LE Afitt mb i nareribs in the Wee . .. Wie humo ni Markets mode mostrar 3197* rmitoissance W. O UNCLASSIFIED ORNL P 199 TOF2 . . 2 TRY - rumani 1 . ir ini 1 . - 1 -2 s ' in e w . ,. 14 man . . ! . T LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission”includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. . dente tu . tto il mi) i onominado sinonimo dixestim o nies intervenchcoats and have content manevi animas ......,.-. . mosomiasi como mecca...? * De -- - 1964 9/14 DATE ISSUANCE MICROCARD DITE . . ORNEP - 199 Dneas conf-642-1 31900. ADUATE PROGRAMS FOR THE HEALTH PHYSICIST IN THE UNITED STATES** AUG 1 3 1984. . by Karl Z. Morgan Health Physics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee Focsimile Price $370 Microfilm Price $ 1.40 Available from the Office of Technical Service Department of Commerce Washington 25, D. C. . Historical re The first man-made nuclear reactor -- or "pile" as it was then called -- was rather hurriedly improvised and operated in crowded space under the athletic bleachers of Stagg Field at the University of Chicago on December 2, 1942. Just prior to this time, there began the assembly of a group of physicists with an unusual assignment. A. H. Compton, Project Director, and R. S. Stone, Associate Project Director, were determined that radiation hazards of unprecedented proportions must be coped with successfully in the conduct of reactor programs as planned. E. O. Wollan, a cosmic ray physicist, was made leader of this group. Since these physicists were to be concerned with the health of radiation workers, they were called health physicists. Thus, health pl.ysics as a profession had its origin. During the first year, eight senior persons were assembled in ihis group. In addition to Wollan, there were H. M. Parker, a hospital physicist, C. C. Gamertsfelder, a physicist, K. Z. Morgan, a cosmic ray physicist, J. C. Hart, a chemical engineer, R. R. Coveyou, a mathematician, 0. G. Landsverk, a physicist, and L. A. Pardue, a physicist. Vita ini aman n There was no formal instruction available to this first group of health physicists and they perforce received training as they felt their way by firsthand experience and by trial and error. At that time, there had been very little development in nuclear physics, radiation chemistry or radiation biology and even less development in what was to become health physics. While at the University of Chicago, this small group added to its knowiedge by citending many informal seminars with physicists, biologists, chemists, radiologists and engineers but it was educated principally by the day-to-day process of working together on many new and diverse problems and speculating on the outcome of $ - *Presented at the Health Physics Society Ninth Annual Meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio, June 15, 1964. ☆ Work sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with Union Carbide Corporation. their experiments and calculations which could be put to the final test only when the big reactors would be placed in operation. The primary objective of this group was to establish principles, basic standards and monitoring procedures for the protection of the radiation workers and for the prevention of radiation damage to people living in the neighborhood of these operations. Also, it was necessary to develop survey 'instruments and dosimeters and these, for the most part, were modified instruments that had been in use in hospital roentgenology, in physics research laboratories and on cosmic ray expeditions. Although much of the success of the early nuclear energy industry was due to the foresight of the first project directors and to the activities of this small nucleus of health physicists, it cannot be denied ihat in view of their many guesses and extrapolations, the phenomenal success in protecting man from radiation hazards was indeed little more than fortuitous. As indicated, this small group was made up predominantly of physicists but physicists in general had not established the reputation of being overcautious in the use of ionizing radiation. It is fortunate that this particular group was overly impressed by the hazards of the radium industry and determined that the radiation damage to nuclear energy workers must not be scaled up from the sad experience of the radium industry in its use of about two pounds of radium to the potential hazards of a new industry where the radiation would be equivalent to that from thousands of tons of radium. In the fall of 1943 just prior to the star iup of the nuclear reactor in Oak Ridge on November 4, 1943, five of this first group (Parker, Gamertsfelder, Hart, Morgan and Coveyou) moved into Tennessee und set up an operating health physics program under the direction of H. M. Parker. By December, 1943, there was a total of 24 employees in this group. During the following year, the number was increased to a total of 84 employees and, of these, 29 were GI's assigned by the Army and many of the others were du Pont trainees for Hanford Works. During 1944 and in the years that followed, many persons were assigned to the Oak Ridge health physics group for training and then moved into various other operations. During this year, Parker and the du Pont trainees moved to Richland, Washington, where Parker became director of the Hanford health physics prograin and at this time, Morgan became director of the Oak Ridge health physics program. * *This Oak Ridge health physics program was located at what was then called Clinton Laboratories. Later, the name was changed to Oak Ridge National Laboratory. In the early period of the University of Chicago and later at Oak Ridge, health physics was a section of the medical department with S. T. Cantril as director. Several distinguished medical radiologists were members of this early medical program but, one by one, they left because it became increasingly apparent that so long as health damage except in the rarest events; there would be few, if any, radiation burns, cataracts, leukemias, bone tumors, etc. As time went on, it became evident that health physics, the science of radiation protection, was a challenging profession of . interest to scientists -- physicists, biologists, chemists, mathematicians and engineers -- but it offered very little of interest to the radiologist and had little in common with made its appearance. As a consequerce, at Oak Ridge, Chicago and Hanford, health physics was separated from the medical departments which became primarily departments uniquely essential part of this new radiation industry and expanded its role into research, education, training and applied activities. From the very beginning, health physicists have refrained from engaging in activities that should be more appropriately carried on by the doctors in the department of occupational medicine. Likewise, the doctors, realizing their lack of knowledge in the physical sciences, were happy to assume no responsibility for health physics with its many problems of physics, engineering, chemistry and mathematics. If a man working in the field contaminated his hands with radioactive material or received a contaminated wound, he followed immediately the standard field decontamination procedures and then hurried to the medical depaitment for further check and decontamination, if necessary. If he inhaled or ingested radioactive material, he was provided with containers and instructions for furnishing urine and fecal samples and the health physicist then carried out the necessary radiochemical analyses of these samples and used the total body counter to estimate his body burden. Only in the very rare event (of the order of one per year per 10,000 employees) was there a radiation accident of sufficient import at Oak Ridge National Laboratory to require medical treatment. Pre-employment and annual physical examinations were conducted by the medical department for