- - - - -- - - -- -*---.2 10F2 70 PL ORNL UNCLASSIFIED hu S . . **!**: _- .. 1 . LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. F . TA - 2 . t PA - - - . L . As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ument or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. _**.. --- . . * . . - - 14 it i 7: 24 ** -* - . .:- .1 1 *.*.. 7 Bar aut + + Sant A - .: 1 Y 1.. to ..A - . --- . * *: T ! 11.SI :.. . DTIE MICROCARD ISSUANCE DATE 8 / 7 1964 - - - * * -- - - - - . : - . . .. . .. to! - 11, . IR . .. 6 R. W 2-p-90 ne CONF-613-1 - . 1981 g Lanr - LEGAL NOTICE - Two ropurt m. povered unitat al Covennt opon ord work. Nordhor the United kalos, bor We Couals.loa, sor my pornoa suing on ball of the Cosweslea: A. Maui wymruty or represmu tod, riproud or impun, mu roopass to the accu. ry, completas, or wtuin.. of He istoranuor conduwe roort, or that we of any laloraaloa, oppuretu, wchod, or proces diklound u wa roport may not talringe privately owned rudu; or B. Asme. wy labtine nu respect to the we of, or for denuo reowux Nu of uy wtor usulon, spauratus, souhod, or proces dioclorodu do ropon. As used ja ne oboro, "person kung an bowlf al dhe ConwSLO" uciudeo may m. ploys or connector of Coao!son, or eaploys of such contractor, toe omni hot such employee or contractor of the Cow aluton, or employs of such contractor prepare., disuninavy, or woridoo accm ko, may lasormuoa pumunt home suplojuat or contract viu the Counoslas, or M. eoployarat med such contractor. ! MASTER - T .. T ' I .:: 3 .a .. y GENETIC AND FUNCTIONAL MOSAICISM IN THE MOUSE" . * 1...... . . .. . . .. . . . ... ule was commence Liene B. Russeck the undrestine Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee i i , in " IA Facsimile Price S_ 3.160 Microfilm Price $_lizi " , 1"} -" Available from the Office of Technical Services Department of Commerce Washington 25, D. C. NA * Research sponsored by the U.S. atomic Research ponsored the lion Corlide exporation Energy Commission under . 1. For Growth Soc. Symp. June 16-18, 1964 1. GENETIC AND FUNCTIONAL MOSAICISM IN THE MOUSE In a sense, the whole process of differentiation is one of directed functional mosaicism. It is, however, the accidental or random juxtaposition in the same organism of cells having actually or effectively different genotypes that is generally thought of as true mosaicism. The study of this condition constitutes a perfect meeting place for the fields of genetics and developmental biology, providing, as it does, interrelated information on, mutabilitycell lineage (including the special problems of cell lineage of the germ line), and the effect of genotype on part of the organism versus the whole. The discovery in recent years that most or all of one X chromosome of the normal -- an event there leari, to mammalian female becomes randomly inactivated early in development, lesding to functional mosaicisma provides us with a great potential tool for the study of gene action. The present paper will attempt to bring together results of diverse observations and experiments (many of them as yet unpublished) bearing on both genetic and functional :::. mosaicism in the mouse. Although most of the mosaics to be discussed involve coat color . . characte:s, this is only incidental to the circumstance that mosaic animals are detected -. . by external observation; and coat color per se will not be a topic of discussion. Instead, . attempts will be made to derive answers to (and, where this is not possible, to outline . . the problems involved in) general questions of mutability, cell lineage, and gene action.' . :. ' 7 .. * ... ... .... . -- ... I. GENETIC MOSAICISM Three two main groups of pathways could lead to genetic mosaicism. First, the "zygote" itself may already be mosaic as a result either of a genetic events) in one of the gametes, involving only one strand of a double-stranded chromosome; 1 (see I A2). or as a result of abnormalities of egg maturation or fertilization, Second, two normal zygotos or voryto ourly ombryos may fuse to form a singlo, chmuric. animal. The end result of this is in no way distinguishable from partici. patio. of one of the polar bodies in formation of the embryo and will be discussed in the same section (880. IA2). Third, starting with a normal zygote, any of a number of genetic events may occur in subsequent cell multiplication, so that the finished organism contains cells 1 (see IB). of more than one genotype, Among such genetic events are some that produce deficiency, only one new genotype (somatic mutation, chromosome loos) and others that produce two reciprocal new ones (somatic crossover, non-disjunction). A. Mosaic "Zygote" ... . 1. "Partial" mutations in gametes I. . - ::;. A genetic event occurring spontaneiously in only one strand of a gamete I end result chromosome cannot be distinguished in its eftseta from one occurring in the .. a. course of the first cleavage division: in each case one of the first two blastomeres .. is the bearer of the new genotype. The distinction becomes particularly meaningless . in the case of maternal chromosomes since no separate female "gamete" stage exists in the mouse, the second meiotic division not being completed until after sperm entry. · · · .. ... It 16, however, legitimate to ask whether genetic changes can be induced (1964) in only one strand of spermatozoal chromosomes. W. L. Russell (mae Haguey has found that while irradiation of spermatozoa causes a relatively high frequency of total-body mutations, the frequency of mosaice in the progeny 18 no greater than in controls. These mosaics are presumably the result of spontaneous. ... ... .. . ... --•.. see TBI mutations in cleavage (see below); or, if they should result from events in spermatozoa, such events are not suaceptible to radiation -- a rather unlikely situaticn. 2. Abnormalities of egg maturation and fertilization. Fusion or foles. of the various abnormalities of e88 maturation and fertilization that have been described (LR-23, table 1, summary), those involving "Imediate cleavage" (Braden, 1957) can lead to mosaicism. "Imediate cleavage" 18, essentially, the participation of one of the polar bodies in the formation of O resulting the embryo, and then mosaics-formed can be of the types 10/2n, 2n/2n, 20/3n, etc. depending on the circumstances of fertilization. Diploid-triploid mosaics have been fcund in man (Böök, Penrose) and the cat (Chu). The euploid 2a/2n type, however, cannot be detected unless an obvious gynandromorph has been formed (for a human case, see Gartler, Waxman, and Giblett, 1962), or less special genetic markers are present so that the mosaic can be shown to contain two meiotic products from at least one of the parents. · A mosaic of this type was observed by us in a cross involving three " AY alleles at one locus as well as closely linked markers (Woodiel and Russell, 1963; Russell and Woodiel, 1963 ORNL-3498). The female, which came from a cross of *4. un we 9 x AT e o had yellow ke at ++ ** kra and black areas arranged roughly in transverse bands. She transmitted A, a*, and :&, and was presumed to be a mosaic of follow patches) and (black patches). The segregation of the linked markers, to be described in detail * Ayun we a* + + elsewhere, indicates that her actual constitution was s kr a + + // which is compatible with two possible origins involving retention and fertilization of the first or second polar body, respectively (see Fig. 1). Two other modes of origin which originally seemed possible can now be eliminated. One was retention of an unfertilized first polar body, ruled out because of recovery of It should be noted that if the mosaic femals had been formed by fusion of two originally independent zygotes or embryos. The results would be indistinguishable from those obtained: • 1/xo T/ko.” a + 2 + + crossovor product. The other was mosaicism for trisomy-5, mado unlikely by now cytological data obtained soparatoly