work in front of Astro Coffee on Michigan Avenue near 14th Street in Detroit in 2013. Astro Coffee faces the iconic Michigan Central Station. Hyper gentrification of select Detroit neighborhoods presented the unique opportunity for this special object to be created from recycled materials. Pochoir (2) is the process by which the multi-color image was lovingly rendered in layers of aerosol enamel paint. Truly, this is a one-of-kind offering, never to be duplicated. As we move toward the first 100 days of new administration in Washington it is important to remember how history works. Setup. Upset. Reset. We are now in phase 2 of one-freakine-thing-after-another transformation. Lake of fire or return to eternal American bliss of consumerism are the only options. I find hope in the words of a wise Granny I met way up on the Eastside of Detroit at Thanksgiving. Catherine said, "I don't worry about who is in the White House because I know who is on the throne." Amen, sister! Free delivery within a hundred-mile radius of Detroit, Michigan. Approximate weight: 40 lbs. (1) Source: Wikipedia (2) Source: Encyclopedia Britannica SPECIAL NOTE: Bidding begins on 4 Feburary. Guess correctly the 2 American events in seeming contradiction to social justice tied to this date and $0 will be the price of this auction item. WINNER OF THIS AUCTION: I will match your tax deductible contribution to the Southern Poverty Law Center up to and including the buy-it-now price. Ready? Go! Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers have been posted about this item. Ask a question See what other people are watching 1/2 Feedback on our suggestion 9 BEWARE A N TN wE IOWN WE HA FOUND r Thci ttf 'F G BUN & SERIOUSLY oN A BACKIaE GARAGE White Wooden Letters 26 Large Woocen Letters 15 21cm Sexy girl NO TRESPASSING No Soliciting Funny Sign Dad's Garage Distressed Love Bridal Party Home. Alphabet Wall Hanging... Celebrity Vintage Metal... BEWARE I OWN A GU... Go Away Front Door N... Retro Vintage Tin Sign $0.99 Free shippnl Poular $0.99 $2.79 $7.98 Free shipping Free shipping Free shipping Popular Almost gone $8.40 Free shipping Popular $12.99 Free shippin Poou ar 2/9/2017, 3:55 p.m.: Kate Lollio. A conversation with a 3-year old posted on Facebook. Kate Lollio I'm sitting in parking lot, unable to drive. I need a little encouragement today. Frankie: Momma, all the families have healthy (which she pronounces hel-fy) daddies. We have a sick daddy. Me: You're right. Some families have healthy dads and some have sick daddies... but I pray every day God will make daddy healthy. Frankie: When will God make daddy be healthy? I'm trying to hold it together, but what can I say? Me: I don't know, honey... Frankie: .. because God's not here. Me: He is, we just can't see him because he lives in our hearts. Frankie: Oh... does he live in daddy's heart? Me: Yes, baby. Of course he does. And just as quickly as the questioning began, it stopped. What am I to say? Lord, give me wisdom to council my children. Give me strength to endure this. il Like P Comment 4 Share 2/16/2017, 1:00 p.m., Delivery day: Kate tells me she wanted the Jesus because having it makes her home more of a sanctuary, an isolated but safe space where she spends most of her time caring for Tony and the children. When asked why she bid much more than the asking price, she answered simply. "I need to surround myself with things that are beautiful and give me hope. It was worth much more:" 3/7/2017, 5:35 p.m. (via Facebook): Kate Lollio with Tony Lollio. Tony has asked for prayers. We are being admitted to the ICU here at the VA hospital. 3/8/2017, 9:19 a.m. (via Facebook): Kate Lollio with Tony Lollio. Thank you all for the outpouring of love and prayers. It has helped! Tony's vitals are doing well now.... We came in due to distress from choking constantly on secretions and not being able to suction his throat well enough. (Drowning essentially) We were anticipating needing a tracheotomy. 3/12/2017,1:25 p.m. (via Facebook): Kate Lollio with Tony Lollio. .... It's quiet now. Tony is finally sleeping. My mind keeps wandering down different paths. This disease strips away all that is non-essential. God has really been teaching me the last few days (and years) about what is left when all else is taken away.... The greatest thing I will ever do in my life is practice Love through this. Not just feel love but act on Love. We can be bitter. We can be angry and the unanswerable questions can haunt us.... 3/10/2017, 7:50 p.m. (via Facebook): Tony Lollio. Tony Lollio ICU Day 4. Which day of the week is it again? This is the real me. Try not to look away. 1 Ie N I, i Like 1 Comment A Share S153 3/15/2017: Tony Lollio, above, went home today from emergency care at Veteran's Hospital in Ann Arbor. More than 5 years ago he was diagnosed with ALS. Tony communicates with eye-tracking software installed on a laptop. His family is making a way where there does not appear to be one. Thank you, #exstrange for helping tell their story of love and hope in the name of Jesus. THE EVOLUTION OF THE SPERMALEGE " @ " " " " " ARTIST STATEMENT Holder is interested in the structures and hierarchies of the technological and natural world and how these systems are constantly abstracted. Mixing elements of biology, nanotechnology and natural history against computer program interfaces, screen savers and measuring devices, she sees no object or substance in any fixed state or with any permanent definition, identity or order; everything is transforming and morphing into something else; everything is a mutant and a hybrid. Connecting forms that have emerged through our human taste, culture and industrial processes, she investigates complex systems that dissolve notions of the 'natural' and the 'artificial.' GM products, virtual biology and aquatic creatures are incorporated into an extended web, challenging our perception of evolution, adaptation and change. By contrasting so-called 'organic' and 'man-made' substances and surfaces through a series of abstractions, she creates a world of manifold layers, none more unified or natural than the next. These hybridities may suggest a particular function or natural form but remain elusive through their odd displacement. Joey Holder received her BA from Kingston University (2002) and her MFA from Goldsmiths (2010). Recent solo/duo exhibitions include Ophiux, Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge (2016), TETRAGRAMMATON, LD50, London (duo w/ John Russell) (2016), Lament of Ur, Karst, Plymouth (duo w/ Viktor Timofeev) (2015); BioStat., Project Native Informant, London (2015) and HYDROZOAN, The Royal Standard, Liverpool (2014). Recent group exhibitions include Winteris Coming, Georg Kargl, Vienna (2016), Deep Inside, 5th Moscow International Biennale for Young Art, Moscow, Russia (2016), The Uncanny Valley, Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge (2015); and BODY HOLES, New Scenario, online exhibition at the 9th Berlin Biennale, Berlin, Germany (2016). eb Shop by All Categories 'J Search Advanced < Back to home page I Listed in category: Art > New Media The Evolution of the Spermalege....... #exstrange Itern -- ARTIST Joey Holder LOCATION Nottingham, UK FULL CATEGORY Art > New Media STARTNC PRICE £3.00 SALE PRICE Ended: 12 Feb, 2017 08:00:24 GMT Current £8.50 [8bids] bid: Reservenot met Postage: May not post to United States - Read item description or contact seller for postage options. I See do-1, eteeecation: Nottirgham, LritedKingdom Posts tc': Lnr- K pgdom Delivery: Varies Payments: by PayPal Iouseeamnt nfrmaetion Returns: No returns accepted Protection Seller information joey.electro (68 ) 100% Positive Feedback See other items Have one to sell? Sell it yourself Description Postage and payments Report item Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. 'The Evolution of the Spermalege' #exstrange 3D printed model, based on insect genitalia Unsold httv:I/s---e--x.tumblr.com/ CURATOR Joso Laia httD://ioevholder.com/the-evolution-of-the-Spermale2e/ 18 x 6 x 5cm 3D printed (gold colour) Insects have some of the strangest mating practices in the animal kingdom: honey bees penises snap off and explode, female praying mantis eat their male partners (sometimes even during copulation) and male bedbugs use their scimitar-like sexual organ to impale the female bedbug's body and deposit the sperm. Like bedbugs, bean weevils (Callosobruchus analis) also use this process of 'traumatic insemination' to mate and one of the 3D models is based on this spiny penis. The models express the myriad of exquisite forms found in the animal kingdom which are often invisible to the naked eye. Traumatic insemination, also known as hypodermic insemination, is the mating practice in some species of invertebrates in which the male pierces the female's abdomen with his penis and injects his sperm through the wound into her abdominal cavity. The sperm diffuse through the female's hemolymph, reaching the ovaries and resulting in fertilization. The process is detrimental to the female's health. It creates an open wound which impairs the female until it heals, and is susceptible to infection. The injection of sperm and ejaculatory fluids into the hemocoel can also trigger an immune reaction in the female. Bed bugs, which reproduce solely by traumatic insemination, have evolved a pair of sperm-receptacles, known as the spermalege. It has been suggested that the spermalege reduces the direct damage to the female bed bug during traumatic insemination. However, statistical experiments showed no conclusive evidence for that hypothesis, hygienic protection against bacteria being the preferred explanation for that organ.2 The evolutionary origins of traumatic insemination are disputed. Although it evolved independently in many invertebrate species, traumatic insemination is most highly adapted and thoroughly studied in bed bugs, particularly Cimex lectularius. Traumatic insemination is not limited to male-female couplings, or even couplings of the same species. Both homosexual and inter-species traumatic inseminations have been observed. / Derivatives / We have come full circle. The object has become an image which has become an object. The simulation now predates the original, adding value to but also creating the authentic. Algorithms stretch this logic further by reproducing variations of the object in order to supply its users with seemingly different and yet similar representations. Big data's opaque predictions magically colapse time creating fluid contexts where the provisional form of the object as vessel comes together. From currency as a means to store value or facilitate exchange, the artwork has become a derivative hoping to handle the instability inherent to its flowing form, matter and content, a financial agent based on the currency of its documentation. The online auction is a privileged environment to track these tensions, a site where the copy immediately becomes real, material a process and value dependent on speculation about the future. with Joey Holder, Nicolas Lamas and Sarah Schinfeld GENIUS ARTIST STATEMENT Nicolds Lamas' work constantly revolves around the interaction between things, where they coexist and create other kind of associations, exchanges, and potential combinations without established rules. His artistic research can be seen as a series of speculative exercises where everything is part of a cyclical process of transmission of information and energy. It is important to think of Lamas' practice as the result of a production process in constant flux where intuition, chance, play, and physics determine his connection with objects and images within specific contexts. Through different methodologies of research and production, several ideas take specific states and forms in each project. This generates a heterogeneous and changing body of work with multiple layers of reference and meaning, a system where things create complexity in other logics and everything fluctuates between order and chaos. Nicolds Lamas (Lima, 1980) lives and works in Ghent, Belgium. Recent solo exhibitions include: Todo objeto es un espacio temporal, Fundaci6 Joan Mir6, Loss of symmetry, Loods 12, The structure of the wild, Brand New Gallery, Disfunctional links, Meessen De Clercq, and Potential remains, DASH. Group exhibitions include: Notes on our equilibrium, CAB Art Center, Du verb a la comunication, Musee Carre d'Art, Presque la meme chose, Kunsthalle Mullhouse, and The part in the story where a part become a part of something else, Witte de With. eb Shop by category All Categories j Search Advanced < BOcke h-ere I Lsse m cegoy: Helh&O 8eh rgaenee Unisexrrer ri-s Genius - #exstrange Item condition: New Ended: 13 Feb, 2017 08:13:47 GMT Seller information nicolalama-0 (2) 100% Positive Feedback ARTIST Starting bid: £750.00 [0 bids] Nicolas Lamas LOCATION Ghent, Belgium FULL CATECORY Health & Beauty > Fragrances > Unisex Fragrances STARTNC PRICE Postage: May not post to United States - Read item description or contact seller for postage options. I see details ,re. n- r-tin Gent, selg - nsts to: United Kingdor Delivery: Vaties Pames Processed Payments: Payby Pay a , Credit card see Rtr:N ert ir eptedn Renurns: No returns accepted See other iters Protection: (-:b I.N I I See detals Have one to sell? Sell it yourself Description Postage and payments Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Last updated on 10 Feb, 2017 22:41:42 GMT View all revisions Item specifics Condition: New: A brand-new, unused, unopened and undamaged item in original retail packaging (where packaging is ... Read more Fragrance Volume: 10ml Country/Region of Manufacture: Belgium Report item A Brand: Unbranded Fragrance Name: Genius EAN: Does not apply £750.00 SALE PRICE Unsold CURATOR Joso Laia This auction offers you a unique experience. The winner of the auction will receive a transparent standard glass bottle with a special perfume inside. The bottle contains the scent of success, of a specific type of success achieved in and measured by our present capitalist society. Like a genius, by opening the bottle you are liberating the sweet smell of success which you will be able to experience as if your own. You can choose to either have an individual experience at home by simply open the bottle or to share it with others. Be aware: when applied to a human, the scent will influence the perception other people have of you, enhancing your status as a highly successful person. In order to activate the experience you will need to open the bottle. The small amount of perfume means that you will have a limited amount of time to experience the scent: in order to experience the work fully, the bottle needs to be open or the perfume needs to be applied. Should you prefer to keep it it "forever", you can only see the piece, and therefore not fully experience it. The choice is yours, success is guaranteed. Nicolds Lamas (Lima, 198o) lives and works in Ghent, Belgium. Recent solo exhibitions include: Todo objeto es un espacio temporal, Fundacid Joan Mird, Loss of symmetry, Loods 12, The structure of the wild, Brand New Gallery, Disfunctional links, Meessen De Clercq, Potential remains, DASH. Group exhibitions include: Notes on our equilibrium, CAB Art Center, Du verb a la comunication. Mused Carr d'Art, Presque la meme chose, Kunsthalle Mullhouse, The part in the story where a part become a part of something else, Witte de With. Nicolis Lamas' work constantly revolves around the interaction between things, where they coexist and create other kind of associations, exchanges and potential combinations without established rules. His artistic research can be seen as a series of speculative exercises where everything is part of a cyclical process of transmission of information and energy. It is important to think of Lamas' practice as the result of a production process in constant flux; where intuition, chance, play and physics determine his connection with objects and images within specific contexts. Through different methodologies of research and production, several ideas take specific states and forms in each project. This generates a heterogeneous and changing body of work with multiple layers of reference and meaning. A system where things create complexity in other logics and everything fluctuates between order and chaos. / Derivatives / A We have come full circle. The object has become an image which has become an object. The simulation now predates the original, adding value to but also creating the authentic. Algorithms stretch this logic further by reproducing variations of the object in order to supply its users with seemingly different and yet similar representations. Big data's opaque predictions magically colapse time creating fluid contexts where the provisional form of the object as vessel comes together. From currency as a means to store value or facilitate exchange, the artwork has become a derivative hoping to handle the instability inherent to its flowing form, matter and content, a financial agent based on the currency of its documentation. The online auction is a privileged environment to track these tensions, a site where the copy immediately becomes real, material a process and value dependent on speculation about the future. with Joey Holder, Nicolts Lamas and Sarah Schinfeld a proposal by Jodo Laia Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers have been posted about this item. FLYING SORCERER Q & A: QUESTION what are the risks? Is there some physical danger in the smashing first and then what about feelings of more alienation than already in IKEA? ANSWER you should wear eye protection and some shoes to not hurt yourself physically. everything else is about getting familiar with your alienation. ARTIST STATEMENT The work of Sarah Ancelle Sch6nfeld jestingly deals with the spiritual and scientific imagination. It reflects on different kinds of knowledge-, control-, and truth-production, constituting and reproducing our human ,,self" in the world. Her method is an appropriation and recomposing of concepts. In order to create new meanings and perspectives, common structures are sliced up, analysed and put back together in a different way, using oracular technics and alchemical experiments. Approaches from various fields find themselves included in her practice, like amerindian perspectisvism, natural science, religion, archeology, mythology, magic, and technology. The work includes a wide range of mediums like photography, print, sculpture, installation, and performance. Sarah Ancelle SchWnfeld (*1979) graduated from UDK (Universitat der KUnste Berlin) in 2006. She has had solo exhibitions at Kunstverein Augsburg, Germany; Gildar Gallery Denver; Galleria Marso Mexico City; Galleria Mario lannelli, Rome; and Goethe Institut, St. Petersburg. Her work has also been exibited in many group exhibitions including Centre Pompidou, Paris; Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg; Kunstverein Wolfsburg; Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin; Fotomuseum Winterthur, Switzerland; and Muzeum Ludwig, Budapest. She recieved a DAAD travel grant in 2005, has been a resident at Villa Aurora Los Angeles in 2011, won the Kunstfonds Stipendium Germany in 2012, and the FOAM Talents Award of the Fotomuseum Amsterdam in 2014. She lives and works in Berlin. eb Shop by category AUl Categories Search Adnrad Sto searc e U't I itedein ctegory . ni1em & Unuti Mjen,- & Lbo > Da010i >AuometerAtmkpe Flying Sorcerer #exstrange Item New other (see details) condition: Endedw Feb 13, 2017, lt:3PM Winning bid: EUR 27.50 [ 16bds] Aoproimately US $29.21 ARTIST Seller information schitsa (5) See other items Sarah Ancelle Schonfeld LOCATIONV Berlin, Germany LOCATIONi OF BIDDER Hamburg, Germany FULL CATEGORY Business & Industry > Medicine & Lab >Diagnostics > Audiometers & Audioscopes STARTINGC PRICE Ohipping: EUR 20.00 (approx. 0950t.251 DHL Packchen InternationallIsee detals Deolivery: Estimoted Delisery within 13-t6 business doys Please rote the delicery estimete is Payments: Ppy I see detals tRetu'ns: Seller does not otter returns. Guarantee Isee detail -A Getrthe item you ordered or get youremoney bck. coversyour purchasenprie andorignal shipping. Have one to sell? Sell cow Description Shipping aed paywents Seller assumes all responsibility tar this listing. Lest updated en Feb to, 2tt17 08:32:52 POT View all revisions oItion s ep tereecetis:Aiofuusdiemwtibsltlcnsin o er Reoed item A The item may be missing the original packaging, ... Rood more Itn this auction yiou ore bidding ire a treatment against alienatioo end nuclear anxiety. If yoo win Ibis auctiron, yoru witl hove tt get on IKEA plato (forynik desert plato 21 cm) end smash it at bhtme ire ycor wolt. Seed the pieces to Sarah Schofeld, Mariannenstr. 31, t10999 Benile. t will glue your pluto hook together, ploy it on arecord player and decode with a morse app the message on your plate. In a sceduled sky-pc meeting we mill dor an interpnetatiton otf your self alienated message totgether. One interesting technosotcioltogical conclusiton otn UFO sightings is, that flying saucers ore nmanifestatitns orf nucleon anxiety. This thesis gained protminrence in the 1950s, ptpping op itn the work of debutnkers and B msovies like The Day the Earth Stootd Still. I suggest that this matnifestotions tof ansiety could be understoovd as imbalance in the spirit wtorld and inuaI heolth issue alike. The Flying Sorcerer is an otpen wtonkshop, ott actualizotino rf several midevol Euopean and older Sooth American trodititons ttf intentionailly destrying potttery, used in wedditg and funeral rituals to scone had spirits. I om reapproprioting etd costomleing this ~,techniqe" insiting the clients to throw sancers on the wall. Usitg gravisy ftor a conttrolled way orf flying and crashing, the shivers (shiver meaos equally trembling and a piece of portteny) uwill he nestorred after inon act orf intn archltolgv in order to hear and decode the self made albeo message with a record player and a mnorse app. The act of throwing objects as a domestic "reenactmoent" of the UPO phatntasm, is sopporsed tn enable us to get over the shiver antI listen to the message iof alienation. The cotnplete prodiuct, norw shattered, opetts roonm fctr the metaphysical interpretation throughout its gaps. Amn 10.02.17 hal dee Verkilufer die folgenden Angaben hiozugefdigt / Derivatives / We have eome full eircle. The objeet has heeome an image whieh has heroine an ohject. The simulation now predates the original, adding value to hut alert ereating the authentic. Algotrithms stretch Ohio lorgie further hy reprtrducing variationes orf the orbject in orrder tt supply its users with seemingly different and yet similar representations. Big data's upaque predictions magically colapse lime creating fluid contexts where the provisional form of the objeet as vessel romeo together. From currency as a means to store value or facilitate exchange, the artwvork has become a derivative hoping In handle the instahility inherent In its flowing form, matter and content, a financial agent based on the currency of its documentation. The online auction is a privileged environment 1o track these tensions, a site where the copy immediately heroines real, material a process and value dependent on speculation ahout the future. wnith Joey Holder, Nicolas Lamas and Sarah Schonfeld a proposal hy .1000 Loa SALE PRICE 27,50 CURATOR A Joao Laia Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers bane been posted about this itow. A a question Sponsored Links U, 'UhrI U'U $1500. reeShipping Man F m $69.099 Froe Shipp' na $69.099:lU 4 $49.099U, 6 J Sarah Schdnfeld. Images on this page and top of next page are from Flying Sorcerer, #exstrange auction. 97 3 00/ 3 i - v ' 0 a 6,00 00 me w L ° G 0 00 m 0 00 00 000 e 0

Other Tickets & Experiences ANXIETY DISORDER FOR SALE #EXSTRANGE See original isting Item condition: -- E normal wear and tear is evident." , 4 4 Ended: Jan 29, 2017, 9:30PM Winning bid: US $1.99 [1 bid ] r" Shipping: FREE Economy Shipping Item location: Interlochen, Michigan, United States Seller: megahildebrand_1 (0) Seller's other items Sel one like this J- TI 70% OFF Shop top brands Description SHAKINESS, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE AND HEART PALPITATIONS FOR SALE! GOES GREAT WITH PANIC, DEPRESSION, OR TROUBLE SLEEPING! WHAT WILL HAPPEN TOMORROW, OR NEXT WEEK? WORRY ABOUT THE FUTURE EXCESSIVELY AND EXPERIENCE INTENSE FEAR REGARDING CURRENT EVENTS! ANTICIPATE THE OTHER SHOE TO DROP AT ANY MOMENT! HOLD YOUR BREATH FOREVER WITH THIS DISORDER*! *DO NOT USE WHEN FLYING IN PLANES, AT EXTREME HEIGHTS, DRIVING IN BAD WEATHER CONDITIONS, WHILE PREGNANT, WHILE IN RELATIONSHIPS, IN JOB INTERVIEWS, WHEN READING SOCIAL MEDIA, WHEN LISTENING TO THE NEWS, WHEN PUBLIC SPEAKING, IN HUMID OR HOT CLIMATES, IN SOCIAL SITUATIONS, WHILE TRYING TO SLEEP, WHILE TRYING TO FOCUS, WHILE AGING, WHILE USING THE INTERNET, WHILE WATCHING SCARY MOVIES, WHEN SITTING STILL, WHEN THINKING ABOUT LOVED ONES' FUTURE, WHEN THINKING ABOUT ONE'S OWN FUTURE, WHEN THINKING, WHEN BREATHING. FUTURE, WHEN THINKING, WHEN BREATHING. Megan Hildebrandt, ANXIETY DISORDER FOR SALE, #exstrange auction. browser history on a pink thumb drive for 99 cents, describing it as a de facto "unedited narrative" of her personal and professional life, as mediated by the traces of her web wandering. JODI's EBAY shopping bag, a physical shopping bag decorated with the digital store's logo, listed under "Equipment & Material Stores," sold for E60. Given the variety suggested here, it's worth pausing over how #exstrange contributors resolved the challenge, or exploited the opportunity, of eBay's image box: a no-frills photo of a bag of paper shreds actually makes a perverse kind of sense among all the amateur photography on the site, while the shopping bag quietly mimics the slick, professional merch pic that's really just as common. The visual quality of the sales image usually communicates something about the nature of the seller and his or her goods-and #exstrange artists seemed to both play to and play with that expectation. Others turned the eBay listing into a site for political provocation. Masimba Hwati, based in Harare, Zimbabwe, sold a "soil sample" taken from a hill in that city where "the First Colonialist settlers planted the British flag" in 1890. (Here the sales image is a tasteful vase, full of dirt.) Listed under "Land" on ebay.uk, then relisted on ebay.com, where the closest available category was "Real Estate:' it sold for $36. Speaking more bluntly to current events, UK-based artist collective IOCOSE offered Instant Protest', described as "photos of people from all over the world demonstrating in the streets with your favourite slogan" and allegedly useful for news articles or social-media campaigns. The listing's promo images showed anonymous demonstrators with signs marked "LOREM IPSUM." Offered in an edition of 10 at the "Buy It Now" price of $10, it sold out. While this sampling covers only a small fraction of #exstrange, it should hint at the border-hopping sweep y ~F 4r~ r Out-of-Sync (Maria Miranda & Norie Neumark), Image from Shreds, #exstrange auction. of the project, the sheer variety and firepower of the provocations-and, it's important to note, the entertainment-on offer. One can only speculate as to the time and effort it would take to match it with an exhibition in art-world-suitable physical space(s). But whatever this may say about the challenges the project offers to standard gallery practice, the way it engages with eBay and the intersections of capitalism and Masimba Hwati, Images from (Kutengesa Nyika) Soil Sample from Harare Kopje, #exstrange auction. technology that we've slowly come to take for granted is even more significant. Toward the end of its run, #exstrange explored these intersections through a batch of auctions devised in collaboration with consumer-culture researchers. Eight listings offered unusual "products" that commented on contemporary notions of "networked" society-and, to further complicate matters, offered duplicates that simply positioned the exact same items in different ways. For instance, an iPhone EarthX-4.7 was described as brand new, unlocked, and biodegradable, among other features; with no battery or memory limits, an "analog" operating system and compatible only with an "Earth to Earth" network, it "dramatically improves the most important aspects of the iPhone experience!" The body material: "cast clay (unfired) and earth." It was listed for 1 cent. An essentially identical version of the object and its accompanying sales text, with different promotional images and auction titles, was listed for $1 0. Through a series of direct interactions with the shopping public, the researchers borrowed #exstrange's conversion of a shopping space into an art space, and further converted it into a laboratory space. Whatever the results, it's the fact of the experiment that matters. At the time eBay first made its way into the public mind, optimistic self-styled experts on the coming web-connected world declared that a new utopian marketplace of ideas was upon us; tired and stultifying gatekeepers would be swept aside, previously marginal or idiosyncratic thought could compete fairly with the hidebound and the elite, and the people would form our own more perfect polis. One popular metaphor for describing this suddenly inevitable new world pitted the cathedral against the bazaar-one model Reinforced bumper feature a raised bezel to protect the screen by lifting it off flat surfaces 9/ Responsive buttons WATER-SOLUBLE Impact Responsive / Dust-attractive / Snow-resilient Double-layer hybrid casing with built-in cyrstal clear screen protector Durable back cver wit n augmented scratched window ConnX, Images from iPhone EarthX - 4.7" Smartphone, Compatible with LFR Networks, #exstrange auction. suggesting the the many are forced to listen to and obey the few, the other reflecting the agora-like ideal of unlimited conversation and debate and exchange. Perhaps this has even turned out to be true, although we have since learned that the unlimited marketplace of ideas offers peddlers of the ugly and the shoddy fresh opportunity to expand their audiences, too. But more to the point, this wild new world often turns out to feel surprisingly stultified and regimented and formatted and controlled, filtered through prefab structures like Facebook and Google and, yes, eBay. What replaced the cathedral often feels less like a bazaar than a mall. #exstrange reveals that there are some cracks and corners in these virtual structures, hidden in plain sight and waiting to be exploited. It takes just one encounter with a truly unexpected eBay listing to reframe what eBay is, and what (and who) the wider techno- culture it now represents is really for-to complicate, if only momentarily, whatever's going through "the unconscious mind of capitalism:" This is the real transaction, and this is the real exchange. It doesn't cost a penny, and you couldn't own it if you wanted to. There is nothing more valuable. Elisa Giardina Papa, Image from Archive Fever Vol.37: My browser history [Feb 2017], #exstrange auction. [1] Berkun, Scott. "The Myths of Innovation." O'Reilly Media, 2010. [2] "The Shock of The New, Episode Five: The Threshold of Liberty," British Broadcasting Corporation,1 980. [3] "U-M professor's project encourages artists, curators to intervene in capitalism using eBay," Michigan News, February 9, 2017. http://ns.umich.edu/new/ releases/24569-u-m-professor-s-project-encourages- artists-curators-to-intervene-in-capitalism-using-ebay, accessed May 11, 2017 [4] http://exstrange.com/join/ JODI, Image from EBAY shopping bag (#exstrange edition), #exstrange auction. A SILVER NUTMEG AND A GOLDEN ARTIST STATEMENT Who is to say what objects mean to us, or which relationships they manifest and reify? What propositions of care can be explored through this platform's specific taxonomies and terms of engagement? Deep among Collectibles > Fantasy/ Myth / Magic > Other Magic, this artwork casts its own spell. PEAR Isabella Streffen creates encounters that puncture prevalent discourses at the intersections of art, literature and technology. Recent exhibitions include Dreamlands: Immersive Cinema and Art 1905-2016 at the Whitney Museum of American Art (2016-17), and The New Black at Resonate 2015. She previously held residencies at The Library of Congress, and the Terra Foundation for American Art, and co-curated Show Me The Money: the image of finance 1700 to the present (touring 2014-16). Her work also features in Nuclear Culture (Black Dog, 2016) and Cobra Res 1.9 (Cobra Press, 2015). f 1 Isabella Streffen, Images from A Silver Nutmeg and A Golden Pear, #exstrange auction. eb Shop by category All Ctegorito -1 Search A Silver Nutmeg and A Golden Pear #exstrange Time, left 5d 07h (10F 2017 08,00.360GMT) ARTIST Isabella Streffen LOCATIONV London, UK £145.00 S bids AI lddo Watlist0 Seller information isabellastreerl (0) 4linlty up to 4 devices today £500.00 Add to basket FULL H-aveoeo to sell? Sell yourslf CATEGORY Collectibles > Fantasy! Myth! Magic > Magic > Other Magic Newc ondition Ptage:q Maynoot pst toUnited States-Rad item descriptiensor contact seller forpostageoptionser 1-1 SoloerymSatoo Retors No returns accepted 'r0t000000. (A Se a Is toa 0s STARINGI PRICE Report item Description Postage and payments £1 50.00 Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Item specifics Condition: New: A brand-nec, unused, uopened cod undamaged 08em. Sec the seller's listing for full details. Sco l ',m e~,t, SALE PRICE Unsold CURATFOR Nora 0' Murchui This is yeur single opportueity to purchase A Silver Nuoteg dnd A Golden Pear (2017) by aetist Isabella Stretten, maode specifically toe the eBay eshihition dooi.ohieyoeoll as paet oft#exsotrange. Thework is an editono oof3 aod comcprises: two0 gildeod objects, an obay listing, aecord of the conoveraiono retating to the puechase oof the editiono; and acertificte oft authenticity. The wor0k is coomplted by yourecare totwards it. Each oof the edioto is slightly different, ie keeping with the oreganic eaturt otf the artork. The arworek and the accompanying paperork will be dispatched in protective cardboaord cosled hy Registered Posot. Offerinp Ohis or0k torc public sate isoa departuee for Stoeffen, whose artworcanoo usuallyonlybe acquiedhby a on-mtoonetaryoexchange. According to the ehytoe first recored by Halliwetl-Phillipps in London in 1797 (cod said to cotomemorate the comcing of Catherine oftAragon to the English CouoS in 1506), the imontmmn in Eerpean history, as alse suoggests a moetaophee tort royaol succession. Stefen haso gildemd ao quince - the Gtoltden Pear of the title - aode asntmeg, both oft which the objects, they wilt become mote prmcious to you, and this is an intrinsic part ot yourpurchase, What to expect of youre aetworek: Both pieces are gilded in pgold (the ouilver tot the nutmeg is white goold), aed have hood applicaotions tof specialist gilding varmioh. Yen can rub them vony gently with a soft, dry cloth, They should not tacaish. What they will do is rot, although itis imapossible to tell how long this mill take as it depends ono the conditions in which thoey aeekept. The estimated periodtforohe pear torot isoe ttheeyeas: itmayyozead dip duing periods ofchtange,but eventually, youowillhaveoaperectcast ot its lifecycle, which will last indefinitcly presided yen handle it camefully. Thc arnist suggests kceping it protected by a belt-jat no it is very tactile, and curious fingers ceuld cause irreteable damage. The suace tot the peoc in particulor will change, wrinkle and abradc. About the artist: Ioahella Streffen creates encounters that puncture prenalent disconeses ot the intersections of art, literatore and technology. Receot exhibitions include Dreamolanods: Immersive Cinemsa aned At 1905-201b at the Whitney Musceum ot American Ant (20t6-17), and She Newo Black ot Resonate 2015. She previeously held tesidencies inclading aot The teatnres inNalearCltuam (Blackt Dog,.2016) and CoraeRes 1.9 (Cobra Pess, 2015). [Disclaimer: We ar enaither able to verity claims Felafing too the rhyme, on liable toe it's twuth: we are not0 liahbleo losses relating tll it. Youn undeestand by purchasing the piece thot yoa arm purchasing tbc tantasy toftheb aetworek, which is a private matter betwen youa, yoor neactonscous and theoebject. This exhbiione and this transacionc teek toauocovenecw relationships that go beyond this platform's capacity forexchange. This itcm cannot be cnchangcd: in makinp a bid, you accept that the artwoek wilt change anod that yen arc responsible for the environmental conditions in whoich yea keep it. Questions and answers about this item No questios or answers have beene posted about this item0. See what ether people are watching eedack n ourtsggestions Spinning coins street magic Ratu John Clemyeet Eacape Harry Houdini Magician trick 10p 2p variations ad... Artist Magician Aviator Rn... Manic Trading Card Set £1.79 £220.00 £4.99 Harry Houdini NEW Harry Houdii NEW Mdoney spineuroin illusion POSTER Repro King ot C... POSTER Repro Metaorop... magic street trick very ent... £2.99 £2.99 £2.89 FUNERARY ART FOR SALE BIo Breda Lynch is a visual artist living and working in Ireland. She received her BA Hons degree at the Crawford College of Art, Cork, MA from Chelsea College of Art, London and an MPhil from the University of Wolverhampton, England, UK. She has presented solo shows in Ireland and Northern Ireland. She has participated in group shows in Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, England, Italy, Turkey, Thailand, China, USA and Iceland. Lynch has been a recipient of the Artists Bursary Award from the Arts Council of Ireland and a number of Limerick City Council Artist Bursary Awards. Early in Autumn 2017, she will present a solo show at the Ashford Gallery RHA Dublin. eb Shr by- All Categories Search Advanced < Back to My eBay Listed in category: Collectibles > Religion & Spirituality > Other Soiritual Collectibles ARTIST Breda Lynch LOCATION Limerick, Ireland FULL CATEGORY Collectibles > Religion & Spirituality > Other Spiritual Collectibles STARTING PRICE $1 50.00 SALE PRICE Funerary Art for Sale #exstrange #wishingyouwell Item condition: New Ended: Feb 16, 2017, 4:49AM Starting bid: US $150.00 [ 0 bids ] Shipping: $5.65 Economy Shipping I see details Item leation: New York. New York. UnIted States Shipsto: UnitedStates Delivery: Estimated within 7 business days 0 Payments: Poy VISA Credit cards processed vy PayPa Pay CREDIT 6 months to pay on $99+. See Terms See details Returns: Seller does not offer returns. Guarantee: bib I See details Get the item you ordered or get your money back. Covers your purchase price and original shipping. Seller information brbre.yl.sgmpe9kpi (2) 100% Positive feedback + S this e le See other items Have one to sell? Sell now Description Shipping and payments Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Item specifics Condition: New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged Country/Region of Manufacture: Ireland item (including handmade items). See the seller's ... Read more Report item s22417594461 A Unsold While visiting Malta last year I was impressed by a number of Funerary Art banners on display in a museum in Rabat. These wooden banners, inscribed in typical skull and crossbones imagery, were carried in processions through the local town and accompanied the dead body of a cleric. His remains laid out in full ecclesiastical vestments and carried on an opulent and elaborately carved wooden stretcher. The iconography of death seemed to permeate multiple facets of the cultural fabric of the Maltese island. Strong traditions and rituals around death and dying feature prominently in Irish culture past and present. I remember as a pre-teen being witness to my aunt arguing with my mother that is was about time I went to my first wake and saw a dead body. A bit of an absurd situation for me at the time and I did not go to the wake. It was a few years later when I had the full Irish wake experience, which included kissing the cold forehead of my grandmother and the processional carrying of the coffin from her bedroom where she had been laid out. Clearly in life there is a necessity to connect with our own relationship and preparation for dying and a need for family or community customs that facilitate celebration, commemoration and veneration. Depending on the individual or community there are different expressions of visibility brought to the rituals of death and dying. Death and its expression, celebration and commemoration features extensively in arts history, western and non-western and contemporary visual culture. 'Funerary Art for Sale' made specifically for the eBay exhibition #wishingyouwell as part of #exstrange, this drawing is an original work, signed on the back by the artist and comes with an ebay listing, a record of the conversation relating to the purchase of the drawing as a piece of Funerary Art. This item cannot be exchanged. This exhibition and this transaction seek to uncover new relationships that go beyond this platform's capacity for exchange. In the case of this artwork the artist's suggested instruction of use is as follows: the drawing maybe used in one of the following ways. 1.t may be inserted in a waterproof tube and placed/sealed in the coffin of the deceased. 2. Burned as part of a ritual at the place where the loved ones cremated ashes are dispersed. 3. Framed and hung in a public place as a memorial to the dead. The buyer has the option as to the visibility and longevity of this art work. This matter of visibility is a factor in the development of traditions of Funerary Art, where there were various divisions between what was intended to be visible to family, visitors, audience, during or after the funeral activities and ceremonies etc.. The buyer may use the drawing as suggested by the three suggestions mentioned above or the buyer may create their own ritual for the drawing based on their own relationship with death and the varying rituals and customs associated. The work is completed by it being used for the purpose for which it was made as part of a death ritual. (Additionally there is the creation of a 'digital ghost' - a copy of the drawing, this reproduction that has been created for the purpose of setting the artwork wil have its own life online. The image disconnected from its material form and properties, acquires a second life that drifts through cyberspace at times visible, at times not visible.) Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers have been posted about this item. Ask a question CURATOR Nora 0' Murchii See what other people are watching 1/2 Feedback on our suggestions '4 £ Joyful Monk Resting 9.5 Inch St. John The Baby Buddha Decorati... $15.06 Free shipping Last one Baptist Decorative Stat. $41.29 Free shipping Pencil Wand Moon Stone 5-Inch Saint Francis Holy 7 Chakra Pendant Bala... Figurine Religious Dec... $5.55 $11.84 + $2.05 Free shipping 12" Inch San Juan de los RARE Vintage Tricia Lagos Our Lady of Sai... Newell Mythic Tarot Ca. $37.00 $40.00 Free shipping Free shipping 1 b NAIL VARNISH W/ FIBERS & MICRO- ORGANISMS FROM MY NEIGHBOUR' S CLOTHES ARTIST STATEMENT Laura Yuile's work spans sculpture, video and performance and operates around a network of connections and transitions between different types of spaces: domestic, public, corporate, psychological, and global. Dealing with issues of class and the overcomplication of basic human needs, collisions occur between the natural and the synthetic; notions of interiority and exteriority; the permanent and the perishable; the wholesome and the polluted. The body and the domestic sphere is explored as a primary, sensual site from which the effects of global capitalism and invisible infrastructures are felt. The resulting installations often combine readymade objects and found images with perishable ingredients such as coffee beans, flour or soap; employ home-spun techniques of production and draw upon the global language of advertising. Laura Yuile is an artist based in London, UK. Previous exhibitions include Ludicrously Beautiful and Ideally Placed, Generator, Dundee; Zed Mot, Generation & Display, London; The Capital, Vulpes Vulpes, London (2015); and (2015); Conversation of Monuments, Collective, Edinburgh. In 2015, she was an Associate Artist at Open School East and, in 2016, she undertook a residency with SPACE / The White Building. Laura Yuile, Images from Nail varnish with fibers & micro-organisms from my neighbour's clothes, #exstrange auction. eb Shop by All Categories -I Search Advanced < Back to My eBay Listed in category: Health & Beauty > Nail Care, Manicure & Pedicure > Nail Polish Nail varnish w/ fibers & micro-organisms from my neighbour's clothes #exstrange ARTIST Laura Yuile LOCATION London, UK FULL CATECORY Health & Beauty > Nail Care, Manicure & Pedicure > Nail Polish STARTING PRICE Item condition: New Ended: Feb 16, 2017, 3:01AM Seller information lyuile (169 ) 100% Positive feedback Starting bid: GBP 2.00 Approximately US$2.49 [ 0 bids ] flee nth-r iter mA> Have one to sell? Sell now Description Shipping and payments Shipping: GBP 4.00 (approx. us $4.98) Royal Mail International Standard (Small Packets) I see details see details about international shipping here. Itemi location: Londor, Urited Kingdom Shins to: Worldwide Delivery: Estimated Delivery within 8-14 business days receiving cleared payment 4 Payments: pay VISA credit Cards processed by PayPal See detail Returns: Seller does not offer returns. Guarantee: eb . : - see details Get the item you ordered or get your money sack. Covers your urhase pre and original shiine. Report item 122311541644 Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Item specifics Condition: New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item (including handmade items). See the seller's ... Read more Colour: Clear / Grey/ Mixed A £2.00 Brand: Laura Yuile Type: Nail Polish SALE PRICE Unsold CURATOR Nora 0' Murcha I am selling this unique hand-mixed nail polish just for you! It contains around 30% lint collected from my neighbour's clothes; a collaboration between myself and the dryer our building shares. The neighbours are from throughout my entire building, 11 flats in total. Each one looks the same but is actually unique! Lint is composed of tiny bits of fabric fibers that are shed from the edges of our gaments. Bits of fiber break off from our clothing from the friction of wear, or when they go through a dryer. Other small fibers or particles also accumulate with these clothing fibers, including human and animal hair and skin cells, plant fibers, and pollen, dust and micro-organisms. It can also contain traces of soap, perfume and dyes. Lint is generally considered unattractive and unprofessional, but why should it be? My nail varnish with assorted fibers and micro-organisms from my neighbours clothes will give your nails an instant textured shine, whilst bringing you closer to my neighbours and me. Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers have been posted about this item. Ask a question CULTURE SCULPTURES Q & A: QUESTION here is a thing looks like a handle. In the second picture. Is it a handle? ANSWER Hi, Thanks for your question. No, it is not a handle in the second image. The sculptures are all random forms that have been created out of dehydrated sourdough culture. BIO Eryn Foster is an interdisciplinary artist, curator and filmmaker. Currently based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, she also spends time living, working and staying warm in the Yukon Territory. Recent work and creative explorations include The Beginning of Time, a series of photo-digital prints and collages that investigate forms of abstraction and how they relate to the random birth of our universe. She is presently also working in collaboration with Sue Johnson on a documentary about James MacSwain, one of Canada's most important and prolific, yet unknown and underground, experimental filmmakers. Foster has a BFA from Concordia University and an MFA from the University of Guelph. She has been the recipient of several grants and awards including ones from the Canada Council for the Arts and Nova Scotia Arts. Eryn Foster, Images from Culture Sculptures, #exstrange auction. eb Shop by All Categories -I Search Advanced < Back to homae pae I Liseinecategory: Hoe&header a Food &OBeeaes > Bread Culture Sculptures #exstrange Item condition: New ARTIST Eryn Foster LOCATION Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada FULL CATECORY Home & Garden > Food & Beverages > Bread STARING PRICE $9.99 SALE PRICE Ended: Feb 18, 2017, 8:00 Starting bid: C $9.99 Seller information nyreretsof (2) [ 0 bids] See other items Shipping: C $22.00 Canada Post International Parcel - Surface see details See details about international shipping here. Item. liai-ah:orrutlsNo,.~ Sooe. 0ad nits to Wnrrlaade Delivery: Estimated Delivery within 7-16 business days rsecreoaoyrlerer 5n Payments: Puy VISA Credit cards processed by PayPal see payment information Returns: No Returns Accepted Guarantee: iI see details Get the item you ordered or get your money back. Covers your purchase price and original shipping. Have one to sell? Sell it yourself Description Shipping and payments Seller assumes all responsibility tor this listing. Item specifics Condition: New: A See the Country/Region of Manufacture: Canada Report item 222389638205 brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item. seller's listing for full details see all condition deinitios Type: Sourdough Culture Sculptures #exstrange Culture Sculptures have the potential to serve two purposes: First-to function as an Objet d'art (to be appreciated and admired as an object that possesses artistic value). And, second, depending on the needs, intents and desires of the person in possession of a Culture Sculpture, it may also be utilized with a more practical purpose in mind: to be used as a leavening agent for the baking of sourdough bread. Culture Sculptures are made of dehydrated sourdough starter and can be rehydrated and reactivated by immersing in fresh water and also by feeding with flour. Culture Sculptures are sold as a set of three. Instructions for rehydration is included. If the purchaser would like to keep the Culture Sculptures as Objet darts, please be aware they are incredibly fragile and must be cared for with very gentle hands. For this reason, three Culture Sculptures are given (per set) to account for potential breakage. Unsold CURA TOR Peter Dykhuis Questions and answers about this item 0: There is a thing looks like a handle. In the second picture. Is it a handle? A: Hi, Thanks for you question. No, it is not a handle in the second image. The sculptures are all random forms that have been created out of dehydrated sourdough culture. Best, Eryn Ask a question Feb 11, 2017 See what other people are watching 1/1 Feedback on our suggestions 1 Pizza DOUGH Recipe w Picture Photo ... C $0.99 Buy It Now Free shipping I Danesco Bread Basket Dalla Piazza Bread Bag with Warring Bag... Baguette C $21.75 C $17.00 Buy It Now Buy It Now Calla Piazza Bread Bag C $17.00 ...MAKING IT... BIO Natalie Willow Boterman is a full time dreamer working mainly in expanded cinema, experimental film, and media archaeology. Vancouver-born and now a citizen of the world, Boterman is currently based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Her educational background includes an Interdisciplinary BFA from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Halifax, Nova Scotia, and an MFA from Ecole Cantonale d'art du Valais, Sierre, Switzerland. Boterman has exhibited and screened her work across Canada and Europe and has, to date, been awarded several well established international residencies. In the spring of 2014, Boterman co-founded GOOD WORK, an international project centered on self-organization and the dissemination of art. Q & A: QUEST/ON If you had to assign a rank order to these, which would mean the most to you? ANSWER Thank you for your question. It is difficult for me to rank these projects in order of significance as they all address various areas of query within my practice. I am equally passionate about all of them and see them as being inter linked, various parts of a whole. Perhaps it would be easier for me to rank them in terms of done-ness / the project that needs the most support to the one that needs the least. The ranking from needing the most support to the least would be s follows: LA FEMME DANS LA LUNE PERSISTENCE OF SOUND RESIDENCY 108 ONCE, ONLY ONCE AADK FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS PERSISTENCE OF VISION SELECTED GESTURES ARTICULATION I hope this aids in answering your question. Please feel free to contact me with any further questions you may have. [Boterman's Q&A continues on PAGE 124.] ebakt All Categories Search ...making it... #exstrange r onditin: Ended: Feb 19, 2017, O:OOAM Winning bid: C $1.00 [ 1 bid l Al, xiA'A A Seller information nataliewillow (48 ) 100%/ Positive feedback ARTIST Natalie Willow Boterman LOCATION Calgary, Alberta, Canada LOCATION OF BIDDER Sag Harbor, New York, USA FULL CATEGORY Specialty Services > Artistic Services > Other Artistic Services STARTINC PRICE $1 .00 SALE PRICE $1.00 CURATOR Peter Dykhuis aymAAtA' Pay. V1sA AAiv Norturns or exchanges,vcontact sellerwith Coverae: Read item descriptionor contat seller fr Have one to sell? Sell now Description Shipping and payments Report ite Seller assunes all responsibility for this listing. Young and emerging artist seeks patronage for a variety of different works of various dimensions and mediums. Projects seeking support are currently in various stages of completion. List of works, concept/descriptive text, are attached to this listing. Please peruse the accompanying images and links below to select the work you wish to support. Winning bidder will receive a hand typed framed copy of the full descriptive text that outlines the concept of this work and the work you have chosen to support. I am also open to starting a dialogue should you be interested in commissioning a work. Very interested in skill shard, bartering, and collaborative situations. CV available upon request. CURRENT AND ONGOING PROJECTS SEEKING SUPPORT LA FEMME DANS LA LUNE htp /naww.n AlnebternvnAn/yortflin.ta-Aenme-dan-A-lne a danen-our-parts-pat- FLOWER ARRANGEMENT htprw wAA iebvterAn.AmApertn ivllower-angment SELECTED GESTURES http:1.www natli eoAermAanAomIA oorolelected-Aestu res/ ONCE, ONLY ONCE htp/lwww.nataleboterman. AmIAn-process/once-only-Dnce PERSISTENCE OF VISION hp:/www.nataliebotermanom/portfoio/persistence-of-vision PERSISTENCE OF SOUND All ://www.nataieboterman.comAI n-prcess/ersistence-of-sound ARTICULATION htp:/www.natalboterman.com/portfolio/articulation RESIDENCY 108 - NY, New York, 2017 AADK RESIDENCY - Spain, 2107 CONTEXT It is increasingly difficult for young and emerging artists establish themselves within a contemporary art context. The fledgling stage of any art career relies almost entirely on writing grants and applications; on being granted permission to make work. The percentage of failure with these applications in general is quite high, and it's hard not to feel dismissed, valueless, and unworthy. On top of this the financial pressure of the housing crisis, job security, and the exploitation of labour in the form of internships continues to mount drastically diminishing the time available to do any art making. All the time, money, and energy spent on education, on studio supplies, on developing a stance and opinion seems like time spent in vain until someone else has vetted your work. But where is the value in waiting for endorsement that in many cases never comes? Under neoliberalism, the commodification of every facet of waking life means that arts patronage has morphed into an increasingly empirical system where funding demands a calculable return on investment. In short, Art has become Big Business. The relationship of artists to their financial support precludes criticality in favour of celebrity. It has become more about whom you know, not what you know. Being an artist has shifted from the sole ability to think and create in favour of how well an Artist is able to administer their ideas through writing applications, formatting documents, developing arguments and asking permission. Art in the 21st Century is centred around ones ability to commodify and capitalize a skill set that has little to with the actual making of work. Greater value is placed on an Artist's abilities to brand themselves through a social media presence. The skilts associated with making work have become a secondary or even tertiary skill. The reality of life under capitalism, where all basic needs and utilities are commodities, is that an art practice of any kind requires money, which is also time, is increasingly rarefied. When needs are commodified there is scarcity, which breeds competition and places and even greater emphasis on individual Artists rather than on cultural production, free-flowing conversation, and inclusivity. True creativity is impossible under the duress of capitalism. Most Artists need to hold a full time job somewhere else in order to pay the bills associated with modern day life. Our skills are devalued, our education is devalued, our countless hours reading, thinking and making is devalued. Art under capitalism is depreciated unless Artists are willing to play along with the art market ideal and produce for the sole purpose of consumption of the capitalist machine. So here's my proposal: Stop asking for permission to make art. I am using eBay - a platform that is both neoliberal and decentralizing - in conjunction with the #exstrange exhibition to highlight and assert a kind of artist-patron relationship that is not dependent on product or result. I am situating myself as an Artist seeking patronage rather than permission for a variety of different works in various stages of completion. the completion of these works is not contingent on the money a patron may provide me, but rather is aids in speeding up the timeline of their end date. I would like to think that when one's needs are met, without prejudice, individuals become free to exchange ideas across non-pecuniary lines. A Questions and answers about this item Q: If you had to assign a rank order to these, which would mean the most to you? A: Hello. Thank you for your question. It is difficult for me to rank these projects in order of significance as they all address various areas of query within my practice. I am equally passionate about all of them and see them... Continue reading A sk a question Feb 14, 2017 Q& A: QUESTION No that does not help. You cant be equally passionate because passion is not so rational to divide itself equitably. So let me ask this way: If someone woke you up in the middle of the night, before you had a chance to rationalize things and said, nataliewillow, you can pick one of these, and only one...which is it? ANSWER I could not disagree more. I believe that it is entirely possible to be equally passionate about many things in life. I approach my art making like a good parent who finds it impossible to choose between their children. My art projects, like my character, are multi faceted, dynamic, and impossible to weigh against eachother because they each explore different aspects of me. My work is a mirror of the varied parts of myself I love for different reasons. You are asking me to choose between apples and oranges, when I love both for completely different, but equal reasons. The list I have provided you in the previous email rates these projects in order of need, so to answer your question I will refer to this list. The project in need of most support is LA FEMME DANS LA LUNE. QUESTION I see your point. I have children. I love them equally, but to be honest, one or the other, at times, drives me a little nuts. I do not love them less. This is true. Really, since you are asking to love all your projects equally, one way to do this might be to support all of you/them with a lump sum and then you divide it equally. ANSWER That would be the ultimate pinnacle of this project, to have enough money to spread it across all these projects to see them all come to fruition in their fullest potential. I appreciate immensely that you have arrived to this conclusion, as this is the point I am trying to drive home. There are still many questions surrounding how an artist like myself might find ways to make that happen outside of the formal/traditional formats that currently exist. This is an ongoing experiment and I hope you see the value in your contribution to this ongoing conversation. QUESTION dear nataliewillow--i am the winning bidder. i support your work unconditionally. ebay is telling me that you the seller have not provided a shipping cost to the us and that I must contact you or change my address. could you update the shipping options so I can complete the bid? [Boterman's Q&A continues on the #exstrange website.] *...making it.., it is inureaoir toly difficult fmr tea, arnd emerfzirt artists to establish themselves within a contemporary art context. the fledgling stare or any art career relies almost entirely on writini, grainto an" applications; on being' erante' pertmissi on to makce work, the percentage of failure with tuese applicattots in general is quite hhan"' its hard not. to feel smrissed, valueless, an(, unwo-rth.1y, on too of this, the externai pre._aures of the housing crisis, job security, and the exploitation of labour in the frm of internships continues to mount drastically diminishing the time avail-abie to do any art making, all the time, money, and energy spent on education, orn studio supplies, on developing a stance and oinion seess iike time spent in vain until someone else has vetted your work. Out where is tue value in wailting for ecd rserent that ir many cases never comes. under neoiiberaiism, the comr odifIicatton of every facet of waking lite means that arts patronage has morphed into an increasingly empirical system where fut tnt, demas a caiclable return on investment. in short, art has become bip business. the relationship of artists to their financial support precludes critical ity in favour of celebri ty, it has become sore a.bout whoa you know, not what you know. Oein,: ao art ist has shifted fros sole ability to trink antd create in faovour of how well an artist is able to aidrir later their ide"as th -,o writing° applications, rormatting documents, developine art'tsr cuts andc askin, permission. art, in the 21st century is centered aroutd ones ability to comnodify a"r capitalize a skiil set that has little to do with the actual urint, of work, gret: v :lue is placed on an artista abilities to brand themselves t'cugh a social media presence. the sills associated with makingwork have become a secordary or even tertiary skill. the reality of life under capitalis, where all basic needs ard utilities are cottmod'ities, is tha~t tat art practice of atty kind requires money, which is also time, in; increasin -lv rarefied. when needs are cotamodified there is scarcity, which breeds competition anti pisces at even greater emphasis on indivitiual artists rather than otn ,,ulttural prodtuction, free flowing conversation, axt.d inlsivity, true creativity ts impossisle under the duress or capitalism, most artists need tc soldt a foll time jon somewhere else in order to p<,p the oilis associated with modern day lire. our sills are devalued, our education is deval ued, out cocuntless hours reading , thinking arto making; is devalued. art tunder capitalism is depreciated unless artists are wil ling, to 1III a long with tcart market ide~l -~t Pt Dotune work tot the sole ourpose rot '.. pion of the cap-r ltL c oine, so heres tty proposetl stop askint fr permission to make art. i am, usin- cry, a plot fort th t decet rt Iin' incit'ttctloan wi ". hisil !r ' ~tt a ki. od ~ 1 nort leentnt)n prodLu ttrrtlt artis oe~Txi'tron. ert ' h ti'meen works in v._ca teso teewrks is not cr'icntoru date. i woit litt o n h h to~~~~) totticea a t ..tton ret _tin' thtat is I as situati ;, y' -lf as an Ot'ittmiO tc ,ra varitty of o te)letion. the completion ot noney a r- 'tamt provid" .t the timetine-1 of tacr end n nes needs aret-t, -eei to ex, tts ideas n wb 20i / receipt of transaction sale date - february 1?, 2017 08;00;45 est sale price - quantity sold- buyer - shipping - total payment - monies received put towards the needs. 1 ,Qocad 1 g debord sag harbor, ny 29. 80cad 30, 80cad from this auction will be project of most immediate natalie w. boterman Natalie Boterman, ... making it ..., #exstrange auction image and receipt to winning bidder, 20]17. A DOLL MOST HAUNTED BIo Angela Glanzmann is an emerging artist living and working in Halifax. Glanzmann works in fields of sculpture, video, installation, and performance. Her work deals with themes of loss, mapping, and feminist research. She has exhibited in galleries and artist-run centres across Canada and beyond, such as Hermes Gallery, the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia and the Lethbridge University Art Gallery. Her installations have been presented at Nocturne: Art at Night and the Halifax Stanfield International Airport. Recently, Angela participated in the Ease Down the Road Residency at Faucet Media Arts Centre in Sackville, NB and in the Arteles Residency in Hameenkyrd, Finland. Angela Glanzmann, Images from A Doll Most Haunted, #exstrange auction. eb Snop by category All Categories _) Search Advanced < Back to home page I Listed in category: Dolls & Bears > Dols > Other Dolls A Doll Most Haunted #exstrange Item Used condition: Ended: Feb 20, 2017, 8:00 Starting bid: C $15.00 [0 bids] Seller information angelglanman"' (0) ARTIST Angela Glanzmann LOCATION Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada FULL CATEGORY Dolls & Bears > Dolls > Other Dolls STARTINC PRICE $0.99 SALE PRICE Unsold CURATOR Peter Dykhuis See other items Shipping: May not ship to United States - Read item description or contact seller for shipping options. I See details Item location: Halirax, Nova scotia, Canada Ships tc: Canada Delivery: Varies Payments: Pay VISA Credir cards processed by PayPal Returns: 14 day money back, buyer pays return shipping See details Guaruntee: S ee Have one to sell? Sell it yourself Get the item you ordered or get your money back. Covers your purchase price and original shipping. Description Shipping and payments Report item 322421339688 Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Item specifics Condition: Used: An item that has been used previously. See the seller's listing for full details and description of ... Read more Not too much is known about this doll, I picked her up from an estate auction in the South Shore of Nova Scotia. It was from an old farmhouse that had been vacant for many years and the owner had not kept up with their property taxes. I picked her for her sweet face and lovely outfit to add to my collection. However, odd things have been happening in my home ever since I brought her back with me. She often feels warm to the touch, as if someone has been holding and playing with her and I often have noticed that the office door where I keep her shuts quickly on its own as if a child is playing hide and go seek with me. I decided to try out an experiment to see what is happening with the doll when I leave her alone. I wiped the doll's face, hands and stand clean, then left her be for the weekend. When I returned home, I used forensic fingerprinting powder to dust over the porcelain. To my shock, there are small fingerprints all over the doll! I am convinced that there is a child's spirit connected to this doll, however nothing indicates to me that it is malicious. I have left the fingerprinting powder on the porcelain for buyers to see for themselves. A battery powered iJV light can illuminate the markings extremely well. Auction includes the doll, the box that she was found in, a doll stand and the UV light. #exstrange Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers have been posted about this item. Ask a question See what other people are watching 1/2 Feedback on our suggestions Steffi Love Sunshine 2 AFRICAN AMERICAN White Neko Atsume Cat Vintage Wildebras Doll 2016 Birthday Toys Baby Twins Jumeaux Do... BLACK 14" RAG DOLL... Doll Game Backy... Boy with Orgi... Dolls Purple ... C $23.99 C $20.00 C $15.90 C $39.00 C $16.42 9.5' Allied Toys Rubber Head Vintage ... C $22.49 Buy It Now Free shipping Buy It Now Buy It Now Buy It Now Free shipping Buy It Now Buy it No, Free shipping SHADOW , MIDDLE -AGED ARTIST STATEMENT In the story of Peter Pan, Peter's shadow is severed from his body by the swift closing of the nursery window. Although seemingly lifeless without the boy, Peter's shadow remains recognizable and intact. Mrs. Darling finds the shadow, and despite her desire to keep it from her children, she does not destroy it. Had she torn it up, like the photograph of an ex-lover, perhaps it would have erased Peter from her mind, and from the world of her children. But instead of destroying the shadow, she rolls it up neatly and hides it in a drawer. What if she had sold it on eBay instead? Shadow, middle- aged, #exstrange eBay auction is an artwork that explores the possession of a shadow in the spirit of J. M. Barrie, and advertises it as a desirable personal object/accessory. Like a fancy wig, a new (used) shadow is alluring in its adventurous extension/alteration of the body. But like a transplanted kidney, the association between the object/organ and its original body is overpowering. We may feel a sense of loss for the person who has sold their shadow, resigned to live the rest of their life without one. Is the loss of one's shadow a loss of identity, memory, past or companion? eBay bidders are left with the task of defining the value of this loss. Bidding starts at $1.00. Ann Bartges lives and works in Farmington, Maine. Bartges earned her MFA from the Stamps School of Art & Design at University of Michigan in 2014, and her BFA from the NYSCC School of Art & Design at Alfred University in 2005. She is currently an Assistant Professor of Visual Arts at University of Maine Farmington. Bartges has participated in exhibitions in the United States, Denmark and Australia. She has been a resident artist at the Institut fur Alles Mogliche, Berlin; Cite Internationale des Arts, Paris; Guldagergaard International Ceramic Research Center, Skaelskor (DK); Threewalls, Chicago; and the Vermont Studio Center, Johnson. eb Shop by category Spy-All Categories .I Search Advanced < Bakt erc eut Lsted in catertory: ClothinG, Shoes & Acesre Women's Acesre te Woen's Acesre shadow, middle-aged, #exstrange Itern Pre-owned condition: Ended: Feb 20, 2017, 8:OAM Winning aid: US $2.25 [ 2 bids amJ 0 ARTIST Ann Bartges LOCATIONi Farmington, Maine, USA LOCATIONi OF BIDDER Farmington, Maine, USA FULL CATEGORY Cloth ing, Shoes & Accessories > Women's Accessories > Other Women's Accessories STARTINGC PRICE $1 .00 SALE PRICE $2.25 CURATOR Artist - Joiner Seller information anbartgelt (0 ) 4 2*~ See other iterns 'A Shipping: $6.65 Enpedited Shipping I snn detaiis Itr loaionr Faringtoni. 'an, UritedSates Shrps io: Woo's nod Celivory: Estimated within 6 business days Q Payrnents: Pay V/ISA -- Credit Cords processed byPooroi Pay CREDIT Getme metoyay. hpply No I Son Terms Returns: 1d days rnoney bock, buyer poys return shipping Guaruntee: ibI see Get the itern yes ordered oreget yournmoney back. Covers your purchase price sod original shipping. Ii Have one to sell? Sell now Description Shipping and payments Report itern A Item specifics Condition: Pre-orned: An itern that has been used or worn preeiously. See the seller's listing tor toll details ond ... Road rnore This genuine middle-aged shadow is used but in glued condition. Feet are missing, hut otherwise. shadow is fatty intact. Versatile and easy to stosre. Great ftor company. Care instructions included. Appearance and/or coker may vary frorn photos depending on light. Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers haee boon posted about this item. Askoaquestion More chances to get what you want Oven The Knee Thigh Righ Lady Adjustable Zip Up Cotton Socks Stockings Pro Tied Blue Polyester $1.98 S4.94 Fren shipping Frsenhyy Lus se Feedback neour suggestions Black Y Back Elastic Suspender Braces Strap $5.00 Free shripping WANTED LOVE Emerald Color Ribbon $9.99 Freshippirn '~% \~%W%. Protection Cycling Cover Bike Sleeve UV Warmers $2.39 Fre Cto Cuff Warmers Bicycle Sleeve Bike Sun Cycling $2.92 F'ee shipping iherd: INFORMATION FOR SALE ON THE MURDER OF EMAN EL ARTIST STATEMENT The work is a website consisting of random peoples' recount of an incident that occurred in Bahrain last December. None of these people were eyewitnesses or credible sources. It is a collection of what was being discussed after Eman El Salehi's death. If you purchase the work, you will gain access to a website containing a collection of stories that have been circulating since her murder. The work is a commentary on the gossip mill that consumes small societies. SALEHI Aysha's work comments on the underground in contemporary Middle Eastern society and explores the Middle East's fascination with modernity and conspicuous consumerism. Her work predominantly consists of painting, drawing, and sculpture. She is part of the Visa Collective, which is compelled by women's rights and the movement of people across societal and national borders. She has shown in London, Hangzhou and Bahrain and has received her formal training from Goldsmiths University. She is the youngest recipient of the Al Dana Prize and currently lives between London and Manama. Aysha Al Moayyed (aka Asia auction. I heard a very different story I i I e teo vir car and killed by il I.J ,. alfront of her 9 year old son. Or was ..Ihe6 years old? o eson ber" Seriously? When did this happen?? .. aco= ose . ub us b Where did you hear this frorn? ~~a- ! 'I ,n g - .sm9 I 41 I What you are about to experience is a collection of stories about one event. if you would like to read the official news article in arabic k hir.* if you would like to read the official news article I sound e that story cameram in english E'c trhe s a o n bec z Miskeena alah ur7amha Fuse), Images from iherd: Information for sale on the murder of Iheard about it early Jan. heard it from my mom. Appaenl it was i I saw her photo though. It's everywhere. Eman El Salehi, #exstrange eb Shop by- category All Categories Search Advanced < Back to hor e page I Listed in category: Books, Comics & Magazines > Non-Fiction > Other No--Fct on iherd: Information for sale on the murder of Eman El Salehi #exstrange A Item Like New condition: Ended: 21 Feb. 2017 08:00:42 GMT 3I o ARTIST Aysha Al Moayyed (aka Asia Fuse) LOCATION London, UK FULL CATECORY Books, Comics & Magazines > Non-Fiction > Other Non- Fiction STARTINC PRICE £0.99 SALE PRICE Unsold CURA TOR Latifa Al Khalifa Seller information almoaal-qeyyut (2) See other items Starting bid: £0.99 [0 bids] l_ ® Postage: May not post to United States - Read item description or contact seller for postage options. I See details Item loc tion: London, united Kingdo Posts to: Delivery: Varies Ivr Prcese Payments: Pay YJSA m b P.ay al S ee payenet irfrmatir Returns: No returns accepted Protection: eb MIGE -1i y4"1FE I See detai s -I E Have one to sell? Sell it yourself Description Postage and payments Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Report item 20,1466407 Children in Need of the sale of this item will benefit 100 BBC Children in Need BBC Children in Need is the BBC's UK corporate charity. Thanks to the support of the public we are able to make a real difference to the lives of children all across the UK. Our vision is that every child in the UK has a childhood which is safe, happy and secure and allows them the chance to reach their potential. We are local to people in all corners of the UK and support small and large organisations which empower children and extend their life choices ak - FOR CHARITY + " Official eBay for Charity listing I Learn more " Sale benefits a verified partner Item specifics Condition: Like New: A book that has been read, but looks new. The book cover has no visible wear, and the dust jacket ... Read more Upon purchase you will gain access to a web address that possesses knowledge collected by me of the the murder of Eman El Salehi by captain Hamad Mubarak Sabah al Khalifa on Dec 24th 2016. #exstrange Previded are a: - Different whatsapp conversations discussing the insident. - Collection of images sent throughout active whatsapp groups. -Newspaper clippings. - A map where incident took place. - Reactions and opinions of random individuals who heard about the incident. *note: there was no appropriate eBay category for this item. I have selected 'book, comic, magazine' as I will be selling information much like a book but via website. Once the item is purchased I will send you the web address of the website. Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers have been posted about this item. Ask a question LUC KY ARTIST STATEMENT I work across different media but always investigate themes PENNIES relating to authenticity. Nathaniel Hepburn (Curator, Mascalls Gallery) describes my photographic cityscapes thus: These landscapes reference science fiction and dystopian post-nuclear worlds. Yet, they also remind us of the landscapes we occupy; urban spaces left to dereliction and abandonment. Creating images which sit on the edge of our recognition allows Lang to lure us into believing in these places much as we "believe" many of the manipulated and enhanced images which surround us. Lang's places are no-places but are laden with potential meaning and open to being populated by the viewers' imagination and fears. The "landscapes" are in fact just photographs of packaging and junk from the artist's studio. This theme was developed into a new body of works for the inaugural International Festival of Projections (Canterbury, 2016) where, once more, the viewer is unable to avoid the obvious fact of the work's materiality. Rather than escaping into the picture, instead the viewer is caught in a dead-end meditation on the impossibility of escaping. Martin Lang is an artist who investigates themes of authenticity, militancy, malaise and politics. He has exhibited in Cyprus, Portugal, and the USA. In the UK, his work has been selected for exhibition by the likes of Turner Prize Artist Dexter Dalwood and Tate Curator of Photography Simon Baker. Recent exhibitions include International Festival of Projections (Canterbury, 2016) and Troca de Trabalhos, Galeria- Atelier Metamorfose (Porto, 2014). Martin is a lecturer in Fine Art in the School of Fine & Performing Arts, University of Lincoln. eb Shop by- All Categories Ji Search dvced < Backtohor1 pcage Lstdincater: CoinsCins > ccNoet Lucky Pennies #exstrange tern condition: -- Ended: 22 Feb, 2017 08:00:00 GMT ARTIST Seller information martilantl1 (0 ) See other items Martin Lang LOCATIONi Lincoln, UK FULL CATECORY Coins & Paper Money > Coins >Novelty STARTINGC PRICE £0.99 SALE PRICE / Starning bid: £0.99 [S0 bids]I Postage: May not post to United States - Read item description or contact seller tor postage options. I One untail Pesrcto mt. tcd K Ogde Delovery: Varies Payments: Pay ] VISA, q Prcrssed Psa Pay ~by Paycles osa order/Banker's dtaft see payent intormction Returns: No returns accepted Protection: (:-b 1.11 I.E n-2 71 I-l.F.