- m --- Lººkºor THE tºº - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - E. ----- HID ºn H - - ºº: ºº: - . *IIIDBI. - ºº º º - THE GIFT OF Dr. W. B. Hinsdale | º ºne Book Room º º 2. º D 2 * * Jones, Peter, Chippewa chief, 1802–1856, tr. A collection of Ojebway and English hymns, for the use of the native Indians. Tr. by the late Rev. Peter Jones - - - To which are added a few hymns, tr. by the Rev. James ºvans and George Henry . . . Above title in English (p. tin-tiii) lacking; also p. 9-12,25-26. º | | O J E B W A Y NUHGUHMONUN KANUHNUHGUHMOWAHJIN EGE WH UHNES HENAHB AIG KABLABINEE-UHNOOTU H.M.O.B.E.E. UNGIN OW H K A H K E W A QUO NAB Y, UHNESHENAHBA. KUHGEEQUAWENENE. KUHTYA Dush GO PUNGEE ENEWHL on-Bºw. A y N- GUHMONUN, RAHAHNEKUHNOOTUHMOBEEUH- MOWAHJIN EGEWH, MOOKEGEEZHIG RUH-Y A MONG WITHILAU.S. Ninguh tungo nungum sun emah kezheganduhmowining, kuhya minºuh tungo nungum emah nese dotuhmowining. -1 Corinthians riv. 5. TO R O N TO : PRINTED FOR THE METHODIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY: ** Tº ºrºpist CONFERENCE O-LC- - - - - ºwagºe 5- - - - - PREFA C E. - THE old edition of the Ojebway Hymn Book having been out of print for some time, I have received repeated and earnest solicitations from the converted Indians at the various Wesleyan Ojebway Mission Stations to have it reprinted, stating as their reason that as the Great Spirit had made their hearts to rejoice whilst singing his praises in the language of those hymns, they still wished to retain what had been made a blessing to them in their first efforts to serve the Lord. Feeling a desire to aid, as far as I am able, this part of the solemn worship of Almighty God, I- have been induced, not only to fall in with their desires, but also to translate a number of addi- tional hymns, all of which I hope and pray may be made a great blessing to my Indian brethren In order to have the hymns as correct and intelli- gible as possible I have availed myself of the advice and suggestions of several of my native brethren. For the accommodation of our white friends who occasionally worship with us, the English hymns are printed on the opposite pages. Many of the more educated Indians have also expressed a desire to possess the hymns in both languages. The vi Indian hymns are divided into syllables in order to make them easier for the Indians and white people to read. The Indian words are written with the simple sounds of the English alphabet, which in most cases will enable the reader to pronounce them with sufficient accuracy. There are, however, sounds in the Ojebway which the English letters do not exactly convey, such as between b and p, d and t, g and k, s and z, sh and zh, gw and qu, and ch and j. Thus the Indian writer is liable to interchange one letter for the other when spelling the same word, and consequently that want of uniformity, always desirable, will sometimes ap- pear. The above letters have, in most cases, their distinct sounds, according to English pronouncia- tion. It is very desirable that a dictionary in the Ojebway should be published as a standard for the orthography of that language. THE TRANslator. KEY TO - THE SOUNDS OF THE WORDS IN THE OJEBWAY. A long-as in may, day, navy, came, main. E short, as in men, ned wed, enemy. EE long-as in deem, heed, seen, see. I short, as in sin, pin, tin, in O short, as in on, top, sod, yonder. OO long-as in noon, moon, spoon, soon. U short, as in tun, sun, number, under. Y has the same sound as in the English- as in yonder, way. OJEBWAY NUHGUHMONUN, ENGLISH HYMNS. Eachorting Sinners to Return to God. HYMN 1. C. M. FOR a thousand tongues to sing My great Redeemer's praise! The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of his grace 2 My gracious Master and my God, Assist me to proclaim, - To spread through all the earth abroad The honours of thy name. 3 Jesus -–the name that charms our fears, That bids our sorrows cease 'Tis music in the sinner's ears, 'Tis life, and health, and peace. 4 He breaks the power of cancell’d sin, He sets the prisoner free; His blood can make the foulest clean : His blood avail'd for me. 5 Look unto Him, ye nations; own Your God, ye fallen race; Look, and be saved through faith alone, Be justified by grace. OJEBWAY NUHGUIHMONUN. Kuhgahnomindwah Anwhºmewhaegoog chemon. zekuhacahwod emewh Kezha Mundoon. NUIHGUIHMOWIN 1. C. M. Huh pa-gish ke che ingo dwok, Neejuh ne she nah baig, Chenuh nuh guh motuh wah-wod Ning e zha Mun e-doom. 2. Ning eche Noosa weej e shin, Cheween duh mahºga yon, Omah a meegook kuh me gog A zhe wa be zeyun. 3 Jesus!, kah be 'non duh we nung, Kahgah see beeng wa 'nung; Ka gait 'cheme no nekah zo, Kahnoojeºmo e nung. 4. Ween suhio ge muh monzhe aun, Muhjemune doowº shun. Kee be zeegwa be nuh moonung, Ween Jesus ome squeen. lºoose non kuh nuh wah buhinik, Uh he she nah badook; E ºn be yook, tabwa tuh wik, Chebe mah de zeyaig. 5 ExHORTING ALNNERs 6 See all your sins on Jesus laid: The Lamb of God was slain: His soul was once an offering made For every soul of man. HYMN 2. L. M. OME, sinners, to the gospel feast; Let every soul be Jesu's guest; Ye need not one be left behind, For God hath bidden all mankind. 2 Sent by my Lord, on you I call; The invitation is to ALL : Come, all the world; come sinner, thow, All things in Christ are ready now. 3 Come all ye souls by sin opprest, Ye restless wanderers after rest, Ye poor, and maimºd, and halt, and blind, In Christ a hearty welcome find. 4 My message as from God receive; Ye all may come to Christ, and live; Olet his love your hearts constrain, Nor suffer him to die in vain 5 See him set forth before your eyes, That precious bleeding Sacrifice His offer'd benefits embrace, And freely now be saved by grace. 5. This is the time; no more delay; This is the acceptable day; one in, this moment, at his call, ºd live for him who died for all. - - - TO RETURN TO GOD. 7. 5 Nuh, Jesus o be moon dah nun Wah ne sego ya goon; Kuh ke nuh che moo je moyaig Jesus kee oon je na. NUEIGUIHMOWIN 2. L. M. K*. nuh wah puhyah tah zeyaig, Jesus kewee ko me goo wah; Kezha Mune doo kuh ke muh. Noong oom ke nun do me go wah. Ta baning a, nin duh noo nig, Che wee quuhje we ne nuh goog; Pemahjah yook, aim duh che yaig, Jesus ah zhe kee gee zheetah. Pebuh zegwee yook kuh ke nuh Wah uh nwa be ego zeyaig; Kee nuh wah qua duh geze yaig, Jesus ke nun dome go wah. Odah penuh muh we shig sun, Mon duh nin debah je mo win; Monoo ozhuh wain je ga win, Guh nookeda a shkah go non Emah a nah suh muh be yaig, Jesus ke wah bun duh e goom! Um bao dah penuh muh wik Mon duho Zhuh wain je ga win. Meego noong oom memouh pee, Ka go ween bºah tuh meeka goon; We weeb suh penon ze kuh wik, Mahbuh Kanoojee mo enaig ExELORTING SINNERS. HYMN 3. P. M. OME, ye sinners, poor and needy, Weak and wounded, sick and sore, Jesus ready stands to save you, Full of pity, love, and power; He is able, He is willing, doubt no more. . Now, ye needy, come and welcome, God's free bounty glorify; True belief and true repentance, Every grace that brings you migh, Without money Come to Jesus Christ and buy. Let not conscience make you linger; Nor of fitness fondly dream ; All the fitness he requireth Is to feel your need of him ; This he gives you. Tis the Spirit's glimmering beam. Come, ye weary, heavy laden, Bruised and mangled by the fall, If you tarry till you're better, You will never come at all; Not the righteous- Sinners, Jesus came to call. Agonizing in the garden, Lol your Maker prostrate lies. On the bloody tree behold him Hear him cry, before he dies: * It is finish'd tº Sinners, will not this suffice." TO RETURN TO GOD. 15 4 Kee nuh wah kuh ke nuh, Qua duh gee goo yaig, O. dah penik Jesus, Kahnoo je mo e naig, Ah zhe. 5 Kah buh mahje to yaig Ishpeming a yah gin, Wane puzh suh mayob, Odah penuh moyook. Ah zhe, 6 Tabwa tuh moyookewh Pah penah je mowin; Umba kee zheetah yook Ishpeming che ºzhah yaig. Ah zhe. NUHGUIHMOWIN 5 C. M. ON oo minik nwon duh mowod Tuh wºuh we zhain duh moog.g. Keche un doong a muh gud mah Ewh Menwah je mo win. - 2 Ho! ka wah kuh dozo wagwain Meejeyaigewhi noodin, Uh keeng oyah gin wee gonje Tabuh game molyaig, 3 Kah gega Nabwa kodah zhee Ogee geezhese doon, Kame no da a shkah go yaig, Ka the weekoon de win. 14 PENITENTIAL. 4 Ho ye that pant for living streams, And pine away and die, Here you may quench your raging thirst With springs that never dry. 5 Rivers of love and mercy here In a rich ocean join ; Salvation in abundance flows Like floods of milk and wine. 6. The happy gates of Gospel grace Stand open night and day: Lord, we are come to seek supplies, And drive our wants away. Penºtential. HYMN 6. S. M. THAT I could repent, With all my idols part, And to thy gracious eyes present A humble, contrite heart: A heart with grief opprest For having grieved my God, A troubled heart that cannot rest Till sprinkled with thy blood. 2 Jesus, on me bestow The penitent desire: With true sincerity of woe My aching breast inspire; With softening pity look, And melt my hardness down; Strike with thy love's resistless stroke, And break this heart of stone. PENITENTIAL. 15 4 Ho kah shkah bah gwa noon duh maig Wa ne zhe shing me be ; Omah pemah de ze wine Se beeng me ne qua yook. 5 Se beeng kuh yake che guh meeng, Nah sobe main dah gwud: Mon duh zhuh wain dah go ze win, Quatah me goje wung. 6 Kah genig go nuh sah ko sin, Zhuh wain dah go ze win, Jesus ke be nonze kah goo, Cheda buk oozhe yong. Keesahdaºnduhanowºn. NUHGUIHMOWIN 6. S. M. H pagish nah ka gait, Kee sah dain duh nom bon, Pee ne nuh moone nom bon Ewh nooke da a win Kee muhje do duh wug Ninge zha Mune doom, Che oonje keezah dain duh mon Ewh moo je mose won. 2 Jesus, meen zhe shinewh Un dona ega win; Kuh ga tin che undo duh mon Kezhuh wain je ga win; Penookah buh me shin, Neen kagon de zeyon; Ah pejepee gwah be kuhun, A senee wung minda! 16 PENITENTIAL. HYMN 7. C. M. OD is in this and every place; But, O, how dark and void To me –Tis one great wilderness, This earth without my God. 2 Empty of Him who all things fills, Till he his light impart, Till he his glorious self reveals, The veil is on my heart. 3 O thou, who seest and know'st my grief, Thyself unseen, unknown, Pity my helpless unbelief, And take away the stone. 4 Regard me with a gracious eye, The long-sought blessing give; And bid me, at the point to die, Behold thy face and live. 5 Now, Jesus, now the Father's love Shed in my heart abroad; The middle wall of sin remove, And let me into God. HYMN 8. C. M. OW sad our state by nature is Our sin, how deep it stains And Satan binds our captive souls Fast in his slavish chains. But there's a voice of sovereign grace Sounds from the sacred word: PENITENTIAL. 17 NUHGUIHMOWIN 7. C. M. Ezha Mune doo tuh ne ze, Omah kuh ya min ze; Wee je we sig, ne Mune doom, Puh suh go te be kud. 2 Nema tuh sane mah dush neen, Mahbuh min ze a yod, Pah mah a tuh konin da ing Puh wah sashkuk we jin. 3. Oh keen, ka kain deh mun mon duh Ning oduh geze win ; Mon oo e ko nuh muh we shin A se nee wung minda 4 Ke de mahºgahbuh me shin sun, Chezku wane me yun; Chezhuh go ne boyon monoo Penoo je moe shin. 5 Jesus, uh toon minda ing Koos, O me nwaning a win; Kayah be che ahyah se noog Ka be shkah go yuhnin. NUHGUIHMOWIN 8. C. M. Echeke demah guh kuh mig, A zhe pahtah ze yong; Muh shkuh we pe. Zhe yuh ming id, Muhje moneze win. 2 Muh dwa noon dah gwud dush ween go, Ewhain dome go yon: 18 PENITENTIAL. “Ho ye despairing sinners, come, And trust upon the Lord ' " 3 My soul obeys th' Almighty's call, And runs to this relief : I would believe thy promise, Lord! O help my unbelief 4. To the blest fountain of thy blood, Incarnate God, I fly : Here let me wash my spotted soul From sins of deepest dye. 5. A guilty, weak, and helpless worm, Into thy hands I fall; Be thou my strength and righteousness, My Saviour, and my all. HYMN 9. 6-8's. OME, O thou Traveller unknown, Whom still I hold, but cannot see My company before is gone, And I am left alone with thee : With thee all night I mean to stay And wrestle till the break of day. 2 I need not tell thee who I am : My misery and sin declare; Thyself hast call'd me by my name, Look on thy hands, and read it there; But who, I ask thee, who art Thou! Tell me thy name, and tell me now. 3. In vain thou strugglest to get free; I never will unloose my hold PENITENTIAL. 19 “Ho! pub yah tah zeyaig, Je sus, Peuh pane moyook.” 3 Nin da bywatuh wah ain do mid, Kauh puhe wa yon; Kewee da bywa toon suh Jesus, Oh wee doo kuh we shin 4 Ain done jewung ke mesqueem Nim be uh puh ge zoozh, Mon oo kuh ke nuh wah nuh kin, Tuh wa bah bah wa wun. 5 Ke ne kong nim be uh puh gis, Neen puhya jee we yon; Neen Jesus a pane moyon Muh shkuh we zee e shin. NUHGUIHMOWIN 9. 6-8's. ON dos, Pabah mah de ze yun, Kayah be main je me ne non Nee gah nee wug, wahjee wuh gig, Ningee nuh guh ne goo dush meen : Nezhe ka dush kuh bade bik, Ke guh wee guh gwajee wah nin. 2 Keween duh mah go nun mahmin Ning oduh geze win shun, Ke ninjeeng suh go wah bun dun, A zhe ke demah geze yon; Wanaish Keen'ſ Ween duh muh we shin Noong oom a zhe nekah zoyun. 3 Wah gede skee ewun man sun Kahween ning uh buhge jee see 20 PENITENTIAL. Art thou the Man that died for me ! The secret of thy love unfold: Wrestling, I will not let thee go, Till I thy Name, thy Nature know. 4 Wilt thou not yet to me reveal Thy new, unutterable Name" - Tell me, I still beseech thee, tell; To know it now resolved I am : Wrestling, I will not let thee go, Till I thy Name, thy Nature. 5 What though my shrinking flesh complain, And murmur to contend so long I rise superior to my pain: When I am weak, then I am strong And when my all of strength shall fail, I shall with the God-Man prevail. HYMN 10. S. M. H ! whither shall I go, Burden'd, and sick, and faint; To whom shall I my troubles show, And pour out my complaint' My Saviour bids me come; Ah! why do I delay He calls the weary sinner home, And yet from him Istay! 2. What is it keeps me back, From which I cannot part Which will not let my Saviour take Possession of my heart" PENITENTIAL. 21 Keen nuh owh kah ne botuh wid? Mon oo suh zhuh wah ne me shin : Ke guh ke cheah yeen de nin, Weezhuh wane me go ze yon. Kah nuh go ke wee ween due zeen, Mon duh a zhe ne kah zoyun ? Noong oom suh wee duh muh we shin, A zhe me no nekah zoyun; Ke guh ke cheah yeen de nin Weezhuh wane me go ze yon. Nin dah ah muh wain je ga muh Wa weep zhuh wane me se wun Uh pee puhya jee wee yah nin, Mee dush komuh shkuh we zee yon Nim be wee-doo kog ko Jesus, A neuhyah quee wee yah nin. NUIHGUIHMOWIN 10 S. M. H neen de ka 'zhah yon, Neen nah nuh me ze yon Wa naish ka ween duh nuh wºug Oowh a zhe da a shon" Kahnoo je moid suh Noong oom min nun do mig; Ka demah geda a ne jin, “Peegee waig,” o de non 2. Wagonan nuh dush evn Wain duh me ego yon? Nuh nonzhodah penah sewug Kah be moo je moid': 22 PENITENTIAL. Some cursed thing unknown Must surely lurk within ; Some idol, which I will not own, Some secret bosom-sin. 3 Jesus, the hind’rance show, Which I have fear'd to see; Yet let me now consent to know What keeps me out of thee: Searcher of Hearts, in mine Thy trying power display; Into its darkest corners shine, And take the veil away. 4 I now believe, in thee Compassion reigns alone; According to my faith, to me O let it, Lord, be done In me is all the bar Which thou would'st fain remove; Remove it, and I shall declare That God is only Love. HYMN 11. L. M. Hiſ for a glance of heavenly day To take this stubborn heart away; And thaw, with beams of love divine, This heart, this frozen heart of mine ! 2 The rocks can rend; the earth can quake; The seas can roar; the mountains shake; Of feeling all things show some sign, But this unfeeling heart of mine. 3 To hear the sorrows thou hast felt, O Lord, an adamant would melt: peniſtential. 23 Kagoo suhuhyah doog E. mah minda e shing; Kayah be kuh yah doo wah man, Muhje uh ye e wish. 3 Jesus, wah bun duh 'shin Wain duh me ego yon : Moon oo dush ming uh ke kain don Puhyah tah e go shon. Wuhyah sayah zeyun, Wah sashkuh muh we shin; A nego koda a yon dush, Che wah sayah muh guk. 4 Keen zha wain je gayun , Keta bywa ya ne min; A zhe dush tabwa yain du mon Mon oo too duh we shin Neen go nin doo dah diz, Wain je bajee wee yon; Monoo suh ong wah me e shin, Ewhiche zah gee non- NUBIGUHMOWIN 11, L. M. H! pagish wah sayah ge bun, Emah ne muh je ninda ing, Pening edah muh guh ke bun Oowh maquuhimee wung minda ish Tahdah shkah be ke sauh sing Tah ke che jeeng wun evil uh ke; A peech kotah me go zeyun. Kah dush ween go oowh min daish Noon duh ming e bun, kahe Zhe Kodub gain dun mun, Oh Jesus" 24 PENITENTIAL. - 2 But I can read each moving line, And nothing moves this heart of mine. Thy judgments, too, unmoved I hear, (Amazing thought !) which devils fear: Goodness and wrath in vain combine To stir this stupid heart of mine. But something yet can do the deed; And that blest something much I need: Thy Spirit can from dross refine, And melt and change this heart of mine. HYMN 12. C. M. FOR a closer walk with God, A calm and heavenly frame; A light, to shine upon the road That leads me to the Lamb . Where is the blessedness I knew When first I saw the Lord / Where is the soul-refreshing view Of Jesus and his word What peaceful hours I then enjoyed How sweet their memory still But now I find an aching void The world can never fill. Return, O holy Dove, return, Sweet messenger of rest: I hate the sins that made thee mourn, And drove thee from my breast. PENITENTIAL. 27 5 Ning uh gwah ne suh gain dah nun Nim bahtah ze win un; Weej e shin chewa be nuh mon Manwain duh ze wuh nin. 6 Mee dush nah che wee to sa mug Ninge zha Mune doom; Chene wah sashkuh muh wid dush Ishpeming e zhah yon. NUIHGUIHMOWIN 13, C. M. OO sa, ke Zhee be ne katoon Che wee doo kuh we yun; Keesh pin suh kah zoo tuh we yun Ah neen de ka 'zhah yon" 2. Ah neen me nik kah be moon dung Ko duh geze win un, Kegwesis che bºwah nasayon Wee nuh non duh we id'. 3 Oh Jesus! tabwa yain duh mon Nindah bah penain dum; Noong oom kedah wuh wa zhe ah, Ninje chog noong oom go. 4 Ke doom be nuh moon ne shkeenzh' goon, Keen wah dookah ga yun; Oo meen zhe shin ne bºwah kah win Chenoo je mo e yun! 5. Kah ween ke de name mah see Ninje chog cheme bood; Oh monoozhuh wane me shin, Che be mah de zeyond 3. 28 ON BACKSLIDING. 6. The worst of sinners would rejoice Could they but see thy face: O let me hearthy quickºning voice, And taste thy pardºning grace! On Backsliding. HYMN 14. C. M. WHY did I my Saviour leave, So soon unfaithful prove! How could I thy good Spirit grieve, And sin against thy love! 2 I forc'd thee first to disappear; I turn'd thy face aside; Ah, Lord! if thou hadst still been here, Thy servant had not died. 3 But O' how soon thy wrath is o'er, And pardºning love takes place Assist me, Saviour, to adore The riches of thy grace. 4 O could I lose myself in thee, Thy depth of mercy prove, Thou vast, unfathomable sea Of unexhausted love! 5 My humbled soul, when thou art near, In dust and ashes lies: How shall a sinful worm appear, Or meet thy purer eyes! ON BACKSLIDING. 29 6 Kache kuh gee bah de ze jig Kekane me quah bun; Tah ke che bah penain duh moog Keezhuh wane muh dwah. - Kahuhzhagaingin. NUEIGUIHMOWIN 14. C. M. Hahneesh nah kee nuh guh nug, Kah nuh non duh we id: Ah neesh ween muh je doo duh wug, Mahbuh zah yah geid! 2 Ke gee mee we non zhuh oon suh Kahoonje mahjah yun; Jesus weejee we yum bunkah Nindah gee nebo see. 3 Wuh yee buh dush ween koah no, Ke be boo name mish Jesus wee doo kuh muh we shin Keche zah gee non- 4. Ohuh pagish nah wuh weeng a Puhkuh kain duh mon bon, Mon duh ke zhuh wain je ga win, Kachete mee muh guk" 5 Uh peepa shoo a yahyuhnin Nin duh gah sane moosh: Ah neen kaºzhenuh quashkoo non, Neen puhyah tah zeyon? 30 DESCRIBING BELIEVERS. 6 Iloathe myself when God I see, And into nothing fall; Content if thou exalted be, And Christ be All in All. Describing the Believers' First Love. HYMN 15. P. M. OW happy are they, Who their Saviour obey, And have laid up their treasure above Tongue cannot express The sweet comfort and peace Of a soul in its earliest love * That comfort was mine, When the favour Divine I first found in the blood of the Lamb; When my heart it believed, What a joy I received, What a heaven in Jesus's name 3 Twas a heaven below My Redeemer to know; And the angels could do nothing more Than fall at his feet And the story repeat, And the Lover of sinners adore. 4 Jesus all the day long Was my joy and my song; O that all his salvation might see He hath loved me, I cried, He hath suffer'd and died To redeem such a rebel as me. FIRST LOVE. 31 6 Uh pee ko wahyah buh muh gin, Owh ke che Mune doo; Ween mah muh we tuh neegah nee Nin de main dum suh ko. Twhyabwayaindwng wuhyashkud kahezhe pahpemaindwng. NUEIGUIHMOWIN 15. P. M. N"; go shuh a zhe Pah penain duh mowod, Kezha Mune doon kan' wahb mah jig, Ah pe je suh go, "Che pah penain duh moog, Pejee nug zhuh wain dah go ze wod. 2 Mee suh kuh yaneen, Kah Zhe pah penaind’ mon, Wuhyashkuduh pee ma kuh wug owh O mesqueem kah be Zee gwa be nuh nuh wid, Keege che pah penain duh mon dush. 3 Ishpeming suh go Kee enuh kuh me kah Oze dong kee uh puh gezo yon; Kee bee bah ge mug, Kah nuh non duh we id, Ah pejening ee pah penain dum. 4 Jesus, kuh bakeezhig Ning ee enuhuh-moz, Uh pagish kuh ke nuh wahb dum woº Ningee nuh damoosh A zhe one zhe shing, Ogeche oduh nuh meah win. 32 THE PLEASANTNESS OF RELIGION. 5 O the rapturous height Of that holy delight Which I felt in the life-giving blood Of my Saviour possest, I was perfectly blest, As if filled with the fulness of God. The Pleasantness of Religion. HYMN 16. S. M. OME, ye that love the Lord, And let your joys be known : Join in a song with sweet accord, While ye surround his throne. Let those refuse to sing Who never knew our God; But servants of the heavenly King May speak their joys abroad. 2. The God that rules on high, That all the earth surveys, That rides upon the stormy sky, And calms the roaring seas; This awful God is ours, Our Father and our Love; He will send down his heavenly powers, To carry us above. 3 There we shall see his face, And never, never sin; There, from the rivers of his grace, Drink endless pleasures in : Yea, and before we rise To that immortal state, THE PLEASANTNESS OF RELIGION. 33 Oh ka gait suh go Che pah penain dah gwud, Mesque kah moo je mo e go yung Ke tong kun duh mon, Un duh go mahjee gin, - Ninda a peech pah pe main duh mon, Azhe onesheshing ewh Uhm whºmeahwin. NUHGUIHMOWIN 16. S. M. EE nuh wah zuh yahg'aig, Ke dooge mah me non; Mon oo muh qua uh mah de yook, Che moo je geze yaig. Ka gee bah de ze jig Tah pezah nuh be wug; Tah pah penain duh moog dush ween Mahmig na bywah kah jig. 2. Koose nonish peming, Tuh zhe Mune doo we, Tuh de bah bun dung dush mon duh Uh ke kuh yane be; Mee mah buh Mune doo, Kache Oyoose mung; Ke guh nee se nuh mah go non Ishpeming che zhah yung. 3 Mee sun dush e we de Ka duh zhe wah buh mung Penah de ze wine see beeng, Che muh me me qua yung; Che bºwah tuh gwe she nung Ewe deish peming; 34 THE PLEASANTNESS OF RELIGION. The thoughts of such amazing bliss Should constant joys create. 4 The men of grace have found Glory begun below; Celestial fruit on earthly ground From faith and hope may grow : Then let our songs abound, And every tear be dry: We're marching through Immanuel's ground To fairer worlds on high. HYMN 17. C. M. APPY the souls to Jesus join'd, And saved by grace alone; Walking in all his ways, they find Their heaven on earth begun. 2 The church triumphant in thy love, Their mighty joys we know; They sing the Lamb in hymns above, And we in hymns below. 3 Thee in thy glorious realm they praise, And bow before thy throne; We in the kingdom of thy grace; The kingdoms are but one. 4 The holy to the holiest leads From thence our spirits rise And he that in thy statutes treads, Shall meet thee in the skies. THE PLEASANTNESS OF RELIGION. 