THIRTEENTH CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES: 1910 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BULLETIN BUREAU OF THE CENSUS WM. J. HARRIS, DIRECTOR 1150 AGRICULTURE : UNITED STATES 1977a AGE OF FARMERS, BY COLOR OF OPERATOR, CHARACTER OF TENURE, AND SIZE OF FARM Prepared under the supervision of JOHN LEE COULTER, Expert Special Agent in Charge of Agriculture, by HENRY W. GARDES NUMBER OF FARMS CLASSIFIED BY AGE AND BY COLOR OF OPERATOR—THE UNITED STATES AS A WHOLE AND SECTIONS THEREOF: 1910. This bulletin gives the principal data pertaining to is equal to the number of farms carried on by oper- the age of farmers, by sections, geographic divisions, ators of the designated age, counting one operator to and states, for 1910. This is the first attempt made each farm. Thus the total number of farmers of all to analyze the relationship existing between the ages is placed at 6,361,502, the number of farms on color of farm operators, the size of the farm operated, April 15, 1910; while the rural population, Table 4, the character of tenure, and the age of the farmers; is shown to have been 49,348,883 on that date. it is the first publication of such data by the Census Table 1 summarizes, for the United States and the Bureau. larger sections of the country, the number of farms, It should be noted that "farmers," as used in this divided according to the age of the operator into six bulletin, refer to farm operators and not to the farm- | groups, ranging from “24 years and under” to “65 ing population of the country. The number of farmers years and over," and further classified according to as given in all the tables and the various age groups the color of the farmers. Table 1 COLOR AND SECTION. All ages. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years. 35 to 44 years. 45 to 54 years. 55 to 64 years. | 65 years and over. Innown All farmers United States.. The North. The South The West..... 6,361, 502 2,890, 618 3,097,547 373, 337 419,330 124,882 278, 233 16, 215 1, 413, 876 573, 806 762, 109 77,961 1,571, 469 717,348 756, 499 97,622 1,432,707 697, 814 641, 962 92,931 947,524 469, 315 422,883 55,326 554, 570 296, 913 228, 223 29, 434 22, 026 10,540 7,638 3,848 13,099 8,927 East of the Mississippi River. West of the Mississippi River.. 3,935, 031 2,426, 471 244, 106 175, 224 816,771 597, 105 952, 994 618, 475 894, 361 538, 346 622, 761 324, 763 390, 939 163, 631 White farmers United States. The North.. The South.... The West...... 5, 440, 619 2,872, 734 2, 207, 406 360, 479 3, 245, 931 2, 194, 688 330,574 124, 339 190, 505 15, 730 1, 187, 452 571, 022 541, 198 75,232 1,344, 237 713, 280 536, 366 94,591 1, 243, 727 693, 462 459, 655 90,610 832,312 465,850 312, 423 54, 039 485, 625 294, 373 162, 786 28, 466 16, 692 10, 408 4,473 1, 811 East of the Mississippi River. West of the Mississippi River.... 176, 229 154, 345 648,378 539, 074 783,647 560, 590 754,160 489,567 534,724 297,588 338,097 147, 528 10,696 5,996 Colored farmers 88,756 543 United States. The North.. The South... The West... 920, 883 17,881 890, 14) 12,85€ 226, 424 2,784 220, 911 2,729 227,232 4,068 220, 133 3,031 188, 980 4,352 182, 307 2,321 115, 212 3,465 110, 460 1, 287 68, 945 2,540 65,437 5,334 132 3,165 2,037 87,728 485 968 East of the Mississippi River.. West of the Mississippi River... 689, 100 231, 783 67,877 168, 393 58, 031 169, 347 57,885 140,201 48,779 88,037 27,175 52, 842 16, 103 2, 403 2, 931 Table 2 gives, for 1910, the per cent distrit the farms operated by all farmers of the diffe groups among the larger sections of the country the distribution in the same way of the farms by white and by colored operators. For the bringing out the striking differences, a dis: is given of all farms in each section of the among the several age groups. The perce this table are derived from the figures giver i From these tables it appears that in e three age groups up to 44 years the South larger proportion of all farms than does 13-M–12 West, but in the older age groups the percent- North are greater. The highest percentage is found in the “45 to 54 years” group, rever, amounts to only 6.49 per cent. In ere is a constantly increasing percentage gest to the oldest group, with a corre- asing percentage in the South. In the percentage in that portion of the he Mississippi River is greater than w of it. The greatest difference is 5 years and over” group and the least years” group. 7--14 AGRICULTURE. Owing to the number of colored farmers in the l of the Mississippi River are closer with white than South, where they constitute more than one-fourth of with all farmers for the same reason. Among all the total, the percentage of white farmers is greater | farmers and white farmers the difference in the per- in the South than in the North in the youngest group | centages of the youngest and oldest groups is a very only, and the difference is much less than among all | wide one, but among colored farmers in the South, the farmers, while at the same time it is much greater in only section where colored farmers are numerically the “65 years and over” group. On this account, | important, the percentage shown in the “65 years also, there is a break in the descending series of per- | and over" group is nearly as great as that in the centages in the South in the age groups ranging from “24 years and under.” As is the case with all farmers 45 to 64 years. of the South, the percentage among colored farmers The percentages in the various groups east and west | is a constantly descending one. Table 2 COLOR AND SECTION. All years | 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 6400 ages. Kunder | years. years. I years. | years. | over. 65 years Un- and 1 24 years known. n| All ages. || and 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 640 ye years. years. years. years. over. 65 years Un- and known. All farmers 100.00 United States.. The North... The South... The West... 22.52 100.00 45.44 48. 69 5.87 29.78 100.00 40.59 53.90 5.51 100.00 45.65 48.14 6.21 100.00 53.54 66.35 3.87 100.00 48. 71 44.81 6.49 100.00 49.53 44.63 5.84 100.00 47.85 34. 68 17.47 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 6.59 4.32 8.98 4.34 22. 22 19.85 24. 60 20.88 24. 70 24.82 24.42 26.15 24. 14 41.15 14.89 16.24 13.65 14.82 20.73 24.89 0.35 0.36 0.25 1.03 5.31 8.72 10.27 7.37 7.88 9.93 6.74 East of the Mississippi River.. 61. 86 West of the Mississippi River. 38.14 | White farmers 58. 21 57. 77 ! 41.794 2. 23 60.65 39.36 62.42 37.58 65.73 70.49 34.27 | 29.51 59.47 40.53 100.00 100.00 6. 20 7.22 20.76 24.61 24. 22 25. 49 22. 73! 22.19 15.83 13.38 0.33 0.37 | United States... The North... The South...... The West........ 100.00 100.00 52.80 || 37.61 40.57 11 57.63 6.63 ! 100.00 48.09 45.58 6.34 100.00 53.06 39.90 7.04 100.00 55.76 36.96 7.29 100.00 100.00 55.97 | 60. 62 37.54 33.52 6.49 5.86 100.00 62.35 26.80 10.85 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 6.08 4.33 8.63 4.36 21.82 19.88 24.52 20.87 24.71 24.83 24.30 26. 24 22.86 24.14 20.82 25.14 15.30 16.22 14.15 14.99 8.93 10.25 7.37 7.90 0.31 0.36 0. 20 4.76 | 0.50 East of the Mississippi River.. West of the Mississippi River. 59.66 53.31 54.60 58.30 | 60. 64 40.34 || 46.69 | 45. 40 41.70 39.36 64. 25 35.75 69.62 30.38 64.08 35.92 100.00 100.00 5.43 7.03 19.98 24.56 24.14 25.54 16.47 13.56 22.31 10.42 6.72 0.33 0.27 Colored farmers United States. The North... The South.. The West... 100.00 || 100.00 100.00 100.00 1.94 0.61 1.23 1.79 96.66 | 98.84 | 97.57 | 96.88 1.40 0.55 1.21 1.33 100.00 100.00 | 100.00 2.30 3.01 3.68 96.47 | 95.88 94.91 1.23 1.12 1.40 100.00 2.47 59. 34 38. 19 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 9.64 3.04 9.86 3.77 24. 59 15. 57 24.82 21. 22 24. 68 22.75 24.73 23.57 20.52 24.33 20.48 18.05 12.51 19.37 12. 41 10.01 7.49 14. 20 7.35 7.53 0.58 0.74 0.36 15.84 East of the Mississippi River. | 74.83 West of the Mississippi River.] 25.17 || 76.4874.37 74.52 | 74.1976.41 23.52 25.6325.47 25.81 23.59 76.64 23.36 45.05 54.95 100.00 100.00 9.85 9.01 24.44 25.04 24. 57 | 24.97 20.35 21.05 12.78 11.72 7. 67 6.95 0.35 1. 26 The three age groups from 25 to 54 years are of the | and over” group is about one-third smaller than in the greatest relative importance, containing practically | North and nearly the same as in the West. There are seven-tenths of all the farmers in the country. Next | no very material differences in the percentages shown to these in order rank the “55 to 64 years," "65 years for the other age groups in the three sections. There andover,” and“24 years and under” groups. The North are no remarkable differences in the percentages for and the West follow the same grouping as the country white farmers from those for all farmers, just discussed, as a whole, but in the South the “24 years and under" | but among colored farmers it is noteworthy that the ranks above the “65 years and over” group. The | percentage in the “24 years and under” group in the South differs from the North and the West, also, in the South is about three times that in the other two sec- order of the three principal groups, the “25 to 34 tions. It appears from the table that the number of years” group being the most important in the South, colored farmers in the South is relatively greater than while in the other sections the "35 to 44 years” group | that of white farmers up to the age of 44 years, but ranks the highest. In the “24 years and under” group | from that age on the advantage is with the white the percentage shown for the South is more than double | farmers. The proportions are not widely different that of either of the other sections, and the “65 years davany age group. AGE OF FARMERS, BY DIVISIONS A BY COLOR OF OPERATOR: 1910. Table 3 gives, for 1910, the per cent disti East North Central contains the largest per- farm operators, according to color, by age In the New England, Middle Atlantic, and by geographic divisions. Similarly, the rth Central divisions the proportionate impor- of all farmers, and of white and colo the age groups forms an unbroken ascending separately, in each geographic divisi jm the youngest to the oldest. In the East Absolute numbers, by divisions and sta ntral and West South Central this series is an these percentages are derived, will be f descending one. In the other divisions Among the age groups the “24 ye s-regularity, but in the West North Central, relatively most important in the Eas mtic, and Mountain divisions the percent- division, the West South Central and (65 years and over” are less than those of divisions following in order. The Wes rs and under” group, while in the Pacific ranks first in the next two age groups, contrary is true. ul. Buit the Cenaud 7/20/32 AGE OF FARMERS. Table 3 PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF ALL FARMERS IN EACH AGE GROUP, || PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF ALL FARMERS IN EACH GEOGRAPHIC BY GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS. DIVISION, BY AGE GROUPS. DIVISION. 65. All ages. 24 65 years 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 years and J years. | years. | years. | years. | and under. over. Un- | known.|| All ages. 24 years 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 years years. years. years. | years. and under. over. Un- known. and All farmers United States. 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 6.59 22.22 24.70 22.52 14.89 8.72 0.35 1.56 4.18 9.55 19.72 16.08 19. 68 14.04 10.06 New England.. Middle Atlantic. East North Central.... West North Central South Atlantic.. East South Central. West South Central. Mountain... Pacific.. 2.97 7.36 17.66 17.45 17.48 16.39 14. 83 2.88 2.98 0.70 2.64 10.21 16.24 20.46 24. 20 21.68 1.39 1.51 4.81 15. 20 19.07 17.93 18. 33 17.64 3.11 2.41 2.52 7.01 18.04 18.08 17.08 15.99 15.07 3.08 3.14 3.28 8.42 19.42 17.60 16.64 14.67 13. 49 2.97 3.52 6.70 11. 86 20.37 14.61 17.10 14. 46 9.59 5.23 11. 03 19.54 12.05 11. 82 11.85 11.01 13.29 4.18 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 ciasconi cilin 11. 28 14.51 19.13 24.30 22.81 24. 85 26.45 23.94 17.93 21.01 23. 50 25. 24 25.59 24. 14 24.11 25.10 26. 38 25.93 24. 86 25.75 24.76 22.71 21. 45 20.17 20.50 23.16 26.56 21.00 19.32 16.63 13.73 15.13 13.20 12.41 13.05 16.53 7.30 8.53 7.69 0.38 0.24 0.23 0.25 0.26 1.60 0.49 5.64 gais 2. 06 6.22 3.25 9.49 White farmers United States..... 100.00 || 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 6.08 21. 82 24. 71 22. 86 | 15.30 8.93 0.31 4.76 1.79 5.70 18.03 21.01 | 23.50 19.69 14.04 10.02 25. 25 22.57 New England.... Middle Atlantic... East North Central.. West North Central. South Atlantic... East South Central. West South Central. Mountain. Pacific.. Colored farmers 3.46 8.57 20.54 20.22 13.90 13.18 13. 49 3.22 3.40 0.89 3.33 12.90 20.49 16.12 20.07 21.44 3.06 1.70 100.00 100.00 2.95 | 3.77 8.15 21.00 20.96 13.52 12.68 13.70 3.48 3.56 | 3.98 100.00 6.89 14.55 25.57 15.34 9.17 7.90 9.73 6.61 4. 24 7.64 13.48 23.07 16.43 13.57 11.85 8.09 2.21 Asdଷed d 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 1.55 2.36 3.82 6.16 7.05 9.25 9.65 14.31 14.77 16.50 3.59 2.75 24.04 11.28 14.51 19.16 24. 36 22. 48 24. 44 26.69 24. 28 17.64 24. 86 25.75 | 24. 76 22.70 21.76 20.34 20.32 23.41 26.77 21.00 19.32 16.61 13. 69 15. 74 13.99 12. 67 13.17 16.72 76 0.61 0.52 0.38 0.23 0.20 0.18 0.22 0.63 0.38 8.72 8.03 5.35 6.12 25.09 5.76 3.65 3.04 25.87 9.58 United States. 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 9.64 24. 59 24. 68 7.49 0.58 0.04 1.75 12.57 12.60 13.21 New England.. Middle Atlantic....... East North Central.. West North Central... South Atlantic.... East South Central..... 'West South Central..... Mountain. Pacific... 1.57 0.01 0.06 0.15 0.39 36.64 39. 61 22.59 0.32 0.23 0.21 0.62 1.07 38. 64 35.32 22.70 0.87 0.52 0.02 0.11 0.33 0.77 36.92 36.99 23.66 0.58 0.62 0.03 0.21 0.55 1.01 38.13 35.61 23. 13 0.73 0.60 100.00 | 100.00 0.05 0.06 0.26 0.33 0.75 1.05 1.24 42.70 34.02 32.27 23.34 20.90 0.73 0.48 0.39 100.00 0.06 0.02 0.66 1.74 20.10 24. 22 15.02 34. 20 3.99 0.09 0.46 1.33 1.80 41.95 32. 81 20.15 0.98 0.42 39. 11 J100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 aicinoo oics 20.52 12.51 26.32 20.76 25.09 24. 82 121.20 23.83 20.77 19.77 21.10 17.69 18.65 18.71 24. 32 21.71 23.18 24. 35 24.88 25.14 20.79 28. 20 23.49 25.75 25.62 19.01 16.06 16.07 12.58 8. 13 6.96 6.65 8.45 6.00 0.88 0.05 0.61 0.94 0.30 0.40 0.38 22.72 4.41 0.76 16 29.19 Among the white farmers the same general situation | group is the most important; in the East North Cen- is found in all divisions and among all age groups. tral, West North Central, South Atlantic, and Moun- The various percentages, however, are somewhat tain it is the “35 to 44 years" group; and in the East higher in all the divisions constituting the North and South Central and West South Central it is the “25 to the West, these increases being at the expense of those | 34 years" group. divisions forming the South. Among colored farmers The proportion of white farmers in the two youngest the East South Central division is relatively most im- | age groups is smaller, but in all others larger than that portant in the two younger age groups and the South | of colored farmers. This is especially noticeable in the Atlantic in the other groups. The West South Cen- | “24 years and under” group, the respective per- tral division shows somewhat more than one-fifth in | centages being 6.08 and 9.64. In this age group the each age group, ranking third, none of the other divi- || percentage of white farmers is larger in the East North sions showing as much as 2 per cent in any age group. | Central, West North Central, West South Central, and The distribution of the different age groups of the Mountain divisions. farmers of the country as a whole has already been | The East South Central division shows the highest noted under Table 2. In Table 3 this distribution is | percentage of colored farmers “24 years and under,” shown by geographic divisions. In the New England | followed by the West South Central and South Atlantic division the “24 years and under” group is the least im- | in order. The Pacific division, showing 61.63 per cent, portant, only 1.56 per cent, from whence it increases | ranks next to the East South Central, with 61.44 per to 11.28, 21.01, and 24.86 per cent in the next three cent of its colored farmers 44 years of age or under. groups, dropping to 21 and 19.68 per cent in the last | The West South Central, with 60.35 per cent, and two. It is significant of the movement from the | the South Atlantic, with 56.98 per cent, rank third farm in this section that while less than 2 per cent and fourth. In the two most important age groups, of its farmers are under 25 years of age nearly 40 | “25 to 34 years” and “35 to 44 years," the varia- per cent are 55 years and over. In the East South | tions in the proportions which they form of the total Central nearly 10 per cent of the farmers fall in in the different geographic divisions are somewhat the “24 years and under” group, and the proportion wider among colored than white farmers. These vari- in the West South Central is nearly as large. More ations are small in any case, the greatest being from than one-fourth of the farmers in the latter division 18.71 to 28.20 per cent in the “35 to 44 years” group are from 25 to 34 and more than another fourth from 35 | of colored farmers. Among white farmers the great- to 44 years of age. In the New England, Middle est range is from 21.01 to 26.63 per cent in the same of Atlantic, and Pacific divisions the “45 to 54 years” | age group. vsk 4 AGRICULTURE. URBAN AND RURAL POPULATION, BY AGE, AND BY COLOR AND NATIVITY: 1910. In this connection it is well to review the data avail- | Table 4 gives, for the United States and the larger able with reference to urban and rural population. In sections of the country, the urban and rural population the consideration of this subject it should be borne divided into five age groups, and according to color, in mind that the “rural population” is not the same the white population being further distinguished by as the “farming population,” but that it includes the nativity. Corresponding figures, by geographic divi- residents of all towns and villages of less than 2,500 sions and states, will be found in Volume I, Chapter IV, inhabitants. Table 45, of the report of the Thirteenth Census. Table 4 NATIVE WHITE. ALL CLASSES.1 FOREIGN-BORN WHITE. NEGRO. SECTION AND AGE. Native parentage. Foreign or mixed parentage. Urban. Rural. Urban. Rural. Urban. Rural. Urban. Rural. Urban. Rural. United States All ages. 49,348, 883 17,849, 644 | 31, 638,931 | 12,346,900 6,550, 937 9,635, 369 3,710, 176 7, 138,534 14 years and under 15 to 24 years.... 25 to 44 years...... 45 to 64 years.:.... 65 years and over .. Unknown.. 42, 623,383 11, 601, 616 8,573, 829 14, 168, 853 6,487, 864 1,693,010 98, 211 17,897, 520 9,546,758 12, 641, 022 6,936, 225 2,256, 514 70, 844 5,531, 766 3,659, 032 5,330, 953 2,495, 622 771, 790 60, 481 12,199, 814 6,112, 945 7,615, 488 4,244, 378 1,429, 278 37,028 4,797, 091 2,673, 889 3, 415, 057 1, 318, 912 135, 454 6,497 2,428, 478 1,404, 794 1,795,052 798, 474 120, 132 4,007 579, 143 1,644, 462 4, 390, 378 2,299,020 706, 918 15, 448 180, 203 459, 680 1,489, 601 1,093, 498 476, 431 10, 763 683, 299 578, 299 985, 374 351, 259 77, 435 13,563 2,981, 808 1,512, 912 1,652,804 756, 844 216,689 17,477 The North All ages. 32,669, 705 23,087,410 | 12,564,943 14,787,092 10,739, 635 5,227,523 8,547,054 2,773, 962 794,966 232, 708 I 14 years and under. 15 to 24 years.. 25 to 44 years........ 45 to 64 years...... 65 years and over... Unknown..... 8,954, 430 6,540, 902 10, 768, 387 5,014, 060 1,331, 670 60, 256 7,522,071) 4, 276, 002 6,154, 682 3,741, 017 1,365, 954 27,684 3,941, 095 2,551, 281 3,652, 844 1,789, 699 589, 929 40,095 5,387,959 2, 767, 092 3,557, 325 2,201, 539 856, 018 17, 159 4,320,370 2,333, 667 2,870, 970 1,099, 840 109, 708 5,080 1,917,064 1,127, 140 1,433, 170 649, 988 97,181 2,980 521, 350 1,498, 964 3,901, 314 2,005, 865 608, 114 11,447 121,547 322, 524 1,081, 736 844, 932 396,585 6,638 169,592 153, 434 331, 435 113, 348 23, 642 3,515 71,234 46, 615 67, 049 34,730 12,331 749 ! The South 6, 623,838 22,765, 492 3,675,281 14,885, 865 699,686 560,417 386, 496 339, 675 1,854, 455 6,894,972 All ages. 14 years and under. 15 to 24 years.. 25 to 44 years.... 45 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown. 1,887, 318 1,397, 110 2,163, 672 924, 033 229, 992 21, 713 9, 298, 497 4,617, 985 5,396,066 2,666, 552 753, 402 32, 990 1,155, 686 789, 565 1,131, 464 469, 902 118, 396 10, 268 6,100,171 2,972, 057 3,519, 694 1,779, 198 500, 578 14, 167 197, 097 133,059 237, 370 117, 338 14, 198 624 220, 785 114, 291 143, 711 68, 754 12,375 501 25, 945 55, 034 156, 191 103, 827 44,514 985 29, 602 50, 701 133, 418 90,143 34, 388 1,423 506, 387 418, 046 636, 026 231, 511 52, 745 9,740 2,908,481 1,464,273 1,581, 247 720, 342 203, 949 16, 680 The West 3,329,840 All ages.. 1,609,420 1,965, 974 907,579 762,997 701,819 596,539 39,808 10,854 14 years and under.. 15 to 24 years.. 25 to 44 years........ 45 to 64 years...... 65 years and over. Unknown....... 759, 868 635, 817 1,236, 794 549, 771 131, 348 16, 242 3,495,981 1,076,952 652, 771 1,090, 274 528, 656 137, 158 10,170 434, 985 318, 186 546, 645 236, 021 63,465 10, 118 711, 684 373, 796 538, 469 263, 641 72, 682 5,702 279, 624 207, 163 306, 717 101, 734 11,548 793 290, 629 163, 363 218, 171 79, 732 10,576 526 31, 848 90, 464 332, 873 189, 328 54, 290 3,016 29,054 86,455 274, 447 158, 423 45, 458 2, 702 7,320 6,819 17, 913 6,400 1,048 308 2,093 2,024 4,508 1,772 409 48 East of the Mississippi River All ages... 33, 462,371 31, 261, 619 13,113,261 20,508,784 10,112,963 3, 294, 312 8,165,046 1,920, 151 2,049,282 5,500,731 14 years and under. 15 to 24 years.. 25 to 44 years... 45. to 64 years... 65 years and over. Unknown..... West of the Mississippi River All ages. 9,277,122 6,711, 530 11, 004, 831 5,076, 312 1,333, 165 59,411 11,266,888 5,960, 170 7,891, 849 4,534, 179 1,568, 753 39, 780 4,111, 308 2,662, 233 3,843, 529 1,862, 807 599,085 34, 299 7,679, 991 3,905, 961 4,936, 421 2,915, 274 1,050, 742 20,395 4,135, 496 2,153, 674 2,663, 455 1,049, 163 106,541 4,634 1,166, 567 635,969 913, 377 493, 808 82,792 1,799 509, 434 1, 452, 710 3, 735, 209 1,888, 420 568, 813 10, 460 92,899 246, 596 774,998 536, 822 264, 128 4,708 519, 218 440,097 751, 038 270,569 58,446 9,914 2,313,188 1,163,822 1, 258, 524 583,212 169,194 12,791 | 9, 151, 012 4,736,383 11,130, 147 3,256, 625 1,470, 323 1,790, 025 639,947 1,637, 803 14 years and under. 15 to 24 years. 25 to 44 years.. 45 to 64 years.... 65 years and over.. Unknown...... 