~ 7 IT see dcetl : j .. Haee one to sell? Sell it yourself Description Postage and payments Seller assumes all responsibility tot thts lioting. Item specifics Country/Region o1 Manutacture: United Kingdom Report item 272549956E A I am a very unlucky person and t have onoly just realised why. t have a bag of pennies that have taken all of my luck. Yea have the opportanity to purchase one (or multiples) of these peonies that are nowrmbuched with my lack. Yora mill be dring me a favcour, as oncte the pennies are gorne I expect tt he able tor build op my grrrd lack stres rnce motre. Yrou will benefit from all my lost good lock over the last ten years that is obviously now stored is these pennies. NOTE: The pennies is the photographs are examples - the peony that ytra purchase may differ slightly, hat mill have the some aournt rf lock. Unsold CURATOR Artist - Joiner Questions and answers about this item No questiosonr answers hove been posted about this item. Ask a question More chances to get what you want 1/2 Batman Hamoey Dent Tins GREAT BRITAIN ERROR Face Doable Headed Oar... ONE POUND BLANK (364 Feedback on our suggestions II GREAT BRITAIN 10 PENCE Lanky coin AA 1996 COPPER IN COLD... Old 1881 Spain S Pesetas TOY MONEY VICTORIA 1/2 Novelty coin -37mm Dia... SOVEREIGN 1887 13MM... £0.99 £0.99 -r23d.8 -El1s5 £3.38 £8£0.99 £0.99 £2.00 SEASIDE POSTCARDS FROM BAHRAIN ARTIST STATEMENT Bahrain is an island, but seaside postcards have yet to exist here. Beaches are not celebrated as they should be on this conservative island. By adopting British wit and the essence of the postcard as a snapshot in history, I hope to capture the true essence of the beaches surrounding the perimeter of this little island, once referred to as "the garden of Eden" and what they mean as a reflection of the time, place, environment and culture we live in today. Jenine was born in Athens, Greece in 1985 to an American mother and Palestinian father. In 1989, her family relocated to Bahrain, where she was raised. She completed her high school education at St. Christopher's School, Bahrain and, in 2008, attained a BA (hons) degree in Graphic Design from Central Saint Martin's College of Art and Design, London. Jenine currently lives and works in Bahrain as a freelance designer and artist from a shared studio. She has exhibited artwork in London, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Rome and is a yellow pencil D&AD winner. T a qoe Jenine Sharabi, Images from Seaside Postcards from Bahrain, #exstrange auction. eb Snap by category All Caegories Search Aornea Back to search results I Listed in category: Collectibles > Postcards ARTIST Jenine Sharabi LOCATION~ Bahrain LOCATION~ OF BIDDER Dubai, UAE FULL CATEGORY Collectibles > Postcards > Holidays STARTINGJ PRICE $63.00 SALE PRICE $63.00 CURATOR Latifa Al Khalifa t 1 s+ w v Will -1v Seaside Postcards from Bahrain #exstrange Item, cndition: New Ended:. Feb 23, 2017, 4:1AM Wilning bid: US $63.00 [l1 id]j Shiyying $15.00 Economty Shippieg froet outside US Iedti u e ,tta'taia ta~~ae olivory: Estiemated wtithin 26-38 business days 0 l'oymnt:t Pay VIAtlsd Pay CREDIT Get mern time to ea.SeTrm Returns: 14 days tmoney eback, buyer pays reter shipping Gettee item yea ordtteredoyatetyr oe a. Coverourapuaaae ie an~d orignal shianin. tE © Seller information jeninshatobC (0 )S Haveo oneo to sell? Sell now Descriptioe Shipping and paymtents Saller asumes all responsiblity foattise listing. Item specifics Report item Rfegion: Country/Rlegion ot Manuaturbe: Standard Peal card size 4xtaet New A brand-new, unused,unopeeda, udamaged itaem including handetade items). baa the sellaras Slatted Limited Eaiteon at 201 Arabian Gult Typa: Letitedt Edition Ptints Postage Condttn: Unpyedt Eta: Digitl Ptint Occasiaon: Wishyou were here! The titot set of seaside postards feem Bahraio. Despite growittg upo ot aniled Jaeeloften5 felt a achild hoer relatitonship with the sea was disjeoted. Beaches ateno aelebeated, ao they should be ont this eontsereative ilaftd off the coast et Saudi Arabi. Now int hoer adulthood Janine has been traeelling the catofe the istond, documntingo eveerypointoftheachaccess she encounters. Byoddopting Britishwit and the esseneeof the postcard ascasnatpsht InohistoryJenineehopestoaptuethetrue essence ofthe beaahes serrounding the peertmeter of this little isfaod that wse onee reterred to as "the gardee of Eden" and ehat they meat as a refleatiton of the titme, place, envireonment aod culture wo love int today. iHistory at the Postared She postctrd, beet in 1861 hoc cted as ae illusttative doceotation at ttavel ala pep Aulture thtoagh thtt aes. It wasn't eni the t900s that pictute postartds becme a ypuar teal at acommaicatiee and people reeaognized theit potential as a ateatiae platformt. Eary postcards were piatues at laedetarks scenia aiews, photogrcphs ane with the birth at steam locomotiaves, proaiaing last and affordable travel, the seaside beaee a ypplar tourist destinatioe, and generated its awe soen~eir-industy. Ie the 1920s James haetoedh at Weat Yotrkshite sterte the tend at haetotous carhoon-tyle seaside yostares which awete ofhen bawdy ie eature, etaking ueof ietaendo and double enendtes and traditioeclly teetured stroyia caatreuc svcrlag aisan uepnhsbns 1 heslsoyesiepscrseeceiaiapalnte190 tafgreo 6mlio er u more thee censoed ie the t950s by the aewla appoieted consetaativa govetameet as they wete deemed as "lee saucy". Byathe t960st7ds thase sacy poatartds mete teaiaed aed latet became to be ceoideted, ha soete, as antct fats. (2) Today, oiginal sacy seas ida postcards, paticularty these by ecetfoths, are eew highly sought cat, and tare eamples ane command high yprices ateactioe. Dtespite the digital age, holidaymaers still hae't totgotten the humble chctm ofthe pictute postard ced theit value as souaenirs cnd seeks at ad, parclaly in Brtin chete they ae seeneascastplef seside tutismadteoadirefothi kitsh"ppel. Suchatdssaelorspeteds impoedantfdocuentsef socialhistory, theimgeyaptuinga glorifed time and place, ced the stoes twrittee by their seneoen the opeosieg side documeeting the teal emotiees ceneected te She. Syecifiations: " A set af 3 (46 inch) yostcatds " Signed Limited Edition of 200 " Digital Prints an 30bgsm special paper Questions and answers about this gtem Aska a hateo Seeswhat other peopeae wathn g{ 1911 WinschSchmucker Scea9t13 artist-signed B 05h50Easter Greetieg embossed HIALLOWEtEN... Hallaween yostcard daec... Vintage 19th Rebbit Otes.. $55.00 $175.00 $8.00 Artistia Blonde Aegel OLD VINTAGE POSTCARD Antique Halloeene Prayieg-Silaet Gilt Bkgrd-... EaASIEABIT~S SIGN... Postcard - eaeWiles... $6.70 S$19.00 $14.50 MEMOIRS OF A MOUNTAIN: CHAPTER II- THE PEOPLE ARTIST STATEMENT Nasser Alzayani attempts to tell a brief yet immeasurable history of one mountain: Jabal Jais. In these three chapters, titled The Mountain, The People, and Other Living Things, is a categorized portrayal of elements that construct a recent experience of Jais. The objects are remnants of a past, symbols of a present, and predictions of a future. The moment they are taken out of the context of the mountain, they are frozen in time. No longer exposed to the physical forces of erosion, they remain as artifacts from a mountain that will never be the same again. [Nasser Alzayani's auctions for Chapters I and III can be viewed at the #exstrange website.] Q & A: QUESTION Is it still possible to make tea using these vessels? ANSWER Unfortunately no, they're rusted tins that used to contain milk used in making tea which is commonly used in the region. It's called "Rainbow Milk". I guess you could make tea with them if you covered them in a glaze haha! Nasser Alzayani is a Bahraini-American artist who lives and works in Abu Dhabi. He is a graduate of the American University of Sharjah with a degree in Architecture. Nasser's practice expresses an obsessive documentation of time and place, and the pages of his sketchbook reveal this preoccupation through drawings, writings, collage, and found objects. His most recent work explores lost landscapes and their preservation through memory. F'+ q N Nasser Alzayani, Images from Memoirs of a Mountain: Chapter ! and III, #exstrange auctions. eb Shop by All Categories -I Search Advanced < Back to search resu ts Listed in category: Art > Direct rom :he Artist > Folk Ar' & Primitives Memoirs of a Mountain: Chapter II - The People #exstrange ARTIST Item -- condition: Ended: Feb 20, 2017, 3:22PM Sold for: US $65.00 [1 bid ] 35 Seller information nasseralzayani (0) Nasser Alzayani LOCATION Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates LOCATION OF BIDDER New York, New York, USA FULL CATEGORY Art> Direct from the Artist > Folk Art & Primitives STARTINSG PRICE $50.00 SALE PRICE $65.00 CURATOR Latifa Al Khalifa See other items Shipping: FREE Standard Shipping from outside US i Seedetal See details ab-t international shipping here. + Item location: Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates S-lostic to le tes- Delivery: Estimated within 7-12 business days 0 Payments: Pay VtSA credit cards processed by Papeal Pay CREDIT Get more time to pay. See Terms See details Returns: Seller does not offer returns. Have one to sell? Sell now Guarantee: i See Get the item you ordered or get your money back. Covers your urehaso prios and orginal shipping. Description Shipping and payments Report item b~a itme r: 332124860227 Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Item specifics A Original/Reproduction: Listed By: Signed?: Type: Material: Original Artist Unsigned Sculptures & Carvings Metal Style: Size Type/Largest Dimension: Region of Origin: Date of Creation: Artist: Naive, Primitive Small (Up to 14in.) Middle East Unknown Nasser Alzayani Memoirs of a Mountain: A Story of Imperceptible Change There is no such thing as a permanent landscape. Every place, and every thing, changes. Certain changes, like the creation of a valley, take place over thousands of years. It is this incomprehensible passage of time that place these minute transformations outside our scope of perception. And yet they happen every day, every hour, every second. No one experience of a time and place is the same. Every step taken is a transformation, and every intervention - however minimal - is inclusive of a much grander and continuous process of change. To many, the mountainous landscape of Ras Al Khaimah appears as one of the few unchanged locations in the UAE. In reality, it is undergoing constant transformations and can even be seen as a landscape in transition. As absurd as it sounds, the mountains are in fact moving. Wind, water, people, plants, and animals contribute to the formation of this transient state. Through the collection and curation of a found objects, or chapters, I attempt to tell a brief yet immeasurable history of one mountain: Jabal Jais. In these three chapters, titled The Mountain, The People, and Other Living Things, is a categorized portrayal of elements that construct a recent experience of Jais. The objects are remnants of a past, symbols of a present, and predictions of a future. The moment they are taken out of the context of the mountain they are frozen in time. No longer exposed to the physical forces of erosion, they remain as artifacts from a mountain that will never be the same again. Chapter II: The People Every day and every night the people scale the mountain. They used to do it on foot, but now there is a road. People drive up, unpack, set up, build a fire, and make tea. Tea, always tea. The tin cans of Rainbow milk gather, rust, and remain. The people never left the mountain. Questions and answers about this item Q: Is it stil possible to make tea using these vessels? A: Unfortunately no, they're rusted tins that used to contain milk used in maki you could make tea with them if you covered them in... Continue reading Ask a question Feb 16, 2017 ig tea which is commonly used in the region. It's called "Rainbow Milk". I guess See what other people are watching 1/2 border terrier dog art PRIMITIVE COUNTRY ceramic TILE coaster gif... LIFE IS NOT MEASURE... Feedback on our suggestions Drift Wood Tree Spirit PRIMITIVE COUNTRY Carving Sculpture Knot... GRATEFUL-THANKFUL-E $25.00 $8.46 Tree Wood Spirit Carving Forest Face Wizard Elf... Tree Gnome Wood Spirit Carving Carved Forest... $8.99 Free shi $11.01 +s/.80 $28.77 $41.00 bids . 9.95 I WILL ACCEPT YOUR TERMS OF SERVICE - WEDDING ARTIST STATEMENT I will accept your terms of service is a romantic critique of the all-encompassing presence of Google on the Internet and its monopoly of attention. Through a series of objects, this projects materializes our engagement with Google, which looks quite like a marriage: both are an agreement based on data. This ring makes this mostly invisible tie ludicrous and excessive. The digital interface turns apparent and weirdly familiar. RING Huaqian Zhang is currently a design student at BAU School in Barcelona. She is especially interested in digital cultures, political art and socially-oriented design. Her current research is focused on the prominent role of a new type of spectacle in contemporary society, opening up different ways of aesthetic and political commitment through estrangement and play. 1 r ibk l 1 Huaqian Zhang, Images from I will accept your terms of service - Wedding Ring, #exstrange auction. -I-- c All Categories ,j Search Advanced < Back to home page I Listed in category: Jewery & watches > Engagement & weed ng > Engagement Rings > Other Engagement Rings I will accept your terms of service - Wedding Ring #exstrange Item condition: New with tags F I[ Ended: Feb 24, 2017, 6:19AM Seller information wakizhang (0) Ai ST..1..__ Huaqian Zhang LOCATION Barcelona, Spain FULL CATEGORY Jewelry & Watches > Engagement & Wedding > Engagement Rings > Other Engagement Rings STARTING PRICE 1 99,99 SALE PRICE Unsold CURATOR Bani Brusadin . :r Starting bid: US$199.99 [ 0bids] See other items Shipping: FREE Standard Shipping from outside US Isee retails Seaaoetais aoo,itnetioal shipping her. Item location: Barcelona. Spain Snips to: Untcd States Delivery: Estimated within 6-15 business days t Please note the delivery estimate is Payments: Pay VlSA C L. Credit Cards processed oy PayPal Pay CREDIT 6monthstoay n $99+. See Terms Returns: 14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping Guarantee: eb I See detais Get the item you ordered or get your money back. Covers your purchase price and original shipping. Have one to sell? Sell now Description Shipping and payments Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Last updated on Feb 17, 2017 23:09:37 PST View all revisions Item specifics Report item Condition: New with tags: A brand-new, unused, and unworn item (including handmade items) in the original packaging (such as ... Read more Metal: Sterling Silver Ring Size: (es) size 12/ 16,5mm Sizable: Yes Brand: Google Country/Region of Manufacture: Spain / will accept your terms of service is a romantic critique to the all-encompassing presence of Google on the Internet and its monopoly of attention. Through a series of objects, this projects materializes our engagement with Google, which looks quite like a marriage: both are an agreement based on data. This ring makes this mostly invisible tie ludicrous and excessive. The digital interface turns apparent and weirdly familiar. Silver ring, hand engraved, size 12. The engraved text reads "I will accept your terms of service". "I will accept your terms of service" ring was made in 2017 by Huaqian Zhang in collaboration with Carla Boserman. Huaqian Zhang is currently a design student at BAU School in Barcelona. She is especially interested in digital cultures, political art and socially-oriented design. Her current research is focused on the prominent role of a new type of spectacle in contemporary society, opening up different ways of aesthetical and political commitment through estrangement and play. Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers have been posted about this item. Ask a question See what other people are watching 1/2 6.5 Carat Round Solitaire Womens Solid 925 Sterling Mens Womens Stainless CZ Stainless Steel Engag... Silver CZ 6mm Solitaire E... Steel Our Father Prayer... Feedback on our suggestions ack 6MM 8MM Stainless Womens 925 Sterling Silver Womens Solid 925 Sterling eel Forever Love Weddi... CZ Micro Pave Wedding... Silver CZ Micro Pave We... Bl St $6.99 Free shipping Almost none $9.95 Free shipping $4.99 Free shil $6.29 Free shipping $20.99 $14.14 Free ship; GOOGLE TRACKERS IN NORTH KOREA OFFICIAL WEBPAGE ARTIST STATEMENT Typically, a tracker is a piece of data stored in a particular website that monitors and collects data on user behavior. For instance, a tracker can automatically know where a user is based, which computer is being used, which sites were visited before accessing a specific site, and which webpages will be accessed in the future, among other information. The public relationship between The Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States have been noticeably tense since the end of the second World War II when Japanese occupation of Korea ended with Soviet troops occupying the north, and US troops the south. Far from decreasing, the political disagreements between the two countries have escalated throughout the years. As of November 2016, the UN Security Council further tightened sanctions towards North Korea by aiming to cut by 60 per cent one of its main exports, coal. This measure was a western response to the nuclear tests carried out in September 2016 by North Korea. Regardless of such disagreements, the developers of the official website of The Democratic People's Republic of Korea decided to add a few Google trackers in the site, thus allowing the most powerful American IT corporation to colonize their online presentation to the world. And let's not forget, this piece of American code is stored in one of the physical servers that host the official webpage of North Korea, probably placed within North Korean territory. Therefore Google trackers in North Korea official webpage is a living proof of US colonization over the Asian country. Joana Moll is an artist and a researcher from Barcelona. Her work critically explores the way post-capitalist narratives affect the alphabetization of machines, humans and ecosystems. Her main research topics include Internet materiality, surveillance, online tracking, critical interfaces and language. She has lectured, performed and exhibited her work in different museums, art centers, universities, festivals and publications around the world. Furthermore she is the co-founder of the Critical Interface Politics Research Group at HANGAR [Barcelona], co-founder of The Institute for the Advancement of Popular Automatisms and member of the Scientific and Artistic Committee of the Antiatlas des Frontieres. She is currently a visiting lecturer at Potsdam Universitat and Escola Superior d'Art in Vic (Spain). H ilapa' - Da y Jea s G6: as H Conac eb c . .. cr 5 t : ,'.c r56t" oaSZ Se Ay ea ARTIST Joana Moll LOCATION Barcelona, Spain FULL CATEGORY Everything Else > Weird Stuff > Totally Bizarre STARTING PRICE $30.00 SALE PRICE Removed by eBay CURA TOR Bani Brusadin Have one to sell? Se yr Description Shipping and payments Se' " assumes all respons"bty fot lssing Item specifics Souvenir First edition Google trackers in North Korea Official webpage us$30.00 to bis te" us Sic W0 o. ^,ct Read iem descr yton or cotact selerfor detzvs Ir"+.c Vane PayP l see de'cs 1 4 days money back buyer pays returr shpptng Read detars eb Seller information ifaperS ( 0 - '-X 1110,!222, Typically, a tracker is a piece of data stored in a particular website that allows to monitor and collect data on user behavior. For an instance, a tracker can automatically know where a user is based, which computer is using, which sites has visited before accessing a specific site and which webpages will access in the future, among other information. The public relationships between The Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States have been noticeably tense since the end of the second World War II, when Japanese occupation of Korea ended with Soviet troops occupying the north, and US troops the south. Far from decreasing, the political disagreements between the two countries have escalated throughout the years. As of November 2016 the UN Security Council further tightened sanctions towards North Korea by aiming to cut by 60 per cent one of its main exports, coal. This measure was a western response to the nuclear tests carried out in September 2016 by North Korea. Regardless of such disagreements, the developers of the official website of The Democratic People's Republic of Korea decided to add few Google trackers in the site, and thus allowing the most powerful American IT corporation to colonize their online presentation to the world. And let's not forget, this piece of American code is stored in one of the physical servers that host the official webpage of North Korea, probably placed within North Korean territory. Therefore "Google trackers in North Korea official webpage" is a souvenir of US colonization over the Asian country. Yo. can not ibrmt yoir listi Cyd e t the fnilnwing problms Attention Sellers: Embargoed Goods[ e~ay's policy prohibits the sae of most items that originate from North Korea due to sanctions enforced by the U S Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) If you list such ar item ir violation of this polacy, we wm remove the item and may prohibit you from further use of our services More information on the specific items covered by the sarctions related to North Korea can be found here: p aw teuy arrestoce Cows ,a p ors Porens pc s lurtdea s e~ay's policy on Embargoed Goods and Prohibited Countries can be found here EBAY SHOPPING BAG 610 JOIDJOIDJOIDJOIDJOIDJOID JOIDJOIDJOIDJOIDJQIDJOIDJQID JOIDJOIDJOIDJOIDJQIDJOIDJQID JOIDJOIDJOIDJOIDJOID JOIDJOIDJOIDJOIDJOIDJOIDJQIDJOID JOIDJOIDJOIDJOIDJOIDJOIDJQIDJOIDJOIDJOID JOIDJOIDJOIDJOIDJOIDJOIDJQIDJOIDJOID en .wi ki ped ia. org/wi ki/Jod L(arLcolleotive) JOIDJOIDJOIDJOIDJOIDJOIDJOID JOIDJOIDJOIDJOIDJOIDJOIDJOIDJOIDJOID JOIDJOIDJOIDJOIDJOIDJOID ( #exst range EDITION) eb Comprar por categría Todas las categorías ~J Buscar Avanad < Vnvr ortada 1 En lacategoría: Euipme¡o y .maqiara>Equp. y ~er l tends EBAY shopping bag (#exstrange edition ) Estado dol Nuevo artícu lo: Finalizado: 23 tob 2017 22:14:58 H.s V., _ 1 JODI LOCIITIO Barcelona, Spain LOCIITIO OF BIDDER Marlia, Ita ¡y FUL CAT LECOR Y Equipment & Machinery > Equipment & Material Stores STARTIVG PRICE ¬1,00 SALE PRICE ¬60,00 CURATOR Bani Brusadin Puja ganadora: 60,00 EUR [ 43 pujasl Envío: 20,00 EUR Paqaeto ioternaconal económioo ¡ ver etloe U.vovódelariuoo alonO v n, Esoooa Entrea: El plazo provisto do entrega es do estre 9 y 16 días laborables. Pagos: Poy r ~VISA "~ Pagos con tarjeta de crédi1o pronesados por PoyPl: Ver nforrnonAn ve paoo Devalaciovos: No se aceptan devolaciones Cobertura: GARANTÍA AL CLIENTE DE EBAY 1ve: vnnv:vvones Reembolso sí na recibes lo qoe habías pedido y pagas con PayPEl. Garantía al cliente de eBay " Servicio de Atención al oliente por teléfono, ohat, emol. " Reembolso s ea recibes lo qae habías pedido y pagos con PayPal. " Gestión simplificada de tas devolaciones. Ver tbnosy ndiniones.Ts drechosncomo Información del vendedor nijodiba (0) Ver otros artículos Informar sobre un artículo ¿Quieres vender uno? Véndolo tú mismo Descripción Envíos y pagos 282385S7b37 El oendedor asomo todo la responsabilidad de este annlo. último actualización o. 20 feb 2017 0g:55:01 H.Esp Vet todas las actualizaciones Características del artículo Estado: Nuvo: Un artículo navo, sin asan, sin abtit, sin desperfectos p enal paqaete original (en coso de nenir ... Más informanión EBAY nhccpig g -ypnp limiteon edition signed .TOI J0ID.JCIDOI0111.0001 JOIDJOIDJOIDJOIDJOIDJ001 JOIDJOIDiJCIDJCIDJ0ILJOIL J0IDJOIDIJCIDJCIDJ0ID .T01100ID11DJCIDT0ID,7011 .0)1IDJOIDJOID.JOIOI01TI E JOIEJOIDJCIDCOIDJ0IE100E ens.wikinpedia.org/wiki/Jc JOIDJOIDJCIDJCIDJ0IDJOIL JOI DJOIDJ0IDJCIDJOIDJOI E JOIDJOIDJCIDJCIDJOIDJOIL #PEXSTRANG1E -, 4CoílloE vi:: approxim:t:e JOID JOID JOIDJCTD .701D1010.00 1 0IDJCIDJOE dío (artcvi JOID JDIDJ0IDJ01 DJOD 7D Iective) ID Preguntas y respuestas sobre este articulo Na so ha publicado ninguna pregarta ni respaesta sobre este artícalo. Preguontar al vendedor SYMPHON I ES OF RESILIENCE ARTIST STATEMENT The air still wet The soil beneath, soft bracing Casting deep the marks of our feet, As we stand, united Spectacle of human hands, Rising together Against the fascist gaze I can hear the crowd growing larger inside me, as they shout Symphonies of Resilience After coming to Portland in September 2016, I witnessed the protest rallies and the solidarity meets during the pre- and post-presidential election in the USA. I found myself silent, but the voices inside me grew louder with every passing moment. I remained captive within my thoughts, in retrospect, to the times of post general election in my own country- India-in 2014. The emotional anxiety that I witnessed in people's eyes seemed familiar and the slogans similar. I recorded those voices and the sounds that I felt were my own. Those collected sounds and slogans gave us the strength of collective resistance that we found in each other, especially during the time of our crisis. I feel this strength needs to echo more, not only in protest rallies and marches, but also in our everyday lives. By creating ringtones of my collections, and selling them through this art project, I want to celebrate those voices in the crowd, which cater to the Symphonies of Resilience. The function of the ring tone is to remind the user (and anyone within ear shot) of the protests and resistance around. The fund raised from this sale would go to unite Oregon, a statewide nonprofit leadership and political advocacy group in Oregon. Anupam Singh is an artist interested in the interconnections between ecological and cultural sustainability. His work engages with ideas of inner and outer ecologies. Through workshops and talks in India, he has worked with children and teachers from public and district council schools. Currently a graduate teaching assistant at Portland State University, he has contributed as guest faculty in institutions such as the Industrial Design Centre-IIT Bombay. In 2013 he founded the Centre for Arts and Social Practice (CASP) which works through four chapters in Navi Mumbai, Kolkata, Pune and New Delhi (India). eb Shop by All Categories j Search Advanced SYMPHONIES OF RESILIENCE # exstrange teet condition: New Ended: Feb27, 2017, 3:0AM Seller information anuasing-71 (0) ARTIST Anupam Singh LOCATONV Portland, Oregon, USA LOCATION~ OF BIDDER Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA FULL CATEGORY Cell Phones & Accessories > Other Cell Phones & Accs STARTINGC PRICE $1 0.00 SALE PRICE $1 0.00 CURATOR Harrell Fletcher Winning bid: US $10.00 [1 bid] Shipping: FREE Standardl Shipping I ecdtc l Delivery: Estimated on cr betore Tue. Mar. 07 to 48103 Paiymetos: Pay VIAcoa .... " Crei Csd rcese byonn P c P a Peey CREDUT bet cota oe. ls t Renitrns Seller coes not offerretucc. Guatantee: jt Seec ccci In Gec te itctnoordcmdco et ouroneybck. Covensnyour purchasenpricend ~oigialsiyppin. Have ane to sell? Sell now Description Shipping and payents Setler asstutcs att responsibility tor thtis tistitng. Item specifics Coctditiot: New: A bratnd-ne, unuseS, unopcned, undamtntced itm (including handemade nitems). Sen the seller's ... Read or Descniption- Mobile Ringtones Inte phone and accesoriesctin Size- 728KB9(maximumt) Duration- 35 seconds. Type- MP3 ies. The rngtnens will be deivenned digitally viaemal Price-$1l ingtoe Ringtones ataiable: * Whose streets? Ourstreets! " No bate, no teat, retugees are weloeerae. " Net my pnesident. " Tl me what demonracy leeks likel This is wat democracy leeks like! " Thn people united will nene be divided. n Ceountry/Reon ot Mattutacture: Ucnited Staten Statement: The soilbeeath,soft bracing Casting deep the manks of our tent. As we steed, united Spectacle oftbuan bands Against the fascist gaec locan hear thecrowd growing target inseide me, as tbey shoot Sympeonies ot Resiicnce aloit our everyday toves. By creating ringtoes o1 my collectiens, a00 seing bhem thtough this ant ptojct, I weet to clebtate those oices to the cowd, whicb eaten to the 'Symphonies ot Recsiiene'. The tunction oftbe rng tone isto remitd tbc uscr (end anyone withinenar shot) oftbc prctests and resistane around. Tbe toed raiscd trom tbis sale would go to unite Oregon,a statewide nonprofit leadership end yetitical adocacy group in Oregon. Questions and answers about this item No qioestioes en answers have been penned abeut tbis item. Ask o guantion See what other people are watching 112 315N 1 Clip On Phone Camera Lens Eye+WidecA. $1.09 Alt givertfast smitten Andorid $4.42 30in Eye- Wde Angle + USE Doc kCharger Chargina Ai gier fast swer aphone tNew Seli Flasb LEDPhoe MacroCameraCip-o Le.. Port Fex Cable For Saws.. CameaPhotographyRing.. $0.99 $6.99 $5.53 $3.99 Frcmc yip Popular P. aict KINDHEIT- SERINNERUNG / CHILDHOOD MEMORY #3 ARTIST STATEMENT There are things that are difficult to buy, sell or pay for. Even today when almost everything seems to be turned into a commodity. No matter how hard I try, I can never sell you the full experience of my childhood memories. But maybe you can get a taste of it. Anke Schuttler is a multidisciplinary artist specializing in photography and social practice art. With a sensibility for the poetic and humorous, her work strives to foster social interactions by asking questions and challenging existing situations. Educated in conceptual art and photography in France and the Netherlands, she is currently a student in the MFA program Art & Social Practice, led by Harrell Fletcher at Portland State University in Oregon, USA. Q & A: QUESTION Is it still possible to make tea using these vessels? ANSWER Unfortunately no, they're rusted tins that used to contain milk used in making tea which is commonly used in the region. It's called "Rainbow Milk". I guess you could make tea with them if you covered them in a glaze haha! Anke Schuttler, Image from Kindheitserinnerung / Childhoodmemory #5, #exstrange auction. eb Stöbern in Kategorien Alle Kategorien J Finden Erweiterte Suche < Zurükzur Stanse:te 1Kategorie: Sammele&Se'tenes > Mtemorabiia Sonste Kindheitserinnerung / Childhoodmemory #3, #exstrange ARTIST Anke Schüttler LOCHTIONI Aachen, Germany Artikelzustan Gebraucht Beendet: 28. Feb. 2017 08:00:53 MEZ Erfolgreiches EUR 1,00 [ 1 Gebot] Gebot: Versand: Möglicherweise kein Versand nach Vereinigte Staaten non Amerika - Lenen Sie die Artikelbeschreibung oder kontaktieren Sie den Verköufer, um Informationen zs Versandoptionen zu erhalten. 1 Weitere Detail Areikelstndot: Aachen, Deutcland Lieferueg: Weitere Infos zur Lieferzeit in der Artikelbeschreibung Angaben zum Verkäufer ankeschue (2) 100% Positive Bewertungen Angemeldet als privater Verköufer Andere Artikel aufrufen 11I af Zahlngen: pay ,Lastschrift, Kreditkarte, Barzahlung bei Abholung, Überweisung 1weitere LOCAT/ON alnsmtoe OF BIDDER New York, New York, USA FULL CATIEGORY Collectibles > Memorabilia > Other STARTIJNG PRICE ¬,1,oo SALE PRIGE ¬,1,oo CUR4FOR Harrell Fletcher Röcknahmen: Keine Röcknahme Sicherheit: Lrb KAUFERSCHUtTZ Bei Bezahlung mit PayPal, Lastschrift oöer Kreditkarte 1 etee Deta is Ähnlichen Artikel verkaufen? Selbst verkaufen Beschreibung Versand und Zahlungsmethoden Melden Der Verköufer ist für dieses Angebot verantwortlich. Artikelmerkmale Artikelzustand: Gebraucht: Artikel morde bereits benutzt. Weitere Eiezelheiten, z. B. genaue Beschreibung etwaiger Fehler oder ... Menr zum Thema Kindheitserinnerung / Childhoodmemory #3 ~Bum Buon', Vanille und Erdbeereiscreme, Erdbeer Überzug und Kaugummi Stiel Ich weiss, duss ich diese Erinnerung min so einigen meiner Freunde teile. Es ist ganz klar: Born Born Eis lösst uns an glückliche Zeiten in unserem kleinen cörtlichen Tierpark denken. Nacb dem Besuch saßen wir oft noch am Spielplatz, die Füße im Sand und unsere Münder rot gefärbt von der roten Glasur. Eine weitere Besonderheit war, dass der Eisstiel aus Kaugummi getmacht war. Oft schaffte ich es, nur eine Hälfte davon zu essen und den Rest für später aufzuhewahren. Die Kindheitserinnerung ist gebraucht, das Eis ist neu. ACHTUNG: Versandkosten 179¬, Speditions-Versand in Trockeneis, nur innerhalb Deutschlands! Alternativ ist Selbstabholung möglich. ‹Born Butn", vanilla und struwherry icecream, strawberry frosting und chewing gum stick This is a memory that 1 acmually share with many of my homctown friends. lf's prenty clear: Born Born ice reminds us of happy moments spent in the small local zoo. After our visit we would sit on the playground, nur feet in the sand and nur rnouths tainted red from the red frosting. Another arnazing thing about the Born Born was it's stick made nun of buhhle gum. I would lind ways of only taking half ofit and saving Ihe other half for later. The childhoodmemory is used, the ice is new. ATTENTION: Cost of delivery 1 79f., Spedition delivery in dry ice, within Germany only! Alternatively pickup by customer. Fragen und Antworten zu diesem Artikel Zu diesem Artikel wurden keine Fragen sed Antworten eingestellt. Frage stellen Š4 eb Stöbern in Kategorien Alle Kategorien j Finden Erwueiterne Suche l( Zurück zur Startseite [ Kategorie: Sammeln & Seltenes > Memorabilia > Sonstige Kindheitserinnerung / Childhoodmemory #1, #exstrange Artikelzustan Gebraucht Beendet: 28. Feb. 2017 08:00:09 MEZ Angaben zum Verkäufer ankeschue (2 ) 100% Positive Bewertungen Angemeldet ais privater Verkäuter Andere Artikel aufrufen Startpreis: EUR 1,00 [ 0 Gebote ] Versand: Möglicherweise kein Versand nach Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika - Lesen Sie die Artikelbeschreibung oder kontaktieren Sie den Verkäufer, um Informationen zu Versandoptionen zu erhalten. 1 Weitere Detuils Artikelstunuut: Aachen, Deutschland Versand nach: Deutschiand Lieterung: Weitere lnos zur Lieferzeit in der Artikelbeschreibung Zahlungen: Pciy ,Lastschritt, Kreditkarte, Barzahlung bei Abholung, Überweisung [ weitere Zahlunsmethoden ,~Popsicle",bomemade Popsicle from Orangejuice on toothpick My mother get thia idea frem a friend who had recently moved to America. My parenta and myself three years old at that time, came te visit her due to my father's busineas trip. My first time to really travel and my first time to come to the U.S. 1 remember being frantic about those little balls made of frozen orangejuice, begging my mother for oec of those treats back in our kitcben in Giermany. The childhoodmemory je used, the ice is new. ATTENTION: Cost of delivery 179E, Spedition delivery in dry ice, within Germany only! Alternatively pickup by customer. Stbern i Alle Kategorien :J Finden Erw .,b< Zrük zr tarsete tegori: Sammeln & Seitenes > Memrabla > Snstge ( eiterte Suche Kindheitserinnerung / Childhoodmemory #2, #exstrange Artikelzustan Gebraucht Beendet: 28. Feb. 2017 08:00:42 MEZ Startpreis: EUR 1,00 [ 0 Gebote ] Versand: Möglicherweise kein Versand nach Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika - Lesen Sie die Artikelbeschreibung oder kontaktieren Sie den Verkäuter, um lntormationen zu Versandoptionen zu erhalten. 1 Weitere Details Artikelstandor: Aachen, Deutschiand Ve'rsanh nach: Deutschland Angaben zum Verkäufer ankeschue (2 ) 100% Positive Bewertungen Angemeldet als privater Versauter Dicn r<-n ar folcen Andere Artikel autruten Lieferung: Weitere lnos zur Lieterzeit in der Artikelbeschreibung Zahlungen: pay , Lastschrift, Kreditkarte, Barzahlung bei Abholung, Überweisung ( weitere Zahlungsmethoden ,~Minimilk", twe cream siele 00 wooden stieks, oe strawherry and oec vanilla The smail supermarket where we get meost our feed supplies was the closest store to Memorahilia > Sonstige Kindheitserinnerung / Childhoodmemory #4, #exstrange Artikelzustan Gebraucht Beendet: 28. Feb. 2017 08:00:30 MEZ Erfolgreiches EUR 1,00 [ 1 Gebot ] Gebot: Versand: Möglicherweise kein Versand nach Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika - Lesen Sie die Artikelbeschreibung oder kontaktieren Sie den Verkäuter, um Informationen zu Versandoptionen zu erhalten. 1 weitere Details Artikelstandort: Auchen, Deutschland Versanu noch: Deutscland Lieterung: Weitere Infos zur Lieferzeit in der Artikelbeschreibung Zahlungen: pay ,Lastschrift, Kreditkarte, Barzahlung bei Abholung, Überweisung weitere Zahlungsmethoden Angaben zum Verkäufer ankeschue (2) 100%A Positie Bewertungen Angemeldet als privater Verkäuter Dineem Verront , ~ Andere Artikel aufruten ~Nogger Choc", vanilla icccream, coatcd in chocolatc with nut alivers, surrounding a big piece of choclatc on a woodcn stick Every time we would go to see my patemal grandmother, she would present us with the same meal: tneatballs, potato mach and her famous pea and carrot glop that 1 loved and no one has succeeded to prepare for me ever again. 1 see myself standing in her Small kitehen with lighit brown tiles everywhere, always keeping so eye on the cuckoo clock, anxious not to miss the moment when the cuckoo would appear. 1 remember being completely amazed by the existence of icecream tbtat wonuld inelude a big chunk of chocklate at the center. The childhoodmemory is used, the ice is new. ATTENTION: Cost of delivery 179E, Spedition delivery in dry ice, within Germany only! Alternatively pickup by customer. eb Stöbern in Kategorien Alle Kategorien J Finden Erwetettettuche < Zurück zur Startseite 1Kategorie: Sammelt & Seltenes > Mewerahile v Sonstige Kindheitserinnerung / Childhoodmemory #6, #exstrange Artikelzustan Gebraucht Beendet: 28. Feb. 2017 08:00:01 MEZ Angaben zum Verkäufer ankeschue <2) 100% Positive Bewertungen Angemeldet als privater Verkäufer DiP ,reo .erlrDle Andere Artikel aufrufen Startpreis: EUR 1,00 [ 0 Gebote ] Versand: Möglicherweise kein Versand nach Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika - Lesen Sie die Artikelbeschreibung oder kontaktieren Sie den Verkäuter, um Informationen zu Versandoptionen zu erhalten. 1 weitere Detals Arikelstandort: Aachen, Deutschland Versand nach: Deutscland Lieterung: Weitere Infos zur Lieferzeit in der Artikelbeschreibung Zahluegen: Pay Lastschrift, Kreditkarte, Barzahlung bei Abholung, ÜJberweisung 1 Weitere Zaulng~smethod ev ~Bärehis Waldmeister Wassereis", sweet wodruff otter pop in plastie tube On the way to my bus to get home after school there was this bakery on the corner. We would all go there for candy, their weird chocolate marshmallow roll invention and those otter pops that would come in all kinds of colours and taste. 1 soon found nut that thc green swect woodruff ones were the best and only took those from theo on. In those days they would cost 20 Pfennig, which were the twenty cents of the German Deutschmark currency at the time. The childhoodmemory is used, the ice is new. ATTENTION: Cost of delivery 179¬, Spedition delivery in dry ice, within Germany only! Alternatively pickup by customer. ANONYMOUS GRANDMA SOUVENIRS Q & A: QUESTON Are you the grandmother? I mean no disrespect nor do I want you to reveal an age if you are not comfortable with the question. ANSWER Hi! I'm not the grandmother but the granddaughter. ARTIST STATEMENT Taking the sacred and banal everyday as material, I am interested in the geriatric as a realm for new spaces of imagination. More specifically, I have a deep belief in the rich worlds that elderly females hold within them: fascinating, complex dimensions that go hidden today and which are at once warm, humorous, rigid, open, wise, eccentric and absurd. These worlds are inspiring material for relational art-making in thinking about form, aesthetics and audience. Salty (Xi Jie Ng), from Singapore, creates intimate encounters for a noisy world. Her works dance across disciplines and have been made and presented in Singapore, USA, Finland and India. Last year she created a publication on senior female culture (thegrandmareporter.com). She is currently in the MFA in art & social practice at Portland State University on the National Arts Council (Singapore) postgraduate scholarship. Xi Jie Ng, Images from Anonymous Grandma Souvenirs, #exstrange auction. eb Shop by- All Categories Search Advanced < Back to search resu'ts Listed in category: Health & Beauty > Othe Health & Beauty Anonymous Grandma Souvenirs #exstrange ARTIST Xi Jie Ng LOCATION Singapore LOCATION~ OF BIDDER Cold Spring, New York, USA FULL CATEGORY Health & Beauty > Other Health & Beauty STARTING PRICE $1.00 SALE PRICE $11.50 CURATOR Harrell Fletcher ° 11 °r J' .-p o. Item condition: New Ended: Mar 01, 2017, 4:00AM Winning bid: US $11.50 [S bids] Shipping: $3.00 Economy Shipping from outside US] See details See details about temnational cn-pping here. 1 Item location: singapore none, Singapore Ships toa Wordawde Delivery: Estimated within 8-18 business days 4 Please note the delivery estimate is Payments: Pay VsA Credit Cards processed by PayPal Pay CREDIT Get more time to pay. Apply Now I See Terms See details Returns: Seller does not offer returns. Guarantee: e-b I see details Get the item you ordered or get your money back. Covers your purchase price and original shipping. Seller information lolitastarshine ( 100% Positine feedback See other items M I Have one to sell? Sell now Description Shipping and payments Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Item specifics Condition: New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item (including handmade items). See the seller's ... Read more UPC: Does not apply Report item 192096659403 Brand: Unbranded COLLECTORS ITEMS Souvenirs from an anonymous grandma in Singapore. Unused condition. Includes: - Paper towel from Chinese restaurant in Singapore - Matches from hotel in China (while on holiday) - Shower cap from hotel in China (while on holiday) - Bar soap from hotel in China (while on holiday) - Pen from Singapore Airlines, one of the world's best airlines (likely from holiday) - Bobbi pins clipped on used Singapore Mass Rapid Transit card - Self-curated collection in transparent plastic bag: small transparent plastic bags, plastic spoon, earbud, toothpicks WRAPPED UP IN GRANDMA'S USED SOFT PINK FACE TOWEL. Grandma's personality traits: obsessively neat and clean, cheerful, cares immensely for family members but usually demanding towards service personnel Grandma's hobbies: cooking, walking, watching drama serials, shopping, eating Grandma's horoscope: Gemini Ships anywhere. Only charging for shipping. Don't miss this rare opportunity. Only one of this curated collection in the world. Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers have been posted about this item. Ask a question A Sponsored Links GranCma Lucy's Organic Coconut Oven... $8.54 G r adrma Lucry Macanna .. $26.40 $31 69 Chewey.com Macannu. $37.04 $ Cerdr: P Grandma. Lucys Macan-a Staruers. $12.34 $15.59 Grandma Lucy's Freeze Cr ed 33ngle $.54 $11.99 IMG_4320. JPG ARTIST STATEMENT This is an on-going series. Each image is one of a kind. The image is a photograph from my computer screen with the text IMG_4320.JPG, which is also the exact name of the photo file on my phone. I first check which number comes before I take the picture. The title is the same as the filename. Niko Princen studied art at Hogeschool van de Kunsten, Utrecht and at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. His practice concentrates around the Internet, wherein the human interaction and (mis)communication, through the computer, play a role. Princen works in front of the screen, as well as behind, sometimes melting the two together. Solo projects include: Embedness, The Composing Rooms, online (201 5); A Responsive Candle Light Event, Flat, Amsterdam (201 5); and IN THE EVENT OF FIRE, Headquarters, Zurich (2012). Recent selected exhibitions include: Aurora, Dallas, Texas, USA (2015); On YouTube, Kunsthaus Langenthal, Switzerland (201 5); Offline Art: Are you still there?, part of Hamster - Hipster - Handy at Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt (2015); 77th Athens Digital Arts Festival, Athens (201 5); and Home Work, Open Forum, Berlin (2015). Shob b al Cate9ohea 7J Search IMG 4320.JPG #exstrange Seller information nikpnnce-0 (0 ) ARTIST Niko Princen LOCATIONV Amsterdam, The Netherlands FULL CATEGORY Business & Industry > Office > Office Supplies > Filing, Storage & Binding > Files & Supplies STARTIN~G PRICE $94.00 SALE PRICE Unsold StaigAbid US $94.00 1idsOAI Pa F F FF1 A F i. °Y ... P, CREDfI n Item speifics Modit oFFI M b A P FF1Fal F uantAAAitygAF Camer Modelg Name MF Nber l FAF2 VsFiF ShuttFF Spee Vlu EApFrture ValueF EsureF CAPIFIFF Typ FTal~Ii Len g Dosntapply 4,02A3,2 Pr3gra AEFAAF. 