State of Connecticut BY HIS EXCELLENCY WILBUR L. CROSS GOVERNOR A # rur lantafiult TRTEMEMBERING the act of a little company of R men and women on our New England shores ==Ewho, more than three hundred years ago, set fººjapart a day after the harvest was gathered for praise to the Lord God of Heaven, their upholder and preserver through hardship and danger, and remembering the great heritage of this Commonwealth in the courage, steadfastness, and devotion of those who have gone before us up and down its beautiful hills and fertile valleys, I appoint Thursday, the twenty-sixth of November, as a day of public Ulla it k g iſ itſ it iſ calling upon the people of this State to give thanks to God in their homes and churches for the yield of the soil and the fruits of labor, for the gifts of peace and good fellow- ship, and the many other blessings under His Providence; urging those who have store of plenty to share it freely with any who may be in suffering or in want, and urging all to go forward in faith, hope, and charity, ever mindful that “the greatest of these is charity.” Given under my hand and seal of the State at the Capitol, in Hartford, this fifth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and fifty-sixth. By His Excellency's Command: Syca. 476* Secretary. º Illinºiſ 72 Če ºf W. ec.T. &v'ſ Tºky º