tº 7% ARCHEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE AMERICA. REGULATIONS, OFFICERS, LIST OF MEMBERS. B O S T O N : A L. F. R. E. D. M U D G E & So N, PR IN T E R s, EXECUTIWE COMMITTEE, 1882–83. | CHARLES ELIOT NORTON, President. MARTIN BRIMMER, Vice-President. FRANCIS PARKMAN. w. W. Goodwin. H. W. HAYNES. ALEXANDER AGAssiz. WILLIAM R. WARE. HENRY L. HIGGINSON, 7%reasurer. E. H. GREENLEAF, Sºretary. R E G U L A T I O N S ADOPTED MAY 17, 1879. 1. The Archaeological Institute of America is formed for the pur- pose of promoting and directing archaeological investigation and research,--by the sending out of expeditions for special investiga- tion, by aiding the efforts of independent explorers, by publication of reports of the results of the expeditions which the Institute may undertake or promote, and by any other means which may from time to time appear desirable. - - 2. The Archaeological Institute shall consist of Life Members, being such persons as shall contribute at one time not less than $100 to its funds, and of Annual Members, who shall contribute not less than $10. Classes of honorary and corresponding members may be formed at the discretion of the government of the Institute, and under such regulations as it may impose. - - - 3. The government of the Institute shall be vested in an Exec- utive Committee, consisting of a president, a vice-president, a treas- urer, a secretary, and five ordinary members. 4. The president, the vice-president, and the five ordinary mem- bers of the Executive Committee shall be chosen by the ballot of the life and annual members at the annual meeting of the Institute, and shall hold office for one year, or until their successors are chosen. They shall be eligible for re-election. The treasurer and secretary shall be chosen by the president, the vice-president, and the five ordinary members of the Executive Committee, and shall hold office at their pleasure. . . . . . The government of the Institute shall be empowered to fill up, pro tempore by election, all vacancies in its body occasioned by the death or resignation of any of its members. 4. A RCA/A2 OZOG/CAA. AAVSTY7 UTE. 5. The Executive Committee shall have full power to determine the work to be undertaken by the Institute, and the mode of its ac- complishment, to employ agents, and to expend all the funds of the Institute for the purpose for which it is formed ; but it shall not have the power to incur any debt on behalf of the Institute. It shall make its own regulations, and determine its own methods of procedure. The secretary shall keep a careful record of its transactions, and the committee shall submit a full written report concerning them at each annual meeting. 6. The accounts of the Institute shall be submitted annually to two auditors, who shall be elected for that purpose by the members of the Institute at the annual meeting, and who shall attest by their signatures the accuracy of the said accounts. e 7. The annual meeting shall be held in Boston on the third Sat- urday of May, at eleven o'clock A. M. 8. Special meetings of the Institute may be called at any time at the discretion of the Executive Committee. 