The Lincoln County Union Of Women’s Clubs COOK BOOK - - - - - - - - - - - -- | - | - - - - - - - The incoln County Union Of Women’s Clubs COOK BOOK LINCOLN COUNTY HOME FOR THE A.G.ED Photo by Lindsay SG|ENGE amſ GUESSWORK With the following receipes at her disposal, any woman can enter into the holy bonds of macaroni and feel confi- dent of setting a satisfactory meal before her husband three times a day. Most every girl who got married twenty or thirty years ago was referred to as a blushing bride. And no wonder they blushed. Half of them couldn’t cook tripe well enough to be told from a piece of turkish toweling. ENTER THE SCIENTIST Thanks to the microscope things are much different to- day. We know what every in- gredient contains. We know that spinach contains a great many other things than sand; that cream is 90% milk, that milk is 90% water and that Water is 90% bacteria. We can determine just how long ago eggs were laid and so give them the respect to which age is entitled. And we know that meat is not necessary for strength, as many a cheese will testify. In other words the modern wife is a great deal better in- formed than the housewife of fifty years ago, who could hardly read. There is a case on record of a poor woman who used a cook book in mak- ing some soup for a child with whooping cough. Thru ignor- ance of spelling she mistook soap for soup and accordingly mixed up a batch for the youngster, with the result that the little one started blowing soapbubbles every time it coughed after that. WARNING Don't take any chances by guessing. Weigh and measure every ingredient you use. That’s the method we use at Tinker Tavern and as a result you get the same excellent food every time you order anything, whether it be a Steak, Chicken or Shore Din- ner. Anytime you're in our vicinity and have a few minutes to spare you are welcome to visit our kitchen and see how carefully all of our foods are prepared. That they are delicious can be easily seen by the greater number of discriminating people who dine here each season. But there’s no trick or secret about preparing our meals. It's simply a case of having a conscientious desire to serve the best, the know- ledge of how to do it and the organization to carry the whole thing thru Successfully. Dr. George L. Rockwell. BREAD, BISCUITS, MUFFINS AND DOUGHNUTS "Bread, the very staff of life, The comfort of the husband, The pride of the wife.” YEAST BREAD 2% Guarts of Flour and 1 Tablespoon of Salt sifted together. *3 Quart of New Milk scalded and cooled. 1 Yeast Cake dissolved in 33 Cup of Tepid Water. Add 1 Taplespoon of Sugar or Honey to this. Mix Flour and liquid together and knead well. Cover and put to rise over night in a warm place. In morning knead, shape into loaves and let rise to twice its bulk. Bake in oven hot enough to brown in 15 minutes and continue for nearly an hour. If desired, nuts and raisins may be added at second knead- ing, and 1/3 Rye or Graham may be used in place of all White Flour. MARY G. H. FULLERTON. YEAST ROLLS 1 Cup of Milk—Scald and Cool. 1 Yeast Cake dissolved in warm water. 4 Tablespoons of Melted Butter or Lard. 2 Tablespoons of Sugar. 1 Teaspoon of Salt. 4 Cups of Flour–add a little at a time. Let rise 2 hours in a warm place. Make into rolls and let rise % hour, then bake in a quick oven about 20 minutes. MRS. HADLEY H. KUHN. QUICK PARKER HOUSE ROLLS Dissolve 2 Yeast Cakes in 1 Cup of Luke Warm Milk, add 4% Teaspoon of Salt, 2 Teaspoons of Sugar and 2 Teaspoons of Melted Butter. Stir in enough Flour to knead lightly. Let rise in a warm place 15 minutes, then roll rather thin, and cut with a large cutter. Spread with Butter and fold. Place in a buttered pan and let rise again for 30 minutes. Bake in a hot oven until deliciously browned, spreading top with melted Butter before and after baking. To increase amount, add /ø Cup of Milk, 44 Teaspoon of Salt, 1 Teaspoon Sugar and 1 Teaspoon of Melted Butter. SACE. R. WESTON. BLUEBERRY MUFFHNS-No. 1 1 Cup of Sugar. 4 Teaspoons of Baking Pow- 34 Cup of Butter. der. 1/2 Cup of Milk. 1 Egg. 2% Cups of Flour. 2 Cups of Blueberries. Mix 1/2 Cup of the Flour with the Berries, adding last. This can be baked as a cake or in muffin tins. MRS. T. H. STEVENS. GRAHAM LOAF BREAD 1 Cup of Flour. % Cup of Sugar. 1 Cup of Graham Flour. 1 Teaspoon of Soda. 1 Cup of Sour Milk. Salt. 3/3 Cup of Raisins. 1 Egg. N. M. CARTER. PEANUT BUTTER BREAD 2 Cups of Flour. 4 Teaspoons of Royal Baking % Cup of Sugar. POW der. 1/2 Cup of Peanut Butter. 1 Teaspoon of Salt. 4% Cup of Milk. Combine and bake in moderate oven about an hour. Very nice for Sandwiches. EFFIE C. IRVINE. 7 BLUEBERRY MUFFINS-No. 2 2 Cups of Flour. 1 Egg. 4 Teaspoons of Baking Pow- % Cup Milk. der. 3 Tablespoons of Melted But- % Teaspoon of Salt. ter. % Cup of Sugar. 1 Cup of Berries. Sift the dry ingredients together. Beat the Egg, add the milk and mix with the Flour mixture, then add the melted Butter and the Berries last. These are both excellent recipes. MRS. T. H. STEVENS. BLUEBERRY CAKE 2 Eggs, beaten. % Teaspoon of Nutmeg. 1% Cups of Sugar. 2 Teaspoons of Baking Pow- * Cup of Butter. der. 1 Cup of Sour Milk. 4 Cups of Flour. 1/2 Teaspoon of Soda. 2 Cups of Blueberries. *4 Teaspoon of Salt. Bake in a moderate oven. LULU L. HOLTON. NUT BREAD To 1 Egg slightly beaten add 1 Cup of Sugar. To 4 Cups of sifted Flour add 4 Teaspoons of Baking Powder and a pinch of Salt. Add to first mixture alternately with 1% Cups of Milk. Chop 1 Cup of English Walnuts (not too fine) and add to the above. Put in pan and let stand 20 minutes, then bake 1 hour. ELIZABETH BRYANT. NUT BREAD 3 Cups of Flour. 1 Egg, beaten. 1 Cup of Sugar. 1 Cup of Milk. 4 Teaspoons of Baking Pow- 1 Teaspoon of Salt. der. 1 Cup of Chopped Nuts. Mix, put in bread tin, let stand 15 minutes and bake slowly. F. MURIEL TITUS. ROYAL CINNAMON BUNS 3 Cups of Flour. 1 Egg. 2 Tablespoons of Sugar. % of a Cup of Water. 1 Teaspoon of Salt. */3 Cup of Brown Sugar. 6 Teaspoons of Baking Pow- 2 Teaspoons of Cinnamon. der. 6 Tablespoons of Raisins. 2 Tablespoons of Shortening. Sift 2 Tablespoons of Sugar with Flour, Salt and Baking Powder; rub Shortening in lightly, add beaten Egg to Water and mix slowly with dry ingredients. Roll out 4 inch thick on floured board, brush with softened Butter and sprinkle thickly with Brown Sugar, Cinnamon and Raisins. Roll as for Jelly Roll. Have prepared 6 Tablespoons of Butter creamed with 6 Table- spoons of Brown Sugar. Spread this mixture on bottom and sides of iron baking pan or skillet. Cut dough into 1% inch pieces and place with cut edges up, on pan. Allow to stand about 15 minutes and bake in hot oven at 425 degrees Fahr. 25 minutes. Remove from pan at once turning upside down to serve. MRS. LUCINA. A. CLAREC. DATE NUT BREAD Cut up 1 Package of Dates, pour over them 1 Cup of Boiling Water with 1 Teaspoon of Soda. Let stand 10 minutes. 1/3 Cup of Sugar. 1 Teaspoon of Baking Pow- 1 Tablespoon of Butter. der. 1 Beaten Egg. A little Salt. 1% Cups of Flour. Mix above ingredients in the usual manner, then add the dates and 1 Cup of Nut Meats. Bake 45 minutes. SUNIE. C. DAY. NUT BREAD One-half Cup Sugar, one-half Cup Molasses, one cup Sour Milk, one-half Teaspoon Salt, one Teaspoon Soda, two Teaspoons Melted Butter, one Cup White Flour, one Cup Graham Flour, one Cup Chopped English Walnuts. Bake about 40 minutes. MRS. B. E. KELLEY. 9 GRAHAM BROWN BREAD 3 Cups of Graham Flour. 1 Cup of Molasses. T 2 Cups of Butter-milk or Sour 2 Teaspoons of Soda. - Milk. 1 Teaspoon of Salt. Steam about 2 Hours in double Boiler. MRS. GEORGE W. SINGER. BROWN BREAD 1 Cup of Molasses. 1 Cup of Corn Meal. 2 Teaspoons of Soda. 3 Cups of Graham Flour. 1 Teaspoon of Salt. 2% Cups of Sour Milk. FRANCES D. STORER. BREAKFAST CORN CAKE 1 Egg. Butter size of an Egg (melt- 1 Cup of Sugar. ed). 1% Cups of Milk. 1 Teaspoon of Soda. 2 Cups of Flour. 2 Teaspoons of Cream of Tar- 1 Cup of Indian Meal (bolt- tar. ed). 1 Teaspoon of Salt. Bake this in a sheet. SARAH D. WARNEY. WAFFLES 1% Cups of Flour. 1 Tablespoon of Sugar. 1 Teaspoon of Salt. 4 Tablespoons of Melted But- 2 Teaspoons of Baking Pow- ter. der. 1 Cup of Milk. 2 Eggs well beaten. IDA. C. STAHL. SOUR MILK BAKING POWDER BISCUITS WITHOUT SODA 2 Cups of Flour. 4 Teaspoons of Baking Pow- 2 Tablespoons of Shortening. der. 1 Teaspoon of Salt. % Cup Sour Milk. Makes very white, light Biscuits. MRS. MAURICE DAY. 10 GRAHAM MUFFINS 1 Cup of Graham Meal. 1 Teaspoon of Cream of Tar- 34 Cup of Flour. tar. 1 Teaspoon of Soda. A little Salt. 1 Egg. Shortening the size of an Egg. 1 Cup of Sour Milk. ANNE M. PARSONS. CHEESE BISCUITS 2 Cups of sifted Flour. 4 Teaspoons of Baking Powder. 1 Teaspoon of Salt. Sift these ingredients twice and work in 2 Tablespoons of Shortening and 4% of a pound or 1 Cup of Grated Cheese. Add 1 Cup of Milk slowly. Cut for biscuits or sticks, and bake in a hot oven. Very nice for a salad course or with coffee. Good re-heated. GENEVA. E. KING. SHREDDIED WHEAT BREAD 1 Quart of Sweet Milk scald- A little Salt. ed. 2 Yeast Cakes dissolved in a 3 Tablespoons of Sugar. small amount of Water. 2 Tablespoons of Melted But- 5 Shredded. Wheat Biscuits ter. rolled fine. Flour to knead and raise over night. RENA. CROWELL. ºf SPOON BREAD 1 Quart of Scalded Milk. 2 Tablespoons of Melted But- 1/2 Cup of Corn Meal. ter. 3%. Teaspoon of Baking Pow- 1 Teaspoon of Salt. der. 1 Teaspoon of Sugar. 3 Eggs. Stir Corn Meal into Scalded Milk and cook until thick. Then add Egg Yolks, Baking Powder, Salt, Sugar and, lastly, stiffly beaten Egg Whites. Bake 35 minutes in buttered casserole at 450 degrees F. GLADYS S. FARNHAM. 11 CORN BREAD 1 Cup of Flour. 1% Cups of Sour Milk with 1 Cup of Corn Meal. 1% teaspoons of Soda. #2 Cup of Sugar. 1 Egg. 14 Cup of Melted Butter, and Salt. RENA. CROWELL. DOUGHNUTS 12 Cup of Sour Milk. 1 Egg. 1% Cup of Sugar. 12 Teaspoon Salt. 1 Tablespoon of Cream. 1/2 Teaspoon of Soda. 1 Teaspoon of Baking Powder. Bread Flour enough to handle easily. Flavor with Nutmeg or Vanilla or as one chooses. ANNIE. L. B. BARRETT. BERRY MUFFINS 14 Cup of Butter. #3 Teaspoon of Salt. 14 Cup of Sugar. 1 Cup of Milk. 1 Egg. 1 Cup of Berries. 4 even Teaspoons of Baking 2% Cups of Flour. Powder. Reserve a little Flour to mix with Berries, adding them last. MARCIA. V. KENNISTON. 12 SPRUCEWOL) Ló)(E THE LOG CABIN HOTEL B00TH BAY HARBOR - MAINE 125 ROOMS With BATH American Plan H A R O L D. W. B IS HOP Bank Building B00THBAY HARBOR, MAINE INSURANCE Fire - Marine - Automobile Liability - Burglary - Plate Glass SURETY BONDS J. N. FISH PLUMBING and HEATING Contracting and Jobbing KITCHEN WARE STOVES and RANGES PAINTS and OHLS B00THBAY HARBOR - MAINE TELEPHONE SHOP 72 R.E.S. 237 13 COAL - WOOD - LUMBER HARD WARE PAINTS and OILS EAST SIDE OF HARBOR. P} E R C E & H A R T UN G. B00TH BAY HARBOR, MAINE Telephone 230 Finest Hardware Store in This Section ARTIST and ART TEACHERS win success in the W. F. DUDLEY A. K. CROSS ART SCHOOL 1200 pupils (many are artists) are now gaining by the JEWELER WISI () N-TRAINING HOME COURSE power not secured in the best - art schools WHCTROLAS and Anyone may draw and paint without copy or theory, months giving the results of RECOR}}S years by old methods. College Credits CROSS ART SCH0() I., Boothbay Harbor, Maine Boothbay Harbor All the year 14 v SOUPS “Now good digestion wait on appetite, and health on both.” BEAN SOUP –FROM A SPANISH INN Boil until nearly tender enough to pierce with a pin, 2 Cups of White Beans, which have been previously soaked over night in Soft Water. Add 1 Large White Cabbage, 12 slices of streaky Bacon and 1 whole Green Pepper. Season to taste and bring to a boil, let simmer for an hour. Fried Onions are added. Serve in deep soup plates and, if you like, garnish each portion with a Poached Egg. This makes a completely balanced and satisfying meal. MRS. HENRY L. HALL. POTATO SOUP 3 Potatoes. 1 Teaspoon of Salt. 1 Pint of Milk. 1 Tablespoon of Butter. 1 Teaspoon of Chopped 1 Teaspoon of Flour. Onion. Pare Potatoes and boil until soft. Mash them and add boiling Milk, Onion and Salt. Rub through a sieve and boil. Melt Butter and mix with Flour. Add to boiling mixture. MRS. A. W. JELLISON. CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP 1 Medium size Can of Toma- 1 Quart of Milk. to. 14 Cup of Flour. 1/3 of a Small Onion. 4 Tablespoons of Butter. 1 Tablespoon of Sugar. *4 Teaspoon of Salt. 14 Teaspoon of Soda. 15 Cook together Tomato, Onion and Sugar for 15 minutes. Strain, then add Soda. Make Cream Sauce by melting Butter and thoroughly mixing Flour with it, then add Milk, 4% at a time, stirring to avoid lumps. Cook until the raw taste is gone. Just before serving, and while hot, combine by pouring the Tomato mixture into the Cream Sauce. Whipped Cream may be served to top Soup. MIRS. A. W. JELLISON. CREAM OF ONION AND POTATO SOUP Put through a colander, 3 Cooked Potatoes and from 4 to 6 Cooked Onions; both may be cold “leftovers.” Have ready 1 Quart of Milk thickened with 4 Tablespoons of Flour, rubbed into 4 Tablespoons of Softened Butter and sea- soned with 1% Teaspoons of Salt and 1% Teaspoon of Pepper. Add the Potatoes and Onions, stir until the whole boils and serve garnished with Minced Parsley and hard cooked Eggs—sliced. EDITH E. McCURDA. SCOTCH BARLEY BROTH 2 Pounds of Shoulder of 2 Quarts of Cold Water. Lamb 1 Minced Onion. *A Cup of Barley. 1 Cup of Diced Carrot. Salt and Pepper to taste. Cook the Lamb and Barley in the Water for 2 or more hours over a moderate fire, then add the Onion, Carrot and Seasoning. Cook for an hour longer, adding enough Hot Water to make 2 Quarts. Remove the Meat and serve from a separate dish. MRS. ZINA ORNE. 16 DRESSES SILK UNHDFRWEAR and STOCKINGS CRETONNES CURTAINS WOOH, and COTTON Bi, ANKETS N. H. HUSSEY 26 Townsend Avenue Boothbay Harbor, Maine THAT RED DRAGON GIFT SHOP Unique Gifts from Around the World Commercial Street Tel. 52–2 Boothbay Harbor, Maine SOUTHARD’S Compliments Main Street of Wiscasset Maine {{.{}THING STATIONERY MAGAZINES LIN CO LN COUNTY LAUNI) RY Wiscasset, Maine RO 8 ER'' A. 89 Yi} SEA FOOD Tel. 178 Boothbay Harbor, Maine Farmers HARDWARE L. G. FLOOD, Proprietor Wiscasset, Maine PAINTS and OILS KITCHENWARE F. S. PERKHNS Wiscasset, Maine GROCERMES MARKET INSPECTED MEATS we sell only the Best Meats At The Lowest Prices BREWER'S MHEAT MARKET A. BREWER, Prop. GROCERIES - PROVISIONS FRUITS - VEGETABLES 54 Atlantic Ave. Phone 248 17 Compliments of H} R. P. G. CADIEU OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Agents for the LILY WHITE FLOUR The Flour the Best Cooks Use HAND WROUGHT IRON Boothbay Harbor, Maine and SURGEON J. T. GAY Waldoboro, Maine Waldoboro - Maine A. M. EAMES SENTER'S “The Department Store of Lincoln County” Stores at DAMARISCOTTA WISCASSET and EAST BOOTHEAY AMBULANCE SERVICE DAY or NIGHT Phone 93 C. E. COWLEY Wiscasset - Maine E. S. DUNT(AN FINE FOOTWEAR Boothbay Harbor, Maine THE LABBIE PHCTURE SHOP Best Developing and Printing for Amateurs Picture Framing Pottery Gift Stationery Jewelry Novelties Głass Commercial Street. Boothbay Harbor, Maine MRS. H. C. KENNISTON REAL ESTATE Largest Listing in Town Bridge Street Teſ. 4-4 18 FISH "Sleeping we image that awake we wish, So go dream of bones and fisherman of fish.” BROILED LOBSTER Remove the meat from the tail and claws of a Lobster and cut it in two lengthwise. Season well with Salt and White Pepper, dip in Butter and broil over a clear fire until a delicate brown. Arrange on a hot dish, put some bits of Butter on the meat, add a few drops of Lemon Juice, set in the oven for a moment and Serve. MRS. JAMES B. PERKINS. BAKED HADDOCK Have a good sized Haddock split and boned, but do not have skin removed. Make a Tomato Sauce of following ingredients: 1 Can of Tomatoes. 1 Tablespoon of Sugar. 2 Medium size Onions. 1 Teaspoon of Salt. 3 or 4 Whole Cloves. 2 or 3 Bay Leaves. Pepper if desired. Put these ingredients together in a sauce pan and bring to a boil and let cook slowly until well reduced to a pulp. Then strain and thicken a little with 2 Tablespoons of Butter, melted and cooked smooth with 2 Tablespoons of Flour. Rub a baking pan with a little Salt Pork or Bacon Fat and lay Fish in pan, dusting over with Salt and Paprika. Pour the Tomato Sauce over the Fish and bake until fish is done, basting frequently. When Fish is tender slice mild Cheese over the top and leave in oven a few moments longer, or until the Cheese has melted and browned a little. ANNIE L. B. BARRETT. 19 SCALLOPED SALMON 1 Large can of Salmon. 3 Tablespoons of Butter. 1 Teaspoon of Salt. 1% Tablespoons of Flour. 12 Teaspoon of Pepper. 1% Cups of Milk. 1 Cup of Buttered Crumbs. In a buttered casserole or baking dish put a layer of But- tered Crumbs, then a layer of one-half of the Fish broken into flakes with a fork. Salt and Pepper to taste. Pour in one-half of the White Sauce, made by adding Flour to melted Butter, then adding Milk, one-third at a time, stirring to prevent lumping. Repeat these layers, putting a layer of Buttered Crumbs on top. Bake in a moderate oven until brown. Any canned Fish, such as Tuna, or fresh cooked or left over Fish may be used in place of the Salmon and prepared as for the “Scalloped Salmon.” MRS. A. W. JELLISON. CASSEROLE OF FISH Boil 6 medium size Potatoes. Mash and season as for Whipped Potato and add 1 Teaspoon of Grated Onion or Onion Juice. Flake 2 or 3 Cups of Fish, either fresh or corned, and add to Potato. If mixture seems too dry, add Milk or Egg Sauce that may have been left from previous serving. Put in casserole, cover with Bread Crumbs and pieces of Butter and bake in oven until browned. FRANCES D. STORER. SALMON LOAF 1 Cup of flaked, cooked Sal- 1 Teaspoon of Salt. In Oll. 1 Tablespoon of Butter. 1 Cup of Stale Bread Crumbs 1%. Teaspoon of Onion Juice. soaked in 2 Eggs. 1 Cup of Scalded Milk. 1 Teaspoon of Lemon Juice. Separate Eggs, and combine ingredients in the order given. folding in the stiffly beaten Egg Whites last. Put the mixture in a well-greased and crumbed pan. Bake in a moderate oven or Steam one hour. MRS. T. H. STEVENS. 20 SALMON BOX Line a mould or bread pan with Cooked Rice. Fill the center with cold Boiled Salmon, faked, and seasoned with Salt and Pepper and a slight grating of Nutmeg. Put on a layer of Rice, cover and steam one hour. Turn on a platter and serve with Egg Sauce. MARCIA. V. KENNISTON. DEVILLED CRABS 1 Can of Crab Meat. 1 Tablespoon of Chopped 1 Cup of Cream or Milk. Parsley. 11% Tablespoons of Butter. A dash of Cayenne. 1 Tablespoon of Flour. 12 Teaspoon of Worcester- 1 Teaspoon of Salt. shire Sauce. 1 Beaten Egg. Scald the Cream in a Buttered dish, then add the Flour and Butter which have been rubbed together and stir until thick and smooth. Add the beaten Egg, Seasoning and Crab Meat. Put into a baking dish and let cool, then spread bread crumbs and bits of butter over the top and bake. MRS. GRACE M. HUSSEY. MOULDED SALMON 1. Envelope of Sparkling Gela- 2 scant Teaspoons of Mus- tine. tard. - 2 Tablespoons of Cold Water. 1% Tablespoons of Melted 2 Egg Yolks slightly beaten. Butter. 2 scant Teaspoons of Salt. % Cup of Milk. 2 Tablespoons of Vinegar. 1 Can of Salmon. Pour the Water over the Gelatine and let Stand 5 minutes. Mix the Egg Yolks, slightly beaten, with the Salt, Mustard, Melted Butter and Milk and cook in a double boiler until thick, then add the Vinegar and softened Gelatine. Pour over contents of one can of Salmon, drained and faked. Chill in a mould and turn out on a platter and serve with Mayonnaise. AMY ALBEE ERSKINE. 21 SUPPER TOAST Prepare 2 Cups of Medium White Sauce, as follows: Melt 4 Tablespoons of Butter in the top of a double boiler. Add 4 Tablespoons of Flour and, when smooth, add 2 Cups of Cold Milk, 1 Teaspoon of Salt and #3 Teaspoon of Paprika. Flake 2 Cups of Crab Meat, add 1 Tablespoon of chopped Pimiento, 1 Teaspoon of finely chopped Onion and enough thick Mayonnaise to moisten, about 4 cup. Toast one side of 6 slices of Bread, then butter untoasted side, spread thickly with Crab Meat mixture and serve with the White Sauce over all. MRS. T. H. STEVENS. CALIFORNIA CHICKEN 1% Cups of Carrots, cubed. 1 Cup of Peas. 1% Cups of Potato, cubed. 1 Small Can of Tuna Fish. 12 Cup of Onion, chopped. White Sauce. Boil Carrot and Onion in a small amount of Water; after 15 minutes add Potato; when done, add Peas. Make a White Sauce of 2 Tablespoons of Butter, 2 Tablespoons of Flour, 1 Teaspoon of Salt and 2 Cups of Milk. Break Fish in small pieces and add to White Sauce. Put layer of Vegetables, then Fish in casserole alternately, cover with Crumbs and bake until brown. MRS. J. W. LOUGHLIN. SCALLOPED CLAMS 1 Quart of Small Clams. 1 scant Cup of Melted Butter. 12 Crackers. 2 Cups of Warm Milk. 1 Egg. Salt to taste. A dash of Cayenne Pepper. Chop the Clams fine, roll the Crackers until in crumbs, beat the Egg, then mix Clams, Cracker Crumbs, Seasoning, Butter and Milk, together and cook in a casserole, or serve on Clam shells, garnished with Olives or Parsley. ANNA. B. KENDRICK. 22 SHRIMP LOAF 2 Cups of Bread Crumbs. 1 Egg. 1 Teaspoon of Salt. 1 Cup of cut-up Shrimps. 1 Cup of Milk. 34 Cup of canned Peas. Combine all ingredients and pack in buttered baking dish. Cover with a layer of cooked Rice and 1 Cup of canned Toma- toes. Bake 30 minutes at 400 degrees. MRS. ROSE RICHARDS. HOT SAUCE FOR FISH 2 Tablespoons of Butter. 14 Teaspoon of Salt. 3 Tablespoons of Flour. Pepper. 1% Cups of Milk. 2 Egg Yolks. 2 Teaspoons of Lemon Juice. Melt the Butter, add Flour, then Milk slowly. Bring to boil- ing point, stirring constantly. Add Salt and Pepper. When thick and smooth add Egg Yolks and cook 1 minute longer. Add Lemon Juice just before serving. EDITH E. McCURDA. CLAM CHOWDER Slice 8 Potatoes very thin, cover with Water enough to cook, add 1 Cup of Clam liquor. Fry out a small piece of Salt Pork and add fat to Potatoes. When Potatoes are cooked add 1 Quart of Clams, hard parts chopped, and cook about 20 minutes, then re- move from stove and add 1 Quart of Hot Milk, and a large piece of Butter and Salt and Pepper to taste. SACE K. WESTON. COMBINATION CHOWDER 1 Whole Haddock–6 or 7 lbs. About 1% lb. of fat Salt Pork. 1 Pint of Clams. - 2 Medium Size Onions. 2 Medium size Lobsters. 1 Quart of rich Milk. 1 Pint of Cream. Have the Fish be-headed and skinned, and cut solid meat from the bones. Press out the black part of Clam from soft por- tion, then put claims through fine chopper. Boil Lobsters and take meat out, discarding the red outer shell use white inner bones to 23 cook with head, skin, and bones of Fish. Put these in a kettle, cover well with Cold Water and let boil for 1/3 or % of an hour. While these are cooking try out the Salt Pork, slice the Onion quite thin and let cook in the Salt Pork Fat until the Onion is soft and yellow but not scorched. Slice the Potatoes rather thin, cover with cold Water and let come to the boiling point, then drain off Water and put the Potatoes into the bottom of a good sized kettle. Strain the Pork and Onion fat over Potatoes and then the liquid from the Fish and Lobster bones. Let cook until the Potatoes are tender, then put in the pieces of Fish which were cut from the bones. When Fish is done put in the Chopped Clams, then the cooked Lobster meat, cut up in fairly small pieces. Lastly add the Milk which has been heated, and, when serving, put a large spoon of Whipped Cream into each bowl with Paprika sprinkled over it, and of course salt to taste should be added during the cooking process. If wanted richer some Butter can be added with the Milk. This amount will serve 10 or 12 people and the Chowder is better every time it is re-heated. ANNIE. L. B. BARRETT. TUNA FRSº SUPREME 2 Table-spoons Butter, melted 1% Cups of Milk 2 Table-spoons Flour 2 Table-spoons of Mayonnaise % Tea-spoon of Salt 1 Cup of Tuna Fish tread Crumbs or Post-toasties Flake Tuna Fish into a deep baking dish. Cook Butter and Flour together and add Milk, stirring until it boils and is Smooth, then add the Mayonnaise and pour over the Tuna Fish. Top with the Bread Crumbs or Post-toasties and brown in the oven. MºS. ALICE H. RICHARDS. 24 HOTEL FULLERTON Open Year Round JAMES CALVERT, Mgr. Gasoline Cylinder Oils Wiscasset, Maine F. E. QUINNAM TIRES TUBES and ACCESSORIES Tel. 202 Tel. 117–2 Main Street Tire Repairing MILLINERY HOSIERY E. P. MUNSEY and SON CORSETS SILK LINGERI, GIFTS Wiscasset - Maine THE - GR00ERIES MISSES McKOWN º ART GOODS a Specialty MEATS BRIDGE ACCESSORIES PROVISIONS ENNA JETTICK SHOES For Women W. T. MARR W. H. LEVENSALER ||HARDWARE CO & SON HARDWARE Waldoboro, Maine NAN YOUNG WIESTON Waldoboro, Maine Tel 63- Representing the PROVIDENT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE and THE LUMBERMIAN MUTUAL CASUALTY CO. HARDWARE SPECIALTIES PAINTS OILS and WARNISHES Telephone 239 We Deliver 25 COMPLIMENTS OF THE AUGUSTA TRUST COMPANY WISCASSET, MAINE GO TO THE WISCASSET || RööER C. RICE __NN CO. HNC. FOR FIRST CLASS ROOMS REAL ESTATE MEALS BOOTHRAY HARBOR SERVICE REGION OPEN ALL THE YEAR WINTER BOARDERS Office Opposite Bank Solicited At Reasonable Rates Tel. 420 26 "Some hae meat and canna eat, And some wad eat that want it, But we hae meat, and we can eat, And sae the Lord be thankit.” FRIED CHICKEN Only young and tender Chickens can be successfully fried. Cut them in pieces as for Fricassee, dust with Salt and Pepper. Put 2 or 3 ounces of Butter or Clarified Drippings in a sauce-pan on the stove; when melted, lay the pieces of Chicken in the sauce-pan, cover closely, and set where it will cook very slowly until well done and nicely browned. Then turn the Chicken sec- tions and cook the other side in the same way. When done, re- move to a platter put some bits of Butter on the Chicken, set in the oven for a moment and serve. Garnish with Parsley. MRS. JAMES B. PERKINS. SWEDISH BEEF STEW 2% lbs. of Beef, cut in small 1 Tablespoon of Pearl Tapio- pieces. ca. (large). 1 large Carrot. 1 Tablespoon of Bread. 1 large Onion. Crumbs (large). 3 Cloves. Salt, Nutmeg and Pepper to 1 Tablespoon of Vinegar. taste. 1 Can of Peas Cover with Cold Water, pack in a casserole and cook slowly for 4 or 5 hours. H. C. G.A.Y. 27 JUGGED CHICKEN Cut up Chicken as for fricassee, to every pound allow 2 heaping Teaspoons of Flour, 1 scant Teaspoon of Salt, #4 Tea- spoon of Pepper. Mix these ingredients thoroughly and roll each piece of Chicken in the mixture, pack closely in a large bean pot, cover with Boiling Water and bake in a good oven until ten- der, usually 2 or 3 hours. MARCIA. V. KENNISTON. CHICKEN TERRAPIN 3 Hard boiled Eggs. 3 Teaspoons of melted Butter. 2 Tablespoons sliced Olives. 1% Cups of Chicken Meat. *4 Teaspoon of Pepper. 2 Teaspoons of Pimento. 2 Cups of Milk. 2 Tablespoons of Green Pep- 5 Tablespoons of Flour. perS. 1 Tablespoon of Mustard. Juice of 13 of a Lemon. Mash the Yolks of the Eggs and slice the Whites. Make a white Sauce of the Butter, Flour and Milk, then add Chicken, Eggs and other ingredients and serve in Patty Shells, with Peas and Potato Chips. ANNA. B. KENDRICK. SCOTCH WOODCOCK Mix thoroughly, in a double boiler, 2 Tablespoons of Butter, 2 Tablespoons of Flour and 2 Teaspoons of Anchovy Paste, then add slowly 2% Cups of Milk and, when thick, add 5 Hard Boiled Eggs, chopped fine. MRS. HENRY L. HALL. COUNTRY CLUB SAND WICH Butter slices of Bread. On each slice lay thin cuts of Cooked Sausage. Cover with a well seasoned Tomato Sauce and sprinkle with Grated Cheese. Lay a strip of Bacon on each Sandwich and bake in a hot oven until the Bacon is crisp. This is served with a Vegetable Salad. MILLICENT MADDOCKS. 28 CONTANOODLE 1 lb. Hamburg Steak. 1 Cup of Macaroni (Cooked) 1 small Onion. Arrange in layers in a buttered baking dish, season with Salt, Pepper, and bits of Butter. Cover top with layer of Cracker Crumbs and over all pour a can of Campbell's Tomato Soup, diluted. Bake in a hot oven 1% hours. MRS. JAMES W. HOWARD. BAKED HAM WITH MACARONI 1 Cup of cooked Ham. 12 Cup of Water. 3 Cups of cooked Macaroni. 1/3 Cup of Crumbs. 12 Cup of Evaporated Milk. 1 Tablespoon of Butter. Grease a baking dish and place, in alternate layers, the cooked Ham and the cooked Macaroni. Season, add liquid, cover with Bread Crumbs, dot with Butter and brown in a hot oven. MRS. MARCIA D. WHITE. CASSEROLE OF RICE AND WEAL Butter a mould and line about one inch deep with hot, steamed Rice. Fill the center of the mould with two Cups of finely chopped Veal (Lamb or Chicken) seasoned highly with Salt, Pepper, Onion Juice and Lemon Juice, and combined with a half Cup of Cracker Crumbs, one Egg slightly beaten and enough Gravy to moisten. Cover all with Rice, put on lid of mould and steam forty minutes. Turn out on a platter and pour over it a Tomato Sauce. SUNIE. C. DAY. HAM IMO USSE Soak 2 Tablespoon of Gelatine in 1 Tablespoon of Cold Water, then dissolve in 34 Cup of good Chicken Stock. Add 1 Cup of cooked Ham, minced very fine, and stir until mixture begins to thicken, then add 1/2 Pint of Thick Cream beaten stiff. Season slightly with Cayenne Pepper. Turn into mould that has been dipped into Cold Water. (Chicken can be used in place of Ham or part Chicken and part Ham). MISS E. LOUISE FISKE. 29 BEEF LOAF 2 lbs. Hamburg Steak. 1 Teaspoon of Poultry Sea- 3 Crackers, rolled fine. soning. 2 Eggs, beaten. 1 Cup of Milk. 1 Teaspoon of Salt and Pep- per. Bake 1 hour in cake tin. Good warm or cold sliced. LOTTIE E. LOVELL. VEAL LOAF 3 lbs. of Raw Veal. Butter, half the size of an 3 Boston Crackers (small Egg, melted. round ones). Salt and Pepper. 3. Eggs. A little Sage if desired. Chop the Veal fine and add the Crackers, which have been rolled very fine, the beaten Eggs and Butter. Mix thoroughly, and bake in a deep pan one and a half hours. MRS, ALONZO NICKERSON. CALIFORNIA LAMB PATTIES Have meat from Fore Quarter of Lamb hamburged, and mix with Salt, finely chopped Green Pepper and Onion to taste. Shape this mixture into good size cakes, about an inch thick and place a slice of Bacon around each cake, securing it with a toothpick. Broil or bake the cakes in a quick oven until Bacon is crisp. MRS. MAURICE DAY. YORINSHIRE DELIGHT Sausage Meat 1 Teaspoon of Salt 2 Cups of Flour 3 Eggs 2 Cups of Milk Put the Sausage Meat in a large pan, pour over it a batter made of other ingredients and bake in a hot oven about 30 minutes. MRS. ALICE H. RICHARDS. 30 BAKED HAM AND PINEAPPLE 1 Slice of Ham, cut 1 inch 1 Cup of Pineapple Juice. thick (about 1 pound). 2 Tablespoons of Brown 3 Tablespoons of Flour. Sugar. 6 Slices of Canned Pineapple. 1 Tablespoon of Butter. Wipe Ham and fit into a baking pan. Sprinkle with Flour, top with Pineapple slices and sprinkle them with Sugar. Dot with Butter, add Pineapple Juice and cover and bake one hour, basting every 15 minutes. Remove lid and bake 10 minutes to brown Pineapple. IDA. C. STAHL. CUBAN HASH Put one pound of Beef through a food chopper with two medium size Onions. Mix with this one Cup of Canned Tomato and one Tablespoon of Melted Butter, season with Salt and Pep- per to taste and bake one half an hour. MRS. ALONZO NICKERSON. READ THE BOOTHEAY REGISTER FOR MIHLH and ("REAM THE NEWS A Bottle of Milk Of the Boothbay Region | The Boothbay Region’s Is a Bottle of Health Only Newspaper THLTON'S Published Every Friday DAHRY JOB PRINTING 31 Eastern Avenue Tel. 99 STATIONERY Inderwood - Remington Portable Typewriters 31 WITH BEST WHSHES of the SAGERTOWN GINGER ALE C4DMPANY The Aristocrat of Ginger Ales VEGETABLES "Fry me, bake me, stew me, boil me; 'Tis most impossible to spoil me; Bells are pealed on Christmas gay, But we are peeled three times a day. We'd open our eyes in great surprise To find a man who'd us despise. Boil me, stew me, bake me, fry me; If you don’t believe I’m good, just try me. -- SAVORY POTATOES Fry three Slices of Fat Salt Pork slightly, add one quart of Sliced Potatoes. Sprinkle over the top one dessert spoon of Flour, mixed with Salt and Pepper. Add sufficient Cold Water to cover and cook three-quarters of an hour, in a covered Sauce- pan, on the top of the stove. Serve very hot. MRS. ZINA ORNE. ONIONS WITH CHEESE SAUCE Boil. Onions in salted water until tender, then drain very thoroughly. Make a Cream Sauce of medium thickness, about 2 Tablespoons of Butter and 2 Tablespoons of Flour to 1% Cups of rich milk, and stir 32 cup of finely cut mild Cheese into the sauce. Arrange the Onions in a well buttered casserole, pour over them the Cream Sauce, slice thinly more of the Cheese over the top, and cover with a sprinkling of buttered Cracker Crumbs. Bake until hot and well browned. ANNIE L. B. BARRETT. 33 SWEET POTATO AND APPLE Fill a buttered casserole with alternate layers of Sweet Potatoes (half inch thick slices) and thinly sliced Apple. Sprinkle Apple with Sugar, Potato with Salt, a little Sugar and liberal dots of Butter. Have Potato with seasoning as top layer. Pour over it one half cup of Hot Water. Cover and bake in a moder- ately hot oven, when nearly done uncover and continue cooking until richly browned and Apple soft. Time about 45 minutes. Delicious—especially with roast pork. MRS. B. E. KELLEY. VEGETABLE SHORTCAKE Two cups Flour, two teaspoons Baking Powder, two table- spoons Butter, Salt, Milk to make soft dough. Bake in quick oven. Split, butter well and spread with cooked Vegetables, such as Peas, Lima Beans, Corn, Carrots, etc. Serve with any stock gravy or the following White Sauce. Two cups Milk, two table- spoons Butter, two level tablespoons Flour, Seasoning. Delicious. MRS. B. E. KELLEY. SAVORY CARROTS Cube 6 medium size Carrots and cook in salted Water until tender. Brown 1 finely cut Onion in 2 Tablespoons of Butter. When the Onions are tender, add the cooked Carrots, drained, cook 5 minutes, then add 1 small can of Tomato Soup. When well heated place in Casserole, cover with Bread Crumbs and brown. ELIZABETH LANE WEBB. FANCY SWEET POTATOES Peel and boil good Sweet Potatoes; before quite done take them out and cut in slices about 4 of an inch thick, and lay in buttered baking dish. Peel and slice Apples and put in a layer of Apples, then pieces of Butter and cover with Sugar. Then another layer of Potatoes, Apples, Butter and Sugar. Use about 14 Pound of Butter and 1% Cups of Sugar to a quart baking dish. Bake in a very slow oven about 1% hours. MRS. LOUISE. F. JACKSON. 34 MASHED POTATO LOAF Add grated Onion to nicely seasoned Mashed Potato; put into a long, well buttered tin, brown in a hot oven, turn out on platter and serve in slices for luncheon or supper. M. C. STETSON. v Corn PUDDING 2 Cups of Corn, fresh or 2 Teaspoons of Sugar. canned. 1 Tablespoon of Melted But- 1%. Teaspoon of Salt. ter. % Teaspoon of Black Pepper. 1 Cup of Milk. 1 Teaspoon of Cornstarch. 2 Beaten Eggs. Mix Salt, Pepper, Cornstarch and Sugar and combine with the Corn, then add other ingredients and put into a buttered baking dish. Set dish into a pan of Hot Water and bake in oven until firm and brown on top. Serve as a vegetable. MRS. LOUISE. F. JACKSON. SWEET POTATOES-SOUTHERN STYLE 4 or 5 Sweet Potatoes. % Pound of Butter. 1 Cup of Brown Sugar. Boil the Potatoes until done, but not too soft; Butter a rather shallow baking dish and put a layer of the potatoes, cut in slices, on bottom of dish, then sprinkle the sugar rather thickly over them and dot with pieces of Butter, season with Salt and Paprika to taste, and continue with layer of Potato, then Butter, Sugar and Seasoning until materials are used. Bake in fairly hot oven until well cooked through and top is browned. It is a good plan to cover top of casserole during first part of baking time, then remove the cover for the Browning. ANNIE L. B. BARRETT. 35 NIFTY NAN IDRESSES SILK ºffloSE SWEATERS IDRY and FANCY GOODS ANNA. B. KEND RICK LEWHS ELECTRIC CO. Boothbay Harbor ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS and RADIO SERVICE Telephone 24-2 {}}LI) CURIOSHTY SHOP Compliments ethel Hogan of A gift shop that’s different A FRHENI) Telephone 443 J. B. R O WE BOOTHBAY HARBOR, MAINE Telephone 36 East End of Foot Bridge CASH GR00ERY and MEAT MARKET Successor to the Dunton Grocery Co. 36 SALADS "Let my heart be still a moment, and this mystery explore.” UN COOKED SALAD DRESSING 1 Dessert spoon of Salt. 1 Can of Sweetened Con- 1 Dessert spoon Mustard. densed Milk. 3 Eggs. 1 Cup of Vinegar. Blend the Salt and Mustard together, and add, slowly, the Condensed Milk stirring well. Then add the Eggs thoroughly beaten, and lastly the Vinegar slowly stirred in. Beat the mixture until creamy, using an egg-beater. MARION H. CLARKE. SALAD DRESSING WITHOUT OHL 2 Tablespoons of Cornstarch. 1 Egg, well beaten. 3/2 Teaspoon of Mustard. 1 Cup of Milk. 1 Teaspoon of Salt. *% Cup of Vinegar filled up A dash of Cayenne Pepper. With Water. % Cup of Sugar. Butter size of an Egg. Cook in double boiler until it thickens; makes 1 Pint. STELLA HODGDON GRAY. CREAM MAYONNAISE Add +2 or an equal amount of Whipped Cream to Mayon- naise at serving time. M. C. STETSON. 37 SALAD DRESSING 3 Eggs. 43 Cup of Melted Butter. 1 Teaspoon of Mustard. 1 Cup of Sweet or Sour *4 Teaspoon of Salt. Cream. A dash of Cayenne Pepper. % Cup of Warm Vinegar. 6 Tablespoons of Sugar. Beat together the Yolks of the Eggs, the Mustard, Salt, Sugar and Pepper. Then to this mixture add the Butter, beaten Whites of the Eggs, the Cream and last the Vinegar. Beat all together thoroughly and quickly and put into a double boiler and cook to consistency of soft custard. MAUDE CLARE GAY. SALAD DRESSING WITH OIL (Very easily and quickly made) 3 Tablespoons of Sugar. A little Pepper if liked. 1 scant Teaspoon of Mustard. 1 Cup of Wesson Oil. * Tablespoon of Salt. 1 Egg unbeaten. Mix the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl and then add Oil and Egg. In a small basin place 5 Tablespoons (level) of Corn- starch and mix with a little Cold Water, and to it add 1 Cup of Boiling Water. The Boiling Water should cook the Cornstarch; if it does not, place the basin over the fire and cook it slightly. Add to the ingredients in the mixing bowl and beat with egg beater until creamy. Add last, 2 Tablespoons of Vinegar and 3 Tablespoons of Lemon Juice, or 5 Tablespoons of Vinegar if preferred. Beat together and chill. The amount of Sugar, Mus- tard and Vinegar may be varied to suit taste. MRS. H. B. CLIFFORD. TOMATO AND CHIEESE SALAD FOR FIFTY 25 large, firm tomatoes. 34 of a Cup of Minced Red 8 or 12 Cream Cheese. Peppers. % of a cup of Minced Olives. 1/3 to 1 Teaspoon of Salt. 1/3 Teaspoon of White Pepper. Chop Olives and Peppers fine, mix with Cheese and Season- ings, roll in balls. Cut Tomatoes in half cross-wise, place each half on 2 or 3 Heart Leaves of Lettuce, with the Cheese Balls on top. Serve with French Dressing. EMMA. S. HILTON. 38 MINERAL OIL SALAD DRESSING 2 Tablespoons of Flour (lev- 2 Tablespoons of Mineral Oil. el). Mix these two ingredients together and add 1 Cup of Boil- ing Water and cook until thick. Beat one Egg and add to it 1 Tablespocn of Mustard, 1 Tablespoon of Sugar, 1 Teaspoon of Salt and 2 Tablespoons of Vinegar; beat well and add to above mixture. After thoroughly combining add slowly 1 Cup of Min- eral Oil. Part Salad Oil may be used but the dressing would of course be more fattening. MRS. J. M. KING. STUFFED TOMATO SALAD Peel 6 Tomatoes, remove thin slice from top and take out seeds and some pulp. Sprinkle inside with Salt, invert and let stand #3 hour. Fill Tomatoes with Cucumbers, cut in small cubes and mixed with Mayonnaise Dressing. MARCIA. V. KENNISTON. SALMON JELLY SALARD 1 Tablespoon of Gelatine. 1 Cup of Cold Salmon. 2 Tablespoons of Cold Water. "A Cup of finely cut Celery. 1 Cup of Boiling Water. 2 Tablespoons of Peas. 1 Tablespoon of Lemon Juice. 1/2 Teaspoon of Salt. % Teaspoon of Pepper. Soften the Gelatine in the Cold Water, then add the Boiling Water, Lemon Juice, Salt and Pepper. When this begins to thicken, add the Salmon, Celery and Peas and arrange in a fish mould. Serve very cold. MRS. HENRY L. HALL. PINEAPPLE ORANGE SALAD Arrange upon an individual salad plate a crisp leaf of Let. tuce. On this leaf place a slice of Pineapple, then a smaller slice of Orange and on top a spoonful of Whipped Cream, mixed with a heaping Teaspoon of Chopped Nuts, salted a little. MRS. MARCIA D. WHITE. 39 GOLDEN GLOW SALAD 1 Package of Lemon Jell-O. 1 Cup of Canned Pineapple 1 Cup of Boiling Water. diced and drained. 1 Cup of Canned Pineapple 1 Cup of Grated Raw Carrots. Juice. % Cup of Pecan meats finely 1 Tablespoon of Vinegar. cut. % Teaspoon of Salt. Dissolve the Jell-O in the Boiling Water. Add the Pine- apple Juice, Vinegar and Salt. Chill, and when slightly thick. ened, add Pineapple, Carrots and Nuts. Turn into individual moulds and chill until firm. Unmould on crisp Lettuce and garnish with Mayonnaise. Serves 6 people. MRS. LUCINA. A. CLARK. y JEWEL LOAF 1 Package of Lemon Jell-O. 1 Teaspoon of Prepared Mus- 1% Cups of boiling Chicken tard. Stock or canned Chicken 1 Cup of Cooked Chicken, Soup. chopped (not too fine). 3 Tablespoons of Vinegar. 1 Cup of Peas, cooked. 34 of a Teaspoon of Salt. 1 Cup of Celery. 1 Pimiento, chopped. Dissolve Jell-O in boiling Stock and add the Vinegar, Salt and Mustard. Chill, and, when slightly thickened, fold in the remaining ingredients and mould in a square bread pan. Serve slices on Lettuce Leaves and garnish with Stuffed Olives and Mayonnaise. Serves 8 people. ROCKIE SAWYER. CREAM CHEESE SALAD 1% Package of Lemon Jell-O. 1 small Can of Pimiento. 1 Cup of Boiling Water. % Cup of Crushed Pineapple. 1 Cup of Cold Water. *A Cup of Walnut Meats. 2 Packages of Cream Cheese. 2 Tablespoons of Sugar. 1/3 Pint of Whipped Cream. Dissolve Jell-O in Boiling Water, add Cold Water and cool until mixture thickens slightly. Then add well-creamed Cheese, Pimiento, Pineapple, Nut Meats, Sugar and Cream well whipped. CAROLINE. S. WARNEY. 40 WAFFLE CHICKEN SALAD The ingredients are Waffles, sliced Chicken, Mayonnaise, chopped Celery Lettuce and Chicken Gravy. Place a section of a waffle on a serving plate, cover with slices of hot Chicken, sprinkle with Celery, spread with Mayonnaise and cover with a Lettuce leaf add another Waffle section, serve with hot Chicken Gravy. MILLICENT MADDOCKS. QUICK CREAM SALAD DRESSING—SWEET 5 Tablespoons of Cream. 1% Tablespoons of Sugar. 12 Teaspoon of Salt. About 1 Tablespoon of Lemon Juice. Mix Cream, Sugar and Salt; add Lemon Juice slowly stirring until dressing is thick, and be sure to stop when it is thick. M. C. STETSON. TOMATO SALAD Select small, firm Tomatoes, cutting a piece from the top about an inch in diameter. Scoop out the pulp and mix the firm parts (discarding seeds) with Chopped Cucumbers and Pecan Nuts or Blanched Almonds. Season well with Salt and Pepper. Fill and cover with Mayonnaise. MRS. B. E. KELLEY. TOMATO ASPIC SALAD Soak 2 Tablespoons of Gelatine in a bit of Cold Water. Cook together: 1 Quart Can of Tomatoes. % of a Green Pepper. 1/3 of an Onion. 2 or 3 "Whole Cloves. 2 Tablespoons of Sugar. A small pinch of Cayenne and Salt to taste. Strain through a sieve and pour over Gelatine and let all come to a boil. Remove from fire and add 2 Tablespoons of Vinegar. 41 Pour into individuals (or one large) ring mould, wet with Cold Water, and set to harden. Invert on serving plates and fill centers with fresh Crab Meat or Chopped fresh Vegetables or any desired filling. MRS. JAMES W. HOWARD. | JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS AND ELECTROL OHL BURNERS SOLD BY S. H. WESTON AND SON, Waldoboro, Maine HARDWARE and STOVES PLUMBING THE MEDOMAK NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000. SURPLUS $50,000. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT: Interest com- pounded quarterly. Money draws interest from date of deposit. WALDOBORO - MAINE 42 > "There’s a best way of doing everything, if it be but to cook an egg. CHEESE RELISH 1 Cup of Cheese, cut fine. Salt, Pepper and Butter. 7 Double Crackers. 1 Pint of Milk. Put Crackers and Cheese in a dish in layers and pour over them a pint of Milk with the seasoning. Bake 20 minutes, press- ing Crackers under Milk when partly done. EFFIE C. IRVINE. PLAIN OMELET 6 Eggs. 1 generous Tablespoon of 1 Cup of Sweet Milk. Butter. 1 generous Tablespoon of Flour. Salt and Pepper to taste. Beat Whites and Yolks separately and then combine, add Butter, melted, and the Flour dissolved in the Milk. Pour into a buttered dish and bake in a moderately hot oven until it is brown and does not shake in the middle. MRS. K. M. DUNEAR. SPANISH RAREBIT Put into a buttered baking dish, alternate layers of Bread and Cheese, dusting Cheese with Salt and Paprika. Beat 2 Eggs light, add 1 Pint of Milk and pour over Bread and Cheese. Bake 1/2 hour in moderate oven. MRS, FREDERICK DODGE. 43 SPANISH OMELET 6 Eggs. Salt to taste. 6 Tablespoons of Cold Water. Hungarian Paprika to taste. Separate Eggs, beat Yolks a great deal, season with the Salt and Paprika, then beat in the Cold Water gradually and thoroughly. Beat the Whites of the Eggs to a stiff froth and stir into the Yolk mixture. Pour into a very hot, buttered, Omelet pan, keep on top of stove until the bottom of omelet seems “set,” then put into a hot oven and bake until Omelet is puffed and deli- cately browned. Slide to platter and fold, pouring over a Creole Sauce made as follows: CREOLE SAUCE 1 Can of Tomatoes. 14 Pound of Mushrooms. 3 or 4 thin slices of Bacon. 1 Sweet Green Pepper. 1 Onion sliced very thin. 2 Bay Leaves, well powdered. Salt, a little Sugar, Paprika and Ground Clove to taste. Cut the Bacon in small pieces and saute the Onion, Mush- rooms, sliced thin, and the Green Pepper, seeded and cut into small pieces, with the Bacon, in a sauce-pan, over moderate heat, until the ingredients are all partly cooked. Put the Tomato into a kettle, add the sauteed ingredients and the seasonings and sim- mer slowly until all are thoroughly cooked. Then thicken a little with Butter and Flour mixture, about 2 Tablespoons of Butter to same amount of Flour. Cook until Smooth but do not strain. The seasoning must be done largely by individual taste. Some would like more condiments than given here. ANNIE. L. B. BARRETT. ENGLISH MONKEY Put into Chaſing Dish a piece of Butter the size of an Egg. When it is melted add 1 Cup of crumbled Cheese and cook until Cheese is melted, then add 1 Cup of Bread Crumbs which have been soaked in a cup of Milk. Season with Salt and 1 Teaspoon of Mustard. Stir constantly, always the same way. When smooth add 2 well-beaten Eggs, and serve as soon as Eggs are done on toasted squares of Bread or Crackers. CORA. A. SWETT. 44 SPAGHETTI A L’ITALIAN 1 lb. Spaghetti. 1 Can of Tomatoes. 1% lb. grated Parmesan % lb. of Bacon. Cheese. 1 large Onion. Cut Bacon in dice and fry Onion with it until golden brown. Add the tomatoes and lots of Paprika and stew slowly and thor- oughly. Have a large kettle of boiling salted Water, or better, Chicken Soup. Slide Spaghetti in whole, cook until tender and drain in a colander. Serve on a platter mixed thoroughly with the Sauce and pass grated Cheese with it at the table. VIRGINIA. A. DUERR. V CHEESE FONDUE 1 Cup scalded Milk. 1 Tablespoon of Butter. 1 Cup of Soft Bread Crumbs. 1/2 Teaspoon of Salt. 14 lb. of Mild Cheese cut in 3 Egg Yolks. small pieces. 3 Egg Whites. Mix the first 5 ingredients, add Yolks of Eggs well beaten. Fold in the Whites of Eggs beaten until stiff. Pour into a but- tered baking dish, and bake in a moderate oven until baked through. Serve at once. MRS. A. W. JELLISON. & CHEESE SOUFFLE 4% Cup of Milk. 2 Tablespoons of Grated 1 Tablespoon of Flour. Cheese. 1 Tablespoon of Butter. Salt and Pepper. 2 Eggs. Heat the Milk and thicken with the Butter and Flour. Add the Cheese and the Seasoning. When smooth, remove from the fire, add the 2 Eggs, beaten, and turn into a buttered dish and bake brown. NELLIE B. PITCHER. 45 WENETIAN MACARONI Take 2 Cups of cold boiled Macaroni, heat gently and sprinkle in 3% of a Cup of chopped or grated Ham. Heap on a hot platter and sprinkle a little grated Cheese over it. MARCIA. V. KENNISTON. MACARONI AND CHEESE 1% Cups of Macaroni. % Cup of buttered Bread 1% Cups of White Sauce. Crumbs. 12 Cup of grated Cheese. Cook the Macaroni in salted Water until soft, drain and mix with Sauce and Cheese. Pour into buttered baking dish, sprinkle top with buttered Bread Crumbs and bake until golden brown, about 20 minutes. Very good without Cheese. JENNIE RICE. HAGGETT'S GARAGE CO. SALES - PARTS - SERVICE SEE US FIRST WICSASSET Phone 50 46 º º º - S "No one knows what’s in a pie until the lid is off.” NEVER FAILING PIE CRUST 1 Heaping Cup of Flour. 1 Level Teaspoon of Baking Powder. 42 Teaspoon of Salt. Sift these ingredients together, and cut into the mixture 1% Cup of Butter and Lard mixed. Add to this 1 scant "A Cup of Icewater and mix gently until it sticks together. FOR APPLE PIE 1/3 Cup of Sugar. A tiny bit of Salt and a little 2 Tablespoons of Water. Cinnamon. Pieces of Butter. FOR RHUBARB PHE % Cup of Sugar. 1% Tablespoons of Flour. 1 Egg beaten, and mixed with above ingredients and spread Over top of 2 Cups of Rhubarb. VIRGINIA. A. DUERR. DATE PIE Stone 1 large Cup of Dates and put them into a saucepan with enough Water to cover. Cook until soft. Add 2 Egg Yolks, well beaten, 1 Tablespoon of Flour, 2 Tablespoons of Sugar, a Pinch of Salt, 1 Cup of Rich Milk, a small piece of Butter. Bake in one crust and use a Meringue on top. GRACE C. PEASE. 47 LEMON SPONGE PIE 1 Cup of Sugar. 2 Well beaten Egg Yolks. % Cup of Butter, creamed. 1 Cup of Sweet Milk. 2 Heaping Teaspoons of Flour. Lastly the well beaten Whites Salt. of the 2. Eggs. The Juice and Grated Rind of 1 Lemon. - Bake in one Crust, and serve Cold with Whipped Cream. EUNICE SEDGWICK PRESSEY. HOT WATER PIE CRUST 1 Scant Cup of Shortening. 3 Cups of Flour. * Cup of Boiling Water. 1 Teaspoon of Salt. 2 Teaspoons of Baking Powder. Pour the Boiling Water on Shortening and when mixture cools enough to become lathery add Flour, Salt and Baking Pow- der. The pastry works better if kept over-night and allowed to chill. Brush the top of the pie with Milk. GLADYS S. FARNHAM. LEMON PIE WITH FROSTING Grated Rind and Juice of 2 A piece of Butter the size of Lemons. an Egg. 2 Cups of Sugar. 2 Tablespoons of Cornstarch. 3 Eggs. 2 Cups of Boiling Water. Rub the Cornstarch smooth in a little Cold Water, then stir it into the Boiling Water and add the Sugar and Butter. When it becomes nearly cold add the Yolks of 3 Eggs and one of the Whites, beaten together; then add the Grated Rind and Juice of the Lemons and bake in two pie-plates of medium size, with a lower crust only. Beat the Whites of 4 Eggs and 4 Spoons of Sugar, very stiff, and spread this Meringue over the pies after they are baked, returning them to the oven for a few moments to brown. MRS. EMMA. J. POTTER. 48 TART CRUSTS 3 Cups of Flour. % Teaspoon of Soda. 12 Cup of Butter. White of 1 Egg, beaten to a % Cup of Lard. froth. 1 Teaspoon of Cream of Tar- 1 Teaspoon of Sugar. tar. * Cup of Cold Water. ADELIA MADDOCKS COOMBS. MINCE PIE 1 Cup of Cooked Meat 1 Teaspoon of Cinnamon. Chopped fine. 1 Cup of Brown Sugar. 2 Cups of Chopped Apple. 12 Cup of Chopped Raisins. 1 Teaspoon of Salt. % Cup of small Whole Rais- 1 Teaspoon of Allspice. ins. 12 Cup of Currants. Mix together and moisten with 1 Cup of Cider, or 1 Cup of Sweet Pickle Vinegar or *% Cup of Water, Juice of 1 Lemon and 2 or 3 spoons of any remnants of Jelly or preserves. BLANCHE BRYANT. MY MOTHER'S MINCE MEAT 1% lbs. of Fresh Beef, boiled until tender, and ground or chopped. There should be enough to fill a pint bowl. 3 times as much Chopped Ap- 2 Large Teaspoons of Cloves. ple, in bulk. 1 Cup of Vinegar. 1/4 lb. of Suet or Pork Fat. 2 (or 3) Cups of Sugar. 2 Cups of Molasses. 1 Tablespoon of Salt. % Orange, ground, peel and % of a lb. or more of Raisins. all. 1 Large Teaspoon of Allspice. 2 Large Teaspoons of Cinna- 1 Large Teaspoon of Nutmeg. In Orº. - 1 Quart or more of Water. Cook in a kettle about 3 hours. May be put in quart or pint jars while hot. I find that a quart will make 3 pies and a pint 2 small ones. MRS. H. B. CLIFFORD. 49 PEANUT BUTTER PIE Scald 2 Cups of Milk, 2 Egg Yolks and 12 Cup of Sugar, then add scant 12 Cup of Peanut Butter, cook until smooth. When cool add 1 Teaspoon of Orange Extract and 2 Teaspoon of Salt. Frost with the Whites of the Eggs. RENA. CROWELL. MINNIE'S LEMON PIE 2 Tablespoons of Flour. 2. Eggs. 1 Tablespoon of Butter. Juice and Rind of 1 Lemon. 1 Cup of Sugar. 1 Cup of Milk. Cream the Flour and Butter together and soften with some of the Milk, then add the Sugar, the Yolks of the 2. Eggs, without beating, the Juice and Rind of the Lemon, the remainder of the Milk and lastly fold in the well beaten Whites of the 2. Eggs. Bake slowly. MRS. LENA. N. HOPKINS. LEMON TARTS 2 Cups of Flour. #3 Teaspoon of Salt. % of a Cup of Shortening. % Teaspoon Soda. *4 Teaspoon of Cream of Tartar. Mix with Milk. Bake Crust first. FILLING 1 Cup of Sugar. 2 Eggs. 2%. Scant Tablespoons of Grated Rind and the Juice of Flour. 1 Lemon. Add the beaten Yolks of the 2. Eggs to the Flour and Sugar and the Rind and of Juice of the 1 Lemon. When all are mixed to- gether, turn a Cup of Boiling Water over the mixture and cook until thick. When cool put the filling into the partly cooked shells and frost with a Meringue made of the Whites of 2 Eggs beaten stiff, a pinch of Cream of Tartar and a Tablespoon of Sugar. SARAH STORER LASH. 50 BUTTERSCOTCH CREAM PIE 4 Eggs. 1 Teaspoon of Cream of Tar- 1 Cup of Sugar. tar. 4 Tablespoons of Cold Water. 1 Teaspoon of Soda. 1 Cup of Flour. Separate the Eggs and beat the Yolks a great deal, add the Sugar and beat it in thoroughly, then add the Cold Water and stir well. Sift Flour, Cream of Tartar and Soda together, and set in warm place while mixing Eggs, etc., then sift Flour mix- ture into the other ingredients and stir lightly, just enough to mix. Lastly beat Whites of Eggs to a stiff froth and add; flavor as desired. Bake in layer cake pans, put cream filling between layers and, when ready to serve, pour hot Butterscotch Sauce over the pie. CREAM FILLING % Cup of Sugar. Yolks of 2 Eggs. 14 Cup of Flour. 1% Cups of Milk. A Pinch of Salt. % Cup of Cream. Vanilla. Mix the Sugar, Flour and Salt together, scald the Milk and add to Flour mixture. Cook in double boiler 15 minutes and then add the Egg Yolks, slightly beaten, and cook for 2 minutes more. When cold add the Cream, beaten stiff, and the Vanilla to taste. BUTTERSCOTCH SAUCE 1/2 Cup of Butter. 42 Pint of Thin Cream. 2 Cups of Old Fashioned A little Vinegar or Lemon Brown Sugar. Juice. Mix Brown Sugar and Butter together thoroughly over low heat, then add the acid, about a Tablespoon in quantity, and then the Cream. Let all come to a boil together and boil for a few moments, then put in double boiler to cook slowly until needed. It should be served hot and be fairly thick but of pouring con- sistency. ANNIE L. B. BARRETT. 51 DESSERTS "The turnpike road to people's hearts, I find, Lies through their mouths, or I mistake mankind.” GRAPE-NUT PUDDING 1 Pint of Milk scalded. Vanilla. 3. Eggs. % Cup of Sugar. 3 Heaping Tablespoons of Salt. Grape-nuts. Mix all together. Bake until set and serve with Whipped Cream, or make Meringue and frost top, browning in oven. JOSEPHINE W. BUZZELL. PLUM PUDDING 1 Cup of Chopped Suet. 1 Cup of Currants. 1 Cup of Molasses. % Cup of Cherries. 1 Cup of Milk. 2 Tablespoons of Candied Or- 4 Eggs, well beaten. ange Peel. 1 Cup of Raisins % Cup Citron 1/2 Cup of Chopped Figs. Mix Fruit with 1 Cup of Flour. Measure 3 Cups of Sifted Flour, 1 Teaspoon of Salt, 1 Teaspoon of Soda, 1 Teaspoon of Cassia, 1 Teaspoon of Nutmeg and 4 Teaspoons of Baking Pow- der. Add this to Suet Mixture and steam 3 Hours. SUNSHINE SAUCE Boil 1 Cup of Sugar with 4% Cup of Water to soft ball stage. Pour over the stiffly beaten Yolks of 2 Eggs. Add 2 Teaspoons of Vanilla and fold in 1 Cup of Cream, stiffly beaten. MRS. T. H. STEVENS. 52 BAKED APPLE SUPREME 6 Apples. % Cup of Water. 1 Cup of Orange Marmalade. 6 Marshmallows. Core and peel cooking Apples and place in baking dish, with water. Fill the cavities with the Orange Marmalade, bake until tender, then place a Marshmallow on top of each Apple and leave in oven until brown. Serve with Cream. MILLICENT MADDOCKS. CHO.COLATE SAU CE 2 Cups of Sugar. 12 Cup of Cream. #2 Cup of Butter. 1% Cake of Baker's Chocolate. Cream Butter and Sugar together then add the Cream and the Chocolate and cook slowly until all is dissolved and thorough- ly combined. The original rule was flavored with 2 Cup of Sherry cooked with other ingredients, but I omit that now and flavor with a little Vanilla just before serving. After the Sauce has boiled a few moments it can be left to cook slowly in a double boiler until needed. It is very nice to serve with Ice Cream or with any dessert where Chocolate Sauce is desired. ANNIE. L. B. BARRETT. DATE PUDDING (Mrs. J. F. Davis) 1 Cup of Dates. 2 Teaspoons of Baking Pow- 1 Cup of Sugar. der. 2 Tablespoons of Flour. 4 Eggs. Sift together Flour, Sugar and Baking Powder. Stone, and cut Dates in small pieces and put with Flour mixture. Beat Eggs light and mix with other ingredients. A few nut meats cut and added are an improvement. This pudding can be served in two ways:–Baked in a shallow cake tin slowly for 34 of an hour, then, after cooling, cut in squares and served in individual glasses with Whipped Cream, or it can be baked in a round layer cake tin and covered with Whipped Cream. It serves 6 people. ANNIE L. B. BARRETT. 53 A QUICK AND DELICIOUS GINGER BREAD 12 Cup of Butter. 2 Cups of Flour. 1 Cup of New Orleans Mo- 1 Teaspoon of Baking Pow- lasses. der. % of a Cup of Raisins. 1 Teaspoon of Soda. #2 of a Cup of Sour Milk. 1 Teaspoon of Cinnamon. 1 Egg. *4 Teaspoon of Salt. 1%. Teaspoons of Ginger. Put the Butter, Molasses and Raisins in a saucepan and let come to a full boil. Pour into the beaten Egg and sour Milk, then add the dry ingredients. Bake in a long, shallow pan, in a fairly quick oven. Serve hot with Whipped Cream or Hard Sauce. HENRIETTA. McCOY. CARROT PUDDING 1 Cup of Grated Raw Carrots. 1 Cup Grated Raw Potatoes with 1 Teaspoon of Soda. 1 Cup of Sugar. 1 Cup of Flour. 1 Cup of Raisins. 1 Egg. 1 Teaspoon of Nutmeg. 1 Teaspoon of Cinnamon. */2 Teaspoon of Clove. Mix well and steam in tube pudding dish 3 hours, MRS. WILLIAM M. WILES. STEAMED JOHN'S DELIGHT PUDDING 2 Cups of Chopped Bread Crumbs. 1% Cup of Suet Chopped. 1/3 Cup of Molasses. 1 Egg. 1 Cup of Raisins. 14 Teaspoon of Salt. 1 Cup of Milk. % Teaspoon of Soda dis- solved in Milk. 1 Teaspoon of Clove. 1 Teaspoon of Cinnamon. A pinch of Mace. All measurements level. Boil. 2 Hours. Serve with Hard or Liquid Sauce. Will fill Coffee can or 2 Baking Powder tins. Serves six people. MRS. HOWARD P. BOURNE. 54 ELLA’S PUDDING SAUCE 2 Cups of Powdered Sugar. 3 Eggs. Flavoring. Beat the Yolks and Whites of Eggs separately and then beat them together a great deal and beat the Sugar in gradually. Flavor as desired. ANNIE L. B. BARRETT. CHO.COLATE PUDE) ING 1 Tablespoon of Butter. 12 Cup of Milk. % Cup of Sugar. 1 Egg beaten light. 1 Square of Chocolate, melt- 1 Cup of Sifted Flour. ed. 2 Teaspoons of Baking Powder. Cream the Butter and Sugar, then add the Chocolate and other ingredients. Beat very light and bake in bread pan or round cake tin with tube in center. CHO.COLATE SAUCE 2 Tablespoons of Cocoa. Piece of Butter size of a large 4 Tablespoons of Milk. Walnut. 1 Cup of Sugar. Boil all together 15 minutes (no longer) and add 1 Tea- spoon of Vanilla. If you prefer a plain sauce use Lemon flavor. Chocolate Sauce is fine with Ice Cream. If you wish an extra fine dessert, fill round hole in center of pudding with Whipped Cream. MRS. HOWARD P. BOURNE. CHINESE SUNDAE % Pound of Marshmallows cut in Squares. % Pound of Walnuts (broken meats), A little Salt. 3% Pint of Cream, whipped. Flavor the Cream with Vanilla and spread over the mixture of Marshmallows and Walnuts. MRS. ANNIE. B. HINDS. 55 ORANGE ICE-BOX PUDDING 1 Cup of Confectioner's Sugar. Grated Rind of 1 Orange and % Cup of Butter (scant). the Juice of 1 Orange or *% 2 Eggs. Cup of Juice. 1 Tablespoon of Lemon Juice. Cream together the Sugar and Butter until light and fluffy, then beat in the 2 Egg Yolks, one at a time, and the other in- gredients, Beat hard and lastly fold in the stiffly beaten Egg Whites. In bottom of a Pyrex Bread Pan put a layer of Lady Fingers, or sliced Sponge Cake, then a layer of Orange mixture. Alternate layers until material is all used up. Let stand over night in ice- box and, when ready to serve, slice and serve with Whipped Cream. MISS E. LOUISE FISKE. CHO.COLATE ICE-BOX DESSERT 4 Squares of Chocolate. Whites of 4 Eggs. 34 Cup of Sugar. 18 Lady Fingers. 3 Tablespoons of Water. Melt the Chocolate with the Sugar and Water in a sauce pain, then add the Egg Whites, beaten stiff. Line a bread pan with waxed paper, split the Lady Fingers and put a layer in bottom of the pan, then pour on a layer of the Chocolate mixture and continue to alternate layers until ingredients are used up. Put in ice box 24 hours before the dessert is to be used. Whip Cream and serve with the Dessert. - MARY A. KENNISTON. BAKED RICE PUDDING *A Cup of Rice. 1 Teaspoon of Vanilla. A small piece of Butter. A little Salt. 1 Cup of Brown Sugar. 1 Quart of Scalded Milk. Cook the Rice 15 minutes in Salted Water, then drain and add the other ingredients. Bake until creamy, about 2 hours. Serve with Whipped Cream. EDITH F. HUTCHINS. 56 PINEAPPLE AND RICE PUDDING 1 Cup of Milk. 2 Tablespoons of Sugar. 44 Cup of Rice. 1 Cup of Crushed Pineapple. 1/2 Teaspoon of Salt. 1/2 Pint of Cream. Scald the Milk, add Rice, cook until tender, add Sugar, Salt and Pineapple, then chill. Beat Cream until stiff. Add to pud- ding when cold. ADORA. J. TOBIN. DELICIOUS DESSERT Place a can of Condensed Milk, unopened, in a kettle of Hot Water and boil two and one half hours, keeping can covered with water. Remove from kettle and chill. To serve, open can and divide the caramel into portions, five or six; add to each a few pieces of Dates, Nuts and Marshmallow, top with Whipped Cream and a Cherry. Several cans may be boiled at once and set away until needed. MRS. J. W. LOUGHILIN. WELVET SHERBET Juice of 5 Lemons with the Grated Rind of 4 Lemons; let stand 1 hour and strain; add 5 Cups of Sugar and beat; add 1 Pint of Cream and 1 Quart of Milk; stir well and freeze. Makes 2 Quarts of Sherbet MRS. J. W. LOUGHILIN. PINEAPPLE CREAM 1. Envelope of Knox Gelatine. Whites of 3 Eggs beaten stiff. 3/3 Cup of Cold Water. 1 Pint of Whipped Cream. % Cup of Boiling Water. 1 small Can of Grated Pine- Juice of 1 Lemon. apple. * Cup of Sugar. Soak the Gelatine in the Cold Water for about 5 minutes then add the Boiling Water, Sugar, Lemon and other ingredients, beating together thoroughly. Mould and chill for two or three hours. JENNIE RICE. 57 CRAN BERRY PUDDING Serves 12 People. 1 Cup of Sugar. 3 Cups of Sifted Flour. *A Cup of Butter. 2 Teaspoons of Baking Pow- 1 Egg. der. 1 Cup of Milk. 2 Cups of Cranberries. Cream the Butter and Sugar together, add other ingredients and steam 2 hours. SAUCE (Double Recipe for 12 People). º Pint jar of Cream, 2 Eggs, Separated. Whipped. Beat Whites of Eggs stiff. Add 1 Cup of Confectioner's Sugar and 1 Teaspoon each of Lemon and Orange Extract. Beat Yolks and add last. MRS. T. H. STEVENS. COFFEE WELVET CREAM 1% Cups of Milk. 1% Cup of Sugar. 1 Pint of hot, strong, Coffee. 1 package of Knox Gelatine. 2. Eggs. 43 Cup of Cold Water. Scald the Milk in a double boiler and when hot add the Coffee. Beat the Yolks of the Eggs with the Sugar and add to Milk and Coffee. Put the Cold Water on the Gelatine while the Milk is heating, and, when dissolved, add this to the hot mixture. When the Coffee mixture is cool and beginning to thicken, beat in the stiffly beaten Whites of the 2 Eggs. Mould, and serve with Whipped Cream. MRS, FREDERICK DODGE. DOWN EAST RICE PUDDING Mix 1% Cup of Rice with 2 Cups of Milk, 4% Cup of Molasses and a level Tablespoon of Butter. Bake very slowly 2 hours, add- ing more Milk when it thickens. Serve with Whipped Cream or Hard Sauce. MRS. ROSE RICHARDS. 58 APPLE-DATE SOUFFLE 4% Tablespoons of Minute 3 Eggs. Tapioca. % Cup of Sugar. % Teaspoon of Salt. *4 Teaspoon of Lemon Juice. 1 Cup of Milk. 1 Cup of Applesauce. Add Tapioca and Salt to Milk and cook in double boiler, stirring frequently, add Sugar and Cool. Add Egg Yolks, beaten until thick, Lemon Juice and Applesauce. Fold in the stiffly beaten Egg Whites and bake 1 hour in a Buttered baking dish, placed in a pan of Hot Water in a moderate oven. Serve individ- ually with Whipped Cream. Before serving place Sliced Dates in dish and add one or two Cherries on top of Whipped Cream. MRS. B. W. RAND. STEAMED GRAHAM PUDDING 1 Cup of Milk. 1% Cups of Graham Flour. 1 Cup of Molasses. 1/3 Cup of White Flour. 12 Cup of Seeded Raisins. 1 Teaspoon of Soda (level). 1/2 Package of Dates (pitted *4 Teaspoon of Salt. and sliced). - Steam 3 hours in Baking Powder or Coffee cans, covered tightly. SAUCE Beat 1 Cup of Sugar and 1 Whole Egg until light; just be- fore serving pour 34 Cup of Boiling Water on 2 Tablespoons of Butter, add to Sugar and Egg, flavor with Vanilla. Do not boil Sallce. MRS. B. W. RAND. BROWN SUGAR BAKED CUSTARD Cover a baking dish about 1 inch deep with Brown Sugar. Make a Custard of 1 Quart of Milk, 4 Eggs, 34 Cup of White Sugar and flavor with Vanilla. Pour this Custard, while warm, over Brown Sugar in the pudding dish, but do not stir. Bake in oven about 3% hour. ALICE D. TAYLOR. 59 BROWNIE PUDDING 2 Slices of Stale Yeast Bread. % Cup of Sugar. * Cup of Hot Water. 2 Eggs. % Cup of Butter. % Cup of Broken Walnut 1% Squares of Unsweetened Meats. Chocolate. A little Salt. Flavor with Vanilla. Pour Hot Water over the Bread, add the other ingredients, MRS. ANNIE. B. HINDS. RICE PUDDING 1 Cup of Rice. Yolks of 4 Eggs. 1 Cup of Sugar. Rind (Grated) and Juice of 1 Cup of Milk. 1 Lemon. 1 Cup of Butter. Cook Rice until tender, add other ingredients and bake until a light brown. FROSTING Beat the Whites of the 4 Eggs, add 1 Cup of Sugar, flavor with Lemon, spread on pudding and return to oven to brown Frosting delicately. EMMA. S. HILTON. MARSHMALLOW PUDDING 1 Quart of New Milk. A Pinch of Salt. 2 Rounded Tablespoons of % Cup of Sugar. Cornstarch. % Teaspoon of Butter. "A Cup of Cold Milk. Boil the Quart of Milk, strain, and when boiling add the Cornstarch dissolved in the Cold Milk, also the other ingredients, cooking until thick and stirring rapidly. Remove from stove and divide into 2 equal parts. Into one part stir lightly the well beaten Whites of 2 Eggs, into the other 4 Tablespoons of Melted Chocolate. Flavor with Vanilla. Put into mould in alternate spoonfuls and when cold serve with Whipped Cream. ALIDA POLAND. 60 PUDDING SARUCE 1 Egg Bit of Salt *4 Cup of Powdered Sugar Vanilla to taste 1 Tablespoon of Milk % Cup of Whipped Cream Beat the White of the Egg stiff and combine with Sugar. Beat Yolk of Egg and add the Milk, Salt and Vanilla, Combine with the Egg White mixture and add 43 Cup of Whipped Cream, Es- pecially good on Plum Pudding. GRACE TIBBETTS CARLISLE. OLD FASHIONED CRACKER PUDDING 7 Crackers rolled fine. 1 Cup of Sugar. 