all the employees and careful medical records were kept but there was no evidence of radiation damage. X-ray examinations revealed no increased incidence of tumors and special eye examinations did not indicate an unusual number of cataracts. Even the blood counts failed to reveal any changes indicative of the effects of radiation exposure. Present Health Physics Program at Oak Ridge National Laboratory Health physics at Oak Ridge National Laboratory from the very beginning has been organized into three principal areas: applied activities, education and training and research. The applied activities have been concerned with personnel monitoring, building surveys, environmental surveys, body fluid analysis and instrumentation. The research program has been concerned with the broad problem of understanding the interaction of ionizing radiation with matter with an ultimate goal of developing a coherent theory of radiation damage. Until such a theory is better developed and supported by experimental evidence, all of our extrapolations to man of dose-effect relationships in animals and even our interpretation of instrument data will be subject to questionable normalizations and serious uncertainties. One important program at Oak Ridge has been to seek out, study and evaluate cases of human exposure, wherever they can be found. This led (from 1956 to the present time) to a cooperative program with the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission for the evaluation of doses received by the Japanese at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Also, this interest has resulted in our investigation and evaluation of various radiation accidents and to our initiation of interrol dose studies including a cooperative program with the University of Tennessee for the trace element analyses of tissues from the various organs of the human body. Our research has included theoretical, experimental and engineering activities. It can be broken down into the broad categories of radiation physics, radiation dosimetry, radiation ecology, internal dosimetry and radioactive waste disposal. In fact, this research covers a series of studies in the whole spectrum -- atomic, molecular, solid, gaseous, liquid, plasma, cell, organism, animal and ecosystem. From the very beginning of health physics, one of the principal instrument problems was that of measuring accurately the dose of ionizing radiation and weighting this dose appropriately by modifying factors such as the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) and the radiation damage term (n). A great deal -5- of effort has gone into calculations and instrumentation for the evaluation of mixed radiation from neutrons and electromagnetic radiation of different energies and various distributions in the body. These health physics research and applied activities were carried on not only at Oak Ridge National Laboratory but at Argonne National Laboratory, Hanford, Los Alamos, the University of Rochester, the University of California and later at Brookhaven National Laboratory and other laboratories throughout the United States and the rest of the world. Education and Training Programs at Oak Ridge National Laboratory From the very beginning of the program at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, education and training was an important health physics activity. A large number of young scientists were brought into the Laboratory and trained in this new profession of radiation protection. These students became the nucleus of health physics programs not only at Oak Ridge but mariy became senior health physicists in other laboratories. Table 1 lists the early du Pont trainees, most of whom moved to Hanford in 1944 and have now become leaders in health physics programs in the United States. The author was in charge of these early training programs. There was no suitable health physics text so instructional material was written and furnished to the students on a day-to-day basis. During the early period, instruction was limited primarily to those subjects relating to applied health physics operations and to basic supporting information. Some of the subjects were atomic physics, nuclear physics, radiation physics, electronics, instrumentation, units of radiation exposure and their physical meaning, methods of calculating radiation exposure and radiation dose, instruments and their application for radiation protection, radiation shielding and scattering, internal dose, radiation biology and maximum permissible exposure. Later, instruction was given in radiation biophysics, evaluation of human exposure data, prevention of criticality accidents, hazard evaluation of reactors, accelerators and associated facilities, radioactive waste disposal, environmental contamination, radiation ecology, rules, regulations, codes of practice, public relations, etc. Following the completion of instructional programs for du Pont trainees, a number of others, including military personnel, came to the Laboratory for applied training and classroom instruction in health physics. These included personnel có. TABLE I DU PONT TRAINEES - HEALTH PHYSICS DIVISION First Group January, 1944 - July, 1944 Second Group September, 1944 - December, 1944 Badger, C. W. Cherubin, L. J. Delaney, W. H., Jr. Durum, W. H. Eisenacher, P. L. German, L. L. Healy, J. W. Lewis, C. G. Lindvig, P. E. Lowe, J. T. Patterson, C. M. Seymour, F. P. Wilson, J. N. (special trainee) Barker, L. V. Bauer, R. Bradley, J. G. Chastain, G. W. Clough, V., Jr. Kesel, G. P. McAdams, W. McCrary, L. C. Morris, J. W. Moulthrop, H. A. Pahnke, L. E. Ruppert, H. G. Singlevich, W. Stevenson, D. H. Turner, J. Whitaker, E. S. (special trainee) from the Army, Air Force, Navy, public health officers, trainees from many industrial organizations, U. S. Atomic Energy Commission personnel, civil defense officials, university groups, radiation ecology training programs and many trainees from overseas. The duration of instruction of a student ranged from a few weeks to two years and the level of instruction from that for technicians and non-technical laboratory employ-3s to that for engineers, medical doctors, professional health physicists and postdoctoral students. Table 2 lists some of the early health physics trainees from military and other government organizations and the reader will recognize among these many who have since become leaders of the national and international level where health physics plays an important role. Ross S. Thackeray was in charge of the health physics education and training programs from 1947 through 1949, when he left on a Rhodes Scholarship. During this period, the need for senior health physicists became rather acute and in order to meet the demand, the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission sponsored a special fellowship program to provide education, training and experience to specially selected college graduates. This program was administered by the National Research Council for the school years 1948-1949 and 1949-50. There were 20 students in each of these courses. Fc: the most part, the students had majors in physics but a few had majors or minors in engineering, mathematics, biology or chemistry. These two programs were conducted entirely at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the courses were taught without college credit. In 1949 the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies was given the responsibility of administering this and other fellowship programs. It was decided to move the formal classroom training to one or more universities since much of this health physics instruction was at a graduate level. A number of universities were considered but Vanderbilt University and the University of Rochester were selected to start this program in the academic year 1950-51. It was arranged that the students assigned to Vanderbilt would spend the