9. Subscriptions and donations may be paid to the treasurer or any member of the Executive Committee, and no person not a life member shall be entitled to vote at the annual meeting who has not paid his subscription for the past year. The year shall be consid- ered as closing with the termination of the annual meeting, from which time the subscription for the ensuing year shall become due. Io. An amendment of the regulations shall require the vote of three fourths of an annual meeting. , * Subscriptions for membership, and donations, should be sent to the secretary, E. H. GREENLEAF, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. FOREIGN HONORARY MEMBERS. HEINRICH BRUNN ERNST CURTIUS EARL HUMANN G. C. C. MASPERO THEODOR MoMMSEN C. T. NEWTON . LIFE MEMBERS. Alexander Agassiz William Alvord William Amory Thomas G. Appleton Elisha Atkins . Joseph T. Bailey . . E. Pierson Beebe . Stanton Blake Charles P. Bowditch J. Ingersoll Bowditch Charles S. Bradley . George L. Bradley . J. L. Bremer -. - Mrs. Gardner Brewer . Martin Brimmer . . Mrs. Martin Brimmer . William S. Bullard . Munich. Berlin. Smyrna. Cairo. Berlin. London. Cambridge. San Francisco. Boston. 66 66 66 66. & 4 Providence. . Pomfret, Conn. Boston. 66 “ - 66 . “ 6 A /ø CHAZOZOG/CA/L //VS 7TWTOV7 E. Arthur Astor Carey George B. Chase Thomas M. Clarke George H. Corliss. William E. Dodge, Jr. G. W. W. Dove William Endicott, Jr. . Glendower Evans . Charles Fairchild . Ezra Farnsworth . John M. Forbes M. F. Force e William W. Goodwin . N. P. Hallowell Rowland Hazard . Mrs. Augustus Hemenway George Higginson . Henry L. Higginson . * Miss Alice S. Hooper Mrs. Samuel Hooper . E. N. Horsford . James F. Hunnewell . Samuel Johnson • . . . Henry P. Kidder . . . . . . Henry Lee . ge e John Lowell. Miss E. F. Mason . Miss Ida N. Mason John W. McCoy D. O. Mills . Clarence B. Moore . * Otis Norcross . . Charles Eliot Norton . Robert Treat Paine Daniel Parish, Jr. . Francis E. Parker . Francis Parkman' . . Oliver W. Peabody . Frederic J. de Peyster John C. Phillips . . * Deceased. New York. Boston. Providence. New York. Andover, Mass. Boston. & 6 ** 2 66 66 Cincinnati. Cambridge. Boston. Providence. Boston. 64 é & 66 & 6 Cambridge. Boston. ( & 66 & 6 66 Baltimore. New York. Philadelphia. Boston. Cambridge. Boston. - New York. . Boston. £6 6& . New York. . Boston. A RCA/A. O.I.OG/CA/, //VS ZTY7"O ZTE. Henry C. Potter Richard Price . C. A. L. Richards . Stephen Salisbury, Jr. Samuel H. Scudder Philip H. Sears Mrs. G. Howland Shaw . Quincy A. Shaw Mrs. E. A. Shepard Mrs. Jared Sparks Edward Spencer Richard Sullivan Royal C. Taft . D. H. Talbot Isaac Thacher . Clement A. Walker Charles E. Ware Samuel D. Warren William B. Weeden Henry A. Whitney Miss Catherine L. Wolfe New York. Topsfield, Mass. Providence. Worcester, Mass. Cambridge. Boston. . 6 & 66 Providence. Cambridge. Baltimore. Boston. Providence. Sioux City, Iowa. Boston. 6 & 66 & 4 Providence. Boston. New York. The Boston Society of Architects. ANNUAL MEMBERS. Ezra Abbot . Francis E. Abbot . S. L. Abbot . Mrs. Louis Agassiz Frederic D. Allen . William F. Allen . Fred. L. Ames . . James Barr Ames . . William Ashburner Cambridge. New York. Boston. . Cambridge. t 66 ... Madison, Wis. . Boston. . Cambridge. ... ... San Francisco. 8 A RCHAEOZOGYCA/, //VSTY7 UTE. *Gilbert Attwood . Samuel P. Avery . Charles Babcock tº º Lº Mrs. Walter Baker . . . . Simeon E. Baldwin Ad. F. Bandelier C. H. Barrows . Francis Bartlett Gerard Beekman Mrs. E. H. Bigelow Timothy Bigelow William Sturgis Bigelow . Arthur W. Blake Miss S. H. Blanchard Alexander Bliss H. P. Bowditch . Erastus Brainerd Mrs. H. C. G. Brandt Miss C. A. Brewer George William Brown Gustav Brühl Stephen Bullard W. N. Bullard . Walter C. Cabot James B. Campbell H. L. Cargill & Cº º Alfred L. Carroll . . . . . George William Childs Charles F. Choate . . . . . • • Edward Clark . . . . . . . Theodore M. Clark Joseph Thacher Clarke . . . . . Robert Clarke . . . . . . . . Joseph H. Coates . tº gº e Samuel C. Cobb . . . . . . Alexander Cochrane . - Charles C. Converse . . . . . . . J. Randolph Coolidge . . . . . Lady Copley • . . . . . James G. Croswell . . . Cambridge. * Deceased. Boston. New York. Ithaca, N. Y. Boston. New Haven. Highland, Ill. Boston. & 4 New"York. Boston. 