$fate uſ 3|llittuta £xerutiue Hepartment $pringfiela WHEREAS, The County of Cook, the City of Chicago, the Board of Educa- tion of the City of Chicago, and certain other local governments in Cook County are still in grave financial difficulties on account of the delay in the collection of taxes caused by the general re-assessment of real property in that county for the year 1928; and WHEREAS, It is imperative that legislation be enacted without delay to provide for the immediate expenses of government for that county and the taxing bodies therein; and WHEREAS, Further efforts should be made in so far as possible under the provisions of the constitution, to relieve real property from the excessive and unfair share of the tax burden which it now bears; and WHEREAS, Further consideration should be given by the General Assembly to providing a larger measure of home rule for the city of Chicago as a matter of right and as a forward step in the administration of its governmental affairs; and WHEREAS, The welfare of the State is closely connected with the agricultural interests of the State and, if possible, remedial legislation designed to assist and benefit those engaged in this important industry should be enacted by the General Assembly; and WHEREAS, Legislation may be deemed desirable to authorize and provide for public work by municipal Corporations and political subdivisions as a means of furnishing employment during the approaching winter, and to enable local relief agencies to obtain funds to provide emergency relief; and WHEREAS, By act of the Fifty-seventh General Assembly, effective July 1, 1931, in counties under township organization having less than 500,000 population, the duty of providing pauper relief was transferred from the county to the town- ships in such counties; and WHEREAS, Because the township tax levy had already been made in April for the year 1931, it is necessary that provision be made for an additional or supple- mental levy by townships for this year; and WHEREAS, The protection heretofore extended by State law to hen pheasants and certain other game birds expired September 16, 1931, and unless promptly con- tinued by legislative act, the wholesale destruction of these birds will affect the game supply of this State for years to come; and 2 WHEREAS, Because of certain provisions in the Chattel Mortgage Law affect. ing the negotiability and extension of chattel mortgages and notes secured by chattel mortgages, these securities are not acceptable for re-discount at the Federal Reserve Banks; and WHEREAS, The Supreme Court of the State of Illinois held invalid an act of the Fifty-seventh General Assembly, entitled “An Act regulating wages and hours of work of mechanics and laborers employed under contracts for public works,” and as a result certain contracts entered into by the State under the pro- visions of this act are void; and WHEREAS, Legislation should be enacted for the compensation of contractors for construction work done under such invalid contracts; and WHEREAS, By reason of the foregoing and other matters I deem that an extraordinary occasion now exists for convening the General Assembly in ex- traordinary session; NOW, THEREFORE, I, LOUIS L. EMMERSON, Governor of the State of Illinois, under and by virtue of the power and authority vested in me by the Con- stitution and laws of the State of Illinois, do hereby call and convene an ex- traordinary session of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois to commence on Thursday, the fifth day of November, A. D. 1931, at ten o’clock in the morning for the following purposes: 1. To enact laws' and to amend, alter or repeal any existing iaw in respect to the taxation of persons and property and other objects and subjects of taxation. 2. To amend, alter or repeal “An Act for the assessment of property and for the levy and collection of taxes,” approved March 30, 1872, as amended; “An Act for the assessment of property and providing the means therefor, and to repeal a certain Act therein named,” approved February 25, 1898, as amended; and “An Act in relation to the assessment of property for taxation,” approved June 19, 1919, as amended. 3. To enact laws and to amend, alter or repeal any existing law with respect to the assessment of property for taxation and thee levy and collection of taxes and the use and disposition of the receipts from taxes. 4. To enact laws and to amend, alter or repeal any existing law with respect to the powers and duties of the Tax Commission. 5. To enact laws and to amend, alter or repeal any existing law as may be deemed necessary to meet the financial emergencies of counties, cities, towns, Vil- lages, school districts, park districts and all other municipal corporations and political subdivisions of the State. 6. To enact laws and to amend, alter or repeal any existing law as may be deemed necessary to validate and legalize appropriations, tax levies, resolutions and ordinances in relation to the levy of taxes, and tax anticipation warrants of Counties in which there has been a general re-assessment of real property pursuant to an order of the Tax Commission, and of cities, towns, villages, school districts, park districts and all other municipal corporations and political Subdivisions in Such COunties. 7. To enact laws and to amend, alter or repeal any existing law as may be deemed necessary to permit changes in, and additions to, provisions affecting ap- propriations and tax rates of, and the issuance of bonds by, the City of Chicago, the County of Cook, the Board of Education of the City of Chicago and other municipal corporations and political subdivisions within the county of Cook. 8. To enact laws and to amend, alter or repeal any existing law as may be deemed necessary to permit changes in, and additions to, provisions affecting the issuance of bonds by any county wherein a general re-assessment of real property has been or may hereafter be Ordered by the Tax Commission or by any City, to Wn, village, school district, park district or other municipal corporation or political Sub- division. Within Such COunty. * * !. ºt º ii F Yº * 3. & X i. ! S. º.k. i kºi...º.º.º. '. 3 . . 