summer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) after completing the academic year and those assigned to the University of Rochester would spend the summer at Brookhaven National Laboratory for their practical training. ivit;** *man - er AXE in wie - -8- TABLE 2 EARLY HEALTH PHYSICS TRAINEES FROM MILITARY AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS Name, Rank and Organization Colvin W. Saliey, Col., Army Medical Corps Walter A. Burkus, Maj., Army Medical Corps Raymond V. Randall, Ist Lt., Army Medical Corps Albert H. Holland, Jr., Ist Lt., Army Medical Corps David H. Naimark, Lt. Col., Army Medical Corps Vun C. Tipton, Captain, USN, MC Delbert S. Barth, ist Lt., CmlC Ralph H. Pennington, Ist Lt., Cmic. Louis O. Elsaesser, ist Lt., Cmic H. W. Speicher, Westinghouse Paul B. Klevin, AEC-NYO Edith R. Newton, Purdue David Balber, Brookhaven National Laboratory R. C. Roth, Brook haven National Laboratory L. E. Tryon, Brookhaven National Laboratory Raymond B. Krum, Corndr., USN, CEC Thomas E. Shea, Lt. Comdr., USN, MSC Francis J. Aldwin, Maj., USAF John E. Boysen, Maj., MC Melvin F. Eyerman, Lt. Col., MC Patrick H. Hoey, Maj., MC Oliver R. Placak, Captain, USPHS Clinton B. Powell, Captain, USPHS Conrad P. Straub, Maj., USPHS Ben Kalmon, NACA L. R. Seiter, TVA Francis W. Chambers, Navy Dept. Hilda Bass, Ner: York Radiological Laboratory Evelyn Jetter, New York Operations P. B. McKay, University of Tennessee Robert D. Bowers, Maj., USAF Thomas A. Gibson, Captain, US Army Clarence A. Grubb, Lt., US Navy Gregg Henry; Captain, US Army Glenn A. Kent, Maj., USAF Burris D. Lamar, Lt. (ig), US Navy Richard B. Laning, Lt. Comdr., US Navy Russell H. Maynard, Comdr., US Navy George E. Moore, Maj., USMC Joseph J. Newman, Lt. Comdr., US Navy Charles R. Robbins, Lt. Col., US Army Louis N. Saunders, Lt. Comdr., US Navy John H. Terry, Lt. Corndr., US Navy Albert C. Wells, Lt. Col., US Army Thomas R. Ostrom, Lt., USMC R. J. Farber, Hazeltine Year Arrived 1946 1946 1946 1946 1946 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 194€ 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 TABLE 2 (cont'd) Name, Rank and Organization Year Arrived 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 Paul R. Wignall, Maj., USAF O. W. Kochtitsky, TVA E. G. Purdom, Guilford College Olon D. Satterfield, Lt., USAF Eurle F. Mitchail, Maj., Army Signal Corps Donald E. Demet, Capt., MC, US Navy Paul M. Hoot, Capt., MC, US Navy Peter S. Kwiatkowsky, Lt. Comdr., MC, US Navy Garner L. Lewis, Lt. (ig), MC, US Navy Samuel C. Ingraham, USPHS Clinton S. Maupin, Lt. Col., MC, US Army Ellis Oster, Ist Lt., MC, US Army John H. Rust, Lt. Col., VC, US Army Soul Harris, Brook haven National Laboratory William H. Bishop, Jr., Brook haven National Laboratory Angella F. Soannell, Brook haven National Laboratory John S. Handloser, Brookhaven National Laboratory Ralph J. Connelly, Brook haven National Laboratory Robert H. Jones, Brookhaven National Laboratory Hugo Di Giovanni, New York Operations Office Louis E. Browning, Maj., MC, US Army Kent T. Woodward, Capt., MC, US Army Victor E. Archer, USPHS James S. Reed, Lt.(ig), MC, US Navy Angel A. Cardona, Lt. Col., MC, US Army Irvin W. Cavedo, Captain, MC, US Army Robert M. Davis, Lt. Col., MC, US Army Wright A. Gates, Maj., MC, US Army William L. Reed, Captain, MC, US Army Marshall Cohen, Comdr., MC, US Navy Walter F. V. Bennett, Lt. Cmdr., US Navy Russell B. Buchanan, Jr., Captain, US Army Richard A. Chidlaw, Ist Lt., US Army Arthur B. Chilton, Cmdr., CEC, US Navy Benjamin H. Colmery, Jr., Lt., US Navy Truman F. Cook, Maj., US Army Howard J. Dager, Jr., Ist Lt., CEC, US Army Robert H. Dempsey, Captain, US Army Alexander Grendon, Col., US Army Philip S. Gwynn, Maj. USAF Robert Louis Harvey, Lt., US Navy Gordon L. Jacks, Caplain, US Army 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 -10- TABLE 2 (cont'd) Name, Rank and Organization Year Arrived Neil E. Kingsley, Cmdr., CEC, US Navy John D. Liechty, Lt. Cmdr., US Navy John H. Lofland, Jr., Cmdr., CEC, US Navy Norair Lulejian, Maj., USAF Ragnwold Muller, L., US Navy Paul R. Peok, Jr., Lt., US Coast Guard Henry J. L. Rechen, Captain, USPHS John D. Servis, Captain, US Army Morris L. Shoss, Maj., US Army James G. Terrill, Jr., Maj., USPHS John M. Wilson, Captain, US Army Gerald Bryce Zwetzig, Ist Lt., USMC 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 -Il- In 1949 Elda E. Anderson was placed in charge of the health physics education and training program at ORNL. By her students she was affectionately called "the flying mom" because during the winter months she would fly to Vanderbilt University where she conducted a special course in general health physics which the students took in addition to the regular course requirements leading to the masters degree in physics. The Vanderbilt-Oak Ridge program was orientored toward physics, whereas the emphasis of the Rochester-Brookhaven program was toward radiation biology. Thus, it was recognized then as now that there is a need for several types of health physicists. This is not surprising because the breadth of responsibility of health physics in problems of plıysics, engineering, biology, chemistry, geology, meteorology, etc., requires men with advanced education in many of the sciences. Thus, in some cases a person with principal background in biology might be in greater demand in health physics radiation ecology or internal dose programs; a person with background in chemistry might be sought after for the body fluid analysis or chemical dosimeter programs; a person with background in chemical engineering might be the one most suited for a particular health physics job dealing with radioactive waste disposal or chemical hood design und a person with principal background in physics might be one most suitable for particular jobs in applied health physics or in the physics portion of health physics research having to do with the interaction of ionizing radiation with matter. Some of the AEC Health Physics Fellowship students have conducted their research leading toward a masters degree at the university campus while others have conducted this research at a national laboratory, i.e., Vanderbilt students at ORNL and Rochester students at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Altogether since 1950, 45 Vanderbilt students have conducted their masters theses in the Health Physics Division of ORNL. In addition, 7 students have conducted their Ph. D. theses research in our Division. A review of titles of the research theses of these students as listed in Table 3 will give some idea of the caliber of this portion of our health physics graduate program. In the years that followed, other university and national laboratory groups were added to the program as indicated in Fig. I which shows the AEC Health Physics Fellowships held at the beginning of a school year. There are two striking features -12- TABLE 3 RESEARCH THESES CONDUCTED IN THE HEALTH PHYSICS DIVISION AT ORNL UU Title s Author Year Abee, H. H. * The Relatior ship Between Radiation Exposure and Industrial Injuries 1962 Bergstein, Joe Design and Construction of a High Voltage Accelerator and Spectrometer 1953 Blackstock, A. * Discrete Electron Energy Losses in Thin Metallic Foils** 1955 Blanchard, R. L. The Preparation of Thin, Uniform Sources for a Beta-Ray Specirometer 1957 Blaylock, B. G. * Chromosomal Aberrations in a Natura! Population of Chironomous tentans Exposed to Chronic Low-Level Environmental Radiation** 1953 Butcher, H. E. * A Study of the Removal of Radioactive lodine from Hospital Waste by Laboratory Trickling Filters 1952 Carter, J. G. Low Temperature Therr.columinescence of the Gamma Irradiated Amino Acids and Proteins 1960 Carter, M. W. * Results of an Investigation of the Removal of a Radioactive Isotop: (1131) from Sewage by the Use of Laboratory Trickling Filters 1951 Crowell, Julian A Thermal Problem Associated with Underground Storage of Radioactive Wastes 1960 Cure, John Neutron Scattering 1955 Davis, Norma O. Angular and Spectral Distribution of Light Emitted from Electron-Bombarded Silver Foils 1964 Denman, Eugene Radiation Measurements by Frequency Variation 1952 Dillow, W. D. A Study of Cavity Ionization as a function of Atomis Number by Use of a Miniature Counter 1959 Eldridge, H. B. * On the Energy Distribution of Slow Electrons in Molecular Gases 1961 Edmundson, Mildred Disposition of Alpha Particle Radiation in Binary Gas Mixtures Containing Argon 1963 Emerson, L. C.