2,324, 494 1,862, 299 3,164, 022 1,411, 552 359, 845 38,800 18,087, 264 6,630, 632 3,586, 588 4,749, 173 2,402,046 687, 761 31,064 1, 420, 458 996, 799 1,487, 424 632, 815 172, 705 26,182 4,519,823 2,206,984 2, 679, 067 1,329, 104 378, 536 16,633 2,233,937 661,595 | 520, 215 751, 602 269, 749 28, 913 1,863 1,261, 911 768, 825 881, 675 304, 666 37, 340 2,208 69, 709 191, 752 655, 169 410, 600 138, 105 4,988 87, 304 213, 084 714, 603 556, 676 212, 303 6,055 164, 081 138, 202 234, 336 80, 690 18,989 3,649 668, 620 349, 090 394, 280 173, 632 47,495 4, 686 1 Includes Chinese, Japanese, and Indians. Table 5 gives the per cent distribution of the popu- | dents, with the “14 years and under” and “15 to 24 lation among age groups, and of the various age groups, | years” groups following in order. The same groups according to residence, nativity, and color, all being | are the largest of the rural population, but the youngest derived from the figures shown in Table 4. is the most important, relatively more so than the “25 For the United States as a whole the “25 to 44 to 44 years” urban class. In the cases of both urban years” group is the most important among urban resi- | and rural classes of the native whites and the rural AGE OF FARMERS. class of the negroes the “14 years and under” group is | Considering the different age groups of urban and the most important, the “25 to 44 years” group rank- rural population, by nativity and color, the second part ing second, and the “15 to 24 years” group third in all. | of Table 5 shows that for the United States as a whole In the case of the rural negro population the youngest the larger part in each group is rural, except in that group constitutes over two-fifths of the total and from “25 to 44 years” in which a slightly higher per- nearly as high a percentage of the rural whites of centage are dwellers in cities. The greatest difference native parentage and of both classes of native whites | is in the “14 years and under” group, of which over of foreign or mixed parentage, but only a little over | three-fifths fall in the rural class. Nearly as large a 30 per cent of the white urban population of native proportion of those “65 years and over” come under parentage. Among all foreign-born whites, on the | the same heading, the other three groups being nearly contrary, the youngest group is by far the smallest, equally divided. About two-thirds of the native and among urban negroes it ranks after the “25 to 44 | whites of native parentage belong to the rural popula- years” group. This last group is the most important | tion and a slightly higher percentage of the native among the three classes of population just mentioned, | whites of foreign or mixed parentage live in cities. constituting more than one-third of the urban negroes The first class shows a decreasing percentage from the and over two-fifths of both the urban and rural foreign youngest to the “25 to 44 years” group (lowest of all), born population. The very low percentage of the “14 | rising again in the two oldest groups. In the case of years and under" group shown among the foreign born | the second class the descending series is unbroken may be explained by the fact that immigrants have, as from the youngest, 66.39 per cent, to the oldest, 53 per a rule, passed this age before reaching the United cent. Among the foreign-born population over seven- States. The “65 years and over” group forms by | tenths fall in the urban class and almost the same far the smallest proportion among nearly all classes of percentage of negroes in the rural class. the population, the only exception being in the case of It is noteworthy that the proportion of rural resi- the foreign born. Even among the foreign born, this | dents among the native whites of foreign or mixed group forms but a small percentage of the total, more | parentage is considerably larger than that among the marked among the urban than the rural residents, and foreign born, which seems to point to a tendency of the may be explained, in part at least, by the desire of children of the immigrants to leave the cities in at many immigrants to return to their native land to least the first generation. The very much higher per- spend their declining years. The fact that these aged centage among the native born of native parentage people form a higher percentage of the total among the confirms the same inclination in succeeding genera- foreign born than among any of the other classes tions. The percentages also seem to show that, except would seem to indicate a higher vitality, caused per among the foreign born and their children born in this haps by the immigration of the most physically fit of country, the tendency up to 44 years is toward the the people from whence they come. This group forms cities, changing toward the country in the older age the lowest percentage of the total among the native groups. whites of foreign or mixed parentage. This is not sur As between the sections several striking contrasts prising when it is remembered that, to have offspring | are seen. Nearly three-fifths of the total population falling in this group, one or both parents must have in the North fall in the urban class, in the South more reached the United States about 1850, prior to which than three-fourths in the rural class, and in the West date immigration was very limited. the percentages of the two classes are nearly the same. Comparing all classes by sections, it is noteworthy | The preference of the native white of native parentage that in the North the proportion of the total formed for rural life is seen in all sections of the country, but by the “65 years and over” group is larger than in the more especially in the South, where less than one-fifth South or the West; in the South the two groups 24 years | are classed as urban. The percentage of the rural and under are larger than in the other sections, while | population in the South is largely increased by the the West leads especially in the“25 to 44 years” group. | number of villages of under 2,500 population, and the Similar conditions are found among native whites of comparatively small number of large cities, but the native parentage, but among urban native whites of | trend of the people away from the crowded conditions foreign or mixed parentage the North leads in the l of the latter is clearly evident. This tendency is seen youngest age group, the South in the two oldest, and among this class of the population in the North and in the “25 to 44 years” group there are no very wide the West also, but to a smaller extent, the rural portion differences between the three sections. The proportions of the population being the greater in both sections. of the different age groups among foreign-born residents The preference of the immigrant and his children for conform in a general way to each other in the North urban life is seen in all three sections, but to a much and the West; and this class forms too small a per greater extent in the North, where about 85 per cent centage in the South to be of much importance, being | are located, than in either the South or the West, in equally true of the negro in the North and the West. ) which the proportions are nearly equal. AGRICULTURE. Table 5 NATIVE WHITE. ALL CLASSES. FOREIGN-BORN WHITE NEGRO. SECTION AND AGE. Native parentage. Foreign or mixed parentage. Urban. Rural. Urban. | Rural. | Urban. | Rural. | Urban. Rural. Urban. Rural. United States All ages.. 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 38.56 19.32 | 14 years and under 3 | 15 to 24 years..... 4 | 25 to 44 years..... 5 | 45 to 64 years..... 6 65 years and over. 7 | Unknown..... 27. 22 20.12 33. 24 15. 22 3.97 0.23 36.27 19.35 25. 62 14.06 4.57 0.14 30.99 20.50 29. 87 13.98 38. 85 21.66 27. 66 10. 68 24.07 37.07 21.44 27.40 12. 19 1.83 6.01 17.07 45.56 23.86 7.34 0.16 4. 86 12.39 40.15 29. 47 12. 84 0.29 25.41 21.50 36.64 13.06 2.88 0.50 41.77 21.19 23.15 10.60 3.04 0.24 0.12 0.05 0.06 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 36.44 31.37 20.31 The North 8 All ages... 9 | 14 years and under.... 10 15 to 24 years..... 11 25 to 44 years..... 12 45 to 64 years..... 13 | 65 years and over.. Unknown.. The South All ages... 24.06 27.41 20.02 32. 96 15.35 4.08 0.18 32.58 18.52 26. 66 16. 20 5.92 0.12 40.23 21.73 26.73 10. 24 1.02 0.05 6.10 17.54 45.65 36. 67 21.56 27.41 12. 43 1.86 0.06 14. 24 4.70 0.32 4.38 11.63 39.00 30. 46. 14.30 0.24 21.33 19.30 41. 69 14. 26 2.97 0.44 23. 47 30. 61 20.03 28. 81 14.92 5.30 0.32 inio 7.11 0.13 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 28.17 19.02 39. 40 28.49 21.09 32. 66 13.95 31.44 21. 48 30.78 40.85 20. 29 23. 70 11.71 3.31 0.14 40.98 19.97 23. 65 11.95 3.36 0.10 និន្ន 6.71 14. 24 40.41 26. 86 16 | 14 years and under. 17 | 15 to 24 years..... 18 | 25 to 44 years..... 1945 to 64 years..... 2065 years and over. 21 Unknown.... The West All ages. 8.71 14.93 39.28 26.54 10.12 0.42 27.31 22. 54 34. 30 12. 48 42.18 21.24 22.93 10.45 2.96 0.24 3.47 2.03 0.09 11.52 2.84 0.33 0.25 0.53 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 23 | 14 years and under. 24 | 15 to 24 years..... 25 25 to 44 years....... 26 | 45 to 64 years..... 27 65 years and over.. 28 | Unknown.. 22. 82 19.09 37. 14 16. 51 3.94 0.49 30. 80 18. 67 31. 19 15.12 3. 92 0.29 27.03 19. 77 33. 97 14.67 3.94 0.63 36. 20 19.01 27.39 13. 41 3.70 0.29 30. 81 22. 83 33. 79 11.21 ,1.27 0.09 38. 09 21. 41 28. 59 10. 45 1.38 0.07 4.54 12. 89 47. 43 4.87 14. 49 46.01 26.56 7.62 0.45 18. 39 17. 13 45.00 16.08 2.63 0.77 19. 28 18.65 41.53 16.33 3.77 0.44 26.98 7.74 0.43 East of the Mississippi River All ages. 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 37.45 27.72 4.84 31.35 20.30 20.06 36.04 19.07 25. 24 21.30 12. 84 25. 34 21.48 36. 65 30 | 14 years and under..... 31 | 15 to 24 years.. 32 25 to 44 years... 3345 to 64 years..... 34 | 65 years and over.. 35 | Unknown....... 32.89 15.17 3.98 endo 40.90 26.34 10.37 1.05 0.05 40.36 27.96 ဝါ ဣတံ 42.05 21.16 22.88 10.60 3.08 0.23 14. 50 13.20 76 5.02 0.13 0.18 4.57 0.26 2.85 0.48 0.24 West of the Mississippi River All ages... 36 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 36. 66 100.00 29.62 23.29 33.65 29.99 21.05 31.40 19.83 4.74 13.04 25.37 20. 33 34, 54 15. 41 3.93 0.42 26. 26 37 14 years and under. 38 | 15 to 24 years.. 39 | 25 to 44 years.... 45 to 64 years.... 41 65 years and over. 42 | Unknown..... 44.56 100.00 38. 75 23. 61 27.07 9.36 1.15 0.07 Sono 4.88 11. 90 39.92 31. 10 11.86 0.34 25. 64 21.60 36.62 12.61 2.97 0.57 40.82 21.31 24.07 10.60 2.90 0.29 27. 93 9.39 oso no 0.34 AGE OF FARMERS. NATIVE WHITE. ALL CLASSES. FOREIGN-BORN WHITE. NEGRO. Native parentage. Foreign or mixed parentage. Total. Urban. | Rural. Total. | Urban. Rural. Total. | Urban. Rural. Total. | Urban. Rural, Total. Urban. | Rural. 100.00 46. 34 53.66 100.00 36. 07 63. 93 100.00 65.33 34. 67 100.00 72.20 27.80 100.00 27.36 72. 64 66.39 65.56 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 39.33 47.32 52.85 48. 33 42.87 58.10 60.67 52.68 47.15 51.67 57.13 41.90 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 31.20 37.44 41.18 37.03 35.07 62.03 68. 80 62.56 58.82 62.97 64.93 37.97 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 33.61 34.44 34. 45 37.71 38.15 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 76.27 78. 15 74.67 67.77 59.74 58.94 23. 73 21.85 25.33 32.23 40.26 41.06 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 18. 64 27.65 37.35 31. 70 26.33 43. 70 81.36 72. 35 62. 65 68.30 73. 67 56.30 47.00 100.00 58. 59 41.41 100.00 45.93 54.07 100.00 67.26 32.74 100.00 75.50 24.50 100.00 77.36 22.64 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 54.35 60.47 63.63 57.27 49.36 68.52 45.65 39.53 36.37 42.73 50.63 31.48 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 42. 24 47.97 50.66 44.84 40.80 70.03 57.76 52.03 49.34 55.16 59. 20 29.97 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 69.27 67.43 66.70 62.85 53.03 63.03 30.73 32.57 33.30 37.15 46.97 36.97 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 81.09 82.29 78. 29 70.36 60.53 63.30 18.91 17.71 21.71 29.64 39.48 36.70 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 70.42 76.70 83.17 76.54 65.72 82. 43 29.58 23.30 16.83 23. 46 34. 28 17.57 100.00 22.54 77.46 100.00 19.80 80:20 100.00 55.53 44. 47 100.00 53.22 46.78 100.00 21. 19 78. 81 14.83 47.95 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 16.87 23. 23 28.62 25.74 23.39 39. 69 85.17 77.79 71.31 83.13 76.77 71.38 74. 26 76.61 60.31 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 15.93 20.99 24.33 20.89 19.13 42.02 84.07 79.01 75.67 79.11 80.87 57.98 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 47.17 53. 79 62. 29 63.05 53.43 55.47 52. 83 46.21 37.71 36.95 46.57 44.53 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 46.71 52.05 53.93 53.52 56.42 40.91 53. 29 46.07 46.48 43.58 59.09 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 22.21 28. 69 24.32 20.55 36.87 75.68 79.45 63. 13 100.00 48.78 51.22 100.00 45.01 54.99 100.00 54.33 45.67 100.00 54.05 45.95 100.00 78.58 62.06 54.02 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 41.37 49.34 53.15 50.98 48.92 61.49 58. 63 50.66 46.85 49.02 51.08 38.51 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 37.94 45.98 50.38 47.24 46.62 63.96 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 49.62 52.76 53.38 36.04 49.04 55.91 58. 43 56.06 52. 20 50.96 44.09 41.57 43.94 47. 80 39.88 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 52. 29 51.14 54.81 54. 44 54.43 52.75 47.71 48.86 45. 19 45.56 45.57 47.25 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 21.42 22. 24 22.89 20.11 21.68 28.07 13. 48 77.76 77.11 79.89 78.32 71.93 86.52 100.00 51.70 48.30 100.00 39.00 61.00 100.00 75.43 24.57 100.00 80.96 19.04 100.00 27.14 72.86 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 45.16 52.97 58. 23 52.82 45.94 59.90 54.84 47.03 41.77 47.18 54.06 40.10 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 34.87 40.53 43. 78 38. 99 36.31 62. 71 65.13 59.47 56.22 61.01 63. 69 37.29 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 78.00 77. 20 74.46 68.00 56.27 72.03 22.00 22.80 25.54 32.00 43.73 27.97 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 84.58 85. 49 82. 82 77.86 68. 29 68.96 15. 42 14.51 17.18 22.14 31.71 31.04 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 18.33 27.44 37.37 31.69 25.67 43.66 81.67 72.56 62. 63 68.31 74.33 56.34 100.00 33.60 66.40 100.00 29.85 70.15 100.00 40.69 59.31 100.00 45. 10 54.90 100.00 28.10 71.90 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 25.96 34.06 39.98 37.01 34. 35 55.54 74.04 65.94 60.02 62.99 65.65 44.46 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 23.91 31. 11 35. 70 32. 25 31.33 61.15 76.09 68. 89 64.30 67.75 68. 67 38.85 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 34.40 40.36 46.02 46.96 43.64 45. 76 65.60 59. 64 53.98 53.04 56.36 54.24 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 44. 40 47.37 47.83 42.45 39.41 45.17 55.60 52.63 52.17 57.55 60.59 54.83 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 19.70 28.36 37.28 31.73 28.56 43. 78 80.30 71.64 62.72 68.27 71. 44 56. 22 AGRICULTURE. More than three-fourths of the negro population of | Table 6 gives, for the three divisions comprising the the North and the West are found in the cities, while in South, the urban and rural population according to the South an even higher percentage live in the rural color, divided into five age groups; also the per cent districts. In all three sections the highest percentages distribution of the population by such age groups, and are found in the “25 to 44 years” group, growing the per cent of total formed by each color. The white smaller each way to the youngest and oldest groups. population, divided according to nativity in Tables 4 These percentages would indicate a tendency of the and 5, has been consolidated, and the comparison negro of the South, living in the rural districts, to made between white and negro only. The white seek the cities of the North. The white rural popula- | population, aside from native born, and the colored, tion of all parentages shows considerably higher per- | aside from the negro, are relatively so small in this centages west of the Mississippi than to the east of section as to be almost entirely negligible factors, that river, due to the location in the latter section of and for this reason these two classes only have been nearly all the great cities and manufacturing centers. considered. Table 6 THE SOUTH. Urban population. Rural population. AGE PERIOD. Total. White. Negro. Total. White. Negro. Number. Per cent. ll Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. || Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. 6,615, 918 100.00 || 4,761, 463 71.97 1,854, 455 28.03 || 69.60 6,894, 972 30.40 All ages.... Per cent. 22, 680,929 | 100.00 100.00 || 15,785, 957 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 || 73.14 100.00 100.00 26. 86 29.95 29. 43 100.00 14 years and under. Per cent.... 15 to 24 years..... Per cent.. 25 to 44 years. Per cent.... 45 to 64 years.... Per cent..... 65 years and over. Per cent... Unknown... Per cent... 100.00 1,885, 115 28. 49 1,395, 704 21.10 2,161, 051 32.66 922,578 13.94 229, 853 3.47 21, 617 0.33 1,378, 728 28. 96 977, 658 20.53 1,525, 025 32.03 691,067 14.51 177, 108 3.72 11,877 0.25 100.00 100.00 70.05 70.57 74. 91 77.05 ) 54.94 506, 387 27.31 418, 046 22.54 636, 026 34.30 231, 511 12. 48 52, 745 2.84 9,740 0.53 9, 259, 039 1 40.82 4,601, 322 20.29 5,378,070 23. 71 2,658, 437 11.72 1. 751,290 3.31 32,771 0.14 68.59 68.18 70.60 *72.90 72.85 31.41 31.82 29.40 ***27.10 25.09 6,350, 558 40. 23 3, 137, 049 19.87 3,796, 823 24.05 1,938, 095 12. 28 547, 341 3.47 16,091 0.10 100.00 2,908, 481 42.18 1,464, 273 21.24 1,581, 247 22. 93 720, 342 10.45 203, 949 2.96 16, 680 0.24 100.00 100.00 27.15 22.95 45.06 *100.00 100.00 *49.10 50.90 In the case of the urban population the proportion | to 40.23 per cent in that of the latter. The relative formed by the whites is greater than that by the negroes differences between the percentages of the whites and in the youngest and two oldest age groups, and cor- | negroes in the different age groups are practically the respondingly less in the others. The greatest relative same as among the urban population. difference between the percentages of the whites and The whites constitute 71.97 per cent of the total in negroes is found in the."65 years and over” group, | the case of the urban and 69.60 per cent in that of the which is at the same time the least important numer- | rural population. In the former the highest percentage ically. These percentages are, respectively, 3.72 and (77.05) is in the “65 years and over" group and the 2.84. In the other age groups the differences between | lowest (70.05) in the “15 to 24 years” group; while in the percentages of the whites and negroes are very | the latter the proportions are, respectively, 72.90 per small. In both, the “25 to 44 years” group is the cent in the “45 to 64 years ” group and 68.18 per cent most important, followed by the “14 years and under" in the “15 to 24 years” group. The greatest difference and “15 to 24 years” groups. between the urban and rural population is found in the Among the rural population the percentages of the “14 years and under” group—73.14 and 68.59 per cent. whites are greater than the negroes in all age groups, In both the urban and rural population the general except the two under 25 years. The “14 years and tendency seems to be a relative increase among the under" group is by far the most important among the whites with each increasing age group, the contrary, of rural population, over two-fifths of both white and | course, appearing in the case of the negro population. negro coming under this heading. This is relatively This condition may probably be explained by the much more important than the “25 to 44 years” group | greater constitutional vigor and consequent lower among both negroes and whites, rising from 22.93 to death rate among the whites, especially as the age 42.18 per cent in the case of the former and from 24.05 | increases. AGE OF FARMERS. AGE OF FARMERS, BY CHARACTER OF TENURE FOR SELECTED AREAS: 1910. Table 7 gives, for 1910, the per cent distribution of | ing the highest development of the tenant system farm operators in each tenure class, divided into six | as well as the place of residence of more than nine- classes, according to age of farmer, and the per cent | tenths of the colored farmers, and for the states of distribution in each age group, divided into six groups, | Minnesota and Mississippi, as being representative according to the character of tenure under which states of different tenure systems and of different they operated the farms, for the United States and nativities. Absolute numbers corresponding to this four selected geographic divisions. Similar statistics | table are given, by divisions and states, in Table 12, are also given for the South, as the section represent- | and for the South in Table 8. Table 17 PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF ALL FARMERS IN EACH TENURE GROUP, BY AGE. PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF ALL FARMERS IN EACH AGE GROUP, BY TENURE. AGE AND COLOR OF FARMER. Owners, Owners, Owners, Total. | free. Part Cash Share Mana- owners. tenants. tenants. I gers. mo IS, | Owners, free. Total. TIL Part 1 Cash | Share | Mana- owners. tenants. tenants. gers. gaged. gaged. UNITED STATES All farmers Total......... 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 36.08 16.66 9.33 12.99 24.02 0.91 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years....... 35 to 44 years... 45 to 54 years........ 55 to 64 years.... 65 years and over..... Unknown...... 6.59 22. 22 24. 70 22.52 14.89 2.37 12.95 21. 22 25. 80 21.39 15.79 0.48 2. 24 18.19 28. 47 27.18 16.25 7.52 0.15 3. 29 22.05 30.49 26.33 13. 22. 4.41 0.21 9.74 30.53 26.19 18.49 9.97 4.70 15. 47 34. 35 24. 14 15.16 7.70 2.93 0.25 8.30 27.02 27.90 20.18 10.05 4.39 2.17 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 12.98 21.03 31.00 41.33 51.81 65.36 49.64 5.66 13.63 19. 20 20.10 18.17 14.37 7.27 4.66 9. 26 11.52 10.91 8.29 4.72 5.53 19.18 17.84 13.77 10.66 8. 69 7.01 14.16 56.37 37.13 23.48 16.17 12.42 8.08 17.68 1.15 1.11 1.03 0.82 0.62 0.46 5.71 0.38 White farmers Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 39.51 18.56 10.08 9.86 20.96 1.04 35.78 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over... Unknown........ 6.08 21.82 24. 71 22. 86 15.30 8.93 0.31 2.34 12.88 21. 23 25.86 21.52 15. 79 0.40 2.23 18.34 28. 70 27.12 16.12 7.35 0.15 3.33 22.54 30.80 26.14 12.87 4.12 0.20 10.35 33.31 26.16 17.11 100.00 8.31 27.08 27.91 10.01 20.14 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 14. 70 7.26 2.38 15. 20 23.31 33.94 44. 68 55.57 69.87 50.92 6.81 15. 60 21.56 22.02 19.55 15. 27 8.89 5.52 10.41 12.57 11.53 8.48 4.66 6. 49 16.79 15.04 10.44 7.38 5.77 4.12 12.76 54. 26 34.35 20.32 13.48 9.95 5.58 13.52 1.42 1.29 1.17 0.92 0.68 0.51 7.42 8.95 3.13 36 0.40 2.19 Colored farmers Total. 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 15.85 4.93 31.49 42.15 0.17 1.47 3. 24 9. 64 24. 59 24. 68 20.52 12. 51 7. 49 0.58 24 years and under .... 25 to 34 years........ 35 to 44 years....... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years........ 65 years and over... Unknown... THE SOUTH 2.86 14.06 21.14 24.96 19. 44 15.88 1.67 2. 42 15.12 23.87 28. 31 18. 99 11.06 0.24 100.00 2.86 16. 18 26.68 28. 64 17. 46 7.88 0.30 100.00 8.60 25. 40 26. 26 21.03 11. 86 6.51 0.34 14. 69 30.14 24. 68 16.52 8.99 4.57 0.42 7.90 24.94 27.59 21.37 11.40 5. 51 1.30 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 4.70 9.06 13. 58 19. 27 24. 62 33. 61 45. 63 5.42 1.36 3.33 5.24 8. 22 2.21 7.47 5.33 6.88 28.10 32. 53 33. 50 32. 27 29.84 27.36 18.54 64. 23 51.67 42.16 33.92 30. 30 25. 72 30.71 0.14 0.17 0.19 0.17 0. 15 0.12 0.37 6.88 8.00 5.19 2.53 All farmers Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 33. 47 9. 45 6.94 16.64 32.97 0.53 3. 48 8.38 3. 46 6.59 24 years and under ... 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over..... Unknown.. 8.98 24. 60 24.42 20. 73 13.65 7.37 0.25 2.91 15. 63 22.82 24.91 20.23 13.30 10.90 3.30 21.83 28.17 25.18 15.11 6. 28 0.13 4.48 23.34 29. 66 24.67 13.18 4.49 0.18 10.71 28. 31 25.25 19.18 10.90 5.33 0.33 16.86 32. 86 23. 41 15.16 8.10 8. 40 27.62 27.13 19. 68 10. 29 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 10.86 21.26 31.27 40.23 49.60 60.42 26.62 8.24 11.48 10.45 19.83 19.15 17.20 15.40 13.28 12.04 21.94 61.88 44.03 31.61 24.12 19.56 14.94 36.53 0.49 0.59 0.58 0.50 0.40 0.33 4.75 0.20 0.27 2.23 8.05 5.01 5. White farmers Total. 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 41.14 | 11.14 7.79 10.40 28.85 0.68 13.26 32.04 0.67 4. 41 7.98 9.74 60.57 40.57 26.91 . . 27.12 . 24 years and under . 25 to 34 years.... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years........ 55 to 64 years ......... 65 years and over.... Unknown. . 8.63 24.52 24.30 20.82 14.15 7.37 0. 20 2.92 15. 86 23.05 24.82 20. 27 12. 89 0.19 3.46 23.05 28.96 24.58 14.41 5.43 0.11 4.88 25.11 30.38 23.66 12.14 3.67 0.16 24.04 16.83 18.12 34. 47 22. 66 14.37 7.58 2.60 0.18 8.45 27 86 19.50 10.18 4.59 2.31 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 15.97 13.58 10.29 8.40 13.92 26.62 39.02 49.05 58.92 71.91 37.94 4. 47 10. 47 13. 28 13.15 11.34 8. 20 6.30 19.91 . . 7.11 0.78 0.76 0.64 0.49 0.43 7.78 9.68 3.84 0.31 . . 15. 46 10.17 26.07 . 5.41 15.85 6.96 Colored farmers Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 || 100.00 14.44 4. 85 43. 20 0.13 14. 77 30.18 1.42 24 years and under .. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years....... 45 to 54 years....... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over... Unknown........ 100.00 || 100.00 9. 86 2.88 24.82 13.96 24. 73 21.21 20.48 25. 52 12. 41 19.98 16.19 0.36 0.26 2.47 15. 41 24.02 28. 35 18.79 10.74 0.22 2.88 16. 28 26.78 28.70 17.32 7.76 0.28 8. 66 25.32 26. 22 21.07 11.87 7.83 24.50 27.25 21.92 11.75 5.50 1.25 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 4.22 8.12 12.39 18.00 23. 25 31.81 10.62 5.25 1.32 3.26 5.10 7.27 7.95 7.67 3.19 icon COOL 32. 12 28. 22 32.77 34.06 33.05 30.74 28.52 64.72 52.53 43.06 34.75 31.16 26.78 51.31 0.11 0.13 0.15 0.14 0.13 0.10 0.47 7.35 6.53 0.34 ti o 30.55 49368°—14— 2 10 AGRICULTURE. Table 7-Continued PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF ALL FARMERS IN EACH TENURE GROUP, BY AGE. PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF ALL FARMERS IN EACH AGE GROUP, BY TENURE. AGE AND COLOR OF FARMER. Owners, Owners, rs,| Part I Cash | Share Total. 19 mort- owners. | tenants. tenants. Mana- gers. Owners, Owners, Part Total. free. Cash Share owners. tenants. tenants. free. mort- gaged. Mana- gers. gaged. NEW ENGLAND. All farmers Total.... 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 56. 36 29.73 3.11 6.46 1.50 2.85 32.73 40.51 6.54 17.34 13.58 8.90 3.86 8.65 4.88 2.07 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years....... 45 to 54 years.. 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over. Unknown.... 1.56 11. 28 21.01 24.86 21.00 19.68 0.61 0.87 6.67 16. 33 24. 42 24.21 26.70 0.80 1.71 15.37 26.67 26.68 18.04 11. 41 0.11 1.69 13.89 25.30 27.31 18.50 13.19 0.12 4.18 23. 74 28.95 20.92 13.13 8.09 0.99 6.79 29.08 29.04 19.24 10.61 5.06 0.18 4.72 19.31 27.37 23.68 14.52 8.37 2.03 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 31.37 33. 35 43.84 55. 37 64.96 76.44 73.55 3.74 3.42 5.43 1.16 2.74 0.76 3.71 2.71 1.97 1.21 9.45 0.61 10.49 0.38 0.43 White farmers Total. 100.00 i 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 56. 38 29.72 3.11 6.44 1.50 2. 84 3.38 6.55 8.60 4.70 19.31 3. 83 24 years and under.. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years.... 45 to 54 years.. 55 to 64 years.. 65 years and over.. Unknown... 1.69 13.92 25.29 27.31 3.86 1.55 11. 28 21.01 24.86 21.00 19. 69 0.61 4.87 0.86 6.67 16.35 24.42 24. 20 26.70 0.80 1.71 15. 39 26.67 26.67 18.04 11.40 0.11 4.19 23.72 28. 98 20.91 13.13 8.08 1.00 6.80 29.06 29.06 19.28 10.60 5.03 0.18 32.73 40.55 37.73 31.90 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 31.37 33. 34 43. 86 55.40 64.98 76.47 73.74 17.37 13.55 8.88 5.42 4.02 2.64 3.47 1.16 18.48 14.53 8.38 25.54 0.76 13.19 0.12 2.73 0.61 17.22 2.08 2.70 1.97 1.21 9.39 5.30 0.38 0.43 10.52 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 44. 