- i ***, W UNCLASSIFIED ORNL . . 144 10F3 " P . M -6:- PA . . . - . ti * ", L 1. Ayo M TU ;" ein., . " 1. . Bunu n . Tiia S5 - - - - - - -- - - ---- 9 # LA * . .1 . ON -18?" Rain H TE w 3 . ein . . Also LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, dissen.inates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. finitimi Wr HT w fi * YAYA :: :: 1 * hri S 7 Y { WI .. . MS. LTE TTT " " TY DO Y M YA!!! WWW W ! , VETT WUR N . T . L' A . . We AL LLLL T! Ny .. . TRY RT 1. ORVI ' . 1 . 1. 460 . '! X! il . f . . 1' * LY V . i E T DTIE MICROCARD ISSUANCE DATE - . in . . . - 'W . tit *ii 5 - . - INT VEN . : ... ! 19 ter: 1 9 / 4 . . . . JE in $ ** we . ti _ EU 1964 4 . 71, * S SSS. . 1. .. . . . . 1 . . 4 " - HOT . will M . 141 . 2. 7 VY . our MI *.. ET T. av or . www ch the TS + ALE 1 L . . . .. " LP T I . . " LAT .. 1 ' ' W S ! W WW 'W' 2 2 " " SZ ORNU-persy DTIE * * ; AUG 1 1 1964 2. MASTER Some Applications of the Distorted Wave Approximation for Direct Nuclear Reactions 71 by 2 R. H. Bassel --LEGAL NOTICE TMroport wo propers an account of caverune sponsored wort, Matthee the United Hote, war the Coualcoton, worang pornoa acting all of the Col ton: A. Makes My virtuty or riprenutan. Siwenu or impuu, na reoruci bode KCU- rusy, c omo, or weten odorathon utmed no report, or the wa taformaktan, warna, method, or proceso deslowed to this roport may not undertege Mirely od ra; 1. Anou may Identities with ropect to the www oh, or har du multing in the olm, formation, nou, wood, or procene checloud i s mort. As the above, porem ut a c comana" cu may meru in Cowan, leyen una reutictr, a Hut much porno mamtructor at the Commuter, omployee connector romero, datumawe, or krom m, meg bormation per me employ er cauract m t Coll .or Moonboyu vid much concor. Lectures to be presented at Hercegnovi, Yugoslavia July 13-29, 1964 Facsimile Price $_8./0 Microfilm Price $_ 2 2 . Available from the Office of Technical Services Department of Commerce Washington 25, D. C. + - 5 : . * ( . . N 1. IS .. . . . . - > ini The subject which I will discuss is the distorted-waves theory' of direct reactions and its application to the study of nuclei. I shall mainly be concerned with a study of the reaction theory, its range of validity, and its ability to give quantitative information about nuclear structure. con It is necessary to state what is meant by a direct reaction. The. definition commonly in use, due to Austern', is that a direct reaction involves only a few degrees of freedom of the system, as opposed say to reactions which proceed via a compound nucleus. These few degrees of freedom can be explicitly treated in a reaction calculation while the remaining processes can be completely ignored, in which case we have site video. ***** a plane wave theory, or lumped into a reaction channel which leads, ultimately, to the distorted wave theory. To make these ideas explicit, it is useful to formally derive the distorted wave matrix element and to show where the various approximations enter in order to do a practical calculation. The theory will be formulated in a general way, so that rearrangement collisions such as stripping and inelastic scattering appear on the same footing. Consider the reaction a + A ab + B where, say for inelastic scattering, b = a B = A* an excited state of the aggregate A, * .- E- 1 while for stripping a :d b=p B = A + n. The Hamiltonian for this reaction can be written, H = H + HA+ V&A = H, + V; , = H. + H3 + VbB = H + Ve , where H, and H, are the Hamiltonians for the internal motion of aggregates a and A, and V. is the interaction between them. Similar definitions hold for Hp, Hg, and VbB The solution to the non-relativistic Schrodinger equation (H - E) y = 0 (2) is formally straightforward and is easily found using the operator techniques. If the theory is formulated in the initial system (a, A), the solution of interest has incoming and outgoing waves in the incident . channel and only outgoing waves in all other channels. This solution is usually denoted :', the subscript i referring to incoming and outgoing waves in the incident channel, while the superscript + means only outgoing waves in all other channels. We proceed by adding and subtracting a potential U, to the Hamiltaonian, that is rewrite H as H = H. + (V; - U;) + Vi (1') . and define the "distorted" wave x:') as the solution of (H; + V; - E) X(+)=0. (3) + If elastic scattering is important U, is taken as the potential which describes the elastic scattering of a by A and, correspondingly, x') contains the elastic scattered part of the total wave function. x. (+) is written as a product solution X" (FaA a lea! A (EA) = x++) (4; where x\*) describes the relative motion of a and A, and g, 1) & lea) are wave functions of internal motion of a and A. This product will henceforth be contracted to $,$. = $ . Then with . ?+) = x (+) + 48! (5) loc, contains all scattered waves other than the elastic wave), application of the Schrodinger equation gives (H - E) Og; = - (V; - ;} *;(+). Defining the Green's function (H - E) G = -1, = - 010 - ', where G is the total Green's function, the solution of the total Hamiltonian with an inhomogeneous point source at p = 0', with p representing all the coordinates in the problem, Ő = (i, e ). IR 11 1 . - . - - celine region wi interna BE TAS Then p! = G(V; - 0°) xx(+) and integration over the primed coordinates is implied.. Symbolically, E-H + ie 1 and the positive continuation e insures outgoing scattered waves. In the limit UA - 0, x:(+) - Y, wherein the relative motion is described by a plane wave, and Og, -ºg which now contains the elastic scattered parts. We are interested in that part of y1) in the channel (b, B). To find this note that G can be expanded in eigensolutions of the final system f :(b, B), which we now show. Using the operator relation 1 2 3 4 5 110) we find G = GE+GE VG (11) where (12) LL For our particular final system Vt Greeting car732! t'oblets (ºpplads ('58) (13) LU Oy 1ST je . ...*.; ondorio now. with G', the free Green's function defined by (T-K,90F = -967B FB, (14) with outgoing solution di Me 0's - Zona Foto K; F6B - 7'6B (15) 21h : Here Me is the reduced mass of the colliding fragments in the final channel. Since we are interested in the wave function at infinity for a particular final channel f, we project out the bound aggregate and take the limit as IbB , that is ike FbB fbb - iK, IBB ik, ' "bB ro* (1 + V, G) (V; - vy) *}{*). (16) - le 196B0%)=- PBB POB But • .K bB * o bB (1 + VEG) = ut (-) (17) by a similar analysis. . Here y") is the solution to the total Hamiltonian with plane wave parts in the final channel but with incoming scattered parts in all other channels. This is necessary to satisfy time reversibility. A counter at infinity which has been biased to count particles of type b and the proper energy, sees only the spherical wave given by * * . i -. - . .. - - equation (16), with amplitude . : (18) 2h {{K, - K) = (-/V; - V: 1 x F#). It is more convenient to work with the T matrix, the element of which is of interest is defined by the relation, Me f(K; -K) = TIK: - Kę). (19) 2ch Obviously, the total wave function y's can be expressed as the sum of a distorted wave and a scattering solution with incoming waves in all channels except f; i.e., = [1 + 6* [V - Upt ]x!=) (20) so that T(K: - K) = - . .. . . 6-1 1 T AL- A . AT YLE . O ' O . hr WY . HKS MA 2 A . > VN " LI 1 UNCLASSIFIED 144 20F3 . TA .. . " - -- r " ' ' . 