for yollow and black aroas. Gynandromorpnisin, which is rare in the mouse, oxcopt, possibly, in certain Inbred strains (Hollander, Gowen, and Stadler, 1956), can also be explained L' of.a fertilized polar borlig by polarebody retention or by fusion of Indopondont zygotes. It would, howevor, 1. This possibility that the gynandromorphs were mosaic for be nocossary to rule out, pretin sox-chromosomest'only. , 0.8., XY/XO, The cases reported to dato wore observed beforo adequate cytological techniques became availablo. B. Mosaicism Arising After the Zygote Stage Any of a number of possible genetic changes occurring in the formation or maintenance of the organism can create at least a temporary state of mosaicism, but whether or not a mosaic organism actually persists depends on the survival of the newly formed cell type. företelow for a discusion or call lothality and Similarly, the finally observed proportion of mutant to original tissue need not give an accurate indication of the stage at which the genetic change occurred. It should also be noted that the first cleavage division presents a special case in that certain events occurring then can lead to an organism types. This has been diagramatically outlined for 1088 and nondisjunction of sex chromosomes (L. B. Russell, 1961, F1.g. 4). As discussed earlier (LR-20 ), we believe that a relatively high proportion of spontaneous X-monosomy in the mouse is the result of chromosome 1038 at the first cleavage; and radiation sensitivity of chromosomes has been found to be very nigh in the early pronuclear stage (LR-822; LR-20; LR-24). There is no reason to believe that autosomes at these stages behave differently from the sex chromosomes (LR-24). Autosomal monosomy affecting the whole organism would very probably be lethal (L. B. Aussell, 1962, pp. 243-244); but since autosomal trisomy in the mouse 16, at least in some cases, compatible with viability (Cattanach, 1964), a tricomic/nonosomic mosaic, such as would be formed from nondisjunction at the first cleavage, could, perhaps, survive -- Dossibly as a pure trisomea. Gcnctic events affecting single chromatids at the first cleavage would resemble those at all later divisions in that they potentially produce mosaics of the mutant and original genotypes. The remainder of th:.8 discussion will be devoted to mosaics of this type. 1. Spontaneous somatic forward mutations Ever since the early 1930's there have been several reports of mice with coat color patterns that could be interpreted in terms of mosaicism resulting . from somatic forward mutation (Bittner, 1932; Duna, 1934; Feldman, 1935; Morgan and Holman, 1955). It should be realized that in order for such a mutation to be obrious from the phenotype, the animal has to be heterozygous at the locus in question. In recent years, the opportunity for this type of detection has been very much increased by the large-scale mutation-rate studies of hots Hussett and mis-group that use the specific-locus method (refs.). In this method, wild-type irradiated and non-irradiated mice are mated to animals homozygous for seven specific recessive mutations. Therefore, over the past several years, many thousands of Fj mice have been observed that start life heterozygous for seven recessives, five of them affecting coat-color (a = non-agouti; b = brown; cºn = chinchilla; 2 - pink-eyed dilution; d = maltese dilution). Two other features of this set-up aid in making it a good one for the detection of somatic mutations. First, of the five coat color recessives in the cro88, three have linked markers lg for g; g for c; se for a), so that it 18 possible to distinguish between mutations, deficiencies, or other events lavolving only part of a chromosome, on the one hand, and whole-chromosome losses on the other. Second, at two of the loci, the allele to which most mutations appear to occur 18 different from strert Of 112 "mottled" and "questionably mottled" offspring in specific-locus experiments that have been analyzed io date (many experiments only partially analyzed are excluded) the distribution was as follows at least 26, and probably as many as 40 were found to be somatic and germinal mosaics for one or another of the coat color loci for which the population is heterozygous; in 13 others there were mutations to sex-linked genes that cause w "mosaic" phenotype; 4 carried X-autosome translocations involving one of the markers (sec II C); 2 were heterozygous for new mottling alleles at one of the specific loci (sec Il B); and 2 hod mutations to dominant spotting. In most of the remaining 51, tests ruled out mutation to a dominant or sex-linked factor, but were otherwise inadequate to discover a cause for the mottling. Adequate tests thus could have swelled i 1... the mosaic category even more. Results on only a small portion of the 51 are of a nature . . . that could indicate somatic mosaicism without germinal involvement. . . . . . Of the 40 certain and probable specific-locus mosaics, 21 had one irradiated . parent and 19 came from contemporarycontrol matings. There is thus no evidence against all of them being of spontaneous origin, the more so since in 12 of the irradiated parents, the germ cell stage treated was spermatogonia (see also sec IAI). The 40 can be subdivided into a group of 20 (group 1) in which germinal mosaics can be diagnosed with certainty because of close linkage or because the mutation is to a different allele; and another group of 20 (group 2) in which the evidence for germinal involvement comes from upset ratios only (probable repeat mutations, no close markers, e.g. mosaics of type 116). In group 2, there were only 6 in which the upset in ratio was so extreme as to prove mosaicism with certainty (group 2A). The other 14 will be referred to as group 28. The distribution among loci involved was as follows o, 1 certain; (rev.) ionc tain b, 3 certain and 2 questionable; c, 9 certain (6 c viable, 3 new viable alleles) and 3 questionable (cch); d, 7 certain (6 d', id viable) and 2 questionabie; p, 6 certain (1 p lethal, 3 p viable, 2 p untested) and 2 questionable; dse, 4 questionable; cche, I questionable. Loss of a chromosome is ruled out in the case of 29 of the mosaics (c,d,p loci). it is a possibility in 5 of the questionable cases (d se and cche). However, although' whole-chromosome lossos could possibly survive somatically (see sec TI E on cell lethals) and even form gonadic mosaics, it is unlikely that they would be transmitted to viable. progeny, since there is evidence (LR-23) that autosomal monosomy is lethal. Animals mosaic for such chromosome loss should then appear "partially sterile" since some of their progeny would die as embryos. One of the presumed d se mosaics in group 2B indeed had a clearly reduced litter size. The other 3 cases of d se and the presumed och mosaic were, however, fully fertile. In addition, for most of the few mottled that were clearly particlly sterile in the unassigned group of 51, somatic chromosome loss could be ruled out. Before making any further calculations, it was necessary to determine whether there was any selection against the mutant type, either gametically or in the progeny. If the . frequency of the gene that gave rise to the mutation (in our cases, the wild-type allelle) is w, that of the new gene m, and that of the uninvolved homologous marker h, then, if there is no selection, the ratio (m + w)/(m + w + h) should equal 0.50. Actually, for individual animals of group 1, it ranged from 0.38 to 0.58, the average being 0.50 (based on 1383 classified progeny). The progeny ratios can therefore be used with confidence in calculating cell-type proportions in the gonad. This was done by various different methods (to be described in detail elsewhere) depending on the individual mutation and the type of test-mating used. -7-freri) Proportion of heterozygous mutant cells in a mosaic gonad can also be calculated for m another