State of Connecticut BY HIS EXCELLENCY JOHN H. TRUMBULL GOVERNOR m r la mafiull |O know the meaning of our flag, and the origin |of its adoption, is to know much of the early his- Fitory of our country. To love the flag, and to lºsº/honor it, is to love and honor those things which have made us a great nation. It is fitting that on one day at least we pay particular honor to this symbol of our national institutions. I therefore designate Thursday, the fourteenth day of June next, as - - and I urge its observance by a display of the national colors from all public buildings, and wherever possible, and that suitable exercises be held in the schools, and by such other appropriate means as will suggest themselves. The flag’s worth as an education in Our past glories is not more than its value as a test, showing the path to future opportunity. As our heritage was not lightly won, so it is not easily to be maintained. Consider it not as a relic of ancient valor, but rather as an inspiration to continued vitality. We do most honor to the flag and to ourselves by the faith and veneration expressed in loyal service. - Given under my hand and seal of the State at the Capitol, in Hartford, this twenty-second day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and fifty-second. w - >4 ºz.,4& By His Excellency’s Command: Secretary. 9260 70160 G 106 8 } N\75)|HOHW HO Å LISHEAINT •* • →→→→→→_-)--~-----------~--~~~~===--~~~~* º.