11 .... ! il LIV! si -1 AN .. . N TY: : - s 7 ? it .!! . 11V1 . .. LWIN Wat . 1 . .:. . or. HY UW + ***100 1 R " PL PE W . hat .. ." WY ! L IVE AKT MY . ' . Y 2 0 M ": 1 . .. . 21 16 * 11 . 21 DITE miCROCARD ISSUANCE DATE --...;vi win..mware'am .. . TAS . 1 . . : i . Sy . .. . ? . . . . . WAT he Os 5 XI 1 2 . ' ! ' SET L 2 . - 1964 . 77 '- . 27 The energy variation is shown on the next figure (12), where the peak cross section is plotted as a function of energy. The black dots are experiment, the open triangles are the calculations using the best fits to the elastic data, while the line represents the average deuteron potential. Except for the 11 MeV points where the measured cross section for the ground state suddenly rises, the average potential gives quite good agreement with the data. To point out the necessity of having some idea of the elastic scattering, calculations were performed using deuteron potentials recommended by Perey and Perey' and by Hodsons. The predictions these potentials give for the elastic scattering are shown in Fig. 13, labelled PB and H, and are poor compared to the fit found with the 2-potential. On the other hand, these potentials are quite adequate in predicting the stripping angular distribution shape, Fig. 14, but again poor in absolute magnitude. From this study we conclude that a knowledge of the elastic data is essential if quantitative spectroscopic 10 13 information is the goal of the investigation. On the other hand our previous remarks suggest that too close attention to the data can also be misleading. Fluctuations in the elastic data gives parameter fluctuations which are reflected in the spectroscopic factors. It would seem that ideally measurements should be made in a smooth portion of the excitation curve, or experiments performed over a small energy range so that an average can be obtained. Less pessimistically, if there is scattering data available from neighboring nuclei taken at energies close to that of the stripping experiment, this information will be sufficient to extract meaningful spectroscopic information. 28 This then is an exhaustive study of the zero-range approximation for stripping. The analyses give fair agreement with the data, yielding spectroscopic factors within 80% of what would be expected on a simple model of the Ca nucleus. The situation is not wholly satisfactory; there are still discrepancies in fit at large angles which are more clearly seen in a logarithmic plot such as Fig. 14, which shows the 12 MeV data with the calculations using the 2-potential. . These discrepancies might arise from a rumber of sources. For example, the neglected interactions, higher order terms, spin effects, and spurious contributions from the interior. Let us first consider the interior contributions and how to modify the theory to take better account of them. The simplest procedure is to introduce a radial cutoff on the radial integrals. Examination of Figs. 8-11 and Fig. 15 shows that this sometimes qualitatively improves the fit, but at the same time overestimates the spectroscopic factors. Nevertheless, we do not believe in the contributions from the interior and seek better methods than a cutoff to eliminate them. There are several corrections which do this in a natural way. The iirst of these is to relax the zero-range approximation and allow the neutron-proton force to have a finite range. This means that we consider both variables r, and r. To accomplish this the form factor f,simligi ro) can be expanded in multipoles of both arguments (Satchler) T Trapillio Ximet MS fisu, mlrd. 5) , 21, L2 (Pas pod ܕܢܐܙܝܐ Eto 29 M -m tu . (@ P;) (L, L, M, m-mlim) (57) where the Clebsch-Gordan coefficient ensures that the original f behaves like the spherical harmonic Y,m. The angular integrations can then be done, yielding Ly - Lg, and L2 - Lp The remaining problem is then to compute the Kernal functions F . (ry, which is by no means a trivial task. The derivation is Fej quite lengthy and full details are given in the paper of Austern et al. For our purposes it is sufficient to say that it is do-able. It turns out that for stripping, since the deuteron is an internal S-state of motion, that the angular momentum algebra described in zero-range can be carried over to the finite range case. A flexible code has been constructed by Drisko and Satchler and the effects of finite range can be calculated Some qualitative features are easily discussed. For stripping consider the product: V p go which previously was set equal to a delta function to go to the zero-range approximation. Now we take V moplamp og omot - Hip? aj od . (58) and for the Hulthen function takes the Yukawa form Vnplanp) og (mp) = N(a? - ps o PP The Fourier transform of this function is with D as before. The zero-range approximation is taken as K = 0. 30 This function is peaked at K = 0 and falls off with increasing K. On the surface where the potentials are weak Ka = E VA - ,31/2 and : KP = [ 2MP (V, - E);}/2 approach their asymptotic values. There the momentum transfer (1/2 Kd - Kp) is small for medium energy projectiles, and therefore only the small momentum components of G(K) are sampled. This indicates that for reactions confined to the surface the zero-range approximation will be good. In the interior where the local momenta are large, there will be a net suppression over the zero-range approximation. However, small momentum transfer components are still present in the interior which allows small momentum transfers to be important even at large scattering angles. (As an aside, if only low momentum components turn out to be important, the range function of the Yukawa form can be replaced by a Gaussian with a range and normalization chosen to match the Yukawa form for small values of the momentum variable. This is attractive for computational purposes, because of the simple expansion properties of the Gaussian.) The effects of the finite range correction are illustrated in Fig. 16, which compares the zero-range approximation, with and without a cutoff, to the finite range calculations without a cutoff, for the ground state transition at a deuteron energy of 11 MeV. Two sets of curves are shown, computed with the 2 potential and the Y potential. To be noted is that the finite range effecis are bigger for the shallower potential because the wave function for the shallower potential is less oscillatory in the interior than for the deep potential. The overall effect is to uniformly decrease the overall magnitude of the curves without appreciably changing the shape, arising from the dominance of small momentum transfers. On the plane wave Born approximation, the finite range effects are more drastic. There the zero-range angular distribution is modified by multiplying the usual Blitler expression by Gekº put the (63) with Kd and Kp taking on their asymptotic values. For the present case this factor varies from 94% at 0° to 56% at 180°. Finite range effects on the p-states, illustrated in Fig. 17, are not as large, in fact they lead to a cross section slightly larger than the zero-range cross section. · This result again follows from the change in sign of the 2p functions in the interior -- the negative contribution to the amplitude is diminished by the finite-range averaging. Non-local Effects Another effect which dampens the contribution from the interior is due to the non-locality of the potential. As you know from the work of Brueckner and co-workers , the self-consistent Hartree-Fock potential is momentum. dependent. This effect manifests itself in the local optical model treatment of scattering by making the potential energy dependent. 