408F CURATOR Gaia Tedone Questions and answersabot this ilem -SAe what Atherpl e a re AAwatching 1;'A r-Fde A n F u A A AFFFA4AF $1599 S2.706.89 $98S169$74 Make Apple Camera Model Name iPhone 6s Orientation Horizontal (normal) Software 10.0.2 Modify Date 2017:01:17 11:51:13 29 days, 18 hours, 11 minutes, 35 seconds ago Y Cb Cr Positioning Centered Exposure Time 1/33 F Number 2.20 Exposure Program Program AE ISO 40 Exif Version 0221 Date/Time Original 2017:01:17 11:51:13 29 days, 18 hours, 11 minutes, 35 seconds ago Create Date 2017:01:17 11:51:13 29 days, 18 hours, 11 minutes, 35 seconds ago Components Configuration Y, Cb, Cr, - Shutter Speed Value 1/33 Aperture Value 2.20 Brightness Value 4.457368718 Exif Image Size 4,032 x 3,024 Exposure Compensation 0 Metering Mode Multi-segment Flash Off, Did not fire Focal Length 4.2 mm Subject Area 2015 1511 2217 1330 Maker Note Apple (838 bytes binary data) Sub Sec Time Original 842 Sub Sec Time Digitized 842 Flashpix Version 0100 Color Space sRGB Sensing Method One-chip color area Scene Type Directly photographed Exposure Mode Auto White Balance Auto Focal Length In 35mm Format 29 mm Scene Capture Type Standard Lens Info 4.15mm f/2.2 Lens Make Apple Lens Model iPhone 6s back camera 4.15mm f/2.2 Compression JPEG (old-style) Resolution 72 pixels/inch Thumbnail Length 5,818 Niko Princen, Images and text from 1MG4320.JPG, #exstrange auction. BITTERCOI N FAILED TRANSACTIONS BILLS Cesar Escudero, PUNKCOIN Cesar Escudero's auction PUNKCOIN, offering recordings of sonification of code through google translation voice, recorded on pirated cassettes of Punk music, launched on March 6 and can be viewed at http://exstrange.com in the category Art. Martin NadaI, BITCOIN TRANSACTION PRINTS Martin Nadal's auction BITCOIN TRANSACTION PRINTS, exploring money, not as a measure of value, but as a history of transactions, launched on March 6 and can be viewed at http://exstrange.com in the category Coins & Paper Money. ARTIST STATEMENT BittterCoin is an old calculator machine hacked to be used as a miner validating the pending bitcoins transactions in the Blockchain (Online distributed data base). BitterCoin combines Internet of Things, media archaeology, and economy. The operations are displayed on the calculator screen and printed afterwards. The Bitcoin was originally conceived as an electronic decentralized system for capital transactions. Each node (user) has the same opportunities to get a reward when validating a transaction. In the last years, this system has triggered a competitive struggle where computing power has become the most important variable for earning Bitcoins. This involves the use of large equipment, and computer farms spending physical and environmental resources, a struggle that benefits only the owner of the most powerful and efficient technology. BitterCoin takes up this discourse in a rhetorical way. It works as the most basic computer, increasing the time needed to produce Bitcoins to almost an eternity. Martin Nadal is an artist/developer based in Linz and studying the Interface Cultures program at KunstUni. In the past years, he has collaborated in a variety of projects and taught some workshops related to art and technology. He is also interested in illustration and cinematography. His works have been shown at Visualizar 11 (Medialab Prado), Ars Electronica, and AMRO Festival y Settimana della Scienza (Genova). Cesar Escudero Andaluz (LIC, MA, MFA) studied Fine Arts and Architecture & Design at the University of Salamanca, Visual Arts and Multimedia at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Since 2011, he has been researching at the Kunstuniversitat Linz at the Interface Culture LAB, working in the field between users and interfaces. His artworks have been shown in international electronic-art events, museums, galleries and conferences including ARS ELECTRONICA (at) / ISMAR2015 (jp) / WRO2015 (pl) / TRANSNUMERIQUES (fr), and ESPACIO ENTER (sp). e:b Copapr Todas las categorías 71 Buscar Avazda Bittercoin failed transactions bilis #exstrange Estado del Nuevo artculo: Finalizado: 01 mar 2017 19:56:03 H.Esp ARTIST César Escudero and Martín Nadal Linz, Austria LOCATOV OF BIDDER Madrid, Spain FUILL C/I1EGORV Equipment & Mach inery > Equipment and Material Stores STARLIIVG PRICE ¬20,00 SALE PRICE ¬20,00 CURATOR Artists - Joiners Puja ganadora: 20,00 EUR [ 2 pujas]1 Envío: 20,00OEUR Paquete internaional económiolver detalles Ccsvals talloecoave os enos In=ciooelsq Erega: El plazo previsto de ertrega es de entre 8y 15 días laborables. se haga ooc.lvcol pao 0 Pagos: Pay ý VSA °~~ Pagos con trjero de crédito proesados por PayPal Ver infomación ,e o u Devoluciones: No se aoeptan devoluoiones Cobertura: GARANTÍA AL CLIENTE DE EBAY 1 Ver concis Roembolso si no recibes lo que hablas pedida y pagas con PayPal. 1)Garantía al cliente de eBay " Servicio de Atencido al oliente por teléfono, chat, emol. " Reembolso si no reoibes legque hubias pedido y pagas conr PayPal. " Gestidn simplifioada de tus devoluoiones. Ver tAte eos vcondioes. Tus deecos coee Información del vendedor martinnadal (11 ý7 Ver otros artículos mm ¿Qui eres ender uno? Véndelo tú mismo Descripción Envíos y pagos Ifra or natcl 142298711641 El oendedor asume toda la responsubilidad de este anuncio. últimu autso izas de el 23 teb 2017 09:43:58 H.Esp Ver todas losaculzioe Características del artículo Estado: Nuevo: Un articulo nuevo, sin usar, sin abrir, sin desperfectos y en el paquete original (en cuso de venir Vd Ms informacidn Tbis Bill reflecto all calculativons mude by 'BITTERCOIN, tbe worst micer ever" tsr validate a pending transaction of Bitcoigs io tbe Blockcbaio, performed ut Aro Electronica Festival ons 08109/20 16. #exstrange Preguntas y respuestas sobre este artículo No se no publicado ninguno peeguntu ni respuesta sobre este articulo. Preguntar ol vendedor César Escudero and Martín Nadal, Images from Bittercoin failed transaction bilis, #exstrange auction. IMAGE SEARCH RESULT FOR "TROLLING" PRINTED ON VARIOUS OBJ ECTS ARTIST STATEMENT Our work represents and critiques the Internet, exploring the deeper psychological consequences of our hyper-mediated lives. Much of our output concerns the cultural impact of the Internet as it has transitioned from a vast, unregulated and "utopian" network to an increasingly centralized, corporatized and surveilled system. We contend with difficult, often charged themes, using dark humor to reveal uncomfortable or "invisible" aspects of the Internet, such as its hidden labor force, mechanisms of control and erroneous news sources. For the ongoing series, Image Search Result (2014-), each work produced is entirely outsourced to online custom printing services. We use search terms from our personal browsing history (in this case, "trolling"), and select an image that the search engine yields for that term. We then upload it on various custom printing service sites. Typically the objects are delivered directly to the gallery or site of exhibition once they are produced. In this case, the objects themselves will not be produced unless they are bid on and purchased. Eva and Franco Mattes (1976) are an artist duo originally from Italy, working in New York. Their medium is a combination of Internet, video and installation. Their work explores the ethical and moral issues arising when people interact remotely, especially through social media, creating situations where it is difficult to distinguish reality from a simulation. Group exhibition highlights include the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago (2018); Biennale of Sydney (2016); Whitechapel Gallery, London (2016); and Hammer Museum, Los Angeles (2016). Solo exhibition venues include Essex Flowers, New York; Postmasters Gallery, New York; Carroll/Fletcher, London; Site, Sheffield; PNCA, Portland; and Plugin, Basel. eb Shop by All Categories Search Advercced < Bc tsarh slsLste c~ate cr: r iec o ist' thr Artfomte rs Image search result for "Trolling" printed on various objects #exstrange ARTIST Eva and Franco Mattes LOCATIONV Brooklyn, New York, USA LOCATION~ OF BIDDER Chicago, Illinois, USA FULL CATEGORY Art > Direct from the Artist > Other Art from the Artist STARTINGC PRICE $490.00 SALE PRICE $490.00 CURATOR Gala Tedone y i _ . r 1 d t / Enodd Mar 03, 2017, 8:00AM Winning bid: US $490.00 Li1 bid]I Shipping: 530.00 Economy Shipping i 0cc dctals Delivery: Estimaoted within 7 business days 0 Payments: Pay VIlSA CrtCo ards prosa dPaPal Pay CREWI 6 month to pay nn$99.. _______rm Returnsl Seller does notnofer rturns. Guarantee: eb i'. sc Getrthe itemyouoorderedor getyormonyack, ovcrs runipcrchace pice andcoriginal shippig. evaandfrancoa(0) Son other items Havone ton elln? Sell new A Descriptien Shipping and paymeents Seller annurres all responibility for this listing. Last updted an Feb 20, 2017 07:49:5h9 POT View al rvsin Item specifics hAtt Eva & Franco Matnns DateaofCreation: 2017 Mediunc Toothbrush holder, noon dinpensr, laptop sleeve, leggings Technique: Printonrvarious bjectsby onin cutomsrces Image search result for "Trolling" printed on canjoin objects by online sermice (2017) Print on toothbrush holder, noap dispenner, neoprene laptop sleeve, leggings Pot the ongoing notion, Image Search Resultt(20t4-), each work produced in entirely cutnourced to online custom prnting nermices. We use search terms from cur personal browning history (in thin cane, "trolling"), and select the first image that the search engine yields for that term. We then upload it nn various custom printing sermice sites. Typically the objects ate delivered cirectly to the gallery or site ot exhibition once they are produced. In this case, the objects themselves wilt not be produced unless they are bid on and purchased. Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers hone been posted about this item. See what other people are watching 1/2 0 QArIl 111111111: ®® Ci1ui... an Ern, m ra m 10 KETAMINE VIAL IHAT PINS U/E OP 200! LAST tool Not... S49.99 Feedback en eur suggestions 30 STL Model far CNC Router Engraver Carving Machine PR... $5.60 Modern Abstract Metal Home 10d 3d STL Models -"Decor Art Wall Sculpture Silver Plo... Collection' tar CNC relieftart... Sour Toe Cocktail Prop BARNES OIL PAINTING Sideshow Saff Oddity Mum... VINTAGE ANTIQUE STYLE... $225.00 Al' 'ccl goc $18.40 S$16.66 $49.00 ART, LIMITED EDITION 1 PRINT | BIO Garrett Lynch (IRL) is an artist, lecturer, curator and theorist. His work deals with networks (in their most open sense) within an artistic context, and the spaces between artist, artworks, and audience as a means, site, and context for artistic initiation, creation, and discourse. Currently, Garrett's practice explores the thesis that networks are a transformative factor in contemporary art practice. Recently most active in live performance, Garrett's networked practice spans online art, installation, performance, and writing. Post-graduate of the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs (EnsAD), Paris, France, Garrett has taught several new media courses throughout England and Wales. AUCTION ACTION - COMMISSION AN ARTWORK Q & A: QUESTION Let's start! Where does one start with this...do you pick a starting point or do I? ANSWER Hi there, well the starting point is making a bid. If you win then the work is based on what happens during the auction and its page, so for example your eBay profile, the questions asked, etc. ARTIST STATEMENT Auction action - commission an artwork, listed on eBay as ART LIMITED EDITION, PRINT Auction action - commission an artwork #exstrange, were transformative actions that occurred within the context of the networked performance Transformations: Actions to Matter/ Matter to Actions. Transformative actions within Transformations attempt to source items for free online and then sell them online. Actions that are performed online are considered to occur within a 'virtual' or digital context. Items that are acquired as a result of actions are physically manifested in 'real' contexts. A transformation therefore occurs from 'virtual' to 'real' and then back to 'virtual' again. The internet is both a staging ground for initiating transformation as well as the final destination for the items acquired and the documentation produced. [Garrett Lynch's artist statement continues on PAGE 162.] eb Shop by- All Categories J Search Advanced < Back to search resut i Listed in category: Art > Art frorn Dealers & Resellers > Other Art rom Rese lers ART, LIMITED EDITION, PRINT I Auction action - commission an artwork #exstrange Iter, condition: --3 11 ARTIST Garrett Lynch LOCATION Plymouth, UK LOCATION OF BIDDER Sag Harbor, New York, USA FULL CATEGORY Art > Art from Dealers & Resellers > Other Art from Resellers STARTING PRICE Ended: Mar 04, 2017, 3:00AM Winning bid: GBP 10.50 [ 2 bids] Approxmately US $12.87 Seller information garrett_44 (116 ) 100% Positive feedback See other items Shipping: FREE Royal Mail International Standard (Small Packets) I see detal sea details nout inmr- nal snip.-q hrn.n .em vocatiom Plymouth. Unled Kingdom Shinseo: wor,ode Delivery: Estimated Delivery within 8-14 business days r c- g cleared payrent 0 Payments: Pay VISA C'.eO Cards processed by PayPal Returns: Seller does not offer returns. Guarantee: co I See details Get the item you ordered or get your money back. Covers your purchase price and original shipping Have one to sell? Sell now Description Shipping and payments Seller assumes all responsibility tor this listing. Report item A This auction is to pay for the production of an artwork once the auction is completed. The artwork will be determined as a consequence of the winning buyer and their bid amount, It will employ eBay as a platform within which to commission, conceive and create art. . Process: 1. Buyers bid for a mystery auction lot. The highest bidder wins. 2. The winning amount is used to employ a service or services through eBay to create and/or customise an item as artwork. The choice of item will be the artist's decision and will be inspired by and/or contain details of the auction. For example, the winning buyer's username, their bid amount or any other detail of the auction may be incorporated. 3. Once the item is completed it will be donated as an artwork to the artist's networked performance project, Transformations: Actions to Matter/ Matter to Actions (http://www.asquare.orq/work/transformations/). Evidence of the process of acquiring the artwork, including the commissioning buyer, and a photograph of the artwork will be archived as part of Transformations. - What do you get? You determine a contributing item as artwork to Transformations. In addition you will receive a limited edition 1/1 photographic A3 print of the item, signed and numbered by the artist, and a certificate of authenticity that links to the artwork's webpage online. NOTE: - Due to the customisation of the artwork for the buyer returns are not accepted. - Production of the artwork requires an extended period of time than usual eBay purchases. Therefore please allow at least 28 days for delivery (3 working day dispatch in the listing is not correct). - For international buyer's postage cost please contact the artist before you bid specifying your location and a precise cost will be provided. - Images provided in this auction listing are solely indicative and not of the commissioned artwork. Questions and answers about this item £5.99 SALE PRICE £10.50 CURATOR Gaia Tedone 0: Let's start! Where does one start with this...do you pick a starting point or do I? A: Hi there, well the starting point is making a bid. If you win then the work is based on what happens during the auction and its page, so for example your eBay profile, the questions Ask a question Feb 25, 2017 A Garrett Lynch, Images from ART LIMITED EDITION, PRINT | Auction action - commission an artwork, #exstrange auction. Q & A: QUESTION So this exchange is potentially part of the work, correct? ANSWER That's correct. ANSWER Congratulations you won the auction and commissioned the work. Please pay as soon as possible. The creation of the work will start today. As the listing states please be patient and allow 28 days for delivery of the print. Many thanks for bidding, Garrett. ARTIST STATEMENT cow. In Auction action, the actions consisted of an eBay auction to commission an artwork. The auction winner became the commissioner of the artwork. Their details and details of the auction were used by the artist to inform and conceive of the artwork. The artist, however, did not produce the artwork. Instead, he utilised the amount paid by the auction winner to employ services through eBay to produce and customise items assembled as an artwork. Through this process, the artist performs as an intermediary who connects and negotiates between the auction winner and eBay service providers. The actions and artwork produced are wholly based on the auction, its outcome and the site-specificity of eBay as a space for networked performance. The artwork produced was a dye-sublimation print on aluminium with circular sticker. The aluminium print's design was created by the artist. It consisted of a collaged combination of text and imagery including the auction winner's username, a photograph used as their profile banner, and a word integrated into a phrase that has a particular meaning to them. The aluminium print was next commissioned from an eBay seller. A sticker design was copied from a different eBay seller, modified and ordered from a third eBay seller. Once received from eBay, the aluminium print and sticker were assembled. During the creation of the artwork, evidence of the actions, that is-all steps involved in the creation of the work, were recorded through screenshots. These, along with a photograph of the artwork, were added to the Transformations web-based documentary archives. The auction winner received a signed limited edition print 1/1 of the artwork's photograph with a certificate of authenticity that links via QR code to the artwork's webpage. This enables a connection to be maintained back to the artwork's documentation and the actions that produced it, which will continue to update while Transformations is ongoing. Similar to all items acquired for Transformations, the artwork will ultimately be sold online within a later series of auctions that complete the Transformations performance. E C rrnw.eoa .co.u eb PESOALSE PINED10x " ETL IG AY OLUR TXTAD COPNLG Company thank you seals circular IL Ad tobaskt > ,a.Commissioned :: qir~esand created on Garrett Lynch. Screenshots of eBay sellers involved in design of ART LIMITED EDITION, PRINT... #exstrange, 2017. *ck Mmm s E E EE. * A / a SS I_1rt8 ..d yotK rP - ic k - rt or I a r-ti rig: kit or -ft II Garrett Lynch. ART LIMITED EDITION, PRINT... #exstrange, 201 7, signed limited edition print with certificate of authenticity. GENUINE FAKE ANTIQUES ARTIST STATEMENT While I initially purchased the fake antiques with the intention of using them somewhere for my work, the quality of the objects began to trouble me. Not that the forgery was perfect, but that the fakery of it was so obvious, yet so slight. With a simple desire to generate an easy profit, the fake antiques did what I have previously so often aspired to do with my artworks-confuse histories, undermine the author, and comment on photography's mediations from a physical object to digital file. I found that the objects were the perfect readymades-yet while they fit so closely with my work, there was no simple way for me to claim them. The only thing that made any sense was to release them back from where they came. The role of the antique is to circulate and to accumulate value with the passing of time. By releasing these objects back into the market, but this time on the Internet (the place of the source images and, thus, the space where the object initially originated), I attempt to fulfill its intended aspiration. Nihaal Faizal is an artist based in Bangalore, India whose work examines our relationships to existing technological documents. Appropriating documents from both private and public sources, he has previously worked with computer desktop backgrounds, user level software, surveillance footage, family photographs, and popular films. Nihaal has also been involved in the organization of various exhibition projects. These include G.159 (2013 - 2016) a project space he ran in his student apartment in Bangalore and an exhibition he organised of the photographic work of his great grandmother, Haleema Hashim (Kochi). AIN; v2 Nihaal Faizal, Images from Genuine Fake Antiques, #exstrange auction. Back to home page I Listed in category: All Categories J Search Advanced ARTIST Nihaal Faizal LOCATION Bangalore, India FULL CATECORY Collectibles > Souvenirs, Novelties, Curios STARTINC PRICE 22,500 SALE PRICE Unsold CURATOR Artist - Joiner Genuine Fake Antiques #exstrange Item condition: Used Ended: 05 Mar, 2017 08:00:00 1ST Starting bid: Rs. 2,500.00 [ 0 bids ] Shipping: May not ship to United States - Read item description or contact seller for shipping options. I See details itern iocation: Bangua ore, KA, India Sip s to: India Payments: Paisapay (Credit card, Debit card, Online Bank Transfer) I see ayment informaticn Returns: Replacement and refund for this product is covered throught + - . I Learn mo Seller information nihaafaiza (0) See other items Ask seller a question a. Have one to sell? Sell it yourself Description Shipping and payments Report item 2571774 Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Item specifics Condition: Used: An item that has been used previously. The item may have some signs of wear. See the seller's ... Read more Last May I found myself in Cochin for a couple of months and I decided to visit one of the antique shops in Jew Town, Mattancherry. Struggling for attention amongst all the other identical stores in the area was one called Leens Export. Inside I glanced through and caught hold of a pile of photographs - some mounted on boards and others loose, all without frames. Examining the photographs, I found in one what appeared to be a trace of pixels. Scrutinizing some of the others, I found more evidences of the digital - an artificial 'yellowing', touches of red that could only be the result of an RGB digital file, and the paper itself- a smooth matte 90gsm paper, a common choice for cheap digital printing. All of these digital prints were mounted on what looked like old boards, some of which had stickers indicating in Tamil that they were from a photo studio in Madurai. Some even had arbitrary dates written on them with pens of different colours - evidently at odds with the pictures portrayed. Upon commenting to the lady watching the shop (in local Malayalam) that these didn't seem quite genuine, she repeatedly insisted that they were so. She emphasized that they were also quite rare - coming to the antique shop straight from the original photographer's studio. She further threw in that they were quite a popular item with the tourists. After negotiations the prices were settled and I proceeded to purchase them, excited about my discovery. Over the next few months I carried these pictures from Cochin to Bangalore showing them to friends and family - testing if they would notice the forgery. While most didn't, a senior art historian from Bangalore did and also expressed that the mounts seemed to be artificially aged through staining with tea and ash. With a borrowed scanner I began to digitize these photographs with the aim of tracking down their original print files and to find out more about the photographs themselves. Using Google's 'search by image' option I found many to be on Pinterest. Some were even used in Wikipedia pages, such as in the entry for 'family'. Narrowing down further I found that all the pictures existed together in a website called Old Indian Photos, presumably the source for the folks at Lecus Export. Although the objects for sale may not be genuine 19th or 20th century antiques, they are records of our digitally mediated present. Like the original antiques they try so hard to simulate, the intended role of these forgeries is to function as a commodity; their ideal home is the market - acquiring value as time progresses, accumulating worth with each passing hand. So friends and strangers on e-Bay, I hope that one of you finds these and perhaps they will eventually resurface into the world of commerce of which they are such proud results. A Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers have been posted about this item. ACCESS TO TOOLS IN OUTER SPACE BIO Goldfarb is an artist and author of two recent books investigating the structures and infrastructures of Humans and their environments: Handbook for Human Machines is an image book and operating manual examining mutable human/machine architectures. Goldfarb's more recent, Remote Viewing: 500 Tableaux, extends the work of Handbook in the form of an indexical document of visual materials presented as observational text. Goldfarb completed his degree in Visual Studies at MIT and is a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Buffalo. Remote Viewing will be presented within the exhibition, Viva Arte Viva, at the Central Pavilion of the 57th Biennale di Venezia, in a viewing station created by the artist Nancy Shaver. Q & A: QUESTION Is this a fixed size wrench or does it come with the attachments like a full socket set? Is it metric or English? ANSWER The item does not include a full socket set (though the body of the wrench is designed for variable sockets). The auction item does include a pack of Marlboro cigarettes as well as a vacuum- packed, 200-page Handbook comprised of visual materials and reproductions of notational drawings. QUEST/ON a question about the image.is the cigarette box to indicate scale? Or is it a reference to the frontier, Marlboro Man and space as frontier? (and is there smoking in space?) ANSWER Yes, but yes. eb Shop by All Categories J Search Advanced ( Back to search results I Listed in category: Business & Industrial > Light Equipment & Tools > Hand Tools > Wrenches Access To Tools in Outer Space #exstrange ARTIST Maximilian Goldfarb LOCATIONI Hudson, New York, USA FULL CATEGORY Business & Industrial > Light Equipment & Tools > Hand Tools > Wrenches STARTINC PRICE $2001.00 SALE PRICE Unsold CURATOR Artist - Joiner Have one to sell? Sell now Item New condition: Ended: Mar 06, 2017, 12:00PM Starting bid: US $2,001.00 [ 0 bids ] i p Seller information atelier338 (133 ) 100% Positive feedback See other items Shipping: FREE Expedited Shipping ( see detals Item location Hudson. New York, United States Ships to: united Statss and many other countries See details Delivery: Estimated within 6 business days Payments: Pay eSA t - Credit Cards processed by PayPal Pay CREDIT 6 months to pay on S99+. See Terms See details Returns: Seller does not offer returns. Guarantee: eb detai's Isee Get the item you ordered or get your money back. Covers your purchase price and original shippng. Description Shipping and payments Report item 292011849172 Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Item specifics Condition: New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is ... Read more You are bidding on a socket wrench (3in-ib) designed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratories in Pasadena, California for outer atmospheric production aboard the International Space Station. This object was constructed as a model formatted for data transmission, and materialized in Alpha Station in 2015; a successful example of teleportation to low-earth orbit. The first 3-D printed original was fabricated aboard the ISS in the course of identical twin and NASA astronaut, Scott Kelly's durational space-inhabitation, Expedition 46. I am offering this orange ABS plastic wrench (please look closely at the photos for the scale and narrative scope of this item, and bid with certainty as returns are not accepted). The exchange of this object extends the initiative introduced by the Whole Earth catalog in 1968, (...'We are as gods...') -promoting the exchange of tools and skills, scientific method, new and old technology. Extend your abilities and shape your environment beginning by adding this unique, essential object to your toolbox. Along with the wrench, the winner of this auction will also receive a vacuum-sealed 200 page handbook consisting of drawings and other visual material that will aid in the application of this item. Free Shipping. Good Luck! Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers have been posted about this item. Ask a question See what other people are watching 1/2 Feedback on our suggestions Adjustable Pin Spanner Wrench For Angle Gr... $3.35 Free shipping 1 ABN Fuel Pump Mod- ule Spanner Wrench $12.99 Adjustable Spud Wrench, 11", 1-5/16"... $41.50 Straight Pipe Wrench, 18", Ridgid, 31100 $57.25 Free shipping 30mm inch Wrench V-Groove Pattern Ext... $13.75 545.28 Free shipping Almost cone KLEIN TOOLS KT155T Ratchet Linemans W... $92.84 Free shipping Popular Popular Popular Popular Mar ort Maximilian Goldfarb, Image from Access to Tools in Outer Space, #exstrange auction. Photo credit: Axel Bishop. 2 __- Maximilian Goldfarb, Images from Access to Tools in Outer Space, #exstrange auction. #1-4, Photo credit: NASA. #5-6, Photo credit: Axel Bishop. " "POSTCARDS FROM BEYOND , FROM ELSEWHERE " ARTIST STATEMENT Postcards from beyond, from elsewhere is an ongoing software-artwork I have been making since 2015; it is comprised of a series of eleven interactive widgets (1st edition of 3), ready to be installed into the dashboard of a Mac computer. The widgets unfold in a very liminal space/ place: between the network and the computer-between the Internet and the post-Internet. So, the widgets are the conjunction between the medium and the message. Postcards from beyond, from elsewhere is the metaphor of a new imaginary and interactive media that would mediate impossible desires between machine and audience. These sorts of 'mystic widgets' are absorbed into an illusory threshold and generate meta-dimensions. The user can play (front/back) with the interactive widgets by typing into the text fields, and so, generating crazy dynamic responses. Chiara Passa is a visual artist based in Rome. She received an M.F.A. from the Fine Arts Academy of Rome and a Masters in new audio-visual mediums from the Faculty of Modern Literature. Her artwork explores architecture as interface, combining different media as: Internet-art projects, animations, interactive video-installations, digital art in public space as site-specific artworks, video-mapping, and video- sculptures. She also develops art-applications (AR and VR) and widgets for mobile platforms. Since] 997, her artworks were internationally exhibited from festivals and institutions, for example: Dimensioning at Furtherfield gallery, (London, UK); ISEA Vancouver Art Gallery (Canada); Vortexdome (L.A. USA); Media Art Histories Conference (Riga, Latvia); Electrofringe (New Castle, Australia); FILE I Electronic Language International Festival (Sao Paulo, Brazil); MAK - Museum of contemporary art (Vienna, Austria); and CCCB - Centro de Cultura Contemporanea Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain). eb Sci l categoria Tutte le categorie Cerca Avaat < Tarna aa hrpag I veandit nelacategoria: lw r eriiter>Sagga tca > Art, architetra, pitra "Postcards from beyond, from elsewhere" #exstrange Condizinni Nuovo dell'oggetto: Scaduti: 07' mar 2017 20:00:25 CET ARTIST Chiara Passa LOCATIONi Rome, Italy FULL CATECORY Books, Comics & Magazines > Non- fiction > Art, Architecture, Painting STARINGI PRICE IIIIIIIIi .~ ;,to &0- bac nne U Li ' Prezzo di EUR 150,00 [ 0offerte ] partenza: Spedizione: GRATIS Posta Prioritaria Internazionale I Vedi i deaglio Vei i dettaglsuysediane ltc'ia i':e 05 Lug ,cis tra Ioggetta' Pncr, Italia Spcaaioc rso T0,55t-- Cansegna: Consegna stimata entro 8 - 20 giorni lavorativi ,enenrdel p00ar'srr Pagamenti: Pay VISA C Cohne di orneiolborate da Poyaol vJeilein-rneziniprilpagrc Restituzione: Restituzione non accettata Copertura: GARANZIA CLIENTE EBAY IVdiie:al Rimborso se non ricevi quelto che hai ordinato e hai pagato con PayPal. j)Garanzia cliente eBay " Servizio clienti tramita taeteono, chat o email. " Rimborso se non ricei quallo che ha ordinato a hai pagato con PayPal. " Procedara di restituzione facilitata. Informazioni Sul venditore chiarapassal973 (6 ) Vedi ati oggtti Ne haiuno da vendere? Vendineaunouguale Descrizione Spedizione 0 pagamenti Segnala t'inserzihhe II enditore si assume la piena rosponsabilita delta messo in aendita deloggetto. Specifiche dell'oggotto ,A Cond izione: Naovo: Libro nuovo, intatto e nor lena, is pertette condizioni, Aatore: snapagine mancanti o danneggiate. Par ..Maggiori isformazioni Chiara Passa Chiara Passa Luogo di pabblicazione: Rome, Italy Editora: Soggetto: Formato: Ade Media misto Nome dalla pubblicaziona: "Postcards tromr bayond, fromr alsawhara" Data di pubblicazione: 2015 Caratteristicha particolari: Prima edizione Ediziona: 1 edition at 3 Lingua: Ing lese 110,00 SALE PRICE Unsold CURATFOR Artist - Joiner "Postcards fronm beyond, from elsewhere" 2(015, is a series of eleven widgets (let edition of 3) for osx dashboard on Mac (work from Snow Leopard to Sierra). What is? "Postcards from beyond, from elsewhere" is a software-artwork ( made on 2015-ongoing; it is constituted by a scries of eleven interactive swidgets ready to be installed into the dashboard on Mae. Concept: The wvidgets unfold in a very liminal space/place: between the network and the computer - between the Internet and the pttst-Internet. So, the Widgets arc the conjunction between tbe medium dnd the message. "Postcards from beyond, from elsewhere" is the metaphor of a new imaginary and interactive media that would medinte impassible desires between moachtine and audience. These sorts of 'mystic widgets' are absorbed into an illasory threshold and generating meta-dinmensions. Usage: The user can play (front/back) with the interactive widgets, and in sotne of them, by typing into the test fields, so generate crazy dynamic responses. Installation: To install the Widgets jast doable click one by one and they will install into the Mac osx-dashboard, frotm Snow Leopard to Sierra. Shipment: I will send the Widgets as zip file (5 megabyte), directly via email. Artwork ccrtificatc: The sotwsare artwork "Postcards fromr beyond, from elsewhere' constituted by eleven wcidgets, is certified by the artist as 1tedition of 3. The certificate woill he sent via email as signed PDF within the artwotrk itself. Passa's CV/stotement and shows ctn be found at: Ittp://wwvw.chtiarapassa.it,"Artisticprofilehtml hrtp://wwwv.chiarapassa~it/Selected~xltibitions~html and on Wikipedia at: htps://en.wikipedia. ors,/wiki/ChiaraPassa Domande o risposte su questo oggotto Sa qaesto oggetho non sono state pubblicate domande o risposte. Fai ana domanda Altre opportunity di trovare quello che cerchil Feedback suinotri sgerimnti Postcards trots the wsanderngcity - S. EUR 10,63 Gun Postcards from Vogue: 100 Postcards of Our 100 Iconic Covers Past from Englis... Postards tram the wneing city- C... FROM AN ELSEWHERE EUR 15,00 EUR 23,98 EUR 18,48 EUR 12,50 TWENTY -SIX ARTIST STATEMENT Twenty-six is a study of looking and the passage of time. It was taken in a forest in the outskirts of London in late autumn when living animals were nowhere to be found, only foliage and withered trees, which opened up the sky. Yue studied filmmaking and creative media in Hong Kong and Bristol, and later obtained an MA in animation at Central Saint Martins, London. She has produced work across film and animation that were shown at the ICA (London), Whitechapel Gallery (London), Centre Culturel Suisse (Paris), Locomoci6n Festival (Mexico City) and more. She has also collaborated with choreographers and composers for contemporary performances at events including Resolution Dance Festival, The Barbican Curious Festival and Bristol International Festival. Her interest lies in the unfolding of time and sound through photographic images, as well as handmade materials. She lives in London and Guiyang. eb Shop by All Cateoriaes Search Adv'sace < Bac tohaome page0 Listed in0 cateosry: Art > 0irect from th 100 ls >0 aPhotog Twenty-six Enodd 13I 0 08 Ma, 2017 07:00:35 GMT ARTIST Wang Yue LOCATION~ London, UK FULL CATEGORY Art > Direct from the Artist >Photographs STARTINGC PRICE Seller information wyt074 (0) See other items Starting bid: £70.00 [ 0 bids] Price: £120.00 Postage: £15.00 Royal Mail International Tracked Io see etils Delivey: Estimoated delivery wsithin 5-10 orking days Pamets WSA 7 Pocesse Protection: 1,1..1011 1 0 I Seeadet00 Have ane to sell? Sel it you~rself Description Postage and payments 2 000000000^ Seller assumees all responsiility for 10is listing. Item specifics £70.00 Self-Representing Artist?: Date of Creation: Colour: Original/Reprnto: Listed by Self-Representing Artist London Blacka & While Original P rint Froamng: Unframled Hleight(Inches): 13 Width (Iaches): 19.7 SALE PRICE Unsold CURATOR TSAO Yidi Title: Twenty-six Black and white analogue priet, edition ott1 033.14cm / 19.7x13 in Twnty-iwa ake iaaforet inthe outskitof London, in late autumnwhen living animalsere nowheetobefound, only foliage and wiherd trees, which opened upthe ky. #exstrange Questions and answers about this item No quOestionsor a000we00 haoe hoe pooled about this itemn. dsko qustion Sea what other people are watching 112 * DOAK Oniginal testes Wide ODAK Original Istalx Wide Polaroid Photo - Noon Nake... Polaroid Photo - Nude Wornh. £8.19 £16.39 Originaal One-Of-A-Kind 3hear 8ol P 0iaae Art NUDE prit Color Kodanororne Slide Of... fernale rnodel naked Slack &. £24.59 £16.38 ODAK Original Instax Wide Polaroid Phoo - Node Nose. £8.19 Free P&P DOAK Original Iax Wide Polaroid Phoo - Nude Worn.. £8.19 Free nP VIDEO - WEBWORK AS WEB. PILGRIMAGE FOR #exst range BIo Robert Sakrowski was born in East Berlin in 1966. Since 1986, he has been working in various constellations in the field of music and new media art. He studied art history at the TU-Berlin. From 1999 to 2003, he headed the project netart-datenbank.org at TU Berlin. From 2003 to 2006, he led the web.museum e.V. as chairman. Between 2007-2009, he worked on the ,netpioneers 1.0" research project at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute Media.Art.Research in Linz. Since 2007, he has created various exhibitions dealing with questions circling art and art practices related to the web 2.0. These themes are also the main focus of his current project CuratingYouTube.net. In 2014, he worked as curator for the Transmediale Festival and, in 2015, co-curated the exhibition capture all. In 2015, he curated the Newman Festival in Lithuania. In 2017, he initiated the router gallery, and is the founding member and head curator of panke.gallery in Berlin- Wedding. LU 4 O - O ~ ~ ~ ~ - c .m f I W .0 ® Oi *Eai n 5 40 eb a Robert Sakrowski, Image from video - webwork as web.pilgrimage for #exstrange, #exstrange auction. eab Stöbern < Zurc u Strtset Kategorie: Fi nc& DVD >V'clunuF Finden Er.. teOte 5S.O video - webwork as web.pilgrimage for #exstrange Artikelzstand: Neu Beendet: 08. Mrz. 2017 08:00:40 MEZ Angaben zum Verkäufer rebersakrowsk_ 0) ARTIST Erfolgreiches EUR 1,00 Geot: [ 1 Gebot] Andere Artikel aufuf~en Robert Sakrowski LOCATIOV Berlin, Germany LOCATIONI OF DIDDER Berlin, Germany FULL CATECORY Films & DVDs > Other Formats STARTINVC PRICE ¬1,00 SALE PRICE ¬1,00 CUR4 TOR Artist - Joiner Versand: Möglicheweise kein Versand nach Vereinigte Staaten von Ametika - Lesen Sie die Artikelbeschteibung odet kontaktieren Sin den Vnrkäufe, um Intornationen zu Vetsandoptionen zu erhalten. I wuegere Detal Linterung: Weitere lnos zur Lietfeeit in der Artkelbeschreibung Zahlungen: Barzahlung bei Abholung. Überweisung 1 weier Rücknahmen: Keine Rücknahme Ähnlichen Artikel verkaufen? Snlbst verkufen Beschreibung Versand undZahlunsmeethoden Der Verkäuter ist tür diesen Angebot verantwortlich. Artikelmerkmale Melden Artikelzustand: Haupttolle: Erscheinungsjahr: StiI:ichtung/Filmbemegung: Herstellungsland und -region: Neu: Attiknel, dessen Originalcetpackung (sotetn zutettene) nicht geöffneteodertentterntwurde. Der... Mehr umThema webwork 2017 Reulismus Deutschland Fotmat: digital .mp4 Videe fte Genre: Dokumentarilm Subgente: Reisee FSK-Einstutung: 0 Regisseur: cuatingyoutube.net this movie is part from my webwork as web.pilgrimage - lt depicts the processes 0n creating this article to participate at #exstrange exhibition project by Marialaura Ghidini, Bangalore, India & Rebekah Modrak, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA The video was created today (and I'm still totally ill today ...) The Video was captured with a apple FaceTime Cam and recorded and live streamed with OBS in 3500 bittsec to youtube, where it is part from the webwork project Imr doing.. You bit on the parallel to the streaming recorded video tule. . Type: MPEG-4-MOVIE " Size: Byte (2,01 GB) . created: 02202017 12:06 " ratio: 1920 x 1080 (HG) " Codecs: H.264, AAC " Duration: 0t:13:40 " Audio Channels: 2 i Shipment: 1 will upload the file es .zip to my server, after the bidding you will get the downloadlink to your email. if there are any questions please feel free to ask.. Fragen und Antworten zu diesem Artikel Zu diesem Artikel wutden keine Ftagen und Antworten eingestellt. Fragestle A VERY RECIPE ARTIST STATEMENT It is very delicious and nauseating. It is very healthy and unhealthy. I am so in love with M that I can't help sharing it with the world. Wu Jiaru is a Chinese artist with a background in Printmaking and Media Arts who currently works and lives in Hong Kong. Wu's practice encompasses a wide range of media, including installation, film, sound art, printed edition, and writing. She distributes her active efforts in negotiations between technology and authorship, the virtual and the subjective, and between human activities and city landscape, through the lens of social phenomena. Her influences include psychology, mythology, physics, and digitization. Her works have been showed in Beijing, Hong Kong, Macau, Zurich and Hamburg. Wu Jiaru, Image from A Very Recipe, #exstrange auction. ebG j 2005* A Very Recipe #49NNJ ARTIST Wu Jiaru LOCATIONi Hong Kong, China LOCATIONi OF BIDDER Hong Kong, China FULL CATEGORY Health & Beauty > Vitamins & Dietary Supplements > Vitamins & Minerals STARTINGC PRICE HK$1.00 SALE PRICE HK$1.00 v 2017-03-08 16:15:12 R~I chiajnO (1 ) 100% IEIAj21 HK$ 1.00 f ic~fw- 7/ri Pay Iw =1t,;N2i 7y:1AZ PayPal if, ISSSTIS24 PayPal MW'S4 V g 14 Po 3yP4I : j2 %02' 132104501422 It is very delicious and nauseating. It is very healthy and unhealthy. Please search "century egg" on Wikipedia. I am selling you now one of the most very political foods in my heart. Please search 'century egg' on Wikipedia. Buy the egg, get a print with artist signature for freel What are you waiting for?! If you have aey question, pie ase search "century egg" on Wikipedia. ;h re~" t.yq t & h~~g C CURATOR TSAO Yidi 0.2m3 OF SPACE, KIT ARTIST STATEMENT Hong Kong price for square meter of land is one of the highest worldwide, with an average range from 190k to 110k HKD. This kit provides a particularly under-market price for 0.2 meter. Empty space is valuable. AILADI is an Italian designer and artist based in Hong Kong, professionally dealing with ephemeral ambitions and observation of human short circuits. She is involved in different projects ranging from drawing, information visualization, UI, vjing, GIF, and art installations. *0 SET UP INSTRUCTIONS: 1) AMONG YOUR THINGS CHOOSE THOSE YOU DON'T USE OR NEED. 2) 2.1 DEFINE UP TO 5 DESTINATIONS FOR THE SELECTED THINGS. Examples of destinations: care organization, friend, relative, association, etc. 2.2 ASSOCIATE EACH DESTINATION WITH A COLOR. 2.3 APPLY COLORED STICKER ON THE BAGS TO IDENTIFY TH EIR DESTINATION. 3) ARRANGE THE THINGS IN THE 5 PLASTIC BAGS. 3.1 You might attach a color note with a message for the receiving destination ofyour things. 4) TAKE THE BAGS TO THE DESTINATION. AILADI, Images from 0.2m3 of Space, Kit, #exstrange auction. ebS 0.2m3 of Space, Kit - #exstrange Li 2017-03-10 10:29:03 34 o 0 ARTIST AlILAD I LOCATIONi Hong Kong, China FULL CATEGORY Home & Garden > Other Home Life STARTINGC PRICE HK$1 000.00 SALE PRICE Unsold CURATOR TSAO Yid i W*4A ailadidesign (0) HK$ 1 ,000.00 I0~.h~ PayI -A PayPl a>Ff$., _+0)00( 1h!' al 00 (0(0 01 2 0 .I.