* Emission Spectra of Electron Irradia:ed Metal Foils** 1963 Finston, R. A. Measurement of Electron Flux in Irradiated Media by AC Methods 1959 Forester, D. W.* Diffusion of Slow Electrons in Gases 1961 Frank, A. L. Optical Emission from Irradiated Thin Metallic Foils 1962 Friend, A. G.* Report on the Investigation of the Removal of lodine (1131) and Strontium (Sp89) from Water by Ion Exchange Resins 1952 Gilbert, H. E. Neutron Scatterin Neutron Scattering from Thick Slabs 1958 Gilliland, J. W., Jr. Thermoluminescence Studies of th: Gamma-Irradiated Ferroelectrics Rochelle Salt and Guanidine Aluminum Sulfate Hexahydrate 1959 Gunter, B. D. The Physical Properties of Rock Salt as Influenced by Gamma Rays 1961 Gupton, E. D. Recombination Losses in Pocket Ionization Chambers 1955 Hammer, D. C. Optical Emission from Electron Irradiated Thin Gold Foiis 1963 Hoyt, W. A. * The Effects of Lime-Soda Water Softening Process on the Removal of Radioactive Strontium-90-Yttrium-SO 1952 *from a university other than Vanderbilt University ** doctoral dissertations -13- TABLE 3 (cont'd) Author Year 1956 1960 1959 1958 1957 1952 1953 1959 1952 1964 1960 1963 1964 1954 1958 1954 Huffman, F. Spatial Distribution of Electron Depth Dose ir Aluminum Hull, A. P. A Small Wrist Dosiine ter for Beto and Gamma Radiation Hurst, G. S. * Capture of Electrons in Molecular Oxygen** Johnson, R. M. Pocket lon Chamber for Beta Radiation Dose Johnston, L. W. Response of the Anthracene Scintillation Crunter to Low Energy Electrons Kahn, B. Counting Efficiency of a Gas Flow Proportional Counter Kalil, Ford Straggling Distributions of High Energy Electrons Traversing Thin Foils Kalil, Ford Stopping Power for Low Energy Electrons** King, William Meteorological influences on the Natural Radon and Thoron Concentrations in the Free Atmosphere at OP.NL Labor, D. A. Time-of-Flight Electron Beam Monochromator Lee, P. K. Determination and Evaluation of the Radiation Field Above White Oak Lake Bed Martin, R. E. * Crowth and Movement of Smallmouth Buffalo (Ictiolius babalus Rof) in Watts Bar Reservoir, Tennessee McConnell, W. J. Electron Slowing Down Spectrum in Cw of Beta Rays from Cuot Melton, C. E. Measurements of lonization Produced by 5-Mev Alpha Particles in Argon Mixtures Mendell, J. Application of Information Theory to Aging and Radiation Damage Mills, W. A. Fast Neutron Dosimetry in a Small Tissue Equivalent Phantom Moe, Harold Tonization of Acetylene Mixtures and Other Mixtures by Pu 239 Alpha Particles Moore, Wesley Backscattering of Beta Particles Neel, Robert B. * Use of Analog Computers for Sinulating the Movement of Isotopes in Ecological Systems Nelson, .. R. Measurement of Electron Flux in Media Bombarded by X-Rays Nix, W. B. Kinetics of Radiation-Induced Free Radicals O'Brien, Jack A Mobile Laboratory for Radiological Defense O'Kelly, L. B. Measurement of Electron Attachment in Oxygen-Methane and Oxygen-Carbon Dioxide Mixtures Olson, W. W. A Study of Pre-Acceleration in Beta-Ray Spectroscopy Patton, W. F. Measurement of the Average Energy Lost by a 5 Mev Alpha Particle in Producing an Ion Pair in Water Vapor Ritchie, R. H. * On the Interaction of Charged Particles with Plasma** Ritchie, Jerry C. * Distribution of Fallout Cesium-137 in Litter, Humus, and Surface Soil Layers Under Natural Vegetation in the Great Smoky Mountains Sanders, F. W. A Study of Alpha Particle lonization in Argon Mixtures Sims, T. M. Low Temperature Thermoluminescence of Gamma Irradiated Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate Thorngate, J. H. The Cosine-Cubed Neutron Spectrometer Thornton, W. T. Some X-Ray and Fast Neutron Response Characteristics of Silver Metaphosphate Glass Dosimeters *from a university other than Vanderbilt University ** doctoral dissertations 1956 1953 1962 1958 1960 1952 1960 1958 1957 1959 1962 1959 1962 1961 1961 -14- TABLE 3 (cont'd) Author Title Year 1958 Villforth, J. C. Weinberg, C. J. 1963 Wilkie, W. H. Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental Filtered X-ray Spectra Thermoluminescence Spectra and Activation Energies for Aromatic Acids and Proteins Measurement of the Slowing Down Spectrum of Cu64 Positrons in an Infinite Copper Medium Cycling of Cesium-134 in White Oak Trees on Sires of Contrasting Soil Type and Moisture** Measurements of Stopping Power of Copper by Calorimetric Methods 1963 Witherspoon, J. T. * 1962 1959 Ziemer, P. L. *from a university other than Vanderbilt University **doctoral dissertations L !: .Wilwer. . . - -· - - - X- X w a ANDERBILT - ORNL (300) ROCHESTER -BAL (191) WASHINGTON -HEW (85) - KANSAS (48) You CALIFORNIA (34) - PUERTO RICO (4) - MICHIGAN (14) O.. HARVARD (8) TENNESSEE (3) X- -- - .. .. .. .. ....... ...... .... .--...- . . . - - - . - ..- - . - - - - . NUMBER OF FELLOWSHIPS HELD . - . - - . . . . . . . . . - ... - - - - - - - 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 57 58 SCHOOL YEAR FIG. I. AEC HEALTH PHYSICS FELLOWSHIPS (1 st. YEAR APPOINTMENTS) AT BEGINNING OF SCHOOL YEAR AT INDICATED UNIVERSITIES. EACH CURVE BEGINS WITH THE YEAR THE PROGRAM BEGAN IN A SCHOOL, NUMBERS IN PARENTHESIS INDICATES TOTAL NUMBER OF FELLOWS ON EACH PROGRAM. - 16- pointed out in this figure: (1) the great variability in size of the programs from year to year in the various universities and (2) Vanderbilt hus had without exception the largest number of reilowship students each year. Altogether through the fellowship year 1964-65 there have been 2, 366 applications. Of this number, 1,048 were offered tellowship appuintments and 749 appointees accepted the offers. Table 4 indicates the distribution of the applicants and fellowship acceptances in relation to the state from which the undergraduate degree wus received. Here it will be noted that schools of 13 states have each supplied 20 or more fellows. Listed in the order of the most students supplied, they are New York, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Minnesota, Texas, Massachusetts, lowa and Virginia. It is not surprising that states wira lurge college enrollment such as New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, Texas and Massachusetts should be in this list but it is disappointing that the states of California and Michigan with large college enrollments and in which there are AEC Health Physics Fellowship programs are not attracting their share of students into the program. Also, we might have expected Kansas and Washington to be in this top list because they have had these AEC Health Physics Fellowship programs for many years. The fourth column in Table 4 listi itie Fellows as percent of 1960 college enrollment in the state. Here in order of rank are Idaho, Wyomir:g, Tennessee, Kentucky, Maine, Wisconsin and Mississippi. It is of interest to ask why these states rank high. I do not have the answer to this question but may hazard the guess that some of the reasons are as follows: (1) The local health physicists at the AEC Operations at Idaho Falls have done a good job of selling health physics. One school, Idaho State College, has furnished six of the 12 Fellowship students from Idaho. (2) ORNL and Vanderbilt University have done a great amount of advertising of health physics by visits to the schools in Tennessee and Kentucky. Vonc'erbilt University has supplied 25 and Memphis Siate University has supplied 10 of the 55 Fellows from