State of Connecticut BY HIS EXCELLENCY SIMEON E. BALDWIN GOVERNOR Following the pious custom instituted by the fathers of the Commonwealth, and ever since maintained, I appoint Thursday, the twenty-eighth day of November, as a day of praise and Chaukauiutiuſ to Almighty God. During the year that has gone, Europe, Asia, Africa and part of our own continent, have suffered from the horrors of war; but our peace has remained unbroken. The harvests of our country have been abundant; our industrial establishments busy and prosperous; and our trade, both at home and with foreign lands, never before SO great. The strain to which every four years our frame of civil government is subjected, it has met unshaken. Never has the general course of business throughout the United States been less disturbed by the political contests incident to a Presidential election, and a majority of their citizens contemplate with composure the soon-coming transfer of political power to men chosen by the minority, under our rule which allows electoral colleges of the States to control the choice, although they may represent only a minority of the whole people. An attempt to assassinate a former President of the United States failed to inflict upon him any serious injury. For these things, and for all that makes American life in the twentieth century so full and free, I recommend that on the day that has been named above, the people of this State, gathered in their homes and churches, render to God their grateful thanks. Given under my hand, and the seal of the State, at the Capitol in Hartford, this ninth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand, nine hundred and twelve, and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-seventh. SIMEON E. BALDWIN. By His Excellency’s Command : MATTHEW H. ROGERS, Secretary. 2 | b | ] nºņºw wowo 6960 #0.160 9 106 €||||| miſſiſſi NvēIHOIW,HO Å LISH-BAINT ■*...; ș Aº lº