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OD ~ <!-- 5 360 28-w, nºn - TD tot Cbe (lnion|[Srayer=JBook 3ewigb Úlorøbip REVISED EDITION EDITED AND PUBLISHED BY THE CENTRAL CONFERENCE OF AMERICAN RABBIS PART II CINCINNATI 1945 COPYRIGHT 1922 BY THE CENTRAL CONFERENCE OF AMERICAN RABBIS TABLE OF CONTENTS SERVICES FOR THE NEW YEAR Evening Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Morning Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 SERVICES FOR THE DAY OF ATONEMENT Evening Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Morning Service. . . . . . . . ... • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 133 Afternoon Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Memorial Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 Concluding Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343 Tºlºrſ ºn Services for the New Year EVENING SERVICE MORNING SERVICE Evening Service for the New Year MEDITATION The solemn advent of the new year calls me, O God, to the quiet of Thy sanctuary to commune with Thee in fellowship with my brethren. Here, under the inspiration of our sacred traditions, I would open my innermost self to those deeper thoughts and feelings which I have only too often shut from mind and heart in my day-by-day preoccupation with world- ly pursuits and pleasures. May a real responsiveness of spirit be stirred within me and may I be enabled to consecrate my mood of the moment by influences and sentiments that will outlast the moment. Do Thou, Almighty, help me to this end. Quicken my memory that I may draw lessons from the past before the old year is wholly gone. Give me of Thy light that I may see my varied experiences in their true meaning. As I look backward, may there be re- vealed to me how much richer, how much more abun- 8 EVENING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR dant were my blessings than my privations, and how even my losses, my trials, my sorrows had within themselves the possibilities of higher good. And even more, I pray Thee, teach me how small and insigni- ficant were many of the things which at the time seemed all important and how needlessly I permitted my soul to be troubled sorely and my heart to be fret- ted by cares, anxieties and worries which proved to be of no moment. Bring home to me the folly and futility of all this and the need of ever holding before myself the standard of true values. Let no self-deception hide from me the record of sin and short-coming, of opportunities neglected, of time misspent, of abilities and powers perverted to lower purposes against my own better impulses and knowledge. O Thou who knowest the secrets of the heart, make all this to pass in solemn review before my inner vision. Arouse my conscience to a deep sense of guilt and inspire and strengthen my will to high and holy resolves. Grant that, like Jacob of old, wrestling with the adversary in the dark, I may not leave the depart- ing year go from me until I shall have wrested a blessing from its trials and mistakes. And oh, that I may also be enabled by Thy divine grace to turn into blessing the possibilities of the new year which stretches out before me in solemn mystery. EVENING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 9 Let its message of time and eternity make me indeed mindful of the uncertainty of human life and the passing nature of all things earthly—but let not the thought of my frailty awaken unwholesome fear of death or unworthy thoughts of life. Imbue me with the conviction that my times are in Thy hands, that Thou wilt be with me whithersoever I may go and that, relying on Thy wise and loving providence, I may face the unknown future with courage and hope. Trustfully I confide myself and those dear to me to Thy keeping for the year upon which we are now entering. We are strangers to it and know not the way which we should go. We need Thy light and leading. Guide Thou us in paths of safety for Thy name's sake. Bless us in our home and in all our wider relationships, sanctifying our affections, strength- ening our loyalties and enlarging our powers of helpfulness. As I implore Thee to inscribe me in the book of life, help me to understand that life is to be measured in terms of character and usefulness, and that more than mere iength of days are breadth of sympathies, iofli- ness of ideals and greatness of service. Aid me to utilize rightly whatever added span of time Thou, in Thy grace and goodness, shalt accord to me. May the 10 EVENING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR beauty of the Lord our God be upon us and establish Thou the work of our hands—yea, the work of our hands establish Thou it. Amen. EVENING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 11 Choir (Psalm crxi) I will lift up mine eyes un to the mountains; from whence shall my help come? Myhelp com- eth from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved; He that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, He that keepeth Israel doth neither slum be r nor sleep. The Lord is thy keeper; the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, northe moon by night. The Lord shall keep thee from all evil; He shall keep thy soul. The Lord shall guard thy going out and thy coming in, from this time forth and for ever. .D.-III's py sys Hyp'Ty:"Tºy sh;lºp *sºns, Bºynºy: Biyºs.iºn biº? In: sº Bºys': Tº Tº ! :ºsy, ºpio Tº Tºy Hºg º Tº ‘sº wryn Dºi Tyn, ; :nºza T. Tº -by, y-Tºp Tºpy: insk-npº:TyErns :nºiy Ty, ITV).Tsia, 12 Even ING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR Minister Heavenly Father! In the twilight of the vanishing year we lift up our hearts to Thee to thank Thee for all Thy mercies in the past, and to implore Thy guid- ance and Thy blessing for the future. Thy providence has watched over us and Thy lovingkindness has sus- tained us. In affliction Thou hast strengthened us; in sorrow Thou hast comforted us. Thou hast bright- ened our lives with the happiness of home and the joys of friendship. Thou hast quickened our souls through the satisfaction that comes from performing our daily duties and serving our fellowmen. As we thank Thee for the joys of life, so we praise Thee for its sorrows. Many tears have furrowed our cheeks; many tender ties have been broken; yet Thou dost not wilfully afflict Thy children. With a father's love dost Thou discipline us, that we may learn to anderstand life's holy purpose. With deep humility we approach Thee, O our God, at this sacred hour. May we listen reverently to its solemn admonition. Give us the will to serve Thee with singleness of heart, so that, as we grow older in years, we may grow stronger in wisdom, broader in charity and more steadfast in faith. Hidden from our gaze are the events of the future. But we trust in Thee and fear not. Open unto us in mercy the portals of the new year, and grant us life and health, contentment and peace. Amen. EVENING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 13 Responsive Reading (Psalm xc) Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling place in all genera- tions. Before the mountains were broughtforth, or ever Thou hadst formed the earth and the world, Even from everlasting to everlasting, Thou art God. Thou turnest man to contrition; and sayest, Return ye children of men. For a thousand years in Thy sight are but as yester- day when it is past, and as a watch in the night. Thou carriest them away as with a flood, they are as a sleep. In the morning they are like grass which groweth up. In the morning it flourisheth and groweth up, in the evening it is cut down, and withereth. The days of our years are threescore years and ten, or even by reason of strength four score years; Yet is their pride but travail and vanity; for it is speedily gone, and we fly away. sº So teach us to number our days that we may get us. $ a heart of wisdom. O satisfy us in the morning with Thy mercy, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. Make us glad according to the days wherein Thou hast afflicted us, according to the years wherein we have seen evil. - Let Thy work appear unto Thy servants, and Thy glory upon their children. And let the graciousness of the Lord our God be upon us; establish Thou also upon us the work of our hands; yea, the work of our hands establish Thou it. 14 EVENING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR (Congregation rises) Minister Praise ye the Lord, to whom all praise is due. Choir and Congregation Praised be the Lord to whom all praise is due for ever and ever. (Congregation is seated) Minister Praised be Thou, O Lord our God, Ruler of the world, at whose word the shadows of evening fall, and by whose will the gates of morn are opened. Thy wis- dom established the changes of times and seasons, and ordered the ways of the stars in their heavenly courses. Creator of day and night, Lord of hosts is Thy name. Thou, everliving God, wilt rule over us for ever. Prais- ed be Thou, O Lord, for the day and its work and for the night and its rest. Infinite as is Thy power, even so is Thy love. Thou didst manifest it unto Israel, Thy servant. By laws and commandments, by statutes and ordinances hast Thou led us into the way of righteousness and brought us to the light of truth. Therefore, at our lying down and our rising up, we meditate on Thy teachings and at all times rejoice in Thy laws. In them are true life and length of days. O that Thy love may never de- part from our hearts. Praised be Thou, O Lord, who lovest Thy people Israel. EVENING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 15 (Congregation rises) Minister :Tºpº ºrns 1573 Choir and Congregation :-ty, Eziyº Tapri º Tina (Congregation is seated) Minister in-Ta-ys.Bºyſ Tºpyriºs; HRs T-12 Thana, .ºlyp Finie Tºrſå .Dººly 5'-hyp "ns Tippi .Dip.Tns Flºripi B'Ely Hyn Di sin.iiix-12 w"pº BTri-pypi. Bºi-1] Tºp Tºp Bºp! ºr ºs.jpy nisix : .nº :D'ang a TypIT. Tris Tina. Ty Hºly” rºy Tin .pnºs Tºy Psy, nº pºiy nails : 12”y ...Tº innis Bºpp, D'ºr nixpi rippm. TETH IT?, ºppni lºya rººs nºr BIT'z.TV, Hºiyº. Thigpºin-in-li-In º's Thºms.Tº.) Epi Tſ) tº ºp: TS iby aris : Tºs Tina .n"pºiyº Epp ºp. :ºsºp, 16 EVENING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR (Congregation rises) Minister, then Choir and Congregation Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One. Praised be His name whose glorious kingdom is for ever and ever (Congregation is seated) Minister Thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be upon thy heart. Thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt speak of them when thou sittest in thy house, when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thy hand, and they shall be for frontlets between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the doorposts of thy house, and upon thy gates: To the end that ye may remember and do all My commandments, and be holy unto your God. I am the Lord your God. Responsive Reading Eternal truth it is that Thou alone art God, and there is none else. And through Thy power alone has Israel been re- deemed from the hand of oppressors. EVENING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 17 (Congregation rises) Minister, then Choir and Congregation :-IIIs Tin, lyriºs Tin, ºstly, yoy :-yı Hºiyº insºp Tini. By Tº (Congregation is seated) Minister Tºpyºn, Thºm Triºs ºns ºn Sl Tºpºis-lys mºst nºtºn:Tºpºn, Tºnym.nirºla-TTºº Dºn:#277-?yniºn Dºppi:Tºpº Tàiºn. Tº Tºmlin': :Tºyº in a ninp'ºy Dººm 'pixpºns Envy) ºn ſypº :Dyrºs º is:pyrºsz Bºi-p Responsive Reading : Nºn 2 ºzy nip nsrº Tºps, nº :ipy psy, iris.inºiſ I's lyriºs * Fºr lºsin lººp.nºn Tºp Tien :D'y'-y'ſ 18 EVENING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR Wonders without number hast Thou wrought for us and hast protected us to this day. Thou hast preserved our soul for life, and hast not suffered our foot to stumble. Thy love has watched over us in the night of oppres- sion; and Thy mercy has sustained us in the hour of trial. And now that we live in a land of freedom, may we continue to be faithful to Thee and Thy word. May Thy law rule in the hearts of all Thy children, and Thy truth unite them in bonds of fellowship. May the righteous of all nations rejoice in Thy grace and exult in Thy justice. O God, Thou art our refuge and our hope; we glorify Thy name now as did our fathers in ancient days: Choir Who is like unto Thee, O Lord, among the mighty? Who is like unto Thee, glorious in holiness, extolled in praises, working wonders? - Minister When Thy children beheld Thy sovereign power, they exclaimed: This is my God. Choir The Lord shall reign for ever and ever, EVENING SERVICE FOR THE New YEAR 19 I's Ty nis?P) .-ſpri I's Ty niºi, Tºyſ :Tºpp alºn bipº in sº.Dºrſa iyº Epſ nºtshn'nPipinnis.Dºn'Elliºmyº - :DIT): :nºiy nin'nº Djinp'º's ly, ifyºns skin :ipy” Tim Hay.inº-, "in sm *sy, immyn Bºgºmprisºnin-ºp :nº inps. Tan Tippi Tºyºly Tº Choir wipº T's, Tºp; 'p.' Bºs: Tºny"p isºmy nºn sºil Minister :i-ins ly's T.T.J. is] Tºp Choir :Ty] nºiyº Tºp, 20 EVENING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR Minister As Thou hast redeemed Israel and saved him from arms stronger than his own, so mayest Thou redeem all who are oppressed and persecuted. Praised be Thou, O Lord, Redeemer of Israel. Choir Sing joyfully unto God our strength; shout unto the God of Jacob. Blow the horn at the new moon, at the return of our solemn feast. For it is a statute for Israel, an ordinance of the God of Jacob. Minister Praised be Thou, O Lord our God, God of our fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, great, mighty and revered God. Thou, O Most High, bestowest lovingkindness upon all Thy creatures; Thou rememberest the good- ness of the fathers, and in love Thou bringest redemp- tion to their descendants for the sake of Thy name. Remember us unto life, O Sovereign who delightest in life, and inscribe us in the book of life, for Thy sake, O God of life. Thou, O King, art our Helper, Savior and Protector. Praised be Thou, O Lord, Shield of Abraham. EVENING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 21 Minister pſ. Tºpiºsnapgºns Tit. Tº 2 hºm :ºsºp. 7s, º Tºs Tinº.ºn Choir łypn:-pºrºszy"Tºy Brºsºnſ, .simº's yºpri”:ºrini'. Tºa Tºivºr: :apy, rºse ºpp Minister * "rººs ºrnias "rººs, lyriºs : Tris Tº *i-ſin 787 apg. 778, prix: nº Dºrns .nºaib nºtpri ºpi, jºy 7s .sqliºn hiºn * nº sºap.nias Tºri ->in ºn mp) :Tºrshipºlypº DTIn "Ephilanºl.nºra PEI. Tºp .nºr'; 1771 vºic, Triy Tºp :nºr priº's Typº .tºrº :DTInspºrºs T-3.ſº 22 EVENING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR Thou art mighty for ever, O Lord; Thou aboundest in salvation. In lovingkindness Thou sustainest the living; in the multitude of Thy mercies Thou quickenest all; Thou upholdest the falling, healest the sick and loosest the bound. Thou fulfillest Thy promise of im- mortal life unto those who sleep in the dust. Who is like unto Thee, Almighty God, author of life and death, source of salvation? Who is like unto Thee, O merciful Father, who re- memberest Thy children unto life. Praised be Thou, O Lord, who hast implanted within us immortal life. Thou art holy; awe-inspiring is Thy name. There is no God beside Thee. As it is written, The Lord of hosts is exalted through justice, and the holy God is sancti- fied through righteousness. Praised be Thou, O Lord, who rulest in holiness. Choir: Amen. FVENING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 23 ºp.jpinº an is pºiyº -ia, Hºs Trip .B'an Bºrina ºn Trn Tºni Bºr inºpsnippi.nºbsºrp, Bºinspin-ºil ..Tº Tºi", "pi.nimal ºwn Hip: p.-Ey y” :Tºº Tipºp). Trip, nºnp Tºp Bºrº ºx! --if .Dºrº, as Tip; "p :Hºly ºr ºpini, vºl. Tºs Tina:Bºrja .*"Tºp Fiºs I’s ºpy snin mºs wiſp witHT vs.T. .bºa nisix º' Fan .ain; :witp: Tº º Tºs T-2. TET; wip, Choir: Amen. 24 EVENING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR Responsive Reading (Psalm cil) Minister - Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Congregation Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits; * Who forgiveth all thine iniquity; who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who encompasseth thee with lovingkindness and ten- der mercies; - The Lord executeth righteousness, and acts of justice for all that are oppressed. The Lord is full of compassion and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. He hath not dealt with us after our sins, nor requited us according to our iniquities. - For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward them that fear Him. As far as the east is from the west, so far hath He re- moved our transgressions from us. Like as a father hath compassion upon his children, so hath the Lord compassion upon them that fear Him. For He knoweth our frame; He remembereth that we are dust. As for man, his days are as grass; as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth. Evening SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 25 But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to ever- lasting upon them that fear Him, and His right- eousness upon children's children. The Lord hath established His throne in the heavens; and His kingdom ruleth over all. Minister O Lord, on this eve of the New Year, we think of the mercies without number that Thou hast shown us during the ages. In deep gratitude we recall the loving protection and the unfailing guidance which Thou hast vouchsafed unto Thy people. Thou hast ever been their refuge and support. Wherever Israel dwelt, Thy voice admonished the oppressor: Touch not Mine an- ointed and do My prophets no harm. We praise Thee, O Lord, that Thou hast sent deliverance to the captives, and that a new light is breaking upon them that dwelt in darkness. Thy mercy has been exceedingly great unto Thy people. O continue Thy lovingkindness unto them that fear Thee. Strengthen them in their devotion to Thee and speed them in the work for which Thou hast anointed them. We thank Thee, O God, for Thy favor unto this, our land, and for the blessings of liberty and the ideals of righteousness which our nation cherishes. Protect and prosper it and let the new year bring plenty and con- tentment to all. Let Thy truth become manifest to all men, so that, united in fellowship, they may strive to do Thy will with perfect hearts. Comfort the heavy-laden, and proclaim 26 EVENING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR a year of peace and goodwill unto all the ends of the earth. Make hatred and strife to cease for ever. Let justice reign in every land, and righteousness prevail among every people. Hear our prayer, O Lord. In Thee alone do we trust; for Thou art our Rock and our Redeemer, the Father of all men. Amen. Choir The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? Wait for the Lord! Be strong and let thy heart take courage; yea, wait thou for the Lord. - Minister TTE In pal Our God and God of our fathers! Let Thy presence be manifest to us in all Thy works, so that reverence for Thee may fill the hearts of all Thy creatures. May all the children of men bow before Thee in humility and unite to do Thy will with one heart, that all may acknowledge that Thine are power, dominion and ma- jesty, and that Thy name is exalted above all. Grant honor, O Lord, to them that fear Thee, inspire with courage all who wait for Thee, and fulfil the hope of all who trust in Thy name. Hasten the day that will bring gladness to all the dwellers on earth and victory of the spirit to those who bear witness to Thy unity. Then shall the just see and exult, the righteous be glad, EVENING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 27 and the pious sing for joy; then shall iniquity be made dumb and all wickedness shall vanish like smoke, for the reign of evil shall have passed away from the earth. Lord our God, may Thy kingdom come speedily, so that the worship of Thy name and obedience to Thy law may unite all men in brotherhood and peace; that every creature may know that Thou art its Creator,and every living being exclaim: The Lord, the God of Israel, ruleth and His dominion endureth for ever. Choir: Amen. Minister and Congregation l]n"IT- TNS We give thanks unto Thee that Thou hast chosen our fathers from among all nations. Thou hast called us to Thy service, that through Israel Thy holy name shall become known in all the earth. In love Thou hast given us this Day of Memorial to remind us that from day to day we are under Thy dispensation. Thou art our hope and comfort. With unshaken trust in Thee, we accept whatever Thou sendest unto us. Sanctify us through Thy commandments and let us share in the blessings of Thy law. Satisfy us with Thy goodness and gladden us with Thy salvation. Purify our hearts that we may serve Thee in truth. For Thou, O God, art truth, and Thy word endureth for ever. Praised be 28 EVENING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR Thou, O Lord, ruler of the world, who sanctifiest (the Sabbath,) Israel and the day of Memorial. Choir: Amen. Minister blºw Bºw Grant us peace, Thy most precious gift, O Thou eternal source of peace, and enable Israel to be a mes- senger of peace unto the peoples of the earth. Bless our country that it may ever be a stronghold of peace, and the advocate of peace in the councils of nations. May contentment reign within its borders, health and happiness within its homes. Strengthen the bonds of friendship and fellowship between all the inhabitants of our land. Plant virtue in every soul and may love of Thy name hallow every home and every heart. Inscribe us in the book of life and grant unto us happi- ness and peace. Praised be Thou, O Lord, Giver of peace. Amen. Silent Devotion Tº Hºs O God, keep my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking guile. Be my support when grief silences my voice, and my comfort when woe bends my spirit. Plant humility in my soul, and strengthen my heart with perfect faith in Thee. Help me to be strong in trial and EVENING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 29 temptation and to be meek when others wrong me, that I may readily forgive them. Guide me by the light of Thy counsel, and let me ever find rest in Thee, who art my Rock and my Redeemer. Amen. Choir Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. 30 EVENING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR (Congregation rises) Minister, then Congregation Our Father, our King, grant unto us a year of happi- ſleSS. - Our Father, our King, have mercy upon us and upon our children. Our Father, our King, keep far from our country pestilence, war and famine. Our Father, our King, inscribe us for blessing in the book of life. Our Father, our King, accept with mercy and with favor our supplication. (Congregation is seated) SERMION EVENING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 31 (Congregation rises) Minister, then Congregation :Tip Ty rºy ºr lipºpºls :yptº yºly ºwn rºy vior lipºp ris :*zypaym a TT. Tº nº lººp lyas :Dºnito Dºn Hºpi lan; lººp l'ins : Inºnºns ſixTº Bºrſºn wap lººp irºs (Congregation is seated) SERMON 32 EVENING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR ADORATION (Congregation rises) Minister and Congregation Let us adore the ever-living God, and render praise unto Him who spread out the heavens and established the earth, whose glory is revealed in the heavens above and whose greatness is manifest throughout the world. He is our God; there is none else. - We bow the head and bend the knee and magnify the King of kings, the Holy One, praised be He. Choir Tºp 15% nºtipi Bºrſº D'yº iris, :sºn Tina vi-Prº Bºnn ºp (Congregation is seated) - - - Minister May the time not be distant, O God, when Thy name shall be worshiped in all the earth, when unbelief shall disappear and error be no more. We fervently pray that the day may come when all men shall invoke Thy name, when corruption and evil shall give way to purity and goodness, when superstition shall no longer enslave the mind, nor idolatry blind the eye, when all inhabitants of the earth shall know that to Thee alone every knee must bend and every tongue give homage, O may all, EVENING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 33 created in Thine image, recognize that they are brethren, so that, one in spirit and one in fellowship, they may be for ever united before Thee. Then shall Thy king- dom be established on earth and the word of Thine ancient seer be fulfilled: The Lord will reign for ever and ever. Congregation On that day the Lord shall be One and His name shall be One. Minister All you who are in sorrow and grief, open your hearts to the comfort of hope and to the solace of our faith which assure us that though the dust returns to the earth, the spirit returns to God who gave it. Death is not the end, but a beginning; our dear ones have passed through the gateway of the grave into the end- less peace of the life which endureth for ever. All of us must inevitably tread the same path, though we know not when the hour may come. Let us then so live that when this hour comes, it shall find us prepared; let us so live that by our actions the memory of our loved ones shall be hallowed and their name be honored by deeds done in loving remembrance. We look unto Thee with hope, O God, firmly believing that what Thou doest is for the best. With abiding trust in Thy wisdom, we bow in submission to Thy supreme will and in devout resignation we give praise and glory unto Thy Ila Iſle. 34 EVENING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR (Mourners rise) Minister Extolled and hallowed be the name of God through- out the world which He has created, and which He governs according to His righteous will. Just is He in all His ways, and wise are all His decrees. May His kingdom come and His will be done in all the earth. Congregation Praised be the Lord of life, the righteous Judge, for eVern]Ore. - Minister Whatsoever praise we would render unto God, how- soever we would adore the Most High, we would yet fail to give Him the glory due to His great name. Even in the hour of bereavement and sorrow, we feel the majesty of God and will give thanks for His mani- fold mercies. Congregation: Amen. Minister To the departed whom we now remember, may peace and bliss be granted in life eternal. May they find grace and mercy before the Lord of heaven and earth. May their souls rejoice in that ineffable good which God has laid up for those who fear Him, and may their memory be a blessing unto those who treasure it. Congregation: Amen. Minister May the Father of peace send peace to all who mourn and comfort all the bereaved among us. Congregation: Amen. (Mourners are seated) EVENING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 35 (Mourners rise) Minister sºn-i spºya simpy wipnº ºn: liºpiº liºn: . Finlºp Tºny! .ºlmy-p inps).5'-plpraisºga.”sºn'a-º-Tºrº :lºš Congregation .sºphy 'pººl Bºy”. Tºp sin Flpy sº Minister spinyl Epiºn) -sānī Hāº. Than; T-in sp-tip- Firy ºn Hºynn -Tºny sprawn spººn sp2-3-ºp sºyº sin :ps inps).sp?ym Typsºſ.sqpſ]] -lºnsºlipº-ºy).spºts ºwn ºsºp, ºy sº intº sº...sºs. Finly 5 TTT sºy ſp sºpm ºns" sp?y ºriº ship spºrn san psi-ps.syns, spy snº HTTº 'prim -ºv) jºy .Bºrn spy-p sºn spºº sº. - :ins inps, ºsyl-77 *zy Divy Tyg' sin ..."pinna Biºy Tºy :ps inps).7syl-º-'zyl (Mourners are seated) 36 EVENING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR CLOSING HYMN The Lord of all did reign supreme Ere yet this world was made and formed. When all was finished by His will, Then was His name as King proclaimed. And should these forms no more exist, He still will rule in majesty. He was, He is, He shall remain; His glory never shall decrease. And one is He, and none there is To be compared or joined to Him. He ne'er began, and ne'er will end, To Him belongs dominion's power. He is my God, my living God; To Him I flee when tried in grief; My banner high, my refuge strong, Who hears and answers when I call. My spirit I commit to Him, My body, too, and all I prize; Both when I sleep and when I wake, He is with me, I shall not fear. BENEDICTION EVENING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 37 CLOSING HYMN : sºn, Tx.”: Dºn Tºp Tys Hºly its : RTP, iry Tºp Is .75 isºſi Tyg, ny': : sºil tºp. iii! .957 niż ºr's • -: * : TSFn+ mºnt sm .Tim Rim Tº sºm : Tºrinº is ºwnriº "ly I’s Ts sim Tºm ryū iºl.nºn”an"ws-lºn Tx nyi, ºr ºx. .”s. In "ºssºm sºps piºn ºpiº nym .” Dilp, 'El Rim : Tºys lºys nya . In TPR's iT: : sn's sº "? " 'nılı "Tº Dy BENEDICTION Morning Service for the New Year Meditation Praise the Lord, O my soul. I will praise the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praises to my God, while I have my being. He is God everlasting, Creator of all things; He abides amid all change. The years come and go, all things in nature suffer decay and destruction. The strongest and wisest among men return unto the dust whence they came. Therefore let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, and let not the rich man glory in his riches; but let him that glories, glory in this, that he understands and knows God in that He is the Lord who exercises mercy, justice and righteousness. The changes which we witness in the world around us make us realize that our life on earth is fleeting. Day by day and year by year, we are drawing nearer the end of our earthly pilgrimage. But we are sustained by the faith that our soul, the image of God within us, is immortal and will inherit life eternal. Fervently we beseech Thee, O God, to strengthen and to guide us in the coming year. Continue Thy mercy 40 MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR unto us and, according to Thy favor, bless the work of our hands. Sanctify our thoughts, purify our feelings and ennoble our aspirations. Guard our going out and our coming in; keep us from all evil. Let the fulness of Thy grace be ever with us. -- O our God, may this day of the New Year fill us with the spirit of holiness and arouse us to a keener conscious- ness of the divine purpose of our life. May we be stirred to greater zeal in the cause of truth, justice and charity. May this solemn season inspire us with a deeper sense of loyalty to the faith of our fathers. Let our prayers come before Thee in an acceptable time; in the abundance of Thy mercy answer us with Thine assured salvation. Amen. MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 41 Choir (Psalm c) Shout unto the Lord, all the earth; serve the Lord with gladness; come before His presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord He is God; it is He that hath made us, and we are His, His peo- ple, and the flock of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise; give thanks unto Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy endureth for ever; and His faithfulness unto all generations. :y-sºrº: ºº yºri is...Tºwn ºrns Tay !"> y : Tina º ...yy sin .n'rº's sºn iss, iº9 lºs iº Tºyº, sº in-y-p .nºnaynºr. Tina -: ;ipp 5-3 in Tin .i-ſpri B'ziy? ... aid :injips -i-, -i-I-Ty Minister Sovereign of the world, great and holy God, in Thy hand are our lives and our destinies. Thy wisdom ruleth the universe; Thou encompassest eternity. Thou girdest the feeble with strength, and givest courage to the faint of heart. In Thy fatherly love Thou dost sustain and shield us; blessings without number dost Thou bestow 42 MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR upon us. We thank Thee for the life which Thou hast given us and for the manifold bounties with which Thou hast favored us during the past year. And now, at the beginning of the new year, we beseech Thee to grant us life and sustenance, contentment and peace. Minister ñpy, Hºs My God, the soul which Thou hast given unto me came pure from Thee. Thou hast created it, Thou hast formed it, Thou hast breathed it into me; Thou hast preserved it in this body and, at the appointed time, Thou wilt take it from this earth that it may enter upon life everlasting. While the soul animates my being I will worship Thee, Sovereign of the world and Lord of all souls. Praised be Thou, O Lord, in whose hands are the souls of all the living and the spirits of all flesh. Nºll'ſ ſin& Almighty and merciful God, Thou hast called our fathers to Thy service and hast opened their eyes to behold Thy wondrous works and to proclaim Thy law unto all nations. Thou art the same to-day even as Thou wast at the beginning; Thou art our God in this life, and Thou art our hope and refuge in the life to come. Creator of heaven and earth, of the sea and all that is therein, Thine alone is the power in the heaven above and on the earth below, and none can say unto Thee: What doest Thou? Our heavenly Father, help us that by our lives we may sanctify Thy name before MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 43 men, and testify of Thee and of Thy holy law. Praised be Thou, O Lord, who hast revealed to us Thy law of truth. pºpºlyn 95 man Lord of all worlds, not in reliance upon righteousness or merit in ourselves do we lay our supplications before Thee, but trusting in Thine infinite mercy alone. For what are we, what is our life, what our goodness, what our power? What can we say in Thy presence? Are not all the mighty men as naught before Thee, and those of great renown as though they had never been; the wisestasif without knowledge,and men of understanding as if without discernment? Many of our works are vain, and our days pass away like a shadow. Our life would be altogether vanity, were it not for the soul, which, fashioned in Thine own image, gives us assurance of our higher destiny and imparts to our fleeting days an abiding value. Minister and Congregation Help us, O our God, to banish from our hearts all pride and vain-glory, all confidence in worldly posses- sions, all self-sufficient leaning upon our Own reason. Fill us with the spirit of meekness and the grace of modesty, that we may become wise in the fear of Thee. May we never forget that all we have and prize is but lent to us, a trust for which we must render account to Thee. O heavenly Father, put into our hearts the love and fear of Thee, that we may consecrate our lives to Thy service and glorify Thy name in the eyes of all me." 44 MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR Minister Every living soul shall praise Thee, O Lord; the spirit of all flesh shall glorify Thy name. Thou art God from everlasting to everlasting and besides Thee there is no redeemer nor savior. Thou art the first and the last, the Lord of all generations. Thou rulest the world in kindness and all Thy creatures in mercy. Thou art our guardian who sleepeth not and slumbereth not. To Thee alone we give thanks. And though our lips should overflow with song, and our tongues with joyous praise, we would still be unable to thank Thee even for a thou- sandth part of the bounties which Thou hast bestowed upon our fathers and upon us. Thou hast been our protector and our savior in every trial and peril. Thy mercy has watched over us, and Thy lovingkindness has never failed us. Praised be Thy holy name. Thou hast made Thine eternal law our portion, and hast given us a goodly heritage. Thou didst appoint us to proclaim Thy truth unto the nations and to win them for Thy law of right- eousness. Sanctify us for the service to which Thou hast called us, O heavenly Father, that Thy name may be hallowed through us in all the world. Gather all Thy children around Thy banner of truth, that Thy praise may resound from one end of the earth to the other, and that the entire human family may be blessed with truth and peace. ; . Choir: Amen. MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 45 Minister rººm.ºrºs º ºppºns in nº nº Tºp Toº lººp Tººl Boinn) is ºf Ty;”; * I's "Twºp.ºs Tºs Bºyſ-Ty B'ziyū .E.Tºm DITEpi.”xp tie ºpiniºsi, Tºp "mºs: Tºssºs Tºpilºt's. Tºximyny-'75: Tſiºlii-ſpºilippiylºn Dºn STD’iºs") sºp ºf 19s :D"Tip II's Ta' + .Bºrra may ºrninºv.rºlipſ; Tºnigiºn; Tºy ... Tº ni Timº D'pºppings I's.y"p" ºr "p: -Dynyyyniniºn”yºrnias "rºslyn's nap irriºs: uñºs, Bºxpp ºpy iynias :*372 yawn. Alſº, ayºn ºn TE D-Tºg D'yn Dºrp, lipºp hºp, lºgſ anºn innysºn. Tºrnºgrºſſ-Ty:ºn"Tºpsy *Hi!-->y:rigº lyriºs; yºn-vs.--Tºr, ITEs Tina: Ty TP Byrns Tº TSE, Tagº its.nis.Tim's ninäpna ºil, Tºp 7s." in rºyſ nºstºp Hºpſºpyinriannisºn Choir: Amen. 46 MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR (Congregation rises) Minister Praise ye the Lord to whom all praise is due. Choir and Congregation Praised be the Lord to whom all praise is due for ever and ever. (Congregation is seated) Minister Praised be Thou, O Lord Our God, Ruler of the world, who in Thy mercy makest light to shine over the earth and all its inhabitants, and renewest daily the work of creation. How manifold are Thy works, O Lord! In wisdom hast Thou made them all; the earth is full of Thy possessions. The heavens declare Thy glory, and the firmament showeth Thy handiwork. Thou formest light and darkness, ordainest good out of evil, and bringest harmony into nature and peace to the heart of man. With great love hast Thou loved us, O our God, and with exceeding compassion hast Thou borne with us. Our fathers believed and trusted in Thee; therefore didst Thou teach them the laws of life, and show them the way of wisdom. We beseech Thee, O merciful Father, to grant us discernment, that we may understand and fulfil all the teachings of Thy word. Make us gladly obedient to Thy commandments and fill our hearts with love and reverence for Thee. In Thee we put our trust; we rejoice and delight in Thy help, for with Thee alone MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 47 (Congregation rises) Minister :Tºpº, ºrns 1573 Choir and Congregation :-Ty, Eziyº Tapri º Tina (Congregation is seated) -is ngi .5%ivº Tºp lyriºs º Hºs T-3 :ºrns sini Divy Ty Tyr sºlina inton, .nºrtha Tºy B'Tº Pºlsº Tsºn la-Tip in vsºn Twyn Tºp Hi-25+ wºrn :Tºp PTSTITs'ºp.npympºſſinº.; Tygp "-ism”y).T.T.Twypnay-ºglypſºs; Thänn ºxi º Tris Tina .Tºp TSR, nºpy; his w :ni-isºn rºit, nºnſ ºriºs º lºſs H3". Thris łynias Tinga.ºlºphy;s.ºzy Pºpſ. Tºn” :*Tºm ºn 12.nºr prinTºni. Thirlººg T]. Tºpix.philºpat . Tina iyyy -is: Eziyº win, sº ºpy is nº Tris' linzº Tylvaniſmpltº. Tº Ty TPDynº:Ty] T j 48 MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR is salvation. Thou hast called us as teachers of Thy law; Thou hast chosen us for a holy mission unto man- kind; therefore do we joyfully lift up our voices and proclaim Thy unity. Praised be Thou, O God, who hast chosen Thy people Israel in love. (Congregation rises) Minister, then Choir and Congregation Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One. Praised be His name whose glorious kingdom is for ever and ever. (Congregation is scated) Minister Thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be upon thy heart. Thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt speak of them when thou sittest in thy house, when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thy hand, and they shall be for frontlets between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the doorposts of thy house and upon thy gates: To the end that ye may remember and do all My Commandments and be holy unto your God. I am the Lord your God. MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 49 Tºp ET; in . This niyiv. ºvie vs 2 Tº tº ni-Tinº .nps. Hºp Wi+1 iº, 7sº idy: Tiān º Tºls Tina .Tºrså :Tºši. (Congregation rises) . Minister, then Choir and Congregation :Tis Tim Priº's Tit, ºsy, yop :Tyl Bºy” insºp Tin: By T-5 (Congregation is seated) Minister Tºrºn. Thiº Triºs: ns Firs ºis -ps Hºsſ Bºiſ, "In Tsºn, .D., F.T.T. Tº Drººl:Tºy Bin Tºp :Tºpº Tàiºn TTT2 TF577, Tſyan Tºwn :Tyy "a næpº 'In Trºy his? Dºngp, * :Typal Hya nirºy Dºnny Dººm 'pixpºns Envy) ºn ſypº :Dyrºs º is :pyrºs: Bºi-P 50 MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR Responsive Reading Minister Truth eternal and unchanging is Thy word which Thou hast spoken through Thy prophets. Congregation Thou art the living God, Thy words bring life and light to the soul. - Thou art the strength of our life, the rock of our salva- tion; Thy kingdom and Thy truth abide for ever. Thou hast been the help of our fathers in time of trouble and art our refuge in all generations. Thou art the first and the last, and besides Thee there is no redeemer nor helper. As Thou hast saved Israel from Egyptian bondage, so mayest Thou send Thy help to all who are oppressed. * May Thy law rule in the hearts of all Thy children, and Thy truth unite them in bonds of fellowship. May the righteous of all nations rejoice in Thy power and exult in Thy grace. O God, who art our refuge and our hope, we glorify Thy name now as did our fathers in ancient days: Choir Who is like unto Thee, O God, among the mighty? Who is like unto Thee, glorious in holiness, extolled in praises, working wonders? MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 5t. Responsive Reading :lly?" Typapy: mix.ºp B'ziy 'riºs.nps injipsin-ºp.npipyinpsin-i-m-i-iº :nplp Ty: Twº B'Tſprin Dºlps, .nºm.pl ºr prº-T :D"pºiy "pºiyº y"pip up pºlyp sin Tºs ºrnias nTy :-i-m-i-Tºm Bºnns tº Tº T innin, T'pixpº yyy ys Tys :iaºy Ev. iris.ilnyiv, mix.ºriºs; simmºsy.nps ::pºli B'riº's I's."py B'ziyp.ºxy, TIyºap...inris sin mºs, livsh sin Tºs - :yyip vsia Tºp 1:2 l's B'Tºy nap, Ariºs º lºss Bºxpp :lly. Tº :”s prim pºints may nsrºy tº º g Choir g vTE, TTS, Tºn: "p.; Dºsa Tºpº 'p ‘sº-Tºy nººn shi: 52 MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR Minister When Thy children beheld Thy sovereign power, they exclaimed: This is my God. Choir The Lord shall reign for ever and ever. Minister O Rock of Israel, redeem those that are oppressed, and deliver those that are persecuted. Praised be Thou, our Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel. - Choir: Amen. Minister Praised be Thou, O Lord our God, God of our fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, great, mighty and revered God. Thou, O Most High, bestowest lovingkindness upon all Thy creatures; Thou rememberest the good- ness of the fathers, and in love Thou bringest redemp- tion to their descendants for the sake of Thy name. Remember us unto life, O King, who delightest in life and inscribe us in the book of life, for Thy sake, O God of life. Thou, O King, art our helper, savior and protector. Praised be Thou, O Lord, Shield of Abraham. Thou art mighty for ever, O Lord; Thou aboundest in salvation. In lovingkindness Thou sustainest the living, in the multitude of Thy mercies Thou quickenest all; Thou upholdest the falling, healest the sick and loosest the bound. Thou wilt fulfill Thy promise of immortal life unto those who sleep in the dust. MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 53 Minister :i-ins ily ºs T.T.J. is] in-ºp Choir and Congregation :-yı Bºy: Tºp Minister ! isºs, ºstly nºva Tºp "sny, ºx vs. º Tºs T-2 .7sy, witpipy .nis; :*sy. 'H's ºrnias 'nº's lyriºs : Fins Tina wi-Tºn vs. .apy: 'nº's prix: Riºs Dºns .nºaib nºtºr ºpia jºy vs.sim Tian ºn” Hºs. sap.nias TPI ->in ºn Hip :Tºrså in lypº DTIn Tºp: lºny).Bºra PEI. Tºp.nºriº ºf vºip. Tiy Tºp Dºn B'nº's Typº Bºrn :DT) is ºp . Tris Tim: .]]? ºp.ºinº an "is Bºyº -ia, HRs Trip .nº-, D-prºla ºn Trip Tºrº Dºn Eppi Bºmbs ºng Bºin spin Bºil 54 MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR Who is like unto Thee, Almighty God, Author of life and death, Source of salvation? Who is like unto Thee, O merciful Father, who re- memberest Thy children unto life? Praised be Thou, O Lord, who hast implanted within us immortal life. SAINCTIFICATION (Congregation rises) We hallow Thy name on earth, even as it is hallowed in heaven; and in the words of the prophet we say: Choir and Congregation Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory. Minister God our strength, God our Lord, how excellent is Thy name in all the earth! Choir and Congregation In all places of Thy dominion, Thy name is praised and glorified. Minister Our God is one; He is our Father; He is our King; He is our Helper; and in His mercy He will answer our prayers in the sight of all the living. MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 53 "p, ini-mal ºwn Tim: "p.-Ey y” inºps :Hyw. Tryp, Trip, nºnp Tºp Tº-myi- Bºrº ºx! --if nºrmſ as Tip; p :Hºly ºr lipina vºi º Tris Tina :D"prºla SANCTIFICATION * (Congregation rises) inis pºppy nº.B'ziya Tºrns ºp! mºst sºp). Ts’i, Tºyanza.ni-p-pya :-lps Choir and Congregation prisiſ"25 sºn .nisix witp witp witp * . :i-in; Minister *ja Hry misſip ji-ts iry-is-Ts :*TST Choir and Congregation :ipipºpº Tiniº Tina Minister sºn lººp sin.iris sin.irriº's sin Tris :"Tº 'py” ºpini ºppy, simily wip 56 MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR Choir and Congregation The Lord will reign for ever, thy God, O Zion, from generation to generation. Hallelujah! (Congregation is seated) Minister Thou art holy, awe-inspiring is Thy name. There is no God besides Thee. As it is written, The Lord of hosts is exalted through justice, and the holy God is sanctified through righteousness. Praised be Thou, O Lord, who rulest in holiness. Choir: Amen. Minister and Congregation Our God and God of our fathers, sanctify us through Thy commandments, and let us share in the blessings of Thy law. Satisfy us with Thy goodness and gladden us with Thy salvation. Purify our hearts that we may serve Thee in truth. For Thou, O God, art truth, and Thy word endureth for ever. Praised be Thou, O Lord, Ruler of the world who sanctifiest (the Sabbath,) Israel and the Day of Memorial. Choir; Amen. MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 57 Choir and Congregation :nºn-i-m-i-lºting Triº's Eºiyº Tºp. (Congregation is seated) Minister Tyºap Fiºs I's ſpy still Ts witp witHT vs.T.DPºpa nis; ; Hall.an; :wi-TP Tºpſ, º Tºs Tina .T.Tº wip) gº • ºr 3 T Choir: Amen. Minister and Congregation lm Tnixpm ºp-D ºrnias Hºs, lyriºs .