MAX 31, 1944. & +. Uhuttkagitting ſlau 2, 3}roclamation by the Øobernor Qſìjamäggibing ſeap 33rotlantation 33p the @5ubernor “Oh, that man would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men.” N ACCORDANCE with the custom long ago established by our fathers, it is entirely fitting that, at this season of the year, we should set apart a day of thanksgiving to Almighty God, the source of all good, for the manifold mercies and blessings that are ours. There is an old legend which says that there are two angels whose duty it is to bear from earth the prayers of men. One is the angel of Requests and the other the angel of Thanksgiving. Each carries a large basket as he flies from place to place, listening at the doors of prayer- closets. The angel of Requests soon has his baskets filled and heaped up with the supplications of men, but the angel of Thanksgiving, after going all his rounds, has only a few little hymns of gratitude in the bottom of his basket. Perhaps this fancy is truer than we suppose. People murmur and find fault much oftener than they rejoice and give thanks; but, as we look back over the past year, we have abundant reason for Thanks- giving in our individual lives, as a State, and as a Nation. A sufficient harvest has been gathered and we are assured of sustenance for man and beast. Our people, as a rule have been sober and steadfast, honest and industrious. No other land has been so highly favored as our own. We have still grave problems to solve, but, gaining courage from the experience of the past, we may go forward in hope and confidence, guided and blessed by the Providence of God. * Therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Governor of the State of Michigan, I hereby join the President of the United States in designating (Tijurgbap, Wotjember 24, 1921, as a day of Thanks- giving and Prayer. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, this tenth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-fifth. Governor. By the Governor; R Secretary of State. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGA 3 9015 08957 90.15 O561