44 30.70 4.09 13.74 1.46 Colored farmers Total. 24 years and under.. 25 to 34 years. 35 to 44 years.... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over. Unknown. 1.32 10.53 13.16 23.68 25. 66 25. 66 40.00 20.00 1.75 12.57 18. 71 26.32 20.76 19.01 0.88 4.65 1.56 28.57 28.57 28.57 14. 29 30.48 17.14 16.19 1.90 27.66 23.40 23. 40 14.89 10.64 10.53 · 21.05 10. 53 36.84 10.53 5.26 5. 26 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 33.33 37.21 31.25 40.00 54.93 60.00 33.33 18.60 40.63 35.56 25.35 26.15 66. 67 6.25 4.44 5.63 3.08 5.56 33.33 9.30 3.13 7.78 2.82 1.54 30.23 17.19 12. 22 9.86 7.69 20.00 20.00 1.41 1.54 33.33 WEST NORTH CENTRAL. All farmers 100.00 || 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 30.13 22.14 16.12 11. 22 19. 65 0.76 Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years. 35 to 44 years.... 45 to 54 years.... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over. Unknown.... 6.13 24.30 25. 59 22. 71 13.73 7.30 2.86 13.44 20.83 26.14 21.09 15.31 0.33 1.97 18.20 29.76 27.72 15.55 6.64 1.59 1.00 0.81 2.92 23.98 31.20 26.26 11.97 3.49 0.18 10.72 38.56 25.90 15.14 6.87 2.53 0.29 15. 59 39.63 23.36 13.48 5.98 1.77 0.19 12.92 32.13 27.37 16.48 7.34 2.68 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 14.06 16.67 24.52 34. 67 46.29 63.19 41. 22 7.11 16.58 25.74 27.01 25.08 20.15 14. 39 | 7.68 15.91 19. 65 18. 63 14.05 7.72 11.83 19. 61 17.81 11.35 7.48 5.62 3.89 13.41 49.95 32.04 17.93 11.66 0.55 8.57 4.72 0.40 0.28 3.39 0.24 0.16 1.07 15.75 White farmers Total. 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 29.93 22. 23 1. 16.16 11.24 19.68 0.76 1.59 6.16 24. 36 25.62 22.70 13.69 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years. 35 to 44 years. 45 to 54 years. 55 to 64 years. 65 years and over...... Unknown...... 25.89 2.86 13.38 20.81 26. 19 21.12 15.32 0.31 1.00 0.80 1.97 18.24 29.81 27.72 15.51 6.60 0.15 10. 76 38. 68 15.09 2.93 24.03 31.25 26.25 11.93 3.45 0.17 15.65 39.73 23. 33 13.41 5.93 1.74 0.19 12.98 32. 23 27.24 16.48 7.33 2.66 1.08 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 13. 92 16.44 24.32 34.53 46.19 63. 23 40.06 7.12 16.65 25. 87 27.14 25.19 20.22 14. 72 7.68 15.95 19.72 18. 69 50.03 32.11 17.93 11.63 8.54 0.55 6.81 14.09 0.40 0.28 2.49 0.28 7.69 11.95 13.67 16.09 Colored farmers Total.. 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 52.22 11.53 10.96 15.90 0.77 8. 63 12.68 10.35 1.50 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years. 35 to 44 years.. 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown. 3.52 17.63 23.18 23.83 18.32 12.58 0.94 2.70 17.32 22.09 22.83 19.06 14. 68 1.32 9.23 19.53 27.35 24.98 16.97 0.44 2.59 15. 26 23.59 28.12 18. 68 11.01 0.74 5.17 21.15 26.44 23.15 15.75 7.64 0.71 100.00 7.27 24. 30 26.40 22. 32 12.69 6.63 0.38 6.58 21.05 42.11 17.11 7.89 5.26 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 40.06 51.29 49. 78 50.02 54.34 60.92 73. 12 4.90 6.04 9.71 13. 23 15.72 15.55 5.38 8.07 9.49 11.15 12.93 11.18 9.59 8.60 giorno 32. 85 21.91 18.11 14.89 11.01 8.38 6.45 1.44 0.92 1.40 0.55 0.33 0.32 AGE OF FARMERS. 11 Table 7-Continued. PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF ALL FARMERS IN EACH TENURE GROUP, BY AGE. PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF ALL FARMERS IN EACH AGE GROUP, BY TENURE. AGE AND COLOR OF FARMER. Total. Owners, Owners, S, Part 1 Cash | Share | Mana- free. mnort- | owners. tenants. tenants. gers. gaged, Total. Owners, Owners, s, mort- free. Part Cash Share | Mana- owners. tenants. tenants. gers. gaged. SOUTH ATLANTIC. All farmers Total. 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 38.48 8. 43 6.44 18.07 27. 84 24 years and under..... 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years.... 45 to 54 years....... 55 to 64 years.. 65 years and over. Unknown... 100.00 7.72 22.81 24. 14 21.45 2.62 14. 79 22. 57 25.15 20.74 13.94 0.19 2.83 20.31 27.63 25.61 16.16 7.33 3.75 21. 24 28.76 25.45 15.00 5.59 10. 62 28.11 24.87 18. 66 11.73 5.74 0.28 15. 29 31.46 23.59 15.98 9.41 4.00 0.27 7.45 26. 30 28. 37 19.98 11.26 5.29 1.36 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 13.05 24.96 35.98 45. 14 52. 74 62.88 31. 46 3.09 7.51 9.65 10.06 9.00 7. 67 7.64 6. 38 24.88 22. 27 18. 62 15.72 14.01 12.15 21.24 55.14 38. 41 27.21 20.74 17.30 13.04 32.50 0.75 0.72 0.86 0.88 0.70 0.56 0.46 4. 34 15.13 7.24 0.13 0.22 4.522 5.92 White farmers Total......... 100.00 | 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 | 100.00 100.00 48.17 10.121 6.69 11. 60 22.42 100.00 1 7.05 1.00 1.05 4.25 23.59 16.39 33. 39 7.02 20.77 16.56 22.87 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.... 35 to 44 years....... 45 to 54 years....... 55 to 64 years.... 65 years and over.. Unknown.... 8.27 2.59 14.99 22.75 25. 13 20.83 13.52 0.19 3.00 21.79 28. 48 25.00 15.30 6.33 0.11 4.30 9.81 11.98 11. 62 12. 61 32. 09 24.15 16.55 10.17 4.14 0.29 24. 5 Sifacio 7.35 26.70 28. 21 19.97 11.16 5.25 1.36 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 11. 66 8.82 17. 70 32.11 45.59 55.62 63.71 74. 71 44. 68 1.19 1.18 0.92 7.55 15.01 8. 84 3.31 0.19 52. 15 33. 30 21. 33 15. 47 12.59 8.51 20.71 0.71 13.36 4.33 0.18 5. 67 3.32 7.50 5.51 16. 39 0.60 5.62 5.88 6.73 Colored farmers Total....... 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 17.90 4. 84 5.91 31. 81 39. 34 0.20 1.10 9.08 25.02 5.41 10.40 15.83 2.83 4.75 23. 89 2.76 13. 65 21.52 25.30 20.24 16.32 2.56 15.60 26. 44 27.55 9.14 23.49 24. 35 20.77 13.83 8.13 0.30 24 years and under... 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years.... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years. 65 years and over... Unknown... MOUNTAIN. 2.07 13. 73 28. 32 20.02 11.78 25. 43 13.95 29.13 24. 47 17.15 10.10 4.83 0.38 20.30 12.94 8. 47 22.08 30.00 20.14 12. 22 5.69 1.39 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 1.65 3.93 6.42 7.84 8.10 21.80 6. 60 7.00 31. 61 33.88 33. 22 31.08 29. 78 27. 28 28.17 60.04 48.77 39. 54 32. 48 28. 73 23.36 49.35 0.19 0.19 0.25 0.20 0.18 0.14 0.93 18. 94 8.61 26. 20 35.94 12.59 0.21 0.19 6.97 0.27 7.01 2.99 0.30 5.971 All farmers Total.......... 100.00 || 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 || 100.00 63. 62 15. 44 | 8.62 5.98 1.59 4.76 6.75 6.00 o 6.87 2.39 5.74 22.74 30.56 64. 55 60.43 59.33 9.83 12.45 8.74 5.88 9.77 1 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years........ 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years.... 65 years and over... Unknown... 5.66 23. 94 26. 38 23.16 13.05 6.22 1.60 2,56 20.10 31.18 27.86 13. 53 4.65 0.12 24.60 22. 78 14. 19 7.67 4.51 27.30 29.90 24.11 10.74 3.27 0.17 8.03 30. 20 28. 49 20.10 8.84 3.38 0.96 27.23 19.02 11.78 35.02 25.93 17.29 7.58 2.21 0.18 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 62. 56 6.99 12.96 18. 25 18. 57 16.00 11.53 1. 20 4. 46 3. 47 69.19 78. 47 91.01 corsi ti ci aici 2.99 8.98 7.10 4.53 0.92 0.76 2.28 2.12 0.68 3. 33 3.31 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 62. 20 16.12 9.00 6. 19 6 White farmers Total.. 24 years and under..... 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years........ 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years... 65 years and over... Unknown.. 5.91 23. 26 24.88 30. 03 28. 66 5.76 24. 28 26. 63 23.41 13.17 6.12 0.63 2.57 20.10 31.17 27.86 13.53 4.64 0.12 4.51 27.32 29.88 24.12 10.74 3.26 0.17 100.00 8.51 30.66 27.40 18.96 8. 24 2.91 3.32 11.83 34. 86 25.94 17.34 2.23 0.18 23.13 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 63. 89 59.57 58. 10 61. 45 68.26 77. 29 76.43 7.19 13. 34 18. 87 19.18 16.56 12.21 3.17 7.04 10.12 10.09 9.27 4. 84 6.72 5.99 5.21 4.18 3. 24 2. 66 7.43 4.59 3.58 33 7.60 14.45 7.60 0.77 2.25 co 1.03 0.78 3. 35 0.97 1.81 8.70 Colored farmers Total....... 100.00 100.00 | 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.61 0.42 1.27 0.27 0.71 100.00 9. 61 36. 24 22.27 0.68 3.49 16.43 20.79 17.69 10.44 0.53 100.00 5.88 20.59 38.24 17.65 11.76 5.88 24 years and under..... 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.... Unknown...... 3.25 15. 32 20.57 17.72 10.48 8.67 23.99 6.86 51.96 24. 51 11.76 4.90 0.71 0.30 0.06 18.37 34. 69 26.53 10. 20 10. 20 1.02 0.78 94.57 88.21 88.17 93.59 94.72 94.99 97.05 99.84 2.85 7.86 6. 29 3.06 2. 68 2.74 9.09 18.18 4.55 27.27 22. 73 13.64 4.55 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 2.50 4.02 1.50 0.85 0.60 16.59 0.42 10.04 0.92 0.60 0.74 0.4 4.37 0.60 0. 20 0.44 0.05 U 0.11 .... 12 AGRICULTURE. Table 7–Continued. PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF ALL FARMERS IN EACH TENURE GROUP, BY AGE. PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF ALL FARMERS IN EACH AGE GROUP, BY TENURE. AGE AND COLOR OF FARMER. Total. Owners, | Owners, mort- free. Part Cash Share | Mana- owners. tenants. tenants. gers. Total. Owners, Owners, mort- Part Cash Share Mana- owners. tenants. tenants. gers. free. gaged. gaged. MINNESOTA. 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 36.21 27.51 14.48 6.77 14.25 0.78 All farmers Total.. 24 years and under.. 25 to 34 years....... 35 to 44 years........ 45 to 54 years....... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.... Unknown. 8. 49 37.99 34. 62 1.30 11. 48 23. 71 29.01 20.63 13. 48 0.40 27. 04 26.49 15. 24 1.49 14.99 29. 43 30.40 16.56 6.88 0.24 10.83 41.50 25.65 14.31 1.80 18.99 31.64 30.17 27.00 15. 22 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 13.99 21.01 31. 75 39.65 49.01 63. 02 43. 21 12. 22 20.85 29.95 31.57 29. 89 24.44 19.50 7.77 13.90 16.95 16.49 12.61 7.17 12. 43 17.08 12.99 7.06 4.14 2.78 2.17 45. 87 29. 88 13.51 7.70 5.35 2.97 15.87 3.07 1.37 0.78 0.45 0.36 0.23 1.72 13. 28 5. 72 1.61 3.83 0.29 22 0.36 0.37 0.74 7.27 White farmers Total. 100.00 i 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 36. 19 27.54 14.50 6.73 14. 26 0.78 3.36 19.79 8.54 38. 13 10.83 41.51 13.20 34. 67 14.00 20.98 17.09 12.97 7.02 25.63 24 years and under 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. 1.30 11.47 23. 70 29.02 20.63 13. 48 0.40 1.49 14.99 29. 44 30.40 16.56 6.88 0.24 1.79 18.98 31.64 30.18 13. 28 3.84 26.49 7.70 13.90 16.97 16.51 45.92 29.91 13.52 7.71 14.32 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 12. 22 20.87 29.99 31.60 29.93 24. 46 19.77 4.10 gonio 15.24 7.75 3.07 1.37 0.78 0.45 0.36 0.23 1.74 monio 5.35 2.74 1.62 7.18 12.40 0.37 2.15 6.78 2.97 16.09 0.33 Colored farmers Total.. 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 47.78 7.17 26. 28 0.68 12.50 17.41 28. 33 0.71 14.29 25. 71 25.71 1.30 19.48 31.17 50.00 9.80 3.03 15. 15 24. 24 33. 33 15. 15 9.09 19.05 23. 81 28.57 19.05 4.76 11. 26 12.50 9.80 9.64 14.86 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years. 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. MISSISSIPPI. 5.00 30.00 45.00 10.00 10.00 7.23 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 | 100.00 39. 22 43.37 48.65 60.42 68. 18 42. 86 again 12.50 29. 41 28.92 25.68 22.92 18.18 42.86 5.41 2.08 20.71 10.42 10.71 2.14 2.39 13. 64 5.19 3.90 A: 14.29 All farmers Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 20.70 9.36 3.50 27.16 38.98 0.30 11.96 100.00 10. 25 28.08 27.97 6.06 6.11 25.59 29. 30 27.69 19.76 33. 12 23.76 6.92 14.11 19.21 31. 88 24 years and under 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years. 45 to 54 years.. 55 to 64 years.. 65 years and over.. Unknown... 25.34 17.01 11.51 6.09 0.38 4.00 18. 87 23.52 22. 86 19.10 11.38 0.27 4. 47 24. 24 26. 71 22.53 15.16 6.68 0.21 17.51 10.50 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 28. 24 17.58 10.30 4.00 1.94 cogicious riositiini 23. 26 27.54 29.97 27.96 24. 78 23. 70 26.35 64. 38 46. 62 36.54 27.11 24.52 24. 34 50. 24 12.44 0.15 0.31 0.38 0.31 0.27 0.20 1.52 34.22 3. 0.22 5.31 0.37 0.50 White farmers Total.... 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 41.26 14.71 5.17 14.82 23.38 0.66 0.35 6.40 - 29. 62 32.41 6.73 15. 46 17.44 3.51 5.88 6.41 23.05 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years... 55 to 64 years... 65 years and over Unknown.. 0.72 0.92 12.07 27.01 18.20 13. 27 6.15 0.26 4.30 19.91 23.69 22. 68 18.93 10.23 0.27 5.52 28. 39 27.32 21.24 13. 13 4.23 0.17 8. 20 30.69 28.57 19.10 10.30 3.03 0.11 19.03 32. 78 21.59 13.95 8.97 3.45 14. 71 30. 41 42.40 51. 42 58. 86 26.49 34. 13 18. 69 10.90 6.88 2.62 0.28 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 23. 36 17.98 13. 88 11.36 10.01 17.11 17.17 5.43 51.34 29.55 18. 96 14.01 12.12 9.98 25.98 4.01 0.62 0.44 8.90 3.62 1.95 14.55 10.12 9.96 8.32 0.25 2.55 2.14 0.39 4.98 42.70 14.23 Colored farmers Total....... 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 7.02 5.79 2.38 35.38 49.37 0.06 3.77 1.66 17. 23 3.09 18. 21 30.35 3.69 5.97 24 years and under .. 25 to 34 years.... 35 to 44 years. 45 to 54 years.... 55 to 64 years.... 65 years and over... Unknown. 11.89 28.15 26. 87 16. 23 10.34 6.05 0.47 14.80 22.86 23.58 15.90 25.67 18.58 24.72 24. 89 7.80 26.77 29.75 18.51 10.93 5.83 0.41 17.63 32.80 25.35 12.12 7.36 4.17 0.56 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 28. 30 20.75 19.81 6.60 1.89 0.62 1.54 2.69 3.65 3.57 2.97 1.94 10.20 13.40 18. 44 4.52 imenico giochi 23. 20 33. 65 39. 16 40.35 37.39 34.11 30.75 19.00 73.19 57.53 46.58 36.89 35.11 34.05 59.04 0.02 0.04 0.07 0.08 0.12 0.07 0.26 15.53 7.55 0.38 0. AGE OF FARMERS. 13 Table 8 gives for the South the number of farm oper- | into six groups, classified by character of tenure, di- ators, by color of operator, according to age, divided | vided into six tenure classes. The data are for 1910. Table 8 THE SOUTH. Total. Owners, free. Owners, mortgaged. Part owners. Cash tenants. Share tenants. Managers. All farmers Total... 3,097,547 1,036, 768 292,622 215, 121 515, 411 1,021, 341 16,284 24 years and under .. 25 to 34 years. 35 to 44 years.... 45 to 54 years.... 55 to 64 years.... 65 years and over.. Unknown.... 278, 233 762, 109 756, 499 641, 962 422, 883 228, 223 7,638 30, 212 162,028 236, 580 258, 264 209, 765 137, 886 2,033 9,670 63, 871 82, 444 73, 682 44,207 18, 365 383 9,636 50, 206 63,795 53, 076 28, 360 9,655 393 55, 180 145, 912 130, 145 98, 861 56. 163 27, 474 1,676 172,167 335, 595 239, 117 154, 875 82, 712 34,085 2,790 1,368 4, 497 4,418 3, 204 1,676 758 363 White farmers Total..... 2,207, 406 908, 211 245,889 171,944 229, 461 636, 817 15, 084 24 years and under.. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years. 55 to 64 years.. 65 years and over. Unknown... 190,505 541,198 536, 366 459, 655 312, 423 162, 786 4, 473 26.511 144, 086 209, 315 225, 454 184, 080 117,068 1,697 8,515 56,668 71, 219 60, 432 8,392 43, 177 52,234 40,683 20, 882 6,305 271 30,427 73, 516 55, 171 38, 614 22,211 8,813 709 115, 386 219, 548 144, 336 91, 531 48, 289 16,561 1,166 1,274 4, 203 4,091 2,941 1,535 692 348 35, 426 13. 347 282 Colored farmers Total.. 890, 141 46,733 43, 177 384, 524 1,200 24 years and under........ 25 to 34 years.... 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years....... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over. Unknown. 128,557 3,701 17,942 27,265 32,810 25,685 20,818 336 87,728 220, 911 220, 133 182, 307 110, 460 65,437 3,165 1,155 7,203 11, 225 13,250 8,781 5,018 101 1, 244 7,029 11,561 12,393 STE 285,950 24, 753 72, 396 74,974 60,247 33,952 18,661 967 56, 781 116,047 94, 781 63, 344 34,423 17, 524 1,624 94 294 327 263 7, 478 141 3,350 122 66 15 The most important groups of all farmers according | mortgaged, with a difference of about one-third be- to age are those from 25 to 54 years; the group from tween each. Cash tenants and part owners rank fourth 35 to 44 years containing nearly one-fourth of all farm and fifth, respectively, the latter having only about operators in the country, the other two groups having one-fourth the relative importance of owners, free. slightly smaller percentages. The same groups are In every age group part owners occupy the lowest rank the most important among owners, mortgaged, part in importance, being the highest in that from“35 to 44 owners, and cash tenants; while among owners, free, years," decreasing both ways from that, and the low- the age groups from 35 to 64 years are the most im- est in the “24 years and under” group. In the two portant; and among share tenants 44 years and under. | groups 34 years and under, share tenants are the most The greatest difference among the groups is in the important; owners, free, ranking first in all other age share tenants, where the highest percentage group groups. The importance of the last tenure class nat- (25 to 34 years) contains 34.35 per cent of all. The | urally increases with the age of the farmers, there lowest percentage of the “24 years and under" group | being an unbroken series of increases from the young- and the highest percentage of the “65 years and est to the oldest group. Among the cash and share over" group are found among owners, free, and ex- | tenants this process is reversed. The changes in per- actly the opposite conditions exist among cash tenants. | centage are much greater among share tenants (8.08 to Comparing white and colored farmers, it appears | 56.37) than in either of the other tenure classes, while that the colored owners, free, show higher percentages | they are comparatively small in the case of cash ten- in the two younger age groups; the colored owners, | ants. Among owners, mortgaged, the increase is up mortgaged, and part owners show lower percentages to the “45 to 54 years” group and among part owners in the three younger age groups; and cash and share | to the next younger, in both cases decreasing regularly tenants lower in the two younger age groups. The | thence to the oldest age group. The high percentage relative difference between the two races is particu which owners, free, form of the “unknown” is re- larly marked in the 55 years and over groups in all markable, as that class would naturally be expected tenures except owners, free; in the 25 to 44 years to furnish the most complete reports, as the “un- groups of owners, mortgaged, and part owners, and in known” group forms but an insignificant part of the the “25 to 34 years" group of both classes of tenants. total of any tenure class, the distribution of that group Among white farmers the most important age groups | is of little importance. Again, many farmers (doubt- are the same as already noted for all farmers, but | less most of them owners, free) gave such replies that, among colored farmers the 35 to 64 years groups are un fer the ruling of the Census Office, they were classed the most important in all the owner classes and the as "unknown;” and especially in the North and the 25 to 54 years groups among tenants. West, practically all the Indian farmers are owners, Considering the age groups distributed among ten | free, and all come in the “unknown” group. ures for all farmers, owners, free, are relatively the | The white owners, free, form nearly two-fifths of all most important, followed by share tenants and owners, | white farmers in the United States, while the colored 14 AGRICULTURE. owners, free, form less than one-sixth of all colored | ber of colored farmers in the South, few of whom own farmers. In the case of owners, mortgaged, the differ their farms free of incumbrance, thus increasing the ence is still more marked, their relative importance in relative importance of this class among the whites. the case of white farmers being more than three times The lower percentages in the case of owners, mort- as great as in that of colored farmers. Among part | gaged, may be explained, in part at least, by the want owners the relative importance of the two races is of banking capital available for use in developing about the same as among owners, free. In the case of agriculture and consequent difficulty in borrowing on cash tenants the relative importance of white farmers | mortgage security. is less than one-third and in that of share tenants less A study of Table 7, for white and colored farmers than one-half that of colored farmers. These differ- | of the South, brings out several points of interest. ences among the different owner classes are intensified | Among all white farmers owners, free, form 41.14 per in the younger age groups, growing less with increasing | cent of the total, and but 14.44 per cent among all age; in fact, colored part owners form a higher per colored farmers. This difference is greatest (about centage of the “65 years and over" group than white one-third) in the age groups up to 44 years, and some- part owners of the corresponding age group. With thing over one-half in the older groups. Somewhat tenants the relative importance of white and colored similar conditions obtain in the case of owners, mort- farmers is more nearly the same in the “24 years and gaged, and part owners, but to a much smaller degree; under” group, while colored cash tenants form nearly in fact, in the two groups 55 years and over the per- seven times and colored share tenants nearly five times centage among colored is higher than among white as large percentages of the “65 years and over” group part owners. The percentages of white owners, free, as do the white farmers of the same tenure classes. in the “65 years and over" group is about five times The proportions which the different age groups form that in the “24 years and under,” while among colored of the total of the various tenure classes in the South do | farmers it is nearly eight times greater. In the case not differ very materially from those of the United of owners, mortgaged, it is less than double among States, and follow the same general lines of change. It is , white and about six times greater among colored noteworthy, however, that the two younger age groups | farmers, while the percentage of white part owners in form larger proportions of the different owner classes, the youngest age group is 4.41 and in the oldest 3.87, and the youngest and two older groups among tenants and of colored farmers 1.42 and 5.12, respectively. in the South. In the first case (owners) this difference | The percentage of white share tenants in the “24 is more marked among white farmers, and in the sec | years and under” group is nearly six times greater ond (tenants) among colored farmers. As between than in the "65 years and over” group; while the per- white and colored farmers of the South, the three age centages of white and colored farmers in the “24 years groups 44 years and under are more important among and under" group are practically the same, the per- the white owner classes, and the two younger groups centage of white farmers in the “65 years and over” in the white tenant classes. The remaining age groups group is less than two and one-half times that of the col- are of greater importance among colored farmers of all ored farmers. It would appear from these figures that tenures. the young white farmer, starting as a tenant, moves In the South the tenant classes form a considerably into the more permanent classes of ownership at a much larger percentage of all farmers than in the United more rapid rate than the colored farmer, and further States as a whole. This difference is especially marked | that the latter moves from one class of tenancy to the in the older age groups, decreasing progressively until other, while the former leaves the tenant class entirely. in the “ 24 years and under” group the percentages of That part of the table giving percentages for the cash tenants are nearly the same for the South and the | New England and West North Central divisions is of United States, and there is but little difference in the interest as showing the different conditions in the old case of share tenants. As to the proportion which and newly settled sections of the country. In the owners, free, forms of the various age groups, no mate distribution of the tenure classes the most striking con- rial differences appear in any, that class being, how trasts appear in the two younger age groups and in that ever, of somewhat less relative importance in the of "65 years and over.” Farmers 34 years and under South, but the mortgaged and part owner classes are form a percentage of all farmers nearly two and one- shown to be of very much less importance. This latter | half times larger in the West North Central than in condition is especially marked among owners, mort- the New England division, while the difference in the gaged, in the three groups 35 to 64 years." “65 years and over” group is still greater, but directly A comparison of the white owner classes in the opposite. In the various tenure classes the first con- different age groups shows considerably higher per dition is more noticeable among owners, and in the centages in the South for all ages, except the “24 years second, among tenants. From the very small propor- and under” group, among owners, free, and lower per tion which tenants 65 years and over form of the total centages among the other two classes. This condition in in the West North Central, it is very evident that this the owners, free, class is doubtless due to the large num- is not a popular form of tenure in that division, and the AGE OF FARMERS. 