Tennessee. In Kentucky, Berea College has supplied six; Western Kentucky State has supplied six and Murray State College has supplied five of the 27 Fellows from Kentucky. (3) Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Paducah, Kentucky, and Idaho Falls, Idaho, stand as local examples of job TABLE 4 APPLICATIONS RECEIVED, NUMBER OF FELLOWS 5Y STATE OF UNDERGRADUATE SCHOOL Number of Applicants Fellows o Fellows as % ä 1950 College Enrollment Fellows as % ! br Applicants Applicants odfellows as % 1960 College Enrollment ū of Applicants 55 Il 75 .076 .038 A .0068 .014 .0022 .028 .012 .013 .051 .023 .029 .012 .015 .032 .0077 .025 .0046 .018 25 20 NEWS WAS .013 -17- 21 20 New York Tennessee Wisconsin Pennsylvania Illinois Ohio Kentucky Indiana Minnesota Texas Massachusetts Towa Virginia Idaho California Michigan Kansas Washington Wyoming Mississippi New Mexico Nebraska Maine Nevada Alabama Alaska Arizona .030 Fellows oli iwoo ameninaäö-üuinn JW Jani A 00 od Number of 12 Arkansas Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Louisiana Maryland Missouri Montana New Hampshire New Jersey North Carolina North Dakota Oklahoma Oregon Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Utah Vermont West Virginia Puerto Rico District of Columbia 11 Foreign Undetermined 32 14 .015 .0050 .015 .0062 .016 .031 .026 .0053 12 .086 .0025 .0066 .025 .025 .078 .035 .034 .022 .047 .021 .015 ùô u .013 .0090 .018 .027 .0059 i u 2017 이 ​-18- opportunities in health physics and (4) in these states a few schools have publicized the profession of health physics and supplied most of the Fellows from the state. For example, all six of the Fellows from Wyoming were supplied by the University of Wyoming; in Maine six of seven Fellows come from the University of Maine; in Wisconsin 12 of 33 Fellows come from Wisconsin State College and in Mississippi 13 of 18 Fellows come from Millsaps College. Thus, it would appear there are two principal sources from which the AEC Health Physics Fellows have been drawn: makes the program attractive to its own undergraduate students and (2) small colleges and universities in which beachheads are established by a participating university and with whom sufficient feedback is maintained by faculty, alumni and visiting health physicists to cause the students to plan and work toward entering health physics as an interesting and challenging profession. In these schools the science majors have heard of and formed a good impression of health physics. On the other hand, my visits to some other schools have revealed that not only the students but also the science faculty have never heard of health physics or in many cases have a warped and often an unflattering concept of health physics. The last column of figures in Table 4 indicates the relative quality of the applicants as judged by the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies Review Committee. In this case, the top ranking of schools by states is in the order of Wyoming, New Mexico, Maine, Nebraska, Nevada and Tennessee. Thus, it would appear that Wyoming, Maine and Tennessee not only rank high in supplying applicants for AEC Health Physics Fellowships but also they supply applicants a large percent of whom qualify for fellowships. -19- The applicants and Fellows originate with many undergraduate majors in engineering and science as indicated in Table 5. Forty-six percent of the Fellows come from physics, 12% from science combinations, 11% from chemistry, 10% from other sciences, 9.6% from engineering, 5% from mathematics and 4% from biology. Only 34% of the applicants become Fellows. There is good reason to keep this percent low; for example, the present value of 34% means that on the average the ORINS Review Committee has been able to choose whom it considers the best qualified candidate from among each three applicants. It must be kept in mind, also, that the selection of a Fellow must depend on the school in which he indicates he wishes to conduct his graduate program. For example, a sanitary engineer might be quite acceptable for the programs at the University of Michigan or Harvard University but lack the necessary entrance requirements for the programs at the University of Tennessee, Vanderbilt University, the University of California, etc. Fig. 2 indicates the ranking of these Fellows in graduate school. Although the differences in these rankings may not be very significant, it can be seen that engineers rank best; physicists and chemists rank second and biologists third. Part of the poor showing of the biologists may result from insufficient preparation in mathematics and/or an unwise selection of school; e.g. the biology major would be expected to do better at the University of Rochester, the University of Michigan or the University of Kansas than at the University of Washington, University of Tennessee or Vanderbilt University. As shown by Fig. 3, a studeni with a high undergraduate grade point average has a good chance of becoming a Fellow with a high average. It is to be noted that 62% of the students from the large colleges (or universities) and 67% of those from small colleges with undergraduate average of 2.6 to 3. O had (for the years 1954-63) above average or superior performance in the AEC Health Physics Fellowship graduate programs. This 5% difference is probably not significant. However, for the students with undergraduate grude point averages of below 2.6, the curves reverse and the students from the large schools appear to do better in graduate school than those from the small schools. The moral of this is probably that a superior student will remain superior regardless of the handicap of a small school but the average or poor student from a small TABLE 5 UNDERGRADUATE MAJORS OF FELLOWS AND APPLICANTS ma Number and % my Number and % of Fellows % of Applicants who Become Fellows Engineering Chemical Electrical Engineering Physics Mechanical Sanitary Other Engineering 26 (1.4%) 29 (1.5%) 16 (0.8%) 15 (0.8%) 4 (0.2%) 28 (1.5%) 13 (2%) 18 (2.8%) 9 (1.4%) 6 (0.9%) 4 (0.6%) 12 (1.9%) 62 (9.6%) 1 18 (6.3%) Science Biology Chemistry Mathematics Physics Science Combinations Other Science 72 (3.3%) 150 (8.0%) 50 (2.6%) 487 (26.0%) 156 (8.3%) 102 (5.4%) 26 (4.0%) 70 (11%) 32 (5.0%) 301 (46%) 77 (12.0%) 67 (10.0%) 1017 (54.0%) 573 (89.0%) Undetermined 748 (40.0%) 12 (1.9%) Total 1883 647 UNCLASSIFIED 05!:L-LF-WC. On-Line BIOLOGIST WENGINEERS PHYSICIST % OF FELLOWS IN A GIVEN RANK CHEMISTS -21- . AVERAGE SUPERIOR BELOW AVERAGE ABOVE AVERAGE PERFORMANCE OF AEC HEALTH PHYSICS FELLOWSHIP STUDENTS IN GRADUATE SCHOOL IN RELATION TO UNDERGRADUATE MAJORS FIG. 2 - . . . . ... ~ - ... .. 20F2 199 ORNL P UNCLASSIFIED .. 0 ' . . Krystal v sobotu !?. . LA . DITE MICROCARD ISSUANCE DATE .." 