35 Kedah o noh nego ze min Negon enah be yung. 4 Uh keeng na bywah kah jig, Oge me kah nah wah; Ishpeming tuh zhe mee ne kon Ka mahjee ge too wod ; Monoo dush kah genig Nuh nuh guh moshe dah Ke be mosa minºmah uh keeng Ishpeming e zhah yung. NUIHGUIHMOWIN 17. C. M. Eche zhuh wain dah go ze wug Jesus wah je wah jig; Ishpeming go e main dah gwud Ewh wee to sa mah wod. Keche o nahne gwain duh moog Ishpeming a yah jig; Kuh ya kee nuh wind dush mee uh nooj Nuh nuh guh motuh wung. Ketin duh nuh kee we ning suh Kezhuh guh shkeetah goog; Neenuh wind dush o mahuh keeng Ne moo je gain dahmin. Peeneze win inge zhah wug Mahmig pahneze jig; Ke guh nuh quashkogish peming Mahbuhnwah penuh nik. 36 THE GOODNESS OF GOD. 2 The Goodness of God. HYMN 18. C. M. EHOLD the Saviour of mankind Nail'd to the shameful tree How vast the love that him inclined To bleed and die for thee! Hark, how he groans" while nature shakes And earth's strong pillars bend : The temple's veil in sunder breaks; The solid marbles rend. Tis done the precious ransom's paid : “Receive my soul,” he cries: See where he bows his sacred head He bows his head and dies' But soon he'll break death's envious chain, And in full glory shine: O Lamb of God! was ever pain, Was ever love like thine" HYMN 19. 6-8’s. OUILD Jesus have the sinner die? Why hangs he then on yonder tree What means that strange expiring cry? (Sinners, he prays for you and me :) “Forgive them, Father, O forgive : They know not that by me they live!” Adam descended from above, Our loss of Eden to retrieve; the goodness of god. 37 Ozhuhwain.jegawin owh memo Munedoo. NUHGUIHMOWIN 18. C. M. NUHowh Nwah je moe waid Mo tigoong uh goojin 1 Kotah me gwee wee muh gud' me O zhuh wain je ga win 2 E nuh, magwah muh mah penaid Nuh ning e shkah uh ke; Kuhya tah shkah be kesa wun Kuh ke nuh uh sin een. 3 “Ah zhe sub ning ee de buhaun,” Kee e zhe pee bah ge; E nuh dush nuh wuh ge qua said Un nee shquah nah mo. 4 Wuh yee buh suh tuh one shkah, Che wah sayah zid dush : Oh Jesus! a peech zahgºe yong Kegee be oon je na NUHGUIHMOWIN 19, 6-8's. NAIN dum 'nuh Jesus monoo Che no bood owh pub yah tah zid Wago main evil wain je muh wid Mon duh muh dwa e nuh da mood “Oh Noosa monoozhuh wanim Ma mig ka demah geze jigſ" 2 Ishpeming kee be oon je bah Jesus wee moo je mo e nung, 38 THE GOODNESS OF GOD. Great God of universal love, If all the world through thee may live, In us a quickºning Spirit be, And witness thou hast died for me ! 3 Thou loving, all-atoning Lamb, Thee—by thy painful agony, Thy bloody sweat, thy grief and shame, Thy cross, and passion on the tree, Thy precious death and life—I pray, Take all, take all my sins away 4 O let me kiss thy bleeding feet, And bathe and wash them with mytears; The story of thy love repeat In every drooping sinner's ears; That all may hear the quickºning sound Since I, even I, have mercy found ! 5 Olet thy love my heart constrain, Thy love for every sinner free; That every fallen soul of man - May taste the grace that found out me; That all mankind with me may prove Thy sovereign, everlasting love! HYMN 20, 4–6's & 2-8's. ET earth and heaven agree, Angels and men be join'd, To celebrate with me The Saviour of mankind; To adore the all-atoning Lamb, And bless the sound of Jesu's name. the goodNEss of god. 39 Keche Mune doo, keesh pin suh Wah noo je moe wa wuh man, Mon oo owh ke che Oje chog Ning uh noo je mo e go non Keen Jesus zhuh waſ ne me yong, Ke gee geºche wee suh gain dum, Kee uh bva zoyun evil mesque Kuh ya kee uh goo ne goo yun, Kegee ne botah we min dush Ewhiche zhuh wain dah go zeyong! Oh monoo ne ze beeng wuhyun Guh gezee bee geze da nin! Che wah ween duh mah gayon dush Ewha zhe me nwaning a yun! Kuh ke muh che noon dah mowod Kahe Zhezhuh wane me yun. Monooke me nwaning a win Ning uh be mooshkena shkah goon, Kuh ke nuh suh tongun duh moozh Uh keeng ka demah gaze jig, Mon duh kah zhuh wane me yun, Kah gega zah gee de win. NUHGUIHMOWIN 20, 4–6's & 2-8's ON oo suh kuh ke muh. Ning uh wee dookah goog, Chebah penah je mug Kahnoo je mo e nung; Jesus, chemah moo yuh wºuh mug Kuh yache muh menwah je mug. 40 THE GOODNESS OF GOD. Jesus, transporting sound ! The joy of earth and heaven; No other help is found, No other name is given, By which we can salvation have ; But Jesus came the world to save. Jesus, harmonious Namel It charms the hosts above; They evermore proclaim And wonder at his love; 'Tis all their happiness to gaze : 'Tis heaven to see our Jesu's face. His name the sinner hears, And is from sin set free ; 'Tis music in his ears, 'Tis life and victory: New songs do now his lips employ, And dances his glad heart for joy. Stung by the scorpion sin, My poor expiring soul The balmy sound drinksin, And is at once made whole : See there my Lord upon the tree I hear, I feel, he died for me. O unexampled love! O all-redeeming grace How swiftly didst thou move To save a fallen race What shall I do to make it known What thou for all mankind hast done. THE GOODNESS OF GOD. 41 Jesus, ma no tuh ming Wain je moo je gezing; Ween a tuh meege wa Ewh wee dookah ga win, Mee ewh zhuh wain dah go zeyung Jesus kee be ne bo to nung, Jesus, ma no tuh ming E we deish peming; Uh puh na kah genig, 0 nah negwain duh moog ; Kuh nuh wah buh mah wod Jesus Ah pe moo je geze wug. Noon dung puhyah tah zid Ah zhe moo je moah ; Ka gait dush me no tum, A peech wuh we zhain dung; Nuh nuh guh mooshid un dah go, O nah nee me toon evh o da Nene se go bun suh Mah buh kah duh quuh mid, Kah me ne quayon dush, Jesus o muh shke keem, Meego kah zhe moo je moyon, Wuhyah buhmug owh a goojing. Oh me nwaning a win Oh wee dookah ga win Kegee be ke zhe kah Wee moo je moe yong Tah neen ka e zhe che gayon, Minze chemenwahje menon 42 THE GOODNESS OF GOD. 7 O for a trumpet-voice, On all the world to call ! To bid their hearts rejoice In him who died for all ! For all my Lord was crucified: For all, for all my Saviour died HYMN 21. C. M. ESUS, the Name high over all, In hell, or earth, or sky, Angels and men before it fall, And devils fear and fly. 2 Jesus, the Name to sinners dear, The Name to sinners given; It scatters all their guilty fear: It turns their hell to heaven. 3 Jesus the prisoner's fetters breaks, And bruises Satan's head; Power into strengthless souls it speaks, And life into the dead. 4 O that the world might taste and see The riches of his grace The arms of love that compass me, Would all mankind embrace. 5 His only righteousness I show, His saving truth proclaim: Tis all my business here below To cry “Behold the Lambº” THE GOODNESS OF GOD. 43 Oh pagish puh begwun, Poo dah je gayom bon Nin dah pebah gemog Ka moo je geze jig Kuh ke nuh go che noo je moong Kee oon je na, Taba ning a NUEIGUIHMOWIN 21. C. M. E SUS, nah gah ne ne kah zood, Mahmuh we go min ze! Mee ewh zha guh shkee tuh mo wod, Kuh ke nuh quase kig. Jesus, mee ewh kah meenin dwah Kewhipuhyah tah ze jig O wa bah sin duh mah go won, Ko duh gan duh mo win. Jesus o dah buh won e new h Mainji muh pezone jin; Pemah de ze win o mee non E newhima bone jin. Oh pagish, uh keeng a yah jig, Tongun duh mo wah pun Mon duh ozhuh wain je ga win, Kah be me kah go yon. Mee a tuh ewho da bywa win, Kaween duh mah gayon, “Wah bumik Monuhtane sans,” Ninuhe zhe bee bog. 4. 44 THE GOODNESS OF GOD. Happy, if with my latest breath I may but gasp his name; Preach him to all, and cry in death, “Behold, behold the Lamb l’” HYMN 22. L. M. F him who did salvation bring, I could for ever think and sing: Arise, ne needy, he'll relieve ; Arise, ye guilty, he'll forgive. Ask but his grace, and lo, 'tis given Ask, and he turns your hell to heaven: Though sin and sorrow wound my soul, Jesus, thy balm will make it whole. To shame our sins he blush’d in blood, He closed his eyes to show us God: Let all the world fall down and know, That none but God such love can show. 'Tis thee I love, for thee alone, I shed my tears and make my moan Where’er I am, where’er I move, I meet the object of my love. Insatiate to the spring I fly; I drink, and yet am ever dry; Ah! who against thy charms is proof Ah! who that loves can love enough? HYMN 23. C. M. LAS and did my Saviour bleed! And did my Sovereign die! THE GOODNESS OF GOD. 45 Ka gait mindah zhuh wain dah gooz Nuh nonzh gone boshon, Mon duh che zhe bee bah geyon, * Wah bum ik owh Jesus ” NUHGUEIMOWIN 22. L. M. Kº: bee dood pemah de ze win, Kahge nig ne me quane mah; Puh zegweeg, puh pah tah zeyaig, Ke guh zhuh wane me go wah. Un do duh muh waig suh mon duh O noo je moe wa wine, Kegah be nuh quatah go wah, Jesus che noo je mo enaig, Meegomon duh pah tah zeyung Kah be oon je muh me squee wid; Kegee ne botah go non dush, Che wah bum ung owh koose non- Mee suh mon duh zah gee non, Wain je zah geze beeng wayon Pabah e zhah yonkah genig, Ne nuh quashkuh wah Jesus. Mee suh dush o mah tuh ke beeng Ka oon jeko me ne quayon Kah suh we kah zah yah geik Tahda buh game moshe see. NUHGUHMOWIN 23. C. M. K*. gait nuh ming eene bo tog Kah nun non duh we idº 46 BELIEVERS REJOICING. Would he devote that sacred head For such a worm as I? 2 Was it for crimes that I have done, He groan'd upon the tree? Amazing pity! grace unknown And love beyond degree? 3 Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut his glories in ; When Christ, the mighty Maker, died For man the creature's sin 4 Thus might I hide my blushing face, While his dear cross appears; Dissolve my heart in thankfulness, And melt mine eyes to tears. 5 But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe : Here, Lord, I give myself away; 'Tis all that I can do. Believers Rejoicing. HYMN 24. 4-6's & 2-8's. RISE, my soul, arise, Shake off thy guilty fears; The bleeding Sacrifice In my behalf appears; Before the throne my Surety stands, My name is written on his hands. BELIEVERS REjoicing. 47 Keene mun men aan wºn kuh mig Neen go kee oon je maid! 2 Mee nuh ewh nim bah tah ze win Kahoon jeuh goo mind." Ka gait muh mon dah wuh kuh mig Kee be zhuh wa ne mid 3 Quuhyuk suh kee gah dood kee zis, O wah sayah ze win; Uh pee na bood Taba ning a Wee moo je moe waid. 4 Me quain duh mon kah doo duh wind Ning e demah gain dum; Ning e da muh gud go ninda, Mahmoo yuh wain duh mon, 5 Kah ga goo ke mee ne see noon Keezhuh wane me yun; Penuh, mee a tuh go nee yowh, Page de nuh moonon. Twhyabwayaindwngig Omoojegezewinewah. NUHGUBIMOWIN 24, 4–6's & 2-8's. NE shkaun ninje chog, Waib’ nun uh gwah skee win; Nang eebah Zegvee tog Mahbuh Kahoonje gaud, Nee buh we o gemah we ning, Kaho zhe bee ood oone jeeng. 48 BELIEVERS REJOICING. 2. He ever lives above, For me to intercede, His all redeeming love, His precious blood, to plead; His blood atoned for all our race, And sprinkles now the throne of grace. Five bleeding wounds he bears, Received on Calvary; They pour effectual prayers, They strongly speak for me; “Forgive him, O forgive,” they cry, * Nor let that ransom'd sinner die ſº The Father hears him pray, His dear Anointed One; He cannot turn away The presence of his Son; His Spirit answers to the blood, And tells me I am born of God. My God is reconciled, His pardoning voice I hear, He owns me for his child, I can no longer fear; With confidence I now draw nigh, And Father, Abba, Father, Cry º HYMN 25, C. M. OME, let us who in Christ believe, Our common Saviour praise; To him with joyful voices give The glory of his grace. BELIEVERS REJOICING. 49 Kah genigish peming Nin duh nuh me a tog, Wah ween dung o me squeem, Kah be oon je gah nig; Ke noo je mo e go non sub Ain duh che yung ewho me sqesm. Nah ning kee oon je gah, Kee mahkuh guh nah mind, Ka gait suhning eche Zhuh wane me go nun; “Zhuh wa nim suh, O shuh wa nim, Chene bosig,” nºn de go nun Ka chee Oyoose mind 0 noon duh won e ko, Ain do duh mah gojin, E newh wagwe sejin ; Neween dub mog, owh Oje chog Kezhuh wane mid Koo se non. Ninge zha Mune doom, Ning ee zhuh wane mig; Ne moo je gain dum dush Onee jah ne se mid : Wane puzh dush mim be e zhah, Noosa dush cheeke do yon. NUHGUIHMOWIN 25, C. M. EE nuh wind tuhya bywatuh wung Kahnuh non duh we nung; Ke chemah moo yuh wºuh mahdah Keezhuh wane me nung. 50 BELIEVERS REJOICING. 2 He now stands knocking at the door Of every sinners heart; The worst need keep him out no more, Or force him to depart. 3 Through grace we hearken to thy voice, Yield to be saved from sin; In sure and certain hope rejoice, That thou wilt enter in. 4 Come quickly in, thou heavenly guest, Nor ever hence remove ; But sup with us, and let the feast Be everlasting love. HYMN 26, 8's & 7's. OME, thou Fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing thy grace; Streams of mercy never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise: Teach me some melodious sonnet, Sung by flaming tongues above: Praise the mount—I’m fixed upon it : Mount of thy redeeming love! 2 Here I'll raise mine Ebenezer, Hither by thy help I’m come; And I hope by thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home. Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God; He to save my soul from danger, Interposed his precious blood. BELIEVERS REJOICING. 51 Noong oom go o wee quuhje aun Puhyah tah ze me jin; Mon oo nuh sah ko nuh muh wik E new h ke da e waun. Mee ewhke wee dookah ga win, Wain je noon dah goo yum ; Ka gait ne moo je gain dah min Che be been de gayun. Mon oo wa weeb pe been de gain Che wee jee we yong dush; Kah gega zah gee de win Wee doo puh me she nom. NUGHUIBIMOWIN 26, 8's & 7's. ON dah shon sub, ta bain duh mun, Keche zhuh wain je ga win; Wuh wa zhe toon mon duh minda, Chenuh nuh guh mo too non Keke noo uh muh we shin sun, Ishpeming na guh mowod; Ke cheme gwaich minje mee yon Kezhuh wain je ga win ing Keegee duh gwe shin suho mah Chezhee be ne katoo non; E name me wuh man dush go Meenuh wah ning uh kee way Jesus ming ee me kog magwah Puh bah wah ne she nom bon; Meeewhimuh neezah ne ze yon Kahoon jene botuh wid! 52 BELIEVERS REJOICING. 3 O to grace how great a debtor, Daily I’m constrained to be Let thy goodness like a fetter, Bind my wand'ring heart to thee: Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it : Prone to leave the God I love, Here's my heart, O take and seal it; Seal it for thy courts above. HYMN 27. 8 lines 8's. OW tedious and tasteless the hours, When Jesus no longer I see; Sweet prospects, sweet birds, and sweet flow’rs Have all lost their sweetness to me; The midsummer sun shines but dim, The fields strive in vain to look gay : But when I am happy in him. December's as pleasant as May. 2. His name yields the richest perfume, And sweeter than music his voice; His presence disperses my gloom, And makes all within me rejoice; I should, were he always thus nigh, Have nothing to wish or to fear, No mortal so happy as I, My summer would last all the year. 3 Content with beholding his face, My all to his pleasure resign'd, No changes of seasons or place Would make any change in my mind: BELIEVERS REJOICING- 53 3 Oh ka gait zhuh wain je ga win, Ning eche muh ze nuh aun Mon oozah gee de win ing, Min je muh pedoon minda: Natah wuh ne she moong in suh Nin de zhe ke demah gis; Ke meenin minda, Oh monoo, O. dah penuh muh we shin. NUHGUIHMOWIN 27. 8 lines 8's. ING eche ne sah main dum ko, Wah buh mah se wug owh Jesus; Wah shko bung in omah uh keeng Newee subge pedah nun ko: Uh gah wah ko wah sayah ze Ah be tuh nee be ne kee zis; Uh pee dush zha wane me jin Pe boon ke zis me nwah se ga. 2 E mah o de noozo win ing, Nindoonje ke cheme no tum; Wahjee we jin, ah pe jeko, Ning echeonah negwain dum: Uh pagish kah genig mee oowh E. zhe weejee we pun Jesus, Nindah geºche bah penain dum, Kuh bape boon, kuh banee bin. 3 Nee meeko nuh wa yain dum suh, Kee me nug kuh Renuhinin da Kah dush weekah pakah nuh kin Nindah wuhne sqhua go see nun 54 BELIEVERS REJOICING. While bless'd with a sense of his love, A palace a toy would appear; And prisons would palaces prove, If Jesus would dwell with me there. Dear Lord, if indeed I am thine, If thou art my sun and my song, Say, why do I languish and pine! And why are my winters so long " 0 drive these dark clouds from my sky, Thy soul cheering presence restore: Or take me to thee up on high, Where winter and clouds are no more. HYMN 28. C. M. Mº God, the spring of all my joys, The life of my delights, The glory of my brightest days, And comfort of my nights In darkest shades, if thou appear, My dawning is begun: Thou art my soul's bright morning star, And thou my rising sun. The op'ning heavens around me shine With beams of sacred bliss, If Jesus shows his mercy mine, And whispers I am his My soul would leave this heavy clay At that transporting word; Run up with joy the shining way, To see and praise my Lord. BELIEVERS REJOICING- 55 Magwah suh puh guh kain duh mon Mon duh o zah gee wa win; Nindah geche bah penam dum Ka gait go Jesus wee je wid. Nin dooge mom, keesh pinka gait Neen go, taba ne me wuh man, Ah neesh ween nah pajee wee yon? Kuh ya moon zhug kuh wuhje shon" Oh wa bah sin duh muh we shin Mahmin muhje ah nuh quah doon Ishpeming tuh gwe she me shin Ain duh googewh wah nuh kee win. NUIHGUIHMOWIN 28. C. M. ING e zha Mune doom, keen sub Oonje bah muh guh doon, Ne moo je gain duh mo win un, Ain duh so kee zhe guk. Keen oon je wah sayah muh gud Ewh puh suh go de bik Keen suh ke dowh, min duh nungoom, Kuh yaning eeze soom. Kezhee wah sayah muh gud suh Kee we tahuh ye ee, Jesus puh ween duh muh we jin Ween go te bane mid. Noon duh mon dush kah e ke dood, Wee mahjah ninje chog, Wee uh we wah bun mode new h Wadooge mah me jin. 56 BELIEVERS REJOICING. 5 Fearless of hell and ghastly death, I’d break through every foe; The wings of love and arms of faith, Would bear me conqu'ror through. HYMN 29. 4-8's & 2-7's. HE voice of my beloved sounds, While o'er the mountain-top he bounds; He flies exulting o'er the hills, And all my soul with transport fills; Gently doth he chide my stay, “Rise, my love, and come away.” 2 The scatter'd clouds are fled at last, The rain is gone, the winter's past, The lovely vernal flowers appear, The warbling choir enchants our ear; Now with sweetly pensive moan, Coos the turtle-dove alone. HYMN 30. C. M. Y Saviour, my almighty Friend, When I begin thy praise, Where will the growing numbers end? The numbers of thy grace. 2 Thou art my everlasting trust; Thy goodness I adore; Send down thy grace, O blessed Lord, That I may love thee more. 3 My feet shall travel all the length Of the celestial road : BELIEVERS REJOICING. 57 Kah ween dush mindah go tun zeen Ka we shkah ga muh guk ; Keesh pin weejee we go yonewh Ta bywa yain duh mo win. NUHGUH Mowin 29 assa. 27a. /* yah geug, ne noon duh wah, Wah je wing pah pee dwa we dum Peke che o nah nego sa, Ning eche dush moo je gain dum: Ne muh dwa pee bah gemig, “Oon dos, zah yah gee non- Kee wa bah sinewhah nuh quood, Ah zhe dush ish quah nee skah dud, Muh me nwah be go nee muh gud, Menwah uh moog pena shee yug; Mee a tuh owh o mee mee Namee nuh we tah go zid, NUIHGUIHMOWIN 30. C. M. ING eche nee je ke waih zee, Naguh motoo nah nin, Te be sub che doo kesa gwain, Meegwaich che main duh mon. Keen suhnin duh pane moo win, Kahzhuh wane me yun; Peneese nuh muh we shin sun Ke Zhuh wain je ga win. Medush chemah duh uh dooyon, Lesh pe ming a nuh moog, 58 BELIEVERS REJOICING- And march with courage in thy strength, To see the Lord my God. 4 Awake! awake! my tuneful powers, With this delightful song, And entertain the darkest hours, Northink the season long. HYMN 31. L. M. EFORE Jehovah's awful throne, Ye nations bow with sacred joy; Know that the Lord is God alone, He can create, and he destroy. 2. His sovereign power, without our aid, Made us of clay, and formed us men; And when like wand'ring sheep we stray'd, He brought us to his fold again. 3. We'll crowd thy gates with thankful songs, High as the heavens our voices raise; And earth, with her ten thousandtongues, Shallfillthy courts with sounding praise. 4. Wide as the world is thy command; Vast as eternity thy love; Firm as a rock thy truth shall stand, When rolling years shall cease to move. BELIEVERS REJOICING. 59 Che uh we wa buh mug mah buh Ning e zha Mune doom. 4 Koshko zin che nuh guh moyun, Ka cheme no tah gwuk; Ka go ween ne sah main dung ain, Ka duh so kee zhe guk. NUIHGUIHMOWIN 31. L. M. E HO WAH a nah suh muh bid, A yuh ne she nah ba we yaig; Kuh ke nuh zhuh guh shkee tuh wik, Ween mah a tuh Mun e doo we. 2 O guh shke a we ze win ing, Ween kege o zhe ego non, Magwah dush go wuh ne she nung, Ween kegee be me kah go non- 3 Ke guh oom be nuh mah go suh Ne moo je geze wine non; Onah negwah duhkuh mig suh Uh keeng kabah penain dung ig. 4. A nego quog mon duh uh ke, Ta be sin ke guh gee qua win; A nego quog mon duh kee Zhig, Tuh chin ke Zhuh wain je ga win. 5 Uh sin eeng tuh e zhe zoongun, Mon duh kege che tabwa win; Ah zhe kee e shquah kee zheguk Kayah beke guhmune doowh. 5 60 BELIEVERS REJOICING- - HYMN 22, 6-8's. Iº. praise my Maker while I’ve breath; And when my voice is lost in death, Praise shall employ my nobler powers; My days of praise shall ne'er be past, While life, and thought, and being last, Or immortality endures. 2 Happy the man whose hopes rely On Israel's God: he made the sky, And earth, and seas, with all their train; His truth for ever stands secure; He saves the opprest, he feeds the poor, And none shall find his promise vain. 3 The Lord pours eye-sight on the blind; The Lord supports the fainting mind; He sends the labouring conscience peace; He helps the stranger in distress, The widow, and the fatherless, And grants the prisoner sweet release. 4 I'll praise him while he lends me breath; And when my voice is lost in death, Praise shall employ my nobler powers; My days of praise shall ne'er be past While life, and thought, and being last, Or immortality endures. HYMN 33. L. M. ESUS, thou everlasting King, * Accept thy tribute which we bring; Accept the well-deserved renown, And wear our praises as thy crown. BELIEVERS REJOICING. 61 NUEIGUIHMOWIN 32, 6-8's. ING uh mah moo yuh wuh mah suh, Ne Mune doom kah o zhe id, Kauh ko na sa she wah man; Kah ween ning uh gee shko wa see Kauh kope mah de Zeyaun Noosa chemah moo yuh wuh mug. 2. Keche zhuh wain dah go ze suh Owh a pane mood Mune doom, Uh nooj ka goo kah o zhe tood; Zoong un ne neo da bywa win O noo je mo aun kuh ke nuh E newh qua duh geze me jin. Ta baning a owah be aun; E newhka gee beeng wane jin; Mee nod dush evil un wa be win; Ka de mahge ze she me jin, Kuhya kah gee we ze me jin, Kuh ke nuh o we doo kuh won. Ning uh mah moo yuh wuh mah suh, Kaluh kona so she wah man, Nuh noonzh goche ne nebo shon: Kah ween weekah ming uhe shquah Mahmoo yuh wuh mah see Jesus; Mee go uh puh na kah genig. NUHGUIHMOWIN 33. L. M. Jº SUS, kah gega Ogemah, * O. dah penuh muh we she nom; Mahmin pah duh mah goo yuhnin Keche mahmoo yuh wa win un, BELIEVERS REJOICING. Let every act of worship be Like our espousals, Lord, to Thee: Like the glad hour when from above We first received the pledge of love. The gladness of that happy day, O may it ever with us stay! Nor let our faith forsake its hold, Our hope decline, our love grow cold. Each following moment, as it flies, Increase thy praise, improve our joys, Till we are raised to sing thy name, At the great supper of the Lamb. HYMN 35. C. M. Cº. let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne; Ten thousand thousand are their tongues, But all their joys are one. “Worthy the Lamb that died,” they cry, “To be exalted thus tº “Worthy the Lambº our hearts reply; * For he was slain for us.” Jesus is worthy to receive Honour and power divine; And blessings, more than we can give, Be, Lord, for ever thinel The whole creation join in one, To bless the sacred name Of Him that sits upon the throne, And to adore the Lamb. BELIEVERS REJOICING. 63 2 Mon oo uh puh na kah genig, Ning uh muh shkuh wain duh zhe min; Wuhyashkud go makah goo yun Chee zhe zah gee goo yum. 3 Kah e zhe moo jege ze yong, Uh pee ewh zha wane me yong; Oh monoo mee ewhkahge nig, Ka e zhe pah penain duh mong 4 Aish kum chemah wun je too yong, Mon duh moo je gain duh mo win; Nuh nonzh edush go ish peming, Chene nuh qua uh mahºga yong. NUIHGUIHMOWIN 34. C. M. Nº. qua uh muh wah dwah nig suh Is perming a yah jig; Ka gait kotah megwee no wug Puhyah penain dung ig. 2 O nuh guh motuh wah won sun Kah be nebo too mung ; Mee suh owh kuh ya kee nuh wind, Ka nuh guh motuh wung. 3 Jesus uh peetain dah go zeh, Ween ke che zah ge ind; Che neegah na nee me gooyun Kahge nig keen Jesus. 4. A nego quog min zeuh keeng, Tuhmoo je guhun moog, Chenuhinuh puh gun mowod newh O dooge mah me won. 64 BELIEVERS FIGHTING. HYMN 35. 8's. FOUNTAIN of Life and of Grace In Christ, our Redeemer, we see: For us, who his offers embrace, For all, it is open and free : Jehovah himself doth invite To drink of his pleasures unknown ; The streams of immortal delight, That flow from his heavenly throne. 