15 constantly decreasing proportions from the youngest | ences appear in the intermediate age group. The very to the oldest groups indicate a strong desire for much higher percentages which owners, free, form of ownership. the totals of the various age groups in the Mountain The dissimilarity in the financial status of the farm- | division is also noteworthy, more especially so in the ers in the two divisions, especially those in the younger three younger age groups. The proportions grow more age groups, is well illustrated in the second part of the nearly equal with the increase in age. The extraor- table. In the West North Central division 69.56 per dinarily high percentages of owners, free, in the Moun- cent of the farmers 24 years and under and 49.85 per tain division among colored farmers may be explained cent of those 25 to 34 years of age are tenants, the by the fact that they are practically all Indians who corresponding percentages in the New England divi are, in most cases, forbidden by law to alienate their sion being 23.88 and 17.44, respectively. That these property. young men are tenants for financial reasons is suffi In Minnesota 72.56 per cent of the rural population ciently evidenced by the rapidity with which they | are immigrants and their children, while in Missis- graduate into the owner classes with increasing years | sippi they constitute only 0.87 per cent of the total. and consequent greater command of money. Prob- | In view of these figures it is interesting to note that ably a very large proportion of the owners, free, and | 62.95 per cent of the farmers in Minnesota of 24 years even of the owners, mortgaged, who are 24 years or and under are tenants, 42.87 per cent are 25 to 34 years under are in these classes through inheritance either of age, 20.57 per cent are in the next age group, and of the farms or the means for their purchase. In view | only 5.14 per cent are in that of 65 years and over. In of this, the fact that these two owner classes form | Mississippi, on the contrary, the corresponding per- 64.10 per cent of all farmers in this age group in the centages are 87.64, 74.16, 66.51, and 48.04. It may be New England and only 21.17 per cent in the West | objected to this contrast that the large colored farming North Central division is significant of the time of population causes these high percentages in Mississippi, settlement of the two sections of the country. but considering white farmers only, the percentages The figures for the South Atlantic and Mountain are 74.70, 47.53, 32.84, and 18.30. Since ownership is divisions are of interest as showing the different tenure the strongest guaranty of permanency in farming com- systems between the two divisions. In the first divi- | munities, the preceding figures present our foreign-born sion tenants form over four-fifths of the farmers 24 farmers and their children in a most favorable light years and under, and in the second division less than regarding this important subject and also may explain one-fifth. In the next age group the percentages are to some extent the widespread success in Minnesota of 60.68 and 14.74, and in the “65 years and over” group, the cooperative associations of farmers which depends 25.19 and 4.71 per cent, respectively. Similar differ- | so much on the permanency of their members. AGE OF FARMERS, BY SIZE OF FARMS FOR SELECTED AREAS: 1910. Table 9 shows, for 1910, the per cent distribution of South, and the West, four selected geographic divisions, the farms in each age group according to the size of , and the states of Minnesota and Mississippi. Abso- farms operated, divided into six age groups, and the | lute numbers for the North, the South, and the West per cent distribution in each age group according to | will be found in Table 10, and for each of the divisions the size of farms, for the United States, the North, the | and states in Table 13. Table 9 Under Total. || 19 acres. 20 to 50 to 49 99 acres. | acres. 100 to | 174 acres. 175 to l 499 acres. 500 to 999 acres. 1,000 acres and over. Total. Under 19 | acres. 20 to 49 acres. 50 to 100 to | 175 to 500 to | 1,000 | 99 | 174 l 499 999 acres and acres. acres. acres. | acres. over. AGE OF FARMER UNITED STATES Total. 100.00 || 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 || 13.1922.23 22.60 23.83 15.38 1.97 0.79 24 years and under... 25 to 34 years........ 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years....... 55 to 64 years........ 65 years and over.... Unknown.... 6.59 22. 22 24. 70 22.52 14.89 8.72 0.35 11. 42 22.15 20.13 17.88 14.72 12.72 0.96 9.56 25. 87 23.54 18.99 13.32 8.45 0.28 5.25 21.58 25.81 23.15 15.37 8.62 0.22 4.74 21.74 26. 33 24. 19 15.07 7.68 0.26 3.59 19..46 26.08 27.05 16.01 7.59 0.22 3.40 18. 45 25.09 28.05 16.87 7.81 0.34 100.00 || 3.03 17. 26 25. 29 29. 22 16.59 7.82 0.80 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 22.86 13.15 10.75 10.47 13.04 19. 25 36.70 32. 23 25.88 21.18 18.75 19.88 21.55 18.12 18.01 21.95 23. 62 23. 24 23. 33 22. 34 14.20 17.15 23. 32 25. 40 25. 60 24. 11 21.00 17.58 8.37 13. 46 16.24 18. 47 1.02 1.64 2.00 2. 45 0.36 0.61 0.81 1.02 0.88 0.71 13.38 1.76 1.92 1.83 THE NORTH Total. 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 || 100.00 9.55 0.51 4.93 0.44 24 years and under... 25 to 34 years........ 35 to 44 years.. 45 to 54 years........ 55 to 64 years........ 65 years and over... Unknown. 0.50 4.32 19.85 24. 82 24. 14 16.24 10. 27 0.36 || 2.69 12.55 19. 70 22.14 20.77 20.82 1.33 4.42 16.61 21. 68 22. 80 19.20 14.90 0.38 4.65 19.83 25.02 23.70 16.45 10.08 0.26 22. 79 26. 49 23.69 14.31 7.56 0.23 3.82 21.26 26.66 26. 56 14.66 6.81 0.23 3.85 20.50 25. 26 28.16 15. 62 6.36 0.26 2.87 17.14 24. 66 32.09 16.38 6.25 0.60 | 13.88 24.20 29.48 20.16 2.22 14.21 26.04 33.66 17. 82 1.98 11.62 24.17 33.85 21. 59 2.30 12.13 24.40 31. 46 21. 66 2. 26 13.11 23.75 28.92 22.18 2.60 16.42 24. 52 25.98 18.20 2.14 20.14 23.75 21. 69 13.37 1.38 14.32 | 17.36 | 18. 44 | 12.641 1.61 100,00 5.95 100.00 6.04 100.00 7.58 100.00 8.76 100.00 12. 22 100.00 19.36 100.00 || 34.79 | 0.68 zon 0.51 0.31 0.83 16 AGRICULTURE. Table 9—Continued. Under Total. || 19 acres. 20 to 50 to | 100 to 49 99 174 acres. | acres. acres, 175 to 499 acres. 500 to 999 acres. 1,000 acres and over. Total. Under 20 to 19 49 acres. | acres. 50 to 100 to 175 to 99 1741 499 acres. | acres. | acres. 500 to | 999 acres 1,000 acres and over. AGE OF FARMER. 100.00 | 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 16.16 30.86 22.43 18.13 10.42 1.33 0.68 THE SOUTH Total. 24 years and under... 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years.. 65 years and over.. Unknown.. 41. 48 37. 87 14. 85 21 39 17.32 28. 26 19.92 14. 64 11.03 8.36 0.47 12.07 30.19 24. 13 16.95 10.67 5.75 0.24 5.95 23. 47 26. 49 22. 39 14.30 7.22 0.17 4.24 19.63 26. 22 25. 24 16. 50 8.01 0.16 2. 86 15.34 24. 84 28. 47 19.05 9. 27 2.63 14. 24 23. 63 28. 30 20. 27 10.54 0.40 3. 26 16.32 23.93 27.99 18.34 9.35 0.81 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 31.16 18. 56 13.18 11. 41 13.06 18.35 30. 69 25. 24 24.11 24.08 30.40 8. 55 14. 47 19. 46 22.08 21.92 19. 71 11.59 24. 23 23. 50 21.99 3.31 6 49 10.59 14.31 14.53 13.11 7.52 0.25 0.45 0.66 0.91 0.39 0.77 1.29 1.82 1.97 1.90 2.13 0.18 THE WEST Total.. 100.00 || 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 16.74 15.30 19.50 5.30 3. 88 4. 34 20. 88 26.15 2.55 24 years and under.. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years... 45 to 54 years.. 55 to 64 years.... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. 3. 49 18.52 26. 64 26. 42 27.51 37.42 32. 36 26. 93 2.78 15. 69 23. 76 25.06 17.55 11. 86 3.32 100.00 4.99 23.30 26.98 24. 75 13.38 6.30 0.30 3.81 19.59 27.57 26. 38 15.10 7.29 0.27 3. 48 4.14 5.91 24.57 25. 60 22.52 13. 47 6.91 1.02 3.54 20.56 27. 60 27.15 13. 86 6.82 0.46 2.85 18. 73 27.87 28. 09 14. 28 7.19 1.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 12.30 13.57 15. 59 16. 24 11.76 10.32 11.04 12. 40 12. 47 11.98 10.87 3.04 10.70 12. 58 15. 22 16. 85 19. 82 25. 18 53. 87 22. 41 21.75 20.12 19. 38 17. 60 15. 58 24. 89 4.32 5.22 5. 60 5.78 4.96 4.59 2.36 4.38 16.34 16.88 3.74 8.31 0.28 16.12 4.16 1 25.01 24.12 27.13 3.77 NEW ENGLAND. Total.. 100.00 100.00 100.00 | 100.00 100.00 100.00 | 100.00 100.00 24.33 23.32 14.83 1.13 0.31 0.20 1.44 10.21 19. 79 0.23 0.26 1.56 11.28 21.01 24. 86 21.00 19.68 0.61 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years. 45 to 54 years.... 55 to 64 years... 65 years and over.. Unknown... WEST NORTH CENTRAL. 23. 11 1.19 9.84 20.24 24. 36 21.81 22.14 0.42 1.65 11.45 20. 96 24. 52 21.11 19.97 0.34 1.84 12.71 21.77 25.22 20.54 17.66 0.27 1.57 11.88 22. 42 27.26 20.25 16.30 0.31 100.00 || 18.17 17.91 100.00 16.79 | 13. 66 100.00 16.44 100.00 17.12 17.26 100.00 16. 89 17.55 100.00 18. 37 18.61 100.00 20.68 20.15 100.00 54.11 12.23 1.22 11.27 20.48 28.05 20.85 17.11 1.03 1.04 8.30 17.99 29.07 23.18 19.55 0.87 25. 89 24. 69 24.27 23.99 24. 45 24.68 13.53 27.59 26. 26 24.15 23. 66 22.81 20.91 10.15 14.99 15. 62 | 15. 83 16.27 14.30 12.29 7.63 0.89 1.13 1.10 1.28 1.12 0.98 1.91 21.23 22.41 1.82 0.36 0.34 0.30 0.43 100.00 || 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 4.73 8.29 16.38 33.22 31.25 | 4.97 1.16 6.13 24.30 25. 59 Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years... 45 to 54 years... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown... SOUTH ATLANTIC. 100.00 | 100.00 100.00 7.51 7.10 4.68 23.92 27.77 24.14 24. 73 1 27.08 21.04 20.78 | 25.42 | 13. 29 8.23 5.64 0.22 0.20 4.04 7.80 13. 52 20.23 18. 87 20.96 20.91 | 20.04 20.35 21.45 13.50 0.86 0.30 22.71 4.22 21.87 25.61 27.93 14.98 5.22 0.17 3.02 18.00 24. 85 32.63 16.06 5.02 0.42 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 3.11 2.63 3.49 4.36 7.02 13.91 17.111 10.54 6.90 6.79 7.31 10.37 15. 32 10.32 20.07 16.13 15.83 15.17 17.13 18. 47 15.00 38. 45 23. 85 37.96 31.05 34.72 33. 07 30.39 34.98 28. 45 30. 25 25.66 | 22. 28 27.66 24.30 3.42 4.47 4.97 6.12 5.43 3. 56 3.58 0.57 0.86 1.13 1.67 1.36 0.80 2.03 13. 73 7.30 0.24 Total. 100.00 | 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 || 16. 82 22.66 16.31 10.60 1.31 0.45 7.00 100.00 2.16 11.71 22.72 23. 21 31.81 100.00 3.31 17.28 25. 27 26.20 18.38 9. 41 0.15 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years. 35 to 44 years. 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years... 65 years and over.. Unknown..... MOUNTAIN. 7.72 22.81 24.14 21.45 15.13 8.53 0.23 100.00 2.43 13.99 28. 33 20.75 11.14 0.16 13.45 25. 79 20.83 16.64 13.00 9. 86 0.42 17.07 11.08 28. 91 24. 10 17.32 11. 82 6.53 0.23 4.81 20.97 26. 39 23. 60 15.88 8.17 0.18 31.86 45.76 40.38 25.73 24.90 24.37 31.35 1.69 11.78 22.CO 29. 68 21.29 12.99 0.58 28. 33 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 29. 31 19.01 14. 51 13.05 14. 45 19.44 30.46 14.13 20. 84 24.77 24.93 23.77 21.70 17.02 12.36 19. 92 19. 81 3.34 6.50 10. 20 14.01 14.54 13.85 7.34 0.37 0.67 1.23 1.73 1.90 1.95 2.34 0.10 0.23 0.41 0.63 0.64 0.69 1.11 21.93 12.73 0.42 17.99 10.37 100.00 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 || 12.77 10.54 35.32 | 4.62 3.47 1.74 Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years. 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown........ MINNESOTA. 100.00 || 100.00 5.66 3.92 23. 94 | 18.11 26. 38 24.06 23.16 23. 20 13.05 14.61 6.22 9.21 1.60 6.89 100.00 4.59 22. 73 28.51 13.42 5.94 0.26 4.71 21.45 27.05 24. 43 14.55 7.56 0.24 100.00 7.15 27.15 25.45 20.87 12.19 100.00 6.15 25. 87 27.31 23. 39 12.16 4.81 0.31 2.49 3.60 3.35 19. 51 28.13 28. 50 13.97 6.11 0.44 2.84 17.19 27.34 29. 73 14.94 6.63 1.34 10.57 8.79 9.47 10. 84 11.15 11.78 12.84 1.61 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 24.55 8.85 9.66 11.65 12.79 14.30 18.91 55.14 22.72 24.70 24.55 23.52 22.94 21.17 17.56 4.48 8.55 10.00 11.39 11.17 10.84 10.07 1.71 40.05 34.08 31.81 32.99 2.74 3.77 4.93 5.69 4.95 4.54 1.26 45 3.97 5.70 3.70 1.49 2.90 Total. 100.00 | 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 3.60 7.70 17.02 35.50 33.84 | 2.15 0.19 100.00 2.59 15.27 22.66 2. 67 | 16.33 1.96 1.92 24 years and under..... 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years... 45 to 54 years.... 55 to 64 years... 65 years and over... Unknown..... 2.72 3.36 19. 79 27.04 26.49 15.24 7.74 0.33 100.00 3.58 19.67 27.08 25.71 15.35 8.35 0.25 1.83 10.54 20.43 24. 11 20.98 20.48 1.62 3.03 15.07 22.90 25.81 18.57 14.26 0.36 3.66 21.95 28.77 25.21 13.70 6.43 .29 3.24 19.94 27.16 28. 26 15.08 6.05 0.28 32.06 21.67 29.67 22.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 3.28 6.93 5. 87 6.52 7.51 9.39 14.18 8.22 18.13 16.92 17.05 16.52 17.14 18.36 12.81 38. 61 39.38 37.77 33.78 31.90 29.45 30.98 32.56 34.10 33.99 36.10 33.47 26.43 28.49 1.66 1.66 1.80 2.60 2.87 1.88 1.91 0.15 0.16 0.15 0.22 0.28 0.18 0.19 4.95 20.36 0.30 6.76 0.33 9.52 17.40 MISSISSIPPI. Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 24. 40 41.06 16.27 | 11.00 | 6.24 0.75 0.28 0.10 0.34 24 years and under... 25 to 34 years. 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years.... 55 to 64 years....... 65 years and over.. Unknown... 100.00 || 100.00 11.96 23.37 27.69 32.47 25.34 19. 39 17.01 10.36 11. 51 6.09 5.94 0.38 0.63 11.82 31.36 27.39 15.10 9.33 4.64 0.36 0.66 5.55 24. 42 28. 32 20.74 13. 89 6.89 0.19 3.31 18.31 27.10 25.02 17.92 8.12 0.22 100.00 1.65 12.47 22.27 27.03 23.24 12.57 0.78 100.00 2.05 13.72 25. 26 1.93 12.44 24.63 30.18 21.04 9.49 0.29 25.77 19.23 12.05 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 47.66 28. 61 18. 67 14. 86 16.61 23. 81 39. 72 40.58 46.49 44. 38 36.45 33.26 31.28 38. 67 7.56 14.35 18.18 19.84 19.62 18.41 7.87 3.04 7.27 11.76 16.17 17.12 14. 66 14.66 6.16 1.01 2.80 6.06 11.07 11.40 9.72 4.64 0.05 0.14 0.29 0.42 0.47 0.56 1.42 1.19 1.52 1.55 1.52 7.84 1.92 Table 10 gives for the North, the South, and the For the United States as a whole, in farms up to 49 West the number of farms in each of the various acres in size, the “25 to 34 years” group is the largest; sizes according to the age of the operators, divided | from 50 to 174 acres, the “35 to 44 years” group; and into six groups. The data are for 1910. from 175 acres upward, the “45 to 54 years” group. AGE OF FARMERS. 17 Table 10 AGE OF FARMER. Total. Under 19 acres. 20 to 49 acres. 50 to 99 acres. 100 to 174 acres. 175 to 499 acres. 500 to 999 | 1,000 acres acres. and over. THE NORTH Total..... 2, 890, 618 276,042 401, 332 699, 417 582,778 14,685 422 24 years and under.. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years.... 45 to 54 years.. 55 to 64 years........ 65 years and over.. Unknown. 124, 882 573, 806 717, 348 697, 814 469, 315 296, 913 10,540 7,425 34, 633 54,390 61. 122 57.335 57, 470 3,667 17,745 66, 678 87, 026 91. 489 77. 075 59, 810 1,509 32,519 138, 670 175, 016 165, 769 115, 085 70,528 1,830 852,051 42,039 194, 212 225, 674 201, 839 121, 946 64, 397 1,944 22, 257 123, 913 155, 377 154,773 85, 426 39, 700 1,332 64, 313 2,475 13, 183 16, 243 18, 109 10, 043 2,517 3, 622 4, 713 2,405 918 4,090 170 88 THE SOUTH Total.. 3,097,547 500, 614 955, 907 694, 737 561, 544 322, 612 41,183 20,950 1,083 5,863 682 24 years and under... 25 to 34 years. 35 to 44 years... 45 to 54 years....... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown... 278, 233 762, 109 756, 499 641, 962 422, 883 228, 223 9, 731 86, 710 141, 463 99, 717 73, 279 55, 228 41, 873 2,344 115, 419 288, 589 230, 628 162, 033 101, 950 54, 966 2,322 41,316 163, 055 184, 069 155, 554 99, 377 50, 186 1,180 23, 801 110, 245 147, 216 141, 739 92, 680 44,978 885 9, 222 49, 476 80, 124 91, 837 61, 459 29, 920 574 11,656 8,346 4,341 163 3,418 5,014 5,864 3,843 1,959 170 7,638 THE WEST Total.. 373, 337 57, 137 43, 915 102, 691 72,785 19,799 14,500 24 years and under.... 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years. 45 to 54 years... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. 16, 215 77, 961 97, 622 92, 931 55, 326 29, 434 62, 510 1,735 9,805 14, 855 15, 663 10, 968 7,411 2,073 1,994 10, 580 15, 224 15,094 9,339 1,673 8,605 12, 107 11, 584 6,629 3,200 117 6,067 25, 226 26,293 23, 127 13,835 7,099 1,044 3,633 16,958 19, 637 18,014 9,740 4,585 213 700 4,071 5, 465 5,376 2,745 1,351 91 413 2,716 4,041 4, 073 2,070 1,042 4, 746 3,848 160 145 In every size farm the three groups 25 to 54 years | ranks third; the 20 to 49 acres, fourth; and the under 19 are the most important, although in those of 175 | acres, fifth. In the two age groups 34 years and under acres and over the “55 to 64 years” approaches very | the largest number of farms are from 20 to 49 acres, closely the “25 to 34 years” group. The youngest | in the next three age groups the 100 to 174 acre class and oldest age groups are of relatively greater im- | ranks first, while in the “65 years and over” group the portance in the smallest size farms, the percentage of 50 to 99 acre class ranks first. Excluding the two the youngest decreasing in a regular series as the size sizes 500 acres and over, neither of which are of much of the farms increase, but in the oldest age group the importance in any of the age groups, the 175 to 499 lowest percentage is found in the 175 to 499 acre farms. acre farm is of the least importance in the youngest The relative importance of the various age groups does and oldest age groups, while in practically all the not differ materially from one group to the next in the other groups those under 19 acres rank lowest. In farms of under 19 acres, except between the two the “45 to 54 years” group the under 19 acre farms youngest the percentage of the “25 to 34 years” | form only 10.47 per cent of the total number, and group (the highest) being about double that of the only 8.37 per cent of the farms of 175 to 499 acres youngest (the lowest). As the farms increase in size, in size are operated by farmers 24 years of age however, this difference in percentages becomes greater, | or less. More than two-thirds (68.66 per cent) of the until the proportionate importance of the “45 to 54 | farms of the country are from 20 to 174 acres in size, years” group is nearly ten times that of the youngest and more than two-thirds of all in the various age age group in farms of 1,000 acres and over. The rela- | groups, except in that 65 years and over, fall in these tively large percentage which farmers 65 years and sizes. Even in this oldest age group the percentage over form of the smallest farms in comparison with which these three sizes forms of the total is 64.89. the larger sizes may be due probably to the desire of In the New England division three points, relative successful farmers to give up the care of large farms | to the proportions which the different age groups form (renting them in many cases), while at the same time of the total of the various size classes, are especially they do not wish to give up active life entirely, and so | noteworthy. The comparatively small percentages retain a small portion under their own management, | which the 34 years and under groups form of all sufficiently large, however, to be considered a farm for size classes, the small differences in the percentages census purposes. The lessening importance of the age which the other age groups form of the size classes, groups after 45 to 54 years in the large farms may be more especially of those up to 100 acres, and the per- due to some degree to the same cause, but probably to centage which each age group forms of the total of the a much greater extent to the division of the farms into various size classes. The highest percentage which smaller holdings in the settlement of estates, and to the youngest group (24 years and under) of farmers the tendency to break up the large plantations of the forms of any of the size classes is 1.84 in the 100 to 174 South and the great ranches of the West. acre farms, and the highest in the next group (25 to 34 In the country as a whole the 100 to 174 acre farms | years) is 12.71 per cent in the same size class. In the are the most important, numerically speaking, while the first age group there is a difference of from 1.04 to 1.84 50 to 99 acres rank second. The 175 to 499 acre class | per cent only, and in the second age group from 8.30 49368°—14— 3 18 AGRICULTURE. to 12.71 per cent between the highest and lowest. | groups, much greater proportions than in any of the Similar insignificant differences appear in the other other three groups, and may be attributed, to a age groups great extent at least, to the prevalence of the “one- Farms of from 50 to 174 acres form the largest mule” tenant farms, which generally come within classes in all age groups in the New England division, | these sizes. In another way this division differs those under 50 acres ranķing next in importance. | from the West North Central and Mountain divisions There is but little difference in the importance of the | in that the older age groups (55 years and over) form various size classes in regard to the age groups, the considerably larger proportions of all size farms from widest variation appearing in the 20 to 49 acre size, 100 acres up. These proportions are, however, con- where the percentage ranges from 13.66 in the “24 siderably smaller than are found in the New England years and under" group to 20.15 in the “65 years and division. From the standpoint of the age of the over” group. farmer (34 years and under), in the last-named divi- Among farmers 24 years and under, the 100 to 174 sion, the 50 to 174 acre farms are the most important; acre farms form twice as large a proportion of the total in the West North Central and Mountain divisions as those of 20 to 49 acres, and in none of the age groups the 100 to 499 acre farms predominate; the 20 to 100 do the farms of 500 acres and over constitute as much acre farms in the South Atlantic division rank first, as 2 per cent of the total. with the 20 to 49 acre farms, however, largely pre- In the West North Central division the greater im- | dominating in the younger age groups. In fact, portance of the young farmer is distinctly shown in nearly one-half of the farmers in the South Atlantic farms of all sizes and the much smaller proportions of division 24 years and under, and over two-fifths of those the older age groups are shown in farms of all sizes ex 25 to 34 years of age, operate farms between 20 and cept those of 19 acres and under, and these differences 49 acres in extent. The proportion of farmers of increase with the size of the farms. Farmers 34 years these two age groups who operate farms of 100 to 174 and under constitute 17.56 per cent of all those oper acres is about the same in the Mountain division. ating farms 19 of acres and under, and 21.02 per cent of Considering the age of the farmers who operate all those operating farms of 1,000 acres and over in this farms of the various sizes in Minnesota and Mississippi, division, the corresponding percentages in the New Eng- the sharpest contrast is in the percentages of those 24 land division being 11.65 and 9.34. The percentages years and under with farms of 19 acres and under. In which farmers 65 years and over form of all operating | the former this is 1.83 per cent and in the latter 23.37 farms of 19 acres and under are nearly the same in the per cent. In the case of farms from 20 to 49 acres in two divisions, but in the case of farms of 1,000 acres size these percentages are 3.03 and 11.82, respectively. and over the percentage in the New England is nearly The percentage of farmers up to the age of 44 is four times that in the West North Central division. greater in Minnesota in all farms of 100 acres and In the New England division 60.41 per cent of the over, except farms of 1,000 acres and over in the “35 farms are of less than 100 acres, and in the West North to 44 years” group. Farmers in the groups from 45 Central 70.60 per cent are 100 acres or over. The same years up form a larger proportion of those operating relative proportions hold good in the different age practically all the various sized farms in Minnesota groups, the older ones showing the highest percentages than those in Mississippi. in the small farms in the New England and the younger A striking contrast between the size of the farms groups showing the highest percentages in the larger operated by farmers of various ages is presented in farms in the West North Central division. Farms under the second portion of the table. In Minnesota less 19 acres form, on the average, over four times as large than 2 per cent of farmers 24 years and under operate a percentage of the total of all age groups in the New farms of 19 acres or under, while in Mississippi they England than they do in the West North Central form nearly one-half. The percentage of those 25 to division, those from 20 to 49 acres more than double, 34 years in the first state is less than 2 per cent, with and those of 50 to 99 acres about 50 per cent greater. 28.61 per cent in the second state. On the other The reverse of this is found in farms of 100 acres or hand, 71.17 per cent of the farmers 24 years and under more. In the New England division more than one- in Minnesota operate farms from 100 to 499 acres, and half (54.11 per cent) of the operators of farms of 19 acres or under are shown in the “unknown” age groups, 73.48 per cent of the next age group operate farms of while in the West North Central division only 17.11 the same size, the corresponding percentages in Mis- per cent of the operators of farms of 19 acres or under sissippi being 4.05 and 10.07. Similar differences are in this group. The reason for this wide difference appear in all the age groups of the two states, becom- is not clear. ing less marked, however, as the age of the farmer In the South Atlantic division is seen the impor increases. tance of the young farmer on the small farms. About In the North and the West the age groups 35 to 54 two-fifths of all farms under 19 acres and from 20 to years are the most important in practically every 49 acres are operated by farmers 34 years and under, size class. In the South these groups are the most im- and more than another fifth by those 35 to 44 years portant in farms of 100 acres and over, but in the of age. These are, in regard to the first two age smaller sizes the 25 to 44 year groups rank first, this AGE OF FARMERS. 