4--. $#, Á:4. -º-º: /*-12-y2 - State of Connecticut BY HIS EXCELLENCY JOHN H. TRUMBULL GOVERNOR A iſ rurlantafiull HE loss by fire of lives and property in the United __ States was last year the largest ever recorded. The sº) property loss per capita was nearly five times that experienced in comparable European countries. In view of the fact that the great majority of fires are preventable by proper care, such a record can only be characterized as one of shameful waste. An insurance policy may relieve to some extent the individual property owner, but no insur- ance protects the nation from the direct loss of its citizens and its wealth. The price of every commodity includes the price you pay for someone’s carelessness. Sober thought, sound education and intelligent action are essential to the correction of this, as of any other, drain on our national resources. To give a specific opportunity for the consideration of this problem, and by special direc- tion of the General Assembly, I designate Friday, October ninth next, as 3fire fireuentium ſlag and I earnestly recommend that all citizens, and particularly all school authorities, give attention on that day to the study and teaching of fire prevention. I suggest also that if this sort of education is to be effective, the ordinary virtues of care and common sense be emphasized in this connection, not merely as objects of annual veneration, but as every-day economic necessities. Given under my hand and seal of the State at the Capitol, in Hartford, this twenty-fifth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and fiftieth. >4 ºzºc, By His Excellency’s Command: Secretary. _ſ|) ba -z. ſy º______________________)————~~—--------~--~ *"№ Iffffffff|11 0drų?* Viae ?