%n7(7(i): 2017-03-03 15:03:17 m00701)r04 Hong Kong price for square meter is one of the highest worldwide, with an average range from 190k to 110k HKD. This kit provide a particularly under market price for 0.2 meter. "H 19Wi Mz t.!PJaa7107)a (11)I ,r 0 0- 0 CO-CURATING WITH CASSINI : FROM THE ABYSS OF COMMODIFICATION TO THE EXPLORATION OF SPACE CURATION Gaia Tedone is interested in repositioning the role of the curator and the work of networked images within a contemporary image culture where images act as data, computers perform the task of analytical tools, and search engines are generators of meaning and aesthetic patterns themselves. Within the context of the project #exstrange, she explored new strategic alliances between human and mechanic curation by collaborating with Cassini, eBay's search algorithm. n the 27th of April 2017, Google celebrated the end of NASA's Cassini mission to Saturn with an amusing Google Doodle featuring the spacecraft swooping between the planet and its rings. This is how the world's most popular search engine paid homage to a thirteen year mission in outer space, which collected valuable information on Saturn and its rings while also advancing the search for alien life in the universe. As I am writing, the Cassini spacecraft has begun the twenty-two orbits around Saturn that constitutes its mission Grand Finale, leading to its self-destruction. In what follows, I will explain the relevance of this information for eBay and project #exstrange. Cassini is not only a NASA spacecraft named after Giovanni Domenico Cassini, the famous Italian-born astronomer of the Seventeenth Century. Crucially, it is also the name of the eBay search algorithm, which was enhanced in 2013 to improve the platform's overall performance, selling standards and costumer satisfaction. Whether the choice of renaming the algorithm after Cassini was the in-joke of a geeky eBay programmer or marked a new trend in algorithmic anthropomorphism is still to be determined. What is certain is that I knew little about Cassini's human and machinic identity when I accepted the invitation to participate as a guest curator of the project #exstrange. I suspect Marialaura and Rebekah ignored the relevance of Cassini too. Nonetheless, the project #exstrange appealed to me as a groundbreaking curatorial mission for its willingness to take up great risk and explore uncharted territory. I was eager to join the team and be launched into orbit. CassWr Spacecraf Die cc tee Sc c atun and itsR'ngs! Google Search I'm Feeling Lucky Google Doodle. Screenshot of Google Homepage, 27th of April 2017. As a guest curator, I was asked to select three artists and produce a curatorial statement. The invitation resonated with my research interests, previously concerned with the entanglements between image circulation, commodification and curation. I was keen to collaborate with three artists whose practices imaginatively responded to the challenge: Niko Princen, Eva and Franco Mattes and Garrett Lynch. However, I soon became perplexed about the kind of curatorial role I could have within this specific context. Clearly, the project was already overtly curated. Marialaura and Rebekah had carefully orchestrated its framework, timing and documentation. The other invited guest curators, spread across the globe, were also bringing their distinctive perspectives. On top of this, an extra curatorial layer was embedded in eBay's technological infrastructure as its selling categories and standard operating protocols reveal. Such a state of affairs begged several pressing questions: What is left to curate here? And what kind of language is appropriate to frame my own curatorial statement and intervention? Hence, I decided to dive deeper into eBay, starting from digging into my own email correspondence with the platform over the years while noticing the specific language it employed. I then moved onto the website, browsing through its history, glossary, forum, community, and customer service pages. EBay was officially born in 1997, a few years after founder Pierre Omidyar wrote its code. Soon after, the platform established itself as an honest and open marketplace dedicated to bringing together buyers and sellers and producing "an army of bubble wrap entrepreneurs"' As evoked by the title of the #exstrange project, eBay was one of the first online communities where people were exposed to 'strangers' and mingled-all in a pre- Facebook and pre-Tinder era. Since the year 2000, eBay has even run its own University course teaching users how to become master sellers. As my investigation moved from the general to the particular, I focused on two specific elements: the role and currency of images on the one hand, and of online curating on the other. Images play a key role on eBay as they support the functioning of the whole marketplace, acting as interfaces among different users and enabling multiple economic and social transactions. Specific criteria determine what is a'good image' according to eBay standards so that everyone can become a photographer if tips and instructions are followed to the letter. One could go as far as arguing that eBay contributed to the creation of the standards of digital stock photography: its detailed guidelines command the use of plain ~i Photograph of Giovanni Domenico Cassini. Collection of Yesterdays Photos, 2017. In eBaycorn "Art > Art from Dealers & Resellers> Photographs:' Screenshot of eBay. corn website. Show more, sell more - Top tips for taking great photographs. Photo Center Guide. eBay.com website. backdrops, diffuse lighting and close-ups in order to best frame, scale and optimise the depicted objects. On the other hand, the currency and role of curating seems more ambiguous on the platform, as different kinds of items materialise when the word 'curator' is typed into the search engine. Amongst many other items, these include: a vintage postcard addressed to the Photography Curator of London's Victoria and Albert Museum; protective oil for wood; humorous T-shirts; gadgets of Dr. Who TV series. Additionally, the whole spectrum of the literature on curating surfaces from the website, including books about art curating, new media curating and content curation. However, when it comes to the activity of curating on the platform, this seems to be associated, fairly conventionally yet predictably, with the creation of bespoke online collections. While easily available to all eBay users, members of staff strategically employ this function for marketing purposes. There is even an Office of the Chief Curator, which selects the most interesting, story-worthy and spectacular items on eBay. So, who is a curator online and what it means to curate on eBay and beyond? The deeper I dove into my research, the more obvious it appeared that the project #exstrange itself had been swallowed up by the abyss of eBay's stuff and the auctions were very often difficult to find. I could encounter them only when following the links shared daily through social media and the #exstrange website. I began reflecting upon the actual visibility of #exstrange within the platform: Was it nil? Or was the project considered a potential threat by eBay, hence falling into the category of "breach of security" that appears in the company's recent SWOT analysis-that is, its strategic business assessment based on market strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats?2 I pondered how such analysis could assist in situating the value of curation within the platform. Above all, I was curious to discover who were the project's audiences and participants and why the works were not appearing on top of my search. It is at this point that I started to explore eBay analytics, its "Best Match" system and search engine. I soon discovered that there is no golden rule to succeed on eBay today, but certain steps can be taken to "be competitive and stay competitive" in the market place.3 The arrival of the 'intelligent' Cassini marked a new era in the platform's history: the system has become more difficult to 'game' and rewards those "best practices" that boost customer engagement and enhance image quality standards. Who is a curator on eBay? Selection of story-worthy items. eBay.com website. eBay Poem. Leaflet of curatorial intervention #veryhardtofind for #exstrange. Thanks to Cassini, I was finally able to produce a curatorial statement [PAGE 261-a hyperlinked text where the highlighted keywords refer back to a page or acronym within the eBay website and its vast glossary. I described eBay as a self-contained universe of data and meta-data, where countless images are governed by the ratio of visibility. Here, the connection with astronomy rescued me from the deep abyss of commodification and instead launched me into the exploration of space curation. Alongside the curatorial statement, I created an exhibition leaflet, which was produced solely by using the headings of the emails I had been receiving from eBay over the years. If I wanted to truly engage with the eBay universe, surely I had to start by speaking its own language-one that is humorous, intimate and reflexive of consumers' behaviours. Not surprisingly, the quantity and quality of my correspondences with the platform has magnified since I embarked on the project, culminating on the 25th of April 2017 with an unsurpassable headline: "You are always on our mind Gaia.' Because of my interest in exploring the value of curation on the platform, Marialaura and Rebekah invited me to produce an auction myself, which I saw as an opportunity to sell the curatorial expertise I had accumulated on eBay and become more 'intimate' with Cassini algorithm. With the support of the visually rich imageries associated with Cassini available from the NASA website, I drew together the languages of astronomy, search optimisation and curation. Thus I chose to sell a bespoke curatorial consultancy in partnership with Cassini for the bargain price of $15. I placed my auction, titled Curatorial Consultancy with Cassini on #exstrange, in the category "Specialty Services > eBay Auction Services > Appraisal & Authentication" [PAGE 226]. This category of service only exists in the US website so I had to sign a special international agreement since my account is UK-based. My service mixed human and algorithmic curation. It was reliable, efficient and creative. Being immaterial, web-based and buyer-specific, it aimed at increasing the latter's visibility within eBay universe of 'Happy Transactions' Although available to all eBay users, the consultancy was particularly fitting for artists interested in exploring the currency of their name and work on the platform. My auction offered an online report, the co-creation with Cassini of an eBay collection tailored on the buyer's listings and tastes, and a special mention during a public event entitled Posthuman curating: curating authenticity or the question of content online held at The Photographers' Gallery in London, UK. On this occasion, I announced that my service had been purchased, warmly congratulating user Afaja, the buyer of my auction, for his winning offer. As a result of my consultancy, user Afaja, who turned out to be the artist Alessandro Sambini, produced the successful listing entitled Portable Wildlife Image Instance, since it immediately appeared at the top of the eBay search [PAGE 254]. I suspect this was due to its original title, witty description and high quality photographs-three key features that Cassini is known to reward. The auction inventively played with the tropes of contemporary landscape photography and Dada ready-made. It sold an "image instance" in the form of half of a shopping bag of the multinational retailer Tesco. Sambini adopted the term "instance" from the software Adobe Flash to refer to an image that has been manipulated and thus differs from the original although remaining closely connected to it. A 'Bugiardino' (i.e. an index invoking, as per name and design, the fact sheet inside Italian drugs) accompanied the half-bag, tracing the genealogy of other instances of the same image. After fierce competition and thirty-two different bids, Portable Wildlife Image Instance was bought by user Temporama at the price of $44.00, for an increased market value of 40.5%. User Afaja greatly appreciated the bespoke online collection I co-created with Cassini, which explored the potential of the listing to be curated into a collection of sellable items. Being impressed with Cassini's ability to capture his eclectic interests and hidden desires, Afaja compared the algorithm to Santa Claus in a conversation with me: "Mr. Cassini, you are better than Santa, next December I am going to ask you: what do I want for Christmas?" However, not all the items in the collection I co-created with Cassini were available in Afaja's location-Italy, perhaps revealing some cyclical planetary misalignments that Cassini needs fixing. In fact, similar problems occurred before; for instance, when I sent a link to a test collection to Marialaura, who is based in Bangalore, India, and accessed it through eBay India. This was a crude reality- check about the invisible side of the eBay Universe of #CassiniforAfaja#BespokeOnlineCollection global online transactions: the custom restrictions and bans that block the free circulation of material goods between countries. Crucially, it was also a reminder of the falsity of the old myth cyberspace shares with outer space, that of being an environment which belongs to the whole of humanity, beyond national appropriation and control. Cassini, as NASA observed, "is a mission of firsts" which, over time, has continued to surprise its planners with astounding observations, irrevocably changing ways of thinking about the universe.4 Within the operation mobilised by #exstrange, no other 'mission' has explored the mysterious synergies of human and algorithmic curation so close. This might at first appear peculiar, considering the wealth of contributors involved in the project and its experimental ambition. However, I deem this as revealing the art world's diffused resistance towards imaginative forms of engagement with the commodification (and consequent demystification) of the curatorial function online. As my first collaboration with Cassini, the 'Commodities Chief Curator, comes to an end, it leaves behind a rich visual imagery, documented interactions and some preliminary reflections on the value of curation on the platform and beyond. When artists and curators collaborate under the supervision of an 'intelligent' algorithm, roles are bound to hybridise and new magnetic fields are mapped. Reflexive methods might emerge whilst the machinic performances of online platforms are scrutinised from the inside. Hence, curation can be seen as an opportunity for daring discoveries, as it produces "disruptive innovation:' engages in "diversification;' and forms "strategic alliances"5 These are the kind of alliances that are needed today, as a new generation of algorithms mutate from being explorers to invaders. They are pioneered by Google, which after having appropriated all terrestrial forms of cultural value is swiftly moving into the colonisation of space curation too. Dow - 'Araw -one s the bosl !+ I Cleated 'w f C The CU'[enC, r neleO!ti- . J', .USC.', ::....-'asac'.ons _C[N sd;d. al. ,.. '.:f 1- fi .s asa x'. y. As foryC..r -a . reaches an ola- coral ndead'p- g up Po _ _ cu u:- 1s se any C. 1 go- axe. The sma I se'eC, on a' "be ow snCo, a be an in-at an of sucn wtce, oele".1 5._w } Yours, Ces- #CassiniforAfaja#BespokeOnlineCollection. Collection by Gaia Tedone and Cassini Algorithm, 2017. Screenshot of eBay.com website. Teach Yoursvelf ~LY Teach~ 'C,-se V sua r F ask'... .. r n or-- "ce E ULncsa Lb i.: A-LESS;-% )..:1 Aessancr Pcrate * c *e -are Ifls:.rce or zexs'ran~e £"i 1- 1See S a, i s V. LLX F-b- :. b VtO.. " bb Ins~arce-scec' A wC i S ue S- " NAOUn'a's re r 'ry £8. _e A^. S.- nce.. r: Greg L ds F- :craFb Se ,c~e ce'as a /'ree Oha" - a Cerera. £L zaU #CassiniforAfaja#BespokeOnlineCollection. Collection by Gaia Tedone and Cassini Algorithm, 201 7. Screenshot of eBaycom website. [1 ] Lewis, E. The eBay phenomenon: the story of a brand that taught millions of strangers to trust one another. London: Marshall Cavendish Business, 2008, 7. [2] Dudovskiy, J. eBay SWOT Analysis. 201 6. http-:// research-methodology. net/ebay-swot-ana lysi s/ [3] Alexander, . eBay: Understanding eBay Search with Todd Alexander. 201 3. https://www.youtube.com/ watch?w = 6znSU KtKH0 [4] Green, J. Cassini First Dive Video Transcript. April 26, 2077. 2017. https.//saturn~jpl.nasa.gov/resources/7664/ [5] Dudovskiy. MOVEMENT ONLINE, PERFORMING WITH EBAY Renee Carmichael is an artist, coder, designer and writer whose current research explores how we choreograph, dance and move online. She participated in #exstrange with Flee Immediately!, a project proposing eBay as a site for one of these choreographic acts [PAGE 228]. Taking this notion further, this essay relies on the Laban Notation system to analyse the steps it takes to C X / Laban Notation system. buy an item on eBay and to question how free we are to actually dance; the text incorporates Laban notation's "' and "3" as guide. Setting the Stage "When it's on your mind, it's on eBay".' Or is eBay on your mind? When writing this, a rhythm of a song popped into my head, but I can't quite remember the lyrics to go along with the vague notations bouncing from clarity to obscurity in on and off beats respectively. I move slightly to the tune anyway, but my performance is interrupted by an email from eBay (literally, I couldn't make it up if I tried). It says "Congrats on your first purchase:" I entered into the dance piece, On My Miiind, through my desire to dance to the rhythm of a song that is completely my own internal choreography, to force external dance partners (in this case eBay) to follow my lead, and to occupy an altogether different stage-the stage of capitalism. But before I move again to discuss what is On My Miiind, what exactly is this stage and how am I performer here anyway? In a social media saturated world, the stage becomes an omnipresent platform consisting of notify, notify, notify-capitalism and a well-mixed consistency of power flows. So well mixed, we can't even see spec(k)s2 from our birds-eye view, limbs gliding easily from corner to corner of the enigmatic surface of the platform but to no avail. We may recognise eBay for what it is, but can we really see the details lurking behind? Nearsightedness or not, however, the surface looks right back at us and becomes the audience to our life as performer: "Paolo Virno...has argued that post-Fordism turns us all into virtuoso performers, since the basis of labour is no longer the production of a commodity as end-product (as it was on the Fordist production line), but is now a communicational act, designed for an audience"3 So I am a performer, whether I acknowledge it or not, as I am communicating constantly with eBay. I am moving through the online eBay pages, and each movement is part of my performance in capitalism. But as I am entertained by the various stages, are they also being entertained by me? Who is actually viewing whom? Is my body as performer or the surface as eBay stage absorbing the shock of the movement of the performance? How did I learn the moves anyway? "Is my mind on eBay or is eBay on my mind?" says my mind swaying slightly... On, off, on off-the On My Miiind earworm just doesn't want to leave my head. I may be a performer who can follow the rules of platforms such as eBay, but surely I can also dance freely to my own on-off tune? I can choose to search eBay before logging in. Next time I open eBay I can log in first. I can scroll as fast or as slow as I want. I can move chaotically from page to page, item to item, or follow some sort of meticulous pattern. I am searching for what I want to buy on eBay. I am in control and I am making all the decisions through my own choreography of movements. These are my dreams and my desires-what I would call my On My Miiind dance. It is my internal will being danced and externalised on eBay. It is my mind that dances to its own rhythm, and my dance partner eBay needs to listen and follow my every move. I am more than a performer of a set choreography: I am a freely moving dancer. Or am I? Does eBay dance my dance or am I merely performing what eBay has already laid out on the stage? Is my mind already filled with the eBay choreographic rules before I even lift a single finger to scroll? Do I dance to the tune of On My Miiind or perform the rules of My Mind On eBay? If I perform to My Mind On eBay, my internal thoughts are actually the external will of what eBay wants me to desire internalised. I am performing eBay as it wants to be performed, and eBay's dictating choreography takes the lead. Does the design of eBay choreograph my movements? Do I feel like I am in control because eBay wants me to feel this way? Who is taking the lead, eBay or myself as dancer? Whichever way I find myself on eBay, I am performing. The question then becomes, how free am I to improvise what is On My Miiiind? There is only one way to find out: I will strive to not just perform, but to dance, on eBay. Programme Performance Concept: The Conversation Between On My Milind and My Mind On eBay The On My Miiind dance is a performance that attempts to see if I can really dance freely on eBay or if I am only able to perform the rules that eBay has set out for me. It is a dance of the communication between On My Miiind and My Mind On eBay-on to the off beat, dancing to performing-a performance in-between tunes. The performance entails going through the motions of buying an item on eBay based on my own desires, decisions, and movements-a choreography of my free will on the eBay stage. Throughout the dance, the chemistry between my free movement and the choreographic rules of eBay, or the ability to mix them together, is an important theme of the performance. To the tune of a blinking cursor, I type "chemistry" into the search bar, and it becomes what I, as dancer, desire to search for and eventually buy on eBay-the motif of the dance. The performance can be broken up into different phrases, or choreographic fragments that relate to their own patterns, rhythms and actions and are unique compared to the others. Phrase 1 is the search fragment and explores the rhythms of searching and scrutinising items in the search results page for "chemistry." Phrase 2 is the rhythm of making a decision and deciding what to buy. And finally, phrase 3 is the buying process, filling in forms, adding credit card details and finally ending in the grand finale of a successfully bought chemistry item-applause and bow. In each of these phrases there is a clear change in the rhythm of the performance and in my own body, and these changes are key to the conversation between On My Miiind and My Mind On eBay. Through struggles of body, will, power, movement, and frustration, the performance is a testimony to the subjectivity of a user attempting to take the lead alongside their dancing partner, a multinational corporation. counts.rtf v .a' B I L E] v Helvetica v Regular 1. 0 :- 0 2 4 6[ 8 10 12 114 ' 16 ' 18 ' 20 22 COUNT 1: open page + quick scroll. What does eBay have to over me? PHRASE 1: The Free Flowing A-sync Beat Assertion Scroll BODY: What can I do here? hands and eyes asynchronous. Body close to screen. Firmly planted, but relaxed back. EFFORT: Scrolling and looking. Inward, strong presence. Indirect. Continuous, with sudden moments. SHAPE: vertical and horizontal, asynchronous, my flow, but focus is direct by eBay COUNT 2: click in search box at the top PHRASE 2: In-between Shuffle BODY: What can I search? Hand and eyes move together. Back tense, at an angle. One hand on keyboard, waiting. EFFORT: Bound. Strong action. Sudden. Focused. SHAPE: horizontal and vertical at same point, my search, but focus is direct by eBay COUNT 3: Type and press search PHRASE 2: In-between Shuffle BODY: Move forward. Hand and eyes move together. Back tense, at an angle. One hand on keyboard, waiting. EFFORT: Bound. Strong action. Sudden. Focused. SHAPE: horizontal, vertical and sagittal finger typing, escape the box with chaotic moves COUNT 4: Browse items in search results PHRASE 1: The Free Flowing A-sync Beat Assertion Scroll BODY: What can I find here? hands and eyes asynchronous. Body close to screen. Firmly planted, but relaxed back. EFFORT: Scrolling and looking. Inward, strong presence. Indirect. Continuous, with sudden moments. SHAPE: vertical hand scroll, eyes horizontal, asynchronous, my flow, but focus is direct by eBay COUNT 5: Click on item (or items) and going back and forth. PHRASE 1: The Free Flowing A-sync Beat Assertion Scroll MIXED WITH PHRASE 2: In-between Shuffle BODY: Let's explore. Back and forth movement of body. Up and down relaxing of spine. EFFORT: Contained and inward, tentative mixed with strong and forceful. SHAPE: asynchronous movements and rhythms, page transitions sagittal and controlled by eBay. COUNT 6: Examining the item we probably want to buy. PHRASE 2: In-between Shuffle BODY: eyes and hands, focused. Movement freely on the page, but back tense. Anticipating. Not relaxed. EFFORT: Bound. Strong action. Sudden. Focused. with more continuous moments (scroll). SHAPE: hand and eyes asynchronous, flow is there but anxious and not free COUNT 7: click buy it now PHRASE 2: In-between Shuffle BODY: I've decided. eyes and hands, focused. Movement freely on the page, back tense. Anticipating. Not relaxed EFFORT: Bound. Strong action. Sudden. Focused. SHAPE: horizontal and vertical at same point, my search, but focus is direct by eBay COUNT 8: paypal login PHRASE 3: The Suspense of the Buy Scurry. BODY: What is my password? shifting body weight, chaotic and movements. constant moving. EFFORT: Bound. Strong action. Sudden. Focused. Typing and clicking. Intense. SHAPE: horizontal and vertical at same point, my search, but focus is direct by eBay A summary of the different steps (counts) it took to search for and decide which item to buy on eBay and their analyses based on LMA. For each count, you can find what phrase (either 1 or 2) it belongs too and a short summary of how body, effort and shape were noted down during the process. Performance Context: Movement Online I started this performance with questions rather than answers. The performance brings together notions of the idea that movement is an important part of communication4 and stems from my larger research into dance, code and performance online.5 But if movement is part of exchange, and we are doing the exchange online where we hardly move, what does this mean for capitalism? What happens when we suddenly become aware of our training as performers? Can our movements actually be freeing and outside of the power of eBay as platform? In order to answer these questions, I needed to be able to not just dance, but to also analyse my movements. To do so, I used techniques inspired from Laban Movement Analysis (LMA). LMA was started by Rudolf Laban (1879-1958) as a method for observing, describing and interpreting human movement. It positions us humans as active agents: "At the heart of LMA is a recognition that movement is a psycho- physical process, an outward expression of inner intent"6 Perfect, can I let free my inner boogie on eBay? LMA is divided into five main categories: body, effort, shape, phrasing and space. I decided to focus on four counts.rtf C Regular 1 1 B I G " Helvetica 1,0 .~ 2l V COUNT 1: Checkout. PHRASE 3: The Suspense of the Buy Scurry. BODY: What data do I provide? shifting body weight, chaotic and movements. constant moving. EFFORT: Bound'. Strong action. Sudden. Focused. Typing and clicking. Intense. SHAPE: flow, direction, etc. constantly changing. COUNT 2: Error. PHRASE 3: The Suspense of the Buy Scurry. BODY: Why? shifting body weight, chaotic and movements. constant moving. Sigh of frustration. EFFORT: Bound. Strong action. Sudden. Focused. Typing and clicking. Chaotic and frustrated. SHAPE: flow, direction, etc. constantly changing, even leave the eBay page. COUNT 3: Confirm Payment PHRASE 3: The Suspense of the Buy Scurry. BODY: Finish already. Shifting body weight, chaotic and movements. constant moving. EFFORT: Bound. Strong action. Sudden. Focused. Typing and clicking. Intense. SHAPE: flow, direction, etc. constantly changing COUNT 4: Success PHRASE 3: The Suspense of the Buy Scurry. BODY: Finish already. Shifting body weight, chaotic and movements, constant moving. Sigh of relief. Stillness. EFFORT: Bound'. Strong action. Sudden. Focused. Typing and clicking. Intense. SHAPE: flow, direction, etc. constantly changing. Flow stops. A summary of the different steps (counts) it took to complete the buying process on eBay and their analyses based on LMA. Each count is related to phrase 3 and has a short summary of how body, effort and shape were noted down during the process. of these and to exclude space for now. According to LMA, Effort is the type of moves I would do (scrolling, clicking, etc.) and how they could be described (flow, weight, time and space). Shape is about process and can be seen as a type of bridge between my body and screen. Directions (vertical, horizontal, sagittal) are important here as well as the flow (self motivated, environment motivated, or a co-carving of both). My body also becomes part of the analysis in LMA. It is the tool to understand the movements being analysed as systems. Here narratives are taken into account (buying something on eBay) and divisions of the body as well (breath, core-distal, head-tail, upper-lower, body-half, cross-lateral). And finally, we come to what I mentioned before: phrasing. Phrasing is the link to tie it all together, a sequence of movements that have a beginning and an end and can be traced through one single line of motion. I quickly learned that phrasing wasn't at the tail-end but the core of it all. Each step contained many phrases, and each phrase created a sort of habitual action of my body to the rhythm of eBay. Within each phrase is a mix of the different elements found in body, shape and effort, and together we find a whole performance where I become a star and this text the acclamation of my labour. But does this star verily dance? Performers Performer 1: eBay It takes two to tango and the first dance performer is the multinational corporation of eBay. I won't describe here its bodily characteristics or styles as a dancer. The point is, you know them. Whether you have ever typed from muscle memory e-b-a-y in your browser search bar or it is your first visit, eBay moves in a familiar way. Its dance style is common, standardised and often, inflexible. As such, it is easy to follow eBay's moves. Performer 2: User (Me) The second dancer is the general website user, or in this case, me. The word "platform" is defined as both a raised surface on which people or things stand and a place for expressing your own point of view. I come to eBay trying to do just that: express my unique dance style that comes from On My Miind within the raised surface of eBay. For this, I bring my own biases of wanting to critically analyse eBay's design in regards to my own movement. And I am also coming creatively, as a participant in the project #exstrange, a platform itself that appropriates another platform (the set designer of my performance?). But regardless of what my unique body brings, my style has to manifest itself, like any user's would, as one of struggle. I must communicate my moves well enough so that my inflexible dance partner eBay is able to interpret them and dance alongside me. My subjectivity must not only be strong, but clear, so that I can force eBay to move my way. And here is where the notion of chemistry also appears. According to Deleuze, our subjectivity is an extraction and separation of various (chemical) entities that then create new harmonies and rhythms.7 To be able to take the lead in the dance and exert my subjectivity, I first must extract and display my own unique moves. The struggle then is in getting eBay to follow. The chemistry between us is possible; we can move together as I can easily perform the standardised choreography of eBay, but am I able to create a chemistry with my own subjective dance styles? Can I separate the array of substances to get to the poetics of my own subjective moves and still be able to perform with eBay? Phrases Phrase One: Searching for Chemistry I could probably describe in more detail the process of searching on eBay step by step, but it is a whole lot more complicated than the rhythm of an essay allows. It is obscured in the on off beats of On My Miind and of my moving body-try it out for yourself. What is important here is that, during my search for a chemistry item to buy on eBay, and based on my analysis of body, effort and shape, I found that in all of the three phrases, or clear changes in the way my body moved, this phrase of searching is the most relevant to the questions of my subjectivity as dancer. Phrase one I hereby deem The Free Flowing A-sync Beat Assertion Scroll (ridiculous name intended). I'll start with an analysis of the body. My body is making up my own site map of the site. I scrolled and checked out the search items to my own rhythm, pausing when I wanted and going as fast or slow as I wanted. My scrolling hand and eyes were free to move asynchronously with each other and with the page. My body posture was grounded and relaxed, yet my presence was clear and strong. I even leaned in closer to the screen, head on hand on knee-I'm here, and I'm looking for what's on my mind. I was going with the flow of my own intentions. Or so I thought. Hello eBay my false partner...are you putting a spell on me? I was free to move but my partner was still there. The search bar at the top drew my attention. I was encouraged to find my own site map and ignore eBay's. I was free to scroll and jump around as I wished, but the pattern of the design drew my focus to the photos on the left. I felt relaxed and free, but eBay had me right where it wanted: "...labor itself is now play, just as play becomes more and more laborious. Or consider the model of the market, in which the invisible hand of play intervenes to assess and resolve all contradiction, and is thought to model all phenomena, from energy futures markets, to the 'market' of representational democracy, to haggling over pollution credits, to auctions of the electromagnetic spectrum, to all manner of supercharged speculation in the art world. Play is the thing that overcomes systemic contradiction but always via recourse to that special, ineffable thing that makes us most human."8 I was an engaged human going with eBay's flow disguised as my own. There was no need to become aware of my habits, which would allow me to rupture into a dancing body instead of a performing one,9 since I was tricked that I was doing just that. My effort also served the eBay game at play. I wring: light and flexible movement on the page (outside), strong and forceful body presence (inside). I was de-skilled in my ability to assert my rhythms freely, and I let down my guard to eBay. Why? Because I was on eBay's time: "The practical rationale for de-skilling today seems to be the accommodation of performance to exhibition time: the need for a low- waged body to be continually present in the space.."10 Replace exhibition time for eBay Official Time (a real concept that exists and is the timeframe for each auction closing and opening)" and you will see the value of my efforts. Scrolling, looking at the images on the left-humming my own tune. Clicking and opening. Going back to the search results, and a sudden appearance of some eBay columns on the right gives some constraint to my play and reminds me that eBay, my partner, is there to help- "When we learn to expect playfulness from mundane tasks like ordering food or finding a pharmacy, or when we won't go swimming without a Pokechaperone, the result is a state of unsuspecting childlikeness, while adults wait in the woods to take their profits.12-take my money; I'm a child playing in your garden. "But I'm buying the toys I want" says my mind as I lean forward, head on hand on knee presence. With my intentions alongside eBay as babysitter, it all starts to take shape. I am allowed to be asynchronous as long as the more complex advancing and retreating movement of page (space) changes and the right column suggestions fades are handled by eBay. But even during this analysis, my body posture and rhythms are creatures of habit. I cannot seem to escape them no matter how hard I try: "...the membership of the family do not call what they are doing a ritual, or do not recognise the orderly nature of the verbal interaction as regulated.."13 Is eBay preying on just that in its choice of classic design template? We may never know, but regardless, eBay is about selling and buying and money money money-efficiency in the cloak of community: "Society is that way in which behaviour is calibrated so that existence is not a process of continuous and wasteful trial and error.14 I can only be kept on a leash long enough to fail limbs in fresh air but short enough to be reeled in, or, break a leg, off beat flailing bye bye goes the nicely designed system on stage. Phrase Two: Making a Decision With each wring that I do, I communicate with eBay, and in turn, it communicates with me. Even if I appear to be On My Miiiind, I can't escape the feedback loop. Eventually I must decide which item that I want to buy from the search result pages for "chemistry." This little phrase I like to call the In-between Shuffle. At the moment when I say the most "I am the dancer. I am not the performer." and choose what chemistry item to buy, ironically my body changes pose to something a bit in-between my previous strong presence and a submissive performer ready to act. I sit up, tall but at a diagonal, always waiting for the contra move. My efforts are strong and forceful, point and click to change rhythm, but my posture is hesitant and waiting, ready at every blink of the cursor. Does eBay actually understand my free-flowing move and dance along? The answer: no, of course not, eBay only speaks in the strict steps of data tongues and not in free flowing limbs. It is only what happens after the click of the "Buy Now" button, when I actually establish my identity, form filling, passwords and usernames, that it gets me: "But the naked or "free" worker of capitalism takes subjection to its most radical expression since the processes of subjectification no longer even enter into partial conjunctions that interrupt flow"15 Regardless, we still flow. But do I get it? I sometimes reflect back to phrase one, free flowing and examining the item closely in my own rhythm, but the shape is more static, the vertical of my hand scroll and the horizontal of my eyes moving in unison-the page moves more than me. When I muscle memory type my search term "chemistry" a box appears below with suggestions. I escape. Moving the mouse chaotically, swerving to the search button. Click. I win the game. But the static creeps into my flow and as my in-between body posture shows, I am somewhat defeated anyway. I built my subjectivity in phrase one. My On My Miind determining rhythm of decision-making is exactly where eBay wants me, fighting internally with my own internal ability to dance freely on eBay: "We might say that these virtual centres of power are our own subjectivities, and thus that the battle ground against this power is in some sense ourselves. I'm not fighting eBay for the power to dance, I'm fighting myself instead. It's the age- old tale of bottom line selling17, it's just that I've done all the labour for them from the habitual free flow of my muscle memory finger scrolls. Phrase Three: Buying Process The item I had decided to buy in phrase two is a miniature chemistry beaker being sent all the way from China. It's as small as the palm of the hand and as cute as my Miiiind wants it to be. There is no option for bidding, decisions must be as strong and present as my body in the beginning. I click "Buy It Now" The real (as in eBay's data speak) rhythm of communicating streams of subjectivity begins. I label this phrase the Suspense of the Buy Scurry. My body is more chaotic than strong. It jumps to life. Shifting back and forth-will the form accept my details? Another error. I must find my credit card. What are my login details? I forgot my password. I have to open my email. I have to leave the screen to get my card-actually use my legs. I'm never quite sure that it will work. My breath is changing. Sigh of relief. Holding while loading. Swishing of searching. I live in fear of the error, of not being able to move forward, while I ironically move any way I wish in front of my screen: "...we might argue that the predominant production of subjectivity today is based on fear."18 eBay has me hooked as I must complete the buy to create peace for that vague rhythm On My Miiind. I made my decision, and my subjectivity scurries to catch up. I call it my chaotic moving without thinking dance, and I am rupturing outside to get back inside. I finally have my own chemistry (of subjectivity), but the outside is now my mind and the inside my eBay account: "We might also think about the use of music to create a territory...A simpler example is bird song, understood as a territorialising refrain, producing a kind of home-and thus a kind of 'subjectivity' -for the bird!" I can flap my legs in frustration around the room all I want, but maybe, eBay, partner, you're holding on just a bit too tight? The territory of eBay must be internalised if I am to move forward. I forgot to put my phone number. Red error. Stuck on the same page as I freely pace outside in my room. In terms of shape, I can no longer scroll. The rhythm of the page is horizontal centre, symbolic of the core of my body that is now inside eBay through the tongue of passwords and usernames. I continually must use effort-strong, with the typing, clicking, formatting of the habits of filling out forms. Flow is often put to a bodily freeze of page-error. On My Miiiind is still moving forward but now only as the rhythm of the sound of my footprints in the space-outside. The inside is stuck in the pickiness of the eBay tongue. Ironically when my body is moving the most to its own tune, I am controlled even more. In this phrase, I am no longer dancing but performing the My Mind On eBay rhythm of advancing and retreating to success (you still always seem to have force there, eBay, my partner). But I can still use my legs, can't I? I am sure that the next time I pay, my dance will be different. Could I consider this a success of free improvisation in its own right? But alas no, tricking us again, eBay old partner. It is merely the suspense that keeps drawing me back in, all for the sake of the efficiency of forward progression and the determination of moving full circle. My contra tempo stirs something inside of me. We feel the beauty of the (mis-communication) glitch: "Nervousness shows us they are here. We do not like to be made nervous because nervousness is a desire to get to a different speed, to correct the discrepancies we feel between our experiences of the world. It reminds us that we are functioning in difference. It maintains relation despite discomfort and forces an acknowledgement that we are out of sync, operating in inequity."2 Somewhere, deep down, my mind always had a mind of its own, no matter the designed demands and tricks of the eBay stage. I was desiring a primal moment to miscommunicate, to break the flow, to fight back, to assert myself-to ground myself in the subjectivity of a half remembered password tune beating on to the off and off to the on for a climatic finale of wow for the ever present audience. But in the end, who do I trust? Is it my eBay power to buy, or myself dancing in the corner? I hate to be the one who turns the music off in the morning hours of a party, but it is irrelevant again: eBay is on my mind and my mind is on eBay, no matter which way I move, I can't define myself without the other while performing on the eBay stage. The beauty of a glitch keeps us there again and again. The need to communicate our subjectivity, indeed the desire to, is the key to the On My Miiind limits. The error (glitch) reassures us we are still there-in-between- right in the open arms of the dance partner eBay, the cerebrum of the beast. And so I must trust the system because I have no other option and I don't know any other way. I came here with my own biases, I clearly wanted to be critical, but I quickly realised the game was bigger than that. I couldn't help my leaning forward head on hand on knee no matter how much I was aware-autotune. On My Miiiind leaves a bitter taste in the gaps between known lyrics. So can we never really be free anyway? Cool Down: Conclusion After all of that, the On My Miiind rhythm seems a bit depressing. The chemistry of my subjectivity bounces back into a single liquid. Even the lyrics that I did remember have faded into the obscure mixture. Body, effort and shape come to the deafening presence of stillness. But still, and still or not, we can't help but dance slightly anyway. And as the word 'habit' originally comes from the meaning of dress or attire, could simply becoming aware been seen as a sort of rupture that begins a new rhythm, that puts on a new adornment of key that takes us to the bridge? We may never have the (eye) power strength to see the spec(k)s on the stage. But no matter which way we look, movement follows and we always leave a trail of our communication to be absorbed by the power waves of capitalism and its ever performing subjects. There might be one small dance of hope left. What if the key to the freedom of improvisation is not in a duality of internal, On My Miiiind, and external, My Mind On eBay, (or vice versa in The Suspense of Buy Scurry) but in the conversation between the two? It is not so much about seeing but about listening to the rhythms that pull us from one obscure beat to the other. Platforms like #exstrange, and art in general, can be argued to help facilitate these new conversations. But in the two-day rhythm of writing this essay, I have (literally) received three other eBay emails-notify, notify, notify, this time let's just not leave all the talking to the off beats. What do your On Your Miiiind beats notify to the rhythm flow? We end both the performance and this analysis with a new question and a new conversation piece. And as questions lead to more questions in order to keep a conversation alive, the only way we have to move forward is to keep dancing in new phrases, no matter what off beat we find our body needing to perform to next. The game is on. Let's notify them we aren't going to skip a beat. [1] eBay Inc. Staff, "eBay Unveils "When it's on your mind, it's on eBay" Advertising Campaign", 14 Sep. 2001, eBay https://www.ebayinc.com/stories/news/ebay-unveils-when-its-your-mind-its-ebay-advertising-campaign/, accessed 13 Apr. 2017. [2] "Spec(k)s" is my own play on words. It is a combination of "specks", as in small spots or particles and "specs", as in a particular specification. It also plays of its second meaning, related to the notion of vision here, of being a shortened form of spectacles (eye glasses). [3] Bishop, Claire. Black Box, White Cube, Public Space, https://www.skulptur-projekte.de/#/De/Publications/ Publications/377/Out%20of%20Body. Accessed 13 April 2017. [4] Birdwhistell, Ray. Kinesics and Context: Essays on Body Motion Communication (Conduct and Communication). University of Pennsylvania Press, 1970. [5] See: https://blog.fleeimmediately.com/moving-on-to-movement-on-7d43e4da7dd, https://blog.fleeimmediately. com/dance-and-code-a-reading-list-8e634c9f233a, https://blog.fleeimmediately.com/taking-cues-from-pina-bausch- dance-lessons-for-all-social-media-users-b5f6510b34cf [6] Konie, Robin. A Brief Overview of Laban Movement Analysis. 