179,694 3. =, + = e Mººlººl º )) º sº º º Nº. º º - ºil in ºlº GROUND The Northwest, with its manifold attractions—its lakes, rivers, forests, hunting grounds, and mountain scenery—is impossible of description. It is such an extent of interesting, wonderful, enchanting country, that only a very few of the thousands who annually spend their vacation among its glories have even a vague idea of what is offered the tourist and pleasure seeker. It is not the intention to attempt anything approaching a description in this production, but merely to enumerate briefly the points of interest and the routes by which they are most readily and cheaply reached, together with the cost of transportation, etc. Minnetonka– beautiful Minnetonka—and the grand Park Region of Minnesota—the largest natural park in the world, with a surface dotted by thousands of charm- ing lakes and groves, among which are to be had grand sport for rod and gun, and where you breathe the atmos- phere of the most healthful climate in the world—are already and favorably known. liºn | |) i. The productive regions of D; • *--~~~s Red River Valley—the home of the great bonanza tarms, and the most extensive and successful wheat-grown's portion of the United States—have to be seen to be appreciated and understood. - The illimitable riches and resources of Montana are, as yet, comparatively unknown and undeveloped, owing to the difficulties that have heretofore existed in reaching this territory. The extensive railroad construction during the past year, however, has to a great extent removed these impediments, and the country is now as easy of access as any of the older and better known tourist resorts. For the benefit of those considering the question, “Where shall we go?” the following list of rates and routes is submitted. No pains will be spared by the officers or employés of the Company to make the trip pleasant and profitable for those who decide to visit the Great Northwest and the resorts upon the line of the St. P., M. & M. R'y. TICKETs. The rates given herein are those in effect from St. Paul or Minneapolis, Tickets of the usual tourist forms will be on sale at these terminals from May 1st to September 30th, good to return any time on or before October 31st, except as otherwise specified. Parties holding these tickets have the privilege of stop-over as desired, within limits, and can make side trips to any other points in Minnesota and Dakota at a rate of one and one half fares. º These tickets are also upon sale from Duluth at the same rate as from St. Paul. ---> - - - - - - - º The principal station on famous Lake Minnetonka. Only one hour's ride from St. Paul, or forty minutes from Minneapolis. The celebrated Hotel Lafayette, a perfectly-managed house of five hundred rooms, is located here. This hotel is noted as the central summer resort of fashion and beauty in the Northwest. Its dainty “hops,” its elegant table, its inviting luxury, en- hanced by the delightful scenery surrounding, are well remem- bered by its patrons who have spent a summer there as pleasure to be repeated. Large and well-appointed steamers make the tour of the lakes daily. Fishing, boating, sailing, bathing, etc., form a portion of the pastimes. - EXCELSIOR, Minn., and Return, . . . . . $0.75 Excelsior, located on the south shore, is the oldest town on Lake Minnetonka. Pleasant hotel accommodations near station. CONEY ISLAND, Minn., and Return, . . . $ 1.50 A quiet resort on an island in Lake Waconia, 41 miles from St. Paul. Good fishing and boating. ºf rºº DRA. º - - A pretty town of 2,500 inhabitants, 141 miles from St. Paul, in the center of the famous Park Region of Minnesota. The country is a network of beautiful lakes, furnishing sport of the highest order, including hunting and fishing. Good hotel accommoda- tions. # sº flººd Y) : N £ fºllº) | H tº }. - Hº: Fº º - *d - º // \ - º, ºn * } S N º | # 5 - àL- i. >4% º ; | i E F.Es - -- =5: =N º - : - ſ -|§ ºi - - º iſ . - Alexandria. • Geneva Beae). Built upon an isth- mus, separating two charming sheets of water, this hotel possesses unusual beauty of situation. Its design, appointments and management are everything the most fastidious could desire. In addition to the Hotel Alexandria, at Geneva Beach, mention should be made of the Leston House at Alexandria, an excellent hotel in every respect. 