group of animais not yet mentioned. In addition to those somatic iradidit lathtothobe-somatic mutations that are detected by mosaic phenotype in the heterozygous F, population, others reveal themselves by the breeding results of the supposedly homozygous wild-type parent group. An occasional mouse in this group may produce in the cross with the mw.tiple recessive test stock a cluster of like mutant progeny. Provided the animal he.s not had a radiation treatment that could account for this result (namely, depletion and re- population or the testis encountered in measurements of spermatogonial mutation rates), one can assume that the supposedly homozygous wild-type mouse was aneons 1.6. actually a gonadic mosaic. The fact that the animal was very probably also a in the coat cometine mosaic, can, of course, not be detected since suck mosaicism is covered by the wild-type alleles in the homologous chromosome. Three such animals (group 3) are included in the distribution shown below: two were and gonosomic mosaic for c (viable), one for d (prenatal lethal). On the basis of 807, 83, and 402 progeny tested, the proportions of mutant cells in the gonad were estimated to be 51.5, 4.8, and 42.8%, respectively. Many mutations at loci other than those used in specific-locus mutation-rate experiments have also originated somatically, e.g. a dominant spotting factor, the sex-linked mutation spf, and 7 of 8 independent sex-linked mottling factors (3 of these 7 first occurred in mosaic males, although they are male-lethal; see sec II E). Because of problems of viability or penetrance, all of these have been excluded from calculations of proportion of mutant cells in mosaic gonads. The distribution of mosaics with respect to percent mutant cells in the gonad is shown in Figure 2. The average of individual percentages for all 43 animals (of groups 1, 2, and 3) 8(rovat is 48.3%, based on 3864 total progeny classified. If one restricts calculations to group i only, the average is 49.5, based on 1815 progeny. It is thus possible to interpret these results as showing that for the gonosomic mosaics shown in Figure 2, obout half the cells of the organism are mutant. Four Threo types of events might be considered as leading to a half-mutant state (Fig. 3): (c) mutation in one strand of a double-strunded gamete chromosome; (b) participation in the embryo of 2 meiotic products of the mother (or corly fusion of embryos, see sec 1 A 2); (c) forsion of zygotes; and, 1 and (c) uld) mutation at the first cleavage or in 2-cell stage. Alternative (b),can be ruled out for un for the cases here considered because the crosses that yielded the mosaics did not involve segregating alleles. Alternative (o) seems unlikely, since radiation experiments have failed to reveal double-strandedness in spermatozoa (soc I A1). Alternative (al is left as the most acceptable. Is the first cleavage so much more spontaneously mutable than late cleavages? The results certainly indicate that this is so. It may be recalled that of 112 "mottled" animals from specific locus experiments analyzed to date, 40 were among the "half-mutants" discussed here, 21 had some other genetic explanation, and for 51 no cause of mottling was discovered (mostly as a result of inadequate tests). Even if all these 51 had been the result of mutations at later cleavages (a most unlikely assumption) this would constitute a grave deficit on the hypothesis of equal mutability; for the frequency of mosaics should increase in proportion to the number of somatic cells available per embryo--ot least to the limits of visibility, which would not be reached until post-cleavage stages. As will be show.. iater (sec. IB 3) spontaneous somatic reverse events at the pe-locus also showed evidence of much higher mutability at the first cleavage than at later ones. In the pe-case, mutation rate again increased at about 10-day post conception in pigment 10 -9 (revit precursor cells (gonads not involved). The mutant spots produced by such late ovents are, however, small enough so that they might be easily missed in specific-locus experiments where the background color is wild-type, although a few such may be included among the 51 animals for whom no answer was obtained. The large class of half-mutant animals observed is useful for the drawing of certain conclusions concerning cell lineage of the gonads. First, it is abundantly clear (as had already been indicated by some of the early mammalian mosaics) that there is no such thing as purity of gorm line, or even an early separation of coll lineages, in mammals; for, 18 teto voro, ono might expoot olthor the thoro . - 8 " germ line or the coat to be of uniform cell type. Actually, both are a mixture of cell types, at tcast foot of the animate chanthaltet. If the gonad primordium is set aside as a random assortment of a cells from a cell population that 18 half mutant and hall non-mutant, then the distribution of animals w.th regard to proportion of gonad that 18 mutant should be described by the expension' of the binomial (.5 mutant + .5 non-mutant)”. A glance at the observed dis- tribution will indicate that it 18 rather broad, at leastwith regard to animado " of it were not slinulle to the very-tut bi-percent-mutant-cell tracketofthe table to biased against animals at the other extreme of the tatabbution-vince (the chances of detecting being relatively a very small gonadic mosaic are low?) This wortt means that, if the gonad primordium 16 indeed set aside as a random assortment of a cells, a must be very small, perhaps ( The theoretical expectation for nosis plotted in Fig 2.) around 5.1 On the other hand, it could mean that there has been some slight segregation into cell lineages before the time the gonad primordium 18 set aside and that the assortment is made from a maroonkamited population that is no longer half-mutant as is true for the organismi as a whole. It 18 possible that, as breeding results of more mosaics become available and the observed distribution Low can be more accurately determined, a decision between these two bypotheses will be possible. 2. Induced somatic forward mutations The last section deaüt in some detail with somatic mutations that occur very early. Information about later events comes from an experiment in which somatic mutations were induced by radiation (L. B. Russell and Major, 1957). Embryos heterozygous for four coat-color genes (b = browa, och s chinchilla, P - pink-eyed dilution, d - maltese dilution) were produced by mating C57BL females (a/a, full color) to NB rmales (a/abscb/c he doe/dse). Some of these were irradiated 10.days postconception and all were observed after reaching adulthood for spots of altered coat color on the normal black background. 