2. As soon as in Him we believe, By faith of his Spirit we take; And, freely forgiven, receive The mercy for Jesus's sake: We gain a pure drop of his love; The life of eternity know ; Angelical happiness prove; And witness a heaven below. For Believers Fighting. HYMN 36, S. M. MAY thy powerful word Inspire a feeble worm To rush into thy kingdom, Lord, And take it as by storm 2 O may we all improve The grace already given, To seize the crown of perfect love, And scale the mount of heaven. BELIEVERs Fighting, 65 NUEIGUIHMOWIN 35 8's. EE beenge zhe jewun ene, Jesus o zhuh wain je ga win: Kee nuh wind tuh ya bywatuh wung, Kegee o zhe tuh mah go non. Ween suh go owh Ta baning a, Noong oom ke nun do me go non, Cheme me qua yung kah gega, Pemah de ze win ene be. Ke mee ne goomin Oje chog Uh pee tuhyah bva tuh wung oon ; Ke be zhuh wane me goo min Jesus a pane moyung oon Pungee go mah ne goo yung oon Mon duh o me nwaning a win; Keezhah go ke dong un dah non, A zhe wee shko bungish peming. Anuſhmeahjig meegahzowod. NUIHGUIHMOWIN 36. S. M. H. monoo mashkuh wuk Keween duh mahºga win; Ning uh peen de ga wine goon, Kedooge mah win ing Oh monookuh ke muh. Ning uhuhyoonah nin, Ka duh gwe she mego yong in Ewe deish peming 66 BELIEVERS FIGHTING. HYMN 37. S. M. OLDIERS of Christ, arise, And put your armour on, Strong in the strength which God supplies, Through his eternal Son: Strong in the Lord of Hosts, And in his mighty power, Who in the strength of Jesus trusts, Is more than conqueror. Stand then in his great might, With all his strength endued; But take, to arm you for the fight, The panoply of God: That having all things done, And all your conflicts pass'd, Ye may o'ercome, through Christ alone, And stand entire at last. HYMN 38. C. M. HEN I can read my title clear To mansions in the skies, I'll bid farewell to every fear, And wipe my weeping eyes. Should earth against my soul engage, And fiery darts be hurl’d, Then I can smile at Satan's rage, And face a frowning world. Let cares like a wild deluge come, Let storms of sorrow fall; So I but safely reach my home, My God, my heaven, my all. believees Fighting. 67 NUHGUIHMOWIN 37. S. M. HE mah guh ne she dook, Um basuhuh shwee yook, Jesus guh wee dookah go wah, Che muh shkuh we zee yaig : Kotah me gwee wee suh Mah buh Taba ning a Wagwain ka uh pane mogwain Mee owh ma monzhe twod. 2 Zoong egah buh we yook, Mong wuh dah se we dook: Ain do buhne yaig uhyah mook, Ah goo she moo no win : Ah zhe dush kuh ke muh. Ke goo puhje a gwah ; Ke guh nee buh we ego wah Ke dooge mah me wah. NUIHGUIHMOWIN 38. C. M. Hipee qua yuh quaim duh mon in Ishpeming e Zhah yon, Kuh ke muhuh gwuh skee win un, Nim bulb ka we doo nun. 2 Mesuh wah uh keeng a yah gin, Mah meegah nego yon : Kahbah pish mindah go sah see, Munje mone ze win. 3 Pooch go pegotah megwee nuk. Mego skah de ze win; Ning uh weeda duh gwe shin sun Ishpeming ka dahyon. BELIEVERS FIGHTING. There I shall bathe my weary soul, In seas of heavenly rest, And not a wave of trouble roll Across my peaceful breast. HYMN 39. C. M. M I a soldier of the Cross, A follower of the Lamb'. And shall I fear to own his cause, Or blush to speak his name? Must I be carried to the skies On flowery beds of ease, Whilst others fought to win the prize, And sail'd through bloody seas" Are there no foes for me to face" Must I not stem the flood | Is this vile world a friend to grace, To help me on to God! Sure, I must fight, if I would reign; Increase my courage, Lord ; I'll bear the toil, endure the pain, Supported by thy word. Thy saints in all this glorious war Shall conquer, though they die; They see the triumph from afar, By faith they bring it nigh When that illustrious day shall rise, And all thy armies shine In robes of victory through the skies, The glory shall be thine. BELIEVERS FIGHTING. 69 5 Mee dush e we de kaduh zhe Uh nwa bid ninje chog, Kah weekah ko duh geze win, Ning uh ke kain duh Zeen. NUHGUIHMOWIN 39. C. M. EE nuh ewh Ah zhe da yah tig, Wain je un do buh ne yon! Ning uh zhah gwa nim nuh Jesus" Che muh me nwah je mug" Wane puzh nuh go ish peming, Nindah da duh gwe shin' Magwah ween kee meegah zo wod Kah be neegah nee jig" Kahnuh ween go uh yah see wug, Kamah meegah nuh gig." Nindah duh gwe shin nuh keesh pin Ah nuh wain je gayon? Keesh pin wah noo je mo wah man, Nindah mong wuh dah seewh; Ta baning a weejee shin, Chezhuh zhee bain duh mon, Kuh ke muhta bane muh jig, Tuh muh mon zhe twah wug : Odabah bundah nahwah go Ka we tuh nuh kee wod. Uh pee kee mah wun doo nuh dwah Kawan sayah zejig; Ke guh sah quah duh mah goog sub Kabah penain dung ig 70 BELIEVERS PRAYING. Believers Praying. HYMN 40. S. M. HE praying Spirit breathe, The watching power impart: From all entanglements beneath Call off my peaceful heart: My feeble mind sustain, By worldly thoughts opprest; Appear, and bid me turn again To my eternal rest. Swift to my rescue come, Thy own this moment seize; Gather my wandering spirit home, And keep in perfect peace. Suffer'd no more to rove O'er all the earth abroad, Arrest the prisoner of thy love, And shut me up in God. HYMN 41. 4-7's. ORD, we come before thee now, At thy feet we humbly bow; O do not our suit disdain; Shall we seek thee, Lord, in vain? 2 Lord, on thee our souls depend; In compassion now descend: Fill our hearts with thy rich grace, Tune our lips to sing thy praise. 3. In thine own appointed way, Now we seek thee here to stay; Believers praying 71 Twhyabwayaindwngig puhgwesanemowod. NUIHGUIHMOWIN 40. S. M. H. nuh me ah win e Oje chog meen zhe shin; Wane shqua e go yah nin dush E ko nuh muh we shin: Puhya jee wee muh guk Nin de main duh mo win, Mon oo wee doo kuh muh we shin Che muh shkuh waid duh mon. 2 Pewa wee be ton sun, Che debane me yun; Pezuh guh ke nuh muh we shin Nin de main duh moo win: Kah ween dush kayah be Min ze omah uh keeng, Tuh uh ye zhah muh guh se noon Nin de main duh mo win. NUHGUIHMOWIN 41. 4-7's. A baning a noong oom suh Ke be zhuh guh shkee tah goo; Oh! tuh guh kah ween a shquoch Kegah guh noone goo see! 2 Tabaning a keen ke dowh, Noong oom a pane moyong; Ta buſh oozhe she nom sulh Ewe ke Zhuh wain je ga win. 3 Kahe zhe keke me yong, Kewee e Zhe me kah goo; BELIEVERS PRAYING. 2 Lord, we know not how to go, Till a blessing thou bestow. Send some message from thy word, That may joy and peace afford; Let thy Spirit now impart Full salvation to each heart. Comfort those that weep and mourn, Let the time of joy return: Those that are cast down lift up; Make them strong in faith and hope. Grant that all may seek and find, Thee a gracious God, and kind; Heal the sick, the captive free; Let us all rejoice in thee. HYMN 42. C. M. Cº. Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all thy quickºning powers: Kindle a flame of sacred love In these cold hearts of ours. Look how we grovel here below, Fond of these earthly toys; Our souls, how heavily they go To reach eternal joys! In vain we tune our formal songs, In vain we strive to rise; Hosannas languish on our tonges, And our devotion dies. BELIEVERS PRAYING. 73 Pah mah nindah gee wa min Jesus, kee me kah gooynn. Monoosuh meen zhe she nom, Mooje gain duh mo win un: Monooke che o je chog Ning uh onje ego non- Peme no da aish kowh suh, Ka de mah geda a jig; Muh shkuh we gah buh we sun, Mahmig puhya jee wee jig. Monooke guh me kah goog, Kabuh gwe same me kig; Nooje moe wa yun dush, Ning uh moo je gain dah min. NUIHGUIHMOWIN 42. C. M. ON dahshon ke che Oje chog, Pee doon dush kuh ke nuh ! Kaloon je pah penain duh mong Ninda e nong pee doon. 2. Wah buh me she nominee nuh wind, Ka demah geze yong; Oon zom sub nim bajee wee min Ishpeming wee zhah yong. * Nenee nuh we tah go zemin, Namuh guh moshonging Nemah moo yuh wa wine mon, Noon da ko tuh ke sin. 74 BELIEVERS PRAYING. 4 Father, and shall we ever live At this poor dying rate" Our love so faint, so cold to thee, And thine to us so great? 5 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all thy quickºning powers; Come, shed abroad a Saviour's love, And that shall kindle ours. HYMN 43. S. M. Y God, my life, my love, To thee, to thee I call: I cannot live if thou remove, For thou art all in all. 2 Thy shining grace can cheer This dungeon where I dwell: 'Tis paradise when thou art here, If thou depart 'tis hell. 3 The smilings of thy face, How amiable they are 'Tis heaven to rest in thine embrace, And nowhere else but there. 4. To thee, and thee alone, The angels owe their bliss. They sit around thy gracious throne, And dwell where Jesus is. 5 To thee my spirits fly, With infinite desire: And yet how far from thee Ilie O Jesus, raise me higher BELIEVERS PRAYING. 75 4 Noose non, mee nuh uh puhna, Ka zhe pajee wee yong " Oon zom ping ee zah ge'goo yun, Zah gee yong dush keen" 5 Oon dah shon ke che Oje chog, Zhuh wa ne me she nom ; Mooshke nuh toon ninda e nong, Pah penain duh mo win. NUHGUIHMOWIN 43. S. M. ING e zha Mune doom, Keen ke nuh non do min : Kahmin dah pemah de ze see Keesh pin nuh guh Zhe yun. 2 Ke wah sayah ze win, Newah sashkuh mah goon; Ka gait ke che o nah negwud, Jesus wah-jee we jin. 3 Keche one she shin, Shoo meeng watuh we yun! Ishpeming go e main dah gwud Ewh pashwane menon. 4 Keen suh oon je meno, Uh yah wug angel mugº Kecheonah negwain duh moog, Weejee wah wod Jesus. 5 Keche guhgatin sub Kebenah ze koon keen , Oon zom mah wah suh ne nee bowh, Oh we ko be ne shin 6 76 BELIEVERS PRAYING. HYMN 44. S. M. ESUS, I fain would find - Thy zeal for God in me, Thy yearning pity for mankind, Thy burning charity. 2. In methy Spirit dwell! In me thy bowels move So shall the fervour of my zeal Be the pure flame of love. HYMN 45. C. M. ORD, all I am is known to thee; In vain my soul would try To shun thy presence, or to flee The notice of thine eye. 2 The all-surrounding sight surveys My rising and my rest, My public walks, my private ways, The secrets of my breast. 3 My thoughts lie open to thee, Lord, Before they're form'd within, And eremy lips pronounce the word, Thou know'st the sense I mean. 4 O wondºrous knowledge deep and high Where shall a creature hide Within thy circling arms Ilie, Beset on every side. BELIEVERS PRAYING. NUHGUIHMOWIN 44. s. M. Jº SUS uh pagish nah, Ke geshkuh mom bonewh; Kege de mah gaining a win, Kahwah bun duh eyong. Monoosuh Keje chog, Ning uh gegeshkuh wah! Che mooshkena shkah go yon dush Kezah ge a de win. NUIHGUIHMOWIN 45. C. M. A baning a ke wuh weenga, Ke ka nim ain de shon; Nindah ah nuh wa wiz keesh pin, Weegah zoo too ne non. Kege che quuhyuh quah be win, Newah wah buh me goon, Mon duh a zhe wa beze yon, Kuh ya a main duh mon, Minzhe shuh go ke wah bun don Mon duh a main duh mon, Che bºwah suh go kee gedo yon, Kuhyut kege kain don. Oh ke che ke kain je ga win, Kagait temee muh gud Ah neen ka e zhe kah zo pun, Kenekongzhange shing" BELIEVERS WATCHING. 9 So let thy grace surround me still, And like a bulwark prove To guard my soul from every ill, Secur'd by sovereign love. HYMN 46. L. M. Believers Watching. TERNAL Power whose high abode Becomes the grandeur of a God, Infinite lengths beyond the bounds Where stars revolve their little rounds ! Thee, while the first archangel sings, He hides his face behind his wings; And ranks of shining thrones around Fall worshiping, and spread the ground. Lord, what shall earth and ashes do? We would adore our Maker too ! From sin and dust to thee we cry, The Great, the Holy, and the High. Earth from afar hath heard thy fame, And worms have learned to lisp thy name; But, O the glories of thy mind Leave all our soaring thoughts behind! God is in heaven, and men below: Be short out tunes, our words be few A solemn reverence checks our songs, And praise sits silent on our tongues. HYMN 47. S. M. CHARGE to keep I have A God to glorify: BELIEVERS WATCHING. 79 5 Monooke wee dookah ga win Ning uh wee dookah goon, Che ne kee we tah shkah go yon Kezah gee wa win. NUHGUHMOWIN 46. L. M. Anwhºmeahjig Uhkuhwahbewod. K*. ge ga ke che Mune doo Quatah me gwain dah go zeyun; Min ze sub ke mooshkena shkon Wah suhe we de kee zhe goong. Uh pee ko na guh mo too kin Mah buhnah gah ne zid angel, Kuh ke nuh Zhuh guh shkeetah wug Egewh wuhyah sayah ze jig. Meeuh noojkuh yanee nuh wind A zhe zhuh guh shkeetah goo yun! Magwa wee yuh guh saih ye shing Ke doonje peebah geºme goo! Minze uh keeng kee noon duh moog. Mon duh te bah je me gooyun; Kah suh dush ween go kuh ke muh, Kedage kane me goo see Mune doo ish peming uhyah, Uh keeng dush ween ene newug In duh wah suh dush gopa kah Ning uh mah muh kah dain dahmin. NUHGUIHMOWIN 47. S. M. HE uh no kee too non Noosa min duh yah nun; 80 BELIEVERS SUFFERING. A never-dying soul to save, And fit it for the sky! To serve the present age, My calling to fulfil:— O may it all my powers engage To do my master's will 2 Arm me with jealous care, As in thy sight to live; And O thy servant, Lord, prepare A strict account to give; Help me to watch and pray, And on thyself rely; Assured, if I my trust betray, I shall forever die. HYMN 48. 8's & 6's. Believers Suffering. OME on, my partners in distress, My comrades through the wilderness, Who still your bodies feel; A while forget your griefs and fears, And look beyond this vale of tears, To that celestial hill. 2 Beyond the bounds of time and space, Look forward to that heavenly place, The saints' secure abode. On faith's strong eagle-pinions rise, And force your passage to the skies, And scale the mount of God. * Who suffer with our Master here, We shall before his face appear. BELIEVERS SUFFERING. 81 Che weekeezhee tod ninje chog Ishpeming weee zhod. Ke nun duh wa nim suh Cheuh no kee too non; Oh monoo ong wah me e shin, Quiyuk che num’ah yon. - 2 Wuh wa zhe e shin suh, Cheuh gah san’ moyon ; Cheda kee zheetah yoo, Noosa, Uh pee nuh quashkoo non- Wee doo kuh we shin sub, Cheuh kuh wah beyon, Kuh yache uh nuh me ahyon, Wee permah de ze yon. NUIEIGUIHMOWIN 48. 8's & 6's. Anuſhmeahjig offahnemezewod. E. mahjah yook, wah jee we yaig, Ojah ne main duh mo win ing, Kayah be a yah yaig: Wane bik suh wºuh main duh mook, Wajah ne me ego ya goon, Neegon che 'nah be yaig. 2 Ishpeming suh, enah be yook, Ain dah wod kah nebwah kah jig; Quuh mahjewuh ne ne; Keche tabwa yain duh mo win, Monoo oning wee guhne yook, Che oom be shkahyaig dush. 3 Ke dooge mah menon Jesus, Oonje ko duh gee goo yung, 82 BELIEVERS SUFFERING. And by his side sit down: To patient faith the prize is sure; And all that to the end endure The cross, shall wear the crown. 4 Thrice blessed, bliss-inspiring hope It lifts the fainting spirits up; It brings to life the dead: Our conflicts here shall soon be past, And you and I ascend at last, Triumphant with our Head. 5 That great mysterious Deity We soon with open face shall see; The beatific sight ſpraise, Shall fill heaven's sounding courts with And wide diffuse the golden blaze Of everlasting light. 6. The Father shining on his throne, The glorious co-eternal Son, The Spirit, one and seven, Conspire our rapture to complete; And, lo! we fall before his feet, And silence heightens heaven. 7 In hope of that ecstatic pause, Jesus, we now sustain the cross, And at thy footstool fall; Till thou our hidden life reveal, Till thou our ravish’d spirits fill, And God is All in All! BELIEVERS SUFFERING- 83 Ke guh wah buh mah non; Kuh ke nuh mashkuh wain dung ig. Tuh mee nah wug wee wuh quah nun Pa she gain dah gwuh kin. Keche wee dookah ga muh gud, Mon duh puh gwe sain duh mo win; Nwah je mo e go yung; - Wuh yee buh suh ke guhe shquah, Mago skah dain dah minuh keeng, Che 'zhah yungish perming. Ka gait go ke chee Mune doo, Min zhe shuh 'guh mah buh monon; Kache quuh mahje wid! Tuh ke cheme nwa wa muh gud, Kemah moo yuh wa wine non, Wah sayah ze winging. Wa yoose mind, Wagwe semind, Kuh ya Pah ne zid Oje chog, Ke guh wah buh mon on ; Ke guh moo je gain dahmin dush, Wah buh mung we gemah wuh bid, Kah gega Mune doo. Mee ewh weeda duh gwe she nong, Wain je puh gwe same moshong, Zhuh guh shkeetah goo yun; Pah mahºning uh wah bundah non Ewhka mooshkenashkah go yong Ke Muni e doo we win. 84 BELIEVERS TRUSTING IN GOD. Believers Trusting in God. HYMN 49, 7's, 6's, & 1-8. AIN, delusive world, adieu, With all of creature-good! Only Jesus I pursue, Who bought me with his blood All thy pleasures I forego, I trample on thy wealth and pride, Only Jesus will I know, And Jesus crucified. 2. Other knowledge I disdain, 'Tis all but vanity; Christ, the Lamb of God, was slain, He tasted death for me. Me to save from endless woe The sin-atoning Victim died: Only Jesus will I know, And Jesus crucified. 3 Turning to my rest again, The Saviour I adore; He relieves my grief and pain, And bids me weep no more. Rivers of salvation flow From out his head, his hands, his side: Only Jesus will I know, And Jesus crucified. 4 Here will I set up my rest, My fluctuating heart From the haven of his breast Shall never more depart. BELIEVERS TRUSTING IN GOD. 85 Anumeahjig whoanemowod Kezha Munedoom. NUHGUHMOWIN 49, 7's, 6's & 1-8. UH ne squa ze we ne shun, Nim buh ka we doo nun Mee a tuh go owh Jesus, Ka wee noo penuh nug, Waya zhing a muh guh kin, Kuh ke nuh newa be nah nun; Mee a tuh go owh Jesus, Ka weeke ka ne mug. 2 Kaween ka goopa kah nuk, Ne weeke kain duh zeen; Mee a tuh go owh Jesus, Kah be de bo tuh wid. Chego duh geze se won, Kee be oon je na owh Jesus; Mee a tuh go owh Jesus, Ka weeke kane mug. 3 Kuhgatin nah ze kuh mon, Ewh nin duh nwa be win; Kahmoo je moid min dig, “Kago ween muh we kain.” Nooje moe wa win un, Jesus oong oon jeje wuh noon: Mee a tuh go owh Jesus, Ka weeke kane mug. 4 O zhuh wain je ga wining, Ning uhuh toon minda; Kah weekah dush mee nuh wah Ning uh nuh guhnah see. 86 BELIEVERS TRUSTING IN GOD. Whither should a sinner go His wounds for me stand open wide: Only Jesus will I know, And Jesus crucified. HYMN 50. L. M. Jºãº my all, to heaven is gone; He whom I fix my hopes upon: His track I see, and I’ll pursue The narrow way, till him I view. The way the holy prophets went, The road that leads from banishment; The King's highway of holiness I'll go, for all his paths are peace. This is the way I long have sought, And mourn’d because I found it not : My grief a burden long has been, Because I was not saved from sin. The more I strove against its power, I felt its weight and guilt the more; Till late I heard my Saviour say, * Come hither, soul, I AM THE way.” Lol glad I come, and thou, blest Lamb, Shalt take me to thee, whose I am; Nothing but sin have I to give, Nothing but love shall I receive. Then will I tell to sinners round. What a dear Saviour I have found; I'll point to thy redeeming blood. And say, “Behold the way to God!" BELIEVERS TRUSTING IN GOD. 87 Wa main ka e zhah shom bon" Meegee neen owh kah mesquee wid; Mee a tuh go owh Jesus, Ka weeke kane mug. NUBIGUIHMOWIN 50. L. M. E SUSish perming ka e zhod, Mee suh owh a pane moyon Newah bun don kah neezhod, Kuhyaneen ka neezhah yon. Kahne zhah wod, kahn ºbwah kah jig, Kee kons quuhyuk a nun monig. Kuh yaneen kamah duh uh dooyon, Meekonska che zhuh wain dah gwuk. Mee sun owh ka muh na ze yon, Kahoonje ke de mahgºe shon: Kee kane muh se wug mah buh Kezha Mune doo Ogwe sun. Kenwainzh dushkuh gee bengwayon, ºr Aish kum ning eeke demah gis; Noo muhyuh dushnah pejee nug, Ningee be zhuh wane megoo, Newuh we zhain dumpezhah yon, Cheo dah pene yun dush keen Wah suhnin duh puh gedah nun, Ning uh geebah de ze win nun. a demah geze jig min ze. Ning uh ban bah ween duh muh wog, Cheme kuh wa woº Koose non, Ninguhe ºne noo un muh woºl º 88 TRAVELLING BY WATER. HYMN 51. C. M. OD moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform; He plants his footsteps in the sea, And rides upon the storm. Deep in unfathomable mines Of never-failing skill, He treasures up his bright designs, And works his sovereign will. 2 Ye fearful saints fresh courage take The clouds ye so much dread Are big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head. Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, But trust him for his grace; Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face His purposes will ripen fast, Unfolding every hour; The bud may have a bitter taste, But sweet will be the flower. Blind unbelief is sure to err, And scan his work in vain: God is his own Interpreter, And he will make it plain. Travelling by Water. HYMN 52, 7's. Lº whom winds and seas obey, Guide us through the watery way; TRAVELLING BY WATER. NUBIGUELIMOWIN 51. C. M. M". e doo a yezheche gaid, IMI Muh mon dah wuh kuh mig: Keche guh meeng puh bah mosa. Mamong a shkah ne gin. Kache demee muh guh de me, Ewh one bywah kah win; Ah pe jeogwuh yuh quain don Ka zhe wee dookah gaid. 2 Kee nuh wah suh quatah je yaig, Muh shkuh wain duh moyook; Tuh wa bah sinewhah nuh quood, Nah skah je ego yaig. Kah ween enain dah go ze see, Oowh a zhe uh yah shung; Kewee me no doo dah go wah, Sa nuh go zeya goon. Wuh yee buh tuh e zhe chega, Mon duh a ye main dung; Kuh ke nuh chewee shko be tood, Mahmin wah suh gung in. Netah bahtahe wa muh gud, Ah go nwah tuh mo win; Ka gait dush ween go tuh tabwa Mune doo a kee dood. Wahbemeshkongin. NUHGUHMOWIN 52. 7's. Tº baming a monoosuh, Kuh nuh wane me she nom; 90 PRAYING FOR FULL REDEMPTION: In the hollow of thy hand Hide, and bring us safe to land. Jesus, let our faithful mind Rest, on thee alone reclined; Every anxious thought repress, Keep our souls in perfect peace. Keep the souls whom now we leave, Bid them to each other cleave; Bid them walk on life's rough sea; Bid them come by faith to thee. 4 Save, till all these tempests end, All who on thy love depend; Waft our happy spirits o'er; Land us on the heavenly shore. Praying for Full Redemption. HYMN 53. C. M. FOR a heart to praise my God, A heart from sin set free A heart that always feels thy blood So freely spilt for me! 2 A heart, resigned, submissive, meek, My great Redeemer's throne; Where only Christ is heard to speak, Where Jesus reigns alone. 3. A humble, lowly, contrite heart, Believing, true, and clean; Which neither life no death can part From Him that dwells within. PRAYING FOR FULL REDEMPTION 91 Kauh peech peme shkah yong Nuh nonzh goche gah bah shong. 2 Jesus mono keen a tuh, Ning uhuh pane mo min; Cheza geze sewong dush Nameezah ne ze yong in. 3 Kuh nuh wane mah shin sub Noon goom naguh nunge jig; Monoo tuh gezhee kah wug, Cheme noo penuhine quah. 4. Wee doo kuh we she nom ko Gwa tah me gwah ne muh kin; Chebuh guh mah she yong dush, A nah she yong ish peming. Aindoduhmahgang in keche peenezewin. NUHGUHMOWIN 53. C. M. Huh pagish nahmin daing, Moo je geze yom bon, Tookeda a shkah go yom bon, Ewh Jesus Ome squeem 2 Pagish mee nuh ge bun ninda, Kah nuh non duh we id! Jesus a tuh che noon duh wug E. mahka duh nuh bit 3 Ohuh pagish uhyah mom bon Kache peen uko da Puhka we nah sewuh ge bun - Wahjee wid minda ing. 92 PRAYING FOR FULL REDEMPTION. 4. A heart in every thought renew’d, And full of love divine; Perfect, and right, and pure, and good, A copy, Lord, of thine. 5 Thy tender heart is still the same, And melts at human woe; Jesus for thee distress'd I am, I want thy love to know. HYMN 54. L. M. THAT my load of sin were gone! O that I could at last submit At Jesu's feet to lay it down, To lay my soul at Jesu's feet! 2. Rest for my soul Ilong to find: Saviour of all, if mine thou art, Give me thy meek and lowly mind, And stamp thine image on my heart. 3 Break off the yoke of inbred sin, And fully set my spirit free: I cannot rest till pure within, Till I am wholly lost in thee. 4 Fain would I learn of thee, my God; Thy light and easy burden prove, The cross all stained with hallow'd blood, The labour of thy dying love. 5 I would, but thou must give the power; My heart from every sin release; Bring near, bring near, the joyful hour, And fill me with thy perfect peace. PRAYING FOR FULL REDEMPTION. 93 Mooshkenage bun ninda ing, Kezah gee de win; Kege shkuh mom bon kuh ke nuh Ke de main duh mo win. Kayah be ke de zhe da a, Chezhuh wane me yong: Oh Jesus, ne nun duh wain don, Chege kane me non! NUIHGUIHMOWIN 54. L. M. Huh pagish, mahjah muh guk, Mon duh nimbah tah ze win ish, Kuh shke too yom bono ze tong Jesus che duh na ne mo shon! Cheuh nwa bid suh ninje chog Nin de zhe un duh wane moosh; Monoo meenzhe shin ninda ing, Ke de main dah go ze win un, Puh quah ko be duh muh we shin, Ning uh gee bah de ze win un; Kah ween nindah uh nwa be see, Keesh pin zhuh wane mese wun. Keche Mune doomee uh nooj, Weege ke nuh wah buh me non; Chenepe me negah duh mon, Ah zhe da yah tigma squee wung. Wee doo-kuh we yun sun a tuh, Nin dahoonje pee meda as Pee doon, pedoon, wane zhe shing, Keche bah pemain duh movin. 