#Dynwallºp). Tºpºlyap. Tºnini ºpºſ, :nps priº's Tºsº.nps: Thy? In: "Tº “ºp ºw Tºp: Tºs T-in-ty” ºpinpš Tºp :tiºn Bilºsºp, q n㺠vipp.rº 58 MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR Minister TTE In 155) Our God and God of our fathers! Let Thy presence be manifest to us in all Thy works, so that reverence for Thee may fill the hearts of all Thy creatures. May all the children of men bow before Thee in humility and unite to do Thy will with one heart, that all may acknowledge that Thine are power, dominion, and majesty, and that Thy name is exalted above all. Grant honor, O Lord, to them that fear Thee, inspire with courage all who wait for Thee, and fulfil the hope of all who trust in Thy name. Hasten the day that will bring gladness to all the dwellers on earth and victory of the spirit to those who bear witness to Thy unity. Then shall the just see and exult, the righteous be glad, and the pious sing for joy; then shall iniquity be made dumb and all wickedness shall vanish like smoke, for the reign of evil shall have passed away from the earth. Lord our God, may Thy kingdom come speedily, so that the worship of Thy name and obedience to Thy law may unite all men in brotherhood and peace; that every creature may know that Thou art its Creator, and every living being exclaim: The Lord, the God of Israel, ruleth and His dominion endureth for ever. Choir: Amen. MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 59 Minister and Congregation lin"Tº Finst We give thanks unto Thee that Thou hast chosen our fathers from among all nations. Thou hast called us to Thy service, that through Israel, Thy holy name shall become known in all the earth. In love Thou hast given us this Day of Memorial to remind us that from day to day we are under Thy dispensation. Thy mercies are new every morning. Thou art our hope and com- Jort in times of trial, and trusting in Thy love, we shall accept in resignation whatever Thou mayest send unto ll.S. sº- We remember in gratitude Thy favor to Israel, the people of Thy covenant. We thank Thee for the loving- kindness with which Thou hast guided and guarded them unto this day. Thou hast been our helper and savior in all generations. Our fathers never wavered in their trust in Thee. Willingly they gave up their very lives for the glory of Thy name. Renew this faith in our hearts, so that we, too, may consecrate our lives to Thy service and the service of our fellowmen. Grant that in our generation we may devote our efforts to spread Thy truth even as our fathers did in centuries past. May righteousness be established among men and Thy name be glorified by all Thy children. Amen. 60 MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR Minister Look with favor, O Lord, upon Israel, Thy people, and in Thy love at all times accept our worship. Praised be Thou, O God, whom alone we serve in reverence. Minister and Congregation We gratefully acknowledge, O Lord our God, that Thou art our Creator and Preserver, the Rock of our life and the Shield of our help. We render thanks unto Thee for our lives which are in Thy hand, for our souls which are ever in Thy keeping, for Thy wondrous pro- vidence and for Thy continuous goodness, which Thou bestowest upon us day by day. Truly, Thy mercies never fail and Thy lovingkindness never ceases. There- fore in Thee do we for ever put our trust. Minister Our God and God of our fathers, may Thy blessing rest upon us, according to the gracious promise of Thy word: -- Minister and Choir May the Lord bless thee and keep thee. Amen. May the Lord let His countenance shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee. Amen. May the Lord lift up His countenance upon thee and give thee peace. - Amen. MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 61 Minister Trish Epºni's ºwn lyriºs: Fix-I T-ia:#py vsºn Tag Tpºlixº 'ſini'apn :Ting. TST: Taº ºnisy ... ITFs Minister and Congregation 'nº's lyriºs º sin Hºspiº inijs B-Tip sin Tºshiyº, ºpil ºr mix. Ty] nºiyº il'nins synºy Hºrn ineph Hº HTil -i-, -i-.” zy. Tº ni-Tippm ºnipº '79. Tº prºpºn Trinib. This?Prºg) upy Bi-25ay Tp, nº sº "? -iton.D.T.T. ºpal any nyºny trip pºiyp TIPſ pn sº"; BITºm Tprº, :7; • c Minister te e npºpºrtiºnallpºnins'Hºsºyººs :Tina Tºniº Minister and Choir -- :Typy") . 7577; - - Amen. ::pril 7'2s "P: -s; Amen. :Divy tº Dº Tºs Typ sº Amen. 62 MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR Minister Grant us peace, Thy most precious gift, O Thou eternal source of peace, and enable Israel to be a messenger of peace unto the peoples of the earth. Bless our country that it may ever be a stronghold of peace, and the advocate of peace in the Councils of nations. May contentment reign within its borders, health and happiness within its homes. Strengthen the bonds of friendship and fellowship between all the inhabitants of our land. Plant virtue in every soul, and may the love of Thy name hallow every home and every heart. Inscribe us in the book of life, and grant unto us a year of prosperity and joy. Praised be Thou, O Lord, Giver of peace. Choir: Amen. Silent Devotion -uk) Tºs O God, keep my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking guile. Be my support when grief silences my voice, and my comfort when woe bends my spirit. Plant humility in my soul, and strengthen my heart with perfect faith in Thee. Help me to be strong in trial and temptation and to be meek when others wrong me, that I may readily forgive them. Guide me by the light of Thy counsel, and let me ever find rest in Thee, who art my Rock and my Redeemer. Amen. Choir Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 63 READING OF SCRIPTURE Minister (Psalm xxiv) Who shall ascend into the mountain of the Lord and who shall stand in His holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not taken My name in vain, and hath not sworn deceitfully. He shall re- ceive a blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. Such is the generation of them that seek Thee; that seek Thy presence, O God of Jacob. Choir Lift up your heads, O .E.)"?ST) n"Tyy isſy , and b lif º e sº ye gates, and be ye lifted sh. .nºiy The sy up, ye everlasting doors, that the King of glory IT Slm "p ..Tiniºn Tºp may come in. Who is the King of glory; the nish: ; Tiazú Tºp f h : He is th * > Lord of hosts; He is the :Hºp Tiniºn Tºp Nºrſ King of glory. (Congregation rises) Minister and Choir The Lord, the Lord Dinn 7s TT TIT God is merciful and gra- -a-m D'Es Ts Tºrſ cious, long-suffering and abundant in goodnesss -TDT -iki, .nps. TDr. and ever true; keeping " - . . . . . . . mercy for thousands, for- 99E] ]]y Sºl .n'Eºs: giving iniquity,transgres- © * sion and sin. : TsºrT. 64 MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR Minister, then Congregation Our Father, our King, we have sinned before Thee. Our Father, our King, we have no King but Thee. Our Father, our King, grant unto us a year of happi- IleSS. Our Father, our King, keep far from our country pestilence, war and famine. Our Father, our King, inscribe us for blessing in the book of life. - Our Father, our King, pardon and blot out our sins. Our Father, our King, accept graciously our petitions. Our Father, our King, be merciful and answer us; though we can plead no merit, deal with us according to Thy lovingkindness and help us. Choir: Amen. TAKING THE SCROLL FROM THE ARK Minister The Torah which God gave through Moses is the heritage of the congregation of Jacob. Come ye and let us walk in the light of the Lord. Minister and Congregation Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One. (Congregation is seated) MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 65 Minister and Congregation :Tºº isºſ lººp ºns :Taib Ty Trºy ºr lipºp lyn : Jºypaym anni Tài Tºº lººp ºn : :D'aib Dºn "Ephilºn; lººp iris :ºniiv-95% ºrp Hºp lººp ºn § : Inºnºns Tixº, D'priºn wap hºpiras inpy Tºy Bºwypilal's ºvlijſilºpºns :lly'wim TPI ITT; Choir: Amen. TAKING THE SCROLL FROM THE ARK Minister nºa:apy; nºnpriyyip.Hyp is: Tx Tin :Tin -is: Tºm 15% app: Minister and Congregation :Tis Tin, ºriº's Tintºsy, ypy (Congregation is seated) 66 MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR Choir Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, the glory, and the victory, and the majesty; for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is Thine; Thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and Thou art exalted as head above all. Minister (Before reading from the Torah) Praise ye the Lord to whom all praise is due. Praised be the Lord to whom all praise is due for ever and ever. Praised be Thou, O Lord Our God, Ruler of the world, who hast chosen us from among all peoples and hast given us Thy law. Praised be Thou, O Lord, Giver of the Law. (Genesis, xxii) And it came to pass after these things, that God did prove Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham; and he said, Here I am. And He said, Take now thy son, thine only son, whom thou lovest, even Isaac, and get thee into the land of Moriah, and offer him there for a burnt-offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of. And Abraham rose early in the morning, and saddled his ass, and took two of his young men with him, and Isaac, his son; and he cleaved the wood for the MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 67 Choir Timrisimnisºnm. Tinimiºnºiº synºn Tºppſ Tº Yº Hºpya 75 '2 * - :wsh; 95% Minister (Before reading from the Torah) :Tapri ºrns 5-3 :-yı Hºiyº Tapi º Tina --II: Tys.nziyū Tºp lyriºs º Tºs T-3 : Tºs Tina.in-in-hsilº-in, Bºyſ-ºn lº : Tinnini, w -lj InºSºlºl "ns nº prºm mºst nº-In hrs IT) npsºn ºn "psºl Diºns lºs "psi Dºlas prºns First-ps TTIT-ns Tºns stip ºy Hºyº. By Hºym. Tºm Pisº's Hº-Hºl prix nsins "Tylºrns ripºli-prºns warp, "Y's Dippſ's Tºm Dºn Hºy Xy yPal in 68 MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR burnt-offering, and rose up, and went unto the place of which God had told him. On the third day, Abraham lifted up his eyes, and saw the place afar off. And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide you here with the ass, and I and the lad will go yonder; and we will worship, and come back to you. And Abraham took the wood of the burnt-offering, and laid it upon Isaac, his son; and he took in his hand the fire and the knife; and they went both of them together. And Isaac spoke unto Abraham, his father, and said, My father. And he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood; but where is the lamb for a burnt-offering. And Abraham said, God will pro- vide Himself a lamb for a burnt-offering, my son. So they went both of them together. And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham built the altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar, upon the wood. And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son. And the angel of the Lord called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham. And he said, Here am I. And he said, Lay not thy hand upon the lad, neither do thou anything unto him; for now I know that thou art a God-fearing man, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son, from Me. And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold. behind him a ram caught in a MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 69 "ns Bºis sººn Dia:B'riºji, -ps ”s Dūras ºps') :pHºp nippºrns sºn ryy Tººl hygm is niprº-Dy TE Dºnny Tyl "ns Dºrismpin:D5'28 Mºplmºn ITE-Ty vs.ThsiTamp) in prºv Dºlnºyſ 'gg “’spſ: "psh: T. DTyl-ºn nººspºrns tº e gº tºº nº . ~, nps). In ºr "psi as "psil ris DTIns DITIns-psh:Tºyº Tyriſt's nºvinws/min : In Bºyl-ºn-Innºyºnpriºristºriºs by ºn Briº'sſiº-ps ºps nippſ's isºl "ns-ipºl Bºxvirns Thyn HarpTns DTIns :D-xy": ºyºn Harpº'ºy ins by, in pH: onyº nººspºrns ripºlitºns Dºris Hºl - psſhºpyºrſprint. Ts'ºpi'ºssTP.]:iºns nºn-ºs-ips, ºr ºps) nºns Dºns "HyT. Tºg º misniºwyn's nyºrº's TT, g- ºg tº = 1- - TTIT-ns-la-nshipſ sºnſistºriº's snº Ts'ºs-TT sºn pygºns BIT]hs sºl:ºp 70 MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR thicket by his horns. And Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt-offering in the stead of his son. And Abraham called the name of that place Adonai-Yireh; as it is said to this day, In the mount where the Lord is seen. And the angel of the Lord called unto Abraham a second time out of heaven, and said, By Myself have I sworn, saith the Lord, be- cause thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son, that in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea- shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast hearkened to My voice. So Abraham returned unto his young men, and they rose up and went together to Beer-Sheba; and Abraham dwelt at Beer-sheba. (After reading from the Torah) Praised be Thou, O Lord our God, Ruler of the world. who hast given us a law of truth and implanted eternal life within us. Praised be Thou, O Lord, Giver of the Law. Amen. MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 74 ºšTns HPI BIT is Tºm Tinpa Tapa Iris, nippºrtly nºns sqpn:iianſ, Hºyºnºyl :IISTITIT-Tănin-ps:-ysis". Tit simir :Dºppºſip nº Dºns"'s Tit. Ts’ºp sp.) ‘ns ºpy myslº T-Bs, "Flyaº, anpsºl Tº:TTmºns-lºnsººrisºnin-jin ºpyri ºilº Tynrns Tºns Ta-T Tºlºs Tºy ns ºn whº ºn nEy”y Tys vinyl Hys ºpy pºsſ ºil 75 Tynin 57;nºn: 'a's 15?!, pp.) Tyrº's DTHs agº):”pa Flypy :yy "sha DTHs agºnyay nº-ºs Tº (After reading from the Torah) * Ing-ys.nziyū Tºpirº's: Tris T-7 :Tling piz 72 MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR (Before reading the Haftarah) Praised be the Lord our God, for the law of truth and righteousness revealed in Israel, for the words of the prophets filled with His spirit and for the teachings of the sages whom Heraised up aforetime and in these days. Haftarah I (I Samuel, Chapter ii, 1-11) And Hannah prayed and said, My heart exulteth in the Lord, my horn is exalted in the Lord; my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies; because I rejoice in Thy salvation. There is none holy as the Lord, for there is none beside Thee; neither is there any rock like our God, Multiply not exceeding proud talk; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth; for the Lord is a God of knowl- edge and by Him actions are weighed. The bows of the mighty men are broken, and they that stumbled are girded with strength. They that were full have hired out themselves for bread; and they that were hungry have ceased to want. The Lord ordereth death and giveth life; He bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up. The Lord maketh poor, and maketh rich; He bringeth low, He also lifteth up. He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, He lifteth up the needy from their low estate, to make them sit with princes, and inherit the throne of glory; for the pillars of the earth are the Lord's, and He hath set the world upon them. He will keep the feet of His holy ones, but the wicked shall be put to silence in darkness; for not by strength shall man pre- vail. The Lord will judge the ends of the earth; an:l MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 73, He will give strength unto His king, and exalt the horn of His anointed. Haftarah II (Isaiah lv.) Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye for water, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your gain for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto Me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness. Incline your ear, and come unto Me; hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David. Behold, I have given him for a witness to the peoples, a prince and commander to the peoples. Behold, thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not, and a nation that knew not thee shall run unto thee; because of the Lord thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel, for He hath glori- fied thee. Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near; let the wicked for- sake his way and the man of iniquity his thoughts; and let him return unto the Lord, and He will have Compas- sion upon him, and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon. For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain cometh down and the Snow from heaven, and returneth not thither except it 74 MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, and give seed to the sower and bread to the eater; so shall My word be that goeth forth out of My mouth: it shall not return unto me void, except it accomplish that which I please, and make the thing whereto I sent it prosper. For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace; the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Instead of the thorn shall come up the cypress, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle; and it shall be to the Lord for a memorial, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off. MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 75 SHOFAR SERVICE nº.52p Responsive Reading Minister Come, let us bow down and bend the knee; let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. Congregation O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness; tremble before Him, all the earth. Before the Lord, for He is come; for He is come to judge the earth. He will judge the world with righteousness, and the peoples in His faithfulness. Who would not fear Thee, King of the nations, for to Thee alone reverence is due. Thy kingdom is a kingdom for all ages; and Thy dominion endureth throughout all generations. The Lord reigneth, let the earth rejoice; let the multi- tude of the isles be glad. With trumpets and sound of the horn, shout ye before the King, the Lord. Minister Almighty God, who can fathom the greatness of Thy power! What are our works gauged by Thine, 76 MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR O Lord, who hast meted out the heaven with a span, comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure and weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a bal- ance? What are our years compared with Thine, O Lord, who abidest, though all else perish, and who art ever the same, though all things change. Thou didst lay the foundations of the earth. Thou didst command the sea: Thus far shalt thou come but no further, and here shall thy proud waves be stayed. When the morn- ing stars sang together, and the heavenly hosts shouted for joy, then Thy creative word bade the light to break through the darkness, and life to issue forth from the heavens above and the earth beneath. And as Thou hast fashioned all things from the beginning, so wilt Thou sustain and rule them even unto the end. Thou art the King of eternity, the immovable rock amidst the ebb and flow of the ages. Thy throne is established for ever. - Let this truth shine forth triumphantly, that all men may acknowledge Thee as their King and render hom- age to Thy holy name, for Thine is the kingdom and Thy dominion endureth for ever. The Shofar is sounded Choir The Lord reigneth, He is clothed with majesty; the Lord is girded with strength. Thy throne is established of old. Thou art from everlasting to everlasting. MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 77 n]]]-)-)] Responsive Reading Minister The Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver; the Lord is our king, He will save ſus. Congregation Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne, mercy and truth go before His count- €11211Ce. There is none holy as the Lord, neither is any rock like our God. The Lord is a God of knowledge; and by Him actions are weighed. [Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. The Lord looketh from heaven; He beholdeth all the sons of men. From the place of His habitation. He looketh intently upon all the inhabitants of the earth; He that fashioneth the hearts of them all, that con- sidereth all their doings. • O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness; tremble before Him all the earth. Say amonz the nations: The Lord reigneth. 78 MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR Minister Thou, O Lord, knowest all the works of the past; be- fore Thee all secrets are revealed. Naught is hidden from Thine eyes; there is no forgetfulness before the throne of Thy glory. Thou knowest the events of all times, the generations that were and those that shall be. All our deeds are remembered before Thee. Whether in chastisement or in mercy, Thou directest the destinies of men and nations according to Thy wisdom and justice. Happy is the man who forgets Thee not, for he who seeks Thee will not stumble, and he who trusts in Thee will not be put to shame. In Thy mercy, O Lord, remember us and all Thy children, as we enter this day upon the new year. O Father and Redeemer, mindful of Thy covenant, we pray that Thy love may never forsake us. Even as the rainbow recalls this covenant, so may each new day bring to all men the thought of Thy gracious promise. Bless all endeavors for truth and righteousness. Hasten the time when Thy law will be written in every heart, and all, from the least unto the greatest, will know Thee. Then shall mankind do Thy will, and the re- ward of righteous service shall be peace. Amen. The Shofar is sounded Choir For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be re- moved; but My kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall My covenant of peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath compassion upon thee. MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 79 n]"Elºy Responsive Reading Minister Shout unto the Lord, all the earth, break forth and sing for joy, yea, sing praises. Congregation With trumpets and the sound of the Shofar, shout ye before the King, the Lord. Exalted is God amidst shouting; the Lord amidst the sound of the Shofar. Happy is the people that know the joyful sound; they walk, O Lord, in the light of Thy countenance. In Thy name do they rejoice all the day; and through Thy righteousness are they exalted. For Thou art the glory of their strength; and in Thy favor our horn is exalted. , For the Lord is our shield, and the Holy One of Israel is our king. All ye inhabitants of the world and ye dwellers on the earth when an ensign is lifted up on the mount- ains, see ye; and when the Shofar is blown, hear ye. Minister O Lord our God, the sounds of the Shofar remind us of that great moment when Israel stood at Sinai and 80 MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR Thou didst covenant with our fathers, that they be- come a people sanctified by truth and righteousness. Then didst Thou appoint Israel to be Thy servant and didst send him forth to proclaim those statutes by which man shall live and not die. The echo of that ever-memorable event resounds in the hearts of the men and women of Israel to this very day. We know that this covenant was made not only with our fathers at Sinai, but also with us who stand before Thee this day and with all who are not here this day, even with all the generations that are yet to be. Truly, we live by the power and spirit of that ancient covenant, the remembrance of which comes to us each year when we hear anew the solemn sounds of the Shofar. Grant, O God, that Thy word may be our guide, until the knowledge of Thee shall have reached to the uttermost ends of the earth. Then shall the sound of the Shofar announce the good tidings; Peace, peace be unto him who is far off, and unto him who is near. Then shall all the peoples of the earth be righteous and glorify the Lord, who revealed His word and His cov. enant of truth unto Israel. Amen. The Shofar is sounded MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 81 Choir All ye dwellers on earth, when the Shofar is soundéd, hark ye, and when the great trumpet is blown, come ye and worship the Lord at the holy mountain. The Lord of hosts shall be a shield unto you. 32 MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR RETURNING THE SCROLL TO THE ARK (Congregation rises) Minister Ö magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together. His glory is in the earth and in the heavens. He is the strength of all His servants, the praise of them that truly love Him, the hope of Israel, the people He brought nigh to Himself. Hallelujah. Hºpini. His º 'ºt, :TT iry Choir :nºpy ºns ºy iTin Hºrn ingº Inp by ºsmy, ºn. Torſº :Fºr in-p by Minister The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The pre- cepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever. Behold, a good doctrine has been given unto you; na'yn. Typh ºn-lin * "Tipp :"nº npºrp ns.t.a. "Tºpp.nº-y; :-yº n-ply minº º Dº 'FT, in mpº '7 :*-iya-7s ºn-lin forsake it not. (Congregation is seated) MORNING SERVICE FOR T.:{E NEW YEAR 83 Choir It is a tree of life to ºptripºsºnºr Py them that lay hold of it, tº & :-ysp Tºpin) FIA and the supporters there- of are happy. Its ways -25) Dyl-3-1-1 ºp-5-)-; are ways of pleasantness, T : - I -- 3 - ºr nº ºr ; and all its paths are peace. :Di ºp Thin'n, SERMON 84 MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR ADORATION (Congregation rises) Minister and Congregation Let us adore the ever-living God, and render praise unto Him who spread out the heavens and established the earth, whose glory is revealed in the heavens above and whose greatness is manifest throughout the world. He is our God; there is none else. We bow the head and bend the knee and magnify the King of kings, the Holy One, praised be He. k Choir Tºp 15% pºſip Bºrnyp D'yº Iris :Nºn T-2 wi-prº Bºn ºp (Congregation is seated) Minister May the time not be distant, O God, when Thy name shall be worshiped in all the earth, when unbelief shall disappear and error be no more. We fervently pray that the day may come when all men shall invoke Thy name, when corruption and evil shall give way to purity and goodness, when superstition shall no longer enslave the mind, nor idolatry blind the eye, when all inhabit- ants of the earth shall know that to Thee alone every knee must bend and every tongue give homage O may MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 85 all, created in Thine image, recognize that they are brethren, so that, one in spirit and one in fellowship, they may be for ever united before Thee. Then shall Thy kingdom be established on earth and the word of Thine ancient seer be fulfilled. The Lord will reign for ever and ever, Congregation On that day the Lord shall be One and His name shall be One. Minister - Thou, O God, art the living fountain whence our healing flows. Unto Thee the stricken look for comfort and the sorrow-laden for consolation. Without the faith that our loved ones, who walk with us no more, are safe with Thee, despair would envelop us and hopeless- ness would be our portion. This faith that all is well with our beloved is the ray of light which pierces the darkness of our sorrow. Whatever may befall us, we shall hallow Thy name. Thou art the true Judge in whose sight a thousand years are but as yesterday when it is past. May Thy peace abide with all the troubled spirits among us. Let them see Thy help speedily. As we cry unto Thee out of the depths, hear Thou us, O Father. May the assurance of Thy never failing mercy comfort us as we speak the words sanctified by memory and glorified by hope. 86 MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR Minister (Mourners rise) Extolled and hallowed be the name of God through- out the world which He has created, and which He governs according to His righteous will. Just is He in all His ways and wise are all His decrees. May His kingdom come, and His will be done in all the earth. Congregation Praised be the Lord of life, the righteous Judge for £Vermore. Minister Whatsoever we would render unto God, howsoever we would adore the Most High, we would yet fail to give Him the glory due to His great name. Even in the hour of bereavement and sorrow, we feel the majesty of God and would give thanks for His manifold mercies. Congregation: Amen. Minister To the departed whom we now remember, may peace and bliss be granted in life eternal. May they find grace and mercy before the Lord of heaven and earth. May their souls rejoice in that ineffable good which God has laid up for those who fear him, and may their memory be a blessing unto those who treasure it. Congregation: Amen. Minister May the Father of peace send peace to all who mourn, and comfort all the bereaved among us. Congregation: Amen. (Mourners are seated) MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 87 (Mourners rise) Minister sºn-i spºya .sin Ring, ºphy 2-tºn. is piº liºn: .mni-ºp Tºp, .mny-º .--P ſpº sºya .7879, nº-º- ºri, :ps inps Congregation sp?y pºw? Bºy”.iºn sin my sº Minister spinº Doinn) -sºn'] many) Tân: T-in sympº Fly ºn Tºwn) - Tºny sprawn snºw, sº-º-º: ſpszy” .sm :ps inns sp?yā Tºps.T.snprº -lºnsº Ip-25-29).s.p.-lx '79) vsy %y sp?y intº sº...sºs. Finly-5 T spºy p sºpm ºns" sp?y ºriº ship spºm san :}ps inps] .syns spy sºp DTPºp "prºn “ºy) jºy .Bºrn spy-p sºn spºº sm. :]ns inns] .2s-p-'7; Jºy Divy Hyg: sm."pinna Biºy Tºy :1ps inpsi.ºsyl-'75-'79. (Mourners are seated.” 88 MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR CLOSING HYMN (Psalm cl) Hallelujah. Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in the firma- ment of His power. - Praise Him for His mighty acts; praise Him according to His abundant greatness. Praise Him with the blast of the horn; praise Him with the psaltery and harp. Praise Him with the timbrel and dance; praise Him with stringed instruments and the pipe. Praise Him with the loud-sounding cymbals; praise Him with the clanging cymbals. Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Hallelujah. BENEDICTION MORNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW YEAR 89 (Psalm cl) ..Fºr :#y yºpia mººn ...ivipi's ºn :*Than; mººn primaa imºn :-liis, ºn mººr .-Eiyyppä mºn :ay, Bºpa mººn binº Finn mºn :Fºº FT ºn Hºpinº BENEDICTION Services for the Day of Atonement EVENING SERVICE MORNING SERVICE AFTERNOON SERVICE MEMORIAL SERVICE CONCLUDING SERVICE Evening Service for the Day of Atonement Meditation As now, in response to its sacred summons, I have entered Thy house, I pray unto Thee to enable me to view my acts in the light of Thine unerring judgment. Before Thee I have sinned; I have done what is evil in Thy sight. Often during the past year have I forgotten Thy word and disobeyed Thy law. I have pursued selfish purposes and have done wicked things. Let me now be fully aware of the evil of my ways, the days I have spent in forgetfulness of Thy word, the deeds that I have done in wickedness, in selfishness, in dis- obedience to Thy law. Give me a deeper conscious- ness of the wrong that this evil has wrought unto mine own self and of the sorrow it has caused my fellowmen. Let my selfishness and unrighteousness stand as wit- nesses against me in mine own eyes even as they testify against me before Thee, who probest all and seest all. Out of the depths of mine abasement, I cry unto Thee, O my God and Father. Cast me not off, nor withdraw Thine eyes from Thy repentant servant. I bring to Thine altar a broken heart, a humbled and contrite spirit. O lift me up on the pinions of Thine all-pardon- 94. EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY ing grace. Upon Thy mercy do I rely, O my God, not upon merit or righteousness in myself. As now too my dear ones gather around me at this sacred time and place, I realize how closely welded are the links of love in the circle of the family. Not for my- self alone but for all the members of my household do I beseech Thy mercy. Our hopes, our happiness, our destiny are one, inseparably linked in the bonds of home. What has been wanting in the full performance of our domestic duty do Thou pardon. What has been weak in the united expression of our loving loyalty to Thy law, do Thou cause to be strengthened and in- vigorated. May it be Thy will that our home become a sanctuary worthy of Thy presence, wherein Thy name shall be hallowed, that Thou mayest come and grant Thy blessing. Let Thy divine grace be made manifest to Israel on this sacred day on which they give themselves over unto Thee. From this solemn evening hour until again the lengthened shadows shall tell the day is done, Thy people are prostrate before Thee. They turn from their daily tasks. They put aside their wordly ambitions. They afflict their souls with fasting, that they might make confession of their sins and tell Thee of the depth of their penitence. O God and Father, grant that Thy people shall not come before Thee in vain; that, at the close of the great day, they may feel that Thou art a righteous judge, yet too, an all-loving Father, who hearest the voice of Thy contrite children, and heedest the prayers of their re- pentant hearts. Amen. EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 95 HYMN O come, day of God, And fill all our spirits With peace and with gladness from heaven. From eventide to eventide Let all earthly thoughts be sanctified In prayer. Upward to God, upward to God, Sons of earth, together! Lift the voice of prayer and song, Heavenward borne on the current strong, Upward all aspire. In the angel choir Blend our prayers and praises. Lord God, see— See Thou our heart's contrition, And bow Thine ear. Hear, O hear, the voice of petition. Banish our fear, Blot out our evil ways, Open the door of grace, Bid us enter there! 96 EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Minister (Psalm cºxx) Out of the depths have I called Thee, O Lord. Lord, hearken unto my voice; let Thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications. If Thou shouldst mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? For with Thee there is forgiveness that Thou mayest be feared. I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in His word do I hope. My soul waiteth for the Lord, more than watchmen for the morning; yea, more than watch- men for the morning. O Israel, hope in the Lord; for with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him is plenteous redemption. And He will redeem Israel from all his iniquities. Choir May forgiveness be granted unto all the congregation of Israel and unto the stranger that sojourneth among them, for all the people have sinned un- wittingly. Minister Forgive, O Lord, the iniquity of this people in accor- dance with Thy great love, even as Thou hast borne with Thy people from Egypt unto this day. Choir And the Lord said, I have pardoned according to thy word. Minister Praised be Thou, O Lord, Ruler of the world, who hast granted us life,sustained us and broughtus unto this day. Choir: Amen. EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 97 Minister ..”ip: nymy 'lis ::: Tnsºp Bºppºn nilig-ns :ºrin ºipº; ninºp Tys mºrn typº. Tºpſ. Tºy-2:Toy: 'pºis. T-pºp wº: pºſſin in-Hº, wº. Tºp º 'n'p:sºn ºsny, ºn:-pa? Dºnny.npa: Bººts? in TE iº9 nanºm. Tºrn is Dy": "Tsºs : "piliy 75pºstpºns tº sim Choir .npina-jº-Tººl.ºsy. In nigºnºpm :Tya nyºrº ºf Minister Tysºl :Tipri º Tin Dyn Tiyº synºp :TTTV) ºxipp Tº Dy': 'Isſy, Choir :Tº T2 "Eſºp Tin -ps) Minister upplºſſy.HºlyūTºpyriºs: mºst-in :Tſr prº llysºn Choir: Amen. 98 EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY (Congregation rises) Minister Praise ye the Lord, to whom all praise is due. Choir and Congregation Praised be the Lord to whom all praise is due for ever and ever. (Congregation is seated) Minister Praised be Thou, O Lord Our God, Ruler of the world, at whose word the shadows of evening fall, and by whose will the gates of morn are opened. Thy wisdom estab- lished the changes of times and seasons, and ordered the ways of the stars in their heavenly courses. Creator of day and night, Lord of hosts is Thy name. Thou, ever-living God, wilt rule over us for ever. Praised be Thou, O Lord, for the day and its work and for the night and its rest. Infinite as is Thy power, even so is Thy love. Thou didst manifest it unto Israel, Thy servant. By laws and commandments, by statutes and ordinances hast Thou led us into the way of righteousness and brought us to the light of truth. Therefore, at our lying down and our rising up, we meditate on Thy teachings and at all times rejoice in Thy laws. In them are true life and length of days. O that Thy love may never depart from our hearts. Praised be Thou, O Lord, who lovest Thy people Israe. - EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 99 (Congregation rises) Minister :Tapſ, ºrns 15-in Choir and Congregation :-ty, Hºiyº Tapri º Tº (Congregation is seated) t Minister -ys .nziyū Tºp lyriºs : nºs T-3 .nº-yº ºniº Tipºrã .nº-ly a Typ in;Tx, Tºppi.nºppºns Fºrp, D'Ely Hypnº-nº smin.iiixº y PT DITHinnyº Dºjº"ns Tºp Bºp! ºr vs.jpy nisix º nº ni. angº, º Hºs T-2. Ty, Eziyº Jºy Tºm. ..Dºg Tin .pnºs Tºy ºstly, nº Hºly naºs : 12”y .Hip: Inis Dºpp pºpſ nix” rippi . TETH IT?, ºppni lºya riºs En 2 .Tv. Bºy: Trixpº innin intº #nºrs.nº, Dji Tſunº.ºp!TS ºr iny aris; Tºs T-2.5 pºiyº ºpp-Top's * - :ºsºp; 100 EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY (Congregation rises) Minister, then Choir and Congregation Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One. Praised be His name whose glorious kingdom is for ever and ever. (Congregation is seated) Minister Thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be upon thy heart. Thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt speak of them when thou sittest in thy house, when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thy hand, and they shall be for frontlets between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the doorposts of thy house, and upon thy gates: To the end that ye may remember and do all My commandments, and be holy unto your God. I am the Lord your God. Responsive Reading Minister Eternal truth it is that Thou alone art God, and there is none else. Congregation And through Thy power alone has Israel been re- deemed from the hand of oppressors. EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 101 - (Congregation rises) Minister, then Choir and Congregation :Tris Tin Priº's min, ºsmy, ypy :Tyl Bºy” in 52p Tin: By T-5 (Congregation is seated) Minister Tºrºn, Tinº Triº's ns Firs ºs vs Hºsſ, B-R-T ºn Tisº"; .D. 5-HT. Tº Dº Tºº?”y Diºr, Tºp :Tºpº Tºyº TTT2 Tº Tyan Tºwn :Tºy a nEºbº ºn. Tºy nis? Dº Tºp :Tºyº Tya nilpºy Dºnº upºn 'pixpºns Dryvy) ºn Twp. :Dyrºs º is :Dyrºs: nºi-p Responsive Reading ! sin º ºxy tºp nsi” Hºps, nº * * * :ipy psy, Ills. .inºr lºs rrºs * Flºp lºsin lººp.nºn Tºp Tien :n'y'-y'ſ 102 EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Wonders without number hast Thou wrought for us and hast protected us to this day. Thou hast preserved our soul for life, and hast not suffered our foot to stumble. Thy love has watched over us in the night of oppression; and Thy mercy has sustained us in the hour of trial. And now that we live in a land of freedom, may we continue to be faithful to Thee and Thy word. May Thy law rule in the hearts of all Thy children, and Thy truth unite them in bonds of fellowship. May the righteous of all nations rejoice in Thy grace and exult in Thy justice. O God, Thou art our refuge and our hope; we glorify Thy name now as did our fathers in ancient days. Choir Who is like unto Thee, O Lord, among the mighty? Who is like unto Thee, glorious in holiness, extolled in praises, working wonders? Minister When Thy children beheld Thy sovereign power, they exclaimed: This is my God. Choir The Lord shall reign for ever and ever. EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 103 I's Ty nisºl) .ipri I's Ty niºn ITyviſ, :-Pºp :liºn bipº in sº).nºra ºn Dyn D'nPip) nnis .nºpil D'E) in: Høyj ETA nºis: :Hºly ni-Triº Djinn "sº ingºns skin :ippº Tim Thy .in-p-, pn isºl) :ºsºp, In, Typ DIT'zgºńplix Hinlºp, tº mºs, Tºn Twº Tºv is nº Choir w-pa -Ts) tº "p ... nºs: Tºny"p :sº-Tºy niºn sºil Minister :i-ins ily ºs II .T.J. is] ºn-ºp Choir :-yı Hºiyº Tºp: " 104 EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Minister As Thou hast redeemed Israel and saved him from arms stronger than his own, so mayest Thou redeem all who are oppressed and persecuted. Praised be Thou, O Lord, Redeemer of Israel. Choir On this day ye shall be forgiven and cleansed from all your sins; before the Lord shall ye be pure. Minister Praised be Thou, O Lord our God, God of our fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, great, mighty and revered God. Thou, O Most High, bestowest lovingkindness upon all Thy creatures; Thou rememberest the goodness of the fathers, and in love Thou bringest redemption to their descendants for the sake of Thy name. Remember us unto life, O Sovereign who delightest in life, and inscribe us in the book of life, for Thy sake, O God of life. Thou, O King, art our helper, savior and protector. Praised be Thou, O Lord, Shield of Abraham. Thou art mighty for ever, O Lord; Thou aboundest in salvation. In lovingkindness Thou sustainest the liv– ing; in the multitude of Thy mercies Thou quickenest all; Thou upholdest the falling, healest the sick and loosest the bound. Thou fulfillest Thy promise of im- mortal life unto those who sleep in the dust. Who is like unto Thee, Almighty, author of life and death, Thou who sendest salvation. - EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 105 Minister pln Tºpiºs)] =pyºns min. Tº ºf ºps) :7sº vs. º Tºs Tina ºpp Choir ºn nons Tºº Dy'zy - B2, min piºn ºf : "Tº Jº Dynston Minister 'nºs ºrnias "rºsiº’s Tºs T-3 vity, ºsſi.apy: 'nº's prix: nºs ETFs .nºaib nºtºr ºpia jºy vs.stºrm -iñº, * nº sºap.nias Tºri ->in 95.7 mp) :Tººls: ipº. Twº DTIn Tºp: lºn;).nºra PEI. Tºp.nºriº ºf yºio, Triy Tºp :nºr, D'Riº's Typº pºrn :DJThs ºn . Tris Tin: .]]º ºn.yyini? --.” Ts pºiyº Tina Tºs |pip.pan ºpria ºn Trip.Tºrſå Bºr, tºpp, Dºlps Tºp Dºin spin) Bºil "p, .nimal ºf Tip: p.-Ey y” inps :Tyw. Tºp Trini n'ºp Tºp. Tº Tipiº 106 EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Who is like unto Thee, Father of mercies, who remem- berest Thy children unto life. Praised be Thou, O Lord, who hast implanted within us immortal life. Thou art holy; awe-inspiring is Thy name. There is no God beside Thee. As it is written, The Lord of hosts is exalted through justice, and the holy God is sanctified through righteousness. Praised be Thou, O Lord, who rulest in holiness. Choir: Amen. EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 107. Bºrº ºx; Tºir .mpriſºn as Tip; "p :nºiy ºr ºpini yºi º Tºs T-2 :D"prºla .TTyºap Fiºs I's .ipº sºil. Tºs witH witHT vsºn .059% nis; ; Hºl.-in-2 :witHT Tºpſ. " Tºs Tina .mppº, vip, Choir: Amen. T08 EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Choir Unto Thee, with contrite spirits, Do we come this eventide; And throughout the morrow's passing We will in Thy presence bide. O that ere the great Day closeth We be cleansed and purified! How this solemn evening's advent Bids us search and look within, And until the morrow's twilight, To confront our secret sin! O that ere the great Day closeth Our true penitence begin! We of guilt, alas, are conscious As we usher in this night; And we would make full confession Through the lengthened morrow's flight. O that ere the great Day closeth To our souls will come the light! Our petitions and our prayers Yearning rise to Thee this eve, And until the morrow's twilight Will our chastened spirits grieve. O that ere the great Day closeth Thy forgiveness we receive. - EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 109 Choir ."php Iny]?' sh;) :-Ty Ty ."pip Inp-Tº: sh;) :=Ty Ty ."papilnſp?p sail := y Ty ."papilgº sh;) :ay Ty ."php IIT, sh;) := y Ty .*Pºp ITyl sail :-Ty Ty .*.php lº's sail :-Ty Ty :-Pºp Tºs sail :-Ty Ty ºr ºr ..anyp ºr rºy, .]]]]]". TST) .nypºip Hºy. ...]i'TP TST) ..anyp Inºng nºv: .*Inps. TST) ayº pupnºw. ...T.E ITST) .--Typºgº. Tºg, ..ºr TST). .nypºinºt nºv: .ilnTT; Tºp .nypºpº". Tºg: .*Intº TST) .nypºnºs Tºg: .*2s HST) *** * 110 EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Responsive Reading Minister Give ear to my words, O Lord, have regard to my prayer. Congregation Listen to the voice of my supplication, my King and my God, for to Thee do I pray. Thou desirest mercy more than sacrifice and the knowl- edge of God rather than burnt-offering. Who is like unto Thee, O God, gracious and plentedus of mercy, long-suffering and forgiving transgres- sions. Thy mercy is above the heavens, and Thy truth extend- eth unto the skies. Who shall not stand in awe of Thee, O King of nations? Among all the wise and the mighty there is none like unto Thee. Justice and judgment are the pillars of Thy throne, love and truth are ever before Thee. How precious is Thy lovingkindness, O God. Therefore do the children of man seek shelter under the shadow of Thy wing. Lead me, O Lord, in Thy righteousness, make Thy path straight before my face. For with Thee is the fountain of life. In thy light we behold light. Choir Prepare to meet thy God, O Israel! Seek ye the Lord and ye shall live. Let justice flow forth as water, and righteousness as a mighty stream. EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 111 Minister Be gracious unto me, O God, according to Thy loving- kindness. Congregation In Thine endless mercy blot out my transgressions. Cleanse me, O Lord, and I shall be clean; purify me and I shall be whiter than snow. Behold Thou desirest truth in our innermost heart— so teach me wisdom and right understanding. I acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is ever before me. Create in me a clean heart, O God, renew a steadfast spirit within me. Cast me not away from Thy presence and take not Thy holy spirit from me. The soul is Thine and the body is Thine; O, have compassion on Thy handiwork. For Thy name's sake, O merciful God, pardon our in- iquities, though they be many. Let us search and try our ways and return again unto the Lord. For Thee, O Lord, do we wait; in Thee, O Lord, do we hope, for with the Lord there is mercy and with Him is plenteous redemption. Choir Like as a father pitieth his children so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him. High as the heaven is above the earth, so great is His mercy toward them that revere Him. 112 EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Minister TTE in 155) Our God and God of our fathers! Let Thy presence be manifest to us in all Thy works, so that reverence for Thee may fill the hearts of all Thy creatures. May all the children of men bow before Thee in humility and unite to do Thy will with one heart, that all may acknowledge that Thine are power, dominion and majesty, and that Thy name is exalted above all. Grant honor, O Lord, to them that fear Thee, inspire with courage all who wait for Thee, and fulfil the hope of all who trust in Thy name. Hasten the day that will bring gladness to all the dwellers on earth and victory of the spirit to those who bear witness to Thy unity. Then shall the just see and exult, the righteous be glad and the pious sing for joy; then shall iniquity be made dumb and all wickedness shall vanish like smoke, for the reign of evil shall have passed away from the earth. Lord our God, may Thy kingdom come speedily, so that the worship of Thy name and obedience to Thy law may unite all men in brotherhood and peace; that every creature may know that Thou art its Creator, and every living being exclaim: The Lord, the God of Israel, ruleth and His dominion endureth for ever. Choir: Amen. EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 113 Minister and Congregation llnºir-, -inst We give thanks unto Thee that Thou hast chosen. our fathers from among all nations. Thou hast called us to Thy service, that through Israel, Thy holy name shall become known in all the earth. In love Thou hast given us this Day of Atonement, that we may obtain forgiveness for our sins and become reconciled to Thee and to our fellowmen. For Thou desirest not the death of the sinner, but that he return to Thee and live. * May this day lead us to search the hidden recesses of our hearts. May it arouse us to examine all our thoughts and deeds in the light of Thy truth, that we may know wherein we have strayed from Thy way. And when we have learned our shortcomings and the burden of our sins weighs us down, grant us the strength and courage to turn from the evil of our ways and to seek the shelter of Thy fatherly love. O Lord, enter not into judgment with us, for in Thy sight can no living man be justified. Show us Thy mercy; grant us Thy favor. Aid us as we seek to purify our spirits; in Thy lovingkindness protect us for we put our trust in Thee. Choir: Amen. SILENT DEVOTION (Let each one pray in silence as the heart prompts) 114 EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Minister Our God and God of our fathers, pardon our trans- gressions, on this Day of Atonement, remove our guilt and blot out our iniquities, as Thou hast promised: I, even I, blot out thine iniquities for Mine own sake, and thy sins will I remember no more. I have made thy sins to vanish like a cloud and thy transgressions like a mist; return to me for I have redeemed thee. For on this day shall ye be forgiven and cleansed from all your sins; before the Lord shall ye be pure. (Congregation rises) Minister and Congregation, then Choir Our God and God of our fathers, let our prayers come before Thee. Turn not away from our supplica- tion, for we are not so presumptuous and stiff- necked as to say before Thee that we are wholly righteous and have not sinned, but verily, we have sinned. We have sinned; we have transgressed; we have done perversely. , (Congregation is seated) EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 115 Minister piºn ºpiliy” ºrp ºpins rºs, lyriºs Tºpºnsºrnºyye Taym Tin. Tº D-B2) ºp? Tyº Tp sin ºïsºs.