8 12 Parallel irradiated and nonirradiated groups from matings of C57BL females to C57BL males provided controls for radiation effects on pigment-cell killing or differentiation and for somatic dominant mutations. By making the proper allowance for these, it was possible to determine what spots were due to somatic expression of the recessives at the bed, and g loci. The mosaics found were not tested for gonadal involvement. For one thing, it was quite improbable that this could be detected, even if present. Moreover, it seemed unlikely from embryological facts that any cell of a 104 -day mouse embryo would be ancestral both.to germinal tissue and tissue involved in coat- color characteristics. This was borne out by independent results on spontaneous (sec. IB3), reverse mutations, which will-band locussed below Since genetic tests were thus i not available, the mechanisms by which the recessives in the-mosaic spots came to reveal themselves could not be definitely ascertained. One spot was determined on the basis of histological analysis of pigment granules to be probably of genotype + 'p' /home, which would indicate that at least some of the cases were not the result of chromosome loss or somatic reduction. However, in addition to gene mutation, there remain the possibilities of deficiency, somatic crossover(sec JBL free belowly and rearrangements causing position effect. was considerud. Since it seemed unlikely the tastoor-partout considerations that there would be selection against the cells in which the scorable change was observed, the frequency and size of spots could be used to make various calculations. One of these was the rate of induced genetic change per cell and per roentgen. Of more interest to the present paper 18 the calculation concerning modal number of prospective pigment cells in day-104 mouse embryos and the distribution about this mode. It was fourid that most embryos are rather narrowly distributed around a wode of 150 - 200, but that the extremes in the range of spot sizes differed by a factor oz (20. This may indicate a very rapid cell-division rate at this 10 ! stace (intermitotic interval ca. 4 hours). Alternatively, numbers of prospective pignent cells could vary widely in embryos at this developmental stage; or, cells of 104-day embryos which are ancestral to pigment cells could also contribute cell progeny to other tissue, the relative contribution to these two end products being quite variable. The work of Rawles (1947) indicates that by day 10%, some prospective pigment cells (probably from the neural crest) have elready begun to spread laterally, from the dorsal midline. Since the induced genetic change, in essence, gives a label to a cell lineage, the appearance of the mosaic areas provides < : مه ما 5 lucu come information on pigment-cell migration and multiplication. The spots, which, in general, appeared to be distributed randomly over the surface of the animal, rison in mai. ...Casos i were of diffuse outline; and, within these areas there were varying degrees Eres non of mixture of mutant and apparently non-mutant hairs. Often, an animal might have two or more areas which were, however, adjacent, or close to each other, with a few mutant hairs bridging the gap. A few, but by no means all, of the spots appeared to start at the dorsal midline; and some gave indication of being elongated roughly at right angles to the long axis of the animal. All of these facts are consistent with the interpretations that the cell lineage from a given pigment precursor cell extends Jatero-ventrally as well as anteriorly and posteriorly. Cell progeny may never be sent in a dorsal direction; or, if it 18, it probably does not cross the dorsal midline. Progeny from a given precursor cell rarely if ever populates the entire distance from dorsal to ventral midline. Thus, it 18 likely that the ventral and probably even lateral portions of the fur are populated by the progeay of cells that have migrated some distance before they reproduce. Finally, there appears to be a considerable degree of intermingling of the progenies of different jrecursor cells; and some of the progeny cells may also bave appreciable migratory powers as evidenced by the occasional observation of two spots from the same mutational event Do 14 3. Somatic reverse mutations From the point of view of testing gonadal involvement, somatic reverse and aguntie forward mutations mutations, are user at the opposite ends of the scale, from somatte forward With reverses, mučationen mall mutant portions of the gonad can be detected; but, on the other hand, 1t 18 difficult to determine whether the gonad 18 completely орроя mutant. Triomis (the hovorocnot to situation thert pertains bith forward repeats, A number of genetic situations have now been observed in the mouse in . which a recessive can apparently mutate to wild type with appreciable spontaneous frequency. One of these (LR-624) has been worked out in some detail and will be discussed first. Animals homozygous for the coat-color-diluting mutation, pearl (pe), occasionally have full-colored patches in their fur. The frequency of such individuals was 6% in about 800 AV/a pelpe mice observed. (on the AT/A pe/pe background, even small patches are detectable. Frequency appears less on other, leos favorable backgrounds.) The frequency was not affected by whether one cred zrom mosaic or non-mosaic animals, indicating that the degree of instability : was characteristic of the stock as a whole rather than being transmitted in sulines. Since garminal tissue was occasionally involved in the somatic event (see below), it was possible to subject the reverses to genetic tests. In this manner it could be established that the event had occurred either at the pe-locus itself or not more than 0.36 crossover units from it; and that it could, at least tentatively, be considered a reverse mutation of pe to pe* or to some gene resembling it. This gene proved to be fully viable, both in heterozygous and in domozygous condition, and completely stable. of particular interest to the present discussion 16 the distribution of mosaic animals with respect to spot sizes. Of a total of 61 observed, six had from 50-100% of their coat full-colored, one had a hill-color spot covering rent 22 is about 5% of the surface, and the remainder had much smaller spots (Table ). In other words, it appeared as though the reverse mutation could occur either very early or quite late. To estimate the amount or involvement -- If any -- of germinal tissue, one must multiply by two the proportion of pet progeny, the presumed mosaic gonado being pet/pepe/pe. Since even a completely mutant gonad would produce only one-half full-colored offspring, it is difficult to decide whether the gonad 18 ever fully involved. For instance, are the two 100% rull-colored animals the result of reverse mutation in the previous generation rather than somatic reverses? If so, they should produce 50% pe* prozeny. Actually they produced 37% (27 out of 73), which is on the borderline of being significantly less from the (p = 0.03) Cheetot and could indicate that .. they are mosaics. Annther difficulty lies in deciding whether single pe* animals in moderately large progenies (1/50, 1/27, 1/34) indicate that a small part of the gonad is mutant or whether they represent new events. In spite of these difficulties, the results are fairly clear on the following points. The spontaneous reverse mutations can occur very early or later in embryonic development. If they occur early, mutant cells participate both in the fur and in the gonad. If they occur late, they usually involve the fur but not the gonad; or -- in the event that the completely full-colored the result of mutation in the previous generation animals, observed (see above )were non-masadas -- the gonad but not the fur. (Animals mosaic in other tissues would, of course, not be detected.) One might guess, from a comparison with the results of the induced somatic-mutation experiment discussed above (Sec 18,2), that the late events scored as small spots in the fur occurred around 10 days post-conception. Presumably, mutations occur- ring later would result in spot sizes too small to be visible. Animals that were heavily mottled, with 50__-80% of the fur lovolved, can, by analogy with spontaneous somatic forward mutations discussed in Sec.IB 1 above, be assumed to have had a 16 27 a. - as it was : over reverse mutation at the first cieavage or 2-cell stage. The tendency for the Conad to be either very heavily or very lightly involved 18 here never more apparent than in the other cases. So far, there 18 only one animal in which I could have a mutation apparently occurred at a stage intermediate between days 1 and 10 postconception. This had about 1/20 of the fur and about 1/3 of the gonad I early. involved, indicating that mutation occurred to crather torty stuga be is no nepie that this nuimal, too, traces back to 2-cell stage. Rough calculations of mutation rate per ceil indicate that the frequency. may be an order of magnitude higher in the first cleavage (or 2-cell