94. PRAYING FOR FULL REDEMPTION. 6 Come, Lord, the drooping sinner cheer, Nor let thy chariot wheels delay: Appear, in my poor heart appear! My God, my Saviour, come away! HYMN 55. C. M. OME, O my God, the promise seal, This mountain, sin, remove : Now in my gasping soul reveal The virtue of thy love. 2 I want thy life, thy purity, Thy righteousness, brought in: I ask, desire, and trust in thee, To be redeem'd from sin. 3 For this, as taught by thee, I pray, And can no longer doubt: Remove from hence to sin I say: Becast this moment out! 4 Anger and sloth, desire and pride, This moment be subdued; Be cast into the crimson tide Of my Redeemer's blood. 5 Saviour, to thee my soul looks up, My present Saviour, thou! In all the confidence of hope, I claim the blessing now. 6 Tis done: thou dost this moment save, With full salvation bless; Redemption through thy blood I have, And spotless love and peace. PRAYING FOR FULL REDEMPTION. 95 Oon dahshon suh, Nin dooge mom, Zhuh wa nim, ka de mah gezid; Penah go zin sub minda ing, Wa weeb pezhuh wa meme shin! NUIHGUHMOWIN 55. C. M. ON dahshon, Oh ue Mune doom, Pezhuh wane me shin; Monoo uhtoon ninje chah goong, Keme nwaning a win. Peeneze win, newee uh yon, Kuh ya nebwa kah win; Cheah peje pee ne ze yon, Kebuh gwe same min. Ke de zhe un do duh moon suh, Ewhkah e ke do yun; “Mahjon sub moong oom,” nin de don, Ewh pah tah ze win ish; “Muh jee main duh mo win un Kuh ke nuh mahjah yook; Wabah bo go yook suhe mah Jesus ome squee ming.” Jesus, kebuh gwe sah buh mig, Wowh ninje chog, noong oom! Nin da bywayain dum sun noong oom, Chezhuh wane me yun! Meego ka gait noong oom ahzhe, Bee moo je moeyun; Keme squee ming sunnin doonje, Keche zhuh wain dah gooz. 96 PRAYING For FULL REDEMPTIon. 2 HYMN 56. C. M. ET Him to whom we now belong His sovereign right assert, And take up every thankful song, And every loving heart. He justly claims us for his own, Who brought us with a price; The Christian lives to Christ alone, To Christ alone he dies! Jesus, thine own at last receive, Fulfil our hearts' desire, And let us to thy glory live, And in thy cause expire. Our souls and bodies we resign; With joy we render thee Our all, no longer ours, but thine To all etermity. HYMN 57, 4–8's & 2-6's. LOVE Divine, how sweet thou art! When shall I find my willing heart All taken up by thee! I thirst, I faint, I die to prove The greatness of redeeming Love, The love of Christ to me! Stronger his love than death or hell; Its riches are unsearchable: The first-born sons of light PRAYING FOR FULL REDEMPTION, 97 NUHGUIHMOWIN 56. C. M. Mº oo owh Tabane me nung, Tuho dah penega, Ain duh ching ke da e nah nin, Ween go che de bain dung. 2. Ween ke de bane me go non, Ke keesh penuh ne nung; Jesus oon ge zhe mahjee ge, Mah buh. A nuh me od. 3 Jesus, um bao dah penun, Puh mee nee goo yuh nin, Cheme no nuh wa e goo yun, Kauh kona sa shong. 4 Kebuh ge de nuh mah goo suh Ninje chah go nah ming, Keen dush che debane me yong, Uh puh na kah gening. NUHGUIHMOWIN 57, 4–8's & 2-6's. Hke che zah gee de win Ah neen uh pemon duh minda, Kaweejee we go yun! Kuga tin ne nun duh wain don, Jesus 0 me nwaning a win, Ka be zhuh wane mid. 2 O zah gee de win ka gait Muh shkuh we zee muh guh de ne; Wah sayong a yah jig, 98 SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. Desire in vain its depths to see; They cannot reach the mystery, The length, the breadth, and height. 3. God only knows the love of God; O that it now were shed abroad In this poor stony heart! For love I sigh, for love I pine: This only portion, Lord, be mine, Be mine this better part 4 O that I could for ever sit, With Mary at the Master's feet Be this my happy choice; My only care, delight, and bliss, My joy, my heaven on earth, be this, To hear the Bridegroom's voice 5 O that I could, with favour’d John, Recline my weary head upon The dear Redeemer's breast : From care, and sin, and sorrow free, Give me, O Lord, to find in thee My everlasting rest On the Spread of the Gospel. HYMN 58, 6–8’s. ORD over all, if thou hast made, Hast ransom'd, every soul of man,— Why is the grace so long delay'd Why unfulfill'd the saving plan" The bliss, for Adam's race designed, When will it reach to all mankind? SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 99 0 wee da ke kain dah nah wah, Wah suh dush noon de sa she wug, Wah gekain je ga jig. 3 Ween a tuh Keche Mune doo Ogwuh yuh quain don, Mune doo A zhe zhuh wain je gaid Mee goewh zah gee de win, Kache puh gwe same me shon, Wee mee nego ze yon 4. Oh up pagish nah kah genig, Mary we duh be muh ge bun, Mah Jesus o ze dong Kauh peech tuh nuh kee wah man, Omah uh keeng che moo je ge Pezin duh wuh ge bun 5 Oh 'pagish kuh shke too yom bon, O kah ke guh nong owh Jesus, Che ene qua she non: Kee shquah o jah ne me ze shon, Meenzhe she kun sub kah gega Keche uh nwa be win Chemahjeeshkahmuhgukewhlſenwahjemowin NUEIGUHMOWIN 58, 6–6's. Tº baning a yunkuh ke nuh, Kegee be keezhee kuh mahºga- Ah neesh ween nah dush pase kog, Mon duh ke shuh wain je ga win? Ah nuh peelee doog kuh ke nuh, Kazhuh wain dah go ze wah gwain 100 SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 2 Art thou the God of Jews alone, And not the God of Gentiles too ! To Gentiles make thy goodness known; Thy judgments to the nations show ; Awake them by the Gospel call: Light of the world, illumine all! 3 The servile progeny of Ham Seize, as the purchase of thy blood; Let all the heathens know thy name; From idols to the living God The dark Americans convert ; And shine in every pagan heart 4. As lightning launched from east to west, The coming of thy kingdom be; To thee, by angel hosts confest, Bow every soul and every knee; Thy glory let all flesh behold And then fill up thy heavenly fold. HYMN 59. C. M. Jº SU, the word of mercy give, And let it swiftly run; And let the priests themselves believe, And put salvation on. 2 Clothed with the Spirit of Holiness, May all thy people prove The plenitude of gospel grace, The joy of perfect love. spread of the gospel. 101 2 Menuh a tuh e gewh Jew yug, Ka o Mune doome me kig" Monoo suh go guhya tuh go, Zhuh wa nim mayuh geze jig; Monoo suh go wah sashkuh mowh, Min zeuh keeng a yah she jig. 3 Wa nee jah ne sejin owh Ham, Kuh ke nuh zhuh wane mah shin; Monoo Manze me meeka jig, Ke guh kuh nuh wah buh me goog Monoo tuh uh nuh me ahwug, Kuh ke muh Uh ne she nah baig. 4. A peeche be daig wah sayah, Tuhºe zhe ke Zhee kah muh gud : Mon duh ke dooge mah we win, Min ze dush che noon duh mowod! Ke be she gain dah go ze win, Min ze che wah bun duh mowod NUIHGUIHMOWIN 59. C. M. ESU, wa weeb suh meege wain, Kezhuh wain je ga win; Monoo tuh muh shkuh wain duh moog Pabah guh gee qua jig. 2 Tabane muh jig kuh ke muh Tuh peen eda a wug, Cheme shee nuh denig dushnah, Mooje gain duh mo win! 102 SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 3 Jesus, let all thy lovers shine Illustrious as the sun; And bright with borrowed rays divine, Their glorious circuit run: 4 Beyond the reach of mortals spread Their light where'er they go; And heavenly influences shed On all the world below. 5. As giants may they run their race, Exulting in their might; As burning luminaries, chase The gloom of hellish night: 6 As the bright Sun of Righteousness, Their healing wings display; And let their lustre still increase Unto the perfect day. HYMN 60. L. M. N all the earth thy spirit shower; The earth in righteouness renew ; Thy kingdom come, and hell's o'erpower, And to thy sceptre all subdue. 2. Like mighty winds, or torrents fierce, Let it opposers all o'errun; And every law of sin reverse That faith and love may make all one. 3 Yea, let thy Spirit in every place Its richer energy declare; While lovely tempers, fruits of grace, The kingdom of thy Christ prepare. SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 103 3 Jesus, Mon oo suh kuh ke nuh Kache zah gee kig; Keezis oong tuh puh bah e Zhe Wah sashkuh mah ga wug 4 Chebuh bah wah sayah ze wod, Min ze o mah uh keeng; Ishpeming tuh zhe uh ye een Che mah meege wa wod 5 Wain de goong, monoo tuh e Zhe Kotah megwee we wug : Che ne zhah goo je too wod dush Mon duh muh je de bik; 6 A zhe ke Zhee wah sayah zid, Keezis monoo mee ewh; Kuh yawee nuh wah ka ne zhe Wah wah sayah ze wod NUHGUHMOWIN 60, L. M. ON oo min zeo mahuh keeng, Meege wain mah buh Keje chog Kedooge mah we win dush nah Minze che neegah main dah gwuk 2 Quatah me gwah ne muh kin ko, Tuh nee zhe kuh wah she wug Kuh ke nuh shong a ne me kig, Nuh nonzh goche nebwah kah wod 3 Monoosuh min ze kuh ga tin, Tuh ween duh mahºga Keje chog; Chene wuh wa zhe tuh muh wind, Jesus odooge mah we win! 104 SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 2 2 Grant this, 0 holy God and true! The ancient Seers thou did'st inspire; To us perform the promise due ; Descend, and crown us now with fire! HYMN 61. L. M. O preach my Gospel, saith the Lord, Bid the whole world my grace receive; He shall be sav'd that trusts my word; He shall be damnºd that won’t believe. I'll make your great commission known, And ye shall prove my Gospel true, By all the works that I have done, By all the wonders ye shall do. Teach all the nations my commands; “I’m with you till the world shallend; All power is trusted in my hands, I can destroy, and I defend.” HYMN 62. S. M. OW beauteous are their feet Who stand on Sion's hill; Who bring salvation in their tongues, And words of peace reveal! How cheering is their voice, How sweet the tidings are “Sion, behold thy Saviour King; He reigns and triumphs here * How blessed are our ears That hear this joyful sound, SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 105 4. Oh Kezha Mune doo monoo, Pe wee doo kuh muh we she nom; Noong oom go pe meenzhe she nom Ewhka o de shko da meyong NUELGU HMOWIN 61. L. M. UH bah me nwa je moyook suh, Kee eke do Ta baning a ; Wagwain ka da bywatuh mogwain, Mee go owh kanoo je mo ind, 2. Ning uh puh bah wee doo kon suh Mon duh Nemenwah je mo win, Kahuh ye Zheche gayon suh, Ke guh neuh ye zhe che gain. 3 Ween duh mahºga yook go min ze, Mahmin ning uh gee qua win un; * Kah gening ke weejee we nim, Nuh nonzh go che’shquah uh kee kog.” NUIHGUIHMOWIN 62. S. M. M* ming kagee qua jig, Pewah sayah zewug Uh nuh me ah win pee doowod, Che bah peuain duh ming. 2 Ka gait ne me no tum Puh enah je mowod; Kuhnuh wah buh mik, Ogemah, Kache Ogemah, wid!” 3 Zhuh wain dah gwuh doom suh Ketuh wuhgah nahnin, 106 SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. Which kings and prophets waited for, And sought, but never found ! 4 How blessed are our eyes That see this heavenly light! Prophets and kings desired it long, But died without the sight. 5 The watchmen join their voice, And tuneful notes employ; Jerusalem breaks forth in songs, And deserts learn the joy. 6. The Lord makes bare his arm Through all the earth abroad: Let all the nations now behold Their Saviour and their God. HYMN 63. 7's. EE how great a flame aspires, Kindled by a spark of grace Jesu's love the nations fires, Sets the kingdoms in a blaze; To bring fire on earth he came : Kindled in some hearts it is : O that all might catch the flame, All partake the glorious bliss? When he first the work begun, Small and feeble was his day: Now the word doth swiftly run, Now it wins its widening way; More and more it spreads and grows, Ever mighty to prevail; 2 SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 107 Noon duh mung kata Oge mog Kahyun do tuh mo wod Zhuh wain duh gwuh doon sub Keshkeen zhego nah nin; Keo de sah buh duh mung dush Keche wah sayahz' win Pah penuhuh moog suh Kuh gee quawenen' wug ; Magwuhyah quong suh dush oonje Nuh qua uh muh wah wug. Kee dooge mah menon, Tuh zhe be ne ka ner Kuh ke nuh che mah wun doo nod O duh nesh' na ba mun. NUHGUIHMOWIN 63. 7's. NUH suh a nuh ko naig, Mon duh uh nuh me ah win Jesus o be skuh natoon, Minze kee wetah kuh mig. Cheo de shko dame yung Ke be oon je tuh gwe shin; Oh uh pagish kuh ke muh, Kezhe gain duh moh wah pun." Wuhyashkud owh a no keed, Kee pungee jee shuh gud ne; Noong oom dush min zeuh keeng, Oom bºwa shkah muh guh dene, Aish kum, uh ne mahjee ging Kotah megwee wee muh gud; 8 108 SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. Sin's strongholds it now o'erthrows, Shakes the trembling gates of hell. 3 Sons of God, your Saviour praise He the door hath open'd wide; He hath given the word of grace, Jesu's word is glorified: Jesus, mighty to redeem, He alone the work hath wrought; Worthy is the work of Him, Him who spake a world from nought. 4 Saw ye not the cloud arise, Little as a human hand Now it spreads along the skies, Hangs o'er all the thirsty land: Lo! the promise of a shower Drops already from above; But the Lord will shortly pour All the Spirit of his love! HYMN 64. L. M. ESUS shall reign where'er the sun Doth his successive journeys run , His kingdom spread from shore to shore, Tillmoons shall wax and wane no more. 2. From north to south the princes meet, To pay their homage at his feet; While western empires own their Lord, And savage tribes attend his word. SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 109 Uh he ingo shkah wun dush Muhje uh no kee we nun. Wa nee jah ne se me naig, Mah puh ke zha Mune doo; Mahmoo yuh wuh mik Jesus Kah be zhuh wane me yaig Jesus suh muh shkuh we zee, Wee nuh non duh wee waid; Kee muh mon dah we che ga Kee o zhe tood ewhuh kel Ke wah bundah nah wah nuh Ah nuh quuh dooms pah dah sing" Aish kum pe mung uh gooda, E. mah min zepangwuh keeng; Meego ah Zhe ye ka gait, Wee be puh guh me bee song; Tuh be ke chege me wun, Wa ne zhe shid Oje chog. NUHGUIHMOWIN 64. L. M. E SUS tuh o geºmah we we A nego koshkung owh keezis; O dooge mah we win min ze, Tu da be shkah muh guh dene. Kee wa de noong kuhya dush go, Shah wuh noong, peoon je bah wug; We gemah wejig kuh ke nuh, Wee be zhuh guh shkee tuh wah wod. Kuhya go a punge she moog, Wain je duh uh ne she nah baig; 110 SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 3 For him shall endless prayer be made, And praises throng to crown his head; His name like sweet perfume shall rise With every morning sacrifice. 4 People and realms of every tongue Dwell on his love with sweetest song, And infant voices shall proclaim Their young Hosannas to his name. HYMN 65. L. M. ROM all that dwell below the skies, Let the Creator's praise arise; Let the Redeemer's name be sung, Through every land, by every tongue. 2 Eternal are thy mercies, Lord; Eternal truth attends thy word: Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore, Till suns shall rise and set no more. 3 Your lofty themes, ye mortals, bring; In songs of praise divinely sing: The great salvation loud proclaim, And shout for joy the Saviour's name. 4 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow, Praise him all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 111 O guhun do dah nah wah evh Koo see non o de ke do win. Mee owh kah buh gwe same mind, Kuh yaka moh moo yuh wuh mind; O de zhe ne kah zo win e, Tuhoom be shkah muh guh de me. Uh nooja nwa jig, kuh ke nuh, O guh nuh kuh motuh wah won, Kuh ya go uh be moojeih yug Tuh nuh quauh mahºga she wug. NUHGUIHMOWIN 65. L. M. Kº: ke muhuh keeng a yah jig, Tuh mah mooyuhwuh gain duh moog, Chenuh nuh guh motuh wah wod Kah gee zhee guh mah go wahjin. Kah genig tabwa muh guh doon, Mahmin ke de ke do win un; Tuh muh dwa noon dah go zewug Minze kah mah moo yuh wa jig. O name gwain duh moyook suh, Keenuh wah na guh motuh waig; Kuh gah tin suhite pahje mik, Mah buh Kahnoo je moe naig, Mahmoo yºu wuh mahdah mah buh Wain je zhuh wain dah go zeyung; Wa yoose mind, wagwe semind, Kuhya Pahnezid Oje chog 112 CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. HYMN 66. S. M. O bless thy chosen race, In mercy, Lord, incline, And cause the brightness of thy face On all thy saints to shine. 2 That so thy wond’rous way May through the world be known; Whilst distant worlds their tribute pay, And thy salvation own. 3 Let diffring nations join To celebrate thy fame; Let all the world, O Lord, combine To praise thy glorious name. 4 O let them shout and sing With joy and pious mirth For thou, the righteous Judge and King Shalt govern all the earth. 5 Let diffring nations join To celebrate thy fame; Let all the world, O Lord, combine To praise thy glorious name. Christian Fellowship. HYMN 67. S. M. ND are we yet alive, A. And see each other's face? * Glory and praise to Jesus give For his redeeming grace! CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. 113 NUHGUIHMOWIN 66. S. M. A baning a monoo, Zhuh wane me nom, Pewah sayah shkuh mowh uh keeng, A nuh me ah she jig. Mee dush nah ka oonje Kekane me goo yun; Min ze che zhuh guh shkee too quah, Ka da bywayain dung ig. Mon oo suh kuh ke nuh Uh nooj go a nwa jig; Tuh wah wee doo kodah de wug Cheme nwa je me quah. Oh! e nuh shka monoo Tuh moo je geze wug; Keen mah ween ke debane mog Uh keeng a yah she jig. Monoo suh kuh ke nuh Uh nooj go a nwajig; Tuh wah wee doo kodah de wug Che menwah je me quah. Anuſhmeahwine weejekwadhyedewin, NUHGUHMOWIN 67. s. m. EE nuh wah nin go ding, Kewah bun de she min; Mahmoo yuh wºuh mahdah Jesus, Kahzhuh wane me nung! 114 CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. Preserved by power divine To full salvation here, Again in Jesu's praise we join, And in his sight appear. 2. What troubles have we seen, What conflicts have we past, Fightings without, and fears within, Since we assembled last ! But out of all the Lord Hath brought us by his love; And he doth his help afford, And hides our life above. 3 Then let us make our boast, Of his redeeming power, Which saves us to the uttermost, Till we can sin no more : Let us take up the cross, Till we the crown obtain; And gladly reckon all things loss, So we may Jesus gain. HYMN 68. C. M. RY us, O God, and search the ground Of every sinful heart; Whateer of sin in us is found, O bid it all depart 2. When to the right or left we stray, Leave us not comfortless; But guide our feet into the way Of everlasting peace - CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. 115 Omuh shkuh we zee win, Keemah mee ne goo yung; Ke doonje wah bun de she min, Nuh qua uh mah de shung. Min zuh kuh me e new h Ah ne me ze win un; Kah be wah wah bun duh mungoon, Kee be kah kee zheguk Zhuh wane me nung dush, Mahbuh Ta baning a, Kegee be wee dookah go non, Nuh nonzh dush go noong oom, Uh pane moh dah suh, O wee dookah ga win; Kahne noo je mo e go yung, Wuh ween gah kuh ke muh; O. dah penundah suh, Ewhah zhe da yah tig; Chenoo penuh nung dush Jesus E. we de kahe Zhod. NUIHGUIHMOWIN 68. C. M. H kezha Mune doo, keesh pin Pahtah ze wine shun Makuh mowuh man minda nong, Sahge jewa be nun. A newuh ne she nong in ko, Ween duh muh we she nom; Uh neezhe we zhe she nom Wa ne zhe shing meekons 116 CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. 3. 2 Help us to help each other, Lord, Each other's cross to bear; Let each his friendly aid afford, And feel his brother's care. Help us to build each other up, Our little stock improve; Increase our faith, confirm our hope, And perfect us in love. Up into thee our living Head, Let us in all things grow, Till thou hast made us free indeed, And spotless here below. Then, when the mighty work is wrought, Receive thy ready bride: Give usin heaven a happy lot With all the sanctified. For Love Feast. HYMN 69, 7's. OME, and let us sweetly join, Christ to praise in hymns divine ! Give we all, with one accord, Glory to our common Lord ; Hands, and hearts, and voices raise; Sing as in the ancient days; Antedate the joys above; Celebrate the feast of love. Strive we, in affection strive: Let the purer flame revive, CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. 117 3 Wee doo kuh we she nom Jesus, Chezah gee de yong; Chee newee doo koda de yong Ishpeming ezhah shong 4 Monoo we doo kuh we she nom, Chezhuh wane de yong; Ah peje dush go wuh ween ga, Cheme nwane de yong 5 Ke de main dah go ze win ing, Ning uh mahjee gemin; Che wuh ween ga bee ne zeyong, Keezhah o mahuh keeng 6 Uh pee kee shquah uh no kee yong, Odah pene shee kong; Che wee duh be mung edwah dush Ishpeming a yah jig For Love Feast. NUHGUIHMOWIN 69, 7's. EE doo kokah de dah suh, Kuh ke muhain duh che yung, Chenuh nuh guh motuh wung, Jesusta bane me nung Shee be me katuh wahdah, Magwah wee doo pun de yung; Keke nuh wah je too yºung, Mon duh zah gee de win. 2 Ong wah meze she da suh, Chene me nwane de yºung; 118 CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. Such as in the martyrs glow’d, Dying champions for their God: We, like them, may live and love; Called we are their joys to prove, Saved with them from future wrath, Partners of like precious faith. Sing we then in Jesu's name, Now as yesterday the same; One in every time and place, Full for all of truth and grace: We, for Christ, our Master, stand, Lights in a benighted land: We our dying Lord confess; We are Jesu’s witnesses. Witnesses that Christ hath died, We with him are crucified; Christ hath burst the bands of death; We his quickºning Spirit breathe: Christ is now gone up on high; Thither all our wishes fly: Sits at God's right hand above: There with him we reign in love! HYMN 70. C. M. LEST be the dear uniting love, B That will not let us part: Our bodies may far of remove, We still are one in heart. Join’d in one spirit to our Head, Where he appoints we go; And still in Jesu's footsteps tread, And show his praise below. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. 119 Che ish koda wung dushnah, Mahmin keda e nah nin: Kah 'zhe zah gee de wod, Netum kah nebwah nah jig; Mee ewh kuh ya kee nuh wind, Ka 'zhe da a yung o bun. O de zhe ne kah zo win, Jesus nuh nuh guh mo dah; Mesuh mab buh kah gening, Min ze wah zhuh waning aid: Kee puh zegwee tuh wung dush, Kewah sashkah non uh ke; Ke duh pane mo min sun, Jesus kah ne bo too nung. Keween duh mah de min sub, Keezhuh wain dah go zee yung: Kee be nee se nuh moonung, Mon duh pemah de ze win: Jesus, pagwe same mung, Noong oom ish peming uh yah; Meegoe we de kee zhah, Ain duh zhe wee duh be be mung NUIHGUIHMOWIN 70. C. M. K* gait ke chee one she shin, Ewh zah gee de yung Kemenwain dah min kah genig, Chewah wah buh de shung. Keba zhego ego non mah Kenee gah nee menon; Kahnee Zhod dush owh Jesus, Ke duh neezah min. 120 CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. 3 O may we ever walk in him, And nothing know beside; Nothing desire, nothing esteem, But Jesus crucified. 4. Closer and closer let us cleave To his beloved embrace; Expect his fulness to receive, And grace to answer grace. 5 Partakers of the Saviour's grace, The same in mind and heart, Nor joy, nor grief, nor time, nor place, Nor life, nor death can part. 6 Butlet us hasten to the day, Which shall our flesh restore, When death shall all be done away, And bodies part no more HYMN 71. C. M. OD of all consolation take The glory of thy grace! Thy gifts to thee we render back In ceaseless songs of praise. O that will be joyful, be joyful, be joyful; O that will be joyful, To meet to part no more; To meet to part no more On Canaan's happy shore, And sing hallelujah with them that are gone before. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. 121 Oh monookah genig, Ke guh weejee wah non; Ween dush che neegah na ne mung, Jesus kah uh goo mind! Monoo suh pashwa ne mahdah, Owh zah yah gee nung; Noong oom ning uh zhuh wane mig E na ne mahdah suh ! Kee meene goo yung dush Jesus Ozhuh wain je ga win; Kah ween dush mee nuh wah de kah Puh ka we nah see non- Monoosuh wa wee be tah dah, Cheda keezheetah yung; Che wah bun de yung kah gega, Pemah de ze win ing! NUIHGUHMOWIN 71. C. M. Eno Mune doo kuh ke nuh, Wain je me no uh yong Kemah moo yuh wuh mee goo suh Keezhuh wane me yong. Oh! tuhonah negwud; uhpuhina, kah genig, Oh! tuh o nah negwud, Keenuh quashko dah ding, Ewe deish peming, Chenuh qua uh muh wung wah, kah nee gon mahjah jig. 122 ON DEATH. 