66 46 & 4 66 Washington. Boston. Philadelphia. Clinton, N. Y. Boston. Baltimore. Cincinnati. Boston. 66 &6 Charleston, S. C. . . Montreal. New Brighton, N.Y. Philadelphia. Cambridge. Washington. Boston. Assos. Cincinnati. . Philadelphia. Boston. 66 Erie, Pa. Boston. . Somerleyton, Eng. A RCAHA. O/LOG/CA/C ZAVSTY7 UTE. Benjamin R. Curtis George William Curtis Miss Mary F. Curtis . C. H. Dalton Charles P. Daly Henry Davenport . Thomas Davidson Horace Davis . Franklin B. Dexter F. Gordon Dexter Julius Dexter Lysander Dickerman . E. S. Dixwell Dalton Dorr William Dorsheimer . William Frederick Duff . John Dunn . Thomas Durfee Edmund Dwight Louis Dyer . D. Cady Eaton . º Miss Georgiana G. Eaton . . Carl Edelheim . . . . . . . *Ralph Waldo Emerson . Dana Estes . • Richard S. Fellowes . Miss Alice C. Fletcher William H. Forbes Harold N. Fowler. William Gammell . John L. Gardner, Jr. . Robert Garrett . D. C. Gilman . Edwin L. Godkin . George Z. Gray Horace Gray e John P. Gray . . . . Russell Gray . . . Samuel A. Green . . Edward H. Greenleaf . . . . . . * Deceased. . New York. Boston. New York. Boston. 66 New York. Boston. 66 San Francisco. New Haven. Boston. Cincinnati. Boston. Cambridge. Philadelphia. New York. Boston. Chicago. Providence. Boston. Cambridge. New Haven. Boston. Philadelphia. Concord, Mass. Boston. . New Haven. New York. Boston. ... Westfield, Mass. Providence. Boston. Baltimore. 6 & « Cambridge. Boston. Utica, N. Y. • Boston. 66 tº . Io ARCHAOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. Mrs. James Greenleaf Richard C. Greenleaf W. W. Greenough Edward M. Greenway, Jr. Henry S. Grew . . . Mrs. Henry S. Grew . William Grosvenor, Jr. E. W. Gurney . W. G. Hale Albert Harkness Mrs. E. G. Hartshorn E. B. Haskell *Samuel Foster Haven . William H. Hawkes Henry W. Haynes . T. W. Higginson R. M. Hodges Edward J. Holmes . C. D. Homans Thomas Hooker . Edward W. Hooper. James M. Hoppin H. O. Houghton John T. Humphreys Leigh H. Hunt . IRichard M. Hunt Charles Isham e Edward Jackson . . . . . Ernest Jackson Charles E. Jenkins . Reverdy Johnson John Cone Kimball S. R. Koehler . Thomas Lang . J. D. Lange . . Amos A. Lawrence . . . Richard H. Lawrence . Henry C. Lea . . . . . . . Henrv Cabot Lodge . . . • * ... " - * , N - - * Deceased. Cambridge. Boston. 6 (, Baltimore. Boston. { % Providence. Cambridge. Ithaca, N. Y. Providence. & 4 Boston. Worcester, Mass. Washington. Boston. Cambridge. Boston. 66 & 4 New Haven. Boston. New Haven. |Boston. . Greensboro, N. C. New York. 66 &6 Boston. 66 66 # . Baltimore. Boston. 66 « . . New York. Brookline, Mass. . . New York. . Philadelphia. . Boston. !. • ‘ A RCHAZO/COG/CAA. ZAVS ZYZTU 7"E. I I W. P. P. Longfellow Charles G. Loring . Caleb William Loring . . Samuel K. Lothrop Thornton K. Lothrop . Seth Low Augustus Lowell George G. Lowell . James B. Ludlow Thomas W. Ludlow Francis C. Macauley . Allan Marquand Henry G. Marquand . R. H. Mather Miss Abby W. May David J. Miller George Norton Miller, Jr. Joseph A. Miller Frank D. Millet |R. B. Minturn . Charles H. Moore . * Lewis H. Morgan Mrs. Lewis H. Morgan Miss F. R. Morse . Miss M. L. Morse . * E. R. Mudge . William Norris Frederick Law Olmsted . James R. Osgood . Lewis R. Packard Francis W. Palfrey George H. Palmer Harvey D. Parker . Miss E. F. Parkman . J. M. Peirce . Charles L. Peirson Charles C. Perkins F. S. Perkins . William Perkins . Henry A. Phillips . . * Deceased. Cambridge. Boston. 