-ups. Tyy .Tywi Hy: 'n'Tip."psil:->is sº TDsbrm "2."psil:Triºs, 2 º’s Tºº. Tnsbrily?) ºp Dºns Tº .Dºg - B2, ITT Di'a : "Tºp º 'º'; ..Dynston (Congregation rises) . Minister and Congregation, then Choir ..ºniºs 'nº's lyriºs Psy.ºlnjinn Bºynn's .ilnºn Tº say, lyriºs " Tº ºpiº.Fly ºpi Hº IV urūs 77s. Isºſ, sº IIIs Bºp"Tx.ºrnias "Hºl :llsiºr, In, :*lygº. Jºly. Isºſ - (Congregation is seated) 116 EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Minister We have turned aside from Thy commandments and from Thy beneficent ordinances, and it hath not availed us. Thou art righteous in all that has befallen us, for Thou doest justice, but we have wrought evil. What shall we say before Thee, who art on high, and what shall we recount unto Thee, who dwellest in the heavens? Dost Thou not know all things; both the hidden and the revealed? Thou knowest the secrets of eternity and the hidden thoughts of every living being. Thou searchest the innermost recesses and probest the deepest impulses of the heart. Naught is concealed from Thee nor hidden from Thine eyes. O Lord our God, help us to see ourselves as Thou seest us. Make us conscious of our sins and failings; cause us to turn from our evil ways. Give us strength to make amends for our wrongdoings, and grant us pardon for our sins. Minister, then Congregation For the sin which we have sinned against Thee under stress or through choice; For the sin which we have sinned against Thee openly or in secret; For the sin which we have sinned against Thee in stub- bornness or in error; EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 117 Minister ..ºnly sºltºniº, Tºp Triºnº-p iſ slºppynºsº.ºy satºypºxmns :Alyynn Tº ºppºſipi.ni-payi. Tº ºps; Tip mºs niºn ninjºr-75 sºr .B'prly lºw :y-Ti, ."r-23 -inp nipºwn) .B'ziy 'nyi, mºs |'s.nº, niº Trini jº TTT2: weirinºs' :Tºy Tºp Tºpli's).jpp Bºy, nºt łynias 'nº's lyriºs: Tºpix.n'rºlºn, “”y liº ºr pm.ºnsºrrº”y ºf Hºppy :yyyB-7E 79 ºz - Bºni.ºrnilig Minister, then Congregation : ixºn, Djišn Tºº listºry stºr ºy :-Ingº ºn Tºº listºry stºr ºy :Tya, Titº. Tº listºry stºr ºy 118 EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY For the sin which we have sinned against Thee in the evil meditations of the heart; For the sin which we have sinned against Thee by word of mouth; For the sin which we have sinned against Thee by abuse of power; For the sin which we have sinned against Thee by the profanation of Thy name; For the sin which we have sinned against Thee by dis- respect for parents and teachers; For the sin which we have sinned against Thee by exploiting and dealing treacherously with our neighbor, - For all these sins, O God of forgiveness, bear with us! pardon us! forgive us! Choir For all these sins, O God of forgiveness, bear with us! pardon us! forgive us! Minister Our God and God of our fathers, forsake us not." Let us not be put to shame. Lead us to the knowl- edge of Thy law, that we may understand Thy ways. Direct our thoughts to revere Thy name. Incline our hearts to love Thee, that we may return to Thee in truth and sincerity. Forgive our sins for the sake of Thy great name. EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 119 :=ºr, Tintina Tºº lisprly stºr ºy :ITE ºn Th Tºº listºry stºr ºy :T. pira Tºº listºry stºr ºy :Dyn ºria Tºº listºry stor ºy :nº-lip B'nin ºn Tipº isprly storiºg :y] nº nsin: Tºº listºry stºr ºy -Bºii, ºrp.; rºp.nirºpºſiº’s pº'ºy :*:: Choir - -52 ºz ºrphi: Hºp.nimºpanºs Bºžºv :*:: Minister ...yºn's]...intyrºs.ºrninsºn's lyriºs in-lp lºs in ºn TEF -s ºp”55 °s ilāº on. Tº TT lin. Thikpilipp.in-lin': nºwn.Tºrsº ºniºns?ipl.-ſpºns Tsº 7in75%iTTinyſyphi.Bºyzºninpsi, Tºs :rigº Hºpm 120 EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Hear our cry, O Lord our God; be gracious unto us, and in Thy mercy favorably accept our prayers. Choir We are Thy people, Thou art our King We are Thy children, Thou art our Father. We are Thy possession, Thou art our Portion. We are Thy flock, Thou art our Shepherd. We are Thy vineyard, Thou art our Keeper. We are Thy beloved, Thou art our Friend. Minister Praised be Thou, O Lord, who forgivest transgres- sions; Ruler of the world, who sanctifiest (the Sabbath,) Israel and the Day of Atonement. Choir: Amen. Evening service FOR ATONEMENT DAY 121 ºap Trºy Dr.T. pin ºrd's ºpyrº .*Ip*Priºns ſix-lai B'rrin; Choir :*Pºp Tºsi º ºsº : J'as mºs Tº his :*Til Tris Tºru is :llyin Tºs *** * :*]]ºil mºs Tº us artin mºs, wº Minister Tºpºnigºr?ip, ºripiº; mºsº, Dºnin's p,qnagºprºppy Isrººp Choir: Amen 122 EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Responsive Reading (Psalm crxxix) Minister O Lord! Thou hast searched me, and known me; Thou knowest my down-sitting and mine up-rising, Thou understandest my thought afar off. Congregation Thou measurest my going about and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways. Whither shall I go from Thy spirit, or whither shall I flee from Thy presence? - If I ascend up into heaven, Thou art there; if I make my bed in the netherworld, behold, Thou art there. - If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost part of the sea; even there would Thy hand lead me, and Thy right hand would hold II le. ſ- And if I say: Surely the darkness shall envelop me, and the light about me shall be night; Even the darkness is not too dark for Thee, but the night shineth as the day; The darkness is even as the light. How weighty also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! Search me, O God! and know my heart; try me and know my thoughts. - And see if there be any way in me that is grievous, and lead me in the way everlasting. EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 123 Minister Grant us peace, Thy most precious gift, O Thou eternal source of peace, and enable Israel to be a mes- senger of peace unto the peoples of the earth. Bless our country that it may ever be a stronghold of peace, and the advocate of peace in the councils of nations. May contentment reign within its borders, health and happi- ness within its homes. Strengthen the bonds of friend- ship and fellowship between all the inhabitants of our land. Plant virtue in every soul, and may the love of Thy name hallow every home and every heart. Inscribe us in the book of life, and grant unto us a year of pros- perity and joy. Praised be Thou, O Lord, Giver of peace, Choir: Amen. Silent Devotion Tix, "nºs O God, keep my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking guile. Be my support when grief silences my voice, and my comfort when woe bends my spirit. Plant humility in my soul, and strengthen my heart with perfect faith in Thee. Help me to be strong in trial and temptation and to be meek when others wrong me, that I may readily forgive them. Guide me by the light of Thy counsel, and let me ever find rest in Thee, who art my Rock and my Redeemer. Amen. Choir Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. 124 EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY (Congregation rises) Minister, then Congregation Our Father, our King, grant us a year of happiness. Our Father, our King, have mercy upon us and upon our children. Our Father, our King, keep far from our country, pestilence, war, and famine. Our Father, our King, inscribe us for blessing in the book of life. Our Father, our King, accept with mercy and with favor our supplication. (Congregation is seated) SERMION Evening SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 125 (Congregation rises) Minister, then Congregation :Taib Hy Trºy ºr lººp lyas :*Pºl Pºly-ºv) jºy vior lººp lyas :*zyp nym nºrm Tai nº lººp was :D'aib ºr "Epil inn; lººp lyas * † :*nºn-ns Tixºn, D'ºrº wap lººp rºs (Congregation is seated) SERMON 126 EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMEA-T DAY ADORATION (Congregation rises) Minister and Congregation Let us adore the ever-living God, and render praise unto Him who spread out the heavens and established the earth, whose glory is revealed in the heavens above and whose greatness is manifest throughout the world. He is our God; there is none else. We bow the head and bend the knee and magnify the King of kings, the Holy One, praised be He. Choir Tºp 15% B'Tipi Bºrºpp, D'yº injs! :Rim T-3 witpº pººr, ºn (Congregation is seated) Minister May the time not be distant, O God, when Thy name shall be worshiped in all the earth, when unbelief shall disappear and error be no more. We fervently pray that the day may come when all men shall invoke Thy name, when corruption and evil shall give way to pur- ity and goodness, when superstition shall no longer en- Slave the mind, nor idolatry blind the eye, when all inhabitants of the earth shall know that to Thee alone every knee must bend and every tongue give homage. O may all, created in Thine image, recognize that they are brethren, so that, one in spirit and one in fellowship, EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 127 they may be for ever united before Thee. Then shall Thy kingdom be established on earth and the word of Thine ancient seer be fulfilled: The Lord will reign for ever, and ever. Congregation On that day the Lord shall be One and His name shall be One. Minister Thou, O God, art our loving Father, and we are Thy trusting children. We thank Thee for the manifold blessings which brighten our life and we pray unto Thee for strength and light when sorrows darken our way. Thou hast hallowed the home as a sanctuary of Thy spirit and Thou hast consecrated our dear ones to minister at this altar of love. In Thy goodness hast Thou given them to us and Thou callest them to the eternal home when in Thine infinite wisdom it seemeth best. Thou hast implanted within us an immortal hope, which speaks comfortingly to our hearts, that though the body, which is of the earth, returns to the earth, the spirit, which is of Thee, returns to Thee, to live for ever. Yea, even in this world our beloved still live with us; the yearning of our hearts tells us that true love never dies. Help us to make the memory of our dear ones a lasting inspiration and to consecrate the thoughts of then, through noble deeds and loving service. With bowed heads and mourning hearts, yet with abiding faith in Thy justice and lovingkindness. we sanctify Thy name. 128 EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY (Mourners rise) Minister - Extolled and hallowed be the name of God through. out the world which He has created, and which He governs according to His righteous will. Just is He in all His ways, and wise are all His decrees. May His kingdom come and His will be done in all the earth. Congregation Praised be the Lord of life, the righteous Judge for eVermore. Minister Whatsoever praise we would render unto God, how. soever we would adore the Most High, we would yet fail to give the glory due to His great name. Even in the hour of bereavement and sorrow, we feel the majesty of God and would give thanks for His manifold mercies. Congregation: Amen. Minister To the departed whom we now remember, may peace and bliss be granted in life eternal. May they find grace and mercy before the Lord of heaven and earth. May their souls rejoice in that ineffable good which God has laid up for those who fear Him, and may their memory be a blessing unto those who treasure it. Congregation: Amen. Minister May the Father of peace send peace to all who mourn, and comfort all the bereaved among us. Congregation: Amen. (Mourners are seated" EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 129 (Mourners rise) Minister sºn-i spºya .siºn Fºy Vipnº ºn. |iºpiº inºri, .mni-ºp Tºny Hmy-5 .nº-p ſpº sºya .7879, nº-º- ºrº c. ** .sp?y pºw” Bºy”. Tºp sin Fry sº Minister spinn ppi-nº Tsºn, Harºl Tan, T-a syTipº Firy ºn Hºynn Tºny sprawn snºwn sp2-hº ºp sºvº sin :ps inns sp?y: Tºpps" .sqpn. -lºns- p-'75-'79).spºt; 29, 28-y: 99 sºpm ºns" sp?y ºriº ship spºm san :ps inps, syns, spy snº BT Tº prºm “zyl irºy .Bºrn spy-p sºn spº sº. - :ps inns' .7sº *zy Divy Tyg' sºn ..."pinna Biºw Tºy :Ips inps].”s prº-'zy (Mourners are seated) 130 EVENING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY CLOSING HYMN Give glory to the living God, and praise God who reigneth beyond the end of days. Thou only One, who is like unto Thee! Beyond man's ken throughout eternity. Bodied not in figure, in form not found, No living thing Thy holiness can sound. Thou wastere the world its grandeur began, Nor lies it with time Thy being to span. God of the universe, source of all light, Thy works all reveal Thy glory and might. The power prophetic Thy word to make clear, Gavest Thou unto those to Thy service drawn near, Like unto Moses no prophet has been, Who more than all men Thy glory has seen. Through Thy faithful servants, the prophets, O Lord, Didst Thou Thy message of truth accord. Neither God nor His law will ever change, Throughout all time will they endlessly range. From Him there is nothing veiled or concealed From beginning to end, all things are revealed. Both the just and the unjust their portion receive: None faileth; none can Omniscience deceive. In His own time, in His appointed way Will come His salvation for which we pray. He redeems the dead to life that endeth never, Praised be His name for ever and ever. BENEDICTION EVENING SERVICE FOR AT ONEMENT DAY 131 CLOSING HYMN *s ny I's sºp, many) ºn B'nº's 9-y :inisºn fini-Tisº Flip's Du Bºwl.i.Triº Triº's TIS iny prºstings”. Thirs ºn pºſiº’s nºsº I's livsh.sºn, Tys intº TipTP :inºsº in-ºp, inº-, mini -girº, Bºy its in in-SEminºp ºs-ºs in instal vºy "ns pºp sºn, Ty Typº '7sºn up s” :inºpf :in a ps, is a Tºy.ºsipy” injnps nºtin :inº Bºy” in Tºp sºlºs: Fºr, sº :inp-ſpin -ij- Flip'º pap.” Inp yTin Tºix inyºn; yºlygºnii.ivyāpā-priº's', ºpil :inyº-ºwn"nº Bºlyn-Epp, ºpºrº, :inºrin Hy-Ty"Ty Tina Alpini yº, B'ziy ºr BENEDICTION Morning Service for the Day of Atonement MEDITATION In this hour of self-inquiry, I lift up my soul unto . Thee, O God and Father. Bowed down by the conscious- ness of my sins, I come into Thy benign presence, O most righteous Judge, and approach Thy holy throne. . Thou hast given me understanding to distinguish be- tween good and evil and hast revealed to me Thy com- mandments that I may do Thy will. Often have I dis- regarded Thy word and strayed from Thy paths. Though Thou hast illumined my soul with the light of truth yet I have chosen to walk in darkness. Whither shall I go from Thy spirit, O God, and whither shall I flee from Thy presence? Distance can not separate me from Thee, Darkness can not hide me from Thine all-seeing eye. But there is one refuge left for me, one hope to sustain me. I shall hide myself in the shadow of Thy mercy, I shall look for shelter under the wings of Thy grace; for Thy forbearance is everlasting and Thy love endureth for ever. Thou dost not desire the death of the sinner, but dost graciously accept him when he returns to Thee with a 134 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY contrite heart. Never dost Thou banish Thy repenting child from before Thy presence. Forgive my sins, O merciful Father! May I find tran- quility for my troubled soul. May no false pride blind me to my failings and shortcomings. Grant that I may *lot appear righteous in mine own sight. Help me to look into my heart and thus come to know myself. Let me seek and find reconciliation with those of my fellowmen whom I have grieved. May I be worthy of their re- newed affection and confidence. Remove malice and hatred from my heart against those who wish me ill. Let Thy love inspire me to forgive willingly those who have wronged me. May I be reconciled, Lord, to Thee, to myself, and to all my fellowmen. O Thou, who art the loving Father of all, hear my prayer, and in Thy mercy answer me. Amen. MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 135 Choir Bºy IITs The Lord of all did reign supreme Ere yet this world was made and formed When all was finished by His will, Then was His name as King proclaimed. And should these forms no more exist, He still will rule in majesty. He was, He is, He shall remain; His glory never shall decrease. And one is He, and none there is To be compared or joined to Him. He ne'er began, and ne'er will end, To Him belongs dominion's power. He is my God, my living God; To Him I flee when tried in grief; My banner high, my refuge strong, Who hears and answers when I call. My spirit I commit to Him, My body, too, and all I prize, Both when I sleep and when I wake; He is with me, I shall not fear. 136 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT . DAY . Minister Tintº Tº How goodly are Thy tents, O Jacob, Thy dwellings, O Israel. I rejoiced when they said unto me, Come, let us go unto the house of the Lord. O Lord, I love the place of Thy house, and the abode in which Thy glory dwelleth. I bend my knee before Thee, O King, and extol Thy name. Receive graciously my prayer on this Day of Atonement, O Thou, who weighest all the deeds of men and knowest all their thoughts. Be merciful to me, O Father, and hear my supplica- tions, my Rock and my Redeemer. Congregation: Amen. Minister Howl 'nº's My God, the soul which Thou hast given unto me came pure from Thee. Thou hast created it; Thou hast formed it; Thou hast breathed it into me; Thou hast preserved it in this body and, at the appointed time, Thou wilt take it from this earth that it may enter upon life everlasting. While the soul animates my being I will worship Thee, Sovereign of the world and Lord of all souls. Praised be Thou, O Lord, in whose hands are the souls of all the living and the spirits of all flesh. Congregation: Amen. MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 137 Minister pºpºlyn 95 man Lord of all worlds! Not in reliance upon righteous- ness or merit in ourselves do we lay our supplications before Thee, but trusting in Thine infinite mercy alone. For what are we, what is our life, what our goodness, what our power? What can we say in Thy presence? Are not all the mighty men as nought before Thee, and those of great renown as though they had never been; the wisest, as if without knowledge, and men of under- standing as if without discernment? Many of our works are vain, and Our days pass away like a shadow. Our life would be altogether vanity, were it not for the soul which, fashioned in Thine own image, gives us assurance of our higher destiny, and imparts to our fleeting days an abiding value. Minister and Congregation Help us, O our God, to banish from our hearts all pride and vain-glory, all confidence in worldly possessions, all Self-sufficient leaning upon our own reason. Fill us with the spirit of meekness and the grace of modesty, that we may become wise in the fear of Thee. May we never forget that all we have and prize is but lent to us, a trust for which we must render account to Thee. O heavenly Father, put into our hearts the love and fear of Thee, that we may consecrate our lives to Thy serv- ice and glorify Thy name in the eyes of all men. 138 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Responsive Reading (I Chronicles xvi) | Minister Give thanks unto the Lord, Call upon His name; make known His doings among the peoples. Congregation Sing unto Him, sing praises unto Him; speak ye of all His marvelous works. - Glory ye in His holy name; let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord. Seek ye the Lord and His strength; seek His face con- tinually. Remember His marvelous works that He hath done, His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth; O ye seed of Israel, His servant, ye children of Jacob, His chosen ones. He is the Lord our God; His judgments are in all the earth. Remember His covenant for ever, the word which He commanded to a thousand generations; The covenant which He made with Abraham, and His oath unto Isaac; And He established it unto Jacob for a statute; to Israel for an everlasting covenant. He suffered no man to do them wrong, yea, for their sake He reproved kings: Touch not Mine anointed ones, and do My prophets no harm. Sing unto the Lord, all the earth; proclaim. His salva- tion from day to day. Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous works among all the peoples. MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 139 Responsive Reading (I Chronicles xvi) :ynºy Bºy: y Tin.ipºn isºp º Tin :wnsºn imp.iºn-priº -my ... pp2p nº ripp.iºmp Dyn iºnſ ..Tº ſº ºpa.iv., " ºn- :*TF-tºpp, Pºp.npy Tys "nsºlinº : "In app. ii.i.Thy psy, yn, : 'tºp PTST2:...irriºs º sin :-i-. Fºsº my -ij- in-la Hºiyº -51 :pſº invºngh.D.Tasºns nº nys :nºiy nº-inºsº.pnº appº Typg) :Dºn DIT'zy Hºin .nppy” ºs', Tºrrs? :ly TF-7s 'salai.” Twp., ivºr ºs :inyº; Bi-ºs-Diºp ºnly; ..?"Sº Yº -ºp : "nsº Bºyſ-ºn iTiniºns nila Tºp 140 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY For great is the Lord and highly to be praised; He also is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the people are things of nought; but the Lord made the heavens. Honor and majesty are before Him; strength and glad- ness are in His place. Ascribe unto the Lord, ye kindreds of the peoples, * ascribe unto the Lord glory and strength. Ascribe unto the Lord the glory due unto His name; bring an offering, and come before Him; Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Tremble before Him, all the earth; the world also is established, that it cannot be moved. Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice; and let them say among the nations: The Lord reigneth. Let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof; let the field exult, and all that is therein. Then shall the trees of the wood sing for joy, before the Lord, for He is come to judge the earth. O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy endureth for ever. Choir Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting even to everlasting; and all the people said: Amen, and praised the Lord. MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 141 :D'Hºsºy sinsºn.-spºny bi-Hº impy ºpy ºl.nºs Bºyſ, "nºsº; ºn :ippº, mTT ty.Tº TTT Tim :ry, Tin: º inj.Bºy niñEppº an Air FºrT.Yº sº. Tipisy.jpy Tini º lar - :w-p-n-Tºa wº :tiºn-2a war, liºn-Fls. Pºsſ-23 Tºp ºr :Tºp º Bila inps) . FIST ºn pºpyri ripp, fin-nys”? Tyn yºg. .isºn, Bºn By-p "ns bispº sº"? ... Pºp Twº ºxy ºn, is :*TSI) * IT ºr :i-pr; B'ziy; ; .niº ºf ºz Tin Choir ..pºiyº-yı Hºiyūrīp.ºsºp; 'It's T-3 :* ºn ps.Pyrrº inns) 142 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Minister Happy are they that dwell in Thy house, they are ever praising Thee. Congregation - Happy are they who thus know Him; happy is the people whose God is the Lord. (Psalm czlv) I will extol Thee, my God, O King; and I will bless Thy name for ever and ever. s Every day will I bless Thee; and I will praise Thy name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord, and highly to be praised; and His greatness is unsearchable. One generation shall laud Thy works to another, and shall declare Thy mighty acts. The glorious splendor of Thy majesty, and Thy wond- rous works, will I rehearse. And men shall speak of the might of Thy tremendous acts; and I will tell of Thy greatness. They shall utter the fame of Thy great goodness, and shall sing of Thy righteousness. The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. The Lord is good to all; and His tender mercies are over all His works. All Thy works shall praise Thee, O Lord; and Thy saints shall bless Thee. They shall speak of the glory of Thy kingdom, and talk of Thy might; To make known to the sons of men His mighty acts, and the glory of the majesty of His kingdom. MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 143 Minister and Congregation :Tºp Tººrſ. Tiy in a ºi nºs :Triº's y Dyſ Tys.iº Tºy Dyn Tys (Psalm czlv) :Tylºiyº Tyriºsi.Tº. Hibs ºppins :-yı Bºyº Tºwnºis.iºns Biºz :-P psinº Tºl.-spººn, ºil, : Tº Thºman. Twyn Haw; -i-, -i-. :Tºys Tºsºl in T.T.Tin Tin: Tri :THEpsinº inps' "psºil nig, :lign: ThDTX].`y'7: Thibºl ºf :-prº D’Es Tis.; Dirty ºr :yyypº-ºw "prin).95: º aid :Hºly TT'pril. Tyytyviº º Tºſi, :*-a-T in-hº.inps’ ºn-ºp Tin; imsºn-in-tapiºnimalaisºnºv Tinº 144 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Thy kingdom is a kingdom for all ages, and Thy do- minion endureth throughout all generations. The Lord upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all those that are bowed down. The eyes of all wait for Thee, and Thou givest them their food in due season. Thou openest Thy hand, and satisfiest every living thing with favor. The Lord is righteous in all His ways, and gracious in all His works. - The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon Him, to all that call upon Him in truth. He will fulfil the desire of them that fear Him; He also will hear their cry and will save them. The Lord preserveth all them that love Him; but all the wicked will He destroy. My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord; and let all flesh bless His holy name for ever and ever. Let us praise the Lord henceforth and for ever. Choir Amen, Hallelujah. Minister (Psalm czlvi) Hallelujah. Praise the Lord, O my soul. Congregation I will praise the Lord while I live; I will sing praises unto my God while I have my being. Put not your trust in princes nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 145 -i-I-75; Thºrppi.nſpºy-23 ni-'ºpini-ºp :--n :Bºrº FPin.Bºrrº y Tpip :iny: :lix.) T-25% vºyº. Tºns Inie :yyypºpa TDIT, ..."; TI-95; pºts :nps: imsºp, -lys 25: ..)"s-p-'25" " -inp :Dyvinypy. Dnyw-ns.Tyg: 'sº-lix- :-Try Bºyy-T-75 ns ºr sºns : ºpiº pºiyº-pay-pāº; Than. E-ma-Tºnººn :-Ty] :Fºr Bºiy-iv] Tºwn F. Thai Airls, Choir Amen, Hallelujah. Minister and Congregation (Psalm cylvi) :Hiſtºns ºf, ºn Fºr :"Tiya Hºsº. Tipis.ºrſ: Tin Hºrs :myºn º-psy ETST2:...nº-Ila intºn's 146 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAVI His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his dust; in that very day his thoughts perish. Happy is he whose help is the God of Jacob, Whose hope is in the Lord his God, Who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is; who keepeth truth for ever. Who executeth justice for the oppressed; who giveth bread to the hungry. The Lord looseth the prisoners; the Lord openeth the eyes of the blind; The Lord raiseth up them that are bowed down, the Lord loveth the righteous. The Lord preserveth the strangers; he upholdeth the fatherless and the widow. Choir The Lord will reign for ever; thy God, O Zion, unto all generations. Hallelujah. (Psalm cºlvii) Minister Hallelujah. For it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant, and praise is comely. Congregation God healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. He counteth the number of the stars; He giveth them all their names. Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His under. standing is infinite. The Lord upholdeth the humble; He bringeth the wicked down to the ground. MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 147 Ths siſtſ, Diº inºis? alº imin sºr - : "pinyº :Triº's ºy inny inlyā apgºsy nºs "pºri.D., Tysºns ºrns. Pºnymy Tºp!.D'ayn, Dr. In).pply? Dºwn my :Bºbs :Bp-Tº: aris; .n'EEE Flp!...Dºnly rips: TT .TTy; Tºs Bin Hºrns now . :ny" D'yº)". Choir e tº :Fºn-n-Hº ſix Triºs pºiyº y Tºm, Minister and Congregation (Psalm cºlvii) ms, Bºy!"; ºriº's Tº aid"; Tºp :Hºrn :Dniaxy” warpl.-2 ºngº sºilſ, :sºp nipp Bºº..nº ºpp Tin :-Eppi's injianº.H2--Tiri-Is 'wit :FTS-Ty Bºyyn "Byp.mit. Hºly TTyn 148 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Sing unto the Lord with thanksgiving, sing praises upon the harp unto our God; Who covereth the heaven with clouds, who prepareth rain for the earth, who maketh the mountains to spring with grass. He giveth to the beast his food, and to the young ravens which cry. He delighteth not in the strength of the horse; He taketh no pleasure in the power of a man. The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear Him, in those that wait for His mercy: Glorify the Lord, O Jerusalem; praise thy God, O Zion. For He hath made strong the bars of thy gates; He hath blessed thy children within thee. He maketh thy borders peace; He giveth thee in plenty the fat of the wheat. He sendeth out His commandment upon earth; His word runneth very swiftly. He giveth snow like wool, He scattereth the hoar-frost like ashes. He casteth forth His ice like crumbs; who can stand before His cold? He sendeth forth His word, and melteth them; He causeth His wind to blow, and the waters flow. He declareth His word unto Jacob, His statutes and His ordinances unto Israel. He hath not dealt so with any nation; and as for His ordinances, they have not known them. Hallelujah. e ‘ Choir Amen, Hallelujah. MORNING SERVICE For ATONEMENT DAY - 149 :-iºn ºriºsº ºp. Tina Hintº ing ITpx?IT. Tºp PTS: TºpT.D'ayan pyrºpſ :-gº anº asºp, -lys any inº.mpſ. Hymnº ini, :Hy-T ºsſi piºn-sp.??IT pipinº-In sº :i-prº pºrppººns.”sºns Hin, mixin :lig Triºs ºn Timºns Bºn Hay :Taipā Tº Tha Tyy IT-lapſ ºf :Tyay, Bºn Hºn.Divy Tºni Dyn :i-in- ºn, Hºrry-ty. Pºs in-ps Hºrſ :-P - Ps: Ti57."p;3 lºy nin :-ſpy; pin-p "lºº.B'FE3 in-lp Tºp :nººp in-lay.Epºni-Trºy, !ºsnº pºp, "pri.jpg” ----|-Tip :Fºn.ByTººHººp.ºrºlºnyy sº Choir Amen, Hallelujah, 150 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY (Psalm cylviii) Minister Hallelujah. Praise ye the Lord from the heavens; praise Him in the heights. º ſ Congregation Praise ye Him, all His angels; praise ye Him, all His hosts. - Praise ye Him, sun and moon, praise Him, all ye stars of light. Praise Him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that are above the heavens. Let them praise the name of the Lord; for He comman- ded, and they were created. He hath also established them for ever and ever; He hath made a decree which shall not be trans- gressed. Praise the Lord from the earth, ye sea-monsters, and all deeps; Fire and hail, snow and vapor, stormy wind, fulfill- ing H's word; Mountains, and all hills, fruitful trees, and all cedars; Beasts, and all cattle, creeping things, and winged fowl; Kings of the earth and all peoples, princes and all judges of the earth; Both young men and maidens, old men and children; Let them praise the name of the Lord, for His name alone is exalted; His glory is above the earth and heaven. And He hath lifted up a horn for His people, a praise for all His saints. - MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 151 (Psalm cºlviii) :Epi-palmºn.png|Tipºnsºn.Frºm : "six-25 mººn.jºsºp”; mººn :-is "iziº mººn.Th., vºy mººn :Dºppºſ”yp-lys Bºrn.nºpyri ºpy mºn :Islam T3 sinº.T.T. Bºrns ºr :-ing, sº Hypſi.nziyº Twº DTrºgn :niprin-75) pºin.pºsſip Tirſºns ºn :i-in-iriyy Typ m-l.-hippi 79 Tºws :BTS-75 -P Py.nly;”; Bi-T) :FP Tiexi wºn. Tº TTT :yns ºrº Bºy.Hºpsºl Pºsºp :nºwrūy Hºpi.niºnin-Hº Dºria *y iTin jiຠinpapy": ... Dºrns ºn. - :Bºy PTS 152 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Even for the children of Israel, a people near unto Him. Hallelujah. Choir Amen, Hallelujah. Minister (Psalm xxxiv) - I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall con- tinually be in my mouth. Congregation - My soul shall glory in the Lord; the humble shall hear thereof and be glad. O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together. * I sought the Lord, and He answered me, and deli. vered me from all my fears. They looked unto Him, and were radiant; and their faces shall never be abashed. - This poor man cried, and the Lord heard, and saved him from all his troubles. The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them. O consider and see that the Lord is good; happy is the man that taketh refuge in Him. O fear the Lord, ye His holy ones; for there is no want to them that fear Him. Come, ye children, hearken unto me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord. Who is the man that desireth life, and loveth days, that he may see good therein?’ Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speak- ing guile. MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 153 ºsy, in ºpprº Hºrn.jpg, in Enn :Flººn in-p by Choir Amen, Hallelujah. (Psalm xxxiv) :'En inºrin Top.nyºn Timºns HP-lis :Impº. By lymp.º. ººrinn Tita : Tipp Hºping ºns Hiſtº ºl, :*::Fi ni-myºp.ºy. Hiſtºns "nºn- :-Prſ.”s prºjF). Tº Yºsipºn iyyin "ning-ºp.jpy Tinti s-p ‘ly n! :Exºn) is nº avap Tint-isºp H|n :i-TipT -ij-, -lys. Tin -ito-2 isºm py” :*s-, -ionin ps': Tº Tp Timºns isºl, -95 inpriºrs. Hiſt, pºt ingº ºn 5'-pº; :-lit) :Dp-pºs : ns.” hypy pºli is: :aib nisº ºp; aris.Bºn PBIT wsſ"m impºp main THEy.yºp Tiw” -is: 154 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it. The eyes of the Lord are towards the righteous, and His ears are open unto their cry. They cried, and the Lord heard, and delivered them out of all their troubles. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart and saveth such as are of a contrite spirit. Many are the ills of the righteous, but the Lord deli- vereth him out of them all. Choir The Lord redeemeth the soul of His servants; and none of them that take refuge in Him shall be desolate. (Psalm xxxiii) Minister Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous, praise is comely for the upright. Congregation Give thanks unto the Lord with harp, sing praises unto Him with the psaltery of ten strings. For the word of the Lord is upright; and all His work is done in faithfulness. He loveth righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the lovingkindness of the Lord. By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the hosts of them by the breath of His mouth. He gathered the waters of the sea together as a heap; He layeth up the deeps in storehouses. Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 155 : HET) Biºy ºpa.nity"Tyy] yºpºp :nnyly-'ºsi"Is).npºx-º's Tint ºv :nº rºsp nº.91 ºn Tint ºf :Bºxi Dºiny-ºp.wpy Titi pyx :yyi. In-sº-Tns.--Tagº. Hiſt, simp :TrT ºx: Hºpi.p. ix niyn nian :Tay, sº Trip nºis. 'nipxy-75 "pº :hops, p"Tº sº). Tyn yy) nnipH Choir :ia D'pim[Tºpps, sº). Tºgº, Tit. Tie Minister and Congregation (Psalm xxxiii) ;Hºnn ms tº ºn tºpºg ºn :---.pl nivy ºn.-ija º Tin :Hyº-ină în lapſ." T Ty i Ty :Tºpsa iſ pyrºl. Tit-in-i-º, 2 :PTST Tsºp TT TPI.DPºp ITTY HITs :nsix-'7: TE Tºni.ivy, ºpy --Ti, :nipinn ninyish Ini.ºn "p Tº Dº :*in ºil-25 in); ºpp. Pºsſº ºp is nº 156 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY For He spoke, and it was; He commanded, and it stood. The counsel of the Lord standeth for ever; the thoughts of His heart to all generations. Happy is the nation whose God is the Lord; the people whom He hath chosen for His own inhe- ritance. The Lord looketh from heaven; He beholdeth all the Sons of men; He that fashioneth the hearts of them all, that con- sidereth all their doings. A king is not saved by the multitude of a host, a mighty man is not delivered by great strength. Behold the eye of the Lord is toward them that fear Him, toward them that wait for His mercy. To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine. Our soul hath waited for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. For in Him doth our heart rejoice, because we have trusted in His holy name. Choir Let Thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, according as we have waited for Thee. Minister (Psalm xix) The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firma- ment showeth His handiwork. Congregation Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night revealeth knowledge. MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 157 :-pgnºsiſ. In ºps sinº, :D'py ninwrip sºn.nianxy TER :-T-Tºia, ni-wrip.-byn Hºlyº ºngy :iº Hºrli. Tº Dyn. 'Riº's ºng's in ºng's :DTST ºn-ºrns HST ... waſ ºpyn :PTSI ºil-25 vs.Tym inny-lioºp :DITygp-25-2s papri.Laº T -ixºn :rº-innºx, sº -in.ºrſ-in-layyil Tºni's :tºp; sº iºn ann.nyºnº pipH ºpy :i-prº pºrppº "snº's y Ty Him :-yº Dniºn”.nyEl nippº :sin ºpi ºnly.” Thiſ ºl : Tºniº TE Dyn 2.11a* Tºp, in-2 Choir :* ºr ngs: ºy Tipp II. Minister and Congregation. (Psalm xix) Tºp TT, Tygrº .2s-Tini Bºpp ºpyri :y"pºn inyi Tr. Hºº Hºn.-ips yº: Biº Di. 158 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY There is no speech, there are no words, neither is their voice heard. - Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath He set a tent for the sun, which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber; And rejoiceth, as a strong man, to run his course. His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it; And there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul; The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever; The ordinances of the Lord are true, they are righteous altogether; More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold; sweeteralso than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover, by them is Thy servant warned; in keep- ing of them there is great reward. Who can discern errors?ClearThoumefrom hidden faults. Keep back Thy servant also from presumptuous sins that they may not have dominion over me; Then shall I be faultless, and I shall be clear from great transgression. Choir - Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable before Thee, O Lord. my Rock and my Reedemer. MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 159 :Bºip ypg), "ºn.Bºnil's "ps I’s wpºz.DT'ºp'an Tºpai.npsy; PTST'ºn :DITF 77s By inns Pinº -ian wº.inp"p ski Inſ; sim I's Dmixp”y inºpni is;ip ºpyri IIxpp - inſprºp hºp] .Typs; nity .º na'yn . TypI, ºn-lin :"nº nºnp nº’sp.may nixp.--Typ.tºp. Tipp :Dºy .nps ºpp Twº n-ſpiy Tintº ns", : Tº p-ty nº watp D'pinpi.am Hºpi Hºp n'Tºry :D'Eix an=py Hºppä.ET, TT, Tivº :*p, ninpºp."::"pnis"? .D)'s is ºn-lººp. 7s. Tiny Tºri B'Tºp H, := | yºp 'n'P) Choir - ºx : Tº a liºn ºps ſign, "T *siy 160 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Minister Every living soul shall praise Thee, O Lord; the spirit of all flesh shall glorify Thy name. Thou art God from everlasting to everlasting and besides Thee there is no redeemer nor savior. Thou art the first and the last, the Lord of all generations. Thou rulest the world in kindness and all Thy creatures in mercy. Thou art our guardian who sleepest not and slumberest not. To Thee alone we give thanks. And though our lips should overflow with song, and our tongues with joyous praise, we would still be unable to thank Thee even for a thousandth part of the bounties which Thou hast bestowed upon our fathers and upon us. Thou hast been our protector and our savior in every trial and peril. Thy mercy has watched over us, and Thy lovingkindness has never failed us. Praised be Thy holy name. Thou hast made Thine eternal law our portion, and hast given us a goodly heritage. Thou didst appoint us to proclaim Thy truth unto the nations and to win them for Thy law of righteousness. Sanctify us for the service to which Thou hast called us, O heavenly Father, that Thy name may be hallowed through us in all the world. Gather all Thy children around Thy banner of truth, that Thy praise may resound from one end of the earth to the other, and that the entire human family may be blessed with truth and peace. Choir: Amen. MORNING SERVICE - FOR ATONEMENT DAY 161 Minister mill.irriºs º ºppºns in ºn TI-25 hpy, Tr) :Tºº lººp T-int Epiºn, -siºn -wi-y; ilº I's "Ty"ap.ºs Hºs Eziyū-Ty B'ziyū Briºn. DITEn, ºxy Tie gºin' ºsi, Tºp :ITEs sºs Tºp sº I's .mpix. Tº nyºn Tºrſå inºiy Tinn.nninrisºn Bºiºsº, riºs 19s :B.Tip ºns Taº Hº Bºnna ºniº .*, Tipº Tin jº nº Tºy sºn ºf *ITS lºs .9"p" ºr Tºp5 mily ºrninHºy, .ºrnias "riºs ºjºs y + ni-Tinº ºp'Epp :ºpy irnins-Dy ºpyy niniºn”?”y ...]"TE D-Tºy nap, lyriºs º lºss ºpp ilºxi anſ]p ºn???? vinylº Alſº avºi, : In” Pºps! Bºyn Bºrip, .ºlntºn Tºp “’s Tºr inny-sºl. TºpT in Ty ITI-Ty Tây) ºn 12-ºv :rix: Priº's ºf 9s.” This Tina Tºp Dyns Tim Tsºn its .nisTimºſ ºs .nirºyna with Tºp ºn 9s Tºp Tºp Twº ºrian nisºn choir Amen. :D"pºly; 162 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY (Congregation rises) Minister Praise ye the Lord to whom all praise is due. Choir and Congregation Praised be the Lord to whom all praise is due for ever and ever. (Congregation is seatéd) Minister Praised be Thou, O Lord our God, Ruler of the world, who in Thy mercy makest light to shine over the earth and all its inhabitants, and renewest daily the work of creation. How manifold are Thy works, O Lord! In wisdom hast Thou made them all; the earth is full of Thy possessions. The heavens declare Thy glory, and the firmament showeth Thy handiwork. Thou formest light and darkness, ordainest good out of evil, and bringest harmony into nature and peace to the heart of man. - With great love hast Thou loved us, O our God, and with exceeding compassion hast Thou borne with us. Our fathers believed and trusted in Thee; therefore didst Thou teach them the laws of life, and show them the way of wisdom. We beseech Thee, O merciful Father, to grant us discernment, that we may under- stand and fulfil all the teachings of Thy word. Make us gladly obedient to Thy commandments and fill our hearts with love and reverence for Thee. In Thee we put our trust; we rejoice and delight in Thy help, for MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 163 (Congregation rises) Minister :Tapſ, ºrns on: Choir and Congregation :-yı Hºiyº Tapi º T-3 (Congregation is seated) -is -si-.pºlyn Tºp lyriºs y Tºs T-7 :25II-ns snin) Divy Tºy Tyr shinº iniºn.Bºrina Tºy B'Tº Pºsº Tsºn la-Tip in vs-in-Tygp Tom Bi-25+ virp pºsſ Tsºp.npy Tºſh Bº ... Tºgp .T.T. Tºgº Hay”y lyriºs º Tann Tºp mºs T-2. Tºp Tº ºpy is"-lism ºv. e :ni-isºn -gi º Hºi-I, Hºpſ, Ariºs º lipiſs Tan Tºſs łynias maga. Pºpºns.”y Hºpſ. Tº : Tºni ºn 12.nºr prinTºn]...in intºny TT). Thigpa liaº pain. Innină îryx -is: Bºiyº win, sº .7py TST? This? inniº 164 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 2. with Thee alone is salvation. Thou hast called us as teachers of Thy law; Thou hast chosen us for a holy mission unto mankind; therefore do we joyfully lift up our voices and proclaim Thy unity. Praised be Thou, O God, who hast chosen Thy people Israel in love. (Congregation rises) Minister, then Choir and Congregation Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One. Praised be His name whose glorious kingdom is for ever and ever. (Congregation is seated) Minister Thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be upon thy heart. Thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt speak of them when thou sittest in thy house, when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thy hand, and they shall be for frontlets between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the doorposts of thy house and upon thy gates: - To the end that ye may remember and do all My commandments and be holy unto your God. I am the Lord vour God. MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 165 Tºwn tº . Tº Tºp Dyn º Ty) Hºrſ: in Tris niyiv. ºvie vs 2.759 via * ni-Tinº .nps: Hºp Wi-Tº ºpy” innip iny: Tiān º Tris Tina .Tºrsi. Tº :Tºsh 7sº (Congregation rises) Minister, then Choir and Congregation :-Iris Tin Priº's Tin, ºsmy; yoy :-Ty, Eziyº ini-ºp Tin: By Tº (Congregation is seated) Minister Tºrºn. Thiº-25: Triº's ns Firs ºis -lys mºst nº-In TT :Tspºn .D., F.T.T. Tº Drººl:Tºy Diºr, Txp. :-plphi Târgº TTT2 TF577. Tº Thay: :Tºy a nEºbº ºn.TT-zy nis? Dºnyº - :Twº ºn": nirºy Dºnniº Dººm 'ſixty-ºns Envy) ºn Twp. ‘Eyriºs º is :Dynºsº Bºi-p 166 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Responsive Reading Minister Truth eternal and unchanging is Thy word which Thou hast spoken through Thy prophets. Congregation Thou art the living God, Thy words bring life and light to the soul. Thou art the strength of our life, the rock of our salva- tion; Thy kingdom and Thy truth abide for eVer. Thou hast been the help of our fathers in time of trouble and art our refuge in all generations. Thou art the first and the last, and besides Thee there is no redeemer nor helper. As Thou hast saved Israel from Egyptian bondage, so mayest Thou send Thy help to all who are oppressed. May Thy law rule in the hearts of all Thy children, and Thy truth unite them in bonds of fellowship. May the righteous of all nations rejoice in Thy power and exult in Thy grace. O God, who art our refuge and our hope, we glorify Thy name now as did our fathers in ancient days: Choir Who is like unto Thee, O God, among the mighty? Who is like unto Thee, glorious in holiness, extolled in praises, working wonders? MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 167 Responsive Reading :lly” lip-py: mix.lipºp B'ziy 'nºs.nps ini-ºp, Epipºn ap sin -i-, -i-.” :nºp Twº inpps, Twº B'Tººl Bºps, .Bºp! ºr "Tº T. :Hºly pºiyº y"pip, ºp B'ziyp sin Tºls ºrnias nºiſy :-i-m-i-I-95; Dºris Bºrja'- That innini Trixº yopy vs Tys :ia”y nºw, .ilnyº Tix Ayiºs : sin Tºsy .nps :Tºr Bºiºs I's .ipy Hºlyp.