stage) than it is in 10-day embryos. The difference 18 even greater 1f one includes the completely full-colored 'animals in the mosaic group. The frequency in na intermediate stages 18 probably awtomas or lower than that in 10-day embryos. i Since the time of the pe pe* reverse mutation study, several other genes also have been observed to give a relatively high spontaneous frequency of somatic reversions. Four of these are at the c-locus: two appear identical to e in phenotypic effect (but one 18 homozygous lethal), and two are intermediate between c and ce (Russell, unpublished). All of these, either in the homozygous state or heterozygous with g, give a rather high frequency of animals with possibly small dars (, full-colored) patcies in the fur, and one has given a completely full-colored animal which transmits ct. At the a-locus, also, somatic "reverse mutations" of the types & + A (Hoecker, upami stiedo ;(Russell, us- la- Aw (Bhat, 1947) published) , Diokeys Re# and a → at (Dickey) bave been noted. At least two Bhre) one of these (Russell, involved gonadal tissue. Frequent full-colored spots the dominan in mice heterozygous for M1**, w, or Va have been interpreted by Schaible and Gowen (1960) as due to somatic reverse mutation. No breeding results have been published for these animals. It should bo notes that the appearance of easily reversible alleles could, in offoct, roprosont a different genetio situation, 6.8., frequent removal of a suppressor associated with wild-type, such as the Ds situation in maize. However, until there is evidence Along these linos, it is easier to speak of "roverse mutation." S ementara 24 17 4. Somatic events that produce two new genotypes Tr.coretically, some somatic events would produce two new cellular eenotypes rather than one. These events are: crossing over, nondisjunction, and reduction to a haploid state. It has not beer definitely established that any one of these occurs somatically in the mouse, but a number of cases have been observed that could be explained by one or the other mechanism. One of these is a mouse, described by Carter (1952), describecind mouse that had presumably started life as a . WV/+* heterozygote (wv, "viable dominant spotting", reduces pigmentation) and showed an apparent deficiency of the W allele in the coat (full-colored patches) but a deficient transmission of the ** allele in breeding tests. In his discussion Carter interpretøs three mosaics described in the older literature as possibly also having been the result of somatic crossing-over or reduction. - explained However, all of these can as easily be interpreted by somatic forward mutation. On the other hand, a cace rather similar to Carter's is being studied in our laboratory (Russell, unpublished). A female of originally +_+/-chy genotype was found to have some light patches (possibly of chy/o phenotype?), but, ia ; mating with cholech, transmitted a highly significant excess of the + + chromosome (36 ++ /cchin, gechip/e che, 2 tp/cche). It may be possible to obtain positive proof oi nondisjunction by cytological tests now in progress. If not, somatic crossing-over proximal to both ch and p must be considered as a possibility. (Somatic reduction would require that haploid oogonia can go through meturation to produce viable eggs, which seems, a priori, unlikely.) Two other mosaic mice, observed by us in the past, couid have been the result of somatic crossing-over. These were a/acch/c heterozygotes foragishatian each of which showed spots of white (g/c?) end of near-black (cchyech ?) on the grayish- tan ground color. Trey transmitted cca and Hetta in ratios very close to 1:1. No cytological tests were possible at the time. If the event responsible had been nondisjunction, is 25 rather than crossing-over, the dark spots should have been of genotype ech/ech/g and therefore presumably lighter than near-black. Since, however, no detailed analysis of piement was made, no firm decision is possible. Insert, lo II. FUNCTIONAL MOSAICISM Veried phenotypes within an area of uniform differentiation on a given animal need not always be caused by genetic events occurring in samatic cells. · The genetic content may be uniform, and yet certain genes or whole chromosome portions may function in some cells and not function in others cello of the same tissue, the distinction being random, with the tissue not showing any other sims of differentiation within it. This phenomenon will be referred to as Iw.ctional mosaicism. A. White Spotting, Probably Not a Case of Functional Mosaicism Several mutations in the mouse (e.g., piebald, s; belted, bt; and a 1. It would seem number of dominants) cause white spots in an otherwise pigmented coat. Beetrico the sidsspotsheslikti from absence of pigment ils;they-represent-cases-of- important to determine whether this could represent a case tamen in two lovimo differentixtriomprather than of functional mosaicism. White orecis in pied mice. This absence Tokie lack of pignent cells, it wisiterereas has been explained in two ways: either (1) retarded migration of melanoblasts from the neural crest to the skin, such that the melanocyte population finally formed lacks enough members to cover the available terrain (Schaible, 1964 dissertation); or (2) en altered quality of the tissue environment in the white regions which, in some way, inhibits the establishment oî melanocytes in the hair follicles (Mayer and Maltby, 1964). Results ou embryonic transplantation experiments do not yet allow a decision between these two hypotheses. Insurt ca p. 18 Klein (1963), in his extensive review on genetics of somatic cells, sucgests anothor possible instance of somatio crossing over in the mouse. This is the appoarance, in tumors heterozygous for H-2 factors, of stable variants selectively compatible with one of the parental strains. Unfortunately, it is roüü yet possible to distinguish betwoon 3: truly homozygous tumor cells and phonocopies. 76 19 In favor of retarded pigment-cell migration (or multiplication) 18 the findinc, both in tre guinea pig (Wright, ) and in the mouse (Russell, un- published), that the presence of white-spotting factors makes for a clearer separation of colored areas when more than one pigment type 18 present (as, 2.6., in el guinea pigs or in T(X;A) Pemale mice variegated for wild-type and recessive -- see below). Thus, the very diffuse and irregular outlines of soraatic mutation spots that one finds in the absence of piebald factors (Sec.IB) can, perhaps, be thought of as resulting from rapid bursts of migration from various centers, with an intermingling on the peripheries. (A possible analogy would be two drops of viscous liquid released from high, with the splashes mixing; as comared to two drops spreading slowly towerd each other on a surface.) The effect of embryonic irradiation on white spotting also seems to support the hypothesis of restricted melanocyte population. Thus, it was found (L. B. Russell and Major, 1957) that the incidence of small white ventral spots could be lncreased from 6.4% to 26.8% by 100 r given to offspring of C57BL ? x CSTBL o matings on day 10 postconception. On the other hand, offspring of C5TRL 9 x NB o matings had no white spots, regardless of whether or not they were irradiated as embryos. The interpretation proposed for this was that, although pigment precursor cells are killed by the irradiation in both types of embryos, their places in C57BL * NB animals can be filled by a surplus of surviving cells; whereas the C57BL X C57BL backgrourd normally provides only barely enough pigment cells to fill up the surface, with the deficiency noted at the end of the latero-ventrad migration, 1.e., midventrally. The radiation finding of Russell and Major has recently been confirmed by Schaible (1964) using the same stage but a different genetic background. It is more in keeping with known facts to interpret the effect of radiation as killing of pigment cells than as altering the quality of midventral follicles to render them non-receptive to melanoblasts. 