2 Our life is hid with Christ in God; Our Life shall soon appear, And shed his glory all abroad, In all his members here. 3 Our souls are in his mighty hand, And he shall keep them still; And you and I shall surely stand With him on Zion's hill! 4 Him eye to eye we there shall see; Our face like his shall shine: O what a glorious company, When saints and angels join 5 O what a joyful meeting there ! In robes of white arrayed, Palms in our hands we all shall bear, And crowns upon our head. 6. Then let us lawfully contend, And fight our passage through; Bear in our faithful minds the end, And keep the prize in view. On Death. HYMN 72. C. M. GOD ! our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home: 2 Under the shadow of thy throne, Still may we dwell secure; ON DEATH. 123 2. Kegah ne goo min suh Jesus O de noozo win ing, Pah mah dush o guh be nah non, Ta bane mah she jin. - O guh nuh wane mon Jesus, Keje chah go nah nin; Cheda duh gwe she min ung dush, E we deish peming Ke guh wah buh mah non dush go, A zhe wah sayeeng waid; Oh tuh go tah negwee no wug, Kawah sayah ze jig Oh o nah negwah duh kuh mig, Chenuh quashko dah ding Kache pe she gain dah gwuh kin Ke guh uh gwenah nin. Ong wah meze dah suh dush nah, Cheda duh gwe she nung; Kah genig suhenah be dah, E we de a zhah yung. Nebowºn. NUIHGUIHMOWIN 72. C. M. H. Kezha Mune doo! kah be Wah wee doo kuh we yong, Keen suhnin duh pane mo min, Nee gone nah ye yong. 2 Ke guh nuh wain je ga win ing, Ning uh wah nuh kee min; 9 124 ON DEATH. Sufficient is thine arm alone, And our defence is sure. Before the hills in order stood, Or earth received her frame, From everlasting thou art God, To endless years the same. A thousand ages in thy sight, Are like an evening gone; Short as the watch that ends the night, Before the rising sun. The busy tribes of flesh and blood, With all their cares and fears, Are carried downward by the flood, And lost in following years. Time, like an ever-rolling stream, Bears all its sons away; They fly forgotten, as a dream Dies at the opening day. O God! our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come; Be thou our guard while life shall last, And our perpetual home. HYMN 73, C. M. Wº. do we mourn departing friends, Or shake at death's alarms." Tis but the voice that Jesus sends, To call them to his arms. ON DEATH. - 125 Muh shkuh we Zee muh gud kenik, Ka wee dookah go yong. Che bºwah uh yog mon duh uh ke, Kuh yut kegee uh yah, Mee dush go uh puh na nee gon Che Mune doo we yun. Medah swok shu ke kah we nun, Kahge be koo sagin; - Te be shkoo go ning ode bik Ke duh petain dah unn. Kuh ke nuh pamah de ze jig, O monge zhe uh keeng; Tuh neuh peech kuh we sawug, Chene ne bo she wod. Te be shkoo na she boomoong in, E main dah go ze wug; Kahne pe shquah buh min dwah nin, Wuh na nemah she wug. Oh ke zha Mune doo! kah be, Wah we doo kuh we yong; Kuh nuh wane me she nom suh Kauh ko nasa shong. NUHGUIHMOWIN 73. c. M. Hineesh ween nah muh we mung wah, Mahmig nabo she jig" Jesus suh ween onun do mon Wah o dah penah jin. 126 ON DEATH. 2 The graves of all his saints be bless'd, And soften’d every bed: Where should the dying members rest, But with their dying head? Thence he arose, ascending high, And show'd our feet the way: Up to the Lord our flesh shall fly, At the great rising-day. Then let the last loud trumpet sound, And bid our kindred rise; Awake, ye nations underground; Ye saints, ascend the skies. HYMN 74. S. M. ND must this body die? This well wrought frame decay? And must these active limbs of mine Lie mouldering in the clay! Corruption, earth, and worms Shall but refine this flesh; Till my triumphant spirit comes To put it on afresh. God, my Redeemer, lives, And ever from the skies Looks down, and watches all my dust, Till he shall bid it rise. Array'd in glorious grace Shall these vile bodies shine; And every shape and every face Be heavenly and divine. ON DEATH. 127 2 Ogee be zhuh wain duh muh won, A nuh me ah me jin, Cheuh nwa be mid dush e mah O whane kah newong. 3 Kah e zhe ah be jee bod dush, Ishpeming kee e Zhod; Mee goewhkuh ya kee nuh wind. Ka Zhe one shkah yung. 4 Mon oo tuh go tah megwa was Ewhke che be begwun; “Koshko ze yook, na bywah kah yaig, Ishpeming e zhah yook.” NUELGUIHMOWIN 74. S.M. UH me boo muh gud nuh, Nee yowh, che buhnah duk" Ning uhuh gwah goguh mashin; E nuh o man uh keeng" 2 Mee goewhºne bo win, Kabee ne ego yon; Pedub gwe shing dush ninje chog, Ning uh be onje ig. 3 Ninge zha Mune doom, Ning uh nuh wane mig; Uh kuh wah bun dung dush monduh Newee yuh guh saihyem. 4 Tuh gwuh mahjewuh noon, Mahmin wee yuh we shun; Tuhke che sun wah sayah wun, Ewe deish peming. 128 ON DEATH. 2 These lively hopes we owe, Lord, to thy dying love: O may we bless thy grace below, And sing thy power above Saviour, accept the praise Of these our humble songs, Till tunes of nobler sound we raise With our immortal tongues. HYMN 75. C. M. ND let this feeble body fail, And let it droop and die; My soul shall quit the mournful vale, And soar to worlds on high; Shall join the disembodied saints, And find its long-sought rest, (That only bless for which it pants,) In my Redeemer's breast. In hope of that immortal crown, I now the cross sustain, And gladly wander up and down, And smile at toil and pain: I suffer out my three-score years, Till my Deliverer come, And wipe away his servant's tears, And take his exile home. O what hath Jesus bought for me! Before my ravish'd eyes Rivers of life divine I see, And trees of paradise: They flourish in perpetual bloom, Fruit every month they give; ON DEATH. 129 Keene botuh we yong, Keche mee gwaich Jesus; Oh monoo uh keenguhyah yong, Guh moo je geze min Jesus, odah penun, Na nuh guh moshong in ; Nun nonzh go che nuh guh moyong, Ka cheme nwa gagin. NUHGUH Mowſ N 75, c. M. ON oo tuh puh nah dud ne yowh, Chee squah pemah duk; Ninje chog ning uh nuh guh nig, 1sh peming chee zhod: Che we wee duh be mode new h Kane bywah kah me jin; Kuh yaween cheme kung mon duh, Ke che uh nwa be win. Kahge gape mah de ze win, Puh gwe same mo yon: Wain duh go ne zhoo meeng waton, Wee sub gena ze win: Nim bee ah suh ka be nah zhid, Kee e squah na sayon Kahuh gah see ze beeng wa wod, O buh meetah guh nun. Oh penuh suh mah min Jesus, Wuhyah bun duh ejin Pemah de ze wine see been, Newah bundah e goosh! Newah bub mog o je chah gwug, Wuhyah sayah Zejig 130 - ON DEATH. 4. 2 And to the healing leaves who come Eternally shall live. O what are all my sufferings here, If, Lord, thou count me meet With that enraptur'd host to appear, And worship at thy feet! Give joy or grief, give ease or pain, Take life or friends away: I come to find them all again In that eternal day. HYMN 76. C. M. ARK from the tombs a doleful sound, My ears attend the cry; “Ye living men, come view the ground Where you must shortly lie. “Princes, this clay must be your bed, In spite of all your towers; The tall, the wise, the reverend head, Shall lie as low as ours.” Great God! Is this our certain doom And are we still secure Still walking downward to the tomb, And yet prepard no more! Grant us the power of quickºning grace, To fit our souls to fly; Then, when we drop this dying flesh, We'll rise above the sky. ON DEATH. - 131 Pe she gain dah gwuh de newun, E newh a gwee wah jin. Oh, Ta baning a keesh pin suh Enah ne me wuh man, Che weejee wuh gwah ish peming Kah nuh wah buh me kigºl Mon ooke dah o dah pe nog A nuh wa mah shuh gig : Monoo dush ning uh me kuh wog, Kuh ke nuh wa sayong. NUHGUIHMOWIN 76. C. M. MTUH ewh cheeba guh mig muh dwa, Nuh nee nuh we tah gwud: “Pe wah bun duh mook ewh pah mah Chezhuh zhing e she naig, “O gemah doog, wah begun ing Ke guh zhing e she noom ; A zhe tuh puh se qua she nong, Guhe nequa she noom.” Keche Mune doo! ka gait nuh Mee mon duh ka de shong Jeeba gun me goong kuh ke nuh Enah wuh ne de shong Monoosuh dush meen Zhe she nom Kewee dookah ga win; Uh peedushish quah nasa Yong, Ninguhoom be shkah min. 132 EASTER. Resurrection. HYMN 77. L. M. E dies the Friend of sinners dies Lo! Salem's daughters weep around ! A solemn darkness veils the skies; A sudden trembling shakes the ground: Come, saints, and drop a tear or two On the dear bosom of your God: He shed a thousand drops for you, A thousand drops of richer blood. 2 Here's love and grief beyond degree; The Lord of glory dies for man! But lo! what sudden joys I see Jesus, the dead, revives again! The rising God forsakes the tomb; The tomb in vain forbids his rise Cherubic legions guard him home, And shout him welcome to the skies! 3 Break off your tears, ye saints, and tell How high your great deliverer reigns; Sing how he spoiled the hosts of hell, And led the monster death in chains. Say, “Live for ever, wondrous King! Born to redeem, and strong to save!” Then ask the monster, “Where's thy sting?” And, “Where's thy victory, boasting grave!” Easter. HYMN 78. C. M. Tº Lord of Sabbathletus praise, In concert with the blest, EASTER 133 Ahbejeebahwin. NUHGUIHMOWIN 77. L. M. E bo! Wahje ke waih ye jin! E newh puhyah tah ze me jin Penuh kee wuh suh da mo wug, Kah we tah gah buh we she jig Keenuh wah, nabwah kah wagwain, Muh we mik, kah ne bo too naig; Kee oon je gah neo me squeem, Kuh ke nuh che noojee mo yaig. 2 Sahge e de win suh mon duh, Jesus kee be ne do too nung Ke me nwah bun je ga she min, Wah buh mung ewhah be jee bod! One shkod ke Zha Mune doo, O nuh guh don, jee bah guh mig; Ishpeming uh ne she nah bain, Ogee wa sah sah quame goon. 3 Gah see ze beeng wa 'de zoyook, Kee nuh wah a nuh me a yaig; Ween duh mook ewh a pee chee weed, Kah muh mon zhe tood me bo win! “Wage mah we yunkage nig, Pema de zin,” eke do yook Ween mah ogee muh mon zhe toon, Ewh quatah megwuk nebo win. Easter. NUHGUIHMOWIN 78. C. M. A baning a kah o zhe tood, Uh nuh me a kee zhig, 134 PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 2 2 Who, joyful, in harmonious lays Employ an endless rest. Thus, Lord, while we remember thee, We blest and pious grow; By hymns of praise we learn to be Triumphant here below. On this glad day a brighter scene Of glory was display'd, By God, the eternal Word, than when This universe was made. He Rises, who mankind has bought With grief and pain extreme: 'Twas great to speak a world from 'Twas greater to redeem : [nought Alone the dreadful race he ran ; Alone the wine-press trod; He dies and suffers as a man, He rises as a God. Prospect of Heaven. HYMN 79. C. M. HERE is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign; Infinite day excludes the night, And pleasures banish pain. There everlasting spring abides, And never-withering flowers: Death, like a narrow sea, divides This heavenly land from ours. PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 135 Monoo mah moo yuh wuh mahdah, Kah genig a nwa bid. 2 Jesus, me quane me goo yun, Nim bah penain dah min; Magwa go nuh nuh guh moshong, Ne moo je gain dah min. 3 Noom oom oowh a zhe kee ze guk, Keepee she gain dah gwud, Keche muh mon dah wuh kuh mig, Ewh kee ah be jee bod. 4. One shkah, uh ne she na bain Cane bo tuh wah jin; Ka gait ke che uh no kee win Kee moo je mo e nung! 5 Nezhe ka go e mah mesqueeng, Kee be nah nee buh we; Mune doonge zhe one shkah, Mah buh Kahne bo pun. Puhgwesahbundwhºming Ishpeming. NUIHGU HMOWIN 79. C. M. U” yah muh gud sun kah gega, Meno tuh nuh kee win; Kah weekahte be kuh se noon, A peech o nah negwuk. 2. Kah genig me nookuh mene, Menwah be go nee nig; Mee a tuh goewhºne bo win, Ka be shkahga muh guk. 136 PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 2 Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood Stand dress'd in living green; So to the Jews old Canaan stood, While Jordan roll’d between. But timorous mortals start and shrink To cross this narrow sea; And linger shivering on the brink, And fear to launch away. O could we make our doubts remove Those gloomy thoughts that rise, And see the Canaan that we love, With unbeclouded eyes! Could we but climb where Moses stood, And view the landscape o'er, [flood, Not Jordan's stream, nor death's cold Should fright us from the shore. HYMN 80. C. M. N Jordan's stormy banks I stand, And cast a wishful eye To Canaan's fair and happy land, Where my possessions lie. O transporting, raptºrous scene, That rises to my sight! Sweet fields arrayed in living green, And rivers of delight! There gen’rous fruits, that never fail, On trees immortal grow: |vales, There rocks, and hills, and brooks, and With milk and honey flow. PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 137 Ke cheme sun we nah gwud sub E we de uh gah ming; O mong e zhe sub a nuh gom, Oon zah bun je ga shung. Netah zhah gwa memo she wug, Wah ahzhuh wuh o jig; Quee nuh we ke chee kah zowod, Oon dose nuh ka gom. Oh kuh shke to yung obun evh Che muh shkuh wain duh mung; Kedah puh guh kah bundah non Quanah jewung uh ke Keesh pin oon zah be yºung obun, Moses kah oon zah bid, Kah ke dah be swain duh zee non Nebo win za nuh guk. NUBIGUIHMOWIN 80. C. M. A. MONG e zhe, e nuh ka gom, Ain duh zhe nee skah duk, Ne nee buh wish enah beyon Ewe deish peming. Oh ke chepe she gain dah gwud, Mon duh a zhe nuh mon'ſ Wah bun duh monkete gah nun, Wuhyah be go nee gin Mee sun e we de aim duh zhe Meko ging new hºmee nun; Kuhya go aim duh he jewung, Ah moo seeng zebah quood. 138 PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 4 All o'er those wide-extended plains Shines one eternal day; There God the Son for ever reigns, And scatters night away. 5 No chilling winds, nor poisºnous breath, Can reach that healthful shore; Sickness and sorrow, pain and death, Are felt and fear'd no more. 6 When shall I reach that happy place, And be for ever blest || When shall I see my Father's face, And in his bosom rest." 7 Fill'd with delight, my raptur'd soul Would here no longer stay Though Jordan's waves around me roll, Fearless I’d launch away. 8. There on these high and flowery plains Our spirits ne'er shall tire; But in perpetual joyful strains, Redeeming love admire. HYMN 81. C. M. OW happy every child of grace Who knows his sins forgiven This earth, he cries, is not my place, I seek my place in heaven; A country far from mortal sight:- Yet, Ol by faith 1 see The land of rest, the saints delight, The heaven prepared for me. PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 139 Mee sub e we dekah genig, Ain duh zhe kee zheguk ; Wah sashkung mah buh Oge mah, Koose non Ogwe sun. Kah weekah muh je nasa win, Kuh ya ah koze win; Tah ke kain je gah dase noon, E we deish peming. Ah neen uh pee wane zhe shing, Kauh yah mo wah man" Kuh yakawah buh mah wuh gain, Noos ka uh nwa be idº Mooge gain duh mon un duh go Wee mahjah ninje chog Nah skahjee wa muh guh kin Uh keeng wee nuh guh dung. Mee dushe we deish peming, Kah gee nig ka duh zhe, Pah penuh kuh me geze yung, Keda duh gwe she nung. NUIHGUEIMOWIN 81. C. M. Echepah penain dum suh owh Kahzhuh wain dah go zid Ishpeming sub ne weeezhah, E nuh damo she sun; Mon duh wah suhtah zhe uh ke, Tabwa yain duh monko, Nindah bah bun donka duh zhe Uh nwa bee gooyon. 10 140 JUDGEMENT. 2 A stranger in the world below, I calmly sojourn here; Nor can its happiness or woe Provoke my hope or fear: We feel the resurrection near, Our life in Christ concealed, And with his glorious presence here Our earthen vessels fill’d. 3 O would He more of heaven bestow, And let the vessel break; And let our ransom'd spirits go To grasp the God we seek; In rapturous awe on Him to gaze, Who brought the sight for me, And shout and wonder at his grace, Through all eternity! Judgment. HYMN 82. S. M. HOU Judge of quick and dead, Before whose bar severe, With holy joy or guilty dread, We all shall soon appear; Our caution'd souls prepare For that tremendous day; And fill us now with watchful care, And stir us up to pray: 2 To pray and wait the hour, That awful hour unknown; When, robed in majesty and power, Thou shalt from heaven come down. JUDGMENT. 141 2 Kebuh bah mah yuh geze min O mong e zhe uh keeng; Ain duh zhe pah bee too yung ewh Pagwe same mo shung. Kepa shoo wain dah non suh ewh, Che duh gwah ko ne nung; Jesus pe mah de ze win ing, Cheda buhoone nung. 3 Oh pagish nuh wuch nee be wah, Mee ne nungish peming Cheda o dete nung dush nah, Ke Mune doome non; Kee gotah me gwah buh mung dush, Kah zhuh wane me nung; Ke guho nahne gwain dah min, Uh puh na kah genig. Tebahkonewawºn. NUHGUIHMOWIN 82. S. M. A bah ko ne wa yun, Ah nah suh muh be yun, Ning uh nee buh we e goomin, Che de bah kone yong; Mon oo keezheetah we, Ninje chah go nah nig; Noong oom we doo kuh we she mom Cheuh kuh wah beyong. 2 Chene bah bee too yong, Kakain dah gwuhse noog; Up pee kotah me goze win, Che bege geshkuh mun; 142 JUDGMENT. The immortal Son of Man, To judge the human race, With all thy Father's dazzling train, With all thy glorious grace. 3 To damp our earthly joys To increase our gracious fears, For ever let th' Archangel's voice Be sounding in our ears; The solemn midnight cry, “Ye dead, the Judge is come; Arise, and meet him in the sky, And meet your instant doom ''' 4 O may we thus be found Obedient to his word; Attentive to the trumpet’s sound, And looking for our Lord! O may we thus ensure A lot among the blest; And watch a moment to secure An everlasting rest HYMN 83. L. M. E comes he comes the Judge severe: The seventh trumpet speaks him near; His lightnings flash; his thunders roll: How welcome to the faithful soul! 2. From heaven angelic voices sound; See the Almighty Jesus crown'd. Girt with omnipotence and grace; And glory decks the Saviour's face. JUDGMENT. 143 Wagwe se me goo yum, Guh de bah ko newa, Koos oo wah sayah ze wine Ke guh be kege zin. Ka duh so kee zheguk, Che wuh weeng a ze yong, Moon zhugning uh noon duh wah mon, Owhka be pee bah gid; Mon duh ka eke dood, “Na boyaig, tuh gwe shin, Ta bah kone waid, um ba sub Uh we nuh quashkuh wiki!” Oh monoo meemon duh, Ka zhe me kah goo yong; Kah genig che bah bee ung id, Nin dooge mah me non! Oh monookuh ke nuh, Zhuh wane me she nom, Che meen Zhe yong dush kah gega Uh nwa she moo no win! NUHGUHMOWIN 83. L. M. UH gwe shin Tabah ko newal Pashwa we dumpuh peebah gid; Pekotah me gotah go ze; Kah Zhee tod, moo je gain duh zhe Angel nug pesah sah qua wug, Ogemahwuh be mid Jesus! Ka gait pegotah megwee we ; Puh wah sayeeng wa zood Jesus. 144 NEW YEAR. 3 Descending on his azure throne, He claims the kingdoms for his own; The kingdoms all obey his word, And hail him their triumphant Lord. 4 Shout, all the people of the sky! And all the saints of the Most High; Our Lord, who now his right obtains, For ever and for ever reigns. New Year. HYMN 84, 4–6's & 2–8's. Tº: Lord of earth and sky, The God of ages, praise; Who reigns enthroned on high, Ancient of endless days; Who lengthens out our trial here, And spares us yet another year. 2 Barren and wither'd trees, We cumber'd long the ground; No fruits of holiness On our dead souls were found; Yet doth he usin mercy spare Another and another year. 3 When justice bared the sword, To cut the fig-tree down, The pity of our Lord Cried, “Let it still alone;” The Father mild inclines his ear, And spares us yet another year. NEW YEAR. 145 3 Peo dah penuh mah de zo, Ain duh ching oge mah we nun; Kuh ke nuh o da bywata goon, Kuh ya o duh nuh me kah goon. 4 Sah sah qua yook suh kee nuh wah Kuh ke nuh a nuh me ahyaig Jesus puh o dah pene nung, Kahge nig tuh oge mah we, Oskepepoon. NUIHGUIHMOWIN 84, 4–6's & 2–8's. M*. moo yuh wºuh mahdah, Kege che Koose non Ishpeming kah genig, Wayu zah buh me nung Kanwah bee gese duh moo mung, Ke be mah de ze win enon. 2 Kenwainzh suh ke gee be Ke be shkah non uh ke Kee mahjee getoos wung, Mon duh nebwah kah win; Kayah be dush ween go ah no, Noong oom ke be mah de ze min. 3 Kuh wºuhook, eke do, Wah de bah ko ne nung, * Kagoween go noong oom!” Eke do dush Jesus; Wain je dush ta be quasa shung, Wah bun duh mungo shkepe boon. 146 The Lord's suppºr. 4 Jesus, thy speaking blood Frosom God obtained the grace, Who therefore hath bestow'd On us a longer space; Thou didst in our behalf appear, And, lo, we see another year ! 5 Then dig about our root, Break up the fallow ground, And let our gracious fruit To thy great praise abound: Oh let us all thy praise declare, And fruit unto perfection bear ! The Lord's Supper. HYMN 85. S. M. ET all who truly bear The bleeding Saviour's name, Their faithful hearts with us prepare, And eat the Paschal Lamb. 2. This eucharistic feast Our every want supplies; And still we by his death are bless'd, And share his sacrifice. 3 Who thus our faith employ, His sufferings to record, Even now we mournfully enjoy Communion with our Lord. The Lord's suppºr. 147 4 Jesus ke me squeem suh, Newee dookah go non, Kayah be dush o mah Uh keeng tuh ne ze yong; Kee be guh nuh wane me shong, Nindoonje wah buh ne she min 5 Mon oo wuh wa zhe toon, Mah mino jee be kun; Che mahjee ging dush nah, Mon duh ne bywah kah win; Oh monoo suh, aim duh che yong, Ke guh mah mooyuh wuh mee goo! Jesus odoowahgoshe weesenewin. NUHGUEIMOWIN 85, s. M. ON oo suhikuh ke muh. A nuh me ah she jig; Guh wee doo puh me go na nig, Mon duh wah meejeyung. 2 Mon duh weekoon de win, Kuh ke nuh tabe sa; Ke Zhuh wain dah go zemin dush, Ewh keene bo too nung. 3 Muh me quain duh mo wung, Owee suh gena win; Ke muh we she mingo magwah, Jesus wee doo puhmung. 148 BAPTISM. 4. We too with him are dead, And shall with him arise; The cross on which he bows his head, Shall lift us to the skies. HYMN 86. C. M. HAT doleful night before his death, The Lamb for sinners slain, Did almost with his dying breath, The solemn feast ordain. 2 To keep the feast, Lord, we have met, And to remember thee; Help each poor trembler to repeat, “For me, he died for me!” 3 These sacred signs, thy suffrings Lord, To our remembrance bring: We eat and drink around thy board, But think on nobler things. 4 O tune of tongues, and set in frame, Each heart that pants for thee, To sing “Hosannah to the Lamb,” The lamb that died for me ! Baptism. HYMN 87. C. M. ELESTIAL Dove, descend from high, And on the water brood: Come, with thy quickºning power apply The water and the blood. BAPTISM. 149 Ke weej me boomah non, Kah be nebo too nung; Ke guh oom be we nego mon, Ewhah zhe da yah tig, NUIHGUIHMOWIN 86. C. M. A be kukewh che bºwah ne sind, Kah be nebo too nung; Kagah go a ne shquah nah mood, Mee oowh kah weekoong aid Newee o dah penah non-suh Wah uh shuh me gooyong; Mon oo, “Neen go kee oon je mal” Ning uhe ke do min. Penon ze kuh mong dush mah min, Wuhyah bundah mong in ; Jesus me me quane mah non, Kahe nah penuh mind. Oh monoo peºwuh wa zhe toon, Mahmin minda 'nah minº “Neengo Jesus, kee oon jena,” Che 'zhenuhguh moshon, Kekenwhºvahjeedevin. NUHGUIHMOWIN 87. C. M. I* pe ming tuh zeh Q meemee, Ne beeng suhpe boo neen; Pee doon ke don jeewa win, Nebe kuh ya mesque. 150 CHRISTMAS. 2 I love the Lord, that stoops so low To give his word a seal; But the rich grace his hands bestow Exceeds the figure still 3 Almighty God, for thee we call, And our request renew ; Accept in Christ, and bless withal, The work we have to do. HYMN 88. S. M. Y Saviour's pierced side - Pour'd out a double flood; By water we are purifid, And pardon'd by his blood. 2 Call'd from above, I rise, And wash away my sin; The stream to which my spirit flies Can make the foulest clean. 3. It runs divinely clear, A fountain deep and wide; 'Twas open'd by the soldier's spear, In my Redeemer's side Christmas. HYMN 89. C. M. HILE shepherds watch'd their flocks by All seated on the ground, Inight, The angel of the Lord come down, And glory shone around. CHRISTMAS. - 151 2 Nin zah geah, Nin dooge mom, Kake nuh wahje id; Ewh dush ween go puh meege waid, "Che neegah main dah gwud. 3 Ke che Mune doo, Keen noong oom Ke nun do duh mah goo; Che be zhuh wain duh muh we yong Mon duh a zhe twah yong. NUIHGUIHMOWIN 88. S. M. MAH o wee yuh wing, Kah nuh non duh we id, Kee be oon je jewun neºne, Pah nee wa muh guk. 2 Un do me goo you dush, E we deish peming, Newuh ween ga ke Zee beegee, Jesus o mesquee ming. 3 Ke chewah sha guh me, Mon duh pa mejewung; Meego e mah wah ne ze jig, Chege zeebee gee wod Jesus Keeneegid. NUHGUIHMOWIN 89. C. M. A gwah montain see wenen wug M Nuh nah muh kuh be wod; Angel nun kee duh gwe she noon Pekuhnoo negowod. 152 READING THE SCRIPTURES. 2 “Fear not,” said he, (for mighty dread Had seized their troubled mind,) “Glad tidings of great joy I bring To you and all mankind. 3 “To you, in David's town, this day, Is born of David's line, The Saviour, who is Christ the Lord ; And this shall be the sign: 4 “The heavenly babe youthere shall find To human view display'd, All meanly wrapp'd in swathing bands, And in a manger laid.” 5 Thus spake the seraph, and forthwith Appeared a shining throng Of angels praising God on high, And thus addressed their song: 6 “All glory be to God on high, And to the earth be peace; Good will henceforth, from heaven to men, Begin and never cease.” Reading the Scriptures. HYMN 90. C. M. Cº. Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire, Let us thine influence prove; Source of the old prophetic fire, Fountain of Light and Love. READING THE SCRIPTURES. 153 “Kago ween sage ze kagoon,” Ogee be ego won; “Ke be menwah je motoo nim Uh keengain duh che yaig. “Noong oom ke neege tuh mah goom, David Wagwe sejin, Ishpeming tuh zhe Mune doo, Na non duh we e was “E zhah yook owhuh be noojee Ishpeming wain je bod, Uh wuh kone we guh me goong, Kedah wah buh mah wah.” Kahish quah kuh noo nego wod Kee wah sayah ze wun ; Ishpeming tuh zhe angel nun, Oowh kee e nuh uh moon. “Kuh ke nuh mah moo yuh wah mik, Mano Mune doo wid; - Zhuh wain dah go ze win mee nod, Uh keeng a yah ne jin.” Aginduhminingivenewſ. Ozhebeeegunwn. NUHGUHMOWIN. 90. C. M. 0° dahshon, keche Oje chog, Wah sashkah we she nom; Ween kee oon je zke he Zowug, Kahuh nwah chega jig. 154 READING THE SCRIPTURES. 2 Come, Holy Ghost, (for moved by thee The prophets wrote and spoke.) Unlock the Truth, thyself the Key, Unseal the sacred Book. 3 Expand thy wings, celestial Dove, Brood o'er our nature's night: On our disorder'd spirits move, And let there now be light. 4 God, through himself, we then shall know, If thou within us shine; And sound, with all thy saints below, The depths of love divine. HYMN 91. C. M. ATHER of mercies, in thy word What endless glory shines! For ever be thy name adored For these celestial lines. 2 Here may the wretched sons of want Exhaustless riches find; Riches, above what earth can grant, And lasting as the mind. 3 Here the fair Tree of Knowledge grows, And yields a free repast; Sublimer sweets than nature knows, Invite the longing taste. 4 Here the Redeemer's welcome voice Spreads heavenly peace around; READING THE SCRIPTURES. 2 Oon dah shon, ke che Oje chog, Ween duh muh we she nom, Chene se do tuh mong mon duh Keween duh mah ga win. 3 Pewa sah shkuh muh we she mom, E. mah ninda e nong; Ka gee beeng washkahgoyong in, Mon oo tuh mahjah wun. 4 Mee dush nah chege kane mung, Ke mune doomenon; Kache te mee muh guh de nig, O zhuh wain je ga win. NUIHGUIHMOWIN 91, C. M. N". sa, pah tuh yee nuh doon suh, |\ Pa she gain dah gwuh kin, E. mahke de ke do wining, Zha wane meyong in 2 Kache ke demah geze jig, Kedeke do wining, Tahoon de nuh mah de zowug, Wah nuh de ze win un, 3 Che Nebwah kah wine Me tig, Mee o mah mahjee gid; Ah pejego wah shko bung in, Uh doong a muh guh doon. 4. Mee omah me no tah go zid, Own Nºwah je mooe was 11 156 FOR THE SABBATH. And life and everlasting joys Attend the blissful sound. 5 Divine Instructor, gracious Lord, Be thou for ever near ; Teach me to love thy sacred word, And view my Saviourthere. For the Sabbath. HYMN 92. L. M. WEET is the work, my God, my King, To praise thy name, give thanks, and Sing; To show thy love by morning light, And talk of all thy truth by night. 2 Sweet is the day of sacred rest, No mortal cares disturb my breast; O may my heart in tune be found, Like David's harp of solemn sound. 3. But I shall share a glorious part, When grace has well refined my heart; And fresh supplies of joy are shed, Like holy oil to cheer my head. 4. Then shall I see, and hear, and know, All I desird or wish'd below: And every hour find sweet employ, In that eternal world of joy. FOR THE SABBATH. 157 Kuh ke nuh dush nwon dah ga jig; "Che moo je gain duh moog. Nin dooge mom kah genig suh Monoo wee jee we shin; Ka gait dush che zah getoo yon, Keween duh mah ga win. Uhnwhºmea keezhìg. NUIHGUIHMOWIN 92. L. M. IN dooge mom wee shko bun sun, Mon duh kuh nuh wah buh menon, Kuh bakeezhig me quain duh mon, Mon duh ke Zhug wain je ga win. Wee shko bun suh kegee zhig oom, Kah zhuh wain duh mo wum buh man, O monoo tuh menwa wa wun, Ne nuh guh mo we ne nah nin! Uh peeke wee doo kah ga win, Keepee meda a shkah go yon; Mee dush che pah penain duh mon Kee be zhuh wane me goo yon. Mee dushnah chewah bun duh mon; Kuhya go che ke kain duh mon; Uh keeng kada bee go yon, Kuhya e we deish peming. 158 FAMILY WORSHIP. HYMN 93. S. M. Wºº. sweet day of rest, That saw the Lord arise; Welcome to this reviving breast, And these rejoicing eyes! 2 The King himself comes near, And feasts his saints to-day; Here we may sit, and see him here And love, and praise, and pray. 3. One day amidst the place Where Thou, my Lord, hast been, Is sweeter than ten thousand days Of pleasurable sin. 4 My willing soul would stay In such a frame as this, And sit and sing herself away To everlasting bliss. Family Worship. HYMN 94. C. M. ORD, in the morning thou shalt hear My voice ascending high . To thee will I direct my prayer, To thee lift up mine eye. 2. Up to the hills where Christ is gone, To plead for all his saints, Presenting at his Father's throne Our songs and our complaints. FAMILY WORSHIP. 159 2 NUHGUHMOWIN 93, s. M. EE gwaich suh wa wane, Tagwe she noo muh guk, Mon duh uh nuh me a kee zhig, Che be zah neuh yong Oge mah suh noong oom, Kuh uh shuh me go non; Pa shoo tuh be wuh wa nuh be, Che wee doo puh me nung. Kuh bakeezhig pa shoo Tuh nah ne mug Jesus. Ning eche moo je geda a, Kee be zhuh wa ne mid. Kahge mig go o mah Nindah nuh nah muh dub; Chenuh nuh puh guh mo shom bon, Pah penain duh mo win. Aindong Twhzheuhºwhºmeong. NUHGUIHMOWIN 94. S. M. IN dooge mom, kuh ge. Zhaib suh, Ke guh noon don mon duh, Nindah ne metah go ze win, Puh gwe sah buh menon. Kewee dookah go non Jesus, Ewe deish peming; Ween duh muh wod, Oosum a zhe, Ke demah geze yºung. 160 FAMILY WORSHIP. 2 Thou art a God, before whose sight The wicked shall not stand, Sinners shall ne'er be thy delight, Nor dwell at thy right hand. But to thy house will I resort, To taste thy mercies there; I will frequent thine holy court, And worship in thy fear. O may thy Spirit guide my feet In ways of righteousness! Make every path of duty straight, And plain before my face. HYMN 95. S. M. EE how the morning sun Pursues his shining way; And wide proclaims his Maker's praise, With every brightning ray. . Thus would my rising soul Its heavenly parent sing: And to its great Original, The humble tribute bring. Serene I laid me down, Beneath his guardian care: I slept, and I awoke, and found My kind Preserver near ! FAMILY WORSHIP. 161 Keen, Kazha Mune doo we yun, Ka gee bah de ze jig, Kah weekah kege che ne kong, Tuh nee buh we see wug. Oh monooke che 0 je chog, Ning uh newee doo kog Che mah duh uh dooyon meekons, Ishpeming a nuh moog. Kewee gewah ming nin de Zhah, Cheuh shuh me goon shon ; Kah genigning uh nod je toon Mon duh ke weege wom. NUIHGUIHMOWIN 95. S. M. NUH mah buh kee zis, Puh wah sayah se gaid; Minze sub o de bah je mon, Kaho zhe ego jin. Kuhya meen sub dush go, Nindah menwah je mah, Chenuh nuh guh motuh muh wºug, Kah be shuh wane mid. Ningee me none bah, Kee guh nuh wane mid : Quashko ze yon, kayah be go Ning uh nuh wane mig. 162 FAMILY WORSHIP. 4 My life I would anew Devote, O Lord, to thee: And in thy service I would spend A long eternity. HYMN 96. L. M. Y God, how endless is thy love Thy gifts are every evening new And morning mercies from above Gently distil, like early dew. 2 Thou spread'st the curtains of the night, Great guardian of my sleeping hours; Thy sovereign word restores the light, And quickens all my drowsy powers. 3 I yield my powers at thy command; To thee I consecrate my days; Perpetual blessings from thine hand, Demand perpetual songs of praise. HYMN 97. C. M. A* praise to Him who dwells in bliss, Who made both day and night; Whose throne is darkness in the abyss Of uncreated light 2 Each thought and deed, his piercing eyes With strictest search survey; The deepest shades no more disguise. Than the fullblaze of day. FAMILY WORSHIP. 163 2 Nim be mah de ze win, Kebuh ge de nuh moon; Che guh nuh we ne me yun dush Uh puh na kah ge nig. NUBIGUIHMOWIN 96. L. M. ING e zha Mune doom, ka gait, Kegee ke che zhuh wain je gal Ain duh so kee zhiguk ka gait, Kege cheme no too dah ga. Jesus, ain duh so te bikuk, Kemeenzh cheme none bah yon; Uh pee dush ko pah dah bung in, Mee nuh wah ke be uh muh din. Kee meenin ming ee zhego mun, Kah genig wee buh mee too non; Kege chemah moo yuh wºuh min, Kahge nig zhuh wane me yun. NUHGUELIMOWIN 97. C. M. UH ke nuh mah moo yuh wºuh mik Keezhig kah o zhe tood, Kuh yate bik, kah o zhe tood, Owh wah sayong a yod. A main duh mung, owah bundon, Kamuh wah buh me nung; Kebuh guh kah buh me go non Ta bikuh de ne gin. 164 FAMILY WORSHIP. 3 Whom thou dost guard, O King of kings, No evil shall molest : Under the shadow of thy wings, Shall they securely rest. 4 Thy angels shall around their beds Their constant stations keep: Thy faith and truth shallshield their heads, For thou dost never sleep. 5 May we with calm and sweet repose, And heavenly thoughts refresh'd, Our eyelids with the morn unclose, And bless Thee, ever bless'd. Hymn as s. m. E lift our hearts to thee, O Day-star from on high The sun itself is but thy shade, Yet cheers both earth and sky. 2 O let thy orient beams The night of sin disperse, The mists of error and of vice, Which shade the universe 3 How beauteous nature now How dark and sad before With joy we view the pleasing change, And nature's God adore. 4 O may no gloomy crime Pollute the rising day; May Jesus' blood, like evening dew, Wash all its stains away FAMILY WORSHIP. 165 Ka nuh wane mud, Oh Jesus! Tuh ke che wah nuh kee; Ke guh nuh waning a win ing, Tuh duh zhe wah nuh kee. Mah mig suh ked an angele mug, Kee we tah uh ye ee, Ogah muhº wane mah won newh Na bah she ne ne jin. Non oo suh quashko zeyong in, Ishpeming a yah gin; Ning uh muh me quain dah nah nin, Che moo je gain duh mong NUHGUIHMOWIN 98. S. M. E doom be nuh mah goo, Mahmin minda 'nah nin, Keen, wuhyah sashkuh mah gayun, Wain jeke zhe zoyong. Tuh guh monoe moong oom, Kewah sayah ze win ; Ning uh ingo shkuh mah go non, Pah tah ze win e shun. Noong oom o nah negwud, Keele shquah te bikuk ; Kee me nwah bun je gamin dush Mon duh a zhe nuh mung. 4. Oh tuh guh go kah ween, Noong oom chee kee Zhiguk, Ning uh mah Zheche ga seemin, Ewh weepee ne zeyong 166 FAMILY WORSHIP. 5 May we this life improve, To mourn for errors past: And live this short revolving day, As if it were our last. 6 To God, the Father, Son, And Spirit, One in Thee, Be glory, as it was, is now, And shall for ever be. HYMN 99. C. M. IVER and Guardian of my sheep, To praise thy name I wake : Still, Lord, thy helpless servant keep, For thine own mercy’s sake. 2 The blessing of another day I thankfully receive: O may I only thee obey, And to thy glory live! 3 Vouchsafe to keep my soul from sin, Its cruel power suspend, Till all this strife and war within In perfect peace shall end. 4. Upon me lay thy mighty hand, My words and thoughts restrain; Bow my whole soul to thy command, Nor let my faith be vain. 5 Prisoner of hope, I wait the hour Which shall salvation bring; When all I am shall own thy power, And call my Jesus King. FAMILY WORSHIP. Wah ne boshing in go, Chee name moshong; Cheong wah me zeyong dush nah Noong oom kuh bakeezhig. Kah gena Mune doo, Keen Na swah de zeyun; Ke guh mah moo yuh wºuh me goo Uh puh na kah genig. NUHGUIHMOWIN 99. C. M. HE mah moo yuh wºuh me non suh Ninge oon jekoshkoos, Jesus kuh nuh wane me shin Neen puhya jee wee yon. 2 Mee quaich wate sah bun duh mon, Meenuh wah kee Zhiguk ; Oh monooke guh tabwa toon, Noong oom kuh bakeezhig Kuh nuh wa nim suh ninje chog, Che bahtah ze se won, Kuh ke nuh che mahjah muh guk Mego skahd Ze win un, Monookuh nuh wain duh mah min Nin de ke do win un , Chene nebwah kah keezhwayon, Ka duh so kee zhiguk. Nooje mo win mim bah bee toon, Ka demah geze shon: Ka gait go cheeko do yon Jesus, Nindooge mom. 168 FAMILY WORSHIP. 2 HYMN 100. C. M. OW from the altar of our hearts, Let warmest thanks arise ; Assist us, Lord, to offer up Our evening sacrifice. This day God was our sun and shield, Our keeper and our guide; His care was on our weakness shown, His mercies multiplied. Minutes and mercies multiplied Have made up all this day; Minutes came quick, but mercies were More swift and free than they. New time, new favours, and new joys, Do a new song require : Till we shall praise thee as we would, Accept our hearts desire. HYMN 101, 6–8’s. APTAIN of our salvation, take The souls we here present to thee; And fit for thy great service make These heirs of immortality: And let them in thine image rise, And then transplant to Paradise. Unspotted from the world and pure, Preserve them for thy glorious cause, Accustom'd daily to endure The welcome burden of thy cross; FAMILY WORSHIP. 169 NUHGUIHMOWIN 100. C. M. Mº oo noong oom o nah go shig, Tuh buh zegwee muh gud, Mahmoo yuh wuh gain duh mo win, E. mah ninda e nong. Ta baning a, kuh bakeezhig, Kewee dookah go non; Kee nuh wind puhya jee we shung, Pe me no too doonung. Ka gait suh ke Zhee kah keezis, Ain duh so kee Zhiguk ; Nuh wuj dush ween ke Zhee kah me, Ozhuh wain je ga win. Oshkezhuh wain je ga win un, Kah be meenzhe yong in : Oshkemah moo yuh wa win un, Nin da nuh guh mo min. NUHGUIHMOWIN 101, 6–8's. OO je moe wa Oge mah, Teba nim mahºne goo yuhnin, Enah koon chebuh meetoo quah, Ishpeming dush che azhah wod : Monoo tuh ne mahjee gewug, Ke de main dah go ze win ing Meedah gwa nuh mowh kuh ke muh, Maje too dah gamuh guh kin, Chene puh meetoo quah dush nah, Kaduh so keezhig uh de nig; 170 MORNING HYMN. 2 Inured to toil and patient pain, Till all thy perfect mind they gain. Our sons henceforth be wholly thine, And serve and love thee all their days; Infuse the principle divine In all who here expect thy grace; Let each improve the grace bestow'd : Rise every child a man of God! Train up thy hardy soldiers, Lord, In all their Captain's steps to tread Or send them to proclaim thy word, Thy Gospelthrough the world to spread, Freely as they receive to give, And preach the death by which we live! A Morning Hymn. HYMN 102. L. M. WAKE, my soul, and with the sun Thy daily stage of duty run: Shake off dull sloth, and early rise, To pay thy morning sacrifice. Redeem thy misspent moments past, And live this day as if thy last; Thy talents to improve take care; For the great day thyself prepare. Let all thy converse be sincere, Thy conscience as the noon-day clear; For God’s all-seeing eye surveys Thy secret thoughts, thy words and ways. MORNING HYMN. 171 2 Aish kum che muh shkuh we zee wod, Nuh nonzh go cheme byah kah wod Moon ooke guh Zah gee goog; Ning we se nah nig kah genig : Kuh ke nuh mahjee ge tuh mowh, Mon duh ke de main duh mo win ; E. mah dush me no Mune doong, Chee zhe netah we gewod Ta baning a, kee zheetah we, Mah mig ke doozhke nuh wa mug, Chebuh bah ween duh mah ga wod, Mon duh Ke me nwah je mo win; Kah puh ge de nuh muh wºuh dwah, Chebuh bah meege wa she wod Kuhgezhaib A.whgwhºmowim. NUHGUIHMOWIN 102. S. M. M ba onesh kon ninje chog, Kuh bakeezhig suhuh no keen , Wah be nun kete meshke win, Kuh ge. Zhaib dush nah te bun doon. Tebesh koo go wah ne boong in Noong oom kee zheguk emain dun; Um bah wuh weeng a keezheeton, Che be debah ko negoo yºun. Monoo me no kah gee gedoon, Kaoonje wah sayain duh mun; Kewah buh mig mah Mune doo, Ewha zhe pemah de zeyun. 12 172 EVENING HYMN. 4 Wake, and lift up thyself, my heart, And with the angels take thy part; Who all night long unwearied sing High glory to the eternal King. 5 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. An Evening Hymn. HYMN 103. L. M. LORY to thee, my God, this night, For all the blessings of the light: Keep me, O keep me, King of kings, Beneath thine own almighty wings! 2 Forgive me, Lord, for thy dear Son, The ill that I this day have done; That, with the world, myself, and thee, I, ere I sleep, at peace may be. 3 Teach me to live, that I may dread The grave as little as my bed; Teach me to die, that so I may Rise glorious at the awful day. 4 O let my soul on thee repose And may sweet sleep mine eyelids close; Sleep that shall me more vigorous make, To serve my God when I awake. - EVENING BYMN. 173 4 Koshko zin puh ze gween, ninda, Wee doo kowhegewhangel nug ; Kuh bade bik na guh mojig, Jesus saquah duh muh wah wod. 5 Mahmoo yuh wuh mahdah mah buh Wain je zhuh wain dah go zeyung, Wa yoose mind, Wagwe se mind, Kuh ya Pah ne zid Oje chog Omahgoshe Wuhg whºmowim. NUIHGUIHMOWIN 103. L. M. E mah moo yuh wºuh min noogoom, Jesus kee zhuh wane me yun; Uh he kuh nuh nuh wane me shin, Ke guh nuh waning a win ing! 2 Kah muh je doodoo no wah man, Noong oom kah be me kee Zhiguk ; Mon oo, Zuhyah geud, Kegwis, Oonje wa be nuh muh we shin. 3 Keke noo uh muh we shin sub, Ka e zhe pemah de zeyon; Cheza geze se won dushnah, Uh peete bah k'one gooyon. 4. Oh kuh nuh wa nim ninje chog, Noong oom cheme none bah yon Kee goshko zeyon dush nuh wuj. Kuhgatin chebuh meetoo non- 174 christ's compassion. 5 If in the night I sleepless lie, My soul with heavenly thoughts supply; Let no ill dreams disturb my rest, No powers of darkness me molest. Christ's Compassion for the Tempted. HYMN 104. C. M. ITH joy we meditate the grace Of our High-Priest above; His heart is made of tenderness, His bowels yearn with love. 2 Touched with a sympathy within, He knows our feeble frame; He knows what sore temptations mean, For he has felt the same. 3 He in the days of feeble flesh Pour'd out his cries and tears; And, though exalted, feels afresh What every member bears. 4 He'll never quench the smoking flax, But raise it to a flame; The bruised reed he never breaks, Nor scorns the meanest name. 5. Then let our humble faith address His mercy and his power: We shall obtain delivering grace In the distressing hour. FOR THE TEMPTED. 175 5 2 Keesh pin suh na bah see wah man, Ishpeming ning uh me quain don; Kah ween mah nah bun duh mo win, Ning uh nee skah jee go seen. Christ Kedemahganemod Wajahnemeinjig. NUHGUIHMOWIN 104. C. M. (E. moo je gee me quain dah non Jesus wee doo koo nung, Ka gait omoo shkena shkah goon O zhuh wain je ga win. Ah pejeogwuh yuh quain don, A zhe pajee wee shung. O gee ke ke kain don maha Zhe Kuh gwa jee goo yung. Magwah we yos kewee yuh wid Kee puh bah muh da mo; Kayah be dush go ish peming, Kewee doo kah go non- Kah ween o dah ah tauh zeen Ewh wah be skuh na tood; Ka demah geze she ne jin O me no too duh won. Un do duh muh wah dah suh dush Ozhuh wain je ga win, Ke guh wee dookah go non sub Qua duh gain duh mungoon. 176 2 SUNDAY SCHOOL HYMNS. HYMN 105. L. M. The Bible. HIS is a precious book indeed Happy the child that loves to read 'Tis God's own word which he has given To show our souls the way to heaven. It tells us how the world was made ; And how good men the Lord obeyed ; Here his commands are written too, To teach us what we ought to do. It bids us all from sin to fly, Because our souls can never die; It points to heaven where angels dwell, And warns us to escape from hell. But what is more than all beside, The Bible tells us, Jesus died This is its best, its chief intent, To lead poor sinners to repent. 177 UHNUHMEA KEEZHIG KEKENOODGHMA DEE NUHGUHMONUN. NUHGUIHMOWIN 105. L. M. Keche Muhzenwhegwn. A gait ke che one she shin Mun e doo o de ke do win Ween go kegee mee nego non, E moo uh moonung ish peming. 2 Mee mon duh won duh mah go yung, Uh ke kee o zhe che gah daig, Mee kuh ya go o mahuh taig, Mah minoguh gee qua win un, 3 Kuh ke nuh che go tu mung ewh; Pahtah ze win, ke de go non; Ishpeming sub chee zhayung, Ke de zhe ween duh mah goo min. 4. Kuh yake ween duh mah go non, Jesus kee be nebo too nung; Mee mon duh nuh gah nee muh guk, Chegwa keed owh puhyah tah zid, 178 sunday school, hymns. 2 Be thankful, children, that you may Read this good Bible every day; 'Tis God's own word which he has given To show your souls the way to heaven. HYMN 106. C. M. OW glorious is our heavenly King Who reigns above the sky How shall a child presume to sing His dreadful majesty! How great his power is none can tell, Northink how large his grace; Not men below, nor saints that dwell On high before his face. Not angels that stand round the Lord, Can search his secret will; But they perform his heavenly word, And sing his praises still. Then let me join this holy train, And my first offerings bring; Th’ eternal God will not disdain To hear an infant sing My heart resolves, my tongue obeys, And angels shall rejoice, To hear their mighty Maker's praise Sound from a feeble voice. SUNDAY SCHOOL HYMNS. 179 5 Uh be noojee ye dook monoo, Mahmoo yuh wuh gain duh mook; Ke kain duh maigewh Mune doo, 0 nun doong a win ish peming NUHGUIHMOWIN 106. C. M. | Echepe she gain dah go ze, Ke dooge mah me non; Uh be noe jee nuh dush o dah, Nuh nuh guh motuh won 1 2 A pee tain dah gwuh de nig ewh, O Mune doo we win, Kah ween uh we yuh oldah da Ke kain guh mah go seen. 3 Kuh ya ish peming a yah jig, Wah suh noon da sa wug : O buh meetuh wah won dush ween, Naguh motuh wah jik. 4 Monoosuh kuhya meen ma gwah Uh be no jee we yon; Ning uh nuh nuh guh motuh wah Ninge zha Mune doom. 5 Tuhge chemoo je gain duh moog Ishpeming a yah jig; Noon duh wah wod nuhguh monid, Agah shee yene jin. 180 SUNDAY SCHOOL HYMNS. 2 HYMN 107. L. M. REAT God! to thee my voice I raise, To thee my youngest hours belong; I would begin my life with praise, Till growing years improve the song. 'Tis to thy sovereign grace I owe That I was born on Christian ground, Where streams of heavenly mercy flow, And words of sweet salvation sound. How do I pity those that dwell Where ignorance and darkness reigns: They know no heaven, they fear no hell; Those endless joys, those endless pains. Thy glorious promises, O Lord, Kindle my hope and my desire; While all the preachers of thy word, Warn me to 'scape eternal fire. Thy praise shall still employ my breath Since thou hast mark'd my way to heaven; Nor will I run the road to death, And waste the blessings thou hast given. HYMN 108. S. M. HE praises of my tongue I offer to the Lord, That I was taught and learn'd so young To read his holy word. SUNDAY SCHOOL Hºy MNS. 2 NUHGUHMOwn 107. L. M. EEN ka che Mun doo we yun, Kewee nuh nuh guh motuh moon; Pejee mug mahjee nasayon, Kewee na mah moo yuh wuh min. Mee sub evh zhuh wane me yun, Kahoon je nege yon o mah, Ain duh zhe ke kain jejah daig, Mon duh ke menwah je mo win. Ninge demah game mog dush, Puh suh go te bik ayah jig Kekain duh zewod, ish peming, Kotum ze wod ewhish koda. Oh Ta baning a mee gwaich suh, 0 nah negwain duh mo e yun; Kuh ya go ween duh mah gooyon, Cheezhah se won ish ko dang. Ke guh ma moo yuh wuh min sun, Kee wah bun duh eyun meekons, Kah ween nebo wine mee kun, Ning uh ne noo penuh dun Zeen. NUHGUIHMOWIN 108. s. m. E. wun we zhain dum suh, Nese duh we nuh mon, Magwah uh be noojee we yon, Ewh muh ze nuh egun. 182 SUNDAY SCHOOL HYMNS. 2 That I am brought to know The danger I am in, By nature and by practice too, A wretched slave to sin. 3 That I am led to see I can do nothing well; And whither shall a sinner flee - To save himself from hell'ſ 4 Dear Lord, this book of thine Informs me where to go For grace to pardon all my sin, And make me holy too. 5 Here I can read and learn How Christ, the Son of God, Has undertook the great concern; Our ransom cost his blood. 6 And now he reigns above, He sends his Spirit down, To show the wonders of his love, And make his gospel known. 7 O may that Spirit teach, And make my heart receive, Those truths which all thy servants preach, And all thy saints believe. SUNDAY SCHOOL, HYMNS. 183 Pee ween duh mah goo shon Ke demah geze yon; A zhe ko duh gee go yon, Nim bah tah ze win ish. Wah bun duh e gooshon, A zhe pajee wee yon; Cheda nebwah kah se wom bon, Wee doo kah goose won. Ninge zha Mune doom, Neween nuh mah go shin, Mon duh ke muh ze nuh e gun, Ka e zhe che gayon. Mee o mahka oon je Puh guh kain duh mom bon; Kee be nuh non duh we enung. Koose non Ogwe sun. Ishpeming dush noong oom, Tuh zhe Mune doo we, Puhoonje nee se nah zhuh wod Keche Oje chah gwun. Oh enuh skha monoo, Kege che Oje chog, Ning uh wee doo kog kuh ke nuh, Cheo dah penuh mon! 184 MISSIONARY HYMN. ROM Greenland's icy mountains; From India’s coral strand ; Where Afric's sunny fountains Roll down their golden sand ; From many an ancient river; From many a palmy plain : They call us to deliver Their land from Error's chain. 