ºx.p. in Tip Tyºap...inris sin Tºs, liºs" sin Tºs :yyip vsia Tºp sº I's B'Tºg nap lyriºs º lººs, Bºxºn :lly"TH :*s pºin. Bºris inity nsrºy • * • Choir . º vipa TTs, Tºp; p ... nºs: Tºppºn :sº-Tºy nºrth sni. 168 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Minister When Thy children beheld Thy sovereign power, they exclaimed: This is my God. Choir The Lord shall reign for ever and ever. Minister O Rock of Israel, redeem those that are oppressed, and deliver those that are persecuted. Praised be Thou, our Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel. Choir: Amen. Minister Praised be Thou, O Lord our God, God of our fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, great, mighty and revered God. Thou, O Most High, bestowest lovingkindness upon all Thy creatures; Thou rememberest the good- ness of the fathers, and in love Thou bringest redemp- tion to their descendants for the sake of Thy name. Remember us unto life, O King, who delightest in life, and inscribe us in the book of life, for Thy sake, O God of life. Thou, O King, art our helper, savior and pro- tector. Praised be Thou, O Lord, Shield of Abraham. Thou art mighty for ever, O Lord: Thou aboundest in salvation. In lovingkindness Thou sustainest the living, in the multitude of Thy mercies Thou quickenest all, Thou upholdest the falling, healest the sick and loosest the bound. Thou wilt fulfill Thy promise of immortal life unto those who sleep in the dust. MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 169 Minister :i-ins ly *s T.T.J. is] impºp Choir and Congregation :-ty, Bºy” iºn: . Minister - : ºsa .9819, nºnſyn Tºp ..?sy, Hix ºs; , Tºs T-in .ºsºp, witpip; .nisix Choir: Amen. : ºsmy. Minister 'nº's ºrnias "nºs yiºs º Tºs T-2 witH 787 -py: 'nº's prix: "It's pºlis .nzio B'Tºr ºpi ji”y 7s sººn Tiain * Hºs, sºap.nins Tºri ->in 95.7 mp) :rºrism io9 lºgº BITIn Tºp: lºny).nºrſº PET, Tºp.nºr'; 175] yºip, Tiy Tºp :nºn Bºrº's Tyrº Bºrº :EThis pº y Tris Tina Hº ºn gºinº an "is Bºyº -ia, Tºs Tpip.plan Hºrna ºn Trip Tºrſå Bºr nippi Dºlps Tºp, nº in spin ºil 170. MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Who is like unto Thee, Almighty God, Author of life and death, Source of salvation? Who is like unto Thee, O merciful Father, who re- memberest Thy children unto life? Praised be Thou, O Lord, who hast implanted within us immortal life. SAINCTIFICATION (Congregation rises) We hallow Thy name on earth, even as it is hallowed in heaven; and in the words of the prophet we say: Choir and Congregation Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory. Minister God our strength, God our Lord, how excellent is Thy name in all the earth! Choir and Congregation In all places of Thy dominion, Thy name is praised and glorified. Minister Our God is One; He is our Father; He is our King; He is our Helper; and in His mercy He will answer our prayers in the sight of all the living. Choir and Congregation The Lord will reign for ever, thy God, O Zion, from generation to generation. Hallelujah! (Congregation is seated) MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 171 "p, .nimal ºv; Hip: p.-Ey ly": inºps :nyiv, Ippxp) .Trip, nº Tºp Tº Tipi- Dºriº 1'-px. ºil .Bºriſ, as Tipp 'p :Hºly ºr ºpini yºi º Tºs Tina :D"prºlin sançºicatiºn inis pºppy nº.5%iyi Tºrns vip, “’s m sqpl.-Isra, Tºy ninjº.ni-pºppa :-lps. Tº Choir and Congregation Y-IST-25 sºn.nis; ; witp witp witp T tº tº :i-Ti-l:) * Minister g “25: Try Tºlstii, iiii is , lºts - is :*TS. Choir and Congregation :ipipºp º Tiniº Tina Minister .*Pºp sin ºrns sin .ºrºs sin TIs :"Tº 'py” ºr Tà lly'py, sim:lly vip sin Choir and Congregation -j-, -i-º jing Triº's Hºiyº y Tºp. - :Fºr (Congregation is seated) 172 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Minister Thou art holy, awe-inspiring is Thy name. There is no God besides Thee. As it is written, the Lord of hosts is exalted through justice, and the holy God is sanctified through righteousness. Praised be Thou, O Lord, who rulest in holiness. Minister and Congregation Our God and God of our fathers, sanctify us through Thy commandments, and let us share in the blessings of Thy law. Satisfy us with Thy goodness and gladden us with Thy salvation. Purify our hearts that we may serve Thee in truth. For Thou, O God, art truth, and Thy word endureth for ever. Praised be Thou, O Lord, who forgivest transgressions, Ruler of the world, who sanctifiest (the Sabbath,) Israel and the Day of Atonement. MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 173 Minister .*"Ty"ap Fiºs I’s ſpy still Hºs wi-p witHT vs.T. .bººpa nisix º' Fay) an: :witHT Tºpſ, º Tºs T-2 .TTXa vip, Choir: Amen. Minister and Congregation In Tºnixpm ºp.ºrnias 'nº's lyriºs uſiºn Taibº Hyap innina pºn mºs 2 .nps: Thy” ºn? Tº . Inyºn ººzy Tºp ºrniligº Hºibl ºnio Tºp …-H.37 Dinºsº Q mayº) ºpp.rº 174 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Minister Our God, and God of our fathers! Let Thy presence be manifest to us in all Thy works, so that rever- ence for Thee may fill the hearts of all Thy creatures. May all the children of men bow before Thee in humili- ty and unite to do Thy will with one heart, that all may acknowledge that Thine are power, dominion and majesty, and that Thy name is exalted above all. Grant honor, O Lord, to them that fear Thee, in- spire with courage all who wait for Thee, and fulfil the hope of all who trust in Thy name. Hasten the day that will bring gladness to all the dwellers on earth and victory of the spirit to these who bear witness to Thy unity. Then shall the just see and exult, the righteous be glad and the pious sing for joy; then shall iniquity be made dumb and all wickedness shall vanish like smoke, for the reign of evil shall have passed away from the earth. Lord, our God, may Thy kingdom come speedily, so that the worship of Thy name and obedience to Thy law may unite all men in brotherhood and peace; that every creature may know that Thou art its Creator, and every living being exclaim: The Lord, the God of Israel, ruleth and His dominion endureth for ever. Choir: Amen. MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 175 Minister inp's Tygrººviriºs: TTE Inlº mrºn Dºwgºry: Tisº nsing-Tip-2: 2y nivyºnſistis Bºwynn's-nº Tº Tibºry lyriºs; ly-tyip: Bºy anºn Tix- “23”y sºil Tºy Tyrya Tºny Tary Tºº :nslay"Tºp Tpm) T'sºn': Tºrin Høy': ' Tiny in pº *5% Hiſpy. Tº Bºrº HE Tinns, Tyniº Tºa Tºp Tºº Tipnºpy ºn 29 :*I'p; *g, pºlyn impy') is nº pºp-y pil *5) .TP-pºpp Tºiyl ºr Tºni B'T'pril TiTºnºppºign”.mºnly? Tº Typnºſ :*TSTI) anji). Twyp-2: 2y Taº º Tºs Tippm ++ ſix Triº's Hºiy; ; Tºp Hºp -īn-ſa :Fºr ºn Choir: Amen. 176 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Responsive Reading Minister º Come and let us return unto the Lord; for He hath torn, and He will heal us, He hath smitten and He will bind us up. Congregation He will revive us, and will raise us up, that we may live in His presence. Let us know, eagerly strive to know the Lord; His going forth is sure as the morning. - Return, O Israel, unto the Lord thy God, for thou hast stumbled in thine iniquity. Return unto the Lord; say unto Him: Forgive all iniquity, and accept that which is good. We will render to Thee the offerings of our lips, neither will we call any more the work of our hands our gods. * For in Thee the fatherless findeth mercy. I will ransom thee from the power of the grave; I will redeem thee from death. I will heal their back-sliding, I will love them freely; for Mine anger is turned away from them. I will be as the dew unto Israel; he shall blossom as the lily, and cast forth his roots as Lebanon. Whoso is wise, let him understand these things; whoso is prudent, let him know them. For the ways of the Lord are right, and the just do walk in them; but transgressors do stumble therein. MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 177 Wherewith shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before God on high? - It hath been told thee, O man, what is good, and what the Lord doth require of thee, only to do justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God! - Who is like Thee, O God, that pardoneth iniquity and forgiveth transgressions? He retaineth not His anger for ever, because He de- lighteth in mercy. He will again have compassion upon us; He will pardon our sins and blot out our iniquities. Thou wilt show faithfulness to Jacob, and mercy to the house of Israel, as Thou hast promised to our fathers in the days of old. Choir Turn us again to Thee, O Lord, that we may be restored; renew our life as in the days of our innocence. TMinister - I know, O Lord, that the way of man is not within his power, that it is not within him to establish his steps. Congregation Chasten me, O Lord, but in measure; not in Thine anger, lest Thou bring me to naught. O Lord, Thou knowest me; Thou hast seen me and tried my heart, whether it cleaves unto Thee, Thou, O Lord, knowest all my doings; O remember me, and have regard for me. 178 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved; for Thou art my praise. The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore do I hope in Him. The Lord is good to them that trust in Him; to the soul that seeketh Him. , & It is good that a man should quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord. It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth, that he sit alone and keep silence, since God layeth it upon him. For the Lord will not cast off for ever; though He causeth grief, yet will He have compassion. For He doth not willingly afflict the children of men; He is a merciful God. Yea, His compassion faileth not; it is new every morning; great is His faithfulness. Cometh not evil as well as good from the hand of the Most High? Wherefore then murmureth the living man? Let him murmur at his own sin. Let us search and try our ways and turn again to the Lord. - - Let us lift up our hearts unto God and say: We have sinned, we have transgressed; we have rebelled against Thy word. We acknowledge our iniquity; we have rebelled against the Lord our God. Let us seek good and not evil, that we may live: then shall the Lord, the God of hosts, be with UIS. MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 179 If thou wilt return unto Me, O Israel, saith the Lord, thou shalt stand before Me. If thou wilt separate the precious from the vile, thou shalt be My priest. I will forgive their iniquity, saith the Lord; I will remember their sin no more. Choir I, the Lord, search the heart and try the thoughts, to give to every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings. Minister Tº iTºo ºllº What is man, O God, that Thou art mindful of him, and the son of man that Thou thinkest of him? How can mortal man appear pure and blameless before Thee in whose sight even the hosts of heaven are not perfect? How can he whose life is as a passing shadow, account himself worthy to stand in Thy presence, O Thou Eternal One. Though we appear virtuous in the sight of men, yet who of us can stand before Thee who searchest the heart, to whom darkness is as light, and from whose eye nothing is hid? Thou art veiled from the eyes of all creatures; but their inmost ways lie open to Thee. Even that which shall be is known unto Thee, and Thou readest the future as Thou dost the past. As Thou seest and knowest all, so art Thou the judge of all. Who shall question Thy judgments, or who shall say to Thee, what doest Thou? Over men and nations 180 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Thou stretchest the line, and who can stay Thy mea- surements? O that man would think of this, so that he might seek that which is good, and turn from that which is evil! O that he might consider whither he goeth, and to whom he must give account at last! His days are as vanity, and his nights bring him no peace. His plans run to naught; he walketh as in a dream, and findeth no rest until the grave closes over him. But why should man murmur at his lot? Though he be called to toil and to trouble, his faithfulness shali not fail of reward. Happy, therefore, is the man who maketh divine wisdom his guide, and whose reverence for God is from the heart. For all things stand revealed at last, and all men will be called to render account for their doings. Then truth will be made manifest, and deception will be ended for ever. He who worketh righteousness and showeth mercy will find everlasting peace. His reward surpasses all earthly treasures and honors. A good name is his here below, and the crown of life eternal beyond. For him the day of death is better than the day of birth. CONFESSION Silent Devotion In deep humility and contrition I make supplication unto Thee, my God and my Father, on this holiest of days. Conscious of my frailties and my shortcomings, I seek Thee with the hope in my heart that I shall find forgiveness for my sins for I know that Thou art merci- ful and loving, long suffering and abundantin pardoning. MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 181 As I ponder upon the years that lie behind me, I recognize how I have failed to make them count in Thy service and the service of my fellowmen. I have often been selfish when I should have been self-sacrific- ing, harsh when I should have been gentle, hard when I should have been kind, thoughtless when I should have been considerate. Day after day I have sought my own pleasure and gain without a thought of the higher purpose of my life. Again and again I have turned a deaf ear to the promptings of my better nature and have permitted the evil inclination to swerve me from the path of purity and right. I know how often I have chosen the worse, conscious though I was of the better. I confess this before Thee in this hour of self-searching and self-examination. I know how frail I am. - Out of the depths I cry unto Thee. Attend to my supplication. Help me to be true to my best self. Hear Thou my voice, give ear to my prayer for forgive- ness. Help me to live a life rich in deeds, pleasing unto Thee. Strengthen me in the endeavor to fulfil my duties toward the beloved in my home, toward my friends and companions, and toward my fellowmen in the larger sphere of my activities. Be Thou my stay and support, for in Thee do I put my trust. Thou desirest not the death of the sinner, but that he return from his evil way and live before Thee. Deep as I may have fallen, this day assures me that I can rise to the heights if I so will. Thou hast placed before me the good and the evil, and hast given me the power to choose between them. As mine is this power, so is 182 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY mine also the responsibility. Give me the strength in the Coming days to withstand folly and temptation, evil and wickedness. In all my doings make me to recognize every day and every hour that I am shaping for weal or for woe the destiny of my immortal soul. Create in me a pure heart, O my God, and renew a right spirit within me. May reverence for Thee fill my waking hours. May I seek Thee more earnestly than I have done hitherto. Too often have I forgotten my divine endowment as a child of Thine. O that I may be constantly mindful of this in all my ways and all my works. May I seek Thee in the hours of joy as well as in the days of sorrow, that Thou mayest be a living Presence nigh unto me at all times. Help me and I shall be helped, save me and I shall be saved. I yearn to undo the evil I may have done con- sciously or unconsciously, to correct ſault and failing, to change bitter to sweet, to bring light where there is darkness, truth where there is falsehood, and good where there is evil. I would make atonement for all the lapses from the right of which I have been guilty. Open mine eyes that I may see clearly where I have gone astray. Give me the courage to ask forgiveness of all whom I have wronged. Remove from my heart all rancor and hardness, that I may forgive freely even as I hope to be forgiven. Accept Thou with favor my prayer for forgiveness, my confession which I make before Thee. Relieve me in my remorse, answer me in my contrition. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable before Thee, m* Rock and my Redeemer. Amen. MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 183 SILENT PRAYERS A PRAYER FOR THE AGED The earnest meditations of this sacred day, O God, awaken my soul to grateful acknowledgement of Thy grace which has bestowed upon me the gift of life; of Thy loving Providence, which has prolonged my days. By Thy mercy I have been permitted to pass through the dangers and difficulties that beset my pathway and have come in safety to the coveted goal of a ripe old age. And now as I look back over the years that have gone, the whole past shines out before me revealing my inmost self. I humbly confess before Thee in this solemn hour the sins and errors that cast their shadows over my life—the wilfulness of childhood, the wayward- ness of youth, the selfishness and vanity of mature years and the frailties of even these later days. How far, alas, have I fallen from those noble ideals and pure motives in character and conduct which Thou hast set as the aim of life! How often have I failed to make use of those divine powers Thou has implanted within me! In the lengthening shadows of life's decline, all my sins and failures loom up reprovingly and I devout- ly pray for thy pardoning favor and forgiveness. Grant me clearness of vision to see life as a whole from youth to age and to be comforted in the faith that the best is yet to be. In moments of doubt and des- pondency when, like the patriarch, I count my days as few and evil and when the waning of my bodily Dowſers makes me declare with the sage, I have no 184 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY pleasure in them, oh, then sustain me with a realiza- tion of these blessings which the maturity of age alone can bring and the ripeness of experience alone can yield. Give me the sweetness of that joy which is reserved for those who serve others through the counsel and guid- ance learned in the school of life's experience. Out of the lessons drawn from my own toils and trials, disappointments and sorrows, may I be able to help others find the true values in life's struggles and the joys and triumphs that endure. Grant me the calmness and serenity of a truly chastened spirit that I may thus bless others and serve Thee. May time not lessen but deepen within me the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of God. Enable me to hold fast, however old I may grow, to the spirit of youth. Suffer me not to lose that sense of wonder which stirs within me in the presence of Thy creation. O, quicken me from day to day with that power of communion with Thee which restores my soul. I crave the power to see ever more clearly that other half of life's plan, which youth can not discern. Sus- tain me with the faith that wrong, cruelty and injustice cannot prevail but that the right, the pure and true shall endure. And may the imperishable worth of life uphold me in the deathless hope of the hereafter. Let me not be afraid! As one by one my bodily powers weaken, may my soul enter 1nto greater freedom and be purified and atoned in Thy sight. Let me die the death of the righteous and let mine end be like his. Amen! MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 185 A PRAYER FOR WOMEN We come into Thy holy presence, O our heavenly Father, on this Day of Atonement to consecrate our thoughts and to chasten our lives. Stirred by the sentiments and memories of this sacred season, we feel keenly the blessedness of our opportunity for service in Thy cause. Our very being is warmed by the breath of Thy Fatherly love. We rejoice to pour forth our prayers and songs to Thee, and to draw nigh in humility before Thy throne of grace. Yom Kippur comes with a special appeal to us as women. Its message of forgiveness touches the very root of our souls. We feel its melting tenderness no less than its demand for earnest self-scrutiny. Our domestic relations move in a circle of affection and responsibility. Thus hast Thou placed a particular task upon us, as mothers, wives, and daughters. We are proud to be witnesses of Thy truth and to be pri- vileged to radiate Thy love wherever we may dwell. We thank Thee that Thou hast made us especially sensitive to the emotions and purposes of religion. Throughout the ages have our ancesters laid upon us the injunction to foster and promote the teachings of Thy Law. They have taught us to make our home a sanctuary and our table an altar unto Thee. Ours it is to fill our homes with the light of religious truth. Ours it is to strengthen ourselves by the power of prayer. Ours it is to train our children in the loyalties of our faith. On a day so searching in its monitions, we realize that we have not fulfilled the high religious duties of our Jewish womanhood. Often we have weakened #86 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY under the task. Often we have yielded to the allure- ments of the hour. At times we have treated things sacred in the spirit of levity. At times in utter forget- fulness of Thy many blessings, we have questioned the dispensation of Thy justice. Conscious that we have not reached the high mark which Thou hast set for us, we crave Thy pardoning love. Sincere in our re- morse, we prayThee to help us rise to our responsibilities. Grant that we may use aright the enlarged oppor- tunities which have come to women. Make us feel a new pride and dignity as workers for Thy kingdom of righteousness. Make us strong in our faith that we may be an inspiration to all who come within the circle of our influence. Imbue us with such unwavering trust in Thee as shall enable us to perform our duties in the home and in the world. Make us steadfast in our reliance upon Thee, that in sorrow and in joy we may cling to Thee and proclaim Thee as the God of life and love. Amen! A PRAYER FOR YOUNG MEN O my Maker, I pray unto Thee! Thou knowest my life, my thougnts, my conduct. Thou knowest the longings and ideals, the pains and hopes that urge and impel me. Nothing is hidden from Thy sight! I thank Thee for the vision of my better self, which Thou hast placed within me. Thou knowest, O my God, that I would make my life acceptable MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 187 unto Thee, a source of pride to those who care for me, a source of blessing to my fellowmen. There are moments when I dream of what I would like to make of my life. The vision of manhood and character and a life of worth and service fill me with joy. But, alas, for the hours of temptation and struggle. The vision fades and the will weakens. I realize that I need Thee, O my Maker, so to strengthen me that I may achieve all the fine potentialities of heart and mind and soul with which Thou hast endowed 1116. - God, I need Thee! In the environment of my daily life, in the pressure of things and business, in the pursuit after plea- sure I lose sight of my best self. Temptations assail me. Thoughts which I abhor, terrify me by their power. I feel myself in the grip of forces before which I am too weak to stand alone. God, I need Thee! - Be with me in these hours. Grip me by a sense of the holiness of my life. I do not ask that my path be easy. I do not ask that all temptation and struggle be removed from my way. But I pray Thee, strengthen within me the conviction that I can make of my life what I will! Cause me to feel that if Thou art with me, sustaining, encouraging me, no victory of the spirit is im- possible. Oh, let me know the joy of moral conquest! 188 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY O my God! Life looms up before me, so terrifying, so enthralling, I seem so pitifully small that at times a great heartsickness seizes me. I cannot seem to find my place in all this vast scheme of things. My work seems void of usefulness and my life meaningless. Let me feel that in Thine eyes my efforts are worth while. Deepen within me the consciousness of the obligation I owe to my friends, my loved ones; the responsibility I have to my fellowmen and to Thee. Give me strength to so mould and purify my character that my life may be counted as a blessing! I thank Thee, for this privilege of prayer. I cannot find words to utter all that is within my heart. Yet I feel Thou knowest it, my God! Grant me a new hope; a greater courage; a clearer vision; a stronger will! I seem to feel Thy Presence with me. Thou art with me, I have no fear! A PRAYER FOR CHILDREN O Lord, on this wondrous Day of Atonement, I offer my prayer unto Thee. I am glad to have come before Thee with the throng of Thy worshipers. Their pray- ers and praises make me feel the beauty of Thy house and the holiness of this day. I too lift my heart to Thee. Thy people are asking Thee to forgive their sins and failings. I too want to be forgiven. I know that at times I have failed to do my best. At times I have done wrong. I have not always obeyed my par MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 189 ents, I have not always shown respect to my teachers. Often I have not been helpful enough to my brothers and sisters, and have not been unselfish and considerate to my schoolmates and friends. Help me, O God, to grow ever better in my ways, and to cling to the right. May the example of good men and women be my guide always Keep me, O Lord, from all manner of sin, and especially from secret sins, that they may gain no hold over me. Thine eye is upon all our doings, and may I do nothing to make me ashamed. I am thrilled, O my God, by the marvelous story of Thy people Israel. Chosen as Thy servant, oh what nobility and heroism has it shown in clinging to its task! Help me to be worthy of the treasures that have come down to me from my forefathers and to remain faithful to Israel's ideals and hopes. O Father, as the years go on and life unfolds before me, keep Thou my heart true to Thy Law, and my eyes open to its teachings. Help me so to live as to add more and more to the joy of the world, the honor of Israel, and the glory of Thy name. Amen! A PRAYER FOR MEMBERS OF THE CONGREGATION My God, as I look into the recesses of my heart on this day of days, I am reminded of the many sacred obligations which have been placed upon me as a mem- ber of a congregation in Israel. I recall with joy how I was solemnly and hopefully confirmed in the faith of my fathers; how parents and teachers and friends im- pressed upon me the beauty of holiness and the many obligations which lay upon me. I remember how. 190 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY with fervent heart and soul, I pledged myself to dis- charge my duties towards Thee and my fellowmen. Now that I have reached maturity of mind and heart, may I not be faithless to my faith nor negligent of my duties. Leave me not in my weakness, but inspire my heart and soul that I may grow from strength to strength in the observance of those institutions and statutes which Thou hast ordained for our good and for the good of our fellowmen. Grant me firmness of purpose and loyalty of heart that I may never shirk in the face of opportunity nor fail in the hour of testing. May I stand ever ready to assume my share of the duties to the congregation and the community of which I am a part. May I ever uphold the hands of those who are generously giving of themselves to serve Thee and their fellows so that they may be encouraged in the arduous tasks to which they have given them- selves. May I understand life as an ever increasing opportunity for service to prove the strength and the beauty of the word which Thou hast imparted to us as the way of life. May my life be in the ranks of those who do, aye, who would sacrifice, if needs be, to sanc- tify Thy name before mankind. Grant, I pray Thee, that my portion be with those whose daily lives demon- strate the sincerity of their professions, finding comfort from Thy bountiful source of mercy in the hour of trial and temptation. If it be Thy holy will that I be of those who stand before the congregation to praise Thee or to lead my fellows, may the greatness of the duty be not too heavy for me; may its very seriousness rather urge me to larger effort and deeper understand- MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 191 ing. Towards the poor and the needy, towards the bearers of burdens and the sad heart, towards those who lead and those who follow, towards those who have vision and understanding, towards my fellow Jew and my fellowmen, may I so deport myself as to merit their approval and Thy blessings of love and strength. Through prayer and through service, may I go to each day's work with better heart and purer mind and so rise nearer to Thee and Thine ideal of a true Jew. May my work and deeds reflect honor upon those I serve and give glory to Thy holy name. Of a truth has it been said: The day is short, the work is great. May I ever have the blessed insight and understanding to do my full share of each day's living for the blessing of all and the hurt of none. Amen. A PRAYER FOR THE INDIVIDUAL We cannot be reminded too often that this day is sacred because it is set aside for the purpose of search- ing our hearts. This is the most significant, as well as the most difficult task of man. It is significant because in inward examination and struggle lies the possibility of spiritual growth and development. Such self- scrutiny, however, is difficult because it requires hero- ism to break through and put aside the points of view that have become habitual and comfortable. It requires a strong effort of the will to see one's self in the light of loftier purposes and ideals. And if we try to see our own hearts in the light of God's law, we often discover that what may have seemed to be innocent inclinations were really lusts and un- 192 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY holy passions. May we therefore be ever on our guard. Let us not deceive ourselves by believing that because a practice seems natural or normal, it is right, and because it is frequent or common, it is therefore justi- fied. God would have us look upon every human being as His own child and as our brother or sister. No one has the right to use any person as if that person were a mere tool or a thing set aside for the gratification of one's lustful desires. - Our affections should be consecrated through loyalty to a common ideal. Rightly used and regulated, they further life and ennoble it by giving rise to mutual devotion and sacrifice. When our emotions are allowed to flow into selfish and base channels, the stream of life becomes polluted; human beings become degraded; sorrow and misery inevitably ensue. As a man would have his sister honored by other men, so should he respect the honor of his neighbor's sister. As a man would have his home remain pure and unsullied, so should he protect the purity of the home of his brother. The moral law is binding upon all of us at all times. It demands purity and chastity during one's entire life. Chastity, like honesty, must be unconditioned. It must not be limited to any age or period of life. Life is continuous and there are no arbitrary limits to the effects of either good or evil. It has been to the glory of Israel throughout the ages that the home has been held most sacred. Because of the love and loyalty that hallowed the home in Israel, family life of our fathers was nobly beautiful and compensated them for the many ills they suffered. MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 193 May we, in our own generation, be equally mindful of the holiness of human life and of the sanctity of the person. May we deal with others in honor and help to create a world in which all men and women shall live as brothers and sisters in the spirit of mutual respect, helpfulness and protection. Minister Our God and Father, Thou hast summoned us to appear before Thy judgment seat, to render account before Thee, Une All-just and All-holy. What shall we say in Thy presence? How can we justify ourselves? We blush with shame and are bowed down with humi- liation, for we know our unworthiness. Thou, O Father, searchest and knowest us; Thou Compassest our paths and art acquainted with all our ways; our most secret thoughts are not hidden before Thee. Therefore, Thou dost not call upon us to justify ourselves, but to exa- mine our conduct, acknowledge our sins, and forsake the evil. Thou hast summoned us this day that we may judge ourselves in the light of truth. Not to punish, but to pardon is Thy holy will; not to destroy us in Thine anger, but to forgive us in Thy love, hast Thou appointed this Day of Atonement. Lord our God, though trembling before Thee, we hope in Thee; though stricken with awe at the call of Thy judgment, we look for the light of Thy compassion. Judge us, O Father, in Thy mercy. Let each day be to us a day of repentance, and every hour as the hour of death, which calls us to appear before Thy throne of judgment. 194 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Minister and Congregation Before the hour has passed, let us in deep humility and contrition make confession to God, and with sin- cere vows resolve so to mend our ways that we shall not be moved from His path. Amen. Minister Our God and God of our fathers, pardon our trans- gressions, remove our guilt and blot out our iniquities on this Day of Atonement, as Thou hast promised: I, even I, blot out thine iniquities for Mine own sake, and thy sins will I remember no more. I have made thy sins to vanish like a cloud and thy transgressions like a mist; return to Me for I have redeemed thee. For on this day shall ye be forgiven and cleansed from all your sins; before the Lord shall ye be pure. (Congregation rises) Minister and Congregation, then Choir Our God and God of our fathers; let our prayers come before Thee. Turn not away from our supplica- tion, for we are not so presumptuous and stiff- necked as to say before Thee that we are wholly righteous and have not sinned, but verily, we have sinned. We have sinned; we have transgressed we have done perversely. (Congregation is seated) MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 195 Minister Diº lyniliy” ºrp ºrnias 'nº's lyriºs irnstorm ºrgyf ūgū. Tº Tin Bºr Typº Tip sin "jis "ºls. Tipsy. Tºy Tºp iny: 'n'Tip."ps] :-51s sº Tºnsºrſ ºlypº :Triºs, 3 *s Tºp Tºnsºr, ly: Tºyº Diºns "Tº .Dººg "Piº Tim Diºn ºf .mps. :-Ton 15% Dynsºr ºn (Congregation rises) Minister and Congregation, then Choir .*nins 'nº's lyriºs psy.uniſing Bºynn's .ilnºr. Tº shº lyriºs: Tº ºpiº. This ºpinº ºvirus ºns. Isºſ, sº IITs D'p"Tx.lºnias 'dº's :Alsº, Ills :lly? ...]"]y.]]Nº. &º (Congregation is seated) 196 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Minister We have turned aside from Thy commandments and from Thy beneficent ordinances, and it hath not availed us. Thou art righteous in all that has befallen us, for Thou doest justice, but we have wrought evil. What shall we say before Thee, who art on high, and what shall we recount unto Thee, who dwellest in the heavens? Dost Thou not know all things; both the hidden and the revealed? Thou knowest the secrets of eternity and the hidden thoughts of every living being. Thou searchest the innermost recesses and probest the deepest impulses of the heart. Nought is concealed from Thee nor hidden from Thine eyes. O Lord our God, help us to see ourselves as Thou seest us. Make us conscious of our sins and failings; cause us to turn from Our evil ways, and give us strength to make amends for our wrong doings, and grant us pardon for our sins. Minister, then Congregation For the sin which we have sinned against Thee under stress or through choice; For the sin which we have sinned against Thee openly or in secret; For the sin which we have sinned against Thee in stubbornness or in error. MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 197 Minister * Tº sº. D'aibº Tºry Trixºp unp ºpy nps : ..]”y sºn 75-'79 pºix ITF's : Ivy T Jr.'s] Tº TEpi-Tip.pinpayi. Tº ºps; Tip rips niºn ni-FBITº sºn Epſy Pio :yTi, ."r-23 -inp nipºwn).nºiy in yi nºs l's nº niº Trini.jp; TTI-75 win TFs :Tºy Tºp Tºp, I's.jpp Bºy, na- 'nº's lyriºs y Tºp ſix-, ºr pi, ºr pm ºnston-º-'zy is. Hºphy innins :yyyp-25-29 ºz - Enn, ºpiliy-'75-'7, is: Minister, then Congregation : ixºn, Djish Tºº listºry stºr ºv :-ngai ºn Tºº listºry stºr ºv :Tºº Titſi. Tº listºry stºr ºv 198 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY For the sin which we have sinned against Thee in the evil meditations of the heart; For the sin which we have sinned against Thee by the word of mouth; For the sin which we have sinned against Thee by abuse of power; For the sin which we have sinned against Thee by the profanation of Thy name; For the sin which we have sinned against Thee by dis- respect for parents and teachers; For the sin which we have sinned against Thee by exploiting or dealing treacherously with our neighbor. For all these sins, O God of forgiveness, bear with us! pardon us! forgive us! Choir For all these sins, O God of forgiveness, bear with us! pardon us! forgive us! Minister Our God and God of our fathers, forsake us not. Let us not be put to shame. Lead us to the knowledge of Thy law, that we may understand Thy ways. Direct our thoughts to revere Thy name. Incline our hearts to love Thee, that we may return to Thee in truth and sincerity. Forgive our sins for the sake of Thy great name. Hear our cry, O Lord our God, be gracious unto us, and with mercy favorably accept our prayers. MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 199 :=?IT Tirtºn Tºº listerly stºr ºy :ITP main Tºº listºry stor ºy :T; pinſ. Tº histºry stºr ºy :nºr ºria Tºº listºry stºr ºy :n"Tipi Bºnin ºrºž. Tº listºry stºr ºy :y, nºtº, nsima Tºº listºry stºr ºy .* ºrp.; Hºp.nirº Hibs Bºz ºgl # TF2 Choir .#2 ºn ... Hºp ninº Hibs tº ºn :* -52 Minister 7s ºnly 9s ºniºs 'nº's lyriºs .ilns In": "En vs. .inp"ºf ºs ºf .#2"|T jºin . Thigp IT?? .in-lin? ºn-lp \lniºns vip, .ipºrns Tsºlº iliº on :rigº Hºpm wirinn zi-ºn ſpy ºpl.ºzy Dr T Đin lyriºs º żip yop ...nºn-ns ſix-lai B'nHT3 200 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Choir We are Thy people, Thou art our King. We are Thy children, Thou art our Father. We are Thy possession, Thou art our Portion. We are Thy flock, Thou art our Shepherd. We are Thy vineyard, Thou art our Keeper. We are Thy beloved, Thou art our Friend. MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 201 - Choir : lººp Tºs Tºy Is 'iº :*I'ms Tºls Tº: IS :*Til Tºs Tºrº is :llyin Tºs 7||Nº lls ºil TDs. Tº ils :*Ti-I Hºs Tºyn is 202 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Minister Look with favor, O Lord, upon Israel, Thy people, and in Thy love at all times accept our worship. Praised be Thou, O God, whom alone we serve in reve- Ten Ce. Minister and Congregation We gratefully acknowledge, O Lord Our God, that Thou art our Creator and Preserver, the Rock of our life and the Shield of our help. We render thanks unto Thee for our lives which are in Thy hand, for our souls which are ever in Thy keeping, for Thy wondrous provi- dence and for Thy continuous goodness, which Thou bestowest upon us day by day. Truly, Thy mercies never fail and Thy lovingkindness never ceases. There- fore in Thee do we for ever put our trust. Minister Our God and God of our fathers, may Thy blessing rest upon us, according to the gracious promise of Thy word: Minister and Choir May the Lord bless thee and keep thee. Amen May the Lord let His countenance shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee. Amen May the Lord lift up His countenance upon thee and give thee peace. Amen MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 203 Minister Tºrs: Dºmºsºya Priº's ºrigin ::py ºsmy, ning Tºp ſix+. Thi Vapn :Ting. TST: Taº ºnisy ... Tºs Tº Minister and Congregation 'nº's lyriºs º sin Hºspi; tırış E-Tip Tris ily?, pp ºr mix Tyl Bºy" lynins irºn-ºy inºrin - Eph Hº HTil -i-, -i-, sin *y. Tº ni-Tippſ, lynippy”y. Tº prºpºn Trinio Tnisºr”y ºpy Bi-25ay Tp 175 sº-2 aibº.nº ºpin] any nyºny iyip Eziyp TTPſ ºn sº"; Briºn Tºrn - Minister :* Tºlia lip-in ºrnias 'nº's lyriºs :Tina Tºni'ſ nyºnſ, Minister and Choir :Tºpºl , Tºº Amen ::pril Tºs tº -s; Amen - :Biºy Hº Hyll Tºs tº sy, Amen 204 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Minister - blºw nºw Grant us peace, Thy most precious gift, O Thou eternal source of peace, and enable Israel to be a mes- senger of peace unto the peoples of the earth. Bless our country that it may ever be a stronghold of peace, and the advocate of peace in the councils of nations. May contentment reign within its borders, health and happiness within its homes. Strengthen the bonds of friendship and fellowship between all the inhabitants of our land. Plant virtue in every soul, and may the love of Thy name hallow every home and every heart. Inscribe us in the book of life, and grant unto us a year of prosperity and joy. Praised be Thou, O Lord, Giver of peace. Choir: Amen. Silent Devotion -uki Hº's O God, keep my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking guile. Be my support when grief silences my voice, and my comfort when woe bends my spirit. Plant humility in my soul, and strengthen my heart with perfect faith in Thee. Help me to be strong in trial and temptation and to be meek when others wrong me, that I may readily forgive them. Guide me by the light of Thy counsel, and let me ever find rest in Thee, who art my Rock and my Redeemer. Amen. Choir Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 205 READING OF SCRIPTURE. Minister (Psalm xxiv) Who shall ascend into the mountain of the Lord and who shall stand in His holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not taken My name in vain, and hath not sworn deceitfully. He shall receive a blessing from the Lord, and righteous- ness from the God of his salvation. Such is the genera- tion of them that seek Thee; that seek Thy presence, O God of Jacob. tº Choir Lift up your heads, O .D.5"ps. D'-yº isy ye gates, and be ye lifted sºn.Hºly The sºn up, ye everlasting doors, ºr : * 3 3 that the king ºf go, sin ºp T-37 Tºp may come in. Who is , .-ſi-.5F Tºp T the King of glory? The ºr : + - * * * * Lord of hosts; He is the Tiniºn Tºp sºn.nis; King of glory. - :Hºp (Congregation rises) Minister and Choir The Lord, the Lord Diſſºl 7s HiT Hit God is merciful and gra- -an) D'Es Ts ºrm cious, long-suffering and abundant in goodness TDT -lkij .nps) -TDF and ever true; keeping . 1* - l * * * * * * * * mercy for thousands, for- yº) ly Sºl .D'Eºs: giving iniquity, transgres- © § sion and sin. dº :Tsº JPRAYER BY MINISTER T 206 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Minister, then Congregation Our Father, our King, we have sinned before Thee, Our Father, our King, we have no King but Thee. Our Father, our King, grant unto us a year of happi- IleSS. Our Father, our King, keep far from our country pestilence, war and famine. Our Father, our King, inscribe us for blessing in the book of life. Our Father, our King, pardon and blot out our sins. Our Father, our King, accept graciously our petitions. Our Father, our King, be merciful and answer us; though we can plead no merit, deal with us according to Thy lovingkindness and help us. Choir: Amen. TAKING THE SCROLL FROM THE ARK Minister The Torah which God gave through Moses is the heritage of the congregation of Jacob. Come ye and let us walk in the light of the Lord. Minister and Congregation Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One. (Congregation is seated) MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 207 Minister, then Congregation :Tºº isºſ lººp ºns :ITEs sºs Tºp 1:... I's lººp ris :Tip Ty rºy ºn lººp ºns :*zyp nym nºrm -in nº lººp iris :nºnio Dºn "Eph inn; lººp iris :ºniiv-25% ºrp Hºp lººp iris : Inºn-ns ſix-in, Bºrn: 7ap lººp iris Tºy Dºgp ºf T's 2 y) ºn lººp iras :lly"yim Tºr. TETX ºpy Choir: Amen. TAKING THE SCROLL FROM THE ARK Minister na:apy, nºrp Tynip.myn liº Tix it in :Tin -is: Tºm 15% app. Minister and Congregation :Tris Hin, lyriºs Tin, ºstly, ypy (Congregation is seated) - 208 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Choir Thine, O Lord, is the greatness and the power, the glory, and the victory, and the majesty; for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is Thine; Thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and Thou art exalted as head above all. - Minister (Before reading from the Torah) Praise ye the Lord, to whom all praise is due! Praised be the Lord to whom all praise is due for ever and ever. Praised be Thou, O Lord our God, Ruler of the world, who hast chosen us from among all peoples and hast given us Thy Law. Praised be Thou, O Lord, Giver of the Law. (Deut. xxix, 9–14; xxx, 11-20) Ye are standing this day all of you before the Lord your God: your heads, your tribes, your elders, and your officers, even all the men of Israel, your little ones, your wives, and thy stranger that is in the midst of thy camp, from the hewer of thy wood unto the drawer of thy water; that thou shouldest enter into the covenant of the Lord thy God—and into His oath— which the Lord thy God maketh with thee this day; that He may establish thee this day unto Himself for a people, and that He may be unto thee a God, as He spoke unto thee, and as He swore unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. Neither with you MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 209 Choir rxim nºisBriſm . Tºm Hº-Hºi º Tº .Tºppſ #7 ºns: Hºpya 75 ºf Timm :wsh; 75% sºnºrſ Minister (Before reading from the Torah) :Taºri ºrns 1573 :-ty, Hºiyº Tapi º Tina Tº mys.nziyū Tºp lyriºs º Tris Tina mºs T-3 innin-ns nº-In, Bºyſſºp ºf :Tinº nil !. º * ('% tº B'nai) Dyn's mn. "Isº Bjºr DI'm Dºğı DFs w's 75 Dºnºv Dºlp! Dºny Bºys", Trip anºn nys TT Dººl Diº ºsºp, nºna Tºny” Typ asy Ty Tºy nºnp Tºy nº Triº's Tin -psinºsa, Triº's Tin. TT sim Hyº is piºn ins pp: lyp? :Diºn yay, nys; +/--a- -ys: D'Riº's', tº Dºñs sº :apgº prº DTIns? This? 210 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY only do I make this covenant and this oath; but with him that standeth here with us this day before the Lord our God, and also with him that is not here with us this day. For this commandment which I command thee this day, it is not too hard for thee, neither is it far off. It is not in heaven, that thou shouldest say: ‘Who shall go up for us to heaven, and bring it unto us, and make us to hear it, that we may do it?’ Neither is it beyond the sea, that thou shouldest say: ‘Who shall go over the sea for us, and bring it unto us, and make us to hear it, that we may do it?' But the word is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart, that thou mayest do it. See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil, in that I command thee this day to love the Lord thy God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commandments and His statutes and His ordinances; then thou shalt live and multiply, and the Lord thy God shall bless thee in the land whither thou goest in to possess it. But if thy heart turn away, and thou wilt not hear, but shalt be drawn away, and wor- ship other gods, and serve them; I declare unto you this day, that ye shall surely perish; ye shall not pro- long your days upon the land, whither thou passest over the Jordan to go in to possess it. I call heaven MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 211 Hºsſrns nsin n'Tarrns nº ºis Hy-Taº •]º Diºr, Tºy ºpy TB ily, Tysºns ºf insin * :Diºn inpy HB lys Tys ns lyriºs Tit. nsºrs” piºn Tºp 5 is hys nsin Txºn -ps, sº ºpy: sº :sºn Tri-Tºsº ºpp sºn Fins hypºn liº TP) Tºpyri º"Hºy! p *-iy, 'pºps, sºn Bº Tàyp sº :Hyvil º:Tºwn Finslippº l’º TP) Bº Tày 7s :invgº ºniº TE: Tsp ºn Tºs simp "ns. Hibſºns, nºrmºns Diºr. Tº ºpp, Tsº Tºrsº Bi'ſ Tºp ºs mys:yTTns nº Tºnikp ºpy”. Yº-Hå nº Triº's mitºns Triº's Tint. Tº ſynºnym Tºpp, ºppºn TE, DS] :Tºyº Tpy sº Tris Tys PTS: Priºsº pºrnym FITT) yºn sº, Thi? Taş ºf Bin Dº 'FTT :DFTayl B'Ts Tºsºps ripºsſ-ºv ºp; 15-sn sº Tash D22 ºn Tyr1:Flºyº Ty sin: Thºrns Tay 212 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY and earth to witness against you this day, that I have set before thee life and death, the blessing and the curse; therefore choose life, that thou mayest live, thou and thy seed; to love the Lord thy God, to hear- ken to His voice, and to cleave unto Him; for that is thy life, and the length of thy days; that thou mayest dwell in the land which the Lord swore unto the fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them. (After reading from the Torah) Praised be Thou, O Lord our God, Ruler of the world, who hast given us the law of truth and has implanted within us everlasting life. Praised be Thou, O Lord, Giver of the Law. (Before reading the Haftarah) Praised be the Lord our God, for the law of truth and righteousness revealed in Israel, for the words of the prophets filled with His spirit, and for the teachings of the sages whom He raised up aforetime and in these days. - MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 213 "Fin, nºn nºrm PTSTns ºpyrrns Diºr, lyp? Dºria FTTº Hºpm Hº-jin Tºº Triº's Tintºns Hºrs: :#y-in HRs Hymn Tp, TS ºr sºn 2 in mpi-º jºpii yº This? Hiſ yaw, ºps nº sº. 99 nºvº :Enº nº appº Prix” Bºis: (After reading from the Torah) º In] mys.nziyū Tºp lyriºs º Tºs Tina Tº ºpini yº, Bºly ºn nºs nº in lº :Tinſ. Ini, º, mºs 214 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Reading of Haftarah (Isaiah lwii, 14,-lviii, 14) Cast ye up, cast ye up, clear the way, take up the stumbling block out of the way of My people. For thus saith the High and Lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy: I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. For I will not contend for ever, neither will I be always wroth; for the spirit that enwrappeth itself is from Me, and the souls which I have made. For the iniquity of his covetousness was I wroth and smote him, I hid Me and was wroth; and he went on frowardly in the way of his heart. I have seen his ways, and will heal him; I will lead him also, and requite with comforts him and his mourners. Peace, peace, to him that is far off and to him that is near, saith the Lord that createth the fruit of the lips; and I will heal him. But the wicked are like the trou- bled sea; for it cannot rest, and its waters cast up mire and dirt. There is no peace, saith my God concerning the wicked. Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a horn, and declare unto My people their transgression, and to the house of Jacob their sins. Yet they seek Me daily, and delight to know My ways; as a nation that did righteousness, and forsook not the ordinance of their God, they ask of Me righteous ordinances, they delight to draw near unto God. Wherefore have we fasted, and Thouseest not? Wherefore have weafflicted our soul, MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 215 and Thou takest no knowledge? Behold, in the day of your fast ye pursue your business, and exact all your labors. Behold, ye fast for strife and contention, and to smite with the fist of wickedness; ye fast not this day so as to make your voice to be heard on high. Is such the fast that I have chosen? The day for a man to afflict his soul? Is it to bow down his head as a bulrush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? Wilt thou call this a fast, and an acceptable day to the Lord? Is not this the fast that I have chosen? To loose the fetters of wickedness, to undo the bands of the yoke, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? When thou seest the naked, that thou cover him, and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh? Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thy healing shall spring forth speedily; and thy righteousness shall go before thee, the glory of the Lord shall be thy rearward. Then shalt thou call, and the Lord will answer; thou shalt cry, and He will say: Here I am. If thou take away from the midst of thee the yoke, the putting forth of the finger, and speak- ing wickedness; and if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in darkness, and thy gloom be as the noonday; and the Lord will guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make strong thy bones; and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places, thou shalt raise 216 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called The repairer of the breach, the restorer of paths to dwell in. If thou turn away thy foot be- cause of the sabbath, from pursuing thy business on My holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, and the holy of the Lord honorable; and shalt honor it, not doing thy wonted ways, nor pursuing thy business, nor speaking thereof; then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord, and I will make thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and I will feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 217 RETURNING THE SCROLL TO THE ARK (Congregation rises) Minister O magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His 11211162 together. Tºpiº."psº 'ºt, :TT irº Choir His glory is in the earth and in the heavens. He is the strength of all His servants, the praise of them that truly love Him, the hope of Israel, the people He brought nigh to Himself. Hallelujah. :nºpy ºns ºy iTin Hºrn ingº inp ann ºsmyºnº Tpr 75% :Flººr, i-ºp by Minister The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoic- ing the heart; the fear of the Lord is clean, endur- ing for ever. Behold, a good doctrine has been given unto you; forsake it not. .Typh " n in : nity ..º na'ºn :*m; nºnp . Typs] Tºyn.nº-yº . Tipp .Timº ns' .32 mp3 ºf :-Twº n-ſpiy 'n'Tin nº ºn, nip :*-iyººs (Congregation is seated) 218 MORNING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Choir It is a tree of life to Epirº sºn Bºrryy them that lay hold of it, e g em that lay nold of 1 :-ys? Tºpin FIA and the supporters there- of are happy. Its ways -25) Byrº-T T2- are ways of pleasantness, and all its paths are peace. :Divy Tia'); SERMON Afternoon Service for the Day of Atonement Choir THE SINNER'S TEAR My soul is faint with grief and pain, My sins depress this frame of dust; I know I am a mortal vain, And Thou, O God, art great and just; The suns to Thee impure appear. My God, behold the sinner's tear. The sting of guilt, the sinner's rod, Dejects my heart to nameless woe; I know Thou art my righteous God, And I am passion's hunted roe. Too great my guilt, too great to bear, My Lord, behold the sinner's tear. Repentance fills the contrite heart, Consumes my bones, bedims my way: Transgressions bid my joys depart, And darkness hides the light of day. Be gracious, Lord, my pleading hear, O Father, dry the sinner's tear. 220 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Meditation ºnpºn Tºs Towards Thee is my desire, O Lord, and all my thoughts are turned unto Thee. My mind and my heart cling to Thee. The body with all its members, the spirit soaring on ethereal wings to the most sublime; the heart with its manifold sensations which influence its deepest recesses, everything that moves and lives within me, are gifts of grace from Thee. Therefore, with trembling reverence I place my bodily and spir- itual life on the flaming altar of devotion, as an offering to Thee, the only One, whom no eye can behold, whose supreme greatness no mind can conceive; to Thee, Sovereign of the world, to whom no one can be suffici- ently grateful. + * With Thee are might and power and glory. In Thy presence submission alone is becoming. I bow to Thy will, and supplicate Thee both aloud and in silence. O strengthen me, feeble that I am; suffer me to awaken to wisdom. Give health to my weak heart and heal my wounds. As long as there is breath within me, until all that is mortal in me perishes, I will look up to Thy great- ness and pray for Thine aid. I wait and cease not to hope till Thy grace reaches me, till Thou removest my bitterness, and enlightenest my darkness. Behold! I bow and kneel in repentance. My soul weeps by reason of its faithlessness. Before Thy holi- ness no one is pure. God of grace, have mercy on me. Woe is me, if I should gather the fruits of the seed which I have sown, and if Thou shouldst judge me according to my deserts. Mv evil inclination now AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 221 stands up to accuse me. By all manner of deceit and enticement, it sought to lure me to my undoing, and to enslave me in the bonds of wickedness. When in the silence of night I review the evil of my ways, and think in sadness of mine own perversity, trembling possesses me and remorse seizes my heart. How can I go into eternity, with the consciousness of unpardoned guilt upon me! - When, with the path of my life coming to an end and the day of retribution approaching, I hear Thy voice, O Lord, how, overwhelmed with shame, shall I lift up my face, how stand in Thy presence and render an account unto Thee; I, who have so greatly trans- gressed, acted with duplicity, sinned against God and man, and neglected mine own salvation; I, who have wasted my strength and mine intellect on vanity, built me a frail habitation upon sand, and heaped up evil deeds which now stand between Thee and me as a wall of separation; I, who have omitted so many occasions to do good, and have wasted precious time in idleness; I, who have carelessly disposed of Thy great bounties and misapplied what Thou hast confided to my care? In my youth, I stumbled in a mist of sensuous decep- tion, and in old age I bound myself in the fetters of apathy and ease. I have murmured against Thy teach- ings and preferred to walk after the dictates of mine own heart. Thy precepts seldom animated me, and I delighted to walk in the paths of pleasure. Only the fleeting moment and the appetite of my senses swayed 'me, and I forgot the approaching end. Must not then the blush of shame suffuse my coun. 222 AFTERNOCN SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY tenance? Would that I might flee from Thy presence. But there is no escape from before Thee. For a just God art Thou, but also a gracious God, faithful in judgment, but abounding in mercy. And thus am I encouraged to hope and, with a contrite heart and deep devotion, with a broken spirit and with frame bowed down, to appear even as a penitent child in prayer before Thee. O lend Thine ear to this my supplication. Behold my tribulation and leave me not to perish. Let Thy grace prevail, and make an end of mine agony. Let me see Thy help before I die, that I may do good . and eschew evil. Should my foot stumble, O be Thou my support! Should my soul falter, O give what will sustain it! Be Thou my strength in my hour of temp- tation, and though I lose all earthly pleasure, let me find my joy in Thee. Be Thou my delight and my hope, my light and my life, my comfort and my consola- tion in all mine aspirations. -: This is the purpose of my prayers; for this flow all my tears. O that they may be accepted and may wash away my sins, that my strength might be re- newed to strive against passion and to conquer it. O grant that when the soul shall leave its earthly habi- tation, even though it deserve and dare claim no re- ward, it may trust that it has been cleansed of all guilt, and may hasten to Thee free and glad and pure. Then let Thine angels of peace receive it, singing in joyful chorus: Peace be thy coming. There may it find its habitation in the blissful light of the spiritual world and its portion in unmeasured eternity and unending happiness. Amen. AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 223 Responsive Reading (Psalms cxliii and xxv) Minister O Lord, hear my prayer, give ear to my supplications. Congregation In Thy faithfulness answer me and in Thy righteous- 1162.SS. And enter not into judgment with Thy servant; for in Thy sight shall no man living be justified. My spirit fainteth within me; my heart within me is appalled. I remember the days of old; I meditate on all Thy doings; I muse on the work of Thy hands. I spread forth my hands unto Thee; my soul thirst- eth after Thee, as a weary land. Cause me to hear Thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in Thee do I trust. Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for unto Thee have I lifted up my soul. Deliver me from mine enemies, O Lord; with Thee have I hidden myself. Teach me to do Thy will for Thou art my God; let Thy good spirit lead me in an even land. For Thy name's sake, O Lord, quicken me; in Thy righteousness bring my soul out of trouble. Unto Thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul. O my God, in Thee have I trusted, let me not be ashamed. - Yea. none that wait for Thee shall be ashamed. 224 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Show me Thy ways, O Lord; teach me Thy paths; guide me in Thy truth and teach me; For Thou art the God of my salvation; for Thee do I wait all the day. - Remember, O Lord, Thy compassions and Thy mercies; for they have been from of old. Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my trans- gressions; According to Thy mercy remember Thou me, for Thy goodness' sake, O Lord. Good and upright is the Lord; therefore doth He instruct sinners in the way. He guideth the humble in justice, and He teacheth the humble His way. All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth unto such as keep His covenant and His testi- monies. For Thy name's sake, O Lord, pardon mine iniquity, for it is great. What man is he that feareth the Lord? Him will He instruct in the way that he should choose. The counsel of the Lord is with them that fear Him, and His covenant, to make them know it. Mine eyes are ever towards the Lord; for He will bring forth my feet out of the net. Turn Thee unto me and be gracious unto me; for I am solitary and afflicted. The troubles of my heart are enlarged; bring Thou me out of my distresses. See mine affliction and my travail; and forgive all my S111S. AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 225 O keep my soul, and deliver me; let me not be ashamed, for I have taken refuge in Thee. Let integrity and uprightness preserve me, because I wait for Thee. Choir Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles, (Psalm ci) Minister I will sing of mercy and justice; unto Thee, O Lord, will I sing praises. Congregation I will give heed unto the way of integrity; O when wilt Thou come unto me? I will walk within my house in the integrity of my heart; I will set no base thing before mine eyes; I hate the doing of things evil; it shall not cleave untO me. A perverse heart shall depart from me, I will know no evil thing. Whoso slandereth his neighbor in secret, him will I cut off; $ Whoso is haughty of eye and proud of heart, him will l not suffer. Mine eyes are upon the faithful of the land that they may dwell with me. He that walketh in the way of integrity, he shall minis- ter unto me. - He that worketh deceit shall not dwell within my house; 226 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY He that speaketh falsehood shall not be established before mine eyes. Choir And I, through righteousness, shall see Thy face, I shall be satisfied with the light of Thy coun- tenance - Minister (Job viii, xi) Doth God pervert judgment? Or doth the Almighty pervert justice? If thy children sinned against Him, He delivered them into the hand of their transgression. If thou wouldest seek earnestly unto God, and make thy supplication to the Almighty, if thou wert pure and upright, surely now He would awake for thee, and make the habitation of thyrighteousness prosperous. And though thy beginning was small, yet thy end should greatly increase. For inquire, I pray thee, of the former generation, and apply thyself to that which their fathers have searched out; for we are but of yes- terday, and know nothing, because our days upon earth are a shadow; shall not they teach thee, and tell thee, and utter words out of their heart? Can the rush shoot up without mire? Can the reed-grass grow without water? Whilst it is yet in its greenness, and not cut down, it withereth before any other herb. So are the paths of all that forget God; and the hope of the godless man shall perish; whose confidence is gos- samer, and whose trust is a spider's web. He shall lean upon his house, but it shall not stand; he shall hold fast thereby, but it shall not endure. If he be destroyed from his place, then it shall deny him: I have not seen AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 227 thee. Behold, this is the joy of his way, and out of the earth shall others spring. Behold, God will not cast away an innocent man, neither will He uphold the evil- doers; till He fill thy mouth with laughter, and thy lips with shouting. They that hate thee shall be clothed with shame; and the tent of the wicked shall be no more. But oh that God would speak, and open His lips against thee; and that He would tell thee the secrets of wisdom, that sound wisdom is manifold! Know therefore that God exacteth of thee less than thine iniquity deserveth. Canst thou find out the deep things of God? Canst thou attain unto the purpose of the Almighty? It is high as heaven; what canst thou do? Deeper than the netherworld; what canst thou know? The measure thereof is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea. If He pass by, and shut up, or gather in, then who can hinder Him? For He knoweth base men; and when He seeth iniquity, will He not then consider it? If thou set thy heart aright, and stretch out thy hands toward Him—if ini- quity be in thy hand, put it far away, and let not un- righteousness dwell in thy tents—surely then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot; yea, thou shalt be steadfast, and shalt not fear; for thou shalt forget thy misery; thou shalt remember it as waters that are passed away; and thy life shall be clearer than the noonday; though there be darkness, it shall be as the morning. And thou shalt be secure, because there is hope; yea, thou shalt look about thee, and shalt take thy rest in safety. Also thou shalt lie down, and none shall make thee afraid. 228 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY mns 28 D'Hºs Minister Almighty, Thou art my God! I will invoke Thee in the assembly of Thy chosen; I will proclaim Thy truth and Thy greatness. Hear me on this solemn day, when I call upon Thee in the midst of Thy congregation. Congregation Open my lips, that they may speak Thy praise. Minister My deepest secrets are known to Thee, O God, and my body and my soul tremble in Thy presence. Hear me on this solemn day, when the erring yearn for Thy guidance. - Congregation Thy children long for Thy mercy. Minister Thou art clothed in righteousness, O God; therefore, let me not be put to shame while I strive to fulfil my sacred mission. Hear me on this solemn day, when Thou hast promised to deliver me from the hand of the oppressor, and to heal my wounds. Congregation Guide my heart, that it may be whole with Thee and Thy law. - AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 229 Minister Guard my thoughts, O God, lest they lead me astray; guard my lips, that they may not ensnare me. Hear me on this solemn day, when the contemplation of Thy greatness and goodness alone, can soften the bitter memory of sin. - Congregation May Thy light and Thy truth lead me unto the end. Minister Thou art my hope, my immovable rock, my strong- hold, O God. Strengthen and sustain me, for without Thee I am all too weak. Hear me on this solemn day, on which Thou hast promised to purify the sinner and efface his guilt. Congregation Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a stead- fast spirit within me. Minister Out of the depths I cry to Thee, O God, who art en- throned on high, yet art near unto the lowly. Hear me on this solemn day, when the contrite take refuge in Thy sanctuary. Congregation Let him who is wise repent for God will graciously pardor. 230 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Minister Thou hast prepared a healing balm for my better- ment, O God, the sacred hour of atonement, which crowns us with Thy mercy. Hear me on this solemn day, when I would fain break free from the fetters of sin which now bind me. Congregation O purify me from guilt and cleanse my heart from wrong. Minister My thoughts yearn and aspire to approach Thee, O God, the while I abase myself before Thee, lest there be in me sinful pride and presumption. Hear me on this solemn day, on which all delusions vanish. Congregation I stretch forth my hands and lift up my heart to Thee, O Father in heaven. Minister Most gracious God, adored by the celestial hosts, remember and give heed to my longings and petitions which soar falteringly upward unto Thee. Hear me on this solemn day, on which I offer my supplications in the midst of Thy faithful children. Congregation , Let all living creatures praise and glorify Thy name, O God. - AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 231 Responsive Reading (Isaiah xxv-xxvi) Minister O Lord, Thou art my God; I will exalt Thee, I will praise Thy name: Congregation For Thou hast done wonderful things; even counsels of old in faithfulness and truth. Thou hast been a stronghold to the poor, a stronghold to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat; For the blast of the terrible ones was as a storm against the wall. He will swallow up death for ever; the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces. And the reproach of His people will He take away from off all the earth. And it shall be said in that day: Lo, this is our God for whom we waited, that He might save us. This is the Lord, for whom we waited, we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation. We have a strong city; walls and bulwarks doth He appoint for salvation. Open ye the gates, that the righteous nation that keepeth faithfulness may enter in. The mind stayed on Thee Thou keepest in perfect peace, because it trusteth in Thee. Trust ye in the Lord for ever, for the Lord is God, an everlasting rock. & The way of the just is straight; Thou, Most Upright, maketh plain the path of the just. 232 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Yea, in the way of Thy judgments, O Lord, have we waited for Thee. To Thy name and to Thy memorial is the desire of our soul. With my soul have I desired Thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me have I sought Thee earnestly; - For when Thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabi- tants of the world learn righteousness. Let favor be shown to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness. In the land of uprightness will he deal wrongfully, and will not behold the majesty of the Lord. Lord, Thou wilt establish peace for us, for Thou hast indeed wrought all our works for us. The work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and confidence for eVer. And My people shall abide in a peaceable habitation, and in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places. They shall see the glory of the Lord, the excellence of our God. Choir They shall not hurt, nor destroy in all My holy moun- tain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 233 (Psalm lxxxvi) Minister Incline Thine ear, O Lord, and answer me; for I am poor and needy. g Congregation Be gracious unto me, O Lord; for unto Thee do I cry all the day. - Rejoice the soul of Thy servant; for unto Thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul. For Thou, Lord, art good, and ready to pardon and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon Thee. Give ear, O Lord, unto my prayer; and attend unto the voice of my supplications. In the day of my trouble I call upon Thee; for Thou wilt answer me. - There is none like unto Thee among the gods, O Lord; and there are no works like Thine. All the nations whom Thou hast made shall come and prostrate themselves before Thee, O Lord; For Thou art great, and doest wondrous things; Thou art God alone. - Teach me O Lord, Thy way, that I may walk in Thy truth; make one my heart to fear Thy name. I will thank Thee, O Lord my God, with my whole heart; I will glorify Thy name for evermore. For great is Thy mercy towards me; and Thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest nether-world. Thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion and gra- cious, slow to anger, and plentedus in mercy and truth. - 234 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY O turn unto me, and be gracious unto me; give Thy strength unto Thy servant, and save the son of Thy handmaid. - Choir Work in my behalf a sign for good; because Thou, Lord, hast helped me, and comforted me. Responsive Reading & (Psalm xviii) Minister I love Thee, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer. Congregation Praised, I cry, is the Lord, and I am saved from mine enemics. The cords of death compassed me; the floods of the nether-world filled me with dismay. In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried unto my God. Out of His temple He heard my voice, and my cry came before Him. He sent from on high; He took me; He drew me out of many waters. He delivered me from mine enemy most strong; and from them that hated me for they were too mighty for me. They confronted me in the day of my calamity; but the Lord was a stay unto me. The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands hath He recompensed me. AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 235 For I have kept the ways of the Lord and have not wickedly departed from my God. With the merciful Thou dost show Thyself merciful; with the upright Thou dost show Thyself up- right, with the pure Thou dost show Thyself pure. - For Thou dost save the afflicted people, but the haughty eyes Thou dost humble. For Thou dost light my lamp; the Lord my God doth lighten my darkness. As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is tried. He is a shield unto all them that take refuge in Him. For who is God save the Lord, and who is a Rock except our God? The God that girdeth me with strength and maketh my way straight. - Thou hast also given me the shield of Thy salvation. And Thy right hand hath holden me up, and Thy con- descension hath made me great. The Lord liveth, and blessed be my Rock; and exalt- ed be the God of my salvation. Therefore I will give thanks unto Thee, O Lord, among the nations, and will sing praises unto Thy name. Choir The Lord giveth strength to His people, and showeth mercy to His anointed, to Israel, His servant, for ever. Hallelujah. 236 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY (Psalms lxv and xxxvi) Minister Praise waiteth for Thee, O God, in Zion, and unto Thee the vow is performed. - Congregation rº O Thou that hearest prayer, unto Thee doth all flesh COIT162. Happy is the man whom Thou choosest, and bringest near that he may dwell in Thy courts. May we be satisfied with the goodness of Thy house, the holy place of Thy temple. With wondrous works dost Thou answer us in right- eousness, O God of our salvation. Thy.lovingkindness, O Lord, is in the heavens; Thy faithfulness reacheth unto the skies. Thy righteousness is like the mighty mountains; Thy judgments arc like the great deep. Man and beast Thou preservest, O Lord. How precious is Thy lovingkindness, O God; and the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Thy wings. Thou makest them drink of the river of Thy pleasures. For with Thee is the fountain of life; in Thy light do we see light. - Choir O continue Thy lovingkindness unto them that know Thee; and Thy righteousness to the upright in heart. AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 237 (Psalm x1) Minister I waited patiently for the Lord, and He inclined unto me, and heard my cry. Congregation He hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God. - Many shall see, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord. Happy is the man that hath made the Lord his trust, and hath not turned unto the arrogant. Many things hast Thou done, O Lord my God, even Thy wondrous works, and Thy thoughts to. wards us. There is none to be compared unto Thee. If I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be told. Sacrifice and meal-offering Thou hast no delight in; mine ears hast Thou opened; Burnt-offering and sin-offering, hast Thou not required. I delight to do Thy will, O my God, yea, Thy law is in my inmost parts. Let Thy mercy and Thy truth continually preserve me. Choir Let all those that seek Thee rejoice and be glad in Thee; let such as love Thy salvation say continually: The Lord be magnified. 238 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Minister Let us now mightily affirm the holiness of this day; for it is one full of awe and dread. On this day is Thy dominion exalted, Thy throne is established in mercy, and Thou judgest in truth. Verily it is Thou alone who givest judgment and reproof, who knowest and art witness; Thou writest down and sealest; Thou recordest and numberest. Thou rememberest all things forgotten. And all who enter the world Thou dost make pass before Thee, as a flock of sheep. As a shepherd seeketh out his flock, causing his sheep to pass under his staff, so dost Thou cause every living soul to pass before Thee, appointing the measure of every creature's life, and decreeing their destiny. On the first day of the year it is inscribed and on the Day of Atonement it is sealed: Minister, then Choir How many shall pass away and how many shall be born; who shall live and who shall die, who in the full- ness of his days and who before his time. Who shall be tranquil and who shall be harassed; who shall be brought low, and who shall be exalted. But Penitence, Prayer, and Charity avert the evil decree. Minister Thou desirest not the death of the sinner, but that the turn from his evil way and live. Till the day of his death Thou waitest for him and if he repent, Thou dost AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 239 pi's sºil sin à Di'ſ nº Tp Flph Tºny rºyayn). Tsp2 Tºrºnix). Tºp spin in .Ty] yin Trip, lºt sin Tºs ºf nps:nps: .nirºn-77 -iºn). Tip, hPip Enim ºniº Jinp inz Tºº Tigr nºiy 'sa-2.5| .ion) nnn is: Tagp in Ty Tyin nº ..Tº wº, Tippm .Hypn) Tiepm ºngº 12 :Hy-T-lyns ninjn). Thi-75. Tºp Tinnin] ..]\ppr! Tier Dix Diºn, .hany: Tyr, ºshi Minister, then Choir :lish: Tºp5] |-iny. Tº .ixp: sº "p, ixpm ºn .np, ºp. TIT, "p .5-, p. 25p; "p :yy; p. Tº "p : Tºn vºns I'-pºlyp TTX, Hºn. Tºwn) Minister i-Tipi-iwa Hs 2.npinion Pierin sº :iziph Tºp-iºns.iº Tºrninippi TV).TTT 240 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY straightway receive him. Thou hast fashioned man, and knowest the inclinations of his heart. Man is but flesh and blood, his origin dust, his end dust; he wears out his life for his daily bread; he is like the grass that withereth, the flower that fadeth; like a shadow that moveth on, a cloud that passeth by, a mote of dust that is blown away, a dream that is no more. But Thou art the eternal King, the ever-living God, (Congregation rises) Minister and Congregation Let us adore the ever-living God, and render praise unto Him who spread out the heavens and established the earth, whose glory is revealed in the heavens above and whose greatness is manifest throughout the world. He is our God; there is none else. Minister and Congregation, then Choir We bow the head and bend the knee and magnify the King of kings, the Holy One, praised be He. Minister Know ye this day, and take ye to heart that the Eternal, He is God; in the heavens above and on the earth beneath, there is none else. JCongregation is seated) AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 241 Dr. 2.DT; yTi This .Dººki simmps': nps iºn.-Ey” iPip -Eypi-Tip, DTS :DT Ty: pºsiºn, Txºº.-layinpºrºp.jpnºsa; pasºn.nayiirºi.Hºlly; ºnly ºx2.7ail :Fly: Biºrº). This :Dºp) ºr Tºp 7s sºn TEs, (Congregation rises) Minister and Congregation -gi"; nºt nº ºn its; Hayº rºy nºir. ..]"Is Tipin ºpy Toil sity .nºsti .Dºin? 'Thyn iſy nylºn.”ypp Hºpºa inp. :-Tiy I's lyriºs sin Minister and Congregation, then Choir Tºp 15% B'Tipi Bºrnyp. Hºyº injs! :sºn T-3 wi-TET.Bºn ºp Minister ºv-T).inninian;2.inºiſ DPsilºpnºs ºppa Rºsſ simi; 2.725?-?spapmuir, :-Tiy 'snººp PTST'zy) ºvipp (Congregation is seated) 242 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Minister Our God and God of our fathers, we stand before Thee on this day, as the community of Israel. We feel Thy nearness to us and are therefore deeply conscious of our disloyalty to Thee. We realize, alas, how remiss we have been as a community in upholding Thy name and sanctifying it before men. We confess that we have often failed to rise to the responsibility of glorify- ing Thee by our conduct and of vindicating by our lives the precious belief that we are Thy people. We have gloried in proclaiming Thy unity before men. And yet, how often have we desecrated Thy name by showing our indifference to faith, to the duty of worship, and to the knowledge and the love of Thee which are the supreme bliss of life. We have declared to the world that we were sent by Thee to teach justice and lovingkindness, brotherhood and peace. And yet, even in our own household, petty prejudices, class enmities, and the envious conflicts for the prizes of worldly gain, have not ceased. They have not been overcome by the belief that Thou art our Father, that Thou hast created us all, and that therefore, we should not deal treacherously one man against his brother. Preaching peace to the world, we have not established it, even in the midst of Israel. We have, by Thy grace, taught the world the sanc- tity of a weekly day of rest, and that the Sabbath is the sign of the tie that binds us to Thee. And yet, we have denied our teaching by refusing to hallow the week of toil with hours of rest and worship. Thus we are dis- crediting ourselves, as ministers of the Lord, as a king- AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 243 dom of priests, planted by Thee, and as a holy people, called by Thee to give light to the world. We confess also before Thee, that often what should have been the most powerful challenge to our soul, calling forth the best in us, of humility, of duty, of self- sacrifice, was turned by our erring minds into an excuse for our sins. We know only too well that what should have made us most scrupulous in self-searching, helped us rather to self-indulgence and self-justification. We have proclaimed to the world, even as law-giver and prophet taught, that we were Thine own treasure, a chosen people, Thy servant, upon whom Thou didst put Thy spirit. But we have not always lived so as to show ourselves worthy of this high and holy charge. Alas, we have contemned our holy heritage and made it minister to our own pride. Our sacred obligations we have turned into an oblation of incense to our racial vanity. Also the world's injustice, and the persecution of Israel, have forced upon us the task of self-defense to such a degree as not to leave us strength enough to examine our own lives with impartial search for the truth. We have not made our sufferings a discipline for our souls. We have found excuse for own sin in the iniquity of the persecutor. We lacked the moral power, which our heroic forefathers had, even in the face of unjust hate, to point to our own breasts and say, we too, have sinned, have committed iniquity, have trans- gressed. Our God and Father, who are we, that we should seek to fathom the mystery of Thy benign Providence? 244 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY With awe and humility, we ask Thy forgiveness for our sin, in that we were unfaithful to the high purposes entrusted to Israel. Give us, we pray Thee, strength and courage, that we may bravely endure, and that we may sanctify Thee before men. Help us to turn the struggle and the suffering and the sacrifice, demanded of Israel, into inspirations and sanctifications for our daily lives, and put to nought the counsel of those that devise evil against us. O Lord, hasten the day when all evil shall be destroyed and wickedness shall be no more. Quicken us to work with the righteous of all nations and creeds, to bring about Thy kingdom upon earth, so that hatred among men shall cease, that the walls of prejudice and pride, separating peoples, shall crumble and fall, and war, the weapon of man's hate, be destroyed for ever. Turn our hearts to Thee, O God and Father, that we may serve Thee in sincerity and in truth. And serving Thee, may our example help to lead many to Thee. O Thou who hast founded the world on love, may this Atonement Day, by Thy grace, become a spiritual power to unite us with our fellowmen, in reconciliation, in forgiveness and in love. Praised be Thy name, O Holy One of Israel, who hast sanctified us for Thy service and hast consecrated us as a mes- senger of glad tidings to mankind. Amen. Choir The Lord will not cast off for ever. Let us search and try our ways and return to the Lord. AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 245 Minister Thou art Our God and there is none else. Thou hast fashioned man in Thine image, Thou hast or- dained the way of life in which he should walk so that he might become holy as Thou art holy. Thou didst make with Israel an everlasting covenant and didst appoint him to be the messenger of Thy truth and to bring the assurance of Thine all-sustaining love to the peoples of the earth. On this most sacred of days, we call to mind the providential care with which Thou didst lead our fathers. When spiritual darkness covered the earth, Thy light illumined the dwellings of Israel. On Zion's height rose Thy sanctuary, the only shrine dedicated to Thee. To Thine altar our fathers brought the offer- ings of joy and gratitude, the sacrifice of contrition and repentance, of fervent devotion and steadfast pur- pose. From Thy courts flowed forth the stream of spiritual life whose waters have refreshed and quickened the souls of man. Zion fell, the Temple sank into ruins. Centuries have rolled by; generations have come and gone; kingdoms have risen and fallen. And today, wherever we dwell, we still look back with rever- ence to that sacred spot, remembering that from Zion went forth the law and the word of God from Jerusalem. We have passed through many trials and endured countless ills. Yet the same faith which sustained our fathers, still lives within us. We are warmed by the same fervor, cheered by the same hope, guided by the same hand. And on this holy day, the faithful of Israel 246 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY appear before Thee with contrite heart and repentant spirit as did our fathers of old. Notwithstanding the changes of time and despite oppression and persecution wehave sought to remain faithful to the trustwhich they have bequeathed unto us. Thy providence has preserved and sustained us in Our struggles against Superstition and error. May then the memory of the past impress 11s with the duty to remain faithful to our heritage and to be mindful of our obligations. We recall the solemn ceremonies of this day in the ancient Temple, when the High Priest, arrayed in the garments of his holy office, entered the sanctuary and pleaded that God pardon the sins of the people. He prayed first for himself and his household, that freed of his sins, he might approach God as worthy spokesman for the people. Though guardian of the sanctuary, and set apart for its holy service, he felt himself to be as human as others and as prone to sin, for there is no man so righteous that doeth good and sinneth not. Like unto the High Priest, may Israel's teachers today bear themselves humbly and be watchful of their re- sponsibility, May their lives in the sight of God testify to the truths which they proclaim unto men. Grant them wisdom and strength, O God, to expound Thy word with earnestness and courage yet free from pas- sion, and thus awaken in the hearts of Thy people zeal for Thy cause and confidence in Thee. May these memories of the service of the High Priest on this day prompt us, of the House of Israel, to purify ourselves of error and iniquity so that our lives may be worthy of the name we bear and every Jewish home may be- AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 247 come a sanctuary consecrated by Thy presence and dedicated unto righteousness. Humbled by the sense of our weakness and our guilt, we ask Thee, O God of our fathers, to help us cleanse our hearts from the sins which have stained them. In the words of the ancient High Priest, we pray: Minister and Congregation, then Choir o Lord, pardon the Bºsgrº.sji=2...sº sins, transgressions and Evºs.” nilivº) iniquities which I have committed before Thee, ."my º ."mSºrſº) 1T ºr * I and my household, as "Nº ..Tº *Flvº)) it is said: On this day . ºf T : • : 1- ºr ºr : Di'i, º, .ininja :"nº atonement shall be made for you to cleansé you; -Hº njºy -E3: min - from all your sins shall .D.)"I]NºëII 25rp DJITS ye be clean before the º * : * Lord. :-Ton ºr Minister After the High Priest had made atonement for him- self and his household, he entered the holy of holies. There he prayed for the whole congregation of Israel and made expiation for their sins. Like unto the congregation of old, may all Israel be reunited with Thee this day. May the erring again seek Thee in newness of heart; may those who have strayed from the faith of the fathers return to their 248 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY heritage; may they who have grown cold and indiffer- ent be filled with fervor, so that the house of Israel may again become one Congregation, bound together in the worship of Thee and in devotion to Thy service. Then shall we, Thy people, purified and re-consecrated, have become worthy to stand in Thy presence and receive again Thine ancient assurance: Yet now hear, O Jacob, My servant, and Israel whom I have chosen. Thus saith the Lord that made thee: Fear not, O Jacob, My servant, and thou, Jeshurun, whom I have chosen. For I will pour water upon the thirsty land, and streams upon the dry ground; I will pour My spirit upon thy seed, and My blessing upon thine offspring; and they shall spring up among the grass, as willows by the water-courses. One shall say: I am the Lord's; and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe with his hand unto the Lord, and shall surname himself by the name of Israel. And sowe pray again in the words of the High Priest: Minister and Congregation, then Choir O Lord, pardon the Bºstºriº. NJ Tº... sº sms. e transgresons and .n'vyB'z, © niliy?) iniquities which Thy - & people, the house of Israel ..]yº. .inyºl.istºry have committed, as it is :*s-y nºa Tºpy Tºº said: On this day atone- min Diºn º .5in): "Tº: Ep”y -53, ment shall be made for vou to cleanse you; from AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 249 all your sins shall ye be .D.)"ITSöT 25rp Diºns clean before the Lord. :*-ūlton " "JE-2 Minister When the priests and the people who stood in the court heard the High Priest pronounce Thine ineffable name, they prostrated themselves before Thee in rever- ence and praised Thy name and the glory of Thine everlasting kingdom. In the same words we render homage to Thee today: Minister and Congregation, then Choir Praised be His name, in-ºp Tinº ny Tina whose glorious kingdom :Ty] Bºi y: is for ever and ever. Minister Throughout the world, O Lord our God, Thy people stand this day before Thee to beseech Thy mercy and Thy pardon. The prophetic spirit lives in Israel as of yore; still is he Thy servant and Thy witness unto the peoples of the earth. Confidently we await the blessed day