8 GENEVA BEACH, Minn., and Return, . . . $6.50 An attractive station, two miles from Alexandria. Has a splendid hotel, beautifully located on high ground between lakes Geneva and Victoria. Accommodations first-class. Another point in the Park Region, located upon a lake of same name, well known among sportsmen for its good fishing. Many attractive locations for “camping out.” Fair hotel. ASHBY, Minn., and Return, . . . . . . . $7.50 A charming resort, 168 miles from St. Paul, and a place known throughout the country for its exceptionally fine duck and part- ridge shooting in season. Hotel Kittson furnishes comfortable, home-like accommodations. PAYNESVILLE, Minn., and Return, . . . $5.00 A pretty town of New-England proclivities, Iof miles from St. Paul. Good hotel and fine hunting in season. HANKINSON, Dakota, and Return, . . . $ 1 O.OO A charming lake, three miles from station, offering many quiet attractions. Good chicken shooting and fishing in season. ELBOW LAKE, Minn., and Return, . . . . $7.50 A point only recently made accessible by railroad, and conse- quently offering sportsmen greater attractions than other points more generally known. BROWNS VALLEY, Minn., and Return, . . $7.50 A pleasant town between Lake Traverse and Big Stone Lake. Fair hotel accommodations and abundant attractions for sports- men during the shooting season. 9 A place of 1,500 inhabitants, located upon the shore of Devils Lake, a beautiful body of salt water some 60 miles in length, and I to 14 miles wide. Excellent bathing, fair hotel accommoda- tions, good fishing and hunting. WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and Return, . . . $22.50 Route.—St. P., M. & M. to the boundary; C. P. to Winnipeg. Returning, same. - Winnipeg is the capital and metropolis of the Province of Manitoba–a busy city of 35,000 population, the growth of which has been one of the marvels of the age. First-class hotel accom- modations. This route enables a passenger to visit Lake Minne- tonka, Osakis, Alexandria, Ashby, and any other points in the Park Region, and includes a trip the entire length of the Red River Valley, going through Minnesota and returning through Dakota. WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and Return, . . . $32.50 Route.—St. P., M. & M. to Emerson; C. P. to Winnipeg; C. P. to Port Arthur; N. W. T. Co. to Duluth; St. P. & D., or C., St. P., M. & O. Rºy to St. Paul. In addition to the attractions mentioned in the preceding route, this ticket offers the variety of a sixteen-hour ride on Lake Superior, from Port Arthur to Duluth, on elegant steamers of the N. W. T. Co. - BANFF HOT SPRINGS, Alb., and Return, $60.O.O.” Route.-St. P., M. & M. to Emerson; C. P. to Banff. Return, sºle. Banff, 9.19 miles west of Winnipeg, has a delightful situation at the base of the Rocky Mountains. The Springs have become widely known as having the properties of the Hot Springs of Arkansas. An elegant, well-appointed, well-managed hotelislocated at this point, affording travelers every comfort and luxury. ºf FALS ºRETURN $47°. Tickets limited to go days from date of sale. Good 20 days going, and to days returning. Stop-over allowed within limit. A rapidly-growing city of 2,000 inhabitants. Possessing, as it does, the largest available water-power in America, and being the center of a region rich in minerals, timber, and coal, this is destined to become the manufacturing center of Montana. The largest smelting works in the world are being erected here. First-class hotel accommodations. Good sport with the larger game, notably antelope, in the surrounding country. (See “The New Northwest,” in Harper's Magazine, March, 1888.) HELENA, Montana, and Return, - - - - $56.O.O.” Route.