19 being especially noteworthy in the 20 to 49 acre farms. I The greater importance of the large farms in the The highest percentage shown for any age is 32.09 for | West is shown in Table 9, the percentage of farms of the “45 to 54 years” group in farms of 1,000 acres and 500 acres and over being more than three times that over in the North, and the lowest, 2.63 per cent, for the of either the North or the South, and that of farms “24 years and under” group in the 500 to 999 acre of 1,000 acres and over more than five times as large. farms in the South. The“35 to 44 years” group in the | In the North and the West these large farms (500 acres West forms nearly the same proportion of all the and over) reach their highest percentages in the “45 various sized farms, there being much smaller differ to 54 years” group, but in the South in the next older ences than are found in any other groups and sizes. group. The percentages of the 1,000 acres and over The 100 to 174 acre farms are the most important farms are higher in the South than in the North in all in the North in all age groups except the “65 years and | age groups except the youngest, but among farms of over” group, in which the 50 to 99 acre class takes first | 500 to 999 acres the percentages are much higher in rank. With the same exception, as above noted, more the North except in the “65 years and over” group. than half the farms in this section in every age group In the West the percentages of the three classes of fall in the two size classes from 50 to 174 acres, with small farms are about the same for the age groups the 175 to 499 acre farms ranking third. up to 54 years, but in the two older age groups the In the South the 20 to 49 acre farms are of the greater importance of the under 19 acre farms becomes greatest importance at all ages, decreasing, however, in very marked. Farms of this size constitute more a regular series from the youngest to the oldest. The than one-fourth of those operated by farmers 65 under 19 acre farms rank second in the “24 years and years and over, nearly two and one-half times as under” group, but the 50 to 99 acre farms outrank many as those of 50 to 99 acres, and a greater per- them in all other age groups. In the age groups from centage than that furnished by any other size. Farms 35 to 64 years the 100 to 174 acre farms take third of 100 to 174 acres constitute the highest percentage place, and in those from 45 to 64 years the farms from of any size in all other age groups, with 175 to 499 175 to 499 acres are of greater importance than those acre farms ranking second in all except those from 55 under 19 acres. years upward. GENERAL TABLES. Table 11 gives, for each geographic division and color and tenure, and further divided into six age state, the number of farmers in 1910, total, white, groups. and colored, classified by six groups according to age. | Table 13 gives, for 1910, the number of farmers in Table 12 shows, for 1910, by geographic divi- | each division and state, distributed by age groups and sions and states, the number of farmers classified by | according to the size of farms operated. 20 AGRICULTURE. COLOR AND NATIVITY OF FARMERS–DISTRIBUTION BY AGE PERIODS OF ALL FARMERS, Table 11 ALL FARMERS. DIVISION OR STATE. All ages. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years. 35 to 44 years. 45 to 54 years. 55 to 64 years. | 65 years and over. Un- known. United States.. 6,361, 502 419, 330 1,413, 876 1,571, 469 1, 432, 707 947,524 554, 570 22, 026 oooo voer A CON 188, 802 468, 379 1,123, 482 1, 109, 948 1,111, 881 1,042, 480 943, 186 183, 446 189, 891 2, 936 11,067 42,795 68,084 85, 809 101,499 90, 925 10,380 5,835 21,300 67,941 214,884 269, 681 253, 560 259,086 249, 463 43,914 34,047 39,665 110,091 283,519 284,073 268,385 251, 334 236, 780 48,385 49,237 46,932 120, 593 278,189 252, 100 238, 443 210, 204 193, 315 42, 490 50, 441 39, 651 90,479 186,836 152, 349 168, 237 137, 558 117,088 23,939 31,387 37,165 65,778 112,963 81,007 94,844 80, 189 53,190 11, 411 18,023 1,153 2,430 4,303 2,654 2,603 2,610 2, 425 2,927 921 . 1,038 12, 415 389 238 117 5,196 60,016 27,053 32, 709 36,917 5,292 7,293 2,605 4, 422 3,575 530 2,875 7,372 7,904 14,776 6,603 7,921 9,468 1,301 6,863 12,597 6,067 6,666 7,740 11, 659 6,076 5,619 7,402 1,027° 5,382 1,101 1,149 389 104 230 26, 815 356 5,677 5,432 31, 812 215,597 33, 487 219, 295 5,149 705 5, 213 30,691 4, 535 32, 715 49,950 7,864 52,277 55, 229 8,880 56,484 41, 630 6,285 42,564 4,919 1, 136 299 995 19 / 29,047 272,045 215, 485 251, 872 206,960 177,127 8,699 10,019 12,381 6,589 5,107 46, 688 41,449 56, 215 35,759 34, 773 67,026 53,043 67, 239 49, 925 46, 286 67,440 52,035 59,563 52,360 46, 791 49,258 35,818 35,167 38,060 28,533 32,007 21,942 20, 399 23, 615 15,000 927 1,179 908 652 637 5,252 523 12,092 15, 455 26, 710 908 890 156, 137 217,044 277, 244 74,360 77, 644 129, 678 177, 841 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England... Middle Atlantic.... East North Central... West North Central.. South Atlantic.. East South Central.. West South Central.. Mountain.... Pacific.. NEW ENGLAND: Maine..... New Hampshire. Vermont. Massachusetts. Rhode Island.... Connecticut.... MIDDLE ATLANTIC: New York. New Jersey... Pennsylvania. EAST NORTH CENTRAL: Ohio. Indiana. Illinois...... Michigan...... Wisconsin.... WEST NORTH CENTRAL: Minnesota. Iowa... Missouri..... North Dakota.. South Dakota.. Nebraska. Kansas.... | SOUTH ATLANTIC: Delaware. Maryland. District of Columbia .. Virginia West Virginia. North Carolina. South Carolina. Georgia....... Florida....... EAST SOUTH CENTRAL: Kentucky.. Tennessee.. Alabama... Mississippi.. WEST SOUTH CENTRAL: Arkansas....... Louisiana .. Oklahoma..... Texas.. MOUNTAIN: Montana.... Idaho.. Wyoming.. Colorado. New Mexico.... Arizona ........ Utah........ Nevada... PACIFIC: Washington. Oregon.. California. 30,892 52,368 59, 434 23, 924 23,182 35,764 44,117 42,216 57,511 68, 756 20,751 19, 204 32, 147 43,488 12, 119 16,573 4,455 6,899 10,374 12,412 41,362 50,372 62,224 15, 210 16,137 28, 117 38,678 2,412 23, 800 28, 311 43, 157 7,488 8,657 15,931 25,005 120 3,375 7,148 13,815 190 197 326 379 2,018 8,045 2,592 12,332 2,833 12,586 1,848 8,604 53 194 1,427 26 56 35 316 10,836 48,923 217 184,018 96, 685 253, 725 176, 434 291,027 50,016 8,005 3,587 17, 931 18,651 33, 103 2,724 133 521 34,669 18,554 58, 785 45,554 75,889 10,020 45, 295 24,865 59,103 43, 265 68, 644 12, 233 43,193 22,335 55,824 32, 491 57, 136 11,982 1,113 5,735 31 20,559 11,038 21,609 12, 465 17,856 4, 438 31, 981 16,173 39,952 23,642 37,593 8, 409 366 806 210 259,185 246,012 262, 901 274,382 19,931 20, 628 28,117 32,823 60,045 56,179 66,880 75,982 65, 350 56,857 59,586 69,541 53, 457 52,865 57, 201 46,681 35,918 36,689 33, 359 31, 592 24,057 22, 306 17, 118 16, 708 427 488 640 1,055 447 214, 678 120,546 190, 192 417,770 21,959 10,026 15,785 43,155 56,863 30,380 50,841 111,379 50, 522 32,503 51,153 102, 602 45, 694 23,015 40,359 84,247 20, 491 15,969 22, 898 51, 730 12,702 8,257 8,764 23,467 396 392 1,190 7,051 1,359 129 1,745 1,478 662 2,606 2, 484 6,912 7,519 3,029 10, 860 8,777 3,108 11,890 26,214 30,807 10,987 46,170 35,676 9,227 21,676 2,689 137 916 6,068 7,459 2,370 11, 084 7,600 1,937 5,338 634 2,950 3,873 1,163 6,081 5,172 1,148 3,160 392 8,732 8,770 2,175 1,614 518 2, 733 2, 485 707 1,740 255 433 1,150 380 939 1,730 4,542 590 5,898 716 86 56,192 45,502 88,197 1,930 1,590 2,315 10,917 8,662 14, 468 14,522 11, 847 22, 868 15,402 11,967 23,072 9,059 7,325 15, 003 4,104 3,962 9,957 258 149 514 AGE OF FARMERS. 2L AND OF WHITE AND COLORED FARMERS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1910. WHITE FARMERS. COLORED FARMERS. Un-། All ages. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years. 35 to 44 years. 45 to 54 years. 55 to 64 years. 65 years and over. known. n || All ages. 24 years and under. [ years. 5 to 44 | 45 to 54 155 to 64 | 65 years and years, years. years. over. Un- known. 15, ༣༣ 5, 440, 619 IE 330, 574 [ 1,187, 452 | 1,344, 237 | 1, 243, 727 ། 832, 312 | 485, 625 | 16, 692 |920, 883 | 88, 756 | 226, 424 | 227, 232 ། 138, 980 | 115, 212 | 68, 945 | 5, 334 64 71 54 375 315 པ༠ ༠ ༤ 755 188, 460 466, 418 1,117, 772 1, 100, 084 756, 019 717, 262 734, 125 175, 418 185, 061 919 2, 930 11,013 42, 659 67, 737 53, 288 66, 339 70,878 10, 100 5, 630 21, 257 67, 694 214, 129 267,942 169, 964 175, 334 195, 900 42, 595 32, 637 39, 601 109, 614 282, 278 281, 787 181, 746 170, 408 184, 212 46, 716 47,875 46, 842 120, 101 276, 770 | 249, 749 164, 529 145, 918 149, 208 41,070 49, 540 37,100 65, 463 112, 044 79, 766 65, 922 39, 580 90, 104 185, 624 150, 542 119, 039 100,377 93,007 23, 101 30, 938 1, 150 2, 429 4, 268 2, 561 1,531 1,318 1, 624 1, 103 708 342 1, 961 5, 717 9,864 355,862 325, 218 209, 061 8, 028 4, 830 136 347 32, 521 35, 160 20,047 280 477 1,241 ། 1. 419 2, 286 ། 2,351 86, 639 ། 73, 914 80, 926 ། 64, 286 | 52, 568 ། 44, 107 1, 669 1, 420 1,362 1,212 1, 807 49,198 37,181 24, 081 838 57,568 1, 241 28, 922 | 22, 621 ། 13,894 678 83, 752 ། 53, 563 1, 319 1, 410 39, 296 ། 10, 733 17, 733 1,072 1, 292 _801 1, 824 213 205 901 449 290 ཏེ 1, 037 7, 291 2, 602 ༤༠ 389 I16 •Hu 634 59, 987 27, 038 32, 689 36, 793 5, 251 26, 702 4, 416 73 12, 412 5, 196 7,369 7, 877 1, 094 5, 653 14, 768 6, 601 7,917 9, 431 1, 293 6, 832 3, 565 520 12,588 6, 063 6, 662 7, 721 1, 140 5, 406 གྱི ཆ ༤ 11, 653 6, 071 5, 618 7,374 1, 021 5,363 436 ཆེ 79 355 389 104 230 1 2, 863 113 5,120 939 234 233 178 214, 658 33, 011 218, 749 689 30, 551 4, 485 32, 658 49, 716 7, 751 52, 147 54, 996 8, 759 56,346 41, 452 6, 197 42, 455 31, 688 4, 831 28, 944 476 113 299 995 2 88 5, 204 546 130 ། 138 109 103 923 439 318 154 270, 095 214, 680 250, 447 206,014 176, 536 8, 656 9, 992 12, 351 6, 569 5, 091 46, 436 41,354 56,018 35, 639 34, 682 66, 587 52, 889 66, 921 49, 738 46, 143 66, 969 51,826 59, 194 52, 142 46, 639 48, 835 35, 637 34, 872 37, 850 28, 430 31, 689 21,812 20, 190 23, 433 14, 920 1, 950 805 1, 425 946 591 471 209 369 218 1,170 901 643 631 130 209 318 295 187 210 103 143 12, 070 293 516 908 15, 421 201 41 371 505 155,844 216, 843 273, 578 73, 617 74,836 129, 216 176, 150 719 5, 244 12,113 16, 451 4, 432 6, 818 10,349 12, 330 30, 841 52,346 58, 929 23, 780 22, 601 35, 630 43, 815 23, 752 28, 270 42, 438 7,374 8, 151 42, 133 57, 464 67,929 20,548 18, 519 32,048 43, 146 41,288 50,321 61, 258 15, 023 15, 529 28, 022 38, 308 208 7o 26, 202 2,342 3, 088 7,103 13, 540 3, 666 743 2, 808 462 1, 691 114 506 685 118 130 196 322 287 15, 868 581 134 302 99 608 95 370 | 45 24, 689 | 342 316 275 348 49 922 161 250 | 1,857 7,172 2,342 10, 731 2, 602 10,868 1, 693 7, 439 1,023 4, 894 155 1,165 231 1, 718 | 1,275 152 873 | 1, 601 | 841 52 62 6,372 12 48, 114 1 9, 914 42, 551 205 135, 904 95, 977 188, 069 79, 636 168, 468 35, 295 708 21 87 146 6,215 3,568 13, 290 7, 578 19,070 1, 944 26,351 18, 467 43, 978 20, 423 44, 478 7,215 33, 400 24, 719 44, 059 19, 031 38, 896 8, 518 31,157 22, 134 41,127 15, 635 32, 736 8, 208 23, 722 16,016 29, 761 11, 533 22, 660 6,182 | 14,838 10, 942 15, 566 5, 284 10, 237 3, 109 288 152 65, 656 96, 798 122, 559 14, 721 1, 790 | 8, 318 | 1,895 | 12, 036 8, 259 201 157 4, 641 | 14, 807 ། 15, 044 | 14, 697 | 10, 191 11, 073 25, 131 24, 234 16,856 12, 109 14, 033 31,411 | 29, 748 24, 400 ། 14, 933 780 2,805 | 3, 717 ། 3, 7742, 227 5, 721 96 6,043 7, 181 7, 619 1,329 214 415 391 121 247, 455 207, 704 152, 458 109, 645 19, 237 16, 599 17,273 13, 230 57, 898 47, 818 40, 005 29, 615 62, 425 49, 054 33, 655 25, 274 50,679 43, 923 31,365 19, 951 34,096 31,075 20, 654 14, 552 | 22, 738 18, 841 9, 247 6, 742 382 11,730 694 2, 147 396 38, 308 4,029 8, 363 110, 443 | 10,844 | 26,875 281 | 164, 737 [ 19, 593 | 46, 367 259 2, 925 2, 778 1,822 7,803 8, 942 5, 614 12, 705 44, 287 | 26, 730 | 17, 040 | 1,319 3, 465 7,871 9, 966 ༧, 964 | 25, 838 381 ཡྻོ ཙྪཱ ཙྪཱ བྷྱཱ ཙྪཱ ཙྪཱ བྷུདྡྷཱ ཙྪཱ ཙྪཱ ཙྪཱ ཙྩུ རྒྱུ རྫོཙ༄༅ བྷཱུ ཙྪཱ ཙྪཱ ན 774 262 9, 28t 4, 034 181 151,085 65, 667 169,521 347,852 15,610 5, 726 14, 021 35, 521 40,178 17, 023 45,326 93,373 35,280 16, 939 45, 897 86, 096 30,572 12,859 36, 042 69, 735 19, 902 8,871 20,385 43, 849 63, 593 54, 879 20, 671 69, 918 215 333 14 6, 349 ། 16, 685 | 15, 242 | 15, 122 4, 300 13, 357 ། 15, 564 | 10, 156 1, 764 5, 515 5, 256 4,317 7, 634 | 18, 006 | 16, 506 ། 14, 512 6, 589 3, 421 7, 098 | 4, 223 2,513 1, 247 7,881 | 5, 003 7,517 18, 464 376 1, 664 1, 284 259 166 15 114 87 1, 467 1,196 405 65 6A 660 25, 018 30, 402 10, 922 45, 596 33, 528 6, 024 1,558 513 2, 720 137 541 5, 809 7,368 2,353 11, 048 7,156 1, 459 5, 283 574 2,594 2, 408 13 6, 633 7, 438 3,018 10,787 8, 354 1,309 4, 483 573 6, 730 8, 675 3,084 11, 838 8, 288 1, 590 5,837 674 2, 784 3, 809 1, 157 6, 068 4, 922 884 3, 124 353 2, 277 123 250 208 2,148 3, 203 375 310 1, 123 308 264 260 21, 400 915 447 1, 700 234 276 2, 528 594 161 3, 995 173 1,125 p 122 109 55, 067 44,875 85, 119 1,886 1,564 2,180 10,864 8, 556 13, 417 14, 239 11, 670 | 1,968 15,173 11,810 22, 557 ། 8, 987 7, 229 14, 772 3, 899 147 627 253 106 1, 051 157 63 9, 839 388 3, 078 135 | 515 231 118 22 AGRICULTURE. FARM OPERATORS CLASSIFIED BY AGE OF FARMER, BY COLOR, AND BY TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1910. Table 12 AGE OF FARMER. Total. Owners, || Owners, mort- Part | Cash | Share | Man- free. Jowners. tenants. tenants. agers. AGE OF FARMER. Owners, whers, Part Total. | Cash Share Man- free. mort- owners. tenants. tenants. agers. gaged. 531 205 UNITED STATES LAST NORTH CENTRAL. All farmers: Total... 6,361, 502 2, 295, 277 1,059, 620 593, 825 826, 287 1,528,389 58, 104 All farmers: 24 years and under. 419, 330|| 54, 415/ 23,715 19,560 80, 446 236, 374! 4, 820 Total.. 1,123, 489) 410, 258 25 to 34 years...... 1,413, 876|| 297, 261 192, 747 130, 953 252, 299 524, 916 15, 700 24 years and under. 42, 795 3,856 35 to 44 years...... 1,571, 469|| 487, 141 301, 674 181, 044 216, 438 368, 960 16,212 25 to 34 years. 214884|| 32,033) 45 to 54 years...... 1,432, 707|| 592,148 287, 992| 156, 3531 152, 769 231, 721] 11, 724 35 to 44 years...... 283, 5191 79,511 55 to 64 years...... 947, 524 490, 910 172, 197 78,507 82,361 117, 709] 5, 840 45 to 54 years...... 278, 189 114, 691 65 years and over.. 554, 570 362, 468 79,693 26, 190 38,855 44, 814 2,550 55 to 64 years..... 186, 836 99, 380 Unknown........ 22, 026 10,934 1, 602 1,218 3,119 3, 895/ 1,258 65 years and over.. 112,963 78, 4761 White farmers: Unknown......... 4,303 2,311 Total......... 5, 440, 61912, 149, 353 1,009, 735 548, 413 536,343 1,140,215, 56, 560 White farmers: 24 years and under. 330, 574 50 242 22,509 18, 259 55,502 179, 364 4,698 Total......... 1,117,772 408, 473 25 to 34 years...... 1,187, 452| 276,751 185, 205| 123, 606 178,647 407, 928| 15, 315 24 years and under. 42, 659 3, 834 35 to 44 years...... 1,344, 237|| 456, 289) 289, 764 168, 926| 140, 301| 273, 171] 15, 786 25 to 34 years... 214, 129) 31, 867 45 to 54 years...... 555, 725 273, 870) 143, 346 91,782 167, 610) 11. 394 35 to 44 years... 282, 2781) 79, 2281 55 to 64 years...... 462,550 162, 725 70,580 47,9881 82, 805. 5,664 45 to 54 years... 114, 272 65 years and over.. 485, 625 339, 296 74, 17822,613 19,993 27,080 2.465 55 to 64 years.... 185, 624 98, 972 Unknown..... 16, 692 8,500 1,484 1,083 2,130 2.257 1.238 65 years and over.. 112, 044 77,998 Colored farmers: Unknown..... 4,268 Total..... 920, 883|| 145, 924 49,885 45, 412 289, 944) 388,174 1,544 || Colored farmers: 24 years and under. 88, 756) 4, 173 1,206 1,301 24, 944 57,010 Total. 5,717) 25 to 34 years... 226, 424 20, 510 7,542 73,652| 116, 988 385 || 24 years and under. 35 to 44 years...... 227, 232 30, 852 11,91012, 118 76, 137/ 95, 789| 426 25 to 34 years... 45 to 54 years...... 188, 980 36, 423 14, 122 13, 007) 60, 987 64,111 35 to 44 years...... 1, 241) 55 to 64 years...... 115, 212 9,472 7,927| 34. 37334, 904 176 45 to 54 years...... 1, 419 65 years and over.. 68,945 23, 172 5,515/ 3,577 18,862 17, 734 55 to 64 years...... 1,212 Unknown... 5,334 118 135 989 1,638 65 years and over.. Unknown... 266,981 131, 805 99,334 204, 263 10. 848 4,8192,877 7,165 23, 117 961 44,311| 24.769) 34, 714 76.005) 3.052 75, 831 41, 652 28, 839 54, 550 3,136 75, 319 37,571 16,975 31, 499 2,134 45, 545/ 18, 664 7,978 14, 298 971 20, 6345, 9223,279 4,263 389 522350 384 265, 7471 130.916 98,798 203,064 10.774 2.854 7,148 23.063 954 24, 663) 34,604 75, 751 3,037 41, 43728, 712 3,114 37, 326 16,854 31, 241 2, 116 18, 456 14, 094 964 5,834 3,216 4,176 386 512 380 203 832 312 276, 770 2,302 346 122 1,199 330 258 215 28, 360 358 291 208 2, 434 85 20 200 NEW ENGLAND. WEST NORTH CENTRAL. 106, 415 921 103 188, 802 2, 936 21,300 39, 665 46, 932 39,651 37,165 1,153 56,124 961 8,628 14, 968 14,975 10, 125 6,404 17,390 25, 986 25,759 28, 408 848 1,485 5,869| 12,188 99 509 815 2,893 3,529 1,603 2,550 1,086 1,600 986 121 2,827 5,379 192 254 8221 1 030 1,039 821 1,472 544 1,274 300 781 143 450 109 90 106, 263 5,855 390g9 12, 141 919 All farmers: Total.......... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.... White farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over .. Unknown....... Colored farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years.... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over. Unknown... 56,019 959 8,620 14,942 188, 460 2, 930 21, 257 39, 601) 46, 8421 39, 580 37,100 509 2,880 9,570 44,953 69, 661 87, 400 70,514 51, 191 1,094 329,232 9, 431 44,061 68, 523 86, 224 69,532 50, 435/ 1, 026 245, 683) 178,8801 124,539 218,079 8,384 4,839 5,232 13,354 34, 0061 1.083 44,711 42,895| 48, 017| 86, 4111 2,694 73, 119 55,812 32,250 50, 936 2,295 68. 09846.971/ 18,858) 29391| 1.382 38,2101 21, 406 8,555 13,049| 615 16,324 6,250 3,149 3,868 225 382314 356 418 244,546) 177,799| 123,688) 216,511 8,308 4,822 5,204 13,310 33,892 1.078 44, 606 42, 73047, 837 86, 030 2,678 72,897 55,557| 32,025 50, 522 2,263 67, 787 46, 667) 18,661 29, 041| 1,369 37,926 21, 204 8,421 12,850 609 16,131 6,131 3,084 3,764 221 377 306 350 90 2,822 192 820 820 544 299 142 815 1,481 1,599 3,518 7,087 17,370 25, 950 25, 720 28,369 848 5,360 252 1,035 1, 470 1,267 449 14,943 All farmers: Total .. 1,109,948|| 24 years and under. 68, 084|| 25 to 34 years.... 269, 681 35 to 44 years...... 284, 073 45 to 54 years...... 252, 1001 55 to 64 years...... 152, 349 65 years and over.. 81, 007|| Unknown... 2,654 White farmers: Total......... 1,100,084) 24 years and under. 67,737|| 25 to 34 years.... 267,942| 35 to 44 years...... 281, 787) 45 to 54 years...... 249, 749 55 to 64 years.... 150, 542 65 years and over.. 79, 766 Unknown... 2,561 Colored farmers: Total.. 9,864 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 1,807 65 years and over.. 1,241 Unknown. 10, 107 6,387 2,539 1,593 1,082 772 779 1,150 108 105 5, 151 1,081 851 MOON INC 3471) 1,137 17 105 1,739 180 16 orv EES: HANNANO 2, 286| 892 1,138 1,176 255 222 311 225 32 13 2,351 197 202 284 193 ng G 119 104 93 MIDDLE ATLANTIC. SOUTH ATLANTIC. All farmers: Total......... 25,613 468, 379|| 205,578 11,067 1,602 67,941 14, 312 110, 091 36, 441 120, 593 55,208 90, 479 51,324 65,778 45, 235 2,430 1,456 7,335 7,551 10,008 93,701 71,596 200, 931 309,498! 8,298 2,649 2,687 21,346 47, 315 618 19,033 15,207 56, 472| 97,381 2,182 25, 893 20,589 49,968! 73,014 2,354 23,99518,219 37, 490 49, 460 1,658 15,146 10,738 23,577 29 113 6,867) 4,002 11,525 12,369 439 '118 154 553 846 113 5, 432 934 1, 973 47,081 57,190/ 9,072 2,448 4, 155 546 3,742 12, 298] 17, 436 2,147 13,602 16,955 2,582 11, 264 2.085 4,487 | 5,437 1,022 2,900 1,852 431 393 259 46, 824 56, 972 9,000 445/ 2,443 4,141 3,725) 12,254 17,394 2, 129 7,295 13,518 16,886 2,558 . 9,945 11, 212 2,074 4, 463 5,395 5,408 1,014 1,963 1,840 79 393 259 All farmers: Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years.. 45 to 54 years.... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown...... White farmers: Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown..... Colored farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown........ 538 1,111,881| 427,857 85,809 11,194 253,560 63,285 268, 385 96,567 238, 443 107,621 168,237 88,729 94,844 59,642 2,603 819 756,019 364,156 53, 288 9,433 169,964 54,592 181, 746 82,856 164,529 91,506 119,039 75,837 65,922 49,248 1,531 7,578 557 2,023 2,138 466, 418|| 204, 665| 123, 473| 11, 013 1,585 1861 67, 694 14, 219 17,973 109, 614|| 36, 256 33, 101 120, 101 54,989 34, 367 90, 104 51, 117 22, 707 65, 463 45,044 13,312 2, 429 1,455 152 1,961 913 372 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years.... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown... White farmers: Total..... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown... Colored farmers: Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 yeurs and over.. Unknown......... 7,514 2,8761 428 1,513 846 398 103 91 86 317 76,488] 50,549 87,734) 169,514 2,292 2,149 11,067 27,790| 16,670 11,924 28, 150 56, 605 21,780 15, 02521, 18838, 759 19, 120 12,421 14,518 25, 451 11,700 6,751 8,925 14,980| 4,840 2,189 3,635 5,612 90 251 17,213 21,047) 113,197 139,984 357| 538) 10,279 19,525 3,283 28, 322 40,776 4,113 5,564 28,780 34, 255 4,875 5,798 22, 972 24,009 3, 446 3,987 14,652 14,133 1,813 7,890 6,757) 321 641 5291 247 93 185 219 207 191 477 492 375 315 355,862 32,521 83,596 86,639 73,914 49, 198 28, 922 1,072|| 63,701 1,761 8,693 13,711 16, 115 12,892 10,394) 720 61 159 216 145 110 88 41 135) 3021 10 AGE OF FARMERS. 23 FARM OPERATORS CLASSIFIED BY AGE OF FARMER, BY COLOR, AND BY TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1910—Continued. Table 12-Con. AGE OF FARMER. Total. Owners, ders, Part Cash | Share | Man- | mort- free. gaged. Jowners. tenants. tenants. agers. AGE OF FARMER. Total. Owners, Owners, nets, Part 1 Cash | Share | Man. mort- Jowners. tenants. tenants. agers. free. I gaged. PACIFIC. EAST SOUTH CENTRAL 189, 891 5,835) 34,047 85,167 1,554 345,158 10, 337/ 282 18, 853 1,042, 480 101, 499 259, 086 251, 334 210, 204 137,558 80,189 2,610 93,819 71, 475208, 260 320, 478 3.586 3. 453 23,003 60,838|| 21,708 17,137 58,064 107, 056 25,874 21, 023 52, 919 72, 429 22,724 17,456 40,250 44,897 13,7499,0772192523, 610 6,044 3,220 11, 420/ 10,605 134 109 679 1,043 10,294 24,016 54, 212 78, 1901 84, 244 68,847 48, 740 588 20,722 557 4,208) 6,237 5,768 2,805 1,099 50. 441 31,387 18, 023 17, 604 12,318 921 528 48 46,044 830 7,527 13, 306 13,551 7,502 3,263 65 45,789 820 7,447 13, 219 13, 5031 7,479 3,256 All farmers: Total..... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown..... White farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown. Colored farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown 20,634 554 4,185 19,008 13,725 5,225 1,0891, 445 360 5.830 4,807 1,381 5,587 3,738 1,516 2,252 1,091 1,862 1,082 532 772 361 210 105 40 135 16,934 13,167 5,144 1, 405356 4,598 1,347 3,575 1,498 2,157) 1,079 1,039 525 205 38] 134 23, 604 717, 262 66,339 175, 334) 170, 408 145,918 100, 377 57,568 1,318 All farmers: Total. 3,290 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 909 35 to 44 years... 899 45 to 54 years..... 633 55 to 64 years.. 350 65 years and over.. 160 Unknown........ 57 | White farmers: Total......... 3,041 24 years and under. 265 25 to 34 years..... 846 35 to 44 years..... 840 45 to 54 years...... 568 55 to 64 years...... 319 | 65 years and over.. 150 Unknown....... Colored farmers: Total..... 249 24 years and under. 17 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years.. 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over. Unknown.. 59,058 3,134 15,277 17,836 13,627 6,899 2,206 7 9 73,247 189,259 11,279 38,864 66,055 16, 838) 40, 621 25, 363 6,744| 13,118 2,8451 4,847) 193 391 185,061 5,630 32,637 47,875 49, 540 30,938) 17, 733 83,393 1,509 10, 056) 18,454 23, 598 17,361 12,086 76,774 11,744 2,798 1,093 355 329 508 316, 252 76,405 9,6293 ,168 50,607 18,945 72, 475 21,798 17,842 62,825 10,472 43, 434 4,086 Sito 94 28,906 17,414 708 3,605 2,763 5,715 4,076 7,470 6,022 5,306 1,958 80 53 4,830 255 2,074 103 558 40 205 1,410 826 209 1,362 325, 218 35,160 83, 752 80,926 64, 286 37,181 22, 621 1,292 665 310 1,774 45 238 399 418 243 232 1992 12,417 135,013 131,219 319 11,724 21,974 1,860 34, 460 41, 001 3,187 36,081 31, 808) 3,829 28,506 19,534 2,178] 15, 18110, 492 1,014 8,575 5,758 486 652 126 X 901 449 290 213 NEW ENGLAND. WEST SOUTH { CENTRAL ΜΑΙΝΕ. 40,745 1,105 999 105,102 3, 435 23,130 30, 677 429 2,230 120 565 333 302 00 58 3,341 7,301 943,186263, 753 90, 925 8,681 249, 463 44,531 236, 780 61, 8231 193, 315 66, 399 117,088 52, 189 53, 190 29,504 2,425 626 603 72,050 106,220 391, 365 3,496 10, 831 64,014 17, 862 31, 376| 131, 158 22,183] 27, 258| 93,674 17, 401 21,121 60,518 8,545 29, 989 2,433 11,111 130 444 901 4,696 468 1,406 1,165 913 | 392 159 193 60,016 1,038 7, 293 12, 415 14,776 12,597 11,659) 238 14,604 372 2,889 3,957 3,731 2,320 1,318 - 29 193 248 289 206 1381 10,046 9,569 9,876 183 414 293 205 223 224 176 99 15, 312 5,454 213 131 17 22 59,987) 1,037) 40,727 1,105 62,337 3,109 15,976 998 333 - 30 57 All farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years... 65 years and over. Unknown.... White farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown..... Colored farmers: Total..... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years... 45 to 54 years.... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown. 734, 125 70,878 195.900 184,212 149, 208 93,007 39, 296 1,624 68, 480 278, 044 8,081 48,732 21,762 96,888 64,956 40, 717 20,191 2,333 6,102 265 All farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown....... White farmers: Total......... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. Colored farmers: Total..... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown... 4,465 452 1,334 1,113 860 370 144 192 14,597 372 2,889 3,729 2,318 7,291 12, 412 14, 768 12,588 11, 653 3,955 14, 635 2,227 120 565 602 413 293 193 248 289 227,803 7,449 38, 887 53,984 57,174 45, 418 24,386 505 35,950 1,232 5,644 7,839 9, 225 6,7711 5,118 92, 996 3,055 21.053 27,641 23,470 13,254 4,421 102 12.106 380 2.0771 3,036 3, 493 2,058 1,033 205 223 224 176 10,041 9,562 9,872 7,232 1,910 102 458 183 V 209,061 20,047 53,563 52,568 44, 107 24, 081 13,894 801 9,713' 37,740 113,321 387 2,750] 15, 282 1,886 9,614 34, 270 2,810 10,113 28, 718 2,766 8,769 19,801 1,313 4,119 9,798 523 2,196 5,009 28 443 53 וטטא- 22 ASTON 15 29 '179 MOUNTAIN. NEW HAMPSHIRE. 10,964 2,912 6,016 1801 28,321 726 5,693 292 248 389 27,053 2, 605 5.196 165 97 4091000 3.840 890 793 8,830 2,843 1,896 15,815 713) 4,318) 4,728 3,813 1,699 517 27 15, 781 28, 705 16,564 8,954 554 17,698 1,053 2,743 4,394 4,985 93 681 39 134 190 150 105 7,890 3,831) 1,316 4,265 1,699 69 392 494 343 237 153 11 831 872 1,530 1,629 1,148 730 10 243 87 188 157 126 6,067 6,076 117) 05 242 20 61 4 97 183, 4468 116, 708 10, 380| 6,700 43,9141 26,538 48,385) 42, 490 26,583 23,939 11, 411 2,927 2,664 175,418) 109, 116 10, 100 6,453 42,595 25, 375 46,716 27, 143 41, 070 25, 238 23, 101 15, 768 10, 733 8, 296 1, 103 843 8, 497 679 6,011 All farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.... White farmers: Total........ 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown........ Colored farmers: Total..... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years... 45 to 54 years... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown.........! 779 28,272 726 5,684 8,813 7,877 3,826 1,311 4,311 4,715 3,807 1,695 515 2,552 2,435 748 285 82 All farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown... White farmers: Total......... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. Colored farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years. 35 to 44 years.. 45 to 54 years... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over. Unknown. 104 191 10.862 2,890 1,285 246 3,787 886 2,818 792 1,884 548 826 242 84 2096 27,038|| 389 2,602 5,196 6,601 17, 691 165 1,052 2,743 4,264 1,697 69 391 494 343 872 1,530 1,628 1,146 729 1.716 680 39 133 190 150 6,063 4,392 237) 105 4,982 152 27 6,071 116 102 53 8,028 280) 1,319 1, 669 1,420 838 678! 1,824|| 7,592 247 1,163 1,562 1,345 796 658 1,8211.. erere Son NA OOON WATOHANS CAN. 10.-------| EN 1 | 24 AGRICULTURE. FARM OPERATORS CLASSIFIED BY AGE OF FARMER, BY COLOR, AND BY TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1910_Continued. Table 12–Con. AGE OF FARMER. Owners, las M Owners, 1 port Total. 19 ers, morte | Part Cash | Share | Man- free. gaged. owners. tenants. tenants. agers. AGE OF FARMER. Total. Owners, mort- free. TS, Part | Cash Share | Man- Towners. tenants. tenants. agers. gaged. NEW ENGLAND- Continued. NEW ENGLAND Continued. VERMONT. CONNECTICUT. 12,534 14, 259 102 636 12, 708) 26,815 9,439 1,087) 2,302 1,272 22 180 328 1,6921 105 2,316 138 663 692 32,709 4,422 7,372 7,921) 6,666 5,619 26 , 125 2,275 2,043 3,374 3,237 2,257 1,374 3 450 3401 949 45 194 284 230 124 61 157 277 315 184 413 2,875 5,677 5,432 5,382 328) 6,863 1,184 2,519 2,619 1,726 1,249 17 522 649 536 324 173 3,647 3,828 2461 155 258 147 56 134 5 230 31 11 N 1,271 635 26, 702 1,081 2,283 102 22 105 727) 1,865 3,092) 3,036 3,741 168 12,670 79 724 1,860 3,083 3,021 3, 735 355 67 All farmers: Total....... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown...... White farmers: Total..... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown..... Colored farmers: Total..... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown. 32,689 634 4,416 7,369 7,917 6,662 14,250 903 3,448] 3,644 3,827 26 126 12,527 241 2,041 3,372 3,235 2,257 1,374 815 138 663 692 413 180 327 2.275 All farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 504 126 25 to 34 years...... 524 179 35 to 44 years..... 153 45 to 54 years...... 170 88 55 to 64 years...... 59 65 years and over.. Unknown.... White farmers: 1,691 Total..... 24 years and under. 503 25 to 34 years... 524 179 35 to 44 years...... 328 153 45 to 54 years... 170 55 to 64 years... . 65 years and over.. 27 Unknown... Colored farmers: 1 Total..... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown...... 9,404 124 1,181 2,511 2,6091 1,721 1,241 157 276 937 45 191 282 225 340 313 2,863 5,653 6,832|| 5,406 5,363| 230 519 642 531 323 170 246 88 122 147 59 133 2 20 14 NA HAWO: 635 . corce :ca Bowen HUN Coco . F MASSACHUSETTS. MIDDLE ATLANTIC. NEW YORK, 2,722 257 1,863 12, 432 1091 1,535 28 73 14,331 4,051 1,370 16 158 379 398 562 66 337 36,917 439 3,575 7,904 9, 468 7,740 7,402 65, 239 1,052 9,257 1,784 202 3, 307 819 77 20, 773 1, 159 5, 415 4,307 87,104 668 5,560 14,600 23.023 21, 848 20, 793 612 24,099 7,319) 7,035 740 CU O NANO 958 1,146 935 6,014 3,445 2, 425 1,601 10 2,354 2, 3071 468 18, 273 126 917 2,794 4, 482 4, 454 5, 226 274 18,209 124 913 2,781) 4,467 4, 445 389 1, 2991 860) 225) 54 235 107 12,390 256) 2,712 87 109 1,532 528 462 252 146 65 1,859 72 337 528 460 252 145 14,250 All farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown......... White farmers: Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years... 65 years and over.. Unknown..... Colored farmers: Total..... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown... 1,367 16 158) 378 397) 86, 486 65, 130 6521,048 36,793 436 3,565 7,877 9,431 7,721 7,374 283 24,046 1,777 215, 597 5, 1498 30, 691 49,950 55, 229 41, 630 31, 812 1, 136 214,658 5, 120 30, 551) 49, 716 54, 996 41, 452 31, 688|| 1,135 939 29 140 560 818 2,168 3,295 3,430 2,419 1,595 All farmers: Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown. White farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years.... 65 years and over- Unknown..... Colored farmers: Total..... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years.... 45 to 54 years... 55 to 64 years... 65 years and over.. Unknown... 20,709 1,158) 5, 398) 5,995 4, 296 17,014 639 343 227) 4, 088 LAVA 4,037 202 955 1, 138 934 466 236 181 5,205 14,458 22, 867 21,717 20,703 611 4,163 2, 415 1,083 20 389 235 107 42 EH, CON RHODE ISLAND. NEW JERSEY. 5,292 2,732 919 11,797 11,195 4, 196 4,098 1,060 80 1,099 17 105 281 106/ 174 255 155/ 1, 396 943 AL - 1,146 1,141 22 168 306 322 196 114! 530 1,101 1,301 1,149 1,027! 104) 314 NIREA : 230 298 246 2,963 3. 258 2.083 1,380 1,0931 1,162 890 485 209 752 249 132 co 2,836 14 204 13 907 2,716 20 11,679 1,090 16 105 1, 118 33, 487 4,535 7,864 8,880 6,285 4,919 299 33,011 689 4,485 7,751 8,759 6,197 4,831 299 476 16 28 77 22 250 156 All farmers: Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years.. 65 years and over.. Unknown......... White farmers: Total.......... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown..... Colored farmers: Total...... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown........ 703 5,251 79 520|| 1,094 1,293) 1, 140 1,021 279 182 270 200 1401 All farmers: Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years... 55 to 64 years... 65 years and over.. Unknown... White farmers: Total..... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown...... Colored farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown..... 11, 071 102 1,385 2,942 3, 223 2,059 1,351 168 299 410 4,123 171 933 1, 122 950 580 3,987 1,073 1, 128 858 470 1,033 67 223 290 242 138 647 313 317 656) inaan 189 110 748 391 73 204 • CNN PO HOOO 113 121 TGI N. AGE OF FARMERS. 25 FARM OPERATORS CLASSIFIED BY AGE OF FARMER, BY COLOR, AND BY TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1910—Continued. Table 12-Con. AGE OF FARMER. Total. KOwners, Owners, S, Part 1 Cash Share Man- mort- free. owners. tenants. tenants. agers. AGE OF FARMER. Total. ll Owners, free. Owners ders, Part Cash | Share | Man- mort- owners.tenants. tenants. agers. gaged. MIDDLE ATLANTIC- Continued. EAST NORTH CENTRAL-Contd. PENNSYLVANIA. ILLINOIS. 47, 411 3,961 10,141 ***140 1,392 28, 993 68,638 1,115 67,216| 7,380 5.940 219,2951 5,213 32, 715, 52, 277 56, 484 42,504 29,047 13,028 2,917 38,662 5,318 11, 351 11, 809 13.170) 13,183 4,469 55 aos coloca 6, 442 4,731 2,489 1,273 122 251,872 12, 381 56, 215 67,239 59,563 35,167 20,399 273 959 138 904 414 144 129 3,041 1,863 2, 386 246 736 707 439 169 18, 296 10,504 4,575 1,321 160 772 58 995 16 for 783 33 106, 677 857 8,047 19,852 28, 991 26,684 21, 606 640 106,500) 856 8,038 19, 828 28,953 21,546 908 21,992 37,807 37,163 **866 2, 605 7,264 12, 251 11, 209 10,822 6, 469 5,018 2,758 1,502 984 -184 110 37,588 36,936 862 2,602 7, 238 12,986 12,19311, 159 10,760 6,414 4,972 2,717) 1,479 949 38,376) All farmers: Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown. White farmers: Total......... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years. 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.... Colored farmers: Total.. 24 yearsand under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. 1,114 10,116 140 1,389 2,908 3,034 153 13.425 19, 520 16, 174 13,427 468 68, 354 732 4,871 13, 390 19, 448 16,094 13,352 218, 749 5, 204 32,658 52, 147 56, 346 42, 455 28, 944 995 47,272 3711 7,341 13, 1451 13,136 8,440 4,444 5, 294 5,923 6,401 28, 9393,930 2,114 269 9,016 1, 130 898 410 All farmers: Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. White farmers: Total...... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown...... Colored farmers: Total..... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown... 702 risco tian 951 8, 73511 5, 626 2,637 143 250, 447 12,351 56,018 66,921 59,194 34,872 20, 190 901 66, 8252,368 7,364 245 24, 896 18, 189 10, 411 434 4, 512 1, 295 158 11,727 6,410 3,058 1,850 167 per 129 109 5461 1,425 391 30 9 57 84 107 130 138 : Darowie CO BO CO CORD 197 318 369 295 209 109 103 EAST NORTH CENTRAL. MICHIGAN. OHIO. 872 2,753 7,858 44,776 534 6,228 12,797 12, 889 8, 414 29,122 457| 4,586 9,036 8,828 4,653 1,506 23,754 53, 434 1,379 5,309 7,707 19, 384 7,163 14,949 4,206 8,544 2,227 3,971 1,166 206, 960|| 6,589 35, 759 49, 925 52, 360 38, 060 23,615 652 15, 230 21, 823 19, 374 15, 283 70, 803/ 21, 305) 11,4411 21.248 1,575 527 921 2,510 11,993 4,331 3,859 19,066 6,590 3,064 5,455 19, 271 5,651 1,969 3,232 12, 728 3,077 1.070) 1, 619 6,082 1,088 523 544 41 35 1,961 184 533 520 414 192 590 95 435 88 30V 111 114 272,045|| 118, 206 8, 699 46, 688 8,096 67, 026 22, 2801 67,440 32,383 49, 258 29, 696 32,007 24,406 927 500 270,095 117,622 8,656 46, 436 8,0401 66,587 22,186 66,969 48,835 29,568 31, 689 24, 239 92 54 44,377 531 28,792 11, 403 5919 3,848 53,005 5,297 21, 134 2,5011 7,826 All farmers: Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown......... White farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years... 55 to 64 years.. 65 years and over.. Unknown..... Colored farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over. Unknown.. All farmers: Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years.... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown......... White farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown....... Colored farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. 79, 824 867 7,152 15,188 21,735 19,283 15, 166 70,513 1,574 11, 969 19,000 19, 195 12,656 6,034 3,053 206,014 6,569 35,639 49,738 37,850 23, 433 643 21,188 525 4,313 6,562 5,617 1,081 5, 418 6,198 1,952 183 531 517 412 192 23,574 1,368 7,667 7,120 4,170 2,196 939 114 2,725 172 789 588 293 111 680 52, 142 4,552 8,961 8,735 4,562 1,477 12, 765 8,321 3,051 1,963 066 520 8, 458 3.895 3,220 1,602 538 3.795 433 923 561 111 114 1,950 429 946 20 120 187 218 210 182 130 124 mart :: Cat 19 4 WISCONSIN. INDIANA. 41, 619 33,077 10,494 11,896 753 261 1, 469 5,726 6 500 215, 485 10, 019 41,449 53,043 52, 035 35,818 21, 942 1, 1791 14,218 50,469 2,297 1,211 6,449212 4.800 18.598 642 4,002 12,902 668 2,492 7,688 448 1151 3,571 209 491 1,07981 177,127 5,107 34,773 46, 286 46,791 28, 533 15,000 637 73, 805) 5,387 13,598 19, 971 18,382 15, 139 575 73, 644 69,407 651 6,476 14,978 20,994 15, 754 10, 221 12,758 1,049 5,320 3, 401 1,839 1,451 144 454 440 2,292 3, 242 2,868 1,324 11,340 12,034 7,9131 3,793 2,948 243 5,185 1,531 562 153 48 104 467 323 185 71 333 40 71, 121 1,533 15,046 21, 277 19, 316 10, 017 3,792 140 71,015 1,532 15, 028 21, 254 19, 286 9,996 22 14,152 50,217 41, 466 623! 5,718 10,533 9,402 4.592 1,359 129 32,919 764 6,282 10, 498 9, 358 1,333 '128 2,282 210 All farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years.... 55 to 64 years.... 65 years and over..| Unknown.. White farmers: Total.......... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years.... 65 years and over.. Unknown....... Colored farmers: Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years.... 65 years and over. Unknown.... 1,211! 639 214, 680 9,992 41, 354 52, 889 51. 826 35, 637 21.812 1,170 4,789 3,985 2, 473 5,380 13,5741 19,9401 18, 341 15,083 googika All farmers: Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown..... White farmers: Total...... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.... Colored farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.... 668 176,536 5,091 34, 682 46, 143 46, 639 28, 4301 14,920 631 69, 029| 644 6,424 14,890 20,896 15, 686 10,158 10,429 254 2,278 3,223 2,856 1, 315 464 12,733 1,048 5,314 3,395 1,834 1,447 144 454 438 11,883 1,469 5,184 2,943 1,525 440 242 4,556 208 104 7,871 3,766 44 331 138 39 8051 591 16 378 27 17 1 OON 91 ! 88 95 154 209 181 130 143) 152 103 80 nego CA er or OOTH ! P ! 26 AGRICULTURE. FARM OPERATORS CLASSIFIED BY AGE OF FARMER, BY COLOR, AND BY TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1910—Continued. Table 12-Con. AGE OF FARMER. I Total. || Owners, Owners, Part 1 Cash Share Man- | 1 mort- free. cocoñ gaged. Tv owners. tenants. tenants. agers. AGE OF FARMER, Total. | Owners, Si mort-' whers, Part 1 Cash | Share | Man- gaged. owners. tenants. tenants. agers. free. WEST NORTH CENTRAL, WEST NORTH CENTRAL-Contd. MINNESOTA. NORTH DAKOTA. 222 8, 264 484 897 19,981 548 5,365 156, 137 5,252 30,892 42,216 41, 362 23, 800 12,092 523) 56,542 735 6,490 13, 405 16,402 11, 664 7,620 226 1,137 3, 401 42,951 642 6,440 12, 642 13,056 7,114) 2,9551 1021 4,293 7.154 6,822 3,002 74,360 4,455 23, 924|| 20, 751 15, 210 7,488 2,4121 18,5451 723 6,278) 5, 927 3,792 1,444) 2,400 301) 955 585 24, 686) 1, 679 7.745 5,745 5,075 3,124) 1,2811 37) 6, 242 4, 874 2,115 1.066 343) 137 60 28 85 165 448 2,279 648 356) 40 821 ter 10,566 22,245 2, 409 161 4,014 9,232 423 2,980 5, 705 330 1,712 3,184 186 662 1, 273 263 359 38 83 10, 489) 22.295) 22,225/ 1,220 2,408 161 3, 999 9, 226 423 5, 696 1,693 3,182 184 1,271 359 9 120) 25/ 15. 56, 402 42,918 No caso 2,393 482 66 641 8961 301 155, 844 5, 244 30,841 42,1331 41, 288 734 6, 470 All farmers: Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown... White farmers: Total.......... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown..... Colored farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. 8,257 1, 136 3. 400) 6,275 24,000 1, 658) 7,612 5,559 953 19,950 548 5,360 6, 232 6,435 12, 634 13,045 2,956 All farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years... 45 to 54 years.. 55 to 64 years... 65 years and over.. Unknown.... White farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown..... Colored farmers: Total...... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years.. 65 years and over.. Unknown..... 330 73,617 4, 432 23, 780 20,548 15, 023 7,374 2,342 13,369 16, 366 11, 635 7, 605 584 341 18,535 723 5,925 3,788 1, 443 356 25 4, 905 1,064 2,272 163 28 2,952 1,211 12,070 516 223 83 118 293 140 2 743 23 144 686 21 133 186 o worOOT 9 VO. 111 IOWA. SOUTH DAKOTA. 4,407 14, 824 26,539| 47,051 524 4,882 5,756 19, 648 8, 96012, 296 513) 2,259) 6,565 SONG 217,044 12,119 52, 368 57, 511 50, 372|| 28, 311 15, 455 908 54, 290 438 3,866 10,695 16,164 12, 840 9,967 320 429 64 160 91 77,644 6,899 23, 182 19, 204 16, 1371 8,657| 3,375 35,064/ 1,926 5,297 254 13,896] 620 8,486 537 4,808 342 1,939 105 509 29 11,866 321 2,555 3,535 3,245 1,662 530 52,174 724 8 ,582 16, 537 15,209 3, 207 135 52,123 8,578 16,525 28, 539 3,078 7,364 6,009 5,867 4,010 2,095 116) 17,579 664 4,763) 5, 221 4, 463 1,977 473 6, 539) 1,775 1,104) 640 7,780 275) 851 7071 183 39 852) 181 129 190) 18. All farmers: Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years... 45 to 54 years.... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.... White farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.... 35 to 44 years.. 45 to 54 years... 55 to 64 years.. 65 years and over.. Unknown... Colored farmers: 26,498 47,024 4,882 25,895 11,838 17,515| 4,3641 438 35,028 5,294 13, 890 3,006 All farmers: Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. White farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...!.. 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown....... Colored farmers: Total..... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown... 661 54,246 3,865 10, 688 16,153 12, 828 19,644 216, 843 12,113 52, 346 57, 464 50, 321 28,270 15, 421 908 LOON 74,836 6,818 22, 601 18. 5191 15, 529 1, 924 254 619 537 341 105 39 12,287 8, 477 6,831 5,367 5,292 Face -AQUA 19,95 2,649 4,7991 1,933 506 129 8, 151 1,823 193 O Total... 3,088 130 2,808 81 581) 685 2,644 533 642 72 : 00 ** O ooO 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years... 65 years and over.. Unknown.... AOON 608) 506 575/ 1 491 272 287 60 MISSOURI. NEBRASKA. 20,635 21,028 13,601 1,625 35,840 de 560 86, 468 1, 461 8,464 16,951 6,441 5 251 277, 244 16,573|| 59, 434 68, 756 62, 224 43, 157|| 26, 710|| 390|| 66,339 1,792 12,631 18,751 17,127 5211 15, 415 4,872 2,001 224 547 564 342 212 39,478 27, 661 55, 297 1, 469 2,886 8,741 9, 1009, 1931 19, 4991 12, 199 7,080 9,8524,808 8,032] 5,150 2,595 1,672 1,059 361 40 78 129, 678|| 10,374|| 35,764 32, 147 28, 117|| 15,931 7,148 197 37,587 1, 257 5,849 8,025 9,929 7,797 4,656 337 3,769 6, 343 5,902 3, 147 1, 122 987 154 338 250 153 22,063 6,454 5,963 2,523 20, 269 17,097 61 3, 403 1,942 783 290 37 15, 294 95 637 426 17 .. 163 567 . 17 . 2000 cacio ns 19 14 15/ 65, 648 986 38,858 1, 461 9,033 37,251 1, 242 5,769 154 All farmers: Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown. White farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years. 55 to 64 years. 65 years and over.. Unknown..... Colored farmers: Total......... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown,... 35, 803 6, 437| 15, 396 27,218 2,864 9, 119 6,963 4, 698 337 273,578|| 16,451|| 58, 929 67,929 61,258 42, 438 26, 202 371 85, 670 1, 452 8, 408 16,832 21,855 20, 086 16,878 159 1,960 222 542 545 333 208 13,546 1,619 5, 496 3,394 12,053 54, 224) 8,669 19, 12,921 7,781 4,106 1,416) 18, 615 21,012 560 4,865 6,451 5,959 12,568 16,938 10,508 5,184 All farmers: Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.... White farmers: Total..... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years... 45 to 54 years.. 55 to 64 years. 65 years and over.. Unknown..... Colored farmers: Total..... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.... 129, 216 10,349 35, 630 32,048 28,022 15,868 7,103 196 20,618 337| 3,767 5,900 3,143 1, 117 250 6,339 1,934 7,664 4,224 153 9,653 5,017 1,609 7974 2,513 2,523 ' 1,022 1,619 425 38 52 32 620 1,073 462 336 25 798) 91 561 119 208 72 240 67 3,666 122 505 827 966 719 508 134 290 NA COBANA ܟܨܣ ܩܙܢܙܚܙ 137 219 191 AGE OF FARMERS. 27 FARM OPERATORS CLASSIFIED BY AGE OF FARMER, BY COLOR, AND BY TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1910—Continued. Table 12–Con. AGE OF FARMER. Owners, | Owners, Part Cash Share Man- Total. | mort- Towners. tenants. tenants. agers. gaged. AGE OF FARMER. Owners, Owners, $; Part | Cash Share | Man- mort- free. goged JOwners. tenants. tenants.I agers. free. Total. WEST NORTH CENTRAL-Contd. SOUTH ATLANTIC- Continued. KANSAS. DIST. OF COLUMBIA. 922 Os 177,841 12, 412 44, 117) 43, 488 38, 678 25,005 13, 815 326 18,353 46,545 1,335 2,250 7,722 159 6, 911] 18, 403 426 4,802 10.503386 2,874 6,226 224 1,422 2,819 9 8 560816 3456 10 Nori : GT 32 158) 1,314 33, 100 475 884 5, 175 5,369 7,833 8,83119,069 9, 8971 11, 9001 8,685 8,769 10, 810 5,5404, 316 8,475 2,568 1,364 31 37 45,768 31,451 32,791 470874 5, 106 5,346 7,776 8,758 9,827 11,801 8,608 8,697 10, 702 5, 468 4,263 8,342 1,319 30 35 503 2 2.869 All farmers: Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. White farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years.. 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.... Colored farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. 176,150 12,330 43, 815 43, 146 38, 308 24, 689) 13,540 322 420 18,654 2,236 6,865 4,751 2,831 1,393 545 46,172 7,691 18, 302 10, 415 2999 10 a All farmers: Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 3years.. 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown... White farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years. 35 to 44 years... 45 to 54 years... 55 to 64 years. 65 years and over.. Unknown... Colored farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years.... 45 to 54 years.... 55 to 64 years... 65 years and over.. Unknown... 107 7481 375 223 96 ANNCIA * 1,691 82 302 342 370 316 275 :: NEOHES I NN HIAC. 108 133) SOUTH ATLANTIC. VIRGINIA. DELAWARE. 18,5051 15,700 3,729 2,136 3,669 412 371 32 2671 10,836 379 2,018 2,592 2,833 950 1,052 34, 680 3,953 10,633 8,755 A HANG 184,018|| 8, 005) 34, 669) 45, 295 43, 193 31,981 20,559 316 99, 459 2,000 13, 180 22, 656 25, 026 21.054 15, 409 1,625 124 444 483 3,629 9511 14,049 1,095 3,963 2,817 1,622 3,499] 4,882 3,046 1, 452 359 695 1,101 845 664 344 579 624 378 175 6,080 294 . 4,583 4,094 2,614 1,014 3,474 171 . 1,848 1,113 1,697 95 . Soos 134 33 14 28 13,905 All farmers: Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.... 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown... White farmers: Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. Colored farmers: 9,631 987 791 879 53 9,914 348 1,857 2,342|| 2,602 29 All farmers: Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years.... 65 years and over. Unknown. White farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown...... Colored farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. 3,531 37 338 666 1,046 3,244 242 959 29 172 322 77,239 1,582 10, 278 17,625 19, 238 16, 594 11,8151 135, 904 6, 215 26,351 33, 400 31,157 23, 722 14,838 221 10, 292 3181 2,186) 3, 109 2,585 1,532 541 545 23,392 3,015 7,716 5,774 3,729 2.173 1.445 101 400 426 264 153 220 2,9401 2, 471 2 1,778 1,066 810) 3,995 3,563 2,204 980 665 389 582 345 160 798 4781 935) 89 1,693 1,023 49 - 619 169 107 211 50 27 Total.junder. 5,408 11, 288 922 1491 425 48, 114 1,790 8,318 11, 895 22, 220 418) 2,902 94) 31 161 2,917 764 1, 474 4,600 101 668 1,194 1,319 842 472 4, 418 216 1,023 1,158 1,039 93 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown... 141 12,036 8, 259 1,509 1,082 473 aaari 556 2.351 1,301 762 5,721 3,594 414 121 12 MARYLAND. WEST VIRGINIA. N 19,888 2,399 هر 48, 922 214 988 62 10, 499 1,168 8,045 12, 332 393 11,232 164 1,813 3,154 3,070 1,931 1,086 10,322 706 2,894 2,939 1,026 1,154 655 288 661 4,142 5,503 4.553 3,688 8,364 261 1, 829 2,555 2,019 1, 125 5691 96,685 3,587 18,554 24, 865 22,335 16,173 11, 038 133|| 9,336 740 2,829 2,574 1,649 526 3, 430 2,747 736 59,954 1,165 8,774 14, 407 14, 678 11,850 9,009 71] 2,195 214 766 198 0735 1,114 994) 1,156 959 45550 5: 194 462 89 57 19 6 415 14 131 1,750 10, 122 150 3,479 7,589 9, 273 212 42,551 1,275 7,172 10, 731 10,868 17, 697 182 1,498) 3,694 All farmers: Total...... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown. White farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown....... Colored farmers: Total..... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown......... 865 58 211 308 10,419 1,164 3,418 902 1,686) 2,876 483 8,602 901 625 59 238 2,449 261 191 86698 مردن هر حرمت 968 aan All farmers: Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.... 35 to 44 years.... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.... White farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown... Colored farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown........ as an 59,537 1,154 8,733 14,335 14,564 11.743 8,937 8,294) 260 1,820 2, 536 1,993 1,113 95, 977 3,566 18, 467 24, 719|| 22, 134 16, 016) 10,942 133 4,903 532 ENNT 2,759 1, 708 931 1.743 2,727 949 718 430 226 197 4,064 3,242 342 1,143 457 404 114 15 6,372 049 152 1,110 14 127 2,191 32 163 448 600 489 446 1,720 81 354) 490 278) 85 172 204 118 146 873 1,601 1, 718 1,165 841 22|| 430 114 201 157 PROSES : 311 2231 248 113 28 AGRICULTURE. FARM OPERATORS CLASSIFIED BY AGE OF FARMER, BY COLOR, AND BY TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1910—Continued. Table 12-Con. AGE OF FARMER. Owners, Owners, | Part | Cash | Share Man- Total. | mort- free. owners. tenants. tenants. agers. gaged. AGE OF FARMER. Total. | Owners, Part Cash Owners, mort- Share Man- free. owners. tenants. tenants. agers. gaged. SOUTH ATLANTIC Continued. SOUTH ATLANTIC- Continued. NORTH CAROLINA. FLORIDA. 