2011. http://www.movementhasmeaning.com/wp- content/uploads/2010/09/LMA-Workshop-Sheet.pdf Accessed 13 April 2017. [7] Guattari quoted in O'Sullivan, Simon. Academy: 'The Production of Subjectivity'. http://www.simonosullivan.net/art- writings/production-of-subjectivities.pdf. Accessed 13 April 2017. Pp. 6. [8] Galloway, Alexander R. The Interface Effect. Polity Press, 2012. Pp 29. [9] O'Sullivan. Pp 5. [10] Bishop. [11] http://ofr.ebay.com/ws/eBaylSAPl dll?EbayTime [12] Barron, Jesse. "The Babysitters Club". Real Life Mag, 27 July 2016. http://reallifemag.com/the-babysitters-club/ Acessed 13 April 2017. [13] Birdwhistell, Pp 57. [14] Birdwhistell, Pp 74. [15] Deleuze, Gilles and Guattari, Felix. A Thousand Plateaus. University of Minnesota Press, 1987. Pp 457. [1 6] O'Sullivan. Pp 1 [17] http://www.businessknowhow.com/marketing/sell-bottom-line.htm [18] O'Sullivan, Pp 5. [19] O'Sullivan, Pp 6. [20] Dunlop, Jane Frances. "Nervous? We Should Be." Real Life Mag. 19 July 2016. http://reallifemag.com/nervous-we- should-be/ Accessed 13 April 2017. WOODEN CRATE: 1O.000. ARTIST STATEMENT Wooden Art shipping crate re-purposed as an art space by the artist Armando Rosales with a mural piece by the artist Luis Romero inside. The crate is a remain from the group show Plastica protocolar. CAMPOS DE COLOR Armando Rosales (1987) is a Venezuelan artist based in Mexico City. He received his degree in Graphic Design from the University of Zulia, Venezuela in 2010 and is currently in his second year in the Soma post graduate program. His solo exhibitions include: Minor Works/The Amount of the Debt, Soma, Mexico City, 2016; Go Against and Not, Bikini Wax, Mexico City, 2015; and The New Name, Soma, Mexico City, 2015. His works have been shown in group shows in Venezuela, Mexico, Germany, and Finland, among others. From 2010 - 2014, he was the director and founding member of Al Borde, the first artist-run independent art space in Maracaibo, Venezuela, which produced over twenty-five exhibitions and was awarded a grant by the Cisneros Coleccion / Patricia Phelps Cisneros Foundation. Rosales is currently developing a mobile exhibition space-device called 10.000 in Mexico City. Luis Romero (1967) is a Venezuelan artist, curator and editor based in Caracas. He has exhibited his work in his native Venezuela and internationally, including solo and group exhibitions in the United States, Latin America and Europe. Luis has received awards from CIFO Grants & Commissions Programs Award, Miami; Unesco-Aschberg Bursary, Rijsakaemie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Exxon-Mobile, Galeria de Arte Nacional, Caracas, Venezuela, and others. He has also participated in the following residencies: Nes Art Residency, Skagastrond, Iceland; Gullkistan Residence, Laugarvatn, Iceland; Orientation Trip Bamako-Dakar- Casablanca, Prince Claus Fonds; Gasworks' Studios, London, UK; and Rijksakademie, Amsterdam. 10.000, Armando Rosales and Luis Romero, Images from Wooden Crate: 10.000 campos de color, #exstrange auction. An Categories J Search Aduanned category Wooden crate:10.000_ campos de color #Exstrange #YElcdmx Item condition: New i ARTIST 10.000- Armando Rosa les and Luis Romero LOCATIONV Mexico City, Mexico FULL CATEGORY Business & Industry > Packing & Shipping > Shipping & Moving Boxes STARTIN~G PRICE $1,800.00 SALE PRICE Unsold CURATOR Tamara Ibarra Ended: Mar 13. 2017, 8:48PM Starting bid: US $1,800.00 [ 0 aids]I Price: US $2,340.00 Shipping: $100.00 Ecanomy Shipping I see heraI Delivery: Estimated within 35-4d Easiness days0 Thn t r r aextenddnandlingutime andaadelier Payments: Pay. VIAma: L. Cedit Caeds pronessea by PayPal Pay CREDfT 6Omonths to paea ono9. See Ternms Returns: 1d days money Sack, buyer pays return shipping I See deals Seller information tamaribarr-0 (0SI See ather items Have one to sell? Sell cow Guarantee: eb ISee deis Get the item you ordered or get your money back. Corsyour purchase ce uand riginal shipping. Description Shipping and payments Report itn A% 302241590355 Sailer assumes all responsibility tar this listing. Last updated on Mar 03, 2017 17:05:45 PST Viaw all revisions Item specifics Condition: Eeatures: Length (Interior): Width (Interior): Height (Interior): Country/Region at Manutacture: New:A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (whore packaging is ... Roe mote Carrying Handle, Heavy Duty 5t 35.4 27.5 Mexico Brand: Unbranded/Generic Model: Art Packing Matetial: Wood and acrylic Type: Moving Boo Shape: Rectangle UPC: Does not apply 10.000 is u Wooden Art shipping crute repurpoused as a0 art space hy Armando Rosales with u wurai piece inside of the artist Luis Romero remaing oh the grasp show Pidotica protocolar. Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers have been posted about this item. Ask a questian See what other people are watching 1 U) Feedback on our suoggostion 25 Pock 00804 Cordboard Boxes Packing Shipping... $13.80 I-recn shppi q Almnst none 25 Punk Oo~oB Cardboard Corrugated Boo Packing... S$19.62 1-ree yhpr ': 12 Large Moving Booes WHITE Corrugated Shipping SHIPPING BOXES 25 Pack 10 Pock 20o25o4 Curdboord 20o20ut S-inches Packing... Packing Maclog Tuck Mail... 5x5x5 Mailing Moving Boo... Boo Packing Shipping Mai... $39.77 Fireev y P )pular $18.99 U-eu ehipping Popular $12.00 Use:: setippin $21 .86 I-see, shtyl CONCESSION CARTS L EXX THE FISCAL MANIFESTATION OF A TWEETY POEM Q & A: QUESTION Ok I love these carts. Down by me where I work but not in Mexico there are guys that sell chicharoones and elotes. Is this bike like that one? Do I get to keep it or do I get to rent it for a year for the idea? Does it get to be my idea or do I have to sell corn, if so, let's come up with a different price... ANSWER Hi. We are delighted to hear about your interest in our cart! In fact this could be the same carts people near your work sell chicharrones and elotes, although we cannot guarantee it as you do not offer any pictures of such carts.... (Adjuntar fotos del carrito que le queremos vender) We hope they do! This object (cart) is an exhibition space but you as owner can use it for whatever you want and get to keep it for ever!....I hope this answers all your questions and I'm happy to give you any further information you request. QUESTION I would like to propose that it stays where it is for a year if I win it and we run it as an exhibition space together.... Does that sound possible? ARTIST STATEMENT This piece is meant to represent-according to Mexican mannerism-the fiscal manifestation of a Tweety poem. The first piece of this series was titled Never make decisions when you're angry, never make promises when you're happy, which is the quintessential global Tweety poem. It was used to designate a victory in a game of chance amongst the esquites vendors in the city of Cholula, Mexico. The price was a dinner for two-paid by the exhibition's curator-in any of the city's restaurants. For his second intervention, LEXX invited the artists to propose an intervention for these street-selling corn carts. This artistic intervention to the corn cart is important because street vending is characteristic of San Pedro Cholula, Puebla. In this way, the artists' work and ideas circulate across the town at the same time as the corns sell their products. Fernanda Palomino (Mexico, 1994) is an artist and manager of artistic projects. She studied art at the University of the Americas Puebla, and has a great interest in curatorial practice and the organization of creative exhibitions. Since 2016, Fernanda has been running LEXX Espacio expositor, which organises site- specific interventions in unconventional spaces. Currently, she works in LA gallery in Puebla and is realising a series of publications related to contemporary art. As a visual artist, Fernanda's work has been shown in group and solo exhibitions. Marek Wolfryd (Mexico City, 1989) studied at the National School of Painting, Sculpture and Printmaking La Esmeralda. His work has been shown in exhibitions in Mexico, Germany, Italy and Spain, in venues such as the Museum of Modern Art Mexico, Palazzo Costanzi, Museum Carrillo Gil, National Numismatic Museum, Sonora Museum of Art, and Biquini Wax. He has been awarded twice the Grant for Academic Progress by the National Institute of Fine Arts and the Project Support 2016 by the Patronage of Contemporary Art. Amongst other projects, he co-operates LADRONgaleria, a platform committed to the promotion and distribution of contemporary culture. Shop by C Backtosearch result Lsted inctegory: Business & Industia > etaurant & BCatring >Concessio sTriers &Carts>Cats, Stas & Ksks All Categories -I Search Advanced ARTIST LEXX Exhibitor Space- Fernanda Palomino and Marek Wolfryd LOCATION Cholula, Mexico LOCATION OF BIDDER New York, New York, USA FULL CATEGORY Business & Industrial > Restaurant & Catering > Concession Trailers & Carts > Carts, Stands & Kiosks STARTINC PRICE $360.00 SALE PRICE $360.00 CURATOR Tamara Ibarra 490 Concession carts LEXX The Fiscal Manifestation of a Tweety Poem #Exstrange #YEI Item New condition: Ended: Mar 14, 2017, 10:16PM Seller information tamaribarr-0 (0) Quantity: 1 2 available/ 1sold Price US $360.00 See other items From $33 for 12 months' Shipping: Free Local Pickup I see details icct vtii, Cholla Puce a.O-co Ships to Local Ik-upo"y Delivery: Varies Payments: Pay VISA Credit Cards processed by Payi Pay CREDIT From $33 for 12 months. Minimum purchase required. See Terms See details Returns: 14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping Coverage: This item is eligible for up to $100,000 in Business Equipment Purchase Protection. - Have one to sell? Sell now Description Shipping and payments Report item A Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing, Last updated on Mar 14, 2017 16:30:48 PDT View all revisions Item specifics Condition: New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in Brand: Unbranded/Generic its original packaging (where packaging is ... Read more Country/Region of Manufacture: Mexico MPN: Does Not Apply Traditional concession cart to sale mexican food. The LEXX concession cart have LED lights and a intervention by contemporary artist. LEXX happens in Pedro Cholula Puebla, the art work ideas circulate by the town at the same time that the carts are selling their products. Mexican corn kernel made of (the manner of) 24K gold by Marek Wolfryd: "This piece is meant to represent the -by Mexican mannerism- fiscal manifestation of a Tweety poem. The first piece of this series was called: Never make decisions when you're angry, never make promises when you're happy, which is the quintessential Tweety poem in the globe. It was used to designate a victor in a game of chance amongst esquites vendors in the city of Cholula, Mexico. The price was a dinner for two -paid by the exhibition's curator- in any of the city's restaurants." We recommend it to be used to designate a winner in a game of chance (any). Price can be anything the buyer wishes (including the kernel). Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers have been posted about this item. Ask a question See what other people are watching 1/2 Self contained Portable Mobile Hot Dog Cart Trailer Portable Sink with hot wa- Nostalgia Electrics Tricycle Mobile Food Vend- Handwash Sink Hot Water Food Vending Concessio... ter, freestanding catering... HDC701 Vintage Collecti... ing Cart Popcorn Poppe... $769.00 $1,520.00 S989.00 $365.90 $3,000.00 Popular + dd + $19500 Free shipping + $O.3O Almost gone Popular Feedback on our suggestions All in one Food Cart - Hot dogs Hamburgers Tacos... $2,899.00 ASH. BURN DA GALLERY I ARTWORK ASH Q & A: QUESTION The category says Boys and Girls, but is it ok safe for kids to play with? ANSWER Hi, is ash of artworks, so is safe. But maybe you don't want to see disappear the artwork :) The packaging is like a drugs packaging, so you can buy a little bags with a 1 gram or 1 kilogram, you can choice because you are the first purchaser. Tell me what do you want to buy, you are lucky today. ARTIST STATEMENT "If nothing can be created, something must be destroyed" Ashes of artworks generated from international collaborations and burnt by a Mexican since 2007. 47 artists, 6 countries. Really hot art. Rodrigo Quinones (1981) is a visual artist based in Yucatan, Mexico. He obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Visual Arts at the School of Arts of Yucatan while specializing in cultural management, curation and contemporary art production, which gave him much experience in organizing cultural events. Since 2011, Rodrigo has been running Da Burn Gallery, an independent conceptual project happening in various places for which artists are invited to burn their own artworks or include the fire in the process of making. Da Burn Gallery, Images from Ash. DA BURN GALLERY/ Artwork Ash, #exstrange auction. eb category Sho byAlCoago e Ash. DA BURN GALLERY / Artwork Ash #Exstrange #YElmerida #YElcdmx heir condition New Search 5e a mc E+p a Ended: Mar 15, 2017,9:41PM Starting bid US $29.00 Seller information tamaoribarr-O0 ARTIST Da Burn Gallery LOCATIONV Merida, Yucatan, Mexico FULL CATEGORY Toys & Hobbies > Wholesale Lots > Games STARTINVG PRICE $37.71 SALE PRICE [ Obis ] Price. US $37.71 Shipping. St0.00 Economy Shipping Ise____ Delivery: Estirmated wihin 16-25 business doy 0 Payments. pay VISA Pay CREDM Get moetim o paySeeTr-, Retrre 14 days monoy oack, buyer paysreturnohipping I s______ Get the tem youordered or gtyourr money back Cmeyourpurae nO g andorinl Sppivr- Have one to sell? Sell now Description Shipping aed payments Report item' Selle ooossumeooil responsoib iity for this listinrg. Lastupdaoeon Mar 05, 2017 17:50:07 PST View olreios item specifics Conditionr: New:A brand-new, unused, onopened, undaooeroo item (ioclding handmade items).Seetheseller's... Fled more Country/Region of Mtarufacture: Unknown 1 oorootAroW Ash= t29 US Dollars 1 kilogram oflArwork shb= $29,000 US Dollars Ashesof artwork fromiterntionaltcoltbortionsebueodbyomeoicanosine 2007. 47 SArts country's. Year: 2007-2016 Gender: Boys & Gir Unsold CURATOR Tamara Ibarra Questions and answers about this item No questiore or answeso hve been posed about this item. SK aqest on See what other people are watching 1 /2 CHOOSE A COLOR - Ultra Pro SATIN TOWER Deck Boo - Ho.. CHOOSE COLOR Monolith Ust- CHOOSE A COLOR - Ultto Pro mate Guard TOWER Deck Ed.. PRO Holdls 10Sleeved Card... $11.75 $3.94 MATTE ibbot MATTE Draon Shield Sleeves Protectoms Sta. $8.5 Star Woes Armada Gamo - Or- used Squadrons andSips i. $9.50 S2.50) 53.95 'ART SPECULATOR' VALUE YOUR ARTIST STATEMENT 'ART SPECULATOR' value your own work, buy your own artwork is an ironic project that draws attention toward the speculative system behind the art market, proposing itself as an actual tool for artist promotion. Like a Matryoshka doll, this project is conceived as a platform (ART SPECULATOR) inside a platform (#exstrange) inside a platform (eBay), and, instead then, is purely content; it proposes a dialogic relation with the main concept of #exstrange and its intent to question art commodification. OWN WORK 1 BUY YOUR OWN ARTWORK Alessio Chierico is an artist and researcher with a theoretical background in contemporary art, design theory and media studies, and is currently a PhD candidate at Interface Culture department of Kunstuniversitat Linz (AT). In the last ten years of activity, he had more than sixty exhibitions, including: NTAA/Update (Ghent, BE); Flux Factory (New York, US); MAXXI (Rome, IT); Roma Media Art Festival, ArteLaguna prize (Venice, IT); Ars Electronica festival (Linz, AT); and MNAC (Lisbon, PT). Alessio Chierico, 'ART SPECULA TOR The Best Offer' Alessio Chierico's auction 'ART SPECULATOR The Best Offer,' offering a system that allows artists to decide the market value of their work, launched on March 27 and can be viewed on the #exstrange website in the category Art. Alessio Chierico, 'THE BEST OF 360 Pay-per- view Art' Alessio Chierico's auction "THE BEST OF 360" Pay-per-view art, watch this online unreleased work, an unreleased video work based on 360 YouTube videos, launched on April 3 and can be viewed on the #exstrange website in the category Art. Q) C~) Cr, 0~ Alessio Chierico, Image from ART SPECULATOR'value your own work, buy your own artwork, #exstrange auction. eb Shop by All Categories l Search Advuned < Bckto erch vresvs Liste din catgr: An > A': - Dealers & Resellers > Other Art from Resellers 'ART SPECULATOR' value your own work, buy your own artwork - #exstrange Itemt condition: -- Ended; Mar 15, 2017, 12:00PM M o Seller information alechie (266 100% Positive feedback ARTIST Alessio Chierico LOCATIONV Linz, Austria LOCATIONV OF BIDDER Calgary, Canada FULL CATEGORY Art > Art from Dealers & Resellers > Other Art from Resellers STARTINGC PRICE $20.00 SALE PRICE $20.50 CURATOR Artist - Joiner Winning bid: US $20.50 [ 2 bids ] Shipping: $5.00 Economy Shipping from outside US I See deteis Atipsc s: dccce Delicery: Estimated mithin 15-21 easiness days 02 This itrm tesn exrctred handlingtriotmea deliver Payments: Pay VIAta: Credit Cerds prcesend bc PeayoPl Pay CREWI bet mvore tietcpa. SeecTerms Returns: Seller does not offer returns. See other items Guarantee:e SeAe detael Ant the item you ordered or get your money back. Covets your purchae price and original shipping. Have one to sell? Sell now Description Shipping and payments Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Item specifics Original/Reproduction: original Subject: art market Style: Outsider ASt Report item A Date of Creation: 2017 Artist: Alessio Chtierico 'ART SPECULATOR' value your own work, buy your own artwork 'ART SPECULATOR' is a system that help you to rise the value of you artwork, speculating over the rules of the art market and the auction mechanism. [The screenshot of Alessio Chierico's auction continues on PAGE 203.] Q& A: ANSWER Hi. congratulation!! You are the winner of my auction. I suppose that the object that you would like that I buy is "...making it..", right? I see that your shipment costs are about US $61.52. In order to fulfil the regulations of my auction you should place some option like free shipment or the possibility to pick up the object for free. Moreover, your work is not an auction, and I can't offer you the amount you are suppose to get (10,25 US$) but just the price you defined: C $1.00 ( US $0.74) In other words, please set the item you want to sell to me, in a way I can buy it from you for a total amount of 10,25 US$, so then we can conclude our deal. For any problem let me know. Alessio QUEST/ON Hello Alessio, I have edited the auction as per your request. You should be able to proceed now. Thanks! ANSWER sorry, there are still few things... 1) your item now costs C $10.25... it should be (approx.) 10.25 in US$ 2) I still see the shipment costs at C $82.82 (approx. US $61.52). I just sent you an invoice in which I made free shipment, I think you can do the same in your item. 3) Can you please proceed to pay my auction before? QUEST/ON Auction has been updated to 13.70 CAD (10.25USD). Please proceed to purchasing auction so we can finalize our deal. Thanks! ANSWER great... thanks so much... but there is still a problem with the shipment costs. Over the item price, eBay force me to pay: C $82.82 (approx. US $61.95) for the shipment. I think there are 2 possibilities: - you change the shipment as "free shipment" - you turn your list in an auction and then you send me an invoice without shipment (as I did) Let me know QUEST/ON How about now? ANSWER do you mean for avoiding somebody else buy the thing without shipment? QUEST/ON You can also just buy it and ask for an invoice and I can put in zero for shipping. ANSWER Sorry, I misunderstood... but now it's fine, I just bought your item. RULES In case of violation of any of the previous rules the winner will receive a letter with the signature of the 'ART SPECULATOR' dealer (alechie) written on a toilet paper. PROCEDURE i'1 01> i>11o rdl111m :o u> Io.o 10uolO r 10o obd iioi0111 ,rlO.1 011110031 A 4. 5. EXAMPLE " 200,0 credit won at 'ART SPECULATOR' auction " 1100 artwork starting price " 100 aaction tinal price result:1 . 1(00 artist expenses (2100 credit - 100 sold artwork) " 100 ART SPECU/LATOR' dealer earnings (21)0 0 debit toward the artist - 100,1 hought artwork) *1000 nmarket value of the artwork . 2000 artist virtual asset (10)010 market value of the artwork + 1010 sold artwork) " 00 artist expenses in terms of virtual assero (2010 credit - 201) 0 arist virtual asset) " xl letter with the signatnre tof the 'ART SPECULATOR' dealer (alechic) written on a totilet paper. Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers have ben posted abut this item. Ask a question See what other people are mulching 1/2 %~ DARTH VADER RED 1974 -PETER MAX -COS- SWORD STAR WARS DA.. MIC JUMPER- EXPO 74.. Kaws Originallake Vintage Kaws 0riginuale Vit age Captaxn Marvel Jr Wor Stickers Collection Set of.. Stiekers Colletion Set of. War Two Fawcet Gold LOIS HAMILTON tx10 11x14 16x20 24x36 24xh... $7.99 $425 $2499 Id $7.99 $4.25 $29.99 - ,.10 $14.99 + $4. 0 $24.99 DRAWING CONVERSATIONS ARTIST STAT EMENT The artwork is the conversation. And yes, I do produce a drawing, but how both of us work in generating the drawing is what interests me. Gagan Singh is an artist based in New Delhi, India who graduated from Kent Institute of Art and Design, UK. He is interested in drawing and its connections with installation, animation and in-situ. He was recently part of the Shanghai Biennale 2016. He likes to think and work through sketchbooks. eb Shop by- All Categories Search Advanced < Back to search results Listed in category: Art > Art from Dealers & Resellers > Drawings Drawing conversations#exstrange Item New condition: Ended: Mar 15, 2017, 10:30PM ARTIST Gagan Singh LOCATION New Delhi, India LOCA TION OF BIDDER Berlin, Germany FULL CATEGORY Art > Art from Dealers & Resellers > Drawings STARTINVG PRICE i1 99.00 SALE PRICE Unsold CURATOR Artist - Joiner dtaw+ CoTl~eSal&t°S Seller information gobindl699-7 (0) + F Iollo thIs seller See other items Starting bid: INR 199.00 [ 0 bids ] Approximately US $3.02 Price: INR 233.00 Approximately U $3.53 Have one to sell? Sell now Shipping: May not ship to United States - Read item description or contact seller for shipping options. I See details Ie location: new delhi, DL, India Snivps to.Ida Delivery: Varies Payments: Paisafay see details Returns: Seller does not offer returns. Guarantee: e lIoS Get the item you ordered or get your money back. Covers your purchase price and original shipping. Description Shipping and payments Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Item specifics Report item D2202447 A Condition: New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item (including handmade items). See the seller's .., Read more I am auctioning a drawing/s, which will be created only if, you bidder, enter in a conversation with me. The conversation could be about anything, and then I will respond to it. An X number of drawings will be produced as my response. I cannot and will not mail a physical work, but only an image of the work. I will take a photograph of the drawing(s) and email it to you 1. So you can buy this auction to have a conversation with me 2. Conversation might be on any topic 2(a) Please click "Ask a Question" under Questions and Answers about this item to start the 'conversation' 3. Then I will create a drawing/s 4. Drawing for me means lines drawn on paper 5. I will email you images of the sketches, scribbles, doodles as a result of our conversation 6. What you are paying for is my commitment to enter into a conversation and emailing Drawings and conversation in return In this process, I see you as the Creator, and Me as a Co Creator, Mediator, a person interested in becoming 'your thought'. Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers have been posted about this item. Ask a question See what other people are watching 1/r 0 Feedback on our suggestions Pencil drawing signed VINCENT Vtg 1950's Impression- Rivera Original Ink ist Hawaiian Girl Port... Drawing Old Man w/... $9.99 $10.49 1 bid 2 bins Drawing watercolor Drawing watercolor signed F.L. (FERNAN... signed DEGAS $1.00 $1.00 Ink drawing watercolor signed ROY LICHTE... $6.50 $1.00 bids + $15.C iPHONE EARTHX - (FACTORY UNLOCKED) 4.7, SMARTPHONE CURATORIAL STA TEMENT This listing is one of eight developed as part of an experimental data set. Co-curators Fred Feinberg and Lu Zhang initiated these auctions to study consumer choice around three sets of criteria: "object" vs. "concept"; small number of images vs large number of images; and low price vs. high price. The team launched the "object, high price, multiple photos" listing on the first day. "Concept, low price, single photo" launched on the following day and, over the next six days, the conditions varied for each listing. The art collective ConnX created the four "object" listings, and artist Mary Ayling created the four "concept" listings. ARTIST STATEMENT Imagine the plan to design a device that, during its brief one or two year-life (until its pre-planned obsolescence), would contribute to intellectual distraction (possibly lowering the user's IQ), would reduce the user's ability to read human emotion and empathize with others, and would disrupt an individual's capacity for intimacy and face-to-face interactions. Further, this device would then be discarded, dumped or recycled through means that contribute to severe environmental and social denigration. If a designer or engineer proposed creating such a device, knowing these outcomes and despite the benefits, we hope they'd send themselves back to the drawing board. But mobile communication devices continue to be produced this same way, despite studies confirming the downstream consequences. iPhone EarthX uses sustainable materials-dirt and clay-to solve the problems of cellular technology. Without cellular connectivity, iPhone EarthX gives users the opportunity to talk with each other face-to-face, to look deeply into another's eyes, to read their expressions, and to respond with compassion. When the iPhone EarthX eventually breaks or becomes obsolete, the device can be taken outside and returned to the Earth. ConnX is an interdisciplinary team with a focus on re- directing communication through strategies founded in the hijacking of commodity fetishes and the subversion of the cults of material worship. Recognizing the impoverishment of interpersonal relationships in the waning epoch of late Capitalism, ConnX offers provocative antidotes to thorny social malaise. eb Shop by category All Categories J Search Advance < Back to My e lay Listed n category: Cell Phones & Accessories > Cel Phones & Smartpones iPhone EarthX - (Factory Unlocked) 4.7" smartphone #exstrange Item condition: New Mr, M Ended: Mar 17, 2017, 9:00AM Winning bid US$10.00 Seller information incubatorbaby (178 ) 10%Positive'eedback ARTIST ConnX LOC01ATON Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA LOCATION~ OF BIDDER Morristown, New Jersey, USA FULL CATEGORY Cell Phones & Accessories > Cell Phones & Smartphones STARTING PRICE $10.00 SALE PRICE $10.00 CURATOR Feinberg & Zhang [1 bid] Shipping: $7.80 Expedited Shipping see details Cer: locationC Arr Arbor. Michigan, UriIled States Snips te: Worldwilde Delivery: Estimated within 4-7 business days 4 Payments: Pay VIsA Credit Cards processed by PayPal Pay CREDIT Get rnore time to pay. Apply Now I See Terms See detai's Returns: Seller does not offer returns. Guarantee: Eb See other items I see detal I Get the item you ordered or get your money back. Covers your purchase price and original shipping. "pgradig? Sell it, don't tade it. Sell cow Description Shipping and payments Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Item specifics Report item A Condition: Style: Features: Screen Size: Lock Status: Memory Card Type: RAM: Country/Region of Manufacture: UPC: New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is ... Read more Smartphone Biodegradable, No hazardous materials, Splash resistant, Water soluble, Cool to the Touch, Touchscreen, Fingerprint Sensor 4.7" 5.25" Permanently Open Holds impressions Variable United States Does not apply Brand: iPhone EarthX Model: X MPN: 1 Network: Contract: Operating System: Storage Capacity: Color: Earth to Earth Without Contract Analog limited by your imagination Earthy iPhone x - 32GB - (Factory Unlocked) 4.7" 4G LTE GSM smartphone iPhone Plus dramatically improves the most important aspects of the iPhone experience. It introduces advanced new systems. The best performance and battery life ever in an phone. Immersive experience. The brightest, most colorful iPhone display. Splash resistance. Water soluble. And it looks every bit as powerful as it is. Important Please Read " THIS ITEM WILL NOT WORK WITH SPRINT OR VERIZON OR AT&T, or any major carrier or NEXTEL, CRICKET, METRO PCS, VODAFONE or LYCOMOBILE. " Internal memory storage: limited only by your imagination. " 4G-LTE Bands not 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 38, 39, 40, and 41 - 4G: HSPA+ with enhanced backhaul: no " 3G: UMTS No . HD Voice Capable: Yes " Wi-Fi Calling Capable : no " Wi-Fi connectivity: 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi with MIMO " Near Field Communication (NFC): no " Bluetooth: Technology: no . iOS 11 " Touchscreen: Yes . Predictive text Note: The phone comes in a box, the box serial number may not match with the phone. The phone does not come with original Apple charger or MFI (apple certified) cable. NO headphone, headphone adapter or manual. The item does not come with a warranty from apple. By purchasing the item buyer agrees to inspect the item within 7 days upon delivery and in case of any issues return the item within 7 days. Beyond 7 days buyer understand all issues must be directed to apple warranty. Additional warranty is available to be purchased. We do not advertise any implied or express warranty of MERCHANTABILITY beyond 7 days. Features: Body material: cast clay (unfired) and earth. Battery: .45 terawatts Talk time: endless Standby time: endless Dimension: 4.5 x 5.25 x.5" Resolution: Actual size Reduced Technological Advancement for complete e-waste recycling. Contains: NO hexavalent chromium, arsenic, beryllium, and cadmium, silver or gold. A [The screenshot of ConnX's auction continues on PAGE 208.] How to know if the phone is compatible with your carrier: " If you are with Verizon, Sprint, or any carrier that do not use a sim card you need to buy their own phones, that means if you are with Verizon you need to buy a Verizon phone and our listing has to say Verizon phone, an unlocked phone won't work with those service providers. " If your carrier is a GSM carrier (they use sim card) you need to call and talk to their tech to find out what frequency band they are using, then check out listing to make sure the phone covers those frequencies. Shipping United States: . We ship from Michigan using USPS or Fedex. " We do not change your shipping address by email. Please make sure your address is correct before checking out and making payment. " We do ship to APO, FPO, Post Office box addresses. " We do ship to Alaska, Hawaii, and any other US State. " Shipment over $250 will need a signature confirmation upon delivery. Shipping International: " Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyer's responsibility. " Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying. " Normally international shipments are delivered in 5-10 business days but it can take longer depends to your country's custom handing time. Return Policy: " Exchanges will gladly be honored if item is DOA (dead on arrival or not as described), buyer is responsible to send the item back before exchange will be made. " Item must be returned unused and in its original condition. " Item will be inspected for completeness and condition upon receipt back before a replacement can be issued. . Make sure to fill out the return form before sending any item back (please click on the "easy return" link below for the form). " Restocking will be applied to any item that is used and returned. The item comes with factory warranty so in any case if the item is defective, or no longer needed please return it to the earth. Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers have been posted about this item. Ask a question More chances to get what you want 1/2 Fedhack on ur s A iPhone EarthX - 4.7" smart- Apple iPhone 6 16GB "Fac- iPhone EarthX - 4.7" smart- phone BRAND NEW #exst... tory Unlocked" 4G LTE SM... phone (Latest model) #exs... WATER S0LUBLE M5 5" Unlocked Dual SIM iPhone EarthX - 4.7" smart- LFR Network, compatible Android Smartphone Qcta... phone, compatible with LF... with Phone EarthX smartp... $0.01 $199.99 Free shpn $10.00 $25.98 Almost gone $0.01 $0.01 eb Shop by- All Categores J Search Advaccd < Btoseac rsto i Liste in categom Cell Phones& Accesrties>Cel Phoe &1 Smrphoe Phone EarthX - 4.7" smartphone BRAND NEW #exstrange Item condition: New lime left: 6d 16h Sundy t:0AM 0_ 1] Q Add to watch list Seller information incubatorbaby (178 100% Positive feedbock See other items Starting btd: US $0.01 o 00d Enter US $0.01 or or Additionl coverage 0va0aeb oAoo to watch list New condition Longtime member Join eBay Bucks and earnl1% back on this item. See coodtir LEARN HOW TO EARN $30 BACK 1 z- Shi~pping: $7.80 Expedited Shipping see det is ~ - _tro t .