-St. P., M. & M. to Great Falls; Montana Central to Helena. Returning, same route. Tickets limited 90 days from date of sale. Good 20 days going, and Io days returning. Stop- over allowed within limit. - Helena, a city of 15,000 inhabitants, is the capital of Montana, the financial center of the Territory, and a place of great wealth and business activity. - This trip affords a view of the rich valley of the Milk River, the Great Falls of the Missouri, the Gate of the Mountains, and the Missouri, Prickly-Pear, and Boulder Cañons. HELENA, Montana, and Return, - - - - $75,00+ Route.-St. P., M. & M. to Great Falls; Montana Central to Helena: Northern Pacific to St. Paul, Minneapolis, or Duluth. Tickets limited to go days from date of sale. Good ao days going, and to days returning. This ticket, in addition to the attractions presented in preceding route, affords the holder an opportunity of visiting the -- NATIONAL PARK Parties en route from Helena to St. Paul are permitted to stop over at Livingstone, where the following tickets will be found on sale, covering a stay of one to five days in the Park: A $ro.oo ticket covering railroad fare Livingstone to Cinnabar and return; stage fare Cinnabar to Mammoth Hot Springs and return; also one day's board. - A $30.oo ticket including railroad and stage fares Livingstone to Lower and Upper Geyser basins and return, and three days' board and lodging at hotel. A $40.oo ticket including railroad and stage fares Livingstone to Upper and Lower Geyser basins, and Grand Cañon of the Yellowstone and return; also five days' board and lodging. The attractions of this route, which takes the passenger through the Park Region of Minnesota, the Red River Valley, and the Bonanza Farms of Dakota to the Great Falls of the Missouri, Helena, and the Yellowstone Park, have to be seen to be appreciated. HELENA, Montana, and Return, . . . . $75.O.O.” Route.—St. P., M. & M. to Great Falls; Montana Central to Helena; Northern Pacific to Garrison; Montana Union to Butte; Montana Union to Silver Bow; Union Pacific to Kansas City, Leavenworth, Council Bluffs, or Omaha. Tickets limited to go days. Good 30 days going, and 30 days returning. This route offers more varied attractions than can be specified in an article of this nature. Among others, it includes the Park Region, with its beautiful lake scenery, the Red River Valley, with its famous wheat farms, the cattle ranches of Montana, Great Falls of the Missouri, the wonderful cities of Helena and Butte, the largest mining camps in the world; also the privilege of a stop-over at Ogden, to visit Salt Lake City, and again at Denver, for any side trips desired among the well-known resorts of Colorado. 12 - &P)hºwing the Egtºn fOjåky,% ALEXANDRA, L. &yº. yºmièrfºrts º the line of the ºr Paul. Milto OLE */AGNitoba FOTOETī£77057 añāHIŌTºsaen TAHW80||LINWW??\ſȚI | SIT0dWEINNIW„V × s v. 31 , !w assº, s=ſ(Tſ(\/d 19 ) 0 01 - ---------__.|- ----(º.3,1) laevs () (¿?,| bo ! · B |× ſºdaſ |Þ- |- poowpecq •-----_HS: |-*uſa|-|- nºnoſy|Sğ ~~~~ -----___ºwolswo-insa|----- |-----|-·- -----} sºm ſingi |-nsºrºwºt uodraet N.ađort Đápmolo |NvT.*, v Nata ±0,1 vivisiºt ſº*.įvatſ|- ----- ſºſyº,**, �Ø-0!, ºº~~'; mºot-sittà ſtaro www.- The St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Railway to Emerson, Manitoba, in connection with the Canadian Pacific Railway via Winnipeg, form what is known as the Manitoba Pacific all-rail route to Vancouver, B. C., through mountain scenery which has a fascinating beauty peculiarly its own, and incomparable, as testified to by Mr. Cyrus W. Field, Hon. Carter H. Harrison, Gen. W. T. Sherman, and many other well-known travelers. Arrangements have been made whereby passengers may be ticketed to all Puget Sound Points via this route to Vancouver, and thence by steamer, and to Pacific Coast Points via steamer from Vancouver to San Francisco, or via steamer to Tacoma; thence via the Northern