6 & 66 & 4 Brooklyn, N. Y. Boston. 6& New York. 6& Philadelphia. Princeton, N. J. New York. Amherst, Mass. Boston. Santa Fé, N. M. New York. . . Providence. New York. & 4 Cambridge. . Rochester, N. Y. 1 & 4 6& Boston. 46 “ San Francisco. New York. Boston. New Haven. Boston. Cambridge. Boston. & 6 Cambridge. Boston. £ 6 . . Burlington, Wis. . . . Boston. . . Toledo, Ohio. I 2 A RCA/A2O/COG/CA/, //VS ZYZ"O ZTE. Edward G. Porter . Miss Sarah Porter Eleazer Franklin Pratt Waldo S. Pratt . Henry Preble Thomas E. Proctor F. W. Putnam . tº e º Josiah Quincy . . . . . * B. B. Redding H. H. Richardson . Frederick H. Rindge . Henry B. Rogers . *William B. Rogers John C. Ropes . Denman W. Ross . * Benj. S. Rotch Stephen Salsbury . Barthold Schlesinger . J. B. Sewall. Thomas D. Seymour . N. S. Shaler Lemuel Shaw Frederick Sheldon tº gº tº Henry St. John Smith . . . . A. J. C. Sowdon . © º Q (º H. G. Spaulding Mrs. Cornelius Stevenson Miss Stevenson W. J. Stillman . R. S. Storrs. IRussell Sturgis Miss Mary A. Tappan J. Henry Thayer . . S. Lothrop Thorndike C. H. Toy . . . . . . . . . W. S. Tyler . . . . . . . . J. C. Van Benschoten Henry Van Brunt . Thilip Valentini . . . . . . . . Charles Waldstein . . . . . * Deceased. 2 Lexington, Mass. Farmington, Conn. Boston. Hartford. Cambridge. Boston. Cambridge. Quincy, Mass. . San Francisco. Brookline, Mass. Cambridge. Boston. 6 G 66 Cambridge. Boston. Worcester, Mass. Boston. Braintree, Mass. New Haven. Cambridge. Boston. Newport, R. I. Portland. Boston. Springfield, Mass. Philadelphia. 66 Florence, Italy. Brooklyn, N. Y. New York. . Lenox, Mass. Andover, Mass. Cambridge. 66 * , Amherst, Mass. Middletown, Conn. Boston. , New York. -- Cambridge, Eng. A RCA/A2O/LOG/CA/, //WSTY7'UTE. I 3 Frank Waller George W. Wales . Miss M. A. Wales . Samuel G. Ward William R. Ware G. Washington Warren Alfred A. Wheeler Edward Wheelwright . John Williams White . Mrs. Henry Whitman William D. Whitney George Wigglesworth Marshall P. Wilder Justin Winsor © Joseph Edcil Winters Robert C. Winthrop . J. Huntington Wolcott John Woodbury Theodore D. Woolsey New York. Boston. 66 New York. 66 Boston. San Francisco. Boston. Cambridge. Boston. New Haven. Boston. 66 Cambridge. New York. Boston. 66 Cambridge. New Haven. The Providence Athenaeum. TY O III I4. AA’CHAEOLOGYCA/, //VS 7TWTU 7"E. THE following is a complete list of the publications of the Insti- tute. Those not out of print are for sale by Messrs. A. Williams & Co., 283 Washington St., Boston, and by Messrs. Chas. Scrib- ner's Sons and G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York : — First Annual Report of the Executive Committee. 1880. pp. 26. Out of print. Second Annual Report of the Executive Committee. 1881. pp. 49. Price 50 cents. Third Annual Report of the Executive Committee. 1882. pp. 56. Price 50 cents. First Annual Report and Papers. 188o. 8vo. Cloth. pp. 163. Ill. Out of print. - - PAPERS OF THE INSTITUTE. American Series I. 1881. Containing : — 1. Historical Introduction to Studies among the Sedentary Indians of New Mexico. - 2. Report upon the Ruins of the Pueblo of Pecos. By A. F. Ban- # delier. 8vo. Flexible covers. pp. 135. Ill. Price $2.o.o. Classical Series I. 1882. Containing : — Report on the Investigations at Assos, 1881, by Joseph Thacher Clarke, with 'an appendix containing descriptions from Assos and Lesbos, and Papers by W. C. Lawton and J. S. Diller. 8vo. Flexible covers. pp. 215. Ill., Price $3.oo. .