32 However, there is an additional effect, which is unimportant for scattering, which causes the relative wave functions to be reduced in the interior. Loosely speaking, this comes about because the mor.entum dependence manifests itself in coordinate space by introducing surface corrections to the potential. These give rise to increased reflections and diminish the wave function in the interior. The asymptotic behavior is unaffected. 14 Perey, by comparing the total wave functions from the local and non-local potentials for nucleons, has suggested that the relationship between them s YNL(r) = - [1 +iB-14 U, (r)]''C (64) where B 18.85 fm is the range of the non-locality and Uç (t) = (VIP) + i W(r)] . 2M (More recently, Perey and Saxon have derived this result.) Since for the scattering problem Yı, and you are equal asymptotically, C = 1. For the bound state wave function we must use the normalization condition : sluefp)/dr = 1 (65) which gives C>1. Thus all wave functions are smaller on the interior than the local corresponding wave functions. 33 This form of correction can be trivially applied to the zero-range approximation by defining a new form factor as a product of the old form factor times the three non-local corrections. Perey has applied these ideas to the 40cald, p) and 9ºZr(d,p) stripping reactions. He finds that the contributions from the interior are indeed diminished but the magnitude is relatively unchanged from the calculations without a cutoff, due to the non-locai enhancement of the bound state tail. These calculations will be published shortly. Here we demonstrate the effect by dampening the interior by 50% with a smooth transition to no dampening with a function of the Saxon shape, as illustrated in Fig. 18. The cross section is indeed diminished but the shape is unchanged relative to the no cutoff calculations. The calculation with a cutoff of 4 fms is shou'n for comparison. Spin Effects Thus far we have neglected the spin effects. These can be included by the addition of spin-dependent terms in the optical model wave functions and the bound state wave function. For the neutron and proton the interaction is of the vector spin-orbit type Vsulr) ~(s. L) OV(r) (66) For spin-one particles Satchler has suggested the vector spin-orbit force or tensor forces. Calculations to date have only made use of the vector spin-orbit form. 34 The optical model wave functions are now matrices in spin-space, e. g., x(+) -- xf+) s 167) m', in where the subscripts m' allow for a spin-flip by the spin dependent force. . The partial waves are now J dependent as well as L dependent XI (7) - XJ, L (68) with J = L + S. The angular momentum albegra is somewhat more complicated and will not be discussed here, a full discussion can be found in reference 3. Spin effects can be divided into two types, effects on the magnitude, and changes in the shape of the angular distributions. In this section we consider the effect on magnitude. The change in magnitude arises mainly from the change in shape of the bound state wave function. This occurs because the Saxon well which binds the neutron is of the form V(F) = V. (1) + a(L) 4 vo(r) (69) r dr where a(L) = - L if J = L + 1/2 = (1 + 1), J = L - 1/2 . Thus for neutrons captured into the J = L + 1/2 orbit, the spin-orbit interaction is attractive and surface peaked. The bound state wave function is expanded. For the opposite spin state, J = L - 1/2, the wave function is contracted. If the spin-orbit well is 8 MeV (pion units) deep the effect 35 is to increase the calculated cross section by some 25% for the ground state transition (J = 7/2, L = 3). If an 8 MeV spin orbit interaction is included in the proton channel, the cross section is further increased - to some 30% greater than the calculation without spin-orbit. Adding a 5 MeV spin orbit to the deuteron well compensates for the proton spin- orbit interaction, bringing the cross section to only 21% greater than the spinless case. These values of the spin-orbit strengths assigned to the proton and neutron well are close to those found to fit experimental data. The deuteron spin-orbit strength is not as well established. In general it is not needed to fit deuteron elastic data. Thüs inclusion of spin Orbit coupling changes our estimate of the strength S by some 20% (smaller). A similar study on the excited p states showed the magnitude difference to be almost negligible, some 5% greater for the P312 state and 5% smaller for the P12 state. If now finite range and spin orbit coupling are included, they tend to compensate, as can be seen from the table of spectroscopic amplitudes in the rows labelled Zs. To summarize the results that have been discussed thus far, we cay say that the zero-range approximation without corrections has given a fairly good description of the *° Cald, p)*'Ca stripping reaction. The spectroscopic amplitudes found from this work are within 20% of what is expected on the shell model. This agreement might be considered fortuitous inasmuch as we have included contributions from the interior. For the ground state transition we have seen that relaxing the zero-range 36 approximation by allowing the n-p force to have a finite range does not change the shape of the theoretical cross section but does decrease its magnitude, thereby leading to an increased spectroscopic amplitude S. Spin-orbit coupling, especially in the bound state function, has the opposite effect on the ground state transition, yielding a 20% increase in the absolute magnitude. A combination of these two corrections gives magnitudes comparable to those found in the zero-range approximation without a . cutoff. On the cther hand, both the finite-range correction and the neutron spin-orbit correction are negligible for the excited states. A rough summary of these effects is given in Table II. Another source of uncertainty are the optical parameters. As we have seen, equivalent potentials which give the same elastic scattering give different results for stripping, especially in magnitude. Additionally, potentials which do not fit the elastic data, correctly predict the shape of the angular distribution around the main peak, but again with incorrect magnitude. Further, the shape of the angular distributions at large angles is only roughly reproduced and is critically dependent on the optical parameters chosen. This point will be discussed again. For heavier nuclei the uncertainty in which set of optical parameters to use has been somewhat alleviated by the systematic parameter surveys of Pereyº for protons and by Perey and Perey" for deuterons. A word f caution is in order here, these parameters should not be extrapolated, either in energy or in A, beyond the bounds considered by these papers. Interpolation, on the other hand, is reasonably safe. 37 Finally it should be pointed out that relative magnitudes of peak cross sections are less dependent on these uncertainties, except perhaps for the spin-orbit dependence, and should be more reliable than absolute values. J Dependence of the Angular Distributions These measurements show quite different angular distributions at large angles for stripping