2720 However, regardless of which explanation of white spotting will be Pinally proved correct, the phenomenon seems to be one of histological differentiation, rather than of functional mosaicism as defined at the beginning of this section. B. Functional Mosaicism of Autosomal Factors Ai though little or nothing 18 known yet concerning the mechanisms lavolved, four instances should be mentioned in which variegating "alleles" at well-known coat-color loci have been observed. Two of these occurred at the po and two at the a-locus. (The phenotypes produced by Varitint-waddler, Va, and some alleles at the dominant spotting, W, locus are often referred to as "variegated" since they produce white spots, dilute regions, and occasional full-color patches. Since these last may represent somatic mutations to wild-type (see Sec.1B3] and since the white spots are considered by Schaible to be of the piebald type discussed above (Sec.I A), these genotypes will not be further considered here.) Two p-locus mutants (provisionally named pm and pm2) that arose in different radiation experiments at our laboratory, produce, in the po/? condition, a coat in which wild-type areas and areas of typical p/p-phenotype are freely intermingled. (In cchr/cching the areas are of cht/ccb and cho/che color; . i.e., the linked c-locus does not appear to be affected.) On the average, about half the coat 18 of the p/2 color, but individual animals may vary considerably in this respect. That the condition 18 not caused by a somatically highly mutable "wild-type" aliele 18 shown by breeding results: D/2 x p/e crosses yielded at least 50 per cent mottled animals in well over 1000 young observed, the rest being p/o. If the mottling were the resulü of a somatically mutable wild-type, alter then mottled (plus, perhaps, fully wild-type) progeny should not exceed 25 per.cent. It is thus concluded that you 18 present in all cells but that--at random--it produces full-colored pigment in some and typical. P/P pigment in others. .... ... . -28 21 Could oh be the result of a position effect? Major rearrangements appcar unlikely in view of the facts that (a) litter size of heterozygotes 16 liigh average and that (b) recombination in the c-o interval is definitely not rcüuced, at least in the case of pral (ome not yet tested). The karyotypes are normal (recit. The results cannot yet rule out small rearrangements or other types of linked variable suppressors of e*. If such are, however, present, they must be firmly linked with the p-locus since no recombinants were found in 1,354 young. A situation apparently analogous to one exists at the a-locus in the "allele" an derived in radiation experiments at this laboratory. Animals of senotype 2"/a have agouti and non-agouti patches of fur freely intermingled at , the edges. As with pas, mottled a"/a animals produce about 50 per cent mottleå progeny in crosses to a/a, and they are fully fertile. Evidence concerning possible linked genes or small rearrangements that might act as variable suppressors is only beginning to be accumulatedx but is, so far, negative. Another a-locus "allele" with somatically variable effect is AV, viable yellow (Dickie, 1962). Animals carrying this gena are often mottled with agouti patches ranging from small size to a completely agouti coat. Again, these are not the result of somatic mutation. Can these four instances of variable effect be ascribed to alleles producing an Intermediate levels of gene product, with chance local factors of the environment determining whether an end product 18 or 18 not made? This seems unlikely, especially in the case of the p-locus, where allelos producing uniformly intermediate end-product are known; 1.e.,(e-locus) the end product can be present at various levels rather than being an all-or-none affair. At the a-locus, . alleles are known that produce agosti and nonagouti hairs on the same animal, but the distribution of these hairs follows a definite morphological pattern. The ده و moill the apparai altor home espressio randon mottling that is observed in eme, eta, am, and Amy resembles that force na autoration one which 22:2.50s here, there 18 heterozygosis of certain X-linked genes or certain autosomal genes involved in X-autosome translocations. These will be discussed in the next section. C. The Mammalian X Chromosome Functional mosaicism in the mouse has been best documented in the case of the X chromosome. The "inactive" X or, as I have preferred to call it, single-active-X chromosome hypothesis is by now so well known that it need not be discussed in detail - (see L. B. Russell, 1964, for a recent review). The hypothesis included two main points: (1) that only one X-chromosome is active in somatic cells of mammals regardless of the number actually present; and (2) that the choice of which X is the active one is random, but that once differentiation has occurred it remains fixed in subsequent cell generations. Evidence that one X was active (b. B. Russell, 1961) came from the study of "variegated-type position effects" in the mouse; from cytological and cytochemical evidence triat the two X chromosomes in a normal female do not act alike; and from the study of sex-chromatin. That X-differentiation must be random and fixed (Lyon 1961, 1962) was evident from mosaic phenotypes in females heterozygous for X-linked or X-translocated genes, and was later borne out by cytological findings. Most of the expected consequences of the hypothesis--dosage compensation, the coexistence of two cell populations in hetero- zygous females, and variability of such females--are indeed found. There have, however, recently been more and more indications that the hypothesis should not be taken in its simplest form (L. B. Russell, 1964). Evidence from X-autosome 20- 23 translocations in the mouse indicates that inactivation proceeds from a certain point or region of ine X (L. B. Russell, Bangham and Saylors, 1962; L. B. Russell, 1963). By studying variegation characteristics of several translocations involving the same two chromosomes (linkage group I and the X) it was found that degree of inactivation is dependent on the position of the rearrangement points. A given gene may be inactivated in a high proportion of cells in the case of one T(X;1), o low proportion in another, and not at all in a third. This finding, combined with the typical spreading effect that is observed when two loci are studied together in the same translocation, suggests that inactivating influences spread in gradients from a certain part of the X, probably not its centromere region. That this postulated "flow" of the inactivating influence affects X-chromosomal loci themselves, and not just translocated autosomal loci was shown by a translocation recently described by Searle (1962) in which the gene Tat had apparently become separated from the inactivating region of the X and was now invariably active. The conclusion that inactivation may spread for a certain distance from a certain point suggests that there may be portions of the X-chromosome that do not normally come under this influence and are always active. Supporting evidence for this comes from the finding of a few X-linked genes that do not conform to the simple inactivation hypothesis, from the lack of complete normality in abnormal sex-chromosome constitutions, and from cytological data (L. 8. Russell, 1964, review). D. Mechanisms in functional mosaicism The problem of how genes are turned on and off in a particular sequence during development is, of course, the basic problem of differentiation. What is unique about the mammalian X chromosome--and, perhaps certain autosomal genes also (seci. IlB)-- is the fact that the differentiation is between homologues rather than between different -ar 24 parts of the genome. (Furthermore, this