2. What tho’ the spicy breezes Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle, Tho' every prospect pleases, And only man is vile; In vain with lavish kindness The gifts of God are strown; The heathen in his blindness Bows down to wood and stone. 3 Shall we whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high, Shall we to men benighted The lamp of life deny . Salvation 1 oh Salvation . The joyful sound proclaim, Till each remotest nation Has learned Messiah’s name 4 Waft, waft, ye winds, his story, And you, ye waters, roll, Till, like a sea of glory, It spreads from pole to pole : Till o'er our ransom'd nature, The Lamb for sinners slain, Redeemer, King, Creator, In bliss returns to reign. A SELECTION O. F. IEC TY INZL INT S FROM THE TRANSLATIONS OF THE REV, JAMES EVANS AND GEORGE HENRY. 186 Exhorting Sinners to return to God. HYMN 109. L. M. ‘‘TTo every one that thirsts draw nigh;” ('Tis Godinvites the fallen race;) “Mercy and free salvation buy; Buy wine, and milk, and gospel grace. “Come to the living waters, come! Sinners obey your Maker's call, Return, ye weary wanderers, home; And find my grace is free for ALL. “See from the Rock a fountain rise For you in healing streams it rolls; Money ye need not bring, nor price, Yelabouring, burden'd, sin-sick souls. “Why seek ye that which is not bread, Nor can your hungry souls sustain." On ashes, husks, and air ye feed; Ye spend your little all in vain. “Hearken to me with earnest care, And freely eat substantial food; The sweetness of my mercy share, And taste that I am good. “Your willing ear and heart incline, My words believingly receive: Quicken'd your souls by faith divine, An everlasting life shall live.” 187 Kuhganomindwah egewhi Maje ezhewabezjig chemazekuhwahwod enemph Kezha Munedoon. NUHGUHMOWIN 109. C. M. UH ke nuh kah shkah bah gwa yaig, Meno Mune doo peezhog; Wane puzh o dah penuh mook, Newho Zhuh wain je ga win un, 2 Pe me ne quaig pame jewung Pee zha yook, ain do me naig; Wane puzh, penah ze kuh wik, Wane puzh, zhuh wane me naig 3. Nuh ! uh sin eengoon jeje wun, Nwah je mwah bah wuh nego yaig; Wane puzh, penah ze kuh mook, Kuh ke nuh gwa duh gain duh maig. 4 Tah neesh nahun do na uh maig Ning ood a nah buh duh se moog." Ping we kuh ya meezhuh shko shun, Pakuh da ego ya goon go. 5 Pezin duh wee shigwa wane, Mee je yook ewhºne mee je mim; Kekain duh mook manwain dah gwuk, Neen a tuh one she she won. 5 Tabwa tuh we shis muhyah num, Noong oom wee da be me nuh goog, Ishpeming jeke chah go wog, Ka oon je tuh gwe she no wod. 13 EXELORTING SINNERS. HYMN 110. L. M. INNERS, obey the gospel word; Haste to the supper of my Lord; Be wise to know your gracious day; All things are ready, come away Ready the Father is to own And kiss his late-returning son: Ready your loving Saviour stands, And spreads for you his bleeding hands. Ready the Spirit of his Love, Just now the stony to remove; To apply and witness with the blood, And wash and seal the sons of God. Ready for you the angels wait, To triumph in your blest estate: Tuning their harps, they long to praise The wonders of redeeming grace. The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Isready with their shining host: All heaven is ready to resound, * The dead’s alive the lost is found ! ” HYMN 111. 10's & 11's. Ethirsty for God, To Jesus give ear, And take through his blood. A power to draw near : . His kind invitation, Ye sinners embrace, Accepting salvation, Salvation by grace. TO RETURN TO GOD. 189 NUHGUH Mowin 110. L. M. A jee zhe wa be zeyaig, Noon duh mook, menwahjemo win; Nebwah kog chege kain duh maig, Uh nooj ka goo kee gee zhe sing. Keezhetah, we oojee me naig, Ishpeming a yod Koose wah; Keezheetah nwah je mo e naig, Ke Zhee be ne katah go wah. Kezhetah wun Oje chah gwun, Weee ko nung muhyah nah duk; Wege kain duh moone naig ewh Zhuh wane me naig Koose wah. Angel nug kah gee zheetah wug, Pah bee e nagwah ish peming; Menwa wa chega wug a peech Keche moo je gain duh mowod. Wayoose mind, Wagwe semind, Kuh ya Bah ne zid Oje chog, Kuh ke nuh moo je gain duh moog, Mekah goo yaig wane she naig NUIHGUIHMOWIN 111. 10's & 11's K* shkah bak gwa yaig Jesus noon duh wik, Peuh pane moyook, ewho mesqueem : Tabwatuh wik noongoomewhun dome naig Kewee dookah go wah zhuh wane menaig. 190 THE PLEASANTN Ess of REligion. 2 Sent down from above, Who governs the skies, In vehement love, To sinners he cries, “Drinkintomy Spirit, Who happy would be, And all things inherit. By coming to me.” 3 O Saviour of all, Thy word we believe, And come at thy call, Thy grace to recieve; The blessing is given, Wherever thou art; The earnest of heaven Is love in the heart. 4. To us at thy feet, The comforter give, Who gasp to admit Thy spirit and live; The weakest believers Acknowledge for thine, And fill us with rivers Of water divine ! The Pleasantness of Religion. HYMN 112. 7's & 6's. AIKER, Saviour of mankind, Who hast on me bestow'd An immortal soul, designed To be the house of God . Come, and now reside in me, Never, never to remove; Make me just, and good, like thee. And full of power and love. 2 Bid me in thy image rise, A saint, a creature new : True, and merciful, and wise, And pure, and happy, too: the pleasantness of Religion. 191 2 2 Ism peming wain je nee se nuh moo naig, Ma nwaning aid oowh e zhe pee bah ge. “Wah menouhyodoo whoguh mene quin, Nah ze kuh widtuhge chewah nuh de ze.” Nºwah je moe was ke da bywatah goo, Kewee dookah ga win wee uhyah mong, Minze mahkemun duh Zhezhuh wain.jega, Keezhahuhyongish peming'mah ordaing, Keze dong ke nun duh zhe mee zhe min, Keje chog ka cheme nwain dah go zid, Ninge kaindah nonewhitebane meyong, See beenge zhe jewun zha wanemeyong. Azhe onesheshing ewh Uhm...whºmeahwin. NUIHGUIHMOWIN 112. 7's & 6’s AH noo je moo e wa yun, Kee me zhe wum buh man, Ninje chog pa mah de zid, Weezhuh wane me yun; Pe peen de gashkuh we shin, Moozhug chege geshkoo mon, Che be quhyuh quee yun, Cheme nwa ne menon. A zhe wah sayah zeyun, Noong oom e zhe e shin Keche zhuh wain je gayon, Cheme no uhyah yon; 192 THE PLEASANTNºss of Religion. This thy primitive design, That I should in thee be blest; Should, within the arms divine, For ever, ever rest. 3 Let thy will on me be done; Fulfil my heart's desire, Thee to know and love alone, And rise in raptures higher; Thee descending on a cloud, When with ravish'd eyes I see Then I shall be fill'd with God To all eternity HYMN 113. 6-7's. EARY souls, that wander wide From the central point of bliss, Turn to Jesus crucified, - Fly to those dear wounds of his . Sink into the purple flood: Rise into the life of God. 2 Find in Christ the way of peace, Peace, unspeakable, unknown; By his pain he gives you ease, Life by his expiring groan: Rise exalted by his fall; Find in Christ your all in all. 3 O believe the record true, God to you his son hath given Ye may now be happy too: Find on earth the life of heaven; Live the life of heaven above, All the life of glorious love. THE PLEASANTNESS OF RELIGION. 193 Mee oowh a na ne me yun, Chezhuh wain dah go zeyon; Cheuh nwa she moo no yon, Kah genig kenekong. A main duh mun sub noong oom *Zhezhuh wa meme shin Che quhyuh quane menon, Che ºne oom be shkah yon; Penah zheen, ah nuh quh doong Chebuh guh kah buh me non; Che mooshkena skuh we yun, Uh puh na kah genig NUHGUHMOWIN 113. 6-7's. A che uh ya koze yaig, Ewh puh pah wuh ne she naig, Jesus penah ze kuh wik, Kee nuh wah kee oon je na; O me queem inguhyah mook, Menope mah de ze win. Mekuh mook, ewh manwuh mook, Jesus kah be o zhe tood ; Kege jewee sub gain dung, Kee doon je pe mah de zemin Ah peje go kuh ke nuh Mekuh mook wah uh yah maig. Tabwa ya ne mike sun Ogwe sun kee mee ne naig Ke cheme no uhyah yook, Ewh pezhuh wane me naig : Ishpeming a yah muh guk, Ke Zhuh wane me go wah. 194 THE GOODNESS OF GOD. 4. This the universal bliss, Bliss for every soul design'd, God's original promise this, God's great gift to all mankind; Blest in Christ this moment be Blest to all eternity The Goodness of God. HYMN 114, 4–6's & 2.8's. TUNG by the scorpion sin, My poor expiring soul The balmy sound drinks in, And is at once made whole : See there my Lord upon the tree I hear, I feel, he died for me. - 2 0 unexampled love O all-redeeming grace How swiftly didst thou move To save a fallen race What shall I do to make it known What thou for all mankind hast done 3 O for a trumpet-voice, On all the world to call To bid their hearts rejoice In him who died for all ! For all my Lord was crucified; For all, for all my Saviour died THE GOODNESS OF GOD. 195 4. Kuh ke nuh aim duh che wind Ah no wozhuh wain je ga; Kaheke de go buh man, Pee zhe zhuh wain je ga; Noong oom zhuh wain dah go zig Kuh ya dush ego moozhug Ozhuhwain.jegawin owh memo Munedoo. NUIHGUHMOWIN 114. 4-6's & 2–8's. UH jeuh ye ee wish, Kagah na sego yon, Ning eee zhe me kon Nwah je mo e go yon ; Wah buh mikowh Ta baning a Uh goojing emah me te goong 2 Oh Manwaning a yun Oh Wah dookah gayun Kegee wa wee be tah Nooje moe wa yun! Tah neen ka e zhe che gayon, Minze che ke kane me quah." 3 O pagish kuh ke nuh Uh keeng ka da bywa waig Noong oom uhyooyombon Che ween duh mah gayon Owh Taba ming a kuh ke muh, Kuh ke nuh go kee oon je na 196 ON DEATH. HYMN 115. C. M. OVERS of pleasure more than God, For you he suffered pain; Swearers, for you he spilt his blood; And shall he bleed in vain 2 Misers, for you his life he paid : Your basest crime he bore; Drunkards your sins on him were laid, That you might sin no more. 3 The God of love, to earth he came, That you might come to heaven; Believe, believe in Jesu's name, And all your sins forgiven. 4 Believe in him that died for thee, And, sure as he hath died, Thy debt is paid, thy soul is free, And thou art justified. 0% pººl. HYMN 116. S. M. ND am I born to die To lay this body down And must my trembling spirit fly Into a world unknown A land of deepest shade, Unpierced by human thought; The dreary regions of the dead, Where all things are forgot. ON DEATH. 197 NUHGUIHMOWIN 115. S. M. A nwain duh maiguh keeng a yog, Maje zhe chega yaig, Kee nuh wah kee be oon je na, Wee moo je moe maig. Zazah geze yaig, kuh ya go Kah wuh. shqua bee shke yaig, Kee be oon je ko duh gain dum Ewh cheme bywah kah yaig. Menwaning aid kee bee zhah, Ishpeming che zhah yaig; Ta bywayane milk pah bega. Chezhuh wane me naig. Muh ze nuh ega ya go bun, Ogee be gee zhee kon; Keesh pin dush tabwa ya ne maig Kuh Zhuh wane me go wah. Neboºm. NUHGU HMOWIN 116. S. M. EE me boyone nuh Ningee oon je nee gish Muhyug tuh nuh kee win ing 'muh Ninje chog tuh e Zhah." Pasuh go te be kuk Ehw quuhyuh quain duh zeeng; Ain duh nuh kee wod nabo jig. Kagoo uh yah se moog. 198 ON THE JUDGMENT. 2 Soon as from earth I go, What will become of me ! Eternal happiness or woe Must then my portion be: Waked by the trumpet’s sound, I from my grave shall rise, And see the Judge with glory crown'd, And see the flaming skies. 3 How shall I leave my tomb! With triumph or regret! A fearful, or a joyful doom, A curse or blessing meet? Will angel-bands convey Their brother to the bar || Or devils drag my soul away, To meet its sentence there ! 4 Who can resolve the doubt, That tears my anxious breast." Shall I be with the damn'd cast out, Or number'd with the blest || I must from God be driven, Or with my Saviour dwell; Must come at his command to heaven, Or else—depart to hell. On the Judgment. HYMN 117. C. M. OE to the men on earth who dwell, Nor dread the Almighty's frown; When God doth all his wrath reveal, And shower his judgments down - - ON THE JUDGMENT. 199 Uk keeng kee mahjah yon, Tah neen ka do wah man'ſ Ka e zhe uh yah gwain eewh Ka duh nuh kee wah nanº Pe begwun muh dwa waig Ning uh ah be jee bah; Che be de bah ko ne gooyon, Keezhig che Zuh ke daig Kee ah be jee bah yon Ninjee ba guh me goong; Ke kain duh ze won nah noong oom Kadoo dah goo wah man; Ishpeming mahee doog Ning uh e zhah me doog." Kone mahkuh ya ish ko dang Chego duh gan duh mon Wa main kaguh shketood Che one she she tood 7 Mon duhojah ne main duh mon Nuh neezah main duh zhon? Ko ne mah suh Jesus Ning uh oldah penig; Kone mahkuh ya ish ko dang Ning uhuh puh genig. Tabah/comewavºn. NUHGUIHMOWIN 117. C. M. U.A. sah goog 'che Mune doon; Neshkah buh me go wod; Tuh guh gwah ne sub geze wug, Tebah ko negowod. 200 PRAYING FOR A BLESSING. 2. Sinners, expect those heaviest showers; To meet your God prepare For lo! the seventh angel pours His phial in the air. 3 Loſ from their seats the mountains leap ; The mountains are not found; Transported far into the deep, And in the ocean drown'd. 4 Who then shall live and face the throne, And face the Judge severe! When heaven and earth are fled and gone, O where shall I appear? 5 Now, only now, against that hour We may a place provide; Beyond the grave, beyond the power Of hell, our spirits hide: 6 Firm in the all-destroying shock, May view the final scene: For lo! the everlasting rock Is cleft to take us in. Praying for a Blessing. HYMN 118. C. M. HOU Son of God, whose flaming eyes Our inmost thoughts perceive, Accept the evening sacrifice Which now to thee we give PRAYING FOR A BLESSING. 201 Majee zha wa be zeyaig Keezhetah yaig a tuh, Ke guh me no wah buh mah wah, Ke Mune doome wah Wuhjewun mahjee be da wun, Kah dush me kuh zee nun Keche guh meeng kee e pedaig Kee o duh kee sa wun. Wa main dush ka be mah de zid Che de bah ko negoong." Tah neen de che uh yah wah man Uh ke kee ungo shkog” Noong oom, noong oom ego a tuh Kedah gee zheetah min; Uh wuh she maine bo win ing Kedah gah gah zo min. Uh pee nuh ning e shkoguh ke Ke guh wah nuh kee min; Kahge ga Uh sin tuh we shkah Keche been de ga yung! Undodºhmahgang Zukwandahgozewin NUHGUIHMOWIN 118. C. M. A gwe semik Wa yoose mind, Kanuh wah buh me yong, Uh yonewhite bun da goo yun Noong oom o nah gwe shig. 202 PRAYING FOR A BLESSING. 2. We bow before thy gracious throne, And think ourselves sincere; But show us, Lord, is every one Thy real worshipper! 3 Is here a soul that knows thee not, Nor feels his want of thee! A stranger to the blood which bought His pardon on the tree" 4 Convince him now of unbelief; His desperate state explain: And fill his breast with sacred grief, And penitential pain. 5 Speak with that voice which wakes the dead, And bid the sleeper rise! And bid his guilty conscience dread The death that never dies. 6 Extort the cry, “What must be done To save a wretch like me ! How shall a trembling sinnner shun That endless misery" 7 “I must this instant now begin Out of my sleep to awake; And turn to God, and every sin Continually forsake: 8 “I must for faith incessant cry, And wrestle, Lord, with thee: I must be born again, or die To all eternity.” PRAYING FOR A BLESSING. 203 Kezhuh guh shkee tah goo noong oom, Puh gwe same moyong; Ain duh che yonge nuh ka gait, Nin da bywa yain dah minº Uh yah nuh o mah uh we yah, Ka ka ne me se nook" Pabah main duh Zig kuh nuh ga Ke Zhuh wain je ga win." Ween duh mowh nun neezah ne zid, Ewh tabwa yain duh zig; Mooshke nuh duh mowh o da ing Kee sah dan duh mo win. Uh yah be zee shkah good na bood, Uh yoon che guh noo mud Monoo dush o guh go tonewh Kahge game bo win Kuh skhe na ning e zage zid Mon duh chee ke dood, “Tah neen ka e zhe che gayon Ewhiche moo je moyonº “Um baning uhuh muh ze kah Nuh neezah ne zeyon; Ta baning a ning uhe zhah Ewh wee noojee moyon. *Tabwa yain duh mo win moon zhug Keguhun do duh moon, Moon zhug ming uh go duh gain dum, Aunjee goose won.” 14 204 PRAYING FOR A BLESSING. HYMN 119. S. M. PIRIT of Faith come down, Reveal the things of God; And make to us the Godhead known, And witness with the blood : 'Tis thine the blood to apply, And give us eyes to see, Who did for every sinner die, Hath surely died for me. No man can truly say That Jesus is the Lord, Unless thou take the veil away, And breathe the living word; Then, only then, we feel Our interest in his blood, And cry, with joy unspeakable, “Thou art my Lord, my God!” O that the world might know The all-atoning Lamb Spirit of faith descend and show The virtue of his name: The grace which all may find The saving power, impart; And testify to all mankind, And speak in every heart. Inspire the living faith, Which whosoe'er receives, The witness in himself he hath, And consciously believes; The faith that conquers all, And doth the mountain move, PRAYING FOR A BLESSING. 205 NUHGUIHMOWIN 119. S. M. Eezhon, Oje chog, - Che da bywa yain duh mong, Uh yod Mano Mune doo wid Kuh ya o me squee ming Keen kedah guh shketoon Ewhiche wah bun duh mong, Pahtah zing kee bee oon je maid Neen go kee oon je na. Kah dah guh shke too seem Cheda bywa yain duh ming, E ko nuh mun a tuh mon duh Uh yah gooshkah go yong, Pah bega o me squeem Nindah me sain dah non, Che zhe pee bah geyonge bun * Ne me no muni e doom.” Pagish aim duh che wind Noong oom ke kane mind; Che Oje chog, pee duh mah gain Ewha main dah go zid, Owee dookah ga win - Puh ge de nuh mah gain, Ninda e nongain duh che yong Ween duh muſh we she nom. Pee zhe poo dah dun Tabwa yain duh mo win, Ah peje che da bºwa yain dung Owh wa dah penuh mook ; Tabwa yain duh mo win, Mah shkuh we Zee muh guk, 206 PRAYING FOR A BLESSING. And saves whoe'er on Jesus call, And perfect them in love. HYMN 120, 7's. ESUS, Lord, we look to thee, Let us in thy name agree : Show thyself the Prince of Peace; Bid our jars for ever cease. By thy reconciling love, Every stumbling-block remove; Each to each unite, endear : Come and spread thy banner here Make us of one heart and mind, Courteous, pitiful, and kind, Lowly, meek, in thought and word, Altogether like our Lord. Let us for each other care, Each the other's burden bear, To thy church the pattern give, Show how true believers live. Free from anger and from pride, Let us thus in God abide : All the depths of love express, All the heights of holiness Let us then with joy remove To the family above; On the wings of angels fly; Show how true believers die. PRAYING FOR A BLESSING. 207 Jesus sun main do mah she jig, Che moo je gezewun. NUHGUHMOWIN 120. 7's. Ebuh gwe sah buh me goo Jesus, taba ne me yong; E ko nuh muh we she nom Wain je mah name de shong. 2 Ka be sedah de yong in Ning o jeuh puh ge doon; A zhe dush zah gee yong, Che zhe zah gee de shong. 3 Kege ke wa oon um ba Uh goo duh muh we she nom; Cheba zhego da a yong, Nah sobe go ain de yun. 4 Che we doo kodah de shong A ne zuh nuh nuh gezing in, Wa weeng a puh me too kig, Cheuh ye nuh wºung a dwah. 5 Chene shkane de sewong, Mon duh puh meetah goo yun; Cheuhgah same moshong, Kegwuhyuh koze winging 6 Chene moo je gan duh mong Uh pee kee wa we zhe yong; Angel nug oning wee won, Che oom be sun ego shong 208 PRAYING FOR A BLESSING. HYMN 121. S's & 6's. XCEPT the Lord conduct the plan, The best concerted schemes are vain And never can succeed ; Wespendour wretched strength for nought; But if our works in thee be wrought, They shall be blest indeed. 2 Lord, if thou didst thyself inspire Our souls with this intense desire Thy goodness to proclaim, Thy glory if we now intend, Olet our deed begin and end Complete in Jesu's name 3. In Jesu's name behold we meet, Far from an evil world retreat, And all its frantic ways; One only thing resolved to know, And square our useful lives below, By reason and by grace. 4. Now, Jesus, now thy love impart, To govern each devoted heart, And fit us for thy will: Deep founded in the truth of grace, Build up thy rising church, and place The city on the hill. 5 O let sur faith and love abound ! O let our lives to all around With purest lustre shine; That all around our works may see, And give the glory, Lord, to thee, The heavenly Light Divine. PRAYING FOR A BLESSING. 209 NUHGUIHMOWIN 121. 8's & 6's. EESH pin wee doo kuh wain duh zig, Jesus, oowh a zhe chega yung, Kuh uh gah we ze min; Keesh pin dush ween we doo koo nung, Ka gait kuh duh zhuh wain dah gwud. Oowh a zhe chega yung. Ta baning a, e main duh mun, Kee doo ne zhe she win min ze, Che de bah do duh mong ; Monoo uh no kee tah goo yun, Jesus, ode noozo win ing Ning uh kee zhe too non Jesus o de noozo win ing, Kemah wun jee de she min, Wegwuhyuh koze yung; Majee zhe wa bezeljig, Kegee buh ka we nah nah nig, Weegwuhyuh ko zee shung. Jesus, ke me nwaning a win, Umba ninda e nong uh toon, Cheong wah me ze shong: Ah yeen je gah buh we ah shin, Wa quee no jig o' gech wuh jewh; Che wah sayah ze wod Mon oo tuh gezhee wah sayah Neme nwaning a we ne non, Kee we tahuh ye ee; Chemah moo yuh wºuh me goo yun Wah bun duh e wa yong minize Kewah sayah ze win 210 FOR MOURNER-. For Mourners Convinced of Sin. HYMN 122, 6–8's. IELD to me now, for I am weak; But confident in self-despair: Speak to my heart, in blessings speak : Be conquer’d by my instant prayer : Speak, or thou never hence shalt move, And tell me if thy Name is Love. 2. 'Tis Love 'tis Love thou diedst for me : I hearthy whisper in my heart The morning breaks, the shadows flee, Pure, universal love thou art : To me, to all, thy bowels move, Thy Nature and thy Name is Love. 3 My prayer hath power with God: the grace Unspeakable I now receive : Through faith I see thee face to face: I see thee face to face, and live! In vain I have not wept and strove; Thy Nature and thy Name is Love. 4 I know thee, Saviour, who thou art, Jesus, the feeble sinner's friend. Nor wilt thou with the night depart, But stay and love me to the end; Thy mercy never shall remove; Thy Nature and thy Name is Love. 5 The Sun of Righteousness on me Hath rose, with healing in his wings: Wither'd my nature's strength, from thee My soul its life and succour brings; My help is all laid up above; Thy Nature and thy Name is Love. CONWINCED OF SIN. 211 Muhje exhewahbezewin oomje keezahuan dahming. NUIHGUIHMOWIN 122. 6-8's. M ba pezhuh wane me shin, Noong oom ewhah ne zhee tuh mon; Kuh guh noozhe shin minda ing, Ta bywatun un do duh moo non; Kah ween pooch ke guh mahjah see, Manwaning a nuh ke de goo. Ka gaite sub ke me nwa nim, Wain duh go kegee oon je na, Ke noon doon suh kuh noozhe yun, Zhuh ye gwuh suh pewah sayah; Ah peje sub ke me nwa nim, Manwa ning a sub ke de goo. Menoo Mune doo wee je id, Zhah zhe ne zhuh wane me goo; Tabwa yain duh mo win ing, suh Noong oom ke doon je wah buh minº Mee ewhkah oon duh da moyon, Manwa ing a suh ke de goo. Keen sub N wah je moe wayun, Jesus a zhe ne kah zoyun. Ka go ween nuh guh zhe she kain, Menik ka be mah de zeyon; Kahge nig zhuh wane me shin, Manwaning a sub ke de goo Gwuhyuh ke ze wine Keezis, Newah sashkog noojee moid: Keen sub ke doon de nuh muh wish Wain je nah pemah de zeyon; Ishpeming newee dookah goo, Manwaning a sub ke de goo. 212 FOR MOURNERS. 6 Contented now upon my thigh I halt, till life's short journey end; All helplessness, all weakness, I On thee alone for strength depend; Nor have I power from thee to move; Thy Nature and thy Name is Love. 7 Lame as I am, I take the prey; Hell, earth, and sin, with ease o'ercome , I leap for joy, pursue my way, And, as a bounding hart, fly home; Through all eternity to prove Thy Nature and thy Name is Love. HYMN 123. 7's. ESU, Lover of my soul, J Let me to thy bosom fly, While the nearer waters roll, While the tempest still is high; Hide me, O my Saviour, hide, Till the storm of life be past; Safe into the haven guide, 0 receive my soul at last! 2. Other refuge have I none, Hangs my helpless soul on thee; Leave, ah! leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me: All my trust on thee is stayed; All my help from thee I bring; Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of thy wing: CON VINCED OF SIN. 213 6 Kah genigning uh nuh aim dum Kauh kope mah de zeyon; Ah peje neen pajee wee yon, Keen edush ke duh pane min; Kah ke dah nuh guh ne se noon, Manwaning a sub ke de goo. 7 Ah no e zhe pajee we yon, Ning eche muh muh zhe e wa; Ning wah shquon moo je gain duh mon Wah wah shka sheeng min de zhe sa, Ishpeming e zhe kee wayon Manwaning a suh ke de go. NUHGUIHMOWIN 123. 7's. E SUS, ke be nah ze koon, ‘J Manwa ne mud ninje chog; Magwah evil muh mong ah shkog, Kuhya ewhke che nooding: Kah zhe shin a peech magwah Nee skah dukpe mah de zing; Puh guh me wizh ninje chog Ain duh zhe uhyuhnwah ting. 2 Keen a tuh owh ninje chog Kebuhgwe same me goosh! Kago nuh guh zhe she kain, Peme no uh yah we shin: Keen mahke duh pane min, Keen a tuh ke wee doo kowh : Monoo uh gwuh muho shin Egewhi kening wee gun uug. 214 FOR MOURNERS. 