1 - Inc 9/14 at TE": W h961 URL:FIMI) DI!LIni-Mi. Oli-,,,, 100 267% 64% 62% LARGE COLLEGES 044% % OF FELLOWS ABOVE AVERAGE OR SUPERIOR GRADUATE STUDENTS - SMALL COLLEGES 034% 623% BELOW 2.00 2.00-2.59 2.60-3.00 UNDERGRADUATE GRADE-POINT AVERAGE ABOVE AVERAGE AND SUPERIOR FELLOWS BY SIZE OF COLLEGE AND UNDERGRADUATE GRADE-POINT AVERAGE FIG. 3 -23- school cannot overcome the handicap of poor preparation or inadequate course selection. There are, of course, notable exceptions to sich generalizations for a few small schools prepare the students for graduate school work as well or better than the large university. As would be expected, only the Fellows with a graduate record of better than average and superior have much chance of receiving a graduate degree. For example, as shown in Fig. 4, of those below average only 14% attained the M. S. degree and 2% the Ph. D. degree; of the superior students, 46% attained the in. S. degree and 37% the Ph. D. It is interesting, also, to note there is a maximum in the curve of percent of Fellows attaining ihe M.S. degree. This occurs because many of the superior students do not take time out to do a masters research and thesis project but instead work uninterruptedly toward the Ph. D. degree. One measure of success of the AEC Fellowship program is the number of advanced degrees conferred on the Fellows. Some of the participating universities require much more advanced course work than do others and in these universities it is only the exceptionally well prepared student who can receive a M. S. degree in one year. Fig. 5 indicates the number of extensions granted holders of first-year AEC Health Physics Fellowships at the various participating universities. It is interesting that of the total of 188 extensions that have been granted, 116 were given to students in the Vanderbilt program. Fig. 6 indicates the number of M. S. and Ph.D. degrees awarded by the participating universities to the Fellows and in Table 6 a summary of these data is given. Altogether there has been a total of 272 M. S. degrees and 63 Ph. D. degrees awarded to Fellows on this program. Admittedly, these are small numbers but importantly for the past 13 years this hes been the principal source of senior health physicists in the United States. * the moderne '. . . In 1959 the advanced fellowship program was added. A student became eligible for this fellowship only if he had completed at least two years of work in the field of health physics; he was presently employed in the field of health physics and had an exceptionally good record. These fellowships have been a stimulation to highly qualified young practicing health physicists in providing them the opportunity to return to the university and obtain the Ph. D. degree. This fellowship is awarded on a one-year .. - 24- UNILATE!! 11:?L-W-IW . ( -it'sd. 80 0(56) (128) ATTAINED MASTER'S AND/OR PhD LEVEL (104) (102) CATTAINED MASTER'S LEVEL 6131) % (FELLOWS) 20 ATTAINED PRO LEVEL (16)[/ (26) - (10) BELOW AVERAGE ABOVE AVERAGE AVERAGE PERFORMANCE SUPERIOR Fig. 4. EDUCATIONAL LEVEL ATTAINED BY FELLOWS WITH VARIOUS UNIVERSITY PERFORMANCE RATINGS (NUMBERS IN PARENTHESES INDICATE NUMBER OF STUDENTS IN EACH PERFORMANCE RATING) ::..!ki. ..." VANDERBILT a ROCHESTER A WASHINGTON - two-+---- --- +- KANSAS o CALIFORNIA • PUERTO RICO O MICHIGAN de TOTAL EXTENSIONS ㅗ ​EXTENSIONS -23- - -- -- - - PUERTO RICO . 51 52 53 54 55 56 61 62 63 64 57 58 59 60 YEAR EXTENSION BEGAN FIG. 5. EXTENSIONS GRANTED TO AEC-HP FELLOWS 70 UMS DE GREE ONLY A RECEIVED Pho DEGREES AWARDED - 26- w wou voooo . we u ovoooo - - - - ---- ' 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 YEAR AWARD GIVEN FIG. 6. DEGREES AWARDED TO AEC - HP FELLOWS -27- TABLE 6 ADVANCED DEGREES RECEIVED* (1950-51 Through 1962-63 Fellows) Received Doctor's Degrees Received Master's Degrees Only Received No Advanced Degrees Total Extensions 26 (13%) 101 (48%) 82 (39%) 209 Fellows Who Did Not Receive Extensions 37 (9%) 171 (41%) 210 (50%) 63 (10%) 272 (43%) 292 (47%) 627 *Advanced degrees known to be received to date. -28- basis but if the student does high-quality graduate work, it is extended up to three years. For these advanced fellowships the student may select any university he chooses in which to do graduate work, provided it has strong departments in disciplines related to health physics. The regular fellowships pay a stipend of $2,500 annually plus $500 for each dependent; the advanced fellowships pay a basic stipend of $4,000 annually plus $500 for each dependent. Both fellowships provide additional allowances for tuition, textbooks and travel. These fellowships compare favorably with, and in some cases the stipends are higher than, those offered in other fields but the competition is keen both from the standpoint of job opportunities and the many fellows::ip possibilities which the good student must consider. In 1963 the regular AEC Health Physics Fellowship was extended to become a three-year fellowship program; that is, the awards are now made to the student with the understanding that if he does acceptable work, the fellowship may be extended for a period of three years. This is a big improvement in the fellowship program because, as indicated in Fig. 4, the students of superior performance prefer not to delay their Ph. D. in order to get a M. S. degree. Instead, they would rather work steadily ahead to obtain the Ph. D. degree. Usually it takes four or five years beyond the B. S. degree to obtain the Ph. D. degree in one of the sciences (e.g. physics) with a speciality in health physics but, fortunately, the universities are able in most cases to take on the student for his last one or two years as a graduate assistant. Also, there are advanced fellowships such as the Oak Ridge Fellowship paying a basic stipend of $3,000 plus $ 500 per dependent which are available to the outstanding graduate students. Having obtained the Ph.D., inany of the students carry out a year or two of post-doctorate work which I consider is worth much more to the student than a masters degree. Although the percent of AEC Health Physics Fellowship students going on for the doctorate degree is relatively low, it is expected that this percentage will increase now that the regular fellowships are offered potentially on a three-year basis making them more attractive, especially to the better students. Also, many of the better jobs call for health physicists holding the Ph.D. degree so there is considerable incentive for the better students to work toward the Ph. D. -29- Healin physicists are in demand not only in AEC operations but with many government operations, national laboratories, hospitals, universities, military organizations, public health service, industry, state organizations and international ogencies. Table 7 summarizes the occupational activity of the Fellows in the spring of 1964. This includes all the Fellows through 1963 insofar as their occupation could be determined. It is impressive that 68% of these definitely are in the field of health physics. Many of the remaining 32% are not entirely out of health physics and may be contributing in an important way to health physics in other lines of work or their further study may lead later to greater contributions to health physics. For example, many of those in industry who are not actively engaged in health physics can nevertheless find many opportunities to put their health physics training to good use. Less direct but perhaps worthwhile application of health physics training is made by the 7% of the Fellows who are females and for the most part now list their occupation as "housewife." This situation must be faced as one of the facts of life so long as our daughters are given the same educational opportunities as our sons. In Table 8 it will be noted that except for academic employment, there appears to be a slight financial advantage to those Fellows who have left health physics. Although the figures are not available, it has been confirmed that in many cases this is attributable to the fact that those heuith physicists who have gone on to higher administrative positions in industry and government are receiving higher salaries. Here health physics is an important scientific background and in some cases an essential part of their career. Thus, health physics was not a stumbling block but a stepping-stone to those interested in the work of administrator, director or plant manager. I daresay industry would be better off if more top executives had come up through the health physics ranks. These health physics fellowship programs have been an invaluable asset to the safety of the nuclear energy industry and the principal source of supply of health physicists in the United States for the past 13 years. In spite of the large number of these Fellows (647 through 1963), the demand has exceeded considerably the supply. Often a student must choose between eight to ten job offers when he graduates. This means that in some areas there has been rather keen competition and the only way to fill certain health -30- TABLE 7 ACTIVITY OF