with the same é transfer but with different J-values. In Fig. 15 this is illustrated for the 12 MeV measurements. The data (black circles) for the P angular distribution shows a deep minimum at 100', while this minimum does not appear in the P212 differential cross sections. (The filling in the minimum after the main stripping peak is a Q effect. ) Schiffer and Lee have found that this systematic difference persists for other (d, p) reactions in this mass region and have used it to identify the J-value of the neutron orbital, Qualitatively, the origin of this difference can be explained, if the spin-orbit distortions are treated as perturbations. Johnson's has shown that then the cross section can be written as the sum of two terms, do = A(e) + (-.7-4-1/2 B(e) (70) d2 with Ald) arising from the central well distortions and B(o) proportional to the spin-orbit strengths of the optical wells. Thus we may have constructive or destructive interference at some large angle depending on the J of the captured neutron. . Distorted wave calculations have been made to see if the theory can explaii. this effect. It was found that spin-orbit interaction in the bound state well produced no shape changes, but that spin-orbit distortions in either channel do indeed produce such changes (shown in Fig. 15). Here the theory gives a shallow minimum for the Pvz case but also predicts a minimum at large angles for the P3/2 groups which is not observed experimentally. Additionally, examination of other data indicates that this effect is not reliably reproduced, either as a function of energy or target mass, if best fit elastic parameters are used. However, Rost has been able to find this eftect in many cases by allowing only proton spin-orbit distortion, but the other proton parameters are allowed to be relaxed from their best fit value 8. In short, the distorted wave approximation is capable of explaining such phenomena, but is as yet incapable of giving a detailed account. Indeed, as can be seen from Fig. 8, the theory does not well reproduce the 2nd peak in the ground state angular distribution which is much larger than the J -dependent effecis. Until this can be explained, it is premature to ask more detailed questions about small effects. Effective Binding Energy The calculations discussed thus far make use of a bound state function, w. (r), defined by the overlap of the target and residual nuclei. Here n is the principal quantum number and again l the orbital angular momentum of the captured neutron. As has been mentioned, this function is taken as an eigensolution of the Schrödinger equation with a well of 39 the Woods -Saxon shape. We have no a priori knowledge of the shape or depth of this well. We can postulate that the wave function from the true "single particle" well might have a different shape than we are using. For the states of a single nucleon added to an inert core, our simple prescription might be reasonable, this well could then be interpreted as the shell model well. If, however, the core is polarized by the additional nucleon, or if there are several particles outside a closed shell, deviations from che shell inodel might be expected -- in the first case through the re-arrangement of the core nucleons, in the second case through the residual interactions of the extra-core nucleons. A direct manifestation of this effect is a shift in binding energy away from that given by the shell-model for a particular orbital. The question arises as to how to best represent this function. We know that asymptotically the wave function behaves like e-Kr (71) with the wave number K proportional to the square of the separation energy. @z = + Q. (72) One school of thought then argues that the wave function should be an eigensolution with this eigenvalue. Alternatively, the true wave function can be expanded in a complete set of shell model wave functions, including the continuum of this set. It is then argued that one should use the shell model orbital with the . same quantum numbers as the true single particle orbital, on grounds, that it is the largest component. Thus we would solve for a function with some effective energy, Eorf e. In the spirit of the shell model this would imply describing all the single particle functions of a given nucleus as eigensolutions of a well with constant depth. The point is important because the magnitude of the wave function in the region of strong overlap with the distorted waves directly affects the measure of the spectroscopic amplitude S. For offer the wave function expands. For E Eurf the wave function contracts. Most distorted wave stripping calculations have used the separation energy. The evidence for the other prescription is mixed. The clearest evidence for this concept was found in the (p, d) reactions on the isotopes of Fe.' This reaction excites the T 1/2 states of the same shell model configuration which differ by several MeV. To obtain agreement with theoretical spectroscopic factors, it was necessary to use the same binding energy for both transitions. A shape difference was recently pointed out by Rost''. Two states in "Fe are excited by the (p, d) reaction on "Fe. Both are { = 3, but with J = 712 and 5/2. They differ in excitation by only .4 MeV. To obtain agreement with the shapes of the angular distributions, Rost adjusted the depth of the central well binding the f5/2 particle until it agreed in depth with the central well binding the fq/2 particle. The agreement is quite good as is seen in Fig. 19. .,..- . . . . . On the other hand Satchler has found contrary evidence in an analysis of 'Cald, t) reactions. He obtains good agreement with theoretical predictions by using the separation energy. On the other hand, if a constant well is used for all transitions, he finds the ground state spectroscopic amplitude a factor of two too large. For the present case *° Cald, p). Ca, the two Pq2 states are candidates for such a study. Here for the state at 2.5 MeV, the separation energy for the 2 MeV state was used, (6.42 MeV), resulting in a 15% decrease in cross sections which, incidentally, makes the sum of the Sz/2 strengths exceed unity. This conflicting evidence indicates that no simple prescription can be given, each nucleus must be examined separately. More work, both theoretical and experimental, is needed. Other Single Nucleon Transfer Reactions We have discussed most of the current ideas on the theory of stripping reactions and have seen that the theory has given reasonable results, although some uncertainties and discrepancies in fit still remain. The disagreement of the theory with the experimental second maxi mum of the ground state group is especially significant and indicates that we are neglecting an important part of the amplitude. The situation for heavy nuclei is somewhat better as Fig. 20 shows, for the (d, p) reactions on cadmium-114. These data were taken by Silva et al.'' at Oak Ridge and were analyzed using the parameters of the Perey's" which give a good account of the deuteron elastic scattering. No parameters were juggled and the curves shown did not use any cutoffs of the radial integrals. The spectroscopic amplitudes are in fair agreement with pairing theory calculations. This is not always the case, for example Miller et al. were unable to find a set of deuteron parameters which could simultaneously explain the elastic scattering of deuterons and the stripping