6 Eggs. 3 Pints of Milk. Add 1 Cup of Raisins, a Teaspoon of Vanilla and bake 1% hours. LOTTIE E. LOVELL. GRAND MOTHER’S THANKSGIVING PUDDING 12 Crackers 1 Teaspoon of Allspice 1 Quart of Warm Milk % Teaspoon of Clove 4 Eggs well beaten % Teaspoon of Mace 1 Cup of Sugar % Teaspoon of Salt 1 Teaspoon of Nutmeg 1% Cups of Seeded Raisins 1 Teaspoon of Cassia. 1 Pint of Milk Split and butter the Crackers and place them in a bowl, butter side up. Pour over them the Quart of Warm Milk and let them stand over night. Mix Sugar, Salt and Spices and add to Eggs. Put layer of Crackers in baking dish then layer of Raisins. Spread with Sugar and Egg mixture and continue until all is used. Add the pint of Milk and bake in slow oven 2 or 3 hours. Keep cover- ed the first hour. If too dry add 1 Cup more of Milk. HELEN CHAPMAN. 61 WHIPPED CREAM PIE 1 Rounded Tablespoon of But- 1 Cup of Flour. ter. 1 Teaspoon of Baking Powder. % of a Cup of Sugar. A litle Salt. 1 Egg. 1 Teaspoon of Vanilla. *2 Cup of Milk. Bake in one layer cake pan in a hot oven, about 12 minutes. For 2 layers double recipe. Fill with Whipped Cream, a few Nuts and Raisins or Dates. EMMA. W. ILSLEY. ORANGE SAEREET 1 Pint of Milk 3 Oranges l'A Cups of Sugar 1 Lennon º Pint of Cream Dissolve Sugar in the Juice of Oranges and Lennon, then add the Milk and Cream and freeze. This quantity makes 2 Quarts of the frozen mixture. ISABEL, M. MONTGOMIERY. STRAWBERRY SHERBET Boil together 1 Pint of Sugar and 4 Cup of Hot Water 3 minutes without stirring, then set away to cool. To this, when cool, add the juice of 1 Box of Strawberries (which should be about a Coffee Cup full) the Juice of 1 Lemon, and 1 Cup of Ice- Water. Put this mixture in the freezer, and when it is slightly frozen add the beaten White of one Egg and finish freezing. BLANCHE BRYANT. RASPEERRY BASKETS Bake sponge cake in oval gem pans, cool and make into baskets by removing centres; fºll with raspberries, sprinkle with sugar, and serve with cream. MARCIA. V. KENNISTON. CAKES AND COOKIES "Cheerful Cooks make every dish a feast” TIP TOP CARE Piece of Butter the size of an egg l 34 Cup of Sugar Add Yolk of one Egg and beat 1 Tea-spoon of Cream of Tartar % Cup of Milk % Tea-spoon of Soda 1% Cups of Flour Creamed together Put this cake mixture in a cake tin. Beat white of Egg to a stiff froth, and add 1 Cup of Brown Sugar. Spread over first mixture like frosting and bake in a mod- erate oven 35 to 40 minutes. Delicious served hot as a dessert. MISS E. LOUISE FISKE. CINNAMON CAKE 1 Egg 2-3 Cup of Sugar 2 level Tea-spoons of Baking Powder 1% Cups of Flour A pinch of Salt (Cinnamon and Nutmeg added to taste if desired) Break the Egg in a cup and fill with Sweet Milk, then add other ingredients and mix in usual manner. After putting in pan sprinkle Sugar and Cinnamon over the top with bits of Butter and bake 20 minutes. To be eaten with Butter. MR.S. GEORGE W. SINGER. 63 BIRTHDAY CAKE Whites of Four Eggs 2 Tea-spoons of Cream of Tarter 2 Cups of Sugar 1 Tea-spoon of Soda 1 Cup of Butter 3% Cups of Flour 1 Cup of Sweet Milk 1 Cup of Chopped Citron Juice and Grated Rind of 1 Lemon Cream Butter and Sugar together and mix in usual manner; Bake slowly in large angel cake tin, Double this quantity will make three loaves. FROSTING FOR BIRTHDAY CARE 2 Cups of Powdered Sugar 2 Teaspoons of Melted Butter 1 Table-spoon Lemon Juice Add enough Cream or Milk to spread smoothly. MRS. GEORGE W. SINGER. YELLOW DELICATE CARE 14 Cups of Sugar 1 Tea-spoon of Vanilla * Cup of Butter 1 Tea-spoon Lemon 2-3 Cup of Sweet Milk Pinch of Salt 2 Cups of Pastry Flour 3 Eggs 2 level Tea-spoons of Baking Powder This is how you put it together— Cream the Butter and Sugar, then add Milk and beat, now add Flour sifted with Baking Powder and Salt, add Flavoring, then add Eggs, one at a time, beating each one into mixture thoroughly. Eggs to be added the last thing—this is essential. Bake in Angel Cake pan, in a moderate oven about 40 or 45 minutes. This Cake took the $50.00 prize at the Boston Herald Cooking School. MRS. KENDALL M. DUNEAR. 64 º CHO.COLATE CAKE 1 Cup of Sugar 1 scant Tea-spoon of Soda 1 Egg Yolk 1 Tea-spoon of Vanilla 1 Cup of Milk 1 Mixing Spoon of Butter 1 and 2-3 Cups of Flour 2 Squares of Chocolate Put together in order given. Beat well, adding Butter and Chocolate, which have been melted together, the last thing. AMY ALBEE ERSE INE. CHO.COLATE CARE 3 Table-spoons of Cocoa | Cook these three % Cup of White Sugar } ingredients together % Cup of Coffee until thick Cream 1-3 pound of Butter with 1 Cup of Sugar, break 2 Eggs into mixture and beat until light. Add the cooked custard, 2 cups of Flour sifted with 1 Scant tea-spoonful of Soda and 1 Tea- spoonful of Cream of Tartar. Lastly add 1 Cup of either Sweet or Sour Milk and a little salt and Vanilla. FROSTING FOR CHO.COLATE CARE Confectioner's Sugar, Cocoa, wet with Coffee and a generous piece of Buttter, melted, mixed together and flavored with Vanilla. SACE EX. WESTON. SOUR MILK CHO.COLATE CAKE 2 Squares of Chocolate 1 Cup of Sour Milk 1 Cup of Sugar 1 Tea-spoon of Soda Butter the size of an egg 1% Cups of Flour 1 Egg (or just the Yolk) 1 Tea-spoon Vanilla, A little Salt DORA HOWARD YORKE, 65 CHO.COLATE FUDGE CAKE *2 Cup of Chocolate (Cocoa) dissolved in 4 Cup of Boiling Water. *4 Cup of Butter 1-3 Cup of Milk 1 Cup of Sugar 1% Cups of Flour 2 Eggs 2 Tea-spoons of Baking Powder Flavor With Vanilla, FROSTING 1 Cup of Powdered Sugar 2 Table-spoons of Coffee Small piece of Butter 2 Table-spoons of Cocoa, Flavor with Vanilla, NELLIE C. TUPPER. WALNUT CAKE 2. Eggs 1 level tea-spoon of Soda 1% Cups of Sugar 2 level tea-spoons of Cream of Tartar * Cup of Butter 1 Cup of Walnut Meats 1 Cup of Milar. - 2 heaping Cups of Flour Almond Flavoring % Tea-spoon Salt ROCKIE SAWYER. ANGEL CARE Whites of 11 Eggs 1 Tea-spoon of Vanilla 1% Cups of Sugar 1 level Tea-spoon of Cream-tartar 1 Cup of Flour Beat the Whites of the Eggs very thoroughly then add the Sugar gradually, beating into Egg until well mixed. Next beat in the Vanilla. Sift the Flour 4 times, add the Cream tartar, and sift twice more. Then measure Flour again to be sure that you have just the cup full—no more—and mix just enough to combine Flour with Egg mixture. ANNIE L. B. BARRETT 66 ELLSWORTH MARBLE CARE WHITE PART 2 Cups of Sugar 12 Tumbler of Milk 3 Cups of Flour % Tea-spoon of Cream of Tartar Scant 34 Cup of Butter % Tea-spoon of Soda 4 Eggs IMARELE PART 2 Table-spoons of Molasses 1 Teaspoon each of Allspice, Cassia, and Nutmeg and 2 Tea- spoon of Clove Put Molasses and Spices into a Cup and stir together; fill the Cup with Cake Batter. Put part of cake into baking pan, cover with Marble part and add remainder of Cake Mixture. Bake slowly. ALIDA POLAND. DATE CAKE 2 Cups of Sugar % Cup of Sweet Milk 1 Cup of Molasses % Teaspoon of Cream of Tartar % Cup of Butter % Teaspoon of Soda. 3. Eggs 1 Lb. of Raisins Spice to taste 1 Lb. of Dates MRS. EMMA. T. POTTER. FRUIT CARE 2 Cups of Sugar 1 Cup of Sweet Milk 1 Cup of Molasses 5 Cups of Flour 1% Cups of Butter 1 Tea-spoon of Soda. 4 Eggs, and about 1 pound each of Raisins, Dates, Currants, and Citron CLARA. A. WRIGHT. 67 DELICIOUS CHEAP FRUIT CAKE 2 Cups of Sugar 2 Cups of Cold Water 2 Cups of Chopped Raisins Put on to boil and boil 5 minutes hard, then remove from fire and add 43 Cup of Butter and let cool. Then add 1 Egg, Salt and Spices to taste, 4 Cups of Flour, and 2 level Tea-spoons of Soda. Frost with White Icing. This recipe makes two small loaves. LENA M. ELLIOTT. SPONGE CARE 2. Eggs 1 Full Tea-spoon of Baking Powder 1 Cup of Sugar * Cup of Boiling Milk 1 Cup of Flour 1 Tea-spoon of Lemon Extract A Pinch of Salt Beat Yolks of Eggs until thick, then add Sugar gradually, then Whites of Eggs beaten stiff, Flour and Baking Powder (sifted together twice) and last add the Boiling Milk and flavor- ing. SARAH STORER LASH. CHO.COLATE CARE 1% Cups of Sugar 2 Squares of Melted Chocolate 2-3 Cup of Butter 2 Good Cups of Flour 2 Eggs 1 Cup of Sweet Milk Vanilla, 1 Tea-spoon of Cream of Tartar 14 Tea-spoon of Salt % Tea-spoon of Soda Cream Sugar and Butter; Sift Flour and Cream-tartar to- gether and add Soda to the Milk. Mix together, adding Eggs, Milk and Flour alternately. Add Chocolate last. MRS. HADLEY H. KUHN. 68 SPICE CARE 2 Cups of Flour 1 Tea-spoon of Cinnamon 1 Cup of Sugar % Teaspoon of Nutmeg 1 Cup of Sour Milk *4 Tea-spoon of Clove % Cup of Butter 1 Tea-spoon of Soda 1 Cup of Raisins 1 Tea-spoon of Salt % Cup of Nuts Very nice with Orange Icing. N. M. CARTER. HEARTS AND ROUNDS 1 Cup of Butter 5 Eggs 2 Cups of Sugar 2 Even Tea-spoons of Cream of Tartar 1 Cup of Milk 1. Even Tea-spoon of Soda 3 Cups of Flour Citron Vanilla Bake in small tins shaped like hearts and rounds. MRS. GRACE M. HUSSEY. ORANGE CAKE 2 Eggs 1-3 Cup Butter 1 Cup Sugar % Cup Milk 1% Cups Cake Flour 2%. Tea-spoons Baking Powder *4 Tea-spoon Salt 1 Tea-spoon Lemon or Orange extract Cream Butter and Sugar. Add Eggs well beaten. Sift dry in- gredients and add alternately with milk. Then add flavoring, and bake in moderate oven 35 or 40 minutes. G. I. HIGGINS 69 WITCH. CAEKE 1 Cup of Sugar 1 Tea-spoon of Soda 1% Cups of Flour 2 level Tea-spoons of Cream-tartar A little Salt - Sift these five ingredients together 3 times Break 2 Eggs in a cup, fill cup with sweet milk, add to dry in- gredients and beat, then add 1–3 cup of Butter melted and put in the last thing, beating well. Flavor. Bake in a shallow pan or in tnree layers, and fill with Marshmallow Fluff and Apple Jelly beaten together. Frost with any desired frosting. - EDITH F. HUTCHINS GRAND FATHER GINGERBREAD 1 Cup of Sugar 2 Eggs 1 Cup of Butter 1 Tea-spoonful Soda 1 Cup of Milk (Sour Milk Preferred) A pinch of Salt 1 Cup of Molasses 3% to 4 Cups of Flour 1 Cup of Fruit Spice to taste Bake in a moderate oven. MRS. M. A. GRIFFIN. ORANGE FILLING Grated rind of 1 Orange 1-3 Cup Orange Juice 2-3 Cup Water 1 Table-spoon Cornstarch % Cup Sugar 1 Egg *4 Tea-spoon Salt 2 Tea-spoons Lemon juice 1 Table-spoon Butter Cock grated rind, sugar, water and cornstarch in double boiler until it thickens. Add orange juice and beaten egg and cook until thick. Remove from fire and add butter, salt and lemon juice. Spread between cake when cool. G. I. HIGGINS. 70 ORANGE ICING % Cup Butter *% pkg. Confectioner's Sugar Grated rind of 1 Orange "A Cup Orange Juice 1 Tea-spoon Lemon Juice Cream butter, add grated rind—and add sugar alternately with fruit juices. G. I. HIGGINS BUTTERCUP CAKE (This cake is credited to Mary J. Lincoln's Boston Cook Book, published in 1906, and is especially good to use the Yolks of the Eggs left when Angel Cake is made) % Cup of Butter 2 Cups of Flour 1% Cup of Sugar 14 Tea-spoon of Soda. Yolks of 8 Eggs 1%. Tea-spoon of Cream of Tartar 1 Whole Egg or 2 level Tea-spoons of Baking Powder % Cup of Milk 1 Saltspoon of Mace or 1 Tea-spoon of Lemon Mix in the order given, and bake in two pans in a moderate oven until the loaf shrinks from the pan. Or bake in small round tins, and frost with yellow frosting, and decorate with Candied Fruit. I find that this rule makes especially good small cakes with the addition of citron or pecan nuts. ANNIE L. B. BARRETT. COCOA. CARE 12 Cup of Butter 3. Eggs 1 Cup of Cocoa 1 Tea-spoon Soda. 2 Cups of Sugar 1 Tea-spoon Vanilla 1 Cup Butter-milk 2 Cups of Flour % Cup of Hot Water added last. CLARA. A. WRIGHT. 71 NUN'S CARE Dating from the days of chivalry 1 Cup of Butter 2%. Tea-spoons of Baking Powder 1% Cups of Powdered Sugar 4 Tea-spoon of Salt 4. Eggs 3 Tea-spoons of Caraway Seed % Cup of Milk 1 Tea-spoon Lemon 3 Cups of Flour 1 Tea-spoon Extract of Cinnamon % Tea-spoon of extract of Almond Beat Butter until creamy; add Sugar and Yolks of Eggs, beat- ing well. stir in unbeaten whites of Eggs and beat one minute. Sift Flour with Baking Powder and Salt, adding to first mixture alternately with the Milk. Sprinkle in the Caraway Seed, beat well and add Flavoring. Bake in a well greased, piped, Cake tin one hour and twenty minutes in moderate oven (375°). Will make one large or two small loaves. ELIZABETH LANE WEBB. PECAN NUT BARS 2 Eggs % Tea-spoon of Baking Powder 1 Cup of Sifted Brown Sugar 1 Tea-spoon of Vanilla 3 Table-spoons of Flour 1 Cup of Broken Nut Meats Beat Eggs and Beat in Sugar, add Extract, Flour and Baking Powder sifted together, and then the Nut Meats. These should be baked in a nut bar pan. ELIZABETH BRYANT. EVER READY FROSTING 1 Square of Chocolate 1 Table-spoon of Butter Melt and mix with 1 Egg White, beaten stiff, and add 43 Cup of Confectioner's Sugar. Will keep soft indefinitely. MRS. J. M. KING 72 CREAM PuFFS % Cup of Butter 1 Cup of Sifted Flour 1 Cup of Hot Water 3 Eggs (Small) Soda size of a pea. Boil Water and Butter until Butter is melted then add Flour, stirring until mixture is smooth and clings to the side of the pan. Remove from the fire, beat until cold, add Soda and Eggs beaten separately. Drop by spoonfuls on pan; bake 25 minutes, same temperature as for Biscuits. FILLING 1 Pint of Milk 1 Table-spoon of Flour 2 Eggs 3 Table-spoons of Sugar 1 Tea-spoon of Vanilla Cook until smooth in double boiler. MAUDE CLARK GAY. ROCKS 1% Cups of Brown Sugar % Tea-spoon of Salt 1 Scant Cup of Butter 1 Tea-spoon of Cassia 3 Well Beaten Eggs %Teaspoon of Clove and a little Nutmeg 2% Cups of Flour 1 Cup of Seeded Raisins—cut up 1 Small Tea-spoon of Soda 1 Cup of Walnut Meats LENA. M. ELLIOTT. BROWNIES 2 Eggs % Cup of Flour 1 Cup of Sugar 1 Tea-spoon of Vanilla % Cup of Butter 2 Squares of Chocolate % Cup of Nuts Put together in order given. ANNIE. F. DODGE. 73 UPSIDE-DOWN CAKE In an iron frying pan melt 4 pound of Butter, and add 1 Cup of Brown Sugar but do not stir. Lay slices of Pine-apple over the sugar, one slice in center and others around, then cut up 1 Cup of Walnut meats, and scatter over other ingredients. Make a Sponge Cake Batter from following ingredients: 2 Eggs 1 Tea-spoon of Baking Powder *4 of a Cup of Sugar *4 Tea-spoon Salt % of a Cup of Boiling Milk 1 Cup of Swansdown Flour Pour this Batter over the whole mixture, bake in oven in fry- ing pan about 43 hour. When cold turn on plate upside down and serve with Whip- ped Cream. ALICE D. TAYLOR. MIACAROONS Whites of 2 Eggs 2 Cups of Corn Flakes 1 Cup of Sugar 1 Heaping Table-spoon of Flour 1 Cup of Cocoanut 1 Tea-spoon of Vanilla A Pinch of Salt Put together in order given. ANNIE. F. DODGE. MOCK MIACAROONS 1% Cups of Sugar "A Cup of either Walnut Meats or "A Cup of Shortening Shredded Cocoanut 2 Eggs % Cup of Flour 2% Cups of dry Rolled Oats 1 Tea-spoon of Baking Powder % Tea-spoon of Vanilla Drop by spoonfuls on a buttered pan and bake in a moderate oven. Allow to cool a little before removing from pan. ELLA L. WHITE. 74 FUDGE CARE 1 Large Table-spoon of Butter creamed with 1 Cup of Sugar 2 Squares of Chocolate cooked with 2 Table-spoons of Milk and 3 Table-spoons of Sugar, until the chocolate is melted 2. Egg Yolks well beaten 1 level Tea-spoon of Cream-tartar *2 Cup of Milk 43 level Tea-spoon of Soda. 1 1-8 Cup of Flour % Tea-spoon of Vanilla % Tea-spoon of Salt and 2 Egg Whites well beaten and added last. X MRS, JULIA T. REED. CHO.COLATE BROWNIES 1 Cup of Sugar % Tea-spoon of Salt 2 Eggs 1 Cup of Flour (unsifted) % Cup of Crisco 1 Cup of Chopped Walnuts 7 Tea-spoons of Cocoa, mixed 1 Tea-spoon of Vanilla With Hot Water until smooth Put into large pan, bake 20 minutes in a medium oven and cut into squares when cold. LOTTIE E. LOVELL. BROWNIES 2 Squares of Chocolate % Cup of Flour % Cup of Butter 1-8 Tea-spoon of Salt 1 Cup of Sugar 1 Tea-spoon of Vanilla 2 Eggs 1 Cup of Nuts Melt Chocolate and Butter together, add Sugar and mix well, add well beaten Eggs. Sift Flour once before measuring and add Salt. Add Flour to Chocolate Mixture, then add Vanilla, and Nuts and mix well. Pour on a well-greased Pan (9 inch) and bake in a moderate oven from 20 to 30 minutes. Cut in squares while hot and remove When cool. STELLA HODGDON GRAY 75 ANGEL CARE Whites of eight Eggs % Cup Flour * 1 Tea-spoon Cream Tartar *4 Tea-spoon Salt 1 Cup Sugar % Tea-spoon Vanilla, Beat whites of eggs until frothy–add cream of tartar, and continue beating until eggs are stiff; then add sugar gradually. Fold in the flour, mixed with salt, and sifted four times. Add va- nilla. Bake 45 to 50 minutes in unbuttered angel-cake pan. After cake has risen and begins to brown, cover with a buttered paper. G. I. HIGGINS. DROP CARES 1 Cup of Sugar % Cup of Sour Milk 1-3 Cup of Butter or Crisco 1 Level Tea-spoon of Soda 1 Egg 1 Tea-spoon of Flavoring 2 Cups of Flour (Scant) Cream the Butter, add the Sugar, beaten Egg and Sour Milk. Sift the dry ingredients together and stir into mixture. Drop by Dessert spoonful on to buttered pan and bake in fairly hot oven. * Cup of Raisins may be added if desired. DELIA P. WOODWARD goºd FROSTING 2.1% Cups of White Sugar 5 Tea-spoons Karo–Red Label “White” * Cup of Cold Water 2 Egg Whites Boil. Sugar, Water and Karo until it spins a thread. Pour over Egg Whites, beaten stiff. Beat 3 or 4 minutes, then set in a bowl of Cold Water and beat until stiff. This quantity fills 2 pint jars. Put it away in a cold place or ice-box and it will keep two weeks if you do not care to use it all at once. Will frost 3 cakes. If a little hard add a little Hot water; if soft, a little Powdered Sugar when using. EFFIE C. IRVINE. 76 GINGER PUFFS 1 Cup of Sugar 1 Tea-spoon of Soda 43 Cup of Molasses 1 Tea-spoon of Ginger 33 Cup of Criscoe (Melted) % Tea-spoon of Cinnamon 1 Egg 4%. Tea-spoon of Clove *2 Cup of Sour Milk 1 Cup of Chopped Raisins Flour so mixture can drop from spoon; it will take about 3 Cups of Pastry Flour. Beat Egg well, add Sugar, Shortening, Mo- lasses and Sour Milk, mixing all thoroughly. Sift the dry materials together and add to mixture, stirring in the Raisins last. Drop from spoon on to greased pans and bake in a fairly quick oven. Raisins can be omitted if plain cakes are desired. DELIA P. WOODWARD. WAHLNUT. HERMITS 1 Large Cup of Sugar 1 Tea-spoon Soda. 2. Eggs 2 Tea-spoons of Cream of Tartar 2-3 Cup of Shortening 1 Tea-spoon of Vanilla % Cup of Sweet Milk 1 Cup of Chopped Raisins A little Salt 1 Cup of Chopped Walnuts Flour enough to knead; Roll Thin. EUNICE SEDGWICK PRESSEY. ALICE MARY SOUR CREAM CAKE 1 Cup of Sour Cream % Tea-spoon of Salt 1 Cup of Sugar 1 level Tea-spoon of Soda 2 Eggs 1 Tea-spoon of Extract 1% Cups of Flour Put first three ingredients in a mixing bowl and beat with a Dover egg Beater. Add other ingredients and beat. This rule makes an ordinary size cake or two layer cakes for Cream Pie. MRS. NORMAN H. HODGDON. 77 FRENCH DROP CookIES 1 Cup of Sugar Creamed with % Cup of Milk 1 Cup of Shortening 3 Tea-spoons of Baking Powder 2 Eggs 1 Tea-spoon of Vanilla 1 Package of Seeded Raisins boiled and 1 Cup of Sugar added to them, then put into Cookie Batter while hot. A Cup of Dates, pitted and cut length-wise, 1 Cup of Nuts, chopped—not very fine–1 Tea-spoon each of Cinnamon and Cloves. Flour to make a Stiff Batter. Drop in pans and bake in a hot oven. F. MURIEL TITUS. CHO.COLATE WHIPPEND CREAM FHLLING 12 Pint of Cream *% Cup of Confectioner's Sugar 2. Dessert Spoons of Cocoa Mix thoroughly, and lev stand over-night. Twenty-four hours is better. Then add one Tea-spoon of Vanilla and Whip. Very nice. / CORA. A. SWETT, DROP the RMIT COOKIES 1% Cups of Sugar 1 Cup of Chopped Raisins 2 Eggs 1 Level Teaspoon of Soda 4 Tablespoons of Melted Butter 2 Level Teaspoons Cream Tartar % Cup of Milk 1 Teaspoon of Vanilla 3 Cups of Flour 1 Teaspoon of Cinnamon Mix and drop by spoonful on greased pan. HARRIET GOUDY. APPLE FROSTING AND FILLING The unbeaten White of 1 Egg 1 Medium sized Apple, grated 1 Cup of Granulated Sugar A little Salt Beat together with a Silver Spoon for 20 minutes. MARION H. CLARKE. 78 º º MIGLASSES COOKIES 1 Cup of Sugar 1. Even Teaspoon of Cream of 1 Cup of Molasses Tartar (sifted in Flour) 2-3 of a Cup of Butter or Crisco 4 Cups of Flour, (more if 4 even Teaspoons of Soda dissolved necessary) in 2-3 of a Cup of Hot Water 1 Egg, not beaten 1 Teaspoon of Vanilla 1%. Teaspoons of Cassia. Roll and cut with a large cutter; sift a little Sugar over the Cookies before baking. MARY FULLER. VERMONT GINGER BREAD 1 Cup of Sugar 1 Cup of Sour Milk 2 Tablespoons of Molasses 1 Teaspoon of Salt 4 Tablespoons of Melted Butter 1 Dessert Spoon of Cinnamon 1 Egg 1 Teaspoon of Mixed Spices 1 Cup of Chopped Raisins 1 Teaspoon of Soda 2 Cups of Flour Mix Sugar, Molasses, Butter, Salt and Spices. Add the Egg well beaten and the Sour Milk. Sift the Soda, with the Flour and then sift into mixture. Add Raisins and beat 2 minutes. Pour into well buttered pan and sprinkle Nut Meats over top. Bake in a medium oven. BERNICE R. CHESEBRO. BROWNIES 1 Cup of Sugar % Cup of Walnuts 1 Cup of Flour 1-3 Cup of Butter 2 Eggs 2 Squares of Melted Chocolates % Tea-spoon of Salt Turn out while hot and cut in squares. ADORA. J. TOBIN. 79 OLD FASHIONED MOLASSES COOKIES 1 Cup of Molasses % Cup of Boiling Water 1 Cup of Brown Sugar 2 Teaspoons of Salt 1 Cup of Shortening 1 Tablespoon of Ginger 1 Tablespoon of Soda Beat first 3 ingredients together, then add Boiling Water, Salt, Ginger, Soda and Flour enough to roll. ( If salted shortening is used, the quantity of salt might be lessened.) ISABEL, M. MONTGOMERY. WHITE FRUIT CARE 2 Cups of Sugar *4 Teaspoon of Salt sifted in % Cup of Butter Flour 3 times 1 Cup of Milk 1 Cup of Raisins 3 Cups of Flour 1 Cup of Walnut Meat 1 Teaspoon of Soda 1 Small Bottle Cherries, cut Small 2 Teaspoons of Cream of Tartar 4 Egg Whites folded in last 2 Teaspoons of Vanilla MABEL B. BARLOW. V KENTUCKY CHO.COLATE CRULLERS 3 Table-spoons of Crisco % Tea-spoon of Soda 14 Cups of Sugar 1 Tea-spoon of Vanilla 2 Eggs 5 Cups of Flour 1% Squares of Chocolate 4 Tea-spoons of Baking Powder 1 Cup of Sour Milk % Tea-spoon of Cinnamon *4 Tea-spoon of Salt Cream Crisco, Sugar and Eggs, add the Chocolate (Melted) then add Sour Milk and Soda beaten together. Last add Flour, Baking Powder, Salt and Cinnamon, all sifted together. Fry in deep Fat and drain on paper. MRS. K. M. DUNEAR 80 RUSSIAN ROCKS 11% Cups of Light Brown Sugar 1 Cup of Butter A Pinch of Salt 3 well beaten Eggs 1 Tea-spoon of Soda, dissolved in 2 Spoons of Hot Water 1 Tea-spoon of Cinnamon 34 lb. of Seeded Raisins, chopped 1% lbs. English Walnuts, chopped fine 2% Cups of Flour, or more if needed to make a proper drop mixt- ure. Drop in very small Tea-spoons on buttered tins, and bake as Cookies. NELLIE C. TUPEER, º CREAM PUFFS 1 Cup of Flour 1 Cup of Boiling Water *4 Teaspoon of Salt % Cup of Butter 4. Eggs Add Salt and Butter to the Boiling Water and, when boiling, add the Flour all at once, stirring constantly until the mixture leaves the side of the pan. Remove from the stove and add the un- beaten Eggs, one at a time, beating constantly. Drop by dessert spoonful on buttered pan about 2 inches apart, and bake. Fill with Whipped Cream, or, preferably I think, with a made Custard fill- ing, as below— Mix 7-8 Cup of Sugar, 1-3 Cup of Flour and pinch of salt; scale, 1% Cups of Milk and pour into above mixture. Cook in double boiler 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Add the slightly beaten Yolks of 2 Eggs and cook 2 minutes more. When cold add % Cup of Cream beaten stiff, and flavor with Vanilla or any pre- ferred flavoring. - LILLIAN S. VANNAH. 81 SPONGE DROPS 3. Eggs, well beaten 2 Teaspoons of Cream of Tartar 1 Cup of Sugar 1 Teaspoon of Soda 1% Cups of Flour Salt Flavor with lemon Drop by Teaspoon full, 2 inches apart, on well buttered pan. Bake 5 minutes in hot oven. ELIZABETH. J. R.A.C.E. BOILED FROSTING 1 Cup of Sugar *4 Cup of Water White of 1 Egg Put all three ingredients into a bowl, and set bowl into a pain of Boiling Water on stove, and keep Water boiling. Beat mixture with Egg beater continuously for 8 minutes, or until mixture is stift enough to spread. Remove from stove and flavor. MRS. LILLIAN A. NASH. º HERMITS 2 Cups of Sugar 1 Tea-spoon of Soda 1 Cup of Butter 3 Table-spoons of Sour Milk or Butter-Milk 3 Eggs 1 Tea-spoon of Salt 1 Teaspoon of Vanilla or Lennon Cream the Butter and Sugar together, and dissolve the Soda. in the Sour Milk or Butter Milk. With Flour enough to roll, sift % Teaspoon of Cream of Tartar, a tiny bit of Ginger, 1 Tea-spoon of Cinnamon and 1 Tea-spoon of Grated Orange Peel. Add last 1 Cup of Chopped Raisins (Seeded) and Floured. Bake in a rather quick oven. M. C. STETSON 82 CHO.COLATE NUT COOKIES 34 Cup of Butter 2 Squares of Chocolate 1 Cup of Sugar 2 Tea-spoon of Soda 1 Egg 1-8 Tea-spoon of Salt 2 1'able-spoons of Milk 2% Cups of Flour % Cup of Broken Nut Meats - Mix like Cake and drop on buttered pans. Bake at 350 degrees. They will be very stiff. H. C. G.A.Y. PETER PANS A Cup of Butter 1 Tea-spoon Vanilla 12 Cup of Brown Sugar 1 Tea-spoon Cinnamon 1 Egg well beaten 2 Cups of sifted Flour 12 Cup of Molasses 1 Tea-spoon of Soda 2-3 Cup of slightly Sour Milk 1 or *% Cup (mixed) of Raisins and Nuts chopped. Cream Butter with Sugar, add other ingredients in Crder given. Beat well. Bake in hot oven in gem or patty pans. GRACE C. PEASE. WHITE GINGER BREAD 2 Table-spoons of Butter % Tea-spoon of Cinnamon 1 Cup of Sugar % Tea-spoon of Ginger 1 Egg % Tea-spoon Clove 1 Cup of Thick Sour Milk % Tea-spoon of Salt 1 Cup of Flour % Cup of Raisins, cut, with 1 even Tea-spoon of Soda % Cup of Flour sifted over them Cream the Butter and Sugar, beat Egg together with Butter and Sugar, then add milk, dry ingredients sifted together, and lastly Raisins with the #3 Cup of Flour sifted over them. LULU L, HOLTON. 83 GINGER WAFERS 1 Cup of Molasses % Tea-spoon of Salt 1 Tea-spoon of Soda. % Cup of Shortening 1 Tea-spoon of Ginger Flour to mix very stiff Bring Molasses to a boil, add other ingredients, then stir in the Flour, making very stiff mixture, Put this mixture in the ice- box for 24 hours then roll out very thin like wafers. ANNE M. PARSONS. CHILLED COOKIES *2Cup of Brown Sugar % Tea-spoon of Soda. 13 Cup of White Sugar % Tea-spoon of Cinnamon % Cup of Butter *4 Tea-spoon of Ground Clove 2 Eggs, well beaten - % Cup of Chopped Nuts 2% Cups of Flour % Tea-spoon of Salt Cream the Butter and Sugar, add the well beaten Eggs, Sift the dry ingredients and add chopped nuts. Form the dough into a roll and chill over night. Cut into thin slices and bake until brown. MRS, JULIA T. REED. DROP COOKIES 1 Cup of Sugar % Cup of Milk "A Cup of Butter 3 Cups of Flour 14 Cup of Molasses % Tea-spoon of Soda. 1 well beaten Egg % Tea-spoon of Clove 1 Tea-spoon of Cinnamon, a little Salt Cream the Butter and Sugar together, add Molasses and Egg, well beaten, then the milk and lastly the Flour, sifted with the other dry ingredients. LULU L. HOLTON. 