9. To enact laws and to amend, alter or repeal any existing law as may be deemed necessary to deal with the governmental structure, finances and the budgetary and financial procedure of counties, cities, towns, villages, school dis- tricts, park districts and all other municipal corporations and political subdivisions of the State. - -- - - 10. To enact laws and to amend, alter or repeal any existing law so as to authorize insurance carriers to invest funds in warrants issued by any municipal corporation or political subdivision of this State in anticipation of taxes. 11. To amend “An Act to establish and maintain a system of free schools,” approved June 12, 1909, as amended; “The Civil Administrative Code of Illinois,” approved March 7, 1917, as amended; “An Act in relation to State finance,” approved June 10, 1919, as amended; “An Act to provide for the necessary revenue for State purposes,” approved June 29, 1931, and any other existing law in relation to the collection of taxes for school purposes and the use and disposition thereof. 12. To amend the “Motor Vehicle Ilaw,” approved June 30, 1919, as amended, in relation to the taxation of motor vehicles Of the Second division, as described in section 2 of said Act. - - 13. To amend the “Motor Vehicle Law,” approved June 30, 1919, as amended, in relation to the assessment of motor vehicles for property taxation. 14. To amend “An Act requiring cities, villages and incorporated towns to submit ordinances authorizing the issue of bonds to the voters of any such city, village or incorporated town, but authorizing the issue of bonds for certain purposes without such submission to the voters,” approved June 4, 1909, as amended. 15. To amend “An Act to enable county boards to issue the bonds of their respective counties for the purpose of paying Outstanding indebtedness of such coun- ties and to provide for the submission of the question of issuing such bonds to a vote of the voters of such counties, but authorizing the issuance of bonds not exceed- ing a certain specified amount without such submission to the voters in counties having a population in excess of 200,000,” filed May 13, 1905, as amended. - 16. To amend section 1 of Article VII of “An Act to revise the law in relation to township organization,” approved March 4, 1874, as amended. - - - 17. To amend “An Act concerning municipal funds,” approved June 5, 1911, as amended. - . . . . - : 18. To enact laws and to amend, alter or repeal any existing law in relation to vesting in the people of the county of Cook or the city of Chicago complete power and jurisdiction over matters of purely local government not affecting generally the people of the State. - 19. To enact remedial legislation for the assistance and benefit of agriculture and to amend “An Act to provide for storage of grain in State licensed warehouses and under State supervision, and the issuance of storage certificates therefor, and providing penalties for offenses thereunder,” approved June 30, 1927. 20. To amend “The Illinois Securities Law” in so far as it relates to the issuance of Securities by corporations not for pecuniary profit. - - 21. To enact laws and to amend, alter or repeal any existing law affecting Chattel mortgages and notes secured by chattel mortgages. 22. To enact legislation in relation to furnishing employment by municipal Corporations and political subdivisions of the State in the performance of public Work and to Supplying funds to local relief agencies to provide emergency relief. 23. To enact laws and to amend, alter or repeal “An Act for the assessment of property and for the levy and collection of taxes,” approved March 30, 1872, as amended, and “An Act to revise the law in relation to township organization,” ap- proved March 4, 1874, as amended, and any other existing law so as to authorize to Wnships in Counties of less than 500,000 population, to levy taxes for the year 1931 for the Support of poor and indigent persons. : 24. To amend the “Game Code of Illinois” in relation to the hunting, killing, taking and destroying grouse (except pinnated grouse) quails (except bob-white) partridges, Woodcocks, wild turkeys, Swans, pheasants (except cock pheasants), all Shore birds (except Wilson and Jack Snipe), plovers, black-breasted and golden, III.ii. , 9 greater and lesser yellowlegs, Ross’s geese, cackling geese, eider ducks and wood ducks. 25. To enact laws and to amend, alter or repeal any existing law in relation to the authority of Boards of Education in cities of over 500,000 population to main- tain not more than One junior College. 26. To provide for the compensation of Contractors who were awarded con- tracts by the State under the provisions of “An Act regulating wages and hours of work of mechanics and laborers employed under contracts for public works,” ap- proved June 20, 1931. 27. To enact laws and to amend, alter Or repeal any existing law in relation to the joint acquisition and Operation of a Water Works or a common supply of Water by two or more cities, villages or incorporated towns. 28. To amend Article XIII of “An Act to provide for the incorporation of cities and villages,” approved April 10, 1872, as amended, in regard to the deposit in banks of moneys of cities and Villages Organized and Operating under “The Com- mission. Form of Municipal Government.” 29. To amend all or any part of any existing law in relation to the withdrawal of credit on shares by members of mutual building, loan and homestead associations. 30. To amend section 67 of “An Act to establish and maintain a system of free Schools,” approved June 12, 1909, as amended, in relation to township treasurers. 31. To make such appropriations as may be deemed necessary for carrying into effect and administering the provisions of any and all laws enacted during this extraordinary Session. 32. To make appropriations for the payment of the expenses of this extra- Ordinary Session. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Illinois to be affixed. Done at the Capitol in the City of Spring- field, this second day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one, and of the State of Illinois, the one hundred and thirteenth. {} By the Governor: Z0.222-.... " St Secretary of State. (67.607–1M–11-31) ºf