º Proclamation By the Governor To the People of Illinois, Greeting: The estimated fire loss in the United States in 1932 was $442,143,311, a decrease of approximately $10,- 000,000 from 1931. The reported loss in Illinois in 1932 was $13,269,814, a decrease of $2,539,567. These decreases are gratifying, but we must recognize the fact that they may be due largely to depres- sion values of property burned rather than an actual reduction in the volume of the property destroyed. Under the leadership of President Roosevelt, the nation is endeavoring by concerted action to restore prosperity throughout the land. Fires in factories and business property impede economic recovery be- cause they throw people out of employment. Fires in homes add to the burden of suffering and privation which we are trying to alleviate. During the period of economic stress, much property has become more susceptible to fire through lack of repair. To make deferred repairs now would be not only a protection of property, but a material factor in relieving unemployment. The Illinois record last year showed that 54 per cent of the fires were caused by sparks on roofs, matches and smoking, electricity, chimneys and flues, and stoves and furnaces. Fifty-seven per cent oc- curred in homes and apartments. These facts suggest sources of fire control for every citizen. Authorities agree that 75 to 90 per cent of all fires are preventable through exercise of ordinary care. It does not require a financial outlay to keep premises clean and orderly, and to be careful with things which cause fire. Every citizen can cooperate along these lines. It is well to remind the citizens of the State periodically of these dangers and the precautions that may and should be taken to prevent them. NOW THEREFORE, I, HENRY HORNER, Governor of Illinois, do hereby designate and proclaim the week-frem October 8 to October 14, 1933 to be observed in the State of Illinois as Fire Prevention Week Fire Prevention Week is a time to take inventory of fire hazards and correct them, to inaugurate or improve municipal programs of fire prevention and control, and to arouse citizens generally to the neces- sity of their cooperation. Pupils in schools especially should be instructed as to causes of fire, their pre- vention and control. Cooperation of municipal and School officials, chambers of commerce, civic organizations and the press is invited, not only for an impressive observance of Fire Prevention Week, but for continued efforts to reduce fire waste and destruction. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Illinois to be affixed. DONE AT THE CAPITOL, IN THE CITY OF SPRING- FIELD, THE EIGHTEENTH DAY OF AUGUST, IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-THREE, AND OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS THE ONE HUN- DRED AND FIFTEENTH. By the Governor: Secretary of State. |liſiii. _3 9015 08957 0470 --- -- *~~~~ *-*---------, -e- - Á *… a 4-, {} * * & º:-- . 4. cº-ºxº~. ** 2&_&_*.*. **-2, ~! * ; , … : * ~ * * * * §