angular distributions for 206Pb. The situation for light nuclei is as yet unclear, no systematic analyses of elastic scattering and stripping have been completed although one is in progress at Oak Ridge. Some preliminary results for the oln, d)''N ground state transition, le = 1), are available. The measurements were taken at Zagreb with 14 MeV neutrons and the analyses done at Oak Ridge. Again this is a favorable case for testing the ability of the DWBA to give absolute spectroscopic factors. On the shell N model "ºo is doubly magic and the expected spectroscopic factor is two. Data is available for 14 MeV neutron scattering from "ºo and parameters similar to these found by Pereyº give a good account of the angular distribution as seen in Fig. 21. For the exit channel parameters which fit the elastic scattering of 8 MeV deuterons from 150 were used, Fig. 22, since there isn't any data for the scattering of 4 MeV deuterons from ''N. Several variations of the deuteron optical parameters were also tried. The agreement with the pickup data is very good provided one allows spin-orbit coupling in the well which binds the proton and uses the finite range form of the theory. On the other hand, to find agreement with the data using the zero-range approximation we must invoke a radial cutoff, even then Sis reduced to 1.63. . . . . . . . . . . hehe . . . posted in 43 Figures 23 and 24 show the results of these calculations with the Zagreb data. The first of these uses a deuteron potential with the imaginary potential surface peaked, the second uses an imaginary potential of the Woods -Saxon shape. Although there are differences either one gives a reasonable prediction to the shape and the correct magnitude with S = 2. Still another calculation was tried varying the deuteron parameters slightly from those shown in Fig. 22. In particular, a was changed from 0.9 fms to 0.8 fms, r' from 1.85 fms to 1.8, and V increased by 10 MeV. The predicted shape is quite good but the magnitude Csanged by 50%, yielding S = 3, illustrating again that incorrect conclusions can be drawn if the wrong optical parameters are used. Single nucleon stripping and pickup reactions involving other ions, e. 8., ('He, d) or (d, 'He), are treated in much the same way. Aside from the uncertainties of treating the relative wave functions in the optical model approximation and what to take as the interaction, there is an additional complication, namely the unknown overlap of the internal wave functions of the particles. To date, this knowledge is unavailable and the distorted wave theory is left with an unknown normalization. Until more details of the configurations of these ions are known, this normalization must be extracted from experiment, using target nuclei where the spectroscopic factors are reasonably certain. Some work has been done on the 40 Cald, 'He) 39K and 40 Calºhe, d) reactions, and the theory works quite well. The normalizations extracted from these calculations agree to within 30% and it appears that we will be able to use these reactions to extract absolute spectroscopic factors. Much work remains to be done. 44 Inelastic Scattering This subject has been covered in some detail ia the literature,21 and in the proceedings of various summer schools. In these notes only the main ideas will be reviewed and some recent applications to light nuclei discussed. From the previous considerations on stripping we have seen that stripping and pickup reactions give information about single particle (hole) states of nuclei. The approximation that is taken and which has proven fairly good is that only the interaction between the stripped particle and the outgoing particle need be considered. Inelastic scattering is somewhat different. In this case many between target and projectile can be expanded in multipoles of ángular momentum transfer L vii. e) - Elity VZ (, e) yokim (7) Vir, (73) L, M and the nuclear matrix element becomes 10A I VL (r, €) 1 A} . (74) where target A has been excited to A*. From this point two approaches have been considered. In the first it is assumed that there is detailed knowledge of the nuclear wave functions a, and Axe, and the interaction of the incoming projectile with the constituent nucleons of the target, i.e.; VL (, 6) =2 V (- 1}} (75) where i labels the coordinate of the ith nucleon, and the sum extends over all the active nucieons. This method has been discussed in detail by Levinson and Bannerjee for the "2cp, p'!2* C reaction, and more recently by Funsten and Rost' for inelastic scattering of protons from nuclei in the 1912 shell. In the first case, only nucleons in the p shell were considered, in the second, only f particles were included. Agreement with data is found only if the interaction strength is taken some two to three times that needed to explain nucleon-nucleon scattering at low energies. Additionally, Levinson and Bannerjee were forced to depart from parameters which fitted elastic proton scattering from carbon. On the other hand, Fun tea and Rost used parameters consistent with those found by Perey. The discrepancies in strength are attributable to neglecting the many other possible configurations which can participate in the reaction, Calculations which use better nuclear wave functions are underway at Oak Ridge. Another approach which avoids the question of which nucleons are participating is to be described by the collective modef,* wherein the surface is deformed (or deformable) and is characterized by the 24. radius parameter R = R0 (1 + E aka Yu 9165.6") = Ro + R : (76) Here the age are the collective coordinates and o' and ' are polar angles relative to body fixed axes. 46 tai deres familie. It is reasonable to assume that the interaction between the nam.. projectile and the target is also non-spherical and depends on the distance from the surface R as defined above. tak z We then take the potential Vir - R) and expand it in a Taylor's series V12 - R) - V - Ro) - Speed Wes - RJ|R=R * ar”)R=R#... Vir - R) = Vlo - Ro) - sR t ... 17 (77) dr 0 2 - . In the perturbation limit the first term. gives elastic scattering, - the second term taken once leads to single excitation of the nucleus. The second term taken twice gives double excitation but is not computable in distorted wave approximation, since it refers to a two-step process. The third term also yields double excitation, and is treatable in first approximation, but it is inconsistent to treat the direct term without taking into account two-step processes. The reactions which can be treated in the usual DW8A manner are, therefore, single excitations and the interaction is proportional to (78) For collective rotations, the age can be written as azo = ß cos y 42+1 = 0 Q2+2 = ß sin y with B the usual deformation parameter, and y the assymetry. For axially 47 symmetric nuclei y = 0. Then the interaction is,for a quadrupole deformation, v11) = - ROB a (r - Ro) X2 (79) with respect to body fixed axes. Thus one number is extracted from comparison of theory with experiment, the deformation parameter B. For collective vibrations, the area are interpreted as a linear superposition of boson destruction and creation operators banco [mxq + (-190-a] (80) Here hW, is the phonon energy and Cy is the restoring parameter. The interaction tren is dVIr-Rol v!!! = il Roa * em (81) and the nuclear matrix element yields 11W {PA*lem) A (82) 20 e which can be interpreted as an