- Ie ot~o Ir c Ann-rorMchgn U nirttat DATE March 12 ARTIST ConnX TITLE iPhone EarthX - 4.7" Smartphone Brand New STARTING PRICE $0.01 SALEPRICE $0.06 LOCATION OF BIDDER Griffith, Indiana, USA eb Shop by category All Categories Search Adeane < Bace to My eBay ILsted in category: Cell Phones &Acceessories > Cell Phoes &CSmarteones iPhone EarthX - 4.7" smartphone (Latest model) #exstrange Item condition: New Ended: Mar 20, 2017, 8:56AM r pI 0 Seller information incubatorbaby (178 100% Positine feedback Winnn bid. US $10.00 [1 bid] Shipping: $7.80 Expedited Shipping Isee details Item leotto:An Atrdeoreichign, Untedttes Siropere: Wnrtcle Delivery: Estimated within d-7 business days 0 Payments: Pay VlSA Credt Cares proeessed by PayPal See other items Pay CREDIT Getmore timete pay. Apply Nof ees eorms DATE March 13 ARTIsT ConnX TITLE iPhone EarthX - 4.7" Smartphone (Latest Model) STARTING PRICE $1 0.00 SALE PRICE $1 0.00 LOCATION OF BIDDER Hamburg, Germany gAll Calteores .J Search Advaneed < Back o My eay Li e cegory: Cell Ph~oes &Accessoes > Ce:i'Poes & Smartphones iPhone EarthX - 4.7' smartphone, compatible with LFR Networks, #exstrange Item condition: New Time lett: 6d 2111n Friday, alceeM Starting bid: US $0.01 [0 11d do Additionel coverage avaialen Pi K 0 I Add to matcn list Seller information innubatorbaby (178 100% Positive feedbacks See other items o Add te watch list * Add te cellectien Longtime member New condition WJ1ATER-SOLU BLE fma t Repnsv Dut aal oft y.rslln I ' V4III Join eBay Bunks and earn 1 %~ beck on this item, see Shippint: $7.80 Expedited Shipping Isee deteils It c tir: Ac Acr or cer.a United States Coi por: Wetrleide Delivery: Estimated between Thu. Mur. 30 and Mon. Apr 3 LEARN HOW TO EARN $30 BACK DATE March 17 ARTIST ConnX TIT-LE iPhone EarthX - 4.7" Smartphone, Compatible with LFR Networks STARTING PRICE $0.0] SALE PRICE $0.0] LOCATION OF BIDDER Hamburg, Germany LFR NETWORK, COMPATIBLE WITH iPHONE EARTHX SMARTPHONE ARTIST STATEMENT It's hard to understand a commitment. As someone who is perpetually fascinated and repulsed by the idea of forever commitments, I find them everywhere in life. Most commonly associated with romantic relationships, forever commitments quietly seep into our work, our identities, and our everyday interactions. How we value one another continually ebbs and flows, and sometimes we are flushed with excitement, while other times find us pressed to remember our passions. The United States Postal System's Forever Stamp, however, will be delivered First Class, no matter the postal rate, date or year. When trying to wrap my mind around the length of time that Forever might be, I researched the life expectancy of a white female living in the United States. Averaging the 5 states I have lived in so far (Mississippi, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan and California) for an expected death age of 87.2, minus my current age (34) generates 53.12 years of commitment. When a chance email exchange revealed an opportunity for me to experience the varied elations and burdens of a promise of delivery-no matter what, for approximately 53.12 years-I happily accepted the position as the Long Form Relationship Network. I look forward to spending a lifetime together. Mary Ayling is a visual artist working within the cross section of sculpture and intimate exchange. Growing up in Toledo, Ohio, Ayling began working with glass at the age of 16 at the Toledo Museum of Art, and while her practice has expanded to include other methods and materials, she has continued to use its vocabulary of weight, volume and transparency as inspiration for her explorations in visualizing common relational issues such as empathy, loss and misunderstanding. Through the creation of sculptural objects and carefully choreographed interactions, her works live as objects, gestures and printed matter. Ayling received her MFA from the University of Michigan and her BFA from the Columbus College of Art and Design. CURATORIAL STAT EMENT This listing is one of eight developed as part of an experimental data set. Co-curators Fred Feinberg and Lu Zhang initiated these auctions to study consumer choice around three sets of criteria: "object" vs. "concept"; small number of images vs large number of images; and low price vs. high price. The team launched the "object, high price, multiple photos" listing on the first day. "Concept, low price, single photo" launched on the following day and, over the next six days, the conditions varied for each listing. The art collective ConnX created the four "object" listings, and artist Mary Ayling created the four "concept" listings. eb Shop by category All Categories Search Advanced < Back to search results I Listed in category: Cell Phones & Accessories > Cell Phones & Smartphones LFR Network, compatible with iPhone EarthX smartphone. #exstrange cnItem New _____ condition: ARTIST Mary Ayling LOCATION San Jose, California, USA LOCATION OF BIDDER Utica, New York, USA FULL CATECORY Cell Phones & Accessories > Cell Phones & Smartphones STARTING PRICE $10.00 SALE PRICE $10.00 CURA TOR Feinberg & Zhang Ended: Mar 18, 2017, 9:00AM Winning bid: US $0.01 [1 bid] Shipping: $0.49 Standard Shipping I see details IteT location nArbor Mich n unedStates Ships to: worlswide Delivery: Estimated within 5-9 business days 0 Payments: pay ISA- Credit Cards processed by PayPal Pay CREDT Get mere time to pay. Apply Now' See Terms See details Returns: Seller does not offer returns. Guarantee: Eb detais Seller information incubatorbaby (178 ) 100% Positive feedback See other items A Upgrading? Sell it, don't trade it. Sell now I See Get the item you ordered or get your money back. Covers your purchase price and original shipping. Description Shipping and payments Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Report item 192126866986 Item specifics Condition: Features: Bundled Items: Cellular Band: Screen Size: Lock Status: Memory Card Type: Processor: RAM: Country/Region of Manufacture: New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is ... Read more True Connectivity, Tactile Media, Value Legacy, Long Form, Global Ready Return Address, Individual Contact iPhone EarthX global Network Unlocked anthropocene Internal Random Access Memory United States Brand: Unbranded Model: MPN: Network: Contract: Operating System: Storage Capacity: Color: Style: UPC: InLT (Interactive/LoTech) 1 LongForm Relatinship Lifetime Person to Person Unlimited Clear smart system Does not apply A PLEASE REVIEW EVERYTHING BELOW BEFORE YOU PURCHASE Powerful USA LFR Network Smartphones are designed to become obsolete. Avoid constant upgrades and changes to your cellular network by switching to the steadiest network available. Slow-moving technology compatible with the iPhone EarthX, the LongForm Relationship (LFR) Network provides the name and address of one individual, committed to communicating with you, by pen, for life. 1. LFR Network provides the opportunity to exchange thoughts, observations and reflections with a live individual. NO SIM CARD NECESSARY. Please check coverage prior to purchase. 2. There are ONLY FREE MINUTES of correspondence included. 3. The LFR Network REQUIRES only pencil, paper, envelope and stamp to activate the correspondence. Communication is activated by online purchase and offline writing. 4. This is NOT the iPhone unlock sim card. 5. You do not need a cell number or cell phone during offline activation. 6. Make certain you order the correct NETWORK LFR. AT&T sim cards do not work in T-Mobile phones, and T-Mobile sim cards do not work in AT&T phones, Verizon works only with Verizon. However, if your cell is FACTORY UNLOCKED, you can then use at&t in a t-mobile or verizon phone or a t-mobile sim in a at&t or verizon phone. We do not offer sim cards for Sprint, metroPCS or Boost branded phones. [The screenshot of Mary Ayling's auction continues on PAGE 212.] 7. We ship by USPS 1st class mail, WITHIN and BEYOND the 50 U.S. States, usually the next morning or two days later. We are closed weekends and all holidays. Ebay automatically sends an email when we ship. 8. We ONLY ship to your registered ebay / Paypal confirmed and verified address. If the USPS with an address issue returns your item, we will not resend. Please make sure your address is correct BEFORE you place your order. 9.Your address must be compatible to receive mail, otherwise it will not operate on this Network. 10. Please contact us ASAP if you have any issues as we strive for 100% customer satisfaction. Please do not leave us Negative Feedback without contacting us first and thus giving us the opportunity to resolve the issue. 11. Our items are for the end user only, and they are not to be purchased for resale. Dealers may contact us by ebay messages. 12. Please remember, just to set your expectations correctly, the LFR Network is useless without activation, so please review the lifetime plans prior to purchase. 13. We reserve the right to cancel any sale at our sole discretion. THANK YOU Feedback We strive for your 100% customer satisfaction. If you are not satisfied, for any reason, please do not leave negative feedback in retaliation for a defective product or something you were not expecting. Please, just contact us through Ebay messages and we will quickly resolve the matter. More chances to get what you want 1/2 Feedback on our suggestions # WATER SOL - LFR Network, compati- M5 5" Unlocked Dual iPhone EarthX - 4.7" iPhone EarthX - 4.7" LongFormRelationship Cheap M5 5.0" Inch ble with EarthX smart... SIM Android Smartp... smartphone BRAND... smartphone, compati... Network, steady, relia... Phone Android4.4 3.... $10.00 $25.98 $0.01 $0.01 $0.01 $0.74 + $g.49 + $12.77 1 bid + $0.49 1 bid Free shipping Almost gone Mary Ayling, Images from LFR Network, steadfast forever commitment, no contract, #exstrange r; auction. eb Shop by- All Categories J Search Advanced t Bacto nMy eray Listed in category: Cell Phones & Acncsories > Cell Ph0n0s & Smartponeo LongFormRelationship Network, steady, reliable communications #exstrange Item condition: New Eoded: Mar 21, 2017, 8:00AM Seller information incubatorbaby (178 100% Positive feedback A Winning bid, US $0.11 [2 bids] Shipping: $0.49 Standard Shipping I Se noon:l ltoon cato Ann dAna0, Mic'igan, nited Staten Delivery: Estimated within 5-9 basioess days 0 Paymeonts pay VISA Credt Cardtoesseood by Paytal Pay' CREDI Get more tnmetopa. dpyNow~ 001 SeeMTems Retarns: Seller does not otter retains. Guarantee: i, : i See other items ~j1Li> DATE March 1 4 ARTIST Mary Ayling TITLE LongFormRelationship Network, steady, reliable communications STARTING PRICE $0.01 SALE PRICE $0.1 1 BIDDER LOCATION Dallas, Texas, US eb Shophby caegory All Catenooieo - I Search Ad LFR Network, compatible with EarthX smartphone. #exstrange tEnded: Mar 22, 2017, On0eM Stanting Old: US $10.00 [ 0 bis I Seller information incuatonrbaby('78 Shipnin: $0.49 Standard Stippino OnSe dann Dliverin: Estimate aithin 5-9 husie ss gets 0 Payenic Pay VISA Pay CREDfT Guaane: loo Get thoeoitem yoodered o getooooony nac. Coe yu urhsepie end0rg0alshppng DATE March 1 5 ARTIST Mary Ayling TITLE LFR Network compatible with EarthX smartphone STARTING PRICE $1 0.00 SALE PRICE Unsold Shop by All Categories _j Search Ad,,o-d LFR Network, steadfast formver commitment, no contract. #exstrange yy f l N 1 Itm nonlotin: New Eoodro: Mar 20, 2000, 8:00aM Winninog idn U u $1.00 (tooli Shippingc: 30.49 StndrdmShipping Ito s- d Delivery: Estimated wlithi 5-9 busiress Oats0 Paynts:om Pay VIA Z Pay CREDIT Ge ati0 t pa0y0 An, o S0T Returnos: Sellerodo not offer returns. Get theuitem ynounrdndnor ge our mo'ooonbc,k Coove or purchase price andoriial saaonic Seller information incuatorbabn l1ig 1 As DATE March 1 6 ARTIST Mary Ayling TITLE LFR Network, steadfast forever commitment, no contract STARTING PRICE $1 0.00 SALE PRICE $1 0.00 LOCATION OF BIDDER Hamburg, Germany ARCHIVE FEVER VOL . 37: MY BROWSER HISTORY [FEB 2017] ARTIST STATEMENT Archive Fever (2011-) is an ongoing project that investigates data economy and data intimacy. Internet browsers automatically create a log of each website a user has visited in the previous two months. Since September 2011, I have downloaded and stored these data. Each time Archive Fever is exhibited, I retrieve the most recent volume and play it back. Link after link, the digital traces I have unintentionally left behind while browsing the Internet reveal a loose, unedited narrative of my work, play, and personal online interactions. Elisa Giardina Papa is an Italian artist whose work investigates gender, sexuality, and labor in relation to media and technology. Her work has been exhibited and screened at the MoMA (New York), XVI Quadriennale di Roma, rhizome. org [Download Commission], Haus fur elektronische Kinste (Basel), 319 Scholes (New York), among others. She taught at Brown University, and at the Rhode Island School of Design, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Media and Film Studies at University of California Berkeley. Giardina Papa received an MFA from RISD, and a BA from Politecnico di Milan.  Direct from the Artist > Other Art from the Artist STARTINVG PRICE $0.99 SALE PRICE $35.00 CURATOR Domenico Quaranta Archive Fever Vol.37: My browser history [Feb 2017] #exstrange EndeA MarO 2217, 300OAM Winning Aid. US $35.00 [ 22 bids] $hpig 2.67 Stand2a Shipping seed ,-, Delivery Estiate:d oncr before Tue. Apr. 0472o 48103 0 Pay CREoTr 0722:727 743 c a eeTri 227e:0277 2 A22 :A27 7772k Seller information elispap 6(0) M o 0 Have6 66e66 sell? Sell now Decription Shipping and payment2s Ranertto,~ Seller assumes all:reponsibiliy for7( thi litig. Last upat22 p,: Mar 72, 2277 2032:12 PDT View all7eviion Item specifics #bi gdata 772776a #datai2727777722 Archive Fever (2011 -) Questions and answers about this item 22227272 2:7222:s or2 answer have2 20227 77ste abutthste. See what other people are watching 112reb~ n ~gk- KETAMINE VIAL HAT PIN 070 772Pr7st27702Duc Leg Foot Oddi7y 30 STL Model fr~o CNC 772272730 3D STL Models 727 CNC 222722 30 STL 30 Models for CNC Ro2272730 MINNIE MOUSE FINK P0OV.A 207 Net BLOT/ER ART 272:727... 2222sh22020f Weird Taxidermy2... Print7e: Artcam Metric 26pi:e.307 Prin72: A72cam 22772c aspir... 00 Printer Artam 227ric aspire.007 DOTS POWER OUTLET WALL P... $9.99 $16.50 $14.10 S2.91 $3.38 $7.99 -S.O-2..22 7:: 7-22(77 Fr-.,2 r Free227Ln S2 C BESTBUY JODI ON EBAY (FROM #exst range AUCTION) ARTIST STATEMENT As a big estimator of JODI's work, I decided it was time to make for real my first collaboration with JODI. Even without their knowledge. My proposal for the #exstrange project is a speculative work of art based on a previous #exstrange ebay auction, EBAY shopping bag (#exstrange edition). I'm re-selling to the best buyer the original work by JODI, along with JODI's and Guido Segni's signatures, and with one BESTBUY logo reproduction printed on fine art paper. With a background in Hacktivism, Net Art, and Video Art, Guido Segni, aka Clemente Pestelli, (b. 1976, Italy) lives and works somewhere at the intersections between art, pop internet culture, and data hallucination. Mainly focused on the daily (ab)use of Internet, his work is characterized by minimal gestures on technology that combine conceptual aproaches with a traditional hacker attitude in making things odd, useless, and dysfunctional. Co-founder of Les Liens Invisibles, he has exhibited in galleries, museums (MAXXI Rome, New School of New York, KUMU Art Museum of Talinn) and art and media-art international festivals (International Venice Biennale, Piemonte SHARE Festival, Transmediale). eb Scegi la categoria Tutne le categorie Cerca Avanzatz < Tornealahonepaei In endtaelaategoria: Areeeantiquariato> Arte dgitale BESTBUY JODI ON EBAY (from #exstrange auction) A/1R 1 Guido Segni LOCATIOV Lucca, Italy LOCATIOV OF BIDDER H amburg, Germany FUILL CAT1ECORY Art & Antiques >Digital Art STARTI3C PRICE ¬80,00 SALE PRICE ¬80,00 CUIRATOR Domenico Quaranta BIJy51 Conizion -- dell'aggetto: Scaduti: 25 rnar 2017 01:15:39 CET Offerta PIú alta: EUR 80,00 [ 2 offerte ] Spedizione: Potrebbe non essere disponibile il sernizio di spedizione verso: Stati Uniti - Per le opzioni di spedizione leggi la descrizione dell'oggetto oppure contatta il vnditore. Vedi i detagli -uaae r t'ma I ct.ne ar i, lt SpelnA es :Iai Consegn: Varia Pagamenti: Paye rL VISA Carte ei redito elaorate da Payffa Vei e nfomzoi pri agaet Restituzione: 14 giorni per il rimborso, acguirente 1 Vedi idttagqli Copenaura: GARANZIA CLIENTE EBAY 1i Ano ttnagl Rimborso se non nicevi quello ohe hai ordinata e hai pagate con PayPal. Garanzia cliente eBay " Servizio oliasti tramite telefono, chat o emal. " Rimborso se non risoni guello ohe hai ordinato e bei pagata con PayPal. " Procedura di testituzione facilitata. Informazioni sul venditore guidsegn-Ot(0) Veni altri oggetti gw ftv Ne hai unoda vendere? Vondino uno uguaale Descrizione Spedizione e pagamenti Segnala l'inserzione I venditore si assoume la piena responsabilità della messa in vndita dell'oggeto. Buy one, Buy one, Buy one, Gelone Gelone Gelone No LimitI Hurry! No LimitI. Hurry! No LimitI Hurry! Offer Expires Soon! Offer Expires Soon! Offer Expires Soon BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE! Great art actions come with great offersr Here it is your" buy one, get one free" occasion. One auction One mork of ar] Two artista' signatures. As o big estimator of iODIos work I decided i] mas time te make for real my first collaboration with JDDI. Even without their knowledge. My proposal for the #exstrange project io a speculative mork of art based on a previous #exstrange ebay auction (http://eboy.u/2me' NY) te mhich I partecipated and won. Now l'm reselling te the best buyer the originai work by JDDI along with JODI's and Gaido Segn ia signatures asd with ene BESTBUY lego reproduction printed 0n fine or] paper. The great auction package includes: " The originai work bought from JODI. " One signed BESTBUY lego reproduction printed on fine or] poper. Domande e risposte su questo oggetto Sa gaesto oggetto non sono state pubblicate domando o risposte. Fai una domanda Oggetti visti di recente Feedback sui nostri suggerimenti Flee IAeedat onlne, hand choreo.. EUR 21,29 Spedizione gratu.ita An Apology tor Salo #exstrange EUR 25,04 Compalo SubanO Gnder Toolsror Anorything #estrange EUR 185,09 Curatoria Consultancy aninA Cassini o... EUR 13,88 ltetArnesSoul 2016 Edition #exstrange EUR 6,16 Life In A Dolicate Negotiation, 2017 EUR 68,00 Cemra rele AS.bte HE.ART MINI SCULPTURE + LIMITED EDITION STICKERS PACK FOR MESSENGER ARTIST STATEMENT NHO-Near Heart Objects-are those objects that orbit around our love life, becoming burning organs of a relationship. Our attachment to them, and the fear that, falling-they would hit us-shape an emotional balance that sometimes forgets the human nature of the relationship. The project name NHO is inspired by the Near Earth Objects, or NEO: celestial bodies like meteors or comets that orbit around the Earth or fall onto the Earth. The joke changes "Earth" to "Heart." The heart, in its metaphorical sense, becomes the gravitational center around which we build our personal solar system. NHO investigates how effects influence the perception of objects that inhabit our lives. Kamilia Kard works on the digital, static or animated image, transforming it into GIFs, websites, prints, videos, and installations. Her interest in classical and "traditional" images, taken from the immense archive offered by the Internet, is almost always inspired by personal stories, memories, and fantasies. Free Falling Bosch uses Hieronymus Bosch's iconography to offer a dynamic representation of a contemporary issue: the sense of dizziness produced by a non-stop world, a sea of information resulting from infinite scrolling, and an instability established as a political, economic and social system. In other works, nineteenth- century Russian and Hungarian history paintings and princely fantasies are contaminated with more contemporary images linked to Fantasy, soft porn, and the vernacular languages of the web, sprinkled with glitter effects and references to pop culture, and interwoven with more personal components, usually mediated by drawing. Kamilia Kard, Images from HEART mini sculpture + Limited edition Stickers Pack for Messenger, #exstrange auction. eb Scegi la categara Tutte le categorie Cerca Avanata < Tanornaampua1 Invenditanea cagoria: Coli,,,-nv > Colaan-,dvos > Utror a ei HE.ART mini scuipture + Limited edition Stickers Pack for Messenger #exstrange Condizioni Nuovo dll'aggeata: Scadai: 27 mrar 2017 14:43:11 CEST ARIST Kamilia Kard LOCATIONV Milan, ltaly LOCA TIONI OF BIDDER Hamburg, Germany FLILL CATECORY Collectibles >Different Collections >Additionai Collections STARTING PRICE ¬10,00 SALE PRICE ¬35,50 / Failed Sale CURATlOR Domenico Quaranta II Offarta più alta: EUR 35,50 [ 7 offerte ] Spediziona: Potrebbe non essere oisponibile il servizio di spedizione verso: Stati Unodi - Per le opzioni di spedizione leggi la descrizione dell'oggetto oppure onotatta il venodore. Consegna: Varia Pagamenti: Pcay W VSA a' Carte di cresat elabaorate 0a PaPal Bonifico bancario Ocai ae ifrazionin peri paguamento Restituziano: Restituzione non accettata Copertura: GARANZIA CLIENTE EBAY I Osai dotai Rimborso se non ricei guello che hai ordinato e hai pagato con PapPal. iGaranzia cliente eBay " Servizio clienti tramite telefono, chat oemail. " Rimborso se non ricevi guello che Vai ordinato e rai pagata con PayPal. * Procedura di restituzioee faciitrata. Informazioni sui venditore kamiliisar. 010) Vedi altei oggett Ne hat uno da vendere? Vendine uno oguale Descrizione Spedizione e pagamenti Segnala l'inserzione lì venditore si assume la piena responsabilità della messa in vendita dell'oggetto. Ultima aggiornamento il 22 mar 2017 15:b0:17 CET Vedi tutte le revisoni Specifiche deloggetto Condizione: Nuovo: Oggetto nuovo, non usato, non aperto e non danneggiato. Per ulteriori detOagli ved4 ... Maggiori informazioni 3D Heart Mini Sculptures + Limited edition Stickers Pack for Messenger #extrange Yìaa can buy some liana hy choaosing iova of the 3D Heart Mini Scalptures anailable. The haarts aro io resin, made 1000 of a mold frnm a 3D prned object. Once you racaina your sculpiura, take a piature of it as in the photos pronided aso ancxattplc, and send it to kardkaaoilia@gmuiL.com. I will reply you back sending you a zipped folder mith the stickers. Hearts available in multiple colore: " pink " yellow " aqoamarina " purple " glittaring blak " giottaring transparent " red " graen Domande e risposte su questo oggetto 0v questo oggetto non sono state pubblcate domande o risposte. Vedi quello che tengono d'occhio gli altri Feedac su notr sugoerment Stupendo topp ricamato Lot . * 7 Iage MCHN E Posta di corso di cervo TOPPA PATCH 15-18cm. anters points,... PERSONALIZZATA RIC... EUR 6,00 Più cerati EUR 25,00 - E1 1350 Pil. Cecra01 SALVADANAIO CLASSIFICATORE E O... EUR 12,40 14111 763,40 alosi eavuri10 patch termoadesiva B... EUR 7,00 Americane a scelta tra... EUR 22,00 SIGARETTE ELETTRIC... EUR 8,00 /1 LIFE IS A DELICATE NEGOTIATION, 2017 ARTIST STATEMENT [...] I've been invited to a show for which, to my knowledge, no artist fee or budget for the production of the artwork has been allocated. The fellows are just as great as the involved critics and curators. Internationally renowned people, pioneers of the field. Still there's no budget. How am I supposed to accept that? This is something you might have experienced too, right? Not only in the arts. Sometimes you want to be in a place and stay away from it in the same moment. It's pretty universal. [...] Life Is A Delicate Negotiation, is a short text about what it means to research in the art field and how this general lack of budget affects the artists, then, in the long run, the whole culture of a certain period. The monologue, played by the artist in an accompanying video, is crafted around several linguistic techniques currently used by FBI hostage negotiators. Since the early 2000's, Carlo Zanni's practice has explored the use of Internet data to create time-based works that combine a pronounced social consciousness with the mediated experience of advanced technologies. Zanni (born in La Spezia, Italy, 1975) has been recipient of a Rhizome.org commission and has shown in galleries and museums worldwide including: Arts Santa Monica, Barcelona; The Hammer Museum, Los Angeles; New Museum, New York; Tent, Rotterdam; MAXXI, Rome; PS.i, New York; PERFORMA 09, NY; and ICA, London. Zanni also initiated the ViBo video book project to experiment with new distribution models for video and net operas. Sponsored Lin oation $59.00 Al Categories __1 Search L5t 1 n'l 21 "_ by _1 ,fc, cr tieg Jca,. $49.95 L I 1 Br _ ,a9rit $32.48 Free Shiypng $19.95 ARTIST Carlo Zanni LOCATIONV Milan, Italy FULL CATEGORY Collectibles > Print Collectibles > Letters STARTINVG PRICE $139.35012 Life Is A Delicate Negotiation, 2017 - #exstrange 0 Price CUR ease0 Apo. 000 0 0 US $74 .0 1 Shippi'0: EUR 30.00 (appro.. 05503.00 Spedi00000 0000000on.. sepess 000500'0000 oI L0 Seller information thepeoplearorooooog (0 Deivry Estimated0200 Deivery withi 04-7 busines doa 02400000. Pay' I0See00.0 Retrns 0000 e dosnt fe rtrs , ooiooy--teoeogO oororyoo IT Have 00050o sell? Soil noos Decription Shipping ard payen~~ts Report :000 68,00 SALE PRICE Unsold CURATOR Domenico Quaranta Sellr 20s000000 all00050 reposbiiy fo thi l g. Last updateod on Mar 21, 2007 01:32:26 PDT Vioo al00 reviion Item specifics Conditooo ew bro0rand-new, unused, uripened; undamaged item(Including handmd itemso. Sep the sller WVAI CH V H-)1OC HIRl " 0i42010000lcat Negotiation, 2007" 0s partof h0000.ooooranoooOO the a000t 000an accompanying vdeo, 0s0cra0e aroundoseverl logdsooootechniques currentlyoo us0e 1 by FB hosage ngotitors Woot youo 000: Expre ouuriro 000 op0000.20 0xpr000 00urie to 00s of00000 World 0 30 Its pretty universal.[.] Rotterdam, 000.0 Rom0000,000 Ne ork; PERFORMAO09, NY0,000,0.odo0020 is 2000 ate 00 e 0000000000 vidoookpoject to experiment new distrbution0 models000000 000000000dnetopr. About 0000000030, 000000000is00 liv exhibti~onOpojec tatOusesOthe onin market00place eOy as a site o O 070000000 oprtoarisicpoductionand cuturlexhng iti the geOOoO ographica boundaries enbled 0y00000000000000 platform we are adoptin Questions and answers about this item Noustioso anoswershave beenposted aot th0000000 n AN APOLOGY FOR SALE ARTIST STATEMENT The flag is a satirical take on populist ideas of nationalism that have become a widespread phenomenon in the recent years. The "apology flag" has been printed on a piece of Khadi cloth, often considered the symbol of non-violent resistance championed by Mahatma Gandhi during India's freedom struggle. The flag contains the original apology letter that Amazon had to write, recently, after the Indian government realised that a seller had been selling foot rugs with a print of the Indian flag on it. Through this work, we aim to ask critical questions around the singular focus on national identity in the recent years and the absurdness of actions it prompts from people and institutions around us. Ajit Bhadoriya is a Delhi-based photographer. He is recipient of Media Fellowship by National Foundation for India, 2009- 2010 and Tierney Fellowship by the Tierney Foundation, New York, 2011-2012. He has been selected for many international workshops and presented his work at festivals like Angkor Photo Festival, Chobi Mela and Photoville. Chinar Shah is a photographer based in Bangalore, India. She runs a home gallery called Home Sweet Home. She currently teaches at Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore, where she is a coordinator for photography. She is Co-Editor of Photography in India: from Archives to Contemporary Practice (Bloomsbury, forthcoming). Surabhi Vaya is a freelance writer based in Ahmedabad. She is a graduate of Christ College and Columbia School of Journalism. She is attempting to run a Literary Collective in Ahmedabad. Her writing has appeared in The Caravan, The Wire, Firstpost and Hindustan Times. Ib n caegr < ac t hmepae Lstdin cateory: Home& Living HoDcorOthter om Dco All Categories -1 Search Advaced An Apology for Sale #exstrange Ajit Bhait Sc tC ici ,al suri itiiti Item condition: New -o0 ARTIST Ajpt Bhadoriya, Chinar Shah, and Surabhi Vaya LOCATIONV Bangalore, India LOCATIONV OF BIDDER Bangalore, India FULL CATEGORY Home & Living > Home Decor > Other Home Decor STARTINVG PRICE 1769.47 SALE PRICE '0'~~'~ Sold for: Rs. 1,769.47 Shipping: May not ship to United States - Read item description or contact sellor for shipping options. I See dote is Itm cton: Bangalooc, KA, India Sh~pc cInia Payments: Paisapai-y (Crodit card, EMt, Debit card, Online Bank Transfer) I Sen nayen infortmantin Returns: Replacement and refund for this product is covered through- Learn mare. PAYBACK: Earn at least 71 points when you buy this item. Find out hem Seller information surabhvayO (05) See other items Ask seller a question Y Have one to sell? Sell ityourself Description Shipping and payments Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Last updated on 23 Mar, 21017 03:10:08 IST View all revisions Item specifics Condition: New: A brand-nem, unused and undamaged item that is fully opeartional and functions as intended. See the ... Road moro MPN: Does Not Apply Report item Brand: Unbranded An Apology for Sale #exstrange Amazon Yanks Indian-Flag Doormoats as New Delhi Threatens Punishement - The Walt Street Journal Amazon sorry over India flag doormat fiasco - BBC Have you been offended recently? Have you gotoen your apology? It not, this is the time to buy it! Beautifully written apology by Amazon is up for sale as a handcrafted 100% khadi ftag. Prone your patriotic lose by buying your apoiogy flag - a great accessory for your home. Features inclade: Screen-printed on 1101% khadi Versatile: Bedroom to bathroom, the flag adds a touch of elegance and grounding to your decor. Beautifully mritten: Apology for all occasions on twitter or Facebook. Order today and get a special postcard for FREE. Spread your patriotic love around. 21769.47 CURATOR Artists - Joiners Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers have been posted about this item. Ant a question A ,,a o"eat a¢\1oo ° ~O~i. e n e6 neO+. mo " t 00as.rQ n bnRu p no s r osa oe. a edt0 .nP ,,e9he ,ena a Ajit Bhadoriya Chia Shh\nmurbiVyimgsfo n plg oSl,#xtaneacin NSt KEMBREW'S SOUL 2016 EDITION BIo Kembrew McLeod is a Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Iowa and an independent documentary producer. A prolific author and filmmaker, he has written and produced several books and documentaries that focus on popular music, independent media and copyright law, such as Copyright Criminals, Money For Nothing, and Freedom of Expression®: Resistance and Repression in the Age of Intellectual Property. Freedom of Expression@ serves as a companion to his book of the same name. McLeod co-authored the book Creative License: The Law and Culture of Digital Sampling and the anthology Cutting Across Media: Appropriation Art, Interventionist Collage and Copyright Law, both published by Duke University Press in 2011. Most recently, New York University Press published his book Pranksters: Making Mischief in the Modern World. McLeod's music and cultural criticism have appeared in Rolling Stone, SPIN, Slate, MOJO, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Village Voice, and The New Rolling Stone Album Guide. eb Shop by- All Catgrn _j Search Adv Kembrew's Soul 2016 Edition #exstrange Be the first to carte s -eviewr. Item condition: . Tirme left: 20d 00h v/t ,.9:41-u Q uantity: 1 More than 10 avala Pr US $666 Seller information reverend1 (423 ) 100% Positive feedback 1Add to watch Ist ARTIST Kembrew McLeod LOCATION Iowa City, Iowa, USA FULL CATEGORY Art > Direct from the Artist > Sculpture & Carvings STARTING PRICE $6.66 SALE PRICE Unsold CURATOR Artist - Joiner Best 0tferr. t Add to collect-, Best offer available A New Way to Find One-of-a-Kind Pieces. Located in United States Join easy Bcks ndnarn% back earn ti ie,.n... o, Shippig $.39 Standard Shipping I ssd- Delivry: Estimated onAr befoe Thu. Apr. 06 to 4130 Paymeris Pay A'SA -W "" ebey Have one to sell? Sell now Pay CREDIT GeA,,PA moetm opa.NoiNv Descriptior "hipping nd payments FReport Seller assumes all respAonsibity forthi ltig. Last Lcated on Mar 21, 2017 13:51:10 PDT View al' revaS ons Before Bart Simpson did it, though long after Faust, I sold my soul. This prank permanently cemented my status as a vaguely remembered factoid: "The guy who sold his soul on eBay." I orchestrated the prank at the height of the late-1990s dot-com era, when eBay was the hot new auction website of the moment. This provided a great hook for media outlets to spread the word about the sale of my soul (soon after, other imitators also offered up their souls - and even their virginity - for sale on eBay). But first, I'll start from the beginning. In 1989, I was an anxious 18-year-old who was worried about compromising my principles when I graduated from high school, so I poured my angst into a piece of art called Kembrew's Soul. It resembled a cereal box, and the silk-screened design featured my screaming face on the front. The back sported a "find your way out of the bureaucracy" maze game and a mail-away offer for Reality Shades ("Reality Shades offer an alternative for those of us who can't deal with modern life. Enjoy a variety of mind-numbing visuals that are created by the makers of American sitcoms"). I sold 50 boxes at $4.95 a piece - which helped me pay for my senior prom. About four years later I updated the packaging. This time it came in a four-ounce glass jar filled with plastic toy prizes, stickers and a certificate of ownership. I made 300 bottles and sold most of them, primarily to friends and others who I accosted on the streets. Then, in 1994, I introduced the third, "new and improved" edition of my soul. That version contained ten screwy slogan stickers, a certificate of ownership signed by me, a note to distributors, an advertising page and wacky plastic toys like the ones found in 25-cent vending machines. (A quote from my note to distributors: "Kembrew's Soul is packaged in a 4 oz. glass jar and is filled with gimmicky contents sure to entertain even the most cynical member of the demographic group he is targeting.") I had some extra inventory left over in the late-1990s, so I decided to sell my soul on eBay. Because the press was salivating over all things Internet at the time, I knew the then-novelty of eBay would prove irresistible. I enlisted friends to bid on it, driving up the price to $666 until it finally sold for over a thousand dollars. I ripped up the check written by the winning bidder, my friend Kennan, but several other people I did not know bid on it as well. Here's an excerpt from an article in the Springfield Union-News (now The Republican): "In all, McLeod's soul elicited 28 bids by 13 different bidders, starting at $15 by a T. M. McLeod. Two bidders offered $666. Jack Martin of Philadelphia said last night he bid $150 and, "to be quite honest, I'm sort of relieved I got outbid." Martin, 32, a musician, said he usually buys records and was looking for albums by soul singer Al Green. When his search for soul turned up McLeod's strange offering, Martin was intrigued." Details magazine noted: "EBay madness has reached absurdist lows. People are now putting their souls up for sale online. And getting bids on them. It's a sad day when the Internet makes Satan obsolete." After the story broke, I spent my days on talk radio shows - where I got into theological arguments with people over whether or not my soul was a renewable resource. When talking to reporters, I played it straight, though I also tossed out plenty of clues about my motives. During interviews, I played a greedy capitalist who was prone to say things like, "The great thing about America is that you are rewarded for selling your soul. That's what makes this country great. I'm sure Jesus was a free market capitalist." Or, "I may not have a soul, but I have a new car, and I'm doing great." It was my cheeky comment on the late-1990s era of irrational exuberance, when people were selling their souls left and right during the go-go Clinton years. Leading up to the 2016 holiday shopping season, I realized that Kembrew's Soul was long overdue for a reboot. The fourth edition of my soul is being merchandised as a die-cast metal keychain inside a plastic acorn vending machine capsule, offered at the low price point of $6.66! (Unlike my previous souls, this sturdy keychain is quite practical; it's important to have a useful, functional soul.) CURATORIAL CONSULTANCY WITH CASSINI ON #exst range ARTIST STATEMENT This curatorial consultancy service develops from my previous intervention within the context of the project #exstrange entitled #veryhardtofind. In that occasion, I began to explore the different meanings of the terms 'curating' and 'curation' on the eBay platform and grew fond of its search algorithm, named after the 17th Century Italian Astronomer, Mathematician and Engineer, Giovanni Domenico Cassini. Here, I propose a model of curatorial consultancy, which is based upon the collaboration between a human and an algorithm (myself and Cassini), and aims to further explore the curatorial possibilities embedded within the technological infrastructure of eBay. Gaia Tedone is a PhD Candidate at the Centre for the Study of the Networked Image, London South Bank University and an independent curator with an expansive interest in photography and in the technologies and apparatuses of image formation. At the core of her research lies the question of how to produce new insights into the role and function of networked images and how to develop curatorial projects that also reflect back on the agency of the curator within contemporary image culture. Cassini Algorithm, with Gaia Tedone as Curator, Images from Curatorial Consultancy with Cassini on #exstrange. ebir t Shop by categor All Categories Searcms ~ ne Sponsored Links $88888 r- r 3nh m $70.89 Ftee Shlppino ARTIST Cassini Algorithm 831.49 $257.40 S39.99 LOCATION London, UK LOCATION OF BIDDER Milan, Italy FULL CATEGORY Specialty Services > eBay Auction Services > Appraisal & Authentication STARTING PRICE $15.00 SALE PRICE $1 5.00 CURATOR Gaia Tedone Curatorial Consultancy with Cassini an #exstrange "Bespoke0Curatoralonsulany Servioea'th Caoooo0' Algorithm" Endod: Mor 30, 2017, 4.0000 Winningo b:us $15.00 [la bd] Shypping FreeLocalhPikup Srdt Poyoo o aa poeso Pay 08? __ Pay CREDIT Covorago Read itemdescrpoo ontctsllforOdetail. 077 7iae i ~I1 In Seller information moryhardtoid_ 0(5 ) .1=.0:.> Haone mtonseil? Sell cew Decription Shipping ard payments1 Seller assumes aesonsibiliyforthislinog, Item specifics Seller Noo: "Besoke770uratoial Conulancy Se070000it Casnialorit0007" Human.7 and AloooooooCuraion: Relable, Efficiet, 00ea0i7 Aeyouoaondeningbhy your litngsnotavailable inyour loatonorasbeen remoed? Ori perhaps you 070 oncerned aith impro0005 yourratoofoviibiity? Take a detouro mith Canninn paecraft onto esay Doiverse of Poppy Tiranactions. Thin service wil offer ad boo curatorial conultancywith Cassni'salgoithmi to anlyse: * The currency of ysour name and 0007 image aithi 70 highiy competitive marketpiace * Theqootienotofcritiality ofyour ling onpianet artand panerto inge * The display opporunities available to you on the piatform What you wil get. * Anoeiectroicepot on Casnnn rajetoy durigitmision * Aocunatedoseeioofsthefient itemsoreievanttioyouroiinnarranged in abespokeonineolletion * Aspecialimentionto your nae oriinog duing apubicevet in apretious Lodo-basd alley The sermice in immaterial, online-baned and buyer specific ivien its benpoke nature, some vaaions on the above might be ontemplated Please ailow an esnimate of three weeks for the service to be completed Sepot ie A FLEE IMMEDIATELY! ONLINE, HAND CHOREOGRAPHY FOR HIRE Q & A: QUESTON I confess even after I took a typing class, on a real SmithCorona Selectric I will add, finding the home keys was beyond my skills. Please tell me, honestly, if hunt and peck and two finger typing is really my keyboard habit, is this possible for a keyboard novice to attempt? ANSWER I think it should definitely be fine for you. The dance only has two moments where you use the keyboard: one to use your shortcut keys zoom in, and then to use the keys to zoom in out again and refresh the page. These movements only require two fingers anyway. The rest of the dance is done on a trackpad (various scrolling movements). Typing habits aren't a problem at all. And anyway, the dance can be adapted to your own styles and knowledge. Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any more questions. ARTST STATEMENT The browser is the stage, the design, the dance floor, the music, and the rhythms between the codes, browsers, designs, bodies and movements. We are the performers. Constraints are in place, but each dance may be a bit different and each stage (browser) allows for certain possibilities (and errors). The issue is accessed through the temporality of performing (and improvising) it. - Flee Immediately! 02 Editorial How does design make us dance and move in certain ways? How can we use improvisation online? What is the rhythm of code? If we start to think about how we dance online, do we reveal the power structures at play? If we fragment our swipes, body movements and gestures, will we start to question the technologies we use every day? And then can we sell these movements? Can gestures be contractual? These are some of the questions I had in mind when creating both the choreography itself and the idea for this eBay auction. This is part of a larger research into dance and code that has morphed into the links between design, websites, movement, and communication. If movement is such an important part of communication, how can we use movement online, a place where we seemingly barely move, to learn to read and think critically again? Renee Carmichael is an artist, coder, designer, and writer whose work explores technology and the relationship between code, content, and design. She has created work on themes like carrots and social media, dance and code, The Dance Epidemic of 1518, the web's relationship to print, OCD and technology, code poetry, and IBM anthems. She has a Masters in Interactive Media: Critical Theory and Practice from Goldsmiths College and has worked as a Researcher in the Hybrid Publishing Lab at Leuphana Universitst Luneburg. She is founding director of the project Flee Immediately!, and works freelance on design, research, and writing projects. eb Shop by category ShebyAll Calegren Flee Immediately! online, hand choreography for hire, #exstrange Search e ARTIST Renee Carmichael LOCATIONV Berlin, Germany LOCATIONi OF BIDDER Berlin, Germany FULL CATEGORY Specialty Services > Artistic Services > Other Artistic Services STARTINSG PRICE $23.00 SALE PRICE $23.00 CURATOR Artist - Joiner I,-,1.- rNe, onyperfored pblicly twice betlee.r E^,-d: Mar 3, 2017, 3:53AM Winring bAd US $23.00 [l1 id] Sippl 1l FREE Epedited Shipping is d____ Paymnts Pay VISA - L Pay CREDl 2eturn10 No etrnsc or exchanlges. contactseller with quesion. Coeae: Read item descriptionlorlcontctlselle ordetil.ASeI decor Mr, I Seller information reecrmiehse4 (0) See other ;tens Hav oe to sell? Sell now Description Shippingand pen~~ets Sellerasmes al responsibilifr this lisn. L[st updated1 on Mer 24, 2017 05:32:20 PDT Aiewa re ''. Item specifics Seler Notes: "New, oly perred pulil twice2 bere." Bran22 Flee Immllediately A Choreeorpher: RenleeCarmihel Style: Ceded Freestyle H41EB Have you ever wanted to dance while browsing the web? Here is your chance! I am retiring my hand from doing this performance and would like to offer the choreography for you to hire.*[d (M~ What you will get: a A unique choreography that includes 23 steps. It has oniy been performed publicly twice! SA "~work for hire" contract that ensures your exclusive rights to the choreography and the gestures in it. 4 An exclusive .mp4 video file that illustrates the choreography being danced. SA list of the steps in the choreography to follow along and practice. 4 The rights to repeat the dance publicly, copy it lwith credits where duel and to improvise and change it. What is the story behind the choreography? I first became interes ted in dancing and coding after learning how to Salsa dance as a sort of therapy after my father passed away. Shortly after, I created this choreography for the Flee Immediately! issue 02 on dance and code. It emerges from a balance of conceptual thoughts around dance and design and lbhe writing of actual code. How does design make us cove? Ho0w does the code restrict my own movements? You can try out and explore the dance on the original dance floor: https: //fleeimmediately.com/02-danceandcode/dancefloor.html What new possibilities will your hands create? How will you dance the dance? Where is your dance floor? Ts leers mere (and tm follow along) please Flee Immediately! Part of #exstrange Questions and answers abeut this item Noestions oer ansers have beenl pesled about thisem11. See mhat ether people are matching 1. ,if 111 27.n a~ nd+4 ' 47.1,1111 Wordi Wol's lspt Calligraphy by LMG - 100 en- velopes $1t Eb say Sea1 $1 99.00 Full Lenlgth Novel Writing Service Sherl SterW Wriig Service - 600 Digital Book Wriig Servics - WORLD'S BST - your choice! Proofreading5 Semie for Witten - 62,002 Weld Beok - Full Righ... Werd Sciene Fito 21terr Se- F... 7000 Word seek en Any Topic... Mousee Fad -Free Parsonaizing! Centent - 10000 Words - Edit... $1,250.00 $13.95 $89.99 $10.00 $39.99 GENDER TOOLS FOR EVERYTHING ARTIST STATEMENT Our bodies enable us to accomplish tasks as complex, fleshy tools. Too often, gender is tied explicitly to sex, reinforcing the incorrect binarism that one's body determines one's male or female identity. After researching and identifying gendered tools and design aesthetics, I designed The Gender Tool to question the role of our anatomy in determining our actions and endeavors. Borrowing the visual language of hardware, kitchenware, sex toys, and extremities props, The Gender Tool is disturbing and comical. It is an artifact which appears at first to have a specific designed function, but is revealed to be something else entirely. Its ambiguous human form enables it to be free of gendered tasks- simultaneously making it entirely practical and utterly useless. Mia Cinelli is an Assistant Professor of Art Studio and Digital Design at the University of Kentucky. After studying Graphic Communication at Northern Michigan University, Mia earned her MFA in Art and Design at the University of Michigan's Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design. From 2014-2017, she was an Assistant Professor at Defiance College, where she established and led a progressive 2D/3D Design Program and served as the Gallery Director of the Women's Commission Art Gallery. She is passionate about design, education, and the ways in which creative practices can engender positive experiences and social change. I A-0v Y /I Mia Cinelli, Images from Gender Tools for Everything, #exstrange auction. I eb Seop by category All Cagores Search A-13 gory. ro,-,e s Garden , Too s , Han"_ Teo s > other red -oe Sponsored Links 0I ARTIST Mia Cinelli S3.99 $59.99 $49.99 r1 99. $9.99 $98.99 FreShipping LOCATIONV Defiance, Ohio, USA FULL CATEGORY Home & Garden > Tools > Hand Tools > Other Hand Tools STARTINVG PRICE $200.00 SALE PRICE Gender Tools for Everything #exstrange tmcoitn:New other (see details) 11Squ3ishy, and flexi~bl, yet t1urgid. Moles have hair" Ended:l Apr 01,2017, 8:04AM ~Ii ~ rt0Seller information Starting bid: US $200.900 [S0 bidse] See other itemsl r1 AL, R 1 Shl 133in113 $13.50 Stanldard Sippn I~ E3311311 deal Dliery: Estimed ener before Fri. Apr. 07 ta 48103 P131t3Cadsepte es Pay al Pay CREDIT Returns. Seller does eel offer eturnsl Guarant1aee: (-b 13131I31- Getlthe emylo orde rgetyourmellyacke 13111313 your33131111113 price13 13113t -l1113113 '1 - L. Have oee to sell? Sell now Description Shippieg and paymeets Repo. iter Unsold Seller Casumest all respensibilily ler thes liting. Last cpd~td on1 Marl 25. 2017 0504:21 PDT V5e3 131 113313 111 Item specifics Condition: New other (see details) Seller Noes:t "Squ3ishy, aned flexible; yet1tur1i. Melee have hail." Br3and: Unbraeded MPN: Soet Not Apply CURATOR Artist - Joiner Country/Region of Manuftre:e Dest nt1 apply Tee only tool3 you. wll ever neede These tools do everything (and nthing). Perfectfor all application.' Use, Orea . Only engage with actionst apprepriate for 1tool, whiche it all latks. I t tase is quetioneable ferttle tooe, preceed anyway. Wash thorouoghly before and afterlse Reemeereethathaira iflammtale. THE PROFILE OF JULIA DEL RIO ARTIST STATEMENT Facebook makes profits from users' information. Based on my last hourly wage, I'm selling my personal Facebook profile that I have used since 19/11/2008. The price was calculated according to these parameters: - The age of the account = 3055 days - A rough estimate of the average use time per day = 30min/ day - Most recent salary = 8/hour 19/11/2008 - 01/04/2017 = 3055 days 30 mins per day in 3055 days = 1527,5 hours 8 per hour in 1527,5 hours = 12220 E = 13206$ Q & A: QUESTON Once purchased, does the new owner assume the profile as is? Or is it dynamic from then on, but mine to use and transform? ANSWER It will continue being my profile but would be yours to use and transform. Julia del Rio (b. 1993) combines her career in Industrial Design engineering and Product Development with her studies in Visual Arts and Multimedia at Polytechnic University of Valencia. She is focused on the field of sound performances and interactive installations. Currently Julia studies at Interface Cultures, Kunstuniversitat, Linz, Austria. eb Shop by category Al Catonneo J Search l-n..,u More chances to get whet you want ARTIST Julia del Rio LOCATIONi Linz, Austria FULL CATEGORY Business & Industrial> Websites & Businesses for Sale > Internet Businesses & Websites STARINGI PRICE $1 3,206.00 SALE PRICE Unsold CURATFOR Artist - Joiner ORIGIN ,._ ...... COLLECTI if ® .SHOP . Instagram account 19.41, about Streetwear Fashion Clothing Brand Instagram account football. The Real Deal. Real Pee... For Sale W/ Inventory & Social M... $375.14 S14,999.00 $37.00 F e .,r ,,, Fi. Fee=rn;tnn U A\S)HI P .c- MII Eboy business for sale usod a- PORNQUE.COM 7 LLLLLLL .COM USASHOPCOM SUPER DOMAIN topartn and MUCH moan, aver $... PREMIUM DOMAIN SHORT, hA... NAME $22,000.00 $21,000,000.00 $59,935.00 . so 011 F 'ry The Profile of Julia del Rio #exstrange 0I c0 Pnnon: Apr 02, 2017. Tennis Startin bid: US $13,206.00 Seller information perfldumrrrrlo 0) 0Sbids sha pp' ng: FREE Ecnony Shipping fran outsde US an dlc1 cDeley Estinated aithn 11-17 nsiness nays A Payrrlrs: Pao also _. .. narls: No returns or exchanges, contactlle ihqetos Connana Readitemdescripionoracontatlhlraordetlsi.nne ,l denll Havone ~tsll? Sell now Description. Shipping ald paymeonts Repot iem Selle aIssumesal responsibsily fthis ling. Tne starning pricefor my Arile was calclated accordingowith those parameters -a nheage of thel alut =nlg 3055 lirdays Yn~la -hMost recenslary = B /hou 19/11/2008 02110412017 = S055 days 32 ains por day in 3ass days = 1527.5 hools BE peor in 1527,5nours =12220 = 13206$ Questions and answers about this item o:Once purcalsd oeaslhenwownran ssumnotheolaos isOrislitdynamc romn hnon, butnin ose ndransalnl A:twlla continue beiln ypraolautwold be yours to ad trnsforn. Mar 32017t See what other peopesaewaching 1/2 edu -rsgstp -aNO E S''! Yea 7 J,1 - Unlmited HOSTING 1 Yoon will Ebay bsneaws far solo used au- ehoy Store TARS-KAY Business Fashion Website - Online Basiness 1 M[LLION-VISITORlS FOR YOUR 10,000+Social Modia Wobsiso 1000-+ Wobnanes Far SALE wirh R... toarls ond MUCH mars, sor 0... Opportaity Inclades SBOK [rags.-. -a IAll hailt- Home Internet has... WEBSITE TRARFFIC+ALAXA IMP... Troffi--Organic Web Troffis wilh... $3.89 $22,000.00 $25,000.00 514.99 $14.97 S3.99 THIS IDENTITY ARTIST STATEMENT Aadhar is an individual identification number issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) on behalf of the Government of India to individuals for the purpose of establishing the unique identity of every single person. The introduction and digital implementation of the Aadhar card in India took away our right to create our own identity, reducing it to a series of data housed on a national database. This led to the denial of peoples' basic rice ration in Jharkhand, as they could not present an Aadhar-linked authentication. The government now has simplified and boiled our identities down to our biometric details. According to them, this system could never make a mistake in identifying a registered individual. However, the truth is that this system has been responsible for successfully creating two individual identification numbers issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) for one person. According to Sumandro Chattapadhyay, research director at the Centre for Internet and Society (CIS), "We are building a system that will decide whether a child will eat or not on an afternoon based on [the] quality of internet connectivity and cleanliness of the child's thumbprint" Have our identities been boiled down to digitized signs? This Identity is my attempt to take back my right to identify myself as I choose. By offering this identity to a buyer, I want it to become part of something larger as someone else accepts it and makes it hers/his. This might help me and the buyer to further discover our own identities. Yastika Prakash Shetty (1997) is an aspiring artist and designer from Mumbai, India, who is currently pursuing her Bachelor's degree from Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Bengaluru. She has been a Bharatanatyama dancer since the age of 7 and theatre practices have influenced her. Apart from performance arts, she is interested in the relationship between art and science, social sciences, world affairs, sustainable living, poetry, folklore and mythology, and how to balance them in her art practice. Yastika is also interested in the weirdness of life and enjoys exploring the theme of absurdity in art. She strongly believes in striving for change and not sticking with the convenient options of life. Yastika Prakash Shetty, Images from This Identity, #exstrange auction. eb . Shop by., 11category < Back to home page I Listed in category: Col ectibles > Other Colsectcr's Items This Identity #exstrange All Categories Search Advanced ARTIST Yastika Prakash Shetty LOCATION Bangalore, India FULL CATEGORY Collectibles > Other Collector's Items STARTING PRICE X300 SALE PRICE Unsold CURATOR Marialaura Ghidini - Class Facilitator 1 K Item condition: Used Ended: 04 Apr, 2017 19:50:24 IST Starting bid: Rs. 300.00 { [ 0 bids I Seller information yastikshett (0) See other items Ask seller a question Shipping: May not ship to United States - Read item description or contact seller for shipping options. I see details Item location: BENGALURU, Photographic Images > Contemporary (1 940-Now) > Other Contemporary Photographs STARTIN~G PRICE $66.78 SALE PRICE Unsold CURATOR Artist - Joiner Square Calar Phote LAND- SCAPE DESERT PLAINS MOU. S5.00 MOUNTAIN LANDSCAE Vin- tage FOUND PHOTO bw FRE. $7.77 Vintage e0s PHOTO Military Man Vintage 7at PHOTO Mono- GuyMarine In Mountain Field... chrome RoadTrip Mountain La. POUND COLOR PHOTO H+-0621 Vintage t0n PHOTO Lake VIEW OF RAINBOW IN DARK... Havasu w/ Rank Formation $4.00 $4.00 $6.98 $4.00 NEW horizon found vintage rainbows mountains landscape photo EBAY! #exstrange rye o 0 Eated Apr 04, 2017, 8nOSEM Stan ing HAd US $66.78 ER A ide]I Sai Rpng $6.65 Eapedited Shippitg I s_______l De lery Etimated at ar betar Tue. Apr. 11 ao 48103 Payments Pay VISA " _,-" pby CREDIT Gette itnemyou arde-ad aragetyouremaaty bak. Coaasayoarpuaa/t/a/asapieaoiia siping Seller information artdagee (33) A Have teneto sell? Sell now Description Shipping and payetst Seller assumtee all responsibllty tat thin listng. Item specifics Subject: Ltatdsape A NEW landscape made from photographs for sale on eBayl I Sane created tor yea this NEW beautiful horizon found vintage rainbows mountains landscapel VIEW NOW ON EBAY throath thls series at links that fallow the horitline Ioa a teat at antiguous aocationst uncerain dates and anonymous photographer, a utopia sttetching acrossntimet aad plant. a http:/eenwtbay.te/it/FUN-COLR-PHT-A-24-VIEW-OF-RAINBW-IN-THE-SKY-POWE-PLE-LINS-32251653323?hashitem4b1et3293fb~gtCYAAD~wz5YaW7e a tpi- bym~t/itg-0-HT-aeHvs--okFrain/586498hs~tm 56 7 2:g4jAAOSwTapV70QM Take this experience from the virtual to the permanent by bidding onea digital print of this horizon! Made in hree-sections oflow-tes on-sa/tea reptoductions, featuting dust, scrtcthesand halt. Rigned by mte! ORe ate ynat awn prat aft hit horizn by tinding and biddint an tat images through the lnks Questions end answers about this item Na questione at unswen haut teen patted about this itemt WASTE , PACKAGING AND RESIDUAL DREAM Q & A: ARTIST STATEMENT We live and create in an industrial society where the economic forces of gentrification, rising rents, and precarious employment are all combined to crowd individuals into spaces that seem simultaneously constricted and porous. Nature, itself, would be circumscribed to small parks, plant pots, and veggie drawers. Building upon urban household waste and packaging residual, this work tackles issues of growing and the philosophical idea of beginning. A symbol of creation, the egg is an old, preserved one, received in the mail. The work explores the intersection between photography and representation, as it is based on the (re)photographing and (re)printing of the original image. QUESTON can you tell me why the egg is bad? is it genetic disposition to being disagreeable or otherwise problematic? or is it a not edible kind of bad? The reasons I ask are 1. because of my sister, once, but no longer. 2. bad experience with expired produce. ANSWER Eggs are highly problematic. The egg lays at the heart of all world's problem. In addition to this, if you buy the egg, I can almost guarantee you that it will not be edible by the moment it would reach you. Crisia Miroiu has exhibited her work through solo photography exhibits and multimedia installations, and was part of 1 st Worldwide Studio and Apartment Biennale, Brighton Biennale, Head On Festival and Art and About Festival. She presented performance work during the Nomadic Arts Festival '16 Bratislava and her visual work was featured by CICA Museum, in South Korea. Miroiu has been funded by such residencies as BigCi (Bilpin International Ground for Creative Initiatives, NSW, Australia); L'Atelier de la Gare (Dinan County, Brittany, France); and the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava (Slovakia). Crisia Miroiu, Images from Waste, Packaging and Residual Dream, #exstrange auction. eb Shop by - category All Categories Search Advnon < .k o om pgest in ant ry. Art >DA tA t Sthe At fom hArts: Waste, Packaging and Residual Dream - #exstrange a© o ARTIST Crisia Miroiu LOCATIONV Sydney, Australia FULL CATEGORY Art > Direct from the Artist > Other Art from the Artist STARTINVG PRICE $1 000.00 SALE PRICE "All items have defects, mnissing parts, scratches and wtear and tear signs. The egg issimnply bad" Ended: Apr 06, 2017, 3:17AM Starting bid US $1,000.00 [So bids] Shipping: $100.00 Economy Shipping ( sed-__l Delivery: Estimates within 36-43 business days 0D nrs iem hsast..ended handingtime arnd e deney Payments: pay VISA C ed t Cerds omesss by run no: Pay CREDIT Smonths topayon $99. See Taints Renturns: 14 days money bach, buyer pays return shipping Gsuaanton: ' 13 !, syeedenas Gdet te itemnyouorderedor get yourmosneyback. Coraers yor snrwe pric ond originol shippmng. Seller information ctisiamtiriu (0) See other items Have one to sell? Sell now Description Shipping and payments Report item Seller assumes all responsibilitytforthis listing. Last upaated on Mar 31, 2017 St1:20:20 PDT hiew allreion Sellen Notes: "Aitems hane sefects, missing parts, scratches and wear and toeat signs. The egg is simply bad.' I soil thine items,5yroups of items. First group of itemns for nell represents urban household waste and packaging rosidoal, such as: used moailittg cardboard bex, usod plastic wrappiog atnd a had egg Second item fnr seil represents a pbatograph of dcc group described abase (which fan ebay bidding purposes is tecbhnically a photograph of a photograph). Third item for sail repeents the pbotay evidencecof aesidcal dream. Questions and answers about this item Unsold CURATOR Artist - Joiner Spar No questioes or answers hace been pssted about this rtem. hone a uestion nsared Links $178.49 $148.49 FreS gi:: pin Free Shipping _A R D('uxe 9nn $19.78 $125.99 Frem Sh~ipping $46.99 Free Shipping PIXEL OF A SELFIE ARTIST STATEMENT An image is a living entity that has the power to narrate, make us behave, seduce and allow us to go astray. How do we begin thinking of the lexicon of an image? The Pixel of a Selfie is an attempt towards thinking about the state of an image, not just from the outside but from the inside. India ranked the highest in selfie deaths in 2016. In that brief moment of a click and the fall, does our soul get transported and get encapsulated as a pixel within that picture? If it did, would we be able to excavate that pixel and make visible the unseen clairvoyance of one's being? The images in the auction are an example of a print on photographic paper by using the magnifying lens (tool) that zooms inwards to the final dot of a pixel, exposing the psychical state of the Selfie. Yashaswini has recently completed her Masters in Sound Art (IED) at the Royal College of Art with the support of INLAKS. She works with video and sound. She wishes to pursue creating narratives with sound and excavating images from archives and the Internet. Her films have been screened at the Dok Leipzig, La Triennale: Palais De Tokyo, Tate Modern Art Gallery, Experimenta, Viennale, BMW Guggenheim Labs, Monitor8: SAVAC, Devi Art Gallery etc. Her recent sound project Gekiyasu's album Man in the eye has recently been purchased by Yajasuki Records and been played on Radio Scot, Stamp the Wax, GallerySKE and at the Peckham Bin Bags. Yashaswini, Images from Pixel of a Selfie, #exstrange auction. eb Shop by category AI Categories Search Adooaoe Sponsored Links ARTIST Yashaswini LOCATIONV Bangalore, India LOCA TIONV OF BIDDER Sag Harbor, New York, USA FULL CATEGORY Books & Magazines > Photography >Subjects > Portraits STARTINVG PRICE 2500.OO SALE PRICE Unsold CURATOR Artist - Joiner S14.99 $199.99 Foee S~ pssg K $623.00 r-l a P.p CI l sal $25.50 $95.74 0y Free Shipping Pixel of a Selfie #exstrange Item coditon Brand New Ended: Apr07, 2017, 9:11AM Stoting bid: INR 500.00 [ 0 boos Appoiatel US $7.74 Price INR 600.00 Appyosimatl US $9.26 Sippitg: May tot ship to United States - Read itern descriptiUt or c0ont0ct seetorshippitg options. Se etals Delivero: Vaties Paymtes: PasanFy Is deas Retuons: Seiller dos sot offet retutts. Guaranteoe:b ,1Sedt Get the item youodeoooor getysournooteyhback Cooes you purchase prie and~q~ oriia thpp07g ~Ii ~ Seller information yashaswii'exstratge l0) Ar Have one to sell? Sel now Descriptioe Shipping and paymtents Sele atssumres all responsib ity tot this listing. Lost undated son Mat 31. 2017 0:22:22 PDT Vieall reviios Repor itemn Item specifics Condoos BrandoNew:A new, unreadunsedhook inperfetondoiion withno mssig or Author nae: Yashaswinil damnaged pages. See the se lets . Read mres Warraty: Manofactorer Wareanty Language: Attested oince 2002, origiolly Australiee Engloth Indiaranked thelhighesti eali eth n216 ntatbifmoeto acikln h fldesorsulgttanpreawde ecpuatda sixlwthnta pcue lfit did,ouotdowebealtoexoavatethatpixl admkeisilethesoses slsistovsace f one'sbeingThesimags inthe auctio areaoxaple ofa pint onphtgrphipaperhy sigthe agifyigles(tol) that aooms inowatds to the finol dot of a pixod, exposiog the psychical sott of the Slfie. I call opoo the buyer to sood their selfies to ome aod Iowll deliver so themo theie ioner msot pioe si a priot. Prodct cn beshiped aywhre i theworl. Wecan iscss tis prsonlly.Shipingcostwillbe aditinalto teoptceoosthewor Questions and answers about this item No qoeshions statswets have bees posted about this itemn. THE UNCOMFORTABLE WINE GLASS ARTIST STATEMENT The Uncomfortable is a collection of deliberately inconvenient everyday objects. Deconstructing the invisible design language of our domestic reality, The Uncomfortable tweaks fundamental properties of simple everyday objects and challenges our expectations of functionality. Established conceptual models are broken, leading to an appreciation for the conventional through faulty design. The semiotics of the original object are maintained, but the observer is deceived when attempting to simulate its operation, subverting expectations and giving these everyday objects an awkward, absurd and often surreal quality. I am always fascinated by the efficiency of the simple objects that surround us and their history. My favorite item to think about is a fork. Katerina Kamprani is an architect, designer and artist based in Athens, Greece. In 2011, after a failed attempt in industrial design studies, she created the Uncomfortable project, a collection of deliberately inconvenient everyday objects. Katerina has presented her work to several design conferences in Greece and has participated in group exhibitions throughout Europe. The Uncomfortable project has been widely published across the web and has been featured in print publications worldwide. Her work is often used by educators to help explain the term User Experience to design students. Katerina Kamprani, Image from The Uncomfortable Wine Glass, #exstrange auction. eb Shop by ei, it isetn atory; Pottery& Gas> GassGlas wre poltn u r Glas.- > iC:o emua - Glass The Uncomfortable Wine Glass #exstrange Itemt conditon: -- "Anew signedad hiny hand bowngass!" Ended: Apr 07, 2017, 9:00PM Al Categories Search Ad-: ( Seller information incuatorbaby(180 ARTIST Katerina Kamprani LOCATIONV Athens, Greece FULL CATEGORY Pottery & Glass > Glass > Glassware > Contemporary Glass > Other Contemporary Glass STARTIN~G PRICE $600.00 SALE PRICE Unsold CURATOR Artist - Joiner Staring bid: US $600.00 to0bidsl Price: US $1,000.00 See otheritm WShipping $8000 Economy Shipping Is~ t Deivary: Estimsated within 35-44 business days Phi Thsie as anende haandingtime and adlivry - avonents: Pay 00050 " L . Cedit Cardsrocessed by totlal Pey CRE1011' 6 ots to pay on $99,- Ap '0 Vo ;Se 0 ___ Returns: Seller doss not offer rturns. - Guraneeeb .I, I SeL de i 1 1 t the itrm youo ordered arsset yoar mtoney bask. Covers your Pusncase priceaaonrla' sh ok-s Hase one to sell? Sell now Description Shipping and payentes Sailer assumes all tesponsibility for this listing. SellertNotes: "A newigned and shiny handown glass!" Contemporary design for Uncomfortable experiences by Katerina Kamprani. Gel a signed copy of the bubble glass and enjoy the tingly feeling of glass touching your nose while yes are trying to drink tine wine. The Uncomfortable glass is ideal for wine testing experiences with a drinking straw. For a foil Uncomfortable experience, the wipe glass is extremely difficult to wash by people with big hands. Order yours now!! Your signed copy will need 20 days of manufacturing in the gloss blowing workshop Freiherr von Poschinger G~lasmanufaktur Questions and answers about this item No questonsor anss ae beet posted about this ltem. A Report itetm See what other people are watching 112 Feedback 0:: 0.. suggesti0:0 1S Arcorec France ClP SICUE Round Cereal Bowls... $30.00 Rosenthal Di hINO tdtappa Amber Glass Rabbit on Split Summit Westmoreland Orange Diamant Arcoroc France Tam- Blue Moon & Stars Round Shine Class 7103490 Rib Base Coveted Dish Red Chicken Hen On Handle.., pared Glassl7 Piece Salad/B... Covered Powder Hex by Shah... $1.9$19.95 $9.95 $8.99 $19.99 INTERCOURSE WITH THE ARTIST ARTIST STATEMENT Intercourse with the Artist is a re-performance of Hannah Wilke's 1978 video piece Intercourse With.... This video shows Hannah listening to all of her answering machine recordings. These recordings are played as an audio element in the work-messages from friends, lovers, and business associates, to name a few. As the work progresses, Wilke strips off her clothes to reveal that her body is covered in the names of the people whose messages we have just heard. In my re-performance of this work, there are certain themes I want to explore: intimacy, vulnerability, and autobiography. Georgia Banks is a Melbourne-based artist with a first class MFA from Victoria College of the Arts, working primarily with video, live performance, and the photographic. Her work is predominantly concerned with the concept of malleability and tensility within the relationship between performance art, the document, and reenactment. Banks uses reenactment as a means to explore female subjectivity, entering and often subverting a pre-existing dialogue surrounding gender. Banks' work has recently been exhibited at Seventh, FELTspace, M Contemporary, and Kings Artist Run. eb Shop by category All Categories _j Search Advanced < Back toihnme page IListed incategory: Services >Other People were also interested in Feedback on our suggestions ARTIST Georgia Banks LOCATIONV Melbourne, Australia FULL CATEGORY Services > Other STARTINGC PRICE AU$1 50.00 SALE PRICE Apple iCloud Remocal Slush Granita Frozen Fencing Franchise Service for alli. Cocktail Slu.. AU $79.95 AU $55.00 AU $15,000.00 Buy tt Noc Oua It Noa Buy t Ncc Free Postage PLASTI DIP ALTERNATIVE - COLOUR AU $110.00 Whoalia Bin Cleaning Busines for hale AU $40,000.00 Buy It Nova 19 Year aid's Dirty Rantias AU $50.00 Buy It Ncc // I r /Ircc e.11. Intercourse with the Artist - #exstrange Item -- cordition: Ended: 08 Apr, 2017 23:00:55 AEST Starting bid. AU $150.00 [ 0 bids] Postage: May not post to United States - Read item description or contact seller tor postage options. ISee cetails Item lcanien: VelbourneVIC, utralia Delivery: Varies Payments: Pa~y see paymentnfomto Returns: No Returns Accepted Coverage: Road item description or contact seller ton details. hee al detail tot eligible tar ea purchase protection prrams) Seller information georgibank_8 (01) Sea other itams Unsold Have one to sell? Sell it yourself CURATOR Artist - Joiner Description Postage and payments Report item 132125495847 Seller assumes all responsibility tor this listing. A contract outlining the specificities of this project will he seot to the winning bidder Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers have been posted about this item. Ask a question A "TORNADO TUBES " HANDCRAFTED ARTWORK BY TALENTED SEVEN-YEAR- ARTIST STATEMENT I want to play with the idea of sentimental value versus monetary value. While my son's art means a lot to me, strangers don't have that same connection. By imposing a future monetary value-saying my son may hit it big some day-it becomes more valuable to them. It also plays off of a parent's expectations of their children. And, I try to exemplify how much hard work he put into this, so it holds the value of labor as well. Buyers will be intrigued by Tornado Tubes because it plays with different kinds of values: sentimental, monetary, and labor. OLD Adam Hewins was born and raised in Corinna, Maine. Hewins currently lives in Farmington, Maine with his girlfriend, son- who he thanks very much for letting him sell his art-and two cats. In May, he will graduate from the University of Maine at Farmington with a degree in Creative Writing. In the summer of 2016, he completed an internship with Alice James Books. This past fall, he finished his senior portfolio and read his short story, Crackers, at the Senior BFA Reading. His recent poem, Boy, will be featured in the upcoming edition of Ripple, a feminist zine at UMF. Q & A: QUESTION Can you tell me if the tubes are color coded for speed or danger? If you do not know, could you ask Gabe? ANSWER Hi!! Sorry for the late response, Gabe was asleep so I had to wait until morning. I asked him and he says the colors represent speed. Here are the colors he told me from fastest to slowest: Yellow Red + Gray (same speed) Orange + Green (same speed) Blue I hope this helps you! Thank you for your interest in my son's work!! eb Shop by category AllCoorg-asr "Tornado Tubes" Handcrafted Artwork by Talented Seven-Year-Old #exstrange Search J,: Enoded: Apr 10, 2017, 8:52AM 3©J o~ Seller information olp adurol) ARTIST Adam Hewins LOCATIONV Farmington, Maine, USA FULL CATEGORY Art > Direct from the Artist >Drawings STARINGC PRICE $30.00 SALE PRICE k Staring bid: US $3o.0e [O 0bds 1 Shippirq $2.67 Standard Shipping: s00 d-l Deoioy: Estiomateoor eo ere Tue. Apr. 18 to 48103 Paymeots: Pay VISA . Putt CREDIT Roturns: Sellerdoenot offertrn. Guarantee: eb sec010 Get to mou rdred or getyou~r moneyback. Have aone to sel Selno Description Shipping and paymeunts Report item Item specifics Originl/Reproduction: Origirl Thisis gnuirne artwork by rmy son Goon Hn usedo mrers ofvarious col0or ohite ppr. Workirg very hood, it100o hi or oundo tho irtymnte to completo. Hio piecei rnamed 'Torao Tbesbo' -hedeosribesi as oa transporaion system, sigthvros cSOoIrdolore ue ogttoyourdeired desintonTh torad oafolr aethti pleasu.0 Gab apies o e n rtit he h s ldrsowhoknws Mabemylitlegu wllhititbi ad yu'l wnoneofhi fistpice. Hs rtmens lt o e, e s y rid ad oy inths teman ryu'lohveanamzin pecoo artwork fro a wonerfulboywith losofpoteta! Questions and answers about this item No qustionstooorwes veben postedoaboutbthsitem. Ask0a qoson See what other people are watching 1l2 Unsold CURATFOR Ann Bartges 1 f g ;0 , .0 I 2017 TOPPS WACKY PACKAGES 2017 TOPhO WACKY PACKAGES 2017 TOPPS WACKY PACKAGES 2017 TOPPS WACKY PACKAGES 2017 TOPPS WACKY PACKAGES 2017 TOPPS WACKY PACKAGES SSto.ANN. SILAEP MEDALLION... S0th.ANN. SILVEh MEDALLION... SStr.ANN. SILVER MEDALLION... Dh. HOOPER SILVER MEDALLI... S0th.ANN. SILVER MEDALLION... S0th.ANN. SILVER MEDALLION... $1.04 $0.99 $0.99 $11.55 $0.99 $0.99 40 It Adam Hewins, Images from "Tornado Tubes" Handcrafted Artwork by Talented Seven-Year-Old, #exstrange auction. CHILDHOOD AR Child MEMORIES Fr t (Gam child the b no Io the a appe effec Q & A : them QUESTION Step when you used the Gameboy to escape, at Fa where did you find yourself escaping to? parti Photos or description most appreciated. phot ANSWER draw If you mean physically, I was escaping to my bedroom most likely. But mentally, emotionally, I was in a world where anything could happen, where I could be whatever I wanted to be. Stephanie LaFreniere, Images from Childhood Memories, #exstrange auction. T1ST STATEMENT hood is something that haunts people and entices them. his auction, I collected a few items that more or less esent" different parts of my childhood: escape from life eboy) and familial love (diary and cards). By selling my hood, I will essentially move on from it. It will become uyer's burden, or inspiration, or responsibility and I will nger have ownership of any event that transpired before ge of 11. My hope is that memory will evoke nostalgia to al to buyers, though I suppose it could have the opposite t and repel buyers because the memories don't belong to hanie is a graduating senior at the University of Maine rmington, studying Creative Writing and English. She is cipating in the #exstrange project as a part of her digital ography class. When she isn't doing homework, she's ing comics or playing minecraft with her son. . - 4 .. r...r ..w r.M. ... w+...'.,z . --------------- - eb AllCateories Search Ad--,oo Childhood Memories #exstrange 8:011 ~1 ARTIST Stephanie LaFreniere LOCATIONV Farmington, Maine, USA FULL CATEGORY Everything Else > Personal Development > Memory Improvement STARTINVG PRICE $600.00 SALE PRICE Eooded: Apt 10, 2017, 8 OOAM Staroing bid: US $800.00 1 0 bids Stooppi,',g: $11.86 Eoomy Shiopping sec t.~ D evry Estimated on or beoret Mon. Apr. 17 to 48103 Payn00000o Pay IS Pay CREDW Gttt o moth to pa on 59, ee e Seller information turtiewafles (40 Have one to sell? Seil naw Deription Shipping and payenrts 8070, teot Seller assumes all responsibilitytforthis listing. You arebiddng othe right totmy chidhoodmeorooy.Isbe lyngaroundomy home for afew ears o Iam slig itwith the hope thtomeonelsceillbebeto e it. Prhp you nedo meobd tie obeocamegod riter or inspiatio orea paitig. Whteethe useit wlbe yourstoowthasyoupleasendIil never thionaout itagai. The gameboy is broken fooeruse; I olt play itfo ours to escape, It coes withwhatever gamoeewas last in i so040.u 000 followtty jeourey ith thet righttools Theodiary isn'tful lbut it' pretty beaten up. AndO the birthdayycards are one-bedrooompatmttootoifyou live on the stetfor a onoth yo canteasiy owntmycildood. Questions and answers about this item No questionsor answetsitcve benposteabout thisieom. Asto a q00tion Sponsored Links Unsold CURATOR Ann Bartges - A ^ $45.00 $48.86 $5.5504 1 53800 S7. .Ctrl 000 0 t00 $29.99 ANONYMOUS WALL: HIRE AN EXPERT LISTENER TO HEAR YOU ARTIST STATEMENT This project is a satirical intervention into the system of A-Z'experts' we come across online on blogs and forums. These are people who claim to be experts in fields that seem too peculiar or narrow to even require an expertise. With ANONYMOUS WALL, I wanted to play with the linguistic aspects of marketing goods as a seller. With the charisma and hype of a salesman, combined with the trust building aspects of offering consultancy services, I wanted to make a service that asks the buyer to trust it and, at the same time, does not fail to look like a cheap con trick. OUT! Ishan Srivastava (1996) is a student at the Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology in Bangalore, India. Mainly practicing his skill in the field of illustration, he takes keen interest in the workings of the human mind and the creative process of coming up with an artwork. Ishan's illustrations lean towards stylized 2D character designs and environments, taking heavy influence from contemporary manga and the anatomical proportions of Western comics. Ishan Srivastava, Images from ANONYMOUS WALL: HIRE AN EXPERT LISTENER TO HEAR YOU OUT!, #exstrange auction. eb tSho by .Ifl category All Categories -I Search Advanced < Back to home page I Listed in category: Warrty Se-vice ANONYMOUS WALL: HIRE AN EXPERT LISTENER TO HEAR YOU OUT! #exstrange Item -- condition: Ended: 10 Apr, 2017 11:46:45 IST ARTIST Ishan Srivastava LOCATION Bangalore, India FULL CATEGORY Certificate of Achievement Rn Annof. Starting bid: Rs. 100.00 [ 0 bids ] Seller information astikrsr3(11 .' ) + F, wl elle, See other items Ask seller a question Shipping: May not ship to United States - Read item description or contact seller for shipping options. I See deta ils Item location: Bangalore, KA, India Ships to Inda Payments: PaisaIay (Credit card, Debit card, Online Bank Transfer) Isee paymert information Returns: Replacement and refund for Ihis product is covered throughC Leam mo-e Have one to sell? Sell it yourself Warranty Services Description Shipping and payments Report item STARTING PRICE Z1 00.00 SALE PRICE Unsold CURATOR Marialaura Ghidini - Class Facilitator Seller assomes all responsibility for this listing. Last updated on 04 Apr, 2017 10:27:06 IST View all revisions Item specifics Warranty: Seller Warranty Hire the services of an anonymous expert listener to hear you out! Get suitable generalist feedback NOW! For all your needs, ranging from talking to someone about how to fix the broken pipe in their kitchen to discussing your later entrepreneurial/design/sci-fi evil genius world domination ideas, The Anonymous Wall acts as a confidant for all issues, problems and more! Q. What kind of things can I talk about? A. The conversation can go from A to Z! It can be about philosophy or 'how to play the guitar?' to 'what is a puffer fish?' and how exactly did Houdini's famous underwater coffin trick work? The conversations can go on to be just random ramblings if that's your style! Q. What can The Anonymous Wall do for me? A. The Anonymous Wall acts as a thought bouncing wall for you to come up with a **solution! Using expert listening, the wall can give you *suitable feedback regarding all types of topics that you would like to talk about or are concerned with! For seeking advice and utilizing the expert listening skills of The Anonymous Wall, the user is awarded a certificate of Excellence, which will be delivered to your doorstep! *Suitable feedback is an authentic response subjective to the judgment of The Anonymous Wall based on expert listening and may vary from the Ideal' solution, if there is one. ** The Anonymous Wall rellects thoughts and will IELP the user come up with a solution. Under no circumstance does The Anonymous Wall have the responsibility of producing solutions. Product can be shipped anywhere in the world. You can discuss the details of shipping it to your address with The Anonymous Wall personally. Shipping cost will be additional to the price of the work. Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers have been posted about this item. Ask a question YOUR NAMED EXHIBIT WITHIN THE MUSEUM OF CAPITALISM ARTIST STATEMENT In proposing an exhibit whose theme is its budget and name is its funder, we are not proposing anything all that unusual. Many museum exhibits are little more than this. Part of our work with the Museum of Capitalism is to try to make a museum capable of displaying its own processes, revealing to visitors the work that we perform in museums and the work they perform on us. Q & A: QUEST/ON Is it possible to use an assumed name for this item? My corporate sponsors prohibit me from using their name and my real name in public together. ANSWER Yes. Bidder may use whatever name they wish e.g. real name, pseudonym, or ebay username, as long as the name doesn't include offensive material QUESTION Do I get it right: The highest bidder gets his name represented in your exhibition in Oakland? Also how will it be represented? How large and what material do you use? do you put a description next to it or just the name? Do we get images after for our own documentation? ANSWER Yes, the highest bidder's name will appear in an exhibit as part of the Museum's opening in Oakland. The exact way it is represented, including the size and materials used, depends on the amount of the winning bid. The exhibition may also include a short written description authored by museum curators. Photo documentation of the exhibit will be sent to the winning bidder. FICTILIS is a collective of artists and curators based in Oakland, CA. The Museum of Capitalism is an institution dedicated to educating this generation and future generations about the history, philosophy, and legacy of capitalism, through exhibitions, research, publication, collecting and preserving material evidence, art, and artifacts of capitalism, and a variety of public programming. The museum's programs result from collaborations between a network of researchers, curators, artists, designers, filmmakers, writers, economists, historians, scientists, and non-specialists from all walks of life, including those with direct experience of capitalism. The Museum's inaugural exhibition will appear in Oakland, California in 2017. eb< Shop by categorty Search Adoasse Your Named Exhibit within the Museum eef Capitalism #exstrange 03I 0 ARTIST FlICTI LIS LOCATION Oakland, California, USA LOCATION OF BIDDER Saarbrucken, Germany FULL CATEGORY Specialty Services > Artistic Services > Other Artistic Services STAR TING PRICE $0.00 SALE PRICE $56.00 CURATOR Artist - Joiner .E- nI t Ended: Aptr , 2017, 10:57AM 5inigid US $56.00 [31 bids] Seller enformation Ohipping: FREE Standatd Shtppingse ____ Doli Oty Esthmated withi 75-9 busoessa days 0a lay77th5 Pay~ VISa 411 Pay CREDIT hRt s: No rturts ot exchanges,Ayco~ ltactleithqustion. overtage: Read edecipt ototcteller fdetils. s lut Kave one to sell? Sell note Descriptior Shippintg ted payets Sellr otto a ssums tl eponsibiitytorthslsting. Latoae nApr 060 2017 09:4OS 07 TVicw al risin Upfo tontshanamedethittithnthM seumtoftCpitalsm A cpecia exht ithtin the Mueets ofCapitalismaail he naed aferthe winnin tg biddet, Thettth fthetexhibitbearingttheamehofthiscaonswinner wlbetthetamountoftmoneytrequiredortit amestakettoearts disicin Thettugtrteehbit, inluingall materialand laborsonolvediitsedesignhetshstrutionillorepodexatyto the amoutfteinigi. To putit anothertaey:thetthemetfrthetehibit illht tsbugtoad itstae wito bte itsfunde. Thet existwl be designtedtdreted by FICTILIS, in partesi path thetteam Aoftertors ahd texhibitdesest tthe Museum of Capitaismt. Thewinoiog bider'c eponyous exhibition say be aspecifi halo wting of the museumt theexacsie adlcto fwhwl e etlhttr bdtermine itn constaetio wtt Museumspersonne[. Pleaseote buyertcppurhaing thenamingtighttotanehbit, nottheeexhtiotel.FICTILISil alsoprovidetthecwinigiderwth documentationofthe pocess of catngtheexhibt,which wltbeenaterttheehbtion'offiial optning 7n2017, heMuseumtofCapitalismis ah intttiondedicatedtto ecting this geeerainadfturetcgeneatonsbotteieolgy, hsc~y toradlegacy ofcaptalism. Reptesentttgtheoltabortative effortts tidiesplnr httceamofcuators, histoen.tisttsadeignerse thetoMuseumh strivettoedehpubic udetndgsfaptasmthoghmutiftt edtprogramsehiton; reeaerch andpubtictio;coltetigad peerigttee evidetsetatn rttiats related tocapitalsm; ad commteortatios, reenactmtets,and otrevets. tMote infocat Lighting & Studio > Stock Photo Collections STARTINVG PRICE $1 .06 SALE PRICE $44.00 CURATOR Gaia Tedone with Cassini Algorithm Portable Wildlife Image Instance on #exstrange Enoudl Apr 14, 2017, 2:0040 4inning44id US $44.00 [432 bids SnI 44ing $10.00 Standard Shippin fom outside11 US e c_ Delvers: Estimated itin~ 7-161m busnes day ayet:Pay vtS CfdtCrspocse yPya Pay CREDIT 1141rn4: 144d4ys money beck, b44u174r pays 1 retun 44ippng G1114detai4444444yll4ns Seller informatian ai(4. h8i1i 0 Description Shipping and payments Item specifics 144iti444 sed A4 n litethat has been usedpreiouly. See the sler listingforfull detais andsriptionof.. Read4m141 Por0able image: por414able 54 accessor 11 41144ufilig 444an life Your unique pa table widieiaeinstance! This amtazing potable wildlife image instance is an unmnissable high quality object. Resulting from the disasseling of! a shopping bag in two pars. it eventually becomes a hanidy accessory for worldly walks across the glittery oity streets or acmoss the mysterious countryside dusty roads. Experienoe the feeling of carrying with youaounique image instance. A unique pedigree! 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VERY IMPORTANT! DO NOT BE DISTRACTED BY THE IMAGES OR THE USE OF ALL. THIS BOLD RED LETTERS: YOU ARE BUYING JUST ONE SIDE OF THE BAG! I WILL KEEP THE OTHER ONE. n ..C USE OWA r~u ~E IA CE PIO U 4 I if LIA~~1 AMSTHE - -- - - -- - T N d( F I f