when Thou who didst reveal Thyself to our fathers shalt be acknowledged as God by all mankind. Not for ourselves alone, but for all whom Thou hast created . in Thine image, do we implore Thy favor. Let the glad tidings of reconciliation and peace come to all Thy children and fill their hearts with holy joy. When Solomon dedicated the Temple, he prayed: Moreover concerning the stranger that is not of Thy 250 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY people Israel, when he shall come out of a far country for Thy name's sake—for they shall hear of Thy great name, and of Thy mighty hand, and or Thine out- stretched arm—when he shall come and pray towards this house, hear Thou in heaven, Thy dwelling-place, and do according to all the stranger calleth to Thee for; that all the peoples of the earth may know Thy name, to fear Thee, as doth Thy people Israel and that they may know that Thy name is called upon this house which I have builded. In this spirit we too pray for all men. Grant that wherever a heart sighs in anguish under the burden of guilt, wherever a soul yearns to return to Thee, it may feel the effect of Thy pardoning love and mercy. Let superstition, falsehood and malice vanish every- where. Send forth Thy light and Thy truth to those who grope in darkness, and the knowledge of Thee to those who follow after strange gods; and may Thy house be called the house of prayer for all peoples. Hasten the time when the mountain of Thy house shall be established as the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills and peoples shall flow unto it; when they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning-hooks; when nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more; but they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig-tree; and none shall make them afraid. Then shall Thy kingdom be established upon earth, and upon all the nations shall rest Thy spirit, even the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of coun- AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 251 sel and might, the spirit of knowledge and fear of Thee. Then as one great family shall all Thy children exclaim: Minister and Congregation, then Choir The Lord will reign for Triº's Eziy? * , Tºry ever, thy God, O Zion, º; + v 3 ºr 3 3 * from generation to gener- :Fºr -j-. -i-. ji”; ation. Hallelujah. Responsive Reading (Psalm li) Minister Be gracious unto me, O God, according to Thy mercy; according to the multitude of Thy compassions blot out my transgressions. Congregation Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my transgressions; and my sin is ever before me. Against Thee, Thee only, have I sinned, and done that which is evil in Thy sight; That Thou mayest be justified when Thou speakest, and be in the right when Thou judgest. Hide Thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a stead- fast spirit within me. Cast me not away from Thy presence; and take not Thy holy spirit from me. Then I will teach transgressors Thy ways; and sin ners shall return unto Thee. 252 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY O Lord, open Thou my lips; and my mouth shall declare Thy praise. - For Thou delightest not in sacrifice, else would I give it; Thou hast no pleasure in burnt-offerings. Choir The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise. Minister On this day our fathers everywhere recalled with deep sorrow the solemn rites of atonement in the Tem- ple at Jerusalem and lamented the glory which had departed from Zion's hill. In strains, both sad and rapturous, they gave voice to the sense of desolation with which these stirring memories filled their hearts. Happy the eyes, they chanted, that saw the high-priest in his sacred vestment, the snow-white robe of purity and honor, ministering at Thine altar. Happy the eyes that beheld the chief of the sons of Aaron as he stood with hands uplifted for blessing like the proud cedar of Lebanon. He appeared like the morning star which rises out of the dark night, like the sun which casts its splendor upon earth and sky. Happy the ears that heard the thousand-voiced song of the Levites, accompanied by the trumpet, the harp, and the flute, echoing the praises of the Most High in sweet and soul- stirring melodies. But Thou, O Lord, dost not delight in sacrificial altars; and priestly pomp pleases Thee not. Thou AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 253 hast taught us through Thy prophets what is good and what Thou dost require of us: to do justly, to lovemercy and to walk humbly with Thee; to plead the cause of the widow and the orphan; to protect the stranger, to feed the hungry and to clothe the naked; to break the bonds of wickedness and to free the oppressed. By such offerings of the spirit can we serve Thee most truly and find favor in Thy sight. And when Thou didst send us forth to all parts of the earth, it was but to bear witness to this, Thine eternal truth, and to glorify Thy holy name throughout the world. Choir My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God! When shall I come up and appear before God? My tears have been my meat day and night, while they continually say to me, where is thy God? When I remember these things, I pour out my soul within me. Why art thou cast down, O my soul, and why art thou disquieted in me? Hope Thou in God, for I shall yet praise Him, who is the health of my countenance and my God. Minister Thy ways, O Lord, are higher than our ways, and Thy thoughts higher than our thoughts. Who can fathom Thy purposes, and divine the secrets of Thy judgments? Often in that which comes like a blight- ing sorrow, there lies hidden the token of Thy deep love. When Thy holy Temple was destroyed, and 254 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Israel was driven from his home to become a wanderer in foreign lands, little did Thy people in their mournful plight foresee the larger destiny which Thou hadst appointed for them. In their grief and humiliation our fathers searched their hearts for the secret sins which had brought this terrible judgment upon them. On the Day of Atonement they felt most deeply the bitterness of their exile from the holy land and the loss of temple, altar and priesthood as a means of atone- ment. But the promises of grace which abound in Thy word have opened our eyes to the deeper meaning of Thy law. It has been given us to understand that true atonement is perfected in the heart when it turns in sincerity to Thee, and that altar and ministering priest cannot make repentance more acceptable. By Thy grace, O God, it has also been given us to see in our dispersion over the earth, not a means of punish- ment, but a sign of blessed privilege. Scattered among the nations of the world, Israel is to bear witness to Thy power and Thy truth and to endeavor to unite all peoples in a covenant of brotherhood and peace. Choir Shall I say unto God, my Rock, why hast Thou for- gotten me? When, with a sword in my bones, mine enemies reproach me, saying daily unto me: Where is thy God? Why art thou cast down, O my soul, and why art thou disquieted within me? - Hope thou in God, for I shall yet praise Him, who is the health of my countenance and my God. AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 255 Minister We, therefore, give thanks and praise to Thee, our Guardian and Redeemer. Thou hast preserved and guided us through the centuries of hatred and persecu- tion, that the love of Thy name and Thy law, rooted deep in the soul of Israel, might quicken every heart and draw it nigh unto Thee. As custodian and teacher of Thy truth, Israel, the light of the nations, lives on and keeps aglow the pure faith in Thee. Not backward do we turn our eyes, O Lord, but for- ward to the promised and certain future. Wherever a sanctuary is dedicated to Thy service, Thou dwellest; and wherever Thy name is worshiped, Thou revealest Thyself anew. And though we cherish and revere the place where stood the cradle of our people, the land where Israel grew up like a tender plant, and the knowledge of Thee rose like the morning-dawn, our longings and aspirations reach out toward a higher goal. The morning-dawn shall yet brighten into a radiant noonday; the tender sprout shall yet become a heaven-aspiring tree beneath which all the families of the earth will find shelter. This is the gracious promise proclaimed by Thy prophets; and with faith unshaken and heart undismayed we shall labor and wait for its fulfilment. Then will the sanctuary be reared in which atonement and reconciliation will be made by the sevenfold brightness of the sun of truth, that first arose on Sinai's mount. Thy law will be established in the hearts of men, and all Thy children will unite in peace and love to serve Thee, their Father and their God. Amen. 256 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Responsive Reading (Psalm cri) Minister I will give thanks unto the Lord with my whole heart, in the council of the upright and in the congre- gation. Congregation The works of the Lord are great, sought out of all them that have delight therein. His work is glory and majesty, and His righteousnes endureth for ever. - He hath made a memorial for His wonderful works; the Lord is gracious and full of compassion. He hath given food unto them that fear Him; He will ever be mindful of His covenant. He hath declared to His people the power of His works, in giving them the heritage of the nations. The works of His hands are truth and justice; all His precepts are sure; They are established for ever and ever, they are done in truth and uprightness. He hath sent redemption unto His people; He hath commanded His covenant for ever; holy and awful is His name. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all they that do there- after; His praise endureth for ever. AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 257 Responsive Reading (Psalm cri) :Hºrſ :ITTyl Bºy, Tipa .552-75; Tin. Tſis :Bºx.ED-25% ºn nin, pyp Dº", Twº n-ply inpix. .ibyº - Tºm-Tin :TrT Bimſºn ºnisºº ripy ºf :in'-in pºly” ºr psy” in Flº º Binºr, Dº nº joyº Tin ºpporº :*TPP” nº.109pp. nºs ", "pyº :-pº] npša Bºwy .B'ziyº Twº ºpp - :in'-in Bºiyº T; .ipy” Hay ni-TE :: ns". Tºri n'ºs- :ipy still witp :Ty: n-ſpy inºrin .Dºrºyº nilo '729 258 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Responsive Reading Minister O Father, forgive us, for in folly have we strayed from Thee. * Congregation O King, pardon us for our sins are many. Lord of hosts, who dwellest above the spheres, Thou alone art God. With fatherly love Thou pleadest: Return ye erring children. Draw nigh unto Me with words of repentance, seek ye Me and ye shall live. Lo, Thy words stand for ever, and relying on them we approach Thee. Remember us unto life; be gracious unto us according to Thine abundant mercy. Thou art merciful unto the wicked as unto the good. Thy hand is stretched out to receive the penitent. Thou desirest not the death of the guilty; therefore do we seek Thee early and late. King of mercy, glorified by the hosts of heaven, cleanse us from sin and guilt. Forgive us our trespasses, though they be many; hear us, God of our fathers. AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 259 Responsive Reading ilº ºrn.ºry linºis -ina ºf iris is nºt : rig anº.ilººp nº law ºn .Dººrſ agi nisix its :Dºniº :D'an ºp: "Tºp-1.pany nºn-Tă "zsº D'Ivy, is nº Dº B'ziy? Tº sº. :Dºlph :Banº TTºrº ºjº.nºaib Bºrº illº ºap” tº Tºp, .nziº D'yº Tºs Bio :D"ily Bºyzyp is 15: .nºr nipa Pierin sº "? & - :nº-ypi :Blairpisºſpip.pniºnirpaºpiº :Bºx TD'ºùxīypºg.nºlypH synºp 260 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Let not the gates of repentance be closed unto us; attend with favor to our entreaties. Bring us near unto Thee, O God of might, behold our feebleness and low estate. We turn to Thee in penitence, both young and old, and rely on Thine abundant mercy. Yea, upon Thine abundant mercies do we rely and by Thy lovingkindness are we sustained. We hope for Thy forgiveness, we wait for Thy salvation. Thou, O Lord, lovest righteousness and remittest the sins of those who fear Thee. Thou didst enter into covenant with the fathers, and fulfillest Thy promise to the latest generation. Thou didst reveal Thy glory on Sinai and show the ways of Thy goodness to Moses, Thy servant. Thou didst make manifest to him the paths of Thy mercies and didst make known to him that Thou art a God compassionate and gracious. Long suffering, abundant in kindness, of infinite goodness and governing the whole world in 1116.1°CY7. AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 261 in lynipyx .nº, in 2: Tºwn The :Dºp. Bºt untpg isn.Bºrº agin Tºs in-p :D"pn Tprº, ºy Dºlph .Bºy Bºy, Tºs ſing :D'ann TripTx vy).Bºrnton is nº Tpr Tºyº - :D'yº, JS :nºppils inviºl.n'Exip is "nintº ning Tagp.BTEnnipTx-HistºpºsińITFs : "Sº, nsºr, T'pp. ipy :pºinris: Tylny pºppi.nºliºs-i: nºna n-13 J'Sºn.”yp Tºy Tinzliya FTysºmnºs :Tſiy Typº Hill, '27' Binn's Hºsºiny Tim.iº prº-ſºprºnin's :}}}|T "ns "Tipi.n'tyriº Hämp, Tºr, an EPs TS :Epſºm n-ſpiniº Hºly Tº 262 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY As it is written: I will make all My goodness pass before thee, and will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee; And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy. O Lord, who art long-suffering and benign, Thou hast taught us the way of repentance. Thine abundant mercy remember this day unto the descendants of Thy beloved. Turn unto us in Thine infinite compassion; for Thou art the dispenser of mercy. With prayer and supplication we appear before Thee: in humility we crave Thy forgiveness. Protect us under the shadow of Thy grace; remove our transgressions and our sins. Accept our prayers as on the day when Thou didst reveal Thy glory unto Thy servant Moses. The Lord passed by before him and said: The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth; Keeping mercy unto the thousandth generation, for- giving iniquity and transgression and sin. Yea, Thou wilt forgive our sins and imiquities, and make us again Thy heritage. AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 263 .T.Bºy abº Tags is "ps, an: 15 :Tºº Dyn ºnslp. :Erins Tysºns nºn-minis Tysºns näm TT.I.s.lp. Bºrſº ºvºi.T.s EPs Tsº's :nºnin Hºn :TTT yºu? bin -i-in. Tipm Tprº, nº :D'prinſ, ºya sin HRs 2.5"prºlin irºs ºf :DTPºly” ºv-Tirth.DTP. Tº Fiºnal Tºrnia :y: " Tº Diº liºn, Tºr, TEP 7x7. iny axºn.) Diº.nys Tºm 9pp. 79 Tiagº :Dy Dyn spºl Diº."pSpilpa'ºpm Inylyl'Isº e :"ps, Dyl. :sºpºl "JF '79 - Thyll :nps, Tºr, an nºs Ts.Him ninth's . . ºn??).TsºrTyrºlliy spl.n'Ezsº TPIT-Xi. :*Tº instºriº inig': 264 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Minister and Choir Thy way, O God, is patience and compassion, alike to the wicked and the good; this is Thy glory. Instil Thy healing balme into the sorrowing heart; have pity on those who are but dust and ashes. Cast away our sins and be gracious to Thy handiwork. We have none to plead for us; deal with us ac- cording to Thy righteousness. Responsive Reading Minister O my King who workest salvation, keepest mercy unto thousands, and forgivest transgressions, pardon my sins and in Thine abundant mercy be gracious unto IIlê, Congregation O Lord, unto Thee I cry all this day. Minister This day heal our wounds and forgive our backslid- ings. We come unto Thee in penitence; accept us graciously. Congregation Let us forsake the evil way, and return unto the Lord this day. AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 265 Minister and Choir - .nºniº D'yº .45s T-sºº lyriºs º-T :-inºrin sºn :-Es) -Ey'vy prin.F.T. Hºyº. Tºns Hºyº .ºs I’s 2 sºn.Tygpin linn).ºrstºn Tºwn :TPTX ºpy Tyg Responsive Reading Minister +xi."lion anpi niyy; ºvie DTP) ºp "stºr. Tº .';ig) ºvyB sºn D'Eºs: TPI) ... ºn D’an: Tºrſº Congregation :Dinº sºps Tºs ºf Minister ling ºn tº lisps ºf ºrniniºn spinniºn Timlinſ, yy) TT.IIITTºrº. Priº's Tºs ..]ll'S Congregation :Diºr, Jºy TB 266 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Minister This day reveal unto us Thy power, O Lord; requite us not according to our sins; turn unto us in Thine infinite love and have compassion upon us. Congregation Like as a father pitieth his children, so have pity upon us this day. Minister This day blot out our misdeeds and inscribe us in the book of life; for Thou hast graciously promised for- giveness and pardon. Congregation Be nigh unto us, for on Thee do we call this day. Minister This day we lift up our hearts unto Thee, and pro- claim Thy might. With song and praise we approach Thee and magnify Thy name. Congregation We confess a mol forsake our sins; pardon us this day. Minister This day, Thy people knock at Thy door; unto Thee AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 267 Minister DITF.'zipinºslynilig») : Tº sºy piºn TTºm Tºrin.ºiom irºy BIT Bºy as .niº winniº irºs HIP Congregation :Diºrn, Zion D. Minister e .pirin Iris Bºrn HEpº T'pr lyºn Diºn Trºp.pinºp-tipyrºsa-lp Tysilsºp Riº .pinº inpy TP2) Congregation :Dirrty 2sº ºppº Minister pigi.ºp, Trinian Tºswi-E: Yº Biºn arly HTipilig.ºrſ. This invº. Tº Firſ. :*En: Hºrn ºpa, Congregation :Hirºº Tipnity; Minister s]-.pn).5 pHi Tºi-ys by Tipp piºn 268 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY is their longing and upon Thee do they lean. Stretch forth Thy hand and receive them; make them glad with Thine assurance. Congregation Ye who cleave unto the Lord your God, are living, all of you, this day. Choir O God, who is like unto Thee? Thou art majestic and glorious, creator of heaven and earth. O God, who is like unto Thcc? Thou revealest secret things; Thou declarest right- eousness. O God, who is like unto Thee? Thou art clothed with majesty and there is none besides Thee. O God, who is like unto Thee? . Thou art mindful of the covenant and art gracious to the remnant of Israel. O God, who is like unto Thee? Thou art pure of eye, Thou dwellest in the heavens. O God, who is like unto Thee? Thou art above iniquity and art robed in righteous- ness. O God, who is like unto Thee? Thou art King of kings; Thou art awe-inspiring and & exalted. O God, who is like unto Thee? Thou upholdest the falling and answerest the prayev of the oppressed. O God, who is like unto Thee? Thou redeemest the burdened and savest with great power. O God, who is like unto Thee? AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR arosewest DAY 269 Bºp! Dº TT, vi-E.D'phºnpºy ºf Byſſ, :DTºº Congregation :Diºn Dº Dºn Byrº's "a pºp-T, DEs Choir :Tip: 7s 'p .-iºn pit sºnia -ism -m-ts :Tip: 7s 'p nipTx-aii nippy Hºi. ..Timº vs "p .inºr ps, iºnºa - T. ..Timº vs "p .nºsy in nºn-lºit :Tipº '7s 'p .nºpy nyi Bºy Tintº :Tip: 7s 'p .nipTx ºniº niliy waii, :Tip: 7s 'p .nym sºil Dºn Tºp :Tip: 7s 'p .Epwy Tiy Bºi, Tºp :Tip: 7s 'p .nº in-ha Hyx 7"xp tie 270 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Thou art nigh unto those who call upon Thee, Thou art merciful and gracious. O God, who is like unto Thee? Thou inhabitest the heights; Thou art the stay of the upright. O God, who is like unto Thee? Minister O God, who is like unto Thee, that pardonest iniqui- ty and passest by the transgression of the remnant of Thy heritage? Thou retainest not Thine anger for ever, because Thou delightest in mercy. Thou wilt again have compassion on us. Thou wilt subdue our iniquities; yea, Thou wilt cast all our sins into the depths of the sea. Thou wilt show faithfulness to Jacob, mercy to Abraham, as Thou hast sworn unto our fathers from the days of old. Minister and Choir This day, strengthen us! Choir: Amen. This day, bless us! Choir: Amen. This day, exalt us! Choir: Amen. This day, show us Thy favor! Choir: Amen. This day, hear our supplication! Choir: Amen. This day, support us with the right hand of Thy righteousness! - Choir: Amen. AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 271 :Tip: 7s 'p .ºrm Bīrīn "snipº -i-p :*liº 7s "p .n'n'pſ, Tºpin D'priº) lyiv) a r * |2|, | Minister nº-sº yºpºy Thy jig sº, Tip: 7s 'p :Nºn-pri PEI 2.jes Twº pºrtſ, sº inºr, Eniºn: Tºwn).ºnilig win:"...prin, alº: .tiºns? Tºr .apy? npš FF :Bºstºn”? :ET2°ºn ºrniasº Fº; "ps Minister and Choir :}ps .]]xps!, Diºr, :Tºš ºn Bº :}ps .ii.2-lyn piºn :}ps .niº y TP piºn :1ps .ilnyy ypººl Diº ..]?S$ TDT; Trya ºppnº piºn 272 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Selections from the Bible and Jewish Literature (To be read as time will permit) From the Bible I (Isaiah i, 1-20) The vision of Isaiah, the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah. Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth, for the Lord hath spoken; children I have reared, and brought up, and they have rebelled against Me. The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib; but Israel doth not know, My people doth not consider. Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evil-doers, children that deal corruptly; they have forsaken the Lord, they have contemned the Holy One of Israel, they are turned away backward. On what part will ye be yet stricken, seeing ye stray away more and more? The whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint; from the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and fester- ing sores: they have not been pressed, neither bound up, neither mollified with oil. Your country is desolate; your cities are burned with fire; your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as over- thrown by floods. And the daughter of Zion is left as a booth in a vineyard, as a lodge in a garden of cucum- bers, as a besieged city. Except the Lord of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 273 as Sodom, we should have been like unto Gomorrah. Hear the word of the Lord, ye rulers of Sodom; give ear unto the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrah. To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto Me? saith the Lord; I am full of the burnt offer- ings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats. When ye come to appear before Me, who hath re- quired this at your hand to trample My courts? Bring no more vain oblations; it is an offering of abomination unto Me; new moon and sabbath, the holding of Con- vocations, I cannot endure iniquity along with the solemn assembly. Your new moons and your appointed seasons my soul hateth, they are a burden unto Me; I arm weary to bear them. And when ye spread forth yºur hands, I will hide Mine eyes from you; yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear; your hands are full of blood. Wash you, make you clean, put away the evil of your doings from before Mine eyes, cease to do evil; learn to do well; seek justice, relieve the op- pressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow. Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord; though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land; but if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword; for the mouth of the Lord hath spokem. 274 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY II (Isaiah v) Let me sing of my well-beloved, a song of my beloved touching his vineyard. My well-beloved had a vine- yard in a very fruitful hill; and he digged it, and cleared it of stones, and planted it with the choicest vine, and built a tower in the midst of it, and also hewed out a vat therein; and he looked that it should bring forth grapes, and it brought forth wild grapes. And now, O inhabitants of Jerusalem and men of Judah, judge, I pray you, betwixt me and my vineyard. What could have been done more to my vineyard, that I have not done in it? Wherefore, when I looked that it should bring forth grapes, brought it forth wild grapes? And now come, I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard: I will take away the hedge thereof, and it shall be trod- den down and I will lay it waste: it shall not be pruned nor hoed, but there shall come up briers and thorns; I will also command the clouds that they rain no rain upon it. For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah the plant of His delight; and He looked for justice, but behold violence; for righteousness but behold a cry. Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no room, and ye be made to dwell alone in the midst of the land. In mine ears said the Lord of hosts: Of a truth many houses shall be desolate, even great and fair, without inhabitant. For ten acres of vineyard shall yield one bath, and the seed of a homer shall yield, an ephah. Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that tarr." AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 275 late into the night, till wine inflame them! And the harp and the psaltery, the tabret and the pipe, and wine, are in their feasts; but they regard not the work of the Lord, neither have they considered the operation of His hands. Therefore My people are gone into cap- tivity, for want of knowledge; and their honorable men are famished, and their multitude are parched with thirst. Therefore the nether-world hath enlarged her desire, and opened her mouth without measure; and down goeth their glory, and their tumult and their uproar, and he that rejoiceth among them. And man is bowed down, and man is humbled, and the eyes of the lofty are humbled; but the Lord of hosts is exalted through justice, and God the Holy One is sanctified through righteousness. Then shall the lambs feed as in their pasture, and the waste place of the fat ones shall wanderers eat. Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope, that say: Let Him make speed, let Him hasten His work, that we may see it; and let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw nigh and come, that we may know it! Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that change darkness into light, and light into darkness; that change bitter into sweet, and sweet into bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink; that justify the wicked for a reward, and take away the righteousness of the right- eous from him! Therefore as the tongue of fire de- voureth the stubble, and as the chaff is consumed in 276 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY the flame, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust; because they have rejected the law of the Lord of hosts, and condemned the word of the Holy One of Israel. Therefore is the anger of the Lord kindled against His people, and He hath stretched forth His hand against them and hath smitten them, and the hills did tremble, and their carcasses were as refuse in the midst of the streets. For all this His anger is not turned away, but His hand is stretched out still. And He will lift up an ensign to the nations from afar, and will hiss unto them from the end of the earth; and, behold, they shall come with speed swiftly; none shall be weary nor stumble among them; none shall slumber nor sleep; neither shall the girdle of their loins be loosed nor the latchet of their shoes be broken; whose arrows are sharp, and all their bows bent; their horses' hoofs shall be counted like flint, and their wheels like a whirl- wind; their roaring shall be like a lion, they shall roar like young lions, yea, they shall roar, and lay hold of the prey, and carry it away safe, and there shall be none to deliver. And they shall roar against them in that day like the roaring of the sea; and if one look unto the land, behold darkness and distress, and the light is darkened in the skies thereof. III (Isaiah vi) In the year that king Uzziah died I saw the Lord sit- ting upon a throne high and lifted up, and His train filled the temple. Above him stood the seraphim; each one had six wings: with twain he covered his AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 277 face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. And one called unto another, and said: Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory. And the posts of the door were moved at the voice of them that called, and the house was filled with smoke. Then said I: Woe is me!' for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts. Then flew unto me one of the seraphim, with a glow- ing stone in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar; and he touched my mouth with it, and said: Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin expiated. And I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then I said: Here am I; send me. And He said: Go, and tell this people: Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not. Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes, lest they, seeing with their eyes, and hearing with their ears, and understanding with their heart, return, and be healed. Then said I: Lord, how long? and He answered: Until cities be waste without inhabi- tant and houses without man, and the land become utterly waste, and the Lord have removed men far away, and the forsaken places be many in the midst of the land. And if there be yet a tenth in it, it shall again be eaten up; as a terebinth, and as an oak, whose stock remaineth, when they cast their leaves, so the holy seed shall be the stock thereof. 278 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY IV (Isaiah xlii, 1-7; lxi, 1–4, 8–11) Behold My servant, whom I uphold; Mine elect, in whom My soul delighteth; I have put My spirit upon him; he shall make the right to go forth to the nations. He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street. A bruised reed shall he not break, and the dimly burning wick shall he not quench; he shall make the right to go forth according to the truth. He shall not fail nor be crushed, till he have set the right in the earth; and the isles shall wait for his teaching. Thus saith God the Lord, He that created the heavens, and stretched them forth, He that spread forth the earth and that which cometh out of it; He that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein: I, the Lord, have called thee in righteousness, and have taken hold of thy hand, and kept thee, and set thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the nations; to open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison-house. The spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to bring good tidings unto the humble; He hath sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the open- ing of the eyes to them that are bound; to proclaim the year of the Lord's good pleasure, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; to appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them a garland for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 279 the mantle of praise for the spirit of heaviness, that they might be called terebinths of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, wherein He might glory. And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall renew the waste cities, the desolations of many generations. For I the Lord love justice, I hate robbery with ini- quity; and I will give them their recompense in truth, and I will make an everlasting covenant with them. And their seed shall be known among the nations, and their offspring among the peoples; all that see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed which the Lord hath blessed. I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for He hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, He hath covered me with the robe of victory, as a bridegroom putteth on a priestly diadem, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels. For as the earth bringeth forth her growth, and as the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forth; so the Lord God will cause victory and glory To spring forth before all the nations. (Jeremiah xxix-xxxi-xxxiii) Now these are the words of the letter that Jeremiah the prophet sent from Jerusalem unto the residue of the leaders of the captivity, and to the priests, and to the prophets, and to all the people, whom Nebuchad- 280 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY nezzar had carried away captive from Jerusalem to Babylon. Build ye houses, and dwell in them, and plant gardens, and eat the fruit of them; take ye wives, and beget sons and daughters; and take wives for your sons, and give your daughters to husbands, and multi- ply ye there, and be not diminished. And seek the peace of the city whither I have caused you to be car- ried away captive, and pray unto the Lord for it; for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace. For thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Let not your prophets that are in the midst of you, and your diviners, beguile you, neither hearken ye to your dreams which ye cause to be dreamed. For they prophesy falsely unto you in My name; I have not sent them, saith the Lord. For thus saith the Lord After seventy years are accomplished for Babylon, l will remember you, and perform My good word toward. you, in causing you to return to this place, for I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. And ye shall call upon Me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart. And I will be found of you, saith the Lord, and I will turn your captivity, and gather you from all the nations, and from all the places whither I have driven you, saith the Lord; and I will bring you back unto the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive. Behold the days come saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah. This is the covenant that I will make AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 281 with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put My law in their inward parts, and in their heart will I write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people; and they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, saying: Know the Lord; for they shall all know Me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord; for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin will I remember no more. Thus saith the Lord: Yet again there shall be heard in this place, the voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that say: Give thanks to the Lord of hosts, for the Lord is good, for His mercy endureth for ever. VI (Ezekiel xviii) And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying: What mean ye, that ye use this proverb in the land of Israel, saying: The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge? As I live, saith the Lord God, ye shall not have occasion any more to use this proverb in Israel. Behold, all souls are Mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is Mine; the soul that sinneth, it shall die. But if a man be just, and do that which is lawful and right, and hath not wronged any, but hath restored his pledge for a debt, hath taken nought by robbery, hath given his bread to the hungry, and hath covered the naked with a garment; he that hath not given 282 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY forth upon interest, neither hath taken any increase, that hath withdrawn his hand from iniquity, hath executed true justice between man and man, hath walked in My statutes, and hath kept Mine ordinances, to deal truly; he is just, he shall surely live, saith the Lord God. If he beget a son that is a robber, a shedder of blood, and that doeth to a brother any of these things, hath wronged the poor and needy; hath taken by robbery, hath not restored the pledge, and hath lifted up his eyes to the idols, hath committed abomination, hath given forth upon interest, and hath taken increase; shall he then live? He shall not live—he hath done all these abominations; he shall surely be put to death, his blood shall be upon him. Now, lo, if he beget a son, that seeth all his father's sins which he hath done, and considereth, and doeth not such like, he shall not die for the iniquity of his father, he shall surely live. As for his father, because he cruelly oppressed, committed robbery on his brother, and did that which is not good among his people, be- hold, he dieth for his iniquity. Yet say ye: Why doth not the son bear the iniquity of the father with him? When the son hath done that which is lawful and right, and hath kept all My statutes, and hath done them, he shall surely live. The soul that sinneth, it shall die; the son shall not bear the iniquity of the father with him, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son with him; the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him. AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 283 But if the wicked turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all My statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die. When the righteous man turneth away from his right- eousness, and committeth iniquity, he shall die therefor; for his iniquity that he hath done shall he die. Again when the wicked man turneth away from his wicked- ness that he hath committed, and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive. Because he considereth and turneth away from all his transgres- sions that he hath committed, he shall surely live; he shall not die. Yet saith the house of Israel: The way of the Lord is not equal. O house of Israel, is it My ways that are not equal? Is it not your ways that are unequal? Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his ways, saith the Lord God. Return ye, and turn yourselves from all your trans- gressions; so shall they not be a stumbling-block of iniquity unto you. Cast away from you all your trans- gressions, wherein ye have transgressed; and make you a new heart and a new spirit; for why will ye die, O house of Israel? For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord God; wherefore turn yourselves, and live. VII (From Malachi) A son honoreth his father, and a servant his master; if then I be a father, where is My honor? and if I be a master where is My fear? saith the Lord of hosts 284 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY unto you, O priests, that despise My name. Know then that I have sent this commandment unto you, that My covenant might be with Levi, saith the Lord of hosts. My covenant was with him of life and peace, and I gave them to him, and of fear and he feared Me, and was afraid of My name. The law of truth was in his mouth, and unrighteousness was not found in his lips; he walked with me in peace and uprightness, and did turn many away from iniquity. For the priest's lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth; for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts. But ye are turned aside out of the way; ye have caused many to stumble in the law; ye have cor- rupted the covenant of Levi, saith the Lord of hosts Therefore have I also made you contemptible and base before all the people, according as ye have not kept My ways, but have had respect of persons in the law. Have we not all one father? hath not one God created us? why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, profaning the covenant of our fathers? Remember ye the law of Moses My servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, even statutes and ordinances. Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord. And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers. AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 285 VIII (From Proverbs) Hear, my son, the instruction of thy father, and for- sake not the teaching of thy mother; for they shall be a chaplet of grace unto thy head, and chains about thy neck. Whoso curseth his father or his mother, his lamp shall be put out in the blackest darkness. The eye that mocketh at his father, and despiseth to obey his mother the ravens of the valley shall pick it out, and the young vultures shall eat it. Train up a child in the way he should go, and even when he is old, he will not depart from it. Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him. He that walketh in his integrity as a just man, happy are his children after him. A servant that dealeth wisely shall have rule over a son that dealeth shamefully, and shall have part of the inheri- tance among the brethren. He that is greedy of gain troubleth his own house. The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and toil addeth nothing thereto. The curse of the Lord is in the house of the wicked; but He blesseth the habitation of the righteous. Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled Ox and hatred therewith. For a righteous man falleth seven times, and riseth up again, but the memory of the righteous shall be for a blessing. Say not: I will do so to him as he hath done to me; I will render to the man according to his work. If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat, and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink; for thou wilt heap coals of fire upon 286 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY his head, and the Lord will reward thee. Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are importunate. As coals are to burning coals, and wood to fire, so is a contentious man to kindle strife. Where no wood is, the fire goeth out; and where there is no whisperer, contention ceaseth. Hatred stirreth up strifes; but love covereth all transgressions. Devise not evil against thy neighbor, seeing he dwelleth secure- ly by thee. Strive not with a man without cause if he have done thee no harm. IX (From Proverbs) Withhold not good from him to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thy hand to do it. Say not unto thy neighbor: Go, and come again, and tomorrow I will give; when thou hast it by thee. He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor. Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be answered. Rob not the weak, because he is weak, neither crush the poor in the gate; for the Lord will plead their cause, and despoil of life those that despoil them. Deliver them that are drawn unto death; and those that are ready to be slain wilt thou forbear to rescue? If thou sayest: Behold, we knew not this, doth not He that weigheth the hearts consider it? and shall not He render to every man according to his work? The rich and the poor meet together, the Lord is the Maker of them all. Whoso mocketh the poor AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 287 blasphemeth his Maker; and he that is glad at calam- ity shall not be unpunished. A righteous man regard- eth the life of his beast; but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel. Remove not the ancient landmark; and enter not into the fields of the fatherless; for their Redeemer is strong; He will plead their cause with thee. Open thy mouth, judge righteously and plead the cause of the poor and needy. The merciful man doeth good to his own soul; but he that is cruel trou- bleth his own flesh. There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth only to want. X (Ecclesiastes xi, xii) Cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days. Divide a portion into seven, yea, even into eight; for thou knowest not what evil shall be upon the earth. If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth; and if a tree fall in the south, or in the north, in the place where the tree falleth, there shall it be. He that observeth the wind shall not sow, and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap. In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening with- hold not thy hand, for thou knowest not which shall prosper, whether this or that or whether they both shall be alike good. And the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun. For if a man live many years, let him rejoice in them all, 288 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY and remember the days of darkness, for they shall be many. All that cometh is vanity. Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thy heart, and in the sight of thine eyes; but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment. Therefore remove vexation from thy heart, and put away evil from thy flesh; for childhood and youth are vanity. Remember then thy Creator in the days of thy youth, before the evil days come, and the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say: I have no pleasure in them; before the sun, and the light and the moon, and the stars are darkened, and the clouds return after the rain; in the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble, and the strong men shall bow themselves, and the grinders cease because they are few, and those that look out shall be darkened in the windows, and the doors shall be shut in the street, when the sound of the grinding is low; and one shall start up at the voice of a bird, and all the daughters of music shall be brought low; also when they shall be afraid of that which is high, and terrors shall be in the way; and the almond-tree shall blossom, and the grasshopper shall drag itself along, and the caperberry shall fail; because man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets; before the silver cord is snapped asunder, and the golden bowl is shattered, and the pitcher is broken at the fountain, and the wheel falleth shattered into the pit; and the dust returneth to the earth as it was, and the spirit returneth unto God who gave it. AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 289 From the Apocrypha XI (From Sirach) The greater thou art, the more thou must humble thyself, then shalt thou find favor before the Lord. My son, make not the needy eyes to wait long, neither pro- voke a man in his distress. Add not more trouble to a heart that is vexed; reject not the supplication of the afflicted, neither turn away thy face from a poor man. Honor thy father with thy whole heart and forget not the sorrows of thy mother; how canst thou recompose them the things they have done for thee? Kindle not the coal of a sinner lest thou be burnt with the flame of his fire. Why is earth and ashes proud” when a man is dead he shall inherit worms. As the judge of the people is himself so are his officers, and what manner of man the ruler of the city is, such are all they that dwell therein. Who will justify him that sinneth against his own soul and who will honor him that dishonoreth his own life? Blame not before thou hast examined the truth; understand first and then rebuke. Judge no one blessed before his death. Say not: It is through the Lord I fell away; for thou oughtest not to do the things that He hateth. He that buildeth his house with other men's money is like one that gathereth him- self stones for his own tomb. The heart of fools is in their mouth, but the mouth of the wise is in their hearts. Oh, how comely a thing is judgment for gray hairs and for old men to know counsel! Much expe- 290 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY rience is the crown of old men and the fear of God is their glory. Whether a man be rich or poor, if he have a good heart toward the Lord, he shall at all times rejoice with a cheerful countenance. Be not as a lion in thy house nor frantic among thy servants. XII (From Sirach) Whatsoever is brought upon thee take cheerfully and be patient when thou art brought to a low estate. For gold is tried in fire and acceptable men in adversity. They that fear God will prepare their hearts and hum- ble their souls in His sight, saying: We will fall into His hand and not into the hands of men; for as His majesty is, so is His mercy. Seek not out the things that are too hard for thee, neither search the things that are above thy strength, but that which is com- manded thee, think thereupon with reverence; for it is not needful to thee to see things with thine own eyes that are in secret. Be not curious in unnecessary mat- ters, for more things are shown unto thee than men understand. Deliver him that suffereth wrong from the hand of the oppressor, and be not faint-hearted when thou sittest in judgment; observe the opportu- nity and beware of evil, and be never ashamed when it concerneth the soul; for there is a shame that bringeth sin and there is shame which is glory and grace. Accept no person's authority against thy soul and let no respect of any person cause thee to fall. Refrain not to speak when there is occasion to do good, and hide not thy AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 291 wisdom; for by speech wisdom shall be known and learning by the word of the tongue. In no wise speak against the truth; but be ashamed of the error of thine ignorance. Be not hasty in thy tongue, whilst thou art slack and remiss in thy deeds. Say not: Who shall control me for my works? I have sinned and what harm hath happened to me? For though the Lord is long suffering yet will He in no wise let thee go unpunished. But neither do thou add sin upon sin and say: His mercy is great, He will be pacified for the multitude of my sins; for mercy and wrath both. come from Him and His displeasure rests upon sinners. Let thy life be sincere; be swift to hear the words of the wise and learn from them to give all thine answers with patience. Honor and shame is in the speech and the tongue of man often causeth his fall. Be not known as a whisperer of slander and lie not in wait against thy neighbor with thy tongue. XIII (From Sirach) The beginning of pride is when one departeth from God, and his heart is turned away from his Maker. Pride is not made for man nor furious anger for them that are born of woman. Whether a man be rich and of high station, or poor and lowly, his glory is in the fear of the Lord. Great men and judges and potentates shall be honored; yet is there none of them greater than he that feareth the Lord. Forgive thy neighbor the hurt that he hath done unto thee; so shall thy sins 292 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT TAY also be forgiven when thou prayest. One man beareth hatred against the other, and doth he seek pardon for himself from the Lord? He showeth no mercy to a man who is like himself and doth he ask forgiveness of his own sins? If he that is but flesh, nourish hatred, who will entreat for pardon of his sins? Remember the commandments not to bear malice to thy neighbor; abstain from strife and thou shalt diminish thine own sins. A sinful man disquieteth friends and maketh debate amongst them that are at peace. Have thou patience with a man in poor estate and delay not to show him mercy. There is no riches above a sound body and no joy above the joy of the heart. He that taketh away his neighbor's living slayeth him and he that defraudeth the laborer of his hire is a shedder of blood. He that washeth himself after the touching of a dead body, if he touch it again, what availeth his washing? So is it with a man that fasteth for his sins and goeth again and doeth the same, will his prayer be heard? or what doth his humbling profit him? He that keepeth the law bringeth offerings enough; he that taketh heed to the commandments, a peace offer- ing; he that requiteth a good turn, offereth fine flour; he that giveth alms sacrificeth praise-offering; to for- sake unrighteousness is a propitiation. In all thy gifts show a cheerful countenance and dedicate thy tithes with gladness. Fear not the sentence of death; remem- ber them that have been before thee and that come after thee; this is the sentence of the Lord over all flesh. Work thy work betimes and in His time He will give thee thy reward. ...FTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 293 XIV (From Wisdom of Solomon) Love righteousness; think of God with a pure heart and seek Him with simplicity of mind, for He will reveal Himself to those that do not distrust Him. Into a malicious soul wisdom will not enter nor dwell in a body that is subject to sin. Beware of murmuring which availeth nought; refrain thy tongue from back- biting. There is no word so secret that it shall go for naught. If a man love righteousness, the fruit of his wisdom are virtues, for she teacheth Temperance and Prudence, Justice and Fortitude than which man can have nothing more profitable in life. Thou, O God, hast mercy upon all and forbearest with the sins of men that they shall amend. Thou lovest all things that are and abhorrest nothing which Thou hast made; for never wouldst Thou have created anything, if thou hadst hated it. Thou hast taught Thy people that the just man should be merciful and hast made Thy chil- dren to be of good hope because Thou hast created . repentance for sins. Our life here is not a pastime and our time here not a market for gain, as some think, that they must be getting every way though it be by evil means. All the earth calleth upon truth and the heaven blesseth her. All kings shake and tremble at her and with her is no unrighteousness. She endureth and is always strong, and liveth and conquereth for evermore. With her there is no accepting of persons or bribes. She is the strength, the dominion, the power and the majesty of all ages. Blessed be the God of truth! 294 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY From the Talmud XV Life is a passing shadow, says the Scripture. Is it the shadow of a tower, or a treef. A shadow that pre- vails for a while? No, it is the shadow of a bird in his flight—away flies the bird and there is neither bird nor shadow. Repent one day before thy death, said a teacher to his pupils. How do we know the day of death? asked the pupils. Whereupon the teacher rejoined: Since any day may be the day of death, repent every day. A king bade all his servants to a great repast, but did not indicate the hour; some went home and put on their best garments and stood at the door of the palace; others said: There is ample time, the king will let us know beforehand. But the king summoned them of a sudden; and those that came in slovenly garb were turned away in disgrace. Repent today, lest ye be summoned tomorrow. The aim and end of all wisdom are repentance and good works. The truly repentant are more meritorious in the sight of God than the most righteous. One good deed brings another in its train, and the result of sin is sin. The dying bene- diction of a sage to his disciples was: May your fear of God be as great as your fear of man; as you avoid sin before man so avoid it also before God. A heathen asked Rabban Gamliel: If your God hates idols, why does He not destroy them? Whereupon he answered, Behold, men worship the sun, the moon and the stars; should you destroy this beautiful world on account of the foolish? If your God is a friend of the poor, Rabbi AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 295 Akiba was asked, why does He not support them? Suppose I, being angry with one of my slaves, he replied, deny him food and drink, and some one gives it to him secretly, would I be pleased? No, answered the other. Suppose you are wroth with your only son and imprison him without food, and some good man takes pity on the child, and saves him from the pangs of hunger, would you be angry with him? Though we be called servants of God, we are also called His children. XVI He who gives charity in secret is greater even than Moses. Honor the children of the poor for they devote themselves to the pursuit of learning. Let the honor of thy neighbor be to thee as thine own. Rather let them cast thee into a fiery furnace than put any one to shame publicly. There are three crowns: the crown of the law, of the priesthood, and of royalty; but the crown of a good name excels them all. Iron breaks stone, fire melts iron, water extinguishes fire, the clouds drink up water, a storm dispels clouds, man withstands the storm, fear unmans man, wine removes fear, sleep OVer- comes wine, and death conquers all, even sleep; but Solomon the wise says: Charity saves from Death. How can you escape sinf By being mindful of three things: whence thou comest, whither thou goest, and to whom thou must give account for all thy deeds; to the King of kings, the All Holy, praised be He. Four shall not enter Paradise: the scoffer, the liar, the hypo- crite, and the slanderer. To slander is to murder. He 296 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY who has the sense of shame will not commit sin readily. There is a great difference between him who is ashamed before his own self and him who is ashamed only before others. It speaks well for a man if he have a keen sense of shame. Contrition in the heart is better far than much torturing of the flesh. He who humiliates him- self will be lifted up; he who exalts himself will be humiliated. Honor avoids him who seeks honor; honor comes to him who shuns honor. XVII He who sacrifices a whole offering, shall be rewarded for a whole offering; he who offers a burnt-offering, shall have the reward of a burnt-offering; but he who offers humility unto God and man, shall be rewarded as if he had offered all the sacrifices in the world. The child loves its mother more than its father. It fears its father more than its mother. See how Scripture mentions the father first in the commandment: Honor thy father and thy mother; and the mother first when it says: Ye shall fear every man his mother and his father. Praise God for the evil as well as for the good. When you hear that some one has died, say: Praised be the righteous Judge. Even when words fail in prayer, the gates of heaven are open to tears. Prayer is Israel's only weapon, a weapon inherited from the fathers, a weapon tested in a thousand trials. When . the righteous die, the earth loses. The lost jewel remains a jewel, but the loser may well weep. To him who curbs his wrath, sins will be forgiven. He who does AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 297 not persecute them that persecute him, he who endures offence in silence, he who does good for good's sake and he who is cheerful under suffering—they are the lovers of God, and of them Scripture says, They that love God are as the sun that goeth forth in his might, and they shall shine forth as does the sun at its setting. Pride is like idolatry. Commit a sin twice, and you will consider it permissible. The day is short and the work is great; but the laborers are idle, though the reward be great, and the master of the work presses. It is not incumbent upon thee to complete the work; but thou must not therefore cease from it. If thou hast worked much, great shall be thy reward: for the Master who employed thee is faithful in His payment. But know that the true reward is not of this world. From Medieval Jewish Writers XVIII (From Maimonides) Let no one say, lo, I will fulfil the precepts of the Torah, and labor to acquire the wisdom thereof in order that I may obtain all the blessings therein promised, or that I may acquire eternal life in the world to come; or I will keep myself far from the sins condemned in the Torah, in order that I may be delivered from the penalties therein threatened, or that I may not be cut off from the life hereafter. God is not fittingly served from such motives, for it is fear that then prompts our 298 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY actions. The service we render Him from fear differs widely from that of the prophets and sages, and though it may be found in those who stand upon the lowest steps of knowledge and virtue, it is excusable only as a preparation for that nobler service which springs from fuller knowledge and has its root in love. He who serves God from love devotes himself to His law and to the observance of His commandments, and walks in the paths of wisdom, not because of any world- ly advantage, nor to protect himself from evil, nor even to inherit good thereafter; he does the right because it is right, though in the end the blessing will not fail him. A very high degree of moral worth is this: not every wise man attains unto it. Such, however, was the distinction of our father Abraham, whom the Holy One, praised be He, called His friend, because he verily served Him from love alone; and after this same ideal He has bidden us to strive in the words: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God. Let but that true love of God fill the heart of man, and it will manifest itself in every duty done by him. The sages of old have said, Say not I will study the Law of God so that I may be called rabbi and so that I may receive my reward in the world to come. Nay, but to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, is its own reward 'So also the Psalmist declared that man happy who delighteth greatly in God's commandments; that is, the truest happiness does not fall to him who aims at and secures the reward for obeying the commandments, but to him who delights in the commandments them- selves, in accordance with the words of one of the AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 299 ancient sages, Be not like slaves who serve their master for the sake of the reward. XIX (From Maimonides) There are eight degrees or steps in the duty of charity. The first and lowest degree is to give, but with reluc- tance or regret. This is the gift of the hand, but not of the heart. - The second is, to give cheerfully, but not proportion- ately to the distress of the sufferer. The third is, to give cheerfully and proportionately, but not until solicited. The fourth is, to give cheerfully, proportionately, and even unsolicited; but to put it in the poor man's hand, thereby exciting in him the painful emotion of shame. - The fifth is, to give charity in such a way that the distressed may receive the bounty, and know their benefactor, without their being known to him. Such was the conduct of some of our ancestors, who used to tie up money in the corners of their cloaks, so that the poor might take it unperceived. The sixth, which rises still higher is to know the objects of our bounty, but remain unknown to them. Sučh was the conduct of those of our ancestors, who used to convey their charitable gifts into poor people's dwellings; taking care that their own persons and names should remain unknown. w The seventh is still more meritorious, namely to bestow charity in such a way that the benefactor may 300 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY not know the relieved persons, nor they the name of their benefactors, as was done by our charitable fore- fathers during the existence of the Temple. For there was in that holy building a place called the Chamber of the Silent, wherein the good deposited secretly what- ever their generous hearts suggested, and from which the poor were maintained with equal secrecy. Lastly, the eighth, and the most meritorious of all, is to anticipate charity, by preventing poverty; name- ly, to assist the reduced fellowman, either by a consider- able gift, or a loan of money, or by teaching him a trade, or by putting him in the way of business, so that he may earn an honest livelihood; and not be forced to the dreadful alternative of holding out his hand for charity. To this Scripture alludes when it says: And if thy brother be waxen poor, and fallen in decay with thee, then thou shalt relieve him; yea, though he be a stranger or a sojourner; that he may live with thee. This is the highest step and the summit of charity's golden ladder. XX (From Bachya Ibn Pakuda) Of all things the most necessary to him who would serve God, is trust in God. He who trusts in his own wisdom or capacity, or in the strength of his body, will labor in vain. He will weaken his powers. Trust in wealth may prove the destruction of the soul. He who trusts in God will be led to serve none other than Him, in that he will not build his hopes on men and will not rely, in anxious anticipation, on human beings; he will not serve them, nor curry favor with them. He AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 301 will not play the hypocrite to please mankind, to the detriment of the service of God; he will have no fear of man nor of human fault-finding, but will be indepen- dent, and will doff the livery of human favor and bene- faction. - The wealthy man who trusts in God will not find his wealth a hindrance to his faith; for he does not place his reliance upon his wealth, which is, in his eyes, a trust which has been placed in his keeping for a limited period to be used in various appointed ways. He will not be proud, nor will he make mention of his goodness to those to whom he has been commanded to give of his wealth, neither will he look for reward, or thanks, or praise; instead thereof he will render thanks to the Creator who has made him the agent of His beneficence. And if he loses his wealth he will not be anxious, nor will he mourn, but he will rejoice in his portion, and not seek the injury of any one else, nor envy any other man his wealth. XXI (From Eliezer Ben Isaac) My son, give God all honor and the gratitude which is His due; for He it is who made thee and brought thee into this world. Thou hast need of Him, but He needs thee not. Fear the Lord, the God of thy fathers; fail never at eventide to pronounce the great word wherein Israel is wont to proclaim that He is, and that He is one, and one only. Be among the first to reach the house of God; enter it with reverential awe. Think well before, whom it is thou standest. When thou goest to the place where the law and the truth 302 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY are studied, let no idle word pass thy lips; note well the words of the sages there. - Visit the sick and suffering man, and let thy counten- ance be cheerful when he sees it, but not so that thou oppress the helpless one with gaiety. Comfort those that are in grief. When thou prayest, be lowly and regard thyself as naught before the Almighty, and use all thy soul's energy and force to hold in check what evil desire there may be in thy heart. Greet every man pleasantly, speak truth only, forget not modesty, and in thine eat- ing be moderate. Seek not greedily after power and pre-eminence in the world. Keep aloof from a wicked neighbor and from a person of ill repute. Spend not much time among people who speak ill of their fellowman; be not as the fly which seeks sore and wounded places; and tell not of the faults and failings of those about thee. Take no one to wife unworthy to be thy life's partner, and keep thy sons close to the study of divine things. Rejoice not when thine enemy falls but give him food when he hungers; be on thy guard lest thou ever cause pain to the widow and the orphan; beware lest thou set thy- self up to be both witness and judge against another; and when thou passest judgment see that thou invoke counsel from another mind. Never enter thy house with abrupt and startling step, and bear not thyself so that those who dwell under thy roof feel dread when in thy presence. Purge thy soul of angry passion, that inheritance of fools; love wise men, and strive to know more and more of the works and the ways of the Creator. AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 303 READING OF SCRIPTURE Minister (Isaiah lx) Arise, shine, for thy light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the peoples; but upon thee the Lord will arise, and His glory shall be seen upon thee. And nations shall walk at thy light, and kings at the brightness of thy rising. Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, desolation within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise. Thy people also shall be all righteous, the branch of My planting, the work of My hands, wherein I glory. Choir There is none like . prºs: Tip; l's unto Thee, O Lord, and 2 wº there are no works like Tn5 3 !.) :Tºyº I's] Thine. Thy ki e 1116 y kingdom pºiy”; noºp is a kingdom for all ages. and Thy dominion endu- i-T-º-, -)* rinº)?): reth throughout all gene- -In- 75: TRºymp. rations. Thou art King ..Tºp * , ..Tºp » :-T eternal. Thou hast J T ºr ºr : * **, ºr : T reigned and shalt reign º :Ty] B'ziy? Tºp: * , for evermore. The Lord " ºr r + ºr : e º will give strength unto Tº . .]]: iyº fy His people, the Lord g º , e. will bless His people :Diºn invºns with peace. 304 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY TAKING THE SCROLL FROM THE ARK (Congregation rises) Minister The Torah which God gave through Moses is the heritage of the congregation of Jacob. Come ye and let us walk in the light of the Lord. Minister and Congregation Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One. Choir Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, the glory, and the victory, and the majesty; for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is Thine; Thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and Thou art exalted as head above all. - (Before reading from the Torah) Minister Praise ye the Lord to whom all praise is due. Praised be the Lord to whom all praise is due for ever and ever. Praised be Thou, O Lord our God, Ruler of the world, who hast chosen us from among all peoples and hast given us Thy law. Praised be Thou, O Lord, Giver of the Law. - Minister (Exodus xxxiii, 12 to xxxiv. 9) And Moses said unto the Lord: See, Thou sayest unto me: Bring up this people; and Thou hast not let me know whom Thou wilt send with me. Yet Thou AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 305 nºa:apy, nºrID Tynip. Typ 1.2 m; Finin :TIT. Tish Tºm 15% app: Minister and Congregation -" :Tis Tit, lyriºs Tit, ºsy, ypy Choir rxiſm nºrm Tºnim nº º Hº ..Tº Tº Yº Hºpya 95 ºz Timm :wsh: 75% synºn (Before reading from the Torah) Minister :Taº ºrns 15-12 :-Ty, Eziyº Tapri º Tina Tº mys.Bºyſ Tºp lyriºs: nºs Tina Tºs T-3 innin"ns lºng BºyTºp 12 :Tſinſ. Ini, º, +", "º mov ºwn ºs-ps Trisms". Titº's Typ Tºsh nºn-nys ns ºpyTim sº mºs. Tº Dyſrns 306 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY hast said: I know thee by name, and thou hast also found grace in My sight. Now therefore, I pray Thee, if I have found grace in Thy sight, show me now Thy ways, that I may know Thee, to the end that I may find grace in Thy sight; and consider that this nation is Thy people. And He said: My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest. And he said unto Him: If Thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence. For wherein now shall it be known that I have found grace in Thy sight, I and Thy people? is it not in that Thou goest with us, so that we are distinguished, I and Thy people, from all the people that are upon the face of the earth? And the Lord said unto Moses: I will do this thing also that thou hast spoken, for thou hast found grace in My sight, and I know thee by name. And he said: Show me, I pray Thee, Thy glory. And He said: I will make all My goodness pass before thee, and will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee; and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy. And He said: Thou canst not see My face, for man shall not see Me and live. And the Lord said: Behold, there is a place by Me, and thou shalt stand upon the rock. And it shall come to pass, while My glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a cleft of the rock, and will cover thee with My hand until I have passed by. And I will take away My hand, and thou shalt see My back; but My face shall not be seen. And the Lord said unto Moses: Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first; and I will write upon the AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 307 :'yyarins; pºſtlyn TºyTºpsilºs."py TºTTnssºly TinTyyār, 'ns;psyDSTEv) "in Hºy 5 msn Tyya IITs;pslyp? TyTs "Esºs "psh:Tº ninjºn isº-psºn:Tºp sies y T. Tº inſpilºgrº's nº in Tºpps hipyTººn sizº Tºwn’s Tyvanºns;p": :mpºsſ, ºy Tys Dyſtºp ſpy) is irº) nys Tin -ij-ºrns D, Typºs Tin -psºn :Dy: Tºts, rvi. In ps; 2 Tºys nºt Tags is "psh:Thºrns s, sº ºps) "nirſ. Tº Tin Dyn "nsºp Tºyºto” sº ºpsºn:Drins Tysºns ºppºn Iris -lysºns nps):"In HTST's Tsºnsnisºn Taga Tºn:-uxTºy Fºxm'ns nipp TTTT Ty Hºy Ex niºn-mixin-pla Tºny Taiº sº ºn Trisºns ſysºl Bººns 'nºpºl:"Thy - isºp Bºsnnºy Hºpp mºnºsmit ºps) ºps Bºrns nnºy Enniº Bºsny 308 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY tables the words that were on the first tables, which thou didst break. And be ready by the morning, and come up in the morning unto mount Sinai, and present thyself there to Me on the top of the mount. And no man shall come up with thee, neither let any man be seen throughout all the mount; neither let the flocks nor herds feed before that mount. And he hewed two tables of stone like unto the first; and Moses rose up early in the morning, and went up unto mount Sinai, as the Lord had commanded him, and took in his hand two tables of stone. And the Lord descended in the cloud, and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the Lord. And the Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed: The Lord, the Lord, God, mer- ciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth; keeping mercy unto the thousandth generation, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin; and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and unto the fourth generation. And Moses made haste, and bowed his head toward the earth, and worshiped. And he said: If now I have found grace in Thy sight, O Lord, let the Lord, I pray Thee, go in the midst of us; for it is a stiffnecked people; and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us for Thine inheritance. (After reading from the Torah) Praised be Thou, O Lord our God, Ruler of the world, whe hast given us the law of truth and hast implanted within us everlasting life. Praised be Thou, O Lord, Giver of the Law. AFTERNOON service on ATONEMENT DAY 309 lis, Trn Đºày vs BºsTM nnºy ºn *y by * Fixx ºpp-Tº's -pain”yl-paº Ryº's ºs-Dy Tpy Hºyºsº ºs :-7 vsh *Hººpº's yº-ºs-pâmisgºrd, ºrºž Dºn Bºsny Bºis nº y 255] :smſ, insmin. Tx -lys: pp-in-2s ºwn -pha Typ agnºlly: Tint. Tin:plæsnn" lyi-Tărpil Tºy Tin -ngu : Tim Dyn sºp. By idy -an EPs Tis Tºm Binn's Tin Tit sºp, ypg) Tiy sº D'Eºs: TPI Tºl inps, Tºr, “zyl bºy ninslig-perſpy, sº mphriStºrm -punyo-inſp;]:D'ya-rºy Bºy”y pºli, Tyya III "ns;p sºns nºs'] :"Tº Tºns sºn Ty Typtly 3 lanpi, TS sy-Tº. TS ºlºrin instºriº irrigº ºnzº] (After reading from the Torah) Tº ºpini yº, Hºly ºr nps n+in liº : Tinn pil mºs 310 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY (Before reading the Haftarah) Praised be the Lord our God, for the law of truth and righteousness revealed in Israel, for the words of the prophets filled with His spirit and for the teachings of the sages whom He raised up aforetime and in these days. (Jonah iii-iv) And the word of the Lord came unto Jonah, saying: Arise, go unto Nineveh, that great city, and make unto it the proclamation that I bid thee. So Jonah arose, and went unto Nineveh, according to the word of the Lord. Now Nineveh was an exceeding great city, of three days’ journey. And Jonah began to enter into the city a day's journey, and he proclaimed, and said: Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown. And the people of Nineveh believed God; and they proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the great- est of them even to the least of them. And the tidings reached the king of Nineveh, and he arose from his throne, and laid his robe from him, and covered him with sackcloth, and sat in ashes. And he caused it to be proclaimed and published through Nineveh by the decree of the king and his nobles, saying: Let neither man nor beast, herd nor flock, taste any thing; let them not feed, nor drink water; but let them be covered with sackcloth, both man and beast, and let them cry mightily unto God; yea, let them turn every one from AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 311 his evil way, and from the violence that is in their hands, Who knoweth whether God will not turn and repent, and turn away from His fierce anger, that we perish not? And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, which He said He would do unto them; and He did it not. But it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he was angry. And he prayed unto the Lord, and said: I pray Thee, O Lord, was not this my saying, when I was yet in mine own country? Therefore I fled beforehand unto Tar- shish; for I knew that Thou art a gracious God, and compassionate, long-suffering, and abundant in mercy, and repentest Thee of the evil. Therefore now, O Lord, take, I beseech Thee, my life from me; for it is better for me to die than to live. And the Lord said: Art thou greatly angry? Then Jonah went out of the city, and sat on the east side of the city, and there made him a booth, and sat under it in the shadow, till he might see what would become of the city. And the Lord God prepared a gourd, and made it to come up over Jonah, that it might be a shadow over his head, to deliver him from his evil. So Jonah was exceeding glad because of the gourd. But God prepared a worm when the morning rose the next day, and it smote the gourd, that it withered. And it came to pass, when the sun arose, that God prepared a vehement east wind; and the Sun beat upon the head of Jonah, that he fainted, and requested for himself that he might die, and said: It 312 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY is better for me to die than to live. And God said to Jonah: Art thou greatly angry for the gourd? And he said: I am greatly angry even unto death. And the Lord said: Thou hast had pity on the gourd, for which thou hast not labored, neither madest it grow, which came up in a night, and perished in a night; and should not I have pity on Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand, and also much cattle? Minister This Day of Atonement is given to us to reconcile us with God, to restore peace with our fellowmen and with ourselves, wherever discontent and selfishness have marred the harmony of our lives. It reminds us that all we are and all we have come from God. To Hirn we owe life and health, success and happiness. He has given us dominion over the works of His hands, so that, as faithful stewards, we may dispense wisely for the good of all His creatures. Rich and poor, strong and weak, wise and simple, He has bound us together by ties of sympathy and fellowship, so that we may form one loving brotherhood, one united family in the presence of our heavenly Father. The knowledge of this truth was ever fostered in Israel by the Sabbath. It was ordained as a day of redemption from servitude, so that on that day the AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 313 laborer might be free as his master. Likewise the Sab- batical year brought release to every one in Israel who bore the yoke of slavery or of debt. But most solemnly did the Day of Atonement affirm God's law of justice and human brotherhood, when, in each jubilee year, the Shofar proclaimed liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof. Then was each man to return to his home and his patrimony, and families and friends were to be reunited in concord and good will. Thereby the truth was made known, that God is the Lord of all the earth, the creator and owner of the land, and all that is thereon. For the heaven and the earth are His, and we are but day-laborers and so- journers before Him. Therefore, on this Sabbath of Sabbaths, God would have us make reparation for every wrong done to our fellowmen in the eager struggle for existence. And those who have been bruised and beaten down in life's battle He would have restored to their birthright of freedom and independence. In His all-wise providence God has appointed this Day of Atonement to reconcile each human being to his destiny, and to restore peace and tranquillity to every heart and home. Choir - For He satisfieth the longing heart and filleth the hun- gry with good. Oh, that men would praise the Lord for His goodness and for His kindness to the children of men. 314 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Minister While the problems of livelihood have always been urgent, never before have they pressed upon us so insistently and with such disquieting effects. What disturbs one now is not the fear that God's earth might cease to yield, but the unhappy realization of the grow- ing discontent with the manner in which the earth's increase is shared and enjoyed by the human family. The world of commerce and industry is filled with threatening suspicions and antagonisms. Great plenty and abject poverty, limitless power and utter weak- ness exist side by side. These disparities are forcing themselves upon the attention of men and women as they have never done before. Everywhere earnest minds are seeking to know whether these inequalities are justified and permanent, or whether a way may not be found that shall lead to more contentment and greater mutual respect and confidence the world over. In seeking a solution to these problems we, the children of Israel, should hold foremost in our minds the belief of our fathers, that human life is of the utmost value and that all duties and responsibilities have for their purpose the safe-guarding of the life of man and the furtherance of his nature as a child of God. To Israel, man has always been the center of our obliga- tions. We have been taught for ages that whatever does not serve to make our neighbor happy and con- fident and whatever does not dispose him to become kindly and trustful and helpful cannot receive the sanction of God and of His moral law. If our world is AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 315 torn by great divisions and suspicions due to what is believed to be an unfair and unjust distribution of the world's goods, we cannot and must not regard such a condition as inevitable and normal. Surely we cannot find in such a state of human affairs the promise of mutual appreciation and love. No peace of mind is possible when one lives in the shadow of unwarranted economic uncertainty and in the fear of industrial power that is felt to be used arbitrarily. It is well to be reminded that even if these fears and suspicions are groundless, they yet remain unsettling influences in the lives of men. They yet disturb them and rob them of confidence in themselves and faith in their fellowmen. But the fears of great masses of men have a foundation and the recurrent protests of thou- sands upon thousands of men and women are justified. Upon this day, when our hearts are searched by Him who sees and knows all, it is for each one of us to sum- mon his own conscience to help rectify the wrong accord- ing to his power. Our fathers have always been specially sympathetic with the hardships of those that toil. Lawgiver and prophet have warned over and over again that wealth and the possession of power tended to make men cal- lous and insensible to the needs and struggles of others. On the very threshold of our history we were reminded not to forget how we felt when we were in Egypt as strangers and how the oppression and injustice of our task-masters made us suffer. Labor is man's very life. Nothing comes into the world ready made. The things that we daily enjoy must first be conceived and planned 316 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY by the human mind and fashioned and formed by the human hand. Let none of us, therefore, in the pride of possession forget the true nature and source of human wealth and be unmindful of the responsibilities of power. It is not possible for any of us, however strong and however wise, to control the destinies of our own lives single-handed. Whether we will or no, human life is a cooperative venture and the business of life is carried on whenever and wherever two persons trans- act any enterprise whatsoever. If there is fair-dealing between them, then so much good issues from it and the whole world is enriched thereby. If, however, one man should take advantage of the other, then out of this transaction must inevitably come hatred, strife and possibly violence. In thinking over industrial problems and struggles let us be on our guard against believing that the things that constitute the difficulties are in the order of nature beyond the control of man himself, for in the end, whatever troubles us in the world of business and indus- try has issued from personal covetousness, arrogance and cold indifference to the welfare of others. On this day of self-examination let us search and examine our ways and in genuine integrity of mind and humility of spirit make acknowledgment that we ourselves have not been sufficiently mindful of the interests and rights of our fellowmen. We have been too ready to seize upon any excuse to hold what we have and even to multiply it without due regard to the welfare of our brothers and sisters, who depend upon UIS. AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 317 In this solemn hour let us resolve to be helpful to the men and women who earnestly and sincerely strive to make a better world and let us on our own part seek to establish this world by such justice as shall be sti. mulated by generous sympathies and by such right- eousness as shall be based upon genuine sacrifice. Choir Offer the sacrifices of righteousness and put your trust in the Lord. Minister The Almighty takes no delight in the proud and arrogant, whose arm crushes the feeble, and who call their strength their god. His help goes forth to the weak, and their supplications are answered from on high. He champions the cause of the oppressed and requites evil-doers for their unrighteousness. Affliction of the body and fasting alone cannot cleanse the soul of sin and relieve the conscience of its weight of guilt. But these are the true means of atonement: Let justice well up as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream. Show compassion every man to his brother; oppress not the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, and let none of you devise evil in his heart against his neigh- bor. Speak ye every man the truth with his neighbor; execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates. Do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with thy God. O God, grant that we may hearken to the solemn admonition of this Sabbath of Sabbaths in true contri- tion of heart and humbleness of spirit. Help us to fulfil 318 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY our obligation to the needy and distressed. Incline our hearts to compassion, that we freely succor the poor, the homeless and the suffering. Aid us to be as a father to the needy, eyes to the blind, and feet to the lame. Imbue us with an understanding of our respon- sibility to our brethren of the house of Israel and to the institutions which minister to their needs. Help us to be generous in our support of all good works. Bless all who labor unselfishly for the welfare and happiness of their fellowmen, and show Thy favor and Thy grace to all who serve Thee in truth and faithfulness. On this Day of Repentance, we return to Thee with chastened heart; receive us with favor, O God, our Father and our King, our Redeemer and our Savior. Amen. RETURNING THE SCROLL TO THE ARK (Congregation rises) Minister O magnify the Lord Tºpin]] ..."FS wº *T. lºº :IT icy Choir His glory is in the earth :nºpy Pºls ºy iTin and in the heavens. He : I v iv = is the strength of all His Hºrn iroyº |TP Dºn') servants, the praise of , ' ' ' - . . . . . .” them that truly love Him, 'ºs-ty, 'la': Yº-ºpri-255 the hope of Israel, the " ' ' ' " ' * * *t ºr : people He brought nigh :Fºr in-lp Dy to Himself. Hallelujah. - wº AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 319 Minister The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoic- ing the heart; the fear of the Lord is clean, endur- ing for ever. Behold, a good doctrine has been given unto you; forsake it not. .Typh : n-in :: nity .º na'yn :"n; nºnp . Typs] Tºpp.Bºy: " 'Tipp ..Timº ns", .32 mp3 ºf :-Twº n-ſpiy 'n'Tin Dº: 'Em, nib :*-iyººs (Congregation is seated) Choir It is a tree of life to them that lay hold of it, and the supporters there- of are happy. Its ways are ways of pleasantness, and all its paths are peace. Epirº sºn ºr py :-ys, Tºpin) FIA “”. Byrºn" ºrpºrt :Biºy Trian, Memorial Service for Atonement Day Choir O Lord! what is man that Thou takest knowl- edge of him; or the son of man, that Thou makest account of him! Man is like unto vanity; his days are as a shadow that pas- seth away. In the morn- ing he flourisheth, and groweth up; in the even- ing he is cut down, and withereth. Thou turnest man to contrition, and sayest: Return, ye chil- dren of men! O that they were wise, that they would consider their latter end! For when man dieth, he shall carry nothing away; his glory shall not descend after him. Mark the per- fect man, and behold the upright; for the end of . . Tyrºl Distrip : DTS : Tºrn) ºils": 7x5 pm, .mpº '75-'z ..Fºrſ. Fºx, ºpää:Taiy =y):val ºip, any? npsh] .s; TTy Wils Apiºſ, " :DTS ºn Riº iya, ns ºpp, inion sº 2:Bp-risk wºrs-in-sº.92/Trip: ITST, DE-Ty :itin: wish n'Ts": .-y: 322 MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY that man is peace. The "Tºgº. TE:Blºp Lord redeemeth the soul * == e º of His servants; and none D"prin º joys! sº of them that trust in Him :ii, shall be condemned. Responsive Reading Minister - Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling-place in all genera- tions. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever Thou hadst formed the earth and the world. congregation - Even from everlasting to everlasting, Thou art God. Thou turnest man to contrition; and sayest; Return ye children of men. For a thousand years in Thy sight are but as yester- day when it is past, and as a watch in the night. Thou carriest them away as with a flood; they are as a sleep; In the morning they are like grass which groweth up. In the morning it flourisheth, and groweth up; in the evening it is cut down and withereth. The days of our years are threescore years and ten, or even by reason of strength fourscore years; Yet is their pride but travail and vanity; for it is speedily gone, and we fly away. So teach us to number our days, that we may get us a heart of wisdom. MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 323 O satisfy us in the morning with Thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. Make us glad according to the days wherein Thou hast afflicted us, according to the years wherein we have seen evil. Let Thy work appear unto Thy servants; and Thy glory upon their children. And let the graciousness of the Lord our God, be upon us; establish Thou also upon us the work of our hands; yea, the work of our hands estab- lish Thou it. Man that is born of woman is of few days, and full of trouble. He cometh forth like a flower, and withereth; he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not. What man is he that liveth and shall not see death, that shall deliver his soul from the power of the grave? - Seeing his days are determined; the number of his months is with Thee. Lord, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days what it is; let me know how short-lived I am. The Lord redeemeth the soul of His servants, and none of them that take refuge in Him shall be desolate. * Thou makest me to know the path of life; in Thy pres- ence is fulness of joy, in Thy right hand bliss for eVermore. How precious is Thy lovingkindness, O God. 324 MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY And the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Thy wings. They are abundantly satisfied with the fatness of Thy house. And Thou makest them drink of the river of Thy pleasures. For with Thee is the fountain of life; in Thy light do we see light. Minister O Lord, God of the spirits of all flesh, who givest life and takest it away, who lowerest into the grave and leadest the soul unto eternal life: Thou hast appointed this Day of Atonement, that we may sanctify our lives on earth, and prepare ourselves for death and life eter- nal. Thou hast hallowed this day as a Sabbath of the soul, so that freed from the turmoil of the world, we may rise to thoughts of eternal life, attain the calm which comes from the contemplation of Thy wisdom and love, and partake of the bliss which awaits the sanctified and the pure. Man is feeble and perishable; his best laid plans and purposes are subject to disappointment and failure. Scarcely ushered into life, he begins his pilgrimage to the sepulchre. Through trial and suffering he hastens to the darkness of the grave. Thousands moisten their morsel of bread with tears and with the sweat of cease- less toil, till their fondest hopes vanish in death. Pas- sions burn in the human breast and beguile to pleasure and to sinfulness. But the delight ends with the enjoy- MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 325 ment. Sin consumes the marrow of life; indulgence dwarfs the best impulses of the soul. Success and dis- appointment, pleasure and pain, mark the pathway of our earthly pilgrimage. Human life is a continual struggle against forces without and passions within. Man prevails, only to succumb; he fails, only to renew the combat the next moment. Choir Oh, what is man, the child of dust? What is man, O Lord? Minister The eye is never satisfied with seeing; endless are the desires of the heart. No mortal has ever had enough of riches, honor and wisdom, when death ended his career. Man devises new schemes on the grave of a thousand disappointed hopes. Like Moses on Mount Nebo, he beholds the promised land from afar, but entrance into it he is denied. Discontent abides in the palace and in the hut, rankling alike in the breast of prince and pauper. Death finally terminates the com- bat, and grief and joy, success and failure, all are ended. Like a child falling asleep over his toys, man loosens his grasp on earthly possessions only when death overtakes him. The master and the servant, the rich and the poor, the strong and the feeble, the wise and the simple, all are equal in death; the grave levels all distinctions and makes the whole world kin. 326 MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Choir Oh, what is man, the child of dust? What is man, O Lord? Minister We are strangers before Thee, O God, and sojourners as were our fathers; our days on earth vanish like sha-2 dows. But the speedy flight of life, and the gloom of the grave should not dismay us, but should teach us wisdom. It should prompt us to put our trust in Thee, who wilt not suffer Thy children to see destruction. For only the dust returns to the dust; the spirit which Thou hast breathed into us, returns to Thee, its ever- living source. And they who walk here in the light of Thy countenance and sow good seed, though in weep- ing, go home to Thee laden with sheaves. They who sow but wind may well tremble at the whirlwind which they must reap. He who toils but for vain things and boasts of his might, must dread the grave. He trusts in his house, it stands not; he lays hold of it, it endures not. Though he join house to house and add field to field, his place denies him as soon as he has vanished, saying: I have not seen thee. O, that we might die the death of the righteous and our end be like theirs. Suffer us not to pass away in our sins, O Judge of life and death. Teach us so to number our days, that we may get us a heart of wisdom. Grant to all, small and great, young and old, strength and understanding, that we may not delay to remove from our midst all that is displeasing in Thy sight, and thus become reconciled to Thee. MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 327 Minister and Congregation (Psalm xxiii) The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul; He guideth me in straight paths for His name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; Thou hast anointed my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. Choir Why art thou cast down, my soul? Why disquieted in me? Feelest not the Father nigh, Caring tenderly for all? Lives for thee no God on high, Loving while His judgments fall? Look above! God is Love! Comfort take, O soul, in God, To the skies Turn thine eyes; Every tear on earth that flows, God, the world's great Ruler, knows. 