effective (rms) deformation ß = vzetih 202 (83) It is impossible to distinguish between rotational and vibrational excitation in first order. A literal interpretation of these formulae suggests that the parameters of the form factor are the same as the optical potential which explains elastic scattering. All calculations to data, in which DWBA is expected to apply, have agreed with this supposition. Thus once the elastic scattering has been fitted, the inelastic scattering angular 48 distribution is predicted and agrees quite well with measurements. This theory has been used with fair success to explain collective excitations in medium light nuclei. Recently, the theory has b-en applied to the excitation of "c by 126 MeV "Cions and by 168 MeV oxygen ions. Figures 25 and 26 show the optical model fits to the relevant elastic data, and Figs. 27 and 28 the DWBA predictions for the excitation of the 2+ (4.43 MeV) state in C. The deformation B listed in Fig. 27 should be replaced by 0.8. Analyses of the excitation of this state by a-particles yields B = 0.5. So there is major disagreement between the deformations extracted from different experiments. Our previous discussion has shown that the nuclear matrix element has amplitude B R, V Alss, m= - Blair has suggested that since the interaction radius Ro is not uniquely determined, these measurements do not give B but the combination B Ro. Applying this we find for the excitation of the 2+ state by a-particles B RO = 2 fms, while the excitation by C and by oxygen give B Ro = 1.8 fms, and 1. 73 fms, respectively. In the oxygen + carbon experiment cited above, the 3- state in oxygen is also excited. Again the DWBA theory gives a reasonable prediction of the cross section, as shown in Fig. 29. It appears that inelastic scattering from light nuclei at sufficiently high projectile energies can be easily interpreted and gives consistent spectroscopic information. Acknowledgments The author gratefully acknowledges his colleagues, G. R. Satchler and R. M. Drisko, for helpful conversations and their advice. REFERENCES 1. N. Austern in Fast Neutron Physics, I, ed. by J. B. Marion and J. L. Fowler (Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, 1963); selected topics in Nuclear Theory, ed. by F. Janouch (I. A. E. A., Vienna, 1963). 2. E. Gerjuoy, Annals of Physics 5, (1958). 3. G. R. Satchler, to be published in Nuclear Physics. . R. H. Bassel, R. M. Drisko, and G. R. Satchler, "The Distorted Wave Theory and the Code Sally," ORNL Report 3240. 4. N. Austern, R. M. Drisko, E. C. Halbert, and G. R. Satchler, Phys. Rev. 133, B3 (1964). M. H. McFarlane and J. B. French, Rev. Mod. Phys. 32, (1960). J. B. French in Nuclear Spectroscopy, B, ed. by F. Ajzenberg-Selove (Academic Press, New York, 1960). 7. L. L. Lee, J. P. Schiffer, B. Zeidman, and G. R. Satchler, R. M. Drisko, and R. H. Bassel, to be published in Phys. Rev. . 8. F. G. Perey, Phys. Rev. 131, 745 (1963). 9. G. R. Satchler, to be published. 10. E. C. Halbert, Nucl. Phys. 50, 353 (1964); C. M. Perey and F. G. Perey, Phys. Rev. 132, 755 (1963). 11. R. M. Drisko, G. R. Satchler, and R. H. Bassel, Physics Letters 5, 347 (1963). 12. N. Austern, Ann. Phys. 15, 299 (1961). 13. P. E. Hodson, Direct Interactions and Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, ed. by E. Clementel and C. Villi (Gordon and Breach, New York, 1963). 14. F. G. Perey, Direct Interactions and Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, 15. R. C. Johnson, private communication. 16. E. Rost, B. F. Bayman, and R. Sherr, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 9, No. 4, 1964. 17. R. Sherr, E. Rost, and M. E. Rickey, to be published in Phys. Rev. Letters. 18. G. R. Satchler, et al., to be published. 19. R. J. Silva and G. E. Gordon, to be published in Phys. Rev. 20. D. W. Miller, H. E. Wegner, and W. S. Hall, Phys. Rev. 125, 2054 (1962). 21. R. H. Bassel, G. R. Satchler, R. M. Drisko, and E. Rost, Phys. Rev. 128, 2693 (1962), and references therein. 22. C. Levinson and M. K. Bannerjee, Ann. Phys. 2, 471 (1957); and Ann. Phys. 3, 67 (1958). 23. H. O. Funsten, N. Roberson, and E. Rost, Phys. Rev. 134, 1B, 117 (1964). 24. A. Bohr and B. Mottelson, Kgl. Danske. Videnskab, Selskab, Matt- fys. Medd. 27, No. 16 (1953). TABLE I Optical Parameters for li MeV Deuterons on Calcium-40 Potential W(MeV) w(F) aw(F) V(MeV) 32.5 rolf) . 943 a(F) .905 Wp(MeV) Or(mb) 5.6 1353 1.7 .691 72.4 .936 . 943 1.5 . 542 11.8 1163 120.7 1133 . 966 1.002 1.04 846 .769 1.48 1.47 .492 .453 .453 176.9 1.47 1117 240.0 . 707 . 415 1104 1.46 1.47 16.4 21.0 26.4 34.5 37.8 51.5 1.09 .651 1092 307.0 406,0 460.0 1.07 1.154 1095 .633 .573 .368 .359 .304 1.47 1.49 V 1085 TABLE IL Spectroscopic Factors ? MeV 8 MeV 2 MeV 10 MeV 1.2 MeV 12 MeV Average (MeV) .6.14 5.37 .894 4.2 .928 .742 .813 1.54 .876 •943 5.15 .925 .891 : .901 1.70 31.5 .866 .934 .888 1.52 25.0 .676 ..745 .732 .856 1.68 .91 .03 .87 .07 .86 3.07 1.67 1.26 1.99 4.19 22.5 .695 27.5 .654 34.8 • 788 .795 .843 .830 840 Peak (mb/st) S (Av. z) S (Best z) S (Best zs) S (Av. zase Peak (mb/st) S (Av. z) a S (Best z) S (Best zs)" Peak (mb/st) S (Av. 2) S (Best z) S (Best zş). S (Av. z), S (Av. z). S (Best z) S (Best zs)" .676 .71 $.06 .73 $.09 2 I . .532 H 3.67 .306 13.5 .299 .307 .289 .32 $.03 .276 .301 .299 .292 .952 1.046 1.031 5.65 .832 .756 1.63 30.0 .662 .566 .536 18.0 .369 .320 .299 .411 1.031 .886 .835 (24.0) 1.78) 1.7) (.67) 12.7 .296 .316 .316 .315 1.084 1.146 1.156 16.5 .351 .319 .294 .381 1.146 1.032 .958 .324 1.001 1.218 1.285 3.67 + 14.19 953 .32 $ .02 .32 $.04 .34 1.04 1.03 1.07 1.05 1.10 1.03 + .15 921 2.19 Peak (mb/st) 12,5 S (Av. za .572 S (Best z) .691 S (Best zs) .. .732 18.0 .721 20.5 760 820 .838 (21.9) (.77) 1.8) 1.78). .784 (23.5) (.81) 1.7) 1.72) .68 1.08 .77 5.05 .779 .78 1.04 a. Zero-range approximation without spin-orbit coupling b. Finite-range, with spin-orbit coupling c. Radial cut-off at 4.1F TABLE III Variations of Peak Cross Sections for a Deuteron Energy of about U Mev Elect 282/2 24.1/2 Q - 6.14 Mev 203/2 Q ~ 4 Mev Q = 2.19 MeV -- . . • 15% + - 45% + 3% - 6% + 15% H ..15% Finite Range Cut-off, 4F Bert S 80.5 MeV Neutron spin-orbit, 8 MeV Proton spin-orbit, 8 Met Deuteron spin-orbit, 5 MeV Neutron radius 1.25 . + 25% - 5% + + -7% 3% ; - 2% . + 20%. ...+ 15% 1 . . TO . O xx 11 . . 1 . - . 0 $ 10 . DO 1 C 3 1 V . C 2 . O - . . . C C Ti 3,711591 : . . . . 0 ***** *.* *. * ** * ** ** * *** **** Figure 2 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-OWG 64-3860 doldw (mb/steradian) *..20 . 40 .: 60 :... 80 100 Oc.m. (deg) 120 . 140 160 Figure 3 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 63-530R I ca 40 (0,0) Eg = 11 Mev • EXPERIMENTAL -OPTICAL MODEL Z - OPTICAL MODEL Y- do/dw (mb/sizrodian) an ido no ā no dono a ou no as a .. 30 60 120 150 180 90 Oc.m. (deg) Figure 4 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-OWG 64-1452 Ca+d 11 Mev 8 = 0° ..... POT X --POTY POT Z -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 - Figure 5 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-OWG 64-1460 Ca 40 (d,p) E = 11 Mev Q = 6.14 Mev d=3 doldw (mb/steradion) NO CUT-OFF POT S 0.90 0.94 1.00 1.64 1.90 1 20 40 60 80 100 Oc.m. (deg) 120 140 160 180 . .. . . . - C . ! W .. " MW". . . .. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-1459 Ca 40 id,p) Figure 6 E = 11 Mev Q = 4.19 Mev. b=1 shpes doldw (inb/steradion) NO CUT-OFF POT 0.95 0.78 0.74 0.75 Y -F--- 04 ... 