Pacific, and the “Shasta” all-rail route. The holders of these tickets have an opportunity of stopping over at any of the resorts in the Park Region or Red River Valley of Minnesota, at Winnipeg, also other points, including Banff Hot Springs, Field in the celebrated Kicking-Horse Pass of the Rocky Mountains, Glacier at the foot of the wonderful glacier in the Selkirk Mountains, and at North Bend in the famous Fraser River Cañon, at all of which points delightfully-situated and com- modious hotels will be found. The return passage may be direct, via the same route as the going trip, or via any other herein enumerated, at the rates indicated. These excursion tickets will be limited to 60 days for going passage, good to return within a final limit of six months from date of sale, available for stop-over within such limits. The rates given are those in effect from St. Paul, Minneapolis, or Duluth to the points named. - VANCOUVER, B. C., and Return, . . . . $80.oOº. Vancouver is the terminus of the C. P. Rºy, and the place of departure of steamers for all points on Puget Sound, Pacific Coast, China and Japan. Is - Manitoba-Pacific, to destination. VICTORIA, B. C., and Return, . . . . . $80.OO* Victoria is reached by the Manitoba-Pacific Route, thence via steamer from Vancouver, 80 miles distant. Return route may be same as going, or via steamer to Tacoma, and Northern Pacific to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, or Ashland. SEATTLE, W. T., and Return, . . . . . $80. OC* Going, via Manitoba-Pacific Route, thence via steamer from Vancouver. Return, same, or via steamer to Tacoma, and Northern Pacific to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, or Ashland. TACOMA, W. T., s º ſº ſº º ſº * º º | I sso.o.o. Going, Manitoba-Pacific Route, thence via steamer from Van- couver. Returning, same, or all rail via Northern Pacific to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, or Ashland. PORTLAND, Oregon, and Return, . . . $80.O.O." Going, Manitoba-Pacific Route, thence via steamer Vancouver to Tacoma; Northern Pacific to Portland. Return, same. Or, Northern Pacific Tacoma to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, or Ashland. Or, O., R. & N. to Wallula Junction; N. P. to St. Paul, Min- weapolis, Duluth or Ashland. . Or, O. R. & N. to Huntington; Union Pacific to Kansas City, Leavenworth or Council Bluffs. - SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., and Return, . . $95.O.O.” Going, Manitoba-Pacific Route to Vancouver; steamer to Taco- ma; Northern Pacific to Portland; Southern Pacific (Shasta Route) to San Francisco. Returning, same, SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., and Return, . . $95.oo" Route.— Manitoba-Pacific route to Vancouver; C. P. N. Co. to Victoria; P. C. S. S. Co. to San Francisco. Returning, same. ADDITIONAL RETURN ROUTES FROM SAN FRANCISCO. . In connection with either of the above-mentioned routes to San Francisco, tickets will be sold for the return passage via the following routes, without any additional expense: Via Shasta Route to Portland; thence via Northern Pacific, or - (Continued on Aare rv.) rº-}}%; G\�� ºwºL. Manito,} `lacier Hae∞-O3°��**•ſºvſºwº!» MA.}| --©.ae∞!-|----- IBRIT~. Aw.¿* ººșxº(),¿№rairiº -!T!---- !vaºOTTE) ~)_ COLUŻMBI\ aL b�،O&&stacºLºſ Keewatin |-§§¿N-ſº ſº jºPac.„von“Gi:o N T A R 1 0 №ſ cºÈVERorth Bend\ r,\;A S S I IN IN-B O I A~/_>&ą§§ vio}}§=4.... Lethbridge-WINNIPEG„ersoº№jĂº the Woods |-§§2º(ae7et ----_·\Gretna-----№ſº---- |\\|-|№ |TBottineauȚĀeut~> ) -|-….… ---∞ √∞ſkº ?|·|Assiniboinèſ,→ Ft BufordiMimo- !\!\,§§---- oFt, Bentonº'P. DIS=-ae^_Dáils Lake~ºM№ºxeº©aL.· C|-- 9 N.G\!\,A.|\\Ā,§§ reat italis: arrisonº~); N :ſſs!!ARCKE.:\\¿s ºu LUTË, PĒĢſ?/Gwì\!3, HELENA∞||×FAN§§§: ©, ſuae. Walla}|-Miles Cy. i Io AO T A\Ķºzº§§į ----L. - ſibuèrès! -º|-№ №ſſae;ſ Umatillaſz\ºCi{7 LivingstonBreckenriđ№º^>~\,(?)%ſ',;: |-DinaeÖſſr. Ellendale oØ*2`~ --1Benso,©ae±− Huntington'ſ�§@₪|AberdeenS?& M.3º.32-SS) fıONAL PARK__i! ±çoºº @ BoisĘ cy.