FELLOWS IN SPRING, 1964 (1964 Activity of Former Fellows Who Were on Programs for School Years 1950-51 Through 1960-61) Field of Employment In Health Physics Field Not in Health Physics Field Total Industry Government Academic Employment Further Study Military Other Known 51 (16%) 140 (44%) 60 (19%) 46 (15%) 13 (4%) 6 (2%) 42 (27%) 17 (11%) 28 (19%) 31 (21%)* 17 (11%)* 16 (11%)* 93 (20%) 157 (34%) 88 (19%) 77 (16%) 30 ( 6%) 22 ( 5%) 316 (68%) 15! (32%) Undetermined * These have not necessarily left the field of health physics. -31- TABLE 8 CURRENT ANNUAL SALARIES OF FORMER FELLOWS* 1950-51 through 1962-63 Employed in Health Physics Number of Average Salary Fellows** Not Employed in Health Physics Number of Average Salary Fellows** Field of Employment Industry $ 10, 669 $11,834 9,703 Government 137 9,084 Academic Employment 8,663 8, 253 224 $ 9, 270 $10, 107 *Spring, 1964 ** Number of fellows who submitted salary information -32- physics jobs has been to rob someone else. Although various chapters of the Health Physics Society and individual health physicists mode contacts with senior students and their faculty in many of the colleges and in other ways attempted to improve the situation and increase the number of applicants, there was a decline after 1960 as indicated by Fig. 7. As a consequence of this discouraging trend, Myron Fair was loaned to the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies for a yedi of recruitment beginning in the fall of 1963. The fact that the number of applicants returned again to the high value reached in 1960 testifies to the need of having someone knowledgeable in the field of health physics visit the various colleges and universities for consultation with faculty and student. The purpose of these visits is to explain the challenging opportunities in the field of health physics and dispel incorrect impressions that have developed by those who picture the health physicist as a technician in coveralls wandering about with a geiger counter in his hand. Also, in 1963 the participating universities were given the opportunity to assist in the recruiting. Table 9 gives some indication of the effectiveness of these methods of recruitment. Thus, it appears that with more attention given to recruiting methods, it will be possible to obtain sufficient applicants to fill these fellowship runks. More importantly, it should provide a better selection and choice of top-grade students. Also, it is to be hoped that the AEC will furnish more financial support for these fellowship programs at least until the supply of health physicists more nearly meets the needs and the urgent demands. This is true especially in view of the fact that many highly qualified applicants in 1964 were not awarded fellowships (see Fig. 7) because of insufficient fellowship funds. As indicated earlier, there is a need for many types of health physicists. There are those who believe a health physicist should be given graduate training in many disciplines to meet any combination of these needs. However, I think this would be a serious mistake because in such cases most of the student's time in a four- or five-year graduate program wouid be spent in taking prerequisite courses or material of a descriptive nature so he would not acquire sufficient depth of knowledge and would not complete a genuine graduate program. Another equally undesirable alternative would be for the student to spend 10 to 12 years in graduate school acquiring all the breadth and depth of knowledge he ideally should have. I firmly believe the best arrangement is for the 240 220 200 180 160 REGULAR HEALTH PHYSICS APPLICATIONS --- 140 NUMBER REGULAR FELLOWSHIP APPOINTMENTS OFFERED 100 -33- REGULAR FELLOWSHIP APPOINTMENTS ACCEPTED d o enama ADVANCED HEALTH PHYSICS APPLICATIONS APPOINTMENTS OFFERED A. 11 APPOINTMENTS ACCEPTED O | 1111.11 11 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 SCHOOL. YEAR 50 60 61 63 APPLICATIONS, APPOINTMENTS AND ACCEPTANCE OF REGULAR AND ADVANCED AEC HEALTH PHYSICS FELLOWSHIPS FIG. 7 -34- TABLE 9 APPLICATIONS FOR THE REGULAR AEC HEALTH PHYSICS FELLOWSHIPS FOR SCHOOL YEAR 1964-65 AS A RESULT OF VARIOUS RECRUITMENT METHODS (These numbers can ot best be only poor estimates. In this casc, credit for an application was given to the person or organization that visited or otherwise contacted the school from which the application originated.) Related to Recruitment Visits of M. F. Fair Related to Recruitment Visits Sponsored by Health Physics Society Related to Recruitment Contacts by Universities Harvard Unive.sity Texas A & M University of California University of Kansas University of Michigan University of Puerto Rico University of Rochester University of Tennessee University of Washington Vanderbilt University Related to Other Recruitment Efforts of ORINS* Total Applicants co ao Ñ con 109 27 *Results of literature furnished universities, ORNL-ORINS Traveling Lecture Program, visits of various AEC employees, etc. -35- student 10 take all the course requirements for a graduate degree in one of the standard diciplines such as physics, chemistry, or biology, and, in addition, to meet certain health physics requirements. For example, in our programs at Vanderbilt and the University of Tennessee, the students take all the course and thesis requireinents for the M. S. and/or Ph. D. degrees in physics so they can stand shoulder-to-shoulder with any other physicist. In addition, they must meet certain requirements to qualify as health physicists. Table 10 summarizes some of the characteristics of the program at the University of Tennessee which qualify the student to become a health physicist. In many respects the programs at Vanderbilt und the University of Tennessee are quite similar. At the present time, several staff members in the Health Physics Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory are assisting in the instruction of these specialized courses both at Vanderbi!t and the University of Tennessee. Also, during the summer months when the students are in the Laboratory, they attend a number of classes for special instruction as well as obtain firsthand experience in applied health physics and a brief introduction to health physics research. Thus we hope the graduates of these programs can hold their own with the best of the physicists and with the best of health physicists after they have had a few years of professional experience. Some have suggested the possibility that the graduate degrees should be offered in health physics and that undergraduate courses and degrees should be offered in this profession. At least at the present time I think it unnecessary and undesirable to offer undergraduate degrees or graduate degrees in health physics. I do believe, however, that in many colleges and universities it would be helpful to offer at the junior-senior level a course in general health physics. All the courses under "3" in Table 10 are available to any University of Tennessee student with proper background. Conclusions I believe that support for graduate training of health physicists should be continued but at an accelerated rate in order to keep pace with an expanding nuclear energy industry and an increasing use of ionizing rudiation in innumerable industrial and domestic applications. Because of the need of health physicists in state and federal agencies of -36- TABLE 10 FEATURES OF ORNL-UT DOCTORATE PROGRAM THAT MAKE IT A HEALTH PHYSICS AS WELL AS A PHYSICS PROGRAM 1. One of Preliminary Examinations will be Given on General Health Physics 2. Summers of Students will be spent in the Health Physics Division at ORNL 3. Curriculum will include special courses* in: a. General Health Physics (Physics 472-3) b. Radiation Chemistry (Chemistry 546) c. Radiation Biology (Zoology 577-8) d. Radiation Physics (Physics 661, 662, 663) 4. Dissertation will be on subject relating to ionizing radiation * 400 courses are undergraduate level; 500 courses are graduate level and 600 courses are advanced graduate level. -37- public health, it would seem appropriate that the U. S. Public Health Service should support programs similar to the AEC Health Physics Fellowship program. I am pleased grant to the University of Tennessee will take the same program as outlined above for AEC Health Physics Fellowship students and, in addition, will take nine quarter hours in epidemiology, statistics and public health administration. There is little doubt that graduates of this program can make a valuable contribution to public health. .. . ... . .. . -.1 - . --.'