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 I dond - V 1P INS 1 = 1. * " t . . ST W 2. X '. .. 4 . " . 30F3 PD 144 WP NNN ORNL UNCLASSIFIED ML . - ! 1 12 + MO in. 24 . . V " . / FAE 11 y . . . . . 2k : : : -- ! - - '. 3 ' L . . . . . w ie *.. I LE 2 4 1 .13. .. . ... . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . - - - - - KW . JU .. HTML WILL L * 4 1 u 21 S . WALK ' . ZIN 64 LIRII MW MLN T. X. MAY WWWN . ** 1.NL 16 11, TOM " WTS 1. .? . . DTIE MICROCARD ISSUANCE DATE 7. 4 DIA LIST VW * IA ..* o't E . LP 2 MA A 7 AX K 41 4 ..! 1 A . . ' 21 . T E 25 2014 . . i . UWA . . . S .. . ty C2 TV = . 1964 . ' : AVMK 2 *. . S *** r lebe de ministerio atende VO www.daiteinen.com with a co... hi vai comico Figure 7 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-OWG 64-1457 . . . . . NO CUT-OFF . . . * *?? vrnitur Ca(d,p) - A. *****.loc.com Karm.. .:.:.::.:.:... !. E = 11 Mev O = 6.44 Mev {= 3 POT X -POT Y -POT Z . :., .. Ini tim.-,. (mb/steradian) . * treene vi ..:: 2 CUT-OFF,471 .. **, . **melapor . Meg, ili .. .. ***+ CUT-OFF, 5 F- .::.0.01 .. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 arah a hanan d naun when and the end almal shundtatta mah dan tahansa . de orasio besinna hindi fams. sorowa maonice in mand decona. Nometne memoria como . 112 WW (1T M D CI * h ** sum z akcentus ** fordi man einen som mange the my WWW * *.4.4 * * * het was 1. " TEN Figure 8 :: om wwal Asse om 14.40 colo.pl 06.14 Mov 7 MOV MOV .. doldu (mb/steradion) 10 MOV . . ...: .. . . .. . ..!.: :: II MEV uro 12 MOV ..:: o. Na . 0 20 40 60 80 100 tex deg) 120 140 160 180 LT W ! , . Il YUN -. - ... - - - ... ... . . ... .. .ee " 16::. :: Fi Figure 9 . ... ... . . .. . . - i... Oo. doldu (mb/staradion) coöä g 0 %, só ü & 80a ô û g ở ou ó ú ý Ø 8,0wö ü o ou ó û 10 I OMO MoV OB c.m. (dog). 10.pl .Me OZI. armowe M-W34 NOLAMIC 03) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·,'. .. . . - ... . } 11 Figure 10 mb/sterodian) 0. 2040 - 12 MOV 1 MeV - 10 MOV 60 MOV 7 MOV 80 8cm. (deg) 100 . 3.67 MeV Loco (d,p) 120 140 ORAL-OWO 64-3863 160 180 .. i . .. . .... ... . .. on. ... - :. .. .:: .. . : .. .. . . .... ! . mensen in Kont o " N o rma Kit Chius NMS ** -,-..- - ..to . . . - - . - TE .. ...... ... . a i 8. .:. Figure 11 doldu (md/oieradion) bu gū 8 Ou ū ) 12 MOV 09 i Par contro O • 2.19 Mor Oz 0910 amono 1.sw UWCLASSno .001 . . .. : .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . *** **** more armenspirerria .-roer-memomponere si .. . . do/dw (PEAK) (mb/steradian) : 6: Figure 12 7 Q=6.14 MeV Q=4.19 MeV . Q = 3.67 MeV 8 9 Ed (MeV) .... 10 11 AV. A BEST Z O BEST ZS • EXPT. Z 4Oca (d,p) 12 ORNL-DWG 6473859 UNCLASSIFIED 13 .. . .. ... . . . ... .... ..... .. ..... ..... ......... 7 Tu C . * A w ith an 4 . t. * L . - - .. . - - . . . . . - Wire SES ink VI AN WWW UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-1450 Ed Figure 13 - 11 Mev - . olor POT Z ---POT PB ----POT H 0.1 H 0.07 0 20 40 60 120.140 160 180 80 100 c. m. (deg) **********... . . Figure 14 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-OWG 64-1453 Carº (d,p) E - 14 Mev NO CUT-OFF POT Z —— РОТ PB to poco-POT H 0-4.19 Mev POT Z PB! H S 0.74 0.90 0.67 + ...' doldw (mb/sterodian) Q = 6.14 Mev k* 3 POT Z P8 H S 0.97 1.93 1.67 2 . O 20 40 60 80 100 c.m. (deg) 120 140 160 180 .. . 7 W LO. . .. .......... .....* -*som ***** *** 124 e 15 UNCLASSFIED ORNL - OWG 64-3865 i . FR colo.pl - 12 MeV 1 2.19 MeV . .... ... ...... Q-3.67 MeV - doldw (mb/sterodian) ....... - - - - - : - 4.19 MeV X 1,06.14 'MeV 0.14 O 25 50 125 150 175 75 100 Bam. (deg) WS = - -- . mother . - - - - Figure 16 - 9 . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 63- 529R BE E Ca 40(d,p) Eg = 11 Mev Q = 6.14 Mev 7 '.-2 i "DEEP"POTENTIAL do/dw (mb/steradian) --- ZERO RANGE - FINITE RANGE . CO=0 -"SHALLOW"POTENTIAL LCO =4- - Samsbeke 0 ; 30 ... 60 90 120 Ocm (deg) . 150 * 180 Swi - p ende; ! .. Figure 17 : UNCLASSIFIED .ORNL-DWG 63-528 _C040 (0,0) Eg = 11 Mev Q = 4.19 Mev ---ZERO RANGE - FINITE RANGE "DEEP" POTENTIAL names-- LCO=0 do/dw (mb/steradian). LCO 34 : CO=0 ở ở "SHALLOW" POTENTIAL – 8 w c 0.02 8 0 30 150 . h 180 60 c 90 120 .m. (deg). .. -, -.- . . . : * - FRASES . * . * - JVM 2. " AYU WR VI . . r.... . .... .. . ...... . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-3184 Figure 18 LE = 11 MeV, Q= 6.14 Mev_ (= 3 I CUT-OFF o (mb/steradian) DAMPED - CUT-OFF DAMPED ..... . 0.01 06 DAMPED 0.005 F oba CUT-OFF . . . 0.005 ?-(F) 4 6 0.003 [ * 0 25 50 125 75 100 Oc.m (deg) 150 175 . . . . VE I 53 K A . . . . . - . - - - Figure 19 Feb (p,d) Fess at 28 Mev V=V+V, Z5 6 MeV splitting 1712 (* 1.9) 5/20 RELATIVE CROSS SECTION ------- @ 1.38 MeV Experimental Data x 0.93 MeV 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 OcM FIG. 3 2 -- ------ ---- --------. ! * . M 7. Figure 20 . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-OWG. 63.5892 A . . CO"410,0) Co"45 EXPERIMENTAL THEORETICAL LEVEL 1 doo Sva: 0.37 mor LEVEL 7 l.2 LEVEL 2 dos lettpaletten $3/2.0105, 58/2+2067 Myye Şiv2.0.45 LEVEL 8 1.2 $32*0.039, S32-0.026 LEVEL 3 &:2 $3/20.30, 53/2.0.21 LEVEL 11 lo 2 $32-0.057, S8/2-0.038_ DIFFERENTIAL CROSS SECTION (mb/sterad) LEVEL 4 l. 2 1.53/2.0.15, 53/2*0.10| LEVEL 14 l=2 $3,200.051, Sarzo 2034 Lurton ibora LEVEL 5 l=2 $3/2*0.19, 53/2*0.13 LEVEL 15 2:1 Sve: 0.080, S32:0.040- LEVEL 6 ko Sva: 0.093 بلد LEVEL 16 lo 3 R$3/2=2071, 57/2=2053 0.05 Hin 10.SE 0.0120 40 60 80 100 120 :40 160 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Oc.m. (deg.) Cc.m. (deg.) * ---------------- -. --- -.- . . ... - - . 2 URHAMAHITOMITTUHU!!!TUTTI Tuintiliitill Lilililt HNT!!! ITHIN Millallum Bhullum FunTint BOOTH Titulli mmin JUULI THUIUUIHIHIhmilli MIHI!!llllll MUNDUH IAI WIIIIII lllllllllllll lllllllllllllllll WIIIIIllllllllllllllll lllllllll 1000 UllllINI llllllllllll UNIUNIIHIIIHI. W||||DIDINIMNI illlliinullliinilllllllllll lllllllllll i liev luullHDMI IHIHIUDILUNI! 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MUUTUNU.1111llum HiduluinIT WIDIIlllllllll ITU d'igure 21 MillllllHD NUDIUTIUI! II/III I Hill lllllllllllllIllIIlIIMIIIIIHIIII I AllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlIIIIMII. IlIlIllus minnihlIlllllllllll M NIINIIIIIIHIIIIIllllllllllllllll Ulllllllllll :IlIlIllllllllllllllllHNILIIlllllllllllllllll AllIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHiilliinilului Ullillllllllll!!!°5:21IUIHIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111||||||lllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIllIIII IIIIIIMIIMMITT HIIHIIlllllllllllllllllIDIIHIIlllllIIN UIUNII LIHIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllll Illlllllll l lllllllHllllllll Uull llluuu UUTUUH UUUI1Nlllllllllllll SUHIHNIIlllllllllllllllllllllllll QUIDIKIIIIIlllll lllllllllllllllllll 0 0 0 0 Dilluni JHIUBIWIWIIIIIIHIILIHUU -O C A O MADE IN ULA EUGENE DICTZOEN CA. 3 CYCLES X 10 DIVISIONS PER INCH SEMI-LOGARITHMIC NO. 341-L310 DICTZGEN GRAPH PAPER -.- - -. - . .. ... ... . 1. - ! = == - 3 - **- .. A - : — . INW ws. iitiilnintiilidini n HIMNUDIW!!unum. WIL!!INHIBIDHI11 minuiTUMI H ODITI Inlifun lllllll InilllllIIlIlIllIIlllllllll IN Nulllilllllllll IU IlIIlIlIlmu Ulllll Hivili IIITMINTI ilnu UNITI Mllllll BINTINI MUIUITuillllllllllllll UUUUUllllllllllllllllllllllllll Mlilllllllllllllllll TUMIIHIIIIIIIHI IIillllllUlllllIIHIMIMI HullllllllllII llllllllllllllll UZ Hllllllllll UBUHIIIIIII HIIlIllIIlIlIIIII HUUHlllllllllllllI llIIIIII Ilullllllllllllll Initt: INIIIIIIIMI HlllllHIMI WHULUNUI. lllllllllllll III UNITIUUIIIRHIIlllllll HUMIDIT Hllllll UUNI IIIIIHIII C IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 111llllllllll lllllllll l llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IlllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllll III!!!