-> `Watertown C|Á��*)<; | №0.O|-! /^avº -|- ! ~~~~ £ſaejí! 12.----|- T---|----+:: | ()^^-SiouxFalls,>1___-----~~~~ ----- º •|-~); |C Aſ I|#~~~~wae Y o I yr i STT:.aeÑ/|- ----º · :ſg) !Graeff}\ !!!?* M: Sioux City Tehama· … --·|-ººººº Laramè|-‘N E B R A S K Aw A. \U|},E V A D A|sanºffºsſengĖ№ įUw.North Platt 1 0@ |(5).-pVirginiac№ºº salt Lakſe city--------º, Northtte № AM £w toſy.un.Julesb t.|C 0 L o!!!!!!urgZº?PAC.·DES MOINES U T-|-º £7)fº3% (№ -watthews woºtºrup & co., Buffalo, () ----)CY. - |- SA n.***\nci şco| £; \,\, , §DENVER ! gºmºrrºwmºm Ö)(3) 29) ST PAUL, * MINNEAPOLIS 'MANITOBA Q’s RAI LNX/AN’sº Following will be found a list of the authorized Agents of the St. P., M. & M. Rºy, from whom further reliable information concerning the tourist resorts or other points in the Northwest may be obtained, either personally or by letter; but any regular coupon ticket agent will sell through tickets at rates correspondingly as low as those named herein. S. L. WARREN, General Eastern Agent, 287 Broadway, N. Y. E. P. ALLEN, Traveling Passenger Agent, 287 Broadway, N. Y. Q. A. MANN, Traveling Passenger Agent, 287 Broadway, N. Y. S. B. BOWMAN, T. P. Agent, 412 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa. J. M. HUCKINS, T. P. A., 4 Palmer House Blºk, Toronto, Can. D. W. H. MORELAND, T. P. A., 179 Jefferson Av., Detroit, Mich. D. R. McGINNIS, T. P. A., Room 17, Clinton B'ld'g, Columbus, O. A. W. BROWNING, T. P. A., Box K, Station A, Kansas City, Mo. C. B. TICKNOR, Traveling Passenger Agent, Oshkosh, Wis. E. G. JAFFRAY, Traveling Passenger Agent, St. Paul, Minn. H. E. TUPPER, Dist. P. A., 232 South Clark St., Chicago, Ill. E. C. LAWRENCE, T. P. A., 232 South Clark St., Chicago, Ill. C. H. WARREN, W. S. ALEXANDER, General Passenger Agent, General Traffic Manager, ST. PAUL, MINN. ST. PAUL, M/M/V. Not E. – For rates and accommodations at Hotel Lafayette, address Eugene Mehl, Lessee, St. Paul, Minn., prior to June 15th. After that date, address at Minnetonka Beach, Minn. 18 ADDITIONAL RETURN ROUTES FROM S.A.N. FRANCISCO-Continued. Via steamer to Victoria or Portland, and Manitoba Pacific or Northern Pacific to destination. - via Southern Pacific to Ogden, and Union Pacific or Denver & Rio Grande and connections to any Missouri River terminal. Via Southern Pacific to El Paso: Texas & Pacific and Missouri Pacific to Kansas City, Atchison, and Leavenworth. Via Southern Pacific to Mojave; A., T. & S. F. to Kansas City, Atchison, or Leavenworth. Via Southern Pacific to Deming, and A., T. & S. F. to Kansas City, Atchison, or Leavenworth. Via Southern Pacific to Los Angeles; California Southern to Barstow; Atlantic & Pacific and A., T. & S. F. to Kansas City, Atchison, or Leavenworth. Further information regarding these or other routes will be cheerfully furnished. From May 1st to November 1st, excursion tickets will be sold from St. Paul, Minneapolis, or Duluth, to SITKA, Alaska, and Return, - - - - - - $1 75.00 Tickets limited for going passage within 60 days from date of sale, good to return until November 1st. Route. St. P., M. & M. to Emerson; Canadian Pacific to Van- couver; P. C. S. S. Co. to Alaska. Returning, same route. Also, return via P. C. S. S. Co. to Victoria; O. R. & N. to Tacoma; Northern Pacific to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, or Ashland. P. C. S. S. Co. to Victoria; O. R. & N. to Tacoma: Northern Pacific to Portland; O. R. & N. to Wallula Junction; Northern Pacific to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, or Ashland. In addition to the above, holders of the foregoing San Francisco tourist tickets may be furnished with ticket Victoria to Sitka, Alaska, and return, upon payment of $95.o.o. 19 º , | 11|× D? ) & № º : : :ſlujº) , §----|-| 2|× S★ → : § § §ſſ : ? :|-|- = − × -|× s nº s №. 2,: § §§§ = |-- - § 2º żš = + 3 №. :) ); ----§ § § § = ,£ € £ š , >ſº < $ $ 3 ( * ). § i) + ſ; & = & Makers fracuse, N P}}, JAM: . Y. 13|8 f 7| 4. i 7 3011 Y OF MICH, | UNIVERS! | ||||||| | 1ſ) © CO © Łſſ <!-- O © ery