3 Plenteous grace with thee is found, Grace to cover all my sin; Let the healing streams abound, Make and keep me pure within : Thou of life the fountain art; Freely let me take of thee; Spring thou up within my heart, Rise to all eternity. HYMN 124. L. M. HOU Man of griefs, remember me, Who never canst thyself forget, Thy last mysterious agony, Thy fainting pangs, and bloody sweat: 2. Father, if I may call thee so, Regard my fearful heart's desire; Remove this load of guilty woe, Nor let me in my sins expire. 3 I tremble lest the wrath divine, Which bruises now my sinful soul, Should bruise this wretched soul of mine Long as eternal ages roll. 4. To thee my last distress I bring; The heighten’d fear of death I find: The tyrant, brandishing his sting, Appears, and hell is close behind 5 I deprecate that death alone, That endless banishment from thee O save, and give me to thy Son, Who trembled, wept, and bled for me. CONWINCED OF SIN 215 3 Kenee dookah ga win ing, Ning uh oon je moo je moosh ; Wain je noo je mwah bah waing Ning uh be peene e goon: Keen mah pemah de ze win, Wa ne puzhmin dah uh yon ; Umba, minda inguh toon, Kahge gape mahd ze win. NUHGUIHMOWIN 124. L. M. AH geche, Ko duh gain duh mun, Kago, wuh name me she kain, Kedah wuh main done nung a, Ke mesqueem kah be oon je gog 2 Noos, ketwa ke de zhe, wee nin, Weezhuh wah ne me go zeyon; Eko nun pºwuhyah woon duh mon, Ka go ween ning uh nebo see 3 Ne nuh ning e za gee goon, Mon duh one shkain je ga win, Kahge ga kuh mig ninje chog, Keche go duh gain duh e bun. 4 Ke be nah je ne zhe min suh, Qua duh ge wanoo penuh zhid: Muhjelish koda ish quayong, Pa shope duh ne zee muh gud. 5 Ke nun do dub moon sun noong oom Wa weeb che moo je moe yun! Meenzh, Kegwische debane mid, Neen kahoonje ko duh gain dung. 216 FOR BELIEVERS REJOICING. For Believers Rejoicing. HYMN 125. L. M. OW do thy mercies close me round For ever be thy name adored; I blush in all things to abound; The servant is above his Lord 2 Inured to poverty and pain, A suffering life my Master led : The Son of God, the Son of Man, He had not where to lay his head. 3 But lo! a place he hath prepared For me, whom watchful angels keep : Yea, he himself becomes my guard ; He smoothes my bed, and gives me sleep. 4 Jesus protects; my fears be gone What can the Rock of Ages move Safe in thy arms I lay me down, Thy everlasting arms of love. 5 Me for thine own thou lov'st to take, In time and in eternity: Thou never, never, wilt forsake A helpless worm that trusts in thee FOR BELIEVERS REJOICING. 217 Tmhyabwaynindwngig Moojeganduhmowod. NUIHGUIHMOWIN 125. L. M. TING ee we tah shkah go she nun, E newh sha wain je gah yuh nin! Nin duh gush owh puh meetah gun, Che neegah main dah go ze pun 2 Ne nuh guh disewhkah genig, Kee be ke demah geze yon; Jesus ogee mu na zine wh Ka gee uh pequa she mo pun. 3 Nin duh tºwah guh ne kog dash ween, Angel mug pa main duh mowod; Nim buh mane mig, kuh ya go Nene bahig ta be kuh kin. 4 Jesus peguh nuh wane mid, Wa main kamah name me pun." One kah wung ming uh we shim, Mooh zhug ke me nwaning a win. 5 Kemenwain dum uhyah we yun, Noong oom, kuhya kah genig. Kah weekah kuh nuh guhnah see Ka gait tuhya by a ya ne mik. 218 FOR BELIEVERS FIGHTING. For Believers Fighting. HYMN 126. S. M. ESUS, the Conqueror, reigns, In glorious strength array'd, His kingdom over all maintains, And bids the earth be glad. Ye sons of men, rejoice In Jesu's mighty love; Lift up your heart, lift up your voice, To him who rules above. 2 Extol his kingly power; Kiss the exalted Son, Who died, and lives, to die no more, High on his Father's throne: Our Advocate with God, He undertakes our cause, And spreads through all the earth abroad The victory of his cross. That bloody banner see, And, in your Captain's sight, Fight the good fight of faith with me, My fellow-soldiers, fight In mighty phalanx joined, To battle all proceed; Arm'd with the unconquerable mind Which was in Christ your Head. FOR BELIEVERS FIGHTING. 219 Tuh yabwayaindwgig Meegahzowod. Nuhquinowin 126 s. m. E SUS, Mamah ze twod Keche oge mah we, A nego quah nig oowh uh ke, O doomah nego toon. Pah pena memo yook, Jesus me nwaning aid; Ishpeming tuh zhe oge mah Chemah moo yuh wºuh mik. 2 Mee gwaich e main duh mook O muh shkuh we zee win , Kahne bopun pe mah de zid Oo sun we duh be mod; * Meenzh,” o de non Oo sun, Agah wah duh mung oon, Min zeuh keengta be shkahne O muh shkuh we zee win. 3 Mesquee waguh de me Oge kewa o win Weejee e shig meegah zoo yon Neejeke waigh ye doog Ene ong wah me nik Ain do buhne she jig; Jesus o muh shkuh we ze win, Ene gege ze yook. 15 220 FOR BELIEVERS FG HTLING!. HYMN 127. S. M. ARK, how the watchmen cry, Attend the trumpet’s sound Stand to your arms, the foe is nigh, The powers of hell surround: Who bow to Christ's command, Your arms and hearts prepare ; The day of battle is at hand Go forth to glorious war 2 See, on the mountain top, The standard of your God! In Jesu's name I lift it up, All stain’d with hallow'd blood. His standard-bearer, I To all the nations call: Let all to Jesu's cross draw high He bore the cross for all. 3 Go up with Christ your head; Your Captain's footsteps see; Follow your Captain, and be led To certain victory. All power to him is given; He ever reigns the same; Salvation, happiness, and heaven Are all in Jesu's name. + Only have faith in God; In faith your foes assail; Not wrestling against flesh and blood, But all the powers of hell: From thrones of glory driven, By flaming vengeance hurl’d, They throng the air, and darken heaven, And rule the lower world. FOR BELIEVERS FIGHTING. 221 NUHGUIHMOWIN 127. S. M. UH a kuh wah be jig, Muh dwa pee bah gewug" Keezhetah yook chee meegah naig, Ka cheme shka ming aid; Jesus ma yah wo said, Ka nuh wane me naig, Ezhogain duh zhe mee gah zoong Puhyah penain dah gwuk E nuh ! wah bun duh mook, Jesus ke ke wa ood Ogech wuh jewh min doom be non, Kuh ke nuh me squee wun. Chah gamuah aim wa jig, Noong oom un do mahwug Kah ke nuh penah ze kuh wik, Jesus, kah oon je maid. Jesus, ma yah wo said Ene ong wah me nik; Ka oon je muh mah zhe a gwah, Egewhimah gah na goog. Kuh ke nuh kee me nah, Kuh shke a we ze win; Jesus ode noozo win ing, Nooje mo win tuh go. Muh shkuh wain duh moyook, Jesus uh pane maig; Kuh ke nuh muhjemune doog, Ke meegah nego wog, Ishpeming kahoonje Nahnee swa benin jig, Kotah me goze wug uh keeng, Wee bahtah e wa woºl. 222 INGARNATION OF CHRIST. The Incarnation of Christ. HYMN 128, 7's. ARK, the herald-angels sing Glory to the new-born king, “Peace on earth, and mercy mild : God and sinners reconciled.” 2 Christ, by highest heaven adored, Christ, the everlasting Lord, Late in time behold him come, Offspring of a virgin's womb. 3 Weil'd in flesh the Godhead see; Hail the incarnate Deity Pleased as man with men to appear. Jesus our Immanuel here. 4 Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace, Hail the Sun of Righteousness Light and life to all he brings, Risen with healing in his wings. 5 Mild he lays his glory by, Born that man no more may die; Born to raise the sons of earth, Born to give them second birth. 6 Adam's likeness now efface, Stamp thine image in its place. Second Adam from above, Reinstate us in thy love. INCARNATION OF CHRIST. 223 2 5 Keeneegid owh Christ. NUHGUIHMOWIN 128. 7's. NGEL. mug nuh guh mo wug, Che Oge mah kee nee gid, Pege che zhuh wane mod, Nashwuh nah de zene jin. Moo je genuh qua 'mah gaig Uh keengain duh nuh kee yaig, Te bah je mikowh Jesus Mary nah getuh moo naig Angel nugain duh che wod, O duh nuh me kuh wah won Wah buh mik pe duh gwe shing, Kee gong o quain wagee jin. Uh nuh me kuh wik pah dood Nayob quh yuh koze win, Ain duh che she wind uh keeng Wee be mah de zee e wal Chene bo seeng mee nuh wah Jesus peoon jee zhah ; Uh keeng wain dah de ze jig, Che on je neege in dwah. A zhe quhyuh koze yun E. zhe wa bee she nom; Kemenwaning a win ing Chene me nuh wah zeyong. 224 For THE SOCIETY. For the Society on Meeting. HYMN 129. C. M. EE, Jesus, thy disciples see, The promised blessing give Met in thy name, we look to thee, Expecting to receive. 2 Thee we expect, our faithful Lord, Who in thy name are join'd, We wait, according to thy word, Thee in the midst to find. 3 With us thou art assembled here ; But, O, thyself reveal - Son of the living God, appear ! Let us thy presence feel. 4 Breathe on us, Lord, in this our day, And these dry bones shall live; Speak peace into our hearts and say, “The Holy Ghost receive!” 5 Whom now we seek, O may we meet Jesus, the crucified, Show us thy bleeding hands and feet, Thou who for us hast died. 6 Cause us the record to receive : Speak, and the tokens show; “O be not faithless, but believe In me, who died for you!” HYMN 130. L. M. RAISE God from whom all blessings flow . Praise Him, all creatures here below Praise Him above, ye heavenly host Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ON MEETING. 225 Mahww.jeedevod Anwhineaſig. NUHGUHMOWIN 129. C. M. |* SUS, ke me zhe nuh wa mug Pezuh wane mah shin; Ke de zhe ne kah zo win ing. Mah wun jee de shong. 2 Nim bungwe same mo she min, Ke de ke do win ing. Noong oom o mah nah wuh ye ee, Che be duh ne zeyun. 3 Ah no wah buh me goose wun, Omah tuh ne zeyun, Monookuh gekane me goo E mah ninda e nong. 4 Pena sa no duh we she nom Ke be mah de ze win , E kee doon, “uhyah wik mah buh Pah ne zid Oje chog ' " 5 Kahuh gwah quuhe gah zoyun , Magwah skhuh we she nom Pewah wah bun duh e she nom, Wain jes quuh geze yun. 6 Ain duh che yonge zhe she nom, *Tabwa ya ne me shig. Kee nuh wah mah kee oon je na, Che be mah de zeyaig." NUHGUHMOWIN 130. L. M. AH moo yuh wºuli mahdah mah buh. Wain je zhuh wain dah go zeyung; Wa yoose mind, Wagwe semind, Kuhya Pah ne zid Oje chog 227 INDEx To THE HYMNS. Paulº. Ah! whither should I go. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Alas! and did my Saviour bleed . . . . . . . . . 44 Arise, my soul, arise... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 A fountain of Life and of Grace . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Am I a soldier of the Cross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 A charge to keep I have . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 And are we yet alive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 And must this body die . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 And let this feeble body fail . . . . . . . . 128 All praise to Him who dwells in bliss. . . . . . . 162 Awake, my soul, and with the sun 170 And am I born to die . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 Blow ye the trumpet, blow . . . . . . . . . . 10 Behold the Saviour of mankind . 36 Before Jehovah's awful throne . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Blest be the dear uniting love . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Come, sinners, to the gospel feast . . . . . . º Come, ye sinners, poor and needy . . . . . . . - - 8 Come, O thou Traveller unknown . . . . . 18 Come, ye that love the Lord . . . . . 32 Come, let us who in Christ believe . . . . . 48 Come, thou Fount of every blessing 50 Come, let us join our cheerful songs . 62. Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove . . . - - - - 72 Come on, my partners in distress 80 Come, my God, the promise seal . . . . . 94. Come, and let us sweetly join . . . 116 Celestial Dove, descend from high 148 Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire . . . 152 Captain of our salvation, take . . 168 Eternal Power, whose high abode . . . . . 208 Except the Lord conduct the plan. . . . . . 87 228 Nº Ex. Father, I stretch my hands to thee From all that dwell below the skies Father of mercies, in thy word . . . . . . . . . . . . From Greenland's icy mountains - - - - - - - - - - God is in this and every place. . . . . . . . . . . . . God moves in a mysterious way . . . . . . . . . . Go preach my Gospel, saith the Lord . . . . . ºod of all consolation take . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Giver and Guardian of my sleep . . . . . . . . . Glory to thee, my God, this might . . . . . . . Great God! to thee my voice I raise How sad our state by nature is . . . . . . . . . . . . How happy are they. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Happy the souls to Jesus joined . . . . . . . . . . . 34 How tedious and tasteless the hours . . . 52 How beauteous are their feet . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Hark from the tombs a doleful sound . . . . . 130 He dies the Friend of sinners dies 132 How happy every child of grace. . . . . . . . . . . . 138 He comes he comes the Judge severe . . . . 142 How glorious is our heavenly King . . 178 Ho! every one that thirsts, draw high . . . . . 186 How do thy mercies close me round . . . . . . . . 216 Hark, how the watchmen cry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Hark, the herald angels sing . . . . . . . . . . 222 I'll praise my Maker while I've breath . 50 Jesus, the name high over all. . . . . . . . . . . 42 Jesus, thou everlasting King . . . . . . . . 60 Jesus, I fain would find . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone. . . . . . . . . . 86 Jesus, the word of mercy give. . . . . . . . . . . 100 Jesus shall reign where'er the sum 108 Jesus, Lord, we look to thee . . . . . . . . . 206 Jesu, Lover of my soul . 212 Jesus, the Conqueror reigns 218 Let every mortal ear attend 12 - - - - - - - - NDEx. 229 --- Let earth and heaven agree . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - 3. Lord, we come before thee now . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Lord, all I am is known to thee . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Lord, whom winds and seas obey . . . . . . . . . . 88 Let Him to whom we now belong . . . . . . . . . 96 Lord over all, if thou hast made . . . . . . . . . . 98. Let all who truly bear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear . . . . . . 158 Lovers of pleasure more than God . . . . . . . . . . 196 My God, the spring of all my joys . . . . . . . . . 56 My Saviour, my Almighty Friend . . . . . . . . . 54 My God, my life, my love . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 My Saviour's pierced side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 My God, how endless is thy love . . . . . . . . 162 Maker, Saviour of mankind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Now from the altar of your hearts. . . . . . . . . . 168 O for a thousand tongues to sign . . . . . - 4. O that I could repent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14. O for a glance of heavenly day. . . . . . . . . . . . 22 O for a closer walk with God . . . . . . . . . . . 24. O why did I my Saviour leave . . . . . . . . . . 28 Of him who did salvation bring . . . . . . . . . . . 44. O may thy powerful word . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64. O for a heart to praise my God ... . . . . . . . 90 O that my load of sin were gone. . . . . . . . . . 92 O love Divine, how sweet thou art . . . . . . . 90 On all the earth thy Spirit shower. . . . . . . . . 102 O God our help in ages past . . . . . . . . 122 On Jordan's stormy banks I stand 135 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow. . . . 224 Soldiers of Christ, arise 55 See how great a flame aspires. . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Sweet is the work, my God, my King . . . . 156 See how the morning sun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Sinners, obey the gospel word . . . . . . . . . 184 Stung by the scorpion sin . . . . 230 INDEx. Spirit of Faith come down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 See, Jesus, thy disciples see . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 The voice of my beloved sounds . . . . . . . . . . . 56 The praying Spirit breathe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 To bless thy chosen race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 112 Try us, O God, and search the ground . . . . . . 114 The Lord of Sabbath let us praise . . . . . . . . . . 132 There is a land of pure delight . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Thou Judge of quick and dead . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 The Lord of earth and sky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 That doleful night before his death . . . . . . . . 148 This is a precious book indeed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 The praises of my tongue. . . . . . . . . .- - - - - - - - - 180 Thou Son of God, whose flaming eyes . . . . . . 200 Thou Man of griefs remember me . . . . . . . . . . 214 Vain, delusive world, adieu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Would Jesus have the sinner die . . . . . . . . . . 36 When I can read my title clear . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Why do we mourn departing friends. . . . . . . . 124 While shepherds watched their flocks by night. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Welcome sweet day of rest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 We lift our hearts to thee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164: With joy we meditate the grace. . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Weary souls that wander wide . . . . . . . . . . 192 Woe to the men on earth who dwell . . . . . . . . 198 23. INDEX TO INDIAN BIYMNS. - - --- Ah neen de ka 'zhah yon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Ah ke zha Mune doo Kah be . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Ah meesh ween nah muh we mung wah . . . . 125 Among e zhe, e nuh ka gom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Angel nug nuh guh mowug. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 Cheuh no kee too non . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Chemah moo yuh wuh menon sub . . . . . . 167 E nuh owh Nwah je moe waid . . . . . . . . . . . . E main dum 'nuh Jesus monoo. . . . . . - E nuh suh a nuh ko naig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emah owee yuh wing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E nuh mah buh keezis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ishpeming tuh zhe O mee mee . . . . . . . . . . . Jesus, nah gah me ne kah zood . . . . . . . . . . Jehovah a nah suh muh bid . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jesus, kah ke ga Ogemah . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jesus uh pahgishnah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jesus ish peming kahe Zhod. . . . . . . . . Jesus, wa weeb sub meege wain . . . . . . Jesus tuh o gemah we we . . . . . Jesus Ke benah ze koon . . . . . . --- Jesus, Mamahzetwod. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jesus, keme zhe nuh wa mug . . . . . . . . Keenuh wah puhyahtah zeyaig . . . . Kezha Mune doo tuh ne ze . . . . . . . . . . . . Kecheke de mahkuh kuh mig Kenuh wah zuhyahg aig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Keche zhuh wain dah go zewug . . . . --- * * * ºn 232 INDEX. Kahbee dood pemah de ze win. . . . . . . . . . . . Kegait nuh ning eene bo tog . . . . . . . . . . . . Kee muh wind tuh ya bywatuh yung . . . . . . . Kah gega ke che Mune doo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kuh ke nuh uh keeng a yah jig . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Ka gait keche one she shin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Keche pah penain dum suh owh . . . . . . . . . 139 Kuh ke nuh mah moo yuh wuh milk . . . . . . . 163 Ke doom be nuh mah goo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Kemah moo yuh wºuh min noong oom . . . . . . 173 Ke mooie gee me quain dah non . . . . . . . . . . 175 Ka gait keche one she shin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Keche pe she gain dah go ze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 Keen kache Mundoo we yun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18] Kuh ke muh kah shkah bah gwa yaig . . . . . . 187 Kahshkah bakgwa yaig Jesus noon duh wik 189 Kahnoo je moo e wayun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19. Kache uhya koze yaig . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - 193 Kebuh gwe sah buh me goo . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Keesh pin we doo-kuh wain duh zig . . . . 209 Kahge che, Ko duh gan duh mun. . . . . . . . . . 215 Muh dwah wa too yook owh . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Mon oo minik moon duh mo wod . . . . . . . . . . 13 Mom oo sun kuh ke nuh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Meenuh ewh Ah zhe da yah tig. . . . . . . . . . . 69 Mune doo a yezheche gaid . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Monoo own Tabane me nung . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Monoo min zeo man uh keeng . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Mahmig kagee qua jig . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Mee nuh wah min goding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Mahmoo yuh wuh mahdah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Monoosuh kuh ke nuh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Magwah montain see we nen' wing. . . . . . . 15|| Meegwaich suh wa wane . . . . . . . 159 Monoomoong oom o nah go shig . . . . . . . 169 Majee zhe wa beze yaig . . . . . . . . . . 189 Muh jeuh ye ee wish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 Manwain dub maiguh keeng a yog 197 Mah moo ºuh wah mahdah mah buh . 225 INDEX. º Noosa, ke Zhee be ne katoon. . . . . . . . . . . . Nah go shuh a zhe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ning echene sah main dum ko . . . . . . . . Ninge zha chune doom, keen sub . . . . . Ninge chee nee jeke waih ze. . . . . . . . Ning uh mah moozuh wºuh mah suh . Nuh quauh muh wah dwah nig suh . . . . . . Ninge ha chune doom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nuh ewh chee ba gun mig muh dwa Nebo Wah jet Ke waih ye jin. . . . . . . . Noosa, pah tuh yee nub doon sub . . . . . . . Nindooge mom we shko bun sub . . . . . . . Nindooge mom, kuh gezhaib sub . . . . . . . Ninge zha Mune doom, ka gait . . . . . . - - - - Nooje moe wa O geºmah . . . . . . . Newuh we zhain dum suh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nuh ke nun kah on kah bah gwa zaig . . . . . Ning ee we tah shkah go she nun . . . . Nuh a kuh wah be jig. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Oh uh pargish ke che ingo dwok . . . . . . . Don danshah zook suh kee nuh wah. . . . . . . Oh pagish nah ka gait . . . . . . . . Oon dos, Pabah man de zeyun Oh! pagish wah sayah ge bun Oh pagishnah muh weej pa shoo Oh ah meesh nah kee nuh gun mug One shkaun ninje chog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oon dahshon sun, tabain dun mun Oh monoo mashkuh wºuld Oom dahshon ke che 0 je chog Oh ub pagish nah minda ing . . . . . . . . . . Ohuh pagish, mahjah muh gun . . . . . Don dahshon, Oh ne Mune doom - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- Oh kezha Mune doo, keesh pin Don dahshon, keche 0 je chog Pe mahjah zook, wah jee we yaig Puh bah men wa je mozook suh . Peezhon, O de chog --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Quasah goog che Mune doom . . . . . See beenge zhe jewun eme. . . . . . . - She mah guh ne she dook . . . . . . . . . . . Ta baning a noong oom sub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ta baning a ke wuh weenga. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ta baming a monoosuh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - To baning a yun kuh ke muh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ta baning a monoo. . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - Tuh uh ne boo muh gud nuh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ta baning a, kah o zhe tood . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tabah k'one wayun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuh gwe shin Tabah ke newal . - Ta be kuk evºn che bºwah ne sind . . . . . . Uh pee qua yuh quaim duh mon in Uh nuh me ah win e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Uh yah mungud sun kah gega . . . . . . . . . . . Umba onesh kon ninje chog. . . . . . . . . . . . . Umba, pezhuh wane me shin . . . . . . . . . . . Wuhne squaze we ne shun. . . . . - - - Wee doo ko kah de dah suh . . . ----------- Weene boyon enuh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wagwe semik Wayoose mind. . . . . . . . Zahyah geug, ne noon duh wah . . . . . . . . 57 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -