State of Connecticut BY HIS EXCELLENCY JOHN H. TRUMBULL GOVERNOR A # rur lantatin it |N these days of industrial activity and commercial pursuit we are prone to forget that the blessings of our plant and bird life, originally ours by the bounty of God, are preserved to us only by the industry of man. That we may awaken and stimulate in the minds of our youth the need of preserving these bless- ings, and that our love of nature may express itself, on one day at least, in terms of practical and intelligent husbandry, I hereby designate Friday, the twenty-third day of April next, as º - 3. sº. Arhur alth Birm ſlau and I urge all citizens, especially all children and teachers of children, to turn their thoughts and their hands on this day to the planting of trees, the making of gardens, the reclaiming of soil to the uses of agriculture, the beautifying by flowers and shrubbery of Our homes and highways, the care of our bird life and all similar activities, to the end that the fruits of the earth may be preserved in abundance for us and for those who shall come after us. # Given under my hand and seal of the State at the Capitol, in Hartford, this eighth day of | April, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-six and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and fiftieth. >4 ºzºa. By His Excellency’s Command: Secretary. * II. 99.20 /9680 9 106 8 |||||||||||||||| N\/5)|HO|W —JO Å LISHE/\|Nf] |||||| ~^ \,vua)