r * &: * & A & 9.9 ° ; ; ; ; «y s wrºx. A #Irurlautafiult iſitſ the (6muerttur To the People of Illinois, Greeting: Fire waste is one of the most regrettable and unnecessary incidents of our economic and Social life. In the last fiscal year Illinois recorded 19,283 fires, with a loss of $21,815,989. This approximates a burning rate of one fire every twenty-seven minutes and a daily loss of $59,770. Deaths from fire in this State numbered 379 in 1930. This tremendous waste of life and property is wholly unwarranted, since authorities agree that ninety per cent of all fires and fire casualties are preventable by exercise of reasonable care and caution. It is a duty of good citizenship to accept a personal responsibility in practising habits of carefulness in all things which may cause fire. --- NOW, THEREFORE, I, LOUIS L. EMMERSON, Governor of Illinois, do hereby designate and proclaim the week from (ſ)rfulner 4 fu ()rfulner 1 II, 1931 tº he iſłąeriſen in the state infiſſiniſtă ă ă 3fire #reuerttium lileek I urge the people of this State to take occasion this week to make a thorough clean-up of fire haz- ards and unnecessary combustible material in homes, places of business, factories, schools, hospitals, places of assembly, amusement and worship, and in all other classes of property. Particular care should be taken to see that heating equipment is in safe condition for winter. I suggest that mayors, fire chiefs, Chambers of Commerce, civic organizations, schools and the press cooperate in a practical program of fire prevention in their respective communities, which should be carried on systematically during the entire year. Every citizen should resolve that no act of his shall be the cause of fire. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Illinois to be affixed. DONE AT THE CAPITOL, IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, THE TENTH DAY OF AUGUST, IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-ONE, AND OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS THE ONE HUNDRED AND 'THIRTEEN’TH. By the Governor: 20*… } Stacea, 23.2% 6… Secretary of State. - as ºr 1 (62668–40M-8-31 |liſill *~ 3 9015 08957 0454 “val cla Č, ; •ſ -- { (, Sºlt f Sºx. tº .3 'y, t – la - 1431.