.: . .. In order to guide the future course of health physics at the graduate level, I am recommending that the Health Physics Society take a more active port in supporting the Health Physics Fellowship programs and other programs such as those sponsored by the U. S. Public Health Service which are designed to train personnel who are to practice professionally in the field of radiation protection. I suspect many schools would like to get into this business of training professional health physicists and I believe the Health Physics Society could serve a useful and welcome function by appointing a permanent Council or Division of Education to study this problem and perhaps recommend several courses of action on the port of the Society. For example, some of the functions of such a Council on Education might be as follows: . .... ...... .......... . .. (1) Prepare a set of standards and professional goals of attainment for the various health physics education and training programs. . . . (2) Prepare a list of specific suggestions that can be used by the various universities engaged in these programs. These suggestions, on the one hand, should specify a program that would give a reasonable guarantee that vie are training health physicists and, on the other, that the graduates of these programs meet all the professional requirements of excellence in one of the standard scientific professions, e.g. physics, chemistry or biology. ... o sor... taminimas " colorid .sina:worries marin, sim..."; - -38- (3) The Council might in time assist the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, the U. S. Public Health Service and any other agencies supporting such programs by reviewing applications from universities desiring to set up new training programs and by periodic review and evaluation of programs in progress. (4) Develop broad outlines of a graduate health physics program indicating those courses that should be considered as minimuin requirements. (5) Assist in the establishment and conduction of health physics education and training programs in any part of the world in which such programs are needed. Elda E. Anderson conducted health physics education and training programs in Stockholm, Sweden (1955), in Mol, Belgium (1957) and Bombay, India (1958), all sponsored by WHO, the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission and the government of each country. The need for such programs continues to exist and several agencies such as WHO, IAEA and UNESCO might wish to sponsor them in collaboration with the Health Physics Society. Also, efforts should be made to make the Health Physics Fellowship graduate programs which I have described above more readily available to overseas students. The AEC Fellowship grants are available only to United States citizens but a number of students from other countries have participated fully in these programs. In such cases, however, financial support has been provided from some source other than the AEC, e.g. their own government, some international agency or a fellowship available to overseas students. (6) Study the need for radiation protection and the opportunities for health physicists to be of service in minimizing radiation damage while at the same time stimulating and encouraging its full use to the benefit of man. The goal of this Council might be to keep a hand on the pulse of health -39- physics needs while translating these needs into educational requirements in the university. (7) Encourage health physics research at all levels -- basic, engineering and applied. The time may come when it will be desirable to establish schools of health physics or radiation protection and to have degrees at the B.S., M. S. and Ph. D. levels offered in health physics. However, at the present time I am not convinced that a move in this direction is desirable. I would much prefer that students be taken at the B. S. level with majors in one of the physical, biological or engineering sciences and be given special training in health physics along with the usual requirements for a M. S. or Ph. D. degree in one of the sciences such as physics, chemistry, ecology, etc. For example, I would like to have reason to believe that a graduate from our programs at Vanderbilt and the University of Tennessee or a student from the University of California would meet all the requirements for a Ph. D. in physics and could stand his ground professionally against any other physicist. At the same time, I would like to be assured . that he is a health physicist and I would like to have him meet certain special requirements (such as those summarized in Table 10) so we recognize him as a well-qualified health physicist. Thus, the graduate is a good physicist, biologist or engineer and at the same time he is recognized as, and proud to be, a practicing health physicist. The health physics profession is perhaps a bit unique in that it has drawn together men of many professional backgrounds but with one point of focal interest -- radiation protection. Our goal is to make it possible for man to live safely with the atom while at the same time reaping a maximum of its benefits. I think this new profession offers many challenging opportunities in education, research and applied activities and the Health Physics Society can render to itself and to the younger generation a valuable service by forining a Council or Division to study this problem and present a plan by which the Society can offer its good services to the various agencies supporting training programs in the field of radiation protection. Such a Council or Division should, of course, work very closely with the American Board of Health Physics (and with similar boards in other countries) established for the certification of health physicists. -40- Finally, health physics must at all times maintain a clear vision of its purpose and all of its diverse educational, research and applied programs must be brought into focus on its one objective -- radiation protection. Although none of us will live to see the development of a completely coherent theory of radiation damage, this can serve as our long-range research objective so we can set safe and reasonable levels of maximum permissible exposure and implement reliable radiation protection standards and so that man can weigh intelligently the benefits against the hazards of ionizing radiation. So long as there is a nuclear energy industry, so long as we must depend at some points on the human elements of decision and action and until we have developed a complete theory of radiation damage and are certain of the accuracy of our estimates of hazards and the appropriateness of our radiation standards, there will be a need for health physicists of many grades and ranks in education, research and applied activities. Young scientists in our footsteps must be educated in universities through programs of study adjusted up to and not down to their needs. I wish to acknowledge the valuable assistance of S. Z. Haidri, C. Slattery, Ann Patton and other members of ORINS who collected the data on the AEC Health Physics Fellowship programs as used in this report. Also, I wish to acknowledge the assistance of Marie G. Wright in assembling some of the early student records. V . words and see them to END 1.