differentiation occurs in a normal genome, rather than, as in Drosophila, in one containing rearrangements [Lewis, 1950, chodka review7 or extra chromatin (Cooper, 19577.) Although a number of authors have suggested possible mechanisms for X-chromosome differentiation (L. B. Russell, 1964, review), we are undoubtedly still a long way from the facts. Only one point seems relatively clear: although the altered state observable after a certain stage in development is that of the "inactive". X, differentiation must, instead, somehow single out the X that remains active; for there is always only one of that type while any number of additional X's can become he teropyk/notic. It is perhaps not unreasonable to think of X differentiation as being under the control of some part of the autosomal complement, such that certain autosomal gene products in double dose are necessary to retain activity of one X. The findings in polyploid cells support this idea. Elucidation of the mechanisms involved in the induction of one X chromosome as a continuing active one thus constitutes the first problem. Another set of problems centers around the ways in which an entire chromosome or, perhaps, its major portion becomes inactivated. One may have to look for mechanisms that can selectively affect replication rhyt:ms; for it is easier to think of late replication) as a cause of inactivity (non-availability of gene products at the proper time), than vice versa. To postulate a controlling center for replication time of the chromosome as a whole seems, however, an oversimplification, in view of the increasing evidence (sec. IIC) that inactivity may not extend to the very ends of an autosomal piece translocated with the X and, in fact, possibly not even the entire length of the X. If this is so, and if inactivity is the result of late replication, ihen it may be that the influence that delays replication "flows" along the chromosome, but only for a certain distance. 22 25 Dous this influence extend for a fixed distance and then end abruptly, or does it perer out near its limits? The findings with X-autosome translocations support the latter alternative. Thus, when the sequence along the translocated autosomal piece is rearrangement point--c-locus--p-locus, animals are heavily mottled with c areas and only very slightly, or not at all, with cp-areas, but not with p-areas alone. The reverse situation exists if the sequence is rearrangement point--p-locus--c-locus. It then becomes important to determine whether a gene near the limits of the inactivating iniluence is affected as often but only partially so; or whether, on the other hand, it has a smaller probability of being affected by complete inactivation. In an attempt to answer this, the genotype (c p 5 R/cpt has been constructed (R = rearrangement point). If ct, which is at a considerable distance from R, were only partially affected, mottling would be with some intermediate color e.g. resembling och/c. However, os neorly as can be determined, mottling is with white only, i.e., ctis apparently completely incctivated, only less often so.' It thus appears that inactivation is all-or-none but may be variable at the extremes of the range of the inactivating influence. If this should be true also of the non-translocated complement, i.e., of the normal X chromosome, it would pose new problems of dosage compensation for certain X-linked genes. Genes located in portions of the X chromosome that are invariably inactivated are always present in single dose and thus require no dosage compensation. Those located beyond the range of the inactivating influence are always present in double dose and possibly come under some system of dosage compensation similar to that proposed for Drosophila (Stern, 1960, review). But the few that are at the extremes ci the range could bs present in single dose in some cells of the body of a female and in double dose in others. Perhaps this would not lead to such violent disorder as michi, ci sini be anticipated. Obviously, many autosomal genes must be able to function . -1.2 . - .. -T a 1 * 1 IT NWT A ... ** : .. .. . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL 7 ..'''.' P 70 20F2 . - . - - ve Pui-. .. .. htm . 6 DTIE micROCARD ISSUANCE DATE . PORY iii 2. 8 / 7 E . :: . 1964 _ Co m p l ementaren aurrean eta -23 26 successfully in either single or double dose; for large segments of autosome, when involved in translocations with the X, become functionally monosomic. E. Functional mosaicism as a tool in studying gene action While the mechanisms that bring about functional mosaicism may themselves shed light on the nature of gene action (when they are elucidated), the very existence of functional mosaicism provides a tcol for studying certain properties of genes and of chromosomal portions. Since the X-chromosome influence appears to cause total inactivation within a certain range, the hornologous genes are expressed in an effectively hemizygous state. It thus becomes possible to use females heterozygous for X-autosome translocations as a specific test system to determine whether certain alleles introduced on the intact autosome are Both types have been foundê amorphs or hypomorphs (b. B. Russell, Bangham, and Montgomery, 1964). In addition, the system can be used to find out if certain autosomul mutations (possibly deficiences) known to be homozygous lethal also act as cell lethals. Twelve independent brown-lethals (general symbol ) and a pink-eyed lethal, pl, have already yielded variegated b? females, indicating that these mutations are not cell-lethal. It was, of course, already apparent that some X-linked mutations (Mo-series, Str, etc.), known to be hemizygous lethal, are not cell-lethal; for these mutations are, in fact, detected in R(+)/ functionally mosaic heterozygous females. Moreover many of them have arisen by. somatic mutation in males where they are present in genetically (not functionally) hemizygous condition in part of the body (sec IBI). . In the course of the experiments designed to determine whether the -lethals were cell-lethal, it was found that female translocation heterozygotes were less viable if their intact autosome carried the lethal than if it carried the viable recessive. 26 27 . For instance, while in the cross R(+)/6 xb/ 40.9% of 672 classified females were brown-variegated (Russeli and Bangham, 1961), the cross of R(+)/6 x +' guve only 12.4% brown-variegated females in 218 classified, the expectation for equal viability 0.004). being 20.5% (p = 0.01-chockint=2.85). The le type similarly appears in reduced numbers. Certain conclusions can be drawn from this concerning the time of X-chromosome 1.6. inactivation. For the particular pe mutation used, we determined in independent experiments that p/elembryos call forth an implantation reaction but die by day 6-1/2 or possibly before, but not earlier than day 2-1/2 (no observations, to dote, between days 2-1/2 and 5). If the time of pl-lethal action were to precede the time of onset of X inactivation, R(4)/{ should be of normal viability, for pl in each cell would then, at the critical time, still be "covered" by an active pt. The reduced viability of R(+)/pl thus indicates that X-chromosome inactivation begins before day 6-1/2. The fact that surviving R(+)/pl are variegated, i.e., pl is expressed in a hemizygous state, could indicate one of two things. (1) X-differentiation is already complete at the time of pf-letha! action, i.e., all cells are already effectively +/O or oie', with those embryos succumbing in which the latter cell-type by chance exceeds a certain threshold · proportion. If this is so, one must suppose that death is caused by some organismic effect, for if it were the result of removal of /p' cells, the surviving embryos would consist of +/0 cells only and not be variegated. (2) Alternatively, X-inactivation may have occurred in only some cells by the