328 MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Why art thou cast down, my soul? Why disquieted in me?. Hath Death torn from thine embraces, Cherished kin, thy heart's delight? Yearnest for familiar faces, Too soon vanished from thy sight? Have no fear! God is near! Be thou lifted up, my soul. Dust is not. Thy final lot. After this world's stress and strife, Radiant dawns eternal life! Why art thou cast down, my soul? Why disquieted in me? Lo, thy dead live on immortal! For God's messenger of love Them hath guided through death's portal To the larger life above. No more strain, Travail, pain! Soul, find comfort sweet in God! - For in light, Wondrous bright, Live the spirits, gone before, Blessed, blessed evermore! MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 329 Minister O Lord, Creator of heaven and earth, whose pur- poses are fulfilled from day to day in all Thy handiwork, it cannot be that man, fashioned in Thine image, is doomed to annihilation. It cannot be that Thou hast endowed us with a mighty yearning after the infinite, with an unceasing dissatisfaction with the world, its treasures and charms, only to disappoint us at last, and to give us over to nothingness after a life of struggle, anxiety and pain. Thou hast put eternity into our hearts; Thou hast filled our souls with a longing for life beyond the grave; Thou deceivest not, Thou God of truth. Supreme justice art Thou, O Lord. This faith in Thy righteous dealing speaks to our troubled hearts when visitations of misfortune and grief over- whelm us. Surely there will be compensation for those who suffer innocently, reward for virtue thwarted, and punishment for wickedness which triumphs but for a day. Thou crownest with eternal glory those who struggled and prevailed against sin and temptation, for Thou renderest to every creature its due. Thou art our loving Father, Thou wouldst not destroy Thy child- ren. All tears will be wiped away and death swallowed up in victory by the bliss which awaits Thy children, in life everlasting with Thee. Thou art our Rock, O Lord; in Thee we put our trust. Thou art the light of our life, our hope in eternity. 330 MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Meditation O soul, with storms beset, Thy griefs and cares forget! Why dread earth's transient woe, When soon thy body in the grave unseen Shall be laid low, And all will be forgotten then, as though It had not been? Wherefore, my soul, be still! Adore God's holy will, Fear death's supreme decree. Thus mayst thou save thyself, and win high aid To profit thee, When thou, returning to thy Lord, shalt see Thy deeds repaid. Why muse, O troubled soul, O'er life's poor earthly goal? When thou hast fled, the clay Lies mute, nor bear'st thou aught of wealth, or might With thee that day. But, like a bird, unto thy nest away, Thou wilt take flight. Why for a land lament In which a lifetime spent Is as a hurried breath? Where splendor turns to gloom, and honors show A faded wreath- MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 331 Where health and healing soon must sink beneath The fatal blow. What seemeth good and fair Is often falsehood there. Gold melts like shifting sands, Thy hoarded riches pass to other men, And strangers' hands, And what will all thy treasured wealth and lands Avail thee then? Life is a vine, whose crown The reaper Death cuts down. His ever-watchful eyes Mark every step, until night's shadows fall, And swiftly flies The passing day, and ah! how distant lies The goal of all. Therefore, rebellious soul, Thy base desires control; With scantly given bread Content thyself, nor let thy memory stray To splendors fled, But call to mind affliction's weight, and dread The judgment day. Prostrate and humbled go, Like to the dove laid low, Remember evermore The peace of heaven, the Lord's eternal rest. When burdened sore 332 MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY With sorrow's load, at every step implore His succor bless'd. - Before God's mercy-seat His pardoning love entreat. Make pure thy thoughts from sin, And bring a contrite heart as sacrifice His grace to win– Then will His angels come and lead thee in To Paradise. Responsive Reading Minister. & Let us call to remembrance the great and good, through whom the Lord hath wrought great glory. Congregation Those who were leaders of the people by their judg- ment, giving counsel by their understanding and foresight. Wise and eloquent in their teachings, and through knowledge and might fit helpers of the people. All these were honored in their generation, and were the glory of their times. There be some who have left a name behind them; whose remembrance is as sweet honey in all mouths. $ And there be some who have no memorial; who are perished as though they had never been. But their righteousness has not been forgotten, and the glory of their work cannot be blotted out. MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 333 Choir - I set the Lord before me.To.) Tº nºw at all times, since He is at my right hand, I shall 15? :bips”: •y'pºp 75 not be moved. Therefore, . * - ..". -s. Tiniºn'aº ripp spirit rejoiceth; yea, my , º, . intº S-lix): flesh dwelleth in security. 3) :ribºz Tºy: ºnym For Thou wilt not give ..”isº, *ººl aïvn-sº me up to destruction: ; : " : - - - nor wilt Thou suffer Thy nisin; #Tºr ºn-s? beloved to see corruption. tº 2 * *: e Thou wilt show me the . D'Iſ n-is •ly"Tin :nry path of life; in Thy pre- º e º * sence is fulness of joy; at ..Tº ns ninny y intº Thy right hand are pleas- :TX, Tºp": nip'y. ures for evermore. Minister The thought of immortality awakens us to a realiza- tion of life's true purpose and of our destiny. It bids us be mindful of the supreme hour which will call us to the realm of eternal rest and gather us to our fathers, to all the unnumbered generations that have gone before us. We remember all our beloved who have already reached the goal whither we are tending. In this solemn hour we think of the days when they were with us and we rejoiced in the blessing of their com- panionship and affection. They are near us even now, though many years have passed over their graves. 334 MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY We remember also those who struggled and suffered, who lived and died for the glory of our faith, the men and women in Israel who became shining examples of virtue and piety to their people. We recall, too, all who have striven zealously to help their fellowmen and to glorify God's name on earth. May their memory become a purifying and uplifting influence in our hearts. May it inspire us to emulate their good works and thus sanctify our own lives. Then will their memory become an everlasting benediction here on earth, even as their opirits abide with God. t Grant, O Lord, that when the time of our departure comes, we may look back without sorrow upon the life we leave, and with trust in Thy mercy enter that life which Thou hast prepared for the righteous Amen. Silent Devotion In Memory of a Father Thy memory, my dear father, fills my soul at this solemn hour. It revives in me thoughts of the love and tenderness which thou didst lavish upon me. Thou wilt be my guiding star on the path of virtue; and when my pilgrimage on earth is ended and I shall arrive at the throne of mercy, may I be deemed worthy of thee in the presence of God. May our merciful Father reward thee for the faithfulness and kindness thou hast ever shown me; may He grant thee eternal peace! Amen. MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 335 In Memory of a Mother I remember thee in this solemn hour, my dear mother. I remember the days when thou still didst dwell on earth, and thy tender love watched over me like a guardian angel. Thou hast gone from me, but the bond which unites our souls can never be severed; thine image lives within my heart. May the merciful Father reward thee for the faithfulness and kindness thou hast ever shown me; may He lift up the light of His countenance upon thee, and grant thee eternal peace! Amen. - In Memory of a Husband I remember thee in this solemn hour, thou dear companion of my life. I remember the happy days we lived together; I remember thy tender affection and self-denial while hand in hand we trod the path of our wedded life, when thy love and fidelity were my comfort and thy counsel and aid were my support. Though death has summoned thee from my side, thine image still lives in my heart; and continues to be an inspira- tion to me. May God have thee in His keeping and give thee bliss eternal! Amen. In Memory of a Wife Thy memory, dear partner of my life, now fills my soul. It revives in me the thought of the love, fidelity and self-denial which sweetened the days of my life. I will treasure thee in my heart as long as I live and strive to become worthy of thee. Though death has summoned thee from my side, thine image still lives in my heart and continues to be an inspiration to me. 336 MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY May God have thee in His keeping and give thee bliss eternall Amen. In Memory of Children I remember thee in this solemn hour, my beloved child. I remember the days, when I watched thy bodily and mental unfolding, and fostered beautiful hopes for thy future. The inscrutable will of God has taken thee from me; He has called thee into His pre- sence; yet in my wounded heart the fond remembrance of thee can never die. The Almighty is just in all His ways; His holy name be praised for ever. His paternal love is my solace, my staff and support. As a father pitieth his children, so may He look with compassion upon thee, and grant thee eternal bliss! Amen. In Memory of Brothers, Sisters, or Other Relatives I remember thee in this solemn hour, my beloved brother—sister—friend. I remember the days when we lived together in happy family union, and thy love and companionship were my delight and support. Though thou hast gone from me thine image abides with me. I think of thee with gratitude and bless thy memory for all the devotion thou didst show me. May God bless thee with everlasting joy, may He have thet in His keeping and grant thee eternal bliss! Amen. Minister O God, be near us in the sorrow of our hearts. Send comfort and consolation to all who are bowed down with grief and affliction. Let them see Thy help speed- MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 337 ily. May their troubled spirits find solace in the beauty of holiness which fills this memorial hour. May Thy fatherly protection sustain them and may Thy peace abide with them. We remember with sorrowing hearts those whom death has taken from our midst during the past year. We name in our hearts all our beloved and in recalling them we sanctify Thy name. 338 MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY (Congregation rises) Minister Extolled and hallowed be the name of God throught out the world which He has created, and which He governs according to His righteous will. Just is He in all His ways, and wise are all His decrees. May His kingdom come and His will be done in all the earth. Congregation Praised be the Lord of life, the righteous Judge for eVermore. Minister Whatsoever praise we would render unto God, how- soever we would adore the most High, we would yet fail to give Him the glory due to His great name. Even in the hour of bereavement and sorrow, we feel the majesty of God and would give thanks for His manifold 11161 C162S. Congregation: Amen. Minister To the departed whom we now remember, may peace and bliss be granted in life eternal. May they find grace and mercy before the Lord of heaven and earth. May their souls rejoice in that ineffable good which God has laid up for those who fear Him, and may their memory be a blessing unto those who treasure it. Congregation: Amen. Minister May the Father of peace send peace to all who mourn, and comfort all the bereaved among us. Congregation: Amen. (Congregation is seated) MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 339 (Congregation rises) Minister sºn": sºya simpy wipnº ºn. liºpia, Iinºr a .mni-ºp Tºp Hnylº .5"p plai sºga .7sy, nº-º- ºr nº :ps inps Congregation .sp?y p?y? Bºy”. Tºp snº Fly sº Minister sºn. Dniºn: "Sºn") many) Tân, T-a sympt Fry ºn Hºynn Tºn: sprawn snºw, sº in sºvº sin :ps inºs, sºya Tosi .sº TººnsTip”y).spºts ºwn ºsºp, ºy sp?y intº sº...sºsº Finly-2 TT sp?y ſp stºrm ºns" sp?y ºrº sº sp?im sº :ps inns syns spy snº BTBT) prºm *y irºy Bºrn spy-in sº, sº sº. :1ps inns "sº y?y Biºy Tºg, sin ºpinpº Biºy my :ps inns).7sy"???y. (Congregation is seated) Concluding Service for the Day of Atonement Choir The sun goes down, the shadows rise, The day of God is near its close; The glowing orb now homeward flies, A gentle breeze foretells repose. Lord, crown our work before the night: In the eve let there be light. While still in clouds the sun delays, Let us soar up, soar up to heaven; That love may shed its peaceful rays, New hope unto our souls be given. O may the parting hour be bright: In the eve let there be light. And when our sun of life retreats, When evening shadows 'round us hover, Our restless heart no longer beats, And grave-ward sinks our earthly cover We shall behold a glorious sight: In the eve there shall be light. Responsive Reading Minister (Psalm xxxii) Happy is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is pardonéd. 342 CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Congregation Happy is the man unto whom the Lord Counteth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile. When I kept silence, my bones wore away, through my groaning all the day long. For day and night Thy hand was heavy upon me; my sap was turned as in the droughts of summer. I acknowledged my sin unto Thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said: I will make Confession concerning my trans- gressions unto the Lord; and Thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. For this let everyone that is godly pray unto Thee, in a time when Thou mayest be found. Surely, when the great waters overflow, they will not reach unto him. Thou art my hiding-place; Thou wilt preserve me from the adversary. With songs of deliverance, Thou wilt compass me about. Many are the sorrows of the wicked; but he that trust- eth in the Lord, mercy Compasseth him about. Choir Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous; and shout for joy, all ye that are upright in heart! Minister (Psalm ciii) - Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Congregation Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: . * CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 343 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from the pit; who encom- passeth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; Who satisfieth thine old age with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle. The Lord executeth righteousness and acts of justice for all that are oppressed. The Lord is full of compassion and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. .." He hath not dealt with us after our sins, nor requited us according to our iniquities. For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward them that fear Him. As far as the east is from the west, so far hath He removed our transgressions from us. Like as a father hath compassion upon his children, so hath the Lord compassion upon them that fear Him. For He knoweth our frame, He remembereth that we are dust. As for man, his days are as grass; as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth. For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof knoweth it no more. But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to ever- lasting upon them that fear Him; And His righteousness unto children's children; to such as keep His covenant, and to those that remember His precepts to do them. 344 CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY The Lord hath established His throne in the heavens, and His kingdom ruleth over all. Bless the Lord, ye angels of His, ye mighty in strength, that fulfil His word, hearkening unto the voice of His word. Bless the Lord, all ye His hosts; ye ministers of His, that do His pleasure. Choir Bless the Lord, all ye, His works, in all places of His dominion. Bless the Lord, O my soul! Mºnaster (Job xxii and xx) Can a man be profitable unto God, or can he that is wise be profitable unto Him? Is it any advantage to the Almighty, that thou art righteous, or is it gain to Him, that thou makest thy ways blameless? Is it for thy fear of Him that He reproveth thee, that He entereth with thee into judgment? Is not thy wicked- ness great, and are not thine iniquities without end? And thou sayest: What does God know? Can He judge through the dark cloud? Knowest thou not this of old time, since man was placed upon earth, that the triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the godless but for a moment? Though his excellency mount up to the heavens, and his head reach unto the clouds; yet he shall perish. They that have seen him shall say: Where is he? He shall fly away as a dream, and shall not be found; yea, he shall be chased away as a vision of the night. The eye which saw him shall see him no more; neither shall his place any more behold him. He shall not look upon the rivers, the CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 345 flowing streams of honey and curd. That which he labored for shall he give back, according to the sub- stance that he hath gotten, he shall not rejoice. For he hath oppressed and forsaken the poor; he hath violently taken away a house, and he shall not build it up. Because he knew no quietness within him, in his greed he suffered nought to escape, there was noth- ing left that he devoured not; therefore his prosperity shall not endure. The heavens shall reveal his iniquity, and the earth shall rise up against him. The increase of his house shall depart, his goods shall flow away in the day of his wrath. This is the portion of a wicked man from God, and the heritage appointed unto him by God. Acquaint now thyself with Him, and be at peace; thereby shall thine increase be good. Receive, I pray thee, instruction from His mouth, and lay up His words in thy heart. If thou return to the Almighty, thou shalt be built up; if thou put away unrighteous- ness far from thy tents, and lay thy treasure in the dust, and the gold of Ophir among the stones of the brooks; and the Almighty be thy treasure, and precious silver unto thee; then surely shalt thou have thy delight in the Almighty, and shalt lift up thy face unto God; thou shalt make thy prayer unto Him, and He will hear thee, and thou shalt pay thy vows. Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee, and light shall shine upon thy ways. When they cast thee down, thou shalt say: There is lifting up; for the humble person He saveth. He delivereth him that is innocent, yea, thou shalt be delivered through the cleanness of thy hands. 346 CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY (Job xxv-xxvi) Dominion and fear are with Him; He maketh peace in His high places. Is there any number of His armies? And upon whom doth not His light arise? The shades tremble beneath the waters and the inhabitants thereof. He stretcheth out the north over empty space, and hangeth the earth over nothing. He bindeth up the waters in His thick clouds; and the cloud is not rent under them. He closeth in the face of His throne, and spreadeth His cloud upon it. He hath described a boundary upon the face of the waters, unto the confines of light and darkness. The pillars of heaven tremble and are astonished at His rebuke. He stirreth up the sea with His power; by His breath the heavens are serene. Lo, these are but the outskirts of His ways; and how small a whisper is heard of Him! But the thunder of His mighty deeds who can understand? (Job xxviii) Man setteth an end to darkness, and searcheth out to the furthest bound the stones of thick darkness and of the shadow of death. He breaketh open a shaft away from where men sojourn; they are forgotten of the foot that passeth by; they hang afar from men, they swing to and fro. As for the earth, out of it cometh bread, and underneath it is turned up as it were by fire. The stones thereof are the place of sapphires, and it hath dust of gold. That path no bird of prey knoweth, neither hath the falcon's eye seen it; the proud beasts have not trodden it, nor hath the lion passed thereby. He putteth forth his hand upon the CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 347 flinty rock; he overturneth the mountains by the roots. He cutteth out channels among the rocks and his eye seeth every precious thing. He bindeth the streams that they trickle not; and the thing that is hid bringeth he forth to light. But wisdom, where shall it be found? And where is the place of understanding? Man knoweth not the price thereof; neither is it found in the land of the living. The deep saith: . It is not in me; and the sea saith: It is not with me. It cannot be gotten for gold. Neither shall silver be weighed for the price thereof. It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire. Gold and glass cannot equal it; neither shall the exchange thereof be vessels of fine gold. No mention shall be made of coral or of crystal; yea, the price of wisdom is above rubies. The topaz of Ethiopia shall not equal it, neither shall it be valued with pure gold. Whence then cometh wisdom, and where is the place of understanding, see- ing it is hid from the eyes of all living, and kept close from the fowls of the air? Destruction and Death say: We have heard a rumor thereof with our ears. God understandeth the way thereof, and He knoweth the place thereof. For He looketh to the ends of the earth, and seeth under the whole heaven; when He maketh a weight for the wind, and meteth out the waters by measure. When He made a decree for the rain, and a way for the storm of thunders; then did He see it, and declare it; He established it, yea, and searched it out. And unto man He said: Behold, the fear of the Lord that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding. 348 CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Minister Praised be Thou, O Lord our God, God of our fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, great, mighty and revered God. Thou, O Most High, bestowest lovingkindness upon all Thy creatures; Thou rememberest the good- ness of the fathers, and in love Thou bringest re- demption to their descendants for the sake of Thy Ila Iſle. Remember us unto life, O King, who delightest in life and seal us in the book of life, for Thy sake, O God of life. Thou, O King, art our helper, savior and protector. Praised be Thou, O Lord, Shield of Abraham. Thou art mighty for ever, O Lord; Thou aboundest in salvation. In lovingkindness Thou sustainest the living, in the multitude of Thy mercies Thou quicken- est all; Thou upholdest the falling, healest the sick and loosest the bound. Thou fulfillest Thy promise of immortal life unto those who sleep in the dust. Who is like unto Thee, Almighty God, Author of life and death, Source of salvation? Who is like unto Thee, Father of mercies, who rememberest Thy children unto life eternal? Praised be Thou, O Lord, who hast implanted within us im- mortal life. CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 349 Minister 'nº's ºrnias 'nº's lyriºs : Tºs T-3 %ity, ºsſ, apy; nº prº Tºs Bºis .nºaib nºtºr ºpia jºy vs.shim main * nº sºap.nias Tºri ->in 757 mp) :Tºrså inp vpº BTIn Tºp: Alpnºm.nºra PEI. Tºp.Bºrº ºf yºgio, Triy Tºp :nºr, Brºs Typº .nºrſ, :DTis ºp : TFs TT3 .]]º ºn.gºvin': an "is B'ziyº Tina Hºs pip.pan pºprºlin 955 Trn Tºrºn Dºn Epp, E-mps ºpp, Dºin spin Bºil "p, .nima, ºya Hip: p.-Pyº inºps :myº, Tºp Trip, nºnp Tºp Tºmpi" Bºrº ºx! ->ir .mprºnſ, as Tipp 'p :B'ziy ºr ºpini yºi º Tºs T-2 :D"prºli, 350 CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY SANCTIFICATION (Congregation rises) We hallow Thy name on earth, even as it is hallowed in heaven; and in the words of the prophet we say: Choir and Congregation Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory. Minister God our strength, God our Lord, how excellent is Thy name in all the earth! Choir and Congregation In all places of Thy dominion, Thy name is praised and glorified. Minister Our God is One; He is our Father; He is our King; He is our Helper; and in His mercy He will answer our prayers in the sight of all the living. Choir and Congregation The Lord will reign for ever, thy God, O Zion, from generation to generation. Hallelujah! (Congregation is seated) CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 351 SAINCTIFICATION (Congregation rises) inis pºppy nº.B'ziya Tºrns wip. *s T NTR). Tº Tºy anº.ning 'pya :-lps T. Choir and Congregation Fºrº sºn.nis; ; viip witp witp ºr :i-in; Minister - - *7i. Hºw T-ST, yi-Is in is nºis :*"Sº Choir and Congregation :ipipºp . Tiniº Tina Minister ..ºp sin .ºrms sin .ºr's sin Tris :"Tº 'py: "prºla lypy, sim:lly wip sin Choir and Congregation -j-m -i-. Ting Triºs Eziyº y Tºry •. :Fºr (Congregation is seated) 352 CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Responsive Reading Minister The Lord is King, the Lord did reign, the Lord will reign for ever and ever. Ere yet sky and earth were formed, the Lord was King. Before the lights in heaven shone, the Lord did reign. Though like a garment earth decay, and heaven all as smoke dissolve, -- Congregation The Lord will reign for ever and ever, Minister Ere yet the earth's expanse was spread, the Lord was King. And when He formed its creatures all, the Lord did reign. Though earth from out its orbit reel, and tremble to its lowest depths, Congregation The Lord will reign for ever and ever. Minister O God, whose deeds are mighty, grant pardon for our sins at the time of the closing of the gates. Congregation O Lord, we stand in awe before Thy deeds. CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 353 Responsive Reading :-ty! Pºiyº Tiºn: "...Tºp!. Tºp!, :-tºp .*Tºp, D'pºs] D'pſy Dºg: :Tºp ..,n], ninish sº-Ty .nº ſpy: Byrn.mºhn Taz Pºn :-yı Hºiyº Tiºn, :Tºp : .nixºm Pºs Hºy sº-Ty :Tºp .nix is "zy Bºx, irº .nix?P TToy Don. Tºpºp PTS rºl. :-ty, Bºy'. Tipp. nyºn nºrm ºf sºpr, .mºzy sºil 9s :Tºyº :nºy sºil's 354 CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Minister We who are few in number, lift our eyes to Thee and trembling we approach Thee at the time of the closing of the gates. Congregation O Lord, we stand in awe before Thy deeds. Minister We pour out our hearts before Thee; blot out our guilt, grant our sins remission at the time of the closing f the gates. e of the gates Congregation O Lord, we stand in awe before Thy deeds. Minister Protect, O Lord, and deliver us from calamity, and grant us joy at the time of the closing of the gates. Congregation O Lord, we stand in awe before Thy deeds. Minister Blot out our transgressions like a cloud, and show favor to Thy chosen at the time of the closing of the gates. Congregation O Lord, we stand in awe before Thy deeds. Minister O God, whose deeds are mighty, grant pardon for our sins at the time of the closing of the gates. Congregation O Lord, we stand in awe before Thy deeds. CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 355 nºtºppi.nswil Ty Hº .n's "p Tºpp ºpp :nºvir nyºn.Hºrn :Hºy sºil's Dsºpm .nypº sº Tp .nyº, Hº Dºi) :mºvinnyva.nºrm :Hºy sºil's Tinº Hºn. Tsipp Exºrm. Tºnpº Dº nº :nºyin ngºa.nº :Hººvy snil's .nºpp's lippiny Tp, Tyg).n'vppily: Tº :Tz'vaº nyºn = 3 ~ :Hººg snil's :nºyinnyº.mºnpilºsºpp.mºzy sºil's :Hººg sºil's 356 CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Minister The day of rest is over, now we stand before Thee; incline to us Thine ear, O Thou who art en- throned on high. Congregation Listen to our song, hearken to our prayer. Minister The sighing of Thy worshipers ascends to Thy throne: grant the wish of those who proclaim Thee One. Congregation Hearken to the prayer of those who approach Thee. Minister Israel is saved for ever by the Lord; so may we be saved by Thy word this day, Thou who dwellest on high. Congregation Abundantly Thou pardonest, Master of mercies. Minister Let us find protection beneath the shadow of Thy wings; with kindliness Thou searchest the erring heart to heal it. Arise, O Lord our God, manifest Thy might, - Congregation Lord, hearken to our cry. CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 357 dinºp-history.nºrth Tºp. Tºm'ssion .nº nyi, :nºn's Hºrſ's yippº sºp. TI-7 sp2 ºz ºwn. Tºpp nps .TTºppy niºn :Ty's nºr vpiº Ayº Diºnn.nºiy nylºn ºn yilºsºp, .n'ninn piº ºpp :nºprºlſ, ºyº nin'?p an mºs"? ": in lin.nyºn Pºnſpiºx ºarſ. "ſy ºvariº's synºp.mºjº aipya? in: - :8. !” ºr 3 - 8 : Tº pylº 358 CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Minister Sound Thy word of pardon, Thou who dwellest on high; let Thy right hand work salvation unto Thy lowly people. Answer when we cry, with the wonders of Thy righteousness. Congregation Lord, be Thou our Helper. Minister Entreating do we come, for mercy comes from Thee, Shame us not, O Lord, dismissing us unanswered. Congregation Forgive Thou us and grant us Thy salvation and Thy mercy. Minister We come to seek atonement; awe-inspiring art Thou, yet a refuge in our trouble; graciously grant life anew; upon Thy name we call. Congregation Forgive Thou us and grant us Thy pardon and Thy mercy. Minister Thou puttest forth Thy hand unto him who is astray, and Thy right hand is extended to take back in love those who turn again unto Thee. Thou hast taught us, O Lord, to acknowledge all our sins before CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 359 - Minister yº! Trya jºy ºnpa avi. "Frºp lyrº, PTsinisTil Tºshiyya.iºns ly by vº Congregation :* -iñy Triº Minister :Tºpºp, nº Tpr 2. Tºniºn” lists :Tºp Epºn innºn's s].`yan's sº Congregation - - - :Tymprºprºm Hº Hºn.” Hºp Minister app.shim ni's .TP2 Tºp ºpiº isºs :NTP, Tºni.ilgrim lºn:Tºa ninyº Congregation :Typp Bºrn Tºp 2 nººn.” Hºp Minister ºp? Tº Typ) pºisº T. nil mºs Typº Tºº Tºy Tºwna ºpni trniiig 360 CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Thee, to the end that we may withhold our hands from unrighteousness. Receive our sincere repentance. Thou knowest, O Lord, that we are but dust and ashes; therefore Thou dost abundantly pardon. For what are we, what is our life, what our goodness, what our power? What can we say in Thy presence? Are not all the mighty men as naught before Thee and those of great renown as though they had never been; the wisest as if without knowledge, and men of understand- ing as if without discernment? Many of our works are vain, and our days pass away like a sliadow. Thou hast distinguished man from the beginning and hast singled him out to stand before Thee. Yet who dare say unto Thee, what doest Thou? And though man be righteous, what does he give to Thee? In Thy love Thou hast given us this Day of Atonement for the remission and pardon of all our sins, that we may refrain from every form of exploitation and return to Thee to do Thy will with a perfect heart. Have pity upon us in Thy great mercy, for it is not Thy desire that mankind should be destroyed. Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near; let the wicked forsake his ways, and the unright- eous man his evil thoughts, and let him return unto the Lord, who will have mercy upon him, and to our God, who will abundantly pardon. Yea, Thou art merciful and gracious, long-suffering and of infinite CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 361 Tº un"Tsy yºli Tºs :Fººs Tys Tºi irºn my lism in pºp ſpann Tºº Hy?in ºn-Haripirº Tollyºnipºp": Tºpîrîprimp *: sºyninsºn's lyriºs º-psimp nºrtliſt, sº nºr ºs Tºº lºsiº Bºinº DTygn aim ºf 7297 ºniº Hºlini, v-ſp "ºn: Tipy” in Tººl .tºshp ºils ºn Tºs Tipp-Tº: Es).79En Tº Hº ºps ºn 2. Tº Bºnni"nsmiſsiºn’sºn]:Tºlº ºnlyph.ºrning”ymnºpimºrº.nſ. nºn-fixin prinivº Tºshiºn.” T. ppyp sº 2 irºy Drin Bay Tºrna Tºs Bºy isºla : ºn-i-psy.nziy nºrth Pierſ vs. i2. Tiyºnary ºps):ainpiniºn insip * Prºsº’s imprºpºsavl."pinympus Dinn) ºr nintº Fiºs Tºs :riº Hà-l. 362 CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY patience and faithfulness; Thou acceptest with favor the repentance of the wicked and desirest not their death, as Thy prophet has spoken: Say to them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel? Have I any plea- sure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord God; and not rather that he should return from his ways, and live? Minister and Congregation Our God and God of our fathers, pardon our trans- gressions on this Day of Atonement; remove our guilt, and blot out our iniquities, as Thou hast promised: I, even I, blot out thine iniquities for My sake, and thy sins will I remember no more. I have made thy sins to vanish like a cloud, and thy transgressions, like a mist; return to Me for I have redeemed thee. On this day shall ye be forgiven and cleansed from all your sins; before God ye shall be pure. Praised be Thou, O Lord, who forgivest transgres- sions, King of the world, who sanctifiest Israel, and the Day of Atonement. Choir: Amen. CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 363 Tyin]..aº Tanpınps, TUI am D'Es TS ..Dºn'ryn PEI. Tºs I's D'yºn naïvna TFs Ds .Tirt. Tº DS, is ºn DFT's "ps "psy iPTT) vyi) alºm Ds 2.9977 nipa Piers imp) Tººl.nyºn Dy:Tºp inity inity:TIT DN.yyn nippier's Pierſ]."psºn:ºstly, nº :TIn Yºſipiniºn sºil.mit. TS Minister and Congregation Biº lynihigº ºrp.ºrnias "nºs, ºr's Tºpºnsºrnºgym Taym Tin. Tº Dºn •lyp? Typº Tip sin ºs ºs.-lips; Tyy .TypH avy 'n'Tip.mpsºn :-5's sº Tristorm "2."psºn:Triºs, 2 º’s Tºº. Tºston Tyrºl ºn Dºns Tºº Dºzy - Bº Tin Diº : "Tori º lºº.Dºnsºr, Tºpºniligº Hºip ºrip Tºp! Tºs T-2 :nº Dinºsy wipº Pºrºy Choir: Amen. 364 CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY Minister and Congregation, then Choir Open unto us, O God, my:, .TVº il. mnà the gates of mercy, before ...—s tº the closing of the gates, :DT THE "E.Tyy nºy l ere the day is done. The S-1, ºpyri .T.E.” Diºn day vanishes, the sun is º * & setting; let us enter Thy : 7"|y|.) TSii) .T.E.) gates. Minister The day is fading, the sun is setting; the silence and peace of night descend upon the earth. Vouchsafe rest, O God, unto our disquieted hearts; lift up the soul that is cast down. Turn, in Thine all-forgiving love, to Thy children who yearn for Thy mercy; turn O Father, to all fainting hearts, to all heavy-laden souls. Let this hour bring us the assurance that Thou hast forgiven, that we have found favor in Thy sight. Con- secrate our hearts unto Thee, and make them Thy living altars, whereon shall burn the holy flame of devo- tion to Thee. From Thy house, O merciful Father, we are about to return to our homes, to seek the shelter which Thou hast prepared for us in the communion of our family life. Open unto us the gates of Thy love! Enter Thou with us into our home so that it may become Thy sanc- tuary, and Thy spirit may abide within its walls. Then will our habitation stand firm amidst the storms of life, a refuge from evil, a bulwark against temptation. CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 365 And still another dwelling Thou hast destined for us, O Source of life; an eternal abode to which we shall go after our brief day on earth has closed. Open unto us the gate of Thy grace; unlock for us the portals of eternal peace when the gates of our earthly home shall have closed behind us. Be Thou our guiding star on our homeward journey. Lead us hence in joy and peace. Let Thy light shine in the night of our death as the dawn of a new morning, that from our grave may sprout not the barren thistle but the fragrant myrtle, a blessed memory redounding to Thine honor and glory. This twilight hour reminds us also of the eventide when, according to Thy gracious promise, Thy light will arise over all the children of men; and Israel's spiritual descendants will be as numerous as the stars in heaven. Endow us, our Guardian, with strength and patience for our holy mission. Grant that all the chil- dren of Israel may recognize the goal of their changeful career, so that they may exemplify by their zeal and love for mankind the truth of Israel's message: One humanity on earth even as there is but one God in heaven. Thou alone knowest when this work of reconciliation shall be fulfilled; when the day shall dawn on which the light of Thy truth shall illumine the whole earth. But that great day shall come, as surely as none of Thy words returns void, except it have accomplished that for which Thou didst send it. Then joy will thrill all hearts, and from one end of the earth to the other will echo the gladsome cry: Hear, O Israel, 366 CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY hear, all mankind: The Lord our God, the Lord is One! Then Thy house will be called a house of prayer for all peoples, and all nations will flow unto it. And in triumphant joy shall they cry out: Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is the King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory. Choir Lift up your heads, Q we gates, and be lifted up ye ever- lasting doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is the King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory. Selah! Minister (Before the open ark) O Lord, whither shall I go from Thy spirit? Or whither shall I flee from Thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, Thou art there; if I make my bed in the nether-world, behold, Thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there would Thy hand lead me, and Thy right hand would hold me. And if I say: Surely the darkness shall envelop me and the light about me shall be night; even the darkness is not too dark for Thee, but the night shineth as the day, the darkness is even as the light. Wonderful are Thy works, and that my soul knoweth right well. CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 367 When I behold the heavens, the work of Thy hands, when I consider the wonders of the universe, the count- less hosts of stars which Thou hast set in the firmament, when I endeavor to comprehend the excellence of Thy majesty, the extent of Thy power, the range of Thy wisdom, O Almighty God; I am overwhelmed by the thought of Thy greatness. The myriads of worlds are but a breath of Thy spirit, the luminous orbs but beams of Thy light. What is man that Thou hast enabled him to perceive Thy truth, and to fathom the purposes of Thy creation? For what would the earth be with all its abundance and beauty, with forests filled with song, with towering mountains reared like pillars, with roaring billows of the tempestuous sea; what the stars' majestic pageant and the brilliancy of their light; what the mysteries of the boundless depths and the immeasurable heights, hadst Thou not placed man at the very summit of creation, to proclaim Thy grandeur and to voice the longing of all beings for Thee, O King of the Universe, Fountain of life, Source of love? In man, the son of dust and the child of heaven, Thou hast blended the two worlds, perishable earth and immortal soul; finite matter, fettered to time and space, and infinite spirit, which endures through eternity. Thou hast made him but little lower than the angels and hast crowned him with glory and honor; Thou hast made him to have dominion over all the works of Thy hands, Thou hast put all things under his feet. But Thou desirest that he subdue his pride and bow his head in reverence before Thee. But alas, passion leads him astray, and rebellion fills 368 CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY his heart; and when he should rise above earth's temp- tations and glorify Thee by a life of righteousness, the serpent of sin beguiles him, his appetites Overpower him, and life loses its joy. Nature no longer sings for him her charming carols; the earth is shrouded in dark- ness, and within him rings the voice of self-reproach: Man, where art thou? How hast thou fallen, son of the Most High! But Thy mercy, O Lord, is without end. Thou hast given man the power to choose between good and evil. Thou desirest not the death of the sinner, but that he return to Thee and live. Wide open are the gates of Thy forgiveness to all who truly seek to be reconciled with Thee. - Trusting in Thy gracious promise we have come before Thee, O Father, conscious of our guilt, and yearn- ing for Thine altars of peace. Heavily burdened we entered Thy sanctuary longing for Thy forgiveness. Condemned by the judge within us and oppressed by the weight of our misdeeds, we reflected sorrowfully on a life misused and filled with regrets, on opportunities neglected and resolves come to naught; for before us rose the mystery of the future, the unknown, yet cer- tain end. O how beautiful are Thy dwellings, Lord of hosts! Better one day spent in Thy courts than a thousand elsewhere. Poor we came, and rich we depart. And now at the fall of eve, light dawns within us; the burden that weighed us down is lifted; our hope and our trust are revived; the gloomy shadow which dark- ened our spirit is vanished; and through the passing cloud there breaks with the last ray of the setting sun CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY 369 the divine image of forgiving peace. We have not prayed in vain for Thy mercy and help. We feel renewed in spirit, purified in will and desire. We know our destiny to be in Thy hand, and whatever it be, we are content. Our hearts thrill with joy; solemn tones vibrate through the soul, as though we were standing at the threshhold of eternity. O God, what is man, that Thou art mindful of him, what the son of earth that Thou thinkest of him? Where shall mortal man find words to thank Thee worthily? The only praise we can offer Thee is to humble ourselves before Thee, to proclaim Thy holy name, and adore Thee: (Congregation rises) Minister and Congregation Tºp 15% Dºtipi Bºrºp, D'yº injs! :Nºn T-3 wi-ſpri Dºn ºp We bow the head and bend the knee and magnify the King of kings, the Holy One, praised be He. :-IIIs mint Priº's minº ºsºp, yop Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One. :Ty] nºiyº ini-ºp Tin: By T-3 Praised be His name whose glorious kingdom is for ever and ever. :Bºtºş Rim Fiji. The Lord, He is God. The Shofar is sounded 370 CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR ATONEMENT DAY BENEDICTION Minister And now, at the close of this day's service, we im- plore Thee, O Lord our God: Let the year upon which we have entered be for us, for Israel, and for all mankind: A year of blessing and of prosperity. Choir: Amen. A year of salvation and comfort. - Choir: Amen. A year of peace and contentment, of joy and of spiritual welfare. Choir: Amen. A year of virtue and of fear of God. - Choir: Amen. A year which finds the hearts of parents united with the hearts of the children. - - Choir: Amen. A year of Thy pardon and favor. Choir The Lord will give His angels charge over Thee to guard Thee on all thy ways. - - The Lord will bless thy going out and thy coming in, from this time forth, even for ever. Amen. Sº UNIVERSITY V OF MICHIGAN * ſº y 3 9015 08848 0630 : ! º ! |