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIMU IlllllllllllllllllllIIIIIINUIIllllllMHIII !!!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllK I IlllllllMHIIVNlllllllll Ill}IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lllllIIT llllllll Mlllllll lllIITT lllllllllllllllllllIIIIII 11111ll..31M lillillllllllllllllII Ulllllllllll H ulllllllllll MUNI:21 WWWllllllullIIIIIllllllllllIFI 1/1/ MillimMUNIRIHINALI ||IIIIlIIlIIlIlIlIlIIIIllllIllallinn PumIIIIIIIIIIII!lllllr H ollvinIullidul nllllllllllIlIIIIIIIIIlllUDMI IMIIHIMIT Illui HulllllllMIINI III|UUNTAIN :11 Timm||IIII|III MhilmillllIIIIHIIUINI UUMIN UlllliMUM Mullimin 100 nina IIIlllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Milliliti Hulillllllllll TIMullllllllllll UITIT lllllllll llllllllllllHilllllllll ANHINIIllllllllllllll Nllllllllllllllll! lllllllllllll lllllllllllll lllllllll TIIIIIIIIIII og HIHIIIIIIIIII DMITIIVI MIINIU Ulllllllllllllll WIRUUTUU TITLU JU HitllllllllllllllUIUTIU llllllllllllll I lIlIlllll MIIIIIIIIIIIII lllllllllUIIIII UUHllllll Wlllllllll ---------- IllllIITUUIII UKU HIIHII Hilliliiiiiitiii BUT Hulllllllllllll MUUTUUDII lINHulllllll UMUMIINIIIIIIIII . 4 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IllIIlIllllll lllllllllllllllllllllUUU U WWWlllllllllll . t Will LED lllllll MlIlIIHIIIIIIllllllllllllllll ullllllllllKUMI H MENII Ulllllllllllllllll Iulillik Illlllllllllllllllllll MITHUNIIllllll RUMUNIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllll UINNIMININMITTIIINilili 40 Umlllllll llllllIllII DIBUMIHIM IIIIIIIIIIIIMI I nuullIII Mullikel lllllllllll Dllllllllllll illlllUIIII Illlllllllllllll illllllllllll HIBIT MIHIUTAT ---------- Juilllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ulullllllllllllllllllllllllIDMI INNHmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Fjuri r2 Hullullllll 22 sanat; MIDUM IllIHUITI MADE IN USA CUGENE DIETZOEN C 3 CYCLES X !O DIVISIONS PER INCH SEMI-LOGARITHMIC. NO. 341-L310 DIETZGEN GRAPH PAPER - - - - - - 2TR . . . . . . - . TOMTOTO IHIILIDI !!!RE MIRRITE :- ! BEBET::: Hitt T ALE MONUMEN MAT OULUTTT 11WA011 HIDMH 60 Tai lill! HILL : WITHOUT MinIDILI ADVlll! llllll UITI Woodwill HUILLIT UMIDII UNUI ill ISHIUMULUI ERAT auru Ilululul BRATI DATI INDIVINI D . Muud alio0SANDUWUM Baloi ALADIN HUND TUNNU. 31...LUIS ANNONDAL huil EN DA: DAWN PEURIHODHAM liitmi ROMULANTUNTI BUH m !!ME RINANA MAMinhNIDINMIIIII animi in 2N 1 191.ililililit: W IIIII! M unmun JINUTUIT im w hild 2010! HADIR Mimi hamil UU 18 11:11 MADRADO Alumni B iH TENTURIOMHAINAUH DUMMIN UUTUUDATO U UNI !TAA ITO AT HINNDIDRUNII BUTHUHU AMERE ALP lug HALO HUO IR AL DIA IMAJUAll llllll DALSURE Milli HIIUUIIIII HUHULI UUTUNUMII Onun. CD JUnitiini . W URDi ARRO PAD WlllllITOIT li!llllllllllLLU SUOMININO Velkowilului Willilllilllll TIT:ETRO lllllllllllil UIDMATH HUB DUNHNINIUINIHI DALAWIONOM MIHI Wall WAT ALUMINIIIII UWhetics NUR. WADINE Ullllllllllllllllllll EMANUlitinnllllllllllllllllll JAN DARUNANIOWA ||lllllIllIIllIIT inn.000 di And in HD Dundulilt T OPMOMHININinnnnPRL WALLABIA HUOL! Hul! SUWIAHKO NOWO Ull UHU!! IN MO DIA PHNANNANIMIT Hllllllllllllllll Bulut . . Orm . lllllllll Wil Huilukullllll JUWINART ALHIN MNANNUI BIADOROIR NIRANA HURBON SHWAR DRUMU GH W illi BUWW! HHILTO KAI ROH AAN! HURU IKUUU lllllUUU Mllllllllll lill HUDNIUI ull ***** M OLIN 1.7.:.-1. MAIMUI . Himml IN URDU AD OR IOHAN SI Thullul INVO! AI UU 100 SURIRUBIN IHHulllllll MUUUU I Am 0100MBIUMINIU HUOLLO DE DOUIN Rin 1 AU BUAH BABU MONIO Will IDUNTIHI . . .. bly - 2 CYCLES X 70 DIVISIONS WADE I U.S.A. KCURREL A CSGER CO. SEMI-LOGARITHMICS 339.616 .. ... . n a :** -sk cit ** mestysis ****: - lei meg . Wild !!! IQIYIN! NO WN E :::!!!:!!!:llll! WilillUU LI WILI RTE R OM MIllllllllllllllllllllllllll|I1 MI WuuullllllllllI. JIH 20 .00 ilinin QUUMUINUUIIIIII UNIDAD MIRINIINNUMUNIIIIINIT IlIllIIl Ei MITTITUITTOTIT. 1:1:11:1111111111 !!!!HH U UU 101 DWDHU. UKOHTU DITUTILIIDIU piumininomIUMULUIGI HOLIHI . MIMINIT 也照明hm HIM UIDM IIIIIIIIII ni T . NOOIT MRU TOR HON WillilllllllllllllUIIHII In: ARTHUINNUT In Billiin IlllllllUIIU T HE UNWAND Bulila JWARINI ROMAN lubulliti Inimiiifillimit WHIHUID .. L!!!ARA!! ARE A RIANTI dluulull HORMIRUM llllllllllllllllllllll ORIGO DUO Dukulisi UUTUINHUMMULUIHI LE MIL MILLAHIN nnnnnhimill W HERMIT . HHWUUIITITITI NUTTIILU WUIHI M UIUIU KULTU HIRU 014 Iliului WA UNIB HulllllllllllllllUUUU 30 MMH MH UMIIIIIIIlllllllllll STAHARNET HINTUL Umlllllllllllllllll NIET UITNODUNUIUIIllllnllllllllll DUBIBONDHUIUINHUILHINIIIIIIINNITIM 0.0 ADD mulalu Di UHUTTUNTII TO! 01 Audidhumuni lililulill WlllllllllllllllllUIL WITANIHUIUNHO UUTUtllllllIllIITTI Tunnin hun lllllllUIHI U TUITI HUHHIIIIN. HAFTANIN OIL I INDUL! Mullu 11:0M 20 LIPANH HUN HOIRUT ETIAMHURI I!! VUILNIUS MM M ilullill HIIDID UL UHUT MINI 20 Sindralii NUTO URORE! UmllllllllUIIII DUUNIIDUNUMI AllIINIIN BA Wanit Hillbul I DIVIDUIQDIUITINIUI DURABRIKUU IllllllllllllIITIT 100ft: Hii MUNlllllillllllllll MULTI PUTIHANTONI lllllllllllll l llll TUDI MULUIRANI INTUITIONHIIT IMRO H1710001 UNUIHIN BE BIQ: WOW MOR01 IMIIMMT LIITIHANI MITUTOYOTE TRUCTURE DO DIA HABITAT: lui! HIDDARHWAHHull llllllllllllU UUUUUUHULE 2010 Common HunMHI 如期THINAL MUINTUHI Ho m ünilil allirMITITI ZUM MIHI r ii illi IIIUMI FOR ANIMATION HiiHiiTLIH BIOR:: ONALI WOWOHullllllllllllll HinuiHIIHIIIIIIIIIIIII SITIF DE PIDANA Iloilmunul HIU MARIAM MNONIMNADIINIOMIT EUR UMARUID 19:11 Lilluan KU! HSR ili w O0 MATURNIRI IDHUIUI NullINU LIIMUMUNU Minllllllllll Unnnn W de 245 10 TRUARIO illide ilo Ed.--. .------- WILD I II Lui ! ...DARIMNI HD Fraure 74 URI HUMIDIT TO RODIN likuma Vin niniIIUII x BARI --.. 1 Mutil Ullul1111 A . . lao me list disjdw 2 CYCLES X 70 DIVISIONS HADE IN .1, . KEUFEL a CSSER CO. Sr.Hi-LOGARITHMIC senancom minhando como - - - retebimai 2 .genommen - --.. . Figure 25 S . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 78345 121 122 12 V = 44.2 Mev – W = 28.3 Mev Ro = 2.1 fermis – Rc = 1.6 fermis o= 0.683 fermi • EXPERIMENT - CALCULATION 5x10° C · 10 15 20 35 40 45 25 30 Oc.m. (deg) . . Figure 26 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG. 63-4206 500 - C16 (C12, C12 ), 016 . - - . IV = 30.56 Mev W= 17.2 Mev Ro=5.64 F lo = 0.651 F • EXPERIMENTAL 0 (8) (mb) sr ) www . . . . . - . .. + . 1 0 20 25 40 45 . 30 35 c. M. (deg) Figure 27 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 78346 (2012, c1212 EXPERIMENT - COUPLED EQUATIONS Ro = 2.03 , B = 0.64 ---DWBA, B = 0.52 DWBA, WITH COULOMB EXCITATION, B = 0.54 ---- Ozt (mb/sr) NC 10 15 20 25 30 c.m.Ideg) 35 40 45 . - . - 3 Figure 28 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 63-1208 ola) (mb/sr ) 016 (C12, C12* ) 016 E oxy = 168 Mev . b = 2 Q= -4.43 Mev . . . . . . 0.1 B = 0.62 . SALLY, NUCLEAR EXCITATION BRO = 1.67F - - - . SALLY, NUCLEAR + COULOMB EXCITATION B = 0.64 BRO = 1.73F . . . . • EXPERIMENTAL 0.014 10 20 30 Bc.m. (deg? . 7 2: 1 2 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 63-1207 . - - I F0161¢'2, C12; 016* Eoxy = 168 Mev l= 3 . Q = -6.14 Mev - -- old) (mb/sri - - SALLY; B = 0.46, BR.= 1.35 F • EXPERIMENTALS Finn S . 1.- . é Figure 29 o 10 15 20 35 40 45 25 30 Oc.m. (deg) - - END UN