end of the critical stage, i.e., the embryo may consist of effectively +/0.0/' and +/pl cells. Again, the proportion of Ole' cells would determine whether or not the embryo succumbs, but regardless of the mechanism of death (0/2-cell removal, or organismic), survivors would still become variegated because the cells that had been +/ed by the end of the critical period would later differentiate into +/O and O/pl. 290 28 It should be noted that, in the case of alternative (1), the period of X-differentiation is confined to an interval beginning and ending before day 6w1/2; this interval could be very short. In the case of alternative (2), X-aifferentiation begins before day 6-1/2 but extends for some time pust that stage. The X-autosome translocations may perhaps serve as tools in the solution of an entirely different problem, the requirements for male fertility. In all of six different translocations studied by us and one studied by Searle (ref.), the males, although copulating freely, are completely sterile as a result of disturbances in spermatogenesis. One proposed explanation of this sterility (LR-25) is that there may be an upset in the rhythms of chromosome condensation and movement during meiosis. Thus, one translocated chromosome i may have "divided loyalty" in its affinity for the Y on the one hand and for an autosome on the other (the X-Y bivalent and autosomes being normally governed by different rhythms). Juan Valencia (private communication) has suggested a differeni mechanism. The "sex vesicle" which appears in prophase of the first meiotic division, is normally formed by the X and Y chromosomes. In translocation malos, however, it would . consist of Y and presumably only part of an X, namely that part conta ined . in the translocated chromosome that pairs with the Y. If it can be supposed that the sex vesicle has some positive function for the completion of normal meiosis, sterility could be explained by a deficient sex vesicle. It should be noted that a translocation studied by Cattanach (1961), which probably consists of insertion of a piece of linkage-group I 1 into the X (Ohno and Cattanach, 1962) is not completely male-sterile. In kooping with Valencia 's idea, mice with this translocation would not form a deficient sex vesicle. However, the finding that translocation males with two normal autosomes (1.6., with the insertion acting as a duplication) are, if they survive at all, mora fertile than are balances translocation males (1.e., with one normal and one deficient autosome) cannot be explained on the basis of Valencia is suggestion. It may fit better with the idea of divided affinity. 29. SUMMARY The considerable body of information thut has become available in recent years on both genetic and functional mosaicism in the mouso provides somo answers to problems of mutability, cell lineage, and gone action. A. Genetic moscicism 1. Among spontaneous genetic mosaics, there has been one chimera that can be expico...d on the basis of either retention of a fertilized polor body or fusion of to genetic events occurring after the zygote stage. 2. Spontaneous mutability appears to be relatively very high at first cleavage or in the 2-cell stage, becomes low in subsequent cleavages, and then rises again a somewhat around 10 days postconception (nothing is known concerning later stages because the mutant spots would become too small for analysis). This is true both for forward mutations (or deficiencies) observed in animals heterozygous for standard coat-color markers, and for reverse mutation of certain genes. Somatic loss of Gutosomes is rare or may be selected against. 3. In over 40 gonosomic mosaics whose breeding results were analyzed there was no evidence for selection against mutant cells in the gonad or in the progeny. The distribution of these mosaics with respect to proportion of germinal tissue consisting 48.3% ci mutant cells centered about a mean of 426 and was rather broad. If it is assumed that the gonad primordium is set aside as a random assortment of n cells from a cell population that is 50% mutant, the observed distribution fits an n value of 5. The re- sults can alternatively be interpreted on the basis of some slight segregation into cell lineages before the time the gonad primordium is set aside. 4. A number of animals have been observed that can be interpreted on the basis of somatic events producing two new genotypes, i.e., somatic crossover, rondisjunction, or reduction, with the first one the most likeiy. No definite proof for any of these events has, however, been obtained to date. 5. Instances of induced somatic forward "mutations" and of certain spontaneous reverses, by providing labels to sht lineages, have been used to make interpretations concerning migration and multiplication of pigment-coll precursors. Observations on white sporiing may also be useful for this. B. Functional mosaicism A funciional differentiation of genes or whole chromosome portions which is random and not related to histological or morphological differentiation leads to a state referred to as functional mosaicism. 1. Four mottling-alleles at autosomal loci have been found. They are not somatically mutable alleles but, rather, genes that have all-or-none expression at random. No major rearrangements seem to be involved. 2. Functional mosaicism in the mouse is best documented in the case of the X chromosome. The single-active-X hypothesis states that only one X is active, that the choice of this X is random, and that once differentiation has occurred, it remcins fixed in subsequent cell generations. Recent evidence suggests a modification of this hypothesis to the effect that inactivation may not involve the whole chromosome but may spread for a certain distance from a certain point. 3. Mechanisms that need elucidation are (a) how one X is singled out as the active one, and (b) how major portions of a chromosome can become inactivated. Inactivity may be the result of late replication. An influence that delays replication rray "flow" a certain distance from a controlling center in the chromosome. Results indicate that genes near the limits of this influence are still completely inactivated out less often so. 4. Functional mosaicism has been used as a tool in de termining whether certain aileles of autosomal loci are amorphs or hypomorphs. It has also boon used to show inot a considerable number of mutations known to be lethal do not act as cell lethals. 5. The study of an X-autosome trunslocation, in conjunction with on autosomai allele whose time of lethal action is known, indicates that X-chromosome inactivation begins before day 6-1/2 postconception. in Diri.winnion TABLE I of mice having presumed somatic reveries of pearl , pe. Estimaiod % of coat involved Number observed Number tested Number with germinal tissue: very slightly involved heavily involved (or.new events) . involves 0.1 -1% 39 + iga 18+2" 19 (40) 0 5% 50 - 90% 100% o to 2 (Yaz, Yay) 0 2(474x, '754) 2/19/6, 747 2 NOS is * Anima's with questionable spots. Diagnosis difficult either because o unfavorable background color (Al pe/pe, a/a pe/pe) or because of very small size of presumed spot Fractions in parentheses show ratio of pet to total Size . classified roo progeny и у Or 꾸십 ​9 + PRI- 45:0T!C DIVISION - SECOND MEIOTIC DIVISION, SPERM ENTRY . (At or a 4 + - * * . . . . . . . - . . : 24 :: . . . . . . . - * i 4 . . : om............... ... ... . mosaics - - - gonosomic -- - - ... of .. • • • Percent ..... . :.. -. L - ... ........ . .. - - : : of 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Percent gonadal cells heteroay goue mutrition cosa comosoom ... 10. ONOMIIIT Tis 2.0 Abnormality Parents Gametes Zygote 2-Cell Stage + . . . . . -' : Mutation in one strand of double-stranded +97 pp +/a gamete Polar-body retention ja +/a tla Fusion of two independent zygotes . a/a It' Mutation at first cleavage ata . .. ; EL . ?? . -. (END