84 SOFT MOLASSES COOKFES % Cup of Sugar % Cup of Molasses % Cup of Sour Cream with 1 Tea-spoon of Soda Salt and Spice to taste 2 Cups of Flour Drop from Spoon to greased pan to bake. NELLIE B. PITCHER. Wałdoboro WILLIAM. H. BROOKS, J.R. H (; JSEH () i,j} FURNISHINGS - Maine THE HANI) CRAF'i' SHQP . Specializing in HAND WEAVING KENTUCKY BASKETS POTTERY, BROOMS and Other HAND CRAFTS The Avenue Boothbay Harbor, Maine Hand CRAFT -º-HOP | JANE ISABELLA. HARWARD) announces the opening of “T H E AN CHORA (; Eº for the fifth season CHOICE ANTIQUES Furniture - Hooked Rugs China - Early American Glass Wiscasset. Maine On Atlantic Highway, one mile from village lelephone 80 85 PICKLES, RELISHES AND CONSERVES "Variety is the very spice of life, and gives it all its flavor.” WATERMELON PICKLE Cut out the pink portion of a ripe Melon, and pare off the rind. Cut into small pieces, say an inch square, and boil in three waters until tender. Stick whole Cloves in each piece. Then make a syrup of 3 pounds of Sugar to 1 pint of Vinegar, add #2 ounce of Stick Cinnamon and Cloves to taste, and let the Watermelon Squares simmer in this syrup for a few moments, then put them in jars and turn the syrup over them. SARAH D. WARNEY. CUCUMBER PICKLES 1 Gallon of Vinegar. 1 Tablespoon of Cassia and 12 Box of Colburn's Mustard. Clove. % Cup of Salt. 1 Teaspoon of Red Pepper. 1 Teaspoon of Black Pepper. 2 large Onions; slice, and lay over top of Pickles. Mix the Mustard, Salt and Spice together, then add to Vine- gar after the Vinegar has been scalded. Cool, and pour over Cucumbers. A small piece of Alum makes them more crisp. You can add Cucumbers as you have them. After crock is full cover With Sliced Onion. MRS, LENA MI. HOPKINS. S6 COPLEY PLAZA CHOW 1/2 Peck of Green Tomatoes. 1 Quart of Vinegar. 1/2 Peck of Ripe Tomatoes. 6 Cups of Brown Sugar. 10 small Onions. 2% Tablespoons of Mixed 5 Green Peppers, Seeded. Spices. 5 Red Peppers, Seeded. Grind the Vegetables and let stand over night with one Cup of Salt. Drain in the morning and add the Quart of Vinegar with the Spices put in a bag. Cook slowly 4% hour. Take out Spice bag and seal while hot. LULU L. HOLTON. INDIA RELISH 6 large Onions. 4 Green Peppers, Seeded. 4 Red Peppers, Seeded. 2 Quarts of Cabbage. 4 Quarts of Green Tomatoes. Chop these Vegetables fine and add to them. 4 Tablespoons of White Mus- 2 Pounds of Sugar. tard Seeds. 2 Quarts of Vinegar. 4 Tablespoons of Salt. 2 Tablespoons of Mixed Spice or “Pickling Spice”. Tie the Spice in a bit of Cheese-cloth and cook with the Pickle for 4 hour, or until thick. Seal up while hot. LULU L, HOLTON. SPICED GOOSEBERRY 7 Pounds of Gooseberries. 1% Tablespoons of Cinna- 7 Pounds of Sugar. 111011. 1 Pint of Vinegar. 1% Tablespoons of Clove. 1% Tablespoons of Allspice. The Spices (ground) are tied in a piece of Cheese-cloth. The Sugar and Gooseberries should stand in kettle for few hours before cooking, then put spices with them and bring to boil slowly that sugar may thoroughly dissolve before boiling takes place. Cook until consistency of marmalade. Delicious to serve With meats. ANNIE L. B. BARRETT. 87 PEPPER RELISH 12 Green Peppers. 2% Cups of Brown Sugar. 12 Red Peppers. 3 Tablespoons of Salt. 15 large Onions. 3 Cups of Vinegar. Remove seeds from the Peppers and put Onions and Peppers through a food chopper and mix well. Pour Boiling Water, to cover, upon this mixture, let stand 20 minutes and drain. Put Vinegar, Sugar and Salt on to scald, then add Peppers and Onions. Cook slowly 30 minutes. GRACE A. YORKE. HORSE RADISH RELISH Peel, and put through the food chopper, 3 medium size Pota- toes or White Turnips. Cover with Vinegar to keep from the air. Add 1 Teaspoon of Salt and 2 Tablespoons of Sugar. Scrape and grind Horse Radish Roots and add to suit the taste. MARY J. H. FULLERTON. CHILL SAUCE 1 Peck of Ripe Tomatoes, 2 Teaspoons Allspice. peeled. */3 of a Nutmeg. 6 Green Peppers. 14 Cup of Salt. 4. Onions. 1 Cup of White Sugar. 2 Teaspoons Ground Clove. 1 Quart of Vinegar. 2 Teaspoons Cinnamon. Boil until thick. ARDELIA MADDOCKS COOMBS. PLUM CONSERVE 3 Pints of Plums, after cut- 1% Pints of Orange, includ- ting. ing skin. 4 Pints of Sugar. 2 Pounds of Seeded Raisins. 1 Pound of Walnuts. Cut Plums and Oranges into small pieces, leaving skin on both. Chop Walnuts into small pieces, and cook all ingredients together until thick and transparent, which takes about 1% hours. - CAROLYN. S. WARNEY. 88 MARMALADE 1 Pound of Dried Apricots. 1 Can of Grated Pineapple. 4 Cups of Water. 7 Cups of Sugar. Grind the Apricots, add the Water and let stand over-night. In the morning add the Pineapple and also the Sugar. Cook until clear, about 3% hour. ELLA. L. WHITE. BAR-LE-DUC 4 Tablespoons of Water and 1 Cup of Sugar; boil to a thread or 240 degrees. To every Cup of Red Currants add the above and boil 5 minutes. Do not strain. This keeps like jelly, but is not as firm. 1 Cup over 1 Cream Cheese eaten with Saltine Crackers. INA. A. SMITH. ORANGE AND PEACH MARMALADE 5 Pounds of Oranges. 5 Pounds of Peaches. 5 Pounds of Sugar. Select solid fruit and scald Peaches to remove skins. Cut Peaches in thin strips. Cut Oranges very thin, and take out seeds, do not peel. Put Peaches and Oranges together in large preserving kettle and cover with water; let stand over-night. In the morning add 2 Quarts of Water and boil 1 hour. Put aside for 24 hours then add the Sugar and boil until it jellies. Pour into glasses. ANNIE. L. B. BARRETT. ORANGE MARMALADE 1. Dozen Seedless Oranges. Sugar. 4 Lemons. Water. Shave very thin, using all except pith and seeds. Weigh fruit and to each pound add 3 Pints of Cold Water. Set aside for 24 hours, then put on fire and boil gently until rind is tender. Pour off and set aside until next day. Weigh, and to each pound of Fruit add 1 Pound of Sugar. Cook until it thickens, then pour into glasses. This makes about 8 Quarts. ANNIE L. B. BARRETT. 89 CUCUMBER RELISH Pare, and slice thin A Peck of Medium size Cucumbers, also chop fine 2 large White Onions. Salt these separately and let stand all night. (Use #3 Cup of Salt for both). Drain thoroughly next morning and mix together. Put in a granite kettle, adding a tablespoon each of Celery and Mustard Seed, 1 Tablespoon of Mustard, 14 Teaspoon of Black Pepper, 4% Cup of Brown Sugar, 1 Pint of Vinegar. Boil 10 or 15 minutes and seal hot. Delicious to serve with fish. ANNIE. L. B. BARRETT. MHSCELLANEOUS "Take every creature in of every kind.” GRAPE FRUIT PUNCH "A Cup of Sugar *A Cup of Pineapple Juice 1 Cup of Water 1 Pint of Grape Juice Juice of 1 Grape-fruit A few Bruised Mint Leaves Juice of 1 Orange Fresh Fruit Juice of 1 Lennon 1 Pint of Club Soda Make a thin syrup of the Sugar and Water, add the Grape- fruit, Orange, Lemon and Pineapple Juices, then cool and add the Grape Juice. Strain and add the Mint Leaves, Fresh Fruit and the Club Soda. Serve 12 people. EMMIA. S. HILTON. 90 INDIANS 2 Squares of Chocolate 1 Cup of Sugar *A Cup of Butter % Cup of Flour 2 Eggs 14 Cup of Walnut meats A little Vanilla, Melt the Chocolate with the Butter. Beat the Eggs and add Sugar, beating it in thoroughly. Combine with Chocolate and Butter then add Flour and the broken Walnut meats and flavor- ing. Bake in shallow pan 5 to 10 minutes and cut in squares while hot. Spread about as thick as Fudge. ANNIE L. B. BARRETT, FRUIT COCKTAIL Juice of 8 Oranges 1 Cup of Old-fashioned 1 Can of Crushed Pineapple Peppermints, crushed 2 Tablespoons of Sugar, if Oranges are not sweet enough Mix, Chill and top with Cherries. This serves 12 people and may be halved if desired. ANNE M. PARSONS. CHO.COLATE FUDGE 2 Cups white Sugar 2 Squares Baker's Chocolate 2-3 Cup Milk 2 Tablespoons Butter 1 Teaspoon Vanilla 2-3 Cup Walnuts Boil Sugar, Chocolate and Milk until it forms a soft ball in Cold Water. Take from fire and add Butter, but do not stir until cold. Then add Vanilla and beat until creamy. Add Nut Meats last. G. I. HIGGINS. 91. SAUCE HOLLANDALSE “To my mind Sauce Hollandaise is the King of Sauces.” GOUFFLE. Use for this Sauce only the freshest of Butter and Eggs. 12 Cup of Butter - Yolks of 2 Eggs 1 Tablespoon of Lemon Juice #9 Teaspoon of Salt Few Grains of Cayenne Divide Butter into 3 pieces; put one piece in a sauce pan with Lemon Juice or Vinegar and Egg Yolks. Place saucepan in a larger one containing Boiling Water and stir constantly with a wire whisk. Add the second piece of Butter and, as mixture thickens, the third piece. Remove from fire and add Salt and Cayenne. If left over fire a moment too long the mixture will separate. A small quantity of Milk added will correct this. If a richer sause is desired, add 4 Teaspoon of Hot Water and #3 Tablespoon of Heavy Cream. This is delicious served with Asparagus, Artichokes and Broc- coli as well as with many Fish dishes. ELIZABETH FREEMAN REED. RASPEERRY HIGH-BALL In a Ginger Ale glass put a Tablespoon of Raspberry Shrub and a few drops of Lemon Juice, then fill glass with chilled Sae- gertown Ginger Ale. A very refreshing beverage. ANNIE L. B. BARRETT. - AIR CASTLES Cut off pieces of Yeast Bread Dough size of a roll and flatten. Fry in deep, hot fat until brown. Dip in Sauce made as follows:– 1% Cups of Molasses and 1-3 Cup of Butter boiled together for 5 minutes. ELLA STEVENS. 92 SPOON BREAD A Maryland receipt 1 Cup of White Cornmeal 1 Egg 1 Cup of Milk 1 Teaspoon of Baking Powder 1 Tablespoon of Melted Butter #9 Teaspoon of Salt Mix Meal, Butter and Salt with enough Warm Water to make a smooth paste; add Beater Egg, Milk, Baking Powder, beat thoroughly, pour in a hot, greased dish and bake in a hot oven. MRS. ALICE H RICHARDS. PANOCHA 2 Pounds of light Brown Sugar 1 Salt Spoon of Salt Butter size of an Egg 1 Cup of Milk (a little Cream if you have it) Boil evenly for ten minutes, stirring constantly. Test in Cold Water, if a soft ball forms add a Cup of English Walnut meats, broken, boil a few minutes longer, then set aside, add a little Vanilla, and beat until thick. Pour into a buttered tin and cut in Squares. - MRS. M. A. GRIFFIN. BROTH FOR INVALIDS or CHILDREN In preparing Chickens for broiling the back and neck are often cut out. This portion, together with the wing tips may be put in a double boiler with enough salted cold water to cover well and cooked for a half day. Strain and let stand long enough to be able to take off any fat that may be on top. Cooked Rice or any finely cut vegetables desired may be added. Beef or Lamb broth may be made in the same way, cutting up the raw meat in cubes and putting into the salted Cold Water in a double boiler. LAURA. A. HODGDON. 93 BEST YET CANDY 1 Cup of White Sugar 1 Cup of Thin Cream 1 Cup of Brown Sugar 1-8 Pound of Butter * Cup of Karo Syrup º Cup of Nut meats Boil to a soft ball, or 234°. Beat until it thickens, flavor and add the Nut meats. INA A. SMITH. BUTTER BISCUITS 2% Cups of Flour 4 Tablespoons of Butter 2 Teaspoons of Sugar 1 Egg 3%. Teaspoons Baking Powder % Cup of Milk 12 Teaspoon of Salt Melted Butter Sift together dry ingredients, work in Butter with finger tips, then add well beaten Eggs and Milk combination and pat to 4 inch thickness on floured board. Cut in rounds, brush each one with Melted Butter and crease rounds with case knife. Fold over and bake in a quick oven (450°) for 15 minutes. RACHEL HODGDON. Compliments of N E W A G E N I N N 94 I N D E X Page - BREAD, BISCUITS, MUFFINS and DOUGHNUTS 5 SOUPS 14 FHSH IS MEAT DISHES 26 WEGETABLES 32 ENTREES 42 PIES 46 DESSERTS 51 CAKES and C00 KIES 62 PICKLES, RELISHES and CONSERVES S5 MISCELLANEOUS S9 F O R B E S S H. O. E. H. O S P I T A L FINE SHOE REPAIRING and SHINING PARLOR Commercial Street Head of Eastern S. S. Wharf º 95 T H E S M H L ING COW B00THBAY HARBOR, MAINE The purpose of this shop is to have gifts that are useful as well as pretty and ornamental. Patrons will always find a courtesy extended that is genuine and natural. Season is from May 15th to December 30th. Full line of Norcross Christmas cards and Everyday Greet- ing cards carried throughout the season. Patrons desiring special cards with their names engraved will find Display books in the Christmas card section. - Christmas orders for the famous Karbaz homespun Balsam pillows, introduced by this shop, will be properly taken care of; as about this Balsam pillow service; could anything be more suggestive of Christmas than a Balsam pillow sent from Maine. Some lines carried:—pewter, pottery, sterling silver and Florentine jewelry, handwoven guest towels, Italian lamps and lamps with five light regulations, Persian and Turkish prints (fast colors), Karbaz homespuns from a Fifth Avenue, New York, importer, carried exclusively by this shop occa- sional furniture, baskets, kitchen accessories, etc., etc. Lending Library. The Smiling Cow wishes Good Luck to all who use the fine recipes in this book and to congratulate the workers behind this worthwhile movement. 96 | JAMES A. DUANE (Luluitial Antiques CHINA - FURNITURE - GLASS U. S. POSTAGE STAMPS WALI) () B0RO HUGS I Carry () is Hy Genuine Antiques Purchased in Maine And A.H. Goods Are Guaranteed. To Be As Represented WALI) () B0 R0 - MAINE - - 3.22. Cookery 7%. * ºrty (/n ºn ºf G - . ! . ſ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LIBRARY co CONSERVATION UNIT co Examination and treatment records are on file. cal Cºoker'ſ /920 Z, job i. 20/.5 , o, º ż Work by Zelºa Zaº Za. V Date Jeº- –26/6