23, 938 27,917 2,892 1,275 20,613 629) 4,574 860 144 642 253,725|| 100,769| 17, 931 2,781 58, 785 15, 230 59, 103 21, 708 55, 824 25, 560 39,952 21,530 21, 609 13, 822 521 138 ca soon 25, 039 2, 395 7,292 5,876 4,778 3,121 Cerer 82, 248! 1,118 11, 027| 106 25, 941 307 19,096 323 14,072 206 8,363 109 3,525 52 224 4,519 607 1,362 1,071 50, 016|| 2, 724 10,020 12, 233|| 11,982 8, 409 4,438 210||. 4,590 148 8971 1, 293 1, 198 746 301 813 8,823 898 2,211 2,042 1,951 1,151 525 45 709 837 4,651 6,691 6,988 5,416 3,217 94 22,787 732 3,502 1, 244 46 1, 502 461 162 19 23 15 18 ܗ 17,317) 1,044 2,502 35, 295 1,944 7,215 100 1,789 109 447 1, 174 61 412 4,394 3,977 All farmers: Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown........ White farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown........ Colored farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. 794 188,0691 13, 290 43, 978 44, 059 41, 127 29, 761 15, 566|| 89, 681 2,521 13,760 19, 598 22, 817 19,065 11,817 103 5,056 13, 4301 49,718 1,595 7,676 4, 52016, 9661 3,194 11,229 2,244 7,605 1,340 4,526 497 1,625 289 303 191 ܥܛܨ ܨ ܨܦܬ All farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown........ White farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown..... Colored farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years.... 45 to 54 years.... 55 to 64 years.... 65 years and over.. Unknown... 509 3,5251 135 747 1,034 874 537 515 241 290 3,5181 495) 1,009 7561 682 422) 1401 14 com 5,412 5,545 4,514 tot 8, 208 6,182 273 434 264) 400 926 811 101 . 209 75 3, 109/ 2.542 193 288 1724 401 121 er 11,088 260 14,721 65,656 4,641 14,807 15, 044 11,609 800 5,305 35 2,017| 195 568) 1, 470 2,772 2,805 3,734 58 525 779 1,072 799 495 Nero 58 No 674 6,621 166 1,047 1,586 1, 866 1, 301 633 2, 1101 32, 530 3,351 8,975 7,867 6,467 3,837 1,900 3, 717 150 259) 324 195 304 1, 286 556 14, 697 2,743 3,774 309 2,682 2,534 1,781 1,005/ 10, 191 6,043 233 2, 465 2,005 2,227 1,279 1, 443 902 675 29 403) 1971 269 729 385 1,329 108 7 22 133 31 EAST SOUTH CENTRAL. SOUTH CAROLINA. KENTUCKY. All farmers: Total......: 863 74 | All farmers: 43, 091 1, 643 7,060 9,622 Total..... 993 176, 434 18,651 45, 554 43, 265 32, 491 23, 642 12,465 366 8,827 430 2,004 2,599 2,049 1, 263 467 12,432 407 2,591 3, 434 2,982 2, 111 883 24 938 54,966 9, 222 17,411 13, 262 7,740 5,033 2,181 56,255 6,875 16, 223 14,092 9,381 6,284 3,279 121 265 256 135 10, 204 8,877) 259, 185|| 19,931 60, 045) 65, 350 53,457 35,918 24,057 427) 121, 262 3,426 18,528 28, 475 29, 019 23,057 18, 604 153 27,570 6, 271 8,243 6,484 3,763 1,840 21,500 925 5,140 6, 731 5,175 2,572 923) 34 109 249 256 201 100 5,615 15 117 58 31 79,636 7,578 20, 423 30,286 1,007 4,983 6,901 7,424 4,532 266 1, 229 1,335 247, 455 20, 037 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown... White farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years.. 45 to 54 years.. 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown........ Colored farmers: Total...... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown. 15, 260 1,825 4,777 4,027 2,506 1,378 699 48 14,658 1, 783) 4,646 3,855 2,375 1,304 6511 9,160 313 2,171 2,674 2,122 1,416 449 20, 90 72,600 12, 708 25,080 17,618 10,072 5,048 1,933 141 67,441 12,160 23, 715) 16, 185 9,064 4,513 ·1, 691 113 19, 301 3,601 6,499 4,270 2,631 1,666 117,774 3,363 15, 625 2,334 5,307 3,630 2,311 1,460 548 19,237 19,031 15, 635) 11.533) 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.... White farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown... Colored farmers: Total......... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown... 26,592 924 6,155 8,000 6,198 57,898 62, 425 50,679 34,096 4,953 6,338 4,721 520 953 106 238 245 189 100 6,413 3,498 5,284) 616 18/ 60 201789 35 3,571 22, 738) 229 382 1,716 57 3,272 4,295 152 96,798 11, 073 25, 131 24, 234 16,856 12, 109 636 164 3,488 978 1,463 602 12,805 2,077 2,721 2,780 2,464 35,665 5,621 10, 912 8,992 5,109 63 14 420 760 860 24 40,630 4,541 10,916 10,462 7,070 4,824 2,731 775 1,264 1,016 743 325 11,730 694 2,147 2,925 2,778 1,822 337 116) 131 172 5,159) 548 1,365 1,433 1,008 -లు 6731 887 187 393 454 268 134 2, 117 434 243 286 192 124 753 741 535 1.319 770 GEORGIA. TENNESSEE. 826 9, 860 456 2,248 2,312 18,778 594 4,080 5, 243 258 291,027 33, 103|| 75,889 68, 644 57, 136 37,593) 17,856 806|| 72,959 2,492 12,366 16,632 18,532 14,584 8,197 156 223 15, 809 587 3,483 4,222 4,078 2,479 936 24 สสส 82, 387| 108,5931 1.419 9, 082 20,365| 121 22, 726 34, 658 408 20, 337 24, 192 390 15,807 16,010 278 9,7629,271 145 4,446 3,745 55 227352 24,044 938) 5,415 7,075 6,122 3,276 1,184 29, 93071, 131 3,494 13,214 8,736 23,997 6,885 15,377 5,990 10,581 3,241) 5,504 1,524 60 176 4,767 1,352 477 2,815/ 156 72 32 1,250 2,282 22 488 34 9 7,021 385 1,296 115 383 246,012| 101,3031 20, 628|| 56,179) 13,693 56,8571 22,054 52,865 25, 249 36,689 21, 781 22, 306 16,034 1801 207, 704 95,477 16,599 47,816 13, 191 49,054 21. 132 43,923 31, 075 20. 351 18, 841 14,729 396 161 All farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years.... 55 to 64 years.... 65 years and over.. Unknown. White farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown....... Colored farmers: Total........ 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.... 2,209 168,468 19, 070|| 44,478|| 38, 896 32,736 22,660 10, 237|| 391) 63, 3101 2,216 11, 021 14, 612 15, 940 12,626 6,759 136 12,599 514 3,042 3,433 3,157 1,847 591 1,853 2, 146 357 All farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.... White farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years.... 45 to 54 years.... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown........ Colored farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown..---- 31, 908 52,334 4,785 11,055 10, 466) 17, 713 7,364 10,984 4,938) 6,878 3,102 4, 147 1, 164 1,443 114 21, 084 867 5,048 6,433 5,142 2,657 906 31 2.347 5,835 4,373 3,107 1,691 732 55,375 10,539 19,690 12.032 7,673 3,887 1,428 126 775 73 240 213 141 1,572 811 HALAC 251 127 * 23, 704 238 15 16 89 2,839 38, 308 1,914 3,210 441 9,649 276 1,345 2,020 4,029 30 122,559) 14,033 31, 411 29, 748 24, 4001 14, 933 7,619) 71 395 725 8,363 50, 479/ 56, 259 4,297 9, 310 12, 260 16, 945 12, 973 13, 208 10,869 9, 132 6,660 5,124 3,282 2, 302 268) 372 789 5,826 1031 502 922 1,545 1, 430 1,305 15, 756 2,675 4,307 3,345 2,908 2,960) 11,801 1,147 367) 2,901 642 2,512 980 2,883 619 1,550 278 792 2,592 1,958 859 611 7,803 8,942 5,614 3, 465 92 921 632 345) 541 393 1,617 1,438 239 236 854. 415|| 20 138) 238! 19 501. AGE OF FARMERS. 29 FARM OPERATORS CLASSIFIED BY AGE OF FARMER, BY COLOR, AND BY TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1910—Continued. Table 12–Con. AGE OF FARMER. Total. Owners, Owners, Part 1 Cash Share Man- mort- free. owners. tenants. tenants. agers. gaged. AGE OF FARMER. Total. Owners, free. wners, Part 1 Cash | Share | Man- mort- owners. tenants. tenants. agers. gaged. owners.Itens EAST SOUTH CENTRAL-Contd. WEST SOUTH CENTRAL-Contd. ALABAMA. LOUISIANA. 646 4,399 16,340! 88, 546 1,004 10, 048 47 218 950 57 229 262,901 28, 117) 66,880 59,586 57,201) 33.359 17, 118 640 175 65,7901 2,327 11, 273 14, 302 16,991 13,161 7,636 21,799 907 5,134 5,531 5,689 3,280 eܙܩܙ ܩܙ ܩܝ ܟܬ 69, 780 13,784 22,553 14,024 11,588 5,311| 2,324 196 169 157 131 120,546 10,026 30, 380 32,503 23,015 15,969 39,964 1,356 7,596 10, 306 7,158 4,139 108 21, 165 18,702 9,478| 5,237 293 8,626 328 1,882 2,465 2,036 1,357 533 375 922 9, 301 16,535) 50,072 1,460 6, 607| 4,379/ 15, 119 4,602 13,467 2,949 7,600 2,003 4,825 1,060 2,309 2,036 93 1' 239 Co 8, 257|| 168 19 12 396 145 16,820 24, 2131 4,058 594 65, 667 5,726 3,273 873 790 All farmers: Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. White farmers: Total...... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown........ Colored farmers: Total......... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years... 45 to 54 years... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.... 7, 798 152, 458) 17,273 40,005 33,655 31,365 20,654 9,247 57, 760 2,111 10, 218 12,825 11,605 4,399 4,520 4,063 2,361 op waari 3,536 3,445 2,681 40,804 9,373 13,899 7,613 5,831 40 155 149 115 5,103 3,996 2,292 All farmers: Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.... 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years.... 65 years and over. Unknown.. White farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown........ Colored farmers: Total......... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. 32,652 1, 213 6,587 8,494 7,551 5,756 2,955 6,339 284 1,525 1,842 1,473 912 288 14,679 638 190 81 6,243 2,954 1,055 901 12,859 8,871 4,034 6.215 276 97 674 13 being 339 11 4,073 259) 96 6,962 15,568 180 834 3,162 984 2,123 5,593 1,016 3,460 1,885 353 1,067 276 376 54525 9,573 626 3, 445 191 2,256 9,526 2, 742 10,0071 1,827 1,301 3,758 1,933 120 110, 443) 10,844 4,979| 117 103 381 v ENFO 735 7,312 143 1,009 1,812 54,879 4,300 13, 357 15,564 10, 156 592 962 357 64,333 5,990 15, 825 16,062 14,706 7,186 228 623 359 1,011 1, 626 919 5651 1, 419 1,750 HHH 12, 705 6,411 5,757 2.357 1,269 117 682 noora 7,098 563 245 445 1, 402 1, 184 4,336 306 4,223 181 9 MISSISSIPPI. OKLAHOMA. 672 56, 803 2,272 10, 718 9,591 586 1, 147 6,223 825 50 233 263 38, 669 1,780 13,359 o maana 274,382 32,823 75,982 69,541) 46.681) 31.592 16, 708) 1,055 651 90 190, 192| 15, 785 50,841 74,524 106, 967 7,636 21, 132 20, 928) 35, 426 20, 842 25, 410 13,052 12,656 7,828 3,960 2781 words 12,985 145 10, 848 26, 215 662 5,015 8,040 6,866) 4,0151 1,589 3.891 1, 715 1, 193 468) ringoscoca 6,466 227 140 107 toman 40, 359 22, 898) 8,764 392 155) 9,098 6, 252 3,399 142 so voi co o s = 45, 241 16, 247 5,670 465 28 25,639 6,792 719 All farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown... White farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over., Unknown... Colored farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years.. 65 years and over.. Unknown,.... 1,740 24,009 27,819 76,318 2,433 10,039 8, 116 | 24, 827 7,430 18,827 5,235) 5,689 13,364 2.456 3,035 7,092 653 1,019 2,077|| 219792 19,289 25,822 68,821 660) 2,286 9,274 4,418 7,605 22,518) 6,258 6,884 16,923 5,000 5, 231 2,330 603 20 86 109, 645 13, 2301 29, 615 25, 274 19,951 14,552 6, 742 16,129 8901 4,579 4,407 3,425 2,118 682 512 46 213 233 123 10, 716 10,259 8,565 4,628 120 11,562 1,620 1,083 172 4,482 c fica All farmers: Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown...... White farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years. 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.... Colored farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. 2.266 1,457 1,764 561673 30,9561 1, 202 6,087 8, 208 7,442 5, 139 2,761 584 624 87 216 134 103 26 7,490 6, 363 3,700 1, 441 11,903 281) 401 2,811 919 6,357 1.769 77 106 117 122 21 169,521|| 14,021 45,326 45,897) 36,042 20, 385 7,517 333 20,671 1,764 5,515 4, 317 2,513 3,921 121 326 9,543 1,644 2, 450 257 164, 737|| 19,593 46,367 44,267 26, 730 17,040 714 1,711 2,643 2, 206 81,328 14,340 26,675 20,619 1,231 58,277 4,545 15, 603 17,335 10,786 6,371 150/ 121 1,997 147 511 aan 2.359 7,713 578 1,781 1,922 1,656 1, 113 Fas 533 1, 1901 976 609 296 370 7, 497 765 2,309 1,904 1, 461 773 oco 5, 256 328 546 9,966. A 3,399 550 503 315 148 235 15 458 224 100 1,247 638 50/ 735 308 o WEST SOUTH CENTRAL ARKANSAS. TEXAS. 214, 678 21, 959 56,863 50, 522 45, 694 26, 491 12,702 18,054 660 3,905) 4,717 4,788) 2,843 18,783 35,683 71,583 1, 2223,484 14,072 5,240 10,32924, 471 5,392 8,967] 15, 189 4, 1958,078) 11,038. 2,099 3,302 4.762 1,392 1,907 131 144 763 55 173 177 246 417,770) 43, 155 111, 379 102, 602 84, 247 51, 730 23,467 1,190 115,308 3,079 16,322 25, 307 30, 651 25,370 14, 311 1, 785 12, 328 15, 455 W. VOS 13, 273 am 1,121 7,097 2,211 58 447) 69,812 12,745 16,080 17,349 13, 409 7,655 108 61,921 2,275 11,597 14,983 6,643 268 520 28, 348] 26, 183 193,392 3,454 33, 296 8,552 66, 741 6, 259 46, 191 4, 405 28, 516 3,455 2,321 13,310 1,010 1,058 4,818 70 134 23,794 19,816 151, 154 1, 136 2,806 26,881 6,816 53, 631 4,672 36,033 3, 139 21, 200 1,661 10,050 650 3,064 51 295 14,085 579 All farmers: Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years... 45 to 54 years... 55 to 64 years.. 65 years and over. Unknown... White farmers: Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.... Colored farmers: Total......... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. 2,332 266 777 560 353 177 59 140 2,251 259 750 545 334 169 102,274 48,563) 3,343 15,880 2,155 5,218 3,729 15,981 1,133 4,717 4.623 3,307 1,718 42,5011 9, 415 15, 146 8,540 All farmers: Total 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown... White farmers: Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years.... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years. 65 years and over.. Unknown... Colored farmers: Total......... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years.... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown....... 151,085 15,610 | 40.178 35, 280| 30, 572 19, 9021 9, 281 262 5,857 5, 476 14, 435 11.901 347,852 35, 521 93, 373 86,096 69, 735) 43,849 18,464 814 3, 460 2,126 6901 11, 703 14,523 12, 174 6,516 1,916 6, 720 1,368 14, 616 22, 847 27, 1981 22, 622 12, 027 205 2,717 457) 4881 893 54 62 61 72 26 2,802 3,969 63,593 6,349 4,554 87 7,891 191 1,148 1,645 2, 366 89 523 320 105 19, 803 1,329 5, 111 5, 238 5,218 562 1,328 13,034 1,706 2, 460 802 29,082 4,657 9,325 6,649 5,309 2,045 1,014 3,644 625 1,099 931 HABEN 69,918 7,634) 18, 006 16,506 14,512 7,881 5,003 376|| 6,367 648 1,736 1.587 42, 238 6.415 13, 110 10,158 932 769 888 145 waar 4,266 +717 1,354 1, 359 624 1, 508 381 660 7,316 3,260 1,934 904 ““ 1,012 O 69 257) 19 21 83 1,754 225 O 30 AGRICULTURE. FARM OPERATORS CLASSIFIED BY AGE OF FARMER, BY COLOR, AND BY TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1910—Continued. Table 12-Con. AGE OF FARMER. Total Owners, mort- Owners, Part Cash | Share Man- free. 60 Jowners. tenants. tenants. agers. AGE OF FARMER. Total. Owners, Owners, Part Cash Share Man- mort- free. owners.tenants. tenants. agers. gaged. gaged. MOUNTAIN. MOUNTAIN—Contd. MONTANA. COLORADO. 4, 242 111 1,840 1.745 787 505 48 863 1,341 80 391 399 66 1,003 98 404 247 59 487 541 17,283 1,349 4,613 4,396 3, 815 2,017 1,017 154 26, 214 6,912 7,051 6,068 1,359 129 130 100 1,338 1, 201 514 207 46,170 2,606 10, 860 11,890 11, 084 6, 081 2,733 916 24,455 1,387 5,384 5,580 5, 744 3,609 1,894 857 8,019 172 1,385 2,373 2,4111 1, 242 3, 244 2181 945 973 672 288 124 301 4,519 219 1,169 1,300 1, 159 506 156 10 5,146 544 1,739 1, 441 944 366 104 238 223 154 476 175 2,950 208 109 61 44 427) 761 8 17 4,233 1,839 1,320 998 10val......... 111) 59 502 47 79 4,511 219 98 25, 018 1,664 6,633 6,730 5, 809|| 2,784 486 All farmers: Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over. Unknown.. White farmers: Total....... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown... Colored farmers: Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years. 35 to 44 years... 45 to 54 years.... 55 to 64 years... 65 years and over. Unknown.. 16,1261 1,270 4,339 4,086 3,568 1,855 945 4031 246 168 860 1,335 1,199 514 541 391 393 292 107 154 129 100 All farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown...... White farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown..... Colored farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years... 45 to 54 years.. 55 to 64 years. 65 years and over.. Unknown... 45,596 2,594 10,787 11, 838 11,048 6,068 720 541 8,003 172 1,384 2,369 2, 407 1,238 24,013 1,385 5, 371 5,560 5,725 3,604 1,886) 482 1; 297 3,203 5,080 213539 924 1,702 1,426 669 937 364 174 963) 4761 208) 157 OT i 505 206) 19 114 63 8 Ho Chà 1,157 4421 1,196 81 279 321 79 274 310 247 162 osa NERE: AAAH sicer 13 5 IDAHO. NEW MEXICO. 16,974 7,966 450 30,807 1, 478 1,532 6731 321 215 42 43 753 3,833 43 1,752 2,6201 2,068 9781 667 708 534 86 1,418 135 484 374 253 123 35 14 156 117 8,777 7,459 3,873 1,614 1,770 2431 627 4521 290 123 32 2,981 175 826 786 35, 676 2,484 8,732 8, 770 7,600 5,172 2,485 433 1,284 111 361 322 28, 885 2,076 7,043 6,900 6,037 4,247 2,170 412 253 454 431 260 163 208 150 75 4,506 4, 227 2, 430 1,170 55 16,646 663 185 394 167 327 42 89 DO 135 26 87 1,364 គ្លីនិនខ្លួននាង និនខន្ននេះ។ 1,524 1,762 243 2,971 662 30,402 1,467 7,438 317 745 133 174 1, 272 110 357 All farmers: Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years. 35 to 44 years... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown........ White farmers: Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years.. 45 to 54 years... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. Colored farmers: Total......... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years.. .. 65 years and over.. Unknown.. 2,222 89 665 705 533 450 42 156 117 622 36 85 825 7,958 215 1,751 2,617 2,064 978 327 459 362 8,675 251 451 All farmers: Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years. 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years.. 65 years and over.. Unknown.... White farmers: Total..... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown... Colored farmers: Total......... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years. 35 to 44 years... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years.. 65 years and over.. Unknown.... 3,785 4,424 4,148 2,374 450 156 206 318 00 7.368 33,528 2, 408 8,354 8, 288 4,922 2,277 123 247 7,156 26, 782 2,002 6,680 6,430 4,005 1,963 102 5,600 969 3.809 166 CUISTO 1,558 87 1,115 405 2,103 coni OON 74 . ܙܙ ܢܝ ܥ܂ CON N . 2,148 76 378 482 444 250 208 310 363 470 437 242 207 NO M . N 3101 WYOMING. ARIZONA. 1,102 463 444 571 31 36 434 52 10,987|| 662 3,029 3,108 11 883 25 191 47 283 1,606 361 344 518 448) 203 7,071 * 484 1,975 1,900 1,453 772 404 164 374 132 276 9, 227! 380| 1, 730 2,175) 1,937 1, 148 707 1,150 265 6,876 249 1,161 1, 487 1,376 858 602 1, 143 115) 165 1:15 75 2,370) 115 140 107 57 230 117 102 1,163 518 137 50 11 6 44 14 83 3 All farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown... White farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years... 45 to 54 years.. 55 to 64 years... 65 years and over.. Unknown.... Colored farmers: 10,922 432 310 6,024 881 530 660 52 308 25 40V All farmers: Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. White farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years. 35 to 44 years.. 45 to 54 years. 55 to 64 years.. 65 years and over.. Unknown... Colored farmers: Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years an over.. Unknown... 1,602 36 343 515 462 36 163) 132 190 7,015 482 1,967 1,881 1, 437 766 399 167 110 373 3,018 3,084 2,353 1,157) 513 275 3,729 180 752 912 913 603 349 140 448 1,309 1,590 1,459 884 447 230 107 269 102 203 41) 27 20 Total.junder. 3, 203 3, 147 69 409 421 OF 585 575 : 055 ON 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown... 478 463 264 255 11, 1231. 260 1,123 253). AGE OF FARMERS. 31 FARM OPERATORS CLASSIFIED BY AGE OF FARMER, BY COLOR, AND BY TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1910—Continued. Table 12-Con. AGE OF FARMER. Total. Owners, Owners, Part 1 Cash Share Man- mort- free. lowners. tenants. tenants. agers. AGE OF FARMER. Total. Owners, 1 Owners, Part 1 Cash Share | Man- mort- owners. tenants. tenants. agers. gaged. free. gaged. MOUNTAIN—Contd. UTAH. 2,586 9 651 O 122 786 130 293 : 21, 676 939 4,542 5,898 5,338 3. 1601 1, 740 PACIFIC—Contd. WASHINGTON-con. Colored farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years. 35 to 44 years. 45 to 54 years. 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown... 3,744 118 829 1,145 1,017 476 394 13,432 361 2,229 3, 498 3,504 2,328 1,483 26 741 844 580) 142 106 CO 236 0000 156 60 59 21,400 732 OREGON. 929 190 915 117 4,483) All farmers: Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown....... White farmers: Total.......... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown... Colored farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years.... 65 years and over. Unknown. 3, 742 118 829) 1,145 1,015 273 390 13,225 353 2,197 3,451 3,459 2,291 5,837 841 162 werer 22, 339 579 245 476 236 45, 502 1,590 8,662 11, 847 11,967 10,643 210 3,173 3.111 1,862 4,814 3,687 136 1,010 1,183 1.539985 1,319 711 847 79 261 232 160 1,700 45 156 1 26 3,172 356 1; 111 845 516 243 91 10 3 COLOTO Totaande 7,326 1,627 393) 72 207 2 647| 185 159 11 * 564 3, 235 5,073 6,150 4,374 2,854 89 21, 900 3,175 4,9491 6,039 4. 296 2 . 3,962 149 44,875 1,564 N 839 N10 10,615 209) 1,854 3, 134 1,109 136 1,009 8, 556 All farmers: Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.... 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown..... White farmers: Total......... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown...... Colored farmers: Total...... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.... 3,165 3,107 4, 8033,584 239 1,149 1,533 1,316 689 615 388 185 260 231 953 839 1 11, 670 11, 810 7,2291 3,899 499 1,623 644 NEVADA. 2,802 155 147 3 329 459 2,689 86 590 716 634 1,732 300 38 60 438 124 CUAA OOO co 427 303 214 MAONI: 392 255 16 121 2,528 CALIFORNIA. All farmers: Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown........ White farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.... 35 to 44 years.. 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown...... Colored farmers: Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. 573 674 594 353 284 399 106 34, 354 39, 396 al 388 84 267 194 3,065 7,113 9, 420 7,638 6,449 273 234 3.359 6.213 6.434 3,796 10,132 203) 1.593) 3.025) 2.999 1,543 748 21 11,309 565 3,391 3.513 2.251 1,045 6,839 577 2. 202 1.983 1.237) 3, 417 196 858 1.021 731 377 no 213 143 34/ 88,197 2,315 14, 468 22, 868 23,072 15,003 9,957 514 85, 1191 2, 180 13, 417 21, 966 22, 557 14,772 9,839 23 91 9,663 490) All farmers: Total....... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years.... 55 to 64 years.... 65 years and over.. Unknown... White farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years.... 45 to 54 years... 55 to 64 years.... 65 years and over. Unknown... Colored farmers: Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years. 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years.... 65 years and over.. Unknown..... 6,407 5431 2,027 33, 670 382 2,956 6,980 9, 264 7,559 6,370 10,073 201 1,573 3,006 2,990 . 21,951 369 3, 292 6, 145 6, 398) 3,785 1,928 3. 355 195 827 1.007 721 2,742 2,969 2,008 946 445 63 1,859 372 PACIFIC. 900 142 388 159) WASHINGTON. 684 1,646) 75 28, 474 5,776 5.7761 3,714 . 961 85 109 3,078 135 1,051 902 515 242 56,192|| 1,930 10, 917) 14.522 15, 402 594 3,994 19 218 1, 605 649 544 243 4,012 279 1, 256 1,089 801 424 262 13, 255) 2, 306 3,920 4.006 2,079 684 NA OSO 6,667 8, 446 5,592 3, 015 231 1,673 1,450 646 166 499 263 200 118 126 235 83 4,104 141 All farmers: Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.... White farmers: Total.......... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown...... 258 166 18 181 221 13, 223 242 510 55,067 1,886 10,664 14,239 15, 173 8,937 27,823 '576 3, 925 6,525 8,295 cocina 2, 301 3,909 3,998 5,758 217 1,603 1,668 1, 444 645 163 3,6873, 626 257 1,113 1, 462 1,000 756 402 138 950 84 260 260 198 82 39 5,506 2,071 –684 3,90 2,914 173 18 32 AGRICULTURE. FARM OPERATORS CLASSIFIED BY AGE OF FARMER AND BY SIZE OF FARMS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1910. Table 13 AGE OF FARMER. || Under 20 to 150 to 100 to 175 to 500 to 99 174 499 999 acres. | acres. | acres. | acres. acres. acres. 19 49 1,000 acres and over. AGE OF FARMER. Under 20 to | 50 to 1949 99 acres. acres. acres. 100 to 175 to 500 to 174 499 999 acres. acres. acres. 1,000 acres and over. UNITED STATES PACIFIC. Total.. 6,361,502839, 166 1,414,376 1,438,0691,516,286 978, 175 125, 295 50, 135 Total. 24 years and under. 419,330|| 95, 870 135, 15875, 508 71, 907 35, 1124, 258 1,517 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 1,413,876||185, 901365, 847) 310, 330 329,683 190, 347) 23, 117| 8,651 25 to 34 years.... 35 to 44 years...... 1,571,469||168, 9621 332, 878 371, 192 399, 183 255, 138) 31, 439 12, 677 35 to 44 years.... 45 to 54 years...... 1,432,707||150,064 268, 616 332,907) 366, 705 264, 624) 35, 141/14, 650 45 to 54 years.... 55 to 64 years...... 947,524||123, 531188. 364221, 091228, 461|156, 625) 21. 134) 8,318 || 55 to 64 years.... 65 years and over.. 554,570 106, 754 119,522 123, 914 116, 474, 74, 205 9,782 3,919 || 65 years and over.. Unknown... 22,026|| 8,084) 3,991 3,127 3,873 2,124 424 403 | Unknown....... NEW ENGLAND. NEW ENGLAND. 189,891 39,084 37,754 5,835 816 1,082 34,047 5,563 6,422 49,237|| 9,219 9, 980 50, 441 10,22910, 358 31,387 7,545 6,518 18,023 5, 253 3,281 24,585 4,212 6,596 6,839 4.035 2,051 37,908) 31, 109 11,316 8,135 1, 4351,069 416232 7,6371 6, 175 2,416 1,622 3,079 2,301 2,958 2,181 5,937/ 4,673 1,5601 1.119 3,404 2,581 833 620 8754 co CTO @ 000 921 60 33,822 2,139 578 MAINE. Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.... 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. 188, 802|| 34, 304 2, 936 21,300 39, 665 46, 932 39, 651 37, 165 7,686 624 45,932 760 5, 259 9,626 11, 261 9,696 9, 174 156 44,019 28,008 810 5,594 3,328 9,581 6,280 11, 102 7,634 9,043 5,672 7,772 4,566 101 303 DoNN 48 104 168 134 122 INN 756 600 446 366 7,378 7, 488 141 7.841 Total. 24 years and under 25 to 34 years. 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over Unknown.... 9, 492 144) 1,024 2,169 60,0167, 113 1,038 7.293 12, 415| 1,299 14,776 1.598 12,597 1,566 11, 6591,735 58 113 contos 16, 633 8,293 2,242976 3,574 1,808 4,202 2,343 3,428 1,722 2,839 1,299 45 1,153 117 22 2,085 MIDDLE ATLANTIC. 238|| 23. 1,848 469 NEW HAMPSHIRE. 201 4,595 6, 247 4,774 Total......... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years...-.. 55 to 64 years... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. 901 468,379 | 80, 919 78,375 130, 702 123, 756 52, 310 11, 067| 1, 504/ 1,589 3,393 3,2771 1,276 67,941|| 9, 789| 10, 325 19,737 20.0751 7,774 110, 091|| 16, 188 31, 447 13, 448 120, 593 19,030) 19,756 33, 711| 32,776 14, 643 90.479|| 16.966) 16. 116 25,0311 22, 432! 9, 461 65,778|| 16, 154 13,200 17, 147 13, 410 5,562 2, 430 1,288 339 73 184 452 549 381 244 57 116 128 92 628 434 Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years... 45 to 54 years.... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over Unknown.. 27,053|| 389) 2.605) 5, 196 6,603 6,067 6,076 117 4,509 6,248 5970 4131 590 793 1,228 1,0951, 1,026 1, 108 221 466 857 1,064 1,026 1,056 36 1001 973 1,079) 1,223 1, 403 102 354) 976 104 EAST NORTH CENTRAL. 15 6 VERMONT. 763 19 95 4,578 3,481 5,910 9,492 8,516 607 125 5,147 102 a 693 1, 221 547 949 600 202 Total.. .. 1,123,489|108,283 197,164 340, 940 315, 607 155,585 24 years and under. 42, 795| 3,308 42.795|| 3.3088 8,582 14, 701 11,777 4,306 25 to 34 years...... 214,884|| 14, 239 34, 422 70, 176 66,175| 29, 084 35 to 44 years...... 283,519|| 21, 501 43, 794 89, 091 86, 004 41, 706 45 to 54 years...... 278, 189|| 23, 177| 45,063 82,541 81, 339| 44, 306 55 to 64 years...... 186, 836|| 22, 396) 37, 781 54.259| 47, 130l 24, 2101 65 years and over.. 112,963|| 22, 361 26,710 29, 246 22, 428 11, 520 Unknown. 4, 303 1,301 926754 434 Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.... 35 to 44 years.... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over Unknown... 216 111 98 22 32, 709 634 4,422 7,372 7,921 6, 666 5, 619 809 944 1,069 1,238 323793 677 1,265 1,361 819 1,269 812 1,085 10 ܒܨ ܚܨܟܬܟܬܝܙܨ 804 ricaria 35 82 22 75 26 WEST NORTH CENTRAL. MASSACHUSETTS. 8,890 7,981 79 97 Total...... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years.... 45 to 54 years.... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown..... 784 1,701 1,109,948|| 52, 536 91,971 181, 843) 368, 669 346,875 55, 179|12,875 || Total.. 68, 084|| 2, 1201 7,173) 13,66526, 175| 16, 2352,327 389 || 24 years and under. 269,681 7, 103 18, 603 43,498 102, 368) 83, 727 12,065) 2,317 || 25 to 34 years...... 284, 073|| 9,912 19,27844,966 98, 642 93, 943 14, 1321 3,200 | 35 to 44 years..... 252, 100% 10, 98718,431 38, 256/ 76, 622 88, 190 15,413 4, 201 || 45 to 54 years.... 152, 349|| 10, 691 15,800 26,099 43, 341 46,083 8, 267) 2,068 || 55 to 64 years...... 81,0071 || 11, 269 12, 412! 14, 961 20,787 18,052 2,880 646 65 years and over 2,654 454 734 645 Unknown.. 36,917|| 10,606 138 3,575 7,904| 2,249 9, 468|| 2,601 7,740||| 7,402 2,159 389) 298 786 1,925 2.288 1,922 1,855 5,703 83 605 1,278 1,426 1, 205 1,088) 3,325 38 297 674 977 694 632 4733 2,052 2.100 1,594 2741 95 54 20 18 13 SOUTH ATLANTIC. RHODE ISLAND. Total.......... 5,292 1,377| 1,144 487 80 1,264 12 119 121 145 270 246 291 1,111,881|186,956/ 354,207| 251, 601 181,336 117, 899 14,555 5,027 Total. * 85, 809|| 25, 150 39,263) 12, 122 6,010 2,864 315 85 24 years and under. 253, 560|| 48, 212102,392 52, 833 31, 338| 16, 488 1,705 592 25 to 34 years.... 268, 385| 38, 9401 85, 375 66, 479| 45,813 27, 365 3,307 1,106 35 to 44 years.... 238, 443| 31, 111 61, 360 59, 455 47, 507) 33, 396 4, 122 1,492 | 45 to 54 years..... 168, 237|| 24, 311| 41, 883 39, 991/ 33, 331 24, 459 3, 192 1,070 || 55 to 64 years.... 94,844| 18, 439 23, 11820,578] 17,067) 13, 136 1,853 653 653 | 65 years and over 443 270 191| 61 29 || Unknown. 29 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. 186 244 530 1,101 1, 301 1,149 1,027 104 282 245 227 11 292 46 101 104 117 104 314 268 247 13 204 240 196 2,603 EAST SOUTH CENTRAL. 4,999 78 2,613 77 41 541 Total....... 1,042,480|211, 614) 350, 256 225,976 157, 414 86, 297 24 years and under. | 101, 499 | 43, 071; 39, 958) 11, 164 5, 134' 1,968 25 to 34 years...... 259, 086|| 64, 674) 104, 995 49,933 27,020 11, 230 35 to 44 years...... 251, 334|| 40, 643 87,333 60, 130 40,510 20, 328 45 to 54 years...... 210, 204|| 27, 318 60,558 52, 641| 41, 316| 25, 260 55 to 64 years...... 137, 558|| 19, 730 36, 380 33, 3951 27,968| 17, 702 65 years and over.. 80, 189| 15, 267/ 20, 155/ 18, 377| 15, 229 9,633 Unknown.... 2,610|| 911 877 336 176 CONNECTICUT. Total.. 8,396 2,527 24 years and under. 145 59 25 to 34 years... 934 300 35 to 44 years.... 1,826 45 to 54 years... 2,406 705 | 55 to 64 years...... 1,868 515 || 65 years and over.. 1,179 349 || Unknown.... 38 35 MIDDLE ATLANTIC. 280 539 6,306 68 661 1,365 1,601 1,281 1,303 6,634 91 732 1,363 1, 744 26, 815| 6,035 356 2,875 | 640 5,677|| 1,305 6,863|| 1, 386 5,432 1,229 5,382 1,258 140 564 715 1,055 1,347 993 973 12 roori 1,362 1,313 526 497 15 230|| 29 6 WEST SOUTH CENTRAL. NEW YORK. 1,104 1, 492 OC Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over .. Unknown. 943, 186||102,044 251, 444 216,860 222,794|118,416 18,232 13, 396 Total. 90, 925|| 18, 48936, 198) 18,030 12, 6574, 390 623 538 24 years and under. 249, 463|| 28,577) 81, 20260, 289| 51, 887| 21,758 3, 224 2,526 | 25 to 34 years.. 236, 780|| 20, 1341 57,920 57, 460 60, 893) 32, 431 4,598) 3,344 || 35 to 44 years... 193, 315|| 14,850 40,115 43, 458 52,916) 33, 181 5, 128 3,667 || 45 to 54 years.... 117, 688|| 11, 187 23,68725,99131, 381 19, 298 3,286 2,258 || 55 to 64 years.... 53, 190|| 8, 167 11, 693 11, 231] 12, 6821 7, 151 1,309957 || 65 years and over 2, 425) 640 401 378 207 64 106 || Unknown..... 215,597|| 34, 188 5, 149| 30, 691|| 3,636 49, 950||| 55, 229|| 41, 6301 31, 812|| 7,737 1,136 608 31,047 56, 821 61, 031 31,163 594 1,666 800 3,761 8,208) 10,096 4,839 6,312 13,269] 15, 480 8,092 7,784 14,551 15,857 8,747 11,061 10,979 5,419 5,8498,088 6,782 3,188 152 171 7,280 6, 629 629) 118 78 MOUNTAIN. NEW JERSEY. 19,383 33, 487|| 8,073 2,235 912 130 333 4,158) Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years. 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.........! 183, 446|| 23, 426 10, 380|| 919 43, 914|| 48, 385|| 5,636 42, 490|5, 434 23,939 3,423 11, 411|| 2,158 2,927)] 1,6141 7,864 64,783 41, 676 8,483 6,365 Total... 888 4,632 2,564284181 || 24 years and under. 4,3931 17,589 10,783 1,655) 1,094 || 25 to 34 years. 5,511| 16, 488 11, 380 2,386 1,740 || 35 to 44 years...... 4, 745 13,5189,747 2,418) 1,892 45 to 54 years...... 7,898 5,067 951 55 to 64 years. 3,695 2,004 422 | 65 years and over.. 9631 1311 85 II Unknown..... 4,736 2,821 1, 465 NOC 2,053 7,607 8,194 7,207 153207178 962 1.148 1.170) 1,758 1,775 2,160 1,920 1,456 1,478 1,301 1,206 1,195 849 191261141 318) 563 627 405 919 1,745 2,069 1,613 1,364 233) सकि- 1,185 518 37 471 4,919|| 299) ÀGE OF FARMERS. 33 FARM OPERATORS CLASSIFIED BY AGE OF FARMER AND BY SIZE OF FARMS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1910—Con. Table 13-Con. AGE OF FARMER. | Total. Under 20 to 50 to 19 49 99 | acres. | acres. | acres. 100 to 174 acres. 175 to 500 to | 1,000 l 499 999 acres and acres. | acres. over. AGE OF FARMER. | Total. Under | 19 acres. 20 to 49 acres. 50 to 99 acres. 100 to 175 to 500 to. 1,000 acres 174 4.9 999) acres. acres. | acres. and over. MIDDLE ATLANTIC -Continued. | WEST NORTH CENTRAL-Contd. PENNSYLVANIA. MISSOURI. 443 79 Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.... 39, 721 842 5,602 9,037 9, 919 8,031 6,145 145 65, 687 55,518) 18,912 1.694 1.4331 10, 381 8,809] 2,617 16,084] 14, 1924,793| 17,000 14,999 5,269 12,492 10, 1523, 637 7,864 5,779 2,089 172 154 219, 295 5,213|| 7891 32, 715) 5,234 52, 277|| 7,987) 56, 484|| 9,075 42,564 8,073 29,047 995 447 632167 Total.. 24 years and under. 52 | 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 1 85137 37 || 45 to 54 years...... 36 | 55 to 64 years...... 23 | 65 years and over.. 10 3 | Unknown...... 1411 43 | 277, 244|19,756 47,398 16, 573| 4,519 59, 434 3,525) 11, 554 68, 756| 3, 9231 10, 343 62, 224| 3,802 8,508 7,108 26,710|| 390 781 74, 178 80, 020 51, 921 3,427 544 5,108 3,905 1,638 18, 084 17,05718, 666 458 18, 56221, 448] 13, 561 769 150 15,148 18,975) 14, 623 1,045 123 10,906 12,097 670 6, 277 6, 471| 4,510 3 99 70 537 1431 43, 157 64 93 67) EAST NORTH CENTRAL NORTH DAKOTA. 74,360 OHIO. 4,455 107 82 331 783 801 Total.......... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 112 35 to 44 years...... 4 i 45 to 54 years...... 8 | 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over .. Unknown........ 208 Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown. 882 1, 207| 23,003) 34, 393 12, 662 2,416 1,932 1, 861 49 8.719 11, 301 410 254 5,569 10, 3361 3,835 631 3,611 6,815 3,551 157 2,202 3,167 1, 480 354 111 872 332 81 32 199 23, 924 20,751 15, 210 2.412 120 272,045|38, 913 8, 699 || 1, 233 46, 6881 5,229 67, 026 8,053 67,440 8,363 49, 258 8,081 32, 007 927 340 7, 488 50,331 88, 047) 68,746 25,113 1,629 3,240 2,070 510 7,979| 16, 53512, 953 3,891 11,176 23,041 18,210 6,342 11,974 21, 669 18, 073) 7, 109 10, 285 14,853] 11, 394 4,479 8,512 5,898 2,718 197 14864 861 93 180 219 7,614 7.117 SOUTH DAKOTA. 171 77,644 808 1,121 2,406 INDIANA. 6. Bas 242 23,182 568 2,094 949 144 207 142 6 18 580 454 6,392 Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years.. 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... | 65 years and over.. Unknown... 261 AC & 171 28, 39633,041 3,928 2,188 10,004 8,883 4,422 7,242 2,524 3.549 1, 212 1,129 54| 46 215 9,698 2,174 372 73 399 2, 453 545 2,868 719 1.482 354 417 73 12 11 Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over. Unknown.. 346 19, 204 16, 137 8,657 3,375 190 7,211 8,755 8,762 215, 485||| 10, 019 41, 449 53, 043 4,544 52, 0351 4,800 35,818 4.865 21, 942 4,821 1, 179|| 67, 221 57, 261 26, 107 3,558 2,387 14,067 11, 856 4,818 17, 142 15, 509 6,846 16,021 14,854 7,278 10, 563 5,565) 4,024 2,063 305204 127) 207) 187 1501 182 212 58 278 176 132 5, 323 293 4,358 12,618 4,558 336 664 1, 666 ILLINOIS. NEBRASKA. Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown....... 129, 678 10, 374 35, 764 32,147 28. 117 15,931 7,148|| 767 786 3, 210 2.803 2,330 43, 916 47, 233 13,128 3,867 4, 419 2,782 149 14,879 12,342 731 11,321) 12,3401 3,125 1,005 7,519 11, 835 3,185) 1, 225 4,038 5,899 567 1,677 1,9926 75 181 63 43 129 1,842 203 1,038 4705 35 962 197 23 Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years.. 45 to 54 years.. 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.... 251, 872||20, 294 12,381 56, 215 2,7301 67, 239 4,040 59,563 4,415 35, 167 3, 834| 20, 399 4,252 370 33, 32257, 917 80, 539 57,755 2,365 3,680 3,923 1,724 6,717| 14,065/ 20, 181 12, 237 15, 265 23,392 16,710 6,987 12,552 18,785 16, 193 5,665 7,941 9,759 7,615 4,172 4,284 4,353 3,141 112 146 135 256 474 575 325 KANSAS. 169/ Total...... 908|| 1301 921) MICHIGAN. 177, 841 8,042 12, 412 236) 44, 117 43, 488|| 1, 478 38, 6781 1,672 25, 005 1,744 13, 815 1,921 326 70 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown. 10,738 He 842 1,844 2,102 1,992 1,831 2,089 26,151 57,789 61, 286 10,475 3,360 2, 454 4,876 3,493 412 99 6,411 16, 402) 15,794 2,136 609 5,761| 14,640| 16, 156/ 2,604 760 5,121 11, 256 14,505 2,920 1,102 3,853 6,946 8,126 1,757 587 3,605 3,144 631 190 15 2,493 1,677 64) 13 Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. 206,960|| 14,785 49,890 73, 748 50, 622) 17, 143 6, 589 2,590 1, 615 759|| 1,694 8,464 13,848 8.923 49, 925|| 2.751) 11. 01518. 831! 13.014 52, 360 3,143 11,505 18,493 13, 937 5,065 38,060|| 3,300 9,904 12, 840 8,710 3,147 23, 615 3,462 7,143 6,996 4,332| 1,584 652| 182 150 9143 SOUTH ATLANTIC. 1,535 2,977 1,988 97 2,849 52 379 36 398) DELAWARE. Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown... 1171 613/ 99 533) WISCONSIN. 10,836 2,018 2,592 2,833 1,113 1,429 29 249 366 222 324 377 670 794 Total... 23,460 141 471 475 330 211 1,848 739 751 472 274 11 319 238 5,107 658 2 19 | 177,127|| 10,647 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years. 34,7731 35 to 44 years. 46, 286 2,113 45 to 54 years.... 46,791 2,456 55 to 64 years. 28, 533 2, 3161 65 years and over 15, 000) 2,212 Unknown.. 6371 4,051 5,544 5,835 4,331 2,955 54,007 58, 439| 29, 467 1, 633 1,782 11, 661] 12, 262 14,812 15, 879 13, 806 15, 6908, 661 8,062 8,840 4,796 3, 889 3,821! 2,014 144 1651 106 506 124 86 15 MARYLAND. Total... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. 1,427 8,045 12,332 10, 232 259 1,426 2.399 2, 470 8,629 259 1,352 2,160 2,090 1, 642) 8,070 205 1,389 9,946 "344 1,780 2,538 2,536 1, 673 11, 457 313 2,030 3,012 3,061 1,877 1,112 WEST NORTH CENTRAL. aan 1,944 153 85 625 1.054 MINNESOTA. 194 109 13 22 217 Total...... | 156, 137|| 5,619 24 years and under. 5, 252 103 25 to 34 years.... 30, 892 592 35 to 44 years...... 42, 216 1,148 45 to 54 years...... 41, 362 1,355 55 to 64 years...... 23, 800 1,179 65 years and over.. 12,092 1, 151 Unknown... 12, 02826,571 55, 424 52, 836 364 9 52 2,028 1,710 1,813) 5, 226) 12,164 10, 535 2,754 15, 944 14, 348 3, 105/ 6,831 13,973 14, 932 2, 234 7,592 7,966 1,715 3,561 3,196 162 149 an brotin 3,359 300 || DIST. OF COLUMBIA. Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years..... 101 65 years and over.. Unknown.. 7 B 22 CHA COCINA 523 91 IOWA. Total...... 68) 22 3,538 Total........ | 217, 044|| 13, 724 24 years and under. 12, 119 325 25 to 34 years. 52, 368 1,504 35 to 44 years..... 57, 511 2.408 45 to 54 years...... 50, 372 2,886 55 to 64 years...... 28, 311 3,129 65 years and over.. 15, 455|| 3,365 Unknown.... 908|| 1071 VIRGINIA. 15, 678) 38, 712 80, 121 66,165. 2, 4301 214 1,001 3,101 5,087 2,563 39 3 24 years and under. 2,444 9,668 23, 283) 15,085 355 29 | 25 to 34 years...... 3, 017 9, 8101 23, 328| 18, 3191 585 44 35 to 14 years...... 3, 390 8,164 16,866 18, 238 767 45 to 54 years...... 3,172 5,053 7,942 8,506 465 44 55 to 64 years..... 2,563 2,767 3,323 3,209 199 29 65 years and over.. 911 14912921245) 2014 || Unknown......... 184,018|| 39,746 8,005 2,848 34, 66918, 892| 45, 295|. 9,582 43, 193| 7,982 31, 981|| 5,958) 20, 5591 4,374 316|| 1101 42,390 2,249 9,127 10, 857 9, 429 6,442 4,210 761 38, 342 32,997 26, 101 3,450 992 1, 386 7,250 406 120 9,7871 5,876 769 226 9, 126 7,161 6,575 5,576 764 209 4,169 3,384 5101 491371331912 924) 279 ထဲထဲဝါ၏ 134 34 AGRICULTURE. FARM OPERATORS CLASSIFIED BY AGE OF FARMER AND BY SIZE OF FARMS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1910—Con. Table 13—Con. Under 20 to | 50 to 100 to 175 to 500 to AGE OF FARMER. | Total. || 19 49 99174499 999 acres. acres. | acres. | acres. acres. acres. 1,000 acres and over. AGE OF FARMER. Total. Under 20 to 19 49 acres. acres. 1 50 to 100 to 175 to 500 to 1,000 99 174 499 999 acres acres. | acres. acres. acres.. | and over. SOUTH ATLANTIC Continued. WEST SOUTH CENTRAL. WEST VIRGINIA. ARKANSAS. 1,316 16 Total....... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years.... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown.: 128 96, 685|| 15,399 3,587|| 1, 259 18,554 4,220 24. 865|| 3,863 22, 335| 2, 713 16. 173|| 1.917 11, 038) 1,391 133 20,323 4,652 5, 439 4,253 3.023 2,055 26,806 796 5,066 7,211 6,319 20,156 12, 248 422 211 2,991 1, 453 2,849 5,206 3,356 3,870 2,524 2.522 1,842 24 93 Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 y ears...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown. 214, 678|| 36, 259 74,983 21, 959 8,181 8,920 56, 863|| 11, 58623, 485 50,522 6,389 17,971 45, 694 4,90814. 344 26, 491 3,041 6,8981 12, 702 2, 030 3,208 447 124 157 45, 373 2,616 11, 183 11,577 10, 601 6, 360 2,963 Ratin 289 367 306 206 39, 353 1,717 7,879|| 9,888 10,270 6,578 2,969 52 145 310 350 231 59 110 106 4,277 5,115 3,303 121 4, 451 2,930 82 92 96 36 33 13 . NORTH CAROLINA. LOUISIANA. 2,669 805 • 561 56 433 2.517 31 8,406 176 1,161 1,548 1,018 20 194 120 62,157 2,849 13,351 15,671 14,824 10,194 5,177 46,389 4,568 13, 462 12, 866 Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. 253, 725 43, 224 75, 629 17, 931 6,384 6,686 58, 785|| 13, 037] 21, 706 59, 103|| 8,311 18, 320 55, 824|| 6,569 14,212 39, 952|| 5,070 9,575 21, 609|| 3,678 4,968) 521 1751 162 3:765 2,217 43,987) 25,254 1,380) 7,266/ 3,094 10, 690 5,414 11, 853 7,353 8,494 5,778 4,260 3,016 38 Total.. 15 24 years and under. 84 25 to 34 years..... -148 35 to 44 years...... 248 45 to 54 years...... 194 | 55 to 64 years.. 65 years and over.. 3 il Unknown.... occa 247 5491 765 647 397 413 120,546|| 29, 256 10, 026|| 3,861 30, 380 8,320 32,503 7,033 23, 015 15, 969 8, 257) 2,359 396 134 ciao 20,248 937 4,606 5,956 4, 436 2, 932 1,341 40 14, 2, 422412 1,669 322 728 159 2,351 1,078 24 270 213 115 113 8 1211 17 27 SOUTH CAROLINA. OKLAHOMA. 70,582 8,537 1,942 2,688| 69 857 20 477 183 Total.......... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. 176, 434|| 37,985 18, 651) 7,263 45,554|| 10,800 43, 265 7,359 32, 491 5,035 23, 642| 4,189 12, 465 3,231 366 17,812 862 33, 147 19,427 12,539 1,740 734 315 3,537 1,888 9,290 5,167 2,992 7,514 4,923 3, 453 5,1973,469 2,6111 1,559 1,261 49 38/ 19 55 253 454 512 420 238 104 191 228 189 Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown. 190, 1927,158 31, 489 15, 785 859 4,264 50, 841 1, 845/ 10, 370 51, 153| 7,120 40, 359 1, 204 4,930 22, 898|| 3,306 8,764 684 1,442 392 39, 002] 75, 186] 33, 812 3,717 5,308 1,548 11, 276 19, 455 7, 235 10,122 20,700 10, 624 7,568 16, 430 9, 117| 4,448 537 4,113 1, 810 3,598 1,120 61 1586 835 263 275 7,567] 349 2,224 89 9 0 108/ 101 GEORGIA. TEXAS. 30 Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown... 291, 027|| 29,629 117, 432 68,510 33, 103|| 6,585 19,143 4,446 75,889 7,688 39, 204 15, 746 68, 644|| 4, 826 26, 139| 18, 740/ 57, 136 3,993 15,893 37,593|| 3,481| 10, 860 9,676 17,856 | 2,909 5,351 3,839 147 324 170| 42,275 27, 710 1,884 9 27 8,227 4,313 10, 942 6,730 7,964 7,072 5,376 2,859 2,342 790258 417, 770|| 29, 3711 98,583) 112,23794.574 59, 049 12.833 11.123 43, 155|| 5,588 18,446 10,760 5,199 2,176 498 488 111, 379|6, 826 33, 885 33, 224 22, 036 10, 836 2,408) 2,164 102, 602| 15, 2501 19. 963 29, 805265401 15, 313 3. 0131 2.718 84, 247|| 4,490) 13, 127 20,853 22, 703) 16,527] 3,5311 3,016 51, 730|| 3,792 8,302 12,251 12,915 10,213 2,384 1, 873 23, 467|| 3,094 4, 566 5,117 5,037 3,898) 964 –791 1, 190|| 331 144 86 35 73 819) 379 806 11 294 2271 FLORIDA. 3,950 3,950 1,521 Total... 24 years and under. 528 183 25 to 34 years...... 9351 332 35 to 44 years...... 479 45 to 54 years...... 309 55 to 64 years...... 177 65 years and over.. 17 Unknown.. MOUNTAIN. 670 371 MONTANA. 16 86) Total.... 92 || 24 years and under. 202 117 25 to 34 years...... 140 35 to 44 years...... 63 45 to 54 years.... 55 to 64 years. 65 years and over. Unknown... 83 564 43 26, 214 Total....... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown 1,260 621 50,016|| 9,084 17,169 2,724| 516 1,411 10, 020|| 1,914_4.107 2, 241 4,163 11, 982 1,942 3,638 8, 409 1,413 2,436 4, 438|| 972 1,340 2101 9,999 444 1,890 2,500 2, 489 1, 749 908 8,178 | 4,545 249| 1, 416 2,010 1,069 2,163 1,609 990 12, 233|| 1, 745 956 46 217 258 1, 431 297 6,912 7,051 6.068 72 10,552 8,339 891 592 3,177 2,294 2,697) 2304 2,106 1,883 1,134 850 516 380 2,353 1999 46 472 327 665 569 693 651 296 262 142 21 363 307 162 401 227 1 19 86 671 123 129 31 EAST SOUTH CENTRAL. IDAHO. 2,005 921 444 70 261 2,181 45 220 10 KENTUCKY. Total.... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years...... 65 years and over.. Unknown... 50, 134| 26, 639 1,596 8,417 13, 2016,393 12,688 7,467 259, 185|| 55, 472 19,931|| 9,622 60, 045|| 17, 141 65, 350|| 11, 914 53, 457|| 7,599 35,918|| 5,114 24, 057 3,931 379 496 58,5371 65, 778 4,981 3,046 16, 181 14, 492 15, 276, 17, 974 10,590 14,353 6,895 9,631 4,5206, 218 11,891 686 3,082 3,249 30,807|| 1,478 7,519 8,777 7,459 3,873 1,614 Total. 24 years and under. || 25 to 34 years. 35 to 44 years.. | 45 to 54 years...... | 55 to 64 years...... | 65 years and over.. | Unknown... 44 80 122 4,048 214 1,021 1,097 930 521 258 512 5,820 1,468 1,806 1,331 270 18 5,866 214 1,317 1,793 1,594 698 236 250 246 638 666 1, 160 4371 Nina 111 361 195 21 3, 413 324 72 14 5,579 67 157 94 1 64 WYOMING. 645 3,816 1,878 31 42 227) TENNESSEE. Total. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years.. 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. 180) 3,629 ° 214 1,018 1,067 246, 012|| 47,341 20, 628|| 8. 56,179 13, 56,857|| 52,865 36,689 22, 306 488 goncorso 72,212 60, 105/ 41,545| 22,450 1,323 554 | 12, 185 6,921 3,098 15, 226 10, 268 5,119 10, 7381 6,209 7,638 4,652 5,028 5,621 4,600 2,769 3901 Collect 481 Total. 16 | 24 years and under. 48 | 25 to 34 years.. 119 || 35 to 44 years.. 45 to 54 years...... 96 || 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. 4 || Unknown... 10,987|| 662 3,029 3,108 2,370 1,163 518 137 984 1,155 27 26 198] 220 314 322 340 131 153 1,209 1,027 693 375 800) 261 553 378 361 148! 294 12 57 21 ALABAMA. COLORADO. 2,426 1,577 3,882 153 ?2211 88 64 2,606 10,860|| 705 Total......... 24 years and under 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over.. Unknown... 262, 901|| 41,858 106, 841 55, 448) 35,563 20,093 28, 117|| 9, 250! 14, 138] 3, 009 1,216 452 66.880|| 12. 145/ 33, 440) 12,353 6.158 2,453 59,5861 6,973 24, 233) 14, 286 8,864 4, 601 57, 201 5, 723 19, 229 10,341 6,418 33, 359 4,157 10,178 7,651 6,336 4,305) 17, 118|| 3, 427] 5,380 3,462 2,600 1,827 183 243 4837 2,27 230 4 65 658 574 302 822 Total. 17 24 years and under. 101 | 25 to 34 years.... 164 | 35 to 44 years.... 251 45 to 54 years.. 158 | 55 to 64 years...... 120 65 years and over.. 11 || Unknown... 5,070 156 862 1,288 1,438 844 437 1,124 1,082 384 1,008 1,179 1,164 '564 237 11.084 6.081 2,733 916 16,355 12, 476 1,089 835 4,221 3,340 4, 011 3237| 3,382 2,859 1,543 636) 803 460 664 710 351 147 264 387 449 277 125 11 567 237 1,935 914 640 12 26 MISSISSIPPI. NEW MEXICO. 836 572 35,676 2,484 93 44,645 2,480 10, 903 12,644 88 301 274,382 66, 943 112,666 32,823|| 15, 643 13,320 75,982] 21, 736| 35, 326 69,541 12,983 30,862 46, 681|| 6,938 17, 014] 31,592) 5,246 10,509 16, 708 3,978 5,227 408 Total...... 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years. 65 years and over.. Unknown 30,172 17,115 9 99331 5,524 2, 129 8,1774, 215 7,549 5,166 3, 601 2,450 1,624 49 2,061 257 557 479 259 107 201 780 Total.. 16 24 years and under'. 25 to 34 years. | 35 to 44 years. 197 || 45 to 54 years. 197 150 || 55 to 64 years..... 94 | 65 years and over.. 15 | Unknown... 733 6,885 296 1,210 1,676 1,656 1,093 2,8121,820 85 483 4661 732 452 341 15,363 7,388 1,362 590| 4. 388) 2,109) 3,686/ 1,827 2,881 1.474 2,004 1,001 979 366 631 211 38 153 236 233 123 172 rs 5,172 94 516 .... 490 3,076 2, 485| 622 332 1,055)| 4191 16! 433) AGE OF FARMERS. 35 FARM OPERATORS CLASSIFIED BY AGE OF FARMER AND BY SIZE OF FARMS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1910—Con. Table 13-Con. AGE OF FARMER. 20 to Total. Under 20 to 19 49 acres. acres. 50 to 99 acres. 100 to 175 to 500 to : 1,000 174 499 999 | acres acres. acres. acres. over. AGE OF FARMER. Under 19 acres. 49 50 to 99 acres, 100 to 175 to 500 to | 1,000 174 499 999 | acres acres. acres. acres. and over. and acres. MOUNTAIN Continued. PACIFIC. ARIZONA. © 9,227) 3,346 820 164 72 185 97/ 2,591 130 591 757 39 143 21.5 189 WASHINGTON Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years... 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years... 65 years and over.. Unknown.... Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years...... 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years.... 55 to 64 years.... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. 380 1,730 2,175 1,937 1,148 707) 1,150 451 647 548 259 309 398 334 216 221 56,192|| 10,529 1,930) 10,917|| 1,610 14,522) 15, 402 9,059 1.973 4,104 1,150 258 157 623 7,105 2241 1,194 1,839 2,043 1,241 543 ܢܙ ܟܨܒܝܨ ܢܨ 13,884 9,215/ 3,481) 1,726 519 419 68 2,908 2,127 917 449 3,597) 2,459 929 479 3,645| 2, 471 894 452 2,178 1,214 426 223 1,019 116 181 14 594 48 221 1,123 OREGON. UTAH. 4,224 2,681 551 203) 12) 21,676|| 939|| 4,542 5,898 65 5,550 293 1,252 1,443 3,660 155 804 1,030 4,170 181 837 1,172 1,067 83/ 4,674 224 1,054 1,192 963 672 552 Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 years..... 35 to 44 years..... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years..... 65 years and over. Unknown. 1, 223 1,768 45,502) 6,030 1,590 145 8,662 874| 11,847|| 1,396 11,967|| 7,325 1, 189 Total.. 390 91 24 years and under 25 to 34 years..... 66 35 to 44 years...... 119 45 to 54 years...... 110 55 to 64 years... 61 65 years and over.. 15 Unknown.. 147 6,800 12,009] 9,343 227, 537 306 1, 202 2,596 1,810 1,812 3,125 2,511 1, 905 2,941 2,532 1,113 1,831 1,421 950 750 446 795 791 420 155 2,716 1,716 111 61 608 349 485 695 506 364 216 178 10 9 5,3381 1,300 --- 928 - 191 785) 611 522 3,160 1,7401 89 37 3,962) 840 523) 90 468 295 210 149|| 18/ 10 291 171 CALIFORNIA. 320 9 68 NEVADA. Total.. 24 years and under. 25 to 34 y ears..... 35 to 44 years...... 45 to 54 years..... 55 to 64 years.... 65 years and over.. Unknown.. 2,689 86 590 716 634 2,315! 540 15 116 142 59 60 344 Total..... 9 24 years and under. 70 11 25 to 34 years.. 91 U 35 to 44 years...... 75 45 to 54 years...... 55 to 64 years... 65 years and over. Unknown..... 88,197 14,468 22, 868 23,072 15,003 9, 957 514 5,323 20,614 606 3,487 5, 492 5,505 3,523 1,921 79 3,079 5,797 4,383 3,263 251 334 1,816 2, 945 2,891 985 12,015) 12,551 379 344 2,238 3,083) 3,287 3,264 1,928 2,038 1, 435 2,133 3,023 5,119 4,693 120103 891 824 1.400 1.337 1,369 1,223 770 680 539 482 30 44 103 50 392 1,681 255 62 35 28/ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 08747 4626